#sparky's fanfic woes;
skytroops · 3 years
zero, as he tries to suffocate/poison satoshi, shigeru, and sora to death in chapter 8;
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skytroops · 3 years
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TWAS ME, BABEY!!!!!!!!!!
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skytroops · 3 years
HURRICANE FINAL MIX chapters 3 & 4 have been posted over on ao3!!
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skytroops · 3 years
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skytroops · 4 years
me, at the start of the year: okay, ash and skye’s teams are gonna be balanced and keep type doubles to a minimum.
me now:
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skytroops · 4 years
Title;  A Pika-Powered Blast Off! Rating; PG Summary; Abandoned fic. Ash and Skye are having a typical day at Tohjo Ranch when a certain trio of criminals appear to cause trouble.
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“How can Misdreavus learn Sucker Punch if they don’t have any hands?” Ash asked the breeder standing next to him. Ash had come to the ranch to see Skye, but he had found his boyfriend in the middle of training a racket of young Misdreavus that Skye had bred for a client. Apparently, Misdreavus could only learn Sucker Punch if it was bred into them, like Volt Tackle. At the moment, Mariah—Mr Hunter’s Nidorina—was showing the Misdreavus how to use the move in question. “Becuz da name is weird,” Skye casually told him, his eyes still on the Pokémon in front of them. “Da actual move is mare eh a. . .” he scrunched up his nose in thought, then he gave Ash a quick, but gentle jab in the side with his elbow. “hittin’ fae oot eh naywhere sort eh ‘hing.” The jab didn’t hurt, but Ash made a show of wincing and rubbing at his side like it did. “Then, why is it even called Sucker Punch if it doesn’t need a punch to work in the first place?” Skye shrugged, and after Mariah punched a large chunk out of a rock, he raised his voice to the racket. “Awright, guys! Try ‘n copy wit Mariah did, den try hittin’ da rocks when yae feel confident enough.” The small group of Ghost types separated. Some of them crowded around Mariah while others went straight to practicing. Ash watched two of them size each other up, then fly at each other, only to end up slamming into each other face first. Ash and Skye went to step forward, but the two Misdreavus quickly shook it off and went straight back to circling each other. Skye shook his head. “Don’t jist ram intae wan anuhduh-! Gather yirselves befur yaes go in tae attack.” From his perch on Ash’s shoulder, Pikachu voiced his support. “Pika pika!” “Mis!” The two youngsters called back. Seeing the Misdreavus being so eager to learn made Ash smile. Whoever ended up as their trainers were going to be lucky to have them. Beside him, Skye scratched at himself underneath the front of his overalls. Ash’s eyebrows knitted together in concern. A few weeks prior, Skye had underwent an important surgery to correct his chest. Ash couldn’t recall the exact type of procedure Skye had gotten done, but he knew that the recovery hadn’t been fun. The last time they had seen each other in person, Skye couldn’t lift his arms over his head or even pick Pika up. That was when he had just gotten out of hospital. He said he was feeling better a few days ago on the videophone, but it shouldn’t hurt to ask if he’s okay. “How’ve you been holdin’ up?” Ash asked. Skye’s hand quickly went back to his side and sighed. “Ah’m awright. Jist itchy.” “Still can’t do much?” Skye sighed again, deeper this time. “Ah hivnae been able tae dae much eh anythin’ since da surgery. Ah cannae train da Pokémon da way Ah want tae. It’s bloody killin’ me.” Ash couldn’t imagine how frustrating it must be, not being able to move properly without being worried about hurting yourself. He just knew that, if he had to go through something like that, he would’ve lost his mind weeks ago. “It’ll get better,” Ash reminded him, offering him a smile. “just you wait.” “Aye, Ah know. It’s no like Ah’ve hid tae deal wae worse ‘hings before.” Skye’s right hand flexed, and his face creased slightly. “Bit, it’s been so borin’ jist sittin’ aboot no bein’ able tae dae anythin’. At least when ma haunds goat bug-” A loud, shrill wailing cut the brunet off. The both of them turned their attention to the racket, spotting a Misdreavus seated on the grass, crying. Two of their siblings floated above them, sharing concerned glances. Together, Ash and Skye ran over to investigate. The breeder was quick to bend down and scoop up the crying Pokémon into his arms. “Hey, hey,” he said softly, brushing calloused fingers through the Misdreavus’ wispy hair. The Ghost type buried their face into his chest to cry, but it wasn’t long until their cries dissolved into choked whimpers.. “Der yae go, yir awright.” Ash looked to their siblings. “What happened?” “Mis misdreavus! Misdre!” The two started chattering, their voices high-pitched. After listening for a bit, Skye nodded in understanding. “Are they okay?” Ash asked, kneeling down. “Pi pika?” Pikachu leaned forward to get a better look at the weepy Ghost type in Skye’s arms. “He’s frustrated dat he cannae git da move right.” Skye told him before going back to cooing at the upset Ghost type. “Yae only jist started. Yae’ll git it eventually.” Ash watched the young Pokémon lift his face away from the breeder’s chest to look up at him with large, wet eyes. “Misdre. . .” he moaned. “Everyone messes up sometimes, especially when you’ve just started.” Ash said to the Screech Pokémon, in hopes of comforting the little guy. “I mess up all the time. Don’t I, Pikachu?” Pikachu nodded a little too enthusiastically. The Misdreavus turned his watery eyes to the trainer. “Mis?” “My point is, messin’ up is a part of life.” Ash said sagely. “If you mess up—so what! Just get back up and try again, and keep tryin’ until you finally get it!” As he grinned down at Misdreavus, he thought that he saw Skye’s eyes darken. But when he glanced up to check, Skye had blinked and started speaking again. “Ash is right. If yae don’t keep tryin’, yae won’t learn fae yir mistakes. Noo, come oon.” Skye carefully got to his feet, letting Misdreavus hesitantly leave his arms. “Let’s try again.” Misdreavus looked at him with a skeptical look in his eyes. “Misdreavus mis. . .” “You can do it!” Ash urged excitedly, jumping to his feet. “Just concentrate, rush in, and-” he raised his fists and punched the air. “Pow!” “Pika!” Pikachu mirrored his trainer, his tiny fists moving in quick succession. Misdreavus didn’t look too convinced. Okay, if that doesn’t work. . . Ash turned to look for Mariah, only to see her supervising Misdreavus’ other siblings as they practiced. Okay, maybe not Mariah. He thought about who could help them until one Pokémon in particular came to mind. He snapped his fingers before looking to Skye. “I’ve got an idea!” He retrieved one of the Pokéballs from his belt, and lifted it up for his boyfriend to see. As much as he wanted to help, he didn’t want to step on Skye’s toes and start doing his job for him. At least, not without asking first. Once Skye gave him an approving nod, Ash threw the ball into the air and in a flash of white, Hawlucha appeared. Skye gave Ash a somewhat confused look before giving the muscular Flying type a small wave. He got a short ‘haw’ in acknowledgement. “Hey, Hawlucha. We’ve got a little someone in need of your help.” Ash told his Pokémon, gesturing to the flustered Misdreavus. “See, he’s havin’ trouble learning Sucker Punch, and I thought you’d be able to help out.” “Why Hawlucha?” Skye asked with a raised eyebrow. “He cannae learn Sucker Punch.” “Yeah, but Hawlucha just learned X-Scissor, so I thought he’d be a good teacher.” Ash explained. That, and Hawlucha loves to show off. “Oh aye, yae telt me oon da phone a couple days ago.” Skye nodded. “Dat’s becuz yir aboot tae take oon da Fairy type gym, right?” “Yeah,” Ash answered as he turned back to Hawlucha. “so, what do you say? Think you can help?” “Hawlu!” The Wrestling Pokémon spread his wings, flaring his feathers. “Great!” Ash straightened up, looking to the trio of Misdreavus siblings. “Guys, this is Hawlucha. He might not look it, but he had trouble learnin’ a new move too.” When the three youngster’s eyes widened in disbelief, he went on. “He was learnin’ to use a move called ‘X-Scissor’, and he couldn’t get the positionin’ quite right, so he kept fallin’ short. But! He kept tryin’ and tryin’ like I said you guys should do, and then-” Ash suddenly pointed towards one of the rock targets that had been laid out. “Hawlucha, use X-Scissor on that rock!” “Haw!” Hawlucha raced forward, crossing his muscular wings in front of him. White-pink energy took the form of a ‘x’ across his wings, and he slammed into the rock. Pieces of rock and dust flew everywhere, and when the dust cleared, Hawlucha stood proudly over the rubble. “Mis mis!!” Misdreavus’ two sisters cheered, zipping over to Hawlucha to marvel over the Fighting type. Their struggling brother stayed put, but he had an amazed look on his face. “You wanna be able to do that, right?” Ash asked Misdreavus gently as Pikachu hopped off his shoulder. Misdreavus paused, then gave the trainer a small nod. “Then, let’s do it!” And with that, Ash ran over to the closest rock target and punched it with wild abandon. Pain shot up his arms, but he beared through it. [...] [...] In the skies above Route 27, a familiar Meowth hot-air balloon lazily flew westward. In it’s basket, Team Rocket were doing the usual—looking for Pikachu. “Uoh,” James hung his head as he looked over his side of the basket. “why did we have to come all this way, Jessie? I wish we just stayed back in Kalos with the other twerps.” “Quit your whining, James!” Jessie past after putting down the set of high-power binoculars she had been peering through. “We need to keep a constant vigil on Pikachu so we can strike as soon as the twerp’s guard is down! Besides, wasn’t this your idea?!” “How about da two eh ya shut yer traps ‘n keep lookin’ fur Pikachu!” Meowth hissed, his ears turned back in irritation. The three stared at each other for a long moment before they all sighed and went back to looking through their binoculars. Sometime during the twerp’s travels through Sinnoh, he had started a disappearing act. He would disappear, then reappear a day or so later to continue on his twerpish way. The trio of thieves had no idea why he started doing it, but whenever he did leave, they kept close to his group of twerps to wait for his return. When the twerp suddenly left for Lumiose Airport the day before, they finally decided to follow him. They had gotten onto the same Kanto-bound plane and stalked him through Saffron City to the train station. Much to the trio’s surprise, they found that the twerp wasn’t heading for Pallet Town like they had assumed. Instead, he got onto a train bound for the south-west coast, towards the Johto border. Despite their burning curiosity, the trio had fallen asleep on the train and in doing so, lost the twerp. Thankfully, they were excellent trackers, honed by nearly a decade of chasing Pikachu and his twerp, so it wasn’t long until they spotted their target. “Pikachu and the twerp at 10 o'clock!” Jessie shouted, bringing James and Meowth to her side of the basket. Using their binoculars, the three leered down at the large expanse of field below them. Sure enough, there was the twerp and Pikachu–walking alongside a boy in dirty overalls. They seemed to be talking to one another. “Who’s that?” James asked with a raised brow. “Who cares.” Meowth huffed. “A twoip’s a twoip. We found Pikachu and dat’s all dat matters.” “I suppose. We should start thinkin’ about a scheme then.” James looked at the magenta-haired women beside him. “You got any ideas, Jess?” Jessie didn’t answer him. She was too busy staring out towards the fields they were hovering over. “Jessie?” “…there’s so many cute Pokémon down there.” She said slowly as if in disbelief. “Look at 'em all!” Looking away from Pikachu, James and Meowth saw an absolute smorgasbord. Pokémon all of shapes, sizes, and types were out in the open, practically begging to be snatched up and given to the boss. They had been so focused on looking for Pikachu, they hadn’t noticed where they had ended up. “We must be over a ranch.” James said. “But, shouldn’t we focus on Pikachu first?” “Pikachu 'n da twoip can’t help themselves when dey hear a Pokémon in trouble.” Meowth mewled with a smirk. “If we go down der and start doin’ our thievin’–dey’ll come runnin’! Roight into our paws!” The two Rockets looked at each other before grinning maniacally in unison. “Let’s do it!” Flash. “Wobbuffet!!” === “So, what’s next on the chore list?” Ash asked, turning to look at Skye as they walked together. They had wrapped up the Misdreavus’ training and were now heading to “Uh,” Skye scrunched up his nose in thought. “Ah’ve goat tae check oon dhose Sunkern eggs. Dey wir pretty active dis mornin’. Ah dunno if dey’re gonnae sprout daday, bit it doesnae hurt tae check.” “Sunkern seedlings? Cool!” Ash said excitedly. “That’s a new one for my ‘Pokémon I get to see hatch’ list I’ve got going.” “Yae’ve goat a list? Really?” Skye threw him a wry look. “Well, yae’ve goat a lot tae catch up oon if yae wanna hiv a list as big as mine.” “Like I’d be able to do that!” Ash playfully shoved him, making Skye snort. “I’d have an easier time trying to catch a Dunsparce-!” Pikachu rolled his eyes as he trotted alongside his trainer with Hawlucha. Skye wheezed out a laugh. Ash smiled at him, his face turning hot. He liked making Skye laugh, even if it meant poking fun at himself sometimes. His ego could take a hit for a good cause. “Ah’m sure yae’ll git dat Dunsparce wan eh dhese days, man.” Skye told him before bringing a hand up to his chin in thought. “Actually. . .ah ‘hink we might hiv a Dunsparce up fur adoption.” “Really?” Ash raised an eyebrow, still smiling. “Maybe I can-” The end of Ash’s sentence was cut off by a loud, heavy boom that vibrated through his chest and made the ground shake. Ash stumbled, then quickly turned to Skye. “What was that?” “A-ah dunno,” Skye said shakily. “Dat didnae feel like somewan trainin’.” Over the nearest hill, several Pokémon had started to run over it. Surprised, Ash watched them run past, then felt his stomach drop as he saw the frantic look on their faces. “Skye-” “Some’um’s wrang.” The breeder breathed. Then, with a shockingly determined stride, ran towards whatever was over the hill, even jumping over a trio of Nidoran that got in the way of his feet. Ash, Pikachu, and Hawlucha followed behind, coming to a stop on top of the hill. Ash’s breath caught in his throat at what he saw. In the distance, there was an oval-shaped robot wreaking havoc upon the ranch, chasing and snatching up the ranch’s Pokémon. The sight was far too familiar. Team Rocket! Seeing the thieves made his feet act on their own. He ran down the hill, more than ready to send them blasting off with a good old Thunderbolt—only to be pushed and sent rolling into a nearby bush instead. After shaking off the sudden impact with the ground, Ash sat up to see Skye on his knees beside him. “Did you just push me?! Skye, it’s Team Rocket! We gotta-” He nearly bit his tongue when Skye’s face was suddenly an inch from his. “Dae yae want tae git yirself kilt?! Dat ‘hing is huge!” Ash pushed Skye back so he could speak to him properly. “It’s nothing we can’t handle.” He said confidently. Pikachu and Hawlucha, once behind the bush also, made their agreement known. “Nothin’ yees cannae-” Skye made a frustrated squawk, shaking his head. “Ash, naw! Yae cannae jist run intae danger like dat!” “You were just about to do the same thing!” Ash retorted, pointedly eyeing the hill behind them. “Just a second ago, you were leading the charge.” Skye gritted his teeth. “Ah didnae ‘hink dat wiz wit we wir gonnae be up against! Ah thought it wiz a thief ‘r somethin’! Ah’ve dealt wae people like dat before, bit nothin’ like dis!” “Well, the people in that robot are thieves!” Ash barked. “They’re Team Rocket! Yanno, the bad guys who follow me and Pikachu around all the time?” “‘N how dae yae know dat’s Team Rocket?” Skye asked through his teeth. Annoyed, Ash threw his hands up. “Giant robots are their thing! They do this all the time!” His annoyance hadn’t been lost on Skye, because he scrunched up his face and raised his voice. “Well, den! If dis is normal, yae must hiv a plan right?!” “I do have a plan.” Ash told him as he pushed some bush away so he could see what Team Rocket were doing. His chest tightened as he saw a Nidoran be scooped up and thrown into the ever-filling net on the robot’s back. “Like wit? Run up ‘n attack ‘em? Don’t be stupit, dude!” Skye spat, his tone shifting into a mix of anger and fear. “Ah mean a proper plan!” “Well, do you have any ideas?” Ash asked, voice strained. Skye didn’t answer him. He had turned his attention to the crime-in-progress, his green eyes filled with horror. His whole body had begun to shake when he whipped his head around to look at Ash again. “Ash, w-wit if dey git tae da egg hooses?! Dey might take da babies! ‘R-r worse!!” He shrieked, clutching his head in his hands. Ash shuddered at the thought. He put a hand on his boyfriend’s shaking shoulder. “That won’t happen. Team Rocket are bad guys, but they won’t do that. We won’t let it.” “Pikachu pika!” Pikachu added, his cheeks sparking. “Hawlu!” Hawlucha puffed out his chest. Ash managed to smile reassuringly. “See?” The brunet continued to shake violently as he looked at Pikachu and Hawlucha, then back at Ash. He was doing his best to keep himself together, but his eyes were beginning to well up in panic. Ash wanted to comfort him, but he knew they didn’t have time. He wished Pika was with them; she could’ve helped keep Skye from being consumed by fear. He squeezed Skye’s shoulder. “You don’t need to come with me. You can stay here and hide or you can help the rest of the Pokémon get away.” That seemed to bring Skye to his senses, because his nose scrunched up and he almost looked insulted by the first suggestion. “Ah cannae dae dat-!” Despite his shivering, his voice had become steady. “Ah cannae jist abandon everywan becuz ah’m scared! Aw eh da Pokémon here depend oon me tae look ether dem! How cin ah call masel’ a breeder if ah jist ran away when dey needed me tae protect dem? Ah widnae be able tae furgive masel’!” Ash was taken aback by Skye’s sudden resolve, but he couldn’t help the flutter in his chest. He was still shaking, but his eyes were serious. Even though he was scared, he wanted to do something to help. That was something Ash admired. Even with all their differences, Ash and Skye shared this one thing. Their love for Pokémon. Ash grinned, giving Skye’s shoulder a firm slap. “Now, that’s more like it!” “B-bit, wit ir we gonnae be able tae dae against dat?” Skye spluttered after recoiling. “It’s a giant robot-!” “So? That robot hasn’t got nothing on what we can do.” Ash patted Pikachu on the head. “We can do this. Trust me.” Skye stared at him for a long moment, then took his hands away from his head. “. . .ah need tae ‘hink.” Ash blinked. “About what?” “Aboot a plan.” Skye squeezed his eyes shut. “We’re no goin’ against dat ‘hing waeoot a plan ‘r some’um. Yae’ve talked aboot Team Rocket befur, so ah’m tryin’ tae remember wit yae’ve telt me.” He opened his eyes. “Dey. . .attack wae der Pokémon, daen’t dey?” Ash nodded. “Usually, yeah.” “Wit kind eh Pokémon dae dey hiv?” “Aside from Meowth, there’s Inkay, Pumpkaboo, and Wobbuffet.” Ash answered, turning to look back at the ongoing thieving. “Meowth and Wobbuffet don’t tend to battle though.” “‘N wit aboot dat robot? Yae sayd dis wiz der ‘hing a second ago.” “It is. At least this one doesn’t look as bad as the mind control one they had a few days ago. . .” “Da. Wit.” Skye drawled slowly. “We don’t have time to chat about this sort of thing!” Ash hissed, gesturing to Team Rocket snatching up another Pokémon. “We need that plan, Skye!” The two sat awkwardly as Skye went back to brainstorming. Ash’s entire body was buzzing. He wanted to rush over and save the Pokémon, but he forced himself to stay put while Skye came up with something. Pikachu had started to knead his paws into the grass impatiently and Hawlucha had snapped off a branch from the bush after hearing a Houndour pup howl in terror. “D-dat robot.” Skye gulped. “Yae ‘hink it’s resistant tae electricity?” “Uhh, I dunno.” Ash shook his head. “I can’t tell from here, but Team Rocket aren’t too consistent about making their robots shock-proof.” “Huh. Den, we’ve jist got tae hope dey didnae dis time.” “You got something?” “Ah ‘hink so.” Skye said, turning his body to scan the rolling fields and hills around them. “Ah’m gonnae need Pikachu.” Pikachu? Ash almost asked why, but he didn’t want to waste any more time, so he nodded instead. “Alright. Pikachu, go with Skye.” “Pika!” Pikachu affirmed, looking a little too happy to finally be able to do something. “What about us?” Ash asked as Hawlucha rustled his feathers. Skye moved to get up, his jaw tightening. “C-cin yae keep dem occupied?” He sounded unsure about his own question. “We can do that.” Ash grinned again. “What are you guys going to do?” Before Skye could reply, an explosion rang out and shook the ground. The both of them snapped their heads towards the sound, seeing a plume of smoke. “A-ah’ve kept us too long.” Skye’s voice trembled. “We need tae go-!” Skye was standing and ready to run off when Ash scrambled to his own feet. “But, what are you going to do?” “A ‘hing!” Skye squeaked breathlessly. And then, he was off, running in the opposite direction of the mech with Pikachu following behind him. Ash watched him go, then turned on his heel to head the other way, towards trouble. “Let’s go, Hawlucha!” “Haw!” === “Come on now. Be good little Pokémon and get into our net!” Jessie demanded as she looked down at their targets. Team Rocket have had a blast, so to speak. They had been picking Pokémon like daisies, and were having a lot of fun doing it. Their net was already nearly full, but it wouldn’t hurt to get even more. Team Rocket was always open to welcome more and more members, even if they were reluctant. They had chased and cornered a group of young Pokémon into a deep sand pit with steep walls. Some had tried to scramble up the incline, but ended up sliding back into the basin. Others had just started to cry. The only thing in Team Rocket’s way from snatching them up was a Sandslash, who stood defiantly between them and the Pokémon. Her quills were bristling and she was hissing hatefully up at the evil trio. She had rudely attacked their mech when they tried stealing the youngsters. Thankfully, Pumpkaboo was there to defend their robot’s rather fragile shell by interjecting the Sandslash’s Gyro Ball with Seed Bomb. “Are you going to stop resisting now? It’s getting rather tiring.” James asked, annoyed. The Sandslash spat at him. “Hmph, no need to be so rude, missy.” Wobbuffet, who had been sitting quietly beside Jessie, saulted. “Wobba wob!” “Yeah, it’s not like yous got a choice!” Meowth mewled, pulling a lever to bring one of the mech’s arms up. “We’re gonna take every single one of yus!” With a push of a button, the arm shot out to grab of the Pokémon. . .only to be smashed into pieces by a green cannonball. The three stared dumbly at the destroyed hand, then started shrieking. In unison, they snapped their attention to what had got in the way of their evil deeds. A Hawlucha landed in front of them and uncrossed his arms, their green X-shaped glow fading away. “Good job, Hawlucha!” A voice called. They turned towards the voice, spotting a familiar face standing on the edge of the incline. The twerp! === Ash stood at the rim of the basin, looking down at the scene he had been kept away from. Team Rocket’s robot was a large thing with pale, green-speckled egg shell armor and two sets of arms; one set with claw grabber hands and another set were like hoover nozzles. On the back, a large net was attached. The top was cracked open, with Team Rocket sitting inside it. Ash never understood why their boss would allow them to create such bad pieces of machinery, especially when they never did their job right. Why couldn’t they make good robots, like Clemont? With their egg-robot, Team Rocket had captured several Pokémon, judging by how full their net was, and they had cornered more. He looked at them, and felt sick to his stomach. The Pokémon that Team Rocket had cornered were all babies, too young to fend for themselves and much too young to fight back against them. Did they have any dignity? Stealing Pokémon was a terrible thing to do, but there was something so wrong about putting baby Pokémon into this situation. He had to bite back his anger. If he was angry, he would only get caught up in his own emotions to actually help those Pokémon in need. Though, that gave him an idea. Team Rocket weren’t as devious when angered. “Hey, Team Rocket!” Ash shouted, before sliding down the incline and rushing over to stand by Hawlucha and the Sandslash. “You looking for me?” James was first to talk. He let out a long sigh. “Thanks for the damages, twerp.” “Where’s our Pikachu?” Jessie hissed, her voice as venomous as an Arbok’s bite. “No idea.” Ash said, shrugging. “Don’t be a wise guy!” Meowth hissed. “We saw yus with Pikachu before we started stealin’!” “No, really. I have no idea where Pikachu is.” Ash threw back. “Even if I did know where he was, I wouldn’t tell you guys!” The Sandslash stepped forward, turning to Hawlucha and chittered a question. Hawlucha nodded, glancing back at the trembling group of youngsters behind them. Ash recognised the Sandslash. Her name was Sandy and she belonged to Skye’s father, Lyle. Ash turned to the frightened Pokémon. “You guys need to get out of here. Me and Hawlucha will cover you!” Over a dozen sets of eyes stared at him, unsure and terrified. Hawlucha pointed a claw to the left side of the egg-robot, towards the cover of nearby shrubbery. “Hawlu haw!” “Sand!” Sandy started to feverishly dig into the sand. “Hey, don’t run away!” James whined loudly. “We just want you to get into our net!” Sandy quickly managed to make a sizable hole, enough for several of the group to jump into. She hopped out and shoved a small Ratatta into the hole with her snout. “Slash sa!” She called to the others. Some of them followed the Ratatta, while others were reluctant to budge. “Pumpkaboo!” Ash turned around just as the Ghost-type floated into position. “Stop them from getting away!” “X-Scissor, Hawlucha!” The Wrestling Pokémon launched himself towards Pumpkaboo, his crossed arms turning bright green. Pumpkaboo managed to fire off a Shadow Ball just as Hawlucha got close enough, sending him flying backwards. Hawlucha backflipped, landing on his feet and posing triumphantly, like a gymnast sticking a landing. “Leave them alone, Team Rocket!” Ash yelled. “They’re only babies!” “So?” Jessie put her hands on her hips. “So? So?!” Ash scowled up at the magenta-haired woman. “You’re trying to take them away from their home- their families!” “They were going to leave someday, weren’t they?” Jessie said sharply. “We’re only speeding up the process! And frankly, I’m insulted, twerp. We’ll give them a better family- with us!” “Who’d wanna be a part of your family?” Ash grimaced. The trio gasped dramatically. “Oh, that does it!” James yelped, fumbling with a Pokéball before throwing it. Inkay appeared in a flash of white light. Meowth raised the mech’s twin hose arms, pointing them directly at Ash and Hawlucha. The trainer tensed as he reached for Goodra’s Pokéball. “Thundabolt!” A heavily accented voice rang out and two bolts of lightning struck the hoose heads, destroying them beyond repair. “Wah! Again?!” Meowth yowled, slamming his paws against the robot’s control console. Ash looked up to see where the bolts had come from. On the basin’s rim stood Skye, Pikachu, and Pika. Skye was panting and flushed in the face. The two Pikachu’s cheeks sparked aggressively. Ash couldn’t help smirking at their arrival. “Oh, come on!” James groaned loudly, slapping a hand to his forehead. “We don’t get insurance for this kind of robot. . .” “I was wondering where you guys went!” Ash shouted as the breeder awkwardly slid down the slope with their Pikachu. The two Electric-types hopped in front of their trainers, flanking Hawlucha on both sides. “A-ah’ve goat da plan set up.” Skye said as he trotted up to stand beside his boyfriend, his voice wavering with adrenaline. “Ugh, not another one to deal with.” Jessie pinched the space between her eyes. “But, look!” James pointed excitedly. “He’s brought another Pikachu!” Jessie huffed, crossing her arms. “What? That old slipper?” “WIT?!” Skye barked loudly, so loudly that Ash nearly jumped back in surprise. Pika glanced over her shoulder at her trainer, looking worried. (ending cliffnotes) It begins to rain as James brings out Inkay, and the four of them have a double battle. Ash is beside himself about battling alongside Skye. The battle goes as follows; Pumpkaboo uses Seed Bomb. Pika uses Dig, and hides from the Seed Bomb with Pikachu. Pikachu jumps out to hit Pumpkaboo with Iron Tail. Inkay uses Foul Play, hitting Pikachu. Pikachu is thrown back, and Inkay goes into the dig hole to attack Pika. Pika uses Return, pushing Inkay out of the hole. Pumpkaboo uses Shadow Ball, hitting Pika. During the battle, the rain continues. The TRio taunt Ash and Skye, but as they take a step forward, the ground under the mech's foot collapses. The mech is unable to move. Jin and Tei appear out of the ground, having dug tunnels under the mech as they battled. The clouds rumble and several Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu make themselves known. They have surrounded the mech. Team Rocket are taken aback, but Ash uses this moment to save the Pokémon in the mech's net with Hawlucha's X-Scissor. Team Rocket attemtpt to stop them, but all of the 'chus begin to spark including Pika and Pikachu. Skye had used Salem's Rain Dance to set up a Thunder that cannot miss. Hell rains down upon Team Rocket with the power of 20+ electric rats. Team Rocket are sent blasting off. Ash and Skye check the stolen Pokémon for injuries and when they see everyone are unharmed, Skye almost faints from adrenaline and relief. Aaand that's it!        
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skytroops · 5 years
i was checking my older wips and found my wip for the future parts to alexander’s introductory story and
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skytroops · 5 years
I just realized that, for my Cast Member AU to start--Ash would need to recognize Skye while he’s on the job. Which means Ash would need to recognize Skye while he’s in full costume/make-up and hiding his accent.
This is a lot to ask of Ash “can’t recognize the TRio for shit” Ketchum. almost too much tbh
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skytroops · 3 years
been writing notes for different fic ideas and this particular one has been changed to take place in galar rather than alola, which means this little cute thing is gonna go unused
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skytroops · 4 years
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skytroops · 4 years
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me as i attempt to write the ula’ula and poni sections for my alola arc timeline despite not watching any of the episodes outside of the pikachu valley ep and sad ghost mist ep
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skytroops · 6 years
He wanted to ask Ash more questions about the elderly lesbian couple, but he was hungry and he didn’t have it in him to try. 
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skytroops · 4 years
This is such an oof, but I’ve come to realize that Moon can’t be in HURRICANE because he would be a literal newborn at the time, and Sora wouldn’t have the time to care for a newborn/egg with everything going on within the fic.
I guess he’ll be put on Sora’s team sometime after HURRICANE instead. Thank god Sora has his Mothim/Gamale that can take Moon’s place as his resident Psychic user. and speaking of sora’s gamale, his name is duffel now
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