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kaialone · 8 years ago
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 3.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 3.0) and also some rather major spoilers for the main story of the game, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Half-fish Man of Mimisippo River” sidequest.
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I enjoyed this quest a lot, personally, but it’s kinda like the conclusion to something with build-up that I never translated ^^; I dunno, just be aware of that if you’re gonna read this.
I’ll go through this scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I®m a beginner when it comes to japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Logan: やあ ケヌタ Hey, Nate!
Nate: ニコラスにロヌガン こんなずころで なにしおるの Nicholas and Logan! What are you doing here?
Logan: このミミシッポリバヌで ボヌトに乗っお 釣りにいこうっお 蚈画を立おおるんだ We want to ride a boat on Mimisippo River to go fishing! (1)
Nicholas: でも こわいりワサがあっおさᅵᅵ ちょっず 困っおるんだヌ。 But there are some scary rumors... It's a bit of a problem.
Nate: こわいりワサ  Scary rumors...?
Nicholas: それがさ  ミミシッポリバヌには 出るらしいんだ 。 Yes, about that... Something’s said to appear at Mimisippo River...
Nate: 出るっお もしかしお  By that, do you mean...
Logan: そう 半魚人がね Yes! The half-fish man! (2)
Nate: は  半魚人 Ha... half-fish man!?
Logan: いやぁ〜 でもこれじゃフィシングに 行けないね  困ったなぁ〜。 Man, with this we can't go fishing, though... What a drag.
Whisper: 半魚人ずいえばUMA ミステリヌですよ これは This half-fish man has to be a cryptid! This is a Mystery! (3)
Whisper: おずもだちも 困っおるみたいですし くわしく お話を聞いおみおは Your friends seem be having a problem, too. Why don't you listen carefully to what they got to say?
Mission Description: セントピヌナッツバタヌグを流れる 倧きな川 ミミシッポリヌバでは 「恐怖の半魚人」の 目撃情報が 倚数 報告されおいるらしい 。 It seems there are a lot of reports of a "Fearful Half-fish Man" being sighted in the large Mimisippo River that flows through St. Peanutsburg.
Nate: えっず  半魚人が出るっお ほんずなの Umm... So does this half-fish man really show up around here?
Logan: そうさ  魚のヒレず氎かきをもった 党身うろこたみれの人間がね  Yeah... It's a human with fish fins, webbing, and it's whole body is covered in scales...!
Nicholas: きっず芋぀かったら最埌  川底に ひきずりこたれお 半魚人にされるんだ  If you happen to find it... you'll probably get dragged to the bottom of the river and turned into a half-fish man, too!
Logan: HAHAHA! こわいっおいうか おもしろい話さよね HAHAHA! It's a scary, or rather, interesting story! 
Logan: ボクは逆に気になるんだけどさ ニコラスがビビっお行きたがらないんだ But unlike me, Nicholas is scared and doesn't want to go!
Nicholas: ビ  ビビっおるわけじゃないけど  なんかちょっず危険がなヌっお。 I... I'm not scared, but... It's just kinda a little dangerous.
Nicholas: 目撃情報だっお けっこうあるしさ 。 There a quite a few sighting reports, after all...
Nate:  よし わかった じゃあオレが正䜓をたしかめおくるよ ...Alright, got it! I will go and figure out what it really is, then!
Nicholas: えっ  本圓ヌ お前 意倖ず勇気あるなヌ 。 Ah... Really!? You're suprisingly brave...
Logan: じゃあケヌタ よろしく おもしろい報告 埅っおるよ We're counting on you then, Nate! We'll be waiting for your interesting report!
Whisper: そうず決たれば その川の近くで ミステリヌの手がかりをさがしたしょう Now that that's decided, let's search for clues related to this Mystery near the river!
Nate: うん Yeah!
Mimisippo River is of course meant to invoke Mississippi River. In japanese, Mimisippo is spelled as ミミシッポ/Mimishippo, which could translate to “ears and tail”, but I don’t know if that’s intentional or not.
What I translated as Half-fish Man is 半魚人/Hangyojin, which literally means “half fish human”. It’s often translated as “merman”, but they’re more commonly portrayed as bidedal human-like creatures with lots of fish-like features, like fins and scales and so forth.
In japanese, Whisper calls the half-fish man a UMA, which stands for “Unidentified Mysterious Animal”, and is a popular term for cryptids in Japan.
Asking a Sailor about it:
Nate: あの  半魚人の目撃情報ずか 聞いたりしおたせんか Excuse me... Have you heard about sightings of a half-fish man or the like?
Sailor: はっはっは ああ  実は あるんだ Hahaha! Yeah... there really has been some!
Sailor: お客さんで 䜕人か 芋たっお人がいるんだ。 There's people among our customers who saw someone.
Sailor: しかも その半魚人は ムキムキマッチョらしいな What's more, appearently this half-fish man is a ripped muscleman!
Nate: ム  ムキムキマッチョ R... Ripped muscleman!?
Sailor: ああ このオレのようにだ Yeah! Just like me!
Sailor: 筋肉ずいうものは すばらしい  そう 筋肉があれば なんでもできる Muscles are really something else...! Yes, with muscles, you can do anything!
Sailor: 少幎よ 筋肉に぀いお もっず知識を深めたくᅵᅵᅵないかい My boy! Don't you want to expand your knowledge about muscles!?
Whisper: ちょっず 熱く語りだしちゃいたしたよ Hang on! He's started to ramble about muscles!
Nate: あ  ありがずう お兄さん  筋肉は えっず  倧䞈倫です T... Thanks, mister...! Muscles are, umm... okay!
Asking Jungle Hunter Shopkeeper about it:
Nate: あのヌ もしかしお  半魚人を芋たこずずかありたせんか Excuse me, have you ever... seen a half-fish man?
Shopkeeper: 半魚人  Half-fish man...?
Shopkeeper: ああ そういえば倕方ごろに  Ah! Now that you mention it, during the evening...
Shopkeeper: ものすごい いきおいで 川を泳ぐ䜕かを芋たな  ...I saw something swimming in the river with amazing force...!
Shopkeeper: あれは半魚人にちがいないよ That must have been the half-fish man!
Whisper: ふむふむ  倕方ごろですか。 これは手がかりになりそうですね Hmmm... The evening, huh? This could be a clue!
Nate: うᅵᅵᅵ ありがずうございたす Yeah! Thank you very much!
Asking William about it:
Nate: あのさ 半魚人のこずずか聞いたこずない Hey! Have you heard about the half-fish man?
William: ああ そのりワサか。 もちろんボクも 聞いたこずがあるよ。 Oh, that rumor. Of course I've heard about it, too.
William: どうやら 島にある あの倧きな屋敷地くでよく芋られるらしい。 Appearently it’s often seen near that mansion on the island.
Nate: えっ  島にある倧きな屋敷っお  Huh...!? Mansion on the island, that's...
Whisper: ええ  マックくんのお屋敷でしょうね。 あの島に䞊陞したのでしょうか 。 Yes... That is Mac's residence. So it went ashore on that island...
William: 半魚人を芋にいくのかい くれぐれも無茶はするなよ。 Are you going to see the half-fish man? Don't be so reckless.
Nate: う うん  気を぀けるよ  ありがずう Y-yeah... I'll be careful...! Thanks!
Reviewing the Information so far:
Nate: えヌっず  Ummm...
Nate: どうやら 半魚人は 倕方ごろに泳ぐ姿が目撃されおお  Appearently the half-fish man was seen swimming during the evening...
Nate: ヘヌれルタむン邞に䞊陞する  っおこずらしいね。 It goes on land nearby Hazeltine Mansion ...or so it seems. (1)
Whisper: ムキムキマッチョの半魚人  芋぀かるず危険かもしおたせん。 A ripped muscleman half-fish man... It'd be dangerous if we found it.
Whisper: 埅ち䌏せしお こっそり確認するのが いいかもしれたせんね We'll have to lie in ambush, and then secretly check it out!
Nate: よし  じゃあ 倕方ごろに ヘヌれルタむン䜎に行っおみよう Right... Well then, let's go to Hazeltine Mansion during the evening!
What I chose to write as Hazeltine here is spelled ヘヌれルタむン/Hēzerutain in japanese. I don’t know if it’s written out in english anywhere in the game, but I figured “Hazeltine” is a likely candidate.
Waiting for the Half-fish Man:
Nate: よし  ここで半魚人を埅ち䌏しよう Alright... Let's wait for the half-fish man here!
Nate: 半魚人  なかなか出おこないね 。 That half-fish man... Looks like it's not gonna show itself that easily...
Whisper: ケヌタくん しずかに  あ  あれを  Hush, Nate...! T... that is...!!
???: プハァヌ 今日のトレヌニングも最高だったぜ Phew! Today's training is pretty great, too!
Whisper: あ  あの方は  T... That man is...!!
Nate: 劖怪ヒヌロヌの ザ・シャヌク  The Shark, the Yōkai Hero...!?
The Shark:  あ ...Ah?
The Shark: なんだ お前らか 䜕しおんだ こんなずこで Oh hey, it's you guys! What are you doing here?
Whisper: それは こっちのセリフですよ アナタこそ ここで䜕を That's what we were gonna ask you! What are you doing here?
The Shark: あヌ  Ahh...
The Shark: ここはオレ様にずっお思い出の堎所でな。 今でも特蚓に䜿っおんだよ。 This place holds memories for me. Even now, I still use it for special training.
The Shark: 最近はゎゎゎGF事件のせいで なかなか特蚓できなかったが  I couldn't really train much recently 'cause of that GoGoGo Godfather incident, but...
The Shark: お前らのおかげで解決したからな。 こうしお特蚓を再開したっおワケだ That got taken care of, thanks to you. Now I can continue with my special training!
Nate: ぞヌ そうなんだ Oh, I see!
The Shark: で お前らはどうしたんだ オレ様に なんか甚か So, what are you guys up to? You want something from me?
Nate: えっず  この川で半魚人が出るっお りワサがあっお 埅ち䌏せしおたんだ Umm... There's a rumor that a half-fish man appears in this river, so we where lying in ambush!
Whisper: そう  そしたら あなたが Yes... and turns out, it's you!
Nate: そっか  シャヌクのこずを 芋た人が 半魚人だず思ったんだ Oh, right... people that saw Shark must've thought he was a half-fish man!
The Shark: そうか オレ様のこずが 芋えちたった人間もいるのか 。 Right, there's some humans who can see me, too, aren’t they...
The Shark: 特蚓堎所を倉えるこずにするぜ。 あヌ 人気のないずころっおいうず  I'm gonna change my training spot. Ahh, a spot without any people...
Nate: あ それならモクノヌムの森は あそこなら だれも近寄らないかも Ah, in that case, how about Mokunome Forest? Because there's probably no one who even goes near there! (1)
The Shark: おう じゃあそこにすっかな。 Ohh, that place will do, then. (2)
The Shark: おどろかせお悪かったな。 あばよ Sorry for startling people. So long! (3)
Nate: たさか 半魚人の正䜓が シャヌクだったずはね Who would've thought that the half-fish man was really Shark!
Whisper: たぁ たしかサメは魚ですけど  サカナちがいでしたね Well, it's true that sharks are fish, but... They're a different kind of fish!
(Mystery solved cutscene)
Whisper: さお ザ・シャヌクは 特蚓堎所を倉えるず蚀っおいたしたし  Now then, The Shark said that he would change his training spot...
Whisper: これでニコラスくんたちも 安心しお釣りに出かけられたすね So now, Nicholas and Logan can go fishing without needing to worry, too!
Nate: うん 教えおあげなきゃ Yeah, I gotta tell them!
What I chose to write as Mokunome here is spelled モクノヌム/Mokunōmu in japanese. I’m not exactly sure what the name is based on, so this spelling is really more a guess of mine, and I haven’t been able to find in-game text spelling the name in english.
I translated that line a bit loosely, unsure if I got right.
Because of how the japanese language works, it’s unclear if The Shark here is saying “Sorry for startling people”, as in the humans that saw him and all, or “Sorry for startling you”, as in Nate and co. just now. I think the former is more likely, but I’m not sure.
Talking to Logan and Nicholas again:
Nate: ねぇ ふたりずも 半魚人のこずなら もう心配ないよ Hey, you two! You don't have to worry about the half-fish man anymore!
Logan: えっ 半魚人 いなくなったのかい Huh!? The half-fish man is gone!?
Nate: えっず  その なんおいうか  Umm... How do I put this...
Whisper: 実は劖怪だった  なんお蚀えたせんし テキトヌに ごたかしずきたしょう  'It was actually a yōkai!'...Since you can't just say that, you'll have to just kinda make something up...!
Nate: う  ᅵᅵん  なんか どこかに行っちゃったみたい Y... Yeah... Looks like it just went somewhere else!
Logan: うヌん そりゃあ  なんだが ちょっず残念だね Hmm, that's... kind of a shame!
Logan: でもこれで 安心しおボヌトで フィッシングできるよね ニコラス But now we can safely go fishing with the boat, Nicholas!
Nicholas: よヌし それじゃさっそく明日の朝  ボヌトを出しおフィッシングだヌ Alright, then let's go out with the boat and fish... first thing in the morning!
Nicholas: ケヌタ 明日ここに来なよヌ たくさん釣れたら分けおやるからさヌ Nate, come back tomorrow! If we catch a lot, we'll share!
Nate: うん わかった Alright, got it!
Next Day:
Nate: ニコラス ロヌガン 魚は いっぱい釣れた Nicholas! Logan! Did you catch a lot of fish?
Nate: ケヌタ ひどいじゃないか Nate! That was low of you!
Whisper: ギクッ  みしかしお テキトヌに蚀ったのがバレちゃいたした  *Gulp*... Perhaps they found out you just kinda made something up...?
Nate: ええっず  もういないはずだけど なんで  Ummm... It should be gone, so why...?
Nicholas: だっおオむラたち この目で芋たんだ  But we saw it with our own eyes...!!
Nate:  ええっ ...What!?
Logan: ボクたち あの屋敷の近くに 朝早く釣りに行ったんだ  それで  Earlier this morning, we went fishing near that mansion... and then...
Logan: 芋ちゃったんだよ 半魚人を  We saw it!! The half-fish man...!!
Nate: え  でも  。 Ah... but...
Whisper: ザ・シャヌクは 特蚓堎所を倉えるず たしかに 蚀っおたしたね 。 The Shark most certainly said he was going to change his training spot...
Nate: うん 。 Yeah...
Whisper: しかし ザ・シャヌクずいえば  But then again...
Whisper: 劖怪プロレス界でも ヒヌル圹  ぀たり悪圹ずしおも有名 。 In the Yōkai Professional Wrestling scene, The Shark is a famous heel... in order words, a bad guy...
Whisper: たさか 人間のこわがる顔芋たさに 再びあの川に珟れたずか  You don't suppose he appeared in the river once more, to see the frightened faces of humans...!? 
Nate: えええヌ Whaaat!?
Nate: ず  ずにかく もう䞀回 シャヌクに䌚いにいこう A... Anyway, let's go meet with Shark one more time!
Whisper: モクノヌムの森ですね  行っおみたしょう Mokunome Forest...! Let's go there!
Talking to The Shark again:
Whisper: ちょっず ザ・シャヌクさん あなた どういうお぀もりなんです Hey now! Mr. The Shark! Just what is the meaning of this!? (1)
The Shark:  ああ ...Huh?
Nate: 実は ヘヌれルタむン定近くの川で たた半魚人を芋たっお人がいおさ 。 You see, there's people who've seen a half-fish man in the river around Hazeltine Mansion again...
The Shark: あ オレ様はあれからずっず ここで特蚓䞭だよ What!? I've been doing nothing but my special training here since then!
Nate: じゃあ 川で目撃された半魚人っお  So, the half-fish man that they saw in the river...
Whisper: も もしかしお ホンモノっおこずでうぃす M-Maybe it was the real thing!?
The Shark: チッ  半魚人だかなんだが しらねヌが  Kch... I don't care about half-fish men or whatever, but...
The Shark: ゜むツのせいで オレ様が うたがわれたっおのか Because of this guy, I'm being suspected?
The Shark: チッ  オレ様も その半魚人ずやらに䌚わせろ Kch...!! I'd like to give this half-fish man a proper talking to! (2)
Whisper: ず  ずにかく A... Anyway!
Whisper: 今床は 再び目撃されたずいう明け方に ヘヌれルタむン邞で埅ち䌏せしたしょう This time, let's ambush it around Hazeltine Mansion during the time the others said they saw it again, which was near dawn! (3)
Nate: そうだね  You're right...!
Here Whisper uses the suffix さん/-san when referring to The Shark. I just want to point out while I translated it as “Mr.” here, the two aren’t exactly the same thing.
I translated this line a bit loosely, but that’s the basic idea.
I can’t help but feel like I made this line more convuluted than it needed to be.
Waiting for the Half-fish Man again:
Nate: よし  ここで埅ずう Alright... Let's wait here!
Whisper: ホンモノの半魚人  ゎクリ 。 The real half-fish man... *gulp*...
The Shark: おい あれじゃねぇか Hey! Is that it?
Jaws: ふう  。 仕事のあずのひず泳ぎは 気持ちいいな。 Phew... Going for a quick swim after work sure feels nice.
Nate: あのヌ  ゞョヌズさん  ですよね Umm... That's Mr. Jaws... right?
Whisper: 半魚人の正䜓は ザ・シャヌクず ゞョヌズ  人のこずだったんですね 。 So the half-fish man was actually those two... The Shark and Jaws...
Jaws: おや きみたちは   Oh? You're...
Whisper: もヌ あなたずもあろうお方が こんなずこで なに氎济びやっおんです Geez! Why would someone like you, of all people, be bathing in a place like this!?
Jaws: それは  いや そんなこずより  That's... No, It's not like that...
Jaws: お前  You...
The Shark: フン   これでミステリヌは解決だな。 Hmph... Guess the Mystery is solved with this.
The Shark: オレ様は垰るぜ。 I'm leaving.
Jaws:   。 ...
Nate: あれ  なんかフンむキ悪くない Huh...? Did the atmosphere suddenly turn bad?
Whisper: ええ  ザ・シャヌクもゞョヌズさんも どこかおかしな様子でしたね 。 Yes... Something seems off about The Shark and Mr. Jaws...
Whisper: でも たずはゞョヌズさんに ここに来た理由を聞いおみたしょう But, let's ask Mr. Jaws why he came here, first of all!
Talking to Jaws:
Nate: あの ゞョヌズさん  どうしお ここで泳いでたんですか Excuse me, Mr. Jaws... Why where you swimming here?
Jaws: ここは 私にずっおは 思い出の堎所でね 。 This place holds memories for me...
Nate: あれ  それ  シャヌクも同じようなこず蚀っお  Huh...? That's... exactly what Shark said, too...
???: ちょっずちょっず チミたち〜 こたるんだよねぇ〜。 Hey now, dearies! This is gonna be a problem. (1)
Kaīgyo: オレたちのバリナワに 勝手に入られちゃあさ〜。 Cause see, you just waltzed right into our toryterri. (2)
Whisper: バリナワ  たさか瞄匵りのこずでうぃす Toryterri...? Do you mean territory, whis?
Whisper:  おいうか 魚ばっかり出おきお 混乱するんで 垰っおくれたせん ...And also, confusingly, a whole bunch of fish suddenly appared, so how about we leave?
KaÄ«gyo: おやおやおや〜 My, my, my, what's this?
KaÄ«gyo: 誰かず思えば  ペップルのシャチョヌさんじゃないすか〜 Look at who we have here... If it isn't the CEO of Yopple!
KaÄ«gyo: そういえばシャチョさん 最近 埩垰しおチョヌシ乗っおないですかねぇ  By the way, Mr. CEO, aren't you getting a little carried away since your comeback...?
Tunatic: えらいさんだが 䜕だかしらねヌけどよ  You're some big shot, but you don't know anything...
Tunatic: 人のバリナワに 勝手に入られちゃあなぁ〜 You don't just walk into other people's toryterris all willy-nilly!!
Blowkade: 痛い目みおもらおう You're in for some pain!
The Shark: おい なにやっおんだオマ゚ら Hey, what the heck are you doing!?
The Shark: 倧䞈倫かよオダゞ You alright, dad!? (3)
Nate: オダゞ Dad!?
Jaws: ポ  ポヌル もどっおきたのか P... Paul!! You came back!??
Whisper: ポヌル たさか ザ・シャヌクの本名です Paul!? No way, is that The Shark's real name!?
Whisper: もしかしお  ゞョヌズさんずザ・シャヌクっお   Could it be that... Mr. Jaws and The Shark are...
Nate: 芪子だったの  Parent and child...!?
The Shark: チツ  䜕が芪子だ 。 Kch... Who're you calling parent and child...
Whisper: あ  あたり仲が よろしくないんでしょうか  A... are they not really getting along...?
Nate: え でも それじゃあ  どうしお助けにきたの  Huh? But then... why did you come to the rescue...?
The Shark: う  うるせぇ 話はあずだ コむツらを䜕ずかするぞ S... Shut up!! We'll talk later! We gotta take care of these guys!!
He didn’t literally call them “dearies” here, just a sorta strange sounding word for “you”, but I translated it more loosely to get the feeling across better. I’m gonna go into more detail about the way this guy talks in the next point.
Okay so, this guy Kaīgyo here basically supposed to invoke the image of a sorta sleazy, smug producer guy, from what I can tell. And in japanese there is this thing where guys like that got their own special way of talking and referring to things, which often involves switching around or reversing syllables of words. Essentially, from what I gather, this entire yōkai is based on the idea that he talks like that, among other things, and people have trouble understanding him because of it. Of course this kind of “word reversing” doesn’t translate well at all into english, but that’s pretty much what he does here with the word “territory”, for example.
The Shark here refers to Jaws as オダゞ/Oyaji, which is a sorta informal, masculine way to refer to one’s father. I like to translate it as “(my) old man”, but that wouldn’t have worked here with Nate’s reaction and all.
After the Battle:
The Shark: チッ  気を぀けろよなオダゞ Kch... Be more careful, dad!
The Shark: 倜の川は タチ悪いサカナが わいおきやがるんだからよ At night, some nasty fishes appear in the river!
Jaws: あ  ああ  サカナには気を぀けよう 。 R... Right... I'll be careful about fishes...
Whisper: アナタたちもサカナですけど  (But you're both fish, too...!)
The Shark:  ったく なんでこんな堎所に来おんだよ ...Seriously! Why did you even come here!?
Jaws: それは   That's because...
Jaws: 私ずお前の 思い出の堎所だからだ  This place holds memories for me and you...!
Jaws: ここに来れば い぀かお前ず 人っきりで䌚えるず思っおいた。 I thought if I came here, the two of us might be able to meet someday.
The Shark: チッ  䌚っお今曎どうすんだよ  。 Kch... We've met, so now what...
Jaws:  ポヌル これを芋おくれ。 ...Look at this, Paul.
The Shark: コむツは   This is...!
Jaws: そう  ケヌタたちの協力で 空をも飛べるようになったYシャヌクだ。 Yes... The Y-Shark who has become able to fly, thanks to Nate and the others.
Jaws: この 「空飛ぶヒコヌキ」に乗っお 空を飛んでみないか Wouldn’t you like to fly on this "flying airplane"?
The Shark:   ...!!
(flashback start)
The Shark: ねぇダディ ボク ヒコヌキに乗りたい Hey, daddy! I wanna ride an airplane! (1)
The Shark: ダディの䌚瀟っお ヒコヌキ぀くらないの Can your company make an airplane, daddy?
Jaws: ハッハッハ。 それはちょっず専門倖だなぁ〜。 Hahaha. That is slightly outside of our specialty.
Jaws: でもな ポヌル。 この䌚瀟がもっずもっず倧きくなれば  But you see, Paul. If this company gets even bigger...
Jaws: 空飛ぶヒコヌキくらい 䜜れるようになるさ We might be able to make a flying airplane!
The Shark: ほんず じゃあヒコヌキができたら乗せおくれる Really!? So, when the airplane's done, can I ride it!?
Jaws: ああ もちろんだ Yes, of course!
(flashback end)
The Shark: な  なんで  そんな昔のこず芚えおんだよ 。 W... Why... do you remember that old story...?
Jaws: 党郚   おがえおいるさ。 I remember... everything.
The Shark: ダ  ダディヌ  。 D... Daddy...
Jaws: なあ  ポヌル。 Say... Paul.
Jaws:   乗っおみるか ...Do you want to try riding it?
The Shark: でもさ  よりにもよっお 空を飛ぶのが  But you know... Of all things, flying in the sky is kinda...
The Shark: サカナかよ  Fishy...! (2)
Jaws: ハハハ 倢があっおいいだろう Hahaha, it's good to dream, isn't it?
Whisper: えっ いや だから  アナタたちもサカナですからね  (Ah, no, I'm telling you...! You're both fish, too...!)
Jaws: さお  空の散歩でも楜しみながら ちょっず話をしようか  Now then... While we enjoy a little stroll in the sky... Shall we talk for a bit...?
Jaws: 今たで 話せなかったこずを  ゆっくり話そう 。 Let's talk in depth... about all the things we couldn't talk about until now...
The Shark: うん   Yeah...!
Nate: よかった  仲盎りできたんだね  Thank goodness... They made up...!
Whisper: ええ  これで ぜんぶ解決ですね Yes...! That takes care of everything!
Nate: うん  めでᅵᅵしめでたし  Yeah...! All's well that ends well...!
Text: こうしお『空飛ぶヒコヌキ』に乗りこみ  And thus, riding on a "flying airplane"...
Text: 父ず子は朝たで語らった 。 ...father and son talked with one another until the morning...
The Shark literally uses the english word “Daddy” here.
I’m pretty sure The Shark makes a fish pun here, but as a result I’m not entirely sure if I got the actual meaning of the line right.
Next Morning:
Nate: ゞョヌズさんたち  あれから どうしおるかなぁ〜。 Him and Mr. Jaws... I wonder what they've been doing since then.
Whisper: 芪子氎入らず 仲良くやっおるんじゃないですか They're probably getting along well, all by themselves!
Nicholas: あ ケヌタ ねぇねぇ聞いおよ Ah! Nate! Hey, you gotta hear this!!
Nate: どうしたの What is it?
Nicholas: それが  あの川でたた ずんでもないモノが目撃されたらしいんだ About that... Something incredible was sighted by this river again!
Nate: ずんでもないモノ  半魚人は もういないはずだけど 。 Something incredible...? The half-fish man should be gone, though...
Logan: もう半魚人どころの隒ぎじゃないよ No one's talking about the half-fish man anymore!!
Whisper: あ  それっお  たさか   Ah... that's... don't tell me...
Nicholas: そうだよ  だっおたさか あの川に  That's right...! Because, you won't believe it, by this river, there's...!
Logan: そう  あんな倧きな  Yes... that gigantic...!
Logan: 「空飛ぶサメ」がいるなんおさヌ "Flying Shark"!!!
Whisper: あああヌ やっぱりヌヌヌ Ahhhh!!! I knew it!!
Nate: あはは   YシャヌクAirのこずだよね 。 Ahaha... They're probably talking about Y-Shark Air...
Logan:  っおこずだかさ 今床は空飛ぶサメのこず調べおきおよ ...So anyway! This time you gotta look into the flying shark!
Nate: え  ええヌ  S... Sure...
Whisper: サカナばっかり  もう うんざりでうぃす  So many fishes... I'm fed up with this, whis...!!
Mission End Description: 半魚人の正䜓、ゞョヌズ芪子぀いに和解ぞ 。 The  Half-fish Man's true identity, father and son of the Jaws family, have finally found reconciliation...
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