#sorry if this isn't exactly because she's already a really famous figure
shyfrog-says · 2 years
I would love to learn about queer the history and culture of people other than white americans, from people other than white americans.
But whenever I go looking for it, all I see is people talking about how queer culture is so white americanized, and then NO FURTHER DISCUSSION.
No "queer culture has been pretty white americanized, so here are some people and events in queer history that aren't white and american," just "omg queer culture is so white and so american."
I happen to be white and american. I don't know what queer culture is like for anyone else but me because I'm just not a social person, but I would LOVE to learn. Seriously.
I can research history and people, but I can't research YOUR life experiences. I want to hear about what queer culture looks like for you, and I want you to share and to help make queer culture less white-american-centric.
I generally don't trust my own research skills, I trust people more, but here is someone I learned about from just a couple minutes of research:
Isabel Vargas Lizano, better known as Chavela Vargas, was a Costa Rican musician born on April 17th, 1919, who performed largely in Mexico. Her performances were unique as she did mostly what were considered masculine songs and wore what was considered masculine clothing - more specifically, a jorongo. For much of her professional career, her attraction to women was "a fairly open secret," as she had relationships with a few women throughout her lifetime and refused to change the pronouns in her songs. Throughout her life, she suffered from alienation - from her own family - and alcoholism. In that time, she released over 80 albums, including "Noche de Bohemia" (her first) in 1961 and "Corridos de la revolución" in 1970. In 2002, she released her autobiography, "Y si quieres saber de mi pasado" (And if you want to know about my past), in which she officially came out as homosexual. She passed away in Cuernavaca, Mexico on August 5th, 2012 at the age of 93 months after releasing her final album, "Luna grande."
I skipped and paraphrased a lot - if you would like to know more about her (if you don't already know, considering she's actually pretty damn famous, so I'm surprised I'm only learning about her today) please read this article:
I am not as proficient in research as some on the internet, so I'm afraid I can't speak for this site's credibility.
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Do we learn about Ristuko?
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'You didn't tell the others...?'
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'Not... really, I thought I surprise them too but instead, Ritsuko got angry with me after the show which lead to her leaving...'
Date: August 30th, 2009
*behind their trailer Ritsuko corner Ibuki*
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Ibuki... the actual fuck, you... your going to Hope's Peak and you didn't tell us?!
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Well... I figure I surprise you all, I just got this pretty recently and you all were busy so...
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But still, I thought you were going to move but instead your going to attend the most famous school in all of Japan!
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Yeah Ibuki, you should of told us about this!
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We-Well I mean, if I get to go to Hope's Peak I can stay here and stuff... isn't that a good thing?
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Well maybe as it was expected but the fact it was you...
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Yeah I thought that it was gonna be me, I was the one that had the highest chance of going but you, they only choose you!
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Wouldn't be too damn surprise if they choose you because your some nepo-baby or whatever, that's probably why...
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Y'know what, no Ritsuko - that's enough of that, I already got into Hope's Peak and I think my idea of how the band is run of harmony and unity works better.
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Wait Ritsuko don't start, look she just spoke out of line and-.
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No, let this little bitch talk; she thinks she can run a band when all she's ever done was be the lead singer and make costumes, that's all she's done when she has no fucking clue how a band is suppose to be run! The only reason you got in was because of your mom, who so happen to be the former Ultimate Vocalist meaning she's nothing but a nepo-baby!
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Well sorry to tell you but I got the Hope's Peak Acceptance Letter, I'm going to Hope's Peak Academy while you aren't! You weren't chosen, I was! I was chosen because I perform and we work together!
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Also don't bring my mom into this, I got into Hope's Peak by my own work; not her! So just-!
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*the other girls were shock as Ritsuko slapped Ibuki across the face who fell to the floor*
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Shut the hell up Ibuki, you... you don't know shit about running band! You keep going on and on and on about this harmony and unity bullshit when honestly you don't know the fucking work I do; hell I was the reason we became as famous as we did!
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While you... all you did was follow my instructions and I did all the work behind the scenes, unlike you...
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Ritsuko, I...I wasn't...
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Y'know what, since you seem like you can run a band since you'll be attending Hope's Peak Academy; I can leave all the work to you.
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After all, you clearly know exactly what your doing; so I'll quit...
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Wait hold on, Ritsuko - wait just a moment I-!
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Ibuki, just... stop, you clearly are going to Hope's Peak and since you know better then I do then I'm leaving; hope everything you have is what it's worth...
*Ritsuko just leaves, as she walks out...*
'It was the last time I saw Ritsuko, she never came back to the music club or helped meaning all the work was left to me...'
0 notes
cherrycheolliesc · 4 years
Let Me Hear You Say
part 46: Joshua’s Weeb Closet. (46/50)
red below 👇 (1.5k words)
“You know I can break out of this, right?” you say to Mingyu who is currently holding you down. He just scoffs knowing you can't move anywhere, but entertains you, “I know, it just makes me feel strong”
“You already strong, Gyu. Anyways where is everyone?” Seokmin asks. You look around the room only seeing half of your friends in Seungcheol’s small living room. Seungkwan and Wonwoo are sitting on the couch quietly talking. You wonder how they became friends because you've never seen them talk to each other. You assume Jeonghan and Joshua are probably somewhere making out so they don't have to deal with actually setting up the party. Seungcheol and Jihoon seem to be lecturing Chan about who knows what. Things are finally quieting down when everyone decides to watch the movie that's playing until someone bursts through the doors, “I'm here motherfuckers. The party is finally getting started”
“She drunk, isn't she,” Cheol asks as he points towards the small blonde girl in Mina’s arms. Seoyeon nods as she brings Chaeyoung to one of the rooms in the apartment. When she comes back, everyone turns towards the commotion at the front door. “You can't make me go inside. I'll bite you, you know I will” 
“Soonyoung, if you just go inside, it'll make everything so much easier,” Jun says as he continues to try and push the smaller boy in. Everyone just watches him, Minghao, and Vernon struggle to bring Soonyoung in until Cheol eventually just picks him up and holds him down, “You two are gonna talk like two grown adults or I’m firing Jihoon”
“Woah why am I getting involved in this?” Jihoon asks walking over to the rest of the group. Everyone looks confused before Chan talks, “How can you even fire him?” 
“Yea and with what job exactly,” Soonyoung says causing Cheol to roll his eyes, “Look if guys talk to each other, I'll tell you where I work” 
“One, no one cares. Two, stop lying to yourself, it's okay if you're unemployed. We won't stop loving you just because you don't have a job, Cheollie” you say which only annoys him more. Jihoon confused asks, “Why do you guys really believe he's unemployed? The dude is literally our boss.”
“ ‘Our’ boss?” Seungkwan says, “yes our boss. He's at the building all the time. How did you not know that?”
“To be honest I thought he was just going there to hook up with you, Ji,” Jeonghan says before getting a drink. “Ew, why would I hook up with Cheol? He's like my brother. That would just ruin your friendship.”
“And that is exactly why I’m not admitting my feelings for Y/n!” Soonyoung screams before trying to run away but failing as Cheol is still holding him down. You decide yelling back is the best option, “like I would ever admit my feelings for you.” 
“That’s it! Time out for you two until you can figure out your issues. Bring them to Shua’s weeb closet and don’t let them out until they're cool with each other.” Cheol says before lifting Soonyoung. Mingyu sees the message Cheol sends and brings you to Joshua’s room as well. “Hey hey, why are you taking them to my closet? What if they fuck in there?”
“Then they'll be happy again,” Vernon says with a smile on his face. Shua rolls his eyes before giving in. Eventually, you and Soonyoung are both shoved into the small closet. You try to stay as far as you can from him, putting a blowup titan in between the two of you. To ease the awkwardness after a few minutes of silence, Soonyoung asks, “You think Shua uses this thing as a sex doll?”
“If he does, I regret touching it,” you reply. The boy beside you laughs and says, “If I remember correctly, you and Joshua sleeping together for a whole two years after college, right?” 
“Yeah well, it was kinda weird. Let's just say, you aren't the only furry in our friend group.” This makes him laugh again before finding a place to sit down. You take a seat beside him as he leans his head on your shoulder, “I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“For what exactly, Soonie?” You ask back wanting a better explanation than just a small sorry. He rolls his eyes before saying, “You already know why. For being immature and not dealing with things like an adult.”
“To be honest, none of us deal with things like adults. We're just the worst. I guess I’m sorry too.” you say back to him. The two sit comfortably in silence just relaxing in each other’s company. Why did we make things so hard for no reason? you wonder. That thought quickly goes away when you remember that the two of you are friends and you never want to ruin that, but your thoughts are interrupted, “I love you, Y/n. But I mean even if it's pretty obvious, I know I'm not very good at showing it.” 
“But we're friends, Soon,” you say back before walking to the other side of the closet. You glance at his face for a second and see a bit of hurt in his eyes. Why am I still hiding how I feel? What’s the point of lying to myself and everyone else? You ask yourself before he breaks your thoughts once again, “Y/n, you say that, but then you're willing to fight with me for months because of the whole situation. Why are we just continuing to do this to each other?” 
“I don't know, Soon. I really don't know,” you reply, overwhelmed, burying your face into your hands. He walks behind you and gives one of his famous, familiar back hugs to comfort you. You relax into the hug as he softly kisses your shoulder, “it's okay, Y/n. You don't need to have an answer right now. It's not wrong to want to take everything at your own pace. I just don't want to feel like I have to constantly avoid you because like you said, you are my best friend.“
“Are you trying to say ‘the power of friendship is so strong’ that we can get through things like this?” you sarcastically say as you laugh and lean into his arms. He giggles and replies, “That's exactly what I’m saying.” The two of you once again sit in silence. You take in everything from the moment you first saw Soonyoung as a small boy eating dirt in the playground to this exact moment You wonder when everything changed, “When did you realize you loved me, Soon?” 
“There isn't an exact moment. I think just over time my love constantly grew for you. I didn't realize it at first and never really wanted to accept it because, well I'm pretty sure it's obvious why,” he responds. You feel the same way. You've always just told yourself it was because of that dance, but you know those feelings have always been there. More importantly, you know you've acted on those feelings before. “Why did you leave me after graduation? After I told you I love you?” 
“Because I was stupid and a coward. I got jealous of Joshua, but then I started to think I wasn't as good as him. I wouldn't be good enough like him. I thought I wouldn't be able to make you happy like he would, ” he says honestly. You don't understand how he could ever think he wasn't good enough. You loved everything about the kid, from his weird tiger obsession to his incredible dance skills. “Soonie, you know I never believed you weren't good enough. And to be honest, Shua wasn't the greatest boyfriend. He was an amazing friend, but there's something off about knowing your boyfriend is denying his feelings for someone else”
“I guess that's how Seoyeon felt. It was just seeing you in the arms of a model like him brought up my insecurities I guess. I thought it would be too hard to compete. So I ran away because I didn't want to deal with the feelings, ” he explains still holding you in his arms. You feel how much bigger his arms got over the years and decide to ask him another question, “When did you start working out? Not that I'm complaining, but the last time Cheol asked you to work out with him you called him a loser and told him there's no reason to work out when you have a cute face.”
“Yes, my face is adorable, but I figured I'd just work out because why not. Also, Ji paid for a year's gym membership in China by accident,” he answers while softly laughing. The two of you continue to talk about random things for the next few hours without anyone interrupting you. You hear soft snoring on the other side of the door. Soonyoung quietly opens the door to not wake the sleeping person on the other side. You walk out to see Seungcheol and Wonwoo fast asleep on each other and quickly take a photo before sneaking away. You and Soonyoung decide to leave through the window to avoid questions or stares from anyone else. For the rest of the night, the two of you wonder who knows where and finally you feel happy to be with your best friend for once.
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↣ summary: after not seeing each other for years, Yn is ecstatic when she finds out all of her friends will finally be in the same place at one time. but unfortunately an unwanted dream turns a 12 year friendship into hateful relationship between yn and soonyoung.
↣ pairing: reader x soonyoung.
↣ genre: angst, comedy, youtube au, sm au. friends to enemies to lovers.
just message me or dm me if you wanted to be added to a tag list.
tag list: @agustmonoworld @multinines--xx @noniesgirl @svtslvt @binniebutter @fluffyhyeju @happyvitamin @liarspoetry @itsdnguyenxoxo @monstathedisco @mimaisiomai @sensorivm @sunshineshouchan @hoerangdan @lovingyu04 @linhyyboo12 @youdawonu @ash-moon8 @twitterpated-by-you @hao-are-xu @onefinecarat @kwonthefics @datte-bae-yo @gabagaba05 @all-i-needislovee @smolchild95 @pooofthechicken @simplewonderland @starrysungie @yanniezx @woohannie @serenadesvt @minghaofilm @velve-tae @ahnneyong @sherizaraiyah Unable to tag @manamiyx
a/n- tbh i don’t really know how i feel abt this chapter. but also i don’t really see myself as a good writer when it comes to like written things like this but i really want to get better because i want to open requests soon when i get the time.
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jamkookies · 5 years
° Bon Voyage °
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• Part VIII •
"No you don't."
"You felt the need to say that because I've been taking care of you, that's all."
He gives you an incredulous look, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that you feel bad for me and you said that so I could feel better," you say.
He grips you by the the straps of your tank top and pulls you to him.
"Do you really think I would do that? Take pity on you? Is that what you're saying?!" he growls into your face.
You're taken aback by his sudden outburst. He looks angry, but his fingers are gentle and the proximity of his face to yours is anything but hostile.
His eyes keep staring at your lips.
"I've felt like this for five god damn years, but you're just too stupid to notice anything."
Jungkook's breath tickles your face as he struggles to get the words out of him.
"I love everything about you - the way you look, the way you act, the way you you scrunch your nose when you're reading, the way you tend to put other people's needs before your own.."
His expression softens a little and his hands abandon your shirt to cradle your face.
"I love you, Y/N and nothing can change that."
Your vision turns blurry because of the tears threatening to spill.
Your lips quiver and you're just about to say something back, when a rustle of leaves makes you both freeze.
At the edge of the hollow, a man's feet appear.
You and Jungkook flatten against the wall, him protectively shoving you against his back, even with his injury.
The man's feet are illuminated by the moonlight, roaming around the entrance of the hollow, but making no attempt to get in.
He hadn't seen you.
You hold your breath, terrified to let out even the slightest sound.
The wet leaves under his feet crunch every time he makes a step and it feels like a clock ticking closer and closer to your doom.
Another pair of feet join him.
"Did you find anything?"
"No. But they can't have gone far. Not with that injured leg of his."
"If Jungkookie dies, I will kill you."
The man chuckles.
"You're in no condition to threaten anyone. I could shoot you in the head right here and no one would ever know."
"But you won't," the girl says." You need me to get your money."
"For now."
"For now," she echoes.
They both pivot and walk away in opposite directions.
You can hear the steps getting further and further, till the sound gets lost in the breeze.
The rain had stopped for some time, you notice.
"That was close," Jungkook whispers.
You wanna say something.
You wanna scream to the world that you love him so much to the point where it hurts.
But you don't.
The words get clogged up in your throat.
So you just put your arms around his torso and give him a back-hug.
Leaning your head onto his back, you can feel the vibrations reverberating through his whole body when he speaks in a low voice.
"Aren't you gonna say anything?"
You just squeeze him tighter.
"That's more than enough, then." he says.
He puts his hands on top of yours and starts making circles with his thumbs.
You just stay like that, in silence, enjoying the company of each other's arms.
* * *
He'd fallen asleep.
The exhaustion must have finally gotten to him, you think to yourself, as you feel his weight on your front body.
He hadn't removed your hands from his torso, hadn't even moved an inch, but just let himself relax till the tiredness had eventually knocked him out.
You scoot back and let his head drop onto your lap.
His longish hair falls into his eyes and you move them out of the way.
You trace his face with your fingers, lingering on every edge.
He was beautiful.
His eyes shoot open.
"Like what you see?" he says.
You huff a laugh and your shoulders shake with the action.
"I do, actually." you answer.
He grins immediately.
"What exactly do you like the most about me?"
You are about to give him a sassy comeback, but you give up halfway.
He looks a little taken aback, but continues nonetheless.
"What about physical features?"
"I like your scar." you say and your fingers immediately find the flaw on his left cheekbone.
That small imperfection was what made him perfect.
"Wait, you actually like that?"
You nod vigorously.
"What else do you like?"
He was really enjoying this.
"You have a nice... umm..physique."
His eyes narrow at your words.
"Be more specific."
"Oh for heaven's sake, you have nice thighs, god damn it! There, I said it!" You shout in a whisper.
His smile goes on full-bloom.
"No funny comments, no snarky comebacks... Wow, there really is something going on here."
"You look pleased as hell."
"I like to be appreciated."
"You literally have millions of fans doing that every single day."
"But I wanted to hear it from you, though."
You look at him pointedly for a while, then release a deep sigh.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll stop." he says quickly and lowers your hands to his lips to kiss them.
Oh goodness.
He was just making it worse.
Goosebumps flare all over your body and it's the best you can do not to shiver.
"I should check your wound." you say with a forced air of nonchalance.
"Jumping right into the good stuff, aren't we?"
You tug at a string of his jet-black hair.
"Ow, ow.. sorry, sorry." he whines.
Your hands reach for his thigh, untying the strip of cloth with delicate hands.
This is not good.
It had started to get swollen, its corners red and puffy. If you didn't clean it fast, the infection would spread even more.
"I'm gonna go get some water." you say, already rising to your feet.
"With those guys wandering around the forest? Absolutely not."
"Your wound is infected. I have to clean it."
"It's too dangerous."
"You're gonna lose your leg."
"Better than losing you."
Your words falter in between your lips.
He grips your calf and looks at you behind his see-through bangs, doe eyes begging.
You had to go. You couldn't just leave him in this condition.
"Please." he adds.
You release a long sigh and get down to your knees, his eyes never leaving yours.
"We should get some sleep." you whisper. " We're leaving at dawn."
He offers you a bunny smile and envelopes you into his arms. You put your hair on his chest and just lay down together, savoring the warmth of each other's presence.
* * *
Eight minutes.
You had been counting non-stop, waiting for the sound of his steady breathing, the signal for you to do what you had to do.
You had to make sure he was really asleep before you left.
He was never gonna forgive you for it.
You knew that very well and you still proceeded to detach his hands from your arms, being extremely careful not to wake him up.
Thank God for his habit of sleeping like a log.
Soundlessly rising to your feet, you tip-toe your way out of the hollow. The ground is wet, the constant dripping of the water from the branches soaking it thoroughly.
First, you had to find something to fill up the water.
You scan the trees and bushes, looking for any decent-looking leaves.
A few feet from you a shrub is in full bloom, its green, wide leaves hanging around it like a crown.
You pluck off a couple, careful not to rip them apart.
Wrapping them into a half sphere, you put them under a dripping branch and wait for it to fill up.
This was gonna take a while.
And the constant thoughts about having to let Jungkook on his own, unprotected, didn't make it any easier for you.
You prayed for him to be safe, prayed they wouldn't find him.
Drip drip drip.
The anxiety threatened to swallow you whole, all kinds of thoughts jumbled into your head in a disarray.
You look at your improvised bowl and notice that it's filled to the brim.You bend down to pick it up but the eyes staring at you in the reflection of the water make your breath hitch in your throat.
Then, something hard smashes into your skull, rendering you unconscious.
* * *
You open your eyes to semi darkness, dawn ready to spill its light on the top of the trees.
Your head pounds harder than the last time you got drunk with the boys.
The things you would give to go back in time...
There's none of that now.
Nothing except for the feeling of exhaustion weighing down your lids, your body an utter wreck.
There's a wetness at the back of your head. The feeling of something trickling down.
You know it's blood.
The terrible ache on your head was proof enough.
You look down at your body and almost scream at the sight.
They've tied you up against a tree, the rope digging into your wrists.
"Finally up, I see." you hear a voice nearby.
You turn your head from side to side, trying to locate its source.
The man is sitting on the ground, grinning at you like a psychopath.
"You know, she told me to kill you." he continues. "Get rid of you as fast as possible. But I didn't. I figured out I could easily sell you to the highest bidder with just a phone call. That Jungkook guy isn't the only famous one here."
You give him a look of disgust.
He keeps talking, unbothered by your indifferent behavior and gets in front of your face.
"So what I'm gonna do now is go get the car by the side of the road and then we'll go on a little trip, right sunshine?"
You spit into his face.
He flinches, hands reaching to wipe it off.
Then he slaps you so hard across the cheek, you see stars.
It stings like hell but you refuse to let out a sound, letting the anger build up inside of you instead.
He stands on his feet then storms off.
You'd never wanted to kill someone so badly. However the feeling of enragement gets replaced by raw panic.
What had happened to Jungkook?
Was he alright?
You hoped he was still asleep, safe from the clutches of these maniacs.
"You called?" a voice is heard behind your back.
Two hands reach for the knot, trying to undo it.
Then Jungkook appears in front of you, sweat clinging to his forehead and a limp on his leg.
But he was okay.
He was safe.
You jump into his arms, squeezing him as hard as you can.
He does the same, pain and exhaustion all but forgotten.
"I'm so sorry." you say, voice muffled by his chest. " I didn't want to leave you alone but I had to."
"It's alright." he whispers. "I'm fine."
You breathe him in, letting his scent calm your nerves for just a second.
"We still have to go. He will be back soon."
You nod and grab his hand.
Ignoring the throbbing pain on your head, you sling his arm across your shoulder, letting yourself bear his weight.
"I'm alright, don't worry." he says and retreats his arm back.
You both sprint into a run and you know the pain on his thigh is killing him, but there's nothing you can do.
There's no plan.
You just run for your lives.
"Faster!" he gasps when he hears steps behind you.
It's the girl.
She has a gun in her hands.
You speed off, dragging Jungkook with you.
This was not gonna end well.
You had been caught up in between two fires. It was just a matter of time before you both got captured again.
The trees start to get rarer and rarer until a flowing creek appears in front of you.
It does not have a smooth flow.
The stream rushes fast and the rocks create whorls at every corner.
You don't stop.
It is now or never.
"Jungkook, I -
A shot rings in your ears and a terrible pain blooms on your shoulder.
The words don't make it out of your lips.
He doesn't let go of your hand and you fall into the water, dragging him with you.
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Gen 4 Ideas
Junie B Jones: Alright so golden boy lucked out in all the ways the others didn't, is he a dick with it or a good egg? Embert: In my head, he's always been not a dick about it but obviously in relating to his sibs/fam, there's only so much he could do when Indie's resentment is already real so maybe her kids wouldn't fuck with him by the side of the story they've been told? Junie B Jones: ooh that's a good idea Embert: Astrid would've been mad as a kid but now they could be pretty close, obvs there's still the age gap and obvious reasons why not besties but I think they'd get on Junie B Jones: Yeah I vibe that she'd love him and like wanna look after him even though it'd lowkey be him looking after her more Embert: Exactly Embert: his mum, in my head is about early- mid 30s to Drew's 47 when he's born, as you say not much older than Indie but not like a bimbo 20 something and she's always been really mothering, like everything Ro ain't tbh so Callum is probably spoilt by her but not in a financial way like some but with love Junie B Jones: Indie would not fuck with her obvs but Astrid would so that adds to their closeness Embert: Exactly, like its too late for Indie literally she's having her own kids at the same time so she doesn't need a mum now and I reckon the woman would respect that, she's a good egg, like she knows Drew has been shit and ain't gonna make apologies for it, ahem, Ro, ahem Junie B Jones: I like the sound of her tbh soz we killing your son Embert: Maybe she should have kids from a previous? Because if he's her only son like I'm so sorry lol Junie B Jones: Yasss I love that because more interactions we can do Junie B Jones: [potentially one of Indie's sons get with I assume they are straight? Callum's half sisters even if it's not like a lasting ship should defs happen] Embert: Perhaps this mum goes for like bad eggs so this sister was old enough to remember like however many partners before Drew so then when she gets with him and he's clearly him she's like nah and makes his life difficult 'cos don't wanna do it again Embert: [If she's 5/6 when Callum that makes her 7/8 years older than Dash] Junie B Jones: [early 20s sudden death situ] Junie B Jones: he should have a boyfriend/girlfriend whatever when he dies who's also lowkey part of the fam cos then it's awks like do I stay or go Embert: ooh that's a good idea Embert: he's probably straight but maybe we could do bi so he's a less annoying example of a gay than most we've done whoops Junie B Jones: a mood Embert: so a girlfriend who is really close to his fam Junie B Jones: and really pretty damn Embert: he probably has a job I think, I can't see him being super academic Embert: maybe something like an estate agent or in a bank, a job where you show up and wear a suit Junie B Jones: his girlfriend could work there too cos that couple Junie B Jones: so when he dies she's not gonna wanna go back there either Embert: what fun Embert: but real Embert: they're just pretty and living their best life but in a chill way Junie B Jones: we all know the vibe Embert: Cosmo, same age as Callum, Indie's 1st Embert: so in my head the dad always plays football with them both and without intending to be pushy, does push him into that field, clearly Dash weren't as good/arsed whatever so it kinda all ends up on him because say he does get into an academy/on a junior team Embert: so then that becomes his life, training and matches and all that intenseness that comes with Embert: not to mention lad lifestyle, getting with WAG type girls, always going out partying, you know the vibe Junie B Jones: whereas Dash be like nah this ain't fun anymore I'm out Junie B Jones: cos I don't think he sticks with anything Embert: what if, their dad gets injured Embert: or tbh, is too lowkey old 'cos they put them out to pasture real quick Embert: I think by the time they're 19/17 when we start it, he'd already be too old to be a professional himself, so he could be a coach, hence he'd be even more pushy 'cos he could be on a professional team by now, they're ridiculously young like Junie B Jones: yeah it's usually like 30s at the latest isn't it unless you're like famous af which we ain't going that hard Embert: exactly, so without intending to its like, take on your dad's legacy Embert: 'cos in my mind he isn't naturally inclined to be like a ladladlad and is just doing it to be the full-package Junie B Jones: poor boy, again we all know the vibe Embert: 21st bday breakdown Embert: I think the zoe kravitz girl should still exist in some way, obviously not the way before Embert: because she's so anti-wag and clearly what he's actually into Junie B Jones: we could stay that Dash fucked her and that's how they cross paths if we want Junie B Jones: but he's clearly not interested and they are into each other Embert: it has potential to be different from other ships we've done 'cos he'd be tryna keep her on the dl which is shady but not just being an out and out dick Embert: like, I like you but no one can know don't ask why Junie B Jones: I agree, it'd be really interesting Embert: 'cos from her POV, casual headfuck Embert: used to boys being like Dash and just being like bye but not like showing you they like you then blanking you Junie B Jones: exactly dr phil I'm invested already tbh Junie B Jones: I also imagine Dash hanging at the commune so there's potential for lots of different dynamics there and he could be there when the fire too if we want/need but obvs not hurt or anything Junie B Jones: I'm also lowkey debating having Jules from Euphoria as one of his many love interests cos like her face and we've never done trans but it'd be a good way without it being someone's whole identity Embert: OH Embert: this is a tangent based on that thought which I also feel btw Embert: but Astrid's face is like bffs with the Kat face from Euphoria irl, so I'm thinking what if that's her gf and she's the one with an eating disorder, bulimia vibes, and then 'cos Astrid is her she's like okay you must be right Imma support you in this and accidentally enables her/joins in too Junie B Jones: YAAS I WAS GONNA SAY I WANNA USE HER FACE TOO BECAUSE SHE'S BEAUTIFUL BUT I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE/HOW Junie B Jones: this makes so much sense Embert: exactly, with Ro as a mum she wouldn't even question it, like oh yeah I guess you are fat you probably should, even though she'd think she's so pretty and perfect Junie B Jones: Boo you are so smart Embert: also, when we killing Ro, by this point she's like 54 Embert: okay, so Ro is 34/35 when Astrid is born so if we kill her off when she's 9 that would make Ro 43, so 2044, so when we're doing Astrid's story at 19, its about 10 years ago Junie B Jones: I like that cos it's not raw for these characters Junie B Jones: we're actually gonna let you recover though ladies, fuck you ghost Ro Embert: Seriously, like I don't want it to be full-blown its more of a deep insecurity thing but one she can get past Junie B Jones: 100% feel that Junie B Jones: [so yeah like I said just gonna write this down so we don't forget the Jules girl lives at the commune and probably has done for quite a few years by the time the fire happens so then she's got nowhere to go and goes to stay with Dash cos step up for someone dickhead and they are either otp or brotp to be decided] Junie B Jones: because I think he wouldn't be as supportive as he should be to Cosmo's whole breakdown in the sort of ableist vein of oh well you overreacted Embert: it fits, 'cos in my head its a very Nick and Matty vibe where they don't acknowledge each other Embert: like the whole 'how is that your brother' moment from his footie friends and being like yeah I know Junie B Jones: same tbh cos Dash's friends would be like damn your bro is uptight Embert: exactly so they aren't close anyway Junie B Jones: and never are [evil laugh] Embert: soz Indie Junie B Jones: not your fault babe they are just too different it happens Embert: although part of the breakdown is obvious resentment that he's just allowed to be a fuckup and he feels like he has to do all this shit and be perfect so Embert: that kinda does need to be acknowledged if we're going recovery Junie B Jones: family therapy time Embert: 'cos like if Dash just continues to be him and shit it'll come to brawl even if he has to stop being this footballer moment and do what he wants, its still about how its all come down on him, you know Junie B Jones: they totally should have a fight cos what a moment Embert: yeah, like it either fixes or breaks totally, I don't think they can just be meh Junie B Jones: agreed Junie B Jones: maybe we could do like a Joe mood of him distancing himself from the whole fam but then ultimately a more healthy resolution for everyone Embert: We could work that Junie B Jones: and obvs him ultimately getting with his gf and figuring out what he wants to do with his life and all that jazz Embert: exactly dr phil Junie B Jones: and Dash can work out what he cares about whatever the hell that turns out to be Embert: Jac is born 48, (year after Callum and Cosmo and same year as Ollie's girl, Mila) Jude is 49, as is Lily's 1st boy Adi and dash, Jameson is 51, same year as Lily's girl Priya, a year after Ollie's boy Ash, Iggy's 1st Arlo, Diego's kid Tayo and Bobby's teen pregnancy girl Cammie Embert: My characters, Callum, Cosmo, Mila, Jac, Adi, Jameson Embert: My boos, Dash, Jude, Priya, Ash, Arlo, Tayo & Cammie Embert: Potentials, Jac, Jameson and Cammie, would've been raised together, essentially Embert: Jimmy is a photographer for advertising, Bobby a graphic designer for same and Janis as a massage therapist moment Embert: Cammie has 2 younger brothers born 60 and 62 so they exist but we aren't playing Junie B Jones: lots of dogs please Embert: all the dogs lmao Embert: so my initial vibe for Jac is that she's like JJ in the sense she's quite grumpy and anti-social 'cos it suits her face but also with a more shy but not shy if you know what I mean vibe, 'cos they're both quite self-assured and I don't see that for her, I potentially see Jude having that element though? Junie B Jones: I agree, like I don't wanna shamelessly Miley but I defs see her as being that self assured kid Embert: the most out of anyway Embert: Jameson should be their nerdy side because the Cammie face has a very Cara silly side when you peep her socials so that could be those two Junie B Jones: Cute cos he looks like such a bad boy but he's actually a babe Embert: I know we said this for Adonis so either need to change it to him or not go as hard but what if he gets a gf that's like really jealous and doesn't let him hang with Cammie 'cos she's a girl even though they're like siblings and have been besties long before you came Embert: and like she could try and change his personality like be really unimpressed and like 'you're embarrassing me' if he tries to be a cute nerd Junie B Jones: I love that because always such a thing like boys and girls can't be friends like bitch we're related calm down we're not incesting again Junie B Jones: like she thought he was such a badass or whatever soz hun Embert: yeah like the mood of, you're fit so i'll just make you what I want you to be Embert: and she could be a real cunt to Cammie in sly bitchy ways 'cos clearly the mood and that's a throwback to how Mia and co treated Janis without us like putting this fam through too much trauma, you know? Embert: esp if Cammie is less like Janis and Cass in a way she's not like, fuck you, I'll just deck you Junie B Jones: I fuck with this heavily Embert: and obviously, it can be resolved in the end, he can get rid and they can be friends again, so I feel its a good level of angst and drama for them both, 'cos it is serious but not like, well there's nothing to be done, vibes Junie B Jones: and we can potentially ramp up the angst when things are at their worst cos maybe Cammie's mum gets a new job and she's like come live with me in wherever (not far but like far enough she would've been like no cos close to them all and not wanting to change schools) but she's like maybe I shall but then of course won't cos it's like the peppa pig when her mum don't get the job and gets mugged off Junie B Jones: but they all think she's going and it's like noooo Embert: are Bobby and this mum still together, like is she the boys mum too? Embert: but yes, I fuck with that Junie B Jones: In my head they would've been together for ages so it depends how far back we go into their childhood/teens but maybe she isn't the mum to the boys Embert: Okay just so we know Junie B Jones: but they always on good terms we don't need that drama again Embert: yeah I feel you, and she's chill with the boys mum, 'cos she's only 10 when the first one is born so she's been around since then? Junie B Jones: Yeah exactly Junie B Jones: We can potentially give her more younger sibs on the mums side if we want but they'd also only be ref-ed Embert: defs plausible Junie B Jones: Like let's say they broke up when Cammie's like 7 so it's all chill on both sides Embert: I vibe Junie B Jones: she could totally spend half the week at her mum's house and half at her dad's but same school cos nearby so again no drama Embert: that makes sense like its all in the area 'til she wanna pull a suzy sheep Junie B Jones: hahaha yeah Embert: so that's a start for those two Junie B Jones: I really like that Junie B Jones: it's just what we wanna do with the girls Embert: I was thinking Embert: and I'm just speaking it out now Embert: we've done people being shunned out of their friendship group/being the bullied Embert: but what if we do someone being the sort of ringleader of the shunning Embert: I'm vibing like you know that story we listened to/all teen girl murder stories, like Jac has a friend that she's really too close with (Grace and Mia vibes) and we show them like ditching a third Embert: maybe something happens, not murder but like you know, an action serious enough that she's like I need to sort my shit/we can redeem in the end Embert: but she's the Mia, not the Grace, you feel me, like its her pushing it Junie B Jones: Oh snap I never even thought of that but we haven't actually that's such a good point even if Janis would be so triggered by the ghost of Mia lol Junie B Jones: Like yeah there could totally be some kind of accident like how baby Ali and Ro but she's not a child Junie B Jones: I also like it cos Jude is the louder one so you'd think it'd be her but it's the quiet ones you've gotta watch Junie B Jones: and it's a nice contrast to how Cammie and Jameson are literally being bullied so Junie B Jones: maybe we should have jude as like more of a background character then? cos don't want too much drama in one fam unless it's as big as Cali's Embert: Yeah she can be more chill, like a Tommy vibe, like we use her but only when we need lowkey Junie B Jones: Yeah like obvs I'll still try and flesh her out into a character and who knows what could happen like we could think of a cool ship or whatever but Junie B Jones: it makes sense as of now Embert: agreed Embert: like obvs this twosome vibe has a lesbian one 'cos always do but I maintain she shouldn't ever like get with her it should just be friends that are too obsessed with each other, regardless of what's behind it Embert: like maybe the other girl is closeted or whatever but it ain't happening lol Junie B Jones: I agree she gives me straight vibes Embert: plus it would be easy to make her gay 'cos everyone does ala Lily Junie B Jones: not doing it on principle Junie B Jones: they all seem straight to me in this group Embert: I think so Embert: 'cos like you said, you don't wanna make Miley Junie B Jones: it would be so easy to make her a musician but I must not Junie B Jones: I might make her a tattoo artist though professionally cos Ali and Iggy both dabbled but it was never a thing Embert: That's a good idea, she fits that well Embert: okay so my random idea, which we could attach to anyone really but let's see who we vibe Embert: we did a teacher crush, what if we did a crush on a friend's parent Embert: so Arlo having a crush on a commune mum and thinking he can go there 'cos why not and then the shitstorm that can ensue from that Junie B Jones: such a good idea Junie B Jones: like maybe his friend is a girl so peeps be like aw he likes you he's trying to get your mum on side Embert: yas again, always a thing like maybe he's just lowkey using you soz babe Junie B Jones: and maybe the friend actually fancies him secretly even though they 'just friends' so it's awks af Embert: yeah and if Barley's boyf is with this fam and they leave Embert: she could be the one (or one of the ones) like I said that wants to be normal and already hates living here so its like well you took the one thing Embert: 'cos we said dating within the commune for the kids wouldn't be encouraged obvs 'cos one big family, so the fact she was was already like no no missy Embert: then we said about her not acknowledging the other mum/the two kids that are from that woman as family and just generally fucking with your hippie paradise 'cos its coming to and end lads Junie B Jones: 10000% and she could still be sneaky seeing him long distance behind their backs/ get back with him after the fire when they have to leave themselves/both if long distance is too hard Embert: I vibe with this 'voice of reason' character for you Embert: like no wonder he fucked up you can't give us 'no rules' but then have all these unspoken ones that contradict how you wanna live like, loads of this hippie bullshit is so hypocritical read 'em tbh Junie B Jones: it makes sense cos Arlo as the oldest buys in totally and then the two kids she don't fuck with come after her in quick succession so it's logical Embert: exactly, and then Shea is her biological sister and the baby so she don't know nothing about nothing Junie B Jones: Okay so Echo is like a Naomi vibe v passionate and studious and does not fuck with commune life etc Junie B Jones: wants to be some kind of researcher/ lecturer kind of vibe in like philosophy but a nihilist not hippie bullshit Junie B Jones: Arlo and Dash should be friends I say even though I play them both but just acknowledged Embert: I thought the same Embert: Dash would probs encourage him with this crush lbr like thanks Junie B Jones: I was just gonna say that cos he's always getting with older girls and generally being a hoe Embert: Exactly Embert: right, so circling back a lil, we can do Cass' Embert: what do you reckon her relationship status is and her career Junie B Jones: her career should be like we said she's set up a charity organisation to look for missing people Junie B Jones: she should still be with her man cos everyone's breaking up looking at you bobert Junie B Jones: maybe their marriage is lowkey a bit dead though and its a stay together til the kids move out mood cos we've never Embert: I vibe, 'cos casually triggering Jimmy but not in an OTT way just like well that's sad Junie B Jones: yeah like neither of them would cheat or be violent or any of that Ian shit but they obvs not in love anymore Embert: its a good way to do it 'cos idc what you say the kids always know and obvs we're unlikely to ever do that in a ship 'cos if they make it to adulthood they're OTP and teens don't stick together just 'cos like lol Junie B Jones: exactly my thought and like she would wanna hold it together and think that she was doing it well cos of Ian like Embert: exactly like it is sad but when that's your standard you would think you were slaying it Embert: like the positive she can see with JJ she might just think that's one-off and she can't have that 'cos obvs around the time she has the boys, Bobby's first has fallen apart Junie B Jones: and because JJ are such a good couple you wouldn't wanna be like my relationship has failed bye Embert: samesies babe lol Junie B Jones: ooh and maybe they aren't married so if one of them leaves the other gets fuck all Embert: which assumedly, is her because as much as you do get salary for charity work, if its a smaller one, she wouldn't be bringing in the bulk so the mortgage could be in his name Embert: so she'd be in the position of moving out into a one bed flat, two if she was lucky so the boys could at least come see her, it happens that way a lot Junie B Jones: precisely what I was thinking Junie B Jones: it's sad but real Embert: idea though, although this is suddenly just becoming about Cass not her kids lmao, what if her lil boyfriend from back in the day was Tylers face and then they can reconnect later but its actually a positive and not drow Junie B Jones: He was and they should cos I'm screaming Embert: again, he can bring kids into the mix for faces and stories should we wanna Embert: but it'd be a nice way to take a situ that is sad and shit for her, and for her boys to see, and then have a happy but realistic ending like yeah you do need to leave your man but you can be happy and it'll be alright Junie B Jones: I love it Embert: Alex having anger issues like Cass did and also due to the home situ as mentioned, Max, as the older brother trying to hold it down in a very Jimothy way and not causing more trouble as he sees it Embert: Alex ending up in young offenders but actually turning it around/ending up okay too Junie B Jones: and there's potential for characters he could interact with when he's in there, before and after Junie B Jones: like remember on DG when Electra was in that gang and then the bitch came back around like Embert: yes I do FAT mood Embert: also Max should get help too 'cos it ain't just the one that causes trouble that needs it and its nice full circle for that fam to have that Embert: but my idea, could be related to Alex but I think is big enough we could give this to another character entirely Embert: you remember on this is england when combo turned it around and he saved lol and he was working with the young people and making a difference but then milky set his fam on him for what he did to him when he was a racist and was like you have to pay and he was like okay Embert: what if something like that happened like, Alex DID hurt someone, or like I said, another character did, and did do something bad Embert: but then turned it around but sometimes you do for yourself but you still have to pay and the person you wronged could call that at any moment and you just being good now isn't good enough for them Junie B Jones: OKAY YES because what if another character is doing that shit with Alex but don't get caught and so they carry on and escalate and yeah they do hurt someone and yeah it's like that Embert: what about Israel 'cos he's the same age Embert: and it can be another sins of the father moment, 'cos Pablo is a dick especially to women like he's 34 when he has his one child 'cos he's still being a fuckboy very Drew Embert: so he is not a good role model in anyway Junie B Jones: and like we said that'd make sense like if he started out stealing and shit because Pablo's debts and being bankrupt but he wants nice things like it all ties in he has his own motivations Embert: right, fully Embert: maybe he ends up doing something to a girl, like something Pablo would never but shows how your kids see you isn't how you see yourself if you often show a bad side of you to the world Embert: 'cos then the girls family/friends/boyfriend anything could come for him and its like, fair Junie B Jones: OMG THO that's so legit Embert: 'cos we said an assault moment 'cos that's something that's indefensible Embert: like stealing and drugs and what have you, its scummy but you see why, like we all get why Tess has to deal etc Junie B Jones: we have to Embert: so if we want a family death, that could be one, again, leaves you conflicted Embert: 'cos no one obvs wants him to die but then he did do a bad thing so you can't blame her family fully Junie B Jones: yeah instead of killing of fam in the fire we could kill him instead that's so much more interesting Embert: *** in said commune fire, Dash gets burnt, severely, face/neck area, and changes his life 'cos people change around you, you can't rely on your looks and you aren't gonna just sit around and get stoned when you nearly die, Jules can and will still fuck with him Embert: Zelda having Crohns or UC and having a stoma and meeting someone brotp or otp at a support group/hospital moment, dealing with people being shady/saying you aren't disabled etc all those fun times and then the person dying and losing that understanding you only get from someone who also has the thing you have Embert: ALSO I've had another idea whilst we're just spitballing Junie B Jones: Me too because we mentioned Tayo and like yeah I've said about K-stew being a carer to her mum but we could do some of that too in a different way like maybe unlike her he really doesn't wanna be/is scared of having to cope alone with his mum's fits and shit like Embert: I'm so about that Embert: 'cos so many kids have to and its really hard and thankless, so he 100% needs a confidant whether its within the fam or a friend or OTP moment Junie B Jones: like maybe he doesn't ever wanna be alone with her now in case and it's like putting a strain on their whole relationship obvs Embert: 'cos Diego has his own things like he gotta work etc he's not like a replacement carer Junie B Jones: yeah like he'd do a lot of course but he also works a lot Embert: so Adi because his mum also has a disability like it isn't the same but he'd get it enough to not be totally clueless and annoying Junie B Jones: yeah and they can have fun together it'd be cute Embert: Wid it Embert: so my idea, completely unrelated but I was thinking we need to give someone an addiction issue but someone who gets over it and is within the fam 'cos like Joe and Ronnie do but you know they're still like, fucked and not here lowkey so Embert: I was like hmm who can I and then I was like, it NEEDS to be a ruster child Embert: because its canon that Fraze drinks too much and doesn't address it and Buster is v similar Embert: so yeah genetic and also if it was drink, they'd not take it serious just like oh slow down a bit but you're fine but then it affects the kid in the ways it didn't affect them like not functioning and not going to work etc so they have to take it serious Embert: also think it should be one of the girls 'cos double standard of being like a lad Embert: is going to be Sekhmet, okay Junie B Jones: because the twins and their younger sister could all be lowkey party girls because rich so they'd all have to deal with the change in their social lives and behaviour Junie B Jones: since she'd need to not drink ever again let's assume Junie B Jones: we know the whole fam is about that party and entertaining life Embert: exactly so like, they're all gonna be put out like really, just don't go as hard and ruin it for yourself and us Embert: hence it can get to a problematic stage like they just think she's being a typical teen/20-something 'cos it is socially acceptable to binge and be a mess like ok Embert: my vibe is she's in uni but also has an internship that she royally fucks up 'cos she can't get in on time and then maybe there's like a work dinner like on can't cope won't cope and she is wrecked and embarrasses herself and the boss is like goodbye 'cos no one fails in this fam its not an option and if you do its all on you so Junie B Jones: and maybe one of her sister's is a DJ cos literally a lifestyle and they'll have to be like excuse me while I go straight edge to support my sister Embert: I can see that for her twin Embert: my idea for her is fashion but actually designing and buying and the business side of it, not like, imma just model 'cos I'm pretty, no shade Junie B Jones: Yeah the aesthetic feels real for both of those tbh Junie B Jones: Their sister is a holiday rep so loads of travel loads of club promo etc Embert: Jay is a PT, mommy issues for commitment etc, travels a lot, ultimately will get over commitment phobia; is 6 when Chloe admits Buster is her dad (as Ruster was outed around the time she was born, Chloe denied it and went with James, James goes uni and finds someone else so that being over etc can prompt her to change her mind) and allows access, at 11, moves in with Ruster for good (Chloe has new man and babies what have you so allows it without argument which also fucks her up duh) Saint is 8, King is 6, Venus is 5, Adonis is 4, the twins are 2 and Nefertari is 1 Embert: so when all the Venus drama is unfolding, surprise you have a child too Buster lol, Saint is 3, King is 1, Venus is baby Embert: so Saint Embert: firstborn son, their first child too which is relevant 'cos both Jay and Venus would get doubly spoiled either side of him for not being Embert: so then he'd probably get spoiled too 'cos just a mess of a time really Embert: like he can't not be a bit of a prick really 'cos he can do no wrong and no offense to the other two boys but he's the most masc and conventionally 'perfect' so that's obvs going to your head too Embert: okay so mood, Leilani is 15 when her mum (works with Grace, close) dies in 2053 and Grace, 30, takes her in so she doesn't have to do a care moment or be homeless and struggling alone Embert: is friends with Stevie from joining this fam, can also know Janis' kids before this even but is 6/7/8 years older than them so knows them more in a protective capacity than a friend vibe Embert: comes in Saint who is 3 years older, thinks he's god's gift, tries to sleep with her just 'cos lbr and when he gets a no his world is shooketh 'cos no one tells him no for all the reasons Embert: can end up friends when he's humbled etc Junie B Jones: oh but maybe King is little and really fierce like 🥊 Junie B Jones: don't be underestimating him so hard dickheads Junie B Jones: he should be the angry one lol Embert: you would be if people treated you like that so I buy it Junie B Jones: all of y'all stop being extra and let him live Embert: and no one takes your anger seriously if you can't do anything about it so again, real Junie B Jones: so rude Embert: Next up is Venus good lord Junie B Jones: we know what the story is, her dad only cares when she's little and cute and lives in Paris anyway pretending he's still in his 20s forever instead of a grown ass man Junie B Jones: would obvs be proud when she's gay though even though can't relate to anything about the female form cos that kind of gay Junie B Jones: like Saint she thinks she's gods gift but unlike him how are we backing that up hun cos unlike him you aren't talented at anything you're just pretentious Junie B Jones: like okay you're beautiful but JESUS you know it and can't take any criticism again like Saint but you're never getting humbled Junie B Jones: instead you're getting a gf who looks like you and probably a fine arts degree pop off sis Junie B Jones: only wanna be part of the fam when it suits you which is when you're getting spoilt Embert: but I think we don't have to redeem her 'cos like, its not a fixable situ so you just get to be a shit person 'cos you got fucked over and that is everyone's bad Embert: like they can't take it back, even though you could also blame your father 'cos he's more at fault than anyone else 'cos he should've never but you do you girl Junie B Jones: yeah and not everyone gets redeemed even when they can be so it's real Embert: that said, I think she should have a teen gf that looks like her as we said but then she realizes she can't hack any situ where she potentially might not be the 'prettiest' so she then only dates butches Embert: or androgenous artsy types but no femmes Junie B Jones: I feel that for her Embert: like she literally should be in love with this girl as much as she's capable but dump her 'cos clearly your insecurities are so deep-rooted Embert: then just be with people you lowkey don't even fancy Embert: 'cos then we could play that out, the girl just like what the fuck Junie B Jones: oh honey Embert: we all know hoes that sabotage themselves always and then blame the world Embert: which starts by picking to be on her dad's 'side' even though everyone can see he's most at fault, even you Junie B Jones: bitch #past me I am triggered by this Embert: like a lot of her stuff I feel like we just know at this point so it might not be all here 'cos its well developed within gen 3 Embert: we know that her and Jay just would not get on, mainly 'cos they aren't alike but do you wanna come at it from her POV and then I will Venus' Junie B Jones: I think the way she sees it is like she is so team ruster like she'd refer to Rio as her mum and shit cos Chloe is not the one and so she would not fuck with how Venus treats the fam and doesn't wanna be part of it but is still happy to benefit from it Junie B Jones: And how quick she is to call peeps racist or fatphobic or whatever else would not ever help the situ of course like bitch I'm trying to talk to you Junie B Jones: But also there's some similarities whether they acknowledge them or not in them both not being able to hack relationships that makes it interesting as another reason to avoid talking to/ acknowledging each other seriously Junie B Jones: like she'd so pretend Chloe doesn't exist if someone mentioned her mum she'd be all oh you mean Rio lol lol lol Embert: 100000% all of that Embert: also another reason you cannot fuck with each other, casually never shutting up about your dad Embert: okay, so from her POV I vibe it that as a kid she literally just wanted all the attention and 'til the twins which is when she's 3 so (literally so petty you can't remember) its like I should've been the only girl and you came and took my attention lmao Junie B Jones: Oh god she'd be such an annoying child though Embert: then as they get older and she doesn't want to be part of the fam she'd think its unfair (as if Jay can help it lol) that Jay is obviously not Rio's 'cos she's white whereas she fits Embert: its the anti-Edie of it all Embert: like I fit and I wish I didn't Embert: basically she doesn't wanna be here but she's not a runaway type or willing to not live lavish so she ain't leaving Embert: she needs her dad to take her in but he's said no so like, you'll have to make it happen yourself but how Junie B Jones: sad but true Embert: and you can only feel so bad 'cos she whines like she's dying in all situations but like Embert: it ain't that bad and there's plenty you could do about your situation so Junie B Jones: Grace of this gen I've said it before baby Embert: oh honey Embert: makes you barren to humble is not an option 'cos you wouldn't want kids Embert: the tea of it all like you wanna live like your dad but he had a kid and shouldn't be so pick a better role model tah Junie B Jones: literally this fam is so big you're surrounded by potential worthwhile role models girl Embert: honestly she'll never be satisfied she's that hoe in a very Ro way like my god do something about it but she won't Embert: casually making it your life's work to make everything harder than it needs to just be miserable because something happened to you when you were a baby (again, so Ro) that you couldn't control Junie B Jones: all y'all frustrate me like I wasn't that bitch #tea Embert: loads of peeps are never happy though or are but then lose it so or fuck it up, we gave Ro a kid as a chance and I think Venus should actually love this girl/ she should be good for her in a way that makes her feel #seen hence she has to end it too Junie B Jones: agreed and she never gets her back because sometimes you don't and you can't Embert: mhmm mhmm mhmm Embert: I don't think we need to go as in-depth on any of the other sibs, like Saint would probably tolerate her the best, as mentioned she'd patronize King 'cos just that bitch without it being intentional 'cos self-absorbed, Adonis would do his best to ignore her and she wouldn't fuck with any of the girls 'cos she can't with girls so Junie B Jones: agreed on the legitness of all that Junie B Jones: Oh maybe Xander could be a hypochondriac because his sister is actually ill all the time like remember on skins when Liv thought she was dying Junie B Jones: obvious idea but I'm drawing a blank otherwise like Junie B Jones: also have we ever done online dating? Junie B Jones: because my thought is maybe he's lowkey catfishing someone pretending to be like a badass when obvs not Junie B Jones: like maybe he catfishes loads of peeps as if it's a hobby Junie B Jones: but then someone could find him out Embert: that's a really good idea 'cos we haven't Junie B Jones: like potential for otp/brotp to come from that even in a slow burn way Junie B Jones: if they end up liking who he actually is or whatever Junie B Jones: despite everything that's happened Junie B Jones: oh snap what if he's using pics of one of the other boy characters and whoever he's catfishing finds that person's socials or whatever and are talking to them thinking they are a thing and the person be like um Embert: omg yes Junie B Jones: Jameson was my immediate thought cos badass look and you play him but could be Ollie's boy cos also or whoever else Junie B Jones: cos they don't need to be a you character necessarily could just refer like Embert: that ties in well though 'cos his jealous girlfriend Embert: make it a huge thing so then Xander kinda has to shame himself like that was me 'cos feels bad that he's now getting accused of cheating even though it'd be a blessing to be out of that relationship Junie B Jones: ooh true that'd be good Embert: and the other person/the catfished could have like found his socials and seen he was in a relationship/know 'cos his highkey gf and be like calling him out so less embarrassing on their end 'cos bad enough they're being catfished as is Junie B Jones: that's a really good idea Junie B Jones: even with the age gap between Xander and him I still think we can make it work cos adds to the catfish of it all Junie B Jones: even if we can't then get him with the catfished person we can always do that he's himself online in the future and blah Embert: yah Embert: wid it Embert: so Stevie Embert: Billie is 17 when she has you with another male model in NYC, you live your life with Nancy too so factor that in Embert: moving back to Dublin when you're 10 and like, maybe the dad and her have phonecalls but like, he doesn't make an appropriate amount of effort like Junie B Jones: visit her you dick Embert: and we've said that Billie as a mum is like not the best 'cos Edie only died like 3 years ago when this and she left 'cos not coping so its not like NYC fixed her or anything Embert: she'd take care of her but she'd be distant 'cos giving a shit too much fucked her up so Junie B Jones: sad but true soz Stevie babe Embert: we also said before she'd like take her to work and shenanigans that someone like Venus would think is so cool but she does not 'cos it would actually be so boring if that was your life and you had to Junie B Jones: and on any shoot there's so much sitting around even if you're the person doing it never mind for her Embert: exactly, like in my head they make a ThingTM of them being like a model couple with a model ass child but as soon as she's old enough to have say she's like well I don't wanna do it thanks Junie B Jones: a mood Embert: so my vibe when they go back to Dublin is Billie has to face up to what she's not for the last what, 13 years Embert: so she'd lowkey be a bit of a wreck no offense so I feel like someone else needs to take care of her but I'm like Embert: do we make Nancy come back for a bit like the #lifepartner she is or do we say someone else does lol Junie B Jones: we could because it'd be less traumatic for Stevie or we could make someone in the fam and make it more awks for her Embert: I don't know which way I prefer it lol, also from a Nancy POV Embert: like should you come back or are you good you know Embert: hmm Junie B Jones: yeah I'm not sure what I fuck with more, who would be able to if not her cos that might help us decide Embert: so it would be 48, let us see Embert: Ruster have all their kids, including Jay Embert: hokay so Embert: maybe we bring Nancy back but she's like ehh about it like obviously she can work from wherever anyway but she's dedicating to some time she can't really travel whilst Billie sorts herself so she could be talking to Junie about it 'cos can vent without sounding like a bitch and he's like I'll come help and then she can help him get back in touch with the family properly 'cos low-key avoiding everyone else still and Venus is the same age as Stevie so if this is happening when she's like 10, Junior could actually talk to her and explain what happened from his perspective and answer questions best he can Embert: and like she can pretend it never happened when she's older but it did, like not saying it has to be good enough for you but he did try Junie B Jones: that makes my heart happy cos he's so young still don't be in exile forever boy Embert: and like Nancy can spend the time with all the Ruster kids too and reconnect more herself Embert: like they can both go back 'cos Billie won't be like totally incapable forever but they can both put in the time and feel better about it Junie B Jones: Okay so then she's like 12 ish and back with her mum and shit is better but obvs her dad is still not showing up ever Embert: and you have an accent and a 'famous' (ish) mum and you've been in shoots with her and you're pretty and so to me a vibe of like, this is too much attention and I'm not about it seems real Embert: not even necessarily shy just like, everyone likes me for the wrong reasons vibe and I don't fuck with it Junie B Jones: that's very real Junie B Jones: so if we did do the opposite of Jay and Venus and like I gotta find someone to like me for the right reasons and give it my all I think that would make sense Embert: I see it Embert: and she isn't like woe is me about it 'cos that would be unbearable but she's also not faking it like I'M LOVING LIFE and bad shit has happened so Junie B Jones: Yeah exactly Junie B Jones: and like nobody could blame her for being 'too much' with said person if her mum and dad are both distant Embert: exactly and she'd probably need to have a fair few failed relationships 'cos people aren't about that for loads of reasons like you're too full on too quick, or people would be about that for the wrong, i.e. they sense it and use it against you so then you have to leave which she'd be bad at doing so, in that case, she should have a boyfriend/girlfriend who is equally fucked but in different ways and its just a disaster 'cos she won't be the one to end it Junie B Jones: I feel that, there's loads of potential for doomed relationships there Embert: like, it doesn't even have to be like they're abusive levels of bad, its just it doesn't work and they treat her like crap in a like, do something about it way and then she don't and they're like...why, lowkey what's wrong with you Embert: like it could end up being right but not through the relationship but just by being like, you gotta work on that Junie B Jones: 100% Embert: much like how Grace was with boys like lowkey just love me and I'll deal with whatever tbh Junie B Jones: maybe there's someone on the sidelines watching this like I wish you'd sort your shit cos ILY but we can't be a thingTM Embert: I'd vibe Junie B Jones: idk who or why but like who doesn't love pining from afar while someone fucks their life up Embert: so helpful whoever you are godbless Junie B Jones: honestly Junie B Jones: and they should get together like this man thinking he's gonna fix her and it's like guess what twat you can't Embert: and it takes someone actually wanting you and wanting to to be like hmm, I gotta fix myself 'cos this ain't it Junie B Jones: mhmmmm Embert: I think we can start Junie B Jones: we did it boo *Echo abortion storyline
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Splitsville“
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Written by: Haley Mancini, Jake Goldman
Written & Storyboarded by: Phil Jacobson, Sofia Alexander, John West
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Does it split sides, split opinions, or should you split?
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The episode starts with the Powerpuff Girls fighting a giant monster. In fact, it’s the same giant monster from Princess Buttercup that keeps showing up randomly. He was even in Silico’s backstory as the monster that crashed into his house, destroying his toys. Either the Powerpuff Girls have not kept their promise to be more careful around residential areas, or this was the event. I'm going with coincidence.
After successfully defeating that monster, you’d think they’d be celebrating. After all, giant monster battles usually end with Monster Punch, Girls Down to the Reboot Puffs. Instead, each of them complains about how long it took. First we have Donny whining, then we have Buttercup whining, and now all of the reboot Puffs are whining this time. It sure is happening a lot this season!
While this is happening, all of their cellphones go off. Wait, so is the Mayor calling them all at once, or are they now taking calls from the public now? I really shouldn't care; we have two scenes once common in the original that are super rare in this reboot: monster fighting and getting emergency calls. Usually, they're too busy doing ordinary human things like messing with time machines and hanging out with jerk unicorns.
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They challenge each other: whoever does their deed first gets to pick the movie for movie night. This episode really hammers in the girls' personalities, which, given the choice between having those personalities and having two characters play the same role, is not bad. It helps that they're closer to the original Puffs than being Urkel, Patrick Star, and Bart Simpson. Relatively speaking, of course; Reboot Blossom still loves those spreadsheets!
I have no nothing against the movie choices, either. Bearnado is a clear refence to Sharknado, but even to people unfamiliar to it could conclude that it's a movie parody so over the top, that it couldn't possibly exist. I could question a joke about a movie called "Cuddle Bunny" being banned in several countries, a continuation of a gag Buttercup said about her movie, but I'm not so sure that wasn't intentional.
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Buttercup's mission is to fight a slime dog. This job was made for her, because it involves fighting a giant monster, someone only Buttercup can do in this series for some reason! She even shows off her strength beforehand by flexing them into exaggerated beefy arms. Sorry to say, that is not going to be a gag exclusive to this episode.
Buttercup tries to punch the slime dog, but it splits into two. Buttercup says it's no problem, and punches one of the dogs again, spliting it into two. It keeps going and going until she's surrounded by slime dogs ready to tear her apart.
Even though it's a creature that can't be hurt by such actions, we can't see Buttercup actually make contact with it with her fists or her feet. It's a wonder if this is the fault of the toymakers, the writers, or Cartoon Network's higher-ups. I hope it's not the latter, but how every new show on Cartoon Network has a TV-Y7 rating after years of TV-PG shows makes me think it loudly.
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Bubbles' mission is to help a farmer, his goose, his fox, and a bag of seed across a river. This job was made for her, because it's about cute animals! This segment is a reference to the famous fox, goose, and bag of beans puzzle.
Of course, she can't just move the fox, because the goose would eat the seed. She can't just move the seed, because the goose would roughhouse the fox! I didn't think they were going to play it that straight, so it's not exactly unexpected. It's a running gag with the goose. Bubbles is still at square one, and it's only going to get worse.
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Blossom has to go to a library and fight a brain robot, who is tearing it apart reading every book in it. The robot does this in the most destructive and loud way possible to justify a beating. This job was made for her, because she's a nerd who likes libraries. In her own words, "swish."
Because she's the plan girl, she decides to come up with a plan. It boils down to her tilting a laptop screen, using her eye lasers to cut a rope holding a giant chandelier that happens to be directly over the robot. One may wonder why cut out the middle man and just aim the eye lasers at the rope, but that wouldn't be convoluted enough.
Before she was even finished with that plan, the robot throws the chandelier at her. Robot Punch, Girl Down. Of course. It may not be that, as the robot knows so much from all of that added knowledge, that he can predict her every move! Huh, sounds familiar. He then tells Blossom that she'll be bored of the Dewey Decimal system as he pelts Blossom with decimals. Add that to the Powerpuff Girls new weaknesses.
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Meanwhile, Buttercup is still in trouble. She tried punching, kicking, punching harder, kicking harder, but nothing seems to work. It would have been more creative if she kept trying different things, but all she really did was punch and kick. This would have been a good time for the aura powers, which don't even show up.
She yells at the dogs to stop, and to her surprise, they stop. Buttercup is confused until she realizes that the slime dogs are dogs. She tells them to sit, they sit. She tells them to roll over, they roll over. She finds this adorable, in a scene that should be out of character, but is actually hinting towards the point of the episode.
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Minutes later on Bubbles' side of things, she still can't seem to figure it out. Not helping is that it turns out the goose was keeping out annoying tourists as well. With this and the Yeti subplot of Snow Month, the show seems to have a hatred for outsiders. Instead of thinking, Bubbles tries a different strategy: doing a dance across a bunch of rocks across the river, and tell the others to follow along. Eh, it fits her character.
Bubbles: Way to go, guys! Mission Bubbles-complished!
Ugh, this show’s puns are Butter-terrible. It’s about as good as that one! Unfortunately, none of the people, animals, and seed follow her. The farmer outright tells her that she needs to use her brain for this puzzle. Yeah, good luck with that.
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Meanwhile, Blossom tries to do another plan by trying to catch him off guard by trying to attack him while he's distracted by her chit-chat. Silly Blossom, that only works on Reboot Puffs! She gets taken down by being buried by books, and getting hit by a punch...card. Because libraries. Another thing to add to the Powerpuff Girls' new weaknesses!
This is my least favorite of the three segments, which is sad because Blossom is my favorite of the three reboot Puffs. Granted, that's mostly by default. This segment will get worse from here.
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While Blossom and Bubbles are nowhere near solving their assigned crises, Buttercup seems to be doing just fine. She trained them well enough to make them form. She then says that "Bubs will love this!", subtlely giving a clue on what is happening. She tells them to play dead...
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...and Buttercup gets covered in rainbow blood. It took me a while to realize what happened, and when it hit me, I found it kind of clever. I blame the show not using the right sound effect. I am reminded that, if the blood was red, this would have had to be on Adult Swim Toonami. That's an article for another time.
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Meanwhile, Bubbles is still trying to figure it out as more and more people have to get across the river. A Dick Dastardly guy shows up, the Townsville Women's Basketball Team shows up, Sherlock Holmes shows up, and a raptor king shows up!
Bubbles gets an idea from her mentor in her head: Buttercup, who tells her she's not her mentor. In a bit of comedy, Bubbles acts like Buttercup actually told her to act like Blossom. While Buttercup's scene slightly hinted at the point this episode was trying to make, this part outright says it.
I guess she had to be told to think, as she does, and she instantly knew the correct answer! She brings everyone to the other side of the river except for the Dick Dastardly guy, who is left on the raft to careen over a waterfall to his persumed death. Bubbles doesn't seem to mind, and neither does anyone else. I guess he was that awful.
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Blossom also gets an idea from her mentor in her head, which happens to be herself. Honestly, with Patrick Star and the rascally little green princess, I’d be my own mentor, too. Buttercup didn't get a scene like this, she just figured it out on her own. They sure favor Buttercup over everyone else; she's usually the one that has to save the other two. Good news, this is not one of those episodes.
Since Bubbles figured it out the Blossom way, and Buttercup figured it out the Bubbles way, it makes sense that Blossom figures it out the Buttercup way. Of course, that means she gets to have a fight scene. And, oh boy, here comes the bad news.
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Blossom gives the robot a furious beatdown in the most exaggerated way possible, much like Mojo Jojo did in Forced Kin. They even decided not to do hit flashes for this scene, but it's hard to notice because...what am I looking at? Did they forget they were supposed to be rebooting the Powerpuff Girls, and decided to reboot The Brothers Grunt instead? I really hate to think that this scene is their response to people criticizing this show for its lack of violence. It wouldn’t surprise me.
They go back home at the same time, crashing through the walls. That seems like a minor thing to put in a review, but it's another aspect that happens so rarely in this reboot. They then decide to watch each other's movies, but can't decide on which sister deserves to watch their movie the most. It's a cute ending, and it's something deserving of a "so once again the day is saved", but we don't get one. I have my own theories, mostly based on the last episode, but I don't want to say them.
Does the title fit?
The Powerpuff Girls split, but there’s really no reason for the “ville”. They live in a place called Townsville, and they usually get calls from the mayor of said Townsville, so it could fit?
How does it stack up?
Outside of that one scene, this episode is actually decent. None of the characters are unlikable, the situations are mediocre at worst, and it fits the superhero narrative the show should have. I would put it among the episodes of the original's Season 5 and Season 6, and not one of the worse ones at that. That might be mediocre, but by this reboot's standards, that's pretty good!
Keep it up, but don't get too comfortable.
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Next, we go fishing!
← 15 Minutes of Fame ☆ Clawdad →
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Opening Up
Clare: thought that made sense so she nodded. “Do you think I’d like this manga? Some of the adult books I read have mature content but it’s less of an issue with books than it would be with magna.” Pictures were harder to skip over. She didn’t want to be caught reading anything like that. Clare’s blush could be dead give away. “Yeah on second thought, maybe not. They probably save that for advanced cooking classes. I’d like to learn how to use one for stir frying….eventually. I need to start out with simple recipes for food such as egg rolls, wontons, potsticker dumplings.” Clare listened to Kota’s description of a host club and tried not to be put off by the wording. He wasn’t going to be an escort, not exactly, and the game sounded great! “So it’s similar to auctioning off bachelor's for a date? Only on a bigger scale.” She doubled checked. “A little harmless flirting isn’t going to make me go into a jealous rage.” Clare rolled her eyes. “Kissing other girls on the mouth, I make no such promises about.” She smirked at Kota. “Okay. I know I get carried away making big plans before I hear all the rules. Next time just stop me.” Her face flushed in embarrassment. “Whatever they come up with will be just as fun. I’m sure there’s plenty of things I can participate in. I’ve got drama experience.” Clare shrugged at the mention of boys with long hair. “I figured there would be. Making me look masculine might be more challenging without a drastic change, that’s all.” Sure her hair was only shoulder length but she had curves. Drawing people’s attention towards a made up face seemed best. “A ponytail isn’t going to make you look girly. You have muscles and your facial features aren’t soft.” She explained, reassuring him she didn’t think it was weird for an everyday look. “Most of the kids coming with us from Degrassi are my friends and would be hard to convince.” Clare finally admitted. “They’d only believe you’d had sex...not me. Of course people change during a semester abroad. Away from their controlling parents.” She wouldn’t tell them anything. Except Alli. “It could be years before I’m ready. I don’t believe so strongly in waiting for marriage anymore, however, I wouldn't have sex unless it was under the right circumstances. We’d have to be together a long time with no breakup on the horizon. If I have sex with you, it will be because we’ve really gotten to know each other and still love each other very much.” Clare knew everything came down to timing. “Right, and that’s all the more reason to wait. I’m not going to be happy if I have to change my plans for college.” She said honestly. “I couldn’t ask you to follow me to New York either. With Emi and a baby? And no one to help us out?” Clare shook her head, laughing. “Emi deserves your full attention for as long as possible. You know if she stays with you until she’s 18...that’s not a deal breaker for me. Either way, I’d want to wait until we finished college before having our own baby. At the absolute soonest. We’d have to try to be super careful.” Clare nodded seriously. “Not if I’m 18. Though I’m not sure how that works with insurance. If she’d be notified. She couldn’t do much about it. She’d still be a nightmare.” She smiled at Kota and gave him a kiss. “I’m good with cuddling and making out for as long as you are.” Clare murmured happily. “Then there’s other stuff. We can save going all the way for much later.” She giggled and kissed him again. “No I definitely couldn’t recognize California since I’ve never been. Kota, I’d consider having the same fictitious taste as Melanie Martinez a major compliment.” Clare felt floored. What had Kota gotten mixed up in now? Not that she was complaining and just going along with him today had worked out well. “Next Saturday? As in our second to last day here? This better be epic. I’m booked up through Friday night, don’t forget we have a secret bon voyage party to attend. Which is only going to leave Sunday for my parents.” They were supposed to leave the following Monday so they actually had a long weekend, no classes on Friday or Monday. Clare laughed a little realizing everyone was expecting her to show up for things no one wanted her to ask questions about. It was like a fun conspiracy. Of course Kota didn’t know everything either. “You have more famous friends than Kota, right Melanie? I’m beginning to wonder. Does he go to Hollywood premieres?” She teased Kota in the elevator. Clare curiously looked out into the lab and smiled at Yohio. She didn’t do anything to further disturb him from his work. But she silently watched Yohio through the window for a couple of minutes to see how perfume was made. “I don’t have a preference, everything here is interesting to me.” This was nothing like visiting her dad’s office.
Kota: looked at Clare when she asked about the manga. "My Lovely Ghost Kana? No, I don't think you'd like it. If anything I'd think you'd get uncomfortable reading it. It's like watching a soft porn in my eyes. I mean I don't know if they show the genitals or not on soft porn, but that's the only thing they hide in the manga. Kana's breasts are fully drawn even when she's topless." he explained the best he could. A soft chuckle fell from Kota's lips when Clare mentioned egg rolls being a simple recipe. "Sorry, but you'll need to learn how to make sushi before you make an egg roll. While they're entirely different, making them is exactly the same aside from one getting deep fried. If you deep fry your egg roll and it's not rolled tight enough it comes apart when you take it out of the fryer due to the juices being able to get inside of it. Hearing Clare mention auctioning them off made Kota shake his head. "Not exactly. I mean there's no auction at all. It's mainly a first come first serve basis and girls there can be vexing. A girl tricked Yohio into kissing her. She pretended to drop her napkin and knowing that he was going to look at her when he gave it back, she inched her face closer that way when he turned towards her their lips would meet and that's exactly what happened." he explained and nodded. "I'll try to stop you next time. No promises." he smirked at her. "They really don't make you look that masculine. I mean they just put you in a male uniform, matching shoes, tie back your hair, and you're done. With us my chest will still be flat. They just dress us in dresses, put wigs on us, do our make up, and we're done." he shrugged. "You being able to do multiple things, isn't really why you'd be a cashier. It's the fact that other schools will be coming to our school when we do the Cultural Festival. We'll be getting students from local schools and not all of them know English." he explained honestly and listened to her mention sex and kids. "I feel the same way, though I'd follow you to New York if you did get pregnant without having you to ask me. If we did decide to take that step before college and you did get pregnant, I'd follow you without even needing you to ask. It'd be easier that way. I'm actually going to apply to several colleges all over America, here, and a few in Japan. I already promised Jimmy Fallon that I'd stop in New York to see him when I'm in college along with a few other friends of mine. They'd kill me if I told them I wouldn't visit. Some of them are already mad at me for keeping Emi away from them. I really don't want to make it worse and I already promised Luca that I will bring Emi to see him in the near future." he assured. "I'm also happy Emi isn't a deal breaker and if we're in America and you get pregnant there, they just send the bill here and Canada takes care of it." he smiled and kissed her back. "I like that." he smiled against her lips and opened his eyes when she spoke. "When we get to that step, we'll talk first." he smiled and kissed back. He nodded when she mentioned never being to Cali and smiled when she did. "It's going to be epic. You'll love the concert and trust me if you don't go you'll regret it. I have no choice but to go since I got us epic tickets and if you don't go I'll take Alli. I'm sure she wouldn't mind back stage passes." he shrugged. When Clare asked Mel the questions she looked at him, then her. "Well, I'd like to say I know more famous people than Kota, but I don't. Some how he gets into all the good shows, he's been to what was it, two premiers?" she asked. "No one, I couldn't make it to the second premier. The first one was only because Betsey needed a date." he shrugged and smiled as both girls watched through the window. "Well, there's not too many places I can actually take you." he said honestly and lead them to the elevator. "I mainly stay in my office when I'm here." he added. "Can we eat? I'm starving." Mel asked and he laughed. "Are you hungry Clare?" he asked.
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Weekend Fun
Clare: smiled impishly. "What? It's not like I'm going to run out and buy body wash that smells like dessert. If I happen to spray myself with perfume I already own right before class and sit down next to you as usual that's called a coincidence." Clare raised an eyebrow when Dakota said he'd eat whipped cream off her. Now who was teasing who? "You still have to lick me clean if it gets in my hair. Or I don't want to play." Clare joked. "Aww come on Dakota, where's the harm in flinging a little cake batter or cookie dough around? At least let me throw some ingredients at you. Just a little flour and sugar. It's not like I'm going to squirt mustard or ketchup down your shirt." She poked her lower lip out in a pout. Clare's eyes almost popped out of her head when Stacy started talking about a very inappropriate way to burn calories. For a few minutes she thought Stacy and Dallas were going to get into trouble with Ms.Anderson until Stacy insisted she'd gotten the knowledge from a magazine. "Um yeah...okay I know better than to waste food." Clare reassured Dakota when he kissed her cheek. "However, I won't be pigging out while we cook. I try not to snack between meals." It wasn't like she was going to be 'working out' with Dakota to shed any extra pounds she gained in the kitchen. Stacy was right about one thing, girls had to worry about maintaining their weight. Clare didn't think she needed to be on a diet but she did have to be careful what she ate because she wasn't skinny. "At least she backed off." Clare told Ash sighing in relief. "I guess so. I can't understand it. I don't like to wear tight clothes to exercise in much less want to take them off in front of a boy and hop in the shower with him." She gasped when she heard Dakota had gotten his butt pinched by a guy once. "Oh my god!" Clare started laughing. She couldn't help it. "You should've known that would backfire." She gave Dakota a sympathetic look when she was able to stop laughing. "Sorry. My friend's girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend now, hit on me once when she was drunk. It was really awkward because he was sitting right next to her. Luckily she kept her hands to herself. But I wasn't pretending to be gay or sending mixed signals so it can happen to anyone." Clare rolled her eyes when Dakota said he didn't have a fan club yet and went on to explain why it might happen for real. "You mean it's going to get worse." She groaned playfully. She'd mostly been kidding. Now Clare wasn't so sure. "Everyone knows who Steve Jobs was." She said doubtfully. "But I wouldn't have recognized him if I saw him at this restaurant while he was still alive. So you'll only be locally famous because everyone already knows who you are at Degrassi, and around the neighborhood. Just enjoy MB's success and be proud." Clare smiled at Dakota and kissed his cheek.
Kota: laughed when Clare mentioned it being a coincidence. "Of course it is." he chuckled a bit. "It won't get in your hair." he assured and looked at her after hearing her mention food being thrown. "If you think about it, there are kids starving in third world countries such as India and Haiti." Ash pointed out. "Don't for get the Ethiopians?" Dom asked and Dallas, Kelly, Ash, and Ms. Anderson started to laugh while Kota just shook his head. "I didn't mention it for that reason. Thanks to Kota I can't keep a straight face when someone speaks about Ethiopia." Ash chuckled a bit. "It really wasn't that funny." Kota stated. "Tell the girls." Dallas stated. "I'm politically incorrect, 50 shades of the color wrong, and they'd kill me." he stated and Stacy thought for a moment. "You didn't use Ethiopians to replace midgets did you?" she asked and everyone started to laugh more. "Again it wasn't that funny either and no I didn't. Ethiopians are very capable of running track and field. I simply asked, how do you get a bunch of Ethiopians in a phone booth?" he finally said. "Ok, how?" Stacy asked. "Threw in a can of tuna." he said and Stacy tried not to laugh while everyone else did. "That's mean because now they're stuck in there." Stacy finally said. "Not if you run by with a can opener." he said and Stacy covered her face with one hand as she tried not to laugh. "So wrong, Kota." she stated. "No one ever said I was right in any, way, shape, or form." he said honestly. "More for me." he chuckled when Clare told him she's not eating between meals and kissed her cheek. He looked at Clare when she mentioned him being aware of his plan backfiring and sighed. "I expected to get hit on by a guy, just not to that extent. I thought girls at a gym were more aggressive. I went to a gay club for teens with a friend of mine since he was afraid to go on his own. I didn't get hit on that much." he said honestly. "That's because you were with someone and I got hit on a lot, not to the extent of getting my butt pinched, but I got a few free sodas and free food." Dallas said honestly. "By pretending you were gay? Isn't that mean?" Kota asked. "They were dead sent on turning me." Dallas said honestly. "It was kind of like your friend's now ex hitting on you, there's no touching." he said honestly. "Exactly like that. You know who Steve Jobs is, but you wouldn't recognize him. That's how it'll be with me unless we go to a different country, then it may be different. I just don't want to become so famous it stresses you out. If that happens, I'd figure something out to get the media away from me. Right now, I just get questions about MB and nothing more." he said honestly and kissed her chastely. "If it does get bad, I'll introduce you as my girlfriend and we'd have pictures taken together for a magazine." he shrugged. "Like Japan bad. Stacy made me read a few manga and from the books, they treat famous designers like we treat celebrities." he explained.
0 notes
Weekend Fun
Clare: smiled impishly. "What? It's not like I'm going to run out and buy body wash that smells like dessert. If I happen to spray myself with perfume I already own right before class and sit down next to you as usual that's called a coincidence." Clare raised an eyebrow when Dakota said he'd eat whipped cream off her. Now who was teasing who? "You still have to lick me clean if it gets in my hair. Or I don't want to play." Clare joked. "Aww come on Dakota, where's the harm in flinging a little cake batter or cookie dough around? At least let me throw some ingredients at you. Just a little flour and sugar. It's not like I'm going to squirt mustard or ketchup down your shirt." She poked her lower lip out in a pout. Clare's eyes almost popped out of her head when Stacy started talking about a very inappropriate way to burn calories. For a few minutes she thought Stacy and Dallas were going to get into trouble with Ms.Anderson until Stacy insisted she'd gotten the knowledge from a magazine. "Um yeah...okay I know better than to waste food." Clare reassured Dakota when he kissed her cheek. "However, I won't be pigging out while we cook. I try not to snack between meals." It wasn't like she was going to be 'working out' with Dakota to shed any extra pounds she gained in the kitchen. Stacy was right about one thing, girls had to worry about maintaining their weight. Clare didn't think she needed to be on a diet but she did have to be careful what she ate because she wasn't skinny. "At least she backed off." Clare told Ash sighing in relief. "I guess so. I can't understand it. I don't like to wear tight clothes to exercise in much less want to take them off in front of a boy and hop in the shower with him." She gasped when she heard Dakota had gotten his butt pinched by a guy once. "Oh my god!" Clare started laughing. She couldn't help it. "You should've known that would backfire." She gave Dakota a sympathetic look when she was able to stop laughing. "Sorry. My friend's girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend now, hit on me once when she was drunk. It was really awkward because he was sitting right next to her. Luckily she kept her hands to herself. But I wasn't pretending to be gay or sending mixed signals so it can happen to anyone." Clare rolled her eyes when Dakota said he didn't have a fan club yet and went on to explain why it might happen for real. "You mean it's going to get worse." She groaned playfully. She'd mostly been kidding. Now Clare wasn't so sure. "Everyone knows who Steve Jobs was." She said doubtfully. "But I wouldn't have recognized him if I saw him at this restaurant while he was still alive. So you'll only be locally famous because everyone already knows who you are at Degrassi, and around the neighborhood. Just enjoy MB's success and be proud." Clare smiled at Dakota and kissed his cheek.
Kota: laughed when Clare mentioned it being a coincidence. "Of course it is." he chuckled a bit. "It won't get in your hair." he assured and looked at her after hearing her mention food being thrown. "If you think about it, there are kids starving in third world countries such as India and Haiti." Ash pointed out. "Don't for get the Ethiopians?" Dom asked and Dallas, Kelly, Ash, and Ms. Anderson started to laugh while Kota just shook his head. "I didn't mention it for that reason. Thanks to Kota I can't keep a straight face when someone speaks about Ethiopia." Ash chuckled a bit. "It really wasn't that funny." Kota stated. "Tell the girls." Dallas stated. "I'm politically incorrect, 50 shades of the color wrong, and they'd kill me." he stated and Stacy thought for a moment. "You didn't use Ethiopians to replace midgets did you?" she asked and everyone started to laugh more. "Again it wasn't that funny either and no I didn't. Ethiopians are very capable of running track and field. I simply asked, how do you get a bunch of Ethiopians in a phone booth?" he finally said. "Ok, how?" Stacy asked. "Threw in a can of tuna." he said and Stacy tried not to laugh while everyone else did. "That's mean because now they're stuck in there." Stacy finally said. "Not if you run by with a can opener." he said and Stacy covered her face with one hand as she tried not to laugh. "So wrong, Kota." she stated. "No one ever said I was right in any, way, shape, or form." he said honestly. "More for me." he chuckled when Clare told him she's not eating between meals and kissed her cheek. He looked at Clare when she mentioned him being aware of his plan backfiring and sighed. "I expected to get hit on by a guy, just not to that extent. I thought girls at a gym were more aggressive. I went to a gay club for teens with a friend of mine since he was afraid to go on his own. I didn't get hit on that much." he said honestly. "That's because you were with someone and I got hit on a lot, not to the extent of getting my butt pinched, but I got a few free sodas and free food." Dallas said honestly. "By pretending you were gay? Isn't that mean?" Kota asked. "They were dead sent on turning me." Dallas said honestly. "It was kind of like your friend's now ex hitting on you, there's no touching." he said honestly. "Exactly like that. You know who Steve Jobs is, but you wouldn't recognize him. That's how it'll be with me unless we go to a different country, then it may be different. I just don't want to become so famous it stresses you out. If that happens, I'd figure something out to get the media away from me. Right now, I just get questions about MB and nothing more." he said honestly and kissed her chastely. "If it does get bad, I'll introduce you as my girlfriend and we'd have pictures taken together for a magazine." he shrugged. "Like Japan bad. Stacy made me read a few manga and from the books, they treat famous designers like we treat celebrities." he explained.
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