#sorry i couldn't find a good place to add a read.more fadsgadffads
theyelmore · 6 years
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Hey guys! I’m opening two penny per word commission slots--and they’re both available!
What’s a “penny per word” commission?
Put simply, this type of commission bases price off of a requested wordcount. In this case, a 1,000 word fic would cost $10 USD, and a 3,500 word fic would come down to $35 USD.
What forms of payment do you accept?
I will only be accepting payment through PayPal and Ko-Fi.
What kinds of content will you write?
Fannish content for Voltron: Legendary Defender, The Dragon Prince, and The Raven Cycle.
If you’re interested in a fandom not listed here, feel free to ask me about writing for that fandom---I’ll let you know if I know the base material well enough to write for it ASAP.
All genres and tropes. If you want it, I can write it!*
Flash fiction featuring your original characters.
Please have references available if you choose this option.
NSFW content.
This option is only available for those who are 18+ years of age. I will not create NSFW content for minors, as I am uncomfortable with possible legal implications.
NSFW content will have an additional 25% fee.
Is there anything you won’t write?
I find myself very squicked by Shiro/Galra content, and do not feel comfortable writing for them.
Extreme gore.
Noncon & Dubcon
*I’m only human, and cannot predict everything you may ask me to write. Because of this, I reserve the right to refuse any commission requested of me.
How can I tell if I want a commission from you?
Feel free to browse my works posted on Archive of Our Own! This serves as a portfolio to all the fic I’ve written, edited, and posted. But, in the likely scenario that you don’t have time to read 16 fics and make up your mind, I’ve gone ahead and provided a few excerpts from my work:
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From “if time can be relative why can’t death?”, a Keitor fic commissioned by chew-ie.
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From “god’s nut punching quota”, a Shotor fic.
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From “of friends and more than friends”, a platonic Klance fic commissioned by crsinclair.
Do I have to pay upfront, or can I wait until you’re done?
Sadly, the internet is full of people who see nothing wrong with scamming artists and taking the content they worked so hard on without paying their due. While I trust that your intentions are good, I would rather issue ten total refunds than be shorted for my work.
Because of this, I ask for full payment up front. If this is not possible for you feel free to message me so we can work something out. You may cancel your commission at any time.
Please refer to the Refunds and Cancellations section at the end of this post for more information.
What happens if you go over my requested word count? Do I have to pay more? What if you go under what I asked for?
Nope! You’ll pay for what was requested and not a penny more. Think of any extra words as my gift to you.
I will not consider your commission complete until I’ve met your requested word count. I promise to give you your money’s worth.
How do I order a commission?
Send me a message at @theyelmore​, or shoot me an email at [email protected] with the following information:
Your Tumblr URL.
Requested wordcount. Remember, this is what I am using to price your commission. 
1,000 words is $10 USD, 2,500 words is $25 USD, 3,800 words is $38 USD, and so on and so forth.
What you’d like me to write. This is where you tell me what ships (if any) you’d like me to include, tropes you’d like involved, where you’d like the fic to be set (AU or canon-verse), and anything else you’d like to see in the fic. If you’re commissioning fic for your OCs, this is the place to include references.
Example: “I’d love it if you could write an art school AU for James Griffin/Ryan Kinkade that’s written as if watching a montage of videos that Ryan has taken throughout the year. I really want it to be lighthearted and funny--just pure fluff. No angst!” (This actually sounds like a cool fic... one day I might write it, but today is not that day.)
How you’d like to receive your completed commission. I can send it to you via Google Docs, Archive of Our Own (note: I will not mention the fic’s status as a commission on ao3, as that is a direct violation of their TOS; the fic will simply be sent to you via the Gift option), Tumblr post, or a home-brewed combination of the three.
Your payment method. Will you be paying via PayPal or Ko-Fi?
NOTE: I will not accept payment until we have discussed your fic in detail. Once I feel confident that I can carry out your wishes I will ask you to send payment.
Iron out the details. Upon receiving your requested commission, we will discuss the details of your fic in order to ensure my ability to bring your idea to life.
Send payment. I’ll let you know when we’re ready for this. 
What happens next?
After I’ve received your payment I will begin working on your fic. Please keep in mind that I will be fulfilling these orders in between work and school, so it may take me a few days to churn out a relatively short fic. 
Unless you request otherwise, I’ll send you status-updates as I get further through your fic. These updates will look like this:
“Heya! Just finished outlining your commission. I’ve attached a screenshot/doc here for you to review. Does everything look correct? Would you like me to change anything?” After you give me the all clear: “I’m starting your first draft right now. Let me know if you have any questions!”
“First draft is complete! I’m sending you a Google Doc of your fic right now. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or if you’d like to change anything. Until then, I’ll be working on the second draft of your fic!”
Refunds and Cancellations
You may cancel your commission at any time during the writing process, but please note that the return rates will change based on how far along the fic has progressed. Completed fics are not eligible for cancellation. 
Commissions cancelled...
...before outline has been completed and approved by the commissioners are eligible for a 100% refund.
...during the first draft  are eligible for an 85% refund.
...during the second draft are eligible for a 65% refund.
...after the editing process has begun are eligible for a 25% refund.
Completed fics are not eligible for refunds.
I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks bunches,
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