#stay well and sane if you're stuck in small spaces
doctors-star · 4 years
I don't think I already prompted you for the number ficlet thing, so: 42: Two Roads, alex, peter, ruth
again with the failure to comprehend time and its passage! mi dispiace.
give me prompts (i am still taking them. i wish i had something better to do.)
The call is long-awaited; Alex barely allows it to ring before he snaps the phone up.
"Remind me why I'm here," the caller demands, sounding frustrated and exhausted and cross.
Alex grins. "Because you love your job and this symposium sounds fascinating and you're outstanding in the field. Hello, Peter."
"Humph," Peter responds. The line is a little crackly but Alex can hear the radio in the background, quietly burbling away. Grumpy as Peter appears to be, Alex is tremendously glad to hear him. "Pretty small field," Peter sighs, and Alex can almost hear him scrubbing a hand over his eyes.
Alex trots over to the farmhouse. "Well, you've spent enough time in fields of various sizes, usually getting rained on; you might as well be appreciated for it." Ruth's head turns to him at his approach, looking hopeful when she spots the distinctly modern phone pressed to his ear, and she's very quick to disengage from her chat with the producer when he smiles and waves her over. Her skirts and shoes swirl up dust as she jogs across the yard until she looks like she's walking on a cloud, and Alex is already grinning as he extends an elbow and holds the phone between their heads.
"A rainy field sounds preferable right now," Peter says, resolutely uncheered.
"Don't wish rain on us, dear; think of the hay harvest," Ruth says, using her hand on Alex's elbow to steer them down the road towards the cow field.
"I am. I don't want you bringing it in without me."
Ruth frowns up at Alex, and then the phone. "What's wrong, Peter?" she sighs.
A rush of air crackles down the line. "Sorry. I hate the M25; I've been here years, feels like. It's a lovely day and I've been in the car for all of it and-" Peter huffs a self-deprecating laugh, "-I want to go home," he says, as if making it clear that he knows he sounds a little childish will make it any less sad.
Ruth drops her head onto Alex's shoulder. He knows the feeling: he wants to wrap Peter up in a hug, but must settle for pressing this inexpressible affection into a kiss to her parting. "You'll enjoy it when you get there," Alex offers rather lamely.
"I know," Peter says, trying for - if not quite brightness, then at least a level tone. "Unfortunately, I'm stuck in Watford and may yet be for the rest of my days."
"Have you called ahead?" Alex asks.
"Yes, ask to relocate the symposium to the M25," Ruth suggests brightly and Alex and Peter laugh. Good old Ruth: Alex never knows how much he misses Peter's laughter until he hears it, and glows with joy.
"We'll start Cambridge University anew here, on the slip road at junction 20," Peter says, voice smiling. "Reroute the Cam down the central reservation, set up the libraries on the hard shoulder, bridge of sighs as an overpass; yes, should be lovely."
"And back in time for tea," Alex grins.
"And the hay harvest," Peter reminds him, half-joking.
"Of course," Alex soothes. "We'll leave you all the hard work, don't you worry."
Peter hums happily down the line. The sun is low in the sky, bronzing everything in a thick layer of orange light with hardly a breeze to shift its heavy weight. There isn't a thing stirring in the solid, warm evening except Alex and Ruth, meandering down the baked-dry lane, and Alex could imagine for a moment that the three of them were all the people in the world, were it not for the faint noise of a car engine on the other end of the line and the pervading miasma of exhaustion emanating from the phone. Modernity is overrated - except that, even with traffic, Peter could be halfway across the country and back in a day, and Alex can press a box of metal and plastic to his ear and hear his voice as if they were, all three of them, together again.
"Well. I've been driving all day; what have you been up to?" Peter asks.
"Alex has been annoying the crew," Ruth says, before Alex can get a word in. He turns a betrayed look upon her and she laughs.
"Oh yes?" Peter says, a smile bouncing between earth and satellite and emerging from the phone unscathed.
"Mm. Been carrying his phone about like a very modern man in case you called and ruined half a dozen shots," Ruth says, sounding ridiculously delighted about it, and it's Alex's turn to huff as Peter laughs.
"That's very sweet," Peter says patronisingly, and laughs harder as if he'd been there to see Alex roll his eyes.
"We're off to check on the cows," Alex informs him, electing to ignore these slights upon his televisual abilities, truthful though they may be.
"Say hello for me, send them my love and all that. Ooh - traffic's moving again. I'll have to speak to you again soon."
"Let us know when you get in," Ruth says, her hand tightening on Alex's arm. Alex wants Peter safe in his hotel - he wouldn't wish the M25 on anyone - but suddenly he'd do a great deal to keep Peter on the phone a little longer. Peter deserves this time, to visit his family and then attend this symposium, to interact with the modern world and to do the job he loves, but he is now driving yet further from the farm for another few days away. Two weeks feels like centuries.
"I will do." Peter sighs. "Alright. I love you, I miss you, I'll be home on Friday. It's not forever."
Alex shifts the phone to wrap his arm around Ruth, stopping their progress down the road to hug her. "Friday," he says, and Ruth kisses his cheek. They might as well show affection to someone. "It's a promise."
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Stay With Me (Pt. 08 of 09)
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Daryl found you surrounded by the dead, stuck in the backseat of a car. You were wishing for death to take you away for quite a while now, but, as you slid back and forth into consciousness, there was only one thing keeping you alive. Him, the man with blue, worried eyes and kind voice. Your beaten up body was ready to give up, too wounded and broken to keep going. But this man, who went out of his way to save your life is the only thing in the world holding you up. And, because of him, you feel something you haven't felt in a very long time: hope. Wherever he's taking you, you want to get there, and not only to be buried. For what it feels like the very first time, you want to live. He takes you back to Alexandria, but even there, the nightmares and the terror from all the torture and pain you've been through keeps creeping closer, and Daryl, your hero, is the only one who can keep that all away.
Warnings: Mentions and description (not graphic) of past abuse; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); some violence at the end of the story (a little bit graphic, but not so much); blood.
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Next part (09)->
{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
I want to thank my awesome friend @jodiereedus22, who helped me (and still does) a lot to get this story done. She's also a writer and she's amazing so please go check her work!!
It's amazing to know you're excited about the party. Luke is two months old, and since you had a welcome party in-store, you turned it into a birthday party. It'll happen later tonight, by nightfall, and you're enjoying the last moments before you have to leave the bedroom and start organizing things.
After brushing your teeth and hair, you leave the bathroom, smiling to see Daryl still lied in bed. He seems peaceful, eyes closed, so handsome in the morning light. You've been wanting to tell him something, it's been a while... But you never get the right time. Or maybe you're just a little scared...
But looking at him now, it just fades away. You and Daryl have been in a solid relationship, and despite the short time, things have been amazing. Perfect. Carol is even talking about moving out, so you and Daryl can have your own space, but you don't want to push her to it. In the privacy of your bedroom, you're fine. And living with Carol is nice.
“Hey, D.” You say in a soft voice, going to the bed and climbing on top of him. Daryl grunts something, his eyes opening, hands coming to your hips and waist. “Are you awake?”
“I am now that a kitten came to lie down on me.” He mumbles as you move up until your face is at the same level as his. You place your legs around his hips, hands sustaining your weight on each side of his head.
“Sorry.” You mutter, moving to stand up. But Daryl's grip gets tighter, and you let yourself fall, collapsing against his chest, giggling. “Alright, alright. But listen up now...”
“What is it?” He brings a hand to your face, fingers caressing your chin.
“Uhm...” Blushing a little, you clear your throat. “I... I think... No, I do.”
Daryl raises an eyebrow, and you can tell he's trying to figure it out on his own. “Ya wanna break apart?” He bursts out suddenly. “ ‘Cause if that's what ya want, I–”
“Oh, yeah. Definitely.” You say in a sarcastic tone, rolling your eyes. “I'm literally on top of you, Daryl Dixon. How can you possibly think I want to end things?” Moving to sit up, straddling his hips, you cross your arms. “What do you have in this pretty head of yours? Only hunting skills?”
“Yer very funny.” In a sudden motion, Daryl pulls you down again, switching positions so he's on top of you instead. “What is it then?” He asks, his face way too close.
“Can I kiss you first?”
“Nah. Ya got me curious.”
“Alright...” Taking a deep breath, you gather up some courage to push the words out. “I want a baby.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle at Daryl's funny face. “What?”
“Don't ya have one already?”
“Yeah...” Mumbling, you wrap your arms around his neck. “Daryl?”
“I want another baby.” Smirking, you place a kiss on his lips. He's fast to kiss you back, a hand cupping your cheek. “So. What do you think?” You ask when you pull away.
“How are ya plannin’ to get one?”
You're not sure if his intention was to make you blush, but you're blushing anyway. “Uhm... First I need to get married.”
“Get married? People don't care about these things anymore.” He answers quickly, and you wonder if you went too far. Maybe it's way too early, and these thoughts should be kept inside your heart for a while longer.
“I know but... That's exactly why I care.” Sighing, you avoid his eyes. “I'm sorry, we haven't talked about this and I don't even know if–”
“Hey, calm down.” With his thumb and index finger on your chin, he makes you look at him again. You always appreciates Daryl's touch, it doesn't matter how small it is. It took a while for him to get comfortable enough to do this so easily, and you never take it for granted. He's always gentle as if you're a porcelain doll. He's never rough, never violent, not with you. Loving Daryl happened fast and strong, and it's a feeling that only grows, every passing day. “Ya wanna talk about it we'll talk about it.”
“It's just that... I-I love you. With all my heart and... It does feel like we already have this family thing going on and...” Daryl has fallen into this father role, and he's absolutely amazing with Luke. He can make him fall asleep in minutes, and you love to watch as he rocks the baby to sleep. And those moments always get your mind racing. He's already being such a good father so maybe he'd like a baby of his own... And you'd like to give him that. “...It got me thinking.”
“I love ya too, babygirl. But marriage... It would bound you with me on a whole different level.” Daryl sits up, and you follow his movement, your arms still around his neck, keeping him close. “I wanna make sure ya have the choice ta’ walk away when ya want to.”
“I won't walk away, Dixon. I love you.” He needs to be reassured of that from time to time, but you don't mind. You want to spend the rest of your life making sure Daryl knows he's loved. That he's desired and wanted. “I want to be with you for the rest of my life and if that's what you want too... You know, I'm a girlish girl, I'd like to get married someday, and honestly, if not with you then I won't marry anyone else.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down, a shiver rolling down your spine, feeling his fingers caressing your bare thigh.
“Ya sure ya want this? With me? Are ya sure about what yer talking about?”
“I am.” You mutter in a low voice, blushing. “I am.” Repeating in a low voice, you kiss him, slowly at first, but soon enough his taste overcomes everything, and you think he feels the same since he deepens the kiss. Pulling him down again, you smile when his hand touches a ticklish spot on your side.
“Hey, you two!” Carol calls, knocking on the door. “Wake up. There's a lot to do today.”
Daryl grunts in response, not pulling away from the kiss.
But Carol is right. It'll be a long day and both you and Daryl have stuff to get ready for the party.
The day passes by quickly since you're helping everyone a little. The only thing you can't do is lift heavy stuff. Daryl forbade it, with Denise backing him up, you have no idea for how long. The party will happen at Rick's house since the living room is the biggest, and you spend hours there decorating everything. You try not to think too much about all the people who will be here tonight. You know them, you befriended them, they won't hurt you.
When it's finally time to go, you're impressed by how you feel. Happy, not scared, and actually excited. You never thought stuff like this would ever happen again. It's silly, but it keeps people sane, said Deanna. The sun is making its way to the horizon when you're getting dressed. You chose to wear a dress Daryl brought you from one of his runs. It's a light shade of blue, with thin straps and a nice cleavage in the back, reaching a few inches below the mid of your thighs. You never wear anything that will show the scar on your leg, you don't like it. Nor what it represents. You're putting on your flats when Daryl comes out of the bathroom, hair still damp, but completely dressed. He's wearing what he usually wears, always dark colors, but you don't mind. You really like it.
“Are you ready?” You ask, turning on your heels to face him. Daryl doesn't answer, eyes locked on you, lingering for so long it makes you blush. “D? Cat got your tongue?”
“Nah, it just...” He looks down at his feet before making his way over you. “Ya look beautiful, that's all.”
“Thanks.” Smiling shyly, you tiptoe to kiss him. “But I'll need a coat for when the night falls... Mind if I get one of yours?”
“Won't ya ever stop stealin’ my clothes?” Daryl fakes an annoyed tone, but it takes two seconds for his lips to break into a smile.
“Well, you stole my heart, Dixon. I'm just looking for revenge.” Winking at him, you search on the wardrobe for one of his jackets. “Now let's get going. Maggie and I baked this brownies and I'm dying for one.” Grabbing the jacket, you take his hand and leave the bedroom.
Carol is already there, so you just have to take little Luke and head out. He wants Daryl this time, so he's the one carrying him to Rick's place. As you walk there, the wind messes with your hair, and you try to keep it from your face.
“Who are the new residents, by the way?” You just remembered them. If the day wasn't so hectic, you'd ask Daryl to introduce you to them, just so you could know their faces before having to meet them at the party.
“Two men. Aaron found them starving to death a hundred miles Northwest. They're alright I guess. Since Deanna allowed them to stay.” Daryl reassures you, his free hand taking yours. “Ya ok?”
“Yeah... I'm excited, actually.” As you climb the few steps to the porch, Luke giggles, you're not sure why. “Right, little one?” Stopping by the front door, you step closer to the baby in Daryl's arm. “Are you excited too? For your party? Two months old already, you're growing up so fast.” You're still baby-talking when the door is opened, a smiley Carl gesturing for you to get in.
“C'mon, let's get ya those brownies,” Daryl says as you step inside.
It takes no time for people to come to talk to Luke, him becoming the center of attention. He throws himself on Maggie's arms, who happily welcomes him.
“(Y/N),” Rick says and you turn on your heels to talk to him. Daryl remains close, and you know why. But you feel fine, comfortable around these people. “Judith said a funny word this morning. I wonder where she learned it.” He has his hands on his hips, and you innocently shrug your shoulders.
“What word?”
“Damn it,” Daryl answers, not a hint of doubt in his voice. Rick nods, raising his eyebrow.
“Oh my gosh. Where could she have heard such a thing?” She learned it from you because that's what you exclaim almost a hundred times a day and that's not really a secret anymore. “I'm sure she said something like ‘dang it’ so I don't see how that's my fault. ‘Dang it’ it's not that bad is it?”
“Well, I think–”
“(Y/N). Daryl.” Deanna calls, and you give Rick a smirk, meaning you're happy to be saved from this conversation. Turning around, you focus on Deanna. “Come, you're the only ones who haven't met Michael and Daniel yet.”
“Ok.” You can't help but feel a little anxious to meet new people, so you grab Daryl's arm as you follow Deanna through the living room.
“Over here.” She gestures, a kind smile on her lips. “This is Daniel, and Michael, they were found–”
Her words fade when both men turn to look at you. Their faces are unmistakable, and you feel yourself sinking, skin burning, head spinning as it all comes back.
Their voices, touches, and threats. You're suddenly back there, in the darkness, starving, freezing, waiting, wishing for death to come before they did. You're in the basement where your screams used to echo. All of your wounds start hurting, pulsing, as if they were reopened, all over again.
You never got the names, but you'll never forget the faces. One of them, the you thought looked like Rick, has a smile on his lips. The same sick, wicked smile, the same he had every time he went to see you, never failing to draw some blood.
“Hi, (Y/N).” He says, in the same tone he used to. Low, dark, more animal than human.
What happens next is a blur. There's yelling, and Daryl suddenly isn't by your side anymore. He's a blur, moving towards both men, drawing punches. You're pulled back by someone, you don't know where, but you know it isn't Daryl. You know his touch by heart, and it's the only touch you want.
“Let go of me!” You yell, pushing whoever that was, sinking, falling backward until you hit a wall. You want to disappear again, to vanish from existence. With both hands covering your ears, you push yourself into the wall, hoping it'll absorb you, hide you.
“Take them. Now.”
“The trial happens tomorrow.”
“Lock those assholes up.”
“Enjoy your last night on Earth.”
The words have no meaning, they just keep echoing. The low chattering, the many footsteps... Why are you still here? Why can't you be strong for once and just run? Run where? If they're here... Where else could you go?
“Babygirl,” his low, calming voice is like a beacon, lighting up the darkness, bringing you back, pulling you into consciousness again. Into life.
Moving just a little, hands off your ears and muscles relaxing, you look at him, immediately running to his arms. “They're here. They're here, they... They found me.”
“Alright, calm down now.” He holds you tight, a hand rubbing your back. “Let's get ya outta here.”
Nodding, you offer no resistance when he picks you up. You keep your eyes closed, face hidden on the crook of his neck as you float away. It feels like the first time, when he was carrying you from the infirmary into what's now your house.
You flinch a little when you're pulled down, suddenly recognizing your bed and curling up, pulling the blankets over your head.
“How is she?”
“I don't know.” Daryl sounds angry, furious. “I'll kill them right now.”
“No, Daryl. The trial will be tomorrow. You know they'll die for what they did”
“I don't care!”
“You need to stay with her now.”
You know it's Carol, but still, you want her to go. You need everyone to go away now, you just need Daryl. You need to... Go away. Alexandria isn't safe anymore. You rather face the dead.
Silently, moved by fear, you get up, taking the dress off, and struggling with the first pair of jeans you find.
“(Y/N),” Daryl calls, but you ignore him, sight blurred by the tears as you put a shirt on. “Hey, (Y/N).” You don't know what to take... You just need to leave. These walls won't keep you safe anymore. If you stay... You know they'll find you again.
“I'm leaving.” You mumble, looking around and finding the white sneakers you left by the edge of the bed and putting them on.
“I'm leaving! I can't stay here. If I stay here it'll happen all over again.” You're yelling, sitting on the bed, sobbing. “They're here, they'll take me again, they-they–”
“Shh, yer ok.” Daryl pulls you up, into his arms, and you melt. The sobs are muffled by this jacket, and your tears are certainly soaking the fabric. “Look at me, babygirl. Look at me.” Slowly, you raise your head, his blue eyes acting immediately, like a medicine made only for you. “There's a place I can take ya for the night. But ya need to be here tomorrow. To officialize their crime so I can kill those–”
“Take me away, please.” You beg, holding onto him as if he's the only thing keeping you sane. Alive. Because he is. “Please, if I stay here I'll–”
“Alright, alright.” He nods, a hand caressing your cheek. “Let's go then. C'mon.”
Everything happens in the background, you feel. Carol stays by your side in the porch, guiding you to the car Daryl took to drive you away. You barely feel your body now, out on the street, feeling their eyes on you... Their eyes, evil and disgusting, as they lust over you. You know they're not here, but still, you feel them. Wanting you to cave in, to agree to fulfill their needs in the most vile, degrading ways. You're hyperventilating when the gate opens, the woods before you suddenly looking far safer than these walls.
When Daryl crosses the gate, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, lungs burning. The sun is coming down, so there are a some shadows creeping in... But it's better out here. The wall will keep them inside, you hope.
“Babygirl,” Daryl says, getting your attention. “We're almost there, alright?”
“Ok.” You mumble, and Daryl puts a hand on your knee.
“Nothin’ will hurt ya. Never again. M’ gonna keep that promise.”
Holding his hand, your eyes meet his when he gives you a glance.
Around ten minutes later, Daryl stops the car. You haven't noticed before, but he parked in front of a small, wooden house. It looks like it was some kind of cabin in the woods since there are no other constructions around it. “C'mon.” He says when he opens the passenger door for you. Your legs feel a little weak, but you manage to stand up, immediately looking around. “There's nobody here, I promise ya.”
Nodding, you let him guide you inside, a flashlight on his hand. Daryl unlocks the door, and you wonder why he has the key to this thing. When you step in, the light coming from in between the planks on the windows helps you see the interior. There is a cough and a coffee table, you recognize it despite the dark plastic covering both things. Walking further in, you peak at the kitchen. Everything is clean and has a plastic placed over them. It kinda looks live someone used to live here not too long ago.
“I found this place a while ago.” Daryl starts, placing his backpack on the floor. “Was fixin’ it, cleanin’... So I could bring ya here every once in a while.” He gestures at the whole place in general, and you take another look around. He did say he'd try to find a place he could take you outside Alexandria, but you never thought it would be this good. “Still has a lot to do. Gonna put electricity, runnin’ water will be more complicated but I'll do it.”
“You're doing all that for me?” You whisper, hoping the dim light will hide your blushing cheeks.
“Yeah... Wanted to bring ya here under different circumstances but...” He takes the bag again, gesturing at the hall. “First door to the right it's our bedroom.”
Following his direction, you open the door to a small bedroom with a double bed, also covered with black plastic. The windows have wooden planks on it too, but there's enough space in between them so let some light come in.
“Here, lemme’–” Daryl drops the bag, walking over the bed and removing the plastic. Underneath, the light green sheets seem comfortable and you get it now why everything is covered up. To keep it clean. “Ya can lie down it ya want to. Brought some blankets.” As you move to the bed, Daryl searches in the bag, picking up two blankets and fixing them on the bed. “Ya hungry? Or thirsty? I brought–”
“I just need you, Daryl.” You whisper, drying off some tears that are still rolling down. “Can you come here?”
“Of course, babygirl.” Quickly, he leaves the bag behind and joins you in bed. Daryl pulls you close, you head on his chest as his arms hold you tightly, keeping you safe.
“I hope this is just a nightmare... That I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll all be gone.” Mumbling, you push yourself even closer to him, if that's even possible.
“I'll kill them myself, I swear.” There's a fire in his voice, hate. You've never heard him talking like that, his chest vibrating powerfully. “I'll wipe them off the face of Earth.”
Involuntary, your hand finds its way to your leg, to the scar. The pain is a vivid memory today, and for a moment you feel like you should lie down, as motionless as you can so it won't hurt. So the stitches won't rip again.
How is it possible that all the horrible memories came back all at once? On one second? “I-if I didn't have you, I... I'd die today, I know I would.”
“Nah, ya wouldn't.” Moving, he brings his index finger to your chin, making you look at him. “Yer stronger than ya give yourself credit for. Ya don't see it, but I do.” Then, he places a soft, sweet kiss on your lips, which is sadly, too brief. “But I will protect ya. Always, until my days are over.”
“Daryl, I–”
“I wanna marry ya.” He bursts out, his low voice burning through your head as you wonder if you heard him right. “When this is over and those monsters are dead... I wanna marry ya.”
Despite the terror, creeping through your skin, the darkness threatening to swallow you again, you smile. Everything fades away, and a different kind of happiness washes over you. A type of bliss you didn't even know existed. Unable to control yourself, you climb over him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you,” you mutter, not giving him the chance to answer, connecting your lips on his in a loving, passionate kiss.
@funeral-7 @heyyy-hey-babyyy @twdeadfanfic @soraitmnt @winchester-angel @bvbwestfall @shawtygonemad @cameronsails @pulplorrd @browneyes528 @btsiguess-kpop @a-dlv @bibibeauelle @lightning-butterfly @yttricuz
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zerablackwell · 4 years
Chapter 4: Leverage
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A week had gone by since Zera visited with her mother, Seth developed a plan to better her behavior in school. They spent lunch periods on worksheets and assessments in exchange for information from Seth about whatever Zera wanted. For the most part, they agreed and got along well regarding their little pact. They were both pleasantly surprised by how much they had in common.
"Zera, you are almost done with the page, come on. Remember the deal."
She groaned loudly, dropping her head on the page that was three quarters completed. "I hate doing this tedious work."
"If you finish it soon, we can get the assessments out of the way. I want to know how to properly tailor the help you require to get further in this system. As much as you don't like it, the humans value their schooling and make it practically a requirement to move forward in their world." Seth responded, drumming his fingers on the desk.
Zera lifted her head to glare at her uncle, then rolled her eyes. "I still don't get it. I don't like this. I'm only participating so I don't have to listen to Father's lectures."
"I'd honestly suggest you care a little more, you'll be able to open the doors so you can have better control of the world."
Zera stayed quiet for a moment, pondering the words prudently for a moment before nodding, "So I finish this, you tell me one thing. Yes?"
"Well, what is it you want to know?"
"I want to get into Heaven."
Seth was clearly caught off guard, "I...I'm sorry, what?"
"You heard me, I want into Heaven."
Seth stared at her, then huffed slightly. "Finishing a page does not equate to sneaking you into Heaven."
"Then what does?"
He opened his mouth then paused for a long moment, "No, nope. We aren't having this conversation, if this gets back to your father, he might-no he will have my head."
Zera giggled and stated, "You're scared of him."
"You seem to forget that he is not just my older brother, but also a well-known archdemon. A respected figure in Hell. In our worlds, both Heaven and Hell, everyone knows all that he is capable of." Seth patiently explained, but Zera was not impressed. "You are the only one who is questionably sane that would openly and readily challenge him."
"I take offense to that!" Zera huffed, "I am very much sane thank you." She then stuck her tongue out at him who rolled his eyes.
"Hun, you related to me, you are partially insane. You can blame genetics." Seth chuckled, smiling at her.
Zera lightened up a bit, giggling and enjoying the moment between her and Seth. Then she could hear Luz's familiar whispers in her ear, "Insist little one, you need to get in."
She cleared her throat as they settled down, "Please...I'd like to at least meet my grandparents, really. I want to go to heaven and meet my family."
Seth bit his lip hesitantly, "This is where I may have to draw the line, our family hasn't been together in eons. I'm sure your father would prefer to be present when you meet your grandparents."
"I didn't realize that he still tells you what to do. I thought you were both grown adults."
"I am a grown adult, and unlike you, I actually look like one." Seth glared, pointing a finger at her. "Little Miss One Hundred and something."
"Touché, however, we do age differently. Who knows how old are you Mr. Dinosaur." Zera giggled, amused by her uncle.
"Well, I'm not going to take you for calling me a dinosaur."
"So, you're going to keep me from meeting my extended family because of a preschool insult and homework?"
Seth sat there in complete disbelief and groaned loudly, "You manipulative little beat."
Zera smirked, "I've learned from the best."
There was something in Seth's eyes that Zera couldn't quite decipher. "Fine, fine. I'll help you get in, but for now, you'll only meet your grandmother."
"Why only her?"
"Azazel will be less angry when he finds out you only met Haniel. There was really no ill will between him and his mother." Seth explained then tapped the page, "Before we start that, you have to finish the packet."
Zera's lip twitched upward in a snarl, but she cleared her throat. "Done." She got to work and quickly completed the packet within about ten minutes, then pushed it toward her uncle who eyed her carefully.
"You had to complete it correctly Zera." He glanced over the first page which had nothing but wrong answers.
"Ah ha...That was not mentioned in the deal before agreeing." She smirked tapping her finger on the table expectantly.
Seth's face turned bright red, he growled. "You sneaky little-"
Zera giggled and cut him off, "Language Uncle Seth~" She then propped her head up with her hand on the table, "A deal is a deal."
He groaned, "Damn you are like your father."
The bell rang and Zera hissed, "Damn it."
"We'll talk later, I promise." Seth then stood and waited by the door as students began to enter.
Zera moves back to her corner seat as the students filed into the classroom and filled in their seats. One boy made his way to sit with the grouchy purple haired girl in the back. "You should smile more."
Zera looked at him, glaring. "You should sew your mouth shut."
He chuckled nervously, taking the seat by her. "You are just the image of a bright sunny day."
"You are the image of a parasite, let's go to the doctors." She spat; Seth eyed her warningly from the door causing her to pout. "Please refrain from distrusting me from the lesson."
"You never pay attention to the lesson."
"I'm trying to change my habits, now if you will." She opened her bag, pulling out a notebook and a fountain pen.
Seth made his way to the center after closing the door, "Welcome back class, please leave the energy from lunch outside." He waited for the chatter to settle down before beginning to explain persuasive essays. None to subtly, he glanced at Zera, "With persuasive essays, you must clearly explain the points for whatever the argument may be."
Zera couldn't help but giggle, and the boy feigned a gasp.
"Holy shit, she laughs." He whispered with a smirk, "Her smile is pretty too."
Almost immediately, Zera snarled and flashed her fangs at him. "Shut up, Janice."
He almost fell back on to the floor with a small yelp, "What the-!"
"Jordan! Zera! Must I separate you two?" Seth snapped, slamming a book on to his desk.
The boy returned to his seat nervously, "N-no Mr. Smith."
"Yes Mr. Smith, please move this twat from my space." Zera hissed and Seth's eye visibly twitched.
The students began to whisper and giggle quietly, "Zera, Jordan. Principal's office, thank you." He pointed to the door, she glared and stood. "No snarky remarks please Miss Blackwell, go on, the both of you."
Jordan stood and they both made their way to the door, Zera paused in the doorway. She looked at the teacher and ever so politely flipped him the bird. His face began to resemble a tomato, she finally left for the principal's office in a chorus of oohs from her peers.
Jordan looked at Zera, "Do you have to piss off everyone you meet?"
"Do you have to pester all of your classmates?"
"Only the interesting ones."
Zera rolled her eyes, "What is it exactly that makes me interesting then?"
"Where you come from."
"So, it isn't anything I've done that makes me interesting, it's only my background? You're interesting because of your stupidity." She glared at him.
"Your background makes up who you are."
"My background has nothing to do with me." She snapped.
"You're a real piece a work." Jordan huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I would hope so; Rome wasn't built in a day. It's taken me a lot to be who I am." She walked off.
"Wait, the principal's office is this way!"
"I'm going to the lady's room first, 'less they want to up my piss." She lied, quickly losing him as she walked down the hall.
As she turned the corner to make her way towards the school exit, Luz's voice chirped into her ear, "Young lady, turn right around and march right back in there."
"What? Why?" Zera stopped at the large double doors leading to her freedom from this makeshift hell.
"Don't take your punishment for something small. If you get in trouble, make it worth getting punished for dearie."
Zera smirked and turned around, "Luz, I love you." She giggled as she made her way towards the chemistry lab, her eyes flashed a mischievous red in her reflection of the window.
"Now, where to little lamb?"
"This place is a figurative hell, I'm going to create a little chaos~" She tried to open the door, but found it to be locked. Zera growled and her eyes turned bright red while she kept her hand on the handle. There was a click and she pushed the door wide open.
"Atta' girl." Luz chuckled, Zera smirked and she produced a small flame in her hand. She stood on a table and put her hand towards one of the sprinklers in the ceiling. Once the fire alarm went off, she made her way out of the lab and blended into the crowd of students being escorted outside.
Once outside, Zera was able to speak off away from the students and faculty and left the campus. She began walking towards a plaza just a couple of blocks from the school. Humming as she arrived, she looked around seeing an interesting looking tattoo parlor next to a rather plain looking shop. She made a mental note to remember the tattoo parlor, then continue to look around until she saw a small coffee shop.
Zera began to walk closer when Luz spoke up, "Darling, you seem to have forgotten your bag at school."
"Luz. I have a nifty little invention called pockets, perhaps you've heard of them? They're mini bags inside your clothes." Zera remarked.
Luz chuckled and left her alone, as Zera reached for the door handle to enter the little coffee shop a pale hand grabbed her wrist gently. "Zera Blackwell, you are in extreme trouble."
Zera groaned loudly, looking up at Elijah, "How'd you find me?"
"The real question is; what on Earth were you thinking? Seth called me, telling me you've disappeared after the fire alarm was set off." Elijah took her hand and began walking away. "Of all the things, I've never thought you would have done something so irresponsibly stupid."
"I cannot believe you all thought it would be good to put me in a school full of idiotic, hormonal, and pathetic human infants." Zera snapped back.
"Lower your voice!" Elijah hissed at her, tugging her along. "Why are you behaving like this?"
Zera looked at Elijah deadpanned, "Just take me home Elijah, it seems my fun is done for the day."
Elijah stared at her in disbelief, then tugged her along towards the front door. They both walked in silence as they entered the home and were greeted by their overexcited hellhound, Ace. Elijah pulled out his phone and dialed a number as Zera started for the stairs. "Seth, I've found her. Yes, she's here with me, we're home." He paused and Zera glanced back curiously. "Very well, you can come by after school."
Zera pet Ace then went to her room and closed the door behind them, the hellhound made a beeline for her bed and Zera giggled. "Leave me some room goofball."
Ace barked back at her as she grabbed a book from her desk and sat beside Ace. She opened to the bookmarked page and stared, waiting for Luz to pipe up, but he did not surface. As time passed, she grew agitated and growled at the book.
There was a sudden knock, Zera put the book away as the door opened revealing Seth. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"You are now suspended from school for a week, why did you set off the alarms?" Seth scolded, closing the door behind him.
"You didn't take my request seriously." Zera glared, Ace jumped up eagerly to greet Seth who merely waved him off.
"About you and Jordan? What was going on there?" Seth crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his foot expectantly.
"I'll kill him next time I see him, that's what." Zer a hissed, her uncle sighed.
"You acted out because you didn't like him?"
"He's a pest, vermin, a parasite that sucks out my patience."
"You had patience to begin with?"
Zera glared at him, "So I'm off school for a week then?"
"Yes, Elijah and Azazel are livid."
"Like I care, when will we prepare to go then? We do have a deal after all." Zera leaned forward, smirking, keeping her voice low.
Seth's eyes widened and he groaned loudly, "You clever little-..."
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lordofthenerds97 · 5 years
Fast Cars and Freedom
1/? Dr. Feelgood 
Prompt: "I can't keep fighting like this." @dacremontgomerylover
Summary: A Siren. A creature from the depths of the ocean who lures a sailor to their death by her beautiful voice and appearance. But like those creatures, not everything is as it seems. Billy Hargrove finds himself settled in the crap town of Hawkins during his senior year. The guys are all idiots and the girls are nothing but desperate. Quickly bored to tears, a reserved and domineering girl grabs his attention. He doesn’t know anything about her, but she knows everything about him. And she more than earned the nickname the school's population had given her.
Words: 2,281
Rating: T+
June, 1984
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The sound of the shrill hiss of the bell cut through the chatter of the students, abruptly ending their conversations as they made their way to their classes, albeit at a snail's pace. The first day of school, and everyone was moving slowly. None of them wanted to face the harsh reality of the education they were expected to have. But nevertheless, the students moved in a wave and an onlooker wouldn't be able to differentiate one person from another. But one head stood out among all the rest, her fiery red hair glinting in the light that streamed down from the windows above the lockers. She stuck close to the never ending wall of lockers, her arms clutching her History and Biology textbooks close to her chest. There was a noticeable bubble of space around her, people throwing cautious glances in her direction as they moved to their classes. She didn't mind, in fact, she rather liked the bubble that she had. It gave her less of a chance to come in contact with anyone else. She wasn't much of a people person, and the fact that most people either ignored her or stayed away was perfectly fine with her. 
There were a couple exceptions, of course. She had a very small circle of friends and she kept them close to her whenever she could. 
But one of those friends had been missing for a good long while. 
Barbara Holland. 
She had disappeared last year and no one had heard from her since. 
She jumped when she felt a hand on her back, turning her light green eyes to see Johnathan coming up beside her. She gave him a soft smile when he grinned at her, his brown hair falling in his eyes. 
"Hey, yourself." she responded. 
"How are you? I haven't seen you in what feels like weeks." he said, almost bringing them to a complete stop. 
She bit her lip, eyes darting away from him. She had purposely been staying off the radar. After everything that happened last year, she wasn't sure she wanted to be seen. Nancy, Steve, Johnathan, the kids, and herself had been through a lot. She needed some time to process it all, and her mind decided to shut down to do it. When that happened, she preferred to be away from the prying eyes of Hawkins High. That always seemed to be a never ending battle, seeing as she had recently been thrust into the spotlight. 
Nancy and Steve seemed to go back to their normal routine. Though, it appeared that the events of the Upside Down weighed heavily on Nancy's conscience despite everything that Steve had told them both. She had shut herself away from the majority of the school's population, much like herself. 
She blinked when she saw a hand waving in front of her face. 
"Ari? You still with me?" 
The redhead blinked again, turning back to Johnathan. He had managed to keep her from entirely shutting down. He was insistent on taking her out, keeping her mind occupied. He would take her to the movies, rock climbing, hiking, or for a photography drive. Things she loved doing that would momentarily take her mind off of everything else. He was the one that turned out to be her rock, and she tried to return the service. He was one of her best friends, and she appreciated him more than he knew. 
"Yeah," she said after a moment, clearing her thoughts. She caught a glimpse of Tina passing out fliers before turning her full attention back to Johnathan. "Sorry. Just a bit...distracted." 
This time, he did stop them, laying his hands gently on her shoulders. "Talk to me, Ari. You're not gonna shut down again." 
She smiled, nodding. "No, I won't." 
He still wasn't satisfied, and she knew it. But he dropped the subject with just a displeased look. "Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? Will would love to see you." 
That sent a pang of guilt through her heart. Like Will and Barbara, she had spent time in the Upside Down. She had seen and done things that still haunted her nightmares. If she wasn't forcing it out of her mind, she could still feel the sticky black blood coating her hands. But unlike Barbara, she came out of it relatively unscathed. She and Will had grown close in that darkened world as they both breathed in the same poisonous air. She had tried her hardest to keep them both sane and safe. For the most part, she succeeded. But she had been pulled out by Johnathan and Nancy, through the old twisted trunk of a tree. She had been pulled out before she could help Will. Before she could make sure he was properly safe from what he had called the Demogorgan. She had done a fair amount, but it was nowhere near good enough. He still suffered because she had left. 
She paused for a moment before answering. Since her return, her parents had hardly let her out of their sight. But, she figured, this would count for something. 
"Okay." she said. 
He smiled before nodding, putting an arm around her shoulders and heading down the hall. 
"Watch yourself, Byers." 
"Don't let her open her mouth." 
"You do realize she's dangerous, right?" 
"Dude, I heard she talked a guy into blowing his brains out." 
"I'm not surprised. She lives up to her name." 
Ari glared at the guys who threw insults in their direction. She almost bared her teeth in a snarl, taking a step forward. They jumped backwards and away, not wanting to be anywhere near her. She smirked as they tucked tail and ran in the opposite direction. Johnathan turned to her, concern once again taking over his features. 
"What's that about?" 
She shrugged. She had been considered an outcast before her three week disappearance. But, because of her looks, she still had jocks trying to get in her pants. She had a rather...interesting...way of dealing with them. But they didn't always take the hint. 
Therefore, she had earned her nickname. 
"Watch out for Siren, Byers. I don't want your kid brother to have to go through losing his brother." 
She rounded on the other guy, stalking towards him, books lying forgotten in the hall. Johnathan quickly grabbed her and and pulled her back, planting her firmly on the ground in front of him, his eyes searching hers. After a moment, her rage dissipated, leaving behind an exhausted expression before she rubbed her forehead and picked up her books. 
"Sorry." she muttered to her friend. She was sick and tired of being treated like the plague. She didn't mind if people avoided her, but it was the comments that really got to her. 
"Forget them. They're losers." 
She snorted in response, rolling her eyes and starting to walk to her class once again. She held her head high, ignoring the many eyes that followed her, their scrutinizing gazes ripping her apart. 
By lunch, she'd had enough. She gripped her messenger bag tightly as she stalked out of the school, her lips set in a thin line. She made her way towards the parking lot, weaving through the students that were in her way. She sighed as she found peace in her parking spot beside the old oak tree. She sank to the ground, leaning her back against her 1973 Harley Sportster. It wasn't long before she was joined by Will, who managed to sneak away for lunch. She grinned at him as he sat beside her, crossing his legs as he grabbed the sandwich out of the brown paper bag. She ruffled his hair before handing him the spare Coke that she kept in her bag. He took it without a word, nodding his thanks to her. 
She turned her head slightly when she heard footsteps approaching. By her count, it was a group of guys headed to their cars. She decided to pay them no mind, instead grabbing an orange from her bag. They had made it around the tree by the time she got it peeled, handing half of it to Will. He took it with a thank you around a mouthful of food.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" 
Ari stifled a groan when she recognized the voice of Tommy H. He was one of her biggest tormentors, and there were several others that followed his lead, seeming to hunt her in a pack. 
"Looks like two freaks hiding from us. Where's the stalker, Siren?" 
Ari glared at them before flashing a glance to Will. There was no way she was going to start something in front of him. But if worse came to worst, she would end it. 
"He's standing right beside you, Mason." she said, turning her gaze on the junior that stood to the left of Tommy. "Didn't you know? Tommy here has been following me around since we were kids. He's just pissed I won't give him what he wants." 
There was a chorus of 'ooooh's' that followed her statement, the eyes of his group turning on Tommy. He glared at Ari. 
"I didn't think you were allowed to be within five hundred feet of the Byers kid. What, I mean with you being the one that kidnapped him and all." 
Tommy leaned down and grabbed Will's arm, hauling him to his feet. 
"Get off me!" Will shouted. 
"Don't touch him!" Ari hissed, jumping to her feet and staring Tommy down. 
He snorted at her. "Some sicko you are. I'm just trying to keep the boy safe from the woman that held him against his will in the woods forever." 
"Let. Him. Go." she enunciated. She was protective of the youngest Byers boy, and she would go to the ends of the earth to keep him safe. And right now, Tommy was the one that was threatening his safety. Ari saw the tight grip he had on the twelve year old, and the way the Will glanced up at him in fear. The image made her blood boil and her vision turn red. But she couldn't afford to be the one to throw the first punch.
"What kind of sick bastard gets off on grabbing little kids, huh?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing. 
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Tommy jerked away from the kid as if he had been burned. He shoved the kid towards Ari, and Will wrapped his arms around her torso. Seeing the way Tommy wound up, she gently but quickly untangled herself from Will, preparing for the hit that she saw coming. She clenched her jaw and redistributed her weight. 
But before she felt the blow, a hand entered her line of vision, clamping down on Tommy's fist, stopping it in it's path. Surprised when the blow didn't come, Ari took a step backward when a denim clad figure stepped in front of her, shoving Tommy backwards. 
"There a problem here, gentlemen?" 
Will darted back to Ari, wanting to make sure she was fine. She put a hand on his head, ruffling his hair as she glanced down at him with a small smile. "Go back to class, Will." she said softly. 
He gave her a frown, not wanting to follow her order. But when he glanced at the other guys and back to her, he nodded cautiously. He quickly grabbed his bag and started sprinting towards the middle school. 
"No, Billy." 
Ari crossed her arms, glaring at the group of guys that had surrounded them. The one that stepped in front of her, apparently named Billy, stood with his hand son his hips as he talked with Tommy and the others. Deciding to bow out while she still had the chance, she grabbed her bag and almost disappeared into thin air as she headed back into the high school. 
"Dude, where'd she go?" Mason asked, pushing past Billy and looking around. 
Billy turned, a frown on his face, as his eyes scanned the area looking for her. His eyes narrowed as he spotted the head of bright red hair stepping into the building. 
By the time the school day was over, Ari's head was spinning. 
"Oh my God, have you seen the new kid?" 
"How could I not?" 
"He's such a dream." 
"I wouldn't mind a ride on that horse." 
"I heard he's got a record." 
"Where's he from?" 
"Cali, I think. I'd like to kiss that skin as much as the sun has." 
Johnathan caught up with her as she made her way out of the school, rubbing her forehead as she went. "Kill me now." she muttered. 
He chuckled, knocking his shoulder into hers. "Sorry, no can do, Red. You promised to come to dinner tonight. Besides, you didn't survive three weeks on your own to give up now." 
She rolled her eyes before Nancy came up to them. "Hey, you guys are going to Tina's party?"
Ari groaned. "You serious, Nance?" she asked. "You know I hate crowds." 
"I didn't get an invitation." 
Nancy rolled her eyes. "This is me inviting you, idiot. Come on, Ari." 
Ari frowned. "I don't know. I've got a lot of things to do." 
Nancy sighed. "Think about it?" 
She and Johnathan quickly dove into a conversation, leaving Ari to fend for herself. She quietly excused herself, leaving her two friends behind as she walked back up to her motorcycle. Tightening the strap on her bag, she swung a leg over the body of the bike, pulling on her helmet as she did. She started the engine, smiling when she heard the familiar roar. She loved consistency, and the fact that she could always count on her bike made her cherish it even more. She glanced around before moving out of her parking spot, headed towards the road. But what she failed to notice was the blue Camaro parked a few spaces in front of her, the occupant watching as she moved. A cigarette dangled from his lips and smoke poured out if his nose as his keen eyes watched her. He watched until she turned into the highway, moving out of his line of sight. And he waited until the passenger door opened and the young redheaded girl plopped into the seat before stomping on the gas and skidding out if the parking lot. She cursed at him as she slammed the door shut, looking for the seatbelt that would undoubtedly save her life. "Are you insane?!" she demanded, gripping the door as he peeled onto the road. 
He quickly caught up to the black motorcycle, smirking as he did. The rider turned when she heard the roar of the muscle car behind her, which she was surprised was louder than the engine of her bike. He took the cigarette out of his mouth, letting it drop out of the window as he stepped on the gas, pulling up beside her in the opposite lane. But because of her tinted visor, he couldn't see the shocked expression that she wore as he recklessly drove beside her, traffic laws be da****. He motioned for the younger girl to toll down her window, which she grudgingly did. Billy leaned over the seat, pursing his lips as if blowing her a kiss before he sped up, passing her with the blaring of a rock band and the squealing of tires. 
Ari hit the brakes as he continued to speed away, her mouth dropping open. That was the guy that had all the other girls in an uproar? 
She shook her head, quickly putting the thought out of her mind as she turned down her street. She had a lot of buttering up to do on her parents, and she needed to start as soon as she could. 
She hadn't told them the full story of what had happened. They knew that she had been taken around the same time as Barbara, from the pool outside of Steve's house. They knew she was held with Will Byers. They knew that she kept them alive. 
But what they didn't know was how she did it. How she managed to prevent that monster from eating them. Or how she had abandoned Will when Johnathan and Nancy pulled her out. They didn't know of the blood that stained her hands, or the screams of terror that ripped from Will's throat. They didn't know how she got the scars that adorned her back and right shoulder. They didn't know about the ghost pain she experienced, still feeling the monster's thousands of teeth dig into her flesh. They didn't know about the nightmares that still plagued her, waking her in the middle of the night with her body covered in a cold sweat.
And she would never allow them to know. That burden was not theirs to bear. It was hers. 
She parked the bike inside the garage, taking off her helmet and allowing her naturally bright red hair to once again spill over her shoulders before handing the black helmet on the wall beside the bike. She plastered on a smile before walking into the house. 
This was her life. 
This was the never ending horror story of Aria Grey.
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