#sorry just. he's literally Not vegan / vegetarian he's just a health nut (affectionate)
angelsdean · 1 year
also i would just like to say, to everyone who actually gets mad at dean for "tricking sam into eating real bacon", sam is Not actually vegetarian or vegan, as much as fanon would like to believe.
when sam says "you know i don't eat-- [real bacon]" in 15x04 he Most Likely meant in the sense that he prefers to eat healthy (mr. rabbit food) and not eat regular bacon for health reasons not because he's vegetarian / vegan. i seriously doubt if sam was Actually meat-free that dean would "trick" him like that. but dean Knows sam Does eat meat on occasion (he's literally cooked him burgers and watched him eat them). in this sense it's more like "live a little. eat the real stuff instead of your bland diet health crap" from dean and less "i am willfully tricking you into eating something you're morally against because i'm evil and cruel." it's literally a harmless prank (and it's not like sam is allergic to the thing either or would have serious health problems from one bite.) thee only consequence is sam taking a bite, realizing it's real, and going ew gross *spits it out*. typical sibling shenanigans.
like throughout the series we see sam eat many burgers of the full meat variety. he also eats chicken at jody's. and even late into s15 in last holiday (so well after 15x04) they're all eating a turkey, so even if someone wants to argue he's suddenly vegan / vegetarian in s15, he's literally not<3
people just love to vilify dean for no reason tho, what's new?
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