#sorry i'm dehydrated chock full of cold medication and near delirious but just. bear with me
buckleydiazmp4 · 5 months
imagine you meet someone who becomes such an integral part of your life you might as well be two planets orbiting each other in their own little system. imagine knowing this person down to the details, imagine working with each other for an uninterrupted amount of hours every week and still hanging out outside of that time so much that you can say you're not really a guest at each other's houses anymore. imagine being so ingrained in each other's lives that you've grown into a family unit, being around so much that you're raising a child together, imagine being such a safe space for said child that he comes running to you when he's lost and confused and can't go to his father. imagine being in your kitchen on a random week night trying out recipes and they're just there at your dining table, doing homework and talking for no other reason than they wanted to be there and you wanted them there as well. imagine wanting to touch each other constantly but subconsciously holding back, sustained more by the time you share together but wanting the space you share together to be just one unit. imagine staying to the party after everyone has given up on it, imagine getting drunk and letting the buzz of the alcohol lower your inhibitions until you're both careless enough to sit so near each other you might as well be in each other's laps, imagine having this person that's been in your orbit for years draping an arm around you and talking so close to you that you can feel his breath on your face, imagine how much of a second nature it's become to just invade each other's bubbles that even when blackout drunk you don't take your hands off each other, imagine the term "best friend" getting too narrow to encompass and define what you are to each other, imagine that something else just hanging in the air above you, waiting for you to reach out. anyways. can you imagine that
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