#sorry i didn't respond acknowledging you... i just made assumptions and turned it into this LOL
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theloveinc · 1 year ago
i simply.. do not believe yandere!katsuki would be able to put up with me for very long.
i’d be accepting bc i like being taken care of.. until he realizes how high maintenance i am.
i would spend his money on the essentials (skincare, haircare, perfumes, plushies for our bed.. etc..)
and spend hours doing all that even though i’m not going out, like our shower rack is 99% my shampoo and curly hair products and scented soaps.. our bed has plushies and i have a whole section of our closet dedicated to my perfume collection.
i’m like too touchy/clingy and i feel like he’d want his space for a while and like i’d annoy him really bad UGHHH..
My golly. I absolutely adore it when a yandere doesn't know what exactly they've gotten themselves into. When they finally realize that they've idolized you to the point of not even knowing who you are anymore, only for it to be too late for them to go back in time and prevent it all from going this way.
It's hard to say if Bakugo was expecting you to come to terms with being captive so quickly. He was definitely prepared for resistance, prepared for a lot, really, 'cuz when is he not........? But I don't think he's ever prepared for how easily you fall into a routine with him, and how quickly it turns out that it's less about him, and romance, and falling in love as is it just........... coming to terms with a life you weren't able to choose for yourself.
It's sad because... if he had only courted, asked, waited for you to love him the regular way, taking you on dates and kissing you softly, things would've been so different for your relationship, so genuine and so sweet; exactly what he longed for even if you were still high maintenance.
But to experience it all in the way that he does, with you at his mercy and his credit card at yours... shocks him. He buys you and lets you buy things at first because he feels bad, and watching you pick at the lint of your bed sheets with literally nothing of your own in the house makes his heart ache. Yandere!Bakugo is possessive and desperate, not cruel, and what is a relationship if not filling the home together?
But what he doesn't realize (at first, at least): it's not things you want, but... luxury. A good quality of life. You know the only thing you can hope for is a comfortable house since he's the one who made everything else painful.
Besides, it's hard for him to touch you if your hair product needs to soak to properly work. It's hard to feel like the sex is real and intimate when you prefer to do your fourteen-step shower routine first, or if your bed has to be clear of all your toys and expensive, sherpa blankets and decorative pillows. He can't take take you on dates even if he does buy you fancy clothes... because it's his fault your "missing" poster is plastered all over the streets of Mustafu in the first place.
And by the time you are ready to cuddle him, cling to him, maybe even kiss him on the mouth... it's not because you changed your mind about loving him, it's because he left you no other choice.
(AKA: he got exactly what he wanted... but he didn't realize how much it was going to cost. Literally and metaphorically.)
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crackheadenergy101 · 4 years ago
Mystery woman
Summary : billy finds a young woman wandering the woods, he lets the young woman stay the night and despite her flirty teasing and young restless antics learns to get close to her, especially after hearing he’s her imprint
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Billy settles on his porch, savoring on his favorite homemade coffee he lifts his head peering at the setting sun, “so peaceful”.
Billy returns to his coffee, churning it softly
He sighs “ to peaceful”, the man couldn't suppress his boredom, he truly cherished the peace at most times but some days he felt so isolated and today was one of those moments. Abruptly a rustle, the bushes shake as someone or something crawls through, billy instantly veers his head “ who's there!” he shouted. A rabbit steps out and billy calms down a bit, releasing the fist he clenched so tightly
Billy goes to recline his head but swiftly sits back up catching a glimpse of a woman deep in the forest. “Hey!” he yelled, the woman turns her naked body to face him, her eyes widening as she sees the person that called out to her “ Ma’am are you ok!” he shouted as he rolls closer. Unaware, billy looked into the woman's eyes, he felt the world halt as he looked into her glimmering eyes.
Billy gets closer and so does the woman instinctively, they both freeze, the woman shakes her head, her hair moving as she does so. Billy never felt this way, he felt so close to her in such a short time, could this be
Billy shakes the thought, acknowledging that this wasn't the time “ Ma’am can you understand English?” the nude woman nods “ are you lost, homeless?” she shakes her head in a yes, Billy nods “come, please inside I have clean clothes and food”. “please take a bath I find you some clothes” he refrains from looking at the woman waiting till she finds the bathroom, he goes to his daughter room finding the stranger something to wear, he plops the clean clothes on the bedside and returns to the kitchen proceeding to cook her dinner. He doesn't even notice her walking out, “ thank you sir” billy jumps, knocking his hand into the heated pot, accidentally scorching his hand, the woman hastily walks over “ are you, ok sir?” billy nods and gives an awkward laugh.
“ it's fine! Really!” the woman finds a rag, wetting it and placing it onto the bruised hand “ sorry for scaring you,” she says while laughing
“ it’s fine Ms?” The woman grins “ y/n,” she says whilst opening the fridge and grabbing an ice pack, “ and you?” Billy watches as y/n drapes the ice pack in the blue rag, she positions it back on the hand “ billy”. Y/n grins “ well it’s wonderful to meet you billy, thank you for giving me such a lovely warm welcome”, she says getting closer to Billy’s face “ y-y, your very welcome,” he says while cracking up, “ so what we’re doing in woods?” Y/n gets up and turns off the stove “ I don’t know myself” she says softly. “ I went on a walk after being so furious and ended up here,” y/n says, zoning out while pouring the food, billy gives a concerned look “ naked?”
Y/n snaps out of her trance and laughs hearing what the older man said “huh? Oh no! God no” She snorts and places the food on the table “ that happened in the middle of the woods, somehow” billy nods, still not being convinced.
“ do you have any family? Friends? Money” y/n shakes her head “ you can stay here for tonight till we figure something out” y/n gives a big smile “ thanks!”. Y/n eats the food, looking at photos as she finishes “cute kids” billy smiles “oh thank you” “ where are they now?” billy sighs with a smile “ oh living, my youngest Jacob lives with me but is usually out doing his own thing rarely is hone anymore, my oldest girls are doing their own thing too, one is married to a surfer in Hawaii Rebecca, and the other lives with me but again far to busy to be home Rachel”. “mhm sounds lonely” billy gives a laugh “oh trust me, it is” they both give a giggle and y/n sits up.
“ you must have more family? a brother?” “ Nope, though I do have sisters” y/n gives a smile asking about them, “ well I have an older sister Nora, and three younger sisters Jennie, Connie, Emmie” “ do you guys see each other often?” y/n asked. “eh not as much as I wish but at family gatherings, we see each other” billy goes to the sink and begins cleaning their dishes “ how about you?” the woman shrugs, itching her h/c hair “ complicated, we're a family but like not blood related and we don't live together either we're kind of a-” “ -pack?” y/n thinks about this before answering “ yeah pack, I think”. She gets up leaning over billy, her chest being on top of his head “you can leave the dishes to me, it's the least I can do” “ uh o-ok” billy moves from beneath her and she gives a smile as he goes to his couch. They sit and chat for a while before billy sees the night sky and hears wolves howling, “ wow it's dark so quickly” “ you know the saying” “ Time flies by fast when you're having fun, “ they say in unison they smirk at each other when finishing the sentence. “ God, I'm tired,” billy says “ me too, uh where do I sleep?”
“ my room, I'll sleep on the couch-” y/n gasps “ no I'll take the couch you can keep the bed really” billy smiles “ it's fine your a guest-” y/n shakes her head “ an unexpected one, you really can't give me your room” billy shapes his head “ well I certainly can't leave you here on the couch by yourself, near the door”. Y/n gives a mischievous smile, billy squint's “ what are you thinking” y/n acts surprised and put a hand on her chest “ my son's friends always have that smile when there up to something”
“ well it's not too bad really, I was thinking we could share a bed” billy gives smile and nervously gives a smile “ oh um, ok?” billy mentally groaned feeling quite lame for acting so awkwardly, he felt rusty the last time he needed to deal with these things was before Rebecca and Rachel he had no idea how to respond. “ Great! I'll go fix the bed” y/b says quickly walking towards his room, billy sighs and gives himself a moment before following,
Despite his confused feelings, billy felt so happy and he didn't know why, being with y/n felt like it was meant to be and that he should always be by her side, he finally felt so less lonely.
“ well what side do you usually take” “ right” y/n nods and getting comfortable on the left side, “ well I'm gonna go shower now” y/n nods waving by as he goes inside with his clothes.
Billy sits in his shower cleaning his hair, he felt like a teenager all over again, which made him feel upset but at the same time, excited. He comes back finding y/n asleep, he smiles and gets into bed giving her space and relaxing, the slept for an hour till y/n cuddled up to him, it felt nice, he missed this kind of touch “ms l/n-” “imprint” billy stops talking and let's y/n muzzle her face into his neck.
“ what?”
“ shhh,” y/n says
Billy smiles before falling asleep, knowing his assumptions were correct, he fell asleep once more, with y/n draped over him.
Y/n wakes up to an empty bed, looking around for her imprint, steps outside the room to be greeted by a group of young men and women “ hello” y/n says smiling. The family stares dumbfounded looking back from billy to the woman
Billy laughs, he eventually has to tell them everything and vice versa with y/n but for now he’ll wait for y/n to tell her truth
Till then he'll just enjoy the funny stares
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years ago
Claw Marks
Remus Lupin
No Pairing
Reader Insert - Gender Neutral.
Imagine: Remus finding out one of his students is a Werewolf.
Warnings: IDK...werewolves?
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He hadn't picked up on it at first, too occupied with keeping his own 'condition' a secret and, more importantly, under control.
Remaining unknowingly oblivious to the subtle signs they'd been showing.
How fidgety and agitated they'd become around the time of the full moon, often lashing out for no reason - even at close friends. How they seemed incapable of staying awake during breakfast or morning classes. Of the often many fresh cuts that littered their skin. All signs went unnoticed.
Until one fateful day when it all seemed to crash over him like a bucket of ice water.
The class started as normal as any other Thursday; with the exception of Y/n needing to be awoken at their desk.
A sharp jab to their elbow was enough to send their arm off balance, chin falling from it's place against their palm, the sudden drop of y/ns head waking them with a slight fright.
"Thank you for that, Miss Bell. Good Morning, Y/n. I do wish you'd save all sleeping for Professor Binns class rather than before I've even begun my lesson." Remus says sarcastically. "Sorry Professor." Y/n mumbled in reply sitting at attention. "Excellent. Although thankfully, given today's topic, I don't believe any of you will be at risk of nodding off."
The class shared an amused chuckle while y/n merely managed a tight lipped smile.
There was a brief knock at the door as Professor Flitwick and Mr Filch entered the room with a large, rattling, wardrobe.
"Perfect timing!" Lupin spoke as the cupboard was deposited at the front of the class and the students were made to stand as the teachers cleared all their desks to the sides of the room. "Today, class, we will be learning about Boggarts."
After a quick introduction of what a Boggart is and how to repel one, the students were made to form a line. As the music carried out it's loud melody and their turn inevitably drew near y/ns body filled with dread.
They hesitated, not wanting to step any closer to the creature in fear their secret be revealed, but with a nudge from the person behind them and encouragement from Professor Lupin they did.
The Boggart took it's time analysing the new arrival before finally transforming. In it's place now stood a great snarling beast with glowing yellow eyes and gruesome, bared, teeth.
Y/n froze. As did many members of the class all of whom drew a sharp breath at the sight. It were truly terrifying.
Y/ns expression bore one of pure fear. Face turning pale as the blood rushed from their head. Shock took over Lupin as well, not having expected one of his students to produce a nightmare quite so frightening. The nightmare he were forcibly living.
Remus took a step forward readying to intervene as he noted the way y/ns wand arm shook in fear.
But to his surprise, with their eyes squeezing tightly shut and head turning back over their shoulder, y/n shouts quickly "Ridikulus!" casting the charm.
The approaching beast is suddenly changed; now in a vivid pink tutu, aimlessly cycling in circles on a miniature tricycle, the image completed by a multicoloured party hat upon it's head.
The previously stunned class erupts into a fit of laughter. The sound filling y/n with enough courage to look back at the scene playing out before them. An astonished and relieved sigh falls from their mouth before joining in and laughing with the class.
Lupin is beyond impressed, barely able to contain his excitement he yells, "BRILLIANT, Y/n! Truly brilliant! NEXT!" His joy however, is short lived as all that previous worry that'd clouded his mind is brought rushing back.
Y/n spun excitedly in place, smiling widely, their robes shifting with the momentum to reveal a large scar from the base of their neck, presumably, stretching right along to their shoulder as it traced their collarbone. Claw marks. Unmistakably - claw marks.
Lupins face drops briefly before he's quickly painting back on a fake smile. After that the signs weren't so subtle anymore.
Not wanting to get ahead of himself and draw wrong conclusions he confronts Dumbledore with his suspicions.
"Headmaster, I wondered if I might be able to have a word?"
"Of course, Remus. You may have more than one if you so desire." Dumbledore responds from his place at his desk, looking down over his half-moon glasses with a grin.
"It's about a student of my 5th year class...y/n y/l/n?" "Ah, yes." Lupin watches Albus expectantly but he does not continue so Remus does, "I couldn't help but notice they possess certain qualities that are remarkably similar to my own." Dumbledore nods in acknowledgement but remains silent. "Would I be out of my depth in assuming they-that they're..." "like you are?" The Headmaster finishes for him. Remus swallows thickly as he watches him intently.
"You would not. Be out of depth, that is. Y/n is indeed a Werewolf."
Remus takes a deep breath. He knew he was right in his assumptions but to hear it be confirmed is a different thing entirely. Like a truth one would never hope to be true. A flood of emotions overtakes him; some shock. Sympathy and sadness - as he knows what they are going through. And quite a bit of anger towards the man infront of him.
"You didn't think it necessary to inform me of this?" He glares. "That would have been against their, and their parents, wishes. When they told me of y/ns condition they were adamant in no one else knowing - less word spread, I agreed to respect their wish so I couldn't tell you. Were you to discover this on your own however-" "so you've just been sitting around waiting for me to piece the puzzle together?" "To be frank, Remus, I'm rather surprised it took you this long."
Anger and frustration are bubbling over in Lupin at this point as he turns his back on Albus. It's taking all his strength not to lash out at the old man like he desperately wants to.
"They're taking necessary precautions, Remus, if that is what's troubling you." "No, Headmaster. What's troubling me is that they are suffering with this condition on their own." He speaks through gritted teeth. "Yes, I have an idea of how unpleasant it must be." That comment alone pushes Remus' temper to it's limit.
"With all due respect, Albus..." he turns back to face him with daggers held behind his eyes, "you have no idea. You could not possibly imagine the difficulty of enduring the effects of lycanthropy - especially not at such a young age."
"Do you forget who assisted you in your transformations during school?"
"I do not, Professor. Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs helped me through every full moon. Although you may have offered a place to do so safely, you did not assist me in my change. It were James, Sirius and Peter who were there for me. And if what you say is true - that you are the only person in this school who knows - y/n doesn't even have that. A fact of which I am truly sorry for."
Not waiting for a response Remus storms from Dumbledores office.
As the next full moon approaches Remus prepares himself for the night. Locking himself in his office and drinking the Wolfsbane potion Severus prepared for him to make the change a little easier.
As the sun sets for the day he watches as the final rays disappearing beneath the horizon paint the Black Lake in brilliant hues of gold and cream. It's a picture perfect scene when something suddenly draws his attention.
A student decending into the forbidden forest. Y/n.
His body urges him to follow, but in little time he'll be in no position to offer help and, given the fact his theories have been proven correct, y/n will be in no state to accept.
When morning dawns he resumes his place by the window, mind fixed on only one thing. One person. The same person whom he witnesses hobbling back out of the forest along the very path they'd entered.
That day he calls y/n into his office and explains everything. How he found out. How he's the same. How he can help.
Y/n breaks down in front of him. Years of carrying this weight on such young shoulders finally met it's peak and took it's toll.
That night Remus offers Y/n the goblet of Wolfsbane to make the transition a little easier. It'll be the first time they get to change without suffering an excruciating amount of pain. It'll also be the first time in months Remus will be forced to endure it.
The change that night as the moon rises would be different than any before...
"Remus, have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius grips his shoulders tightly as he speaks the words frantically. "You know the man you truly are, Remus. This heart is where you truly lie. This heart here." Padfoot beats against Moonys chest as he watches his features slowly morph into the grotesque creature that forever lurkes within.
All words are dull in Remus' ears as the pain blinds his senses and he feels himself start to lose control.
The image of Y/n is the last thing to flash before his eyes and at least his mind is eased in the knowledge that, for the first time, their transformation will be bearable.
A final comforting thought before the beast inevitably takes over.
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bella-gunn · 6 years ago
More Blue Exorcist conspiracy theories!
I apologize, first thing for this "Wall-O-Text"(tm), anyone who knows me reasonably well knows I have a lot of thoughts that turn into mountains of words.
Unfortunately I still haven't found a way to toggle from rich text to html on my phone app (if such a thing is even possible). I do pretty much everything with my phone, so I'm sorry, no pretty text cut here.
Without further ado...
yuri-egin-123 asked some fantastic questions and this is my humble attempt to answer them, theoretically.
"...going back to Yuri's past, when Rin first saw satan, did Satan feel it? because it has already been proven that Rin can feel powerful demons nearby and Satan also in chapter 107. Now, does Satan know that Rin has been in the past?"
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Rin is powerful, true, but I don't think Satan would have noticed Rin for two really good reasons and one kind of theoretical reason.
Good reason #1:
Satan is incredibly arrogant. He can sense all demons, weak and powerful, but frankly he doesn't care because he knows he far out classes anyone else. So it doesn't make sense for him to take special notice of Rin in all the mess of demonic activity around him.
Good reason #2:
Rin is powerful, but he isn't more powerful than Lucifer, Mephisto, Egyn, Iblis and Asteroth, who are also in close proximity to Satan. Mephisto has been acting as Rin's personal tour guide, even Lucifer has ignored Rin in Mephisto's presence and they were in the same room practically face to face.
Theoretical reason:
Satan may not be able to tell the difference between Rin and his own power. The other demons respond to Rin's power just like it's Satan's, until Rin asserts control over his flames there is even some concern that they are actually Satan's flames. So I think it's unlikely that Satan would notice Rin because he would feel familiar and "same".
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What. An. Ass.
"...and in question the shiemi, at first I thought she was a clone of Shemihaza but nevertheless in chapter 99.5 they said "your mother awaits". I do not think Shemihaza is the mother of Shiemi, maybe Shiemi is Shemihaza herself, do not you think?"
I agree with you 100%; I do not think Shemihaza is Shiemi's mother in the traditional sense. It's clear there is a connection between Shiemi's birth and Shemihaza but I think it is less direct than Shiemi being a Shemihaza clone.
As far as Shiemi being Shemihaza let's examine what we already know from the story so far.
There are two upper demon ranks, the Baal and the Sol, Satan is above all.
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The Baal are the 8 demon kings, the Sol are the emperors of nothingness and creation, Armumahel and Shemihaza respectively.
The most recent chapter has given us suprising information; Armumahel is the source for holy water. Armumahel's influence "hollows out" humans, eventually making them "soul less", his influence on demons seems to cut their spiritual connection to Assaiah, sending them back to Gehenna.
This is wild, the whole thing from holy water to the experimental Illuminati weapons had me thinking:
If this is the power of nothingness made manifest in the material realm of Assiah, then what would the power of creation do!?
I have been turning this over in my mind since the Grigori representative called Shemihaza interacted with Lucifer in section 13.
Lucifer acknowledges the Grigori representative as Shemihaza but also appeals to their humanity. It is apparent the the Grigori representative was at one time human, but has put aside their humanity to take on the role of actually being Shemihaza in reality. This is no mere playacting, all signs point the the Grigori representative of Shemihaza as being a manifestation of Shemihaza.
Certainly there is some limitation, Shemihaza the Grigori isn't all powerful, but she is certainly well respected by Lucifer, who only respects power greater than his own.
Then there is the matter of Shemihaza the Grigori's seemingly unaging enterouge of obviously related people. They are all different shapes and sizes but they have very strong common traits, traits that are shared with the Lucifer clones.
Which brings me back to the question of Shemihaza's power in Assiah.
Creation much like Nothingness are broad concepts, without indulging in much philosophical navel gazing, I think the most obvious power of Shemihaza in Assiah would be making something exist spiritually that didn't exist before, perfectly opposed to and balanced with Armumahel's power to erase something spiritually from material reality.
As we learned from Reiji Shiratori and numerous other reminders, demons possess things that are spiritually aligned to themselves. It's somewhat problematic for the higher ranking demons, especially the kings, there is difficulty finding someone who is compatible, then they have the issue of their power destroying their host body.
So the section 13 researchers had two problems to solve:
1. Make the body resilient to demonic power.
2. Make the spirit compatible with the demon who will take possession.
The first problem was solved by taking tissue samples from Lucifer, Samael and Azazel, the three most powerful of the Baal.
It is obvious by the massive scale of the project, the images of the rows of birthing tables and cribs, that they tried surrogacy initially. It doesn't seem like that approach was entirely effective as they had begun using cloning vats/cylinders (Lucifer still uses that method currently so that indicates that it was a later and more successful method).
Out of the hundreds of clones there were only two successful clones (as in they suppoted posession): Ambrosius, a clone of Samael who was spontaneously possessed by Amaimon. There is some subtle indication Mephisto meddled, Amaimon certainly seems to owe him for something.
The other was Goro, the Azazel clone who was eventually possessed by Satan. Goro was not a perfect clone, he was damaged (if we go by Shiro's reactions) and was ultimately put in a semi vegetative state in a cloning vat because of his regenerative abilities.
There is something about that which is off putting to me. I kept getting hung up on the idea that this clone, Goro, who was essentially fully developed was placed in a vat and he didn't decay, didn't degrade. Bodies don't work that way, they begin to adapt to their environment on a cellular level, his skin at least would have been extremely damaged from years of submersion and any liquid medium he could have been placed in that would arrest that process is not conducive to keeping him alive.
With the revelation of where holy water came from it smacked me in the face; the liquid in the cloning vats is derived from Shemihaza.
This "water" derived from Shemihaza may be the base of the "elixer" and a sort of fountain of life but I wouldn't be in a hurry to fill up a cup! At best it is very unpredictable and difficult to control such a broadly active substance, after all you would want to grow new cells at a controlled pace, otherwise you end up with something cancerous like and truly monstrous. Michael Gedouin and all those poor people he experimented on are a cautionary tale.
Also, it seems that long term exposure to Shiemihaza's "water" may have the opposite effect of Armumahel's "water" and make things in Assiah more susceptible to possession.
Of course this is conjecture, there is nothing in the book that says I'm right, but it makes sense and explains why Shemihaza, the Grigori, is so involved in something as reprehensible as section 13.
Granted, the entire Grigori would have needed to approve and be involved with the project to some extent but we never see the other two, only Shemihaza.
Shemihaza is also deeply invested in Lucifer's decision and the outcome of the project in a way that indicates personal interest, which makes sense if you consider the spiritual and emotional connection of being the source of life for all those poor clones as well being, well, the Emperor of Creation. Even the misshapen more demonic clones that Lighting and Sugaro encountered would have been her progeny.
Going back to Shiemi, she shares certain characteristics with the Lucifer clones, namely blond hair, green eyes, a mysterious past and amnesia. Shemihaza's entourage identifies as her family so there is s very real possibility that Shiemi is a successful clone, not necessarily for Lucifer, but to be the next Shemihaza.
I think Mephisto was hiding her in plain sight, as it were, to keep her out of Lucifer's hands until the time was right for her to be brought to Shemihaza. She seems to have some disordered memories from her early childhood that relate to the garden she is taken to so it is very likely she was never in section 13. It is possible Shiemi was created directly by Shemihaza in the garden, which would explain the mother comment and her inclination towards growing things.
So I posit that Shiemi was created by Shemihaza, possibly from the Lucifer clone lineage, to be the replacement for Shemihaza the Grigori.
She is already most of the way to being able to channel Shemihaza, which she demonstrates by manifesting a forest to contain Rin just after his immolation. Obviously Mephisto knows something about it (poor Amaimon doesn't figure it out until it's too late for him to make a real marriage proposal, lol) and Shiemi's mom knows something because she told Sheimi enough for her to be prepared when the Grigori representatives came for her (very creepy people by the way, just a shade too perfect to be entirely human).
It will be interesting to see where things go but what really has me twisted up right now was Lucifer's casual demonstration that he has perfected the cloning method.
Up to this point we have operated under the assumption that the elixer was the only thing sustaining him and all of his efforts were going towards the creation of viable clones.
Now we know that not only does he have perfect clones for himself (which implies he appeared before Mephisto in a compromised body as strategy to keep Mephisto from knowing how effective his cloning process is) but he also has been collecting demons with regeneration abilities and is planning on cloning a body for Satan.
I have so many questions about this.
Satan seems to think his perfect body is running around, inconveniently occupied by his demon son, and would like to take it. But he is hanging around with his wimpy human son for some reason. Yukio is immune to the flames, all flames, has a temptaint so bad it's a wonder he wasn't posessed by a demon years ago except that he can't be possesed...
What do they want with Yukio?
Even better, why the hell did Lucifer give Yukio the Armumahel guns?
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I think the answer is twofold.
They, Mephisto and Lucifer, are setting Rin and Yukio up for a showdown, a sort of battle by proxy.
Mephisto and Lucifer are playing chess to determine the fate of the world because they cannot fight each other directly.
So Rin and Yukio are pawns that are poised to become queens on the board.
My magic 8 ball says "as I see it, yes":
*Yukio will confront Rin, because Rin can't let Yukio go.
*When that happens Yukio will use the Armumahel guns and damage or partially remove Rin's soul; in that moment of weakness Satan will have his opportunity to possess Rin.
*Yukio will immediately realize he has fucked up and will try to fix his mistake by killing Satan, or at least removing him from Rin as much as possible.
*More Armumahel gun action......
If everything goes Mephisto's way Satan wil be reduced to a shade of his original power and banished back to Gehenna (serves him right for being such a prick and dropping a helicopter on Mephisto's head), Lucifer will have to concede defeat and back down as per their wager.
If everything goes exceptionally well Rin's soul may even be restored to his body (I have a feeling Shiemi would have something to do with that).
But either way the balance would be restored and Assiah would be preserved.
If Lucifer gets his way Rin's soul is forfeit, Yukio is a way more fucked up Abel than the original bible story, Satan gets his groove on, Samael has to step back, allowing Satan and Lucifer remake reality unopposed.
I think the reason why Lucifer needs Satan is because Lucifer has the power to collapse everything back to the moment of creation but that's the best he can do on his own.
Essentially that is suicide.
He threatened it before, when he was trapped in a decaying shell, unwilling to allow himself to return to Gehenna. But now that he has a viable means of sustaining himself, and Satan has entered the picture, his plans haven't changed so much as they have shifted.
He still wants to end suffering but now he wants to remake the world, not destroy it, and to do so he needs Satan's power.
To Mephisto, destroy to create anew or destroy permanently, is all the same. Everything that makes him demon king of Space and Time, everything that makes him himself will cease to exist. He *has* to oppose Lucifer's plans, to do otherwise is to negate his own existence, which is something Mephisto is not capable of.
@yuri-egin-123 , thanks again!
Which is cool by me, otherwise this story would have been over before it began!
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