randomfingthings · 5 months
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✨He did the damn thingggg✨
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nishibai · 9 months
Sorzzz... Hru :3
soo terribly eepy. but good
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Killers reacting to their S/O getting used as a shield against his attacks ( part 1 )
 Okay, not that’s a long-ass title, but hear me out-
I’ve been reading a lot of new HCs of DBD killers and how they’d react in different situations when their S/O gets betrayed in certain ways by other survivors.
I don’t think I’ve seen this idea before, but if anyone else wrote about this, I hope it’s not similar or anything, sorzzz xxx
Killers: The Trapper, The Oni, The Spirit, The Executioner ( part 1 )
The Shape, Ghostface, The Trickster, The Legion ( Susie ) ( part 2 )
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I can see Evan being a real gentleman and sorta sweet and shy, prior to his the whole killer thing, prior to his mother dying and all that.
I can totally see him trying to be the perfect man, a man that his mum would be proud of, and the complete opposite of his father.
That’s why, with his S/O, he was always protective, to the point of brutally beating up anyone who dared even look at you the wrong way, let alone touch you in inappropriate ways or something of the sort.
He is strong, he is handsome, he is sweet, and he also loves sketching you, because truly, you are one of the only people who he could trust with this passion of his, and especially not to leak the info to his horrible dad.
Evan truly loved you so much, and he was so vulnerable and happy around you, and his mum especially was so happy seeing her child going through such a beautiful period of his life...!
Until he found you in a very Ophelia-esque position in the river.
People said you drowned, but Evan knew better, if not for the fact that he promised to propose to you very soon, and he just needed more money to buy you the most beautiful ring there is ( And replace the one he made out of flowers ), but for the fact that your neck was bruised and had the imprints of hands.
It didn’t take long for him to realise who the perpetrator was, but since then, and along with his mother’s death, Evan’s heart disappeared completely, and darkness took over him completely.
And then, he was transported into the Entity’s realm, where he tried, and tried, and tried his best not to kill anyone, not wanting to disappoint you or his mum, nor wanting to be controlled again, the same way he was controlled by his father...
Alas, there was only so much torture and agony one could take.
But you were there.
Evan wasn’t sure if he should see your presence in Hell as a blessing or a cruse.
You were an angel, and now he could finally take you in his arms again, and try to protect you with all his powers...
But at the same time, he was well aware that there was no way of completely protecting you from harm coming your way, and that thought alone shattered him even more.
Your smile though... Your smile... So kind, and sweet and loving... It always made him forget any worry or darkness that tainted his mind and heart.
And you even had a sketching book and pencils with you, how amazing!!
Despite not talking much, The Trapper made sure to negotiate with all the killers to at least not hook you, not wanting your soul to be taken by that wretched Entity, and when you and him were in the same trial, he was the happiest he could be, knowing you could finally take a break as he’d never even raise his hand at you, let alone harm you.
Although, you still had to do your job as a survivor, otherwise it would piss the Entity off big time, and neither of you wanted to end up as the tortured Romeo and Juliet.
This time, however, he put around those bear traps as he always does, and he ended up chasing you and Meg, and for some reason, both of you were running very close to each other... In the same direction...Not even bothering to break apart... But Evan felt strange, as if that Meg was purposely keeping so dangerously close to you, for some illicit reason.
Before he knew it, that Meg grabbed a hold of you, and with a small squeak from you, not having expected that, you found your self being harshly thrown to the side, stepping right into one of his bear traps.
The poor man could only look as you unceremoniously, and rather painfully, fell to the ground, wailing in pain, trembling and whimpering there like the little cry baby that he remembers you always being.
When you were little, every time you got a bruise or a scraped knee, you’d cry to him, and he’d bandage you up, kiss your forehead and pick you up, carrying you around everywhere.
Albeit, not to the same proportions, this was hellish, yet he couldn’t help but reminisce in the past and he immediately dropped to his knees and ripped away the trap from your leg and treat it... Although, bandages and some marigold ointment alone wouldn’t quite alleviate the pain you were feeling, you both knew, by the end of the trial, you’d be healed and good as you.
Until then, though, you must bear through the agonizing pain. 
He wasn’t sure who was hurt worse, you, with his trap, or him, that he was the reason  you got hurt. He hated it.
But he hated Meg more than anything.
“It... It’s hurts so much, Ev... It hurts...” God, he hated seeing you cry so much, and he felt so powerless, unable to do anything but hug you tightly and kiss your forehead, the same as he did when you were kids.
He noticed how you still wore the white clover ring he made for you, and he smile lightly as he picked you up bridal style and looked around for the hatch, letting you rest there.
He was obviously going to avenge you.
And avenge you he did, not only now, but in all trials from then on, he will be holding a life long grudge on Meg and on anyone who’d betray you like that.
They won’t get the luck of being taken by the entity.
No, honey, no.
They will meet their end torturously by lots of bear traps and his weapon... And many, many punches.
When he was done killing all three survivors, he went by your side, kissed you and helped you down the hatch.
As you got back to the camp, he was incredibly attentive and made sure to keep that protective aura and intimidate those other survivors into not being stupid again, while also being careful with you and making sure your leg is better and that you’re not crying anymore.
His cute little cry baby.
(( If anyone wants, I can totally make a proper one shot out of this~ ))
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Kazan is a samurai, and we all know samurai are strong ( him, even more ) and that they protect the weak.
You better believe Kazan would use every ounce of strength he has to protect his cute little wifey, so small, so frail, like a dancing cherry blossom flower in the wind.
Women aren’t supposed to fight. Their hands are delicate and should only be used to play instruments, paint or embroider.
Or, well, in his case, to caress his face and calm him down when the rage gets the better of him.
Somehow, you always managed to calm him down, no matter how horribly wrathful he was feeling.
Well, that is until he found you dead, killed by his very many enemies.
What did you do to deserve such a cruel fate? Was it because you were married to him? A fate that it wasn’t yours by choice, but you made the best out of it anyway.
You somehow managed to find love in the most unexpected of places, and he was grateful for you being such a lovely butterfly.
He vowed to always protect you, when he married you, after all, that’s what a good husband does.
Yet, he failed. The same way he failed to protect the Yamaoka name, or the samurai legacy.
Damn it.
When he finds you in a trial, looking disorientated, kimono slightly disheveled and dirty in places, all other survivors in the trial running around aimlessly while you resembled a confused meerkat with the wet eyes of a baby fawn looking for its mummy, he wanted nothing more but to drop all his weapons and fall to his knees in front of you, hugging you tightly and never letting you go, apologising for being such a failure or a man, a husband and a samurai.
However, before he could do just that, a blue haired survivor grabbed your delicate wrist and dragged you to the nearest generator, where she yelled at you to start doing it.
But poor darling, you never operated such complicated machinery, or better said, you never ever seen anything such technologically complex as this, so how were you supposed to know what to do, without proper instructions?
The sweet yelp escaped from your mouth as you fell backwards in shock, the gen exploding in your face, and you almost felt like running away and crying out for your husband to protect you from this dark magic.
The girl with unnatural hair colour, once again, yelled at you, only to shriek and drag you away once again, saying that the monster is after them.
The rage Kazan felt wasn’t addressed to anything in particular except the fact that the blue haired bitch was touching his wife without her consent, yelling at her so rudely and driving her away from him.
Fearlessly, he raised up his bludgeon and dashed towards the two women - The bluenette screamed in fear and anticipation as the killer swung down the club like a golf player, only to see, to his horror, the woman of his heart flew to the ground with a tragic couch and gasp of shock and pain.
Once again, he felt rooted to the spot - Should he completely fuck up this survivor, along with the others, making them into mush, or should he  drop everything and attend to you?!
Tough decision.
Kazan had to let out his anger somehow, so he made the survivor into porridge before ran and fell to his knees by your side, his hands reaching out to you, before stopping, as if electrified, out of fear.
The twisted look of pain, the way your lips and chin were dripping with blood, all because of him... And that now very much dead bitch... Urgh, he hated this, it was as if he had to watch you die again.
“Kazan...? Is that you...?” you managed to cough out painfully.
Instead of an answer, you were met with him helping you into a sitting position, wiping the blood from your face and embracing you to his chest and stroking your hair soothingly.
“Why are people so mean to us, Kazan...? What did we do wrong to be treated so cruelly?” oh, my sweet darling, my little flower, if only you knew it was entirely his fault you had to suffer like this...All because of his anger issues and his unshakable bushido code...
“She paid for it, Y/N. And so will anyone else who dares harm you.” was his only reply as he picked you up and explained to you everything about the trial and how to survive, and by the end, you are gracefully sat on the hatch, his strong hands cupping your face, as a means to give you his strength and courage. “I will protect you, my beloved.”
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You were the sweetest and only person who tried to understand Rin, and she truly appreciated that.
Not only were you the only one to encourage her with her kendo practice, but you also helped her studying and stood up for her against those nasty bullies.
You always cheered on her, stood by her side, went to all her practices, helped her with everything she wanted or needed, and more, you did her hair and make up and would go together to festivals in all the prettiest kimonos there were, often times buying her the cutest hair accessories there were.
But that unfortunately meant you were also there to be bullied and humiliated as well... You didn’t seem to care as much though?
Until the two of you got attacked by a bunch of boys, and you could only rely on her amazing shinai skills. 
Countless of moments of hesitation of fright seemed to freeze Rin to the ground, allowing you to be the only one to fight against the abuse of the boys, getting pushed around, having garbage thrown at you, being called countless names...
And then they started beating you up.
That was enough.
Rin felt a rage she’s never felt before in her life, she felt the dragon inside of her awakening, she felt wrath, power, strength, dominance and a thirst for finally showing she wasn’t one to be played around with, nor was she going to let the person she cared for the most get bullied because of her.
She took out her shinai and let the Yamaoka samurai blood take over her senses - It was the most natural thing in the world, she realised, and finally, she wasn’t Janitor-Yamaoka anymore, but a force to be reckoned with, the same as her ancestors, Renjiro and Kazan.
She was finally proud of being a Yamaoka.
“Rin, you were amazing! You go, girl, you totally showed them who’s the real Queen here!” you jump-hugged the girl who could only look at you with wide eyes and a shy blush on her face, unable to comprehend what just happened...
Or the fact that he had such a huge crush on a girl and that her father was going to go insane if her ever found out.
“O-Oh, u-uhm...Th-...Thanks... Y/N... Are you alright? I’m sorry it took so long for me to act. I just... I guess I was... Afraid. But now I know better. I won’t let those jerks make fun of either of us anymore. I promise.” her promise was solemn, and a bit too serious, which only made you chuckle lightly and stick out your pinky to her.
“Pinky promise?” you smirked cheekily at her, watching her get a bit more flustered.
“Yeah. Pinky promise.”
But that promise couldn’t be hold anymore, as, when you walked her home, you were met with the gruesome sight of Rin’s mother being dead, bleeding, on the ground, and next it was you, by her father’s sword. It wouldn’t take a genius to guess that the next one after you would be Rin, but you were dead by the time she would become the next victim.
However, contrary to your belief, you actually opened your eyes again, despite remembering how very much dead you used to be, and for some reason, you were in the oddest place, with 3 other people who looked older than you, and they were all running around like idiots.
Not interesting.
All you wanted to do was find Rin already and get out of there... Or something.
What you weren’t expecting were screams of pain and agony, and out of sheer human instinct, you also ran the hell away from the source of the... Heck if you knew.
Before you knew it, you found yourself huddling with another survivor in the corner of a dilapidated house, only to find a creepy ghost-like figure... Poltergeist? Ju-On The Grudge? Banshee? Shrieking in your face and readying her katana to strike the two of you.
Hold up.
“RIN?!” you gasped out, freezing from the shock of seeing the sweetest girl in the world, who also happened to be your crush, naked, save for some well-placed bandages, wearing an expression completely twisted in rage and pain, and her body... Was sliced and cut so tragically.
The surprise was so big that you couldn’t move - But the other survivor did, as he pushed you towards the blade and he sprinted the hell away from there, not bothering to look back at how the blade made contact with your shoulder and back.
“...Y/N...?” her voice was as sweet as your remembered, shy even, yet it had a somewhat mystical and specter-like echo to it.
You watched as the sword evaporated into thin air, and the contorted visage turned into a much calmer one. But she felt guilty for harming you - That blasted katana, the same blade that ended both of your lives, she now used you maim you... She hated that. She felt as if she was her father...
But you didn’t care. You threw her arms around her body, completely unbothered by her undead form, only to gasp and quickly take off your jacket, putting it around her. “I don’t know whose idea was it to leave you like this, but you must be cold as all hell. Don’t worry, when we get out of here, I’ll take extra care of your hair and find you some proper clothes, even if that means I have to give you my own.”
Rin completely forgot the rage she felt at the survivor who pushed you into her blade, or the fact that she maimed you - Albeit, she managed to keep herself from causing any real damage - And instead, she just looked at you as if you were the most holy being in the world. 
In this world, there was no mad father anymore, nor any society scrutiny, and she could be as bold as you in her affections towards you.
“Pinky promise?” she asked, mimicking the gesture you did to her when you were both still alive.
“Pinky promise.”
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As we all know, Pyramid head is that one guy that even the Entity is afraid of, to the point that it just lets him to whatever the hell he wants.
Considering he is like the guardian of hell or something, and he is solely there to inflict punishment on those who deserve it...
Well, imagine how mad he would be when you, that one person that he deemed worthy of salvation, the one that he wanted to help escape and guard your whole life, the one angel-like being that he saw as the Celestial realm itself-
You had the misfortune of having to go through so many trials.
Well, the truth is, the other killers know better than to offer you to the Entity, or kill you painfully.
Nobody wants an angry Pyramid Head, okay? That would be abysmal.
Everyone looked at the giant monster, dragging that sword that was bigger than you, looking so malicious and scary, only to realise he would kneel in front of you and put a flower in your hair, or put a bunny in your lap.
The weirdest things, I’m telling you.
But he’s so protective of you, and you think it’s the sweetest thing ever, especially how he sort of bonded with you so unbreakably that he vowed to get you out of there.
You couldn’t look at him and see the atrocious Executioner  -  Instead, you saw The Protector, and somehow, you felt so safe around him, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally too, as if he was the Protector of Justice and that nothing bad could happen with him around.
His strong arms, after all, felt like the safest haven to you, and you wanted to stay in his warm embrace the whole freaking day.
You’ve been through countless trials before, and none went down the hill as quickly as this one did, and you had no idea why - You felt as though all survivors united against you, instead of binding together to survive and get the hell out of there.
Yelling to get attention, intentionally mess up generators, leading the killer towards the place you were hiding, pushing you into the way of the killer and all of that. But somehow, you got out of that trial, thanks to Susie being kind to you.
You could live with that, alright, whatever, it didn’t bother you, you were very zen.
That is, until you got instantly transported into the next trial, and for the longest time, you had no idea who the killer was.
Until you saw a cursed trail with metal spikes getting you, and you were very rudely pushed into it. Those idiots, Pyramid Head is gonna be pissed.
And if that wasn’t enough, Claudette constantly grabbed at your clothes and pushed you as a meat shield in front of the Punishment of the damned that went through the wall. 
You couldn’t help but scream in pain, feeling an electrocuting surge on agony going through your veins at an alarmingly fast pace, and you couldn’t help but drag yourself to the nearest wall so you could lean on and regain your strength back.
You thought that was the worst that was going to happen, but no - Claudette got you you, in your weakened state, to the corner of the building, so you weren’t expecting that damned sword that was bigger and heavier than you to come striking you down.
You gasped out blood and couldn’t only look with a faint expression, almost sleepy even, at the man who vowed to protect you, seeing how the grip on his sword almost vanished entirely from the shock.
“It’s...Okay...” you smiled at him before you got pulled down into the basement of the building, into a spiky cage of atonement.
You knew he was going to break you out of there, but you were already so powerless that you wanted to cry and glet your body give out on the spot - But you knew it was going to hurt worse if those spikes were to dig into your flesh.
So you waited and waited and waited, until suddenly, all three other survivors ended up in cages of atonement next to you, looking in completely worse shapes.
They should have known better. Stupid Claudette. Don’t piss Pyramid head off, you’ll only curse yourself for eternity.
Not long after, your protector stepped in front of you, and with those powerful arms, he completely tore apart the cage and pulled you into his arms, holding you almost as if you were a frightned child lost in the woods.
“Thank you for always being here for me and protecting me. I truly couldn’t ask for a better blessing from this world. Your existence never fails to sooth all of my worries and fears. Thank you, my darling.” your hands weakly found their rightful place on his chest, and you stood that way for a while before he let go and went to properly enact his revenge.
Nobody makes him hurt the one person he vowed to protect.
And thus, he used the Final Judgement on all three of those poor fellas who finally learnt their lesson, due to their sheer stupidity, and suffered probably not enough, the Bringer of Justice thought to himself.
As a last act of redeeming himself on this trial, he carried you all the way to the doors and watched as you walked back to the camp - It was light outside, and it was only fitting for you to walk into the light, for you were a creature shining brighter than the Sun.
From then on, all survivors shudder at the thought of ending up in a trial with you and Pyramid Head, and the killers got a grim reminder of what would happen, should they mess around with you.
All that while watching the most feared killer sitting on the ground, and you, smiling, completely unaffected by the Entity’s realm, putting a colourful flower crown on his rusted metal pyramid.
How fucking ironic.
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bananat-coconat · 4 years
Okay lmao I didn't tag anyone in that sorzzz. Dunno what IT voodoo did that for me mek
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eunwoosan · 5 years
You don’t have anonymous on...?? But I’ll just send the ask anyways LOL I’m at home it is 10:52am and I can’t stop thinking about Astro staff’s newest tweet where they all have black / brown hair again but But rocky had blue hair earlier AND IM JUST SO CONFUSED
wait i think these are old pictures,,,, hopefully cb on it's away 🥺🤞🤞 we're all hoping AND IT SHALL BE SO 😤♥️
also,,,I realised my anon was not turned on 🤡🤡so well I turned it on right after you sent your ask 👉👈 sorzzz bub (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;)))
thanks for sending this♥️
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