#sorry this came out bad but this is all i could manage in the poor quality video
lavandulawrites · 2 days
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Yandere Kinich x reader
This idea came to me when suddenly and I just had to write it down asap
Synopsis: Ajaw has finally found someone he considers his friend. He is however not the only one. The normally arrogant dragon, finds it fascinating how Kinich is spiralled deep into love and obsession.
Warnings: written in Ajaw’s point of view, Ajaw sees reader as both a friend and a motherly figure, murder, dismembering, Kinich is both down bad and insane, Ajaw cares (?!), drugging, abduction
Word count: 1058
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Ajaw found the black haired man to be extremely annoying. He rarely showed any signs of hurt by his remarks and he put him in timeout way too often. He was in other words stupid and a sorry excuse of a man. Ajaw could feel himself greying in anger at the thought of his dismissal. You however, were different. You were kind (nauseating so) and you always brought Ajaw tasty snacks (as he deserved naturally). You entertained him in various means, unlike a certain useless man.
You were the only human Ajaw tolerated. And he made it known to you. For that’s how kind the Almighty Dragonlord was. To both his dismay and his curiosity, he was not the only one who thought highly of you. Oh, far from it.
Ajaw tried to stay out of human concerns as much as possible (it was after all offensive to his greatness to be a associated with humans), but he found it fascinating how much Kinich cared for you. He would always bring you food if you had forgotten to bring any, put on sunscreen for you (Ajaw found it gross how Kinich’s face reddened at the feel of your skin, he could sometimes swear he could see him wetting his lips like a hungry dog. Disgusting), take you on picnics and buy you gifts. The great dragon never got such nice things from him, even when he had been on his best behaviour.
When Kinich had managed to persuade you to try bungee jumping with him, Ajaw had for the first time in his life not had the desire to cut the rope and let you fall straight down with a splat. It was a weird feeling.
Conflict always seemed to rise whenever you were conversing with someone who wasn’t Ajaw nor Kinich. Ajaw was only offended that you speared another human your time instead of bringing him snacks, but Kinich was seething. His jaw was clenched so hard Ajaw could almost hear his teeth breaking in half. His fist tight causing the veins on his arms to stand out like a sore thumb. He clearly always intimidated the stranger enough that he or she left in a hurry. Had Ajaw not been as strong and amazing as he was, he would himself have been frightened.
Your naivety and kindness was something that clearly troubled his servant. He always worried about you and always came up with poor excuses to see you (be it meeting you or watching from the shadows). Normally would Ajaw not help him, no he would rather have sabotaged him, but since it was you he lend him his hand. You were clearly rather weak compared to the raven haired man and himself. Shorter than Kinich and not a fighter. Which was something the hazel eyed man seemed to appreciate.
Following you around became an everyday occurrence and Ajaw for once helped Kinich. When Kinich asked him for his help to orchestra a dangerous situation where he would come in and save the day, he didn’t think twice before agreeing.
He still wanted his body, but it was no longer his main focus. It was a strange shift in his behaviour, but not unwelcome. It was nice to have a friend after all.
Months had passed and both him and Kinich had gotten closer to you. It was clear as day to Ajaw that the ancient name bearer was head over heels. Especially when he caught him sniffing some clothes he had stolen from you. Ajaw never let that go and tormented him with it whenever he saw fit.
It was a lazy sunny afternoon when Kinich came barging into their home. His eyes were blown wide in rage and his limbs shaking. Ajaw was an expert in recognising blood thirst and Kinich oozed of it.
“The fuck are you barging in for, you useless fool?!” the dragon trumped his foot angrily on the air.
“Shut up, Ajaw. I need your help.”
“Don’t talk to the Almighty Dragonlord like that!! I should teach you a lesson! And why on earth should I help you?” he crossed his arms and raised a brow.
“It’s regarding [Name]” he didn’t need to say more for Ajaw to agree to help.
The forest was thick and dark. Mist covered the ground as far as they could see. Kinich had swung his claymore without his help and already ended the puny man’s life. That was he got for being a treat to your well being he had said. Ajaw had to agree.
Kinich dragged the body through the forest creating a bloody trail behind them. The metallic scent hung heavy in the air causing Ajaw to bare his teeth. Such an awful smell.
The man was as useless in death as he was alive. Heavy he was too, judging by the laboured breathing of the normally strong man.
The body was thrown on a makeshift table of old wooden planks. Thin fingers ran over the many knifes and cleavers in the worn knife roll. It was obvious to the yellow dragon that this wasn’t the first time Kinich had dismembered someone. It was a mystery just how many he had slain in the name of protecting you.
With a giddy smile, Ajaw watched as he lifted the sharp cleaver and started working. The bald easily cut through the flesh. With furrowed brows he worked around the bones with the precision of the most talented butcher. It was an eerie sight; the black haired drenched in blood.
After about an hour or so, he was finished. “Do you know of a good place to dispose of this?” he asked the dragon.
He watched through his sunglasses of your struggle. It was fascinating how you thought you could overpower the taller man in your drugged state. Kinich was clearly irritated which made the sight even more entertaining. It had been so fast. Before you know it you were drugged by the juice Kinich had so kindly offered you and brought home to the two of them. Not that Ajaw was on to complain. He found your company enjoyable and he even cared for you.
He couldn’t wait to see how this would unfold. What would happen first? Would you accept your fate or would Kinich finally, properly snap?
Only time would tell.
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wrioluvr · 6 months
subby vampire x dom male reader
sorry for being inactive yall teehee just thought about this cute little idea and had to write it... also no sex just a little spicy lmk if yall want to see more of this guy 🤭
★ ; 🦇🍷. . ♱
you did not expect it to rain during your forest hike today. anticipation to dive into the lush green unknown was quickly turned into a wet mess as your scrambled to find shelter, unsure of where you were even going as the gps signal got weaker deeper into the forest you ventured. much to your surprise, you soon came upon a quaint winding road. following it lead to an ancient-looking manor straight out of the victorian era. despite your brain recounting that this was how every horror movie started, you were desperate to be out of the cold, and soon rushed to the grand door to seek warmth. luckily, someone answered the door. a tall, lanky, ghost of a man, who quickly invited you in and fretted over the prospect of you catching a cold. he was a little odd, speaking in such a proper, olden manner, but he was lovely.
despite your initial protests of overstaying your welcome, he managed to convince you to stay for a week. he invited you to join him for dinner everyday, and it was through these meals that you found out quite a lot about him. one, his name was kliff (you swore his face turned red when you said he had a handsome name), and that he was a vampire who was at least a hundred years old (he stopped counting after the 120th year). the way he revealed it was kind of adorable, he was so reluctant at first.
"sooooo, kliff. you're a vampire, right?"
"goodness, whatever gave you that idea? i most certainly am not." his face said otherwise as his eyes darted everywhere around the room but your gaze, and the tip of his ears turned red.
"and you're gay, right?"
"now THAT is an accusation!" he replied indignantly, now fully flustered. "i, a dignified gentleman, would never engage in such sinful acts."
"but i saw you peeking at me showering yesterday. pervert." you were having the time of your life teasing this poor fossil.
he stood up from the dinner table and paced around the room. "i did no such thing." he mumbled, face somehow steaming even more than you thought was humanly possible. wait, but he wasn't a human. nevermind.
you spent most of your week exploring his manor, poking around the various dusty bookshelves and artifacts of an era long bygone. if there was one thing you picked up from your exploration, it was that kliff was awfully lonely. and had been for a long time. he didn't seem to have had any romantic partners, probably due to his sexuality, nor any pets to keep him company. you could infer this from his clingy nature, he was constantly in the shadows observing you, blending in seamlessly using his powers. he thought he was being slick, but really, he was a rather clumsy vampire. whenever you caught him, he would always act oblivious, and give you a sheepish grin, before scurrying away. it was quite cute, really. another thing was the fact that he never asked to drink from you. "it is quite alright. i sustain myself well enough through other means." was all he said when you asked him about it. mysterious. almost like he didn't dare to taint your skin with his fangs. you decided not to tell him about the fact that you were aware he watched you when you were asleep in the guest room, sometimes even daring to climb into bed silently with you and bask in your presence. he was a lonely soul, you figured. you could let him be delusional for a bit. you would leave after this week, anyway.
but that week passed quick, and with each day, kliff seemed to grow even more on edge, getting nervous whenever he was around you but never daring to speak what was on his mind. brooding around the house, watching you silently as you attempted to grow something in his dying garden... oh it was bad for him. but this came all to a head on your last day, when you bid your goodbyes and were one foot out the door, and he suddenly gathered the courage to say something.
kliff threw himself at you in one final, desperate plea. "please... please don't go...." his tone was so pitiful, you stopped in your tracks and looked at the way he's grabbing your wrist so tightly. "i... i.... if i may, i have one final request."
"you want to drink from me? honestly, i'm surprised you didn't ask earlier."
"no, no... it's not that. it's the opposite, really. may i... may i humbly request that you..." he stops mid sentence and breaks eye contact to look at the ground, voice so soft you could barely hear him. "bite me instead..."
"i beg your pardon?"
"i would like for you to leave a mark on me. as a reminder of your presence." his tone is slightly more confident now as he meets your eyes, centuries-old desire rekindled and burning within them. he falters a bit as he notices your lack of response. "....please?" he mumbles pathetically.
oh, poor baby. he's wanted a man to love him all his life. luckily for him, you found his desperation cute. you drop your bag and take his hand in yours.
"want me to take the lead?" you squeeze his hand, and he nods shyly.
"i would like nothing more."
you gently, but firmly pin him to the nearest wall, the ancient manor creaking under the pressure. it's kind of poetic, kliff thinks, as he wilts under your touch, it sounds like my house is congratulating me. you start off by peppering fleeting kisses all across his neck, admiring the small noises of pleasure he made everytime your lips came into contact with his skin. the fleeting touches turned into harsher bites, as you nibbled at his delicate skin, so fragile and untouched. it was just like he fantasized, and he was in heaven. he gripped onto the wall for support as he gasped at the new sensation, writhing around as you marked him, but your strong hands on his waist kept him steadily in place, a feeling he quickly learnt to enjoy. all those years he spent in solitude seemed to culminate to this moment, he'd never felt more intimate with anyone in his life. you stepped back to look at your handiwork and he immediately collapsed into your arms, a dark purple hickey prominently showing on his neck. he stared up at you lovingly, unable to really form thoughts. "please don't go...." was all he could mutter as you slowly swayed him back and forth, soothing his cold, beating heart.
"guess i'll see you next week, hm?" he's never been happier to hear those words in his long life.
>ᵥᵥ< 💘
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dear-ao3 · 8 months
Sorry i tried to scroll past but, i know nothing about f1 other than max verstappen is fast, my dad doesnt like lewis hamilton, fast car goes in a loop and sometimes expodes. Could you give me a crash course in f1 drama? Im very intrigued. Whats the tea as it were?
a terribly loaded question, but i will do my best. i’ve talked about some of the drama before like the red bull second seat and the chronicles of haas but allow me to briefly try my hand at explaining the nightmare that is the upcoming silly season
under the cut we go
silly season is when the drivers go through contract renewals, extensions and switches. usually it’s confined to the first half of the season (march-july) but it has been known to extend all the way to the last race of the season and they like to switch people around at random sometimes. driver contracts are complex, there’s a lot of money involved and basically You Are The Face Of The Team so if you have a shit season then you make the team look bad. but at the same time you could have a shit season because you have a shit car. it’s sticky stuff.
so. there are only twenty seats in formula 1. 10 teams. each team gets two drivers. (there’s also reserve drivers but we’re not going to get into that). who ends up with a contract is largely up to the teams, they can pull the contract out from under people they can also cut you mid season. they’ve done it before.
of the 20 drivers on the grid, 14 of them have contracts expiring at the end of the year. yes. 14. you see how this could get complicated.
so let’s meet the teams.
red bull racing. they came first this year (and last year) in the championship. like aggressively first. like they won the championship by over 350 points. they are definitely the team to beat. but if you end up with a seat at red bull, you do have to deal with max verstappen being your teammate and he won all but three of the races last year. he’s the golden boy. red bull are also notoriously silly when it comes to contracts and famously swap people mid season who aren’t performing.
mercedes. merc is home to 7 time world champion lewis hamilton and they have won the championship a great many times, though not since 2021. they are kind of in their flop arc and their car the last 2 years has been pretty garbage, but they have still made it work because they were able to come in second last year.
ferrari. god help the poor little meow meows with a ferrari contract. ferrari is a notoriously great team and they’re trying to get back to the top again but their strategy every single time has fallen short. to the point where their drivers are the ones doing the strategy in their cars while driving. they came in third last year and have been decently consistent at getting first in qualifying and then getting beat by max verstappen on race day.
mclaren. they’ve definitely worked their way up over recent years. they ended fourth last year and have had some championship wins before but not nearly as many as say merc and ferrari. their team ceo (owner? director?) is a little interesting and their car started out a pile of flaming hot garbage at the beginning of the year but they did manage to get their shit together.
aston martin. they are owned by canadian billionaire lawrence stroll, father of lance stroll (one of the drivers for the team). they’ve undergone several name changes over the recent years (force india, racing point, etc). they positively slayed at the start of the season and then one day they sucked. they finished fifth in the championship.
alpine. the frenchest french team. they’re (i think?) still partially owned by the french government. both of their drivers are french. (their drivers also hate eachother but we’ll get to that. just know they’re in the middle of a modern french civil war). they had the opportunity to have a good rookie driver (oscar piastri) this past year but in a thrilling twitter battle, he publically flamed the shit out of them and went to mclaren instead (and slayed). they're usually solidly middle of the pack. they ended sixth in the championship.
williams. williams has been one of the back of the grid teams for the last many years but they have finally started to get their shit together and don’t quite suck as much as they used to. all of the points this year were scored by only one driver though (except one but we’ll get there). they came in seventh.
alpha tauri. they are the sister team of red bull. so technically redbull owns both teams (meaning they can swap drivers between teams. they like doing this.) they’ve just kind of been There for awhile but they did slay towards the end of the season when one of their drivers led the race for several laps. basically tho, this team is the gateway to redbull. they came in eighth.
alpha romeo. recently renamed to stake f1 team (but sometimes they are going to be called kick sauber. this is a whole other drama post and i’m not getting into it). they’re also just kind of there. generally unproblematic. seems that really great drivers who get ixed out of a contract for a younger driver end up here or young drivers who are in their early years are here before they go to a better team. they ended ninth this year.
haas. oh haas. goofy team. they suck. point blank they suck. they keep loosing sponsors because they suck, they don’t win ever (one time they came first in qualifying last year). they cursed themselves in australia in 2018 by not tightening their tires and its been downhill ever since. they came 10th. their team principle got let go (fired?) who’s to say today.
so those are the teams. it is important to note that:
-there is a cost cap. each team is allowed to spend no more than 135m per year.
-not all cars are equal. some things are standard. they all undergo the same testing. but the cars are all very different. so you can be a good driver but stuck in a shitty car. which makes it impressive if you are doing well in a shitty car.
let’s meet our drivers!!!
starting with the guys who’s contract is not ending in 2024:
max verstappen. 3 time world champion. 26 years old. general beast on the track. he dominated the whole season. he’s currently racing for red bull and has a contract with them through 2028.
lewis hamilton. 7 time world champion. 39 years old. he drives for mercedes. he will not leave mercedes until he retires. he really really wants to win an 8th world championship and is willing to stick it out a few more years as long as merc still believes in him. his contract expires in 2025.
george russell. the other merc driver. 26 years old. hes aggressively british and says thinks like blimey unironically. walking meme. got his merc seat in 2022 right when they entered their flop arc by getting his tractor of a williams to finish second in qualifying in the middle of a rainstorm. his contract expires in 2025.
lando norris. mclaren driver. 24 years old. he has notably never won a race in his five years of formula one (mostly because right when his car finally was good enough max verstappen was 20 seconds ahead of anyone) but he is regarded as Very Good. he has only ever driven for mclaren. and even though there is another year left on his contract there is mass speculation that he will not renew his contract with mclaren after it expires and he may move up to one of the top teams (red bull, merc, ferrari) (tho i think he doesnt hate himself quite enough to go to ferrari). his contract expires in 2025.
oscar piastri. the other mclaren driver. 22 years old. this was his rookie season and he positively slayed. like people compared his rookie season to lewis hamiltons rookie season. he also had the positively funniest start to his rookie year because alpine announced that he would be driving for them (he had been their reserve driver and in the alpine academy) and he posted a tweet that basically said yeah thats false i never singed anything with you and im going to race with mclaren instead (he dodged a bullet) and then alpine tried and failed to sue him for $4m USD. he signed a contract extension with mclaren this year and his contract expires in 2026.
lance stroll. aston martin driver and son of the aston martin owner. hes doing ok, tho there was conspiracy that he wanted to quit and have a tennis career awhile ago. but basically since his dad owns the team it seems that hes guaranteed a seat for as long as he wants one.
so now. moving onto the good shit. the people who have contracts expiring in 2024. hold onto your hats people.
charles leclerc. (everyones favorite slutty little soup can). 26 years old. he is currently at ferrari and he has been since 2019. notably, he was given the longest contract in the history of ferrari after a stellar rookie season at sauber (renamed to alpha romeo, renamed to stake f1) where he got the tractor of a car consistently into the points. having the longest contract in the history of ferrari was a flex at the time, but now its likely how he will introduce himself at therapy sessions. ferrari have fucked this man left right and center up the ass with a plastic lunchroom spork. hes talented, he can drive, and he can drive well. but the strategy that ferrari has absolutely sucks. either something is wrong with the car (see him blowing out his gear box on the formation lap in monaco, his car completely crapping out and spinning into the barrier in brazil before the race even started) or they fuck up his pit stops or put him on the wrong tires and honestly its just frustrating. but will he leave??? likely not. you'd have to pry ferrari out of his cold dead hands and at this rate that might be where this is headed though there has been some minor speculation of him going to another team like merc or red bull, but merc doesnt have any open seats and red bull is a whole other dumpster fire of drama. ferrari are going to have to pay him a boatload of money to make him stay.
carlos sainz. the smooth operator. 29 years old. ferrari driver. previously carlos was at toro rosso (renamed to alpha tauri), renault (renamed to alpine), and mclaren before signing with ferrari. he has been at ferrari since 2021 and has voiced that he would like to stay with them for however long he can. there is speculation that lando might replace him at ferrari (but landos contract is not up until 2025) and there is also some speculation that alex albon might replace him. while charles is clearly the golden boy at ferrari, carlos is slightly slower but also definitely consistent. he was THE ONLY non red bull driver to win a race this past year, in Singapore after max verstappedn was knocked out of qualifying by alpha tauri reserve driver liam lawson (more on him later) and because he basically came up with his own strategy in the car while he was driving.
sergio perez. aka checo. red bull driver. 33 years old. and oh boy here's where we open the can of worms. checo was previously at racing point (renamed aston martin) and it was very near the end of the 2020 (?) season and he was out of a contract. he had a bonkers race where he was knocked to the back of the grid and then overtook everyone and somehow ended up winning (there is more to that story but just trust me) and christian horner, red bull team principle, mr ginger spice and definite disney villain called him and said congrats sir you have a seat at red bull! well. fast forward. hes been causing problems. problems as in crashing a lot, generally not doing great and pissing the crap out of red bull. it is basically guaranteed at this point that he will not be getting a contract extension. there was actually talk this year of him losing his seat mid season to one of the alpha tauri drivers, because remember, red bull owns both teams and they can switch them whenever they want to (and they have!) but ultimately this did not happen. even though checo has a seat at red bull until the end of 2024, its mass speculated that he is going to get switched with an alpha tauri driver, probably daniel ricciardo (more on him shortly) mid season because there is a speculated clause in daniels contract that says that if checo isn't performing well in the first few races daniel is getting his seat.
daniel ricciardo. 34 years old. alpha tauri driver. man oh man what a guy. outside of being the prankster of the paddock, he has one of the most batshit careers of anyone currently on the grid. he started out at red bull and was showing real talent and skill and was on track to win things (and was!) and was there until the end of 2018 when max verstappen (his teammate) started getting preferential treatment and also red bull started having a lot of problems with their engines (which were being outsourced from Renault (now alpine) and another team on the grid) and well very very long story short he made the surprise move of the century and decided to sign with Renault (which makes no sense they're the one with the engine problems) and was there for 2 years before moving again to mclaren where he was reportedly not treated very well and had a hard time driving the car so they mutually ended his contract with them early and he basically retired at the end of the 2022 season and became a red bull reserve driver. then halfway through the 2023 season alpha tauri ixed one of their drivers, nyck de vries, because he wasnt doing well and promoted daniel back up to a full time driver at alpha tauri (which we know is only a step down from red bull) but then he broke his hand in a crash in zanvort (?) and then he was replaced for a few races by formula 2 driver liam lawson (who we will also talk about) and then he came back to finish out the season in alpha tauri after he was cleared. daniel has admitted openly that he never should have left red bull and he was given bad advice to do so. hes towards the end of his career at this point and its well known that he Really Really wants to finish out his career at red bull again. he and max have already been teammates before and they do work well together and daniel is great driver (see his comeback in texas (or maybe it was brazil?) this year). so. Pretty Sure that daniels going to get either an extension at alpha tauri or go up to red bull. thats what we all want. get this man in a red bull we need him there biblically.
liam lawson. now technically liam is not actually a formula 1 driver. hes a formula 2 driver, but he was daniels replacement for five races and there has been some speculation and some confirmed news about him so hes getting included. when he was racing for f1 he was at alpha tauri. hes 21 and looks like he belongs in the movie grease. no one was expecting him to slay in formula 1 and he positively knocked everyones socks off. the scene: Singapore. which, if you'll recall, is the one race that a not red bull driver won. this was largely because liam lawson slayed the absolute game in qualifying. the qualifying part of racing determines what order the cars start in on the grid for the race and theres three parts, the first two parts the bottom 5 drivers each time get knocked out and then the top 10 complete for the last 10 spots. liam lawson knocked BOTH max verstappen and checo perez out of qualifying in the second round by going very slightly faster than them, effectively fucking up red bulls race and allowing carlos to win. and he also scored points in that race, which no one was expecting. now thats all fine and dandy, but here's the speculation: hemlut marko (im pretty sure) (who is somehow decently involved in the decision making at red bull though i couldn't tell you how) said that he thinks that liam lawson will be in an f1 seat no later than 2025. meaning that he will probably get offered a contract this year. and hes already raced for alpha tauri. red bull have sunk a good amount of money into him. they clearly want him. so if he gets offered an alpha tauri seat in 2025, that means theres a good chance danny rics is going to red bull. do you SEE how the plot here is THICKENED
yuki tsunoda. age 23. currently at alpha tauri. and fun fact, the only alpha tauri driver to race there the whole year. he had three separate team mates. he is slaying and hes often slept on. he has a bit of a temper and likes to shout on the radio and also hates working out (they had to force him to move to italy or something to work out, long story) but hes been kinda killing it. he led several laps in the abu dhabi race this year and hes decently consistent. people think theres possibility that he could get moved up to red bull on account of the fact that he is younger than daniel and clearly has more years in him,, but there is also possibility that he might not because red bull like to make stupid decisions. and if he doesnt get moved up to rebel, will he stay with alpha tauri? we don't know.
alex albon. age 27. currently a williams driver. alex albon is another one with a batshit career. he started out his rookie year in 2019 at alpha tauri then got moved up to red bull halfway through the year when red bull decided that pierre gasley wasnt doing a good enough job (more on him later) and stayed with red bull for a solid year and a half until he lost his seat in 2021 to checo. he has been with williams for the last two years and is basically carrying the team. like. williams as a team scored 28 points this year. and alex albon scored 27 of those 28 points. and as we know, williams is still kind of in their shit arc (though they are doing much better. they didnt score any points for a solid 2 (?) years. so this is an improvement.) and if you can get a shit car to perform you catch the eye of bigger teams. now, alex has already been a red bull driver. and he was on the cusp of podiuming two separate times when lewis hamilton ran into him. this (among a few other things) basically killed his chances at getting resigned at red bull because he wasnt ""performing"" and red bull are bitches who love to win. but some people think that red bull should give him another shot. like daniel, hes already been max's teammate and he can definitely drive. but theres also talk he might go to ferrari because ferrari think that he might compliment charles's driving style (or something). but going to ferrari at this point is kind of suicide. so.
logan sergeant. age 23. the only american on the grid. the other williams driver. he just finished his rookie year. he scored a grand total of one single point this season, in texas, and it was because charles leclerc and lewis hamilton both got disqualified because the floor of their car had more wear (by literally less than millimeters) than it was allowed to, bumping him up from 12th to 10th. he has never done better than alex albon. he was also the very last driver to get a contract for 2024, with williams waiting until i think december of 2023 to announce his contract extension. clearly, hes on thin ice. but people have also said that he needs time to get used to formula 1 (other people have pointed out that oscar piastri slayed his rookie season this year and this statement about needing time is largely false). where logan ends up next year though will largely depend on how well the 2024 season goes for him.
fernando alonso. 42 years old. many people like to point out that oscar piastri is actually younger than fernando's racing career. he won tiktok creator of the year (somehow) and is also a 2 time world champion. he retired a few years ago, just to show back up again and slay. during the first half of the season when aston martin had a zoom zoom car he killed it, and then they had problems on top of problems and he didnt do well. except for that one race in brazil where he came in third, beating checo by literally .05 seconds. he hasn't really made any hints about retiring a second time and he is kind of carrying aston Martin right now (he scored 205 points this season, coming in 4th and tying in points with charles leclerc, lance stroll only scored 74 points this year.) and they did have their best year yet this year. (though they are relatively new).
pierre gasley. 27 years old. french. drives for alpine. the french team. previously he raced with toro rosso (now alpha tauri), then got promoted to a red bull driver in 2019, then halfway through the season they decided he wasnt doing a good enough job and he got demoted back down to alpha tauri. then he won a race with alpha tauri just to stick it to red bull. after the great oscar piastri contract twitter war, he was signed as alpines second driver, with Esteban ocon being the other driver (more on him soon). estie bestie and pierre (both french) were childhood friends and now hate each other for unknown reasons and basically feuded on the track for most of the season. french civil war at alpine. he scored 62 points in 2023 and came in 11th. not really sure where he will end up, it is possible that he will stick it out at alpine.
esteban ocon. 27 years old. also french. currently driving for alpine. another one with a silly bonkers career. he started out at force india and had a baller few seasons there but his teammate at the time was checo, and checo didnt really cooperate with him too much and caused some drama that cost estie bestie some places and some points. max verstappen also beat him up in the garage once. thats not really relevant but it did happen. anyway, after the owner of force india was arrested for .... i don't remember what maybe it was embezzlement or bankruptcy or something money related, the team was backed by lawrence stroll and became racing point. but all of that happened mid season and lawrence was basically like look ill back you guys for now but next year my son gets a seat (lance) so one of you two (checo and estie bestie) have to go. and ultimately they let estie bestie go even though he was more consistent because checo had more sponsors and they needed money. so he was out of formula 1 for a few years (but was a merc reserve driver) and then went to Renault, which then became alpine. he did come in 12th though overall this season, just behind pierre. so. will alpine keep both him and pierre and keep the civil war going? whos to say.
nico hulkenberg. 36 years old. haas driver. in his 200+ f1 races he has never been on the podium and he really really wants to be on the podium. unfortunately this will never happen in a haas because haas fucking sucks. and everyone knows it. he is getting towards the end of his career though. though! stake f1 will become the mario Andretti and audi team in 2026 (don't question it) and they have supposedly voiced interest in nico. so we will see if he hangs on that long to end up at audi. for now tough, hes definitely hating it at haas. though, haas are going to have a different team principle next year so maybe that will change things. i have a sneaky feeling through that haas will probably end up with another 2 rookie drivers because everyone else is smart enough to not race for them.
kevin magnussen. 31 years old. haas driver. hes another deeply interesting character. he has had one podium. in his rookie season. in his first race. and none since. kevin started at haas in 2017 and then left at then end of 2020 when he basically got kicked off because the team needed money and they wanted to bring in drivers with more sponsorships. these drivers were mick schumacher and nikita mazepin. so kevin basically was forced to retire after the 2020 season. this went decently well for haas. until russia invaded ukraine right before the start of the 2022 season and, well, nikita was Russian and it was never distinctly proven that his dads company (who was sponsoring the team) wasnt also funding the invasion. so nikita got fired and they were literally like 2 weeks out from the start of the season, down a driver. who are you gonna call? kevin magnussen! and hes been back ever since. but hes clearly getting annoyed with haas. there was one great clip from this year where his car caught on fire and he kind of just stared into to, clearly hoping it would burn for a long time. so the likelihood of him extending his contract is looking slim.
valtteri bottas. 34 years old. currently a driver for stake f1 (alpha romeo, kick sauber, whatever you wanna call it). previously, he was a mercedes driver and notoriously helped lewis hamilton win a great many championships, until he lost his seat to george russell in 2022. there was a rather awkward part of the 2021 season where valtteri knew that he was out of a merc seat the following year and kind of just chose violence. he slayed. then he went to alpha romeo, grew a mullet and made a calendar of his ass. quite the glow up if you ask me. hes also very interested in cycling. honestly though, i have my own personal speculation that hes going to retire at the end of this year.
zhou guanyu. 24 years old. driver for stake f1 (alpha romeo/kick sauber, etc etc). hes doing alright. he just finished his second season, in his first season he was majorly out qualified by valtteri but this past season he managed to out qualify him a good 6 times. which is decently good for the tractor of a car hes driving. its possible that he could get a contract extension, but like logan, its probably going to depend on how the 2024 season goes for him.
and thats all the drivers. theres also a few others i didnt talk about, like some other f2 drivers who want seats and mick schumacher, who is currently a merc reserve driver, all of which could be contenders for f1 seats. but one things for sure. this is going to be the silliest fucking silly season.
feel free to add on and peer review me
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antiwhores · 4 days
(Dubcon at first)
Alpha!Bakugou in rut whispering “‘M sorry” to you, the Omega who wants nothing to do with him, as he dry humps you from behind.
He knows its wrong but he just cant stop his hips from rutting into your ass. He’s always been attracted to you, beyond normally. That’s probably why he bullied you in middle school. He just couldn’t handle the fact that he’d go crazy over your scent.
That had been years ago but he still thought about you.
He saw you at a coffee shop one day and immediately recognized your smell. It was almost like he was destined to be with you again.
You, however, were less than pleased. As soon as you made eye contact with him he winced at how your scent changed. It went from a calm, delicious scent to a scared sour.
You practically ran out of the door.
He couldn’t let you get away. He had been thinking about you since the day he graduated middle school. No way was he about to loose this opportunity to rekindle the relationship with HIS omega… well, soon to be his.
“Wait y/n!”
The sound of your name caught you so off guard you tripped on your own feet into the grass. He never said your name, it was always a mean nickname. You hadn’t even thought that he knew it.
You started to shake, “Leave me alone!”
He put his hands up beside his head, “I’m not gonna hurt you. I just wanted to talk.”
As you sat there, fisting the grass, he apologized. He told you about how he wanted to show you that he had changed. He wanted to be friends.
But you wouldn’t have any of that. Even though it was middle school, it was still traumatizing to this day.
You got up, brushing off the grass as you told him that you could never be friends. You told him off for everything that he did to you. He stood there and took it.
After that day, you started to see actual effort from him. Somehow, he found out your address. It was probably in some documents that can be accessed by pro hero’s.
He started sending flowers to your house. Food during lunch either at home or at work. He would show up randomly at different times to talk to you. He would even pay for your groceries. He dropped them off at your door before ringing the doorbell and walking away.
At first, you didn’t trust it at all. No way was the man that bullied you trying to court you into befriending him. But after a while your guard started to come down.
You would engage in conversation the tiniest bit instead of sitting in silence with him when he’d come sit at any table he found you at. You would even look him in the eyes when he spoke.
Everything was going well until his rut.
He was supposed to go home immediately after he felt the first heat wave surge through his body. Unfortunately, a villain decided to attack on his way back. And it also just so happens that you were on the scene.
He almost killed the villain for even being around you. The rut wasn’t letting him think clearly. All he could think was “protect mine.” He only stopped hitting the poor dude when you yelled his name.
He didn’t even realize the guy had passed out.
Bakugou looked sickly. His face red, sweaty and strained. He was breathing so heavily he was getting light headed. You could tell something was wrong. But you were ignorant to the fact it was his rut. Pro hero’s were required by law to use scent blockers. You couldn’t even smell his rut.
You took him to your house to help him since it wasn’t too far away.
As soon as he entered, his semi-hard cock went fully rock hard. He was trying to control himself on the way here. He barely managed to. But being surrounded by your scent, he couldn’t take it anymore.
He snatched off his scent blockers and in a quick movement he had you pinned against the wall.
He was humping you, fully clothed, before he even comprehended that he moved.
He wanted to cry, it hurt so bad. This small bit of relief felt heavenly.
“Bakugou? What are you-“
You had to shut your mouth when a moan came out of his. You knew that if you spoke any longer you’d have let out one of your own.
“‘M sorry, I cant-“
He groaned at a particularly hard jerk of his hips against your ass.
“‘M sorry…”
As he humped you from behind, your knees weakened. He was the only one holding you up. You were falling into a heat of your own from his scent.
“Fuck, ‘m sorry. Im ruining-“
He couldn’t even speak in full sentences without moaning into your neck.
“‘M almost done… Just- fuck… let me…”
He started to grind against you harder and faster. You couldn’t breathe, all you could inhale was him. Your mind went foggy, you could hear your own moans mixing with his. Even without the stimulation you felt so fucking good.
He stopped grinding against you as he came. He pushed himself hard against your heated body as he dug his nails into your hips.
His orgasm was strong. Leg shaking, eyes rolling back strong. He came ropes in his pants before he slumped against you.
You both fell to the ground, heavily breathing.
His mind temporarily cleared enough to know that he fucked up.
He was trying to cook up a worthy apology before he was interrupted by your voice.
You reached for his belt as you spoke,
“Take it off.”
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reallyromealone · 3 months
Part 2 to the rindo x male reader the succubus like ran comes looking for rindo and barges into his room to see reader and rindo cuddled up together and ran goes and tell everyone. Just thinking at how chaotic it’ll be.🙃
Title: morning after
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: bonten
Fic type: smut, omegaverse
Pairings: Rindō x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, smut, nsfw, omegaverse, au, demon au, reader is Omega
Notes: I got you
(Name) Was snuggly and full, the succubus testing on his new alphas chest as Rindō put a show on the tv in the corner as he rubbed (name)s hip "you hungry? For like human food?" The Alpha clarified and (name) looked dazed as he tried to comprehend what his alpha said to him "poor thing, fucked you stupid..." Rindō teased as he ordered food for them, he didn't know what the Omega liked so he got something light for him after all they just fucked for a solid four hours.
"You really managed to pick one of the most dangerous men and demon in the country, you know that right?"
"You smelled good..." (Name) Mumbled and Rindō chuckled at his adorable mates words "you smell real good too"
"Rinny, I know it's late but Mikey wants us to... Holy shit" Ran froze as he watched his younger brother in demon form snuggle up to a cute little succubus with claim marks on their necks, both looking like they just had some wild sex.
"Oh my fuck... hahaaAhHAHAA!" Ran cackled as he stumbled out and (name) snapped from his haze and looked embarrassed as he covered himself, Rindō looking annoyed at his brother.
"One moment baby" Rindō kissed him gently before going to go deal with his nosey older brother.
"How did that happen?" Ran asked while giggling and sitting on the couch "he came for a meal and I decided I wanted to keep him" Rindō said simply and ran raised an eyebrow "you decided to just... Keep him?" That did not sound like his brother, Rindō didn't just see some pretty little thing and keep them. "He's a half-blood, is a- well was a virgin and I don't know... I just couldn't let him leave"
"Half-blood? Does he know what you do?"
"I don't think he knows who I am, like at all"
The two heard the door creek open and the Omega in question stood in Rindōs shirt and a pair of his boxers "you uh... Destroyed my clothes, sorry..." (Name) Looked awkward as he fidgeted with the sleeves and his tail curled around his leg as a show of submission.
Aaaaand Ran now understood, this was exactly Rindōs type not to mention an Omega succubi so the cutie could survive Rindō.
Rindō motioned (name) to come to them, the poor thing limping as Ran tried to not laugh as Rindō pulled him into his lap "this is my brother, he can be annoying as shit but he's good" Rindō said as the elder Haitani smiled "so (name), tell me about yourself"
This is not how any of them expected to have this type of conversation, the scent of sex still lingering as Ran went to pour himself a drink and Rindō soothed his mates nerves, clearly (name) was uncomfortable having this sort of meeting right after having his world rocked.
"O-oh, well I work at my grandpa's book store and I'm in university... I'm just finishing last semester..."
"I see~ and are you aware of who we are?"
"I only realized when Rindō had me pinned..."
"He was too hungry to realize that he went into a demons apartment" Rindō added and Ran raised an eyebrow and Rindō sighed "he only took energy through kisses because he felt bad" human things, things that the brothers didn't really understand nor cared too deeply about, only really having any 'warm' feelings like compassion and care for each other and for Rindō, (name) was added due to the Bonding mark.
"Well that's fucking stupid, don't starve yourself because you worry about others feelings"
"But--"" weakness like that amongst demons and even humans will get you killed."
(Name) Fidgeted and Ran sighed "well I suppose I'll leave you love birds to it, I just came by to say Mikey wants you first thing in the morning since you were obviously too occupied to answer..." Ran shrugged and downed the rest of his drink before sauntering off, turning to look at the succubus "welcome to the family"
Once Ran left, Rindō brought (name) back to their room, still having time till they had to do their shit, the Alpha checking on their foods progress and humming "one second baby, I'm just gonna get our food" slipping on pajama pants the Alpha presented in his human form while (name) cuddled into the blankets, staring at his back while he went to the lobby.
What did he get himself into? He was just trying to get a meal and now he's got a mate! A hot one at that! And his conversation with Rindōs brother was so awkward!
He can't believe he was so reckless!
But god... Did this help considerably, he always felt a burn in his abdomen and his hunger... He wasn't hungry anymore, he felt so full and energetic.
He wanted more... But he would rather die than ask that.
"Sit up, pretty boy" Rindō said as he walked in with takeout bags "I got us wraps, I didn't know what you wanted so I just got the most popular" (name) took the wrap that was handed to him "what's next?" (Name) Asked as he bit into his wrap "what do you mean?" Rindō asked as he swallowed his food "like... You claimed me and stuff, so like what now?"
"Instinct wise you won't be able to be away from me or my scent without getting anxious... You haven't eaten right so you need to be 'fed' often till it regulates again" Rindō explained as he looked at the other with a gaze (name) couldn't figure out "you can share my bed or take the guest room..." (Name) Felt like the guest room thing wasn't an actual option and just nodded, he was a little intimidated by his new mate.
He was easily intimidated by a lot of things, he wasn't exactly the strongest after all.
Stronger than a human but definitely weaker than an average demon.
"We can work out the details tomorrow" the two finished their food and Rindō carried (name) to the washroom to brush their teeth, the demon having a few spares "what? There was a deal" he said simply when (name) looked curious at the variety pack.
When (name) woke, he let out a soft gasp as the sensation of a tongue lapping his ass, toes curling and fists clenching pleasure. Turning his head he looked to the source, seeing Rindō focused and entranced by his meal while groping and playing with (name)s ass cheeks. "Finally, you're awake" Rindō teased the poor Omega who whined, watching as Rindō bit his ass teasingly before moving to rut his cock between (name)s spit lubed cheeks "please.." (name) whined as he tried to get the alphas cock into him pitifully while Rindō just grinned sadistically.
"Come on, Omega... Beg for it"
"P-please...." (Name) Was flushed and embarrassed but Rindō didn't care as he tisked and slapped (name)s ass "come on baby, you can do better" he loved teasing the Omega already, he made it so easy! The durability of a demon and the reactions of a human~
"Please... Please um.... Put your cock in me..." (Name) Was embarrassed needy as Rindō rubbed his cock against (name)s cute puckered ass slowly, letting it catch slightly before pushing up, eventually pushing slowly into (name)s tight heat with a slow groan. Only half his cock was in as he began thrusting slowly, watching intently as his cock sunk deeper and deeper till he bottomed out. Rindō let out a sigh as (name) let out little moans and whimpers, feeling Rindō kiss bus nape before beginning his thrusts.
"Yesyesyes!" (Name) Chanted as his eyes turned completely (color), somehow the pleasure was even better than Yesterday and he was addicted to Rindōs cock.
After their breakfast the two showered and (name) got to suck his first cock.
"I gotta head to work, I'll drive you to university"
"I need to get my bag from my house...."
Rindō hummed before the two got ready and went out, stopping at (name)s apartment and Rindō was absolutely nosey while his mate collected the things he needed "ok ready!" (Name) Said happily and they were off.
(Name) Was shy as he was driven to university in a luxury car, at least a 300k car....
"I'll have someone collect you, I'll call you when they're on their way" Rindō said kissing him once more, a trill leaving (name)s lips as energy transfered "go get good grades"
Rindō walked into the building like he usually did though with an extra pep in his step, going to the executive floor to see "the fuck are you all staring at me for?"
"So how's married life?" Koko teased and Rindō groaned at the others who snickered "Ran told us all about him, limping out and looking like he was mauled" Sanzu added snarkily as they all looked at him teasingly.
"Better not get in the way of work" mochi said half teasing half deeply serious and Rindō scoffed "humans die easy"
"Oh he's not human-- well not mostly" ran added and the others looked curious "what is he? Fae?"
"Succubus, a virgin one before rinny got his claws into him"
"Holy shit"
"An Omega to boot"
Rindō was ready to die as the others gawked "damn.... That's like finding a unicorn...."
"We HAVE to meet this little one" kakucho said intrigued and Rindō wanted to die.
Hopefully (name)s classes were better than this shit.
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azrakaban · 24 days
A Little Longer - Mattheo Riddle X GN!Reader
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A/N: OH MY GOODNESS ME. Sorry I've taken such a long break from writing, if I told you all the things that have happened in the past two months you honestly wouldn't believe me LMAO
Warnings: cursing, yelling, soft Mattheo I think? lmk if i missed anything xxx 
Note! I tried to make this as gender neutral as possible, if I've messed up anywhere, please feel free to correct me! But please do it nicely guys <3
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The wind nipped at your face, chilly and biting as you wrapped your scarf tighter around your face. You forced your eyes to look into the swirling sky, where your poor boyfriend, Mattheo, sat frozen to his broom. 
Watching house Quidditch games was the highlight of every month for Hogwarts, but it made it supremely less enjoyable when the weather was unpleasant. And, as a particularly dark cloud decided to let fall a rainstorm, it became decidedly worse.
You craned your neck back to watch him above you, barely hearing whispers of what he was saying as he yelled instructions to his team members. 
Mattheo had been pushing the team hard all season - it being his first year as captain, he did not want to disappoint. You rememered the long suffering look Enzo gave you in the common room when Mattheo was dragging your friends out to train at 7am. 
As you watched, Astoria flew over your head, flanked by two Gryffindor chasers, who managed to throw her off, causing her to drop the Quaffle. She swore, sighing as they sped up towards the Slytherin goalpost before giving chase, but not quick enough to reclaim the Quaffle before another goal was put through the post, making the score 20 - 230 
You noticed Mattheo's expression darken further, and sighed. He would likely be in a bad mood later. 
Your eye was then caught by a sudden burst of movement on the other side of the pitch, where Potter and Draco were neck and neck in a dive for the Snitch. 
Draco raised his hand, victorious with the snitch clutched in his hand, yet the Gryffindor end exploded in cheers. With the score now at 170 - 230, Gryffindor had still won by a large margin. 
The Slytherins around you were all sighing and shaking their heads as they all made their  way out of the stadium. You had agreed to meet Mattheo at the Slytherin locker room, so you made your way there.
 As you approached the door though, you heard yelling. Pushing it slightly ajar, Blaise caught your eye and mimed cutting his head off quickly, clealy telling you to leave. You nodded, leaving swiftly and heading back to your empty dorm. 
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About 45 minutes later, Mattheo turned up in your dorm, hair slightly damp from the shower, and, spotting you, promptly came over and lay his head in your lap. 
"Heya bubs." You smiled slightly, looking down at him. "Hey." He mumbled dejectedly.
"We lost." He groaned, messing up his curls. You lifted a hand and started gently playing with them. "Yeah, this time. But there are still going to be other games, you don't lose everything from this game, okay?" You replied soothingly. 
"But it was our first game, my first game as captain, and I blew it. I pushed them too hard, and I blew it." He sighed. "I wanted to win this for them, to prove that I could do this, be responsible, make it work. And it just..." He lifted a hand and let it drop onto your sheets. "I failed them, and it's not even their fault. I yelled at Draco for catching the snitch, even though that was the best thing to do..." 
"You didn't fail your team." You interrupted him. "Sure, you lost a game, Mattheo, but all captains lose games! It's part of playing, you make mistakes, and you learn from them. PLus, you guys were playing into the wind, the Gryffindors had the weather behind them. Now, if you wanna say that the weather is your fault, you're gonna start sounding a little self centered..." You giggled slightly, and an amused huff escaped Mattheo. 
"Yeah yeah, okay, I get it." The pressure lifted off your thighs as Mattheo moved to sit back against your pillows, opening his arms for you. "C'mere sweetheart, wanna hold you, please." He asked, giving you puppy eyes. 
You immediately caved and moved forward towards him, letting him cuddle you like a teddy bear. 
"Thank you."  He sighed after a few moments of holding you, drawing patterns on your back with a fingertip. "What for, silly?" You looked at him, confused. He chuckled slightly. 
"Grounding me, not thinking I'm a dick, just being an all round awesome person to date?" He shrugged. "For letting me rant about this shit." He squeezed you slightly. 
"No worries, idiot." You smiled, kissing his cheek. He gasped in mock horror. 
"Idiot? That's what you call your suffering boyfriend? WOW, okay, WOW, I see how it is." Mattheo mock glared at you, gently shoving you away. 
"Aw come on, don't be like that." You laughed slightly as he pulled you back into his arms. 
"I should go apologise for being a Class A dick to the team shouldn't I?" He sighed, looking at you. 
"Yeah, probably." You nodded, squeezing his hand. Hd pulled you a little closer. 
"Not yet though. Wanna keep holding you just a little longer..." He muttered, pulling you back into the nest of pillows with him.
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A/N: Writing was shit, may delete later <3 Sorry for this miserable attempt at feeding u hungry people, love you all!
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redcherrykook · 1 month
── ˙✧°📷 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 3 (𝙏𝙥𝙖𝙛𝙡 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚)
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Drabble three! of Torn pictures and frozen lenses couple!
content: fluff, comfort, period pain, crying, cuddles, Jungkook being a softie
note from cherry: i'm obsessed with this couple rn and i got my period today soo thats the inspo.
I need to be held by koo so bad :,(
8 full hours of Jungkook working go by extremly slow on days he wouldn't be seeing you in the hallways,
This morning you'd stayed in bed due to feeling sick and dizzy, he let you sleep with a kiss to your forhead
The drive back home, all he was looking forward to after a long exhausting day was seeing you, quietly winding down together
Instead, he'd open the door to you curled up on the couch, stuffed hello kitty clutched in your arms,
"Baby?" He sighs, swiftly taking off his shoes and coat, crouching down in front of the couch
Upon further inspection on your bundled up form, you laid there in his hoodie, tears streaming down your pretty, sleepy face
"hey kook" you sniffle, wiping your tears with a small smile,
He knew exactly what was wrong, all the signs pointing towards it,
"Come here..my poor little lady, your period came right?" he speaks into your hair softly once managing to get on to the couch, pulling you into his lap,
His head nuzzles into your hair, big palms stroking your back, pressing you against his chest
You nod, completely burned out from the pain of your cramps, reaching all the way to your lower back, the pouding headache you have only worsening from having cried so much
"Its alright, come on i'll hold you"
"i missed you" you sniffle again, pressing your head into his chest and inhaling his sweet masculine scent
He humms, "i missed you too, its so boring without my favorite bad student" joking at that, he knew full well how much you improved, having spent hours together
He did miss you though, a lot
However, from the sound of your increased sniffling he could tell that this wasn't the right time,
Not at all
"you think im so stupid don't you?" you cry softly into his chest, feeling so overcome by anger and sadness,
His heart clenches a little; guilt quickly catching up to him
His hand moves to the back of your head, caressing your head so carefully,
The other one lifts you by your chin, making you look at him through sad teary eyes
"Shh i´m sorry baby i´m sorry.. i didn´t mean it, i was just joking. You're so smart baby.. i´m sorry" his gentle voice is accompanied by the many kisses he places all over your face
A small but sincere smile creeping up to your face immediately
"Hmm okay" you giggle and he smiles too, squeezing your cheeks between his thumb and index finger
The rapid change of emotions almost making him giggle aswell,
What a cute mess he has got.
"Come on, let me get this pretty girl into bed"
quickly you're clinging on to him like your life depens on it, with a kiss to your temple he lays you down into the comfy, pillowy sheets,
Wrapping his arms around you from behind to sneak his hands on your lower tummy, pressing and caressing there to sooth the pain with pressure,
"Thank you kook" you say, stoking his arm,
He responds by placing a kiss to your hair, then moving his head down to rest on your shoulder,
"Did you eat? Want me to make you a nice sweet treat?" his suggestion sounds so good, not haven eaten all day because of feeling genuinely sick, too dizzy to even do anything other than to lay down,
"Couldn't yet.. but, please do.. that would be so nice" you hum, turning your head to kiss him lovingly,
He takes the kiss, smiling into it while continuing to massage your lower tummy,
"let me take care of you pretty, just lay here and look cute while you wait" he winks, hugging you tight and pressing a last, long kiss to your lips before standing up from the bed
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angellesword · 4 months
Baggage l JJK (01)
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Summary: Drowning in debt and blood, Jeon Jungkook knows he's better off alone, lest he brings people down with him.
But one drunken night changes everything.
In a blink of an eye, Jungkook found himself drowning not only in debt and blood, but also in dirty diapers and judgmental stares from you, a.k.a his long-lost love and the guardian of the son he didn't even know existed.
Genre and warnings: best friends to lovers, co-parenting, idiots in love, slow burn—really slow burn, mutual pining, angst, fluff, implied smut, kissing, minor character death, slight getting back together, OC cusses excessively so watch out
Pairing: dad!Jungkook x adoptive mom!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
→ Next Chapter (02)
You know it's New Year's Eve when people flock to Incheon's Chinatown. Some were rushing to buy gifts for their families and friends, while others ate in a fancy restaurant or watched fireworks and the famous lion dance.
As for Jungkook, he knew it was New Year's Eve when he could earn double. 
"I said I don't want to take a picture!" The loud wail of a little girl could be heard through the vast street of Chinatown. Many shoppers looked at the kid and her father with disdain. The child was crying hard, yet her father simply laughed it off, urging the child to take a picture with Jungkook or, rather, with Ronald McDonald.
Jungkook was wearing the infamous mascot costume of that red-haired clown of McDonald's.
"Come on, Wonyoung-ah. Just one picture, please?" Seokjin, the child's father, batted his eyelashes, acting cute. It worked on his partner Namjoon. Unfortunately, it didn't have much effect on Wonyoung.
"No! He's so ugly and scary!" Wonyoung stole a glance at Jungkook. The mascot looked so hideous that Wonyoung couldn't help but throw her ice cream at Jungkook.
"Wonyoung." Namjoon, who had been quiet all this time, grimaced when he saw Jungkook stilled—as if the ice cream that hit his chest also froze his heart.
Namjoon usually tolerated the young girl's brattiness, but seeing that Wonyoung crossed the line and even hurt someone older than her, Namjoon couldn't help but scold his daughter.
"Apologize to him." Namjoon tilted Wonyoung's shoulder, compelling her to face Jungkook, who was still rooted to the ground.
Jungkook had never liked kids. He thought they were annoying and full of shit. What happened today totally embarrassed him. Not to mention, many people witnessed the jarring scene.
"I don't want to! Why don't you listen to me! He's a bad clown! He scares people!" Wonyoung refused to look at the mascot. Honestly, Jungkook couldn't refute the kid's reason. He, too, was aware of how ridiculous he looked. Most of his co-workers went on vacation leave. No one was around to help him apply his Ronald McDonald makeup. He had to do it himself.
Jungkook had no talent when it came to makeup. He had accidentally put on too much white face paint—even his manager laughed at him. But despite feeling helpless, he still swallowed his pride and went out to entertain customers. It's just for one night. Someone who needed money to survive couldn't be picky with the little opportunity available.
Not everyone was lucky enough to throw away food like it was nothing. Wonyoung was a young heiress; throwing ice cream at Jungkook was considered throwing tantrums and not wasting food. They had money. They could buy people's silence.
That's precisely what happened. Namjoon was hellbent on making his daughter apologize, and after a long time of coaxing, Wonyoung finally (although reluctantly) managed to say she was sorry.
Namjoon apologized on behalf of his child, too. Conversely, Seokjin gave Jungkook some hush money after promising to 'discipline' Wonyoung at home.
Jungkook could only nod, once again forced to swallow his pride and accept the money offered to him. Poor people like him didn't only have fewer opportunities; they had no self-preservation either. He endured long hours of smiling as kids cried seeing his face. The brave ones were a little easy to deal with. They only clung to his legs, asking their guardians to take more pictures with him.
It was already late at night when the last customer bid him goodbye. Jungkook was exhausted; the cold winter wind made his body shiver. He was itching to go home.
"What happened to your costume?" The manager who laughed at Jungkook earlier couldn't laugh anymore, not when he knew it would cost the restaurant money to clean off the stain.
The chocolate ice cream thrown by Wonyoung heavily stained the costume. Jungkook explained what happened. Unfortunately, the manager only shook his head.
"Nope, that can't be. It's your fault you didn't dodge. I'm gonna have to deduct the laundry fee from your salary."
Jungkook's hands balled into fists when he heard about the salary deduction. There was ringing in his ears, and as if that wasn't cruel enough, the manager added, "I'm not going to double your payment this day. Half of it goes to dry cleaning."
The strong urge to grab the manager's collar and slam him on the wall made Jungkook's hands twitch. Who even dry-cleans a fucking mascot costume? A whirlpool of profanities at the bottom of his heart threatened to swallow him whole. Jungkook wished he could just disappear from this world.
Logic sided with him in the end, though. Jungkook needed a job. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to because if he did, where would that leave those people to whom he owed money? He couldn't escape his responsibilities. Yes, it would be satisfying to smack the hell out of his manager, but after all that gratifying feeling came the consequences: he would lose his only source of income, face a civil case, and be forced to look for a new job.
The last one was the hardest thing to do. No one would want to hire someone like Jungkook. He was a failure, and almost all business industries knew about it.
For the third time tonight, Jungkook swallowed his pride. He held the crook of his manager's elbow and beamed, "Manager Bang, have mercy on your poor employee, would you? You promised to pay me double today."
Jungkook struggled to steady his voice. He swore he never cried, not even when losing millions of assets. But things were different now. Back then, he lost everything because of his own decisions. But today's case was different. He didn't ask any of this. He didn't ask that stupid brat to throw ice cream on him. None of these was his choice...because sadly, he only had one choice:
It was to beg. 
"Please? I-I need money. I need to..." Jungkook choked on his bitter spit. He shook his head. Never mind his needs, never mind his reason. It wasn't like others cared. He could only compromise, "What if I wash the costume instead? You don't have to pay at all."
Jungkook was so passionate about his proposal. He kept spouting nonsense. It was a pity, really. Even his manager couldn't bear looking at his face. It was such a cringe-worthy juxtaposition to see a happy clown almost crying.
"Okay, fine!" The manager cut Jungkook off. He had never seen someone desperately beg for money. It made him uncomfortable. "Do whatever you want. Just get out of my sight."
The manager shuddered again, but Jungkook smiled, almost kowtowing as he received his compensation.
"Thank you, Manager Bang!" Jungkook smiled at his manager before finally leaving the food chain. He didn't change his outfit, realizing that things were better off like this. It was winter, and he had no money to buy coats and boots. He had to make do with this clown costume.
With little compensation in hand, Jungkook walked around Chinatown, spending his transportation fee on food instead.
It was New Year's Eve, after all. He felt like he at least deserved to eat something delicious. Jungkook originally wanted to buy crabs but could only afford five sticks of chicken skewers and a bottle of the cheapest soju. 
Jungkook had low alcohol tolerance. It had been many years since he last drank, and the consequences of that night had been awful—so awful he decided to never drink again.
Tonight was the only night he'd break his promise. It was New Year's Eve. He had no one by his side; he could only rely on alcohol to give him warmth.
As expected, Jungkook's vision doubled after just a few sips of soju. He couldn't stop drinking, though. The alcohol burned his throat and stomach, but it was nothing compared to his bitterness as he looked at the building before him.
The Bighit building. 
Out of hundreds of restaurants and food stalls in Incheon, Jungkook had no idea why he chose to dine in a place where he would have a clear view of Bighit. He did so well trying to avoid going to this part of the city for years, so what changed tonight? Was the embarrassment he experienced earlier not enough?
Did he need to be reminded of the pain and humiliation he went through at the Bighit back then?
Or was it because he missed someone?   
Jungkook's heart throbbed just thinking about that someone. It had been long since they last saw each other. Things had changed already. Take Bighit as an example. It was called HYBE now.
Some people left, including him. But some things never changed. The building was still as magnificent as ever.
Jungkook felt nostalgic. He couldn't stop himself from walking toward HYBE. Years ago, he could go in and out of this building as he pleased.
Everyone would bow down and smile at him. What a pity that he could only stare at the façade of this company now.
Jungkook wasn't the same man years ago, but the alcohol clouded his mind. He felt as if nothing had changed. He thought he could stand outside the building, smiling like an idiot as he waved at an angry girl leaning against her car, a frown decorating her lips while rolling her eyes.
Jungkook smiled despite himself. How shameless of him to think about that girl? To think that he could drink alcohol and pretend like he could turn back time?
Oh, how he wished he could turn back time. He would do anything to see that girl roll her eyes again, to hear her scream one more time.
Jungkook laughed bitterly.
He missed the girl.
The snowflakes fell, followed by tears falling from his eyes. The tears he thought had frozen over time.
And then he heard the sound of the fireworks before seeing it illuminate the dark sky.
It's New Year.
He heard the sound of her voice before seeing her face-to-face.
The fireworks enveloped his ears, but it was nothing compared to his loud heartbeat.
Jungkook looked at the person who had just uttered his name.
Did time really freeze? Was this some kind of New Year miracle?
Or was the alcohol still messing with his brain, making him believe that he was still the Jungkook from the past? The Jungkook could see the girl, also known as you, any time he wanted.
Jungkook blinked, chuckling.
It was absurd.
How drunk was he to see your car again parked in front of Bighit?
Jungkook was drunk, but the image in front of him wasn't a fragment of his imagination.
You were really here to pick Jungkook up.
Just like before.
→ Next Chapter (02)
This fic is originally a soukoku fic which I'm posting/revamping as a JJK one (I don't know, man. I feel like I have to change the characters to eradicate my writer's block. This fic has been on hiatus for many years. This will probably have 8 chapters in total. (I've written 4/8 already, so stay tuned!) This is also for those few readers who never fail to message me, asking if I will be writing more JJK fics. Here you go, I guess? Hehehe
I appreciate COMMENTS the most <33 I love you, guys. Thanks for reading.
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r4spb3rr13s · 4 months
juicy couture + shinsou please !! love your blog 🎀💖
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real or cap??
♱ shinsou x reader, fake dating stylez 🫢
♱ 1000 follower special ♱
♱ 2.2K words!
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Hitoshi had so many other things he could be doing - studying for a class he actually took, for example. Instead, he sat stuffing his face with chips as you ranted at him about something called 'The Doppler Effect'.
This poor psych major's head was about to explode.
You faltered at the bewilderment on your friend's face and slumped down next to him with a groan. "I'm so fucked, 'toshi."
"You're notttt," He yawned. Hitoshi lifted his arms up to stretch, and you looked away quickly - ever since Mina pointed his happy trail you crumbled a little inside.
It was extremely distracting.
You cleared your throat, and pushed yourself up, snatching the bowl away from him.
"'Scuse me?" You huff, "I need to eat too so I'm not drunk after two shots tonight."
Hitoshi froze. There was a pause. His voice came out meek, like a scared mouse.
You snorted at his blank face. His eyebags weren't as bad today, but they still cast a shadow on his pale face. The panic on his face made him look like a horror movie character at that moment.
"We're going out tonight? With Mina and Denki?"
Hitoshi's eyes widened, and let out a small 'fuck' under his breath. He desperately avoided your gaze, but still he shook his head in protest.
"Fuck you mean 'nope'?" You scoffed. It was a struggle getting Shinsou to come out with you all, but you knew he did actually enjoy everyone's company. His intense lack of energy balanced the other three of you surprisingly well.
He slumped back into the cushions and smothered himself in one of the pillows, groaning into it like a teenage girl. You chuckled at the adult baby and poked his shoulder. "You're coming. You even agreed on the group chat!"
As Hitoshi stood at the entrance of 'The Three Boars' he'd never wanted to turn into a turtle and sink into his shell more.
You, on the other hand, stood beside him with a bright grin. And a very small outfit, he'd noted when he picked you up. He'd spent the Uber over gulping every time your skirt rode up and good god when you walked in front of him-
He broke out of trance and looked at you. A frown crept on his face, but no real ill intent sat behind it because the smile on yours stopped it. He nodded.
Your hand brushed against his, and for some reason the hairs on the back of his neck stood attention. Your fingers reached out hesitantly, like you wanted to curl them into his palm and tug him along. But you didn’t.
Instead, you strode forward in front him and he found himself staring up, because he know if he didn’t, his eyes would find themselves glued to the backs of your thighs.
It was loud in the bar with music thrumming through the floor and people hollering at each other at the tops of their lungs. Two people managed to stand out in the crowd though - those two obviously being your two friends.
Mina and Denki are scream-laughing at strangers dancing, clearly already off their tits. Mina catches your eye and screams - the whole bar jumps at the shrill sound, but she pays no mind and hurtles towards you.
You laugh and hug her. "Y/n, I have a secret, c'mere," she mumbles. You stifle a laugh and lend her your ear. She cups her hand around your ear and... makes a fart noise.
Denki comes up behind up the two of you and cackles at the both of you. Shinsou can't help but let out a little snort at the sight. Seeing you smile would always make him the smile, anyways.
"Should we get drinks?" You ask. It's pointed at Shinsou, but Mina screeches 'yes' and drags you to the bar. You send a ‘sorry’ look at Hitoshi, and he just shrugs with a smile. You order your drinks and sit with Mina at the stools.
She's patting her hair back into place, eyes searching for the yellow-haired boy in the crowd. God knows where he's taken poor Shinsou.
You can see the look on her face - it's more obvious now she's drunk. Furrowed brows, jutted out lip and she's curled into herself a little bit more. "You still haven't told him?" You pry.
She jumps at your question and moves a pink curl from her eye. "No..."
"He's crazy about you," You sigh. The bartender puts your drinks down, you thank him, and take a sip- fuck, it's strong.
She raises a brow and rests her clumsy head against her hand. "Nahhhhh, he isn't."
"Yes, he is!"
"No, he isn't!"
"Plus, can you even talk?"
That shuts you up, and your face twists in confusion. You let out a breathless laugh, "You're so drunk, dude-"
"Okayyy?" She says, an evil grin lighting up her dark eyes. "Hitoshi still has a big, fat crush on youuuuu," she sings. Her finger comes up and boops your nose, much to your dismay.
You waft her finger away and take a glance at the boy across the room. Both boys are sat down, Denki on some rant that includes waving his arms around like a car dealership blow-up. Your eyes drift to the purple haired boy.
He's sat back in his chair, his jacket off and arms straining at the short sleeves of his cotton shirt, and he does his signature stretch - the one that you 'hate' so much. Your eyes betray you, and your glancing down at the dark strip of hair leading to his belt-
"Jesus, just ask him out already. The whole room can feel you eye-fucking him, Y/n," Mina slurs. You snap your attention back to her with hot cheeks and shove her lightly. She's stuck between giggling at you and looking at something behind you.
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump out of your skin. You let out a small shout, and spin around. A tall guy looms over with a leering smile - it makes your skin crawl - and eyes drawing everywhere but your face.
He’s got dark, greasy hair and black eyes that look like pits into whatever ‘soul’ he has. There’s an air around him filled with arrogance, douchery, and frankly, danger.
"You single?" He drawls. He's uncomfortably close - nearly caging you in against the bar, with one hand on the counter behind you. The other hand is busy holding an empty pint of beer that you're thinking hasn't been his first.
Mina's watching the both of you with wide eyes, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You shake your head and laugh with anxiety. "I'm not interested, sorry," You mutter and slide off the stool.
Mina joins you and you're pushing through the crowd. She's in front of you, and you're nearly at the table, but there's a hand on your arm. It's holding tight.
A yelp leaves your lips but Mina's already through the crowd, probably at the table. You’re pulled back into the chest of the guy, and his face reeks of alcohol. A horrible grin spreads across yellow teeth and he flips his dark hair out of his face.
"I asked if you're single, so answer the question, sweetheart." He slurs, nose almost touching yours.
You tried to wrench your arm out of his grip, panic rising. The thrumming in your ears is getting louder, but your throat is so dry that nothing will come out. The few sips you had of your drink are making you foggy, but you know you need to move.
You managed to push some words out. "Listen, I just wanna sit with my friends-"
He presses himself against you, and your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest when he moves his mouth next to your ear. "Why can't we be friends?"
There’s a beat where you’re not really sure what happens, but something does.
You blink and you're free, a waft of air making you shiver for a second.
There's a back in front of you - a back you recognise immediately as Shinsou's, and his familiar smell of lavender and cedarwood fills your brain with the same feeling second-hand smoke from Denki’s blunts do.
The guy scoffs loudly and peers around Shinsou, gesturing at you with a pointed finger.
"She didn't fuckin' tell me she had a boyfriend! She was leadin' me on-"
Hitoshi let’s put a groan and puts his hands to his temples, “Shut the fuck up? Please?". He’s scowling, arms crossed, looming over Creep Mcgee. It's apparent he's a foot taller than the moron, the width of his shoulder making the two of them look like a comical before and after gym-plan ad.
If you hadn't been so shaken, you'd have laughed.
Instead, you found your hand subconsciously wrapping around Shinsou's bicep and glancing up at him. His gaze was steely and dark through narrowed eyes, and his tongue poked through his cheek.
The guy moved to say something again, but Shinsou shook his head. It was a warning, if anything.
Creep McGee just sighed and left, muttering things about you.
A few people had been watching, but they got bored and went back to their dancing and drinking. He looked down at you and his face softened, clenched jaw turning into a small smile on his lips.
"You okay?"
You nodded and tightened your grip on his arm. Your legs were shaking a bit, but you were alive so you couldn't complain.
He gave you a once-over and took your hand off his arm, holding it instead in his own. He looked at it for a second, and Mina's earlier words flashed in your mind.
"Hitoshi still has a big, fat crush on youuuuuu."
The memory made your face go hot again. Shinsou huffed, and started leading you to the door.
"No- I don't want to ruin it, I wanna stay for a bit-"
Hitoshi let out a chuckle in front of you and looked back with a smile you thought you'd swoon over. "We're jus' gettin' you some air, kay?"
His voice was soft and warm and felt like a million hugs and lit you on fire. You nodded obediently and let him lead you outside to sit on the curb a few steps from the door.
You sat clumsily, tugging your skirt down while Shinsou shook his head at you.
"Why do you even wear that stuff? It's always stressful for you," He asked as you finally sat next to him.
"'Cus it's cute? What, do I look bad?" You asked with a cheeky smile, nudging him.
He went quiet for a minute and looked out into the street, eyes following the passing cars. "Nah. You look beautiful." He admitted quietly.
Your heart jumps into your throat at his words. Your hair stands on end, and you feel like you've been electrocuted by Denki with the tingles and shivers flying across your skin.
You turn into Mina for a minute, and open-an-close your mouth like a fish. "...Thanks, boyfriend."
Hitoshi snorts and pushes your shoulder with a teasing smile. "Yeah, you wish, Y/n."
"Yeah, I do," you reply without a beat. You don't even realise what you've said before Shinsou turns to you with wide eyes.
Your hands fly up to smack your mouth in panic. What the fuck? Why would you say that! Y/n, for fuck's sake-
But a grin breaks out on his face, lighting up his violet eyes and they shine in the lamppost's light above him. Fuck, he looks like an angel with the white light halo-ing him, outlining his silhouette like a movie screenshot.
"Yeah?" He asks, and his voice has lowered a bit. His teasing tone is gone, and there's something different, you've never heard before - it's electrifying.
Hitoshi's inched forwards, and his eyes are flitting from your eyes to your bitten lips, making your body shake in anticipation. You know you're doing the same, watching his gaze on you darken and his lips form a shit-eating smirk he'll use to annoy you later.
But you don't give a fuck, because you nod.
He moves fluidly, hand snaking up to cup your neck, half in your hair, and rush you towards his lips. A muttered 'fuck' leaves his mouth before he kisses you, and it's everything you've ever imagined.
He tastes like tobacco - a habit he pretends he doesn't indulge in - and minty gum, making your head spin more than it already is. He's soft, moving with your mouth slowly and taking you in.
Your hand rests on his chest, and you can feel his heart hammer at an unhealthy rate. Air is rushing out of you, so you force yourself to separate from Hitoshi. It’s reluctant, and you wish you could spend all your time against the soft pillows that are his lips, but unfortunately you require oxygen to survive. A cruel reality.
You're both panting into the cold air, staring at each other. A little giggle escapes you, and Hitoshi laughs, and then you both end up in a fit of laughter with your hands still cradling the other.
"Boyfriend?" Hitoshi asks contemplatively, pretending to think it over. You snort and hit him on the chest.
"Take me out on a date, first, pushy."
He grins and pecks your nose, hand still cradling the back of your neck. "I guess I'll have to, then."
"Well, in that case... can you go get me another drink? I left mine on the bar-"
"Good God, Y/n."
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taglist: @todoslutbyheart @aespie @itzlittlemissperfect @im-so-tired-sorry @mangalovesanime-blog @livingmydreamlife5555
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years
Hi! I have a request.
Okay so 1-A bakugou end’s up to the future. Where he sees that he has a family with reader and sees what a simp he will become🫣
And how would future bakugou and reader (+ the kids) react to meeting him.
(You can choose if past bakugou knows reader or not)
I’m sorry if it’s confusing,
It was safe to say that Katsuki was beyond pissed. He was certain that at this point he was never going to fully get your attention, not with that damned Todoroki always swooping in before he can even look your way.
The cacophony of grunts from the students plundered against the walls of Gym Gamma. It was self-improvement day and Aizawa was NOT letting anyone rest.
“Keep it up class. Those who fail to break some sort of barrier today will receive double homework for a week. I’m looking at you, Kaminari,” Aizawa grinned evilly. You let out a giggle at Kaminari’s audible gulp before Aizawa shot you a glare.
Katsuki was busy increasing the flow of his AP shot; he thought that if he could increase his sweat, he could increase the speed of which the blasts sped out. The poor rock he was blasting was finally on its last legs, all before that IDIOT Kaminari accidentally bumped into him and caused a rockslide, directly above the platform that you were training on.
“Hey, watch!-” he yelled in a panic. He saw fear flash through your eyes as he willed his body to move. Thankfully for you and begrudgingly for him, a smooth glacier of ice barricaded you from being concussed with Bakugou’s debris.
Todoroki hopped his way from his platform to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright? You aren’t hurt are you?” Todoroki asked, examining your head for injuries. You shook him off you with a nervous smile.
“Thank you for stopping the debris Todo, but I’m fine. It was shock, I’m not hurt,” you reassured him gently. Todoroki gave you another once over before seeing where the damage came had arrived from.
“I would recommend being more careful next time, Bakugou. Someone could have gotten really hurt,” Todoroki gave him a meaningful glare as Katsuki fought every vein pop in his neck at his implications. Kaminari let out a guffaw, before he let out a squeak of terror at the animalistic look on Katsuki’s face.
“Laugh. Again. I. Freakin’. Dare. You,” he strained angrily through gritted teeth.
“O-okay Kaachan!” Kaminari speedily ran away from the threat as Katsuki stared at the back of your head. Well, now he was in a bad mood.
Katsuki was the first one in the changing room, and the first one out. He trudged his way to the UA dorms so he could shower and forget the whole day. He couldn’t stand the idea of being teased right now, not when he was so careless to the point that you nearly got concussed. Well, that never would have happened if Dunce Face watched where he was going…
Katsuki was torn from his thoughts as he barged past another student.
“Hey, watch where you’re fucking!-”
And just like that, Katsuki fell to the ground.
It took Katsuki a long time to start stirring from his sleep. It was a gradual process, but somehow he managed to tear the sleep from his body as he was poked and shaken incessantly by someone. Katsuki jumped up immediately in surprise, throwing a blast at his assailant. His assailant was no match for him though, springing back and using their quirk to restrain him.
Katsuki wiggled in his restraints like a wild animal, snapping and snarling.
“What the hell do you want with me you bastards! Let me the hell go or I’ll fucking kill you!” He snarled with purpose. A soft giggle filled his ears. A familiar giggle.
Soft (S/C) skin filtered through his still blurry vision until he saw… you.
You were at least a good 20 years older, some laughter lines he didn’t remember seeing (not that he definitely doesn’t scan you every time you’re close to him), as well as new scars.
Your eyes had aged too, the bags slightly more prominent but you were still you. You had four small children gathered around the bed gawking at the teen. The smallest was in your lap, seemingly frightened of Katsuki.
“Easy there tiger, you just woke up. I found you in the street asleep, so I took you to a hospital to see if you’re okay,” you offered an explanation that only answered some of his questions.
“Who the damned hell are you?? Why the hell am I here?? Argh, damnit! Let me out of these shitty restraints!” He demanded. Your face hardened in an instant as you glared at him.
“Hey, no fucking swearing in front of my children! If you’re going to talk and ask questions, you need to be respectful. You’re frightening my son with your endless shouts, so what’s your name and we can call your parents to come collect you.”
Katsuki let himself be still for a moment, glowering at you before relaxing his pose.
“My name is Katsuki Bakugou. I was hit by a quirk on my way to the UA’s dorms, I fell asleep I think, and the next thing I know is I’m in a hospital bed surrounded by someone who looks like a classmate of mine,” Katsuki growled. Your face grew a look of puzzlement.
“D-did you say… Katsuki Bakugou? As in, explosion quirk, super goal oriented, current number 2 hero?” You questioned him worriedly.
Katsuki gave you a strange look. How the hell would you know about that stuff??
“I’m only a high school student so I can’t be the number two hero yet, but everything else is true. Look, here’s my quirk,” he said as he let off a few sparks. The small children around the bed looked on in awe at the sight as you chewed your nails.
Katsuki looked back up to you and saw your expression.
“Why?” He asked.
You gulped.
“Because I’m married to Katsuki Bakugou.”
“Baby, I need you to come to the hospital in Kyoto, it’s an emergency! What? No, me and the kids are fine, we-. Hey, I told you we’re okay, but you have to be here as soon as you can. I’ll send you the details. I love you, see you in a bit.” You hung up the phone with an ashen face as you made your way back to your chair. Your children were bombarding Katsuki with questions, all too weird for Katsuki to answer.
“Papa, why are there two of you?”
“Daddy, why don’t you remember us? Did we do something bad?”
“Dad, why do you look so young? Where are all of your cool scars?”
“Alright kids, give the kid some space. We obviously need to get this fixed somehow. How we’re gonna do that is beyond me though,” you massaged your temples with a sigh. You glanced back up to young Katsuki.
“You’re definitely not a clone or something? Not some sort of fanboy who cosplays in his spare time?” You asked him, half joking.
Katsuki snorted.
“No, I don’t cosplay heroes. I beat them in the hero ranks to show them that I’m the best!” He exclaims.
“God, you even sound like my husband. I’m getting more and more convinced that this is some sort of weird time shift,” you stopped speaking as soon as a muscular figure pulls himself through the door. Katsuki physically stills.
It was him, but older.
At first, older Katsuki didn’t give him a look in. He scrambled over to you, kissing you deeply before checking you over for injuries.
“Where are you hurt?? Are you alright?? Speak to me??” He demanded. You carefully push him off you and rub your thumb on his cheek.
“Sweetie, I told you I’m fine. See, even the quadruplets are fine. We have a major problem though, and I don’t know how we’re going to solve it,” you gestured to younger Katsuki. Older Katsuki glares at younger Katsuki before a look for confusion befalls his face.
Katsuki looked… older. His face was more structured, yet still maintained some of his puppy fat. Scars littered his face, the most noticeable a large triangle that went from the middle of his cheek to the underside of his neck. His hair was shorter too, buzzed at the side. He towered over you easily and his pecs looked even bigger than before. Taunt muscles flexed at the threat to his wife and children.
“Can someone explain what the fuck happened?”
“Katsuki, stop fucking swearing!”
Until he was back to his current time, you had pleaded with your husband to let him stay. Older Katsuki agreed when his babies started pleading too, chubby cheeks wobbling with unshed tears at the idea of their older daddy throwing out their younger daddy.
And for the last few days, he had lived with you and his (?) children. Older Katsuki was mostly at work when he woke up, and he wouldn’t see him unless he stayed up past his bedtime (he could never compromise his sleep).
He spent some time babysitting your children, the quads. The eldest, Akira, was a total carbon copy of him, apart from his hair texture and colour. He was so bold when facing younger Katsuki, asking him questions and hiding his siblings behind him when they properly met.
The second eldest daughter, Aika, was more like you; shy and reserved but very playful all the same. She was a more balanced mixed of the two of you (?).
Your third daughter, Kokoro, was a pain in his ass. She constantly played tricks on Katsuki, taunting him and making mean jokes (all before she was shut down with your stare).
And finally, your littlest quadruplet Keiko, was honestly kinda his favourite in the strangest way; he was so different to his siblings it was unreal. He was the smallest, most sensitive of the bunch. In a way, he reminded him of Deku when they were kids, but with his colour hair.
The morning of the third day, you sat him down with your children at the breakfast table and grilled him a fry up. Each of your children were giggling happily in their high chairs, scrambled eggs and ketchup smeared around each mouth. Katsuki let out a small smile when Keiko offered him a piece of toast from his plate before denying it with a “no thanks squirt, your ma is making me some”.
“Well, good news! I found the person who you described and asked them how long the quirk should last. You should be back to your own time by next week, maybe even earlier if you’re lucky,” you smiled as you flipped the sizzling bacon in the pan.
Katsuki was scarfing the breakfast like there was no tomorrow, up until you said that he should be home sometime by next week.
That’s good, he thought. I really want to know something though, I might as well take advantage of the situation.
He looked up at you, one burning question on his mind.
“I bet you’re wondering how me and … well, I suppose you got together, huh?” You grinned at him.
“How could you tell that’s what I was thinking?” He demanded. You let out a laugh.
“Katsuki hun, I’ve been married to you, er, him for over 15 years. I know all of your little tricks and tells, so don’t even try hiding them,” you offered more bacon to him. He accepted, before you turned your attention to the kids in their high chairs.
“Let me clean up my mucky little pups up first and we’ll talk after I’ve dropped them off at daycare.”
It was a pleasant day, Katsuki noted. After dropping off the children at the daycare and added cuddles from the babies, you did as you promised and hurried Katsuki to the couch with a photo book.
“See here, this is a photo I took of us at our first date. You were so nervous, your hand kept popping and you had to keep wiping your hand,” you laughed fondly at the memory. Katsuki peered at the photos with a strange feeling lying in his tummy. Is this why he felt so nervous around younger you all of the time?
“Oh! And here, this was our trip with the class to France! I had said something about the croissants being delicious, and you took that as a challenge. I was eating the croissants you made for days,” you let out another laugh as you recounted tales of your relationship.
Katsuki stared at you for a solid 5 seconds. You stared at him back until his face hardened and he turned himself away. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Is something the matter hun?” You pried carefully. Damnit, you even knew the right nicknames to make him feel all weak inside.
“Just… why the hell would you go out with someone like me, hah? I’m loud, I’m obnoxious, I can be pretty freakin’ mean, so why? Why would you ever let me have a home with you?! Why would you ever let me grow a family with you?!? Why do you seem so happy, even though there’s a chance I may never come back?!?” He was borderline yelling at the end of his lament, tears threatening to plop onto the pages of the photo album.
You hugged Katsuki tightly, fingers playing with the baby hairs on the nape of his neck, all soft and gentle.
“Katsuki… I have no idea how far you’re into the relationship with younger me, but I’m going to let you in on a secret. I had a crush on you since our first day. I thought you were so strong and handsome, although you had some angst problems. Even after that, I always admired you from afar.
It hasn’t always been easy with you, as I’m sure you’re aware of. You can be loud and mean, and that has caused some rifts in our relationship, but,” you lifted his head up and cleared some tears.
“You’re also dedicated. You found ways to make up for your mistakes, and I always forgave you for them. I wanted a family with you because I love you, er, older Katsuki. We’re so blessed to have the quadruplets, even if they’re little pains sometimes. And yeah, there isn’t a day that goes by when I’m not panicked beyond all belief when you’re at work, but I wouldn’t stop you because it’s your dream.”
Katsuki looked at you. Your eyes held nothing but sincerity as he smoothed his breathing.
“Now come on, let’s go make some spicy noodles. My husband will be back soon.”
Katsuki helped you diligently in the kitchen, chopping vegetables with renewed vigour. Older Katsuki trudged through the door with a loud grunt, you immediately dropping the pan on the hob to give him a welcome home hug.
“Welcome back baby, how was work? It was nice that Kiri offered to cover your shift,” you rambled happily into his neck. Katsuki let out a barking laugh at your clinginess as he picked you up and kissed you, making you squeal in surprise.
Younger Katsuki stared at your display; is this how you’re going to be in the future? Allowing him to kiss your neck when he comes home from work, cooking his favourite meals, keeping your home in tact?
“Oi, quit starin at my wife you pervert,” older Katsuki barked before you slapped his chest playfully.
“Leave him be, he’s literally you, you big dumb dumb. I’ve been letting him in on some of our dates and stuff so he can seduce younger me into wanting you,” you teased. Both Katsuki’s huffed simultaneously, earning a laugh from you. You wriggled yourself out of his grip and led him to the dining room where the meal you and younger Katsuki created.
You kissed his cheek as you went to fetch him a drink, leaving both Katsuki’s by themselves.
Older Katsuki stared menacingly at his younger self before clearing his throat.
“Listen brat, we need to fuckin’ talk,” he starts, rearranging himself on the chair and nudging the other chair adjacent to him. Younger Katsuki did so with hesitation.
“I’m fuckin’ tellin’ ya now, if you do anything that wrecks what I have now, I’m gonna come back in time to kick your ass,” he growls lowly.
“I love that damned woman more than anything in this godforesaken planet, as well as my little pack of brats. I would do anything for them, and I’ll be damned if you do anything that fucks that up for me,” he glares at him. Younger Katsuki slowly put two and two together and looked pointedly at the scar on his cheek. Older Katsuki knew where he was looking immediately.
“I, we, got this scar during a villain attack. (Y/N) took the brats to the park after a stupid fucking fight we had, and a villain attacked them out of nowhere. Luckily, I was patrolling there and stopped them from hurting them, so I took the blow in her place. I would do it a million times over for her,” his voice audibly softens whilst talking about you, eyes downcast to the large scar on his cheek.
He touches it almost fondly, as if he was proud of the scare. Knowing Katsuki, he probably was. He looked back up at younger Katsuki, who had a contemplating look.
“So…. Please. Don’t hurt her younger self in any way. I wouldn’t be able to survive without her. If you argue, hold your tongue even if you’re right. Treasure her. Make her feel like she’s the most incredible woman in the damned world, cos she fuckin is,” he finished with a doleful look in his eyes.
“…okay. I’ll, I’ll try,” younger Katsuki promised. Older Katsuki nodded and cleared his throat as you walked into the room. You presented the bottle of beer with a happy grin and a kiss on the cheek and a ruffle of the hair for younger Katsuki.
Fuck, he was smitten.
“Daddies, watch me!” Aika grunted loudly as she successfully tiptoed from one end of the couch to another. Older Katsuki clapped and whooped in adoration whilst younger Katsuki looked on in pride.
“That’s my little ballerina! You’re gonna be the most graceful dancer ever, pumpkin!” Older Katsuki cheered, sweeping her up on his shoulder and making her squeal.
Kokoro looked on in jealousy with a pout on her face before a brilliant idea struck her. She toddled back to the couch and attempted the exact same feat as her sister, except on the back of the couch.
Keiko sat below her and watched her with a fearful expression.
“Papas, watch me! I can do it better than Aik-AAAAA!” She shrieked as she went to fall on the cushions of the couch, and subsequently Keiko. Keiko let out a scared cry as younger Katsuki swooped in to save him, carrying him in his left arm and catching Kokoro diligently in his right.
Keiko sobbed loudly into Katsuki’s broad shoulder, clinging to him with impressive strength. He nestled in as close as he could, passing Kokoro to his older self as he tried shushing Keiko.
“There there brat, you’re okay. Shhh, it’s okay, I’ve got you,” he murmured softly into his ear. He tried rocking him softly in his arms the same way you did and he was slowly left with a hiccuping, sleepy toddler.
“Damnit Kokoro, this is why I tell you to be careful! Every time you try to show Aika up, you end up hurting someone and yourself. Are you hurt, Keiko?” Older Katsuki asked Keiko. Keiko shook his little head into younger Katsuki’s neck.
Kokoro started tearing up at older Katsuki’s tone and looked down in shame. He visibly softened at his daughter’s tears and wiped them away with his fingers.
“Just be more careful, okay pumpkin?” He said firmly. Kokoro nodded and offered Keiko an apology.
The next time Katsuki woke up, it was in a hospital bed. Specifically, Recovery Girl’s clinic. The light filtered through the blinds, hitting Katsuki in the face and making him stir.
IV wires and tubes fed into him and made it hell to try to sit up, before he saw a sleeping figure near his knees.
It was younger you.
He nudged you with his knee in order to wake you up. You looked dreadful; massive eye bags, lips nibbled red raw, sniffly pink nose like you hadn’t stopped crying.
“Oh my god, you’re awake! I’ll go get Recovery Girl!” As you moved to get her, Katsuki grabbed your hand.
“W-what…,” his voice felt strange, like it wasn’t his.
“What the damned hell happened?” He croaked out.
Your face saddens as you looked away.
“You seemed really upset after our last training session, so I went after you to find you. You had collapsed just outside of the Height’s Alliance building and you wouldn’t wake up whatsoever,” your voice cracks. Katsuki let out an “oh”.
You gained your composure before looking at Katsuki again.
“So, how do you feel? Is anything hurt? What happened?” You interrogated him. Katsuki rolled his eyes at your pestering before a sly grin crossed his face.
“Why, were ya worried about me?” He teased and watched as your face turned a bright pink. You flapped your hands around in a panic.
“It’s just because you’re my classmate is all! You wouldn’t wake up, and I didn’t want you to stay like this for ages!” You rambled in a worried state. Katsuki let out a gruff laugh before wincing at his voice.
Well, better shoot my shot, he thought.
“Well, I’ll tell ya what. Go out with me this Saturday and I’ll tell ya everything,” he promised.
The pink in your face told him everything that he needed to know.
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livelaughlovesubs · 8 days
Sigma and Fyodor with the prompts: fitting them with a collar and dressing them up in degrading outfits plsss. I need my subby Sigma. :3
Your thirsts shall be satisfied! Two subby men right away :]
Dom!gn!reader x sub!Sigma/ Fyodor (separate)
Warning: collaring, teasing, feminisation, hierophilia, cross dressing, established relationship(s)
Anniversary event
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He doesn’t even know why he agreed, he must have been out of his mind. He knew it was bad news when you came up to him, smiling all giddily, unable to hide your intentions while asking him so sweetly, “you’d do it for me, right? Plea~ase?”
And his intuition wasn’t wrong. Poor boy could barely contain himself when he saw what you had in store for him, and it took ages to actually convince him. Deep down, he cursed himself for being a push over when it came to you, but what was he supposed to do?
That’s how you got him to wear a super cute and revealing bunny boy costume, a typical one, except that it had some purple elements. Some of the ribbons were in a cute lavender colour. With it came a pair of bunny ears and plug tail, as well as some basic stockings. He didn’t dare to wear the tail by himself, since he was too embarrassed, and frankly, he didn’t manage to do it himself.
When he walked out of the room, to showcase just how amazing these clothes complimented his body, his face was already a bright red hue. Arms crossed in front of his chest, gaze lowered to the ground and knees threatening to give up underneath him. You gulped, astonished by how beautiful and sexy he looked, then you clapped as you complimented him, “it looks great! Really, really good!”
“Shut up..” Sigma replied all feisty, clenching his eyes shut as he shuddered. He wasn’t cold, it was because his heart was pounding really fast, pumping blood to his cheeks and lower part. It was too much for him to handle. “Aww, how mean of you~ I thought you wanted to be a good bunny?” You cooed at him, standing up and walking towards him with your hands behind your back, probably holding something, hiding it from his field of vision.
The male leaned back when he felt you were too close, eyes staring holes at the thing you were hiding, putting his hands up in front of his face, “h-hey, don’t tell me you have something lewd in mind.” You faked a surprised expression, gasping all dramatic, “something lewd? I’d never, what do you think of me?” But the smirk you had on your face told him otherwise, you really had to work on your mimics.
“It’s nothing bad, don’t worry.” You explained, then quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, whispering a small, “promise ♡” He stared right into your eyes, sweating a little, body heating up at the closeness and intimate nature of the moment. That’s when he felt something being wrapped around his neck, and it tightened, choking him for a split second.
That fraction of a second was enough to make him jump and gag, yelping and whining, “argHH..! What- what are you doing?!” The suffocating feeling was soon gone, though now replaced with a slight itch of something wrapping around his neck. “Ahhh, sorry for not alarming you. It looks so pretty though!” You apologised halfhearted, pressing your hands together as you did.
He frowned, still blushing. To be honest he had an index what it was, though just to be sure, he reached for the item with his hand and brushed over it. As expected, it was a collar. “…why are you being so sneaky with putting it on me, you gave me a heart attack.” Sigma complained, looking away in shame. He was getting really flustered and aroused due to all the set up he wore, the blush even crept up to his ears now.
“I wanted to see your surprised expression.” You answered in a heart beat, now wrapping your arms around his waist. “It was so worth it.” The boy glared at you, pouting slightly. Then he felt you grope his butt, and he shrieked, squirming in your grasp, shoulders jerked upwards and he mumbled, “w-what now?!”
“Where’s your tail, little bun’?” You asked, not stopping yourself. He grasped your shoulder and pushed you away weakly, his voice was meek as he replied, “obviously not there..” Suddenly you chuckled, that caught him off guard. Which is why he stopped avoiding your gaze and glanced at you, immediately regretting that action because god he could feel his legs going weak because of that look on your face. It was as if you wanted to devour him.
With a low voice, you teased your little pet bunny, asking all provocative, “let me help you grow a tail then?” And gone was his last ounce of dignity or resistance. He didn’t even put up a fight as he fell into your arms, twitching all over while whispering his answer, “p-please do..”
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“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1, Peter 4:8.” His beautiful voice, as graceful as ever, whispered softly while he scanned over multiple pages from the bible. He wanted to read you some of his favourite verses, lifting the corners of his lips slightly, eyes focused and sparkling. This was one of his hobbies, he liked how calming it was.
Most of the time, you weren’t even listening properly, instead you liked seeing that eager glim in his pupils. Sometimes he’d catch you staring, well, he knows you are, but he doesn’t mind. Still, you’d occasionally ask some questions, to keep him entertained, “what does that mean?” Fyodor closed his eyes, still smiling at you, then replied, “there is no definite answer, though if you ask me… I’d say sins committed in the name of deep love can be justified.”
You stayed quiet, thinking about his statement. Somehow that clicked in your head, and you asked to make sure, “Is that why you don’t hesitate when doing stuff with me?” He didn’t responded, only continuing to grin like nothing happened before leaning closer to you and giving you a peck on the lips. A sense of warmth and comfort swallowed your pounding heart, and you chuckled, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
When you glanced at him again, you couldn’t help but think of how beautiful he was. That thought kept plaguing you, making you want to see him in a prettier outfit. “Hey, I think that’s enough for today,” you eventually declared, playing with his hair as you waiting for him to finish the page. “Hm? Alright then. I take it you have something else in mind?” Fyodor closed his bible, placing it onto the table next to him, looking at you expectantly.
“Yea, I actually do.” You told him while you grabbed his hand, guiding him to the closet and picking out some clothes for him to wear. “Ah…” he made a small sound of acknowledgment when he saw what you choose for him, then nodded and said, “i see what you want to do, well, I guess I don’t mind trying.” Despite how calm and collected he sounded, the small blush that crept up his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you. Hence, you teased, “by the looks of it you are pretty excited as well.”
There goes his carefully crafted facade, he let a sharp sneer slip pass, then rushed you to get out. You had no choice but to wait until he was done. On your way out of the bedroom, you quickly opened one of the drawers, taking something with you. You hummed to yourself the entire time, anticipation building inside you. After about 10 minutes of leaning against the wall outside of the room, you heard the much awaited click of the door. Without wasting a single best, you barged back in.
“And? Does it fit? Lemme see-” annnd the waiting was worth it. You felt a tingle in your stomach when you laid your eyes on him, on his almost completely nude body. He was only wearing a set of black nun lingerie, with an equally dark cloth thrown over his head. The way he stood there was awkward, as if he wasn’t completely comfortable wearing these clothes. His eyes soon found yours, and his gentle smile returned.
“What do you think?” Fyodor teased, bending over slightly to make himself smaller, looking up at you, doing his signature expression. The bra and panties fit him perfectly, it emphasised his figure very well. Though it also reminded you of how awfully skinny and sickly he actually was, and you couldn’t hold yourself back from pulling him into a tight embrace. Wrapping both arms around his waist, pushing your body against his while mumbling sweet nothings into his ear.
One praise after another fell from your lips, grazing and tickling his skin like a tender breeze. “You look like an angel.” You said, even though his outfit was probably way too suggestive to be anything close to an angel. Nevertheless it didn’t change the fact that you thought he was heavenly. “Really, so gorgeous.” His blush darkened by a few shades, then he pushed you away playfully, whispering, “that’s enough. Can I change back now?” In contrary to what he expected, you shook your head, telling him, “there’s still one more thing.”
Before he got the chance to guess what you meant, you pulled out a collar that matched his eye colour. “This, I want to see you wear it.” You told him, so very straightforward, already getting to work and wrapping it around his neck. “Can I?” After you were almost done, you finally decided to ask him. He reacted pretty slow, eyes widened while he let you do what you wanted. And when you asked for his opinion, he hesitated for a bit, though in the end, he nodded meekly.
With a swift move, you adorned his neck with a personal collar, adding the final touch to his outfit. “It’s perfect.” You gasped astonished, reaching out to the collar and sticking one finger in, pulling slightly, “does it hurt?” The boy shook his head even if he gaged a little. Because of the pull he was now dangerously close to you, basically as close as earlier.
Without missing the chance, you spun him around and pushed him onto the bed, smiling as you chirped, “now, let’s see how deep our love is.”
There he was, all hot and bothered, almost laid bare, on his back, waiting for you like a five course meal you couldn’t resist. He smirked widely, giving you a cheeky answer, “I’m sure it’s deep enough to excuse whatever you’re going to do to me.”
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theemporium · 3 months
Maybe Carlos plus "How do you always know exactly what I need?" "I pay attention." from Violet Fluff? 🫶🏻
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
3. "How do you always know exactly what I need?" "I pay attention."
You had been so wrapped up in the data sheets and graphs on your screen that you didn’t even hear the sound of footsteps approaching.
The last race had been a shit show, to put it lightly. It was a mess for various reasons between problems with the car at the start of the weekend, poor tire management and bad strategy calls that left both Ferrari cars on the outside of the points. It was a rough weekend for everyone and it meant the two weeks before the next race were spent ensuring a repeat wouldn’t happen. 
You had been working with the rest of the engineers to try and identify all the issues with both cars so the mechanics could work on fixing them before the week was up. The issue that came with that is that, in theory, the cars were fine. The numbers looked normal. But the results were showing anything but.
It was frustrating and confusing and it left everyone on edge as the next race weekend grew closer. 
Most of the team had already left for the night but you were so sure you were on the right path, that you were close to figuring something out. You told your superior you wouldn’t be much longer, maybe an hour or so. You told them there was no need for them to wait up for you. 
That had been over three hours ago. 
Now, almost every room in the building was empty minus the office you were working in. Even the lights had mostly been turned off except for the lamp on your desk that was illuminating all your work. You were frazzled and tired and annoying—but you weren’t anywhere near ready to go home yet.
“Tell me you’ve taken a break.” 
You let out a scream of surprise, heart racing in your chest as you turned to find Carlos standing a few feet from your desk with a sheepish expression on his face.
“Sorry, I thought you heard me come in.”
“No, I—fuck,” you pressed your hand against your chest, leaning back against your desk chair as you let out a long breath. “Sorry, I didn’t realise anyone else was still here.” 
“I didn’t want to leave the sim until I got a perfect lap,” he admitted as he began to close the distance between the two of you. “I saw a light still on when I walked past.” 
“You heading out?” You asked, trying to ignore the way his tousled hair made your stomach twist.
“I was,” he corrected before he placed a cup of coffee in front of you. “But I thought you could use some help.” 
You went to say ‘thanks’ as you picked up the coffee, taking a long sip only to quickly fall silent. You stared at the coffee cup, unblinking.
Carlos felt his nerves grow when you didn’t say anything else. “You know, just to get the perspective of the driver to maybe help—”
You turned to the Spaniard with an unreadable expression. “You know how I like my coffee?”
“I–” Carlos flushed but nodded. “Yeah, I do. And I know you were probably gonna stay here for another few hours so I thought it would help.” 
“How do you know exactly what I need?” You asked in a soft voice, though it was mostly rhetoric. You weren’t expecting an answer. 
“I pay attention,” Carlos replied with a soft smile. “And I also know you probably won’t be leaving for a while so–”
You watched as he grabbed a seat from the neighbouring desk, rolling it towards your desk before sitting down with a smile on his face. You raised your eyebrows but he just took a sip of his own coffee cup, determined to stay up with you.
And you found yourself not minding the company.
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chosos-lesbo · 16 days
sweet angel
pairing: choso x reader
synopsis: (continuation of this smau) choso is struggling, and you come to his aid.
word count: <1k
warnings: a lot of crying, probably cringe lmao
a/n: i’m gonna be honest…i kind of hate this, but i didn’t want to keep everyone waiting 😅 so i’ll work on revising later, but for the time being, it is what it is and ain’t what it ain’t lol. also, the pic is from pinterest 🙂‍↕️
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you knocked on the door to choso’s apartment, before testing the handle. he did unlock the door like you had asked.
“it’s me, cho!” you shout, taking a short step inside, before turning to shut and lock the door. when you rounded back to walk into the living room, you’re met with choso standing but a foot away. “oh my god!”
his tear stained cheeks began to get wet with fresh tears, as you stand with your hand over your heart. “i’m sorry, baby. you scared the crap outta me,” you say, closing the distance by pulling him into a hug.
his arms circle tightly around your waist, as one of your hands is holding his head to your neck and the other rubbing soothing circles on his back. you can feel his breaths become more shallow as his hands ball in fists clutching your shirt.
“it’s okay, let it all out,” you whisper into his hair, and that was all the signal he needed to stop silencing his cries. tears burned at your eyes, his broken sobs weighing heavily on your heart.
it felt like an eternity that you stood in each other’s arms, before his hands let go of your shirt. his hands smoothed along your hips, as you loosened your hold on him, moving your hands to the top of his shoulders.
“m-my head hurts,” he stutters, trying to catch his breath.
“poor baby,” you pout, rubbing his shoulder, hand grazing his arm as you find his. you squeeze his hand twice before interlocking your fingers. “let’s get you some water and medicine, and we can go to bed.”
he sniffles, nodding gently as he lets you guide him. it’s a short trip to the kitchen, reaching to the drying rack next to the sink to get a glass. you go to let go of his hand, so you can turn on the faucet, only for his grip to tighten. instead, he raises his own free hand to turn it on for you.
you put the cup under the running faucet, and he turns the water off just in time before it overflowed. you set the full glass on the counter and reach in the cabinet to grab the tylenol. you hold it out by the lid, waiting for choso’s hand to assist again.
once choso takes the medicine and finishes off the glass of water, you lead him to his bedroom. it isn’t until he goes to climb in bed that he finally lets go of your hand, allowing you to crawl in after him.
you make yourself comfortable on your back before letting him lay his head on your chest. you pull his hair out of the bun he had it in, combing it down with your fingers.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbles into your shirt, and you could feel the fresh tears wetting your shirt again.
“what are you apologizing for, baby?”
“y-you shou-shouldn’t have had t-to come,” he finally manages to say, and the sadness in his voice shattered your already broken heart.
“you didn’t ask me to, did you?” you question, and he responds by shaking his head no. “so that means i came here because i wanted to. i couldn’t let my sweet angel be alone when he was feeling like this.”
your hand never stopped combing the length of his hair, as you tried to find the right words. while it might not change his mind, something to at least give him enough peace to sleep through the night.
“i am so thankful for each and every day that i get to spend with you. and i know that yuuji loves having you around, especially because you’ll watch those stupid human earthworm movies with him,” you laugh, and you can hear his mumbled disagreement.
“they’re actually pretty good, when you think about it.”
“and it’s stuff like that, choso, that shows you’re a good person. you take the time to find the good in the bad, and you think about others before yourself. but it’s okay, in some instances to be selfish.
“you don’t ever have to forgive ken-jackass,” you get a wet laugh from choso, which works as a glue for your broken heart. “but i hope that one day, you’ll be able to forgive yourself. we can’t change what’s already happened, and quite frankly, i wouldn’t want to. and if that makes me a bad person, so be it.”
“b-but you’re not a bad person,” choso pouts, moving up to his elbows to look you in the eyes. his tears have been reduced to the occasional sniffle, which is a good sign.
“and neither are you,” you say with a finality, cupping his face. the pads of your thumbs dry his tears, tucking his hair behind his ear. you lean forward to place a kiss on his forehead before falling back on the pillows.
he follows after you, laying his head on your chest again, but this time he puts his hand under your shirt, just resting on the warm skin on your side. he, also, moves one thigh to rest on yours, effectively locking you in place (unless you attempted to move him, which you wouldn’t anyway).
“thank you, for everything.”
“of course, baby. and i meant every single word. i love you so, so much, my sweet angel.”
he picks his head up, just long enough to turn and press a short, sweet kiss to your lips, before laying back down. “i love you more,” he replies, and shortly after, you could hear his soft snoring.
at that, you could rest easy too.
tag: @chiefinvestigatoremma
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boolger · 4 months
Feet — John price x reader
✨Idk what to tell you, I just got this thought while working on another fic and it doesn’t fit, so here it is on its own instead.
✨So uh. Feet. Price x afab!reader. MDNI
✨tags: foot kink, under discussed kink, smut, rough sex, a bit of cnc, p in v, overstimulation, toe sucking (I’m sorry)
You didn’t really know where the obsession came from - but at this point, you were afraid to ask. It wasn’t a bad thing, you just didn’t really… get it.
It had started slowly. Innocently.
He would help you off your high heels, fingers gentle as they touched your feet, as if they would break beneath his strong hands. Running along the balls of your feet, asking if you were sore from wearing the heels.
Or, when your feet rested in his while you were both on the couch, his hands would rest over them. Give a squeeze now and again, just holding them.
Then he would kiss you all over — feet included, even as you giggled from the tickle of his beard, his eyes dark as you pulled him up to kiss.
His insistence on getting regular manicures and pedicures, no worries, he will pay for everything. Once in a while he would choose the colors, inspecting them when you came home.
But you realized that maybe, just maybe, your boyfriend was into feet, when he was balls deep into your dripping cunt, leant to the side and kissed your foot, that was up in the air from the position you were in.
He had pressed his face half against it and just breathed, never taking his gaze from you, somehow managing to look powerful, when one eye was hidden behind your foot.
The short hairs of his beard pressing against the bottom of your feet, tickling it now and again, warm breaths panted against your skin - at the same time as his hard cock stretched your poor pussy, almost squelching sounds echoing in the bedroom.
Overstimulated and overwhelmed, you whined and tried moving your foot away from his face, from the sensation of hair and warm breaths - but one of his arms merely grabbed on tighter to your shin, keeping your foot stuck.
Somehow, the big bad Captain Price fucked you harder than before, making your tummy and chest move with each stroke and you swore you could feel yourself get wetter from the way he growled and then bit down on your foot.
You couldn’t help it, struggling in his grip but the older man showed no mercy, forcing your body to bend so he could grab onto your hip with the other hand - bed trashing against the wall with each of his harsh thrusts, making you scream with pleasure.
If you wanted it to stop, you knew you could - your safeword would be respected no matter what, you knew John, you trusted him.
But you didn’t, instead marveling at your choice being taken from you, forced from you by a beast with several of your toes in his mouth, tongue lapping at them.
It took you by surprise when you came, shaking and whining, crying as he held you fast, refusing to let you escape from the pain and pleasure, from the overstimulation. Growling sounds and pants left him and before you knew it, you were coming again, from his repeated attack on your toes, licking and biting, together with the unforgiving intense thrusts of his cock.
He came just a few moments later, groaning and moaning, hell, even whining a little.
You weren’t sure when your foot had left his mouth but as the two of you panted, enjoying the afterglow of your euphoria, your eyes met his. There was a pleased, but uncertain look in his eyes.
“You should have told me, you pervert,” you whispered teasingly, and the big bad military captain huffed and blushed.
“I know,” he said, gently pulling out, both of you letting out a little sound, “do you mind?”
“Nope. Not if it will make you fuck me like that again.”
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
Can I request Zoro, Luffy and Sanji reacting to their partner having an allergic reaction, like it’s so bad they can’t breathe. Perhaps it’s a new dish sanji had made and their partner didn’t know they were allergic to something in the dish until now. :D
a/n - this is supposed to be serious but if you know me I can’t be serious with one piece characters most of the time 😭 sorry anon but there’s crack in zoro’s and luffy’s💀🫶
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, reader has allergies, crack (zoro and Luffy’s part)
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- lunch is Luffy’s favorite time of the day, nothing can stop him from eating lunch (it’s important to have 5 meals a day obviously 💀)
- there’s breakfast, breakfast 2, lunch, after-lunch meal, dinner, and then dessert (there’s like two deserts but he doesn’t think it counts as a meal)
- today, Sanji decided to use a sea king Luffy absolutely destroyed (it tried to steal his breakfast, rip sea king)
- it looked a bit sketchy, but Sanji can cook anything and make it taste good-
- but even as he was cooking it, the smell of it that filled the sunny made you a bit woozy, causing you to become quite fatigued
- luffy was too focused on how excited he was to eat it, so he didn’t notice your symptoms. He was literally drooling all over the poor sunny. it was gross asf
- bro couldn’t wait so he ate the ladle Sanji was smacking him with 💀💀💀💀💀
- “I GOT A SPLINTER IN MY THROAT AGSJBSISBDJFNC-“ -luffy (he’s choking on the wood)
- “LUFFY NOOO-” -chopper
- when the time finally came to eat, you were only starting to feel worse, that stench of the meat was making you even more nauseated than before
- you had started to cough more frequently, having a constant itch in your throat that just wouldn’t go away
- “Are you alright y/n?” -robin (shes so caring 😭🫶)
- “I’m ok robin- thank you.”
- you tried playing it off as nothing, but it was getting hard to breathe, your vision becoming blurry as you sat down next to Luffy at the table
- you tried to take a bite, barely being able to swallow it, struggling to get the food down
- “Y/n.. Do you not like it?” -Sanji
- you stared down at your hands, and you noticed that little red dots had started to form on your knuckles, spreading down your wrists
- you couldn’t breathe.
- “Y/n…? Helloooo?” -luffy
- he tried waving his hand in front of your face, but you ended up passing out onto the table face first
- “OH MY GOD Y/N DIED.” -luffy bro you suck 💀💀💀
- chopper immediately rushed over, having to literally shove Luffy away from you so he could inspect you
- cue Luffy running around in circles freaking out about how you died in front of him (like ace)
- it turned out you were allergic to this specific type of sea king, and chopper managed to give you some medicine to help you feel better
- Sanji kept apologizing, making sure that he would never cook this again in the future
- “ARE YOU OK Y/N?! HOW MANY FINGERS AM I HOLDING UP?” -luffy (he’s holding four fingers up but this dumbass can’t count)
- “Four.” -you
- omfg Luffy pls 😭
- you love this guy but he’s dumb af
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- Sanji absolutely adores cooking for you, he’d do it every minute if you wanted 🫶
- he practically knows every single dish you like by heart, and can recite all your favorite fruits and vegetables
- he always loves making new recipes for you to try, you’re his most trusted taste tester! (It’s not luffy- bro would eat the food and the plate too so he’s disqualified)
- today, he wanted to try a new take on some foreign food items he got from the market
- he hadn’t ever seen these before, but he had a knack for knowing which things would be delicious and rich in nutrients
- ever since the smell of the food traveled onto the sunny, you noticed that it was harder to take deep, full breaths.. but maybe it was just because the air was thin
- it didn’t go away. It only continued to worsen as Sanji kept cooking
- soon you started to cough, and have shortness of breath
- Sanji quickly stopped smoking, thinking that perhaps it was because of him. And he took you outside for a moment for you to get some fresh air
- your symptoms just wouldn’t go away! Irritatingly lingering around like some insect
- the time came to test out the new food, and your cough had worsened, your heartbeat racing from your lungs struggling to breathe
- it tasted good.. But the moment it traveled down your throat, you could feel it closing, as if your airways were completely blocked
- Sanji noticed it right away, and ran off in a panic to get chopper, supporting you from behind as chopper inspected your throat
- Sanji didn’t know what to do.. He wasn’t a doctor. But he knew he had to do whatever he could to make you feel better. He hated seeing you in pain!
- his hands carefully held you up as he allowed you to rest against his chest. Chopper confirmed that it was a severe allergic reaction to the food… And Sanji couldn’t believe that he was the one that caused this
- he immediately made Luffy scarf the food down to get it away from you, and made a mental note to get mad at the merchant that sold him the meat later (anything for y/n 🫶🫶)
- he did whatever he could to make you feel better.. Water? He’s already got it. Take you to bed? Of course! A nice blanket? You don’t even have to ask
- he felt so guilty! He never meant to make you have an allergic reaction like that.. He kept apologizing- over and over
- “Y/n- I’m so sorry.. I didn’t know you were allergic to that. I swear I’ll never cook it again, do you need anything? Water? I’ll get it for you! I’m sorry- you don’t have to forgive me- it’s completely my fault.”
- poor guy was ranting about how he doesn’t deserve you anymore 😭
- you had to reassure the man that it was alright, and that you turned out to be alright in the end!
- “No but seriously please don’t cook that again I think I almost died.” -you
- bro is literally on his knees begging for forgiveness 💀
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- zoro’s solution to anything health related would either be to sleep, drink, or take a shit
- stomach hurts? Take a shit
- feeling stressed? Take a shit
- need a break? Take a shit (copyrighted by zoro)
- he’s a tough guy, and he’s not very smart sometimes 💀
- but you love the marimo nonetheless 🫶
- he had just finished his 29th fight with Sanji today, and it was right on time for lunch
- you were amazed by how Sanji could argue and still try to kick zoro’s head off at the same time
- today, you felt oddly stiff and uncomfortable, were you getting sick?
- you didn’t start feeling under the weather until Sanji started cooking lunch… But you didn’t pay attention to that, you tried to press on and bare through it with a grin
- it got harder and harder, and your head started hurting next.
- “Your head hurts? Did you shit today?” -zoro
- “What the fuck does my shit have to do with my head zoro?”
- he’s dumb just leave him be
- of course he’s concerned for you, he just doesn’t know how to help you 👍
- he continued eating his lunch, and you managed to take a bite of yours after a couple minutes of mustering up the strength
- you couldn’t breathe
- you started panicking, grabbing zoro’s arm to tell him something’s wrong. This wasn’t just a cold- this was something BAD
- “Y/n? What the hell? You look horrible rn-“ -zoro (did he just insult you 😭)
- he finally realized that something was really wrong- and he started freaking out-
- he started slapping your back to try and get you to spit out the food- he thought you were maybe choking
- “Y/N? ARE YOU CHOKING? STOP CHOKING.” -zoro (wow zoro you’re so helpful 💀💀💀)
- you thought he’d be helpful? Yeah nah 😭
- bro was literally abusing your poor back, you swore he broke some kind of muscle back there
- chopper ran over, quickly inspecting you before deducing that it was an allergic reaction to the food
- “What the hell’s an allergy??” -zoro
- “It’s when people’s bodies don’t like a certain object or thing- it makes them cough or sneeze and maybe even does what it did to y/n.” -chopper
- Mosshead is so confused right now (he’s never been sick 💀)
- You started feeling better after chopper gave you some medicine to clear your system of the food.. And thank god- you felt so much better than before
- “Y/n you could’ve just shit out the food.” -zoro
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a/n - Luffy can’t count 💪
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soft-mafia · 1 year
Risky [Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, sex in a public area, risky sex, cream pie, squirting, Buggy being horny
a/n: I just realized I’m making a lot of smut posts. I need help I’m too obsessed with Buggy😭 the plot is kind of sloppy but I really wanted to write some smut so sorry about that lolllll
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Buggy had no idea what was wrong with him today. He had locked himself in his office, he lost count of how many times he had came, jacking off for hours at the thought of you.
When a crew member knocked on his door they were met with nothing but harsh curses and shouts from him; not knowing that their captain had been rubbing one out into a rag. His jaw clenched, teeth grit tightly as he tried to conceal his grunts and groans. He was huffing like a damn dog thinking of Y/n.
Maybe it was the lack of actual sex over the past few days that got Buggy so riled up, they’ve just been so busy setting everything up as soon as they got back to bed they both just tuckered out.. but damn why the fuck was he so horny now?!
After what seemed to be his 5th cum of the day, Buggy came out of his quarters, his makeup smeared, and he looked a bit disheveled. He put his hair up into a ponytail as he walked to the green room, going to see what his girlfriend was up to. She preferred to work back stage and behind the scenes, mainly on the contraptions and the lighting.. much to Buggy’s disappointment— he would love for her to be another accessory to his acts, not take up the entire spot light, but.. serve as some kind of eye candy for the audience.
With the way she bent and moved for him she could easily be a good contortionist.. fuck he was hard again.
Buggy’s muscles tensed as he saw Y/n talking to Mohji. The blue haired man seemed to physically restrain himself from grabbing Y/n and dragging her off somewhere to get some sex.
“Stop letting Richie come in here— we can’t use these lights anymore because he chewed them all up, and he pissed on the costume wigs.” Y/n said as she chewed out the beast tamer. As much as she was an animal lover, working with Richie was… a chore to say the least, but it was mainly to blame on Mohji for his poor animal management skills. “Y/n.” Buggy grunted out as he walked over to her, standing at her side and putting a hand on her waist, “Are you busy?” He asked, his voice a bit lower and gruffer than usual.
“Umm.. not right now, no.” She said, looking up at him. Buggy then turned to Mohji and made a tilting motion with his head, that told the man to ‘get the fuck out’, which he quickly obeyed.
“Are you ok?” Y/n looked up at Buggy, noticing his smudged makeup and how slightly sweaty he was. He smelled a bit muskier than usual, and he hadn’t covered his scent with cologne like he usually would. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Buggy said under his breath, his hands roaming all over her body now that they were alone, which she noticed. Buggy shuffled closer to her, pressing his body against her side as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “God I wanna fuck you so bad.” He growled. Y/n could feel his boner pressing into her hip, his hands squeezed at her sides.
“Buggy..” Y/n whispered, biting her bottom lip, “Wait not in here—”
“I don’t care, I really don’t give a shit.” Buggy grumbled and looked around, trying to find a closet or something, “We haven’t fucked in a good week, I need this.” He huffed, then slapped Y/n’s ass and gave it a firm squeeze.
Y/n yelped and blushed at that action, pouting at Buggy before she pulled away and walked over to the large crate wagon that the crew just used to haul a bunch of props covered with a huge tarp, “Here, we can take some of this stuff off.” Y/n said, moving some of the props out and to the side. Buggy rushed to her side, throwing off some stuff as well; god he felt desperate.. I mean yeah he fucked Y/n like it was a hobby but he was literally throwing things so he could get some pussy.
After they had gotten most of the stuff off and made some room, Buggy picked Y/n up, making her squeak before he laid her down on her back, immediately getting on top of her and throwing that blanket over the both of them. “B-Buggy..” Y/n whispered, looking down and seeing Buggy’s rock hard boner press against her crotch.
Truth be told she wasn’t as pent up as Buggy was.. she had been so focused on making all of his shows perfect for him, sex wasn’t the first thing on her mind— but now that she was pinned down like this, she was starting to feel that same heat.
Buggy yanked her shorts down below her hips, sitting on his knees before grabbing her ankles and pulling her shorts and panties off completely and dropping them to the side. However, he took her panties and held them up to his nose, inhaling deeply and groaning, “Fuck that’s good..” he growled.
Y/n blushed, already sweating from the enclosed space, Buggy’s heat radiating off of his body. He tossed her panties on top of her shorts before unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. She watched him with eager eyes; she didn’t know why but she found it so attractive watching Buggy get his cock out, the way his forearms and muscles flexed with each movement, jerking his belt until it was open so he could get his throbbing, sensitive dick out.
He was already so sensitive from how much he had been jacking off.. the fabric of his boxers squeezing on his boner had nearly brought him to his knees as soon as he walked in here.
His hard cock bobbed upon being freed from his underwear, he groaned and jerked it a bit, making it leak a little pre. Y/n reached down between her legs to grasp at it, wrapping her hand around his length and rubbing it with him. “Yeah, that’s it baby..” he grunted, his abs already clenching at the feeling.
He hunched over her, one hand keeping his balance and the other held onto her hip as he started to guide his penis into her cunt, his tip swiped against her wet clit a few times before he slid in; eliciting moans and groans from the both of them. Y/n’s arms wrapped around Buggy’s neck, whimpering and mewling like a kitten just how he liked it, her pussy twitched around his cock, struggling to take him after so long without a good fucking.
Y/n squirmed, making Buggy squeeze her hip, “Take it.” He growled as he began to thrust; he was rough like always, but there was more force behind it this time, more desperation on his end. “B-Buggy..!” Y/n whimpered, trying to be as quiet as possible. Buggy was not trying to be as careful as she was, grunting and growling like a beast as he plowed into her like they haven’t fucked in decades. “Mmm..~ Buggy..~” Y/n moaned softly again, making Buggy’s cock throb inside of her, urging him to thrust even more; it felt so good.. hearing her say his name while he was going in, balls deep. Fuck.
The hand on her hip slid up to rest at the side of her neck, gently squeezing before he tilted his head and gave her a rough kiss, groaning into her mouth. His hips slammed against her crotch in a rough, rhythmic motion, growling and snarling, probably drooling all over the poor girl. He was a fucking mess.
Though the stubble scraping across her skin made her feel a little itchy, the burning sensation of pleasure from Buggy hitting her cervix easily overpowered the stubble itching. With the way Buggy was fucking into her she was not going to be able to walk properly for days, again.
Buggy’s groans and growls got louder and rougher, he moved his lips down to the nape of her neck and began attacking it savagely, sucking and licking at the skin, the sensation made Y/n let out a loud mewl, her legs wrapping around his torso as his movements sped up.
Both of his hands moved down to cup the sides of her ass, squeezing it as he continued ravaging her. Y/n gasped, her walls fluttering and twitching around him as she came, squirting lightly due to the sensation, “A-Ah~!!” She moaned.
“I’m close baby, I’m so fucking close.” Buggy grunted, squeezing her ass harder and slamming his hips into her even rougher, making her jolt and whine. It wasn’t long before he was spilling his seed into her, coating her walls with milky cum. They were both panting and moaning heavily. Buggy’s eyes were squeezed tightly shut, his muscles were twitching; this was what he needed.
He threw the tarp off the both of them, the cold air instantly hitting their warm, sweaty skins. Y/n was still panting hard, an arm folded over her torso as she leaned her head back. Buggy sat on his knees, still deep inside of her as his cum leaked out around his cock. He smirked and let out a breathy laugh, “You’re so fucking hot.” He panted as he rubbed Y/n’s side. “Yeah I feel fucking hot. Jeez.” Y/n groaned, sitting up on her elbows and looking down at Buggy’s cock still inside of her, that dark blue tuft of hair down below that trailed up, fading out slightly below his belly button.
Buggy pulled out, then moaned lightly as he watched his cum leak out of his girlfriend’s pussy. He lifted her thigh up slightly to spread her wider and get a better view. “Wait- stop, it’s gonna spill everywhere.” Y/n grumbled and attempted to close her legs, Buggy kept them spread wide though. “It’s fine I’ll clean it up, babe.” He whispered, watching her pussy leak until it was all out.
After getting cleaned up and putting all of the props back, Buggy watched as Y/n put her panties and shorts back on. He eyed her up, finding her body so god damn attractive.. he walked over to her once she was finished and put his hands on her waist, “Hey, you hungry? There’s a buffet down town in this area and I’ve been meaning to take you there.” He said, hands moving over her body, over her belly button then resting at her sides again.
Y/n smiled and looked up at him from behind, “Yeah, sure!”
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