#sometimes the people bitches about that kinda stuff are more offended than the supposedly offended one
alien-insomniac-05 · 4 months
Yeah i can definitely agree with this sentiment, I don’t know I’d agree with people saying lack of moderation or calling people slurs is a good thing (which to be fair most aren’t saying it is good but they kinda treat it as normalized) truthfully I am glad we moved past that lol
I definitely think the filtering of shit now in days is a plus but I do kinda miss back when the old internet was just goofy shit and not just people at one another throats
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pineappleguardian · 4 years
short story
Idea: our main character, Elliot, goes to a club after a long day of  art school. There, he meets a cyclops by the name of Theodore, who works as a bartender.
!- There is drinking, or at least mentions of it, in this part. If you're triggered by that, then you probably shouldn't read this. There is also swearing, and mention of drugs.
    Elliot maneuvered his way through the crowd, on his way to the bar.
   The pub was surprisingly quiet tonight, or as quiet as it would get, but he wasn't complaining. Any distraction from his thoughts was welcome. He marched on, past the pool table, that had been broken too many times; past the square tables, where local gangs handled their business; and past the lounge area, where the cocaine and weed people went to get high off their asses. Sometimes, Elliot wished he had the balls to do drugs. It would function as a good escape from the hell known as art school.     For starters, half the student population hated his guts after he told Miranda, ugh- Miranda, that her outfit was too slutty for his tastes, and that he refused to draw it for their group project. Sensitive bitch threw a hissy fit, and the class got mad at him. That incident happened in early September. It was now January, and people still gave him shit for it. Then for Halloween, he came to class dressed up as a gorgon for a joke. Apparently, it was extremely offensive to the demigod in his class who was, supposedly, a descendant of Perseus. After that incident, let's just say that Elliot had to stop buying lunch on campus. Today, however, was the final straw. Elliot woke up late and ended up having to go to class in his pajamas. No problem, right? Falsest statement known to man. He, and his power ranger pajamas, were bullied into oblivion. Apparently, college students were complete fucking kindergarteners, but no one bothered to tell him that. Elliot was still salty as fuck about being made fun of for his choice of sleepwear, so that's why he was here. To drink the saltiness away.     Elliot was violently shoved out of his internal thoughts, when his stomach hit the sharp corner of the bar counter. He yelped in pain, clutching the injured body part. His eyes darted around to make sure no one noticed his almost fatal accident. The coast was clear. Well, until he stood up straight, cast his eyes downward, and made eye contact with a.... green eye? It blinked and Elliot jumped up, banging his elbow on the counter. Its owner howled with laughter. It took a minute for his brain to register that he was staring at a cyclops, and not a floating eye ball. At first, he was a little pissed at being laughed at. Then, he decided to take a look at the offender. Damn. He was kind of cute.    The first thing he noticed? The dude's hair. It was the most vibrant, multi-colored shit Elliot had seen in his entire life. Starting with copper at the scalp, his hair color changed from red, to red-orange, and ended with a vibrant hue of orange. It was short, starting behind his ears, and he had a fringe that ended just above his eye. It looked fluffy, and Elliot wanted to know what it would feel like on his fingers. Naturally, Elliot's attention was also drawn to his eye, considering the guy was a cyclops. It was just as beautiful as his hair, starting with a dark blue-green ring around the pupil, and brightening to a vibrant emerald near the whites. The guy's face was visually pleasing as well, with a line of freckles across his nose. Another thing Elliot liked? His height. Now, Elliot wasn't the tallest out there, at only 5'7, but this man was a full four inches shorter.  He kinda felt sorry for him.
    Elliot probably could've stared more, but, unfortunately, the guy opened his mouth.
   "Is there a problem? What? Have you never seen a cyclops before?"
    Elliot scoffed. Of course he'd seen a cyclops before. You know, in movies and stuff.  Cyclopes were kind of rare, especially in crowded cities. They were considered a more country folk. Which was weird because this one didn't have an accent. While Elliot was thinking, his eyes couldn't help but wander downwards. If his face was pretty, Elliot wondered what his di-
   "Hey! Eye to eye contact, please and thank you," cyclops boy snapped.
   Elliot's cheeks burned. Did he really just get caught checking out some guys body? Before he could finish shaming himself, the guy put his hand out.
  "Anyway, what's your name? Mine's Theodore William, part two. Most people just call me Theo."   Daamn. Nice name. This guy was pretty straight forward, too. That was okay, though. He had a thing for straight forward guys. Elliot gave himself a few moments to get it together, before he said something embarrassing. Again.    He gleefully, too gleefully, shook Theo's hand, and introduced himself. Theo gave a small hum of acknowledgment before brushing himself off, giving a small 'goodbye,' and walking behind the counter. Elliot's brain lingered on his touch. His skin felt smooth, and Elliot almost didn't want to let go. He felt his own skin and hissed. It felt filthy compared to his. ~~ Elliot spent the next half hour watching him from a stool in a corner. Not a subtle way of showing interest, but, 'hey, whatever works.'  He noticed Theo blink, or wink, at him once or twice as he poured drinks or swept the floor. Wow. Elliot had almost forgot he came here to get wasted.
Wait- why was Theo behind the counter?
   It took him a minute, but Elliot finally noticed what he was wearing. A white dress shirt, a black bowtie, and black pants. Oh. He was the bartender. At least, Elliot assumed he was. Did bartenders dress formally for places like this? He had no clue. Usually, he just went to the store and bought alcohol for himself. This was technically his first time at any social place containing alcohol.    After several more minutes of intense staring, Elliot decided to just approach him like a normal person. He slowly crept towards Theo, who had his back turned. However, cyclopes have better peripheral vision than he thought. As soon as Elliot took a step in Theo's general direction, the cyclops turned around and stared at him. He looked at Elliot with a condescending smirk on his face and blinked. Elliot didn't know if he should be offended or turned on. Hopefully, he'd find out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright, fellas! That's all I got for now. I might continue this idea, or I might move on. Let me know what you think. I apologize for any mistakes made, partly because I was trying to write this while simultaneously trying to sleep. Which doesn't work well. Goodbye!
I wrote this sometime this week, and decided to post it on here. At 10:38 pm. I’m running out of things to do, someone send help.
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girlagainsthumanity · 6 years
There’s negativity under the cut. Don’t come bitching at me for having an opinion, you’ve been warned.
I’m salty. Like, so salty that I need to get it out of my system, hence this post. PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG! If you do I will block you.
What's with this fandom? Since when has it become compulsory to like everything DT does? Was there a memo I didn’t get? And also, WHY???
This trend of trying to suppress criticism by attacking everyone who dares to voice any is disgusting and I’m not having any of this shit. If you can’t handle people not liking something David does, that’s your problem. You’re offended? So fucking what!? Where do you get off, coming after people who have an opinion you don’t like, calling them haters or even outright telling them never to say anything negative EVER?!
I don’t have to like David's life choices. I don’t have to like David's latest look. I don’t have to like every single one of his roles/projects. Sometimes even St. David does stuff I don’t like/agree with or find outright horrible and as a fan I am allowed to say so, certainly on my OWN FUCKING BLOG! If you don’t wanna see it, unfollow me. Don’t make posts or put in the tags of posts how people with an opinion different from yours just need to shut up. Dont call them haters - I haven’t seen a single word of genuine hatred directed at David OR even at his wife in almost 5 years in this fandom - so I wonder where those haters are that some of you keep banging on about. Labelling people who disagree with you 'haters' is a very transparent tactic to discredit them and shut them up. Which btw says more about those who use the label than it does about those who are supposedly hating on stuff.
I’ve been unhappy in this fandom for a while, mostly cause of what I just described above, but also cause it’s never been this cliquey and also never this dead before and I’m not quite sure some days what I’m actually doing here. Making gifs isn’t much fun anymore when you feel like no one wants to see them. No new content leaves you hanging in the air, blogging about nothing. In DT roles, this year has been a disappointment to me and the uncritical stanning of objectively bad projects that’s been going on kinda disillusioned me even more.
Idk where I’m gonna go to be honest. I will probably stick around until Good Omens and go from there, but I’m at a point where I’m just not as excited, not as involved and not feeling like I’m part of this fandom anymore. And I’ve had it with all this bullshit. So basically until I decide what to do next, I’ll probably be here in my corner, with the few people who aren’t completely bonkers, trying to have a good time.
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