#sorry but you mentioned the movie and just couldn't stop myself from drawing tintin in that dress
dimdiamond · 1 year
As a Greek Tintin fan, I have a very dumb theory about Tintin’s real name. In French, Tintin is a nickname for names that end in -tin like Augustin, Martin, Constantin etc. There’s a Greek movie titled «Σούλα έλα ξανά» where the protagonist is raised by her three aunts who all want her to have the nickname Soula so they legally give her three names (Anastasia, Aspasia, Athanasia) that can all have the nickname.
My silly little head canon is that Tintin was raised by an extended family so he has a ridiculous amount of first names, all of which are adjacent to the nickname Tintin.
Okokok first of all my dude you just became my favourite asker ever! No one before managed to cause me three strokes at once and so many conflicting feelings in one rollercoaster message and In the end you just made me realize how much I lovehateBUTLOVE this movie! I love this headcanon for so many reasons, first of all, Augustin Quentin Martin Remi slaps and second, it led me to draw this:
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It is inspired by this clip from the opening sequence of the movie, trust me, you want to watch it:
For you guys who have the big misfortune of not knowing this movie and reference, I'll try to make it more clear under the cut!
This movie is a romantic comedy, called "Σούλα 'Ελα Ξανά" (Soula Ela Xana= Soula Come Again, yes it is basically an acronym for sex, bare with me), released back in 2009 and it shaped who I am now and I wish I was kidding.
The plot focuses on Soula, a 30-year-old elementary teacher who receives gifts from her four exes on her birthday, which leads her to revisit the diary she kept as a child. When she finds a page where she promises she will be married by 30, she panics and decides to act. Said action is planning a game of who from the four exes deserves her second chance and she will marry the winner. For that, she invites them to the island she works (without them knowing her game) and calls her two girl best friends to help her. Before you pity the four gorgeous men, take into account that one is pathologically jealous, one is a cheating casanova, one is a momma's boy, and one is tight-fisted, so really they asked to be dumbed. Who among the four will reach Soula's heart and maybe it has already been reached by her friend who vouches to never get married?
Spoiler: Soula decides not to marry any of the four but her friend- who found out about her marrying and made him realize his feelings for her- shows up and asks to marry him because he loves her and wants to share his life with her and so they get married. It's a typical happy ending in a Greek movie, what did you expect? At least it doesn't feel forced, believe me!
It is a very weird movie with some old dated jokes but damn it is entertaining and the main theme song is so catchy?! Despite the first impression, it has some very interesting points: Soula is a happy, independent woman, who shares her friend's opinion on marriage and having children aren't what they need, until society's expectations and mostly the pressure she puts herself crushes on her and her judgment, until the very end she manages to get her sense back and realize how wrong she was and how much she was unfair with these men but mostly with herself. The four men show how willing they are to change (especially the jealous one knows he has a serious problem and tries to surpass it) but they don't necessarily succeed, at least for Soula, and that underlines how some people's attributes can't be tossed away entirely and the effort must be first of all for ourselves and later for the partner that will be there to support us. Marriage is shown in different lights and for Soula in the end it means companionship and commitment but not happiness necessarily if there's no love. For her friend, marriage was something that would take his freedom and fun away only to realize that it doesn't feel like that with his friend, a woman he came to love and care.
Ok I have many thoughts on this movie and I didn't expect I would analyze it in a Tintin post in 2023 but here we are.
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