#sorry these answers are kind of sucky words aren't coming out of my brain quite right today
6, 8 and 27 for Magnitt + 12, 16 and 37 for Teslen (OTP Relationship Asks ♥)
Hi and thank you so much! 🤍
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
I think it would have been back during late night discussions while they were coming up with the Source Blood experiment. (I also headcanon that John was Helen's patient before the Source Blood, which is maybe how he got drawn into the Five)
They would have already spent a lot of time together, alone or in a group setting, and had mutual respect and affection for each other. John would have realized it well before Helen and wouldn't have said anything because of that mutual respect, but Helen would come to the realization while John is listening and discussing things with her, treating her like he would anyone else, and reflecting on how much that means to her and realizing that the affection has gone beyond friendship. (After that is when they would have started courting, so it was 'proper'.)
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?
Going to divide this up between pre-Source Blood and post-Source Blood, for obvious reasons.
Pre-Source Blood, John's gentler personality would have complimented Helen's logical and very driven personality, because it would remind her to slow down and appreciate things and people more than she would otherwise think to.
Post-Source Blood, Helen's personality would remind John of what it's like to be human and I think also push him towards making better decisions instead of always taking the violent way out.
(Ugh, those descriptions are sucky, trying to describe ✨vibes✨ is always so hard)
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
For John, just going for a walk, especially in a park, would remind him of Helen, especially since it probably would have been something that they did together.
For Helen, I think just sitting down to read would remind her of John, because back when they fell in love, John especially would have always had a book or two with him (since he was a barrister and a schoolteacher) and they would have spent a lot of time together reading and researching, or just sitting together quietly while they each read.
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Nikola for certain. Helen likes to keep things more private in front of others and she does have a hard time with her emotions sometimes. Nikola, on the other hand, loves teasing her already and being sincere on top of trying to annoy her would be too much fun for him. (Also, Helen probably needs to hear these things more than he does)
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Oh, Helen definitely stays up way too late and Nikola has to come into her study or the lab or whatever and come and get her to come to bed. He can go without sleep, but she's human enough to need it and he has to make sure she gets it, whether she likes it or not.
37. What do they like the least about each other?
For Helen, I think the thing she likes least about Nikola is his tendency to alter a situation/do whatever benefits him the most, instead of looking at the bigger picture or thinking of other people. (I don't think she would quite forget how he joined SCIU, even if she forgave him)
For Nikola, I think it would be Helen's almost self-destructive habits. How she 'dealt' with her radiation sickness, nearly blowing herself up in the Sanctuary, among a myriad of other things.
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