#somewhat b/c it's a bonding experience that Angelo instigated
tblsomedoodles Β· 2 years
Angie wouldn't have been able to help train his brothers like his Uncle Leo, but I can see him teaching them how to meditate, if they happen to find him doing so.
Raph would probably be the most interested, but Donnie and Leon could also be persuaded in some way.
It'd also be something he could help April with, considering she's probably stressed with all those jobs she keeps getting.
Yes! I could totally see him teaching his brothers about meditating! Like maybe Raph catches him doing it one morning and asks what he's doing. so Angie explains and eventually gets him into try it himself, giving him all the little pointers his Uncle Leo and Grandpa Splinter gave him.
I think Leon would be intrigued but not want to show it. So he'd just act like he thought it was silly and like "who would want to sit on the floor and do nothing? Not me." but eventually Angelo wears him down and he joins and "oh, floor time is actually good time. I like floor time." and ends up joining their session permanently.
Donnie, i'd imagine, would have the hardest time meditating, simply b/c he's used to always thinking/worrying about everything so trying to not he would find difficult. ( i read an old '03 fic that did something similar and it stuck with me.) But he'd eventually get the hang of it (if only out of pure spite lol) and end up occasionally joining his brothers sessions.
and they'd definitely get April in on it, since she's basically a sibling and this would probably end up turning into a sibling bonding thing. Just some nice chill meditation/floor time : )
Thanks! : )
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