#soryies for any mistakes i've made :<
sodastarpop · 1 year
Hello, hello!
Have I come to the right place?
For uhh... the @kirbyoctournament ?
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Name: The name’s Astraclario! You can can call me Clario if you'd like! (i use she/they pronouns!)
Personality: My..personality?.. well I'm very sweet and kind!..(at least that's what Queen Ripple tells me).. I mean, I hope I come off that way! I think that I'm very charming. I've worked a long way towards my beauty, I think... Although, I tend to get nervous a lot and when I get nervous.. how do I explain it.. I kinda melt, physically and mentally. Even though with my nervousness, I REALLY LOVE to get into action. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for a brawl, y'know? Likewise, I have quite the pain tolerance! I mean, a dark matter's weakness is positivity, sure it hurts but i kinda like it- it doesn't hurt as much as it did before.
Besides, I'm better than I ever was before.
Backstory and Lore : ...Man, If you asked me about my past, a few months ago.. I probably would of just kept quite..hehe.. I am created from dark matter, yes 100%. Raised from the red eyed horrors himself, Zero. I may not look like it, because well.. this isn't really my real form. Though I do kinda consider is as one..- I shape-shift basically, and this body felt..like me. My star, that's on my bow holds my dark matter. um- as you can tell, not all of it fit in the star.. which is why I still have some on my fingertips and feeties! (but that just helps me stand out from the crowd!) If i happen to shatter my star all that dark matter will return to my body, and well I kinda... turn crazy in a sense... no one would wanna see that! (i also don't wanna go through that!)
Awhile ago, I used to wear gloves and fully covered shoes as I felt insecure about the dark matter within my fingertips and feet, but I regained my self-esteem and confidence to no longer wear them! I give all my thanks to my significant other Ripple, Queen Ripple. I honestly don't know where I'd be without her, the only reason that I got to this point is well, because of her....
(she was the one who told me about this!!)
I also want to give a little moment to my pasaras! The little grey particles around me! (they're actually white) Each and every particle has a name, which I somehow remember. In a way, they all could be considered as my moral compass and not just that, but my buddies!! The particles can combine to make one big pasara, which just decied to keep their name as such. When combined into one they're a little bit of half my size. They're all so sweet!
Other things! : I'm allergic to strawberries! I can't look at mirrors without them shattering on me :( Sometimes I feel nauseous and instead of throwing up garbage, I vomit dark matter! (though... they do look a bit funny looking..) I spend a lot of time with gooey, after all he's basically like a little brother to me! I wish I could spend more time with dark.. eh typical older sibling behavior.
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mlove44lh · 11 months
Don't hurt yourself
Chapter 8 - Redemption
Previously chapter
Warnings: angst, swearing, mention of loss
Words: 9,247
there are probably some mistakes in the translation. I'm a bit rusty. Soryy
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“I had my ups and downs, but I always find the inner strength to pull myself up. I was served lemons, but I made lemonade. My grandma said "Nothing real can be threatened." True love brought salvation back into me. With every tear came redemption and my torturers became my remedy. So we're gonna heal. Me and you.”
Day 0
“I've dreamt about this for so long that I cannot even recall when this idea first took root within me.
I've memorized and held in my mind every tiny detail of this day. I've spent hours envisioning how it would unfold, researching without even having someone in mind to share this dream with.
And yet, even with all the planning and rehearsing every step in my mind for this perfect day, I never anticipated it would be as perfect as this.
The sky is clear and without clouds. And even though the wind is present, it's almost imperceptible on my skin, even with my arms uncovered.
Just for this weather in the middle of November, I could already consider this day a miracle, as evidence of a love that will be eternal and is already perfect.
The veil gently sways around me. I catch a glimpse of my guests through the sheer fabric that surrounds me. I know I have all my family and friends present, and I'm overjoyed that everyone is finally gathered. But I couldn't look at anyone else now except my future husband, who awaits me at the altar with a smile that assures me everything will be okay in our new life together.
And I believe him with a confidence I didn't know existed within me.
His dark eyes shine like never before, a privilege I've never witnessed. I know I grip my father's arm with a certain strength, but I need to feel the tension in my fingertips at least to prove to myself that I am still alive, and this is not a dream.
What reassures me is knowing that, even though I am a dreamer, I could never fantasize about such perfection.
It's as if my entire life has led up to this moment.”
Day 2,520
I waited for something. Something big, like in the movies. Something that would make me change, that would make everything fall into place perfectly so we could leave it all behind.
Even after all that, I waited. After the disrespect, after hearing from the mouth of the most despicable person I've ever known all the horrible things he was capable of doing, after being called scandalous for a behavior I know was unforgivable. Even after all of that, I waited for something.
But that something never came.
Real life is cruel, and these kinds of things don't happen. Sometimes what seems real is indeed real; sometimes the one pulling the trigger is the same person who vowed to protect you. And this kind of betrayal is the worst of all.
I was forced to stop believing in my personal fairy tale when the prince charming drove a knife into my chest.
I was yanked out of my perfect life, and the jolt was so strong that I don't know how I survived.
I look at my ring finger and even though the wedding ring is no longer here, the mark will probably last for a long time, as a visual reminder of all this.
The room is cold, and I feel his gaze on me, which makes the feeling of suffocation even bigger. My gaze remains low; this is the last place I want to be.
The door opens and the silence is cut by the mediator who introduces himself and then sits down between the four of us.
My heart races as I realize what is about to happen.
"We can begin the hearing."
Day 365
"I didn't think it could get any better after we got married, but I've never been so happy to be wrong.
The year has flown by, and all our time together has been precious. Even though Lewis isn't always present, when we're together, it feels like all the challenges of jet-lags and sleepless nights become insignificant.
One of his hands blocks my vision while the other guides me gently by the waist. I feel Lewis laughing behind me, while I become more restless than ever.
The hustle and bustle of London is miles behind us. Lewis drove, which is unusual since I'm usually the one behind the wheel.
I have no idea what I'll find here, so I eagerly await the revelation I've been waiting for hours.
"You know I hate surprises."
"I know. But you're going to like this one." He stops walking but keeps his hand over my eyes.
"It's our first wedding anniversary. It had to be something big."
"Something big?! Lewis, I got you a watch."
"And I loved my new Rolex. And this gift isn't exactly just for you; it's for both of us.”
Lewis removes his hand from my eyes; it takes me a few seconds to adjust to the brightness. The sunlight illuminates a large field surrounded by greenery. The weather is chilly, but the sunlight makes everything seem warm and cozy.
In the midst of two tall trees stands a house with a white-painted facade. Windows adorn the front of the house, along with some flowers planted around the residence.
It's a beautiful, delicate home, large enough for a family to live in, yet not so grand as to be intimidating. It's the perfect refuge for a lifetime, surrounded by the people you love.
I spend a few seconds observing the facade. Lewis steps away from my side and comes in front of me. His smile is huge, and I can tell by his expression that he's waiting for me to say something. But I wouldn't know what to say when I don't even know what I'm looking at now.
"What do you think?" His expectation implicit in his words.
"Lewis...” It can't be this, he can't have just bought a new house for us. “What is this?"
"Wait. I want you to see inside."
His hand fits into mine, and Lewis practically drags me inside. My excitement is so overwhelming that I can hardly think straight now. This is so much more than I expected.
The living room is spacious, and the wooden beams make everything cozier. The furniture is already arranged, and it's as if they've taken every detail from one of my dreams.
"There's a pool outside." He opens the large glass door, revealing more outdoor space. “We can put a big table here for when we have guests.”
His words come out quickly, like an excited child with something new, his eyes shining like two stars as Lewis divides his gaze from me to the entire house. He doesn't take long to return with his hand in mine, leading me to the second floor of the residence.
The master bedroom adopts a lighter tone than the rest of the house, covered in wood. The white paint on the walls makes the room even more spacious. Everything looks clean and new.
"You really did this?" My voice comes out almost in a whisper, and I then feel the urge to cry that hits me. “Lewis, it's perfect.”
"It's ours," he says. His voice is lower compared to minutes ago; the excitement seems to have eased. "I planned over the last year."
"This is... I'm speechless. It's perfect. But how would we do this? I mean, with our work and everything else."
It would be madness to move to the countryside from London at a time like this, even though it feels like a dream.
"I may have anticipated things a little. But we can come in a few years. This could be the house where we'll grow old together and raise our kids. It's the perfect place. We just have to wait a bit, and in the meantime, we can come whenever we want some time alone. 45 minutes from London and no neighbors for a few blocks sounds good, right?"
I can only smile. The idea of having a family by your side and growing old together is still something that can truly move me.
"Yes. It sounds perfect."
He smiles.
"Come on, I want to show you one last thing."
I can barely take in the details of the room before being pulled again.
Lewis opens the door to the room next to ours; unlike the others, this room has no furniture. A large window is situated in the middle of one of the walls, illuminating every corner of the room. I stand still at the door while Lewis finally calms down behind me.
"There are two more rooms like this, still empty." I feel the excitement within me as soon as I realize where Lewis is going. "We'll set them up together, at the right time. For our children. Let's fill this house with happiness, Y/n."
I turn to him, and I feel some tears escaping from my eyes. I couldn't be happier about this surprise.
I press our lips into a kiss that takes a while to break, just so I can speak before returning to him.
"This is all I want.”
"There are no children in common between the couple, and the divorce seems to be agreed upon by both parts. If there is no impasse with the last proposed agreement, I believe there is no need to extend this hearing."
‘Divorce. Agreement. Both parts.’ It looks as bad as it sounds. How could there be agreement on something as painful and profound as this? That's not what happens, I'm not here because I want to, I'm here because I need to be here, I'm here because I owe it to myself and the part that died inside me. I owe this as justice to the girl who believed so much in fairy tales. So no, there is no agreement whatsoever with this situation.
I glance at my lawyer and gesture to speak with him, but it doesn't become necessary. His throat clearing draws the attention of the few people in the room.
The proposed divorce agreement in the document I left with Lewis that morning was denied, as were the other two made by my lawyer. It seems there was some kind of impasse between what Lewis desired and what his representatives sought.
So, I waited for the counterproposal, and when it came, I tried to come to terms with it. There was much more for me than I asked for in the previous agreements, and much less than what I could receive if I had the slightest interest in a legal battle. The perfect agreement between a remorseful man who thinks money buys karma and the lawyers protecting his empire.
But overall, it wasn't that bad, except for one detail.
"There is a disagreement from my client regarding the agreement proposed by Mr. Hamilton."
They look at us with curiosity. Lewis raises his gaze full of doubt, which meets mine.
"And what would that be?" The mediator settles into his chair, leaning towards us.
I could vomit if I had ingested anything. I wish I could just accept anything proposed and leave right away. But I don't want to leave with anything other than what already belongs to me, and I certainly have no interest in something that would keep me tied to Lewis in any way.
I know this is another thing I shouldn't do. Especially if the hypothesis in my mind proves to be true. But I don't care anymore; I have every right to use the shell of a bad person at least once.
I have the right to escape from him.
"My client is no longer interested in the shares related to Mr. Hamilton's companies. As well as the residence in London. We would like to present a counterproposal, where the shares would be transferred back, and the house would be entirely in his name, if there is agreement, of course."
I watch my lawyer pass new papers to the mediator, who carefully examines each one.
I want to disappear from his life in every way possible; I won't heal if I don't distance myself from him. Continuing with the shares in my name would put me in moments like this. Trapped at a meeting table with him by my side. And the house would only remind me of everything that never was. I don't even want to drive past it, even though it's a new residence; it's infested with ghosts for me.
"What?!" Lewis diverts everyone's attention, even from the mediator, who is still examining the papers in front of him. "What are you talking about? These shares are rightfully yours, Y/n. We earned this together." Hearing his voice in person after so many weeks makes me want to cry.
"Mr. Hamilton, please. Only your lawyer has the right to speak at this moment, okay?" The mediator's voice becomes slightly louder to draw Lewis's attention.
There's a lot of disbelief in his gaze, while mine overflows with sorrow.
If only it were just businesses and numbers, the only things we conquered together, all of this would be infinitely easier.
"Don't do this. The shares are yours too, you know that."
Lewis completely ignores the mediator and continues speaking directly to me. His gaze reveals pleading, as if he's seeking redemption and the only way to achieve it is to ensure I end up with millions in shares.
It's tempting. But we're talking about a woman with a wounded ego and immense pride. So, thanks, but no.
"Mr. Hamilton, please."
The mediator seems a bit nervous. Meanwhile, his lawyer becomes restless and leans in to speak with Lewis.
"If she's giving up willingly, you should consider it. We're not talking about something small, Lewis." His lawyer's voice is low, but within this tiny room and with everyone else silent, it would be impossible not to hear his words.
Lewis still looks at me, and I still look at him. I haven't opened my mouth to respond to him, and I don't intend to. All I want is to leave this place soon with what I want, or rather, what I don't want.
"I don't care about that." Lewis responds to his lawyer, but still looking at me. I could even say there's a hint of anger in his expression, if only I still knew this person in front of me.
Day 1,397
“Waking up to the smell of coffee at home is one of my favorite things because I know when it happens, he's home. And it couldn't be any different; he promised me he would be.
My arms wrap around him as soon as I find him in the kitchen. His bare torso is warm and makes me feel at home like nothing else ever came close to achieving.
His hands hand me a cup of coffee, and our lips come together in a kiss full of the longing that seems never to go away, no matter how close we are.
"How is it possible for someone who hates coffee to make the best coffee I've ever had in my life?!"
Lewis laughs before placing his hands on my waist.
"You say that because you're in love with me and like everything I do. Literally, everyone who's had my coffee didn't like it."
"That's because they don't know how to appreciate the strongest coffee that has ever entered their system." Laughter echoes through the apartment. "But seriously, honey, as much as I love it, you have to go easy on the amount of grounds. I could stay awake for days if I had more than one cup in the morning."
His hands tighten around my waist enough to make me sigh. I place my mug with the hot liquid on the counter and soon bring my hands back to his bare back.
I see the smile fading from his face, replaced by a serious expression.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I was just thinking."
"Want to share that?"
"I'm not sure you'll like the idea very much." A shy smile returns to his lips and my curiosity rises. "I know that wasn't the plan. But I can't stop thinking about it."
His eyes are no longer in contact with mine.
"Come on. Tell me."
"Well." He seems anxious, perhaps genuinely concerned about my reaction. "I think, maybe. If you want. We could start trying to expand the family."
My smile drops.
Not because I don't want this, but because I want it so bad that just the idea of Lewis also wanting it even before what was planned between us makes my stomach churn with happiness. I don't know if it's because of Lewis's strong coffee or my excitement, but suddenly I become aware of my accelerated heartbeat.
"I mean. If you still want to wait, we can. I know you have your work, and..."
"No!" I interrupt his train of thought. "I just wasn't expecting that right now." I have to think about the words before I can say them. "Lewis. Are you serious?"
I pull his face back to mine and force him to look at me. We are so close to each other that Lewis must be able to feel my own heartbeat against his chest.
"I've been thinking about this for a while. I know we agreed to wait until after Formula 1, to move to London and start our family. But I don't think I'm going to retire anytime soon, and I want a family with you now. And I know it will be crazy to have a child in the middle of all the travels and chaos of our life, but..." His smile grows even wider. "It will be our child, right?! If there's someone who could handle all of this, it's him. Or her."
My excitement is so overwhelming that I can hardly think of anything to say.
I know my eyes overflow with happiness and emotion, and I see Lewis's eyes mirroring the same.
I pull him closer to me, pressing against him with no desire to let him go anywhere.
"You know how much I want this." I pull him into a kiss that ends up being a bit messy due to our excitement.
"Is that a yes?" Lewis separates us for a moment to speak.
"Of course!"
"We'll take a break so that Mr. Hamilton's lawyer can review the counterproposal and to calm things down a bit.”
I watch both of them stand up. Lewis leaves the room almost running, while his lawyer follows him with the new papers in hand. I feel numb, I need to tap my feet on the floor a few times to make sure I won't fall when I stand up.
“Y/n. Are you sure about the counterproposal?” Adam, my lawyer, turns his chair towards me. His voice is low even though there's no need for it. Since there's no one else in the room. “I know you have your reasons, but we're talking about over fifty million. That could become much more over the years. Giving it away like this to him could be a mistake. You could at least sell them.”
"No. I don't want anything more from him, Adam." His expression reveals what he doesn't say, which makes me feel the need to justify myself. "I'm not saying this just because I'm hurt, I'm saying this because I really want out of this, I don't want to deal with anything related to Lewis anymore. And I know it may sound crazy, but every penny coming from those shares would only make me feel even worse. So yes, I am positive about my decision."
"Alright. I understand." His compassionate look kills me. I turn away from his expression to avoid dealing with that pity stamped on his face. "I think they'll agree, there wouldn't be a reason to delay this any further."
"I hope so." I don't wait for a response, leaving Adam in his place and stepping out of the room in search of fresh air.
Day 1,716
"I promised I wouldn't disappoint myself this time. I thought it would be easier not to see what I wanted for the seventh consecutive time. But no. Every month, it just hurts more.
I stare at the small plastic object in my hand as I feel a lump in my throat.
A damn red line.
One. Just one.
I feel Lewis's arm around me and his face resting on my shoulder.
We started trying a few months ago. We knew that if we waited for the perfect moment, it would never come. We travel all the time, and Formula 1 takes up a good part of Lewis's life. Besides, it's a dangerous sport.
But the desire for our children proved to be so big that any potential problem seems microscopic in comparison. We have a serious relationship and stability, as well as plenty of willingness and love, what could be missing?!
So, I stopped taking the pills and waited for it to happen. But it didn't. Not in the first month, not in the second, it started to bother me in the third. But I didn't imagine it would reach the seventh unsuccessful attempt.
I try to contain myself and pretend to myself that everything is fine. We're young, we have plenty of time to make this happen. But the frustration is written all over my face.
"We can keep trying,” his voice comes out muffled because his face is resting on me. “It's the best part anyway,” he jokes.
A soft laugh escapes my lips.
“Yeah. Maybe next time, huh?”
I take the test out of my field of vision and look at Lewis. He adjusts his posture and nods while looking at me attentively.
Maybe he's waiting for some kind of outpouring, or even restrained tears. But there isn't any. Not because I'm not feeling sad, but because it wouldn't make sense right now. Especially when he's just minutes away from leaving home for another one of his countless work weekends. A tearful wife wouldn't be the best thing to leave on his mind before all the concentration needed for a Grand Prix.
“We could consult with a specialist if you want.”
He stands up and goes to his suitcase.
“No. I don't think it's necessary now.” My face betrays my words. The question of why a pregnancy hasn't happened yet has been weighing on my mind for months. “We can wait for some more time.”
He sighs.
“Alright.” His hands rest on the handle of his suitcase. “I have to go. Will you be okay?”
“If I say no, will you stay here with me?” Compassion fills his eyes, making me immediately regret what I just said. I truly wish he would give up work sometimes, but I would never ask him for that. Not wanting to be inconvenient, and already knowing the answer. “I'm kidding. Go, go save the world, number forty-four.”
“You're my world.” Lewis walks over to me and plants a kiss on my forehead. That makes me smile. “See you on Monday.”
I go down the dozens of stairs arranged in front of the court. I sit down on one of the steps before reaching the end of them.
The streets are bustling. It couldn't be different on a Tuesday morning. I try to focus on the lives of people swiftly passing by, hoping to distract myself from the lump in my throat.
There are so many things on my mind that I can't even concentrate on one of them. It's like a buzzing is taking over me, leaving no room for anything else. Neither my expectations for a new life, nor the object kept in my bag, nor the hypothesis that should be consuming me, nor my marriage dissipating while I watch it all, nor my exhaustion. None of this is enough to make me feel anything.
I notice his presence beside me through my peripheral vision. He sits down, leaving almost no space between us but without touching me. I don't move to look at him or to move away from his figure. I remain focused on the people walking in front of us, wishing at this moment to have the life of the lady strolling peacefully with her dog through the streets of Monaco.
"How did we get to this?"
Of all the things I expected to hear from Lewis after weeks of not talking, this would be the last of my assumptions.
I don't think much before responding to him.
“I don't know.” I feel his gaze on me, but I still don't turn to him. “I don't think it happened at a specific moment. If only we could attribute it to one exact thing, it would make things easier.”
I can hear his breath next to me; he seems shaken, restless in his place.
“Y/n, if I could go back and undo what I did...”
“It wouldn't change a thing.” I interrupt his speech. I couldn't bear to hear Lewis's lamentations, especially at a moment like this, where I'm so detached from my own self that I'm not even aware of my emotions. “Our marriage ended before you cheated me. It ended long before that, long before losing our child. It happened, I don't think it's a good idea to keep tormenting ourselves thinking about what could have been. Because it wasn't. Simple as that. We're here today.”
He stares at me; I know he's looking into my eyes, and from the position of his body leaning towards me, I can deduce that he longs for my reciprocity. But I don't want to, and I can't look at him right now. As much as all my instincts honed over these years are begging me to go towards him.
“What if we kept trying?" He doesn't even believe in his own words. The sentence comes out like a final sigh.
“We tried for a long time. But we gave up at some point. We kept giving up on small things until they turned into huge things.”
This is the end. I know that. I've had it in my mind for a long time, and I'm sure of this decision. But it should hurt less. I should at least have the ability to breathe or to face my — still — husband.
I don't feel my words coming. I just feel the need to say them, maybe because I need a conclusion. Or because I got used to sharing everything with him, and that's still something that needs to go away.
“I don't feel happy to be here today. Maybe I should have fought more, and you too. But despite that, I know this is the right decision. And even if you don't admit it, I know you agree with me. There's no point in thinking about what could have been done when, in the end, we're here today. And nothing will change that.”
Finally, I gather the courage to look at him. He looks like a complete stranger, a totally different person than he used to be.
His gaze, which was always the thing I loved most about him, now doesn't have the same effect on me. Everything about Lewis seems off. And even though I'm close to him, I don't feel him here.
The person by my side has become a stranger. I'm overwhelmed by grief for someone who is alive and in front of me but is nowhere near who they used to be.
I stare at him for a few seconds before speaking again.
“That's the only regret I have. This habit of deceiving ourselves, the complacency we let take over our marriage. Because if we had realized earlier, if we hadn't let it get to this point where we both ended up hurt, then I would remember all these years with immense happiness. But that's not what happens. I can't even look at you because it hurts so much.” I watch tears invade his eyes right in front of mine. I feel anger and regret at the same level. “And that's the part that kills me. Knowing that the best years of my life will be the most painful to remember.” Only when I stop to breathe do I realize that I'm also crying. I let the tears flow freely down my face as I continue my train of thought. “I don't know if this feeling will change. If with time, it will get better, all I know is what I'm feeling today and what I'm living today. And I've decided that from now on, this is what I'm going to focus on. The present.”
He doesn't say anything for some time.
We stare at each other without any intention whatsoever. There's nothing to be said that would make any difference.
“I'm sorry.” I barely recognize his voice, just like the rest of his being.
“I know. Me too.”
Day 2,125
“The notification sound on my phone breaks my focus from the TV program. I grab the device resting on the couch cushion and check the notification. As soon as I read the message, my boredom is replaced by another wave of hope, as it has been happening every month for over a year.
The notification arrived, and Lewis is home today, things that almost never happen at the same time. Maybe this is a sign that this month will finally be the one that works.
Everything is seen as a sign for a desperate woman.
I jump off the couch and head towards our bedroom.
Lewis is lying down, his attention fixed on the large TV, airing the same program I was watching in the living room. The realization leaves me confused, and even a little sad. Why would he prefer to stay away from me than do exactly the same thing he's doing here, next to me?!
I swallow my wounded ego and ignore the unpleasant feeling that this understanding left me. After all, what we need to do is much bigger than my tantrum.
I climb onto the bed and approach him. Lewis doesn't bother to move.
I straddle his lap without any difficulty. My kisses start on his lips and are instinctively reciprocated by him, but his hands remain inert. I grind on his lap in an attempt to stir something. Nothing.
I move my kisses towards his abdomen, and it's only at that moment that Lewis takes some action. Not the one I wanted, of course.
“Y/n. Love. Not today, okay?*
His hands come to me, not to enjoy more of my touch, but to stop me from continuing. This irritates me, but it doesn't prevent me from continuing. I return to his neck and distribute kisses on his skin, with no intention of giving up what I need.
“Come on. It'll be quick.”
I lower my hands to the elastic of his sweatpants while still showering him with kisses, but my movements are interrupted by him.
“Y/n, stop! I said no.” His voice is loud, which makes me stop immediately.
He moves away from me abruptly. Lewis gets up without any care for how he leaves me on the bed.
I feel embarrassed like never before, anger comes in the same dimension.
”Lewis, what the fuck?!”
“I'm tired of this shit. What do you think? That I'm a damn robot you can press a button and get whatever you want? That's ridiculous.”
“I thought you wanted this too.”
Lewis's breathing is audible; he's restless as he stares at me.
"And I want to, but not like this. When was the last time we had sex because we were horny, not because we're obligated to fuck every time your phone notifies you about your fertile period, Y/n?"
"I don't know, Lewis. I'm trying to get what both of us want here."
"Yes, you're trying that by becoming the coldest person on earth. What's the next step? Do you want me to come in a jar and hand it over to you?"
"That's actually a good idea. It would make things a lot easier."
Sarcasm slips out of me effortlessly. I feel anger rising in my body. And anxiety too.
"For God's sake!" He enters the bathroom but leaves the door open. I hear the running water from the tap for a few seconds before he speaks again.
"What the hell do you want, Lewis?!" My voice erupts in a scream.
He comes back quickly to stand in front of me.
“My wife!" He yells too. "That's what I want, Y/n. Can you bring her back?! Or has this obsession taken her away too?"
My frustration is so intense that I feel my throat burning with tears that want to fall. We've never shouted at each other, never fought like we are now. Everything feels like a horrible and senseless chaos.
"I had a terrible weekend. And you didn't even bother to ask how things are. I asked you to come with me to the Grand Prix, and you chose to stay here, probably to consult with another doctor to tell you exactly what all the others have said, if there's any other doctor left in Monaco that you haven't consulted. You're so blinded by this idea that you forgot to keep living your life."
A humorless laugh escapes my lips.
"Oh, poor little thing. You had a terrible weekend? I had a terrible year, Lewis! And I'm not crying because no one came to console me or anything like that. I'm trying to do what I should, what both of us want. You don't have the right to judge me for that." I get out of bed and walk towards the door. Frustrated and overwhelmed by guilt. Today could have been the day, but it wasn't. It wasn't because he didn't want it. "Grow up, Lewis. And if you want someone to pat you on the head, go find someone else, because it won't be me."
It's the last thing I say before slamming the door behind me.”
“I think we should go back inside.”
His voice breaks the silence between us, which has lingered for some time. We stopped talking minutes ago, but we didn't feel the need to move away from each other.
I think we both know that this is the last time we stay together like this. There's no guilt in wanting to prolong this moment, as sad as it may be.
I nod as I look back at him.
I know this was the opportunity to finally tell him what I believe is happening, but I simply can't. It was too hard to get to this point, and sharing my suspicions would only hurt him and further delay the inevitable. I don't need to subject him to that, because if I'm truly right, I know this issue won't be something that lingers for long. And if I can spare him from this additional pain, that's what I'll do.
"I'll sign the papers. If that's really what you want."
"No. That's definitely not what I want, Lewis." I stand up alongside him. "But it's what we have to do if there's still any respect left for what we both lived together."
We enter the grand courtroom together, taking small steps. We walk side by side without any hurry towards the cold room that awaits us, not saying a word. No need for more lamentations. Certain of what will happen, uncertain about the future we hadn't imagined without each other.
I return to my seat, my heart racing as everyone settles in.
"My client agrees to the counterproposal," his lawyer breaks the silence.
"That's good. Now that both parties agree, you may finally sign the documents, please," the mediator seems almost relieved.
The knot in my throat chokes me. I want to escape from here, I want to cry like a baby right now. This hurts like hell. I didn't think I would have a breakdown at this moment, not when everything is so close to ending.
I try to hold myself together, to keep my breathing in check and not show how close I am to bursting into tears and screams. I think I do well in that, as the only person who notices my instability is the only person in the room who is in the same situation as I am.
His red eyes betray a nearly palpable pain.
It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be ending this way.
We promised we would die together, old and gray, in our house with the white façade surrounded by flowers in London.
It wasn't supposed to end in a cold room at the first instance court in Monaco. This is so damn unfair.
Lewis takes the white papers that were handed to him by his lawyer. His hands shake, but only I notice. He doesn't avert his gaze from mine, not for a second, not even as he picks up the black pen placed in front of him. He wants to be sure. He wants one last confirmation from me.
Day 0
"Our hands fit perfectly. I instantly feel calmer with his touch. I step away from my father as I approach my fiancé.
“You look perfect.” He whispers in my ear as he gets close. The emotion in his voice is clear. Lewis plants a kiss on my cheek before turning to my father.
They shake hands. My father pulls Lewis into a half-hug, I know something is said in the midst of it by the older man, but I don't hear what. Just the possibilities that pass through my mind are enough to make me laugh.
Lewis doesn't take long to turn back to me; now his attention is entirely mine.
"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here on this special day to celebrate the love and union of two souls who have decided to embark on this journey of life together.”
The celebrant begins to speak. My heart races, and the smile on my face feels like it will stay there forever.
Lewis looks more handsome than ever. His happiness manages to make him even more beautiful, as if that were possible. I want to look around, see if the flowers arranged are the ones we chose, or if everyone we invited is present. But I couldn't, I couldn't look anywhere when I have the best thing in my life right in front of me. Moving his mouth and telling me "I love you" without making a sound. Just for me to know, just to make it clear.
“Marriage is a unique moment, as it is the union of two individuals who choose to share their dreams, joys, and challenges side by side. Today, Lewis and Y/n, you are taking an important step in your lives, a step that represents the promise to love and care for each other, regardless of the circumstances. The journey of love is marked by highs and lows, but it is the partnership and complicity that will help you overcome all obstacles together. Love is the force that binds your hearts, making you stronger, braver, and more willing to face any adversity. Now, I ask for everyone's attention for the vows of the newlyweds.”
Anxiety consumes me even more, but I am excited to finally be able to say the words I have been holding inside me.
I turn to Alessia, who stands behind me. She hands me the small piece of paper I entrusted to her earlier.
I try to breathe a few times before starting to pronounce the words written by me on the lined paper.
“I think it's not news to anyone here how much of a dreamer I am. Everyone who knows me has heard about my fantasies at some point.” My laughter is accompanied by that of my guests. “Many of them I judged and was aware of being impossible. After all, I know that nothing can be perfect.” I take my eyes off the paper and lock eyes with Lewis for a few seconds. “I never thought I would be so happy to be wrong.”
I try to hold back the tears as I speak, but I know my emotion is implicit and one step away from taking over me.
“You showed me that my unrealistic dreams are not only possible but even better than in my imagination. Love transcends what I thought was impossible. Your love showed me that even the bad parts are worth it if I have you by my side.” Lewis smiles in a way different from the usual, tears fill his eyes too. Which only makes me even more fulfilled. “I never imagined that I would marry that guy I met by mere chance on a night out with my friends. Not because I didn't like you right away; because I think it's clear how I was already won over by you before even knowing your name.” His laughter echoes within me. “But because I imagined that when I found the love of my life, the feeling would be different. I would be afraid, anxious, uncertain at times. After all, that's what my mind and all love stories make us believe. That it has to be complicated to be real. But that's not what happened, everything between you and me was natural, it felt right from the beginning.”
I need a few seconds to breathe, look at our guests for a brief moment, and can capture all the emotion present in the room.
How is it possible for a moment to be so magical? How could all of this result in anything other than the perfection of a life together? I thought I was sure of something until now, but this feeling shows me otherwise. There is nothing within me greater than the conviction of the right decision for the love of my life.
“I took a while to realize that this is the essence of true love. The kind that happens fluidly and unconditionally, without pressures, fears, or insecurities. In you, I found the security and comfort I didn't even know I was looking for. Now, looking back at everything we've been through, I realize that every step that brought us here was guided by destiny. Every moment we shared, every laugh, every tear, everything was part of a carefully written plot for us to find each other in this perfect fairy tale.”
“And, my love, I promise to keep cherishing this feeling that binds us. Because it was by your side that I learned that true love doesn't need to be complicated or uncertain. I thank chance, destiny, and all the forces and entities that brought us together. I am blessed for this, and there are not enough words to express my gratitude at this moment. May our love continue to grow, to blossom, and may we face every challenge together with courage and complicity. Because if I'm by your side, I know there's nothing to fear, and we'll be fine as long as we're together.”
I articulate the last sentences while looking into your eyes; they are already engraved in me even before writing them.
Lewis presses his lips together; there are a few seconds of silence before we laugh at each other. In a mix of tears and happiness.
Knowing that it's now his turn makes me more anxious than minutes ago when I started my speech.
“Oh God.” He whispers with a choked voice. “How do you expect me to say anything after that?”
“Just breathe. I'm right here.”
Our hands connect again. I tighten my grip on him, waiting for the time Lewis needs to prepare.
Eventually, Lewis brings his hand to the pocket of his pants and takes out a folded piece of paper.
I notice the tremor in his hands. But his smile remains intact.
“Y/n…” He looks at me for a few seconds before returning his gaze to the paper. “I could spend hours here telling you how certain I am that you are the love of my life. How you showed me a life that I never imagined would be mine. Or how you taught me so much that I don't know how I survived before I met you.” The hand holding the paper tightens with a certain force, but his expression, in contrast, brings me peace. “But there are not enough vows of love to tell you what I would like now, Y/n. I don't think there's a combination of words that comes close to expressing what I really want, what I feel inside me. That's why I'm not going to try, not at this moment, not in this way. I will show you, every day, what no phrase at this moment could. And that's my promise to you.”
I feel an euphoria that could be mistaken for anxiety; each word of his envelops me in a way that I even feel numb, as if floating in an almost immortal state while I listen to him. Everything within me echoes that this is the moment, the pinnacle of genuine happiness. It's the moment I intend to remember every day for the rest of my life.
Simply, the best moment of all.
I even make an effort to set aside the awareness of my emotions a little. I'm not sure what could happen if I completely surrender to what I'm feeling. It's like a nirvana, and I hope it lasts forever within me.
Lewis pauses for a few seconds before continuing.
“You are the best part of me. I am my best version when I have you by my side. And for that, I promise to cultivate each of these things that move us, promise to take care of this love and never let it go away. I promise to remember every day how lucky I am to have a wife like you, even in those moments when you drive me crazy wanting something and not being sure what, and thinking I should be a deciphering master.” Everyone laughs, tears mixed with happiness on our faces. “No. It's okay, actually your ability to confuse me is one of the things I love about you.”
“You are light. You are happiness. You are peace and a storm at the same time; you are my foundation, the love of the life of someone who never believed in fairy tales. You are my fortress, and I hope to be yours. So, I'll be here, always right here, by your side. Making sure you are always content, always supported, never alone. Never alone.” He emphasizes the last sentence. His eyes glued to mine. “I love you.”
His gaze, intense and suffocating, seems to penetrate my skin, but I maintain composure, hiding the storm unraveling within me. Any gesture from me could end up prolonging this unbearable moment, and honestly, I don't know if I could endure another hour in this room.
I resist the temptation to look away and, instead, just nod slightly. In the ensuing silence, I try to capture every detail, every line on his face, as if this were the last time I would see him. His eyes, which once shone with love, now reflect only the shadow of what we were. His Adam's apple moves, and his gaze shifts away from mine, finally releasing me from this anguish.
The fingers holding the pen are tense, white from the applied pressure. The fine tip touches the paper, leaving a trail of farewell.
A final uncertain glance.
The last second as wife and husband.
I can't believe it ended like this.
But that's how it ends. Not with a bang, but with a suffocating silence, marking the end of something we swore to be eternal. The last trace of our connection fades away, and now all that remains is the journey unfolding before me. A life now redefined by the absence of what once was us.
I enter the apartment, and exhaustion takes over my body.
It's still mid-morning, but it feels like days have passed since I woke up.
My new home is nothing like the previous one; it's a simple apartment with three bedrooms that seems to have the perfect size to avoid feeling cramped but also not so large as to leave me lonely.
The apartment of a single woman.
The walls are predominantly white, with a single exception in the living room. I painted one of the walls blue on my first day here, a choice that now seems too impulsive. I look at that wall and feel a twinge of regret, but the idea of repainting it is simply inconceivable.
I don't even like the color blue.
Suddenly, I become aware of the object I tucked into my bag days ago, and for the first time since the purchase, I feel anxious about the possibilities it holds.
I close my hand around the strap of my bag and walk to the bathroom, no hurry, but my heart beats unevenly.
I lock the door behind me, even though I'm alone, a habit I haven't lost even after leaving my parents' house.
My breath would be audible even if the house weren't in the absolute silence it finds itself in.
I do what I've done at least two hundred times in my life; there's no need to look at the instructions. At this point, it has become muscle memory. The ritual unfolds in silence, marked only by the subtle sound of paper and plastic.
With care, I return the test to its place in the small box. Hesitation hangs in the air, a prolonged pause before facing what I already know. The urgency to find out competes with the reluctance to confront. I'm not ready; I don't want to relive all of that again. The fear inside me grows to proportions I've never experienced before. If I had the slightest strength, I could have a breakdown now.
I leave the bathroom, seeking more space, trying to alleviate the suffocating sensation. The small box still in my hand.
The indicated 3 minutes have passed; the instructions say to disregard after 15 minutes. I have 12 minutes, 12 minutes to avoid the answer, 12 minutes where I still pretend not to know anything, where I can continue to delude myself for another brief interval. 12 minutes that allow me to postpone the inevitable confrontation, as if ignoring the clock could freeze the reality that may await me.
There are tears. Tears that I don't know if they're of sadness, joy, or a complex combination of both. Each drop seems to carry the weight of a journey, mourning the past loss, the uncertainty of the future, and the unexpected surprise of the possibility of a new life forming.
There's a trembling smile playing at the corners of my lips. It's a smile marked by vulnerability, fear, and resilience. The irony of discovering this right after the divorce seems to hang in the air, but there's also a flame of courage that ignites within me. A strength that arises from the need to face this chapter alone.
There is confusion. My heart feels like a maze of contradictory sensations. The duality of emotions manifests in thoughts that collide, in doubts intertwining with fearful hopes. How to balance the fragility of a new life with the pain of a previous loss? Or rather, two losses?
There is fear. It feeds on the vulnerability of being alone. The specter of the past loss still looms over me, a shadow that whispers fears. The uncertainty of what is to come.
There is happiness. Happiness that arises from the understanding that life, despite its painful twists, goes on. A new life, an opportunity to start over, even if the scenery seems daunting at first glance. It's the hope that ignites in the face of darkness.
I gather the necessary courage and hold the object firmly. I take it out of the box.
There are two lines.
Life unfolds, it happens, even though I may want to stop it at times. Choices and changes, at times, leave eternal scars. And if it hurt enough to leave a mark, it means it should always be remembered.
Before me, there is a blank canvas, a path never treaded before, where I carry my baggage and memories that I'm not sure will fade so quickly.
The pain makes room for resilience, a chance for redefinition. Life shows that the ability to move forward is the source of overcoming, even when the future is unstable and uncertain.
Even in the quietest corners of my story, there is a subtle melody that continues to play, reminding me that, despite everything, life persists, transforming into an eternal flow.
Life metamorphoses, flowing like a river that, even in the face of obstacles, finds its way, reminding me that persistence is the essence of existence.
However, this same persistence, although it is the force that makes us move forward, can also be the cause of pain, of giving up, and of exhaustion.
Learn when to say goodbye.
I won't even justify my absence. I simply couldn't write for a long time. But I hope it was worth it. Here it is, the last chapter, finally. I hope to be able to write again and bring more stories. Thank you to everyone who followed and had patience. ❤️❤️
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