sooinbloom · 2 months
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Wedding Dress
pairing: kyungsoo x you genre: angst, fluff, lost love, slight smut word count: 3,619 description: Kyungsoo has one last chance to prove his love for you, and it just so happens to be on your wedding day to a man that you don’t love. warnings: mentions of domestic/relationship abuse and violence, minors DNI author’s note: hello dear reader. this is another one shot that was collecting dust in my drafts. This is heavily inspired off of the Grey’s Anatomy Jackson x April arc where Jackson confesses his love to April at her wedding to Matthew. I also had, “Wedding Dress” by Taeyang playing while I wrote this. Those two elements came together to make this fic. There are mentions of abuse, please proceed with caution if this is a sensitive subject for you. Thank you for your likes, reblogs and shares! I appreciate it more than you know. Dividers by @saradika-graphics , photo is not mine.
- Aria
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It felt like 100 years had passed since you said goodbye to him. It felt like longer, but Kyungsoo knew he could exaggerate details when it came to you and living life without you. He remembers the moment you said goodbye, it was confusing but also made so much sense.
He failed you.
On the night of your breakup, you told him everything that was on your mind and he hated it. You felt that the relationship was going in circles in an endless guessing game of back and forth. Up and down. The endless questions that embedded themselves in your mind without any answers. Feeling abandoned, unimportant, the list started to accumulate. It felt like you were in a relationship with a completely different person than you had met and fallen in love with your first year of university.
 To be clear, it wasn’t that Kyungsoo didn’t love you or care about you. He did. He adored you. Ever since the moment you met in ECON 101 in fact. It was such a specific place to meet someone. A lecture hall full of people and the meet-cute set up was something out of a movie. Kyungsoo saw you from across the room and could not take his eyes off you. He just didn’t account for the fact that there was a wall in front of him that he didn’t notice until he walked right into it. While stumbling to the floor of the lecture hall, you had a laugh and helped him up.
Despite the embarrassment of your first meeting and a few awkward run ins at the university library, you and Kyungsoo became study partners. This continued for at least half of the academic year and you began to dance around the fast that you had feelings for each other. At the same time, you were grateful for the budding friendship at least. What started as something very innocent turned into something else entirely one night in his dorm room.
After an uneventful evening of studying and soft conversation over cups of coffee, the young and not-so-confident Kyungsoo took a risk and kissed you. The kiss was unexpected, hungry, and so needed to break the tension that built for months between the two of you. Something between you two awakened. Love began to bloom. He became yours, a position he thought was irrevocable. He got comfortable at the notion of you and not growing with you.
Somewhere in between Kyungsoo finishing law school and you branching off to go to culinary school, the relationship fell flat. Then crashed. Then burned. Ashes of your memories together were all that remained mixed in with every should’ve, could’ve, would’ve that existed in Kyungsoo’s mind.
Kyungsoo had an inkling your parents were relieved; he was not exactly the guy that they envisioned for you. You were not a rich girl, but your family was well off and expected you to marry a social status above you. Ridiculous? Yes. Characteristic of you? Not in the slightest. That didn’t necessarily matter to your parents, they thought they knew what was best for you, emphasis on thought. Every single day regret lived in Kyungsoo as he watched you date some idiot named Ren. Your parents had set you up with him not even a month after yours and Kyungsoo’s breakup, despite your protests of wanting to be single and focus on your career. What kind of name was Ren anyway?
Ren had money, nice cars, and a fancy job at his father’s brokerage. That meant nothing to Kyungsoo, he knew Ren would never care for and love you the way he did, even though he did not fully show you the love you absolutely deserved. Kyungsoo was grappling with the fact that Ren was marrying the love of his life, the one that got away.
Now, Kyungsoo had an hour.
An hour to stop an entire wedding.
Kyungsoo's friends tried to talk him out of his plan to stop the wedding of his ex-girlfriend, but he could not acknowledge logic over love. Chanyeol had spent countless hours on the stool next to Kyungsoo at their favorite bar, hours after the law firm closed and Kyungsoo was four beers deep in wallowing over you. He would ask Kyungsoo over and over if this is what he really wanted to do. Chanyeol also knew once something was in his best friend’s line of sight, there was no changing his mind. It was as counter productive as mixing oil and water trying to reason with Kyungsoo at this point in his decision making.
On paper, Ren was a great guy. Kyungsoo, being a prosecutor, knew there were many men that looked good on paper and were absolute monsters in reality, behind closed doors of course. The realization that his suspicions were correct came in the form of your friends telling Kyungsoo the truth about your relationship with Ren.
 One by one, friend by friend, the truth came together. Their stories matched and didn’t leave out a single detail, as difficult as the details were to stomach. Ren was a millionaire, sure. There was a secret he was hiding from the world. He was a man with little patience and a temper. His family did their utmost to hide the fact that he battered every woman he dated, including you.
What you did not know was that Kyungsoo knew.
The first time Ren laid his hands on you, you were terrified that your friends would tell Kyungsoo. They knew that it was not easy to explain the reasons why you were black and blue. The words seemed as generic as a PR statement, that you didn’t think you would ever be in this position, he didn’t mean it, any excuse to make Ren look innocent though blood was on his hands.
Your friends explained to Kyungsoo that you made them swear not to say anything to anyone. Fortunately, the friend group you had cared enough about you to not even listen to your requests. Each request was futile, ignored. If they kept quiet, Ren would end up killing you. They did what they could, but it was not enough to get you away from your abuser. The cycle was embedded into your brain, became routine, and felt impossible to escape.
The violence against you continued and your friends felt no choice but to tell Kyungsoo a few weeks before the wedding that it wasn’t getting any better. Kyungsoo did what he did best and gathered evidence. It was the only thing that silenced the screaming voice inside of his head to throw caution to the wind and erase Ren from existence. Kyungsoo spent most of his time plotting how to get you away from Ren. The only solution was to crash the wedding and get you to run away with him.
He had to give you a grand gesture, he had to save you.
Kyungsoo anxiously adjusted his cuff links, smoothed his neatly combed hair, and adjusted his lapel one more time. Taking a breath, he rehearsed his speech over and over in his head to make sure not one word was missing. Every second counted, every word held weight. He just hoped they would tip the scales in his favor.
On the drive to the wedding venue, Kyungsoo listened to songs that reminded him of you. He hummed along as his heart beat out of his chest. He knew he was out of his mind, but he did not care. There was still a chance that you would say no. Turn away. It was a chance he was willing to take if it meant you were away from the monster you were set to marry. If you were in his arms again you would only know love and nothing else.
God, he needed this to work… As outrageous as the plan was. There was no backup or do-overs. You were on the line, and needed to know you were everything to him.
Meanwhile, you were surrounded by people poking and prodding at you, getting your hair and makeup done for the biggest day of your life. Everyone around her was smiling, happy and emotional. You couldn't feel anything. Your heart was not with Ren at all. Your heart belonged to Kyungsoo. Even though the breakup felt like it happened so long ago, you constantly compared the two men.
Ren was initially a rebound that was carefully set up by your parents, Kyungsoo was the right person at the wrong time. You knew that the moment you said, "I Do", your chances with Kyungsoo would be gone. The breakup was so juvenile, the reasons were stupid. You could have fought harder, he should have put in more effort. You both would have been happy if you just got over yourselves and invested more time together to grow and fall deeper in love. In your point of view, the problem with Kyungsoo was that he did not show affection often and his work was a priority. Being on track to becoming a successful prosecutor at the time had its pros and cons, the cons being a very lonely girlfriend who desperately wanted to be your wife and craved her lover’s attention. If only you would have seen how your life would’ve turned out before breaking up with him, you never would have done it.
You hear your name being called. It snaps you out of your thoughts of Kyungsoo. You turn to see your mother with watery eyes.
"My baby, why aren't you smiling? This is the best day of your life!"
"So you think," you mumble as the makeup artist finishes your face. So far, you had done an excellent job at hiding the black eye that Ren gave you a couple of nights ago. 
"Baby, you are about to be set for life. What did I tell you about a man like Ren?"
"Keep my mouth shut, turn my cheek and endure." you whisper fearfully, "Kyungsoo would never do this to me."
"Ah. That Kyungsoo! And where is he now?"
"Enough, mother! Either you keep quiet or I will throw you out." you growl.
You walk over and put your wedding dress on, getting good photos for the wedding album. No one dared to question the healing bruise on your side, you knew that if you lied enough about clumsy injuries that no one would ask anymore.
Ren had initially presented himself as a good guy. He came from old money and was impressed by your skills as a baker. You owned a cafe downtown that Kyungsoo always encouraged you to open. If it weren't for him, you would not be as successful as you are now. Ren didn’t know your former lover was the reason you opened your bakery, that his loving encouragement rang in your ears any time you hit a milestone or even unlocked the doors in the morning.
Once the honeymoon phase with Ren ended the beatings started. They were violent, endless at times. It didn't matter what set Ren off, he'd always take it out on you. Proposing was his attempt of saying sorry. He knew you wouldn’t say no to him if he acted like he meant it. The pressure of the wedding planning made him even more violent. No one stepped in to help you, not even your friends… Or so you had thought.
You felt so unbelievably lonely in a world full of enablers. You had no courage left in you to call it off, fearing the wrath of Ren. You look at your reflection in the mirror. You were disgusted that you were not going to meet the one you loved at the end of the aisle. Instead, you were meeting nothing but a mask, a lie… Someone you loathed.
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Kyungsoo watched closely from the vantage point across the street as people entered the venue, the clock minutes away from striking 4pm. He had to time this perfectly or it would all fall to pieces in mere seconds. Sweat beads started to drip down his forehead, anxiety pressing onto his chest. His eyes focused on Ren, the bastard was smug. He wanted to have his fist meet Ren’s jaw so badly, but he also knew that wouldn’t get you away from this man. It would only make things worse. Kyungsoo had to be patient, something he was learning the hard way how to do.
The clock struck 4pm and Kyungsoo got out of his car, casually walking across the street onto the outside steps of the venue. With a deep breath he sneaks into the very back row on your family's side and waited. The ceremony starts and Kyungsoo's heart starts to pound in his chest. 
He catches sight of you.
My God, you were gorgeous in white.
You looked immaculate; your beautiful hair pinned into a braided style with loose strands around your face. a veil lay attached on the back of your head and trailed down your back. The dress was lace and had sleeves, probably to cover the bruises Ren left. The idiot wasn't even smiling as he saw you, he looked completely unbothered. Kyungsoo's eyes narrow and he waited for the right time to make his move. 
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of two beautiful souls. What a beautiful bond a marriage is, the couple wishes to thank all in attendance for supporting their union. Now, for formality I must ask, is there anyone in attendance that objects to this union? Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
It was now or never.
"Stop! You can't do this. I'm in love with you."
Your eyes divert from Ren and look down the aisle.
You couldn't believe your eyes, it was Kyungsoo!
Oh no. It was Kyungsoo. This wasn’t a dream.
His hands rest in his pockets as he walks casually down the aisle. The entire venue gasps and murmurs amongst themselves. Who is the handsome man calling for you? Why is he stopping the wedding? Isn't that Prosecutor Doh? How does she know such a man?
"What the hell is he doing here? Did you plan this?" Ren growls in your ear.
"I had no idea." you whisper, your posture straightening at the tone of Ren’s voice.
"Baby," Kyungsoo starts while walking further down the aisle, "This man doesn't deserve you. He can't even treat you well. It killed me to know you were marrying someone else, and I recalled my many mistakes I made in our relationship. Now, we have our chance to start again, I'm sorry I didn't speak sooner." 
Ren had a death grip on you.
You fought to get away from him until your arm was free. You slowly walked down to Kyungsoo and meet him in the middle of the aisle, your hands shaking.
"Excuse me, Prosecutor, but you are out of line!" Ren calls from the altar, "My sweet love, get back up here."
"No, you don’t get to do that. Not now!" Kyungsoo points at Ren, fury written on his face and coating his voice, "I have every right to be here and to do this. She has a choice now, it's up to her. She is not married to you yet." 
You look between Kyungsoo and Ren, the choices laid out in front of you.
"Love," Ren calls.
“She’s not your love.” Kyungsoo snaps.
Kyungsoo takes your hand, stroking your fingers. 
"If you don't want to do this, say the word and we'll go." Kyungsoo whispers.
Out of anxiety, you look to her parents and your future in laws. Marrying Ren isn't what you want and you know it. This gesture was the biggest Kyungsoo has ever made. You search his eyes and find nothing but the love you sought in him. How is this possible? Your friends told you how he never dated after you, and it never felt real or believable. Kyungsoo was far from not being handsome or kind. He was the whole package.
He’s everything you need.
You loved him, oh God, did you love him.
Hesitancy fills you, knowing you would have to explain everything to Kyungsoo about your relationship with Ren. Kyungsoo sees the hesitation and tightens his hold on your hand. "I know everything, and we can throw his ass in jail for what he's done to you. He'll never hurt you again, baby. I'm sorry I confessed to you this way. I’m sorry it took me this long to get to you.”
You turn to Ren and take a breath, both of your families and friends awaiting your answer with a mixture of judgement and hope. You shake her head and walk toward Ren. Kyungsoo's bravery depletes, knowing that with each step he's losing you. 
Until you take off the engagement ring and place it in Ren's hand. "Goodbye, Ren."
Kyungsoo's smile beamed across the entire venue as you ran to him. Together, the two of you run out of the venue and to his car. He drives off and heads to the coast. 
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"Let's get you out of this dress, baby." Kyungsoo groans.
You nod and Kyungsoo's fingers easily undo the row of buttons along your spine and slowly allows the dress to fall that held you captive to another man.
Out of fear, you hug the dress on your body in an attempt to hide yourself from Kyungsoo, your lover. You didn't want him to see what Ren had done to your body, he'd lose it. The man holds you, his beloved, and a look of concern flashes on his face.
"No, you can't see."
“It’s okay. I already know. Your friends told me everything. Let me take care of you. Please.” Desperation and longing coated Kyungsoo’s words, he meant every single thing that left his mouth. Your grip loosens on the dress and you drop it, your body covered in just a strapless bra and underwear.
Kyungsoo’s fingertips grazed your skin, helplessly trying to figure out why someone would hurt a woman as lively and beautiful as you. There was no filter on Kyungsoo’s thoughts, they only multiplied as he slowly revealed the black and blue marks that attempted to camouflage your skin. The enamored man took your hands, guiding you to the bed.
“I could kill him for what he did to you, but not even then would it be justice. He deserves to burn for everything, for all the pain he caused.” Kyungsoo says in between soft, gentle kisses.
He held you like you were fragile, despite the fact that he knew you weren’t as delicate as you seemed. The only thing that he was certain of was that in this moment, you needed to be fragile. You needed to be assured that this would never happen again. He could at least do that for you.
The desire that once drove his every move depleted into concern and care. His fingers danced on your skin, then moved to unbutton his shirt. His tie was lost somewhere by the entrance of the hotel room, but that was the last thought in his mind at the moment. As he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it from his body, he encouraged you gently to sit up.
“What are you doing?” You question.
“I want you to be comfortable.” Kyungsoo mutters, fastening the shirt around your body.
 Memories flicker of how you’d be just like this after long hours caught in between his sheets and his body. How you clung to the bed as you begged him for more. How after you’d always find whatever shirt he was wearing and put it on. In a way, he knew you did it for comfort but also as a sign that you belonged to him. You didn’t have to, but you wanted to have him on you and around you even if you weren’t being intimate in that moment. His shirt would suffice for his hands being kept to himself.
“I am comfortable. I’m with you. I just wish you said something a hell of a lot sooner than my wedding day.” You know your words sound harsh, but Kyungsoo knows you better than you know yourself. He understands what you are saying without an explanation. You missed that.
“I have shitty timing. I know.” Kyungsoo chuckles as his fingers dance along your thighs. His eyes meet yours, eager for a response. He missed your voice. The soft exchange of words that felt so easy. He watched you take a breath, pull him into you and he went more than willingly.
“No. It’s not shitty timing in hindsight. You saved me from a lifetime of misery and reminded me that even though we’ve been apart… It’s always been you. You were stubborn and so was I when we dated. We were young and had no idea what life could offer us. Now don’t think for a second you have shitty timing. It’s me who makes shitty decisions and you have to rescue me from them.” You sigh.
“Not in the slightest. We make mistakes. It’s okay. What matters is that you and I are here right now. And that bastard will never lay a hand on you ever again. Ever. I’ll make sure of it.” The enamored man nods.
Your heart pounds as he kisses you. The need and desire returns full swing between the two of you. It felt right to be with him in this room. To be in his arms. To feel him melt with you.
Once again, he proved that he has always been the one, your last, everything that you ever needed and so much more.
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sooinbloom · 2 months
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Bookstore Kisses
pairing: kyungsoo x you
genre: established relationship, married couple, fluff
word count: 1,804
description: wednesday night is date night for you and kyungsoo. tonight, after you beg him to venture into a bookstore, he decides to show you his affection in a way he never has before.
author’s note: hi! this is just a random idea I got while in a bookstore a few months ago. I found it hanging around in my drafts and decided to publish it. also, the photo above inspired the rest… the man looks so good in a cap and glasses. what can I say?! i’m trying out a new writing style, so I hope you enjoy it. sorry, this isnt edited lol (:
- Aria
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“Hey, love.” Kyungsoo says as he shuffles into the room, leaving a kiss on my forehead. “How was your day?”
“It was good, a lot of meetings but I’m very happy the day is over. How was your day?” I ask, looking up at my husband.
“Same stuff, different day. I had to tear Baekhyun away from our boss again. Something about the London account again.” Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and loosens his tie, “at least today is my favorite day of the week.”
“Date night!” I nod excitedly.
“Yes, baby. How about we go see a movie? We can see that one you’ve been telling me about… The cheesy romcom that you won’t shut up about with your friends?”
“Hey! Hey! Do I call your movies cheesy?” I poke Kyungsoo’s chest as he chuckles to himself.
“No, because I have actual taste.”
“Wooooow this is how you want to start date night? I see how it is!” We laugh together, one thing we never agreed on is our movie tastes. Sometimes we just enjoy the banter, other times it gets serious and hours long debates ensue over which franchise was better or which classic film was better than the other. Tonight was a bantering kind of night.
 “Oh, baby, you’re lucky I’m tired tonight. Let’s go watch the movie and then grab some dinner afterward at the Thai place we like?”
“Sounds like a plan! Let me get ready.” I get up from my chair and walk over to my closet, trying to find a cute, yet practical outfit.
Wednesday nights became my favorite night of the week. We regarded Wednesday nights as almost sacred because it was the only day of the week that we weren’t exhausted from our bleak, demanding corporate jobs. The day of the week where phone gets tucked away and the only communication we have is with each other.
Fridays were too busy for Kyungsoo, given he’s now an executive as his firm. Mondays and Tuesdays were my long days because no one can get their shit together in my office at the beginning of the week. Thursdays just weren’t good for either of us because one of us ended up working overtime and weekends were reserved for decompressing, binge watching TV and much needed naps from being exhausted throughout the week.
Wednesday became special. Wednesday became ours.
After deciding on a casual outfit, I get dressed and meet my husband in the living room as he checks showtimes on his phone. I smile to myself, he’s looking rather comfy in his joggers, hoodie and sneakers, in all black of course. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and grabs his All England Techno Club cap, standing and looking in my direction.
“Beautiful.” He manages between his smile, “ready?”
“Let’s go!” I take his hand and grab my purse from the hook by the door. It’s amazing how to this day, every Wednesday feels like our first date.
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Kyungsoo cried during the movie.
I didn’t say a word, but I’ll definitely keep this in my back pocket for a more convenient time. We talked about the plot over the best Thai food in town, the same place we’ve gone since we started dating. Years have past and the owners still remember our really awkward first date. Sitting in the restaurant made me smile, all of the memories that were contained in this place, it’s special.
Once we’re done eating, we start strolling downtown, hand in hand. A certain building captures my attention and I stop walking.
“Oooo! Let’s go in the bookstore!”
“Mmmm.” Kyungsoo whines. I stop and turn to face him, pouting my lip.
“Please, please, please?” I beg.
“Okay, love, let’s go.”
“Yes!” I giddily reply.
“How lucky you are that I can’t say no to you, love.” Kyungsoo mutters in my ear as we enter the store.
I walk through the fiction section and glance across the aisle to the culinary section. My heart melted seeing my adorable husband in his cap and glasses reading an Italian cookbook. He never understood why I called him cute, but this is exactly why. His small pout as he studied the contents of the book and flipped the pages excitedly. His silver ring caught the light just so, little moments like this remind me why I married him. He’s my calm, my center of gravity, my home. I turn and pick a book up from the shelf, reading the summary on the back.
“Anything interest you, babe?” Kyungsoo appears next to me. I grin happily and nod my head.
“It’s a novel I’ve been wanting for awhile. O Beautiful by Jung Yun.” Kyungsoo opens his hands and motions his fingers toward me. I slide the book in his hand and he places it at his side. Kyungsoo takes my hand and laces our fingers together, staring intently at the shelf in front of us. He turns toward me and nods, returning his gaze to the shelf. He’d been working hard and his way of spoiling me was buying me books. He never allowed me to protest or say no. He’d just grab the book, keep it at his side and not allow me to argue that he was buying it for me. His wide eyes scan the shelves, not once did he seem remotely interested in a novel.
“Anything interest you?” I ask.
“Not one thing.” We chuckle softly and Kyungsoo pulls me to the corner of the book section. His shy gaze meets mine and he covers our faces with the book, brushing his lips on mine.
“What was that for?” I blush.
“Do I need a reason to kiss you?” He smirks. This isn’t like Kyungsoo, he’s not the kind of guy that likes PDA. Just the thought of getting caught doing something more than holding hands in public deterred him. We walked the shelves full of colorful book spines, venturing to the mid section of the store where the biographies sat. A David Sedaris novel I read in university sticks out to me. Kyungsoo tilts his head with squinted eyes. “Me Talk Pretty One Day? That doesn’t make sense.”
I giggle to myself and skim through the pages, “That’s the point, the author had a speech impediment and these essays are from his experiences going to speech therapy; and what life was like when he was a child. It truly is hilarious. Sad, but hilarious.”
Kyungsoo shakes his head and shoots me a playful look as he disappears in the romance section. I put the book back and shuffle after him, in his hands the novel Twisted Games by Ana Huang. He skims the pages quickly and eyes me carefully.
Oh no.
He’s on chapter 36.
The spiciest chapter in the whole book.
His cheeks bloom a soft pink, an embarrassed smile on his face.
“I understand why you were so flushed when I saw reading this.” He mutters. “Is this what you want?”
“This book. Is this what you want?” Kyungsoo asks lowly.
“I own this book, Soo.” I reply carefully. He walks behind me and brings his arms around me, the book in front of me. His finger points out a sentence that makes me embarrassed to know that he saw with his own eyes.
“That wasn’t what I’m asking. Do you want what’s in this book?” Oh, boy. I fumble over my words and try to answer in the most in-public appropriate way. Kyungsoo closes the book with a laugh and hugs me close as he places it back on the shelf. “You’re so cute, Jagi.”
I turn and push his shoulder. “Kyungsoo! How is embarrassing your wife in public funny! You…” He pulls me in for a kiss with his laugh still trailing on his lips. We’re tucked away in a corner, only the books on the shelves can see what we’re doing. Kyungsoo proudly steps back and leaves a kiss on my cheek.
“You’re so cruel, Mrs. Doh. Hitting your poor, hardworking, defenseless husband like that.”
I shake my head and allow Kyungsoo to lead me upstairs to the travel section. He busies himself with a book on European travel, occasionally gazing up at me. A book on Korea caught my attention and I thumb through the pages of beautiful scenery, places Kyungsoo had told me about so often. Our jobs both had us leave our beloved countries in favor of job promotions, but The US never felt like home for either of us.
“Soo?” I whisper. His curious eyes always get bigger at the sound of his name being called, standing at full attention. I show him the pages of Seoul and his whole face lights up. “I think we should save to go to Korea. You’ve been missing home, and your mom has been begging us for months now.”
“Really? You want to go to Korea?”
“Of course, baby. It’s where you’re from. It’s part of who you are. Plus, my Korean could use some work.”
“Let’s do it, we’ll go in the spring. It will be nice to show you where I’m from.” Kyungsoo closes his book and kisses my free hand. “Every day you remind me why I’m so happy to be married to you. Even after all this time.”
“I still have no idea why you wanted to marry me.” I chuckle as Kyungsoo takes the book, holds it in front of our faces and leaves a few gentle kisses on my cheeks, nose and lips.
“Because you are like your favorite books. Beautiful on the outside, intriguing and intricately gorgeous with passion between each line. You keep my attention. You soothe me. You make me smile at the end of every day. That’s a big deal.” He softly replies, leaving a needy kiss on my lips. “You make me do things I would’ve never done with anyone else.”
“Like kissing me in corners of a bookstore?” I smirk. Kyungsoo nods and presses himself against the wall, his arms pulling me against his chest.
“Yes. Like kissing you in corners of a bookstore.” Once I feel the temperature heat up between us, I snatch the novel he’s holding from his hands and grab his hand to drag him toward the checkout counter. “Babe! Slow down!”
“After you said all that? No way. Buy me this novel and let’s go home. We have… Things to do.” I stumble through my sentence and narrow my eyes at my hysterical husband. “What?!”
“Nothing. I just love you. And all of the things we need to do.” Kyungsoo emphasizes “things” and takes his wallet out of his pocket. He purchases the book and we dart out of the store, laughing together. The workers must think we’re crazy, but we don’t care.
Wednesdays are our nights.
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46 notes · View notes
sooinbloom · 2 months
Chanyeol one shot request (2 parts)
Kingdom of Us Chapter 12
Rewrite of “The View” one shot
Kyungsoo 4 part mini series
Kyungsoo one shot request
Requests in Queue
“your name” anime inspired kyungsoo one shot
Arranged marriage Chanyeol AU
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sooinbloom · 5 months
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↠ master list under construction (: ↠ twitter ↠ AO3
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