#star wars prequel liveblogging
marmot-bee-person · 1 month
so far wonton had accidentally clicked into rise of Skywalker and started it and we had a fight about seating
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midnight-shy · 1 year
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brb crying
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abubblingcandle · 1 year
I had really forgotten how little Darth Maul is actually in the prequels. He shows up, fights Qui Gon a bit, everyone goes "who the fuck is that guy?", kills Qui Gon and then gets chopped in half by Obi Wan. Unless I've missed it they don't even know his name until he comes back in Clone Wars
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thewingedwolf · 2 years
i watched everything i needed to in order to watch the new episode of the mandolorian and
man, they really just gave two whole episodes of boba fett’s solo series to din, grogu, and Uncanny Valley Luke Skywalker huh, and it wasn’t even a good two episodes, they just made Ming Na Wen and Temuera Morrison give up two episodes of their lil mayoral race slash planetary drug war tv show so The Mandalorian could remind them who pays the goddamn bills around here (it’s the puppet, the cute green puppet pays the bills) and shove like an entire season’s worth of emotional arc and plot into two tacked on episodes of someone else’s show. genius.
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tinystarscapes · 11 months
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annarubys · 2 years
currently looking at the list of all the shows i watch and being annoyed by how many of them are getting winter releases even though there’s literally only six and they’re barely going to overlap with each other. i just hate having to either watch shows i’m only a casual viewer of as they air or fall so hopelessly behind
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sharpestasp · 1 year
Star Wars IV: A New Hope liveblog transcript
Thread for Star Wars IV: A New Hope
"There will be no escape for the Princess this time." Someone give me ALL the almost-captureds she had prior to this movie?!
The marrieds are arguing.
Ya know, given Threepio's way of thinking, the fact he saw the transport and had hope implies to me that Alderaan treats their droids better than we see in so many examples elsewhere.
TELL ME ARTOO ISN'T FORCE SENSITIVE! He knew there was danger ahead. But he HAD TO GET TO BEN. And his way was through.
(Those Jawas would have been in for it if he'd had his boosters)
Okay, that must be the MOST observant Stormtrooper in the Empire. ("Look, sir, droids!")
I have a conundrum: Did Captain Antilles/Senator Organa instill a protocol that if Leia was captured, Threepio forgot what she looked like/could lie about her? Or was Threepio only aware the Princess traveled on the Tantive IV but somehow had no idea who she actually was? I think it is a 'if this/then that' protocol to explain that 'I don't know who she is'
"What about my theme?" "Mark, the main title is your theme"
Oh right, forgot to interject: When Threepio calls him Sir Luke, that is the most heavy-handed foreshadowing ever.
"C'mon, let's go have a look" IS NOT YOUR BEST IDEA. Gods, you are so Anakin's kid in this movie.
I know it's because of retconning, but wow this whole opening with Ben reads so HYSTERICALLY with Prequel and Clone Wars canon in place.
Alec's face as he's asked if he's related to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" is TRUE! Jedi did not own things. And Artoo was not OWNED anyway after TPM
brain inserts: and highly flammable after the "cunning warrior" comment
Ahh, Yularen.
Canon divergence moment - if Beru had managed to hide somewhere the Troopers missed.
wow such a heavy handed Force Compulsion use there. And then Mr Wanted in 12 systems is immune to the Kenobi Charm.
"Should I have?"
ALSO, LOL, Chewie is back there going "General Kenobi Got Old"
So thankful I have the Han Shot First edition
Tarkin - fierce and terrifying me - he's wearing fuzzy slippers Kinda like the scene in RotJ and knowing McDiarmid was having to scooch his chair around with tiny movements of his feet
Han reports it was totally blown away… and then argues the whole Fleet couldn't do that. This is why I love Han. He embodies contradictions
Fool or the fool that follows him? Ahsoka, GIGGLING HER HEAD off as she remembers her Master(s)
Also, Chewie is going oh shit, Luke figured out how to manipulate his cub
the detention center scene is a chaos fest worthy of Domino Squad
Also, Han's "he's the brains"
Threepio was SMOOTH
okay, but honestly, I am glad my suspension of disbelief is strong. Have worked with cardboard balers and trash compactors, I actually said 'all they needed was stay on top; there was enough waste that the compactor would not have been able to squish fully'.
Luke's FACE when Han is chastising Chewie. I bet that was ad-libbed
The stormtroopers: why are we running from one man?
"There's no lock." "That'll hold them for a while." "Find the controls" "I think I just blasted them."
This is SUCH a level 3-6 D&D campaign
Oh Luke. He's lost his family, he's lost his home, now he's lost the teacher he bonded with who KNEW ABOUT HIS DAD
Okay, but Artoo. He'd never been wiped. And while he might not have KNOWN the black suit menace was HIS JEDI, he likely did suspect it more than a little. So that scene was just as traumatic for him.
"Don't get cocky" LOL
You know, Leia hugging Chewie in the cockpit goes a long way to making up for her earlier trauma-induced insult to him. Because she initiated the hug
ya know, I actually LOVE all of the computer screen displays in this; it's nostalgic in the best ways
"Or they'd have a tighter defense" OR MAYBE they had a Saboteur designing it. (I do approve of the logic behind Rogue One 'explaining' that design)
Chewie: he's got a point Han: ain't having it Chewie: fine I will argue with you on the ship
hello first Folger's Kiss (on the cheek, but still). Given Luke had been wondering earlier if maybe…
I so very much LOVE the X-Wings
And the dog-fighting is so good
His former best friend (boyfriend?) and his future best friend as his wingmen is just… perfect
Oh Han
All the hugging
And Threepio being so worried
Big Gay Wedding now
First fandom forever. I still love this canon.
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sliceoflifeshepard · 1 year
I've decided to start with the prequels of Star Wars so my liveblogging will be from episode 1 for now
@caxycreations @pheita
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You know what, fuck it, Revenge of the Sith liveblogging time.
The version of the Force Theme that opens the movie has got to be one of my favourite bits of Star Wars music, it's so good. I'm always so mad that the drums at the beginning aren't on the soundtrack version
Also the colours?? All the shots with Coruscant in the background are so pretty to look at, I should get some screencaps and steal some colour palettes
Man, I still know the dialogue from this whole sequence off by heart, I used to rewatch it so often. Best spaceships, best space battle, there's a reason the Eta-2 is my all-time favourite spaceship and it's this sequence in particular
I love how squeaky Obi-Wan gets when he's agitated, poor guy is Not having a good time
"I sense Count Dooku." "I sense a trap." "Next move?" "Spring the trap." Love these goobers and their grins and their banter. Also James Luceno's 'Labyrinth of Evil' is still my favourite immediate prequel to this movie and the fact that this is like the third time in a couple of months that these dweebs have encountered a Dooku trap makes it so much more fun. I should re-read that book...
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aroacedindjarin · 1 year
hi it’s me frankie (they/them). my main blog where i post my art is @chewyguts but this is my star wars exclusive blorbo zone !!!!!!!
my favourite characters are Din Djarin (+Grogu), Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Boba Fett.
i am also hugely fond of the prequels/the clone wars era in general so that’s what you’re likely to find on this blog.
im pretty neutral on most ships/shipping in general (im aroace and love to interpret my faves like that too) but i am pretty partial to the idea of dinluke coparenting grogu & also queerplatonic bobadin and i love to explore all forms those relationships could take.
my liveblogging tag is #frankblogging and im currently reading through the Star Wars 2020 comics!!!!
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masterkeynobi · 2 years
(temporary housekeeping post bc i dont have a tags page or a Proper System yet i guess)
sree (she/any, 21, bi, south asian)! used to be on here a couple years ago, was no longer on here, made a new account to be on here again
star wars (mostly prequels era) + dropout/ttrpg actualplay (mostly d20, wbn) + doctor who (revival) + misc. others (mdzs, queen's thief, iwtv/tvc, etc.) + kpop (shinee, exo)
for filtering purposes: original posts tagged #sree.txt, liveblogs tagged either #watching [media name], #reading [media name], or #listening to [media name]. i do try to spoiler tag if something is ongoing.
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marmot-bee-person · 1 month
do i have homework to do? yes.
am i watching attack of the clones RIGHT NOW? also yes.
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usergrantaire · 1 year
hello all i have been informed that the bridgerton people have decided to co-opt star wars day by releasing the charlotte prequel this may fourth. i am currently on the road, but rest assured, once i get home in a couple of days i will be here with that snarky liveblog! it shall be tagged “kei watches queen charlotte”
a disclaimer beforehand: i fully admit i am nowhere near as knowledgeable about 18th century clothing as i am about 19th century clothing, so my opinion of the costumes will have more to do with whether or not they do it for me aesthetically than its adherence (or lack thereof) to historical accuracy. (yes i know nobody comes to bridgerton for historical accuracy, but let me have my cunty little hobbies, okay?) i do, however, know that wigs were essential to the georgian era, and even when they weren’t wearing wigs, they all still had long hair underneath. absolutely nobody would have had short hair in the 18th century. so expect much bitching about that. it can be this spinoff’s version of my bitching about the woeful, egregious lack of bonnets in the main show!
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lediz-watches · 2 years
Legend of a mind
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Okay, I'm five episodes in and certainly enjoying myself, but I am also incredibly frustrated, and distracted, and want this show to be so much better than it is and arghhh...!
I’m liveblogging The Winchesters as a Supernatural!virgin. Please keep my lack of knowledge in mind if you continue...
In episode thoughts:
Hey, X-Files. So X-Files. What is it with episodes calling back to other shows? Is it intentional?
Ah, at least this time she has a reason to be suspicious. Somehow I’m not buying that she’s only sus to protect her son. I think she got the son by being sus. In another show, I think Ada would be the example of darkness that John and Mary would need to turn back from, but here I feel like she’s just… par for the course.
This makes me kind of sad.
I suddenly realise I don’t remember how Ada relates to the others. Carlos and Lata are at least clearly friends with Mary and trying to be her partners, but Ada was just… Henry’s partner I think? Except she already knew Mary and Co? I don’t remember. It doesn’t bother me overmuch, but… yeah. I’m distracted, suddenly.
Betty should be a bigger character. She feels bigger than she is.
…Tony’s actor deserves a different script. What is it about dream-jumping characters having such bad scripting? And this actor’s too real, too heavy for the lines. He’s saying words that fit someone floaty and sweet, and he’s just… solid. It doesn’t fit.
LATA SHOULD BE IN A LABCOAT IN A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR LAB. This scene is so distracting in how it doesn’t fit the context…! My supernatural cop show would be terrible but still fit these characters more.
Oh, Carlos… you are a terrible actor. Please stop. Please. Honey. Please.
Wow, Mary’s being like… good this episode? Like… heroic good? I’m… confused by this sudden lack of pragmatism.
Okay, see, Tony’s much better in this scene where he’s being practical and brisk. A doctor who uses magic. It works. It was just that one scene that didn’t fit his style, and it fell apart because of exposition. That’s so frustrating.
Side note – X-Files actually had the same problem quite often! So it’s on-brand for this episode, at least.
Okay, I don’t LIKE John, but at least he’s consistent when they’re not trying to make him seem naïve and charming. He’s a hardline jerk who belongs in the 70s with its toxic masculinity. The fact he’s not being kind when forcing Mary to deal with her stuff is very true to that line.
That punch was uh… that was a thing that happened.
YES LATA WRITE TO THAT BOY. Exchange flirty pictures. I approve of this practical magic pairing.
…This episode is so X-Files, I love it.
So, five episodes in, let’s reflect.
I am… enjoying myself. But I don’t think I could handle a LOT of this. Like, there are a few things that are turning me off, and they’re things I suspected about Supernatural too. Things that stopped me from even trying, because I knew I’d end up frustrated.
The characters are… both shallow and complicated in a way that is frustrating. As in like… they are shallow representations of complex issues. Please don’t roast me fandom, I am five episodes into a prequel series that is clearly talking to something that had like 20 years of exploration. I appreciate that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Like, take John for example. He’s not a good guy. There are too many things about him that are dark, with no self-awareness, no desire to be good. He just assumes himself to be Right, and Therefore Good. And… because he’s the main character, in theory, I don’t know how we’re supposed to feel about him. Are we watching his downfall or are we rooting for him to succeed regardless of the cost?
…I am having sudden Star Wars prequels flashbacks… Is John Annakin? I feel like John is Annakin.
 Meanwhile Mary… wants to be redeemed. She wants to be saved from this life. But John is not a saviour.
Carlos is a saviour. But he can’t save John, and Mary wants to be saved by John. She doesn’t respect Carlos enough to be saved by him, which is… both appropriate to her character and the time and yet really freaking annoying. Because he’d be so good as a saviour character.
In fact, you know what? Carlos is in the wrong show. He’s in the wrong show! He should be in some anime inspired nonsense where he can truly be the dark magical girl he doesn’t know he so desperately wants to be.
And this show… argh, it is so very set in the 70s. John is such a 70s male character, but the show is not a 70s show! The show is a 2000s SyFy channel series with 2020 sensibilities. I love the diversity, I love the way the characters exist so comfortably in themselves, but every time we are reminded that it’s the 70s I get absolute whiplash because none of these characters would be treated this well by the people they’re interacting with. I mean, I don’t want to watch another treatise on why the past sucks, but these characters are outsiders already. Show me their struggles to exist even on the periphery of society so I can believe their situation!
But then… Jay’s posts imply this may actually be an alternate reality. Maybe that’s why. This is an alternate reality, where 70s America was much more enlightened, and 50 years into the future we will all be happy and Get Along. Maybe that’s it. Next episode, I’m going in with that mentality.
So, TL;DR: I’m enjoying it, but I’m also very frustrated by it. ARGH. Anyway. I’m moving onto chapter six.
(or back to chapter one if you care.)
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tinystarscapes · 11 months
The fight scenes are well orchestrated.
Also Ewan McGregor is not immune to awkward lines either. “Oh not good” he says in the middle of a fight with jango fett, as if he’s about to frow up instead of nearly fall off a wet slippery building.
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14muffinz · 2 years
because i'm liveblogging star wars let me clarify that i know most of whats going on from my sister's infodumping
i have not seen any of the prequels. i can remember one screenshot of little anikin (idk how to spell it) though
i've watched a whole half episode of rebels
i've watched the entirety of clone wars sans like one arc my sister let me skip (shes seen the whole thing i trust her)
i don't remember watching the clone wars movie but i remember settling in with the fam to watch the clone wars movie
haven't seen much of the original trilogy. i've seen memes of yoda and watched a little bit of it cuz there was a star wars marathon once while we were replacing couches, don't remember anything
i went to the theatre to see rouge one but i fell asleep. i know how it ends though and thats all that matters
i've seen bad batch s1. many times.
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