#sree sai
ssreeder · 2 years
Sorry you were sick! I hope you feel better!
Thank you!! I feel much better now!! Covid kicked my ass, again.
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masaladhosa · 8 months
Students serving food in the hostel are still doing the saffron scarf and tilak gimmick. Wonderful.
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curtwilde · 6 months
People: Maybe Hindu priests having magisterial powers over who gets citizenship is not a good thing for democracy.
Sanghis: this is HINDUPHOBIA 😩 omg why do you PSEUDO LEFTISTS hate us?? Us hindus live like second class citizens in a country with 80 percent hindu majority and a hindu extremist political power in power!! 😣 we are literally facing HINDU GENOCIDE 😩 it's casteist to say anything against the prime minister btw he's OBC. It's casteist to say anything against Bramhins too. I'm very smart. 🤓 HINDU LIVES MATTER JAI SREE RAM 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🚩🚩🚩🚩
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houseofbreadpakoda · 1 month
𓂃‧ ࣪.☾⋆‧. ࣪☁︎ ࣪‧𓂃
The world is big. Big and cruel. And it had been overly cruel to these two little girls. Sarika and Sree had grown up in a small village near Kannoor in Kerala. At the age at which children swam in the river and ram around the village eating stolen mangoes, the two girls were married away to horrible beasts, twice and thrice their age. And once they were married they were confined to the houses, sneaking around whenever they could to meet each other.
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But even in this big, cruel world there were nooks where the most beautiful feelings and people could be seeked. And that is where Sarika and Sree found each other. And suddenly the world wasn't as cruel.
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MEERA daughter of Sarika & Sree
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The market for desi sapphic stories is not very large I'd say, and amidst that I've never read a South Indian sapphic love story and it *clutches heart* hurts me. And not only do I want to read sapphic stories representing two girlfriends doing the sauciest and corniest shitt, what I also want to read is two wives just wife-ing each other? You know what I mean?
50 notes on this and I'll get to putting the first chapter out (I'm mainly putting this out cause it has rotted in my drafts for way too long), and hopefully y'all will love it<3<3<3
Thank you!!!!
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seperis · 2 years
game of god, snippet from chapter 26
Someone sounded like they were having a bad day on Twitter showed up in my mentions and was wishing for another chapter. I can’t do that, but I can do this, so: snippet from Chapter 26.
When you’re ready, you will turn to look upon it waiting for you on the shore, believing you powerless before it, and you will pick up your sword
Castiel assists Chess, Kurt, and Lois with the transfer of the patients to the third floor, where the largest of the rooms that Nate helped repair has been prepared for their care.  Ichabod's resources are limited, but everything that could be done was done, and fortunately, they'd been able to scavenge a great deal from the remains of the town's former hospital, including equipment that until this week had been in storage.
Despite the powerful sedatives that were used to induce sleep, all three are restless, only marginally aware of their caretakers, just enough to fight them, their full attention on whatever it is that haunts their minds. 
After the patients' new restraints are secured, Dolores and Sree check the patients a final time while Valli introduces him to Sasha, a young African-American woman from among the refugees who was in her junior year in college for a nursing degree when Kansas was zoned.  Just as importantly, she's familiar with what they're doing; her mother was a registered nurse who specialized in this type of long-term care and she volunteered at her mother's hospital throughout her teens and did an internship there after her sophomore year due to her exemplary academic performance.
"She's been with Lewis at the YMCA," Valli says as he takes Sasha's confidently extended hand, relieved when she shakes firmly with a smile that only flickers with nothing more ominous than surprise (and also doesn’t jerk away, very encouraging).  "If you want to tell her how great Ichabod is--you know, during regular times--do that; we're trying to keep her."  Seeing Dolores beckon, Valli excuses herself. Sasha laughs, smoothing down her immaculate scrubs, dark hair expertly pinned under a surgical cap like the rest of the medical staff.  "It's nice to finally meet you, Castiel," she says, and he can hear the light edge of a very familiar Southern drawl barely flattened by linguistic exile in the Midwest.  "I've heard a lot about you." "It was only one Hellhound," he says, and her mouth twitches  "You're originally from Georgia?" 
Her smile widens. "How'd you guess?  My accent?" He nods.  "Most people in the Midwest can't tell the difference. Been to Georgia recently?" "I lived there for almost two years," he answers, matching her drawl from memory, and she laughs in delight. "South of Atlanta." "Athens," she says, checking on the medical staff as they finish final preparations.  "Kansas State offered me a better scholarship than UG, so here I am."
He nods; it might have also saved her life.  Atlanta had been a surprise (at least, to those not gifted with clairvoyance); Croatoan was identified in sixteen hospitals almost simultaneously and by then, it was already too late.  Using Alicia's experience as a timeline, there's a very good chance that her hospital was test run for Croat infection and probably identified the inherent weakness of infecting people (infants) who wouldn't leave the hospital for at least twenty four hours (or forty-eight if they had excellent insurance).  It also probably told them exactly how long it would take for local and Federal response to the situation and exactly how it would be handled; that would be very useful information indeed.
"I have to admit," she says lightly, "staying and finishing my nursing degree here--unofficially--is tempting." Reading for tone, Castiel suspects her current town of residence is not to her taste.  "Ichabod is very pleasant," he agrees, remembering his responsibilities.  "But if you are at all fond of killing monsters as well as medicine, Chitaqua would also be an excellent choice.  We will be recruiting for a new class once Amanda is done with this one--" "Are you trying to steal the girl I'm trying to steal?" Dolores demands with a scowl that doesn't reach her eyes, and Sasha starts to giggle.  "At least wait until I finish her education, how about that?" "I suppose that's fair," he admits. "Are you ready?"
"Just about. Sasha, do me a favor and double check us; I want your approval before we start." "Got it," she says with a nod to Castiel, and with Valli in attendance, verifies the IVs as well as the patients.  Dolores, he sees, has a stapled stack of papers, the front page a checklist.
"Dummy's guide to long term care," Dolores explains. "She couldn't write up an entire manual, but she got us pointed in the right direction; she'll be in charge here. I gave her a crash-course on the drugs we're using, but her internship was a godsend; the hospital actually did two of these, and her mentor not only worked both, but let her scrub in and lectured before and after. She has all her notes at her place, plus books; I already promised to send a battalion to take her to get them when this is over."
"I'll take her myself if possible," Castiel offers. "I'll consider this a request to Chitaqua; I don't think Dean will object.  Will there be any problems with the town?  If she's their only medical professional--"
"She's not," Dolores interrupts, and something in her voice reminds him of the tone in Sasha's.  "Practicing there, anyway." "Okay, we're a-go," Sasha says.
"Cas, check the restraints one more time," Dolores says.  "Sasha, I want you and Valli to observe administration; I'll be doing it when I can, but I want both of you available in a pinch. Come over here so you can see what we're working with." Castiel verifies the restraints; their struggles are already more determined.  As Dolores goes to Beretta, needle in hand, Castiel looks into the drugged, frightened eyes.  Instinctively, he reaches for one clenched fist, wrapping it in his own hand, trying to warm the cold fingers, offer comfort. Their awareness is so fragmented, he's not sure they know anything but whatever horror chases them through their minds. Even if they could understand, he can't even promise this will be better.
Abruptly, her glazed eyes clear and the chilly fingers move; loosening his grip, he feels her fingers fumble briefly before he realizes what she wants and gently, carefully, laces them between his own, squeezing. 
"Do you understand me?" he whispers.
She licks dry, chapped lips, and he sees a barely there nod.  For this moment, she can think, and he realizes he has no idea what to tell her, how to ease her terror.
"I am Castiel," he tells her.  "You are being manipulated by a geas--a kind of compulsion." He searches her face. "Does it chase you still?" Her eyes widen, and she nods again, her grip tightening brutally around his fingers, grinding bone against bone; he doesn't care.
"We are trying to make it stop." How is it, that when he finally understands the value of comfort, he can't give it?  If he were an angel, he could-- *Please. Give me something for them; whatever will give them peace, I'll take it.  Whatever will help them, I will say it.** 
"You are going to go to sleep now," he starts helplessly, then stops.  "The next time you see it, you will run." 
"Whoa," he hears Sasha say, and turning his head, he sees Bushmaster and Beard have stopped struggling, looking at him with the same frightened but aware eyes.
"When you see it, you will run," he repeats.  "You won't stop or look back, not once.  Do you understand me?" They stares at him unblinkingly.
"Before you will be a cliff that overlooks an ocean so vast you cannot see its banks," he continues, forming the outline of rough cliffs, a crescent of white-gold sand lapped by gentle waves.  "Within the ocean is a storm; don't be afraid, for it will protect you." He meets each of their eyes, the image of glass-clear water darkening to deep, churning blue, sky swirling in charcoal and silver shot with lightning.  "When you reach the banks, you will go into the water; there you will be safe. It cannot follow you; it has no power there. You can rest."
Through his mind runs a river painted robin's egg blue, shallow and peaceful and a monstrous lie; what it offers is not and will never be peace.  "When you are rested, look upon the shores; you will see what chases you waiting there.  It cannot reach you there.” He can see the shore, the shimmering golden-brown perfection marred by an oily darkness, formless and haunting.  It chases you; it never, ever stops. "And if you choose, you can fight it.”
It stares at them all from the shores in its thousands of forms, relentless and mindless and cruel, chasing its victims in the inescapable confines of their very minds; you can run and hide and beg and plead, and it will still find you; sometimes, sometimes you can almost forget, and then it chases you again . It will never, ever stop.
What I fear I neither flee before nor beg for mercy; I kill.
"You can fight it," he repeats into a curious silence.  "And you can win." Their attention is a weight all its own, massive, hanging over the entire room; he can no longer feel his fingers in Beretta's tight grip.
"You will not face it unarmed, not this time," he continues.  "Reach beneath the water; there, you will find a sword, and you will know it as you know yourself, for it is yours.  When you’re ready, you will turn to look upon it waiting for you on the shore, believing you powerless before it, and you will pick up your sword."
For a moment, nothing happens, then first Bushmaster, then Beretta and Beard all nod, eyes wide and fixed.
"When you step on the shore, the battle will begin," he whispers. "You will not run from it, not this time;  you will face it, and you will fight it, and you will *win**." He squeezes Beretta's hand and holds the eyes of the other two.  "Now close your eyes.  You must rest before battle."
"Now, hurry," he hears Dolores say as if from a great distance, vaguely aware of them moving around him, but it's only when Dolores touches his shoulder that it occurs to him he should not be in their way.  Standing up, he's startled by his own stagger, the world swaying before his eyes; almost immediately, Dolores is beside him, leading him to another chair. Shaking himself, he straightens and sees Dolores crouching before him, head cocked curiously.
"Are they--" "They're going down now, quiet as lambs," she assures him, cocking her head.  "So…angel of the Lord?" "Once upon a time, long ago and far away," he answers; the momentary tiredness is gone, replaced with a bright energy he can't remember feeling since--ever, come to think. "Why?" "'I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains, from whence cometh my help'," she quotes from the Jubilee Bible (not his favorite, but some lovely use of language). "I don't understand--" He breaks off. "My Father isn't here." "His son is," she answers, taking his hands with a warm smile.  "Thank you, Castiel of Chitaqua, for your help this day."
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howlingday · 1 year
I have a question or, well, a request? I mean in that AU where Jaune and Terra are together, how was the first family reunion between Terra and Jaune's parents or her sisters?
Oh, now that's an old...er AU.
Prologue (NSFW)
Previous Part (SFW)
"Jaune, are you okay?"
Jaune was not okay. Even as Terra squeezed his hand, he could barely register her voice. He was absolutely dreading this meeting, and felt more terrified than he was at his initiation. In a morbid sense, he envied Terra, whose parents both were tragically lost at sea.
She leaned closer, but her words rang hollow. He continued to stare blankly until he heard something louder, and yet softer in his ears. There was a murmur coming from Terra's chest, where Adrian fussed in his swaddle.
Adrian. His son. That's who he was here for. Adrian deserved to have a father. Someone who could protect him. Teach him. Love him. His biological father, wherever he ran off to wasn't going to step in, so Jaune stepped up.
Jaune reached his hand out and pressed a finger to Adrian's. The baby reached around and felt Jaune's finger. With a mere grasp, Jaune was completely defeated and wept.
"Jaune, are you ready?"
With a deep breath, Jaune answered. "Yeah. I'm ready."
Jaune sat at the counter as his sisters cooed and fussed over Adrian, who was laying in the old Arc crib. It was the newer of the two from the twins that didn't break when Jaune's second youngest sister refused to leave until she was three... and fell through the bottom of the old, original crib. Jaune never saw his grandfather weep so hard in his life.
They say he died in a blizzard that winter, but Jaune knew the real reason was because he loved that crib, and he died of a broken heart. ...There might be something wrong with him today.
"So, how have ya been, Jaune?" The scion of the Arc family felt a meaty clap against his back. "Haven't seen ya in forever, and ya come home with a pretty lady and a baby." He let out a sarcastic sniffle. "I'm so proud of ya, son!"
Jaune pushed his father off of him with a laugh. "I've been good, Dad." He sighed. "But, there's something I need to tell ya. It's about Beacon."
"Yeah?" He raised a brow. "What about it?"
"I, uh, think I'm in way over my head." He shook his head. "They tossed me off a cliff, and I had to fight a Nevermore and a Deathstalker."
"Was the Deathstalker in a cave?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"Ah, I could've sworn I put up a sign when I was there during my initiation."
"Must've missed it then." Jaune gave a soft chuckle, then looked to Terra talking with his mother. "I missed a lot of things."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Jaune." His father shrugged. "Your sister was there to help, wasn't she?"
"Yeah, but I wasn't there." He looked down, dejected. "I'm... I'm a failure."
"So you missed the first one." His father shrugged. "You'll just have to catch the next twenty." He chuckled, then caught a plastic cup in his hand. "One." Another cup for the other hand. "Two!" The third he caught in his mouth. "Sree!" He let out a chuckle and grinned at his smirking wife. Before he could voice his confusion, a stein fell from the shelf aboce and clocked his father on the head. "Never see the fourth one coming."
"You're lucky you're so thick-skulled." Jaune's mother huffed.
"And you're lucky I'm so thick-headed!" His father retorted with a wink.
"Nicholas!" She blushed as she shouted.
Adrian suddenly started wailing on the counter. Jaune and Terra both hurried over to look over the infant, but Jaune made it there first. He looked over his son and began the classic tale of trial and error. He picked up his binky, but he refused to latch to the pacifier. He then placed his face down by his legs and sniffed, but he smelled nothing foul. He looked to the clock and nodded.
"I think he's ready for lunch."
"O-Oh... Okay..." Terra replied meekly. She was having trouble feeding Adrian. The doctors recommended she tried breast feeding before sticking to formula. As Jaune picked up Adrian, who continued to coo and hush the wailing infant, Terra made her way to the couch and began to unbutton her blouse. Jaune sat next to her and handed her their son when she was ready.
"You okay?" Jaune asked.
"Y-Yeah, I just... I don't think it'll work."
"We'll try one more time." Jaune looked in the kitchen and saw his mother was already preparing a bottle of formula. "He's always got Plan B."
"What if Plan B fails?" Adrian was pressed to his mother's breast, but made no signs of calming down.
"It can't." Jaune said, looking to Adrian. "It won't."
Adrian continued to squeal, stopping only to catch his breath. Jaune noticed Adrian was being placed against the breast, but seemed to ignore the nipple. He had an idea. As Adrian opened his mouth to yell again, Jaune reached over and placed his finger in the infants mouth. Taking to it, Adrian began to suckle for a moment. Jaune pulled his finger away, using his other hand to guide Adrian to the nipple.
"C'mon, buddy." Adrian latched and Jaune smiled, then noticed his cheeks sinking. "Ah, no, hang on."
"J-Jaune!" She felt him adjust jis seat and start kneading her breast, gently but firmly. "Jaune, what are you doing?"
"I read this in a book once." Jaune replied. "While I was waiting for the bullhead from Beacon." He took a calming breath. "In case... In case you needed help with anything. I know I'm not his real father, but I'm still his dad."
"Jaune..." Terra's heart skipped a beat, and Jaune seemed to... glow in the afternoon light. Before, she thought he was just this nervous guy who didn't know what he was getting into. He still is, but there was more to him now. This was a man willing to do what he has to for his baby. "Huh?"
A soft, rhythmic, suckling sound played beneath her, and she watched as her son breastfed for the first time. With a smile, she looked to Jaune. "You did it."
"Well, I like to think this is a we thing." Jaune chuckled. He looked down to Adrian, laying his head on her shoulder.
"Yeah." Terra leaned her head on his. "It is."
"So, twenty kids, huh?" Nicholas looked to his wife as she got ready for bed.
"Wasn't that the dream?" He chuckled from his side of the bed.
"Honestly, as if any woman could bear nine, let alone twenty." She huffed.
"Nine?" He quirked his brow. "Who, me?"
"Yes, you! You are such a child!"
"Well, if you say so." He smiled. "Speaking of, did you see how Jaune was with Adrian?"
"Yes, I did." She smiled. "He's such a good father."
"Did I ever get that good?" Nicholas asked.
"Hm..." Isabella thought. "Not until Saffron was born. Before her, you were a mess. But I think when Jaune was born was where you really hit your stride taking care of babies. Jaune really reminded me of you."
"Of course, you were a brute who just squeezed until milk came out." She huffed. "You can be so aggravating."
"True," Nicholas said, before leaning over to his wife, hovering over her, "but I can be pretty tender, too, can't I?"
"Oh, yes, you can be very tender~."
The couple kissed, while in another room, Jaune and Terra slept on the floor next to Adrian's crib. Jaune held Terra close, softly breathing in tandem with her. Meanwhile, Adrian slept soundly through the night, dreaming about his mommy and daddy.
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nyukyusnz · 1 year
psssssttttttt !!!! assign songs to ur mutuals 🥱
- 100% not leo 🦔
111 : 200% believe u not leo anon , btw believe i suck at thoughtfully putting these type of things together nglll but hmrmmmmmm : *!?
111 : @seung-scrittore ; leo ur chewing gum by nct dream only bc ur 5 <3 (read tag 🙄) : *!?
222 : @haerinz / @jangwonie ; fae i can't pick tbh , but now when i visit ur blog all i hear is super shy by newjeans because it's just really cute and calming to me ♡ : *!?
333 : @minnielvr ; NESSA IDEK WHY BUT I THINK OF ICE SPICE'S PRINCESS DIANA LMAKAOAOA (maybe it was that ask u sent to me) : *!?
444 : @gfksn ; mariiiiii hmmmmmmm ,,, how bad i wanted to say sure thing by miguel because the song leaves a don't comforting feeling with me just as much as interacting with you :(( it's precious to me like you ! : *!?
555 : @deeznutsriki ; sree ur silly I'm giving u hey tayo and billy poco by enhypen and u get it : *!?
606 : @cherrysvng ; because i think this is cute kiera im giving u surfin' by stray kids bc it's cute and one of my faves because of the concept of it and the vibe~ : *!?
777 : @heepottt ; i wanna say i know i love you by txt ft. seori bc it just seems like u ? plus tbh anything txt or yeonjun just reminds me of u lexi ngl : *!?
111 : not this being all I can't do fr I can't think😞😞 this was fun (except I kinda suck at this LMFAO) !! ^^ ty not leo : *!?
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sister-lucifer · 5 months
Yyourr sobind nsd uourr worrds sree so oreregtyy
my… sobbing? is that what you're saying angel? i’m sorry i have to keep asking for clarity, i’ll get it eventually.
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garfield-milk · 1 year
Hiiii I wanted to come by and say you’re AMAZING & I LOVEEEE YOUR ART!! You have been improving so much and I’m so lucky to get to watch your art get better and better every time you post! I adore you milky & i hope you’re having a good day & kick ass ok bye :) <3!!!!!!!
it makes me so happy to hear that other people see how my art has improved, because I definitely see it, but sometimes I feel like I'm crazy and that I should stop making art all together hahahaha
thank uuuu!! I'll try to have a good day (but it's going to be hard so I can't promise anything haha...)
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ssreeder · 1 year
Also on a different note, do you have a nickname or something i can call you? Is reeder a name or...? My threats don't sound as nice when just addressed to author
Back to the point, STOP TRYING TO KILL ZUKO. HE NEEDS A REST. Like if you're going to torture someone??? JET IS RIGHT THERE. THE BASTARD'S THERE AND READY TO BE KICKED WHILE HE'S DOWN (put him down completely). Hell even sokka, like i love him but boi if you don't start explaining shit —
But well... I can forgive some tussle between katara and zuko (a beat down even) as long as there's... Yknow. FUCKING ZUKKA. As in, finally getting to see zukka happen and happy, not as in them fucking. I wouldn't *mind* it but like. Time and place. And trauma. Tpt. Point is, I'll forgive your sins if you give me the one thing my heart truly desires: to see my boys be fucking weirdos with each other bc they're unhealthily codependent but that's no one's business. Except maybe Rasu's for the sake of seeing sokka jealous 👀
-Fragile heart
ummmm nicknames really depends on what you wanna call me? Some say sreedy sree reeder someone calls me reed. So yeah whatever floats your boat or you can keep screaming AUTHOR & I’ll respond.
How many times do I have to tell you -
Jet. Is. Baby.
<3 (we don’t hurt the baby.) (ignore the arm thing) (& the other stuff coming up…) (ok. so maybe we hurt baby a little…)
There IS ZUKKA next chapter & it’s dramatic & codependent & I was told there was a moment of softness and I just can’t believe made it into the chapter pfft. ANGST ONLY. (Just kidding y’all won’t even recognize the fic in like 2 chapters you’ll be like wtf is this shit?)
OK FHA - you’re amazing. I miss you. I don’t care what you call me you can say whatever. UNTIL NEXT TIMEEEEE
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kynrki · 2 years
another moot challenge! who would you ship them with in Enhypen?? how would their relationship be?? i personally think you would suit jake ^^ that’s it bye bye!
HIHI!! ME WITH JAKE?!?! i feel honoured 🤭 (sorry niki) i love jake tho!! :))
001. @hikyeom | jay
LOOK why i say this is bc they are vv chill and layed back!!! they do from time to time have this chaotic energy but it’s mostly chill!! thats what i love most about them! i say jay bc we all know how his temper is😭so i feel he needs someone vv calm to calm him down in such situations, like jungwon, so they definitely fit that area!!!! their relationship would be that trope of ‘angry bf, calm gf’ if you feel me!
002. @completelyrain | jungwon
WHY? bc mali, as i have mentioned so many times before, IS THE DEFINITION OF CHAOS😭😭😭like i feel she needs someone who literally can tell them to stfu without feeling bad afterwards. like with jungwon we all know hes the leader and vv mature for his age, so having someone the opposite around him will give him a run for his money. mali will literally keep this guy on his toes 24/7😭😭😭 im thinking ‘extrovert gf introvert bf’ vibes from them too.
003. @ox1-lovesick | niki
THEY HAVE THE SAME HUMOUR LOWKEY☠️like if i think about it i think they both would pull pranks on the members together and laugh at them afterwards….. and then running away together so that jay doesnt beat them up😭plus i feel like they both would be vv close bc of how well they compliment each other!!! ‘partners in crime’ type of relationship 😭😭(i love this man)
004. @haknom | sunoo
MAN AYLA IS SO SWEET FR☹️☹️i think she and sunoo will make everyones hearts burst from softness and happiness. like i can feel them smiling with each other ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME. like sunghoon would probably have to stop himself from killing you both bc he’s jealous☠️ ayla gives me so comforting vibes and sunoo does too so thats why i think they would be a perfect match!!! ‘sunshine duo’ vibes from them too.
005. @delcakoo | heeseung
THEY GIVE ME HELLA LIKE ‘i wish i were them’ VIBES I SWEAR….like i feel heeseung would make ema blush 24/7 LOL and then once she teases him back its like game over for him. moving on, i think they would be vv caring towards each other but also wanna wrestle all the time bc ema thinks she’s stronger than him. ‘IT couple’ RIGHT HERE EVERYONE!!!!
006. @goldenhypen | jake
OOO EM THANK YOU FOR THOSE JAKE PICS I WILL TREASURE THEM FOREVER!!! but on a real note, i think em is vv calm but can get chaotic at times. plus em is a dancer so i feel she and jake would have dance battles. BUT they would be the biggest SIMPS EVER for each other it’s actually disgusting. like jake would literally put his hoodie on and em is there like “😍😍🥰🥰😘” LMAOAOAO ‘she fell first but he fell harder’ 100%
007. @deeznutsriki | sunghoon
LASTLY MY BABY!!! reason why is bc i think sunghoon would want someone calm like him, even though we all know hes not, so that he feels comfortable around someone who gives off the same energy as he does. though i think he would drag sree to the gym jus to make her watch him work out his muscles and get SUPER cocky about it fr, bc he knows. he does. ‘shy bf wholesome gf’ like he fawns over everything she does!!!
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
you're now the ceo of the biggest label in kpop. you're going to debut a new group soon, and need to pick your members fast. put your mutuals in a group together and give them positions and roles :p there are no limits to your creativity, let's create the leaders of kpop!
THIS ONE WAS SO FUN i was gonna make a group name fandom name and everything but no one else did that 💀 let's get it
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♡ @yv17 : sub vocalist, lead dancer
nora just gives dancer? i know you said you're more of a vocal but i just know you've got a natural talent for dancing??? probably one of those unintentionally funny members like sunghoon, they're just saying what comes to mind and everyone's laughing 💀 "nora being unintentionally funny for 20 minutes" things y'know
♡ @hoonfever : main rapper, lead dancer
i just know mei is good at rapping i feel it in my liver. you may not know it yet mei but i can smell it 🤕 also a really good dancer??? very powerful yet smooth dancing like you just can't take your eyes off her??? "mei outdancing your faves for 15 minutes straight"
♡ @lov3niki : main dancer
this is given tbh, kim's been dancing since she was 5??? and not those zumba classes that are taught by the middle aged aunties who work minimum wage with 5 kids like actually dancing??? i can't even imagine the skill. god tier stage presence every moment can be turned into an edit,, she always looks good no matter what she's doing, fans are obsessed
♡ @haknom : lead dancer, vocalist
i just know kayla can dance don't even try 😭 definitely a smooth kind of dancer like karina or soobin. moves so clean but is also very versatile and can do sharp choreography with ease??? doesn't get very many vocal moments but WHEN SHE DOES 🧎‍♀️🧎🧎‍♀️🧎🧎‍♀️🧎 I'm floored
♡ @tzyuki : leader, main vocalist
appointing ej as leader because i think she's the most sane of all my mutuals 💀 an eunbi type of idol and leader, complete goofball but she can be scarily strict if need be. i also just know ej's good at singing??? has a really unique voice and tone that you can recognise from light years away you always know it's her singing even if you don't stan
♡ @blurredplatform : leader, dancer
also being one of my only sane moots i think lirin would make a really good leader, definitely less authoritative than ej but she knows how to bring out the best in all the members and encourage them when need be (a soobin type of leader) <3 definitely knows everyone inside and out, probably better than they know themselves
♡ @soov : vocalist
rei is just lost. she just never knows what's going on. always in her own world, the others can be talking about comeback promotions and she wasn't even aware a comeback was in place. it's kind of sad but it's also really funny 💀 ironically funny but never funny when she tries 💀 her jokes just tend to fly over everyone's head 😭 although she's a bit clueless she's a very talented vocalist, i see rei with a very soothing voice who does well with adlibs and backing vocals 😋
♡ @hyeki : main dancer, lead rapper
the keeho of the group. alayna's humour is for the elite only 😭 everyone's either scratching their heads or embarrassed whenever she opens her mouth 💀 definitely a shuhua kind of idol, enjoys messing with the fans and occasionally fights with them purely for amusement 😭 i do think alayna is a really good dancer though, good at popping and locking as well as great fluidity 🫶
♡ @astrozuya : lead vocalist, all rounder
i pondered for years trying to give luka a position i just think he could do anything and everything??? although i do think vocals are his strong point and he would mainly get vocal lines in songs. very friendly 😋 has an endless collection of darlings like yeonjun 😭 he's just so easygoing you get along with him immediately. major seungmin or soobin vibes
♡ @deeznutsriki : lead vocalist, sub rapper
sree my favourite shahrukh fangirl 😋🫶 i see sree as a really good vocalist, very good at vibratos and runs although she could probably have any position ? another very comforting idol who gives encouraging words and always wishes fans for their religious holidays, exams seasons and such 😋🫶 literal sweetheart must be protected and everyone loves her
♡ @i6wonsz : rapper
ELFIE MY BAE HRU elfie is a rapper and i will not hear anything else. a versatile rapper too like aisha, eu, yeonjun or hongjoong. her raps always go viral and are edit audios for months on end 😭 could definitely be a singer too i see elfie as an idol who adapts easily and learns quickly even if she hasn't been trained in said area. probably the one filling in for other members if they can't perform and such
♡ @gfksn : sub vocalist
MARI 🧌 VOCALS ARE HEAVEN ON EARTH has such a sweet voice like daniel or hanni, it's smooth and relaxing you could fall asleep listening to her sing. probably gets lines in the bridge or a build up, definitely the bass of all backing vocals and adlibs her voice is so easy to layer on and makes everything sound 100193830x better
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if you don't say grocery.. what do you call the stuff you get from the store?
Stuff from the store 😂 I'll tell you tho when I read it it's grow-srees?
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blessed1neha · 1 year
How can you deny the Vishnu Puran verse (5.37.74-75) that says Sree Krishna, after being hit by the arrow on his feet, left his material body?
I won’t go into specifics but I will let you know one principle that must be understood when understanding any such verses. If you understand the principle, you will never get stuck in details.
In Krishna Sandarbha, Srila Jiva Goswami cites a verse quoted by Sripad Madhvacharya from Tantra Bhagavata. The verse is as follows
agṛhṇād vyasṛjac ceti rāma-kṛṣṇādikāṁ tanum |
paṭhyate bhagavān īśo mūḍha-buddhi-vyapekṣayā ||
The scriptural statements that the Supreme Lord has accepted and given up bodies in His incarnations such as Krishna and Rama are mentioned simply to satisfy the mentality of foolish people.
Asuras or people of demoniac mentality who are not yet ready to surrender to Lord Krishna want something for their digestion. Thus, certain verses are presented in the scriptures for their digestion. They selectively cherry-pick and, in blissful ignorance, digest these verses, ignoring all other verses that state otherwise. This is known as Asura- Mohana Lila. Mausala Lila is one such example.
muhyate śastrapātena bhinnatvagrudhirasravaḥ | ajānan pṛcchati smānyāṃ stanuṃ tyaktvā divaṃ gataḥ | 2.78 |
ityādyasuramohāya darśayāmāsa nāṭyavat | avidyamānameveśaḥ kuhakaṃ tad viduḥ surāḥ | 2.79 |
prādurbhāvā hareḥ sarve naiva prakṛtidehinaḥ | nirdoṣā guṇasampūrṇā darśayantyanyathaiva tu | 2.80 |
Lord becomes bewildered by the instrumental blow of the weapon and has His skin cut and blood flows. Not knowing Himself, He asks others; leaving His body, He departs to heaven.
The Lord displayed all these pastimes, though not really factual, as if He were an actor, for the delusion of the asuras. The devatas knew this to be false.
All the manifestations of Lord Hari are transcendental and His body is not made up of matter. They are without blemish and also full of transcendental attributes. But He displays otherwise indeed.
- Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya (Chapter 2)
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safaris-uganda · 1 day
Experience the Magic of Winter with Our Exclusive Konark Holiday Packages
As winter approaches, it’s the perfect time to explore the enchanting town of Konark. Known for its stunning Sun Temple and picturesque landscapes, Konark offers a serene escape from the bustling city life. At Sree Jagannath Sai Holidays, we have crafted exclusive winter holiday packages that promise a blend of relaxation, exploration, and cultural immersion. Discover why Konark is a must-visit destination this winter and how our packages can make your holiday unforgettable.
Why Choose Konark for Your Winter Getaway?
Konark, located on the eastern coast of India, is renowned for its unique architectural marvels and tranquil beaches. Here’s why Konark is an ideal winter destination:
Mild Winter Weather: Winter in Konark is characterized by pleasant temperatures and clear skies, making it ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
Architectural Wonders: The Sun Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an awe-inspiring example of ancient Indian architecture, adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures.
Scenic Beaches: The nearby Chandrabhaga Beach offers a serene environment perfect for relaxation and beach activities.
Cultural Richness: Experience local traditions, crafts, and cuisine, adding a cultural dimension to your winter escape.
Our Exclusive Winter Holiday Packages in Konark
At Sree Jagannath Sai Holidays, we offer a range of winter holiday packages in Konark designed to cater to diverse interests and preferences. Here’s a glimpse of our top packages:
1. Konark Heritage Exploration
Duration: 3 Days / 2 Nights
Sun Temple: Explore the majestic Sun Temple, known for its elaborate carvings and historical significance.
Chandrabhaga Beach: Enjoy a peaceful day at the beach with opportunities for a relaxing stroll and beachside activities.
Local Markets: Shop for traditional handicrafts and souvenirs in local markets.
Accommodation in a 3-star or 4-star hotel
Daily breakfast
Private transportation
Guided tours of the Sun Temple and other local attractions
2. Beachside Bliss and Heritage Tour
Duration: 4 Days / 3 Nights
Sun Temple: Visit the iconic Sun Temple and learn about its history and architectural marvels.
Chandrabhaga Beach: Spend a day relaxing on the beach and enjoy beachside activities.
Konark Archaeological Museum: Discover artifacts and sculptures that provide insight into the region’s history.
Local Cuisine: Experience authentic Odia cuisine at local restaurants.
Accommodation in beachfront resorts or hotels
Daily breakfast
Private transfers and guided tours
Beach and cultural activities
3. Winter Wellness Retreat in Konark
Duration: 5 Days / 4 Nights
Sun Temple Tour: Explore the Sun Temple and its stunning surroundings.
Spa and Wellness: Indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments and wellness sessions at a luxury resort.
Nature Walks: Enjoy nature walks and explore the scenic beauty of Konark’s landscapes.
Cultural Experiences: Participate in local cultural activities and learn about traditional crafts.
Accommodation in a luxury wellness resort
Daily breakfast and selected meals
Spa treatments and wellness activities
Private transportation and guided tours
4. Adventure and Cultural Expedition
Duration: 6 Days / 5 Nights
Sun Temple: Visit the Sun Temple and its surrounding monuments.
Chandrabhaga Beach: Engage in water sports and beach activities.
Local Villages: Explore nearby villages and interact with local artisans.
Konark Festival (Seasonal): Experience the vibrant Konark Dance Festival if it coincides with your visit.
Accommodation in comfortable hotels or resorts
Daily breakfast and selected meals
Private transfers and guided excursions
Adventure and cultural activities
Why Book with Sree Jagannath Sai Holidays?
Customized Packages: Our packages are tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.
Comfort and Convenience: Enjoy seamless travel with comfortable accommodations and efficient transportation.
Local Expertise: Benefit from the insights and knowledge of our experienced guides who enhance your travel experience.
Family-Friendly: Our packages are designed to cater to all age groups, making them perfect for family vacations.
Plan Your Winter Escape to Konark Today
Don��t miss the chance to experience the charm and beauty of Konark this winter. Visit Sree Jagannath Sai Holidays to explore our exclusive winter holiday packages and start planning your perfect getaway. For personalized assistance or to customize your itinerary, feel free to contact our team. Let us help you create cherished memories in the enchanting town of Konark!
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sufrgery1 · 26 days
Pulmonologist Specialist in Hyderabad: TX Hospitals Leading the Way
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When it comes to respiratory health, finding a top pulmonologist specialist can make a significant difference in managing and treating lung conditions. TX Hospitals in Hyderabad stands out as a premier destination for comprehensive pulmonary care, offering access to some of the best pulmonologist specialists in the region. Here’s why TX Hospitals is the leading choice for those seeking expert care in respiratory medicine.
Comprehensive Pulmonary Care at TX Hospitals
TX Hospitals has earned a reputation for excellence in treating a wide range of respiratory conditions. The hospital’s team of pulmonologist specialists combines advanced medical technology with a patient-centered approach, ensuring that every patient receives the highest quality of care. Whether you are dealing with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, interstitial lung disease, or any other respiratory issue, TX Hospitals offers tailored treatment plans designed to address your specific needs.
The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment options, allowing for precise evaluation and effective management of respiratory conditions. The team at TX Hospitals is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, from initial diagnosis and treatment to ongoing management and follow-up.
Leading Pulmonologist Specialists at TX Hospitals
Dr. Naresh Dude - Renowned Pulmonologist Specialist
Dr. Naresh Dude is widely recognized as a leading pulmonologist specialist in Hyderabad. His impressive qualifications, including MBBS, DNB, and FCCM, highlight his extensive expertise in pulmonary medicine and critical care. Dr. Dude is known for his exceptional diagnostic skills and his ability to provide advanced treatment options for complex respiratory conditions. His commitment to patient care and his use of cutting-edge medical techniques make him a top choice for those seeking specialized pulmonary care.
Dr. Rohith Reddy - Expert in Pulmonary Medicine
With an MBBS and MD in Pulmonary Medicine, Dr. Rohith Reddy is a distinguished pulmonologist specializing in lung health. Dr. Reddy is known for his thorough approach to diagnosing and managing various lung conditions, including chronic respiratory diseases and pulmonary infections. His personalized treatment plans and dedication to patient well-being make him a highly regarded specialist at TX Hospitals.
Dr. Sathish Pogula - Specialist in Chest Medicine
Dr. Sathish Pogula brings his MBBS, MD, and IDCCM qualifications to TX Hospitals, where he serves as a leading chest specialist. His expertise in critical care and pulmonary medicine enables him to effectively manage a wide range of respiratory issues. Dr. Pogula’s holistic approach combines advanced treatment techniques with compassionate care, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and effective solutions for their respiratory problems.
Dr. M.V. Sree Keerthi - Expert in Lung Diseases
Dr. M.V. Sree Keerthi is recognized for her expertise in treating various lung diseases. With an MBBS, DNB, and DTCD (Pulmonologist) background, Dr. Sree Keerthi offers specialized care for patients with respiratory conditions. Her patient-focused approach and commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements make her a top pulmonologist specialist at TX Hospitals.
Dr. M. Sai Sashank - Pulmonary Specialist
Dr. M. Sai Sashank, with an MBBS and MD in Pulmonary Medicine, is another esteemed specialist at TX Hospitals. His extensive experience in managing respiratory conditions, combined with his patient-centered approach, ensures that patients receive high-quality care tailored to their specific needs. Dr. Sashank’s expertise and dedication make him a valuable member of the pulmonology team.
Why Choose TX Hospitals for Pulmonary Care?
TX Hospitals is renowned for its commitment to excellence in pulmonary care. The hospital’s team of expert pulmonologists, advanced diagnostic facilities, and personalized treatment plans provide patients with comprehensive and effective care for a variety of respiratory conditions. The focus on patient-centered care and the integration of the latest medical technologies ensure that patients receive the best possible outcomes.
If you are seeking a top pulmonologist specialist in Hyderabad, TX Hospitals offers a range of highly skilled professionals dedicated to improving your respiratory health. Their expertise and commitment to quality make TX Hospitals the leading choice for specialized pulmonary care.
Book Now to consult with one of our top pulmonologist specialists at TX Hospitals. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 9089 48 9089.
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