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thrashunderpressure · 10 months ago
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You are CD cenobite from Hellraiser III, what CDs do you have in your head?
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fluffalpenguin · 1 year ago
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rest in peace cross duel, here are my fanmade cross duel gijinkas i did donkey months ago (these two are based off kraken and penguin, my favourite fluffal and frightfur!)
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the dimensional dragons are all girls because i wanted them to match odd-eyes and i even cooked up a fantasy plot for them to be actors in (more in tags)
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i had a vision of green hair girl to be a harem queen a la gudako so bad
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pregnantsecondo · 1 month ago
can i see ur dolls
I’m not at home and won’t be until the fourth of February but I will show you my dolls when I return
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flame-shadow · 7 months ago
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Starvi for @sillywillythings [Attack #45]
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ask-basil-omori · 7 months ago
(knock-knock, sunny is visiting basil :])
so uh..about that um..note..
(Sunny tries to figure out the right words on what to say about it.)
(Sunny gives up on words and just kisses basil on the cheek :3 and then stands there awkwardly looking at the floor and fidgeting with his thumbs like a loser.)
(//pls i hope this is good//ooc)
[BASIL was startled by the kiss.]
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[BASIL approached SUNNY and pulled him into a warm, comforting hug. BASIL gently rubbed the boy's back..]
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Don't just stand there.. Come inside..
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vzajemnik · 14 days ago
youre gonna make it
<3 WE'RE gonna make it. hold my hand
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masond-jar · 1 year ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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thrashunderpressure · 8 months ago
Tagged by @faroffpromise 💖💖💖
rules: list your top 5 albums from your top 5 artists (can't have a repeat of the same artist) on a poll, so your followers can vote which album they think captures your vibe the best.
@aliennasaprincess @blood-trip-god2 @isolationaroundus @kuminemo @radioblueheart @kvltoris @alephskoteinos @terrorslice
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pathos-logical · 2 months ago
happy new year 🫶💖
Happy new year Nik!! 🥰🥰🥰
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toyfriskman · 3 months ago
happy birthday:)
was my birthday!!
already done, but yay!!! thank you!!!!!
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pregnantsecondo · 20 days ago
remember when we used to hello jon apologies for the deception each other
I do it was so f
Hello Jon apologies for the deception
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grantwilson · 3 months ago
18, 65 and 83 ? :3
18. heaven help us - mcr
65. what a time to be alive - fob
83. le velo pour deux - the brobecks
//spotify wrapped 2024!
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dalemiramon · 1 year ago
In the era of digitization, it is impossible to overlook how technology affects young people. The way our kids learn, interact, and think has changed significantly as a result of the digital age. Researchers and academics have disagreed over the benefits and drawbacks of digitalization for youth development. Some contend that there are many advantages to the digital age, while others think it is bad for the next generation.
The positive impact of the digital world on youth development is quite noticeable nowadays. The digital world has brought about an increase in access to education. An online class is a form of education conducted over the internet or social media. It is generally directed through a learning management system in which students is able to view their course subjects, update their academic progress and communicate with their professor. It allows the students to be more flexible by managing their time and knowing their academic responsibility since it is an online class is self-paced learning. Some examples of online learning can be conducted through virtual platforms using Zoom Meeting and Google Meet for synchronous class and for non-virtual class, Edmodo, Quipper and Google Classroom for asynchronous class. Social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have become a breeding ground for young people's creativity and talent.
In addition to providing opportunities for education and professional development, the digital age has significantly enhanced youth social contact. A platform for social connection has been made available by the digital world in a world where socializing has really become difficult. Young people might easily feel alienated and excluded when they are alone, yet the digital age has made it easier to interact with others and socialize. Young people can now communicate with and learn from a peer group that has been generated by social media platforms and online gaming.
Let’s take a look in the world of business, wherein group of people working outside a structured organization embarks in a journey where the importance of technology. In today’s generation, the use of technology is way advancing comparing to previous generations. In the upcoming years, our digital usage is way too advanced when it comes to technology. Why technology is so important today in people’s daily activities, especially in the younger ones? People use technology to gather information, communicate, or to just have fun. Despite the concerns, the positive influence of the digital world on youth development outweighs the negative. The benefits of digital technology in education, socializing, and career growth are undeniable. However, there is a need to regulate the use of digital technology to ensure that young people enjoy the benefits without any adverse consequences. Educating young people on responsible use of digital technology is important to ensure they use these tools positively.
Digital etiquette electronic standards of conduct or procedures it is not enough to create rules and regulations each of individuals must follow this. But sometimes we need to take a step back away from digital media. Spending some time away lets us focus on other things as well as appreciate digital media even more. Try to understand people’s perspectives, keep an open mind. Have some empathy; the internet and the world have become so much polarized in recent times. Having respect for one other will go a long way. The powers we now have to create and define our own digital experiences still have been unmatched, and with that power comes from great responsibility. Students must be taught to wield that power wisely, as doing so is essential to their long-term educational and personal success.
In conclusion, the digital world has had a significant impact on the development of young people. While there may be concerns about its negative influence, the positive impact outweighs the negative. Access to education, career growth, and social interaction are some of the benefits young people have enjoyed from the digital world. However, to ensure these benefits do not result in negative consequences, regulation and education on responsible use are essential. With the right approach, the digital world can be a great resource for young people.
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masond-jar · 1 year ago
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top100k · 1 year ago
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Smart vision 11s отзывы ➡➡ https://kahgo.ru/gntdYcr
Практически во всех случаях, высококачественные видеорегистраторы с обширным перечнем возможностей обходятся весьма дорого, поэтому их могут позволить себе не многие водители.
Но данная неувязка не затрагивает изделия Junsun. Этот видеорегистратор имеет в своем распоряжении прогрессивное электронное обеспечение, шир��кий перечень функциональностей и доступную стоимость.
Достойный уровень видеосъемки SUPER HD и встроенная GPS-база полицейских радиолокаторов делают модный Junsun верным ассистентом в путешествиях на авто.
- Хорошее качество видеосъемки
Junsun оснащен могучим процессором Ambarella и матрицей OmniVision. Эта техно база дает возможность видеорегистратору снимать видео с разрешением экрана SuperHD 2304x1296 при 30 кадрах за секунду и иметь максимум отменную картинку и в дневное, и ночью. Антирадар китай авто.
- Широкий градус обозрения
Благодаря широкому углу обозрения в 170° Junsun охватывает все 5 полос путевого полотна, в то же самое время не искажая картинку. Купить видеорегистратор hd smart. Регистратор запечатлит фактически все, что делается на магистрали. Видеорегистратор антирадар 2 в 1.
- 4G и Wi-Fi
Именно благодаря встроенному 4G и Wi-Fi модулю вы в любой момент можете быть он-лайн в течение движения, и конечно смотреть любимые фильмы онлайн. Видеорегистратор без аккумулятора купить. Подключайтесь посредством Wi-Fi или SIM-карточки и путешествуйте по страницам глобальной сети на максимальных скоростях. Параметры хорошего видеорегистратора.
- Радиолокатор-детектор
Прибор в силах заранее разоблачать комплексы замера скорости, оставляя много времени для неопасного замедления. Озон регистраторы. Он опознает большинство радаров, стоящих на вооружении правоохранителей – даже импульсные комплексы «Стрелка» и «Робот». Радар детектор sho me g 475 signature отзывы.
Именно благодаря видеорегистратору Junsun вы стабильно приедете в назначенное место. Видеорегистратор зеркало с камерой навигатор антирадаром. Просто-напросто наберите нужный вам адрес, дождитесь пока регистратор построит комфортный для вас лично путь и наслаждайтесь наиболее подходящим маршрутом. Продаю видеорегистратор.
- Выносная камера
Благодаря выносной камеры вы сможете синхронно снимать с двух разных углов. Видеорегистратор житомир. Приглядывание за дорогой как спереди, так и позади ощутимо сделает лучше надежность вашего автомобиля. Купить видеорегистратор одесса. А разрешение Super HD 1080 предоставит возможность не проморгать ни одной подробности. Зеркало в салон с камерой заднего вида.
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