#squint and you'll see how I'm also incorporating elements of the Noir AU into my Tav's story
insomnikat-mused · 4 months
:3 for the fic writer asks. I may or may not be building off of your previous answers that I just read.
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
17. talk about your writing and editing process
And you would be right to because...
2. My Tav
LOL, I've literally just taken a pause from researching lutes to answer this. The part that I've spent the most time on so far was finding the right voice and tunes for their barding. I haven't even gotten to thinking about dialogue yet. But I have an idea around that which I'm fleshing out with inspiration from the Dorothea and Yuri support in FE3H and Red from Transistor. In short: a bard reluctant to sing? Tragic backstory, incoming!
13. Baldur's Gate 3. You so see me, friend.
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I probably won't publish anything until I've completed my first playthrough though. And at the pace I'm going... I would be lucky if I finish Act 3 before the end of the summer. I haven't even entered the city yet :p
17. It's either painstakingly slow or a burst of manic inspiration, there is no middle ground. The slow route is all over: in notebook(s), Google notes, Microsoft OneNote, Scrivener projects. Vibes are embodied in Spotify playlists. I will either sit on something, editing and re-editing, agonizing about its worthiness to publish for weeks and months at a time, or I immediately reach a state of fuck-it-we-ball and publish first, edit and panic re-edit multiple times for the next 72 hours after. This, of course, all has to fit around a work and family schedule and it is a constant struggle to not breakdown the fragile sleep balance I require to stay physically and mentally sane.
So I guess what I'm saying is... it's chaotic and sporadic and purely driven by a stubborn determination to connect dots and empty the brain just enough on most nights to sleep well.
Send me more fic writer asks.
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