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mikalara-dracula · 3 years ago
Hello, I just found your account and I really like it! While reading your posts I wanted to request something. Can we get Yuma, Subaru and Shu's thoughts when they saw s/o for the first time?
Thanks in advance. 🥰
💕 Their thoughts when they saw their s/o for the first time
(ft. Yuma, Subaru, and Shu)
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! Aw, thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I'm so sorry that this took so long, but here it is. Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again any time.
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Literally, his first thought was "Bitch, you gonna be mine."
Like, no joke haha. Just ask @liannelara-dracula xDD
It was kinda like this (lmao Octopimp).
He saw you one day from a distance in the school’s hall and was totally checking you out, and I mean CHECKING you out.
Especially your ass and hip area because he’s a fucking perv and we all know it.
He liked the way you would move about, the sway of your hips whenever you turned.
Which literally gave him the idea of how he’d make them twist and turn in bed.
He thought you were hot in all honesty and found it hard to contain himself on the spot.
“Damn, she’s somethin’.”
He was set on you and he knew he had it bad.
And he honestly didn’t care if you were single or not.
Like he was going to do everything he could to make you his.
“There’s no way she’s single . . . but it doesn’t matter. It’s not gonna stop me.”
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He was pretty starstruck when he first saw you, kinda like that phrase ‘getting hit by the thunderbolt.’
You walked past him while he was tending to his locker, and you almost made him break his neck from how fast he turned to look at you walking forward.
He was so taken back by your beauty, it being unlike anything he’d ever seen.
The way your ponytail would whip when you’d turn, the way your lip gloss rested against your lips, the length of your eyelashes captivating to him.
“Shit . . . she’s hot.”
He was so checking out your chest area and how it rested against your body, even how the curve of it accentuated your front side.
Mostly because he’s secretly a fucking perv.
He was set on the idea of getting to know you, but he kept telling himself that it was pointless and too good to be true because of his doubt and insecurities.
“Like hell she’ll date someone like me.”
But to his surprise, it’s like fate gave him the excuse to get to know you when you ended up switching periods and being transferred into one of his classes.
And if that wasn’t enough, you were even assigned to be his partner.
He was literally telling himself to act natural the whole time, but deep down he was having a hard time containing himself since he was given this chance.
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He was sitting on a bench near the school’s premises when he saw you for the first time.
He had apparently missed the limo due to falling asleep and was now lounging outside from a school event that had just ended.
(In the manga, there’s actually a scenario where Shu is just lounging outside in public because the limo left him behind since he fell asleep and lost track of time. Yui ended up having to drag him home, so this is just another one of the many times he was left behind like that lol.)
Lots of students and people were passing by, some coming from the school’s event and some going to the nearby shopping blocks to either window shop or buy stuff.
So with this, his vision line was coming across a lot of different people from a distance, everyone looking the same since he bothered to keep his eyes open for a little bit, but that was until you came into view.
You stood out from the rest, your figure walking on its own as you strode by, your eyes low on the screen of your phone.
You were wearing short shorts so he definitely caught a good glimpse of your thighs and ass as you continued to walk by, not even acknowledging his gaze on you from a distance.
A smirk grew on his face. “Heh, are you trying to tempt every guy you walk past?” He thought. “An outfit like that is asking for it.”
He wondered if you were a student at his school, but that question was soon answered when he saw you carrying the school’s gym bag for P.E..
And with that, he definitely told himself that was going to find some excuse to talk to you so he could see what kind of person you were because the sight of you was keeping him on the edge of the bench he was sitting on even though he looked pretty relaxed.
He definitely looked forward to teasing you and to see how you’d react because we all know how much he loves to tease girls when he’s up for it.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years ago
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(Sorry for posting this like this but Tumblr won't let me answer your ask properly, idk it's acting weird)
Alright, so I was going to post first the Silver character analyzation and writing tips but I’ll love to answer your question first since I think I need to put this out before the Silver post.
I want to first say that I am not doing this to talk negatively about the current writer of Sonic IDW’s comic. This is merely my opinion. An opinion of a fan, who although does not master the art of writing, I am still allowed to express it. However, I still believe that every opinion should be backed up with evidence and that’s what I am going to do. Sorry, if the answer is too long but I think what I am about to write is necessary.
I haven’t read the Archie comics because I heard that was a mess until Ian Flynn showed up, I read he wrote pretty good things. However, because of the whole mess with Archie Comics, SEGA implemented rules as to how people should write Sonic and friends. I don’t know how strict these rules are and if that’s the reason why Flynn is writing a very ‘unlikeable’ Sonic (In my opinion)
I am not here to talk about that but just putting that out there. I am not criticizing Flynn nor SEGA (If we had to blame someone it’ll probably be Ken Penders and SEGA but we don’t talk about that guy in here) but just the writing.
Alright, now that we have that out of the way I am going to say that there are 2 things that I STRONGLY DISLIKE about Sonic’s character in IDW.
1. Sonic manipulating Shadow
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I don’t have words to express just how wrong it is to bring up someone’s past mistakes, use that against them and manipulate them. Yes, this is manipulation. Sonic is using Shadow’s insecurities to benefit him. How does even Sonic DARE to compare Shadow to Eggman? Eggman who has tried to conquer planets, destroy worlds, kidnap innocents, tortured him, tries to kill him (and friends) and started wars? Eggman does all of these when he is CONCIOUS, he does all of those things because he WANTS to. Shadow in the other hand, in SA2 he doesn’t want to destroy Earth but he is doing it because he CARED too much for Maria and the ‘promise’ he made to her. He did everything because of a PROMISE he made to a little girl, a sister, the person who cared for him. The person who sacrificed their life in order to protect him. How does that even compare to Eggman? Who only seeks destruction for his own benefit? Not only that but Shadow redeem himself. He helped save the planet and Shadow continues to help saving the world. He does this for multiple reasons but one of them is that he still regrets trying to destroy earth back at the ARK. He still remembers this incident and the regret still haunts him till this day.
Why would Sonic even bring this up? Sonic out of everyone must know the turmoil Shadow has been through and still he decides to use Shadow’s insecurities against him. He really went out and said “Look I am not saying you are wrong but remember that time you fucked up? Yeah that was bad, you were really evil back then too. You are in the same level as the person who constantly tries to kill me and my friends. Oh, but you saved the world multiple times? Yeah, I know and I don’t care. You are always making the wrong decisions, just listen to me because I am right. Your opinion is invalid because of the mistakes you made, because you were bad.”
Can’t he see Shadow’s hurt face? Can’t he understand how the words affected him? Shadow was again reduced to thinking that no matter what he does, he is always going to be seen as evil. That everyone will remember his mistakes and that no matter what, they will always remember that. Sonic just deepened that wound, he increased Shadow’s insecurity.
And Sonic still has the guts to smile? Boy, what the heck are you smiling at? You just denigrated Shadow the Hedgehog, a hero, to the likes of Eggman. Get out of here.
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“Losing one’s memory doesn’t make them any less dangerous”
And you know what makes me sad the most?
That I am sure that Shadow saw himself in Mr. Tinker. Shadow said that he wanted to ‘destroy’ him. It makes me think that if Shadow could, he would also like to destroy the past version of himself. If the Shadow right now could go back to the past and destroy his past self … He would.
I am sure Sonic knows this. So, still it just makes me wonder why? Why Sonic the Hedgehog, a character who is said to always live in the ‘present’ looks backs at Shadow’s past mistakes and manipulates them to his benefit? To the benefit of a Eggman who he knows has brought pain to him, to his friends and the world?
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You would think that after Sonic Lost World, Sonic would have learned something about listening to others or thinking before acting. Especially when the whole mess on Sonic Lost World was due that Sonic jumped into action without listening to Tails first. Shadow is really telling Sonic to not trust Eggman so easily for two reasons.
1. Experience, Shadow more than anyone knows that losing one’s memories does not make them any less dangerous. (No pun intended lol)
2. He is doing it to protect what is left of the world. In Sonic forces, it is stated that Eggman conquered 90% of the world (Or more, I don’t remember exactly) The world is basically in ruins and after the war they have begun to restore it. If Mr.Tinker remembers he was Eggman, the Resistance would be at a total disadvantage. They have no resources nor people … how can they win another war?
This bothers me as well …
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Sonic doubted Eggman … and he still left him … unsupervised. Like why in the world you trust a man who has attempted to do genocide multiple of times?
2.   Sonic’s lack of guilty
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This? Good
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This? Bad.
“But heroes have nothing to be sorry about.”
           Can he just shut up?????
Was that really necessary to say? Honestly, he could would have said, “But she has nothing to be sorry about.” That would have been great.
When Sonic and Tangle are talking, he is actually apologizing. Tangle tells Sonic that he has nothing to be sorry about and that she knows that Sonic would make things right. At first, I thought Sonic was saying that Tangle was right to reassure her. That way, Tangle could get infected with some peace at her mind. She can go away thinking that her hero didn’t do anything wrong and that he will fix things for everyone.  However Sonic still thinks he is at fault.
That would have shown so more deepness in Sonic’s character. But no, Tangle got infected and he went ahead to make it about himself because he is that self-centered, right?
That line, ruined it. ‘But heroes have nothing to be sorry about?’
This whole thing really went down like:
Tangle: “You have nothing to be sorry about.”
Sonic: “Lmao you are right.”
Because that line wasn’t meant towards Tangle, NO it was meant for himself. He literally is saying that he has nothing to be sorry about. Now, I am not saying its Sonic total fault or that Sonic should be crying saying that he is sorry or something like that. What I am saying is that Sonic was really reckless, overconfident, and naïve (Which is no good because he already has enough experience dealing with Eggman, this can even be see as stupidity.)
Maybe Sonic it’s not at fault that Mr. Tinker got turned into Eggman, but Sonic DID contribute to the problem at hand. To an extent he is at fault.
Letting go of Metal Sonic even when there was the possibility of him turning evil? Of someone using him for their benefit?
Not listening to Shadow and recklessly leave Mr.Tinker alone when there is the possibility that Metal Sonic is looking for him? Or that they may encounter each other at some point?
Deciding to trust a criminal who constantly tries to kill you instead of trusting the hedgehog who saved the world, redeem himself and knows better of how dangerous people with amnesia can be because he himself has being there?
I think what bothers me the most is that we have already gone through this.
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In Sonic Lost World, Tails pointed out that Sonic trusted Eggman more than him. Tails was right, Sonic did trust Eggman more. Sonic trusted Egmman to shut down his machine over Tails. (Sonic has seen Tails do amazing things, why wouldn’t he trust he can shut down a machine? IDK but oh well) Sonic even admitted to doubting Tails’ abilities and then went head and said he was never doubting him again.
So, watching this I was like alright. Sonic learned something, he developed. Sonic will trust his friends, listen to them and won’t doubt their abilities.
But then again, he decided to trust Eggman.
And the worst is that he is no showing remorse whatsoever? Even after they had been through a similar situation before?
He didn’t listen to Tails back then. He didn’t listen to Shadow now and because of that the world is at stake again.
To conclude all of this, I want to say that it just seems that Sonic hasn’t develop whatsoever. He hasn’t learned a thing and won’t ever develop if he keeps thinking that he wasn’t done anything wrong. Mistakes are good because you learn from them but at this point it seems that Sonic is so self-absorbed that he just won’t admit that he made a mistake. Because he is a hero, he always makes the rights decisions. There is just no way that he can be wrong.
Sonic is self-centered and self-absorb. Those are character flaws which would have been fine, the thing is that we have already gone through this and it seems like he didn’t improve at all. Or he is not even trying to improve.
Some may argue that Sonic is just good like that. That his character is made to see the good in everyone. Be good at all costs and accept people for who they are and of course that this fiction and the way the world interacts is different from our world. However, what makes a good character is how they react to different circumstances. You are trying to write a character that is relatable to us, but you can’t do that unless that character shows different sides. A character needs to make mistakes and overcome them, to be vulnerable.
Alright that’s it. This was all over the place lol. Anyways, it’s not terrible writing and like I said this is not to talk bad about IDW. I am just pointing out some of the things that I dislike. I really hope that on the next upcoming issues, Sonic at least develops a little. Maybe he starts to be a little bit insecure about himself or just doesn’t trust anyone that easily. Any type of improvement would suffice. I won’t stop reading IDW because at the end of the day I think the story is good. The characters are decently written and the story plot is pretty entertaining. I like how Flynn has done the other characters.
This is a pretty long post but I hope this the type of answer you wanted? Like I said I don’t like to give an opinion unless I have evidence to prove it. Anyways, thank you for asking! This was fun to write.
For my other followers who wanted a Silver Character analysis and writing tips, that would be up soon enough as well. Thank you!
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drmuller7077universe · 7 years ago
MLP EG Rollercoaster of CringeShip (parody review)
How’s it gonna everyone..its ya boi BETA MALE here bringing you another shitty MLP blog..
Someone: Müller why do you even bother uploading to tumblr when you know your shit at comedian
Well here’s the thing my child, I upload to Tumblr because I feel that some people actually give two flying donkey wangs on what I have to said, all 26 of them...now bare in mind maybe not all of the want to read a blog the size of MAH-
anyway moving on to the review, ya know watching the first 4 minutes of the show was like watching Luna’s decent screen time...
*whispers* h-hey guys there’s if you were paying attention...when I meant “decent” I meant like 1, singular episode of her actually having good screen time,
sure there was that episode when Starlight accidentally changed their butt-tattoos and that had Luna in it...it wasn’t a standalone episode but we still actually got to see her it an episode
Now I know I’m going off topic again, I’m going to be doing that a lot in my upcoming “I am Depressed...lol” blog
(note: I joke about Depression a lot, I mean no harm to those who ACTUALLY have depression, unlike the multiply blogs you get on a daily bases)
anyway back on topic, the program just starts off with my all time favourite part of the show, IN-TRO, IN-TRO, IN-TRO....
fucking kill me
so the show starts with Vignette Valencia who I like to call, Fluttershy’s evil sister, and some Russia woman who sounds like Zarya from Overwatch, just ya know the sort of argument bad guys have before they commit a crime
Bad guy 1: Cumrade ve need more of people
bad guy 2: yase we need meh people cumrade
then one of her worker who has the IQ of 200 decides, I’m not getting enough V-bucks in GTA 5 so Imma quit and go play Roblox, then Fluttershy’s Evil sister in law complains about how she wishes things could go her way..
Vignette: I wish I got that Tactical Nuke in MW2
then out of no where she gets that killstreak, using it on a bowl of salad
RIP Salad my you get tons and tons of virgins
then she thinks to herself
“I’m gonna use this streak on people, if they don’t do as I say”
Guys Cmon cut me some slack I’m really trying with the jokes.....I’m desperate!!!
then it cuts to our all time favourite Characters, the Main 7....
you just get them having a basic bitch conversation,
Pinkie: I love fun
Fluttershy: silent
Twilight: I’m smarter than you..lol
Rarity: I’m gonna be a lead designer for my friend I met online
then they decide to go meet this “friend” of Rarity’s, as usual the main villain comes out polite and happy, and innocent, but little do they know about what really is installed for them.
So Rarity meets Vignette, they talk for a bit while Rarity’s true waifu a.k.a Applejack gets jealous and gets suspicious of her..
so the next part is basically Applejack bitching about the fact that her waifu cheated on her and is now going vegan (Kill me) there’s the odd adult joke when Applejack finds a tweet (Equestria girls Twitter) of Vignette saying hashtag bangs, while biting her finger....I could tell hasbro is well aware of the dark side of the fandom...lmao...
Vignette throughout the episode traps each of the six in her magical phone of killstreaks without anyone knowing, until the remaining six found out about what she was doing and had epic showdown...lol, only to found out they befriended her like the last 50 villains...
I knew it was fucking going to happen guy’s, it’s nothing new to Equestria girls, it’s “we feel sorry for you, and we’ll make you feel happy by allowing you to do that thing you weren’t allowed to do in the first place” in all honesty I watched bits of it hoping it would interest me, so I kind of made most of it up as I went along, but let’s face it, most of these points I’ve made are probably true
Ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, shh...it’s ok...I know, calm down, it’s ok....I got the point in the first place, but if I a, correct that’s exactly what happened
1. Intro
2. Bad guy finds secret weapon
3. Bad guy acts nice in front of friends
4. Bad guy secretly kidnaps good guys thoughts/mind/memories
5. Bad guy and good guys have showdown
6. Bad guy is good guy now because good guys give her/him chance
7. Shitty moral lesson that’s exactly the same as the last hundred morals but we’re going to write the same moral but written and said differently
8. End credits
now I know it’s doesn’t go in that particular order, but face it most of the Equestria girls episodes do....I think....I haven’t watched all of them.....
Eh, eh, eh, eh sit your little ass down, I ain’t done...well kind of....please continue...
Anyway guys hope you liked that little parody on a completely shitty analysis
Make sure to subscribe for more fortnite let’s play videos and enjoy the rest of your day..lol
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