#standing there alone holding a thing so bright i couldn't see anything through its glow felt very vulnerable
macronectes · 8 months
2023 -> 2024 (filmed at midnight)
uneasy but hopeful
music: when we finally fall asleep. Part III by We All Inherit the Moon
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we-have-bangtan · 4 years
I summoned you
Random one-shot #3
Pairing: demons!OT7 x witch!reader
Genre: fluff, fluff and more fluff, poly au
warning: swearing, its hella longggggg. <33
Part 2
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Synopsis: The seven most powerful demons in the world were summoned for the first time in over a hundred years only to find out that their summoner is a little witch who was being hunted by witch hunters. She seeks protection from them but at what cost?
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“Who the fuck summoned us?” Hoseok groaned feeling the familiar pain of transformation go through his body, “I don’t know but it better be worth it, I’m getting too old for this shit” Seokjin groaned as pain shot through his veins, black, bat-like wings erupting from his back as he fell to the ground in pain, the scars on his body burning up.
          Namjoon wasn’t much better either, biting into a pillow as burning pain took over his head, his horns and fangs coming out for the occasion, it had been over a hundred years since they had last been summoned and they were bearing the pain of not transforming in all there years, Jungkook hissed as he felt his tailbone extend out of his body, piercing through his skin to form a tail.
Jimin and Tae held each other as each of their left eyes glowed bright, screaming as they changed from black to red, “I hope it isn’t an accident again or I’ll eat them alive” Jungkook groaned as he pulled himself off the ground grimacing at the pain that shot through his body.
Yoongi was the only one not in pain because he had been living in his demon form for a few years now, he didn’t have to transform.
“The spell was lost, I don’t know how someone is summoning us” he informed as Seokjin opened the portal to the mortal world, the portal would take them to where ever they were being summoned.
 Y/n anxiously stared at the pentagram she had drawn on her cottage floor, she’d be over if this spell didn’t work. She could hear the villagers approaching, could see the glow of their torches from her window. They were climbing up the hill, coming for her life, this spell was her only way of living.
She didn't know why the villagers had turned on her so easily when she had never done anything to them. She had kept her witchcraft confined to her cottage and its surroundings, but they seemed to have found out, she would blame the church people for that, because they were at the beginning of the uprising egging the villagers on.
They had almost caught her an hour ago when she had gone down for supplies, her arms were bruised from their assault but she had managed to escape from them, but she could run anywhere except her cottage.
She couldn't run anymore, there was no where to run now, she either had to stand and fight, which she was too weak for, or she had to perish, which she was too stubborn for so she had taken to the last resort, the demon spell.
Her magic wouldn't be enough to Wipeout all the people who were marching up the hill to her cottage, they'd burn her on the stake if they caught a hold of her, it would be a death with no pride or honor.
She felt the air shift around her, the salt grains blowing here and there and the candles flickering, the wind picked up speed outside as a portal opened directly above the pentagram and a demon fell out, falling to the ground with a thud and a groan. She moved to help him up but quickly stopped as a scream came from inside the portal before six other demons fell on the first one. Chaos ensured as each of them yelled at the other to get off their wings or tails or any other body part, she loudly cleared her throat to grab their attention making seven pairs of eyes snap to her.
"Did you summon us little girl?" Namjoon asked as he took in her condition, she was awfully malnourished, her arms bruised and frail, she was a timid little thing who he assumed wasn't much younger than Jungkook before he had been changed into a demon. The girl nodded, holding a wand in her hand, a witch, Seokjin realized before he focused on her arms, “How did you summon us little witch” he asked, he was pretty sure the spell to summon them was a 21+ spell and she barely looked 18+ to him.
           “with the spell of course although I didn’t know it would summon seven of them, I would have drawn a lager circle had i known” she mumbled making Yoongi gawk at her statement, “HOW THE FUCK DO YOU CAST A SUMMONING SPELL WITHOUT KNOWING HOW MANY DEMONS IT WOULD SUMMON?? WE COULD HAVE RIPPED YOUR THROAT OUT THE MOMENT WE SHOWED UP HERE” Hoseok barked, snapping his fangs at her.
 “I know, no need to be an arse about it” she retorted as Hoseok stared at her in disbelief, “well then why did you summon us little witch?” Taehyung intervened, “I need help,” she stated plainly. This piqued Jimin’s interest, they all were clearly thinking the same thigh judging from the look in their eyes, they were mates, he knew how they thought, “Are you sure you can pay the price for our services darling” Seokjin remarked sweeping his eyes over the mostly bare cottage. 
            This girl was clearly living alone, a cauldron with coals under it sat in one corner of the house and a winding staircase lead up to attic which he assumed was her bedroom. Clothes hung to dry near the fire place in another corner of the house, her cupboards were mostly empty other than a loaf of bread and a tin of something he couldn’t recognize. She clearly didn’t have much to give.
“What is your price?” She asked, Yoongi admired her guts, she was clearly working hard on trying to seem unafraid, although she failed miserably, at least she tried. The seven of them thought for a while when they head a loud bang on the door. The girls eyes widened in fear, “they’re here” she cursed as she cast a colloportus spell on the door, “hurry up please” she pleaded, “what’s going on? what help do you need?” Jungkook asked as Seokjin place a shield over the door blocking the people from coming in for a short while.
                “They’re hunting me and i want them gone” she revealed, the boys looked up at her, “how sure are you that we won’t rip your throat once you set us free from this circle” Yoongi asked, “I don’t have anything to lose if you kill me the moment i let you free, I don’t have much to live for anyway” she answered, “we’ll discuss the price once we’re done” Namjoon warned as she cast the aqua eructo spell, a stream of water sprouting from the tip of her wand, wiping the circle of salt away just as a window shattered, glass spilling everywhere.
               “Jimin, get her somewhere safe” Namjoon commanded his mate, the younger demon nodded dutifully before stepping forward and wrapping an arm around her waist, positioning his wings, “hold on tight” he warned as he too to the air, going out through the back door of the cottage, taking her to the roof of the cottage, “stay here while we sort that stuff out” he told her, taking off to join the others.
        They possessed the humans, making them kill each other or they’d simply burn them to a crisp, she had expected them to be strong and powerful, but not this powerful, powerful to wipe out all the people who had come to attack her. She didn’t pay much heed to the humans who ran into the forests, she didn’t care where they went as long as they didn’t come near her or her cow, Morphus, who was currently in the shed, a little away from the clearing she lived at. 
  She noticed one of the church men trying to climb the roof to get to her but she quickly jinxed him, making him fall off the roof. Half way through the battle, Yoongi called in quits because the boys could deal with it without him, he joined Y/n on the roof top, folding his wings carefully to not hurt her, “Why don’t you just move from here, go fin some other forest to live in” he asked, leaning back on his hands, looking up at the sky, “there’s no where else to go, I’ve been running for too long” she answered and with that all conversation subsided as they both watched the others fight, Yoongi noticed a few people running for the forests and jerked up to go after them only to be stopped by Y/n, “let them be,” she said and he obey’d.
It didn’t take the demons long to finish everyone, they all gathered in her kitchen, Jin and Taehyung were hurt, but nothing big, just minor wounds according to the two demons but she insisted on tending to their injuries with a warm cloth and some potions, “this will scar” she told Jin, feeling guilty all of a sudden, “one of a million, don’t worry” he smiled as she wrapped his almost fully healed hand up.
“what is this?” Jungkook asked as he peered down the mug on Y/n’s table, “banana milk” she answered as she turned to Taehyung to wrap his wound up too, Jungkook took a sip of the milk before downing the whole mug, “do you have more?” he asked, looking like a child who wants an extra treat, she nodded, getting up to pull out a jar full of it from her cupboard, handing it to the boy, she didn’t seem the least bothered that a demon boy was drinking up all her banana milk. 
“so what is the price I have to pay? if you’ll hurry up, I have cleaning to do” she said looking at the dead bodies scattered all around her house, some even on tree branches. The boys looked at each other, “We’ll need some time to discuss” Namjoon said on behalf of them all, “you do that and I’ll clean that up” she said, grabbing her wand and leaving the house.
“So, what now?” Namjoon asked once he made sure she was far away from them, “I don’t think she can really give much, she barely has anything herself” Hoseok said, scanning the room again, “This place is nice tho, although she could use some more things in it” Seokjin admitted, looking around the peaceful cottage, it was clean, and would look beautiful if it wasn’t so bare, “it is” Namjoon admitted when Jimin’s piped up, “I don’t like the fact that she lives like this, she could die any moment and no one would notice, maybe we can come here more often” he suggested, already planning all the things he’d bring here from the underworld, Namjoon nodded, “it has been way too long since I’ve actually seen the sky, donno why mortals have to have all the good things when they die so easily” he huffed as he looked out of the window, looking down at the valley in which the village nestled.
        “I have an idea hyung, why don’t we use her place as a sort of abode, she can offer her house to us when ever we want in exchange for our services” Taehyung offered and Namjoon and Seokjin agreed, it would be nice to come to the mortal world often, “is everyone fine with that?” he asked the others, none of them rejected the idea and soon enough, Y/n was called back in.
   They explained what they wanted and she just stared at them, dumbfound, “why would you want to come here when you can live luxuriously in the demon world?” she asked, “the demon world is not all its cooked up to be” Jimin answered.
It took a little convincing (threatening) to get her to agree but she did.
The boys were common visitors to her little cottage, each of them would show up on their own accord and timing with their own reasons, often in their human form, she had been surprised to see how much more handsome the seven of them were in their human forms and she had told them so.
             They would show up with little things that she would need around the house, sometimes unnoticeable and sometimes ridiculous, they’d bring her small fancy plates and saucers, fabrics and potion ingredients and even a new wand once before they progressed to bringing bigger things like vases and pillows and rugs despite her protesting.
Namjoon was the first to show up at her door with a book in hand to see books about the seven of them scattered on her table. They had stopped popping up directly inside the house after Y/n had yelled at them for freaking her out, “reading up on us I see” he commented as he dragged a chair to sit, “I’ll have to because i literally don’t know anything about the seven of you” she mumbled as she read on. They both read their books in silence before Y/n offered him tea which he accepted gratefully.
  Seokjin and Jungkook were the next one’s to show up because they were hungry, she served them with honey bread and maple syrup. Seokjin showed a keen interest in cooking, offering to help her out while she cooked for the three of them, since then, he’d show up during meal times to eat with her and cook with her, it became something the two of them got used to and one of the greatest things Seokjin would miss once she had passed.
   Jungkook and her bonded over banana milk, the boy couldn’t get enough of it, even taking some back to the demon realm only to come back for more the next day. They both would wander the forest in search of bananas and maple trees and make the banana milk together, he was the most frequent visitor that even Morphus had started to recognize Jungkook who would sit next to Y/n when she milked the cow every morning.
Tae and Jimin would often come together just to mess with her and to make a fool out of the villagers down in the valley. They went herb searching together in the forests. They’d pick flowers for the house and they even dug up a well for the little cottage to use.
Hoseok would also come by often just to gossip with her, telling her about all the events in the demon world, they both would talk over tea and little cakes about Namjoon’s snoring and Seokjin’s new obsession with bad jokes. On days which were not too hot or too cold they’d set up a table outside and just bask in each others company.
Yoongi was the last to visit her, and even when he did visit, he decided to take a nap only to get back up complaining about how bumpy the mattress was before vanishing off and coming back with a new mattress. They’d nap together on days Y/n didn’t have anything to do, and had been found wrapped up with each other by the other quiet often. 
They’d all come together once every few days to have lunch and dinner and to talk and play, enjoying the sun and grass and flowers before they had to go back to the demon world.   
It was funny to see the seven strongest demons be so gentle and ind to a little human girl, weaving flower crowns for her and laying their head in her lap, taking cat naps together.
They seven boys got quiet attached to the little witch, trying to meet her as often as possible and be as gentle as possible to her. Imagine their surprise when Namjoon walked in on a sorcerer sitting on one of the chairs as Y/n made him a cup of tea. 
“A demon!” the sorcerer shrieked as Namjoon came inside the house, Y/n slowly turned around to see Namjoon standing st the door, greeting him with a smile and a kiss to his cheek, “Namjoon-ah meet my mentor, the great Sorcerer Potter” she introduced as Namjoon felt a green knot form in his chest, he was sure the rest of his mates felt it too because a portal opened not soon after, tossing the 6 other boys into the mortal world, all of them looking eerily calm, “why is he here y/n? he questioned, “he just came to visit” she explained, “then why is his smell all over you?” Jungkook demanded, grabbing her wrist to get a scent of her.
“get lost” Yoongi hissed at the sorcerer, the powerful man shrieked as he apparated to who knows where. “Y/n,” Hoseok said, taking her hands in his, “did he touch you” he asked, his voice low, she shook her head, no, no one had touched her, thank the demons, Jimin thought as he enveloped her in his arms, overpowering the sorcerer’s smell with his own. “good, don’t let anyone touch you except for us little witch” Seokjin mumbled as he placed a kiss on her forehead, she hummed in agreement as they all bundled up in her cozy cottage, now a lot more comfortable and colorful than before.
They loved her but they couldn’t have her because demons didn’t deserve happiness, it was a curse on them, they weren’t meant to love, only hate and kill because even if they loved y/n they’d inevitably end up with a part of their heart hollow because demons couldn’t love little witches because demons were immortal while witches would meet their end soon enough.
None of them laid with their little witch because it was forbidden but they did caress her, they held her close and made her feel warm and loved by each of them, they were tender and careful with her, trying to spend every moment with her and while that might seem like too much for a mortal, it was a mere few moments for immortals and they tried to carve her memory into their hearts and minds so they would never forget her despite how much time passed by.
The eight of them spent 86 years together, Y/n passed due to illness at the ripe age of a hundred and twelve years with a smile and her seven demons surrounding her when she too her last breath.
The demons wished she’d reincarnate bu they didn’t keep much hope in that because demons wishes were never fulfilled. But they lived on with the memory of the little witch who had summoned them and had carved herself into their cold, dark hearts.
Y/n's cottage
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First try, how was it? let me know!!!!
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jitter-bug · 4 years
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Nines x Reader (Detroit: Become Human)
This story is for Mature Audience. This features, death, gorey depictions and vulgar language.
A/n: ;;;) I did this as quick as I could. I hope you enjoy
Taglist: @theamreath
The whispering in the air. Gave gentle shivers down Y/n's spine. The dark gray clouds. Looming over the city of Detroit to share its tears. 
Little to no light was evident in the building. 
Y/n didn't arrive upon the abandoned building from a dare or even just rumors. 
Her own curiosity and boredom was the reason She even landed a foot in the building. 
The air was stale. Evident that the building stood in all its glory for years now. The chilly crisp air from outside still invaded the building. Y/n could feel it nip at her skin. 
The flashlight in her hand did lead the way through the building. It lights a path through the building. Old stores and food stands that once glowed with light. Sat in neglect. Dust collects on the gates that separated the stores and dust collects on the food stands counter.
The shards of glass and debris that decorated the linoleum floor crushed under Y/n's boots. 
The building gave off a serene feeling. Cascaded Y/n in nostalgia. How she mesmerized and sunk her mind into the deep depths of memories. Of when she would attend the mall. With family and friends. The stores that burned bright with lights. And the theater was on the second floor. How every time she walked near the cinemas. The smell of popcorn was evident in the air. 
Y/n pulled herself from her thoughts. Looking ahead to the stairs...which was once a working operating escalator. 
Thankfully walking to the second floor without a problem--the graffiti signs on the wall. And left over clothes and bags from previous explorers. Y/n glanced at the work of art on the walls. Before tearing her gaze to turn around. Gazing at the bottom floor. Which also showcased the rest of the building. The ceiling was a glass pane that glared down into the building. What was left of the moon that was hidden behind the clouds. Peered down into the mall. Walking over to the railing. She had a better view of the building.
Her damp hair from the rain clinging onto her scalp and forehead. 
She was certain she would catch a cold if she stood out in the cold any longer. But too entranced by the lighting of the mall in front of her. Pushed those thoughts away. 
The cool shivers inched down her spine once more. Like something..colder was near her.  
"It's not often someone willingly comes around to explore." The voice startled Y/n. She flinched. Her hands were widening. Which causes her to let go of the flashlight that was idly in her grip. It fell over the railing and down to the second floor. Distant 'Clank!' Echoed throughout the building. Patterning of feet could be heard. A small rodent scurried away from the abrupt noise. 
Y/n quickly whipped around. And was met with a man. Lanky in stature. Broad shoulders. His brown hair was dark in the dim area. Y/n would have mistaken his hair to be a jet burnt black if it weren't for the little light that was coming from the window pane on the ceiling. 
He had on a black sweater. Which Y/n soon noticed was a turtleneck. And jeans. 
His eyes are pale grey. Which was busy observing Y/n's form. The corner of his lips twitched slightly. As his index finger tapped his thigh. 
"Did I frighten you? I'm terribly sorry. It gets lonely. Sitting here alone every night." His face was devoid of emotion. His eyebrows etched together slowly. Y/n placed both her hands on the railing behind her. If she was aware someone else was in the building. She would have taken precautions before willingly tossing herself in the abandoned building. "...who are you? How long have you been here?" She asks. The man in front of her was slow to answer. Taking his time as he eyed her slowly. 
"My name is Connor...though. I was originally known as Nines." His pale eyes glanced around him slowly. As if showcasing the area they stood in.
 "I've been here for some time now." Y/n glanced around the building as well. Glancing at Connor ever so often to make sure he didn't edge any closer. Trying to find what he was hinting at. Before looking back at his form. 
He didn't move. Instead. He motioned towards the area behind Y/n with his hand. Which was the railing that peered down at the bottom level of the building. But. Y/n didn't turn around. Letting go of the railing. She felt her clammy hands. Heat up. She couldn't tell if she was nervous or scared. 
Y/n stared at Connor as he turned his gaze. Back onto her. The two stood there. Staring at each other. Y/n could feel the cool atmosphere that the msle in front of her brought with him. 
The silence was thick. Y/n felt as if cotton was shoved into her mouth. Making her unable to speak. The energy...felt wrong...and negative.
That was until Connor abruptly lifted his arm. His hand reaching out. Signalling a hand shake. Y/n looked down at his hand. His skin complexion of what resembled a porcelain doll. Or a polished exterior hospital wall. 
Without hesitation. Y/n rose her hand. Placing in Connor's Palm. Whereas the two shook each other's hand. 
"My name is Y/n." She replies. His hands were chilly. His thumb had rubbed against her knuckles slowly. As if he were feeling the bones underneath. Feeling each knuckle. The feeling clouded Y/n's mind. Her eyes that were once glued onto hands that entertwined with one another and back to Connor's eyes. Which was still glued onto her face.  
"Y/n..yes...what a wonderful name…" he spoke from the center of his lips. As if he were occupied from different things roaming around in his head.  
The feeling of being under pressure and startled had left Y/n. Instead keeping her gaze on Connor's features. His jaw. His pale complexion that made it easier to see his freckles that was ever so noticeable. 
"My...aren't you...warm." His hand latched onto Y/n's wrist. His fingers inching under her sleeve to feel the warmth that she provided. Y/n raised her eyebrows. His cool fingers felt like it was robbing her from her warmth. But she remained calm. 
Feeling as his hand traveled up her forearm. Shoulder and then neck. Slowly planting his hand around Y/n's neck, Y/n straightens her neck from the feeling of his nail puntering the crook of her neck. His chilled hand pulled Y/n's closer to her slowly. The sound of Y/n's shoes scraping the floor kicking over glass shards and other debris echoed through the area.
She placed her hands on Connor's chest. A way to have what left of space Y/n could have. 
She felt the tip of his nose touch her scalp. His grip tighten, Y/n could feel her pulse beating against his thumb. 
"I've never seen you before. I don't really come here often...I'm assuming you visit this place?" Y/n asked. Connor's grip loosened. She could feel his thumb twitch under her skin. Her pulse beating against his thumb. 
He let's go of her. Moving his gaze to look down at her.  
Y/n takes a step back. Moving her gaze to look up at Connor. His eyebrows knitted together once more. 
The sound of feet scurrying from the left of the two echoed. Y/n and Connor looked over to see that a broomstick had fallen onto the ground. The racoon that was busy searching on the dusted floor. Saw the two figures looking over. Letting out a hiss, before retreating away. 
"Fear isn't really something you're capable of...am I wrong?" Y/n's gaze returned back to Connor's. His gray optics pinned down on Y/n's form. His nose twitched ever so slightly that it was barely noticeable, but Y/n noticed. 
Y/n was caught off guard from the question. No one ever asked her anything like that. No one really cared to ask. Y/n always had a higher tolerance for walking into dangers. That being jumping boats while out with friends. Crossing incoming trains on train tracks when she was just a kid. Or hopping from tree to tree. She was...in a way...adventurous to see where her body would call its limits. But she never really found that trigger. Until...she was met with the man in the abandoned mall. 
"I can feel fear--"
"I would think you would find it strange...being in the same atmosphere with someone who you hardly know...letting him speak to you…" His voice slowly eased lower. His tone became hushed. His left hand rests beneath Y/n's left elbow. Slowly guiding it upwards to place her hand on his chest. His right hand followed to place it on her cheek. 
"To touch you…"
Y/n felt the warm feeling in her chest bubble. Which soon casted down to her abdomen. His presence or effecting her form. His words and tone make her lightheaded. And the touch of his fingers burning her skin. It were as if something in her awakened. Finally seeing reality as some sort of game. She didn't know who he was. Or what he was capable of. Or what crimes he committed. What history he had under his belt. This was a man that she had never seen before. 
Her mind felt cloudy and occupied with many things. How come his presence. Made her...feel...cautious? Something she never really felt. She was ripped from her thoughts. Blinking over her glazed eyes. To bring her attention back to Connor. 
"...I'll make you feel fear.." He finished. Y/n felt her eyebrow twitch. Her heart stopped completely. 
 Y/n didn't get an answer. Instead she was shoved backwards. Her back hitting the railing that showed the bottom floor of the mall. A short shriek escaped her throat. She thought she would have flipped over and fell off the railing. But a hand gripped the front of her shirt. Hauling her up. Her feet lifting off the ground. It was abrupt. Y/n could feel her form get hot. Triggering every nerve in her body. She was scared. She was...scared. 
Of all the things she did. A man she doesn't know at all. Had her scared...well...that was because she was certain her life would be taken. 
Y/n felt Connor's leg between hers. As his other leg squeezed her left leg. Locking her in place so she wouldn't move. 
"Wait, wait, wait! Hold on! Wait!" Y/n shouts. Her voice echoed through the building. Connor's stoic expression glanced down at Y/n. 
Y/n's breathing was heavy and rigid as she kept glancing behind her. Certain that he might toss her over. 
"Don't kill me please...I-...Please! I mean...come on. Throwing me off a railing? Thats-that's a--That's an amateur move!" Y/n tripped and stammered over her words. Connor heard she was tethering from fear to anxiety. 
"Oh...I'm not throwing you off of anything.." His hand rose up. Cupping the back of her neck. His thumb pressing into the crook of her neck once again. Feeling her quicken pulse caused his eyebrows to raise slowly, before knitting back together. 
"What are...you going to do to me then…" she muttered immediately after he finished speaking. 
Connor stared into her e/c eyes. He was close. Y/n could feel the tip of his nose touching hers. 
"I'm going to ravish you...devour you…" His words slow as his eyes followed his thumb that was rubbing against Y/n's cheekbone.
"Is this...how you get your victims…? You..just lead them in? You sick fuck?" Y/n spat. Connor's expression was blank for a moment. Before the corner of his lips twitched slowly. A smile easing onto his face. 
"You are one naive woman." He muttered. Y/n felt the bit of courage that was once shrouded with fear. Slowly ease it's way back up. She gave him a shaky scowl. Before spitting into his face. Which so happened to get into his eye. Connor huffed and quickly let his hand fly to his eye. As he did so. Y/n shoved him away. Connor stumbled slightly. But kept his footing. 
Y/n fell to the ground. Her knees landing onto the glass shards as well as her hands. She hissed in pain. Feeling the glass mostly sink into the heel of her hand. 
Connor was quick to regain his posture. 
"Very bold of you. I must say. I do acknowledge your courage. It's intriguing. But smells awful." Connor piped up. His wrist sleeve wiped at his eye.
Y/n backpedaled away from his sauntering form. Before heaving herself up and running off. Shoot in down towards the staircase she entered from. Oddly enough she didn't hear the heavy footsteps she thought she would hear. Or the curses or many putrid name callings for her spitting into his eye. Instead.
When she reached the end of the staircase. Looking back up where the railing was. She saw no one. Y/n huffed and heaved. From the running. The new found feeling of fear which triggered her fight for flight instincts. Something she didn't think she had. 
"...fuck…" Y/n let out a shaky whisper. She couldn't see a thing. Slowly taking a 180 as she looked around for her flashlight she quickly remembered dropping. Almost immediately she was met with the pure light that acted as an angel. Leading her to what she saw as freedom. 
Quickly running over to the flashlight. Y/n picked up the flashlight. Shaking it to make the dim light brighter. The light flickers before turning back on. 
"Thank God…" Y/n muttered. Taking a step back to try and find a way out of the darkness and building. But was interrupted by feeling the touch of a body pressed against her back. Y/n didn't take a second chance in hesitating. She quickly turned around and was met with Connor. 
"How did yo-"
"I'll give you time...run around. Go on...find your way out...let you run your energy out. I really don't play cat and mouse." Connor interrupts. Y/n could feel her senses coming to her. Staring at Connor's form. His pale complexion was still noticeable. Y/n could see through his skin on his neck. How purple and red veins that intertwined with each other pulsed slowly. 
"...you aren't human…"
"I would think someone as smart as you would have caught on." Connor took a step forward. His tall stature sauntering towards Y/n. Y/n did the opposite. Taking a step back each time he got closer. She understood. 
The cool air. The negative feeling that triggered her and the constant feeling of a occupied mind. 
He wasn't alive at all. He was a spirit. An evil entity. 
As Y/n finally managed to think straight. She felt the flashlight get smacked from her hand. It flew away from the two. Y/n shrieked once more as Connor managed to pin her to the ground. Taking both of her wrist. And pinning them by the side of her head. 
His intertwined with hers to keep her in space. 
"Let me go!"
The light slowly spun on the ground. Before landing on Y/n's and Connor's form. He was hunched over her. Y/n looked up once finally getting light. She saw Connor's mouth open. Inhumane teeth protruding out. Showing the pink gums and saliva that slowly dripped from his mouth. Which Y/n could only see it resembles as an open maw. 
The strings of saliva fell onto Y/n's forehead. Cheekbone and chin. She felt the tears bubbling in her eyes. 
She screamed. And kicked. But to no avail he didn't move. His mouth latched onto her neck. His teeth penetrated her skin. Y/n could feel the oxygen in her slowly being robbed away. The mixture of the warm blood that ran down her neck. Shoulder and floor and the mixture of the warm saliva made her stomach drop. 
She was going to die. Connor let go of Y/n's wrist. His hands reaching up to tug at her hair. 
Y/n felt her eyes blur up. Tethering from death and life. Hanging on the last tree limb. By letting out a strained cry for help. Hearing the sickening crack of muscles popping and tissue ripping.
Connor placed his hand on Y/n's face. A way to show some sort of sign of affection. 
Y/n felt her left hand searching for something on the floor. Her fingertip brushed a thick shard of glass. Maneuvering it to her grip. She swung her arm around. A shout of pain exiting her throat. She lunged the shark glass into Connor's back. The pressure of gripping the glass. And pulling it from his back, caused her to slice her hand. But that was the least of her worries. 
She felt the teeth that felt like needles sinking into her skin. Quickly leave her neck. She swung again. And it stabbed him in the base of his neck. 
Hearing the groans of pain as Connor sat up. His hand quickly shot up to cover the now waterfall of a wound on his neck. His eyes harden. Glaring down at Y/n as he saw her swing once more. This time. He was quick. His hand catching her by the wrist. His grip tightened. He had an iron grip on her wrist. Y/n let out a shaky sigh. The feeling of her bones being pressured on. And the glass deepening in her skin caused a shaky sob to exit her mouth. 
"...put...the glass...down…" he whispered calmly. His wrist loosened around her wrist. Y/n almost immediately dropped the glass. Hearing the depressing sound of the glass hitting the floor. 
The two stared at each other. The heaving sound of grunts and painful sighs emitting from their forms. Connor's eyes never left Y/n's. Watching as the blood slowly seeped from her. 
Y/n stared up at him. Their eyes locked. Y/n felt lightheaded. Her body felt light. She saw as Connor looked down at the palm of his hand. The crimson substance glimmered from the light that was feet away. 
Y/n felt the tears fall to the ground. As Connor got up. He lifted his form off her. His palm still glued to his neck. She saw as he turned his back from her. She saw him hunched over. Hand on the nearest wall. His head stooped low. As blood and saliva rained down to the floor from his mouth. Strings of saliva. Mixed in with blood. It was like the ladders that were attached to the helicopters to help people on and off. 
"I gave you life...and you do this to me?" His husky voice spoke out. Y/n slowly stood up. Stumbling over. Her blurry vision hadn't subsided. The ringing in her ears only told her...she was near death. He did something to her. 
"What….what did you do to me?" She whispered. Her voice barely above that. 
Y/n heard the cracking of Connor's jaw. He slowly pushed himself from the wall to slowly face Y/n. 
"I gave you life. And YOU'RE GOING TO WALK ON ME?!" He shouts. His voice echoed. It caused Y/n to freeze in her footsteps. 
"You will die...but you will come back...as something more. Something...better." He whispered. Y/n caught on. Her lip quivered. Her hand reached up to press against the wound. 
"Why...would...do that?" She said. Connor walked towards her once more. But his footsteps were slow. 
"It gets lonely here. Being bounded to this god forsaken building..I found you..and Y-"
"NO!" Y/n shouts. Her voice cracking. She breathed heavily as she saw Connor's expression. He didn't have one. His eyebrows knitted together as he watched her back away. Behind a table. Which he slowly rounded to get to her.
"I don't want to be here with you."
"Everyday. You'll see me. You will...learn to appreciate my presence." He said. Y/n felt herself give out. She couldn't hang on much longer. She huffed. Feeling the life literally exit her form as she falls to the ground. Connor stopped walking. Watching as Y/n's form. Laid on the ground. Lifeless.
The soft sound emitting from the animal next to Y/n caused her eyebrows to furrow. She heard birds. Chirping. Singing a melody that broke Y/n from her trance. 
Her eyes opened. She was met with the sun. In all its glory. It didn't give much warmth. But she felt it on her face. The cool ground beneath her was dry. She was outside. Laying in a patch of grass. 
She looked over and saw a figure. Their back was turned. Facing the sun. Which was rising. Y/n could see that she was in a parking lot. The blurry vision subsided. And she could see that...it was Connor. Y/n felt her heart leap into her throat. She sat up slowly. Yet cautiously, pausing in her movements. She felt the thick fabric on the side of her neck where she was bitten by him...and in her hand. She looked down at her palm. Where she once held the glass shard. The stinging pain is still sad evident under the gauze.
She reached a hand up. Placing it on the side of her neck. Her fingertips pressing against the bandage. 
Without a second thought. Y/n heaved herself up. The sudden ruffling of her clothes caught the attention of the cat that was in Connor's arms. The kitten's ear twitched towards Y/n before the kitten glanced over towards her. This also caught the attention of the male that once was the enemy...if Y/n could even call him that.  
Y/n could see the bandage on Connor's neck. As She walked over. She saw his eyes closed. He didn't sleep. But more busy taking in the serene ambience. "Did you...patch me up?" Y/n asked. Her voice was a hushed tone. She stood some ways from him. She glanced around the empty parking lot. Weeds peeking from the asphalt. And many either forgotten cars sat in the lot. Or litter dragged in from rodents of random pedestrians. 
"Correct." Connor replied. His eyes opened. His gray optics glancing at Y/n. 
"Sit will you? Enjoy the sunrise with me." Y/n stared at him. Watching as the sun showed off the features of him. The skin. His eyes. Hair. Just the structure of his face alone, Y/n couldn't help but stare. It was like her fear completely vanished. But she knew. It was still there. Stuck with her. As if it were a secret achievement in her godforsaken life that she didn't care to unlock. Maybe if she learned fear was something important. She would have done things better. Picked better ways to go on with life...but now...she was pretty sure it was too late for that. 
Y/n slowly sat down next to Connor. Crossing her legs. She saw him let go of the kitten. Which the kitty bounded away from somewhere else.  "I've been...vulgar...and I want to apologize for my actions. You see. I consume off of fear...energy that you humans contain. Something that's not often seen around here. I couldn't help myself when I saw you." He spoke. Y/n slowly nods. Glancing away from the sun. And to Connor to see that he was already looking at her. "Am I dead?"
"Yes." Y/n's eye brows furrowed. Not in a way to seem upset...or angry...but more of...being perplexed. How? As she was stuck in her own inner turmoil. Connor index and thumb softly clamped onto her chin. Y/n's mind slowly eased from its debate. She didn't know what to feel.
His eyes scanned her face. His nose once again brushing against Y/n's. 
"Is this...some way for you coax me to try and attack me again?" Y/n whispered. Connor lets out a deep chuckle. 
"I'd figured since we will see each other constantly...maybe we can get acquainted with one another. I certainly would love to know someone like you...quite hard-headed from what it seems. But...you are something pure." He finished.
Y/n felt her heart drop. Not in a bad way. But in a sense of...intimacy. She stared at him. Licking her lips quickly. Feeling his lips brush against hers. Y/n couldn't...it felt wrong. She pulled away. As if he burned her. 
"No…" she stood up abruptly and turned away to walk off. Towards the building. 
She heard the footsteps behind her. 
"Can you stop following me like some lost poodle?! I don't want to see you." She shouts.
"I'm a patient man, Y/n. We do have all the time in the world. And I can promise you...I will wait for you to come back to me, I'll be that shoulder you can cry on every night. I can be the man that holds you, I can be anything you tell me to be, love. I mean. There's only so much space here you can try and run off to."
Connor said after her. Raising his voice the more distance she made between them. He saw her raise her hand. Her middle finger extended towards his direction as she walked into the nearest exit that led into the building. 
"I love you! I hope to hear from you!" He decided to feed the fire, a way to please himself in the sick joke he thought would he amusing to see her reactions. Only to get a distant shouted reply.
 "Fuck! YOU! Don't talk to me!" Connor placed his arms. Behind his back. Staring at the doorway Y/n disappeared off to. The birds chirping. Singing its melody that Connor would continue to listen to. 
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artistclock · 3 years
(n.) the color of the sky while the sun is setting
By: Cherry Mae Parohinog
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There are white canvases all over the place. The enticing smell of the acrylic paint gets her euphoric. The easel is crafted of beautiful wood and stands tall just for her. A paintbrush's fluffy bristle. The brightly colored paint tube neatly stacked on the table. The wooden floor is smeared with rainbow hue stain; she knows it's a mess, but it's chaotically colorful to her.
Van Gogh once said, "If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
She lived for that. The noises in her head were too loud; she wanted to hush them through painting. She'll play with them and make them vanish. She will create a universe in which her subject can be anything.
We all clueless people trying to figure out what to do.
However, this is not the case for her. Art is what keeps her earthly body from deteriorating. The purity of it, as well as the vibrant elements. Art is what fuels her fire. She is yearning for art. This is where her life will take her: to live passionately.
She has complete control over her decisions. She gets to decide what she wants to do. And that is creating art and becoming immersed in it. This is the fuel that keeps her going.
As she stroked a fine line, the black ink kissed the canvas. She pushed her palm gently, almost as if it were a feather. She does not want to ruin her creation.
Her paintings were mostly abstracts, but his face may be found all over her room.
The old grandfather clock sings. It's already five o'clock in the afternoon. She was engrossed in her reveries and didn't notice the passing of time. She stared in the mirror; she has paint on her face, arms, and palm, in addition to her face! She appeared to be puking rainbows. She needs to take a shower!
But she has a sinking feeling. She's always concerned about something. Her anxiety is killing her. She wrinkled her nose. Please, not right now.
She heard a noise as she swirled around in delight. It's a scream, not a scream! Her mother's anguish. She doesn't want to admit it, but its right in front of her. She dashed down the stairs, her mother screaming and bowing and holding her father's knees, asking her not to leave them. Her father, on the other hand, holds firm in his determination to leave their home and be with his mistress. Her father's harsh comments have lingered in her mind. His gentle eyes have vanished. Her mother yelled that she was going to commit suicide, but her father merely laughed like a demon, even encouraging her mother to do it. What a jerk!
With shaking feet and clouded vision, I peered into the entryway. She noticed her father getting ready to leave, two hand-carry bags on each side of him. For the last time, her father smiled at her. He used to be her hero without a cape. What happened now? When he shut the door, her father had vanished in the late afternoon light.
You've become everything you said you'd never be.
She tries to scream her father's name, but it only comes out as a whisper. Her mother's gaze was fixated on the door. She'll be the one who strengthens them both now that one of them is weak. This is not the time to be weak.
This is a broken family. She was like a stray lamb. Everything was jumbled and disorganized.
She ran as fast as she could toward the direction she knew would soothe her feelings. She couldn't stop herself from gasping. Her lungs clenched and her chest heaved furiously. Her hands were resting on her knees. Her lips felt parched. Her face was wet from sweat and tears, which were mixing and dripping at the same moment, but the salty air was defying it. She collapsed on the sand due to tiredness.
Why am I being drawn back to the world I was trying to avoid?
You're not alone. You're not alone since your paint and canvas are waiting for you, right? You're still colorful, she assured herself.
She finally noticed the broad stretch of white sand. The magnificent red and orange sunset resembled a massive fireball. The sky appeared to be magnificent. Because of the golden brightness of the setting sun, the sea glistened with flame. The waves slammed on the coast, sweeping up and down. The palm trees swayed in time to the winds dancing. They complement each other nicely. The serenity of the field and the chirpings of the birds. She can't quit admiring it. She could live here forever.
She raised her hand with the colors in it, as if she could touch the view in front of her. She will never give up all hope.
This will come to an end soon.
For a little moment, she found solace in this place. The beautiful pink sky above her were turning purple. The chilling breeze. The clamor of the waves. The wind's whistling caresses her silky skin and gently flies her hair. She clutched her knees to her chest and reached for some fine white sand, which slipped easily between her fingertips. She flashed a grin.
Isn't it true that God is a sculptor? How did he figure out that blue had to be the color of water, or is blue the color of water? Is it science? Regardless of the explanation, she is enthralled by the beauty, peace, and hues it gives.
She bit her lower lip and reveled in the peacefulness of the surroundings. It provides her enough peace to forget about the pain for a while.
She felt numb and cold all of a sudden, so she grasped her porcelain and thin left arm and pushed her long nails firmly. The dents are visible to her. It has the appearance of a crescent moon. She let out a long sigh.
He'll be here in ten minutes.
She took out her sketchpad while she awaited his arrival. She drew a line in the paper recklessly till she forgot about the agony. This is her way of letting go of her disappointment, but everything was gloomy. It's lifeless.
As he sat next to her, the soft air blew alongside his heavy footfall. In a slouch stance, he made himself at home. He has an expensive, manly, and ferocious scent. He gave her a dark look when he realized how carelessly she was sitting, so he removed his black jacket and laid it on the sand. His V-neck white shirt stretched to fit his huge chest. He motioned her to take a seat. Her dumb heart throbbed. And the butterfly in her gut was almost making her nauseous.
When his warm hand began to caress her cheeks, she flinched. Her tears had dried up from crying, but he was still wiping them away. He washed away the paint that had been carved into her skin. When his palm brushed her face, it felt warm. Her breath came to a stand as she watched him delicately kiss the back of her palm, enthralled by the moment. The heat from his lips was instantly transferred to her skin. His touches were soft and delicate. Before glancing up at her, he licked his lower lip. His lips turned red, and his intense look was too much for her to bear, but his loving eyes were soothing her down. She can see herself reflected in his eyes.
He's truly a benevolent man. She squeezed his hand, conveying her gratitude and saying how much she missed him. He cocked his head and smirked.
He hoisted her into his arms and strode down the beach path. He understands what needs to be done. Her jumbled thoughts were washed away by the sea. They both burst out laughing. He laughed up and smiled at her as he flung his head back. This is the kind of smile that makes you feel secure. That's the kind of smile he has. His typical youthful grin. The way he blinks his eyes, chews his lips, and rakes his fingers through his hair. She was completely mesmerized.
Perhaps it means nothing to him, or perhaps it was simply a simple gesture, but it has a magical effect on her.
From where she sat, she gave him a glance. Arms at akimbo and now topless. He showcasing his ironclad chest and big guns. His worn blue jeans hung loosely about his waist. What a beautiful sight to see. Her breath became tangled instinctively. He had stubble on his strong, well-structured jaw, giving him a rugged appearance. His jaw's five o'clock shadow told her that. He has these obsidian orbs, and there's a spark of cunning in his eyes. His dark hair was disheveled and silky to the touch. His lips were curved, giving him a sly grin. His veins showed on his forearm screamed violence to her.
Despite the fact that he appeared tough and manly, she admires him.
She chuckled for a moment before remembering why she was there. It was unsurprising that those around her preferred to leave and ignore her. If they stay, she'll be much more surprised.
And he did. He's different. He stayed with her.
Their legs were touching. They stood there watching the sun set in the west. It appeared to be magnificent. His skin has been sun-kissed, and his glow is dazzling. His face was highlighted by the hue of the sunset. She was a little envious of it. He appears to be eternal. It's some of the most beautiful scenery she's ever seen.
For me, it'll just be him.
This is the right time. She wore her heart on her sleeve, ready to utter her lines but then the words failed her.
Why do things don't go always the way we want them to?
She noticed him staring at the girl with those gentle and tender eyes she admired so much. Her heart shattered as she saw him stand up and move away from her to approach the woman. The woman came to a halt in her tracks as she gracefully whirled around to face him. They looked at one other as if they were the center of the universe.
She the creator of her catastrophe. And this is one of her destruction.
The scene is just too pure. She is aware that this will happen, but she allows this emotion to consume her.
Oh, sunset, you're finally going down. Beautiful, but it must come to an end.
The cool breeze blew in and crawled into her skin. She wants to paint him. He's going to be her subject. For the last time. They appeared to be a couple in old images. She plans to paint them. And it'll be a masterpiece.
She gazed out at the vast sea. It was getting dark, and she could see stars strewn throughout the sky. Her felt body began to deteriorate. Isn't here where the sun first began to rise and set?
She let go of someone who wasn't supposed to be her. All she have left are memories of them. She know when it's time to admit defeat.
Just in one day, she saw her life faded in front of her.
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jpat82 · 5 years
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Chapter 10
Wanda rebounded off of whoever she ran into, she held onto the boy tighter as she landed on her butt. She heard the other person crash onto the forest floor at the same time, heart in her throat she quickly pushed herself up to her feet. Wanda held her hand up, holding the child to her with her other arm, red wisps of smoke slowly began to drip from her palm as her eyes clouded over red.
The other person popped up to his feet, shaggy light brown hair a mess with leaves and twigs stuck in it. He turned around, his baby face full of shock and then confusion as he raised his hands up. Brown eyes looked from Wanda's face to the child in her arm and then to the hand that currently had crimson smoke falling to the ground.
"Are.. are you okay?" He asked, the nervousness broke through as he stuttered.
"Who are you?" Wanda commanded, every muscle in her body tense as she stood her ground.
"I'm.. what the hell is going on with your hands?" He asked, hands up, palms still facing her.
"Who are you?" She shouted, the kid's eyes snapped up from her hand. She could see the gash on his forehead, blood trickled down his brow, she could smell the copper scent in the air. There was something unusual about the smell, it wasn't vampiric, it didn't smell like the wolves, nor the beasts that over took her home, it was something entirely new and foreign to her.
"I'm Peter." He relied, looking over his shoulder as he bit his bottom lip. "Don't tell me you are one of those things."
"What?" Wanda asked, her brow knitting together. "I could ask you the same question, you have no business in this forest."
"No, I was headed this way to see Mr Barnes." Peter told her.
"Why?" She demanded.
"Cause I needed to talk to him." Peter told her lowering his hand down a fraction. "And then those things came out of nowhere."
"The daemons?" Wanda asked, as she slowly lowered her hand, the smoke still falling lightly from it.
     "I guess, I ran into one on my way up here... I left him.. a little tied up but i don't think it will hold for very long." The kid told her looking back behind him, it was the direction of the main road, the one she had been headed to.
     "Please tell you didn't come from the road." Wanda asked, closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip. Luca began to squirm in her arms, his piercing blue eyes focused on the new person standing before them.
     "Yeah?" Peter responded, looking back at the bright eyed child.
      "Shit." Wanda looked back toward the direction of the house. "You said there was only one?"
     "Yeah, why?"
      "I'll have to take my chances." She muttered to herself and walked around Peter.
     "Hey, where are you going?" Peter asked as followed her.
     "Bucky isn't home, none of them are. And the daemons have taken over the house." Wanda replied as she marched down the hill side. "I have to get Luca out of here, the road is the fastest and safest route so I'll have to go that way. Plus I can hope my family is on their way back."
     "Then I'll join you, not saying you aren't capable of fighting those things with whatever that red stuff was but two is better then one." Peter stated, stepping in line with auburn hair woman.
     "And please tell me, what can you do to help?" Wanda asked, looking over at him.
     The sound of rustling came from their left, both of them looked over just as pure white face emerged from the brush. It's skin wrinkled and pulled back tight over the structure of its skull. Black eyes sunken in, lips an unnatural violet. It stepped out, lith limbs, it's clothes hung off of its body. Peter stepped forward, pushing Wanda and the child behind him.
     He whipped up his arm, his hand pointed in the direction of the daemon was coming from and that when Wanda saw something she couldn't explain. Webs, or something that resembled webs shot from the young mans wrist, coating the beast in the thick white string. Peter only stopped once the daemon was subdued and trapped, he looked back at the wide eyed vampire.
    "I'm not entirely human myself." Peter told her.
“So these things are after my son, why? To turn him into a daemon?” You asked Pietro, walking next to the man who was staying next to you since the hounds had decided to run ahead and scout out the forest.
“My guess, to try and strengthen the ‘bloodline’.” He responded keeping his eyes focused ahead of him. “Vampires, Pures, are the closest to them. What makes them them is the most similar to a daemon. It’s more virus like then any other creatures. Everyone else it changed the genetic make up.”
“So he wants to infect my child.” You fumed, shaking your head. “I’m guessing to wipe out the planet.”
“Pretty much.” He stated.
“No wonder the Pures did what they did.” You sighed, you wrapped your arms around your chest. It was then you missed James more then ever. You wanted him by your side when you came face to face with Thanos, you’d be stronger. But you didn’t know where he was, if he had Luca. You hoped the rest of your family was okay, and that the daemons hadn’t gotten to them. They were strong but after seeing what they could do to Steve and the hounds you weren’t sure. “Is there a way to kill them?”
“Yes but we,” he said pointing to himself and then to you. “Won’t be able to do by ourselves. The last time it was the Pures and as you know they are way stronger then vampires made like Steve and the rest of us. Yes, you’re a pure but you won’t be able take them on alone.”
“So we’re screwed.” You stated. “Then why are we head back the house? Why are we following them?”
“Because Bucky would want to do fight him after we’ve regrouped and that’s what we’re doing. We are just going to meet him there.”
“We have a problem!” Thor shouted, as lumbering form emerging front he woods ahead, Loki only steps behind him.
“Sir, it looks like they fled through a secret tunnel.” One of the daemons told Thanos as he stood before the big picture window staring out looking out into the dense forest beyond.
“Of course the witch would.” He replied, his deep voice echoing off the walls.
“She has the child with her, should we follow her?” The daemon ask him, watching his leader.
“No, the child can wait.” Thanos replied as he slowly turned. “Burn the forest.”
“What? I thought you needed him?”
“I do, but it can wait. First I want to pay the pure back for destroying my master piece.” Thanos told him as his heavy foot steps walk toward the lit fire place. “He brought down my army, he set me back on my destiny and now I shall repay him. Once I’ve destroyed his home, I’ll get the child and kill his family as he watches.”
“Yes sir.” The daemon nodded scurrying out of the room to relay the message.
Thanos opened the gate that covered the fireplace, he grabbed one of the pokers. Jamming it into one the logs, watching as the fire kicked off of it. He pulled it out carefully, the glow lighting up his lavender face. He flung it into the nearest of book shelves, a smile spread across his face as the fire exploded upon contact and began to consume the books. Thanos reached in with a golden gloved hand and grabbed another lit log before throwing it at the smooth panes of glass.
Bucky smelled it as he exited the tunnel, smoke filtering in through the trees. It was faint but still there, his eyes scanned the woods before him but he couldn’t see where the cause was. He heart was in his throat as he looked around wildly, his eyes land on Vision and he didn’t have to state anything before he watched the man float above the canopy.
Steve looked back toward his friend, crimson eyes wide as he too could smell smoke upon the wind. A dread had settled on the family as they waited for Visions return.
“Sir, it seems the forest is on fire. From my calculations, it seems to stemming from the center.” Vision announced as he floated back down to the rest of the group.
“Luca.” Bucky breathed as stared in the direction that his home laid.
“Wanda’s with him.” Sam told the vampire. “She would of gotten him out to safety.”
“And Pietro is with Y/n, no doubt they will smell the smoke as well. And she has the wolves.” Steve stated quickly, grabbing Bucky by the shoulder. “We have to get to the town before the fire gets that far, we have to warn Fury and the others.”
“But.” Bucky stated, looking at Steve before looking at out into the forest.
“Steve’s right.” Sam stated firmly. “We have to warn them, remember, that’s what we all agreed upon when we moved here. We would keep them safe, we were what was going to change what people thought of us.”
“I hate to agree with the two stooges, you put plans in place in case of something just like this happened. First we save the town. The others will go to Brookvill, to the safe house. That’s the plan.” Tony stated as he looked at Clint and Vision. “Once the wolves find the house on fire they’ll turn y/n and Pietro back toward there. Wanda will head there because that’s always been the plan if the house was ever over run.”
Bucky chewed on his bottom lip, eyes glowing bright blue. He knew they were right, he knew getting the humans to safety was his top priority. But there was a part of him that didn’t care. He wanted you and wanted Luca. He needed to know that they were safe, that Thanos and the rest hadn’t got to them.
“Buck, you ain’t got much time.” Clint spoke up from behind him. “What’s the next move, dawn will be fast approaching.”
“Stick to the plan.” Bucky finally relented. “Get the humans to safety.”
To be continued in the next book.....
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