#sorry for the spoilers to anyone who hasn't had chance to read chapter 8 yet
starlingflight · 9 hours
I guess this is "hate" but not really since you're my favorite hinny writer and that won't change but I am disappointed after this last chapter.
One of my least favorite tropes is "misunderstanding that could be resolved with a simple conversation isn't, and Ginny hooks up with a random person" because it was used (a lot) by anti-hinny writers as a way to slut shame Ginny or prove she isn't a good match for Harry, that now when I see it in a fic it instantly kills my enjoyment of the fic.
I do wish you would have tagged the Ginny and Seamus relationship even if it doesn't last as a warning though.
I know I should leave this a while and then answer it, but I have a lot of feelings about this that I don't feel like taking into my weekend so sorry, anon, but you're getting my unfiltered reaction.
It's not, imo, a misunderstanding that could be resolved with a simple conversation. I mean, technically, it is, but at this point in the story Ginny is still dealing with self-esteem issues following the Tom situation, and doesn't really trust herself to read other people's intentions as they relate to her. Add to that, being a teenager lacking in life experience (this is not a hinny who have been facing death since pre-adolescence), then it's not a conversation they're going to have at this point in their lives.
I really, really, really don't care what tropes anti-hinny shippers use, and I defintiely won't be taking them into consideration when characterising Ginny like a realistic teenaged girl. If I cared even a little bit about anti-Ginny tropes, I would not be writing a story where she brews a love potion at all.
It's not negative for a young woman to explore different partners, or to have intimate encounters that don't lead to a relationship. It doesn't make her unworthy of Harry (who has openly kissed Cho in this fic already with absolutely no criticism) or a bad match for him.
Considering NOTHING happens between them on page, and their interaction totals about 10 lines (I haven't counted, but it can't be much more than that), tagging Ginny/Seamus would be a major overreaction. I wouldn't be impressed if someone tagged Harry/Ginny for an equivelent situation in a fic that otherwise didn't feature them. Notice, I didn't tag Ginny/Michael, Ginny/Zacharias or Harry/Cho for similar reasons.
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belphegorbillickin · 1 year
Hi again! Since you invited me to chat about TWST whenever, I may as well take the opportunity to pick your brain for more fun conversations. This time I want to hear your thoughts on where you think the main story will progress from what we know of ch7 so far. I’m personally quite curious to see what will be done with the battle and monologue from the tutorial.
(Actually, do you know anywhere where the opening monologue for the tutorial is recorded? It’s a real shame it doesn’t appear to be replayable through the game.)
You can watch it here! This person recorded everything.
TWST spoilers below! Sorry in advance for the incoherent rambling, I'm kinda out of it but didn't wanna leave you hanging too long.
Tbh I stopped reading about halfway(?) while I was waiting for translations because I knew I'd enjoy it more all in one go. Also because I was getting a little disappointed and thought it'd be better to hear stuff secondhand first and then go in with lowered expectations if needed tbh.
I highly doubt they'll go the romantic route as I said before, even with Malleus, but now I'm kind of unsure as to how much of a role Yuu will play.
Like, nobody even acknowledges us half the time apart from Malleus, that'd be a big change, and it seems like so far it's mostly focused on Lilia so that's who I would've said is going to snap him out of it before.
But maybe it'll be something where Lilia, Yuu, and Idia all have to talk some sense into him?
Or maybe Idia will come into play after and have a talk with Malleus about grief? Since Idia is someone who's dealt with way too young and Malleus is gone way too long without experiencing it.
Either way, I personally feel like they're saving the Overblot monster, which is almost definitely Grim, for a "surprise" chapter 8. I know Malleus has been given more focus than the others before their episodes, but I feel like it'd be really unlikely for them to skip out on Malleus' "redemption."
Plus Grim is probably going to overblot immediately after eating Malleus' considering the build up, and that would be a bit too much for one book. Besides, it'd make sense for it to happen when Malleus hasn't had a chance to recover yet, because that future looked rough, and Malleus is so insanely OP it wouldn't make much sense otherwise.
But who knows, maybe the time loop theory is way off base and they'll just tack it on at the end as just another boss battle. I really hope they don't though.
After that though? I have no idea, but I kind of doubt it'll just be NRC slice of life. Especially because that'd mean a lot of fan favorites leaving, but maybe they'll bring in new first years just for the gacha aspect?
I think it'd be really lame to lose the characters we've come to know just to get generic slice of life without them though, because it wouldn't make sense for anyone else to start overblotting.
Some people think maybe we'll start solving RSA's problems instead, which would also give them more gacha money I guess.
I don't know what to think, but I hope season 2 is when we try to find out who's causing all of these people start overblotting, something that's supposed to be super rare, and possibly put a stop to it.
We might not even get anything after this, but I feel like disney probably wouldn't kill it's cash cow for no reason like solomare did?
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