#spinner's leg on top of shigaraki's lap
p0rc3lina · 2 years
Ding, Dong the Villain is Dead
So this is the first chapter of the Wizard of Oz & LOV story I had started ages ago thank you to @blackberryknight for the drawing. The Wizard of Emerald City
Maybe I might finish this maybe it will remain as is...
It was yet another mission that had blown up in the leagues face and Tomura Shigaraki was not taking it well in fact none of the members of the league were taking it well. At the moment they were holed up in an old safehouse of his Sensei's avoiding detection from the heroes licking their wounds.
"Dabi stop licking that it will get infected!" chastised Mr. Compress as he grabbed a first-aid kit from the bathroom walking a limp himself.
"WHAT!? Dabi's bleeding? Dabi let me have your blood." Toga started whining.
"Oi! Both of you Fuck off." Dabi shrugged them both off annoyed as he looked up from licking at a laceration on his forearm.
Then he skulked off to the opposite side of the living room, past Spinner and Twice who were sitting on the couch bitching about the t.v. remote and who got to watch what or some shit. Dabi slumped in an old La-Z-Boy recliner with his long legs sprawled out in front of him. He reached into the inner pocket of his leather jacket to pull out a packet of cigarettes which only had one left. He groaned aloud "Fucking figures" and then stuck the single stick in his mouth crumpling the empty packet and tossing it to the floor. Then he lifted his pointer finger a lit with a single blue flame like a Bic lighter and lit his smoke then he took a drag before exhaling.
Upon, witnessing this behavior which only led to further infuriate Tomura who was already scratching at his neck anxiously stomped up to Dabi. "Hey, fucking Scarecrow, you can't smoke that shit in my Sensei's house you'll burn the place down." Shigaraki snapped at him.
Dabi looked up at him with half-lidded eyes and blew a smoke ring in his leaders face with zero fucks given. "Newsflash, Mophead your fucking "Sensei ain't fucking 'ere so who gives a shit if and where I smoke."
Shigaraki immediately started coughing the smoke going straight to irritate his dry throat and skin and he waved his hand to fend off the smoke. Then he looked up ruby red eyes enraged "I give a shit because I'm the goddamn your leader and you agreed to obey and follow my rules." snapped Shigaraki getting even more pissed off not even aware of the fact his nails were digging into his neck at this point.
Shigaraki then reached his hand out swiftly snatched the offending object from Dabi's grasp with a protest "Hey, the fuck you doing?" and with all five fingers disintegrated the cigarette right before Dabi's eyes sprinkling the dust and ashes in his lap.
"Yeah, and some fucking great leader you are sending us off on these half-assed missions that fail, and we have to run with our tails tucked between our legs like a bunch of pussies. You're not half the man Stain is and you sure as fuck not half the man All for One is. It's like being led by a fucking petulant child." Dabi snapped.
"I'm gonna kill you!" screamed Shigaraki snapped launching himself at Dabi in a fit of rage hands extended.
"Oh, shit!" Dabi said slipping out of the chair before Shigaraki could land on top of him and watched as the chair slowly cracked and decayed into a pile of dust and fragments.
Dabi brought out his flames then "You want to go?" he asked "Settle this once and for all?" he snarled just as aggressive.
"Gentlemen, gentlemen I understand we are all upset right now but fighting amongst ourselves won't solve anything. Why not save the fisticuffs for the heroes and not bring the roof down on our heads. Mmh, we managed to secure some food so why not settle things over a warm meal and a couple of drinks?" Mr. Compress said breaking things up before the safehouse would be left in literal, utter ruins. Missing having Kurogiri or the other "adult" present at the moment.
"Whatever you say Mr. Wizard." Dabi mumbled seeing as it got them to calm down. Dabi then went off to the kitchen to see what they had in the way of drink hoping for beer or vodka at this point.
Twice and Spinner had paused the remote argument and were staring wide eyed from the couch at the remains of the La-Z-Boy. Toga had been watching the whole show unfold holding a bag of popcorn the whole time.
"Aw, you ruined the show! I wanted to watch the fight and see who would win and collect the winners blood." Toga whined in disappointed.
"Wouldn't the loser be most likely to bleed though? That's Hot!" yelled Twice from the sofa before resuming the remote battle with Spinner.
"Yeah, but who wants loser blood when you can have winner blood." Toga shrugged.
"You have a point. That's Nasty" said Twice.
Meanwhile, Spinner started looking even more green then usual when all the blood talk came up.
Tomura stomped off still angry about the failed mission and upset that he had lost his cool and tried to attack Dabi and as a result lost control of his quirk. He tugged the hood of his jacket over his head and entered the bathroom slamming the door shut with a loud bang. He then looked in the mirror yanking the hood from his face. Seeing his scarred face, blood shot eyes, and the dark circles which rimmed his eyes. He hadn't slept in days. He breathed deeply in anguish and pent-up frustration. Moments such as these was when he longed for his Sensei or even Kurogiri to help give him guidance or advice. Adulthood was a bitch Tomura was learning and at the moment he felt like a toddler after being dumped in the deep end of the swimming pool just barely treading water.
Tomura was having a hard time of it being without his mentor, guardian, and main support system for the second time in his life. He had thought he had developed a new family and source of support with the league but apparently it was as fragile as anything he touched.
But Sensei and Kurogiri weren't here 'He' was and right now 'He' had a league to run. Time to once again put everything which his mentor and guardian had taught him over the years. First, he needed to regain his self-control.  He then turned the cold water on full blast and started splashing cold water in his face in an attempt to get him to calm the fuck down. When his face started to feel like he had an ice quirk he switched off the water and yanked the towel from the bar and began to dry off his face.
As he pulled the towel away, he thought of the months of "progress" he had made with Dabi which had blown up in his face in less than 72 hours. He remembered when Giran their broker had first brought Dabi to the bar, and he refused to share his name at the time. Tomura assumed he was being an arrogant asshole. They attempted to kill each other at first meeting if not for Kurogiri intercepting them, they might've. Now Tomura who had spent his life around villains understood why Dabi still kept his name to himself.
Over that time, they spent time at the bar attempting at civil conversation and drinking. Shigaraki made him an Action Vanguard leader entrusting him with a Nomu at his command. They had many late-night strategizing sessions together. When plans failed, they redoubled their efforts and went out on the frontlines together and rejoiced and celebrated when success was at last within their grasps.
Then something strange started to happen in all the time they spent together Tomura found he looked forward to his company. Tomura's dry, scarred heart started beating once again when he saw those turquoise eyes look his way. The rare times Dabi cracked a genuine smile caused a warm feeling to flow throughout his system. The at first insulting nicknames suddenly took on new meaning as pet names. Dabi seemed to have a playful flirtatious side to him which would cause Tomura to become deeply flustered but he masked it well, literally using "Father" as camouflage often.
The boy who had been groomed his entire life to become the embodiment of hate and fear had fallen completely, utterly and hopelessly in love.
Unfortunately, it would most likely remain unrequited at this point especially after what had just transpired in the living room. Any relationship development and growth that had occurred over the past year had disintegrated right before his eyes like so many objects and victims had before him. He had thought Dabi had been developing similar feelings as he had but after hearing what he just shouted in the living room it was clear Tomura was once again mistaken.
It was just as well love, and a relationship was not a part of his ultimate goal. Sensei would tell him it's an unnecessary emotion an impediment to his mission. Not that Sensei ever spoke of love.
Well, he had burned that bridge now, as much as it hurts, it was time to go out there and make sure his action vanguard leader was still with him.
When he was calm enough, he left the room to rejoin the league and see about getting some food before going to bed. They could discuss future plans in the morning right now Shigaraki was at the breaking point and so was the rest of the league evidently. Was it safe to say the camaraderie the league had been sharing for several months now had deteriorated much like Shigaraki's own quirk when he grasped objects with all five fingers over the past few days. Because that was what the situation was at the moment with the makeshift family unit.
Accessing the room, he took note Dabi was sprawled out on a loveseat drinking straight from a bottle of vodka. Long, lanky form on display. Mr. Compress and Toga were seated at the dining table eating out of take-out containers and sharing in idle conversation. Mr. Compress sans Top hat and mask. Spinner and Twice were still arguing about the goddamn remote.
"Come on let's watch "Enter the Dragon." Spinner argued.
"No way I'm watching Hell's Kitchen. That shows horrible." Twice argued back.
As they fought over the remote random buttons being pounded and pressed the channels flashing back and forth. Till the remote went flying across the safe house nearly colliding with Mr. Compress's top hat. Who looked up miffed around his baclava.
"Hey, The Wizard of Oz is on how about that! I haven't seen that since I was a kid. Let's watch this." Both of Twice's personalities agreeing for some reason.
Upon Twice's exclamation Judy Garland's mournful, crooning voice soon filled the air singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."
"Ah, yes, this is a personal favorite from my own childhood." reflected Mr. Compress.
"I never watched it." Toga admitted shrugging going back to her noodles.
Tomura's ears perked up at the title of the film and the following song memories of a childhood he had long since forgotten briefly coming to mind before fading once more. Till it was shattered by a shout.
"No, way we are not watching a goddamn kid's movie." Spinner argued back.
Dabi remained laying on the couch not giving a shit swigging from his bottle of vodka gaze fixed on the ceiling. Muttered "Turn the fucking thing off already before I burn it out of existence."
Tomura had had enough of the league for one evening "Jesus Christ you're all insufferable I'm going to bed." Tomura said opening what he thought was a bedroom but turned out to be an overstuffed closet. A box was disturbed on one of the top shelves and slid off smacking Tomura in the head and knocking him out cold. He collapsed to the floor along with the box and several other objects from the closet shelf. A nasty gash was left on his forehead which soon began welling with blood.
This caught the attention of the entire league who jumped to their feet at once forgetting whatever had captured their attention including the tv which was still showing the Wizard of Oz in the background.
"Oh, my god is he dead. Yeah, I'm the captain now!" Twice cried out.
"Can I have his blood?" Toga asked.
"Have a heart. Will Ya' Freak." Dabi muttered.
"Should we take him to a hospital? I don't have Insurance." Twice asked concerned.
"Not when we're wanted villains from the law genius." said Dabi.
"What about the Doctor does anybody know how to get ahold of him?" Spinner asked concerned.
"Only Tomu-Chan knows how to get ahold of him, but I know first-aid." Toga volunteered.
"Well, that will have to do I suppose." Mr. Compress said reluctantly noting the glee in her expression.
"Boss, Hey Boss Tomura can Ya' hear me." Dabi said gently shaking his leader while everybody else was overreacting.
"He might have a concussion be careful. Let's get him to one of the bedrooms. Dabi if you don't mind my back's been acting up lately old magician injury." Mr. Compress said leaning down to look over Tomura's prone body.
"Whatever you say Old man." Dabi said rolling his eyes at Mr. Compress's weak excuse but gently gathered his leader into his arms in a bridal carry. Then carrying him across the house to one of the actual bedrooms where he gently laid him down on the bed. Toga came in with the first-aid kit and began accessing his wound and checking him over for other injuries.
"Well, the good news is he doesn't require stitches despite all the blood. The bad news is I don't know how long he'll be out." Toga said.
Spinner came in with a towel wrapped around ice "Here for his forehead. Oh god, is that blood." Spinner said turning a darker shade of green.
"Come on Lizard don't be a coward. Thought you were a follower of Stain." Dabi said smirking with a roll of his eyes.
Toga cleaned the wound and then applied a bandage applying light pressure to stop the bleeding as head wounds tend to gush. The ice was applied on top as a large welt was also forming from when the box had made impact with his head.
"D-do you think he'll be ok?" Spinner asked anxiously.
"The man's been stabbed and shot multiple times I think he can survive a bump to the noggin." Dabi deadpanned to Spinner masking his own concerns at the same time.
"Here let's get this jacket off of him and pull off his shoes while we're at it. Help him get more comfortable and we should probably find his gloves just in case he can't control his quirk." Suggested Mr. Compress.
Dabi with the help of Twice helped wrestle the jacket off of Tomura's lithe body while Toga slid his shoes off and then tugged the comforter over him.
"It's late the past few days have been strenuous on us all I propose we all turn in for the night." Mr. Compress proposed.
"Someone should probably stay and keep an eye on him in case his condition worsens or if he wakes up or if he needs anything." Toga said thinking aloud to herself handheld up to her chin with index finger pointed out.
Dabi looked down at Tomura noting how peaceful he looked laying they're without that damn hand on his face, trying to kill him, or talking about how to bring about the destruction of hero society. He looked so young even younger than Dabi did. How old was he? Dabi looked over the various scars on his face and neck he knew how some of the newer ones were caused but wondered how the older ones were caused? It was one of the first times Dabi had ever seen his boss asleep.
"I'll do it." Dabi said without missing a beat.
The other league members turned to look at him curiously but shrugged their shoulders deciding no big deal problem solved and stepped out heading for their respective beds. Tomura remained lying in bed unconscious with Dabi holding the towel filled with ice to his forehead. Meanwhile, playing in the background the Wizard of Oz was still going on. Dorothy's farmhouse was caught in the twister and being propelled up into the air being transported to the land of Oz.
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Hello darling! Could u perhaps by chance write about reader chan getting jelly of shiggy? Maybe nsfw? 👀 Thank u 💞✨❤️💕
Sorry it took so long lol it got kinda longer than I thought <3 Hope you like it!
You glared at him, sipping your drink while you waited on him to notice. Some new league recruit had been chatting him up for nearly twenty minutes now, shifting her weight from hip to hip and playing with her hair way too much for your taste. Everyone knew you two were together, you were usually seated on his lap, the bar stool’s uncomfortable stuffing reminding you of how alone you currently were. You sniffled before you could stop yourself, tears gathering in your eyes as their conversation continued.
He was always touching you, couldn’t stand to be more than a few feet away most of the time. Why was he talking to another girl and so far away from you at the same time? Did he want her more? Was this his way of letting you know you were about to be replaced? Your chest tightened, fear overtaking you as you stood in spite of it.
You could feel your body shaking as you approached them, sliding your arm around Tomura’s waist and leaning into him much more brazenly than you normally dared around the other league members despite how he touched you however and whenever he pleased. He seemed entirely undisturbed by it, letting his arm rest lazily over your shoulders. You kicked yourself mentally. He probably didn’t even know she was flirting with him.
The girl glared at you, eyes narrowed as she twirled some of her hair around her finger.
“So Mr. Shigaraki, you’re planning on getting rid of All Might next, yeah? Now that you’ve got more recruits?” She continued, enunciating his name more than necessary and clearly pretending you weren’t there. You scoffed, ready to one-up her.
“Tomu doesn’t tell big picture plans to small fry recruits that won’t last the week,” you said sweetly, flaunting the nickname you knew made him blush. He had father covering his face, but you could just barely see the smirk and light pink that crept over him. He’d caught on, proudly puffing his chest out just slightly and gripping your shoulder a little tighter.
“Isn’t he your boss? You should address him with more respect. I was under the impression this was a legitimate organization,” she spat, features twisting slightly in anger as she was forced to acknowledge you. You leaned your head against Tomura’s arm, holding onto his wrist affectionately since he didn’t have on gloves. His smile grew under his covering, but only you could see.
“Are you stupid?” You asked boldly, unable to stop the sneer you gave her, adrenaline coursing through your veins, “He’s not my boss. He’s mine.” Her brows lifted in shock, immediately snapping her head towards Tomura. He was grinning widely, slipping father off his face to give you access to it as he leaned down. You caressed his cheek, helping hide any blush he might still have, and pressed a soft kiss to his rough lips.
You intended to leave it at that, but he gripped your hair and kept you in place, tongue wriggling past your lips and practically fucking the back of your throat. You involuntarily moaned, slightly gagging on it as his hands gripped at you, pulling your body against his. You barely registered a frustrated groan and steps walking away. Some snide comment that ended in “slut” but you couldn’t bring yourself to care when his thumb brushed against your cheek.
“Did little player two get jealous?” He teased, not bothering to wipe the string of spit connecting you away. You were sure he could feel you still shaking, his hands rubbing gently up and down your arms, sans one finger on each. You pursed your lips, looking away and catching a glimpse of the girl slamming the door on her way out. You doubted you’d see her again.
Tomura’s finger tilted your chin back to his direction. You decided to swallow your pride, nodding at him and giving him puppy eyes. His lips twitched up and he placed Father back over his face, slipping his pinkie around yours and pulling you back towards the bedroom. He left Spinner in charge, telling him he’d be done in a couple hours. You couldn’t look at him, grimacing at how open Tomura was about your sex life.
He shocked you when he shut the door and pulled on some gloves but rather than slamming you against a wall he pulled you on top of him on the bed. You straddled him, holding him close as he kissed along the soft skin of your neck. His hands trailed up and down your back, winding around your waist and squeezing you against him. When he pulled away he cupped your face, locking eyes with you. Your brows furrowed; he wasn’t normally like this.
“I’m yours too, you know,” he said softly, pressing his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss and let him pull you down as he fell back onto the bed. He got jealous all the time, hating that you even needed to talk to the other league members, and you always made sure he knew you only wanted him. You’d let him take you however he wanted, making sure to let him know that you were his. His reciprocation made you soft, peppering his face with kisses.
“Mine,” you whispered, repeating the sentiment he used often. Kissing along his jaw, your fingers tangled in his hair and brushed along his chest. He hummed, arms wrapped loosely around you as he let you take your time with him for once. You left hickeys all along his neck, marking him up with purple splotches he wouldn’t be able to hide, not that he’d try. You sat up, tugging at his shirt to order it off him and ridding yourself of your own clothes. When you were both bare you resumed your attentions, kissing down his body.
You left hickey after hickey along his chest, down his stomach and several more along his hips before moving down to put even more along his inner thighs, kissing sweetly when he parted his legs for you. He stroked your cheek and head, his head falling back with a loud groan as you suckled and licked at his balls. You toyed with them, lapping along and taking them into your mouth briefly before moving on to stroke your tongue up the back of his shaft.
His face was flushed, eyes half lidded as he took in the sight of you worshiping his cock. You gave kitten licks to his head, lapping up the precum starting to bead at his slit. He moaned, bucking his hips a little as you stroked along his hips. You took his tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the soft flesh as he panted, ruffling your hair. You dipped one of your hands back between his legs, pawing gently at his balls again and making him groan.
You dipped your head, taking more of him in your mouth. You worked more in with each bob of your head, eventually bringing your nose flush against the hair at his base. He was clearly struggling to not fuck your throat, eventually having to pull you off, your mouth releasing him with a pop. He coaxed you up to his face, kissing you deeply enough there was no doubt he could taste himself. He adjusted you over him and you tried to line him up with your entrance, but he gently pulled you up further until you hovered over his face.
His arms locked tightly around your thighs, ensuring you were resting entirely on him as his tongue flicked against your clit harshly, making you whimper. He suckled, kissed, and lapped at your cunt viciously, building your orgasm too quickly and making you squirm from the too-intense sensation. You gripped his hair in an attempt to get him to slow down but instead he moaned, sending vibrations to your core to accent his assault. You gasped and moaned, hands quickly finding his as he released your legs to hold them, finally letting you rock your hips against his face.
His eyes rolled back into his face as he tongued you deeply, wriggling the appendage inside you before pulling it back out to slick your fluids and his spit all along your folds, swirling around your clit. His moans were a delightful torture, the vibrating making you cry as you bucked your hips, hands clenching his tightly. He flattened his tongue against your clit harshly, letting your frantic humping create the friction that sent you over the edge. You came hard against his mouth, back arching and crying out his name as he lapped up everything you gave him.
As your high descended you collapsed, his strong arms catching and lowering you slowly onto the mattress. You panted, twitching occasionally as the pleasure ebbed and came to a blissful end. His lips crashed against yours, his mouth giving yours the same treatment it had given your pussy as you tasted yourself on his tongue. You both moaned as he swiped his tip along your folds, the sensation making you jump slightly.
He pressed inside, the puffy post-orgasmic walls making a tight embrace around him. He thrusted slow and deep, hovering his mouth over yours so your lips barely brushed against one another, moaning into each other’s mouths. Your arms locked around his neck, encouraging him closer as he started to get rougher, gripping the headboard. His other hand snaked down your stomach and two of his fingers began to toy with your clit, building another orgasm back up.
You gasped out his name, pulling him into a kiss as he got rougher still. It wasn’t as harsh as usual but he was certainly pounding you into the mattress, springs squeaking loudly and joining the loud slapping sounds already resonating throughout the room. Tears spilled from your eyes and fell down your cheeks where Tomura kissed them away, fingers never stilling on your swollen bud. You could both feel your cunt clenching and he quickened, frantic in his movements until you came, clamping down hard around him as you sobbed out nonsense.
He didn’t stop through your orgasm, fucking you through it and spilling his seed against your cervix just as your overwhelming high settled. He rested his weight on top of you, both your breaths ragged as you limply held each other. Despite him keeping you full you could feel his cum seeping out, spilling down to your ass and onto the blankets. Sweat coated your bodies, sticking your skin together and your hair to your faces.
Several minutes later he sat up, hissing as he slipped out of you and took in the sight of your wrecked body. He kissed your temple and crawled out of bed, drowsily stumbling into the bathroom. He came back cleaned off and soft, flopping down beside you and interlocking your fingers. You kissed his shoulder and gazed at him, gently brushing some of his sweat-soaked hair out of his face.
– Extended Ending
When you rejoined the others most of the new recruits couldn’t look at either of you. The girl from earlier was surprisingly still around, her face etched into a sneer and her eyes on you. You smiled at her, snuggling into Tomura’s side and kissing his hand as he pressed on with business like nothing had happened. It was a pretty normal occurrence for you, after all. New recruit bitch would just have to get over it if she wanted to stay.
She did not, in fact, last the week.
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
All I Want For Christmas
For my Dabi Simps, Feast your eyes on this...I think I almost killed myself.🥵😍
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You, Touya, Toga, Shigaraki, Compress, and others all sat in the new hideout. It was after Thanksgiving and everyone was stuffed from the fake order that made earlier that day and the accidental killing of the delivery driver who ‘wounded up missing in a lake’
You sat on your boyfriend’s lap, looking at new abandoned places on your phone while temping sugar daddies and poor bastards to send you money while everyone else watched tv on the big screen that was stolen.
“Oh! Look, I remember this commercial!” Toga squealed in excitement while the infamous kisses commercial played. The mere thought of Christmas often made you sick but you were a generous soul for your lover.
“I can’t wait until it snows! I love it when it does!” Toga added as she smiled in excitement. “I love it when it snows too, I used to throw snowballs at old people. They hated it when I did.” You said, earning a soft chuckle from your boyfriend. “You were a little badass, huh?” He asked as you rolled your eyes.
“What do you want for Christmas?” You asked him, catching him off-guard a bit. He was never asked a question like you just asked in his life, which lets you know how sad his life was. “I dunno.” He responded, turning his attention back to the tv.
“Come on, what’s something you’ve always wanted. It can be anything babe, I’ll make it happen.” You offered, smiling at him as another commercial played. The red bow instantly caught his eye as he smirked. “I want to come home to you wearing nothing but a red bow, wearing those black heels that wrap around your legs. I want to wrap Christmas lights around your neck and pound you in a Santa costume.” He said as Everyone stared at him shocked.
“What the fuck?” Shigaraki said before standing up. “....You know most people buy presents for each other, like normal people.” Spinner commented. “Name a time when they’re normal.” Compress added, shaking his head as he walked back towards the kitchen.
“I think they’re relationship’s cute! I hope I can have one like this with Deku!” Toga said, smiling happily while you began to plot for the coming holiday.
The dreaded holiday soon arrived, Touya promised to visit his family after you insisted that he spends time with his siblings and not his father. You could hear him kicking his shoes off at the entrance before sliding into a pair of house shoes. You waited patiently, standing in the dark as the lights glowed on your neck and down your body. It was luckily LED lights and also blinked when there’s clapping..or slapping could be heard.
The doorknob turned as his bright blue eyes fixated on you. You stood in the middle of the darkroom, wearing two bows that covered your breasts and around your hips while multi-colored lights glowed off your body with the heels he desired you wear. His eyes stared at you for a minute before he stepped into the room, closing the door quietly.
“Fuck Doll, I wouldn’t think you’d do it..” he said, walking towards you. He lifted your hand and spun you around, admiring you as he smirked. “I’ve never been so excited to open a present before..” he growled as his hand touched your hip, pulling you close. His lips slammed against yours, lust, and passion made the room seem hotter while he took your breath away.
You were snatched close to him, your breasts touching his chest as his teeth bit onto your shoulder. “Mm...You’ve been a naughty gal, Doll. It’s a shame to give you coal in your stocking...I prefer to make you regret being this fuckin sexy.” He growled, before ripping the bows off with a simple tug.
The room's lights snapped on, your bare body now only slightly lit Christmas lights. Dabi grabbed the end of the cord, wrapping it around his hand as he pushed your knees. “Just be a good girl and I’ll see about putting you back on the nice list, alright Doll?” He said, placing the Santa hat on his head. How strange it was for him to act like the jolly man and pulled it off smoothly. His pants pooled at his ankles as you started on your work.
Your head moved up and down a bit before a harsh tug pulled him deeper in your mouth, nearly swallowing him as you deep throated him perfectly. He grunted softly, watching you before loosening his grip. This happened a few times while you gave him a mind-blowing blowjob. Your spit eased down your neck, coating between your breasts while your eyes stayed on him.
The cord was swiftly pulled up as you rose to your feet. Your matte red lips stayed perfect as your body connected with the grey painted wall in the room you two shared. It was a miracle that you and he found your place where no one could hear your cries. Your boyfriend loved to have you helpless, crying his name as loud as your voice could get. It fuels him to push the boundaries of what he could do.
Your hands were snatched to your back as the feeling of being tied made you even wetter. The cord stayed around your neck with your hands now glowing with the bright lights. “Why should Santa fuck you, Doll? What makes you think you deserve to be pounded?” He asked, making your fingers fist tightly.
“I-I promise I’ll be a good girl next year, P-Please!” You begged softly, obvious moisture between your thighs as he slipped himself between your thighs. His shaft pressed against your clit, teasing you. “God, Fuck me already!” You begged, the neediness starting to burn inside you. You craved him and simply demanded to have him inside you.
“You know the magic words, Doll. Tell what you are..” he said, smirking. “I’m Dabi’s needy little bitch!” You answered as he chuckled, wrapping his left around your neck and gripping it tightly. You let out a soft gasp as a deep moan followed feeling him slam deep inside you.
You stood on your toes from the slight height difference though he took full advantage of it since gravity made him slide deeper in your slick velvet walls. You wiggle a bit only to have him grab your hip with his other hand and slam back inside you, making you yelp softly. “Don’t run away from me, Doll. You won’t be able to walk because of it.” He whispered in your ear as he began to move at a hard pace. Your face never touched the wall though your breasts did while your ass clapped against Dabi’s thrusts.
With each thrust, the hold around your hands began to loosen before your hands became free. Almost immediately, you placed your hand on his chest to get him from being so deadly deep inside you, your legs were shaking as he suddenly paused. His calm look made you almost regret even being freed as he pulled out.
“Touya! Touya! Wa-Ahh!” Your voice said while you were found on the bed. Your hands tied, once again but to the headboard. The metal bars held your arms in place as your legs nearly touched your head. He slammed inside you with such brutal force while you cried out to the top of your legs. His hands held your thighs up while you buckled and struggled to keep them open.
“Fuck! Touya! God!” You screamed out, your hands gripping the cord tightly as your walls gripped him. He smirked at your withering body underneath him as tears streamed down your cheeks. “Imcummingimcummingimcummingimcumming!” You cried out, trying to warn him while he refused to show mercy. The release was intense as it burned your stomach. His fingers grazed your sensitive clit as he pinched it suddenly, making you squirt suddenly while you screamed.
He watched your blissful release while you coated his lower abs and down. You gasped for air, shaking still while trying to calm yourself down. His eyes glanced at the time before smirking, looking at you before he flipped you over onto your stomach, having you on your shaking knees.
“You’ve got two hours to prove why I shouldn’t take you off the nice list, Doll.” He whispered in your ear as he nibbled your ear lobe a bit, sliding back inside you.
“Merry Christmas, Doll.”
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Shigaraki Tomura Raising A Child
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A/N: he’d make the best and worst parental/sibling type (i still firmly believe that they should’ve taken Eri)
He himself doesn’t understand why he took the child. He stares down at the child, messy hair, shoes worn with the soles already falling apart, dirt under the nails and this tired look in the kid’s eyes and there’s a deep familiarity and he isn’t sure why. Tomura will crouch down, think about offering a hand before pulling it away and he tells the kid that they can come if they want. 
He’s horrible in the beginning. He’s more like an underpaid babysitter who feeds the child candy and throws a juice box their way. The kid wants to throw a tantrum? Fine, but they don’t get snacks. It’s until the others actually step in- a few days late but they hadn’t thought the kid would stick around due to their infamy- that the family becomes a bit more closer, neater stitching that keeps them together. 
Kurogiri helps with the meals, Toga is there for dressing up, Mr. Compress and Magne are better at teaching the child how to read and write, Spinner and Dabi make sure that the kid doesn't touch what isn’t there and Twice carries the kid around on his shoulders. It’s dysfunctional and functional all at once. The kid is kept safe. Their emotional state is a bit stunted due to Shigaraki being the main caretaker, and practically giving the child whatever they want in order to stop the crying or whining. 
They’re attached but not. It helps that the child is cute- they think of the kid more like a pet or doll, a cute accessory that will be pawned off eventually given the risk that they carry. They’ll keep the kid safe, fret over if they hit their head or skin their knee, but they aren’t lulling it to sleep, they don’t get them a toy that is suited to their interests. None of them were really ready to take on a responsibility to the child.
While he does owe a great amount to All For One, he keeps the child a secret. He doesn’t know why and it leaves him panicking in the bathroom. He’s heaving over the toilet, tears welling in his eyes and the salty water stings at the fresh cuts. But then he feels a small hand on his ribcage. When he turns, the child is holding a cup of water and a stuffed toy with broken buttons for eyes. That’s when it cements that the kid is there to stay. He’s never really had anyone care for him like that and when he did, it was long ago. So for this child to come up to him and offer what he has, he’s touched.
The child is quirkless. He thinks it’s for the best. If they did have a quirk and All For One had found out, he probably would have taken the quirk. So, he keeps the child safe, tucked in his bed when a meeting is about to start. He doesn’t mention anything about the new member, makes sure that the room is clean, not a single possession of theirs out in the open. During smaller missions, he makes it a point to stop by a toy store and steal whatever he thinks the ankle-biter would like. He steals blankets, toys, books, takes a tablet if he can and runs. It’s almost a comedic vision if he weren’t so dangerous. 
He and the child form a strong attachment. The child will kick and scream if they can’t see Tomura for longer than an hour. Tomura in turn will hardly let the kid out of his sight. He holds the child close, lets them wrap their arms around his leg or neck, and talks about crimes while the tot wears bear themed headphones. They both rely on each other for that type of unconditional attention and love. The child had no one to go to, no one to help them in a time of need and Tomura sees the child as something more, he lets the kid cling to him, rub their hands around his neck and let honey scented cream be massaged messily on him. 
The kid hardly sleeps on their own. It’s spent with him, snuggling close to his chest, small hands fisting the shirt that he wears. It’s only a few times that Tomura will turn over, eyes heavy with sleep and kiss the top of his head, throat tight with something lodged inside. He’ll pull the kid carefully close to him, and sleep protecting the child.
The child is Tomura’s highest priority. They’re spoiled and will believe that they’re the best because that’s what they're told. The group becomes attached, watching over the kid but they come second compared to Tomura. They sit beside him, mimic his mannerisms, and sleep beside him. The child plays pretend and is the villain in the story. 
It’s a while into the new family situation that the child’s picture pops up on screen. In the picture, their hair is shorter, they have fuller cheeks and brighter eyes. The screen turns to black immediately after. He isn’t letting the child go. He’ll go into a room where the child is, watching as Spinner plays a game with wide eyes and the child will greet him with a happy smile and call him a term of endearment. Tomura will sit down and pull the child to his lap, asking them to explain the game and he smiles. He thinks the best part of the kid is the way that they explain things, using repetitive words and hand motions that cut through the air.
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guro-giri-letters · 4 years
It ain’t easy : Spinner x reader!
- By Guro. ♡
/While you and the League try to survive the summer heat in your new hideout, you and Spinner have a heart to heart. This is a longer one! Posted it on Ao3 but it’s another nice wholesome one (a little flirty) so thought I’d post it here too. Enjoy! ♡/
/Tags l Tw ; No warnings, flirting, Spinner is cute and kind of clueless. ♡/
Spinner isn’t fond of the cold but God damn, he wished your current hideout wasn’t quite so hot.
Dabi groans aloud as he peels his coat off, ducking through the only window in the entire building he and Twice had managed to shove open. “Damnit, I’m cooked,” he grits out, and then shoots both Twice and Toga a look when they snort in response. The current Hotel de League is the shell of an old apartment complex, all sealed up and stuffy from prolonged disuse. None of the windows open. Nothing electric works. But it’s dark and built strong, and far enough on the outskirts of the city that they aren’t likely to get caught squatting.
So here they’ll stay, for hell knows how long. The window they’ve found and forced open gives way to a decent sized balcony, more than big enough for most of the League to lounge on.
Toga sits happily, her legs dangling through the gaps in the bars that act as a safety railing. Dabi moves to crouch next to her and light a cigarette, rolling his eyes heavily and handing the box over to Twice when he motions for it enthusiastically. Spinner sits at the other end of the balcony, giving one of his many blades a much needed sharpening and watching the distant city. Despite the heat he feels quite content today, almost enchanted by how small everything in the city looks from here. Like he could lift it up in his hands, like a sword-wielding Godzilla.
“I’m back guys!” There’s a general murmur of greeting as you climb through the window and onto the balcony to rejoin your group, smiling at Toga as she twists around to wave at you enthusiastically. You nearly trip on your way in, planting a very warm hand on Spinner’s shoulder to steady yourself. As you straighten up, you give him an all too pretty smile in the way of thanks. Spinner can feel himself flush instantly but he tries to play it off, giving you a simple nod as you turn away and delve into the convenience store bag on your arm. Since you’re the newest member of the League, it’d been you who’d been sent out to buy some essentials to keep you all going.
“Here’s your cigarettes Twice, so you can stop stealing from Dabi.” Tossing the little cardboard box, Twice catches it with a blink, the line of his uncovered mouth twisting as Dabi gives him an accusatory scowl. “Oh, here Toga,” you chirp, handing over a strawberry ice pop to the younger girls' complete delight. She thanks you loudly, tearing the plastic packet open with her sharp teeth.
You continue chattering casually, giving out the things you’d retrieved on your short trip. Spinner watches you idly, his blade forgotten as his eyes follow you moving around in the warm sun. You’re such an easygoing person, he thinks. It’s one of the things he likes about you. You just look like you’re enjoying every moment of your time, even as you lean through the window to hand the bag and the rest of its contents to Shigaraki. Your leader takes it with two hooked fingers, blinking at you behind Father before retreating into the safety of the shadows wordlessly. For his part, Spinner looks away pointedly while you’re bent over.
“I wasn’t stealing from you!” Twice is retorting when you return and drop to sit by Spinner, snickering to yourself at the sight of Dabi leaning over the masked man, threatening. “And I’ll do it again!” Toga giggles too, and Dabi grumbles something Spinner doesn’t even hear because you’ve turned to look at him, earning his full attention instantly. Laying one of your hands over his own, you squeeze it gently.
“What are you thinking about, Spinner?” The gentle tone of your voice is enough to muffle the sound of your allies still bickering. Shifting, he moves around to face you better, watching with a blink as you take a small bite of your own ice pop. Noticing him watching you offer it to him, licking your lips. “It’s apple.”
“No thanks,” he can feel himself getting flustered again as you shrug, removing your hand from his in the process as you get comfortable. Taking another bite of your cold treat and leaning back against the bars, you squint up at the unforgiving sun. With the heat beating down you feel so warm against Spinner’s side, your legs stretched out and leaning against his own as you relax fully, humming quietly and rolling your shoulders back. “I wasn’t thinking about anything, really,” he adds to fill the silence. To his surprise you actually snort at this, letting out a quiet giggle. “What?”
“Spinner, you’re always thinking,” you reply easily as you take another bite of your ice pop. You reach into his lap, making him jump involuntarily at the sudden move, but you’re only looking for his hand again. This time you slide your fingers through his own and squeeze lightly, your smaller palm feeling so different in his reptilian one. Spinner swallows and tries to appear aloof and unaffected, stoic, but he can’t not stare at your joined hands. The soft slide of your skin against the rougher texture of his own, it makes him think of the rest of your skin, soft and sleek. Coughing, he instantly pushes down those feelings because what the hell is he thinking? Sure you’re about his own age, but you’re so pretty, so nice.
Damnit, he likes you doesn’t he?
Forcing himself to relax, he wonders vaguely if you might like him too, or if you ever could. It’s not that Spinner thinks himself undateable or anything, but… the villain has never been great with girls, knowing how they feel or what they’re thinking. And it’s not like he’s had much experience with flirting or anything, either. Who’s he gonna practice with? Twice? He snorts to himself inwardly at the thought. But… but you’re a pretty laid back person, right? Laid back and nice and honest. If he asked you you’d just tell the truth, wouldn’t you? Considering this possibility gives him a small burst of hope, and he turns his head to look at you again. You’ve just finished your ice pop, and you’re chasing melted drops that have ran down your wrist with your tongue, licking your lips when you’re done. Like your ice pop, the bit of courage Spinner has worked up melts away in seconds and he’s left hot-faced and fidgeting. You catch him looking, grinning instantly. “What? Is it on my face?”
“Oh, no- no, you’re good,” he replies surprisingly evenly, and then jumps when you scoot a little closer to him, tilting your head.
“Did it turn my tongue green?”
Spinner really thinks he’s going to freak out, his tough guy act is doing nothing here. Your tone has gone all soft and silky, secretive almost, sticking your tongue out at him with a playful grin. Of course it’s turned your tongue green, and you smell like apples and sugar. His eyes dart from your open mouth to your bright eyes, glowing under the rays of golden sun.You look pleased with yourself as you draw your tongue back in, your thumb running over his scaled knuckles.
“Yeah, it did,” Spinner breathes finally, mind blank of anything else to say as you somehow draw in even closer. Your hand leaves his and moves up to rest on his bicep, firm with muscle, your free hand coming up to cradle his jaw. Did you- were you going to kiss him? No way. “Y/n?” He murmurs, quietly, like the two of you are telling secrets.
“Spinner?” It’s an outright purr. He’s pretty sure he’s going to die under all of your attention. Jerking, his hands fumble and land on your waist to keep himself from toppling over as you pull him in close. You don’t mind the contact though, uncaring of your companions so close by as your nose moves in close to his snout. You smile, warm and sweet. “Are you really going to make me ask you to kiss me? Such a tough guy, Shuichi.”
The series of unfortunate events that takes place in the next few seconds happens way too quickly. You tilt your head up, like you really are asking him to kiss you. And he’s only just decided that he is in fact going to kiss you when a leg suddenly emerges from the window, nearly standing directly on top of you. You let out a yelp, darting forward and knocking against Spinner’s firm chest just as Mr Compress stumbles his way out onto the balcony. He almost falls right onto you, standing on Twice’s ankle and sending the masked villain into a flurry of contradictory yells that in turn causes Dabi to jump in surprise, cigarette flying out of his hand and dying in a melted puddle of ice pop left by Toga. A moment of silence fills the balcony, all of you glancing between each other in clear expectancy of someone completely losing it. It drags on a moment, and then Dabi growls, head thumping back against the railing. “I’m not even getting mad, I’m too hot.”
With that, the momentary bubble of tension burst with ease.
“My popsicle melted!”
“Mr Compress stood on us!”
“How inelegant of me, I must be getting out of practice! My apologies, dear,” Mr Compress lays a gloved hand on your shoulder, bending down to you as he straightens his hat. “I did nearly step on you.”
“It’s okay, Compress!” You haven’t moved from where you ended up, an arm around Spinner’s shoulders and your other hand on his chest to steady yourself. He hadn’t even realised he’d grabbed onto you, one of his arms locked around your waist to trail you out of Mr Compress’ way. Tangled together with you, in front of everyone, the heat outside, it all feels a little too much all of a sudden for Spinner. Without a word the scaled villain untangles himself from you, stands, and bee-lines straight for the window. “What- Spinner?” You call after him, getting up to your knees with a frown.
He looks back at you before he climbs through, a pang of guilt hitting his chest at your confused expression, like you think you’ve done something wrong. Sighing, Spinner forces himself to look away. “I’ll be back,” he says, like it could be directed at anyone on the balcony. Twice and Compress both murmur their farewells but you don’t say anything, sighing and drawing your knees up close to yourself… Had you been too forward? You didn’t think you would scare him off but maybe you had.
Spinner doesn’t come back in the next hour. He doesn’t come back for the rest of the afternoon either. By the time the gecko-quirk villain does step back out onto the balcony it’s late evening, and everyone has already made their way back into the complex. Well, nearly everyone. The blue glow of Dabi’s flames catches his eye a second too late and the pair share a vaguely awkward glance as Dabi lights his cigarette. Shaking his wrist, the burnt man extinguishes the flame and exhales a cloud of smoke. “You ran off fast earlier, lizard.”
“Shut your mouth, ash-tray,” Spinner grumbles in return, planting his elbows on the railing and staring out at the now-dark, distant city. “I wanted out of the sun.”
“You wanted out from under y/n.” Spinner glares at the jab. Dabi huffs smoke at him through his teeth, the corner of his stapled up mouth turning up. “You’re not denying it,” he rasps in that rough, odd tone of his. Spinner hates it. He almost hates Dabi himself, but not entirely. After all they’d joined with much the same intentions, hadn’t they? They had some similarities, but he definitely hates Dabi’s attitude. “What’re you so scared of, huh?”
“I’m not-” The window creaks again and both men turn their heads, watching as you climb through the window back onto the balcony. You’re wearing an oversized shirt and your feet are bare; you actually look like you’ve just woken from a nap. Blinking sleepily, you notice the pair after a moment and smile, stretching your arms above your head.
“Why’re you two awake?” You ask through a yawn, dropping your arms and moving to seat yourself by the railing.
Dabi ignores your question, flicking his cigarette and choosing instead to make direct eye contact with Spinner. “Can’t sleep, y/n?”
“No,” you reply wistfully, tilting your head. “I can never sleep in new places, Unfamiliar, you know?”
“Hm…” Dabi murmurs in return, narrowing his eyes. Was he trying to get a rise out of Spinner? Anger him on purpose? Just when Spinner thinks this Dabi grins, his teeth flashing white in the dark. He looks right at you, tilting his head and scratching at the back of his mess of dark hair. “You want some company?”
He gives Dabi a disbelieving look and Dabi smirks back, as if challenging him. You’re blissfully unaware of the silent battle going on between them, a content smile crossing your face as you watch the sky changing colours, turning darker. “That’d be nice,” you nod, glancing back at them and then back over the city. “A late night chat is always nice.”
“I’ll keep you company,” Spinner says quickly, not willing to let Dabi continue his meddling any longer. You turn to him quickly with a smile he swears looks relieved, nodding your head. “Come on, y/n,” he takes your hand, soldiering through his nerves and moving back towards the window with you in tow. You go with him happily, turning back and giving Dabi a small wave. He simply nods in your and Spinner’s direction, the tip of his cigarette glowing in the dark the last you see of him before climbing through the window. You don’t bother speaking as you take the lead, pulling Spinner through the darkened hallways of the apartment complex and to your room. It takes a few minutes to find the room you’ve claimed as your own but when you do you beam back at him, pushing the door open and quickly shutting it behind the pair of you.
Alone in your room with you, Spinner instantly feels a bit nervous again. He hesitates a moment, but follows as you pull him over to the creaky, understuffed bed in the corner. You’d patted the dust off of some sheets earlier and thrown them over the mattress to act as a temporary bed while the League stays here. Climbing up to the head of the bed you put a hand out, motioning for Spinner to join you.
“You- you want me to get in with you?”
“Where do you want to lie, on the floor?” Spinner laughs a little at your reply, but you can hear the nerves in it. You lean forward and take his hand again, and this time he moves forward with your encouragement. There’s a moment of shuffling as he works his boots off and then squeezes onto the mattress with you. Getting comfortable takes a moment too, both of you working out where to put your limbs and how close to lie to each other. In the end your faces are mere inches apart, lying on your sides with your head pillowed on Spinner’s arm. “You should take your mask off, get comfortable.”
“I thought you wanted to chat,” he replies half-jokingly, shutting his eyes but not objecting as you slip his mask up and away from his eyes. Instantly you run your hand through his lilac hair, giggling at the way he inadvertently relaxes into your touch. The pair of you lapse into comfortable silence, listening to the far off buzz of city noise and the odd groan and creak from the apartment complex.
“...I’m sorry if I freaked you out, earlier. I guess I came on a little strong,” Spinner looks surprised by your words, tilting his head as you glance away from him. A faint blush rises on your cheeks and he blinks, realization hitting him like a train.
“Oh- Y/n, you didn’t freak me out. Well, no. I was freaked out but not because of you, I just…” he sighs, trailing off as he looks for the right words. “...I just don’t know what I’m doing, with any of this. And everyone was there. I just-” You cut him off by laying your fingertips over his lips lightly, surprise and hope in your eyes.
“So… you didn’t mind me flirting?” You can’t even contain the smile that stretches your lips, fingers moving from his mouth along the line of his jaw, entranced by the bump of scales beneath your fingertips. “You liked it?”
Spinner almost laughs, unsure whether he should be shaking his head or nodding. “No! I mean- yes, yes I liked it. No I didn’t min-” You kiss him, closing the gap between you both and cutting off his words before he can get lost in his thoughts again. You like Spinner. You’ve liked him since you joined the League and to think he liked you too is such a relief. You just can’t help yourself, your hands curling over his strong shoulders as if he might disappear again and leave you alone. He has no intention of going anywhere, though, his hand that isn’t trapped beneath your body moving to hold you by the waist. The way he kisses you back is shy, and when you pull back you’re both blinking slowly, a curious smile pulling up one corner of your lips.
“Was that your first kiss Spinner?” Redness creeps over his green skin at your question. He clears his throat, choosing instead to pose his own question instead of answering you.
“Shuichi is alright with me, if you want?”
Your heart feels incredibly warm as you nod, pulling him in by his shoulders and kissing him again. “Okay, Shuichi,” you beam, giddy and delighter as you press your face against his chest. The old, unfamiliar building has no chance of keeping you up now, not with Spinner’s strong arms linked around you.
You’ve never felt safer.
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mirakumiruku · 4 years
Attention Hound
Shigaraki Tomura x Female Reader Word Count: 1.3k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Cheating, mentions of breeding/pregnancy
The premise for this literally came to me in a dream, so I think I legally had to write it. Anyway, first time publishin’ smut, so go easy on me ;^;
Dabi was ignoring you. Of course he was, on the one day you tried to go the extra mile.
You had gone out earlier that week and bought brand new lingerie, bringing it out today knowing that he would be free all weekend.
Well, you thought he’d be free all weekend.
But “duty” called. Or rather, chatting up girls at a club called. Thus you were left alone, waiting on his bed, shifting under the baggy clothes you had donned to hide the lace and ribbons you were dolled up in. You were on your way back to your room to change into your regular pajamas, planning to put the lingerie away until you weren’t mad at him anymore. 
But on the way back to your own space, you passed by the kitchen, where you realized that you weren’t actually alone. Sure, there were some others here… Toga and Spinner, for instance, were probably in their respective rooms, Kurogiri probably cleaning up the bar… but you hadn’t particularly expected to see Shigaraki tonight.
At least, not so casually. Most of the time when you saw him he was dressed up for a meeting, his irritated-at-best expression concealed by his father’s hand. But tonight he sat in a t-shirt and boxers, nothing hiding his face, absently staring at his burner phone while he waited for some kind of midnight snack to heat up in the microwave. He looked uncharacteristically peaceful, likely because no one was around to bother him. You were planning on leaving him be and continuing on to your room, when his eyes finally flicked up to meet yours.
“Are you gonna stand there all night?” He grumbled, neutral expression turning into a glower. 
“No, I… I was just about to head to bed.” 
“I thought Dabi was going out. You didn’t go with him?”
“N-no, I thought he was staying in.”
Shigaraki let out an affirmative grunt, his eyes drifting back to his phone. 
“What about you? You don’t have any plans?”
“No, why would I?”
“Do you… do you wanna hang out together then?”
“Hang out?”
“Yeah, I mean… I don’t wanna be alone tonight. Get’s a little too boring.”
Shigaraki stared at you, before huffing a little. “Fine, but if you get annoying I’m kicking you out.”
You grinned, resisting the urge to go and give him a thankful hug. “Great!”
Once Shigaraki’s food had finished heating up, he begrudgingly led you into his room. You’d never been inside before, it was a lot messier than you had imagined, with only the bed and the chair in front of his computer available to sit. Since Shigaraki took his seat in the chair, you invited yourself to sit on the bed and watch him play his game from a distance.
It wasn’t long before you got bored again. 
You laid back against Shigaraki’s pillows, happy to be surrounded by the scent of someone that wasn’t your sometimes-boyfriend. God, Dabi was being such an asshole, you’d have to think of ways to get back at him…
Your eyes drifted to Shigaraki, and a devilish grin graced your lips.
“Wouldn’t you rather do something else?” You asked, sitting up and slowly unzipping the zipper on your hoodie.
“Are you sure?” You pouted, standing up and making your way over to Shigaraki, shedding your hoodie completely, leaving your torso clad only in the lacy lingerie you had planned to wear for Dabi. 
“Positive?” You draped yourself over Shigaraki, arms falling over his shoulders and onto his chest, and your breasts pressing against the back of his head.
Shigaraki froze, a hot blush dusting over his usually pallid face. As much as he wanted to keep himself turned away, he couldn’t resist pushing you off and turning around in his chair. “A-as little respect I have for Dabi, I’m not gonna fuck his girlfriend.” He said, crossing his arms and glaring at you, trying to keep his eyes on your face and off of your breasts.
You took this opportunity to straddle his lap, much to his apparent annoyance. “Well, he’s probably off fucking another girl, so… I don’t see why I can’t have a little fun too~” 
Shigaraki refused to look at you, though it was becoming increasingly harder to ignore when you had made sure his face was in your cleavage.
“Please?~” You pouted, hand trailing to run through his hair. 
“...fine, but we’re doing it how I want.” Before you could respond, Shigaraki locked his arms around your waist and stood up, easily carrying you over to his bed, and letting you drop onto it. You let out a symphony of gasps and giggles as Shigaraki groped anywhere he could reach, your hips, thighs, breasts, ass, always making sure to keep his pinkies raised. Meanwhile he busied his mouth on your neck, peppering you with kisses and dark hickies where you both knew Dabi would see them.
He sat back, disintegrating the ratty sweatpants you had worn, revealing the lacy panties that matched your bra. “Mm, someone was looking to get fucked tonight.” He mused, grabbing the backs of your knees and pushing them up to your shoulders. You obediently held them in place, while Shigaraki moved your panties to the side, and he pressed eager, sloppy kisses to your cunt. You whined and moaned as he alternated between sucking hard on your clit, and shoving his tongue deep within your velvety walls.
“Sh-Shiiii–” You whined, bucking your hips against his mouth while he gave one final slurp before pulling away, moving to strip himself of his shirt, and pushing his boxers down just enough to allow his girthy cock to pop out.
“Tomura.” He grumbled, taking his place above you, and slotting himself in between your hiked-up legs. “Or… I’d prefer master.” 
“Y-yes masterrr~” You slurred, eagerly returning the passionate kisses Tomura was pressing to your lips. He moved his hips back, tapping the head of his cock against your clit.
“Beg for it.”
“Pleeease master! N-need your cock! Please fuck meee!~” You whined, jerking your hips up against his strong hold.
“I suppose that works, we’ll have to work on it.” Tomura smirked, positioning the head at your dripping entrance. In one hard thrust he completely buried himself within you, wrenching a scream from your throat. He wasn’t as thick as Dabi, nor did he have Dabi’s piercings, but he was definitely longer. You could feel his tip snug against your cervix, like it would poke through with a particularly hard thrust. He waited a few moments to allow you to catch your breath, before he started fucking into you at a brutal pace. He had started in a kneeling position, which had quickly morphed into a mating press as he growled in your ear.
“You fuckin’ like that? Shit, I might not give ya’ back… Dabi doesn’t deserve pussy this good.” Tomura smirked, licking the shell of your ear and leaving more bruising bites down your neck and shoulders. “Especially if he’s leavin’ such a good bitch all alone where she’s liable to get stolen away~”
You couldn’t find the capacity in your brain to form coherent sentences, subconscious exclamations of “yes”, “please”, and “more” leaving your throat of their own volition. 
Tomura’s thrusts were starting to grow erratic too, and his dirty whispers became growls about how good your pussy was, how nicely you were taking his cock, how Dabi didn’t deserve a girl like you. When you finally came, your walls tightened harshly around Tomura’s cock, and you tossed your head back as stars flashed in front of your eyes. Tomura grunted, the sudden tightness milking his throbbing cock, and he let out one more guttural moan as he came inside you, thick ropes of hot cum pouring into your womb. He collapsed on top of you, panting to regain his breath.
“D-did you… did you cum inside?”
He nodded against your chest.
“That’s fine… I-I’m on the pill.”
“Damn it… would’ve been fun to see Dabi thinkin’ you’re having his kid, only for a Shigaraki to pop out…” He grinned, nipping at the soft flesh on your shoulder. “Mm, let’s get you off that pill, and try again?~”
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tomuratime · 4 years
everything stops for us
(or, the league of villains go to denny’s. for @thyandrawrites, who once mentioned liking the "post-battle diner trope” in some tags. hope you enjoy, thy!)
“Are you ready to order?”
The waitress has a look on her face that Dabi would place somewhere between befuddlement and mild fear. And who could blame her - the ragtag group of people sitting around the small table in front of her can’t look anything but exceptionally suspicious. Dabi would have been side-eyeing them too, if he was in her shoes.
The only League member that has uttered more than a vague noise of annoyance or tired grunt for the past hour or so is Compress. Outer mask removed, inner mask in place, he smiles ever so brightly while ordering plates and plates of every breakfast item the small chain diner had to offer - towering stacks of pancakes, endless piles of scrambled eggs, racks of deep golden toast, mug after mug of steaming black coffee. The theatrics of it isn’t lost on any of them - as the waitress delivers rounds of plates to their table, Compress leans back in his chair like a king overlooking an abundant fest.
The difference, of course, is that the League looks nothing even remotely resembling royal in their current state. Battered and torn clothes cover the bruises blooming underneath - fresh scratches and cuts, though mostly covered and patched up, leave faint streaks of red across their dusty cheeks.
Dabi is tired to the bone.
His arms are still itching uncomfortably with residue heat and his joints keep aching with bursts of pain every time he as much as shifts on his rickety chair. Whenever he tries to stretch his legs out under the round linoleum table to give them some relief, he bumps into someone else’s feet instead.
This is a new experience, all in all. During the months he’s spent together with the League, Dabi has shared very few meals with the others - most of the members seem content with grabbing something from a convenience store, throwing it in the microwave and then inhaling it piping hot in the span of seconds. Sitting down around a table like this, an unstrained silence surrounding them, feels -
“Are you going to eat that?”
Toga points at the piece of toast left abandoned and quickly cooling on Dabi’s plate. Before he has the chance to respond, she snags it up in a quick motion that reminds Dabi a little bit too much of a cat pouncing on some unsuspecting prey.
“I was, actually,” he says as she spreads a generous helping of strawberry jam on top and takes a large bite, crumbs raining down on the table. Toga’s teeth are painted a vibrant red as she grins up at Dabi, her tired eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Too bad.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, dear Toga.” Compress chides, his voice gentle.
“Why not?” A dribble of jam slides down Toga’s hand, landing next to her empty plate with a splat.
“It’s rude, or something.” Spinner is cradling his mug tightly between his hands, twisting it around and around - for warmth, maybe?
“Whatever,” Toga replies, stuffing a final, oversized bite of toast into her mouth. “Aren’t we supposed to do whatever we like?”
“That’s right!” Twice has his mask pulled halfway up his face, the bottom resting on the bridge of his nose, still chewing as he speaks. “But you’re totally being rude right now.”
“Who cares,” Shigaraki says, his voice barely louder than a murmur. Their leader has one elbow on the table, his cheek resting heavily against his open palm. Judging from his drooping eyelids, the coffee in his hand is the only thing keeping him from falling asleep on the spot. Still, the instant Shigaraki notices Toga’s gaze zoned in on the last pancake on his plate - doused in enough syrup to make Dabi’s teeth hurt just by looking at it - his red eyes suddenly go sharp.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“I won’t, I won’t.”
Silence descends upon them again, the only sound the background noise of other customers coming and going, the occasional clinking of a teaspoon against the inside of a porcelain mug. When Dabi looks around the table, he finds each member of the League with a vacant look on their face, far away and lost in their own separate, tired thoughts. The waitress keeps hovering around them with that concerned look on her face as minutes pass, clutching her carafe as if it’s the only thing tethering her to reality. Dabi really can’t bring himself to care. Any another day, his paranoia would have won out over his exhaustion and empty stomach, but today, sitting here together together with the others… It feels almost like -
His thoughts are interrupted by a loud thud. Without warning, Shigaraki’s head has slipped off the hand supporting it, his forehead making sudden impact with the table. His abandoned plate clatters noisily against the linoleum, knocking over the almost-empty coffee mug next to it.
“Oh fuck,” Spinner hisses as he shoots up out of his seat, mere milliseconds before the scalding liquid can make contact with his lap. 
Immediately, Toga sees her opening - in movement so fast Dabi can barely keep up with it, she launches herself over the table to snag Spinner’s two remaining sausages and Shigaraki’s leftover pancake from off their plates in one swift motion.
“Hey, I wasn’t done with those!” Spinner protests, grabbing handfuls of paper napkins from the dispenser in the middle of the table. They’re quickly soaked through with coffee as he attempts to salvage the situation - Dabi picks his plate up and leans back, balancing on the two back legs of his chair. “Give them back, now.”
“No, you’re too slow,” Toga says, dumping one of the sausages on Twice’s plate before biting down on the other.
That’s when something in the atmosphere seems to snap - the peace and quiet that had enveloped them shatters like broken glass. Spinner, Toga and Twice all launch into their own overlapping spiels, too fast and loud for Dabi to make out more than disconnected snippets.
“Give them back!”
“No, get your own -”
“You get your own, they’re mine -”
“Hey, can’t we just all calm down -”
“She started it!”
“Just order some more, who cares -”
“I care!”
“Guys, we’re in a diner -”
Compress gives the waitress another thin smile. What little is visible of his face looks much more strained now, the skin around his eyes creasing a bit too much at the corners for it to seem entirely natural.
“Could we possibly have a refill?” he asks, voice perfectly calm, as he points to the knocked over coffee mug and the piles of soaked napkins next to it.
Dabi sighs - he should have known that tranquil little moment wouldn’t last for long. He glances over at Shigaraki, completely forgotten amid all the bustle and commotion. His cheek is pressed against the linoleum (probably sticky and gross, which will make for some nice entertainment later) in a way that looks thoroughly uncomfortable. His long hair is fanned out in a semi-circle on the table, tips soaked through with spilled coffee. For a second, Dabi gets caught up watching the slow rise and fall of Shigaraki’s chest, the slight flutter of his fringe after each exhale through parted lips.
Just as the waitress turns to hurry off back to the kitchen, Dabi clears his throat. She stops, wide-eyed, pen and notepad clutched close to her chest in a white-knuckled grip.
“And some more pancakes,” Dabi adds. “Extra syrup. To go.”
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stillness-in-green · 4 years
Spinaraki Week Level 2, Day Five: Rain | Steampunk
I don’t know anything about steampunk but take this anyway and I hope it’s not TOO obvious that I’m a huge poseur.  I promise I did at least some research.
———–      ———–      ———–      ———–
The brass city fell.  It didn’t even take Gigantomachia, in the end, just Shigaraki and the change in his disyncrasy: steel to rust, bone to dust. Anyone within half a kilometer of the epicenter had gone up like so much ash, give or take some lightning-fast limb-cutting, and that had been that.  Case closed, except for the evacuations to somewhere the Hero Corps wouldn’t be sticking their noses while Shigaraki’s new army figured out the new status quo.
The Liberation Army had airships on hand—it was the easiest way to get into Deika’s isolated mountains—so that was where the League wound up after the initial flurry of medical care, piled into the nicest cabin of the nicest airship Spinner had ever set foot in.
Not that there was a lot of competition on that front.  Spinner had been in exactly one airship in his life, and that was the one he’d taken to get to Hosu.  He’d shared with two others a third-class berth that had reeked of sulfur emissions the entire trip.  Blankets had been request-only, for a surcharge.
This place was huge, an apartment of rooms in the upper galleys, all mirror-polished oak floors and white linen sheets in the beds.  Every room had a glass door that lead out to a railed deck you could walk all the way around the stern, as long as you were the kind of person who had no fear of heights whatsoever.  Shigaraki’s was at the very back, a sitting room with the standard door and a ridiculously well-appointed bedroom with its portion of the deck walled off from the rest, turning it into something more like a private box.  Spinner had seen whole kitchens smaller than the bed.
Shigaraki—who’d rolled his eyes at Spinner’s hovering, but Spinner didn’t trust that automaton of Skeptic’s enough to let Shigaraki walk around alone with it—looked around, ambivalence in every line of his face, then turned back to Spinner and grinned.
“Want to break the bed in?”
They didn’t manage it, not for lack of intention or for absence of Spinner’s sputtering, but just because Shigaraki was asleep two minutes after he hit the mattress, and Spinner, despite his best intentions, wasn’t far behind.
He woke hours later to a shift in the sound of the engines’ dull rumbling.  Nearby warmth confirmed that Shigaraki was still with him, but dead to the world, unresponsive to Spinner’s tentative nudge or careful edging out of the bed (once he found the edge of it, anyway).
The only light in the room came from a yellow glow seeping in from the door to the balcony.  When Spinner crept over and tilted his head way back, he could just make out the bottom edge of the huge lantern hung above the deck, lit up so bright he had to blink away spots when he averted his eyes. Outside, any sign of the land below was obscured by the balcony railing; above it, a ribbon of sky tumbled behind them endlessly, empty but brilliant with stars.
The future looked a bit like that for all of them now.
Spinner shook off the half-formed thought, heat in his cheeks at the naked romanticism of it, and turned back towards the bed.
He didn’t know enough about airship engines to know what the change in sound meant.  Maybe they were changing directions, maybe they’d hit a headwind, maybe they needed to refuel; he had no idea, and he wasn’t going to leave Shigaraki to go find out.
He pulled a chair over to the side of the bed and arranged himself in it, the last of his knives recovered from the pile of their gear on the floor and resting over his lap. Resolved to stay awake in case someone came, he fixed his stare on the door and waited.
He woke up again, this time to gray light and the sound of rain on the window.  The bed stood empty, and the cane the medics had given Shigaraki (that on top of a leg plaster, an arm brace and a jar of laudanum the size of Spinner’s fist) was gone.
Hissing a curse under his breath, Spinner stumbled to his feet and swept the room.  The balcony was obviously empty, and there was no answer to his knock on the bathroom door, nor was Shigaraki passed out in the wood-paneled bathtub.
Just as he lay a hand on the door to the sitting room, he heard the laugh from inside—Toga.  Spinner sighed in relief, giving himself long enough to pick out Shigaraki’s voice before he doubled back to the bed to throw on his coat and loop his sword belt over his shoulder.
When he pushed into the other room, it was to find Shigaraki and Toga perched in the pair of chairs positioned in front of the doors to the outside deck.  Toga was wrapped up in Shigaraki’s tattered greatcoat (which definitely looked like it was sporting a few new patches), her legs drawn up into the seat and her skirt tucked close enough around her feet that it was obvious she wasn’t wearing shoes.  Shigaraki, lacking a table to kick his legs up on, sprawled sideways in his chair, bare feet dangling in the air over the arm nearer the doors.  Both of them looked over at his approach, Shigaraki craning his neck back over the other chair arm and Toga shooting him a suspiciously satisfied grin.
Unlit and gloomy, the room was bitingly cool, and Spinner levelled a reproachful look at the both of them.
“There is a radiator in here.  We don’t have to sit around being cold anymore.”
“It’s a nice atmosphere!” was all Toga had to say in response to that.  She’d upgraded to an eyepatch from the gauze packing of the infirmary, a dark swath of leather over her right eye that made her skin look almost white. Given the amount of blood she’d apparently lost, she was probably supposed to still be in bed just like Shigaraki, but the gods knew the two of them didn’t exactly have the best self-preservation instincts in the League.
“We’re supposed to get to the new hideout in a few hours,” Shigaraki weighed in.  “You can go sleep some more if you want.”
“Everyone else is,” Toga added, in the tones of one who’d checked.
“It’s fine.”  I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep right now anyway, he didn’t finish, instead just arranging himself in a cross-armed lean on the wall.
Shigaraki and Toga looked at each other, silent for a beat, then went right back to the conversation they’d presumably been having when he came in.
“So?” she prompted.  “How’d it feel?”
“Terrible,” came Shigaraki’s answer, flatly candid, but then a snide grin teased its way over his face as he went on.  “At first. Felt pretty good by the end, though. Real liberating.”
“Mine didn’t feel bad at all,” Toga replied, drawing out the last word in a dreamy gratification.  Something seemed to strike her, sharpening her previously unfocused stare.  Her wide smile drained away for just a moment before twisting itself back up into a smirk, taut with a spite he hadn’t seen on her face since the whole thing with the Shie Hassaikai.   “I can’t wait to try it on someone I actually like.”
“What are you talking about?” Spinner asked, bewildered.
“She unlocked it,” Shigaraki said shortly, then his lips hooked up into an anticipatory little smile as he watched Spinner’s jaw drop.  “Her disyncrasy.”
“I can change shapes!” Toga announced, her expression melting back into eagerness.  “Not right now—that’s what I need blood for—but that’s what I’ve always wanted it for!  I figured it out when that reporter lady wouldn’t leave me alone.”
Spinner’s mind reeled with the possibilities.  They’d been out of contact with their supposed spy since Shigaraki’s master was taken, but with that kind of infiltration capacity on the table, on top of Shigaraki’s rust now affecting everything, not just metal…
“You too, right, Spinner?”
Toga’s coy voice clipped off the unspooling ends of his thoughts and he looked up into barn-owl yellow eyes that saw straight through him.  “Wh-what?”
“You changed too.  I can smell it.”  The assertion made no sense, but her smug certainty drove heat up into his cheeks anyway, because damn, she was right, even if there was no way for her to have known about it.
“It’s really nothing,” he muttered, not daring to look at Shigaraki, though he could feel the stare without even needing to.  “Not compared to—”
“You an’ me’ve read a bunch of the same serials, Spinner,” Shigaraki interrupted him dryly.  “If you unlocked something, there’ll be a way to use it.  What’d you get?”
Spinner closed his eyes and bit back a groan.  Rubbing at his face did absolutely nothing to alleviate the weight of their attention, though, so he gripped his hair and pulled his own head up enough to glare back at Shigaraki, hollowness chewing at his stomach.
“Climbing on walls.  Like a—” and he broke off to gesture at himself with his free hand.
“That’s fun!” Toga chimed; Shigaraki just looked thoughtful, which was—well, it was a better response than Spinner’s gnawing anxiety had been expecting, anyway.
“Yeah,” he said at length. “I can come up with ways to use that. Who looks up at ceilings, anyway?”
“What were you thinking about when you figured it out?” Toga asked, and grinned completely unrepentantly when Spinner moved his glare over to her instead.  “I bet I can guess.”
“Leave him alone, Toga,” Shigaraki said, an off-handed defense that still filled the emptiness in Spinner’s guts with sudden butterflies, the blush now for a wholly different reason. “That’s five of us.  Just one more to go.”
Toga moved her fingers for a moment, frowning down at them.  “…Five?”
“Dabi’s holding out. He’ll tell us when he wants to.” A beat, then a huff.  “Hell, Compress might be, too.”
They went on talking, and Spinner let them, watching Shigaraki with a tingle in his mouth that felt like a promise trying to make itself known.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Ready Player One
Kinktober Day 5 ~ kink: thigh-ridding
pairing: shigaraki tomura x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cussing
word count: 2,475
a/n: day five omgggg.....so.....remember when I said someone should write about thigh riding shiggy....I caved
Being friends with benefits was one of the best things in life, and also the worst things in life. You knew that men were always attached through physical intimacy. Ride their dick, suck their dick, let them pound you with their dick? You had them for as long as you needed.
So it was always wonderful being able to have a dick with no relationship. Somedays the hormones were undeniable and insatiable and you needed that extra help. That’s when friends with benefits seemed the best! You didn’t have the time and energy to invest in a loving relationship, not with your career. So the occasional ‘are you up’ text was the best thing you could have.
But it also had its downsides. It wasn’t the cliche issue, you weren’t in love with the guy who was giving you dick! As you said before, there is no time for a loving relationship, so there was no time to fall for anyone. The downside was that your stupid friends with benefits refused to cave to your needs. You had an agreement, if someone was horny out of their goddamn minds, you had to help out! No questions; it didn’t matter when or where; you had to!
What you couldn’t understand is why your friend-with-benefits was ignoring you. Nothing you did was getting his attention. No matter how much you begged did he look. His eyes focused in on his stupid fucking game while you begged to get dicked down.
“Shiggy,” You snap again, your upper lip pulled into a snarl. “I. Am. Horny.”
Shigaraki has the audacity to ignore you. Speaking into his mic to some other gaming nerd somewhere in this goddamn country.
Sure it didn’t fucking matter when you were in the middle of the damn store buying groceries! He fucked you behind a stack of boxes that day! But now that you needed some fucking dick, nope, the rules didn’t apply.
“Stupid, spoiled, son of a bitch,” You mutter taking a seat on his mattress. Why did you even agree to be Shigaraki’s fuck buddy? Well, Dabi was too lazy half the time and m.i.a. and a girl has needs. Toga would attempt to kill you in her passionate love affair, and you valued your life. Sako was a hard no. Spinner felt like a baby brother to you. Twice was too old.
It could only be Shigaraki.
Unsure of what you could do, your eyes roamed his body in -attempt to find that ‘aha’ moment. You could suck his dick underneath the table, but that would be helping him. Not you. Right now you could give two fewer shits about if he got off, you only wanted yourself to get off.
You also knew taking his pants off and using him for penetration alone was not a good move. You may be a villain, but you sure as hell weren’t a rapist. Also again, it would be beneficial to him, and right now you could give a rat’s ass about what he wanted.
You could also masturbate on his bed, but what was the fun in that? With that stupid headset on, he would most likely not hear you unless you were moaning like some porn star! Better yet if he didn’t hear you, you couldn’t make him feel stupid for ignoring your demand to get fucked. You needed to get him back for not wanting to dick you down when you wanted.
His thigh was bouncing in its typical manner whenever he played video games. He was always bouncing it to calm himself down. It was the stupidest thing, you thought. Why would he need to calm himself down over a video game that lets you respawn as many times as you needed? Ridiculous.
It hit you.
Oh yeah. That seemed like the perfect way to get yourself off and also make him pay for putting you through this garbage.
Really all you needed was a fucking quickie, but boys and their video games were the worst.
Standing up off his bed, you slipped off your shorts revealing a modest black thong you had been wearing. There was never really any need to dress up nice for Shigaraki. But you did enjoy not wearing your ugly panties when you needed to get fucked. You pulled off your shirt, leaving you only in a white sports bra.
You heard Shigaraki curse, and your eyes snapped over. You were hopeful that he had noticed you changing and was now going to join you. But your eye twitched at the sight of his red screen, the words ‘You Died” illuminating across the screen. Shigaraki raked his fingers through his hair.
Sighing you walked over, making sure to keep your current wardrobe choice hidden. “Shiggy, please?” You whisper into his ear, the one not connected to his mic so as to not get picked up by any other nerd listening in to him.
Shigaraki shoves you away with his shoulder, his fingers jabbing towards the screen. “I’m busy.”
You just about snarl as the screen illuminates the start-up page. Giving him a thirty-second waiting period before respawning him.
“Yeah, I’m still here.” Shigaraki snaps into his headset, “They got me at the Old Tower… yeah, I didn’t see them at all. No, we got them next time.”
Your nostrils flare as the waiting time is now less than ten seconds, and in two smooth movements. You shove Shigaraki’s chair slightly backward and straddle his thigh. His eyes snap over to you, his red irises dark with irritation.
You cock your eyebrow up as you can hear the sounds from his headset. “Better not die again,” You quip, a sarcastic grin on your face.
“Ready Player One!” The game announcer calls, and Shigaraki’s attention gets snapped back to the game.
“I am ready.” You sigh as your hips roll against the rough fabric of his jeans. The shivers the shoot through your body as you do so causes you to bite on your tongue to keep from being too loud. You were horny as hell before you started this, so you had no idea how long you were truly going to be able to last.
You smile realizing that Shigaraki’s legs have quit bouncing. You also note that he’s silent as the muffled voices of his teammates hit your ears. Your hips fall into a slow rhythm of sliding up and down his thigh. Your fingers trailing from your hipbone all the way to your breasts.
A muffled moan escaping your mouth as your fingers squeeze your aroused nipples. Even if it was through the fabric of your sports bra, it's enough to make your body shudder.
The heated pressure of your cunt is raising quite fast. In response to that, you drop a single hand towards Shigaraki’s inner thigh. You do this to stabilize yourself. You do it so that you can grind your dripping cunt up and down his pant leg at a faster face. Shigaraki, however, didn’t see it in that way as he hisses softly at the touch.
A gasping laugh escapes your mouth as his leg tenses underneath you. “Your leg feels soo fucking good,” You gasp as you finger roams up your neck, tangling in your hair.
“Stop.” Shigaraki snaps at you, his eyes shifting from you and back to the screen.
Muffled voices fill your ears again as his teammates try figuring out what he’s saying stop to.
Your hips jut out, now circling themselves into the same spot at your silently chant Shigaraki’s name. Your head tilts backward as you moan. The continuous pressure of rubbing your clit on his pant leg catching up to you. Your pussy feels like its soaked through your thong as you cry out his name.
Clear as day, Shigaraki lets out a low groan.
“Dude, what was that?!” You hear someone yell in his headset, and you laugh as you drag your sports bra above your breasts.
“Nothing, keep fucking playing!” Shigaraki seethes, and you quirk your eyebrow. Oh, you were definitely going to get him to snap in front of these friends of his.
Shigaraki’s eyes now flashing from his screen to your perky breasts like he was playing on two screens. Your hands roll both your nipples within your thumb and forefinger. Your hips start creating figure-eights on his thigh.
You grind your hips even further into his thigh. Gasps escaping your lips as your pert nipples feel overstimulated. Your tugging fingers never stopping once. His name is a hopeless cry in your mouth as you were slowly increasing in sound. “I’m so fucking close,” You whine as you drop your right hand to press against your throbbing clit.
An entirely too provocative moan escapes your lips. You gasp as Shigaraki’s thighs begin bouncing again, further increasing your stimulation. The overall motion becoming way too much as you curse over, and over, again. You’re eyes trained on Shigaraki who is now staring at you. Breathless pants escaping his mouth as his screen turns red.
He was dead.
Shigaraki crumbles his headset into dust and shuts off his computer. Throwing his controller to the side as your body convulses on top of his leg. The pressure built higher and higher, and his hands forcefully ground you deeper into his lap.
“Oh my--fucK!” You shriek as you come hard on his lap, pants continuously pouring out of both of your mouths as your hips still. Your face flushed and warm from coming off of your high.
Smacking his hands off of your hips, you stand up, grinning at the wet patch on the fabric of his jeans. Your legs were wobbly, but you felt like you were on top of the world.
“Thank you for that,” You sigh as you press your lips against his chapped ones. “I’ll see you later?”
You only bother to fix your sports bra as you pick up your shirt and shimmy on your shorts. You walk to the front door, opening it as you grin.
The door slams before you can get out, his pale hand keeping it in place as his raging boner ground into your ass.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”Shigaraki sneers as you roll your ass into his crotch, a smirk on your face.
“Going to bed now,” You state with no issue. “Did you need anything?”
“Well because you can’t seem to fucking listen to me, I’m horny now too.”
A grin overcomes your features as you turn around in his arms. Your leg hooking around his hips to draw him nearer as your lips press against his.
It’s a passionate kiss, bodies grinding into one another. The feeling of his hands tracing the sides of your torso. You pant into his mouth as his tongue dances with yours.
Your pull away suddenly, opening the door and slipping out. “Sorry! I’m super tired!” You apologize as you turn around and bound down the hallway, a giggle in your step.
You can feel him stalking after you down the hallways, but you don’t care. He started this, and you sure as hell were not going to be the bigger person in this scenario.
Slipping into your room, you let him in with a smile. “How may I help you?” You ask as you throw your clothes on the floor. Stripping off your shorts as you move to your dresser to pick out some pajamas.
As you bend down, his hips are on your ass immediately, and you moan softly at the sensation.
“I’m going to fuck you just like this, and don’t you dare try fucking moving.” Shigaraki snarls as his fingers crumple your thong into ashes, and you smack his legs.
“Don’t fucking ruin my clOTHES!!!” You shriek as he unexpectedly rams his full length into you. A mewl rips from your throat as your hands grip the handles of your drawers.
“You’re such a fucking whore,” He snarls, his hips slamming into you without you being ready. “I bet you wanted to get noticed by those fucking idiots.”
“M-Maybe if they heard me they would’ve fucked me instead of you!” You gasp as your face pressed against the cool wood.
His hand reaches around your shaking thighs to press firmly against your aching clit. Your body tensing at the pressure. “You’re fucking mine,” Shigaraki insists, the tip of his finger curling on your sensitive clit. “Do you understand?”
Your pussy clenches at those words. His body ramming into your at such a delicious force your arms quivered. You were desperate as they tried to keep you from falling completely into the dresser. He grabbed your hair, tugging it harshly as you cried out his name. Your spasming cunt was once again building in pressure.
“You better be quiet,” Shigaraki hisses. His opposite hand moving to grasp your breast in his four finger hold. “I don’t want anyone walking in on you taking my cock like the fucking slut you are.”
You gasp as your hips continue to rock back into his, the rhythm of your fucking making you almost delirious. Shigaraki growls out curses as he moves his hands back to your waist. Slamming your body at a higher ferocity into his hard cock. Your hands slamming against the wood for greater support.
“God, you’re such a disobedient slut, trying to get me to fuck you like this? Was this your plan all along?” Your head nods vigorously, your unsteady pants filling the room. Your hips are no longer able to keep up with his insane speed. “I want you to come around my cock, can you do that for me?”
A pained mewl escapes your mouth as you nod your head again, “Yes! OH my god!!”
Your pussy clamps around his cock, unable to hold back your orgasm as you come hard around his moving dick. You moan out loudly as pleasure-filled waves shoot down every ligament in your body.
Shigaraki grunts, his hips never slowing down as he chases after your orgasm. His hips are merciless in his own quest for release. He chuckles at your staggered groans. Your hips weakly shifting back into his until he moans loudly. His cock releasing his hot load into your pulsating cunt.
He stills, leaning against your dresser for support until he removes himself from you.
Your breathing heightens, you’re barely able to stand back up to stare into his lust-filled eyes. A satisfied groan leaving your lips as you can feel his cum seeping out of your pussy. Dripping down your legs.
“Don’t ever do that again,” Shigaraki mutters as he presses a kiss against your lips. “Next time, I won’t be as kind.”
A smirk endows your face as he leaves, his jeans unbuckled still. You lick your lips softly, you were definitely doing that again.
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Finally putting part three up! Hopefully you all had a wonderful holiday season; I know I sure needed the break, and I bet many of you can relate. Enjoy the new installment, folks!
-Enji Todoroki’s arrest lands on a Saturday, his court date on a Wednesday, and his final sentencing on a chilly February afternoon that leaves the outside world cold, and the atmosphere of the tightly-packed room even colder.
-The League silently gathers around their arsonist and resident den mother while they wait for the hearing, the whole group crowded around the one television in the warehouse. The image itself is a little ironic, a gaggle of villains nervously watching the trial of the world’s top hero, and waiting on pins and needles for the gavel to drop. It wasn’t exactly a planned event, their being there, but the decision seems to be a unanimous one, all of them cramped shoulder to shoulder in the small space without complaint, though there’s no way everyone’s comfortable.There’s an unspoken solidarity to it all, still a bit too fragile to put a name to, but nobody moves for the hours it takes for the court to come to a full conclusion.
-The wait is hell. If Dabi didn’t have Toga sprawled across his lap like a cat and Rei’s hand holding his in a deathgrip, he’d be out the door. He can’t focus, the TV is too loud, he can tell that Natsuo is nervous through the screen because he’s picking at his sleeve cuffs, Fuyumi’s cheeks are wet with tears, Shouto’s hands are shaking, there’s a fly buzzing around somewhere in the room, Rei’s hand is sweaty, he’s dying for a cigarette, some cool air, anything-
-The judge is speaking, but Dabi can’t make out the words. His ears are ringing, breath all but stuttering to a stop like an old locomotive, rusty and broken down on the tracks. It’s only when the word “guilty” punches through his consciousness that he heaves a rattling sigh, falling back against the couch like all the fight has gone out of him entirely. Shouting instantaneously breaks out in the courtroom, most of it in protest, very few in triumph. in any other situation, it might’ve been overwhelming, seeing all these people trying to defend the man who sent his life into a spiral… But there’s a crushing wave of relief too strong for words as he lets his head fall and closes his eyes, memories flashing behind them, but this time it’s with a crumb of closure. It’s over. All of it is over.
-The rest of the League are jubilant, Twice going so far as to cheer while his other side snaps at him to quiet down, Toga leaping off Dabi to hug Rei, Spinner making some comment about the takedown of another false hero. 
-All of that falls quiet, though, when Rei slowly pushes herself off the couch, releasing Dabi’s hand, and walks from the room in almost horrifying sync with the man now in cuffs on screen. They’re all stunned into silence at the sight, the wraith of a woman travelling the halls of the warehouse like a ghost, before they eventually get up to follow her.
-Rei Todoroki has lived a difficult life. She’s spent so many years of it afraid, so many years trapped and beaten, and forced into silence. She knows what it’s like to see your child return with a stranger’s face, to be shamed and broken into obedience time and time over. She’s dreamt of rebelling so many times, of speaking, screaming, shouting, and finally having someone listen. And now… Someone finally had. So many people had listened, and he was finished, and she was never going to have to return home and play “wife” to that man again.
-It’s with shaking hands that she pushes open the back door to the warehouse, the one that leads into the small, dark alley behind the complex, and steps out, unknowing of the rag-tag group trailing behind her.
-The first time in twenty-five years that Rei Todoroki walks out of a building without having to ask permission, it’s with tears rolling down her cheeks. To any other person, the gesture would be taken for granted, but for the woman who hasn’t even had the privilege of the sky without others' consent for so long, be it Endeavor’s or the keepers in the ward, it’s enormous. And, granted, in the months they’ve known her, the League has never confined her once. She could’ve walked out anytime she wanted, but she’d never left. She’d gone with them just the once to take down Enji, and even then she’d asked Shigaraki the morning of to make sure she was allowed to go.
-So when it dawns on her that there are no holds left on her, that she is free, that she’s never going to have to ask for something like this again, the weight of it all brings her to her knees.
-And it’s almost fitting that, as ice-wielder kneels there on the broken concrete, sobbing and finally letting go of some of the jagged remnants of the past, it begins to snow. The fall is light and soft, enough to keep the chill in the air, but not enough to freeze them out. And at first, the League just stands and watches, because they’re not entirely sure what to do- Dabi especially is pinned with the guilt that he should be going to his mother, but the facts of the matter are that he knows Rei will try to set her emotions aside to help him deal with his (not ideal), and she needs this. She needs this moment to let go of her own demons, just as he needs to go release his, but he can’t do that with everyone else around, his mother included. It won’t help either of them.
-So he’s surprised when Shigaraki is the one to step forward, but he doesn’t stop him. The young man is antsy, scratching at his neck absentmindedly, though it’s not in the fevered, desperate way he tends to pick up when he can’t handle a situation. There’s an awkward hesitation in his gait as he shuffles through the thin crust of snow, shoes barely leaving a mark, though the man’s knees melt imprints all the way down to concrete as he slowly sinks beside the shaken woman, the expression on his face impossible to read.
-He’s wearing those gloves she made specially for him when he reaches out.
-Shigaraki has been gradually getting better with touch, becoming more familiar with the sensation of tactility, with not glancing down in panic each time five fingers brush something, waiting for it to fall apart in his hands. He’s improved so much, but there’s a maximum to how much he can take, still, before it becomes overwhelming and limits have to be re-established.
-And that’s why Rei cries even harder when the young man tentatively wraps a pair of thin and trembling arms around her, the motion so scared and unsure. She can feel the tension in his hands from where they’ve fallen, one across her back and the other timidly holding her head; hands made for destruction trying, with near-paralyzing fear, to hold something together just this once. He isn’t even breathing.
-It isn’t until Rei hugs him back that Shigaraki relaxes at all, and even then the change is small. He’s still all sharp corners and edges, elbows and ribs and ligaments pulled tight, but he’s firm when he states in a seething tone, “We don’t forget.”
-It’s a little thing, an unfinished, rasping statement that could mean anything and nothing all at once, but Rei hears it for what it is- a promise. A promise meaning that the League, obscene, strange, found family that it is, never forgets a blow, especially those dealt on their comrades. They don’t forget their suffering. And they don’t forget those who’ve thrown the punches.
-It’s a difficult moment, and all Rei wants to do is run to her children and hold them close until the brunt of the impending storm passes (because the result of the trial is by no means going to be the end of the fight and the explosive reaction from the courtroom all but proves this) but for now she can settle with keeping an arm around Tomura and resting her cheek in Toga’s hair, and allowing Twice to pull them all into a rather impressive group hug, her somewhat feral but arguably adopted children filling in for the time being. Mr. Compress, Kurogiri, and Spinner all hover around as well, hands on shoulders, soft-spoken words, a ring of safety around the group while they brave the cold and onslaught of emotion.
-Touya Todoroki takes this opportunity to slip away. He’s always been good at disappearing, his own family could tell you that much. 
-He doesn’t even have anywhere in mind to go, so long as it’s away. It’s mid-afternoon and not safe for him to just be out wandering around, but Dabi takes the risk and works a sick mask on over his scars, keeping his hood high and his head low. Most people’s eyes are on their phones right now anyway, catching up on the news, or watching the live streams as more and more discourse arises over the events of the day.
-Wandering seemed a good idea at first, but it’s hard to clear your head when the very thing you’re trying to cope with is plastered all around you, unignorable. Dabi had always assumed that when the time came, when Endeavor was a ghost he could bury in his past, he’d be celebrating like the rest of the League had been. He thought he’d finally be happy- granted, he’d also thought Enji would be dead, not behind bars, but he wasn’t expecting feeling so… Empty. It’s like whatever passionate flame he had that was guiding him forward on his redemptive path has been snuffed out, and now there’s nothing left but a cool shadow of the burning rage he’d grown used to tending. The ringing in his ears still hasn’t stopped, and every time he hears someone say something in Endeavor’s favour, he can feel his blood pressure rise. There was bound to be backlash, bound to be those who didn’t care about the man’s family, especially in ratio of the Number One Hero being removed for mistreating five people when he had been saving hundreds. The reaction shouldn’t sting as much as it does.
-So he lights a cigarette, and he walks. He wanders past parks he used to run through on much shorter legs, and tries to ignore how the frost in the air bites at the sensitive skin of his burns in a way it never managed to before everything. He passes three men holding protest signs, all of them favouring the flame hero. The air grows colder, his cigarette burns lower. He lights another, trying to keep the embers burning in the paper stick while simultaneously trying to decide between stomping out or blowing on the coals losing heat in his heart.
-It’s not until his burner phone rings that he realizes how dark it’s gotten, that the streets have mostly emptied, and that he has a small handful of unopened messages from an even smaller collection of individuals who have his number in the first place. The name on the screen has Dabi sucking in one last drag before crushing the rest of his cigarette underfoot.
-“Where are you?”
-For as much as Hawks complains about Dabi always cutting into the marrow of a conversation, never preluding, the winged hero is just as guilty of the same. Dabi answers with some half-assed response because quite frankly he’s not entirely sure himself, but in taking a once-over of his surroundings, he’s surprised to find that he’s unconsciously ended up only a few blocks away from the abandoned apartment complex he calls home, street lamps guttering and flickering in a way that is both discomforting and, in that, upsettingly familiar. He relays his updated location to the other man, who only heaves a sigh on the other end of the phone before demanding an address.
-And really, Dabi could just refuse. He could end the call here and now, get his solitude, and maybe be better for it. He’s not obligated to tell Hawks shit, and they both know it. But for some reason, he gives over the address anyway, and upon immediately rebuking himself remembers that he’s spent four hours wandering around and still isn’t feeling better, so if he’s going to fuck himself over, he might as well go all the way and just botch his plan for coping entirely.
-Hawks tells him he’ll be there in ten, and Dabi doesn’t believe him. It takes him another four minutes just to get back to his apartment himself, and he’s only just finished jimmying the door back into place and fighting the deadbolt lock into position when he hears a knock on his window, leading out onto the fire escape.
-Turns out Hawks can make it in seven minutes if he pushes himself. The more you know.
-The winged hero is saying something when he crawls in through the open glass, mindful of his wings, but the instant he finishes brushing himself off and glances around at the room he’s entered, the comment dies in his throat. Dabi has never been embarrassed by his living situation until now- had considered it a means of survival before, had embraced the tattered, stained carpet and grimy walls, lack of electricity, and the holes punches through faded floral wallpaper. He’d found this place years ago, desperate and with nowhere else to turn. Eventually he’d meet the League and be offered a place in the warehouse- but for a better portion of his life as Dabi instead of of Touya, these walls were all he’d had.
-And he watches Hawks take this all in, sees the expression on his face flicker back and forth between a billion things, unable to target on one in particular. He’s not sure what the man must think, being Number Two in the popularity polls and living in a penthouse apartment on the opposite end of the city, far from the slums that are Dabi’s lurking grounds. For all he knows, Hawks has never even touched a building this decrepit for anything other than mission work, and even then he probably spent hours meticulously scouring the filth from his feathers later.
-So it strikes him as a miracle when he turns to him, unfazed. There’s no disgust or upset in those yellow eyes when they lock on blue, just worry as the winged hero reaches for his wrist and pulls him deeper into the room, away from the light of the window and into the darkness where the shadows are forgiving.
-In the darkness, he already feels more at ease. In lighting like this, things go unseen, scars go unnoticed, faces go unrecognized. The world’s gaze seems to fall away, and it’s the first time since he left the warehouse that he feels truly in solitude, truly without the weight of everyone else’s words and opinions floating around his head. The irony in this is that it’s also the first time all day since leaving the warehouse that he’s been anything but alone, but that’s not something to dwell on.
-“I don’t want to talk about him.”
-The words are out before Dabi even considers saying them, but it only takes a second for him to realize that they’re true. Maybe it’s just from thinking about this all day, or being confused and frustrated about the situation he’s found himself in now, but for now, he wants Enji Todoroki to be the last thing on his mind.
-Hawks nods, seeming to understand. Dabi doubts he really wants to talk about the pro hero either, considering his recent revelations about his childhood idol, but the silence is becoming uncomfortable; when Hawks asks if he can tell him about some important developments surrounding the court case, Dabi agrees. He could care less about the trial itself at this point, but he doesn’t want to think about the past. He can’t handle that right now.
-So Hawks explains how the public has already become discordant over the charge, that times will be rocky and controversial going forward. He explains the Commission’s reaction, scowling while recounting their pride in his rising to the top spot and not bothering to hide the wave of concern that follows when he admits that they suspect he had something to do with the evidence drop.
-“We should’ve had Twice handle it with his clones,” The winged hero shakes his head, crossing his arms, “With all of the evidence drops happening so quickly and over such a long distance range, it would have to be someone with a speedy quirk leaving the files, and even though I was disguised, I’d never thought about being caught in the same disguise on multiple surveillance records- they know it was all done by one person, even if they can’t prove it was me. They suspect, though,” He bites his lip in thought, eyes growing distant, “At this rate, it sounds like they’re assuming it was a ranking-based motivation. Being Number Two, I’d be in a position to want Endeavor out of the way, and having you as a contact would’ve given me the opportunity to remove him. Because of that, they’ve turned a blind eye, but things could’ve easily gone sideways if they’d snooped into it a little bit more.”
-“This Commission’s fine with you making moves like that?”
-Hawks’ face is eerily impassive when he says, “They raised me to make moves like that. Learning to be a ruthless opportunist is all part of the gig.”
-Ruthless opportunist; if that had truly been the case with Hawks, Dabi would’ve been dead nine times over by now. He’s come to trust the pigeon far more than is warranted for his own safety, but the fact of the matter is that the other man’s heart has too much gold in it to tarnish like that, and he wryly says as much. It’s meant to be a joking mockery (seriously, how did this man ever think he’d pass for a villain) but Hawks’ responding stare is one of stunned surprise, before he guiltily casts his eyes downward.
-“Don’t assume that. I would’ve done it when I first met you.”
-“You wouldn’t now.” Dabi phrases it like a statement, but hates how it comes out sounding like a question. There’s a lilt in the end of his voice that betrays him, makes it sound as though he isn’t confident in his assumptions. Shit, for all he knows, he could be wrong. Hawks isn’t a good liar, but he is a dedicated one, and when he says something, true or false, he sticks to it. And despite whatever odd friendship they’ve built up, if it’s even allowed to be called that, Dabi can’t tell what today might have changed. Hawks is the Number One Hero now, and he’d be a fool to think that the position change won’t affect their dynamic. Hero, villain, or anything in-between, the other man has just been put in a whole new realm of responsibility and challenge, and until the storm dies down, he’s going to be one of the primary figures of the public eye. The amount of pressure that he’s going to be under will be insane, and any one little slip could bring his whole world crashing down, worse, even, than before.
-It’s not the first time that Dabi’s ever felt like a liability, but it’s the first time that it hurts as badly as it does. He hadn’t realized how much he’d come to lean on the winged hero until he was presented with the possibility that he’d have to lose him, and the concept is something just barely short of terrifying.
-Hawks doesn’t say anything- just looks him in the eye, rigid and tense as hell, unmoving. Seconds pass, long and terse, before something in that expression cracks and the blond heaves an enormous sigh, breath rattling. Without warning, feathers flare up on either side of Dabi’s vision, barely visible in the dark, though he can feel the breeze they create on his cheeks. The instinctive side of his brain is shouting at him to defend himself, get his arms up before Hawks can bury a dozen of those deadly feathers in his chest- but something else, a feeling more trusting and certain, stills him, tells him to wait. He closes his eyes, leaves himself completely open and defenseless as he senses Hawks’ wings flying up and partially boxing him in, a feather grazing his arm, another ruffling his hair- but they aren’t sharp.
-It’s when he can feel the hero’s breath on his face, can catch the lingering scent of Hawks’ cologne and the ever-present smell of cold air before rain that follows him everywhere, that he opens his eyes again, glancing down to find that the hero has stepped closer, bringing the two of them almost chest to chest. His expression is so hard to read: curious and guarded, and longing all at once, and that’s when Dabi remembers his wings. Slowly, the fire-wielder brings one hand up to run his fingers over the feathers that have all but encompassed them both in a secluded canopy of red, seperate from the outside world, quiet, theirs. Hawks shudders under his touch but doesn’t move away, and as Dabi watches his eyes flutter, he questions whether or not Hawks is enduring the exchange just the same as Dabi had a moment earlier, knowing full well that the arsonist could use these same hands to render his wings to ashes and choosing to trust him blindly anyway.
-Something hot burns in his chest then, different than the embers he felt in his heart before. Maybe it’s the sensation of being seen, known, trusted, understood. Maybe it’s something to do with the way Hawks looks him in the eye without ever wavering and how he chose to step closer instead of farther away. Maybe it’s just the fact that he’s still here instead of jumping ship the moment the waters got rocky. But when Hawks shivers again under Dabi’s touch before reaching up to grip at the lapels of his threadbare coat, amber eyes hooded and locked on Dabi’s lips, everything shifts.
-“No,” The man murmurs, barely a whisper, and it takes Dabi a second to realize that he’s finally answering his earlier question, “Damn it all, I could never do that to you now.”
-If he ever considered it in hindsight, Dabi wouldn’t be able to recall who moved first. What he would remember, though, is the feeling of Hawk’s mouth on his own, gentle and soft and slow. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of this a time or two, but in his head this moment had always come about as something far more fierce and volatile, fueled by an argument or expulsion of emotion more than anything else. But this- this is so much more careful than a fast and angry clash of tongues and teeth like he’s been expecting.
-The fire in his chest breaks apart and spreads throughout the rest of his body in a pleasant wave of warmth that leaves him breathless, stunned, hesitantly eager. He’s no expert at this, but Hawks seems more than comfortable taking the lead, his hands drifting upwards to thread through Dabi’s dark hair, head tilting just slightly to deepen the kiss even more. 
-In any other circumstance, this degree of intimacy would be horrifying. Dabi’s never been much of a touchy person, especially with how sensitive his scars and staples can be, and physical contact is something that he simply bears with at best. Years of brutality and sheer survival have taught him to associate touch with threats, pain, attacks, and that kind of hardwiring can’t be reworked overnight. He can distantly feel himself trembling slightly, body shrieking of nerves even if he can’t voice them himself, but Hawks is patient, gently capturing his quivering hands and guiding them to his hips, breaking light kisses to murmur soft reassurances. 
-The tremours cease gradually under gentle words and touches, feathers brushing his sides and shoulders and spine in a way that feels like nothing but safety. Dabi can feel Hawks smiling a little against his lips as he pulls the shorter man closer, acting with more confidence than before, and the winged hero is quick to respond to his efforts, humming and relaxing easily into Dabi’s pace, letting him take over. His fingertips are soft on Dabi’s scars as he runs them slowly across his cheeks, never once pausing as they catch on staples instead of smooth skin. Sometimes his casual acceptance is unfathomable, and this is most definitely one of those times.
-It’s with reluctance that Dabi pulls away later, breathing heavy, heart beating fast. Hawks unconsciously chases his mouth again, eyes hazy, lips swollen. Seeing him like this, knowing he’s the cause of the ruffled, blushing, gorgeous creature in front of him is temptation enough in itself to just let it all keep going, to pull the winged man into a kiss so overwhelming it’ll make his knees buckle. Instead, though, he stoops and buries his face in the side of the blond’s neck, effectively stopping them both. Hawks’ pulse is pounding against his cheekbone, pattering a fluttering tempo against his skin, and fuck, he doesn’t want this moment to end- which is, in part, why he has to stop things anyway and ask the question that’s still been burning in the back of his mind, potentially more painful than any flames he could possibly produce.
-“Be honest with me, pigeon- is this supposed to be some kind of goodbye?”
-Hawks hitches on a breath but doesn’t say anything, much like earlier. That in itself could be a confirmation, but Dabi is done with secrets and half-truths, has been since he told him who he is that night and, later, when he called Hawks out on being a double agent so many months ago. He’s tired of them both hiding things as if they don’t already know that these secrets have a habit of changing everything later down the line. 
-When he still fails to respond, stalling, Dabi tightens his hold on the smaller man, lips moving before he can stop them, brushing across his collarbone as he speaks. “Keigo.”
-Shattered. That’s the only word that describes the sound Hawks makes at this, a broken, whimpering gasp of a thing that has him burying his hands in Dabi’s hair again, grip tight. 
-“I don’t want it to be,” He preludes finally, but his voice is all forced rationality, a strange, practiced and conditioned tone that Dabi’s never heard, but that he slips on too easily for it to not be somewhat of a normal thing. It’s the first time that he’s ever wondered what kind of face the winged man puts on for the Commission, has a feeling this is the first time he’s seen it. “But I don’t have much of another choice, do I?” 
-An ounce of bitterness leaks into the plastic presentation of the words, and Dabi doesn’t dare move as Hawks continues, all the while trying to ignore the way that his throat constricts with disappointment, a confirmation of a harrowed expectations, but not at all a surprise. Even when he’d fleetingly considered the possibility that he might lose Hawks, a part of him had known it was a suspicion of when, not a fear. “They had me on a leash before, but being Number One now, that rope’s going to get a whole lot shorter. There’s always going to be eyes watching. Any bit of freedom I had before this… They’ll pull me from this mission too and managing to keep contact without leading them directly to you or Rei is going to be almost impossible.”
-He’s not wrong. It’s a miracle nobody’s caught onto Hawks’ affiliation with the League as it is, and there’s so much on the line. Dabi thinks of his mother, of the fragile world she’s started building around herself, and how crippling it would be to have that tentative peace ripped from her hands yet again. Rei’s strong, that much goes without question, but Dabi’s not sure if she’d be able to handle the stress of the hero world slamming down on them- especially not now. The weight could crush her.
-But that being said, losing Hawks would be a difficult blow for the woman to handle as well. He’s become a solid presence in her life at this point, and while she hasn’t ever vocalized it, Dabi knows she’s begun to see him as yet another chick in her mismatched brood of children. Her having to let him go will be like losing another son all over again.
-Fuck, why couldn’t things be easier?
-As if reading his prior thoughts, Hawks lets out a hoarse chuckle, the sound too dull to not be mostly fake even though his voice is perky, “They definitely have a habit of keeping me out of family situations, eh?”
-Dabi doesn’t know much about Hawks’ involvement with the Commission. He’d always figured the winged man would get around to telling him about his story at some point or another, but now it seems like that might always be a mystery. It was clear, though, even just from Hawks’ mannerisms now that there’s not much for good blood between them. This isn’t Keigo acting as the rebellious turncoat with a score to settle, who’d talk anything just to get in the door. This is honest, all of it.
-And realistically, they should be talking about everything- figuring out what story to tell the League about why Hawks has to leave, what they’re going to do if they ever meet in the field, how to keep the truth from coming out, everything. But when Dabi draws away from Hawks’ shoulder, catching the other man’s face for the first time since this was all brought up, he’s stopped by the image of Takami biting down on his lip a little too hard, eyes turned away just a little too pointedly. He’s not crying, not that Dabi can tell, but he’s wearing an expression too neutral and impassive to fool the fire-user into thinking that tears aren’t still a possibility, or that they haven’t just been pushed aside for the time being.
-They should be talking. Dabi’s hands reach up for Hawks’ face instead of his hips, firmly but not ungently turning the man’s chin to face him once again and leaving two fingers resting on his jaw. They should be talking. Hawks’ fingers loop around his wrists, an effort of grounding, not to pull away. They should be talking, so they fill the silence.
-“I don’t want to go back to them.”
-A request that should be so easy to fulfill, and in any other situation, it would be. Dabi chokes down his pride and ghosts a kiss over Hawks’ forehead, the gesture soft and sweet, impossible to read as anything but vulnerably genuine and speaking volumes that he can’t say.
“Then stay.”
-It’s right on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t voice it, can’t do that to either of them. Instead, he lets out a long, quiet sigh, and feels the staples near the corners of his mouth tug as he speaks.
-“They won’t find you here, birdie. Not tonight.” Dabi murmurs, and once that same statement might have been meant as a threat, but now it’s offered as something comforting, albeit temporary. Hawks hums at the sentiment, weary and maybe doubtful, but Dabi can tell by the tiny, almost bashful grin crawling across his face that he appreciates the effort nonetheless.
-“If they wanted me found and brought back in, I’m not sure there’s much you could do to stop them, Hot Stuff.”
-If Dabi answers with a snarled “Let them try,” that sounds like a firmly rooted challenge and a confirmation all at once, he damn well means it. The way Hawks claims his mouth half a second later proves he knows.
-Hours later, Dabi will be jolting awake to the feeling of Hawks’ arms around his waist, blond hair tickling the back of his neck, and a nagging sensation caught in the forefront of his mind that he’s forgotten the name for. It bothers him, not knowing what it is that he’s missing, but he doesn’t get the opportunity to dwell on it as the man behind him presses closer, hand tracing slow, lazy shapes across Dabi’s abdomen. His voice is heavy with sleep as he murmurs quiet assurances to the fire-wielder, clearly having been startled awake by Dabi’s sudden jump, but not even remotely close to fully awake. 
-It takes a few seconds for Dabi to realize that the winged hero had assumed, in his barely-conscious state, that Dabi was having a nightmare, but by the time he comes to his own senses, Hawks is already asleep once more, breathing soft and even, and it’s too late to correct him. Careful not to wake him again, Dabi gingerly lets one of his hands fall over the one Hawks still has draped across his stomach, hating himself for the wave of security the contact brings. He shouldn’t be letting himself get comfortable with Hawks’ presence now- come morning, he’ll never get the chance to do this again.
-In some ways, though, that’s all the more reason to take everything he can get while the thief in him is still able to reach for it. 
-So it’s with a small degree of shame but also a huge amount of self-indulgence that Dabi intentionally raises his body temp a few degrees, feels Hawks instinctively go from holding him loosely to cuddling, the bastard letting out a happy little cooing sound that has Dabi physically restraining himself from shaking with laughter because he’s such a fucking bird sometimes, and-
-The word hits him then, straight in the chest, partially knocking the air from his lungs. Fuck, that’s something he hasn’t felt in a long time, has been blocking out for well over a decade. And when it sinks in, he’s stunned, horrified, scared. This isn’t right- he can’t be feeling this now. In less than six hours, Hawks will be an enemy again. The next time he sees him in person, they may have to fight. He’ll have to act like he hates this man who has managed to make him feel safe, has managed to care for him when he thought he wasn’t worth caring for, has made him feel like more than he is, more than he’s ever been seen to be.
-He’s too afraid to even lift the lid on his own feelings for the winged man, terrified of what he might uncover, especially if it’s at this moment, never to be properly resolved. It’s easier to pretend it’s just a matter of taking, of being loved and nothing else, that he doesn’t have any urge to make Keigo feel the same way (it’s absolutely a lie). 
-“How the hell are we going to do this, pretty bird?” Dabi breathes almost inaudibly, voice swallowed by the expanse of the room. Hawks doesn’t answer- he wasn’t expecting him to, with the smaller man being so deeply asleep once more, but alone the seconds drag by like nails down skin.
-It’s a restless night for the arsonist, and when sleep finally does drag him under, it’s with the sinking knowledge that even as his vision grows darker, the sky outside is growing lighter with the grey of dawn. They’re out of time.
Well folks, that’s part three! This one got pretty DabiHawks heavy but I promise it’s mostly as an incline to the events in part four. I tried writing this scene out a few different ways, and rushing this portion just didn’t seem to be working out well. Part four will go back to focusing more on the Todoroki family as a whole, particularly Rei :) On one final note, I’ve had a few people ask about whether or not I’m still taking requests, and the answer is yes! Feel free to hit me up with any headcanons, requests, or even just ideas in general. I’m always up for new writing opportunities! Thanks for reading! 
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librarybunny13 · 4 years
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Can we talk about the fact that AFO thinks that Mr. Compress, Machia,Toga (and Twice) are acceptable as “loses” for AFO because Tomura lost fighting against like ALL of Hero Society, including the top ten heroes BY HIMSELF?
Can we talk about Spinner does not want to leave them and is being manhandled by the Nomu against his will? Can we talk about the fact that Spinner is going to have to be the one to tell Tomura that Twice is captured (he is not dead). That Compress literally gave his ass so that they could escape and it looks like he literally gave a leg as well and his internal organs? SPINNER! PLEASE tell Shigaraki about all of this on panel. I think Tomura will be horrified that his body led the charge to GTFO of there.  
Can we talk about the fact that I think they also has Skeptic? And that Dabi is still in a marble. Wil; Dabi just POOF appear with his legs wrapped around Spinner’s neck? Or will it be more along the lines of he falls into Spinner’s arms and lap? 
Guys, I think at this point I might want to be Spinner. Think of all the yummy men falling into your lap, into your arms. Spinner is truly the VIP of this arc for the villains. I mean just how many attractive men can Spinner hold in those arms at one time?This must be tested.
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leagueofidiots · 5 years
Kurogiri, stop
No triggers! I had too much fun
"Tomura Shigaraki, I am tired of you blowing off my job's difficulty," says Kurogiri, misty eyes fading into a squint. "And so I have a proposition, if you choose to accept my challenge."
"You say 'challenge', I say 'inconvenience'," he says, moving Father slightly to the left to look his nanny-of-sorts in the eye better.
"Nah, it'll be fun, probably," says Spinner, twirling around on a bar stool lazily. "Better than just sitting around, anyway. You and Sako are sick of planning anyway, right?"
"That's why we need to keep at it," he insists, scratching at the place his eyebrows used to be. "I don't want him to lose his train of thought. It'd be counter-productive."
"No, no," says Sako, nearly pleaing. "A break will do my brain good. And let me think more clearly later. Please, Kurogiri, go on."
The man bends down behind his counter, and stands back up with a carton of eggs in his hands. "Each of you will be given one of these eggs. You will spend the day taking care of it. If you break it, you owe me a day off. If all of you lose, we go to bed at eight tonight."
"Alright, grandpa, you're on," says Dabi viciously, grabbing his surrogate egg-child.
Tomura pulls on his half-glove, picking up an egg. "This should be fairly simple. As easy as you have it anyway put together with the fact that the egg doesn't have to go into battle while we stay behind cleaning, that makes our odds extraordinarily good."
"I have my maternal instincts anyway," says Toga cheerily. She nearly drops her egg the moment she scoops it up, but manages to save it with the tips of her left fingers from tumbling any further towards the ground.
"I wouldn't trust those, says Magne, giving a little tug on a strand of hair loose from her buns. "You'll end up with a baby that has a cracked skull and its organs out that way."
Twice gasps. "Why would you say that?!? Sounds realistic."
"Make sure to give them faces and names," says Kurogiri, passing Sako a sharpie. "That way you'll become emotionally attached, and have a breakdown if you hurt them."
Spinner gives Kurogiri a concerned glance as Tomura scratches on a simple smile and the letter "to" onto his. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes, yes, just existential dread. It caves in rather quickly when you're around kids for too long." He smiles at Shigaraki. "What did you name it?"
"Tomura," he says. "I refuse to care about anyone besides myself. It doesn't end well." Magne almost laughs, but decides against it. It has only been a week since All for One was arrested, after all, so he probably wasn't kidding.
"I named mine Ashi," says Dabi. His has a cat face. "I intend to take this  very seriously, so nobody get in my way."
Once the rest of the eggs' names and faces get sorted out, Kurogiri dismisses the league to carry on with their day, locking the rest of the eggs up with the alcohol behind his bar counter.
For the most part, everything is normal. Twice and Dabi sit on the ground, eggs on their lap as Dabi teaches him shogi. Magne, Toga, and Spinner start a braid train, all their egg children in a nest made up of Kenji's jacket. Tomura and Sako finalize the league's next plan. From behind his counter, Kurogiri watches, waiting for his opportunity to strike.
"I'm going to bed early if it kills me, and this very well may be the only chance I have to do so," he mumbles, cleaning out a glass. "I'm going to have to play this dirty."
The mayhem begins with a simple warp gate, opened up underneath the smoking Twice's Sakata. The egg drops from the roof and lands near his leg with a splat, and he gapes at Kurogiri in shock. "Kurogiri, did you just---?!?"
"You people expect me to care for you even when you run out and commit atrocities, it's only fair I should be able to apply this."
Toga's eyes widen. "And here I thought you were lying about being a villain. You're a monster." She cradles Kawaii close to her chest.
Shigaraki grins. "Finally. It's been too long." A portal opens up under Spinner's feet, and he lets out a high scream as he begins the freefall from ceiling to floor to ceiling to floor.
"Make it stop!" he sobs, tumbling in loops. "Please, make it stop!"
"Just drop Miku!" suggests Dabi.
"No!" He falls faster each time, hair whipping in the wind he's created.
"Why now?!?" cries Sako. "You had all this time! We started at noon!"
"It is now 7:30," says Kurogiri calmly. "So long as you all fail before 8:00, I still get what I want. This wait has lulled you all into a false sense of security."
"I give!" shouts Suichi, a beg for mercy as his egg lands with a splat again the wall. Kurogiri opens a series of portals, all across the bar, and sets him gently down once he's lost speed.
Another portal begins under Tomura, but he jumps out of the way and shoves in Dabi instead. "Have fun, ugly!"
The betrayal in Dabi's eyes as he falls reminds Sako of Mufasa. "I get motion sickness, you creep!"
But, unlike Suichi before him, he stays still and quiet. "Are you okay, Dabs?" asks Toga after several minutes.
"Actually, yeah. It's not much worse than just falling straight. Just tickles a little at the gate." Eventually, still falling far too quickly to be normal, he says, "Somebody jump across and catch me, it'll be awesome."
Magne huffs, and throws her egg at the blurry purple and black figure. "Ow!" Another egg hits next to Nakano, Magne's dear deceased, and a sudden cry of "ASHI!" calls out, far too late. Dabi is dropped off in the same way Spinner was before him.
Now, only Tomura, Kawaii, and Hitoto live on. The time is 7:45.
Toga pulls out her knife, pointing it at Atsuhiro. "Drop the egg, pretty boy, or I'm gonna tear that jacket of yours open."
"Why are you ganging up on me?!?" he asks, backing up. "We're not opponents!"
She grins. "It's more fun this way though." She lunges her blade at Hitoto, but Sako compresses it, backflipping out of her range.
Tomura waits behind him, gripping his egg-bound hand with his elbow. He takes the marble in his teeth, plucks it from between Compress' fingers, and swallows it. The whole building looks at him in terror.
"Fix it!" demands Kurogiri shrilly. "He can't just eat a marble, undo it!" Sako snaps, still gaping at his boss.
Tomura grins. "Me and Toga now."
She throws a knife towards his feet, narrowly missing his toes. With incredible agility, she jumps on top of his shoulders as he bends low after assuming she was aiming for his head, gripping his neck with her legs. He drops Tomura in surprise, and Toga throws down Kawaii with great satisfaction, tumbling back down to solid ground.
"Why did you do that?" asks Spinner after a minute of shocked silence.
"Kinda tired," she says, and with that, she skips off to bed. 7:52.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Cotton Candy Skies
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Warnings: 18+
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: I decided to combine these two since they were kinda similar soo yeah!!
You’re just so small, smaller than most people he’s met and he won’t over say it in public, but he just adores that about you. He holds you close to him, slinging an arm over your shoulders and will accompany you if you have to go somewhere alone. He likes being near you, you make him feel needed, and when you place your hands on his chest leaning into his ear to whisper how he makes you feel safe, he wonders if you can feel his beating heart underneath. All you have to do is say the word, and he’s willing to give you whatever you want. You’re just so cute and when you tilt your head and purse your lips, batting your eyelashes, he just can’t refuse you. He can’t even look at you, only grumble out a few words in a low breath and turn his head away, a blush steadily creeping up his neck.
You never realized the effect you had on him until Jin pointed it out, going between voices on how cute you are and how much Shigaraki wants to keep you close to him in more ways than one. You wave him off, giggling behind your hand that he isn’t that affected than what he was making it out to be. That sure, he seemed at a loss for words when you’d throw your arms around him, that a peck on the corner of his lips was enough to get him to stop rambling, and- oh. You can see the smile that Jin has through the mask and you turn away with an embarrassed look on your face, covering your mouth and your eyes darting left and right. He was a lot more flustered around you, holding you tight against his body when you wore anything pink. You tell Jin bye with a wave of your hand and he yells bye after you, the word barely acknowledged past a wave as you mouth words to yourself.
You walk into the shared room and call out to Tomura, but he doesn’t answer. You pout and close the door, walking aimlessly towards the bed, sitting yourself down on it and looking down to the cotton candy pink skirt that you’re wearing with a matching white shirt that’s decorated with a milk carton.
“It’s risky,” you mumble to yourself, pinching the pink fabric between your hands, “but what’s the worst that happens?”
When you walk in the living room, Tomura is on the couch with a cheek resting on his fist while Dabi leans back on the opposite end with eyes half closed. Twice sits on the love seat next to Spinner and tilts his head as he watches you walk and stand in front of Shigaraki who perks up.
“Tomu-kun,” you start out, bouncing on your heels.
“What?” He asks, sitting up straighter, letting his arm hang off of the armrest. 
“Can I sit on your lap,” you lick your lips and give him a sweet smile, “please?”
His eyes grow wide, mouth opens and moves but no words come out. You take a deep breath and sit yourself on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his neck where it has a light shade of pink starting to crawl up. You can feel eyes on the two of you where he remains stiff under you, arms slowly and jerkily coming to place themselves on your back and thigh. You fit perfectly on his lap, like the puzzle piece he’s been missing and holds tightly onto you, running his fingers down your side in an attempt to calm himself down.
“Thank you, Tomu-kun,” you whisper against the shell of his ear, placing a feathery light kiss on him. You pull away with a smile on your face. Your eyes flicker and his face is growing red and his lip is bitten between his teeth as he tries to focus on the television that plays an old rerun of a show. “So what are we watching?”
If your fingers weren't playing with his hair and dancing along the old scars on his neck, you wouldn’t be entirely sure that he was still alive. He’s still underneath you, hands placed firmly on you and only shifting when you do, pressing yourself close against him and smiling brightly at him. You kiss his jaw, flip your middle finger at Dabi when he makes a gagging sound and there’s a brief second where you meet Jin’s eyes and you can see his wide smile underneath the mask, your eyes flicking downwards for a reason unbeknownst to you and you see him give you a thumbs up. It makes your face burn and once again bury yourself against Tomura’s neck. Spinner won’t even look you in the eyes, arms crossed and nails digging into his scales as he tries to keep his focus on the television.
“Tomura,” you say softly, twirling a strand of his hair around your finger. He grunts in response and his hand digs itself deeper against you. “You’re red,” you place the back of your hand against his cheek, “are you okay?”
“Fine,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Are you sure?” You pout your lips and tilt your head and that’s when he breaks away from your gaze, turning his head to press it against your collarbone. You tease the bracelet on your wrist and with a quick swipe of your hand, it unclasps. “Well,” you sigh, “if you’re sure.” You get up and smooth out your skirt and when doing so, the bracelet falls and clanks on the floor. “Oh no!”  You have to bite back the grin that’s growing as you speak. You bend over, staying stretched for a second too long and when you have the bracelet back in your grasp you turn to him and give him a smile. “Got it,” you tell him, giving him a coy grin.
You walk quickly to your room, the charms of the barecelt dig into your palm and when you make it to your room, you slam the door shut and lean against it. You can feel your face grow hot and you let out a mischievous giggle.
“I can’t believe I just did that,” you giggle, shaking your head and dropping the bracelet on the dresser. You breathe out a giddy breath and practically skip over to the bed where a blanket lays unfolded. 
You hum a tune to yourself, shake your shoulders in a little dance and when you hear the door click behind you, you turn your head and greet Tomura with a smile. “Show’s over?” 
He’s silent as he walks towards you and you only shrug, he’s always been rather silent at times. Your humming has stopped and your run your fingers along the edge of the blanket, straightening it out and having the corners meet. 
You gasp when he wraps his arms around you and you lean into his chest, your lips tugging into a corner. “Hello to you too,” you smile, jokingly budging your leg into his.
“You know,” he presses himself close behind you, a hand slowly trails up your thigh and lifts your skirt, the fabric tickles your skin and rises with goose bumps, “you’re being a lot cuter today than you usually are.” His breath is hot against your ear and you hear the grin that he has plastered on his face.
“Oh, am I?” You squeak out, your face burning and eyes directly focused on the blanket clutched in your hands. “I hadn’t noticed.”
He hums in your ear and his hands travel from your thighs to the bottom hem of your shirt, his fingers ghosting over your tummy. “You want to know what I think?” His voice is low and he presses himself closer to you, and you squeak when you feel something hard press against your rear. 
“What do you think, Tomu-kun?” You lean back and drop the blanket on the bed, ghosting your fingers over his.
“I think you’re doing it on purpose.” His lips are on your neck, leaving trails as he presses them against your shoulder, his teeth bared in a wide grin. “I think that your little show of sitting on my lap and wrapping your arms around my neck was all a little ploy.”
Your chest is rising heavily and you manage to giggle lightly. “You know I like sitting on your lap.” You try to turn around but a quick squeeze of his hands that have moved to your waist keeps you still. You lick your lips and bite back the growing smile. “I do it often.” 
“That’s right, you do,” you gasp when his nails dig into your skin and you squeeze your legs together. “You sit on my lap, you press kisses down my jaw, and you smile and tilt your head and ask what’s wrong when I turn red.” He swipes his tongue where your neck and shoulder meet and his hand comes back to the hem of your shirt and begins to tug upwards. “And then what else do you?”
“Tomu-kun,” you whine, grabbing his hands, “I just sit-”
“No you don’t,” he blows cool air where he licked, ���tell me before I get rid of your shirt.”
You sigh. “I- I bend-” You shake your head and cover your face in your hands. “Tomura, don’t make me say it,” you whimper, stomping your foot. You gasp when your shirt turns to a thin layer of dust that shimmers down your body and pools onto the floor. “Tomura!” You scold, patting your hands on your chest, trying to shake the remaining dust off.
You yelp when you’re pushed down on the bed face first. You barely have time to lift your head and turn it when your legs are kicked apart and a hand trails down your spine leaving a burning sensation in it’s touch. You gulp when he presses himself close to your burning heat covered by thin pieces of fabric. 
“You bend over and shake your ass and everyone can see your cunt.” Your skirt is lifted up and a finger swipes from your clit and prods at your entrance that has begun to leak. “Do you or don’t you?”
“I do,” you mumble, swirling your hips, trying to feel him touch you again.
“I thought so,” he says quietly, pressing a hand down your spine, ceasing all movements. His hand that’s placed itself on your intimates, moves the thin piece of fabric to the side and thrusts a finger knuckle deep. You mewl at the touch and your muscles contract.
“Tomu-kun,” you whimper, “I didn’t mean to tease you.” Tears brim your eyes and with shaky hands you bring the blanket that’s crumpled underneath you to your mouth. “I-”
“Tsk. You know that you did. You perked your ass right on top and would lean forward on purpose, wouldn’t you?”
Not trusting your voice, you nodded. You didn’t think he would react like this to teasing, usually he just got flustered around you and would turn a dark shade of red but this was a new version of him that you’re looking at, someone who bent you over and proceeded to taunt you as he was a finger deep inside of you.
A hand squirms its way underneath you, and it paws feverishly at your breast, nails digging into the cup and shoving it down, letting your breast spill out and soon the other meets the same fate. His crotch was pressed against your wet heat, and his breath was hot on your neck with a hand tweaking your pebbling bud with ferocity. The brace is cold and digs into your soft breast. It makes you whine and kick your leg, aching for him to put another finger inside, to just get this torture over with and take you.
He makes a noise of disapproval and when you turn your head to get a good look at him, he forces your head back down on the mattress. “No, no,” he chides, “you don’t get to act like a little cocktease and then not expect the punishment that comes with it.” 
“Tomu-kun,” you contract around his finger and hiss when he curls it inside of you, “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again,” you promise, feeling yourself throb when he adds a second finger.
“Yes you will,” he mutters, removing a hand from under you and grabbing your hip, digging his nails into your skin.
Your face burns and you don’t deny the accusation. “Please Tomura,” you plead to him, your slick coating his fingers.
“I’m doing this for me, not for you. Understood?”
You nod your head. “Yes, sir,” you coo, feeling the coil in your stomach start to tighten and when you hear his pants unzip. “I understand.”
Hands leave your body and you can only trust your ears when you hear him sigh. Your underwear pools and stays locked mid calf until he grunts at you to take them off. You shut your eyes tight when you feel his cock slide from your clit to your wanting entrance. 
His hands lock themselves at your waist, and he lets out a thick groan when he pushes himself inside of you. “Fuck already so wet and I all to say was a few harsh words and stick a finger inside of you,” he groans, burying himself inside of you. “How long were you wet for?”
“Ever- Ever since you bent me over,” you admit, your face flushed. Your hands grab fistfuls of the blanket underneath of you, gnawing your bottom lip and thrusting your hips to meet his when he slaps himself into you. 
“Of course you did,” he says in a strained voice, groaning out when he pulls out of your gooey walls. “Fuck, you’re tight,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “You wanted this, didn’t you? You wanted me to bend you over like the whore you are and stick my cock inside of you.” A hand leaves your hips and comes around to play with your clit, the sensation making your toes curl and raise your hips.
“Tomura,” you gasp, every word that he says sends a wave of warmth to your stomach.
“Next time you pull a little stunt like that, I have half the mind to fuck you in front of everybody,” he spits out, pinching your clit between his fingers. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? To have people see your slutty, little hole stretched out and creaming on my cock.”
Your face burns and you muffle yourself by biting into the blanket, your moans muffled by the soft fabric. Your body answers for you, it speaks out to him when you gush over his cock, when your gummy walls pull him deeper in you, tightening around his cock and leaking when he hits the spot that sends waves of pleasure down your spine and make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
“You know,” he gives a sharp slap to your twitching pearl and you jump in excitement, “I think I might not even let you cum,” he chuckles darkly when you protest, “I might just dump my cum in you and see what you do get yourself off.”
“No, Tomura,” you sob out, “please- oh fuck!” You bury your face into the mattress and arch your back. You cry out his name and bite into the blanket.
His cock buries itself inside of you, twitching against your gooey walls that are slick with your arousal, and allow him to slide in without resistance, slapping skin filling the room followed by lewd noises. He moves at a face pace, gripping your hip hard enough to leave imprints and rubbing at your clit in harsh, uneven circles, already knowing that you’re close but not caring if you get there or not- you teased him, you bent over in front of him, peppered kisses across his jaw- if you ask him, you not getting to cum is only fair to what you put him through today with your little stunt. 
He knows that around you he’s soft, that he’ll melt into your touch and let his guard down- you’re the only one to see that, the only one who he’ll ever allow to see him in such a vulnerable state when you’re pressed against his side and rubbing your fingertips against his bare chest, tracing the old and new scars with the same fondness and gentleness that you’ve always held. 
But now? Now you were just being a brat. You were demanding him to go faster, reaching your hand over in a desperate attempt to guide him, your other hand going down and ghosting over his hand, letting out a choked gasp when you press his hand down and he presses harsher against your clit. You want it hard? He’s going to make you cry.
His hand leaving your hip and clit and you hiss and swirl your hips, in a pitiful display to get him back and in a quick move, he grabs a wrist, and pulls you up, you cry at the sudden motion and then he reaches over and hooks two fingers inside your mouth and drops your wrist. You hold yourself up on your hands, arching your back towards him and he raises a leg, draping it over the bed. 
He moves at a rougher pace, hissing out curses under his breath. Drool pools out of your mouth and drips down your chin. It lands in a small puddle on the blanket and you let out a whimper at the now dirty fabric. His length hits you hard and despite all the selfishness that he’s presented during this ordeal, you’re close to your high, feeling every muscle beginning to burn and ache into a tight knot. You incoherently say his name, and when his fingers curl again, you groan. He’s muttering obscenities at you, calling you a filthy whore and telling you how tight you feel, as his cock makes use of you and when you suck on his fingers, a last resort to get him to pay attention to you, he lets go of your mouth and you gasp for breath and swipe your tongue on the inside of your cheeks where his nails had begun to mark you.
“Say it,” he grunts, his length twitching inside of you. “Say what you are.”
“I’m a tease,” you whimper, “I’m a little cock tease Tomu-kun, I’m sorry!” The burning in your stomach is starting to consume you and you think you might cry if you don’t get to cum.
“Louder,” you hiss when he digs his hand deeper into your skin. “You wanted to show your little cunt to everyone,” his voice is tainted with jealousy, “then let everyone know what a fucking tease you are.”
“I’m a cock tease! I’m a slutty little cock tease! Please Tomura, let me cum! Let your little tease cum! Please Tomu-kun!” You  shift your legs, your muscles wrapping around his shaft and sucking him in. The coil in your stomach is growing tighter and you desperately need him to make you cum, you tongue is lolling out of your mouth and the only coherent thought that you can have right now is his cock deep in your tight hole.
He chants your name and brings his hands under your belly and crawls them upward to your chest, gripping at your supple mounds and pushing you close to him, your leg falls from the bad and lands with a slight sting on the floor. You realize with jealousy and irritation that he’s cumming inside of you, letting his seed spill inside of you, coating your pink velvety walls with his arousal. He bites your shoulders and lets drool run down your back and he keeps himself inside until he’s twitching out the last drop and you cry his name, telling him that you hadn’t reached yours yet and when you shove your hand down, he grabs it and pins it just out of reach, fingers barely able to graze at yours sensitive bud.
“Nope,” he whispers, eyes half closed and he pushes you back against the bed and with a low grunt, he pulls his cock out of you. “A little tease like you doesn’t get to cum on my cock.”
“Tomu-kun,” you whisper exasperatedly, cupping your dripping heat. “Please make me cum, please Tomu-kun.” With eyes on him, you bring a hand up that’s coated in a thin layer of cum and swipe your tongue flat across and you hum as you swallow him.
“Play with yourself, I have things to do,” he tells you with a smirk, buttoning up his pants. “Tell me how it goes, hm?” And when the door slams shut, your eyes brimming with tears from humiliation, you shove your fingers into your hot cunt while the other plays with your clit, the squelching noises both music to your ears and adding further humiliation to your already vulnerable and sensitive state of mind.
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leagueofliberation · 5 years
They fly in without any real direction. AFO didn't have time to calculate how they would land and to be frank about it, he didn’t care.
Giran’s only warning is an animalistic shriek from Shigaraki as the flailing body of a skeletal figure was thrown across his office. He lands awkwardly next to Giran had spooked right out of his chair, hand already hovering underneath his desk where a gun had been stashed.
The startled broker stopped midway when he realizes it's Shigaraki. His look of panic turns into one of puzzlement. It doesn't last for long though because the flying body of Twice was the next one to come hurtling in. Not for the first time in that minute span, as Twice’s massive frame misses him by a hair, Giran finds himself wondering what the hell was happening. Twice sees him and immediately waves hello with a smile.
Next comes Magne, she crashes onto the ground but by the devils, luck managed to miss the sharp corner of the large, handcrafted oak desk. Dabi was not as lucky (or perhaps he was the luckiest of all). He smacks face-first into Magne’s crotch. Dabi, who had been (unfortunately) jolted awake by the portal asks her if she's a eunuch. Before Magne can rightfully smack him back into unconsciousness Toga falls on top of Dabi. Giran distractedly hears Toga comment something along the lines of Dabi having a firm ass, to which replied “fuck off”, and decides he doesn’t need to hear the rest of that conversation.
The others seem to fall in with much more ease. Mr Compress somehow lands gracefully and with only a few hairs out of place. Spinner lands perfectly ninja-like on the pool table. However, his awesome landing was cut short as Kurogiri crashed into him.
It takes a while for the group to compose themselves.
First, they had to watch with some discomfort as their all-powerful, very inspiring leader, Shigaraki, crawled with “Father: grasped in hand to the nearest open closet. (He didn't seem to notice the machine guns being stored in there, or that the metal box he was sitting on was holding a grenade launcher). Then, Twice gave Giran such a hug that he let out a sound reminiscent of what a dogs chew toy makes when squeezed. So, yet another minute was taken as Giran regained enough oxygen to speak.
As the league waited Dabi muttered something about what a fight that was. Toga loudly questioned how he would know, he "slept" through the whole thing. Dabi: I was kicked in the face. Toga: By a guy older than Giran!
Giran looked at her, slightly perturbed as to why  words were being thrown at him, “when I don't even know why you're here.”
Magne swats Dabi's face away (he hadn't bothered to remove himself from her lap) and explains everything. The first words out of Giran’s trash mouth? "What about the bar?" Kurogiri gives him a look that clearly means "not now".
Afterwards, there's this very awkward moment where they all stare at Shigaraki who is still hyperventilating as he clutches his corpse hands. Nobody wanted to be the first one to ask if the fight was still airing, and if so could they watch. Finally, Giran excused himself under the gauze of a very important phone call. He was gone for 10 minutes before Twice became curious and went outside too. It’s there that he saw Giran watching the whole thing on a portable TV radio he kept inside his coat pocket.
Giran looked up with a sheepish grin, "I usually only use this at funerals." Twice did his best to give him a most judgemental look, "which, the way this fight is going, we may be attending." The urge to not be mad at Giran was strong (he had ever so secretly wanted to continue watching the fight as well). Twice peaked over Giran’s shoulder. “All Might is getting the crap smacked outta him!” "All Might has no chance!” Giran nodded, although it was unclear which persona he was agreeing with. 
Twice was gone for 5 minutes before Dabi decided that's he too was bored of watching their leader have a panic attack. He leaves, tactlessly shutting the door with an audible click of the lock, only stopping his exit when he sees Twice and Giran huddled together. He needs no context. "What's the score?" "All Might just flew through a building." Dabi decides he has time to stick around and watch. He stands on the other side of Giran.
Toga’s attention span lasts a mere second longer than Dabi’s with a dramatic yawn she too departed. Mr Compress follows immediately after. They spot the three men pressed together with wide eyes. The roaring cries of Endeavour can be heard, "what's going on with that weak little body!" 
"I thought Endeavour hated All Might," Twice mused. "No, he loves him," Dabi deadpanned. "What, really?" "Yeah, everyone gets it wrong. They're really gay for each other."  "Who's gay for who now?" Toga butted in. Shoving herself between Dabi and Giran, much to the former's annoyance. "Endeavour wants All Might to Plus Ultra him up the ass." "I knew it," Mr Compress said as he peered over Twice's shoulder to watch the mess unfold.
Spinner and Magne were in an all-out war to see who would leave first. Neither wanted to be that guy (or gal). Finally, Magne decided that she couldn't ignore the increasing "oooh's" and Ahhh's coming from behind the door. Spinner gratefully followed her, not realizing she wasn't leaving. Swinging the door ajar she sees the group huddled together. 
"Oh damn!" "That's going to hurt in the morning." "He has a tiny penis too." "How do you know that?" "Guys, shush, All Might isn't hot anymore." 
Magne stared at them with the biggest disappointed sister look, about to give them hell, when the last sentence sunk in. 
"All Might isn't hot anymore!?" "No, he's got less meat than a veggie burger." 
Magne immediately walked over, unable to ignore such life-changing news, shmooshing herself up against Twice to get the best (least crowded) view. Spinner decided that it couldn't hurt to at least see what all the fuss was about. Standing on his tippy-toes to glance over Dabi's. Unfortunately, he bumped into Toga who shoved him back. This incited a verbal argument which can be best summed up as, "if you don't let me watch I'll turn you into beef stew", to which Toga replied, "I know an excellent recipe for grilled lizard legs". 
The volume increased to a point where even Kurogiri couldn't ignore it. He stepped out. Nobody noticed. 
Suddenly a booming voice echoed across the hall. 
As if God himself had commanded the room. Everyone in the room- perhaps for the first time in their individual lives- did as they were told. 
Well, almost everyone. 
Giran’s eyes remained glued to the portable. "My God!" he exclaimed. His eyes were so wide, his face so taken aback, that the momentary command Kurogiri held over the room was broken. Everyone stopped to stare.
"It's over..." Twice stated dumbfounded. "Who won," everyone else questioned loudly. The crowd of villains, this time joined by Kurogiri, regrouped around Giran
"I don't see anything." “I can't see shit." "Wait, no, the smoke is clearing!" "Is that--" ”I told you!” “You didn’t tell me shit!” "Both of them?" "They're both--" "He's alive!" Kurogiri exclaimed with the voice crack of a pre-pubescent teen.
From the closet, Shigaraki could hear the muffled sound of what was either a giddy school girl or Twice shouting, "All For One survived!" Though the crushing sense of responsibility loomed over him he breathed a little easier.
The group outside cheered loudly at the victory. So excited were they that nobody seemed to notice the uncharacteristically long silence from Giran. It was the end of an era. After all, if you had lived to see the rise and fall of such greats, who could help but feel the cosmos shift a little? 
Twice glanced at his friend who he couldn’t help but notice seemed a little misty-eyed. 
“Are you crying?" "I'm just thinking about all the money I won."
A new chapter has begun for both sides, and it's going to be a bloody one
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spiralledcupid · 6 years
Shigaraki Week Day 7: Games / Free Prompt / Movies
Mild warning for vague references to child abuse just in case that gets u !! If u enjoyed ‘The One with the Pomeranian’ i wrote a few months ago,,, this is 4 u
“We still need to give the dog a name.” says Shigaraki, one week after his official adoption.
He’s lay on his stomach, absently mashing buttons as Dabi flicks at his hair and the dog snuffles around the floor. He should be paying attention to the battle he’s in, but it’s not even a boss and, frankly, he’s had enough of his dog’s stupid name.
And it’s his dog. He should get to name it.
“The dog has a name,” Dabi says, “He’s called Pussy Destroyer. It’s a reflection on his favourite hobby.”
“It’s inappropriate.”
Dabi grins the grin that means he’s going to do something especially dickish, “What’s so inappropriate about chasing cats? All dogs do it, Mophead.”
Shigaraki glowers and, in his distraction, hits the wrong button. His character swings when he should have blocked, and promptly gets punted across the screen.
“Bad luck.” Dabi hums, as if it’s not all his fault. Irritably, Shigaraki shakes Dabi’s hand from his hair, and instantly wishes he hadn’t. He thought letting Dabi into his life would make him miss him less; instead, there’s just a lot more to miss.
Shigaraki throws the controller away from him as the game over screen appears, “The name is inappropriate.”
“But…” Dabi’s voice trails off, and his mouth becomes an ‘O’ of fake surprise, “Get your mind out of the gutter, creep.”
Shigaraki grabs a pillow and lunges at Dabi, knocking both of them onto the hard, dirty floor. Shigaraki hits wildly until Dabi grabs his wrists and his cheeks are red and the dry skin on his face hurts because he’s smiling.
Shigaraki runs his fingers through the dog’s fur, pinkie finger lifted well out of the way. The rest of the League is gathered around him in a loose semi-circle, more casual than they would be in a real meeting. Twice has pushed up his mask so it rests above his nose as he lights a cigarette, while Toga pointedly coughs in his direction. Spinner’s not wearing his stupid Stain cosplay, but he is wearing a hoodie that looks like something he stole secondhand.
Then again, Shigaraki can’t talk; due to a sudden shortage of clean shirts- which has nothing to do with the laundry pile they’ve been using as the dog’s bed- he’s in one of Dabi’s frayed white tops, and revealing a lot more cleavage than he’s strictly comfortable with.
There’s part of Shigaraki that wishes this was an official meeting, so he wouldn’t feel so out of place. All of them meeting up out of their villain ensembles feels a bit wrong, like they’re all friends.
Maybe they are.
He hasn’t really got the ‘friends’ thing figured out yet.
Before things can start to feel more uncomfortable, Shigaraki clears his throat. The group quickly falls into a somewhat fidgety silence.
“I’ve gathered you all here,” He says, feeling oddly like a vicar, “to discuss this.”
He holds out the dog.
“He needs a name.”
The fidgeting abruptly stops.
“But he has a name,” Magne says finally, breaking the confused silence, “Right?”
Shigaraki rolls his eyes, “His name is gross.”
“Pussy Destroyer-“ Kurogiri visibly shudders, “-is a great name.” Dabi insists, taking the dog from Shigaraki’s careful grip.
“But it’s hard to use in public. I hate it!” Twice says, voice muffled by his cigarette. Toga’s coughs increase in volume.
“We should call it-“
“I’m not calling my fucking dog Stain.” Shigaraki hisses, and Spinner snaps his mouth shut.
Again, they fall into silence as Dabi scratches the dog behind the ears. It pants happily as Dabi smirks.
Shigaraki grits his teeth. “No one?”
“They’re all just too shy to admit they love Pussy Destroyer’s name.”
“It sucks! It’s great!”
Shigaraki groans.
 “Hey, Mophead.”
Shigaraki glances back over his shoulder, scratching the dry skin on his elbow. Dabi’s still in bed, propped up on one elbow as he watches Shigaraki get dressed. There’s a look in his eye that says he’s planning something, a look that fills Shigaraki with a mix of fear and excitement. As they all know from experience, Dabi’s plans either work perfectly, or end with him almost getting murdered by a humanoid rabbit. There’s never an inbetween; just success or disaster.
“You’re bulking up a little there.” Dabi continues, dragging Shigaraki from his thoughts with a look that inspires shivers. Shigaraki loves and hates the way Dabi looks at him, scanning over him with intense blue eyes until Shigaraki feels a little vulnerable and a little loved.
“Shut up.”
“Make me,” Dabi pauses to scratch his head. His roots are growing in, “Carry me to breakfast.”
“C’mon,” And Shigaraki can practically hear his smile, God dammit, “Bet you can’t.”
“Shut up.” He pauses, “How much?”
“Animal Crossing on Switch.”
“Not enough.”
Shigaraki pulls on a hoodie before glancing back at Dabi. He stretches, long and languid and fluid, and Shigaraki has to tear his eyes away before he embarrasses himself again and again and again.
Unfortunately, Dabi catches him looking. His smile spreads so wide it tugs at his stitches, and Shigaraki doesn’t even have a second to prepare before-
“Baby,” He drawls, and Shigaraki’s hand leaps to his neck before he even registers it, “Carry me. I could be getting sick again.”
“Then you’ll just give it me.” Shigaraki says, desperately trying to forget Dabi calling him baby.
“Stop it.”
The affection is making his shoulders curl higher and higher, and there’s a lump in Shigaraki’s throat that won’t go away even when he swallows again and again, and he knows Dabi will be wearing that stupid mocking smirk he wears when everything’s a joke to him. And Shigaraki, in that moment, hates him so so much.
There’s some kind of twisting in his stomach.
“Too fast, huh?”
Shigaraki almost jumps out of his skin.
Dabi’s somehow moved closer without Shigaraki even noticing. His hand is hovering over Shigaraki’s, purple palm shaking. Shigaraki can feel the internal conflict, to take or not to take, because it’s one he’s found himself tangled in more times than he can count since he let Dabi near. And sometimes he can stand it and it’s all he wants and other times he- they- just can’t.
It’s an odd limbo they’re almost constantly in. To touch or to not, and is this too much, and why do we want this when it hurts every time we try to compliment or touch for a few seconds that never feel like enough. But those few seconds burn at Shigaraki’s torn-up skin.
So they hover for a few more minutes as their breathing syncs, and Shigaraki wants to know if Dabi’s heartbeat has synced with his as well.
Then Dabi pulls himself out of bed, staggering slightly on too-thin legs.
Shigaraki waits until he gets dressed, leaves the room, before flipping his DS open. He keeps the volume down low, so he can hear the comforting breaths of the dog, so he doesn’t entirely lose himself in the game.
No matter how inviting that may be.
 They retreat after that.  
It’s almost like before they were dating, in a way: careful touches, lingering glances, wishes neither of them are sure enough to act on. Because, for all of Dabi’s cocky showmanship, he’s as much of a wreck as Shigaraki is. It doesn’t take a genius to see it.
Two wrecks sink faster, after all.
And this is why Sensei never let him close to people, Shigaraki realises at 2am the next morning, as he lies sleepless in bed. The curtains are open, showing the stars and illuminating Dabi as he sleeps with wheezy huffs. Although Shigaraki knows that during the night he’ll edge closer and closer, they’ve been starting off far away recently, the way Shigaraki would prefer to sleep if it were literally anyone else. But he’ll still wake up with Dabi’s arm around his waist, or his face in his hair; but he won’t have the time to enjoy it before he has to pull away. Just in case. On Shigaraki’s other side, the dog nuzzles into Shigaraki’s hair, a comforting gesture it probably doesn’t even understand.
But, back to the point at hand, this is why Sensei never let him close to people.
Because it just reminds Shigaraki of his own weakness, that whatever he touches he hurts, even when he’s not using his quirk. There’s nothing he can’t destroy, even the things he loves. And now he’s thrown himself straight into the thing Sensei disapproved of most, and his stomach feels like it’s being ripped apart.
Sensei was right, just like he was always right.
Shigaraki takes another glance at Dabi, shifting slowly away. He can’t move much, because there’s a dog in his hair, and does loving the dog count as a weakness and-
Dabi yawns, so wide his stitches look like the might rip his skin. “You think so loud.” He says, voice sleep-and-smoke rough.
Shigaraki doesn’t know how to answer, so he doesn’t.
“Just- just chill out. Whatever you’re thinking. We can deal with it in the morning.”
Dabi throws a sleep heavy arm over Shigaraki, moving a little closer, so Shigaraki can feel the heat coming from his body, “Go to sleep.”
For what it’s worth, Shigaraki really tries.
 He wakes up moody.
The rest of them probably don’t realise there’s anything different, but Shigaraki does. It’s like a headache, but less physical and more just there, digging its way out of his skull. It’s always like this when he sleeps bad, and, on top of it, he’s got the mental fight over whether to follow Sensei’s teachings or what he wants. And he just can’t decide.
The horror movie playing in front of him isn’t helping much.
As a bunch of kid-shaped pixels dive out of the way of a killer clown, the dog crawls onto Shigaraki’s lap, as if it can sense his mental turmoil. Instinctively, Shigaraki buries his hand in its toffee fur.
“Tomu-Chan! Maybe we should call the dog Freddie?”
Toga pouts, hugging a plushie to her stomach. She walked the dog today and ended up coming back with the toy, though Shigaraki doesn’t want to know how. As far as he knows, she doesn’t have a job, and he sure as hell doesn’t pay her.
But raising theft means he has to lecture her on getting caught (again) and he’s no Kurogiri. So instead, he let her put on whatever horror movie she had tucked in her cardigan, so he can avoid talking to her entirely.
Unfortunately, he was extremely wrong when he assumed a movie would shut Toga up.
“I thought you liked slashers.” She pouts, and Shigaraki deliberately misunderstands her.
“This isn’t a slasher. It’s supernatural.”
Toga jogs his arm slightly, until Shigaraki rips it from her grasp, “But the name! Freddie’s from-“
“I know.”
As if he hasn’t been watching these films since he was nine.
“Maybe you could call him Jason then? Or Michael? Ooo, or-“
“I’m not naming my dog after a slasher.”
Finally, Toga falls into a pouty silence. She hugs her acquired plushie, mumbling something Shigaraki doesn’t hear, what with all the television’s screaming. The dog nuzzles into Shigaraki’s hand, huffing hot air onto the fingers Shigaraki bends away from its vulnerable body.
He doesn’t even bother to watch the screen anymore.
Eventually, finally, the movie ends, and they let the menu music loop again and again as Shigaraki drags his fingers through the dogs fur and Toga watches the screen, eyes vacant. For once in her life, she’s not smiling.
And Shigaraki always dismissed the idea of emotional energies as stupid, but now he’s not so sure. Because Toga’s sat still for once in her life, looking as if she just got injected with every shitty thought spinning around Shigaraki’s head. Her amber eyes, always bright, look dim as they reflect the menu sequence back to the TV and something drops in Shigaraki’s stomach.
Is this what guilt feels like?
And this is why he shouldn’t be as near to the League as he is, because it’s just like Sensei always knew, he destroys-
“I’m tired, Tomu-chan,” Toga yawns wide, as if to emphasis her point, flashing sharp white teeth, “I can’t sleep properly anymore.”
“Why?” Shigaraki asks after a pregnant pause, because he feels like Toga’s expectant eyes on him. But if he’s making her miserable, why is she talking to him?
Toga rubs over her eyes, and it’s only then that Shigaraki realised how bloodshot they are, how she’s somehow got eyebags without him even noticing, “The heroes. The world hasn’t got any easier, Tomu-chan. And I don’t like living alone.”
They pause again, and Shigaraki glances down at the dog, panting happily in his lap. He rakes his fingers through its fur one last time.
“Here,” Carefully, he lifts the dog and dumps it in her lap, “He’ll keep you safe.”
Toga squeals, smile flicking back on inhumanely quick as her hand sinks into the dog’s fur, “Really? You’re the best, Tomu-chan!”
He glances away as she fusses over the dog, fingers itching to get at his neck. Sure, letting Toga sleep again is good (good for the League, he means, he’s only doing it for the good of the League) but what’s he meant to do? He’s gotten used to the dog being close at night, so what will he do without it? It’s enough to make him want to scratch again, even though he really knows he shouldn’t but it itches so bad, one little scratch can’t-
Something soft and round hits Shigaraki in the chest. He looks down, and picks up Toga’s new pink plushie with four shaking fingers.
“So you can sleep at night too!”
And she’s got her smile back.
 “You did something nice.” Dabi says later that night. They’re eating takeout on Shigaraki’s bed, straight from the cardboard containers, with the TV on low and the curtains thrown open so they can see the stars. They’re so bright, out here in the countryside.
And neither of them have seen the stars in such a long time.
“It was for the League.” Shigaraki snaps, leaving out the fact that Toga’s only 15 and she shouldn’t be living alone in the first place. Leaving out the fact she’s got no parents to speak of, no one who seems to remotely care that their daughter or granddaughter or niece has been missing for months. Leaving out the fact that no one seems to care a 15-year-old girl is wanted for questioning on suspicion of being part of the League of Villains.
He doesn’t need to say it, because Dabi’s the one who brought it up in the first place. And, sometimes when Shigaraki thinks about Toga, all he can think about is a dirty brick alley and people walking past as if they haven’t even seen him.  
“Just hope she’s looking after our son right.” Dabi says.
“I told her.” In fact, Shigaraki had sent several paragraphs on feeding and walking and making sure everything’s okay, just to get a string of emojis and a “fine, mr misery” in response. But, as happily as she bleeds out boys, Shigaraki knows Toga would prefer to throw out every knife in her collection rather than hurt the dog. Which is something he clings to, the way he’s still clinging to the plushie she gave him.
A stuffed toy.
It’s more comforting than Shigaraki would have thought.
“You ever gonna let go of that?”
Shigaraki flinches slightly, “No. I like it.”
“You’ve never had one before, have you?”
And, as much as Shigaraki hates how easily Dabi reads him, he’s so glad he doesn’t have to say it. Even if he still hates the badly disguised pity in Dabi’s voice.
“I have Father.”
Dabi snorts, moving closer. He trails his fingers, feather light, along the visible veins that run through Shigaraki’s hands, and Shigaraki pushes closer. He’s in the mood for closeness tonight, even though he doesn’t know why.
“I know what we’re naming the dog.” Magne announces at their next meeting. She’s grinning from ear to ear, and Shigaraki is instantly suspicious. From her lap, the dog barks, jumping down to run over to Shigaraki.
“We’re calling it ‘Happy Birthday’.”
Shigaraki glances up from the dog’s ears just in time to see Mr. Compress reveal boxes, one after the other. He feels his ears turn red, “How in hell did you- Kurogiri.”
Kurogiri shrugs, and Shigaraki swears he can see a smile, “They asked, and I was more than happy to answer.”
“I thought we agreed on Happy Birthday, Creep.” Dabi complains, lightly kicking a box towards Shigaraki. He’s grinning even so.  
“I thought we agreed on Stain behind his back.” Spinner mutters mutinously.
 Later that night, Shigaraki’s lying in a pile of plushies, Dabi toying with the hem of his top. And all he can think is-
“We’re not actually naming the dog Happy Birthday.”
Dabi rolls his eyes, “No. He’s still Pussy Destroyer, because the name is great and he won’t respond to anything else. I trained him too well.”
And, even though the- Pussy Destroyer is with Toga, wherever she lives, Shigaraki swears he hears a distant bark.
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Hi! This is your Secret Santa from the villians secret santa event! I was told you wanted something Spinaraki related, but I’m rather unfamiliar with the ship and I wondered if there were any poses/clothes/headcanons that you had in mind to give me a better idea of what to do. Thank you! :)
For me Spinaraki is the epitome of gamer boyfriends. I definitely headcanon both as touch starved so they’re always touching each other in someway, sometimes just like tangling their legs together while playing something like a switch, or Shigaraki just sitting in Spinner’s lap while gaming. I also headcanon Shiagraki with an insane sense of fashion...like it can range from fuck boy sweatpants and oversized t-shirt to long skirts, crop tops and combat boots.  With Spinner he definitely loves  all the old gamer t-shirts, sticks to comfort when it comes to pants and combat boots. The best take on this is for someone not too into it is gamer boyfriends who are touch starved and super comfortable in each others presence and they’re able to relax around each other...sorry if that doesn't make alot of sense I’ve never really put my head canons for them into words   😂😂😂 Don’t mind me being cheesy but as long as you have fun I’ll love it!!  😁 Thank youuuu!!!!!!!
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