#sorry for hijacking your idea my brain just wouldn't shut up
tinybro · 1 year
ok my brain has been hooked on that "jasico feat. lil daughter bianca" idea from this post and i need to wordvomit my own take on it
several years postcanon (and in an AU where he doesn't die), jason gets himself an apartment of his own in a city pretty far off from either camp. everyone's kinda perplexed because he's so isolated, but he just really needs some space to figure out his own identity separate from all the gods and camps shit that's dominated his entire life. he keeps in touch with everyone but he's just quietly doing his own thing.
and then he gets a small child dropped in his lap by his dad – the first time jupiter's had any direct interaction with him since the whole gaia incident, so he's as shitty a dad as ever and it's honestly shocking that he's involving himself this much with one of his kids. and it sure doesn't make jason feel any better about it that dad only bothered interacting with him for the sake of a different kid, but he can't blame the kid for that. she's barely a toddler and her name is coincidentally bianca. of course he thinks immediately of nico, but jason doesn't tell anyone about his suddenly becoming a young single dad at first. he wants to do things himself, and he's always been the type to help anyone and everyone while keeping his own struggles to himself. jason tries so hard tho, he does research and reads parenting books and stresses hard over whatever trauma this small child has already dealt with in losing her mom and being handed off to a stranger. he runs himself ragged trying to figure out how to be a good parent all on his own without any decent role models.
meanwhile, nico's always had an open invitation to visit jason's place or just crash on his couch if needed or whatever. he hasn't taken jason up on the offer often, so it's a surprise when he shadowtravels in one day and accidentally scares a small child, and suddenly jason has to explain bianca to someone. whoops. and nico has plenty of his own feelings about shit – her name dredges up a lot of emotions for him, and of course he's frustrated with jason for not talking to anyone about this – but jason's clearly exhausted, so nico sets all that aside and forces jason to go get some sleep and let him babysit for a bit.
jason gets some much-needed rest, and when he comes back out nico's already gotten way too attached to this kid. whether he's projecting a bit of his bianca feelings onto her or just sympathetic to a kid dealing with too much way too young, he's absolutely doting on her and it's incredibly cute and jason is extremely endeared.
nico had only intended to stop by briefly before getting back to his own business, but he ends up staying for a few days because he keeps finding excuses to help out more. it's so domestic and comfortable and neither jason or nico are acknowledging how much it makes them feel like a married couple because they're of course dancing around Feelings. and when nico does finally have to leave to get back to whatever task hades had him doing, bianca is very sad about it and, well, that just means he has to come by again as soon as he's done, right?
(it snowballs quickly from "nico visiting frequently to see bianca and help jason out" to "nico practically living with them and being dad #2", and it's even more awkward when the rest of the friends find out about the surprise child)
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geek-gem · 6 years
Transformers Dark Of The Moon
I've finally seen the movie again after these years. Let me warn you, spoilers and I have a lot to say.
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Their is really a lot to say about this movie. But I'm glad I finally got my to do list of watching the first three Bayformers now.
Another thing I'll be honest about I was gonna play the Dark Of The Moon game on PS3 but it requires more MB's to clear out but I decided fuck it I don't care. Especially it's a short game but I'm not doing that shit. I just wanna watch this film especially remembering this is a long film.
But back to the movie. I'll be honest and I'm not critic and my opinion may be invalid because lots of people hate Bayformers. We have a new continuity with the Bumblebee movie which I think is the best decision this franchise has done.
To me this movie while I like the first film from 2007.
After watching this and I'm still having some feelings after being it. But I feel this is my favorite out of the Bayformers saga. This is basically where it should of ended and should of let the Bayformers end with dignity. Or at least until a new director came along like Travis Knight or others.
Especially like I remember a movie guy named Cure4 on DeviantArt but he's gone from that shit. I agree with him and I'm thinking this is the sequel the 2007 film should of had.
I'm pissed and I hate that Age Of Extinction was the follow up to this film. Despite how people feel about this film, my God Bay tried to redeem himself after Revenge Of The Fallen a film that is like some sort of weird parody there the video game tie in's I see as the best version especially the PS3/Xbox 360/PC versions and even the Wii/PS2 versions.
Another thing I wanna reveal when I saw this film for the first time in theaters I actually used this.
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I seriously wore that and it worked and it was awesome. It was a experience despite I felt nervous. I was young but what the hell it's gonna be 8 years since the movie was released. Especially the 3D was awesome when I saw it in theaters.
But back to the movie again I'm sorry. I'm not gonna make this a full review I don't wanna waste anyone's time.
When I think about it Sam is a lot better in this film. While I do feel some moments could be worked on. He should of apologized to Bee after he meets him I know Sam's angry. Especially this development of Sam wants to matter. This is much better then what we had in Revenge Of The Fallen.
Carly I honestly find more likable then Mikaela. Seriously I do especially that moment where she literally tells Megatron that he will basically be Sentinel's bitch if he doesn't do anything. She basically treats Sam with a bit more respect and well I like the relationship more then what Sam and Mikaela had.
Lennox and Epps were always great. Especially Epps during the scenes in Chicago. Simmons is seriously entertaining in this and Dutch is a blessing.
Let me just talk about Dylan Gould. This guy he's been on my mind. I made two joke posts him deleted the first one of he's been waiting for that betrayal towards Sam.
Patrick Dempsey honestly and his portrayal of Dylan is a performance that left an impression on me. Because I was actually surprised by his reveal of who he actually was. But seriously this man is a dick and in a way I like him. Despite seeing in the film him talking about making tough choices and him being on the winning side. Yet over the course of the film he starts to take it a bit personal.
While I kept thinking before seeing the film he was enjoying it maybe. But my view on it changed. I just think Patrick Dempsey kind of owns the role.
Yes we should talk about the robots and let me be honest. What I love about this film it's basically the Decepticons strike back. They are basically winning in this film. I love the Chicago invasion scene.
I do feel like the entire Bayformers series yes their should of been more Transformers screen time. Especially the Decepticons in this case. While I feel in Revenge Of The Fallen I can tell Starscream feels like he's a little snarky in some parts. While I know he's kissing up to Megatron to cover his ass. I would of liked some what....I don't know more snarky shit or something Starscream would say or do. Maybe even during his confrontation with Sam he mentioning after the Decepticons win that he would overthrow Megatron and become the winner.
I remember when I was young when I saw this for the first time. For Starscream I had hoped he would betray Megatron yet that would be so much for one film. Because that's Starscream from G1, Animated, and other continuities. At least one last hurrah before he dies.
Especially I remember when I was young I wanted Skids and Mudflap, along with Leo to come back....I was young and I enjoyed Revenge Of The Fallen a lot more okay. Wouldn't mind Leo but their seems to be a bit much but what the hell I wanted Dinobots in this film.(well it's said Skids and Mudflap are shown as cars but they were supposed to die....they did die by Sentinel in the movie comic)
I dig Soundwave in this film. Even Laserbeak these guys are douches but would of liked to seen more Soundwave. Especially I like this little dynamic between Dylan and Soundwave I know that's weird of me to say. Would of liked to seen more.
Shockwave in this film seriously I was hyped for him when I was young and playing the prequel game. I feel it's stupid he's not as important. He should of had more lines and more interactions. I even agree with a comment on YouTube he should of been in the Africa scene.
While he is badass it's stupid how he goes out but give him a better send off and a fight with Optimus Prime. I wanted to see more Shockwave and I think it would of been better if he was voiced by Mark Ryan. Frank Welker didn't do a bad job and he actually had two lines spoken in English.
At least his driller creature is cool. But seriously after all the hype and I want to just put some promotional stuff.
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Whatever if this one is official or not. It's just in Shockwave's own words......logical. Or my own words fucking logical.
The reason I'm saying Mark Ryan because of his English accent and I want to be reminded of Corey Burton. Sorry for sounding weird.
Let me say I feel Sentinel Prime is probably the best antagonist actually we've had in a Transformers live action film especially in the Bayformers. Characters like Shatter and Dropkick are great. Even Lockdown was nice. But I liked Sentinel. I'll be honest I was actually surprised when I witnessed his betrayal when I was young. I thought the Decepticons were gonna force him to use the Pillars maybe even Shockwave but what we got was something else.
Also I really liked the scenes with Optimus and Sentinel. I do feel we should of gotten more and had them be longer. Especially I like Optimus in this. I do see their was this father and son or brother like relationship that Bay talked about. But would of liked to seen more.
The other Autobots are alright cool. I do feel the whole Que/Wheeljack thing was just seriously stupid. Especially now before Bumblebee a Wheeljack design that was more accurate. Tragic about the way he died.
Looking back at the film theirs not a lot of Cybertronian scenes but they leave an impact.
Also I really wanna talk about the ending with Optimus, Sentinel, and Megatron. We should of gotten more Megatron I agree.
But the scene where leading up to Optimus killing Sentinel seeing it in action after going through the movie. It is awkward in a way.
Yet I'll be honest Sentinel basically deserved it. In fact of the Decepticons, and Dylan fucking deserved what they got. Because after everything they did their to me was not a way shit would end peacefully or something. Including your hearing this from a Steven Universe fan a show that deals with pacifism and other shit.
I do feel and I've talked about this before but I might delete it now because I'm gonna mention it here. But I feel if the scene went like it was Megatron who kills Sentinel or this dark idea of Sentinel killing himself or even himself dying from wounds. Especially giving Megatron and Optimus more of a fight even with Optimus haven't one arm.
Or hell seriously Bay should of gone with the original that was kept in the novel that Megatron teamed up with Optimus to kill Sentinel and Megatron would stop what he's doing. Also hearing that it would of explored Megatron more. That ending would have his look in The Last Knight make sense that he went to Cybertron after Dark Of The Moon and over time he decided to go back leading the Decepticons. Instead they had to kill him off and the whole Galvatron thing. Even though Megatron got what was coming to him.
Gonna be honest the Starscream death while I like the idea of Sam having the courage to take on Starscream and even killing him. But I do feel Starscream should of died a more I guess epic death.
Especially I weirdly wanted Sam to be all Cade Yeager shooting Decepticons and some how killing them. I mean you Sam jumping on cars and even sliding under them.
Gonna say before seeing the movie I kept thinking Dylan in his fight with Sam should of died a more brutal death. Such as Sam telling him to shut up after the messager comment and beating him to death. But Dylan's death is perfect. Seriously he gets hit in the face with some sort of pole thing and dies by the pillar.
Listen I'm sorry for rambling a lot. This became more of some review or reaction. The action was seriously nice and the special effects, score was always excellent.
Gonna be honest while I wasn't emotional much throughout the movie. Did feel emotional over the, "The fight will be your own" scene and felt a little at the, "No Prisoners Only Trophies" scene....that should of had more weight. I'll be honest when I was young I was expecting Sam for some reason come out of hiding yelling no in slow motion, surprising everyone then the Decepticon drop ship gets hijacked.
Gonna say did enjoy Wheelie and Brains I like them. Glad they we're still around in later films.
I think I've talked too much. Basically I think this is the best Bayformers sequel, this is what we should got gotten as a sequel to the 2007 film. It's better then Revenge Of The Fallen, Age Of Extinction, and The Last Knight.
My only weird complaint that isn't towards the movie.....Dinobots could of been in this some how.....during the battle of Chicago. We should of gotten Dinobots vs the Driller. Grimlock voiced by Vin Diesel or whatever I've had that weird casting idea I think for years. Or even Devastator in this because it's a huge open battle with so many opportunities. While I understand Michael Bay didn't wanna go larger like he did with Revenge Of The Fallen. I'm just disappointed that the next film we got after this was Age Of Extinction.
Tags dealt with sorry that got wrong, their was a lot to talk about. Glad I could talk about this and again I finished my to do list of rewatching the original trilogy. Bring on the new cinematic universe in the Knightverse that started out with Travis Knight's Bumblebee I'm ready for more excellent films.
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