#sorry i'm so late to answer this i live in the united states
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ghostcashewart · 4 months ago
I love your art style :0
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thank you so much!! 💜 please enjoy a lil k doodle
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saint-ajax · 8 months ago
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“I WISH TO SEE YOUR LOVELY SMILE.” Wanda had heard from the wonderful mind of her clandestine significant other who sat across her. She knew Wanda could read her mind or hear her thoughts, which is why she whispered little cheers for her. While the Secretary of State discussed the accords that half of the Avengers seemed to disagree with.
   She knows what Wanda's going through right now, and she wants nothing but to be there for her. Wanda forced a little smile for her to assure her she was fine. Before she looked away to read a book Ross had handed them. 
   She was solely focused on Wanda. She was watching how her expressions changed as she read the book before handing it to Natasha. She didn’t care about the material everyone was frowning on and passed it to Steve when he asked for it.
  “Everything okay? ” She asked Wanda in her mind. When Wanda looked at her, she met Wanda's gaze with worry. She subtly shook her head, indicating that she didn’t know.
   In a world where saving people could paint you as the hero and the enemy at the same time, where chaos and battles are the muse of the system, they could only find peace and order in each other’s company.
   Perhaps no one in the room truly knows what’s between the two of them. Perhaps it’s forbidden, or it may not be. But the holy truth is that they do not care for it. 
   To feel, to hold, to cry, and to laugh beside one another is all they care about. For as long as the world can only bring anything but unkind nature to them, they will always lean on and seek each other.
   The meeting was left with an indefinite answer, which Secretary Ross and the United Nations wished for them to create a smart and cooperative decision.
   Everyone was gathered in the living room. They were scattered around to discuss the proposal of leaders from different nations. Yet she was only worried that Wanda was blaming herself for an inevitable incident. 
   She sat in between Vision and Wanda. The atmosphere was getting heated the more the group dove into the conflict they were challenged to solve. Meanwhile, Wanda listened to what the veterans had to say, while her girlfriend was busy watching and playing with her slender hands. Entwining their fingers and placing them in between their thighs to hide them from everyone's view.
   Wanda was used to her gestures like this one, and so she wasn't fazed as she absorbed the points everyone had to point out. Finally, she was all caught up.
   “You're saying they'll come for me.” 
   “I wouldn't let them. I will protect you.” Wanda gazed at her as she squeezed her hand three times and gave her a reassuring smile.
   “We all will protect you.” Vision had commented on the side as they continued to exchange thoughts.
   She rubbed Wanda's hands with her thumb as they continued the discussion until Steve left. “I have to go.”
   Everyone followed after Steve to attend their respective errands. 
   The look Tony gave Wanda before asking Vision to talk in private did not escape her sight. They spent the whole afternoon in Wanda's room as she remained suspicious of it. Eventually, she had to chase Natasha to borrow a car for the late-night drive she planned. 
   “Where are you going? ”
   “Attend a conference. Why? ”
   “Can I borrow a car? ”
   “Sure.” Natasha tossed her keys before leaving. 
   “Thanks.” She ran back upstairs to see Vision cooking and Wanda tasting it.
   “Spirit lifted.”
   She stood by the hall as she watched the two exchange laughter. Something inside her spiked and poked her, and it felt close to pain. And anger. She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her head before having the courage to steal their attention.
   “Hey, Wands, ready? ” 
   “Oh, yes. I'm sorry.” Wanda immediately went to her. Something about watching Vision frown upon Wanda coming to her instead of him was satisfying.
   “Apologies, but may I know where you're going? ” 
   None of your business. “Don't worry, Vis; I just want to show her something. We'll be quick.” She didn't even bother to hear what he had to say and carried Wanda away with her, hand in hand.
   Wanda didn't protest, and she let her drag her away. “I heard that,” she remarked.
   “Surprising.” She scoffed as she played with the keys.
   Wanda frowned at her attitude. “What's wrong, darling? ”She was supposed to ignore it, but Wanda made them stop walking and made her face her.
   “Talk to me properly. You're not letting me into your head. I can't understand.”
   “Nothing's wrong.” She avoided her gaze as she denied the truth.
   “I'm not asking again.” Wanda took her hand back harshly and crossed her arms. 
   “Fine. It's.. it's Vision..   and you.”
   “What's wrong with Vision and me? ”
   “Nothing! See? Nothing wrong. Let's go.”
   “Are you jealous? ”Wanda squinted at her when she finally put the puzzle pieces together.
   She puffed air as an act of dismissing her accusation. “No. I'm not.” Me? Jealous of a synthezoid? No way.
  “Darling, you are jealous . ” Wanda smiled to hide her laughter at her charming girl.
   She rolled her eyes. “Yeah? What if I am? ”
   “I like it. Even though you have nothing to be jealous of.”
   “I was trying all day to lift your mood, but with him, one paprika, and you're all giggling like a little girl,” she frowned. Now that she thought about it, it actually hurt.
   “Oh, baby, you have no idea how calm you've made me the entire day.” Wanda had cupped her face for her to directly look into her emerald eyes. “I have been on edge all day, and you've kept me sane.” And there it was; her lovely smile had finally shown up, and it was beautifully contagious.
   Wanda looking so pretty and smiling while staring into her eyes made her knees weak and her cheeks pink. “You have to stare at me like that? ”
   “Like what? ”
   “Like you want to kiss me.” Wanda let out a wholehearted laugh. It was a scene to behold. She watched the redhead with shiny eyes, appreciating her beauty when she smiled.
   “Oh, you know very well how to read my mind,” Wanda uttered before pulling her into a kiss that sent butterflies into her stomach.
   She received the kiss well and responded with the strong passion they both possess. Their lips were crashing in sync as their heads angled in a pattern while their hands roamed.
   “Oh, there you are—” They both stopped and looked at the owner of the voice, which interrupted them. It was Vision. “Oh...” He tilted his head as he studied what was happening. He blinked it away and proceeded to state his business. “I'm glad to catch both of you. I'm afraid you're not allowed to leave the building.”
   “Let me guess, Tony's orders? ”She said, making Wanda frown in confusion as she looked at her.
   “Correct,” Vision responded. 
   “That's not happening.” Another familiar voice came from the other side, and when they looked, they saw Clint. “Come on, kids, pack your bags. I'm here to pick you up.”
   “I'm afraid I can't let them go.” Vision begged to differ. 
   “Oh my god! What are you doing here? ”Wanda said in surprise.
   “Disappointing my kids.”
   “In whose orders, Clint? ”
   She questioned.
   “Captain. Cap needs our help. Come on.” She looked into Wanda's eyes to consult their plan. Wanda looked hesitant.
   “What's wrong? ”
   “I’ve caused enough problems.” She and Clint frowned at Wanda.
   “You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you want to mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass. We gotta go.”
   “Come on, Wanda. It'll be okay.” The girl holding Wanda's hand and giving her assuring eyes and comfort was what helped to convince her.
   Wanda nods and lets her drag her along as they follow Clint. “Stop! Clint.. You should not be here.” Vision interrupts and Clint rolls his eyes.
   “Really? I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit.“
   “Please consider the consequences of your actions.” He started to elevate as he turned his guard on.
   “Okay.. they're considered.   Okay, we gotta go.” They immediately turned their backs on Vision while he was held back by a force field. It was sparkling and crackling between the two arrows. None of them had the time to notice when Clint had shot them.
   Just as they reach the exit, Vision catches up to them. As they were caught off guard, he punched Clint, but he quickly recovered. “I knew I should've stretched.” Clint groaned.
   He extended a baton in an attempt to hit Vision, but it was useless as the blows went through him. He resorts to punches and comes back to the baton until it breaks. Clint doesn't give up and tries to kick Vision, but as expected, his kicks pass through him. They ended up with Vision having Clint in a headlock. Completely naive about the existence of the two ladies.
   “Clint, you cannot overpower me.”
   He was still able to speak, but it was crooked. “I know I can't, but they can.”
   Vision's eyes found Wanda's glowing ruby orbs. “Vision.. That's enough; let him go.” As the energy from Wanda's hands falters Vision, Clint manages to slip from his grip.
   A yellow, sparkling circle opened beneath Vision caused by her. The body of water in the area of HQ was seen on the other side of the portal.
   “If you do this… they will never stop being afraid of you.”
   “The thing is... She cannot control their fear,” the sorcerer answers Vision.
   “Only my own.” Wanda buries Vision through the water and passes the ground, and her sorcerer closes the portal just in time for the water to not splash at them.
   She finds Wanda's eyes; their glow is starting to fade as she calms down. She walks over to her and holds her hand. “I'm proud of you,” she whispers as she touches her chin to make Wanda look at her.
   She managed to make Wanda smile lightly and entwine their fingers together. “Thank you.”
   “...Alright, what the hell is this? ”She and Wanda forgot about Clint and looked at him before chuckling lightly. “What has Nat been teaching you two? ”
   “Looking over my shoulder should be a second nature. And I’m starting to think she's right.” Wanda chuckled at her own remark of being caught in the moment and kept forgetting there were people with them.
   “So, you two? together? ”Clint asked to confirm.
   Both of the ladies chuckled as they held hands and followed Clint to the van.
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bobbile-blog · 7 months ago
Arknights Lore Recap - August 2024
Sorry I'm late on this one - it ended up being way longer than I expected, and rounded out at over six thousand words. PLEASE do skip around and just read what's important to you, I know I certainly couldn't stomach reading all this in one sitting. Also, this isn't gonna include a lot of IS4 stuff, not even because it isn't important but because I haven't actually gotten most of the endings yet :(
Anyway, regardless of all that, here's your biannual Arknights lore recap! The usual disclaimers apply - while this will technically be spoilers for everything up to the current state of the Global server (Post-Here a People Sows, Pre-Lucent Arrowhead and Babel), I've done my best to avoid individual spoilers whenever possible. The idea is to summarize the game's current plotlines in a way that can get new players up to speed and refresh the memory for folks who've just lost track of all the nonsense going on at the moment. All this and more, under the cut!
Side Plots:
Okay first of all, I'm changing the way I organize things. I've realized it's somewhat silly to have the big spoilers right at the top, so the main story is now at the bottom.
In addition, to just quickly define what I consider an "active plotline", I'm including plots that have had more than one continuous event and haven't had a major resolution to its story.
Sui Siblings
Ancient Forge(?) / Who is Real / Invitation to Wine / Where Vernal Winds will Never Blow / A Death in Chunfen(?) / Here a People Sows
Nian / Dusk / Ling / Chongyue / Shu / Ji / Wang / Lava / Zou Le / Lee / Lin Yusha / Waai Fu / Basically every major Yanese government figure
Long ago, in the pre-history of Yan, the land was ruled by ancient gods called Feranmuts. In the founding myth of of the country, a leader named Yan united the disparate tribes of humans and then waged war on them. Despite the god-like powers of these Feranmuts, Yan was able to subdue them with the aid of a traitor - a young and haughty Feranmut named Sui who sought to be the only one with the powers of a god. In the "Great Hunt", all of the old Yanese Feranmuts were killed or subjugated, and then Yan turned on Sui, binding and sealing It forever. With the Feranmuts gone, the nation of Yan lived in peace and prosperity, free from their shadow forevermore.
At least, that's what was supposed to happen, but Feranmuts aren't quite so easy to contain. Over time, Sui's consciousness began to slip out of its bonds piece by piece. These fragments each wandered the world without real form until they were able to answer the question "Who am I", at which point they gained personality and ego distinct from Sui. The Yanese government isn't exactly happy about these fragments wandering around, but there isn't really a whole lot they can do about it - the Sui fragments have godlike powers, after all. They've established a secret branch of the government called the "Sui Regulator" to keep an eye on them, and have mostly left them alone.
The events featuring the Sui Siblings actually take place a few years after where we are in the main story - Zwillingstürme im Herbst takes place around the fall of 1100, while Who is Real takes place in the fall of 1101 and Here a People Sows is in the early Summer of 1102. These events follow a series of plots surrounding the revival of Sui - that is, if all of the Sui siblings gather together in one place, they will re-combine into Sui again and It will be freed from its prison. This is promoted by some factions of the government, who presumably want to take advantage of the Feranmut's power once more, as well as some of the Sui siblings - to our current knowledge, these are Wang and Ji. Most of the Yanese government opposes this for obvious reasons, and has instead taken a stance hostile to the Sui siblings. We've even run into other Feranmuts who have gotten involved with the conflict - Ya, an ancient peer of Sui, is roaming Yan seeking retribution from Sui, and wants to reform It so It may finally answer for its betrayal. Finally, a growing portion of the Sui siblings are gathering to try to figure out a way to escape their fate. The exact details of this plan aren't totally clear yet, but it seems to involve using some sort of magical proxy of Sui to grant them independence.
A last note should be given to the subject of Jie, the Sui Sibling with the domain of writing. She's been alluded to in previous events, but we only really got details in Here a People Sows, and it's implied she'll be important going forwards. Jie was a kind and benevolent figure who wanted to spread literacy and writing among the people of Yan. She was successful - she appears to have birthed the modern Yanese education system - but in doing so, she gave up herself. Around 60 years ago, she either disappeared or was murdered. Whatever the case, she appears to have disappeared from the memories of everyone but her siblings (without spoiling Here a People Sows, that's an important clue). Her disappearance seems to have affected all the siblings, but Wang most of all, and he cites her as a major reason behind his actions to reform Sui.
Seaborn Struggles
Grani and the Knight's Treasure / Under Tides / Stultifera Navis / Mizuki and Caerula Arbor
Skadi / Specter / Gladiia / Kal'tsit / Irene / Lumen / Ulpanius / Mizuki / The Last Knight / I guess we can count Ishar'mla as a character here too.
Of the many dangers facing modern Terra, none are quite as terrifying as the Seaborn. Armies can be reasoned with, superweapons can be commanded, Originium can be cleaned, but the Seaborn alone present a constantly growing and evolving threat to all life on Terra. The Seaborn are probably best described as an organized group of convergently evolved sea creatures working together under a single will, with an animalistic drive to absorb and assimilate all life into itself. It spreads and consumes across the ocean floor, becoming more powerful with each new creature it eats.
The nations of Terra are no strangers to the seaborn. Iberia used to be one of the most prosperous nations on Terra. During the nation's golden age, they quite literally spanned the continent and established colonies across Terra. Their navies spread their power across the world and made them almost unarguably the most powerful nation on Terra - but all that fell apart when the seaborn finally set their sights on Iberia in a period known as the First Great Silence. Iberia's international empire collapsed, their grand ships fell into ruin, and the people became insular and distrustful of outsiders, guided by an inquisition tasked with burning out the alien with the little fire they had left.
Besides Iberia, the Seaborn are also an enemy of the isolated underwater nation of Aegir. Aegir is much more technologically advanced than the rest of Terra, but they've also been alone against the Seaborn for decades if not centuries. While we haven't been there yet, they're apparently not doing very well. They've struggled to match the Seaborn's strength, adaptability, or unending numbers - which led them to some desperate places. In a last bid for survival, they created a small group of super-soldiers by putting Seaborn blood into a select group of Aegir people who would be able to resist its call. This elite force of soldiers struck back against the Seaborn and, in a desperate final battle, slew the "god" of the Seaborn, Ishar'mla, a single entity that commanded the collective Seaborn will.
However, as is often the case in Arknights, gods don't die all in one go. The will of Ishar'mla was preserved in the mind of one of the Abyssal hunters that killed it, a young woman named Skadi. She and the scattered remnants of the Hunters were cast ashore and eventually gathered in Rhodes Island. Now, the Abyssal hunters fight a twofold battle against the Seaborn and themselves. They must use the strength in their blood to push back the Seaborn and protect the land, but they must also keep an understanding of who they are, or else Ishar'mla will awaken and all will be lost once more.
A special addendum should be added here to explain Integrated Strategies 3, which is (kind of) canon. Ending 1, in which Mizuki meets Highmore and brings her to Rhodes Island, did actually happen. On that mission, though, they find the Stele featured in the "Wander into Wonderland" node and the furniture rewards. Through a mixture of ancient technology and Seaborn-ness, this object allows Mizuki to read the memories of the Seaborn in alternate timelines, and play those potential futures out for the Doctor. We as the Doctor have seen pieces of these futures, but they do not exist as of yet.
Angels and Apostates
Guide Ahead / Hortus de Escapismo / Zwillingstürme im Herbst
Mostima / Fiametta / Executor / Enforcer / Cecelia / Andoain / Pope Yvangelista XI / Oren / Arturia / lots more people but I think those are the important ones
The city of Laterano is something that should not exist on the face of Terra - a paradise. The city of the angelic Sankta people is peaceful, calm, and harmonious - a rare oasis set apart from the suffering of the rest of Terra. The Sankta share an innate ability called "empathy" which allows them to share their emotions with each other, allowing for a uniquely peaceful society almost alien to Terra. Laterano is a city without conflict and without pain, and yet it is still wrong.
As much as I would love to get deep into the philosophy of the Laterano plotline, the first draft of this section ended up being like a thousand words on its own and I'm not going to put you through that. To be extremely brief, the plotline centers around the exceptions that are made to the supposedly absolute Law of Laterano. The first event follows a mixed-race Sankta and Sarkaz child, who shouldn't be able to exist according to the scriptures. Sankta and Sarkaz are ancient enemies and considered to be anathema to each other, and Sarkaz are not allowed into Laterano. Her very existence raises questions about the nature of the Sankta and the faith's rules, and not everyone is eager to have these questions answered.
This is followed up by Hortus de Escapismo, which is one of the most dense and critically complex events in the game. In short, Federico Giallo, known to Rhodes Island as Operator Executor, is canonized as a Saint of Laterano and given all the authority that comes along with it. He is then sent out on a mission to a lost monastery that was stranded for the last ten years, in order to return it to Laterano. Over this time the Sankta in the monastery have built a settlement with other people of Terra in order to survive, and that includes Sarkaz - who cannot be allowed in the city of Laterano. Bringing the monastery back and helping the people there will require breaking the community and leaving the Sarkaz behind. As a Saint, it is now thrust on Federico to navigate this conflict between the doctrines of the Lateran faith and the real, practical world before him.
Moving forward, though, it looks like this storyline will become part of the next big act of the main story, particularly in its role in fighting the coming calamity. Pulling back the curtain a bit, Laterano is secretly ruled by a god-like supercomputer called The Law. This computer gives the Sankta their abilities and writes the laws that they must follow. In observing all of the disasters occurring across Terra, notably the Collapsals and the Seaborn, It predicts an even greater calamity on the horizon that It is now acting to stop. Because of this, It is canonizing a group of new Saints of Laterano, something that hasn't happened since the founding of the holy city itself. Supposedly, it's calculated that this is best chance Terra has at success - but judging by the people it's choosing, things look desperate indeed.
Colonial Kjerag
Break the Ice / The Ride to Lake Silberneherze
Silverash / Pramanix / Kjera / Cliffheart / Gnosis / Degenbrecher / Ratatos / Sicurius / Monch / Arctosz / Harold
Nestled in a valley surrounding Mount Karlan is a rare sanctuary. Kjerag, though harsh and cold, is a land that has never known Catastrophes. For all of Kjerag's history it has been protected by the hand of the goddess Kjeragandr and has thus developed in relative safety compared to the rest of Terra. However, in part because of this, Kjerag is an insular nation which comes across as more of a pre-industrial nation than the rest of Terra. They're still very much an agrarian society, and despite recent modernization projects like railroads and mining operations the country remains small and isolated.
These modernization projects are the brainchild of Enciodes Silverash, CEO of Kjerag's largest international corporation and patriarch of the Silverash clan. Enciodes grew up in Kjerag but left to pursue higher education in Victoria, and had a front-row seat to not only their modern industrial world but also to their aggressive colonial ambitions. He came to the understanding that for Kjerag to survive, it would need to become a modern nation like its neighbors, and he resolved to see this happen by any means necessary.
Not everyone agrees with him, though. Kjerag's government has traditionally been formed of the leaders of the three largest clans - the Silverashes, the Browntails, and the Paleroches. Unfortunately for Enciodes, the leaders of both the Browntails and the Paleroches are just short of hostile. Ratatos Browntail is interested in the economic benefits but trusts Enciodes about as far as she could throw him, and Arctosz Paleroche is a staunch traditionalist and trusts Enciodes significantly less than he could throw him - both totally fair opinions considering his sizeable private army and the attempted coup he did a few years back. However, after said coup, all three of these figures ceded most of their authority to the Saintess Enya Silverash, Enciodes' estranged sister and the voice of the goddess Kjeragandr. While she acknowledges that Enciodes has a point, she seeks to modernize Kjerag in unity with its people rather than in opposition to them - rather than making a modern nation, she wants to make a modern Kjerag. It's a small distinction, but an important one, and her popular support and religious authority is one of the few things that can actually keep Enciodes in check.
At the moment, Kjerag is in the process of exiting their centuries of international isolation. It's a slow process but they've made significant steps forward - the country has entered scientific collaborations with Rhine Lab and signed important trade agreements with their neighbors that will ensure the country can keep developing. They've even fought off some intimidation from the Victorian army, stating firmly that they are an equal nation and not a subordinate. Despite this, though, there's a great deal of work still to be done if Kjerag wants to step onto the world stage with its identity intact.
Contemporary Columbia
Mansfield Break / Dorothy's Vision / Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures
Mountain / Robin / Domma / Astigenne / Dorothy / Jessica / Coldshot / Woodrow / Clip Cliff / Liskarm / Franka / Tila
This one isn't really a cohesive plotline per se, but we can be reasonably sure that the game is going to keep going down this road, so it's worth a mention. In the background of the Rhine Lab plotline, we've gotten lots of backstory on what life is like in Columbia. Now that that story is finished, Arknights seems interested in exploring more lower-class Columbian experiences and stories, and putting the people we've seen in the B-plots of the Rhine Lab events in the spotlight.
Life in Columbia might seem glamorous and high-tech from the top, but for most people in the country it isn't nearly as pleasant. Arknights is heavily inspired by the world of the early 20th century, and if you know anything about American history in that period, you'll know that it was kind of a terrible time. Columbia takes a lot of the worst of it, everything from loan sharks to company stores to price gouging on vital goods like medicine. Life in Columbia tends to mean being trapped in a cycle of debts, keeping you just afloat enough to keep working while maximizing the boss' bottom line. But despite all that, Columbia doggedly looks forward instead of inward, spurred onward by a myth of the frontier that promises a brighter future ahead, no matter how you get there.
This plotline has been in the shadow of the Rhine Lab storyline for a while, but has since developed into its own storyline. The roots of this story were laid in Mansfield Break, our first event in Columbia proper. The background world-building told us a fair bit about life in Columbia and especially the outsize impact corporations have on Columbian society. We wouldn't see the full picture, though, until Dorothy's Vision. The DV B-plot showed us the vicious downward spiral of infection in Columbia - Oripathy medication is both prohibitively expensive and practically ineffective, and the debt they take on usually puts them out of house and home. Without the money to keep themselves from going under or the means to change the system beating them down, most infected are forced into brutal frontier work as pioneers, treated little better than beasts of burden. Finally, Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures showed a similar process happening to the people of Davistown even without any infection - the exploitative cycle works no matter who it's working on. Anything is permissible as long as it serves a larger bottom line, no matter how many people it crushes underfoot. In the future, we're likely to follow the mercenary organization Blacksteel as Columbia contracts them to support its growth, but it's hard to say more than that. We really don't know much about where this story is going, just inferences from the rest of the game's stories.
In addition to these plots, we have a few honorable mentions which don't really have enough plot to be included in the main list but I want to throw in anyway:
Slumbering Sami
The Black Forest Wills a Dream / Expeditioner's Joklumarkar / I would argue Fire within the Sand and Zwillingstürme im Herbst belong here too.
Typhon / Magellan / Santalla / Muelsyse?
Life on Terra doesn't suck enough, so you know what we need? Eldritch horrors! The Collapsals are extraterrestrial entities that we're barely able to understand, let alone fight. They appear to exert some sort of corrupting power on reality around them, and are heavily implied to come from outside our reality somehow. We don't know what they are, what they want, or what to do about them. We barely even know where they come from or how to fight them.
The good news is that for the moment the Collapsals are mostly contained. They've only shown up in very remote regions of Terra - namely in the Sami Icefields in the far north and the Foehn Hotlands in the far south - I think? I know the portal was supposedly closed during the Khaganquest but I remember seeing somewhere that they've started to show up again and I can't put a source to it. Someone back me up in the notes if you remember where that's from. Anyway, a lot of very hard work is put in by the Sami people and the Empire of Ursus to make sure that the average person on Terra doesn't even know what a Collapsal is. If you've gotten far enough to know what the Emperor's Blades are, know that we've only seen two or three throughout the main story because all the rest are up North fighting off the Collapsals. Let's kindly thank them for their service, and the fact that we're not going to have to worry about them at all. Definitely. Don't watch PV-4 just trust me.
Fangs of the Feraerus
Main Story excerpts / Il Siracusano
Texas / Lapland / Don Bernardo / Vigil / Crownslayer / Projekt Red / Lunacub I guess
The Feraerus, also known as the Beast Lords, have been hinted at with a couple of characters for a while now. They are powerful creatures similar to but distinct from the Feranmuts who look like animals from our world, instead of the new creatures Terra has in their stead. Some examples are Emperor, the High Priest from Acahualla, or Siege's lions. They are powerful creatures with inherent magic and some apparent responsibility to protect their associated creatures, though the relationship between the beast lords and the races of Terra, human or otherwise, is still unclear.
Regardless, a particular group of Beast Lords is notable for their threat - the Signori Dei Lupi. These are a pack of wolves that live in what is now Siracusa. Because they're wolves in a fictional work, they go by debunked wolf science rules, and are in a power struggle to determine the pack's alpha. Unfortunately, fighting amongst themselves isn't very effective when every member of the pack is an immortal being, so they've instead chosen to settle things by a competition. Every wolf in the pack has picked a human to serve as their champion, teaching them to hunt the others and letting them loose in a sort of battle-royale-style death game. As far as we're aware, Don Bernardo was a fang but has been replaced by Lappland, Projekt Red and Lunacub are both fangs of different wolves, and Crownslayer's mentor, killed by Red in between Chapter 6 and Il Siracusano, was not just a fang but "the first true wolf". We don't know much else about this competition, but we're definitely going back to Siracusa in the future, so this competition is only just getting started.
I don't have an alliteration for Team Rainbow :(
Originium Dust
Ash / Blitz / Frost / Tachanka
Team Rainbow isn't remotely plot-relevant, but with a sequel event coming up I thought I'd quickly recap the original event for those who couldn't read it. Team Rainbow is a special forces from our Earth, or if not something very close to it. A segment of Team Rainbow is sent on an operation to capture the rogue Russian scientist Levi Klitschko. Klitschko has, unbeknownst to everyone, been experimenting with Originium, and right before he's captured he activates a device that sends the entire bunker to Terra.
The team arrives in Sargon and is quickly drawn into a local power struggle. The local lord made a deal with Klitschko, giving him protection and resources in exchange for the scientist creating him an army of Originium-infused mutants. Team Rainbow, on the other hand, ends up helping the local infected when the lord's men come to push them around. Things go south pretty quickly, but Team Rainbow runs into a Rhodes Island squad and they're able to mount a unified assault on the Lord. They break through his mercenaries and reach Klitschko just in time to watch him sacrifice himself to unleash a massive mutant creature, which they eventually bury in the rubble of the bunker.
In the aftermath, Team Rainbow is rescued by Rhodes Island reinforcements and brought to the landship. They don't have a way to return home, but Terra can always find room for another squad of mercenaries, so they decide to make the most of things and set off to explore this new world.
Finished Plotlines:
These are mostly copy/pasted from my last post, because they haven't really changed much. Same deal as before - these plots have basically wrapped up, so I'll give as spoiler-free a review as possible. They're good plots, go back and read them, but until you can this is just a quick summary of where the world stands now that they're completed.
Fear Neither Hardship Nor Darkness
Maria Nearl / Pinus Sylvesteis / Near Light / An Obscure Wanderer
Maria Nearl / Zofia Nearl / Margret Nearl / Młynar Nearl / Dikaiopolis / All of Pinus Sylvestris / Platinum / Roy and Monica / The Doctor / Gravel / basically all the major political figures of Kazimierz
Kazimierz, and the infected living within it, lived without hope. They lived in a dark world, where an oppressive hyper-capitalist system suffocated them, leaving them not just without the means to survive but without any chance of changing the system or fighting the world around them. Pinus Sylvestris knew how to fight the Chamber of Commerce, Dikaiopolis knew how to open up paths for the infected, and Rhodes Island knew how to get medicine to people in need - but none of that could save Kazimierz, because Kazimierz lived in a world without the hope that the system could be changed. Kazimierz needed a Knight - a Knight of honor and virtue, a Knight taken directly from the pages of the storybooks, a Knight that could be the noble light that illuminates the land. They needed brilliant, blinding hope, hope that could not be hidden and could not be denied, to descend from the heavens in their hour of need. The only person who could have saved Kazimierz was Margaret Nearl.
Margaret Nearl won the 24th Major and became the Grand Knight, and has since stayed in Kazimierz to improve living conditions for the infected and push back against the General Chamber of Commerce. The Armorless Union has mostly been decapitated - the Platinum defected, the Lazurites have disappeared and taken on new identities, and the Darksteel has promised to stay away from Margaret and Rhodes Island. Finally, Pinus Sylvestris and most of the rest of the Nearls are now on the landship, working for Rhodes Island.
A New Age is Upon Us
Rhine Lab Manhua / Mansfield Break / Dorothy's Vision / Lonetrail
Silence / Saria / Ifrit / Muelsyse / Ptilopsis / Ahrens Parvis / Kristen Wright / Dorothy / Ferdinand Clooney / Ho'olheyak / Tin Man / Trevor Friston / Mark Max
6,152 meters above sea level, there exists a mysterious barrier called the Starpod. It disrupts arts, tears apart solid matter, and even warps the light that travels through it, rendering space travel or even any sort of medium-altitude flight impossible. It has not always existed, but has covered Terra for almost all recorded memory, and was a simple fact of the world - until Kristen Wright tore it open and flung a spacecraft through.
On November 21, 1099, the world of Terra fundamentally changed. It didn't change in a particularly perceptible way - everyone still got up and went about their day the same day afterwards, and you'll be hard-pressed to actually link anything that will follow to the actions of Kristen Wright. But despite that seeming insignificance, Kristen Wright has left her mark on every living being in Terra, from the magistrates of Yan to the farmers of Sargon to the seaborn crawling amidst the oceans. There is a little something that never existed before - a little fragment of possibility that comes from seeing the world behind the curtain, even if for just a moment. It's impossible to tell where that spark will go. But one thing is for sure - "if, in a century or a millennium, our descendants walk among the stars, the masses will sing her praises."
In more concrete effects, Saria is now the Control of Rhine Lab. She heads the company, and Silence now serves as a senior ethical consultant and head of a burgeoning movement for scientific ethics in Columbia - using the sudden momentum generated by the Trimounts project to push for greater oversight and consideration in the scientific world. Both her and Saria now split their time between Trimounts and Rhodes Island, and Ifrit once again has two moms to spend her time with :)
Finally, Ho'olheyak has joined Rhodes Island with the piece(?) of Trevor Friston that she captured with her arts. The Tin Man and the Maylander Society now have their eyes on Rhodes Island, but more importantly, The Doctor is coming to understand more and more about their past. They're starting to understand their identity, and like Kal'tsit has said, they may not be able to stop.
A Tune, Lingering in my Head
Lingering Echoes / Zwillingstürme im Herbst
Ebonholz / Kreide / The Witch-King / Czerny / Hibiscus / Lessing / Fremont / Hildegarde and Grimmacht
The Witch-King of Leithanien was one of the most powerful casters in Terran History, and even after his death, ripples of his presence still echo through Leithanien and beyond. The events of the Stimmverlust had two main consequences - the Güldensgesatz being weakened, and the Sarkaz Liches departing from Leithanien, as well as the longer-term effect of making Leithanien aware of the presence of the oncoming collapsal crisis.
All of these are significant in their own way - these events were extraordinary important for world-building and writing magic lore and setting up later plots, but none of that really lends itself particularly well to a brief summary, about the closest I can get is "powerful magic leaves ripples, and fundamentally changes the world around it in a way that can be difficult or impossible to undo". It's the sort of plot which can either be explained in bare bones or in extreme detail, but it's too tightly wound around other plots and world-building that there's nothing in between the two. This storyline is likely going to get wound into the Laterano plotlines in the future, so where necessary I'll include explanations with them.
The Main Story:
Main story chapters / Vigilo / What the Firelight Casts
Not a whole lot has changed since our last plot recap, which feels a little weird because of how big chapter 13 was. It's hard to list everything that happened, so I think I'll keep to a shorthand list of all the factions at play in Victoria and what each of them wants, as of the end of Chapter 13.
Rhodes Island
Amiya / Kal'tsit / Doctor / Logos / Ascalon / Closure / Dazmati / etc.
Rhodes Island's goals aren't really set in stone, but they are generally interested in pushing the Sarkaz out of Victoria and ending the suffering caused by the occupation. Amiya has embraced her role as the lord of fiends - she understands that to bring peace to the Sarkaz, she must first shoulder all of the pain they feel, and she pushes on regardless. Towards that goal, Kal'tsit has started to reveal more of the history of the Sarkaz, and Logos and Ascalon are becoming more important. As Amiya becomes more powerful and more sure of herself, the Sarkaz courts are finding her harder and harder to deny.
W / Innes / Hoderer / Paprika / Ulšulah / Ermengarde? I guess?
The Darknights trio has finally made friends! I'm so proud of them. You could make the argument that these folks belong in the Rhodes Island section, but their aims are different enough that I think they ought to get their own brief. This group, but mostly Hoderer and W, are exploring the idea of a new Kazdel - that is, what does Kazdel without the constant cycle of hatred even look like? This has mostly taken the form of rebellion from inside Kazdel's military forces, and actually communicating with people on the other side to ask questions like "Hey do we have a plan beyond constant occupation" and "This kinda sucks, are we sure this is how we want to live". They're the other half of Rhodes Island's philosophical strategy - Amiya can free the Sarkaz of the cycle of hatred, and W and Hoderer can find a way for them to live afterwards.
The Exemplars
Siege / Glasgow Gang / Delphine / Self-Salvation Corps / Horn / Misery
The Exemplars were, originally, an elite unit within the Victorian Military. They were considered heroes, renowned for legendary deeds in service of Victoria. But, in one of their many wars with Gaul, the Exemplars were sacrificed in a political move by the Dukes - the unit was wiped out, the name wasn't revived, and what was left of the unit eventually became the Tempest Platoon we met in chapter 9.
It wasn't Siege's intention to fight a war. Her intent was always to protect its people - the real people, like her gang and the people of Norport. As they've travelled through a war-torn Victoria, though, she's realized that she will not be able to bring peace to her people without the power to end the war. And so, she brings together the people she has saved under the banner of the Exemplars, revived once more - an army free from the Dukes and the Sarkaz, who can bring peace to the people, if Siege can live up to the symbol she represents.
Nine / Talulah / Guard / Redblade / Percival / Norwell
I nearly forgot Reunion was here too. Reunion has been going through an identity crisis ever since capturing Talulah. Not only have they lost faith in their strong figurehead, but that figurehead has lost a lot of her own spark, leaving the identity and direction of the movement in question.
That's not quite a bad thing, though - Nine is a much more thoughtful leader than Kashchey/Talulah ever was, Red has always been more of a good guy than a villain, and Guard brought a lot of the philosophy of Rhodes Island with him when he joined up. They now have a chance to not just rebuild Reunion, but to remake it into something better. The trick will be getting it right, because in war-torn Victoria, they'll find plenty of lost infected with nothing to lose.
The Dukes
Caster / Windmere / Wellington / Gododdin / Probably more that I'm forgetting / Eblana and Dublinn
The Dukes of Victoria have been the ruling power in the country for the last few decades or so, and they aren't interested in leaving the country to the Sarkaz. While they've been too busy with their power plays and politicking to oust the Sarkaz before now, they've finally come together enough to begin a united offensive against the Sarkaz, putting the whole of Victoria's might on the field against the invaders.
However, it hasn't been going great for them. The Sarkaz fight differently from the formal armies that Victoria is used to fighting. They field massive revenant constructs, use strange witchcraft, and wield oripathy as a weapon like any other against the Victorian army, and the Dukes have been slow to adapt. The exact state of the war is unknown, but it doesn't seem likely the Dukes will be able to win the war on their own, especially while the Sarkaz control Londinum's catastrophe-causing superweapon.
Even if the Dukes don't win the war, though, they'll still be a threat to everyone else in Victoria. No matter how the Sarkaz are removed, the moment they're gone the Dukes will hold a near-monopoly on military force in the country and will probably try to seize power again, to say nothing of potential retaliation against Kazdel or the Sarkaz diaspora. The Dukes aren't an immediate problem, but they also aren't going away any time soon.
The Confessarius
Shining / Nightingale / Amiya arguably / Qui'sartuštaj / Salus
To be totally honest, I barely understand the Confessarius plotline. As far as I understand it, they want the power of the Lord of Fiends. This is possible because the first Confessarius, thousands of years ago, was a Lord of Fiends and they've kept his soul alive through magic eugenics? I think? Qui'sartuštaj currently holds that soul, but when he dies, it'll go to Shining and she'll be taken over by it. Nightingale was also artificially designed as a vessel for that soul, and because of that, Qui'sartuštaj wants to recover her and use her to reincarnate(?) the original Confessarius Lord of Fiends. I think. If someone else knows this plot better than I do, please correct me and I'll update this because I haven't been paying enough attention and I'm kinda lost.
The Sarkaz Court/ Kazdel Military Commission
Theresis / Theresa / Sanguinarch / Qui'sartuštaj / Dazmati / Manfred / Lettou
The Kazdel Military Comission, acting under the supervision of King Theresis, is the current ruling power of the Sarkaz and the acting government in control of Londinum. A few years ago, a group of nobles called for the help of the KMC in restoring order in Londinum, and once they occupied it they chose not to leave and instead took over both the city and the catastrophe-causing superweapon, The Shard, located within it. Ever since, they've been carefully trying to preserve their control over both Kazdel and Victoria.
With the introduction of Rhodes Island and the Dukes closing in, this has gotten a lot harder. Theresis now needs to pacify and manage every individual subgroup of Sarkaz, keeping them satisfied enough to stay under the banner. While doing this, he needs to fight both a war outside the walls, against the Dukes, and inside, against Rhodes Island and various rebellious Sarkaz elements like the Darknights trio and whatever is going on with the Dazmati.
The one reason he's been able to hold on this long is the authority of his sister, Theresa. I'm not gonna go over the entire Theresis/Theresa plotline, because it's difficult to summarize and tied into nearly every other plot in the game, but the really short version is that Theresis represents the traditional Sarkaz rule by fear and Theresa represents a new future, a hope for a future without conflict. When taking Londinum, Theresis ceded to the strong suggestions of the Confessarius and used some unknown ritual to return the late Theresa to life, and presumably render her somehow compliant to him. She now serves as a figurehead of the KMC, and the hope she sparks in the Sarkaz is a big reason why Theresis' ambitions haven't collapsed around him.
And, I think that's most everything! Sweet sassy molassey, that took a while. I may skip the next anniversary's recap, since it'll only be main story stuff anyway. Anyway, as usual, if there's something relevant I've missed, let me know, and if not, I hope this helped! Enjoy your life and practice your art, Doctors!
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niennawept · 2 years ago
get to know me
tagged by my lovely friend @dwarveslikeshinythings <3; Sorry for the delay - I'm still catching up on my tag games.
are you named after anyone? Yes. I am named after a character in movie, but not because my parents liked either the character or the actress (they hated both). I'm named after this character because they wanted to be like her parents. Needless to say, I am not fond of my name.
when was the last time you cried?: genuinely don't remember, but it was probably either a) writing because sometimes I get overwhelmed by character's emotions or b) something reminded me fiercely of my late father and I just lost it for a minute.
do you have kids?:  Not unless you count dogs. I have two shelter pups.
do you use sarcasm a lot?: Mostly when asked to do something very simple. I will sarcastically refuse whilst doing the thing.
what’s the first thing you notice about people?: Vibes. I have a very vibes-based nervous system (thanks trauma).
what’s your eye colour?: This is complicated. I have central heterochromia, which means my eyes are two different colors within the same iris. So brown on the inside, mossy green on the outside, but you can't tell unless you get close so I say hazel even though it's not technically correct.
scary movies or happy endings?: Scary movies. I typically fall asleep with one on. After you've seen it a hundred times, even the sounds of screaming can become their own kind of comforting because it's always the same.
any special talents?: I don't know what to put here. I have a lot of hobbies, but I'm not sure I'd say I'm particularly talented at any of them. I can tie a cherry stem into a knot inside my mouth? Does that count as a talent?
where were you born?: The United States.
what are your hobbies?: Oh geez, uh. Sewing, cosplay, writing, baking, drawing, reading, singing, playing the ukulele, video games, DnD and other tabletop games, mead making, crocheting, gardening, painting, ... I think that's it. But I'm thinking of picking up book binding and tambour embroidery for elf reasons.
have any pets?: see above answer about kids. 
what sports do you play/have played?: Played basketball for years, not because I was good, but because I was tall for my age, but I stopped once the other kids caught up in height. I really loved track in Middle School, and I was a pretty strong sprinter, but I gave it up in HS to focus on my schoolwork.
how tall are you?: Five foot seven. I'm actually the shortest of all my cousins, lol.
favourite subject in school?: It changed a lot depending on my interest in what we were learning about. I have an abiding love of science and history. I'm also partial to poetry, despite being beyond awful at making it.
dream job?: living in the Star Trek future with a universal basic income, lol. People in Star Trek just do what they want to do for work and it all seems to work out fine.
first ship: I've mentioned this before and I'll mention it again probably but Kagome x Sesshomaru from Inuyasha (SessKag). Can't help it, my 14 year old brain latched on REALLY hard.
three ships: Been reading some Bagginshield lately and that's growing on me. Adar x Palariel (my OFC, super normal about this one, lol). Been thinking some Galadriel x Luthien (pre-Beren) thoughts lately - might heck around and write a one-shot someday. Can you tell I'm only thinking about Tolkien things these days?
last (current) song: "The Devil is a Gentleman" by Merci Raines.
last movie: House on Haunted Hill (1958) with Vincent Price. Featuring my favorite line from any movie: "Darling, the only ghoul in the house is you."
currently reading: I am listening to "Oathbringer" by Brandon Sanderson in audiobook form, reading "The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jackson, "The Fall of Numenor" and "The Fall of Gondolin" (thanks people who voted in the poll) in physical form, and reading an epic-length Bagginshield fanfic digitally.
currently watching: uh... I'm partway through season two of Succession. And I watched the first episode of Picard, season three. I'm very bad at watching television lately. It requires too much energy.
currently consuming: orange spice tea, no sugar.
currently craving: I don't really have cravings very often. So nothing?
tagging: @somebirdortheother, @lady-of-imladris, @coraleethroughthelookingglass and anyone to whom this looks fun!
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ludoka · 1 year ago
I'm sorry for answering late. I didn't know how to contextualize my answer and I wanted more opinions on the subject. My internet also broke so I was using mobile data.
Normally in Argentina the country is often spoken of as a sinking ship. Therefore, the vast majority of Argentines try to leave the country in an attempt to survive abroad. Which implies that they try to take everything or everyone they can. That's why it caught my attention that he didn't take his son.
Talking to other people (mainly adults) I realized that this thought is much more current. Before this thought was not the most common. Before certain things were simpler and people's thinking was not so fatalistic or depressing.
I came to the conclusion that it is possible that Sr. Dorado saw it more convenient to work abroad and give part of the money to his family in Argentina. Perhaps he left his son with his grandfather to "kill two birds with one stone." You see, for years retirement money has not been enough to survive in Argentina. There are a LOT of older people who still work after retirement just to have a little extra to live on. (and the fact that it is not specified in which part of Buenos Aires the grandfather lives gives room to imagine the type of life he leads. After all, they didn't say "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires" so the chances of living in the province are greater. And there things are different from the Big City) So the fact that SrD wants to give some money to Edu's grandfather is high. Although that also begs the question of "why grandpa?" After all, leaving Edu with his grandfather is a big financial burden that I highly doubt will help. It would be more feasible, in the long run, to take your child and send money to your relative. More so if we take into account Argentina's economy, which is like a roller coaster. So the decision is curious. Although this may also be something that prompted Edu to leave home. You may have felt like a burden to your grandfather.
Eduardo appears little enough in the show that one can fill out his home life with plenty of HC. That's what I like. There are little things that don't close to me but I can see certain things. Example: Eduardo's friends either had a specific nickname for him or not. Maybe they called it differently. The ones that come to mind are: Negro, Flaco, Chino, Peluca, Morocho, Pelusa, Fideo. There may also be others that didn't have much logic because they came from something specific he said or did. Something like: Confite, Campesino (This is because he is from the interior of the country and went to live in the capital. It is very normal that they treat us all as if we were from the countryside. It offends me but I don't blame them *flashback of a boy carrying a baby goat on top of the motorcycle*), Cordón, Loco, El Dorado (For the movie). So when he came to the United States he didn't feel like explaining any of the nicknames, so he went with Ed. (because he saw Ed, Edd and Eddy and liked the sound of it)
I would change a few things or add more to the personality of both Dorado. Like they carry a thermos and mate. That he mispronounces a certain food on purpose just because that's how he's been taught his whole life. Add that they speak in Spanish when they are at home. I would even add maybe very typical things, like Edu starts playing with plastic bottles as if they were soccer balls. Or make paper balls. He may not be a football fan but he has learned through osmosis, so he plays when he is very bored.
OH THE SNOW!! Much of Argentina does not snow. That's further south or near the mountain range. If Eduardo grew up in the Litoral area, the chances of him having seen snow are 1 to 0. Hollywood movies make snow look like something out of a fairy tale!!! Something impossible and fantastic! The boy is super fascinated to see snow for the first time. Seeing that would have been something very nice.
Well, I overdid it. Sorry. Thinking about his life in Argentina and the contrast with his life in the North is fascinating. I have many opinions and HC.
I have a question: Do you know if the series explains why Dr Dorado did not take his family to the United States? I am aware (as an Argentinian) that Eduardo and his father are a bit stereotyped but the choice for Mr. Dorado to leave his family in Argentina is a bit strange. Because otherwise, the only explanation I see is that his job was considered dangerous, so he decided to leave his family to prevent them from being hurt. (Sorry for coming straight to you with this question but I have a hyper fixation on Edu and you are the one I see the most in his tags 😅)
no worries i’m happy to answer edus my boy i love talking about him :D (lmfao my bad for practically spamming his tags 😭)
i like ur explanation ! i can see that being a reasoning, i mean we know that STAR labs is always involved in all sorts of stuff so …
the show has never given any particular reasoning for why Sr left his son with either his (or his wife’s) father (i.e Eds granddad). All we know is that Sr studied Zeta-beam tech for two decades and at some point moved to the US.
i don’t have one explanation set in stone, but here r some possible reasons he could’ve just went himself without his son (they’re not necessarily the most logical, just possibilities): either he felt like he didn’t want to remove his son from a place that he knows as home and had enough trust in the granddad being able to take care of him in the mean time. Considering Ed was young when his dad left, sometimes parents feel like they don’t want to remove them from an environment they feel comfortable with.
or if they would’ve moved, he’d either have to take the grandfather with them or possibly just leave him alone, which he maybe didn’t want to do and felt better leaving Edu behind with him too to give him company (doesn’t make it right but again parents can think like this sometimes). Also he might’ve thought sending money back to them might’ve been more fruitful than having the full family with him. Old people can feel very strongly about not wanting to leave their home behind.
Sometimes also with ppl who leave the country they don’t necessarily plan on just staying there, they return back (in this case to Argentina) frequently. And with the zeta tubes maybe this was something easy for Sr to do at first, but i can see this becoming less and less through the years (just something that i feel like can naturally happen especially with someone so consumed by his work like Ed Sr) and Ed grows more angry and pissed at his dad for being there less and less and that’s what prompts him to say fuck it and runaway to go to his dad.
Also we know that Eds mom is not in the picture (for unknown reasons, either leaving the family or because of death) so maybe Sr didn’t want to be around the place and people that might remind him of her as much and distance himself.
But I see this as unlikely cause despite all his shortcomings, Sr is shown to care very much about his son. I feel like a likely reasoning would’ve been something that started with good intentions but then through the years just didn’t work out as well as he hoped, prompting Ed to run away from home.
i also think something worth considering is he maybe felt the granddad would be able to take better care of Eduardo than him, because he knows how much work takes up his life and he wouldn’t want to be an absent father to a son who’s then alone most of the time in a new place and new environment. He might’ve reasoned to himself that it would’ve been better for Ed to stay home with his granddad who would be there when he needs him. And he would then try to visit when he can.
the logical thing would’ve been to take his family with him, but people often try to make things work out despite it not necessarily being the easiest or best solution.
so no the series doesn’t say anything about it, but i would sure be interested to know what reasoning they have :) thanks for the ask <3
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sparklyeevee · 2 years ago
Sorry I'm still thinking about how the ability to trust and obey a head of state, wholesale take on her priorities as your own, and do what's asked of you even when you don't have the full picture, is a huge part of the First Prince of the Sword's job, is something Gawyn was trained from childhood to do, is probably a big part of why the princes of Andor train with the Warders in the first place, and after what Elaida did to him, what she tried to do to the Younglings, he can't do it anymore. She literally traumatized him into being unable to do his damn job. He can't be Egwene's Warder, not effectively, when his instincts won't let him stop looking for what she isn't telling him. He can't serve Elayne when he sees a trap in her every order, for him and the men under his command.
It's worth noting here that what Elaida did with the Younglings, deliberately sending them into impossible situations because she didn't like them and no longer had a use for them... That's not what you might call a thing, in this setting. My partner remembers Carridin and Valda doing it once each, but Carridin is a darkfriend and Valda is...Valda. They're also both men, and neither is actually the head of an entire government. Other leaders, other heads of state, including Rand, are sometimes careless with their military forces, and the Light knows the Seanchan see people as disposable, but it's a long fucking step from carelessness to malice, and if the Empress, may she live forever, or one of the High Blood, found the continued existence of a specialist unit inconvenient and unaesthetic, they would be ordered to kill themselves, straight out. I don't think Gawyn ever actually tells anyone what she was doing, which suggests to me that either he didn't expect to be believed, even by Elaida's direct adversaries, or he didn't know how, he didn't have the language for it. Certainly Gareth Bryne didn't understand it, but that's no fault of Bryne's - Gawyn didn't even really try to explain, and Gareth Bryne isn't Lan, he can't just intuit what's really bothering someone. I think Rand might have gotten it - he knows a thing or two about not wanting to be used, and about not being able to trust people when they won't tell you what's going on - but circumstances conspire to make it impossible for them to talk to each other.
I'm not trying to blame anyone for not getting where Gawyn's head is at. It was actually kind of narratively important that someone just straight up fall through the cracks. It was kind of important that someone be refused language for what was done to them. It was kind of important that, in a series where the most common way to look after a suicidal person is to offer them a more useful, but also more time consuming, way to kill themselves, and just keep doing that until they stop wanting to die, that someone not get any help with that, and fuck up catastrophically trying to do it for themselves.
And this is kind of the context on Gawyn's desire to like, be more protagonisty than circumstances really allow him to be. There's a completely offhand observation in Eye of the World, when Rand and Mat are on the way to Caemlyn, about how farmers have only themselves to answer to if they sleep late. Gawyn doesn't understand how Rand is so comfortably able to exercise personal agency, to just do things without being told to or even getting permission. His limited understanding of the way the world is ordered, his very hierarchical way of thinking, suggests to him that a random sheepherder, all the way down at the bottom of the social strata, should feel more constrained, be more afraid of acting without external direction, and he can't for the life of him figure out how Rand does it, and he's jealous, which makes him angry, because Gawyn, due to the psychological damage he's taken, is no longer fitted for the life of service to which he was raised, and desperately needs to be able to do what Rand is doing. Not the Dragon Reborn thing, not initial caps Changing the World, but seeing what needs to be done and doing it without the direction or approval of any greater authority. And none of the people he tries to talk to about it even understand what he's asking, partly because they're all a little less clueless about how the world is arranged, and understand without explication that a farmer, who is empowered to just notice that a fence is breaking down and set about repairing it, is not going to face the same challenges in this area as the First Prince of the Sword, who commands armies but is always answerable to the Queen.
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slyttherins · 4 years ago
Werewolf attack | Bill Weasley x Reader
Summary: You get a letter from Ginny saying that Bill was injured during a battle
Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader
Square filled: Post battle
Word count: 1248
Tumblr media
Dear, Y/N
I'm sorry to have to announce this to you by mail, but Bill was severely injured during a battle with Death Eaters. He's currently being taken care of at Hogwarts' hospital wing. Come quick.
Ginny Weasley
It had been a while since you last been inside the castle, but you managed to find the hospital wing fairly easily - with the help of a few portraits. As you walked through the halls, you heard details about the battle Ginny had mentioned. According to the whispers, the Great Hall you once loved was now destroyed and so was Hagrid's hut. Lastly, and the most shocking, Dumbledore was...dead.
Bill's cot was surrounded by the Weasley clan when you arrived at the infirmary, making it easy to spot. Around you, there were students being treated in other cots for cuts and others injuries, making you wonder what had happened.
Having seen you walk in, Ginny stepped away from her family and came to greet you.
''What happened?'' you asked, but the younger Weasley didn't say anything and simply hugged you. You hugged her back, feeling like she needed it. ''Gin-'' you started, getting more worried.
''I think it's better if you see yourself.''
She led the way and you followed, preparing yourself for the worse. If it hadn't been so bad, Ginny would've put more details into her letter. So, it had to be bad.
You bypassed the hospital screen that had been installed between beds, separating and shielding him from other patients and curious eyes and took a deep breath before standing next to Ron and filling the empty space Ginny must've occupied before you arrived.
Tears welled in your eyes when you saw Bill in the small cot with bandages and scratches all over. His eyes were closed, having most likely been given a sleeping draught to ease the pain and facilitate the healing. Four long - and deep looking - scratches took the side of his face and kept going across his nose, chin and a little of his left cheek. He was, for lack of better words, disfigured.
Beside his bed was a small pot with soiled gauzes and bandages and other cleaning supplies from when the nurses had tended him. It made you sick to your stomach how many there were.
Your broken voice caught Molly's attention. She looked up without detaching herself from her husband, holding onto a handkerchief which she must've used to wipe her tears. She forced a smile at you, but was too worried about her son's state.
A werewolf. A nasty werewolf that went by the name Greyback had attacked him, mauled him when the Death Eaters had entered the school, Ron had explained.
''Is he going to turn into a..?'' you trailed, speaking everyone's mind.
''There is a possibility,'' Mr. Weasley replied. ''Remus said if it had been a bite, there would be no questioning, but Greyback scratched him. And, it wasn't on a full moon. We'll have to wait and see.''
When it became too late to stay up, Mrs. Weasley and the rest of the clan left to get some rest at home. Molly didn't want to leave her son's bedside, but she knew he was in safe hands with you - and the Hogwarts nurses.
No one was allowed overnight at the infirmary, it was an old rule that still went, but Madam Pomfrey let you stay.
It was almost midnight when Bill's eyes opened.
The matron and all the nurses had gone to sleep in their quarters, leaving the ones in the portraits to watch over the patients. You too had fallen asleep, but instead of a soft bed, it was in the uncomfortable chair by Bill's bed. Your body was going to ache tomorrow.
A scratchy call of your name stirred you from your sleep, the quiet sound louder in the silent infirmary. You opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend awake in his cot.
''I'm here,'' you said, coming closer and sitting on the edge of Bill's cot, careful to not brush any of the cuts and scratches on his arms and chest.
The redhead looked at you and smiled softly, still loopy from the potions he was given. ''I must look dashing, do I?'' he asked, making you laugh as tears pricked your eyes.
''Don't worry, you're still handsome,'' you assured despite the scratches on his face. ''How are you feeling?'' you asked, gently stroking his hair around his face the way you knew he liked.
''Like I've been stepped on by one of Charlie's dragons,'' Bill answered half honest, half joking. He laughed it off, but the rumbling and expansion of his chest caused a sharp chest pain, making the redhead hiss.
You knew it was from the bruises on his ribs, but Bill's hiss of pain still worried you. You hated to see him in hurt, hearing his pain was worse and got you immediately in nurse alert. ''Do you need more pain potion? I'll go get a nurse-''
Bill put his hand on your arm, stopping you. ''No. I'm good.''
''Maybe you should cut down on the laughing until you're healed, yeah? The nurse said it should take two weeks for the bruises on your ribs to heal. Fred tried to use his invented bruise-healing paste on you, but Madam Pomfrey threatened to ban him from the infirmary so he put it back in his pocket,'' you explained, laughing at the memories.
''Does it even work?''
You shrugged. ''I have no idea.''
You weren't too familiar with the twins' Weasley Wheezes products, but if the bruise-healing paste didn't work, Fred wouldn't have tried to use it on Bill. Not while he was severely injured in a hospital cot.
''Has anyone caught Greyback?'' Bill asked, curious about the fate of his attacker.
''No.'' You shook your head. ''He got away with the other Death Eaters. I'm sorry.''
''It's okay. It'll give me time to recover until I can get my revenge.'' Bill forced a smile, trying to stay positive, but you knew it was only a facade.
''Remus wants his ass dead too. He won't live for long.''
You were trying to sound hopeful, but Remus had been bitten at the age of four and was now in his mid-thirties. In his defense, Fenrir Greyback was difficult to catch. He had been captured several times by the Ministry's Werewolf Capture Unit, but managed to escape every time.
''What happened during the battle? Did they catch the Death Eaters? Is-''
You shook your head, refusing to tell him anything about the battle. Something big did happen, but Bill didn't need to know about Dumbledore's death - not at midnight. For everything else, you didn't have enough information to answer everything he'd want to know. ''Madam Pomfrey said you need rest. We can talk about the battle tomorrow.''
He sighed, but didn't push. ''Come in the bed with me.''
You hesitated. ''I don't think-''
''Please, love. Just for a couple minute until I fall asleep.'' He used his Weasley charm and you gave in.
Thankful for the hospital screens around his cot, you carefully sat on Bill's bed and made sure to not touch any of his bandages, scared to hurt him. Once you were settled, Bill closed his eyes, head resting against the soft pillow.
You found a spot on his face where he had no bandages and kissed it. ''I still love you, William. Whether you owl at the moon every months or not.''
You saw a smile curl on his lips. He was going to be okay.
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nakachuchu · 4 years ago
3:06 PM | Ushijima Wakatoshi
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SYNOPSIS: You’re a mail-order bride arriving at her new home for the first time.
READER: female
WORDS: 1078
WRITTEN: 05/18/2021
NOTE: Thank you for requesting from my time event! Sorry there wasn't much romance.
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Ushijima was an outstanding and famous volleyball player, and while he didn't need a girlfriend in his life, he had noticed his large mansion was a bit empty.
Tendou came over occasionally to talk about his latest chocolate creation, to lounge about in Ushijima's mansion, and to tell him that he was lacking someone in his life.
Ushijima didn't really notice much until lately. He was about to turn thirty and his only companions were the fish in the large tank in the living room.
As a lover of magazines and articles, he picked up the first one from the stack he had on his coffee table. He was a bit surprised to see a mail order bride advertisement on the cover, but after recalling Tendou's words, he decided to pull up his laptop—that Tendou taught him how to use—and entered the website URL.
He scrolled through the brides, eyes widening slightly at the amount of saucy photos the brides had.
He stopped at your profile. You had uploaded a simple picture of you with a dog. You were smiling in the picture, and being drawn by it, he clicked on your page.
You listed yourself on a website that sold mail-order brides to people. You didn't have the best life, so you decided to take your chances with a husband who could take care of you.
Before Ushijima could stop himself, he purchased you. When you had gotten the email that you had been bought, you weren't sure how to act. You only hoped someone kind purchased you.
Less than a week later, you arrived at Ushijima's doorstep with a suitcase behind you. When he answered the door, he was a bit confused as to who you were until you explained that he had ordered him.
"Are you hungry?" you asked. "I can make dinner. Can you show me the kitchen?"
He nodded and led you into the kitchen. You thought it was a bit scary that he hadn't said a single word to you yet, so you were on high alert.
Your mouth parted a bit at the sight of his large kitchen. When the taxi first dropped you off in front of his mansion, you were surprised. You stood there for a few minutes, making sure you got the correct address.
You couldn't understand why someone as rich as him would need to purchase a bride. He could have easily gotten a girlfriend or a wife on his own—mainly his money.
You shook your head out of your thoughts and opened the fridge, mouth opening further at his empty fridge. There were only chilled water bottles and yogurt.
"You don't have anything," you said. "What do you normally eat? You're so big, you have to eat a lot."
You began to scold him like a mother and he simply stood there and nodded. When you were finally finished, you huffed and looked away. He took out his phone and ordered fresh groceries from a local app.
"I ordered groceries," he said.
You flinched at the sudden sound of his voice and slowly turned around. The two of you stared at each other in silence.
"Can you show me where I can sleep?" you asked.
He nodded and grabbed your suitcase, taking it upstairs for you. You followed after him and followed him into one of the rooms near the back of the hallway.
It was a large, fancy room. You noticed there was nothing personal in the room, so you turned to talk to him. You didn't notice how close he was to you, so you had to back up.
"Are you not sleeping with me?" you questioned.
He paused for a moment. "No."
"Why not? I'm your bride."
"Do you want to?"
"I don't mind," you responded.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment more before you turned around and sat on the bed.
"I'll start unpacking. Will you tell me when the groceries arrive?" you asked.
He nodded and left you alone to unpack. You found him odd—very odd—but he was attractive and rich. You knew you would be well taken care of.
For the rest of the night, you unpacked and made dinner for the two of you. Ushijima thanked you for the meal, and you thought it was simply good manners, but he hadn't had a home-cooked meal in years so he appreciated it.
The two of you slept in separate bedrooms that night. It was one of the best nights of your life because of how big and fluffy the bed was.
The next day, Ushijima didn't have practice. He decided to take you to the park at 3:06 PL. you were thankful because you enjoyed feeling the sunlight on your skin and the wind through your hair.
"Thank you for taking me here," you said.
He nodded.
You stared at his attire. He was wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a jacket. You were feeling hot in his place.
"Why are you wearing that? You look...like a stalker," you said.
He glanced at you. "People who know me like to take photos, but sometimes, I want to relax."
You blinked. "Are you famous or something?"
He blinked at you. "You don't know?"
You shook your head.
You never bothered to Google him because all that mattered to you when he first purchased you was that he would hopefully take care of you. All you knew was his face, name, and age because of his private profile that only you had access to.
"I'm a volleyball player."
"Oh. Cool."
You knew nothing about sports, but he didn't seem to mind. He looked ahead to continue looking at the swans in the lake.
"What do you want for dinner tonight?" you asked.
"Anything," he said, but he was too shy to add 'because anything you make is good.'
“Okay,” you responded. “Do you like carrots?”
“What about brussel sprouts?”
He vaguely remembered having them when he went to the United States. He cringed at the thought of it.
“Yeah, me too.”
You continued to quiz him on the foods he liked or didn't like and he continued to respond to you. In the middle of your conversation, he ended up buying some bread from a vendor to feed the birds. He handed you half of the bread and the two of you ended up surrounded by birds for the rest of the evening.
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scribbleboxfox · 3 years ago
I'm very sorry if this is a sensitive subject, but I am curious. I feel like you've started reblogging a lot of abortion content lately. Is that from some new laws arising in your area? (Sorry if this question seems awful or might even get you in trouble - I'm a foreigner and feel like maybe I missed something?)
No need to apologize, friend! It's not a sensitive topic at all, and I'm happy to try to answer your question as best I can!
Idk how much you hear about US politics where you live, but a few days ago someone leaked a draft opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) that suggests they'll rule in favor of a Mississippi law (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization) that would overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Roe vs. Wade "was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction."
Long story short, if the SCOTUS rules in favor of the state of Mississippi in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, it'll make it so states can determine their own individual abortion rights.
Or as Politico put it:
"The immediate impact of the ruling as drafted in February would be to end a half-century guarantee of federal constitutional protection of abortion rights and allow each state to decide whether to restrict or ban abortion."
"The overturning of Roe would almost immediately lead to stricter limits on abortion access in large swaths of the South and Midwest, with about half of the states set to immediately impose broad abortion bans. Any state could still legally allow the procedure."
Thankfully this draft isn't official or finalized, and won't be until it's published (assuming it is.) But it's pissed a lot of people off (understandably so,) which is why you've probably seen an uptick in pro-abortion-related content on your dashboard from American bloggers like myself.
Hope that answers your question! :D
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enchantedblackrose · 4 years ago
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
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**Not my picture. Google Images.**
This Thing Between Us
Pairing: Jay Halstead/Reader
Warnings: 1 F bomb near the end
Apologies, this has not yet been proofread by someone else. I was just too anxious to get it posted.
There's a knock on your apartment door which causes you to groan. You struggle to find the will to get off the couch and leave the warmth of your favorite sherpa blanket. In fact you contemplate not answering the door. You check your phone to make sure no one sent you a text about coming over.
0 new notifications 
Then there's another knock with a little more force behind it this time. Sighing, your curiosity is getting the better of you. You pause your favorite Christmas movie before standing up. 
'Ugh, Christmas,' you think to yourself. It is a large contributor to your current funk. But it's not your fault you find the holiday incredibly romantic. You can blame Hollywood and American commercialism for that. A constant string of movies, songs, and commercials are crammed down your throat before Halloween every year. Most depict having someone special, someone to cuddle, to sip hot chocolate with, to take you ice skating, or decorate the tree and bake cookies, someone to love and loves you back. You're painfully single and apparently sadistic, self sabotaging yourself with that movie.
You open the door and are met with those familiar piercing eyes belonging to your partner. The other leading cause of your pathetic state.. You met at work, both being a part of the elite intelligence unit for the Chicago Police Department. You're fiercely dedicated to the job, as is he, but that didn't stop either of you from hooking up. You've been sleeping together for a few months. You thought you could handle it all. The friendship, the casual hook ups, working closely together, the undeniable chemistry you two shared, but somewhere along the way you found yourself falling in love. 
Scared of falling alone, of ruining everything, you've kept your feelings a secret. Instead you have, rather unsuccessfully, attempted to limit the hook ups, vowing to make a clean break.
You truly don't even know how you get yourself into these positions, but then you see him smiling at you as he leans on your doorframe and the how becomes a lot clearer. 
"I have a candy cane for you."
"Ugh, Jay," you groan. "I'm really not in the mood. You should have called. I-"
"No, I have an actual candy cane for you." He pulled the curved peppermint stick out of his coat pocket offering it to you.
"Oh. Uh...thanks." You take the candy cane, slightly confused.
"I'm on the way to meet a CI about the case.I thought maybe you'd wanna come along?"
"Yeah, sure. Let me get changed real fast." You indicate for him to come inside. He steps through the doorway, accidentally brushing against you. You catch a whiff of his familiar scent and you find yourself thinking about pulling him to you. But you remember he's here for work. 
Having been at your place quite a few times, he knowingly heads for your couch.You make your way to your bedroom. You're halfway undressed when you hear Jay laugh. You peek your head out to see what sparked the laughter. He sees you and points to your Christmas tree.
It's about 2 feet, strung with multicolored lights, topped with a star that's too big. It's pathetic and the whole thing looks like it could topple over at any given moment.
"What is that?" He exclaims, still laughing.
You huff and cross your arms. "Stop it. I haven't exactly had the chance to go out and buy a new tree." It's true. The case has you logging more hours than normal and your current mental state wasn't exactly inspiring your Christmas spirit, either. As you finish getting out of your sweats and putting on "real" clothes, you hear Jay still chuckling softly. As much as you want to be annoyed by him, the sound makes you smile slightly.
Jay's informant has information that proves to be useful. You put in a call to the other members of the team. Soon enough there's a successful bust and several collars. Voight commends the team for a good job, then dismisses you all, rather quickly saying something about enjoying the start of the holiday when given the chance.
Jay takes you back to your place. You hesitate before getting out of his truck, struggling with your own conflicting wants.
"Do you wanna hang out for a bit?" You ask, losing your willpower.
He smiles and kisses your cheek almost brusquely. "I have some things to take care of."
You nod showing you understand, but hope the small smile you give is enough to hide your disappointment you can't help but feel. You slide out of his truck and give a careless wave bye. 
'It's fine,' you tell yourself repeatedly as you make your way up to your apartment. 'This is good even'. Obviously you were failing at breaking things off. This could be your chance. You start getting ready for the long, hot shower your body desperately needs.
Feeling better than you have in awhile, you settle into your couch beginning your search for something to watch. A knock on your door interrupts. Unbelievable.
You open it to once again find Jay standing there, this time donning a red santa hat and holding an oversized box.
"What are you doi-"
He cuts you off. "Do you mind?" You step aside and he comes in placing the box down in the middle of your living room. For the first time you can see clearly what it is he's brought you.
You feel a wide grin take over your face. "You bought me a tree?" He notices your bright smile and beams back at you.
"I bought you a tree. And some decorations. They're in the boxes still in the hallway. I didn't know what you had." You rush to bring them in. Jay begins removing pieces of the tree from the box as you look through the ornaments and lights he's brought. You inspect each one thoroughly and with a smile. Occasionally Jay stops assembling the tree to look at you. When you feel his eyes on you, you turn to him.
"What?" But he just shakes his head and returns his focus to the tree. "You know," you start carefully, not wanting to appear ungrateful, "I do have a few ornaments from when I was a kid downstairs in the storage unit."
"Well, go get them," he grins."I'm good here."
You return a few minutes later. Jay turned on Christmas music while you were gone, as well as finished getting the tree up. The artificial evergreen stands at 6 ½ feet. With it's big, full branches it's easily the nicest tree you've had as an adult. 
Before he starts to string the lights up, he follows you to the couch where you sit with your small container of ornaments. You lift the lid carefully and begin showing them to him. There's an ornament with your name and date of birth on it. One has your kindergarten picture in it. You save your favorite for last and explain the sentimental value behind it. Jay listens intently as you speak and you swear you love him more for it. 
Together you both start decorating the tree, stopping only to make hot chocolate. Soon the tree is fully decorated and there's nothing more to do than admire it. You both sit on your couch taking it all in.
You curl into Jay and almost automatically he wraps his arm around you. "Thank you," you say softly. "For all of this." He pulls you tighter in response and begins combing his fingers through your hair, but the sweet action stirs something in you.
Sighing, you sit up. Jay looks up at you in alarm. "Hey. What's been going on with you? Hmm?" He nudges you playfully, but when you don't speak, he looks dejected and runs a hand quickly through his hair. He says your name softly. "C'mon. You know you can talk to me about anything and it's not like I haven't noticed you pulling away lately."
You look at him and swallow hard, unsure of what to say. "This isn't enough for me, Jay. I'm sorry. I thought it would be, but it's not."
"What's not enough? The tree? I thought you liked it?"
"No, not the tree! The tree's perfect. I love the fucking tree, okay?" Tears are starting to form as your emotions get the best of you.
"Then what? I'm gonna need a little more information. I'm sorry."
"I don't wanna be the coworker you screw around with. I wanna mean something to you, Jay! Not in the we're partners way, either."
"Aw, baby girl." Your heart aches at the endearment he's only ever used in your most intimate moments together. "Come here." He pulls you tight to him and as much as you don't want to, you welcome his strong embrace. He's quiet for a moment as he holds onto you and you're begging the tears not to fall. "I'm gonna need you to look at me." He gently pulls away and cups your face. He stares deep into your eyes. "This thing between us, it's for real; it's never just been casual for me and I am so sorry I didn't tell you that before now. I'm so in love with you."
There's no stopping the tear rolling down your cheek. Jay wipes it away with his thumb. "You mean that?" You ask, your voice hardly above a whisper. He nods. You smile. "I love you, too." The words are hardly out of your mouth before his lips are on yours. He pulls away after a moment, gently resting his forehead against yours.
Your eye catches the clock on the wall. 12:01 in the morning. It's officially Christmas Eve and the man you love, loves you. An almost inaudible laugh escapes you.
"What?" Jay asks, clearly puzzled.
"Nothing. I'm just happy."
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emma-nation · 4 years ago
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU) - Chapter 9
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“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x f!OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning: for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Castle Dimitrescu, Lady Dimitrescu's Bedroom - Present Days
What did dying feels like? Bela couldn't remember the day she died, before she was turned. For many and many years, she wondered how it even happened. Maybe she was incurably ill. That would be the only plausible explanation on why Lady Dimitrescu decided to transform her into a vampire. Having an illness herself, she must've felt sorry for Bela being so young and already losing her life.
But that night, after being drugged by Mother Miranda, the memory from that tragic event returned to her memory stronger like never.
It was a cold night in the 1950's. Alcina threw a special dinner and invited her three favorite and most loyal servants. Three young girls. They felt honored sitting at the same table as their mistress. They were chatting and giggling but then... something started to feel strange. Starting by the fact none of the servants were around.
It began as a burning sensation in Bela's stomach. She tried to ignore it but it'd only grow stronger. She dropped the silverware she was holding. She attempted to swallow another sip of tea. By her side, she noticed one of the other two girls, the brunette one, starting to show signs of discomfort too.
"What's wrong, my dear?" Lady Dimitrescu asked when the red haired girl, the youngest of the three, started coughing.
"I can't..." she tried to answer, but the words got lost in her throat as she began to suffocate, "b-breathe..."
Bela tried to stand up and help her, but her surroundings started to spin. She held on the table for support. At this point, the brunette girl was already lying on the floor, having some kind of seizure. She looked at Lady Dimitrescu again, but she didn't seem to be worried. She seemed abnormally calm.
"W-What have you..." before she could finish the question, her lungs could no longer fill with oxygen. Her throat and her airways started to burn. She tried and tried to breathe, but it seemed impossible. The weakness started on her legs and spread to the rest of her body really quickly. In fact, she barely felt when she collapsed on the floor. When the seizures started, she was barely conscious. Her vision was already going black, but she still had time to see the Countess staring at her body, almost lifeless, as she said:
"Don't worry, daughter. Everything will be alright."
Poisoned. She was poisoned.
When Bela woke up it was already morning. She could tell by the rays of sunlight entering through the windows. She hadn't died this time, but the sensations she experienced were quite similar. Her head was aching intensely and her vision was still blurred. Whatever Miranda had injected in her blood had affected her senses very badly.
"Aleena," she finally remembered. She tried to get up but her legs were still weak. "I need to find her."
She kept moving slowly, using the walls and furniture for support. If only she could transform into flies, it would be a lot easier, but it hurt to even try.
"Fuck!" Bela cursed, frustrated. She threw herself on a couch for a moment. She needed to rest.
Her eyes analyzed her surroundings. Although Bela was in her mother's chambers, Lady Dimitrescu was nowhere to be seen.
Hours had passed since she was drugged. Anything could've happened during this time. She wondered if Aleena was still there and if she was okay. She had to be. But what if she slept for days? What if the ritual had already happened? Aleena could be dead in that exact moment and she wasn't there to protect her. That thought made her stomach feel sick. And rare were the occasions she felt sick after being turned.
"Bela!" Daniela opened the door, she seemed so confused and scared as she was. "There you are, sister! Oh my god, I was starting to think you were dead."
"You wish..." Bela moaned sarcastically. She couldn't miss the opportunity. "What the fuck happened, Dani? Where's that bitch?"
"Who? Cassandra?"
Daniela handed her a cup full of human blood. Bela drank it all in one sip. That was the only thing able to restore her body from the damage Miranda caused.
Cassandra. She remembered her middle sister being the one who told her to go to her mother's office. Traitor! She should've known when she appeared to be so supportive of her relationship with Aleena in the previous day.
"No, Mother Miranda."
"Mother Miranda was here?"
Before she could answer, the door opened with a slam. It was Cassandra, looking completely fine. She had blood around her mouth and all over her dress. In a blink of an eye, Bela lunged forward, pinning her against the wall.
"How could you?!" She yelled. "You sent me directly to a trap!"
"What are you talking about?" Cassandra argued. "Somebody caught me on a corridor and stabbed my neck with a needle, then I passed out."
"Come on, don't lie to us," Daniela shouted. "You entered my room last night and drugged me."
"And why I would even do this to both of you?"
Realizing what happened, Bela immediately let her go.
"Mother Miranda," she huffed. "She must have shapeshifted into you and attacked us all."
It was time to tell her sisters what she learned from Heisenberg. Miranda had already started to proceed with her plans and it was a matter of time before she attempted to kill them.
"This bitch is going to die!" Cassandra punched the wall. "Nobody pretends to be me and lives."
"This is the least of our problems," Bela said. "She can be anywhere right now, pretending to be someone we trust and ready to kill us all."
"Where's mom?" Daniela asked. "I couldn't find her anywhere."
Lady Dimitrescu was the last person Bela wanted to see. She lied and betrayed her, besides helping Mother Miranda to drug her.
"I don't know, I searched for her everywhere," Cassandra told. "On the bright side, there's fresh breakfast spread all around the castle."
"What do you mean, Cassandra?" Bela wanted to know.
"The servants. They're all dead."
"What about Aleena? Have you seen her?"
"No, I thought she was with you."
Bela transformed into flies and went straight to Aleena's bedroom. It was completely empty. The bed was still made as in the previous night. She went to her own bedroom next. The diary was opened on the bed, right on the pages where her father confirmed what Miranda told her in the office, Aleena was indeed the vessel.
Mrs. Volkov corpse was lying on the corridor and not so far away, there was a trail of blood, Aleena's blood. She froze in place, too terrified to even think.
"It doesn't mean anything," Daniela placed a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe she managed to escape."
"She probably did, that girl is fierce," Cassandra added, noticing how disturbed her older sister looked. "I mean, she's not one of the Lords or a servant. There's no reason for that crazy bitch to murder her."
"There is," Bela sighed deeply. "She's the vessel. Miranda was playing us like puppets. The goblet thing was already intentional, to bring Aleena to the castle where she'd be safe until she prepared the ritual."
"Oh fuck, this is bad."
"I... I'm going to the village. Maybe she's hiding in her house."
Eastern Europe, Village - Present Days
When Bela left, she didn't even bother to check the temperature or to mount one of her horses. She transformed into flies and started to fly to the village as fast as she could. Everything that mattered was finding Aleena. She wasn't dead. She couldn't be dead. They were going to California together and they'd start a brand new life.
She stopped by her house first. The door was locked and the extra key hidden in a vase at the entrance, just where Aleena placed it before they returned to the castle.
"It doesn't mean she's not here," Bela tried to convince herself. "She must have found another way in, to not make it obvious she's hiding here."
She used the key to open the front door. The house was dark and silent. There weren't any signs of somebody's recent presence. She checked every room, the basement, the secret weapon storage... Aleena definitely wasn't there.
"Maybe she's at the pub or at one of her friends' houses," Bela concluded.
There was no way. She had to do that. She took a deep breath, gathering enough courage to enter the pub. There were only three people in there, a middle aged woman behind the counter, a blonde young male cleaning the tables and a girl, who was strangely similar to Cassandra, chatting to both of them. Bela recognized them from the pictures Aleena showed her. They were Olga, Gustav and Elena.
"Hello," she announced her presence. They all stopped to stare at her, but none of them had freaked out yet. Maybe they hadn't noticed the tattoo.
"How can we help you, darling?" The older woman asked. "Are you a foreigner?"
"I... uhh... I'm looking for Aleena Novak."
"She isn't here," it was the boy who answered this time. He had a lot of anger in his voice. "She was taken to Castle Dimitrescu a few weeks ago. We don't even know if she's still alive."
"She is," Bela told. "I've been taking care of her."
They finally understood. Their expressions all changed to pure terror and panic. The two younger adults hid behind the counter, together with the woman. The male grabbed a shotgun.
"Get the hell out of here!" He ordered. "And if Aleena escaped, don't you even dare to touch her again or I'll kill you. I'll find her and bring her home."
"Trust me, manthing. This is exactly what I'm planning to do. Mother Miranda has kidnapped her. She has been planning to sacrifice her in some kind of sick ritual tonight."
"Liar!" Cassandra's doppelgänger shouted. "Mother Miranda wouldn't do such a thing! She's always guiding and protecting us. Everything she does is for the best of all of us."
"Listen, little one," Bela exhaled deeply. She had no patience for humans. That was the reason why she avoided them. They'd usually annoy her to the point they became her prey. "I have proof. Aleena's father has left this diary, reporting everything."
"That man was insane. Most of the villagers hated him."
"But he never lied," Gustav spoke. "Adrian had some crazy theories nobody ever believed but... I've never seen him lying before. He was a man of his word."
"This is true," Olga added. "We grew up together. He was absolutely nasty, a real bastard, but not a liar. He wouldn't invent such a thing, especially when it came to protecting Aleena."
Olga locked the door and the group reunited in one of the tables, analyzing the notes Adrian Novak left.
"Fuck," Gustav cursed, while trying to speak on his phone. "Auryk must've gone after this contacts. I can't reach him."
"Do you have any ideas of where Aleena could've gone to, if she was trying to hide?" Bela asked.
"Other than our houses and the pub? Well... we had this fort in the woods when we were children. Maybe she's hiding there."
"Show me the way, little man."
But Gustav wasn't the one who was most familiar with the path to Aleena's childhood fort, it was Elena. The young woman followed them, complaining about literally everything and praising Mother Miranda.
"Mother Miranda would never do that!" Elena protested. "I'd trust her with my life."
"I was about your age when she did this to me, without my consent," Bela took off the hat she was wearing, exposing her scar. "And do you think immortality is a blessing? Try spending your life locked inside a castle, without being able to go outside most of the time."
"Why are we even trusting her, Gustav? She feeds on human blood and now we're alone with her in the middle of nowhere."
"If that makes you feel more comfortable, I've already had breakfast. Besides, I prefer drinking men's blood."
"Can we just focus on Aleena?" Gustav scolded both of them. Bela had finally found a man she respected. That boy was completely loyal and protective of her girlfriend, so he deserved some credit. "God knows why Bela is searching for her but... we have the same goal here."
"We're dating," Bela informed them of the latest news. "I love her. For real."
Both of the young humans stared at her in shock.
"It seems like we'll have a lot to catch up when I see Aleena again," the boy shook his head in disbelief. "I thought the vampire thing was just a phase."
They finally found the small wooden fortress in the middle of the woods. It was mostly destroyed, but it still could fit one adult person inside it.
"Aleena!" Gustav called. There was no answer. Still, Aleena was hurt. Maybe she was unconscious.
"Go," Bela poked Elena and ordered. "You're the shortest of us. Check if she's in there."
The girl rolled her eyes, but obeyed, ducking and entering the small fort. But there wasn't even a sign Aleena was there recently.
"Where do we search now?" Elena asked.
"I'll go to the other Lords," Bela told. "Maybe one of them is keeping her for Miranda. Thank you for your help, little humans. It was a pleasure to meet you."
Bela walked away from them. Maybe in another life, they could've been friends. The priority now was to find Aleena. She wondered if the girl went to Heisenberg seeking for protection or if Miranda had captured and taken her to that creepy cave. There wasn't much time to think, she needed to act.
She followed to Heisenberg's factory. As usual the man was swearing and torturing human beings on his basement.
"What brings you here, kid?" He asked. "Did you find the diaries?"
"Yes, but too late unfortunately," she answered. "The information we were searching for: all the women in Aleena's family have some kind of immunity against the creatures and their mutations. They healed after getting bitten by Lycans, Aleena healed when you attacked her... she's the vessel."
"We have to kill her immediately. Before Miranda puts her hands on her. If that happens, we're fucked."
"She already did. She showed up in the castle last night, drugged me and my sisters, killed the servants and now... I can't find Aleena anywhere."
"Girl, you had the opportunity in your hands," he clenched his fists. "If you had killed her, like you freaks do to every single human that steps into that castle, we wouldn't be in this situation."
"Shut up, Heisenberg!" Bela grabbed a piece of metallic scrap from the floor and threw in the man's direction. "I had no idea. Even if I did, she's my girlfriend and I have to save her before she's sacrificed on Miranda's ritual."
"Good luck with that. The crazy bitch is very good hiding things."
And Bela knew that. Next, she went to Moreau's, Miranda's most loyal follower. She didn't reveal any information, she simply tricked him by inventing an excuse, that stupid freak was easy to fool. But Aleena certainly wasn't there either. Using her flies, she checked the entire place. She did the same at Donna's house. While she entertained the woman and her creepy doll having a tea party with them, her flies inspected every corner of her eerie house.
She was about to follow to Miranda's cave when she ran into Cassandra, in the middle of the way.
"What are you doing, Bela?" She asked. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?
"I'm searching for Aleena. She's gotta be somewhere and the last place I must check is the cave."
"Mother is home," her sister announced. "She wants to talk to you."
Castle Dimitrescu, Living Room - Present Days
In Bela's imagination, Lady Dimitrescu would apologize. Admit she had made a huge mistake and promise her they'd find Aleena together. That was who her adoptive mother was, she'd always do anything to make her daughters happy. But at the same time, she was also that same woman from her memory. The selfish Countess who killed three young girls to have them as her adoptive daughters. She killed, violated and turned them into monsters. What kind of mother was that?
The three sisters were sitting on the couch, waiting as their mother brought a tray with tea and some other treats. That would probably be their only food for days, as Lady Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda had killed all the servants.
Lady Dimitrescu sat on an armchair in front of them, looking at Bela mostly.
"I understand you're confused, daughters. But I'll explain everything."
"Where's Aleena?" Bela quickly asked. That was the only thing that mattered. Who cared about Mother Miranda's child who died ages ago? "What have you two done to her?"
"Bela, daughter... I understand you're upset and frustrated. However, Mother Miranda has been searching for the perfect vessel to bring her daughter back to life for many and many years. This vessel happens to be Aleena. It's her fate, her purpose."
Bela eyes were burning in pure rage. How could Alcina be so blind? Even Heisenberg, that scumbag of man, was smarter than her mother was.
"Her fate is to live her own life, to go to California and achieve her dreams. Her fate is to be with me!"
"I apologize for having to get rid of all of our servants," she clearly ignored her daughter's objections. "They wouldn't understand what's to come. Once Eva is back to life, things will change. I'd like to ask you girls to behave and treat her well, like if she's a new sister of yours. We'll be throwing a party to welcome Eva to our family and I'll need your help to organize it."
"Party?!" Bela let out a sarcastic laugh. "Are you naive or only stupid? Miranda is going to kill you before this ritual is even finished! It has been her plan all along."
"Bela!" Lady Dimitrescu's eyes narrowed and she raised her voice. "I'm your mother! You owe me some respect, little lady."
"I don't! Not when you drugged me and let Miranda kidnap my girlfriend. I want to know where she is."
"Daughter..." Alcina grabbed her by the shoulders and lowered her voice. An useless attempt to help her to calm down. "Aleena is gone. She's dead."
The world seemed to stop. As well as the clock. The voices. Everything. Not even Bela's brain was capable of working and processing the words she had just listened. Dead. Aleena was dead. Her Aleena. Her girlfriend. The woman she loved. She stopped breathing. Her stomach ached as much as in the night she was poisoned. She felt she was about to collapse and die again. Her heart was beating in a strange manner. It was out of control. She was out of control.
Bela raised her golden yellow eyes, filled with hateful tears and stared directly into Lady Dimitrescu's eyes.
"You..." she clenched her fists. "You lied to me... You betrayed me..."
"I was willing to let her live, daughter," the woman tried to excuse herself. "Until the last meeting. Mother Miranda told me the truth and asked me to give her the vessel."
"HER NAME WAS ALEENA," using her strength, Bela grabbed the heavy coffee table and threw it across the room, shocking her mother and sisters. "She had a name! She was NOT a vessel."
Very rare were the times Bela actually cried after being turned. She cried when she first woke up in excruciating pain, with that huge wound on the side of her head. She cried later, when she felt lost, without knowing who or what she was. And she was crying now. Without Aleena, she felt lost again. She had nothing left. She no longer wished to live. A life without that girl's contagious joy, optimism and bravery was meaningless.
"Bela..." Lady Dimitrescu tried to touch her, comfort her somehow, but the blonde girl slapped her hand away.
"I always did everything you asked me... I always tried to be the perfect daughter for you... AND FOR WHAT?" Bela sobbed. "The only thing I ever ask you, you denied me. You took Aleena from me. You chose Miranda over your own daughter!"
"I had no choice, daughter! She'd turn against us if I refused to give her Aleena. Who knows what she'd be capable of doing?"
"She's doing it anyways. She's going to kill us all now she's gotten what she wanted."
She started to walk away. She had to be alone. As far away as possible from that woman, from that family, from that stupid castle. That small bed & breakfast at the village seemed like a good option.
"Daughter, wait," Alcina went after her, as she entered her bedroom.
"Don't you ever call me daughter again, Lady Dimitrescu," Bela angered. "I'm not your daughter. You kidnapped, killed me and turned me into a monster. Who knows what you've done to my real parents. We're not your daughters, we're only your toys, your dolls. You're not that different from your sister, Donna, after all."
She slammed the door and locked it. The bedroom was still the same way they left in the previous night. The candles, the flowers, the discs... Aleena's perfume was still on her pillows. Bela threw herself on the bed, holding the pillow against her body as she cried uncontrollably.
This was all her fault. They should've finished reading the diaries earlier and found out the truth before Miranda's visit, but she distracted Aleena, wishing to spend as much time with her as possible before she left to California. She should've been there to protect her, she promised it. She shouldn't have trusted the woman she used to call 'mother'. She was an idiot and now, Aleena was gone. Forever.
Castle Dimitrescu, Guest Room - Present Days
Memories. Only a few days earlier Bela was afraid memories would be everything she'd have left from Aleena and now, it really was. Without anybody noticing, she went to the guest room the girl had been staying during those weeks in the castle. She obviously wasn't there, but traits of her presence were still all around.
Her clothes were still in the closet. Some where lying on the armchair or even around the floor. Bela grabbed one of her t-shirts, one from Aleena's favorite TV show. It still had her perfume on it.
"I miss you, love," she inhaled deeply the sweet fragrance. "So much it's killing me."
Then, she took the sketch book from the desk. Aleena was the most talented artist Bela had ever met. Her sister, Daniela, was a good artist, but she wasn't so creative, so expressive and precise on her traces. Bela had many classes with Lady Dimitrescu, and though she could paint decently, it wasn't her strong suit.
The drawing was still there. The one Aleena where was drawing her face. The reason why they kissed that night in the library, when she said Bela was worth being remembered.
"And now I'm the one who have nothing to remind me of you, Aleena. Remind me of every detail of your perfect green eyes, your smooth brown hair and those sweet freckles all over your body."
Her cell phone was still inside the bedside table's drawer. Bela turned it on. Aleena had set a picture of them together as her lockscreen. She smiled. In the gallery, she found many and many pictures of all the days they spent together, since the lunch Bela threw on her birthday when she arrived.
There were videos too and as soon Bela heard Aleena's voice, she couldn't help but start crying again. Why did her mother betrayed her like that? She could've helped her to save Aleena. She could've helped them to take down Miranda. That was what a real mother was supposed to do!
"Hey," she rolled her eyes, noticing she had forgotten to lock the door again. Cassandra was standing right behind her. "I'm came here to check on you."
"Leave me alone, Cassandra," Bela angered. "You didn't even like her."
"This isn't true. Aleena wasn't my favorite person in the world, not that I have one by the way, but still... I didn't want her to die."
Bela ignored her. Cassandra didn't have maturity enough to understand how she was feeling. Sometimes she wondered if her sister was even able to feel empathy for another being. But then, she was surprised by her next move.
"I'm sorry," her middle sister touched her shoulder slightly, tenderly. "I know she made you happy. Deep down, I was rooting for you both."
She forced a small smile before pulling her sister for an embrace. It was probably the first time they exchanged such a genuine moment of affection.
"We'll make her pay," Cassandra stroked her hair. "Let's kill Bitch Miranda."
The three sisters gathered together in the library. Lady Dimitrescu couldn't be aware of their plans. Daniela revealed her sisters she once heard about a dagger their mother possessed, one that was able to kill any monsters and demons.
"Are you sure about this?" Bela asked to confirm. Daniela had a creative and delusional mind after all.
"Yes," her youngest sister said. "I stole one of her diaries once. She was reporting everything about this dagger, except for its location."
"Then I'll keep her distracted while you search for it," Cassandra suggested. "I'll pretend to help her with her party for Miranda's daughter rebirth."
"What about me?" Bela wanted to know.
"You're not okay, sister. Let us handle this. Save your strength for when we stab the bitch and end her for good."
"As long as you let me do the honors, it's fine by me."
That was it. Bela would pretend to be alright. She would pretend to forgive her mother. And when the time came, she'd get her revenge against Miranda.
But then... there was nothing left for her in this world. With Aleena gone, she lost her only chance of living a new and normal life. She lost the only thing that made her feel happy and human. And if the dagger could kill any monsters and demons, well... it would be able to kill her too.
Still holding Aleena's shirt against her body, Bela lay on the bed and fell asleep, thinking of the moment they'd be reunited again in death. However, she had a terrible nightmare. Aleena was dying in her arms and there was nothing she could do.
She got up and drank some water. It had been hours since Daniela left the room to search for the dagger. She wondered if something had gone wrong. Lady Dimitrescu would never agree with that plan. She was about to leave the bedroom when the red haired girl entered the room so excited she could barely breathe.
"Bela..." she panted, "I found her!"
"The dagger?!" Bela asked. "Where is it?"
"No! Aleena. She's alive in the dungeons!"
Castle Dimitrescu, Dungeons - Present Days
I opened my eyes, but I couldn't see anything. The environment around me was different from everywhere I had been in the last few weeks, the air was humid but still suffocating. It also smelled terribly, like rotting flesh and blood. I tried to stand up but my leg was still badly injured. I wondered how long it'd take for the amulet to heal my body again. Maybe it only worked once. Or maybe it had to do with the fluid Cassandra injected on me before she threw me inside that nasty cell.
Speaking of Bela's sister, I was pissed. Truly pissed. It was no secret she never liked me, but I never thought she'd be able to betray her own sister like that. Telling Bela to go to their mother's office only to bring me to the dungeons was a low blow, even for her. And there was Mrs. Volkov too. I couldn't believe she was dead.
"H-Help... somebody help me..."
I tried to scream but the blood loss and the drug made me too weak. I had to find a way out. A way to regain my forces and escape that place.
It didn't take long for me to lose my conscience again. As much as I attempted to stay awake and hear any signals someone could be around, I just couldn't. I was trapped in that endless cycle of waking up for a few minutes, moan in pain and passing out again. That was it. The Mother Miranda bitch was certainly behind it. When the right moment came, she'd come and take me for the ritual. Drugged as I was, I wouldn't be able to fight it.
"Aleena!" I heard Bela's voice, approaching. Maybe it was just another hallucination. "Oh my god!"
The cell's door opened, allowing some light to enter. I was able to distinguish my girlfriend's beautiful face among all that darkness.
"It's okay, love. You'll be okay, I promise you."
I forced a small smile as she placed my head on her lap. Using a blade, she opened a small gash on her wrist and forced it into my mouth.
"Drink it," Bela ordered. "My blood is going to heal your wounds and the drug effects."
I felt my stomach twisting from the metallic taste of blood going down my throat. I definitely wasn't born to be a vampire. For a second, I thought I was going to throw up.
"Shhhh," she held me still as the nausea struck. "Just breathe. Hold it down and you'll be okay."
I did as she told. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, the nausea was slowly going away. Bela started to caress my face and I felt as some warm tears dropped on my forehead.
"Hey, I'm just a little beaten up," I assured her. "But I'm starting to feel better."
"I... I thought you were dead. My mother told me you were dead."
Why would Lady Dimitrescu do such a thing? Of course, she needed to make sure Bela wouldn't ruin Miranda's plans. She needed to convince her to not search for me.
I was already strong enough to sit. I hugged Bela very very tightly. She was sobbing desperately. Her heart was beating so fast inside her chest, it seemed like it'd explode at any moment.
"I'm so sorry," I kissed her forehead. "I'm here and I'm not leaving you ever again. I promise."
"You're the vessel, Aleena," Bela told me. "Your body is immune to the attacks of any creatures in the village. And now Miranda wants to use you to bring her daughter back to life. She believes your body is going to accept the mutation."
She also told me about my amulet. Miranda was the one to sell it to Auryk. I immediately ripped it off from my neck.
"I knew about being the vessel. I discovered it right after you left the bedroom. My father knew it and Auryk did too, this is why he wanted to get me out of the country so badly."
Bela wasn't listening to me. She was still staring at my face in disbelief, her eyes glistening with tears from the relief of finding out I was still alive. She cupped my face between her hands and pressed her lips on mine multiple times.
"I'm going to fix this," she was still crying. "I promise you. We have a plan to kill Miranda. There's a dagger hidden here in the castle, it can kill any monsters or demons. Daniela is searching for it, while Cassandra is distracting my m-," she hesitated to say that word, "my mother."
"Okay, but Cassandra was the one to kill Mrs. Volkov to capture me. We can't trust her at all!"
Of course. The bitch had more tricks I wasn't even aware of. She could shapeshift. Now I finally knew how my father was probably killed or how Auryk obtained that amulet from her. It was also obvious who attacked the castle that morning, Miranda was willing to test my healing properties again.
"She didn't. Mother Miranda can shapeshift into any person, this is why we need to be careful. We have this safe word, to know we're the actual Dimitrescu sisters. It's 'blowfly'."
I sighed and attempted to break the tension.
"And how do you know I'm the real Aleena?" I smiled.
"Trust me, love. I know," Bela kissed me, slowly and passionate. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing this. Imagine how disgusting it would be to kiss that crazy bitch."
We both broke into laughs. Then, she took my hand and helped me to stand up.
"We need to get you out of here. My mother can't know I've found you. Miranda is coming to pick you up at midnight for the ritual."
Through the secret passages we made to the stables, where Bela had already left my bags and a horse prepared to take me to the village.
"Once you get there," she told me. "Just drive as far as you can. Go to the city, find your brother and fly to United States."
And then I realized.
"But Bela... what about you?"
"I'm staying here, love. I'm going to kill Miranda, together with my sisters and Heisenberg."
"And then you'll meet me there, right?!" I raised my voice, fighting hard against the tears that insisted falling down. "You'll go to California."
She was in silence for a moment, trying to find the right words, but I already knew what she wanted to say. First, she handed me my cell phone.
"You said you wanted something to remember. Now you have plenty of pictures of me in this device of yours."
"Bela... what are you saying?"
"Let's be honest, Aleena," she looked down. "It was never a possibility and you knew it. We'd have to stop at the first temperature drop we came across. We probably wouldn't even make it to the airport."
"I said I'm going to find a way! It's Summer, dammit. It's not so cold away from the mountains and once we arrive in California, it'll be even hotter."
"You know your world would never accept me, love. Look at me, I have this nasty scar, this weird tattoo, I need to drink human blood to live..."
"I love you too," Bela kissed my forehead. "And this is why I'm letting you go."
"Even if I go, Bela," I argued, punching her shoulder slightly, "it doesn't have to end! I'm going to call you. I'm going to write you. And I'll come here to visit you too."
"In the first few weeks, love. Then, you'll become too busy to write. Our phone calls will become shorter because you'll be too tired. You'll disappear for a few days. We'll start to fade, little by little. And finally someday, you'll meet somebody new. Somebody who can make you laugh and distract you from your tragic past. Somebody who can take you to an actual date. Somebody you can introduce to your family and friends. Somebody who actually deserves you. Who can give you a future with marriage and children. Because she isn't dead. Because she isn't... me."
"I don't want any of this! I want you and only you. This future? We can have it! Here in this fucking castle or in my old small house. I don't care if I have to serve tables for the rest of my life, as long as I have you."
"You deserve a lot more than that."
"And so do you. What are you going to do, huh? To keep playing house with the woman who killed and turned you into a vampire? Serving her every wish and pretending you love this life? Or sleep with a different servant every week to hide the fact you're completely lonely and miserable?"
"Yes, Aleena. It has been this way for six decades now and it's not going to change. I have no choice, I'm sorry."
She vanished into a swarm of flies and disappeared, leaving me completely alone in the stables. I fell on my knees again, sobbing and screaming my lungs out.
"Bela, come back here!" I cried. "I love you! Please... come back..."
I still waited for a few minutes, but as I knew and as Mrs. Volkov always warned me, when Bela made a decision nothing would change her mind. Not even her mother or her sisters. Not even me.
Castle Dimitrescu, Bela's Room - Present Days
"I'm hungry," Cassandra complained from the couch. "Pretty please... I'm helping you with the secret mission. A scrambled egg is enough."
"Tell Lady Dimitrescu to cook," Bela remained unmoved on her bed, staring at the ceiling while wearing Aleena's jacket. The one she borrowed her when the castle was attacked. It was the only memory she'd have from the woman she loved. "She was the one to kill all the servants."
Bela was listening to an old love song from the 60's. It was the one thing she was actually capable of doing in that moment. She couldn't even manage to create different scenarios about how she could kill Miranda inside her mind, or even wander around the castle searching for the cursed knife.
She knew Aleena had safely arrived in her house at the village. She sent one of her flies to follow her and observe her for how long it was possible. The girl was completely devastated, heartbroken and it killed her to see that. She could she glimpses of the moments where she sobbed while packing her bags and taking them to her old truck. But it was the best for both of them. She'd never be safe by Bela's side. Especially while Miranda was still around.
"This music is making me nauseous," Cassandra went to the disc player and turned it off. "You should've gone with her then."
"It was the safest for her. Mother would come after me immediately and take her back to Miranda's claws."
The brunette sister went to her own bedroom and returned with a book in hands, what surprised Bela because Cassandra wasn't much of a reader.
"Check this out. I asked the Duke to get you the sequel," and she started to read, adopting the same dramatic tone as usual. "As much as I struggled not to think of him, I did not struggle to forget. I worried — late in the night, when the exhaustion of sleep deprivation broke down my defenses — that it was all slipping away. That my mind was a sieve, and I would someday not be able to remember the precise color of his eyes, the feel of his cool skin, or the texture of his voice. I could not think of them, but I must remember them. Because there was just one thing that I had to believe to be able to live — I had to know that he existed. That was all. Everything else I could endure. So long as he existed."
"Ha ha, very funny," Bela rolled her eyes. Deep down she absorbed those words. She feared someday she'd forget all those small details about Aleena too, but knowing she existed someday, and that she loved her back, was enough for her to be able to live for the rest of her immortal days. "Next time, get us something useful. Like that fucking dagger."
The door opened and Daniela walked inside, pushing a food cart.
"I brought us dinner," she announced.
"Did you kidnap a villager to cook for us?" Cassandra asked, immediately grabbing a plate.
"Of course not! I cooked it myself. If Bela can do it, I can too."
The two eldest sisters exchanged a suspicious glance, before deciding they were not so hungry after all.
"And here is the main dish..." Daniela said, lifting the lid and revealing the content inside the silver pan. "A poisonous dagger."
"You did it!" Bela exclaimed, surprised and proud.
"Yes! Let's chop that bitch to pieces."
Daniela hugged her eldest sister again. It was happening too often lately, for Bela's discomfort. But this time, she accepted the hug.
"Where's mom?" Cassandra interrupted the moment. "I haven't heard from her since I left her alone in her bedroom."
The castle was way too quiet. It wasn't the first time the servants had to be gotten rid of and they were completely by themselves. Or maybe sometimes, Lady Dimitrescu would lock herself in the Opera House to play the piano or even read a book alone in her bedroom, but that wasn't the case this time. That was a different kind of silence. A silence that indicated danger, a threat.
"Mother?!" Cassandra called, followed by her two sisters. "Where are you?"
There was no answer. They were about to reach the library when the power went out, as well as the heating system. A wave of panic instantly spread over Bela's body. She feared the cold, more than anything.
"What the hell?!" Daniela yelled. "Who's there? I'm starving and angry, so don't mess with me!"
"Shhhh," Bela silenced her. She had a feeling, a hunch about who could it be. As they approached the office, her suspicions were confirmed by the argument coming from inside the room.
"Where is she, Alcina?!" They heard Miranda yelling. "You promised me to keep her safe!"
"Mother, I swear... she was in the dungeons! There was no way she could escape. The drug was supposed to keep her down until now."
"Your daughters... they must've helped her to escape. Decades trying to find the perfect vessel and they ruined it all. They'll deal with the consequences!"
"Mother, no! Don't hurt them, I'm begging you."
In that moment, the sisters witnessed as a powerful flock of birds started to fly around the caste, shattering all the windows. As the cold air of the night in the mountains filled the entire place, the three sisters knew their ending was imminent.
Eastern Europe, Aleena's House - Present Days
The tears blurred my vision as I followed my way back to the village. Sometimes, I'd stop for a minute, hoping Bela would change her mind and come after me. Why would she assume I was safer without her? If there was someone who could protect me, that was she.
As soon as I arrived, I went straight to the garage, getting my old truck to come back to life. Then, I followed to my bedroom to pack my bags. There wasn't much I actually needed to take, mostly my clothes, my laptop and a few other important belongings. I didn't plan to sell the house anyways. I could come back and take the rest later, if I had to.
My books. I would definitely take at least my favorites. Most of them were gifts from my mom. I couldn't leave those precious treasures behind. As I grabbed one of them to place it inside of my luggage, a small piece of paper fell on the floor:
'Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. It is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. Love alters not with time's brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom'.
I recognized it. It was an excerpt of William Shakespeare's Sonnet 116. Bela should've left it there when she was alone in my bedroom. In the end, she wrote: 'Please, think of me sometimes. I love you, forever'.
Of course I would. There was no way I'd ever stop loving that girl, or even forgetting about her at all. I could never forget about the girl who threw me the sweetest birthday party or made me the best pancakes in the world. And especially, the first girl I ever loved. I pressed the note against my chest, letting out a few tears. I placed it among my belongings, those I was going to take with me to California.
I heard the front door opening and I immediately grabbed my rifle and my blades too. Something had to at least cause some harm to that bitch. I was slowly going down the stairs in an attack position, when I heard a voice.
"Leena? Are you home?" That was my twin brother, Auryk. "I'm back."
"Auryk," I finally revealed myself. My first impulse was running to his arms, before I remembered all the lies and the betrayal. "You knew it. You fucking knew it and you hid it from me!"
"I'm sorry, okay? I was trying to keep you safe from Miranda. I planned to get you out of here before it all came to surface, but that bitch was already one step ahead."
"We have to go, right now. She's coming after me. I just escaped Castle Dimitrescu."
"Leena, no..." he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I thought I was clear when I asked you to stay in the castle until I returned."
"Auryk, she drugged me and locked me in the dungeons!" I yelled. "She was going to sacrifice me in a sick ritual tonight. Which part haven't you understand yet?"
"This was the plan, Aleena. When she was vulnerable, during the ritual, the agency would take the opportunity to explode this place and all these freaks."
"WHAT?! What about the village... and the people, their houses? What about ME?! What if I got killed in this process?"
"They're going to evacuate the village in a couple of hours," he explained. "And then, they'll help them to rebuild their lives or something... I don't know for sure. But they would protect us."
"Stop them!" I ordered. I couldn't let them hurt Bela or her sisters. Or even put the villagers in danger. Some of them, such as Olga, Elena and her father would never abandon that place and its traditions. "Right now! You're not going to hurt them. You won't!"
"Aleena, what the fuck? They're monsters! They're going to kill you!"
And then, I did the first thing that came to my mind. It was stupid, unplanned and completely reckless. I knocked my brother's head with the rifle. As soon as he fell unconscious on the floor, I tied him up and locked him inside Adrian's secret storage.
"I'm sorry, Auryk. But I must save my girlfriend."
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peterparker2001 · 4 years ago
New pt. 1|| peter parker/spider-man
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a/n-This is my first full story! This takes place during Civil War. I did change things up so don't come at me if everything is correct, because not everything is.
summary-y/n is new, but not that new to the team. she has powers like wanda, but they are grey. not a lot of people like her on the team because they think that she is doesn't really speak up and there is already someone on the team with similar powers. she is on steve's side in Civil War. she meets someone new before the fight, spider-man.
I joined the Avengers about two-two in a half years ago when I was 16. I'm now 18. I didn't really seem to fit in because there was already someone on the team with my same powers. And to be honest I don't like talking to people.
It was about halfway through the day when we were all called down for a meeting.
When I got down there everyone was sitting down already.
'Always late y/n. Always'
"Sorry, I'm late." I whispered before sitting down.
Apparently the Secretary of State was here. Why would he be here you ask? I have no clue. One way to find out.
"I just have one question. Why are you here?" I speak up.
"Good question. I was just getting to that." He said back to me, but mainly to everyone else.
"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives, but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some...that prefer the word 'vigilantes'" He spoke.
"What word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha asked him.
"How about 'dangerous'?" He said sternly.
"I'm sorry, but weren't we the ones who save countless lives?" I spoke up.
"y/n don't." Steve argued.
"No. I'm sorry, but how many people have you saved Mr. Secretary? Hmm?" I was starting to get pissed off. I get pissed of easily now a days.
"None. That's right. At least we save people and not make people feel fucking bad about themselves." I was about to blow up. And the others could tell because my eyes were turning grey.
"y/n please clam down." Wanda tried calming me down. It worked a little bit, but I was still in rage. I sat back down and finished listening to what he had to say.
"What would you call a group of US-based, enhances individuals, who routinely ignore sovereign borders, and inflict their will wherever they choose, and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?" He spoke. When he spoke it sounded like venom. It was fucking disgusting.
'Those people are called fucking heroes'
He started showing the fights that the Avengers fought in.
"New York...Washington, D.C....Sokovia...Lagos..." He said all those places.
"I'm sorry, but if I do recall, we saved countless of lives. No matter the damage, we still saved people. And if I'm not mistaken people can rebuild the buildings, but not the people who died." I spoke up.
"I'm sorry, but you saved people after putting them in danger." Mr. Secretary said back. Oh how much I would like to make him have another heart attack and let him die right here.
"That's enough." Steve told Mr. Secretary.
"For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate." He went on to say.
"But I think we have a solution." His assistant or something handed him a big book and handed it to me. "The Sokovia Accords."
'The what?'
"Approved by 117 countries it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead...they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel only when and if that panel deems it necessary." He explained.
"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that." Steve argued.
"Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?" Mr. Secretary argued back. "If I misplace a couple of 30 megaton nukes you can bet there'd be consequences....Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works."
"And if the world was falling apart we would be there helping it out. Saving it, if I'm not mistaken. And now you want to put us on a leash and control us?" I bit back.
"Well, three days from now the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over." He spoke before he started walking out.
I caught him before he walked out and said, "And if we come to a decision you don't like?"
He stopped, looked back, and said, "Then you retire."
I just looked at him with a smile and argued, "We'll see."
And with that he left.
About 5-10 minutes later we are all in the lounge room talking about it. Well, Sam and Rhodey are arguing about it.
"Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor...Which is one more than you have." Rhodey clearly stated.
"So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?" Sam looked annoyed.
"117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and you're just like, 'No, that's cool. We got it.'"
"How long are you going to play both sides?"
Vision and Steve are now talking.
"Are you saying it's our fault?" Steve asks.
"I'm saying there may be causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict...breeds catastrophe. Oversight...Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand." Vision stated.
"Boom." Rhodey said to Sam.
Everyone kept talking then Steve had to go.
Nat looked at me and asked, "What about you y/n? You are now old enough to sign things, and this is a major thing to sign."
"Oh, you want my opinion now? Fine I'll give it to you!" I begin to say.
I then clear my throat and begin to say, "Fuck those Accords! We fucking fought for this country. I fucking fought for this country. Hell. We all fought for this world. And now we have to be babysat? No, I will not let that happen. Isn't this country about free will? I will not just sit around while countries are falling apart! I can't see people die if we can help them! I will help them no matter what. And if there are consequences, then let there be consequences! I don't give a fuck!" Wow, I just surprised myself!
"You really feel that way y/n?" Rhodey asked.
"Yes! And you guys should too! You guys have been fighting with no hands behind your back! And now you want both hands tied behind your back?" It was true. If they signed they would be held back.
I just wanted to vent out. So I stood up and went into the training room.
After a while of training I hear someone coming in. I see a knife and i put it in front of them. Then I see someone I've never seen here before.
"Way to invite your new guest." He says. His voice sounds calming.
"I'm sorry, you just scared me." I said as I dropped the knife.
"Yeah, well I just heard someone in here and Mr. Stark told me to look around." He stated.
"Tony sent you in here?" I asked.
"No? I am new. He recruited me for the fight."
"What fight?"
"Apparently something like Captain America going off and everything about the Avengers future?"
"Right that."
"What do you mean that?"
"The Accords. It is basically saying that the Avengers have to be babysat by the government and 117 countries."
"Oh, well I'm not quite old enough to sign anything so Mr. Stark is putting my name in it for me."
"How old are you?"
"Almost 18."
"What's your name and power? I guess."
"I'm Peter and I'm Spider-man."
"I'm y/n. And who?"
"You don't know who Spider-man is?"
"Basically I shoot webs and I have super strength, and I'm sticky."
"Oh. Well, thanks for stopping by. I guess. See you around."
"Yeah, see you."
I caught him before he left, "Wait!"
"Where is this 'fight' happening."
"Germany. The airport."
"Are you coming."
"No. I think it is best to stay here." That was a lie. I needed to go. I needed to see what was going on.
"Ok, well I hope to see you around sometime."
"Yeah, me too" I said as he left.
When he left I immediately got my suit on and took a jet over to Germany. It was a long flight, but I got there, and just in enough time too. I caught Steve, Sam, Wanda, Clint, and two other people.
"y/n! What are you doing here?" Steve asks.
"Could ask you the same thing?" I asked back.
Steve looked at the guy standing in front of him and he said, "They tell you what we're up against?"
"Something about some psycho-assassins?" The guy said.
"I-I'm sorry. Psycho assassins?" Who?
Steve looked at me and was talking to the guy too I guess, but he said, "We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us you are going to be targeted."
"What do you mean?" I asked Steve, but he didn't answer.
"We got a chopper lined up." Clint said.
"Steve what's happening. I want to help." I tell him.
"Fine, but you are going to have even more of a target on your back." He sternly told me.
"What is there for me to loose?" I question him, but mainly myself.
"They're evacuating the airport." The other guy says.
"Stark." Sam tells Steve.
"Tony?" I ask.
"Suit up." Steve tells the group.
written-july 27, 2021
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years ago
A Late Night Call
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"Shawn" I called into the darkness, wanting the comfort of my boyfriend. We lived together in a house, along with his friends,Brian, Connor and Dave -who also happened to be my older brother.
When no response came, I started to get worried, I had been feeling unwell for the last several days, running fevers and feeling generally blah, but I had just woken up to bad pain in my abdomen. I had always hated being sick- not only because it obviously wasn't fun, but because I had a fear of doctors and hospitals. Something which wasn't helped by the fact my brother, my boyfriend and their friends were all doctors of some description. As a result, I had tried to avoid medical intervention as much as possible for pretty much my entire life, so twenty years, which both Dave and Shawn as Emergency physicians were not happy about.
Swallowing the lump that was now forming in my throat I called out again, "Shawn!" I tried, louder this time, hoping he had just gotten up to use the bathroom.
"Katie?" I heard a sleepy voice ask, before someone switched the lamp on beside my bed, causing me to close my eyes immediately. "Katie, what wrong honey?" I recognised the voice now as my older brother, I could hear the concern in his tone. "The heat pack didn't help?" he asked, sitting beside me and sighing.
"I hurt D," I whimpered, trying to move closer to him to gain some comfort, while not causing myself anymore pain.
"What do you mean it hurts?" he asked, switching into 'doctor mode'. I hated it when he did this, but even I knew that I needed help. Something wasn't right, and my only hope to get it fixed was letting my brother do his job. "I thought you just felt sick?" he asked, taking my hand to check my pulse.
"I did," I started, "Well, I had an achy tummy, around here," I explained, pointing to around my belly button. "But now it's REALLY hurting," I cried, just wanting him to make it stop.
"It's okay, I'm going to call Shawn okay? Bri!" he called, getting up and grabbing my cell phone of my bedside table, speed dialling Shawn's number.
"What's wrong David?" Bri grumbled, "It's two in the morning for goodness sake. I need my sleep man!" Dave just pointed, directing Brian's attention to me silently, waiting for Shawn to pick-up.
"Oh Katie, what's wrong buddy?" he asked, grabbing a tissue from the side table, before sitting down and gently wiping away the moisture that had accumulated from my face.
"Just make it stop!" I begged, trying desperately to find a more comfortable way to lie, trying to ignore the sharp pain that was now my sole focus.
A few more minutes past in which Brian tried, with almost no luck to calm me, telling me that everything would be okay. Dave took the phone away from his ear. "He must be in the middle of a consult, I kept getting the dial tone, I'll try in a few more minutes," he spoke, coming to sit by my side again.
"Care to explain what's going on?" Brian asked, reaching for more tissues, the ones he had been using, now soaked and laying dis-guarded on the mattress.
My brother looked at me sympathetically, before turning his attention to his friend. "I'm not totally sure myself. I just got up to use the toilet and heard her crying and calling out to Shawn."
"What's up Missy?" Brian asked again, trying to get something useful out of me. When I didn't answer for fear of crying again, he sighed, and rested his hand again my forehead. It was calming, having physical contact, something to take my mind of my current state. "Dave, pass me the thermometer," he uttered. "She's got a fever, when was the last time her temperature was taken?" he asked, as he held it in my ear, waiting for it to beep.
"About- three hours ago," Daveresponded.
"Yep thirty-nine on the dot," Dave spoke moving the instrument away from me. "You have quite the fever Katie," he told me, moving to get the water bottle which Shawn had placed on the wardrobe, helping me to take small sips of the liquid.
"No wonder you're feeling so horrendous," Dave chimed as fixed my blanket up.
"Katie, where is the pain exactly?" Bri asked, sitting up, and moving the blanket aside.
"Here," I told him pointing once again to the spots I had shown D.
They shared a dark look between themselves, before Brian spoke up. "Katie, I need you to lie down again okay, I need to have a feel of your tummy." As he said this, Dave helped me to lay back, making sure that I was as comfortable as I could be, given the current situation. "Can I pull this up?" Brian asked, gesturing to my bed-shirt once I was situated the way they wanted me.
"He' will be as gentle as possible okay," Dave, tried to reassure me, taking my hand.
He felt around for a minute, before hitting the one spot on my right side. The pain was unbearable, and I nearly broke Dave's hand from holding it so tightly. "Please stop!" I begged, hot tears rolling down my face once again.
"I'm sorry Katie," Brian apologised, pulling my clothes back down.
"What's wrong with me D?" I asked, turning to my brother, who was now watching Brian very carefully.
"I can't be sure-" Brian started, "Dave, she hasn't had her appendix out has she?" he checked, watching me closely.
"No, she hasn't. Is that what you're thinking?" he asked, reaching for my phone that he had placed back only moments earlier.
"Well, I can't be sure until we run the usual tests, but when I just felt around that section of the abdomen was firm, and given the pain and fever, it wouldn't be surprising."
I couldn't work out if it made me anxious that Brian was talking like this. On the one hand, he was one of the best surgeons in the area, and the head of General Surgery at the hospital the guys worked at. On the flip side though, he was talking about my appendix, and running tests, and although I didn't understand exactly what this meant for me at that moment, I knew it probably wouldn't be good.
"I'm going to call Connor, let him know what's happening, try to get through to Luke again," he told Dave as he got up and left the room.
The room was quite for a few moments again, as Dave called Shawn again, this time though, it connected and I heard Shawn's muffled voice down the line.
"Shawn yeah it's me Dave, can you come home, it's urgent. Katie's woken in bad pain, we're thinking it could be her appendix, but she's been asking for you for the better part of twenty minutes now, and I doubt she'll let anyone else move her," he was quiet for a moment, before turning and handing the phone to me. "He wants to talk to you."
-Third Person-
"Shawn?" Katie whispered, down the line.
Hearing his love in so much pain broke the young doctor's heart. "I'm right here babe. I'm on my way," he spoke as he ran out the main doors and into the rain. Only stopping momentarily to let an emergency vehicle through.
"It hurts," Katie cried, and he could hear the desperation in her voice. She was usually strong, so for her to be in this emotional state, he knew the pain must be bad.
"Just hang tight for a few, I'll be there soon, Dave will look after you."
Dave and Brian, who had both heard the end of their conversation smiled.
The hospital was only five minutes from the house, but it took what felt like eternity for Shawn to come crashing through the door.
Katie could see from his attire that Shawn had been on-call, and immediately felt bad for pulling her boyfriend away from his responsibilities.
"Oh honey," he whispered, bending down to kneel beside the bed, kissing her forehead gently. "How long has she been like this?" he questioned, turning to his friends.
"I found her like this," Dave explained, pain clear on his face as he watched his little sister with sympathy.
"I'm sorry," Katie muttered, hiding her face in her boyfriend's shoulder, just wanting the world to melt away.
"For what?" Shawn asked, moving back to look at his girlfriend. "There is nothing more important than you," he declared, kissing her gently again.
"I think we need to get you to the hospital Katie-Kat," Dave announced, earning nods of agreement from the others.
"No please," she begged, fear consuming her, her chest tightening at the thought of being in one of the places she hated the most.
"But we'll be able to give you pain meds there, and besides we don't have the right equipment here to deal with this. If something goes wrong, it could be very dangerous babe," Shawn tried to reason, feeling horrible that they couldn't just keep her at home and sort it out there.
"Promise?" she whispered, feeling helpless as she looked between her boyfriend and brother.
"We promise," they responded immediately, before starting to gather the necessary items for the trip to the hospital.
Five minutes later, Katie was wrapped in a blanket, Dave and Shawn having worked together to shift her off the bed, without causing any more pain, something which Katie found miraculous.
"You ready Princess?" Shawn asked, bundling Katie up in his arms, and making his way down to the car. They had decided that it would be quicker to drive, than wait for an ambulance, especially given that they had direct access to the urgent care unit.
Brian had called Connor on the way there, informing him that they would be needing a bed, and possibly an O.R., which Connor had no trouble securing as not only was he Deputy Head of General Surgery at the hospital, and well- respected by his colleagues, but the patient in question was the girlfriend and sister of the two most highly qualified doctors in the area.
The ride to the hospital was not pleasant, every little bump in the road sending white-hot pain through the affected area, Katie, being completely worn out physically and emotionally, was nothing more than a weeping mess when they finally made it to the entrance. Shawn, who had been trying his hardest to keep his hysterical girlfriend calm, so as not to exacerbate her symptoms, let out an auditory sigh of relief when he spotted, his friend, waiting with a gurney, and several nurses.
"She'll be fine mate," Connor promised, just above a whisper so that only Shawn could hear. He nodded, silently thanking his friend for the words of encouragement. Normally he would have had no issue in a situation like this, in-fact, his job entailed this type of situation daily. However, what Shawn was now finding out, was that no-one had told him what it would be like to deal with a loved one in a situation such as this. And It was horrible.
His heart broke into what felt like a thousand tiny pieces, as Katie let out an agonising cry of pain, when she was placed, however gently onto the gurney, it being lead at a rate of knots down the hospital halls and into a free bay.
Stopping to re-gather himself for a moment, he saw Dave, somehow managing to hold himself together, as he held his sister's hand in a silent show of comfort. Shawn really didn't know how he was doing it, but if her own brother could do it, surely, he could too. Shaking the ever-growing dread that was forming at the pit of his stomach, he ran to start assisting in getting Katie into a semi-stable condition.
"I need a standard dosage of pain medication for an I.V." Dave called, going to stand by his sister's side. "I'm going to get some pain medicine in you okay poppet," he spoke, moving the blankets out the way, freeing Katie's hand.
She groaned, but made no effort to move, alarming the four doctors, who knew only too well, how much she would normally fight the idea of needles.
I was aware of everything going on around me, people rushing in an out of the crowded room, the boys ordering fellow doctors and nurses around, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't muster the strength to fight anymore.
Shawn sat by me, as Dave set me up with an I.V., administering a dose of pain medicine, which helped almost immediately.
"How are you feeling now?" he asked, resting his chin on top of my head.
"Hmm," I responded, finally feeling a little more content.
The response seemed to satisfy him, as he went quiet, allowing me to close my eyes momentarily.
I wasn't aware that I had drifted off, but I must have, because the next thing I was aware of, was someone calling my name. When I didn't' respond, they tried again.
"Katie, can you open your eyes for me honey?" This time, I did as asked, blinding light clouding my vision temporarily. "How are you feeling?" Brian asked, standing at the end of my bed, chart in hand.
The room was unfamiliar to me. He must have seen the confusion on my face as he chuckled lightly and came to stand by my side. "We just finished surgery," he spoke, making my eyes go wide.
"What happened?" I croaked, my throat feeling scratchy and dry.
"Connor performed an appendectomy," he responded, as he retrieved his stethoscope. "May I?" he asked. When I nodded, he placed the bell on my chest, listening to my heart.
"A what?" I asked, feeling no more informed. "You had your appendix out," he explained in layman's terms so that I could understand it.
"Oh," I was shocked, I knew that I was in pain, but I didn't realise it had been that bad.
"You're quite lucky actually, it ruptured, we caught it just in time, Shawn and Bri were beside themselves."
"Where?" I asked, wanting to know where they were, but not able to get anymore words out, over-whelming tiredness taking over.
"Cafeteria, they should be back in a minute," he reassured me with a smile.
Right on cue Connor, Shawn and Dave all walked through the door, food in hand. When they saw that I was awake, they all stopped running into one another like a set of dominoes.
Connor recovered the fastest, a smile lighting his face as he came over, "So the sleeping beauty has awoken I see."
Shawn looked as if he had been tasered, literally jumping back, forcing Dave to grab him to stop him hitting the ground. The shock only lasted a millisecond though, and before I could take another breath, he was wrapping me in his arms, pulling me tightly to his chest, as if his life depended on it.
"Shawn, gentle," Brian, warned, laughing at his eagerness, but making no move to stop his mate as he hopped onto the bed beside me, forcing our bodies against one another. Feeling his warmth sent a rush of security through me, and I just sat there in silence for a moment, trying to readjust.
Up close I could see the exhaustion, the toll that this had taken on him, his face looked sullen, his eyes puffy and red from crying. "I missed you so much!" he whispered, resting his head in the crook of my neck and breathing heavily. It was a few moments before I realised that he was crying.
"I'm okay," I spoke, smiling, trying my hardest to convince him.
"I thought I was going to lose you," he admitted, kissing me desperately. "We all did."
"How bad?" I asked, almost scared to know the answer. He just looked at me and shook his head. "How bad?" I asked again, this time turning to my brother.
When he saw that I was addressing him, he rushed over, taking me in his arms, and hugging me, though much more carefully then Shawn had. After a moment, he stepped back, resting his hand on my shoulder. I took hold of his hand with my free one, keeping a firm grip on Shawn
"You coded," he spoke as if the words physically pained him to say. I didn't say anything, in truth, I didn't know how to respond, what do you say when someone tells you that you almost died? Everyone was quiet for a moment, just sat taking everything in, me, tracing the tattoos on Shawn's arm absent-mindedly.
Again, Connor, was the one to break the silence. "Katie, I just need to do your vitals okay, and check your wound, and then we'll let you sleep," he bargained, when I grimaced at the idea of being poked and prodded once again. "Just follow the light," he instructed, having pulled a pen light from the pocket of his scrubs. I did as asked, and after a moment, he put it back, telling me there were no problems.
He was quick, Brian writing everything down on the chart, that he was still holding from when they came in.
"I'm just going to pull this up okay?" he checked that it was okay, before doing so. I winced slightly, earning an apologetic smile from Connor. "That's looking good," he spoke, re-dressing it, and re-situating the blankets so that I was kept warm.
"I'm so glad you're okay," Shawn whispered again, kissing my temple.
"I have to pee," I whispered against his cheek, making him laugh.
"Gee way to ruin a romantic moment," Dave snorted as he sat typing on his laptop, causing me to blush, and hide my face in Shawn's chest
"Nah, it's okay, do you want to use the bathroom?" Shawn queried, moving to get off the bed, before moving the pole which held the fluids out of the way.
"As apose to?" I questioned, feeling confused, as he helped me sit up.
"A bed pan," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I just stared at him for a moment, "Okay, so that's not going to happen, to the bathroom we go," he laughed, helping me manoeuvrer my way out of bed.
It was a slow process getting to the toilet, but he was patient, helping me to bare the weight where possible. Once I was situated, he turned, giving me privacy to do my business. Once I was done, and I had successfully been transferred back to my bed, I was able to relax a little more.
"Are you in pain?" Dave asked, watching as I shifted around, trying to find a comfortable spot on the hard bed.
I nodded,and within moments he was up and administering another dose of pain relievers in the tube sticking out of my arm.
"Thanks D," I mumbled, sleepily, bunking down, and snuggling into Shawn's side to try and stay warm.
"Here, this should help," I heard Dave say, before something extra soft and warm was placed over me. It felt like an electric blanket.
I hummed, finally content, letting myself drift off.
The next few days were okay, well, in between the hourly vitals checks done by the nurses and the daily dressing changes, and not to mention Dave and Connor forcing me to start walking around, something which I grumbled at them about for a solid half hour after the fact.
Finally, five full days after the operation Dave declared that I could go home on the condition that I promised to take it easy, and rest. After making me swear to it three times, he let Shawn remove my I.V. and help me into a wheelchair for the ride out to the car.
The drive home was quiet,Dave letting me rest my head on him as Shawn drove.
When we got home, they helped me up the stairs, all but ordering me to bed, persuading me by promising that we could eat pizza and watch crappy C grade chick-flicks all night.
As I fell asleep to the rise and fall of Shawn's chest, I found myself thinking just how lucky I really was. Lucky that I was alive, and lucky I had the guys to call family.
Reaching up, I pecked Shawn on the check, him leaning down and kissing back. "What was that for?" he asked, a soft smile gracing his face.
"Love you is all," I sighed, resting my head back on his chest, and letting the world fade out. 
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pinkpeonyprincessblog · 4 years ago
A Late Night Call
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"Shawn" I called into the darkness, wanting the comfort of my boyfriend. We lived together in a house, along with his friends,Brian, Connor and Dave -who also happened to be my older brother.
When no response came, I started to get worried, I had been feeling unwell for the last several days, running fevers and feeling generally blah, but I had just woken up to bad pain in my abdomen. I had always hated being sick- not only because it obviously wasn't fun, but because I had a fear of doctors and hospitals. Something which wasn't helped by the fact my brother, my boyfriend and their friends were all doctors of some description. As a result, I had tried to avoid medical intervention as much as possible for pretty much my entire life, so twenty years, which both Dave and Shawn as Emergency physicians were not happy about.
Swallowing the lump that was now forming in my throat I called out again, "Shawn!" I tried, louder this time, hoping he had just gotten up to use the bathroom.
"Katie?" I heard a sleepy voice ask, before someone switched the lamp on beside my bed, causing me to close my eyes immediately. "Katie, what wrong honey?" I recognised the voice now as my older brother, I could hear the concern in his tone. "The heat pack didn't help?" he asked, sitting beside me and sighing.
"I hurt D," I whimpered, trying to move closer to him to gain some comfort, while not causing myself anymore pain.
"What do you mean it hurts?" he asked, switching into 'doctor mode'. I hated it when he did this, but even I knew that I needed help. Something wasn't right, and my only hope to get it fixed was letting my brother do his job. "I thought you just felt sick?" he asked, taking my hand to check my pulse.
"I did," I started, "Well, I had an achy tummy, around here," I explained, pointing to around my belly button. "But now it's REALLY hurting," I cried, just wanting him to make it stop.
"It's okay, I'm going to call Shawn okay? Bri!" he called, getting up and grabbing my cell phone of my bedside table, speed dialling Shawn's number.
"What's wrong David?" Bri grumbled, "It's two in the morning for goodness sake. I need my sleep man!" Dave just pointed, directing Brian's attention to me silently, waiting for Shawn to pick-up.
"Oh Katie, what's wrong buddy?" he asked, grabbing a tissue from the side table, before sitting down and gently wiping away the moisture that had accumulated from my face.
"Just make it stop!" I begged, trying desperately to find a more comfortable way to lie, trying to ignore the sharp pain that was now my sole focus.
A few more minutes past in which Brian tried, with almost no luck to calm me, telling me that everything would be okay. Dave took the phone away from his ear. "He must be in the middle of a consult, I kept getting the dial tone, I'll try in a few more minutes," he spoke, coming to sit by my side again.
"Care to explain what's going on?" Brian asked, reaching for more tissues, the ones he had been using, now soaked and laying dis-guarded on the mattress.
My brother looked at me sympathetically, before turning his attention to his friend. "I'm not totally sure myself. I just got up to use the toilet and heard her crying and calling out to Shawn."
"What's up Missy?" Brian asked again, trying to get something useful out of me. When I didn't answer for fear of crying again, he sighed, and rested his hand again my forehead. It was calming, having physical contact, something to take my mind of my current state. "Dave, pass me the thermometer," he uttered. "She's got a fever, when was the last time her temperature was taken?" he asked, as he held it in my ear, waiting for it to beep.
"About- three hours ago," Daveresponded.
"Yep thirty-nine on the dot," Dave spoke moving the instrument away from me. "You have quite the fever Katie," he told me, moving to get the water bottle which Shawn had placed on the wardrobe, helping me to take small sips of the liquid.
"No wonder you're feeling so horrendous," Dave chimed as fixed my blanket up.
"Katie, where is the pain exactly?" Bri asked, sitting up, and moving the blanket aside.
"Here," I told him pointing once again to the spots I had shown D.
They shared a dark look between themselves, before Brian spoke up. "Katie, I need you to lie down again okay, I need to have a feel of your tummy." As he said this, Dave helped me to lay back, making sure that I was as comfortable as I could be, given the current situation. "Can I pull this up?" Brian asked, gesturing to my bed-shirt once I was situated the way they wanted me.
"He' will be as gentle as possible okay," Dave, tried to reassure me, taking my hand.
He felt around for a minute, before hitting the one spot on my right side. The pain was unbearable, and I nearly broke Dave's hand from holding it so tightly. "Please stop!" I begged, hot tears rolling down my face once again.
"I'm sorry Katie," Brian apologised, pulling my clothes back down.
"What's wrong with me D?" I asked, turning to my brother, who was now watching Brian very carefully.
"I can't be sure-" Brian started, "Dave, she hasn't had her appendix out has she?" he checked, watching me closely.
"No, she hasn't. Is that what you're thinking?" he asked, reaching for my phone that he had placed back only moments earlier.
"Well, I can't be sure until we run the usual tests, but when I just felt around that section of the abdomen was firm, and given the pain and fever, it wouldn't be surprising."
I couldn't work out if it made me anxious that Brian was talking like this. On the one hand, he was one of the best surgeons in the area, and the head of General Surgery at the hospital the guys worked at. On the flip side though, he was talking about my appendix, and running tests, and although I didn't understand exactly what this meant for me at that moment, I knew it probably wouldn't be good.
"I'm going to call Connor, let him know what's happening, try to get through to Luke again," he told Dave as he got up and left the room.
The room was quite for a few moments again, as Dave called Shawn again, this time though, it connected and I heard Shawn's muffled voice down the line.
"Shawn yeah it's me Dave, can you come home, it's urgent. Katie's woken in bad pain, we're thinking it could be her appendix, but she's been asking for you for the better part of twenty minutes now, and I doubt she'll let anyone else move her," he was quiet for a moment, before turning and handing the phone to me. "He wants to talk to you."
-Third Person-
"Shawn?" Katie whispered, down the line.
Hearing his love in so much pain broke the young doctor's heart. "I'm right here babe. I'm on my way," he spoke as he ran out the main doors and into the rain. Only stopping momentarily to let an emergency vehicle through.
"It hurts," Katie cried, and he could hear the desperation in her voice. She was usually strong, so for her to be in this emotional state, he knew the pain must be bad.
"Just hang tight for a few, I'll be there soon, Dave will look after you."
Dave and Brian, who had both heard the end of their conversation smiled.
The hospital was only five minutes from the house, but it took what felt like eternity for Shawn to come crashing through the door.
Katie could see from his attire that Shawn had been on-call, and immediately felt bad for pulling her boyfriend away from his responsibilities.
"Oh honey," he whispered, bending down to kneel beside the bed, kissing her forehead gently. "How long has she been like this?" he questioned, turning to his friends.
"I found her like this," Dave explained, pain clear on his face as he watched his little sister with sympathy.
"I'm sorry," Katie muttered, hiding her face in her boyfriend's shoulder, just wanting the world to melt away.
"For what?" Shawn asked, moving back to look at his girlfriend. "There is nothing more important than you," he declared, kissing her gently again.
"I think we need to get you to the hospital Katie-Kat," Dave announced, earning nods of agreement from the others.
"No please," she begged, fear consuming her, her chest tightening at the thought of being in one of the places she hated the most.
"But we'll be able to give you pain meds there, and besides we don't have the right equipment here to deal with this. If something goes wrong, it could be very dangerous babe," Shawn tried to reason, feeling horrible that they couldn't just keep her at home and sort it out there.
"Promise?" she whispered, feeling helpless as she looked between her boyfriend and brother.
"We promise," they responded immediately, before starting to gather the necessary items for the trip to the hospital.
Five minutes later, Katie was wrapped in a blanket, Dave and Shawn having worked together to shift her off the bed, without causing any more pain, something which Katie found miraculous.
"You ready Princess?" Shawn asked, bundling Katie up in his arms, and making his way down to the car. They had decided that it would be quicker to drive, than wait for an ambulance, especially given that they had direct access to the urgent care unit.
Brian had called Connor on the way there, informing him that they would be needing a bed, and possibly an O.R., which Connor had no trouble securing as not only was he Deputy Head of General Surgery at the hospital, and well- respected by his colleagues, but the patient in question was the girlfriend and sister of the two most highly qualified doctors in the area.
The ride to the hospital was not pleasant, every little bump in the road sending white-hot pain through the affected area, Katie, being completely worn out physically and emotionally, was nothing more than a weeping mess when they finally made it to the entrance. Shawn, who had been trying his hardest to keep his hysterical girlfriend calm, so as not to exacerbate her symptoms, let out an auditory sigh of relief when he spotted, his friend, waiting with a gurney, and several nurses.
"She'll be fine mate," Connor promised, just above a whisper so that only Shawn could hear. He nodded, silently thanking his friend for the words of encouragement. Normally he would have had no issue in a situation like this, in-fact, his job entailed this type of situation daily. However, what Shawn was now finding out, was that no-one had told him what it would be like to deal with a loved one in a situation such as this. And It was horrible.
His heart broke into what felt like a thousand tiny pieces, as Katie let out an agonising cry of pain, when she was placed, however gently onto the gurney, it being lead at a rate of knots down the hospital halls and into a free bay.
Stopping to re-gather himself for a moment, he saw Dave, somehow managing to hold himself together, as he held his sister's hand in a silent show of comfort. Shawn really didn't know how he was doing it, but if her own brother could do it, surely, he could too. Shaking the ever-growing dread that was forming at the pit of his stomach, he ran to start assisting in getting Katie into a semi-stable condition.
"I need a standard dosage of pain medication for an I.V." Dave called, going to stand by his sister's side. "I'm going to get some pain medicine in you okay poppet," he spoke, moving the blankets out the way, freeing Katie's hand.
She groaned, but made no effort to move, alarming the four doctors, who knew only too well, how much she would normally fight the idea of needles.
I was aware of everything going on around me, people rushing in an out of the crowded room, the boys ordering fellow doctors and nurses around, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't muster the strength to fight anymore.
Shawn sat by me, as Dave set me up with an I.V., administering a dose of pain medicine, which helped almost immediately.
"How are you feeling now?" he asked, resting his chin on top of my head.
"Hmm," I responded, finally feeling a little more content.
The response seemed to satisfy him, as he went quiet, allowing me to close my eyes momentarily.
I wasn't aware that I had drifted off, but I must have, because the next thing I was aware of, was someone calling my name. When I didn't' respond, they tried again.
"Katie, can you open your eyes for me honey?" This time, I did as asked, blinding light clouding my vision temporarily. "How are you feeling?" Brian asked, standing at the end of my bed, chart in hand.
The room was unfamiliar to me. He must have seen the confusion on my face as he chuckled lightly and came to stand by my side. "We just finished surgery," he spoke, making my eyes go wide.
"What happened?" I croaked, my throat feeling scratchy and dry.
"Connor performed an appendectomy," he responded, as he retrieved his stethoscope. "May I?" he asked. When I nodded, he placed the bell on my chest, listening to my heart.
"A what?" I asked, feeling no more informed. "You had your appendix out," he explained in layman's terms so that I could understand it.
"Oh," I was shocked, I knew that I was in pain, but I didn't realise it had been that bad.
"You're quite lucky actually, it ruptured, we caught it just in time, Shawn and Bri were beside themselves."
"Where?" I asked, wanting to know where they were, but not able to get anymore words out, over-whelming tiredness taking over.
"Cafeteria, they should be back in a minute," he reassured me with a smile.
Right on cue Connor, Shawn and Dave all walked through the door, food in hand. When they saw that I was awake, they all stopped running into one another like a set of dominoes.
Connor recovered the fastest, a smile lighting his face as he came over, "So the sleeping beauty has awoken I see."
Shawn looked as if he had been tasered, literally jumping back, forcing Dave to grab him to stop him hitting the ground. The shock only lasted a millisecond though, and before I could take another breath, he was wrapping me in his arms, pulling me tightly to his chest, as if his life depended on it.
"Shawn, gentle," Brian, warned, laughing at his eagerness, but making no move to stop his mate as he hopped onto the bed beside me, forcing our bodies against one another. Feeling his warmth sent a rush of security through me, and I just sat there in silence for a moment, trying to readjust.
Up close I could see the exhaustion, the toll that this had taken on him, his face looked sullen, his eyes puffy and red from crying. "I missed you so much!" he whispered, resting his head in the crook of my neck and breathing heavily. It was a few moments before I realised that he was crying.
"I'm okay," I spoke, smiling, trying my hardest to convince him.
"I thought I was going to lose you," he admitted, kissing me desperately. "We all did."
"How bad?" I asked, almost scared to know the answer. He just looked at me and shook his head. "How bad?" I asked again, this time turning to my brother.
When he saw that I was addressing him, he rushed over, taking me in his arms, and hugging me, though much more carefully then Shawn had. After a moment, he stepped back, resting his hand on my shoulder. I took hold of his hand with my free one, keeping a firm grip on Shawn
"You coded," he spoke as if the words physically pained him to say. I didn't say anything, in truth, I didn't know how to respond, what do you say when someone tells you that you almost died? Everyone was quiet for a moment, just sat taking everything in, me, tracing the tattoos on Shawn's arm absent-mindedly.
Again, Connor, was the one to break the silence. "Katie, I just need to do your vitals okay, and check your wound, and then we'll let you sleep," he bargained, when I grimaced at the idea of being poked and prodded once again. "Just follow the light," he instructed, having pulled a pen light from the pocket of his scrubs. I did as asked, and after a moment, he put it back, telling me there were no problems.
He was quick, Brian writing everything down on the chart, that he was still holding from when they came in.
"I'm just going to pull this up okay?" he checked that it was okay, before doing so. I winced slightly, earning an apologetic smile from Connor. "That's looking good," he spoke, re-dressing it, and re-situating the blankets so that I was kept warm.
"I'm so glad you're okay," Shawn whispered again, kissing my temple.
"I have to pee," I whispered against his cheek, making him laugh.
"Gee way to ruin a romantic moment," Dave snorted as he sat typing on his laptop, causing me to blush, and hide my face in Shawn's chest
"Nah, it's okay, do you want to use the bathroom?" Shawn queried, moving to get off the bed, before moving the pole which held the fluids out of the way.
"As apose to?" I questioned, feeling confused, as he helped me sit up.
"A bed pan," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I just stared at him for a moment, "Okay, so that's not going to happen, to the bathroom we go," he laughed, helping me manoeuvrer my way out of bed.
It was a slow process getting to the toilet, but he was patient, helping me to bare the weight where possible. Once I was situated, he turned, giving me privacy to do my business. Once I was done, and I had successfully been transferred back to my bed, I was able to relax a little more.
"Are you in pain?" Dave asked, watching as I shifted around, trying to find a comfortable spot on the hard bed.
I nodded,and within moments he was up and administering another dose of pain relievers in the tube sticking out of my arm.
"Thanks D," I mumbled, sleepily, bunking down, and snuggling into Shawn's side to try and stay warm.
"Here, this should help," I heard Dave say, before something extra soft and warm was placed over me. It felt like an electric blanket.
I hummed, finally content, letting myself drift off.
The next few days were okay, well, in between the hourly vitals checks done by the nurses and the daily dressing changes, and not to mention Dave and Connor forcing me to start walking around, something which I grumbled at them about for a solid half hour after the fact.
Finally, five full days after the operation Dave declared that I could go home on the condition that I promised to take it easy, and rest. After making me swear to it three times, he let Shawn remove my I.V. and help me into a wheelchair for the ride out to the car.
The drive home was quiet,Dave letting me rest my head on him as Shawn drove.
When we got home, they helped me up the stairs, all but ordering me to bed, persuading me by promising that we could eat pizza and watch crappy C grade chick-flicks all night.
As I fell asleep to the rise and fall of Shawn's chest, I found myself thinking just how lucky I really was. Lucky that I was alive, and lucky I had the guys to call family.
Reaching up, I pecked Shawn on the check, him leaning down and kissing back. "What was that for?" he asked, a soft smile gracing his face.
"Love you is all," I sighed, resting my head back on his chest, and letting the world fade out. 
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browneyedmissy · 5 years ago
JV Childhood: Part I
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Summary: Jackie wished they would all just stop staring.
Author's Note: So this is the first part in my mini anthology for Open Heart. I've been saying a lot that we need to be telling the stories all the characters who are BIPOC because there is so much depth to those stories to explore. This first part of Jackie's childhood and part two is her adolescent years, up through high school.
Day Two of @choicescocappreciationweek!
Thanks goes out to @somewillwin. I asked her some of her headcanons for Jackie and I used it to help me write!
Her first experience of true hate was when she was nine.
She remembered her parents whispering in the living room, her mother’s voice trembling as Jackie sat in the living room with her siblings, partly distracted by the cartoons on the TV.
She hadn't really understood why her mother was so stressed out at the time. Her teachers had the same nervous energy and when she went down to their family store, all of the customers were walking with their head down. Even their employee Tom's smile did not quite meet his eyes and he kept glancing at the TV which had been playing the news.
“Jaikalina, Avi.”
She looked up from the table where she was finishing her homework to see her mother with her purse in her hand.
“I'm going to lock the door and go to the store. You're not allowed to open it for anyone, alright? Avi, you're in charge. Dev and Anika are both asleep."
“Isn’t Tom working?”
“He quit, Jaikalina.” She pursed her lips at her daughter, finding the right words in her head. “It’s… complicated but he’s scared. And I don’t blame him.”
“What happened?”
“I’ll explain later, beta.” Her mother pressed a kiss to her forehead before shrugging on her coat. “I’ll be back.”
Avi watched their mother go with a scowl on his face.
"Tom quit because he doesn't want to be associated with us. Don't let her sugarcoat it for you." He said cooly to Jackie. She turned to him in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
He looked at his little sister with a look of annoyance and a little bit of fear?
"It means that life is going to be different for us, behan. You'll see it soon enough." He went to his room and slammed the door behind him without another word.
Jackie was sitting on the couch when her mother finally got home. Avi hadn't come down the rest of the night and after finishing her homework Jackie had turned on TV to distract herself.
“You’re still awake, beta.” She said in surprise.
“Yes. And you told me you would explain later. It’s later now.”
In the dim light, Jackie could see the exhaustion in her mother’s still beautiful face. She gave her a sad smile before gesturing to the dining table. Jackie hopped down and sat across her mother who was focused on a spot on the table.
“You’ve always been straight to the point.” Her mother said sadly. “And I suppose you’re old enough to hear this and I want you to hear it from me before anyone else. Tom was scared because of the things that have been happening to our neighbors and people like us. Do you remember when the airplanes crashed? Well, the men who did it were of Islam and they didn’t like a lot of what America was doing.”
She thought about the moment she saw the planes hit the towers. “But those people are all innocent. And we didn’t do anything. The people who did that are not even our people.”
"But we look enough like them."
She frowned, remembering how her friend Vera had missed a few days of school.
"They hate us because of how we look." Her mother sighed. "We look like the enemy to them."
"That's not fair."
Her mother gave her a weary smile. "No, it's not. But our safety is most important, Jaikalina. I need you to go by your American names for now."
Jackie frowned.
"For how long, maan?"
Her mother didn't answer.
She remembered leaving the town about a year later. Despite having better prices and better variety than a lot of the other convenience stores, there had been less and less people coming in. It was mostly her parents' friends stopping by at one point but when it was declared that the country had gone to war, they were afraid too.
Avi had found himself getting trouble with the school. She couldn't understand why he had been so angry since that night but their parents had agreed that they needed new scenery.
So she found herself in a new place, right after the new year. Her father had found accounting work until they could afford to rent a storefront and her mother was working a secretarial job for a local nonprofit.
She felt the eyes of her classmates on her and she nervously tugged at her skirt in her new 5th grade classroom. Her mother had insisted that she dress proper for her first day of her new school and she felt like one of those kids at a snobby rich private school.
"This is Jaikalina-"
"I go by Jackie, actually." She corrected her teacher, remembering what her mother had said. Her classmates stared at her and one of them raised her hand.
"Where are you from?"
"We- we moved here from New Jersey-"
"No, but where are you actually from?"
She stared at the girl for a moment, unsure how to answer that question. Their teacher gave the girl a look and she put her hand down.
"We don't ask people questions like that, Hannah."
"Yes, teacher." Hannah said with a sacharrine smile. "I'm sorry for being rude, Jackie."
Jackie suddenly realized why her brother got into fights. She stood there frozen for a moment, before her teacher directed her to her seat and she stared blankly at the chalkboard.
She got her lunch from her backpack after morning classes and followed the rest of her classmates to the lunch tables. Jackie sat down at a table and pulled out leftovers from the night before.
"I don't want to sit next to her." Hannah, the girl from before said in a loud voice. "Her food smells and my parents say that people who look like her are terrorists."
She had heard that word coming from the TV, describing the men who had flown the planes into the towers. She stared at the girl who had used the word and was shocked to see the amount of hate in her eyes.
She simultaneously wanted to cry and scream as the eyes of her classmates turned to them. There were pitying looks in some of their faces but none of them seemed to be willing to say anything. She turned back to Hannah who had a confident smirk on her face and Jackie had the urge to slap it off.
Then, a jolt of fear trickled through her bones.
If she hit her, will they label her as a terrorist? Would she get in trouble like Avi and be labeled a bad kid?
"Well, people who say things like you do because of the color of my skin are bullies." Jackie finally said. "And probably racist too."
There was an oooh from one of the other students and a few of them cheered. Hannah narrowed her eyes.
"You better watch yourselves around this one. She'll backstab you for her country." She retorted as she walked away.
Her country? She was born here, in the United States…
She was still thinking about it when she got home with her brother and younger siblings later that day. Her brother let out a big sigh and dropped his backpack on the ground before plopping on the couch. Jackie looked at him, her backpack still on.
"I think I finally understand why you got into those fights, bhai." Jackie said.
Avi looked at her with a wry smile. "I'm sorry to hear that. I hoped you'd be spared that a little longer."
Jackie sat down on the couch next to him and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"The people at my school here- they put me in some of the 'lower' classes because they saw my old record. The kids in my class are mostly like us. I think the only black and Hispanic kids are in my class but they get it. They get the stuff we're going through."
"It's not fair."
"Naw, it's not behan. It will probably never be fair for us." Avi sighed. "I just hope that you'll be able to do better than I will. It's too late for me."
Jackie frowned. "You're only in high school."
"Yeah, I'm already in high school. It's going to be hard for me to get into college when the classes I'm taking aren't considered rigorous. I was never as into school as you were anyways. I'll probably go to community college for a while and then find a job. You though, Jaks, have time and you're smarter than I am."
"I can't believe your path is basically decided by the time you're 15."
He let out a humorless laugh. "A lot of your path is decided before you're even born."
"Jackie, wait. I want you to take this letter to your parents."
She froze, eyeing her teacher warily. She had mostly kept her head down in school, ignoring Hannah and focusing on her schoolwork. She didn't really have any friends, perse but she didn't mind. She had found a renewed interest in reading and instead of playing with her classmates, she would find a tree to sit and read at.
"I didn't do anything." She denied immediately, crossing her arms. Her teacher looked at her in surprise and her face twitched into a sad smile.
"I know, sweetheart. Just give this to them, okay?"
Jackie stared at the envelope and before grabbing it, stuffing it haphazardly into her backpack. When she got home, she slapped the letter on the table.
"What's this, behan?" Avi asked curiously from the kitchen. He had heated up some of the samosas from dinner the night before and was snacking on one as Jackie dropped her bag on the table.
"Something for mom and dad. Teacher wants me to give it to them."
Her brother took the envelope and opened it up. Scanning the letter, he looked up at his sister with a grin.
"Your teacher wants you to enter the advanced classes when you go to junior high. You have to take a test and if you pass, you can take them."
Jackie's face lit up. "Really?"
"Yeah." He ruffled her head. "I'm proud of you, Jaks."
"You'll be okay without me."
Jackie looked up at her brother. The summer before she went into junior high, he took a few classes over the summer and when school started again his grades had been much better than before.
So much so that when he graduated high school two years later, he had surprised everyone by telling them he was moving away and starting college in the fall. He had gotten accepted in a state school a few hours away. He hadn't decided what he was studying yet but the tuition was cheap and he had applied on a whim since his grades had improved.
"You'll start out high school right and I know you'll know what you want to do by the time you go to college. You'll be able to go to any school you want and you'll be the famous Varma, I know it."
"I'll miss you. Do you have to go?"
He laughed. "I'll miss you too. Take care of yourself and Dev and Ani too, okay?"
At the sound of their names, Dev and Anika, who had just turned 8 and 6, came forward and each grabbed one of her hands.
"Bye bye Avi. I'll miss you." Anika said quietly.
"Bye, Ani." He got on the bus and waved at them until the bus was too far away for them to see anymore.
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greenygreenland · 5 years ago
Shot Through the Heart: Obi-wan x Reader
-i'm sorry I haven't been posting lately
-sorry this one-shot is kinda gross
-i'm really tired i'm sorry
-my inspiration went y e e t
-a lot of clone shenanigans because I love clones
You gossip with the clones about wanting to ask Obi-wan out on a date. In the end, you don't because you get too nervous, so your boys ask him for you.
Obi-wan's bright hues focused on (Y/n) and only (Y/n) as she heartily laughed at a joke her clone commander, Nimbus, told. He understood the basics of the conversation in Mando'a, but couldn't quite pick up on who they were joking about, or why for that matter. When Nimbus gestured to Obi-wan, he quickly averted his gaze to the sky and focused on the gathering clouds overhead. It proved as a good distraction from the itch of embarrassment.
(Y/n), on the other hand, softly smiled. "Look at him," she said in Mando'a, "he's embarrassed because you caught him." Nimbus snorted. "He's so obvious, you know? It's clear he likes you." (Y/n) folded her hands together. She wanted to believe Nimbus with every fibre of her body, but the idea seemed so far-fetched. Obi-wan was a rule follower to the t. If you asked him what code number xyz was, he'd answer in a heartbeat. Give him an order too and he'd surely follow through in a straight line. He was a no shenanigans man, structured and traditional too.
In (Y/n)'s mind, she had zero chances with the man.
"There's no way he likes me." she glumly stated. "I'm like...the tamed version of Anakin. How could he ever like me?" Nimbus took a seat on one of the supply crates, keeping a trained set of eyes on the general across from him. Kenobi seemed to stumble about as he watched (Y/n) grumble from afar. His cheeks would shift colours ever few moments, and his shoulders would slowly ease down until he were almost slouching. Nimbus grinned to himself.
Oh, he definitely liked his General.
"Maybe that's what he needs, a person to balance hin out. Why don't you talk to him?" Nimbus suggested. (Y/n) shook her head with a subtle shrug. "I always talk to him. We're friends, remember?"
"But you could be something more."
Although none of this was Cody's business, he couldn't help but eavesdrop. The 'but you could be something more' really hit home because it was true. Cody knew his General well--heck if they could, they'd be besties--and that also meant that he understood Kenobi's changes in behaviour.
As Nimbus continued to prod at (Y/n), Cody crossed his arms. He wondered if a relationship could work between the two. Last time Kenobi fell in love with some Mandaloroan, it ended in the two being frenemies, but that was besides the point.
Cody made his way towards the duo sat on a pile of supply crates. "If you're going to ask General Kenobi out, you might as well do it once we get back to Coruscant. We're heading out at 1700." he interjected. (Y/n) wanted to be startled, but it was Cody. He was always a smart man to begin with. Said man placed a hand on Nimbus's shoulder. "And if this idiot's giving you advice, I suggest you don't take it. The only girl he's ever met is you."
Nimbus's jaw unhinged. He stabbed a finger in Cody's face. "Well I don't think you've met a girl that isn't a Jedi either!" he snarkily retorted. There were a few snickers from Cody's and (Y/n)'s men. A few beats of silence passed before a, "Get back to work boys!" left his lips.
The ride to back Coruscant was short-lived and filled with snickers, jests, and teasing from the 212th and (Y/n)'s unit, whom she liked to call the Twelve Dancing Princesses. According to her, she picked out the name because her men had a 'fad' for dancing to the latest trends on the holonet. As the ride dragged on, her men, and the 212th, eventually came to the conclusion that Kenobi and (Y/n) were a perfect match.
They wanted to see her happy, and they wanted to see it now.
"Ask him out!" Waxer exclaimed. (Y/n) folded her hands across her chest with a shake of her head. "I...can't." Obi-wan cast the clones and (Y/n) a curious glance. He knew they were talking about him, but again, he didn't know what.
"Yes you can! Don't be a chicken!"
"Our General's not a chicken!"
"I never said she was chicken. I said she was being chicken, dumbo!"
"Dumbo? Is that the best you can come up with?"
Cody suddenly cleared his throat. "General Kenobi," he slowly startes, "not to be invasive, but how would you feel about dating General (L/n)?" Kenobi's brows shot up like a starfighter on its way to war. There was a twinkle of amusement glittering in his eyes as he placed a hand on his hip. "Dating? Well, I've never thought of it."
Nimbus grinned. "How would you feel about being her boyfriend? Like right now? She likes you, and we know you like her."
Obi-wan placed a hand to his forehead. Internally, he cursed at himself, but externally, he kept his cool. "Was it that obvious?"
There was a collective amount of 'yes'es' and 'uh-huhs' from the clones. That brought a bright smile to Obi-wan's lips. "Well," he turned to (Y/n), "I accept. Will you be my girlfriend and commit to breaking the Code with me?"
(Y/n) smiled with a small chuckle. "Yes. I accept."
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