#sorry about the snippet but all the funny LS parts are too long or not actually all that funny and oh god I'll need to edit this fic somuch
miabrown007 · 2 years
5, 9, and 22 for the new year fanfic asks!
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
so, I already answered this because I shan't shut up about Heist AU, but I do have a half-written one-shot I want to finish. draft title: will write funny break-up fics until my friends start to believe me when I say I'm writing funny break-up fics
Marinette has been warned about rock stars. Everyone has told her to be careful and vigilant, because they play the field and drop hearts like fine china. She has been told all about shadowy backstages and crazy afterparties, about eager interns and manly whimsies, about the duties of a girlfriend— better yet, a fiancé! Marinette has, of course, thought all of that a load of crap. But in their endavour of preparing her to be the proper eye-candy on the side on an up and coming musician, no one has warned Marinette about silence. About the pauses growing colder and the embraces shorter, about date nights disappearing in the rear view mirror of all-nighters. No one has warned Marinette about Life, and about what a sojourn to the French reviera would really mean. Luka Couffaine wasn’t the type of man to cheat on his girlfriend. It just— sort of happened.
9. Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January?
already answered here
22. Do you plan to take writing classes this year?
I would like to!! I tried to find and sneak into university classes this semester, but those were mostly history, literature, and academic writing. Maybe I should take a weekend-course or something, we'll see if I can find one with good reviews. In the meantime, I am procrastinating on watching Neil Gaiman and Brandon Sanderson's online classes, so maybe I should start with that.
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
Midnight City AU
i’ve been having fun writing this story, all these lil snippets n pieces comin together n shit,,, but i also find myself getting so frustrated writing sometimes even tho ik that’s a given with literally creating anything 😭 anyway uhhhh scheming shit ensues in this chapter, and we see another familiar pal pop up 🙏 also included obligatory reference to those aesthetic photos with song lyrics 🏃‍♀️💥
//Chapter 2: Oblivion
The vinyl store was a short walk from Sterling Lake, but Ron and Trevor decided to run there like idiots. Trevor was out of breath by the time they got there placing his hands on his knees, while Ron looked ready to keel over and pass out, pressing a hand against the front of the store.
“Remind me why we chose to run here?”
“So we could,” Ron wheezed out a breath, inhaling deep to stable himself.
“So we could hurry up and get Wade.”
“It was a rhetorical question.”
“Right. Sorry Trevor.”
Trevor swung the door open hastily, calling out for Wade right away. A head with muddy locs popped up in their direction.
“Hey Trevor! Hi Ron!”
“Wade! Get over here, no time for pleasantries!”
Wade rushed over to meet them outside.
“Get out of my G-damn store Trevor!”
“I’m going, Debra. Say hi to lovely Floyd for me, will ya?”
“Get out!”
The trio walked away from the place, not knowing where to head next.
“Let’s go talk in my truck, where we won’t be… disturbed by any fuckwad wearing Andés brand sherpa jackets. Why do they even need jackets out here? It’s like 90 degrees all the time!”
He was parked across the way from Sterling Lake, and as he went, he tried his best to avoid running into the clique of phony fucks. The minute they all piled in, Trevor peeled out so loudly it was surprising he tried being discrete at all.
“So, Ron. Fill Wade in.”
“What’s goin’ on?”
“It’s the Merryweather Night Club.”
“Ooh, are we goin’ in to see them pretty girls dance?”
“No, Wade.” Trevor interjected.
“Then what-“
“It’s about Steve.”
Trevor impatiently shot out a breath, trying his best to breakdown the situation to Wade. He put a hand to his face briefly before speaking again.
“Haines, Wade. Steven fuckin’ Haines.”
“Ohh him! That fancy dude at the park.”
“Yeah. The fancy dude at the park.”
“What about him?”
“Well Ron here caught word that Devin Weston is hosting some big event there for Haines and his crew.”
“We invited or somethin’?”
“For fucks sake- No, Wade. We’re gonna plan out how to completely crash and wreck the party, so we can get that club the fuck out of here.”
“How’re we gonna do that?”
“Well first, we’re gonna scope the place out. Get a better idea of what we’re dealing with here.”
Trevor thought to himself that if he didn’t have a good look from the outside, that’d he’d have to get a layout of the floor plans himself. It’s not like he hadn’t visited the club before, but he hadn’t been… sober exactly when he dropped by those few times. So it was basically like seeing it for the first time. If he couldn’t get much from the outside, he knew only one person who could accomplish getting the layout of the place.
“We’re almost there, get ready to do some creeping boys.”
The sun was setting, and soon it would be dark out. And when it got dark in Los Santos, it got dark. The only way the city could be visible was from the surplus of lights that were nearly everywhere, except for a few places. They at least had some darkness to rely on so they wouldn’t be spotted right away. Trevor parked a block away, and the three of them hid on the rooftop of the building across the way. Neon lights flickered on, reading “MERRYWEATHER’S SUNNY DAYS NIGHT CLUB”.
“Such a stupid fucking name. I mean, why is it called Sunny Days if it’s a night club?!” Trevor angrily muttered.
As the sky grew dark, the club began to stir, with some random rhythmic song starting up. Ron lifted a pair of binoculars he brought with him, and gasped.
“There he is! Mr. Weston himself!”
Trevor snatched the binoculars from Ron, causing him to crash into his side.
“Uh, Trevor, it’s still around my neck.”
“Then take it the fuck off, before I take it off for you.”
He fumbled around with it, tossing it into Trevor’s hands. Below them, he saw Devin standing outside, with a pristine woman beside him. Trevor whistled lowly, so they wouldn’t be heard.
“That lady’s wayyy out of that fucker’s league.”
He watched them speak to the bouncer outside, hearing them laugh about something before heading in.
“They’re probably laughing it up now, plotting their next move to take over the city!”
“Shut up Ron, we lost them.”
He growled in frustration, handing the binoculars back to Ron.
“Let’s sneak ‘round back, maybe we’ll see something there.”
As they left, Trevor made a mental note of where the Merryweather bouncers were placed. Two burly men guarded the entrance, with a thick velvety rope not too far in front of it. They had to avoid the streetlights, seeing as people like them were sure to raise suspicion being near one of the hottest night clubs in LS. He couldn’t be made, not when he already had a reputation there.
“Alright Ron, you see anything?”
They hid near a dumpster, away from the lights.
“Not really, it’s too dark-“
Suddenly, the back door swung open. Ron and Trevor ducked while Wade’s eyes were transfixed on who was coming out. Trevor yanked him down, holding a finger to his lips.
“So I says to him, ‘You ain’t payin’ me enough to stay on this failure of a fuckin’ show Solomon!’, old guy flipped the fuck out.”
“That’s that Pelosi actor though!” Wade said, rather loudly.
“Wade! Shh!”
“And then I- wait a minute. The fuck was that?”
“Shit! Shit!” Ron panicked.
“Yo!” Pelosi started to walk in their direction.
“We better get out of here. Now.”
All three of them scrambled up to run off back to Trevor’s truck.
“Get back here! Security!” The actor began to chase them, along with one of the Merryweather guards.
They continued to run down the block, Trevor breaking into a sprint so he could start the car up before anyone caught up to them.
“Get in! Get the fuck in!”
The truck revved up, and Trevor drove off in a haste. Even though it didn’t go as planned, Trevor couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“Whew! What a rush, huh?”
“Rush?! We almost got caught, Trevor!”
“Yeah, only because Wade couldn’t keep it down for 5 fuckin’ seconds.”
“I’m sorry! That Pelosi guy is famous! I ain’t ever seen a actor up close.”
“Yeah, but he’s already washed up. Nothing special.”
“Isn’t he our age? How can he be washed up if he’s still-“
“Can it, Wade.”
Trevor came to the conclusion that there wasn’t enough visibility of the place from the outside. It didn’t have a single window. He mumbled to himself that he needed to go see a friend of his. The travel to El Burro Heights didn’t take long, with Trevor telling the other two to wait in the truck.
“Ron, please make sure he doesn’t do anything dumb.”
“Got it.”
“It was one time!”
He made his way up the steps, banging on the door. He lifted his head up to the outdoor camera, snarling at it.
“Let me the fuck in Wheels!”
The front door clicked open, and Trevor walked right in. He shut it behind him, and trotted over to a bedroom.
“Trevor. Didn’t think I’d see much of you again.”
“Neither did I old friend.”
“What is it. What do you want.”
The room was lit up with aqua and pink shades, a visual of a permanent sunset on his computer. Some kind of synth music played faintly. A nerdy looking guy was seated in a wheelchair next to a set up that looked like it was pulled right from the 90s, various posters and novelty items strewn about.
“Let me cut to the chase. It’s Merryweather again.”
“Again? Trevor, I thought we agreed you’d leave them alone!”
“Ah ah ah! I didn’t finish, Lest. Get this, there’s some big event going on soon. Steve Haines- some big get together with him and his posse of lame-os.”
“Really? Devin’s letting those guys in? I thought it was all big name people.”
“Yeah, well Steve isn’t exactly poor Lester. I thought we both knew that.”
“Duh, but still. He’s not exactly Devin’s type of crowd.”
“No no no, I think they might be in kahoots. Planning something.”
“Hmm. Let me see…”
He turned to the computer, clacking away on his keyboard. It was rather vintage looking, and Trevor was surprised it worked at all. Lester was into technology more than he was though, so he probably worked some kind of magic on it.
“Hm. You’re right. Seems like they’ve known one another for quite some time. Guess their dads work together.”
“Fuckin’ daddy’s boys.”
“But, I still don’t think interfering with that party is a good idea.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“You’ve had enough run ins with the both of them already.”
“But if we infiltrated the club, we could get it shut down!”
“What are you planning, some sort of raid? You and your buddies? 2 other people isn’t much to work with if you wanna take down one of the most popular clubs here.”
“That’s why I came to you!”
“For what?”
“So you could do your cyber shit, find the floor plans or something!”
“You know that’s gonna take a long time, right? I mean, getting the blueprints, not to mention finding other people who’re on board with the idea of it all-”
“Well no shit.”
“Are you paying me?”
“I said, are you paying me?”
“What the fuck would I need to pay you for?”
“Taking time out of my day to get that done for you.”
“Right. Because you’re sooo busy.”
Lester frowned slightly, upset by the remark.
“I’m gonna just ignore that. Anyway, I’m not asking for a whole lot. Just something for the effort I’m putting in to find the plans.”
“So you’ll do it?”
“What choice do I have?”
“Absolutely none my friend!” He said, grin wide.
“Y’know you’re still gonna need to assemble a crew that doesn’t consist of only your… minions or whatever. That’s your part. Now shoo, let me do my thing.”
“Oh Lester the Molester you never let me down!” He said, clapping a hand on his shoulder.
“I told you to stop calling me that!”
“Aww, and here I thought you liked it!”
“Just go already. If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right. No funny business.”
“But funny business is my specialty!”
“Oh my God, go!”
He made his way back over to the truck, seeing Wade passed out in the back. Slamming a hand on the truck bed, he yelled for him to wake up.
“Boys! We got some recruiting to do.”
“Wh-what? What d’ya mean? Who are we gonna find? I thought it was just gonna be us-”
“We’re not taking out one of the biggest clubs in LS on our own, Ron.”
“But I-”
“No buts! Now let’s go.”
They all drove across the city, back to the apartment complex Floyd lived in, Wade’s place being the first one you see pulling in. He had been nice enough to pitch in some cash to pay his rent, seeing as Wade basically had no money to begin with. The trio brainstormed for a bit, chattering away about needing to find people who hated those guys just as much as they did, before Wade and Ron promptly passed out. Trevor threw on a random shuffled playlist to keep him occupied as they slept, and some song he’d never heard before played. Some artist called Grimes? The intro was wobbly, like someone was shaking laminated paper. He kept it on, liking how funky it sounded. The music reverberated loud in his ears, the singer’s voice light and dreamlike compared to the dark, heavy tone of the song. It was the experimental stuff Trevor was into. He opened nosedivr, scrolling through his usual feed. This was a thing he did often when he couldn’t sleep. As he kept going through posts, he noticed he still followed Amanda; they stopped being friends long ago and the task of removing her on there slipped his mind. She had posted a new photo though, and he instantly recognized who she was with just from the shoes. It was that Michael guy.
Tumblr media
𝔦 𝔱𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢, 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔫 𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔶𝔬𝔲.
#grunge aesthetic #lana del rey #lyrics #black and white aesthetic
His finger hovered over the reblog button, and he hesitated. What was he doing right now? He didn’t give a shit who Amanda was with anymore. Michael was just another name, another face, another person she was just gonna dump later on. She could never do commitment. That was the one thing he knew for sure in the period of time they had been friends. Amanda wasn’t exactly a bad person for it, she just didn’t express her feelings in the best way. It was why she jumped from guy to guy. They didn’t need anything more than her facade, her surface level personality. So when the time came that she would be close to showing her true colors, she’d cut them off. Trevor didn’t like that. If there was one thing he truly could not stand, it was people being two-faced. He wished Amanda embraced herself more. But like he said, it was whatever now. Soon enough, he wouldn’t see anymore posts like that.
Still, he figured he could unfollow her another day. Part of him did wanna see how long this one would last. Was that bad? Maybe. Who cares. By the time he had finished scrolling mindlessly on his phone, he’d finally grown tired. He wanted to dream about tomorrow, because tomorrow promised a plan in the works, and it was fucking spectacular. He couldn’t let something so meaningless like a new boyfriend of hers distract him. Yet despite that, he still found himself wanting to know more. This was the first guy in a while that Amanda got with that she didn’t run to tell him about. It felt… strange. But again, he couldn’t let that distract him from what was at the front of his mind. He didn’t have time for that. He had to focus on Merryweather first and foremost. Shutting his eyes, a smile grew on his face. He was finally gonna take those stupid fucks down.
//sorry if these seem short rn,,, it’s gonna be a slow build up tbh. it’ll be worth it later on when i complete future chapters lol. don’t wanna rush it too much ,, also i feel like i’m gonna accidentally make this sound all over the place so uh apologies in advance 💯 i will go into more detail abt amanda n trevor’s friendship in this too btw so expect that eventually ig
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