#sorry that this is so long i cant find the HTML button on this ask so i can't add a readmore
russell-crowe · 8 years
How was meeting noel? And touching him?
I’ve actually met him multiple times. First of all: I’m super shy around him. I was talkative and goofy with Bono and Edge, but for some reason Noel has a kind of authority over him that intimidates me and makes me unable to talk. So the first time I met him was in Brussels (17/04/16) and people had already called me unlucky because I managed to not meet Noel a single time at the 4 gigs before, which is apparently a rarity. I’ve now realized it’s actually pretty easy to meet him, so yeah.. they were right about how unlucky I was... Just shitty venues. He was SUPER grumpy in Brussels bc he had an encounter with his stalker in the hotel, but he still got out of the car on a fucking ramp to the underground parking garage, which is... not something he had to do y’know? So I easily forgive him for that. He acted a bit like a cashier, no personal contact, just signing everything and grumbling a bit when someone really demanded any interaction. He left about 3/4 into the line and tossed the marker over his shoulder, and when I looked at him walking away I was like.... holy shit that was noel.
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The next day was in Amsterdam and I knew the venue and that it was basically the easiest opportunity I would possibly ever have to meet Noel... I was with some friends and we were all joking around and then Noel arrived and everyone went quiet. My mate JD was leaning against the wall next to the door and she was completely unaware of why we all went quiet until Noel cleared his throat. (Still makes me laugh, sorry JD). Anyway, he was actually pretty laid back there. I mean, it was quiet as if there was a teacher back in class y’know?? But it wasn’t a bad atmosphere. I gave him a ‘boredom survival kit’ (WHICH IN HINDSIGHT IS SUCH A STUPID THING BUT IT MADE HIM SMILE) and I asked him to sign my flag. Note.. I had only stumbled out something like “I uh, got something for----” SO, when he signed my flag right. I held it out on the wall and I figured he’d take it over with one hand, cos that’s making sense right? But I forgot he’s left-handed!!!! So he couldn’t really get there and instead he had to shuffle real close and I just couldn’t breathe bc he was literally pressing himself against me at one point and i was like...... holy shit. And he smells all comfortable y’know?? Worn leather and warmth = me sold. Also he was really excited about my Bono autograph and he was all like “Is that Bono’s?” and I was like: [numb nodding my head] And I just.. couldn’t say anything but I was so excited so when he turned around I just SQUEAKED. GENUINELY SQUEAKED. AND HE LOOKED UP FROM SIGNING MY FRIEND’S RECORD AND HE LAUGHED AND fdjdjfsf sorry noel.
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The third time was actually really unexpected?? It was in Berlin at a festival and in my head you don’t meet people at festivals. It just doesn’t happen. But then our German friend (saying ‘our’ because my NGHFB buddy and I travelled together) arrived and she was like “So I’ve seen Phil around and he says Noel will be there and there..” So we basically took a position and watched the Berlin wall and the traffic and then we saw his buses arrive and I was like ohMGYODO!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!. And we were the ONLY people there. Only the three of us. So when he got out of the bus he immediately saw us and it was so weird and there were like. people behind us but they were more interested in motorbikes?? Like, it was a bike and music festival but the priority was with the bikes..  SO THEY DIDNT REALIZE IT WAS NOEL!! So I was standing there, once again, awkwardly, and my mates were talking (my friend was like “I just want to shake your hand and say you’re awesome, is that alright?) and I was just.. waiting for my turn.. but then Noel noticed my flag in the middle of his conversation with our German buddy and he was like: “Hold on... Where did you get that?” and my throat didnt work so German buddy said: “It’s homemade.” And he was like: “WOAH!!??” [looks at it] “Can I take a picture?” and we were just standing there like... “sure.” So that’s the story behind this pic:
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And I also got a pic with Noel but I looked SO UGLY in Berlin but I’m gonna share it anyway bc my friends are laughing at how he looks like my SON. (Yes I’ve added a lot of filters to make it doable but jesus what a bad pic.... aaaargh)
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And the fourth time was in London after he invited us to the London gig at Lowlands and when he was standing there it went sort of like this:“Thanks for getting us in!” :D “Cheers mate.”[bit of silence]“Where’s your flag?”“At home.”[pause] “Oh.”“Hey uhm.. so can you sign ‘onwards’?”“What?”“.... Onwards.”[leans closer] “What?”“On-wards.”[Noel’s about to continue this]“I knew you’d make fun of my accent.”[Noel and his bodyguard laugh] “What’s your name?”“G’lies, G-L---”“Nevermind.” [signs it]So yeah. In total I’ve maybe said like..... 10 complete sentences to Noel lol, but he recognizes us by now. Tim (his guitarist) had a couple beers with us after the Berlin gig and he said that we were discussed backstage plenty bc our signs made Noel and the band laugh. :D ALSO I forgot to mention but in Berlin the band literally took the normal exit, right?? And one of my friends was pissed as fuck.... and he hadn’t met Noel yet so he swaggered over, right, and he put his hand on Noel’s shoulder with quite some force and Noel just gave him the most dirty look and i’m cackling we made fun of him on he entire train journey back dhfjdfjdf
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