#sometimes i forget the 'scope' of what i put on here lmao
bayleaf-2 · 1 year
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Having a normal one, gang!
All of these are related, yippeeee
Captions are fucking gone so ig I'll add context for images here! Under the cut so this post isn't the whole screen lol
The "her" the shadow's referring to is Ioun (could've been an "actual conversation" they had)
Dialogue reads "Imma be real, I thought I...dreamt that. Or made it up to cope or something" (non-canon, the. I don't know why I used that design, this would be taking place like waaaay in the future. The event in being referenced did actually happen tho. "I HAVE A HEADCANON THAT THEY BLOCKED OUT/FORGOT THEIR BREAKDOWN OVER EMILY ASCENDING AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE FACT THAT IOUN TALKED TO HIM AND TRIED TO CALM HIM DOWN FJSHFJDJS SHE STILL REMEMBERS THAT IT HAPPENED SHE JUST THINKS SHE MADE IT UP TO COPE. CAUSE IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE <3"
Used red pen because red is used for romance a lot, but if this was digital I would've used pink to make that more obvious XP These are just lyrics I had stuck in my head and had to draw so I tried to twist them into being about aromanticism lol. That's also why the "with" is in quotes, it's the very specific "with" people use when they're talking about dating.
Dialogue reads "Yeah, I don't...disagree, with that." Actual line from a thing Kirth and I worked on together haha. They're talking about how killing Ioun might be necessary because of what she might do after the Raven Queen's dead.
That's a screenshot from the writing server lol. I'm currently taking notes on. Plans.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Ah right sorry! I dont know how but my brain was like 'yes discord is exists in minecraft'- Yes of course I dont mind! You can do whatever you want with the request :) Good im happy to hear that! And Thank you!
Original Request: Could I request a shy and quiet reader forgetting they're on a discord call and starts to sing a song that they are listening to? and whoever is on call with them joins in? maybe with Tommy, Wilbur and some other characters you want to write for :)
Remember to eat and drink water!
Secret Singing - Reader Insert
Pairings: none stated but can be read as Wilbur x Reader
Characters included: Wilbur, Tommy, Jack Manifold
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Wilbur was busy, but not busy enough to help Y/N set up their workspace at their favorite spot! Going off to fulfill his own errands only to come back to a nice and beautiful tune in the air. 
Words count: 2125
Authors Note: Lmao you are valid, I mean after all skype is canon in the dsmp 💔 Skype my abhorred 💔
Also adhd went brrr again, I tried looking over it a ton but there might still be a few mistakes!
“Oh, wow! Need any help with that, Y/N? That’s a lot of wool you got there!” Wilbur was running through L’Manberg to deal with some errands but stopped in his tracks, having to do a double take as he just saw a mountain of blue wool on legs walk towards his direction. Only then did he notice that it was Y/N who was holding on to a basket with the wool in their arms.
With a concentrated expression Y/N turned around a bit so they could look at him. Pieces of loose wool was laying in their hair or was stuck on their flushed face “Oh! Didn’t see you there! And it’s alright! I’m just getting it over to my bench!”
With their bench they meant the wooden bench they set up themself next to a small pond. They loved working close by it hence the bench to make it a bit more comfortable. It was also still a minute or two off and with the way Y/N was already struggling with the basket, Wilbur couldn’t just stand and watch. How could he hope to be a proper president when he didn’t help people who clearly needed it?
He shook his head with a fond smile on his face, stepping closer to grab the basket from them “Nope, let me help you. Not taking no for an answer.”
Y/N let out a few weak protests but ended up just pushing it into his arms, not wanting to accidentally spill the freshly treated wool unto the ground.
“Hey, um, be- bend down a little, Wil.” their voice weak and wavering like usual. Their shyness getting ahold of them again.
Not even thinking about why they asked this of him, he obliged. They then scoped up the top of the soft mountain so Wilbur had actually a chance to look across. He might be tall but that didn’t help when you held something big in your own arms.
With a soft satisfied smile they begun moving again and for a second Wilbur just stared as he readjusted his grip on the surprisingly heavy basket that Y/N probably made themself. Following after them and making sure that no stray pieces of wool would fall off.
“So, what’s all the blue wool for?” he asked.
For some reason this seemed to amuse Y/N “Well, a lot of our clothes use blue wool. The flag as well! I need some blue thread to either stitch some more flags down on clothing or when repairing them. Same for the flags flying about. General stitching. Besides can’t hurt to have some extra, might even sell some!”
In hindsight this made sense. When this whole L’Manberg situation started out Y/N offered to help stitch together their torn clothes. Over time they got really good at it and nowadays they have kind of turned into the resident seamstress.
Wilbur once apologized for pushing them into this profession only for them to vehemently shake their head “No! It’s fine! I- I enjoy it! It, uh, it also gives me something else to do than worry about our existence.”
He couldn’t argue with that. It was something that he lacked. Everything he did was dedicated to this new nation after all and he would lie, and he did, if this didn’t take a bit of a toll on him sometimes.
Once they arrived at the bench, Wilbur softly placed down the wool next to the seating area as Y/N carefully returned the extra wool back on top. They then sat down on the bench while taking out their tools out of their inventory to turn the wool into yarn or thread.
It wasn’t unusual finding them working here, especially when the weather was playing nice. Often enough sitting together with other people in sometimes comfortable silence or happy chatter. Either making thread, stitching or whatever work they had to do and could do outside.
“Thank you, Wilbur! I’m sure you are busy so I won’t keep you longer but you are welcome to join me if you are done with work before me.”
Wilbur picked some of the stray wool off his uniform and sighed, not particularly looking forward to the work “Yeah. I’ll come around if I can. I’m going to meet up with Tommy in a bit so he might join as well, not sure though.”
Y/N nervously chuckled “Yeah, don’t worry. I know.”
They then begun to set up their tools to start working. Not even looking after Wilbur who begun walking off again in a snail’s pace. He really wasn’t looking forward to his work at the moment but alas it was very important.
It took a bit, but he soon arrived at the building he and Tommy set up as something of a headquarter. It was basically just a room covered in maps, scrapped ideas, plans and a few weapon and armor pieces.
Tommy was already waiting inside for him. He looked a bit annoyed with his arms in front of his chest. Before he could complain to him though Wilbur already threw his arm around Tommy and led him to his latest sketched out plan for L’Manburg. Trying to distract him with work.
They were mostly discussing how to ensure the safety of the new nation and how to create a functioning system inside that would ensure that everything inside would move along smoothly.
Hours passed as they schemed and begun setting a few safety measures up or helped the residents of L’Manberg where they could. Jack Manifold later joined them as well. Helping and even offering ideas of his own to incorporate.
“I think that is all we can do for today. I’m getting seriously tired.” Jack sighed, cleaning the dust off his hands on his own clothes.
“You’re going home?” Tommy asked.
Jack crossed his arms, his eyes wandered off to the side behind his mismatched glasses as he thought for a second “Mh, I was hoping we could hang a bit, you know, outside of work. Haven’t done that in a while.”
“Oh! I promised to maybe spend some time with Y/N if they are still at their pond!” Wilbur suddenly exclaimed, remembering the exchange from a few hours ago.
A happy smile appeared on Jack’s face “Let’s go together then! I haven’t seen them in a while, and it’s been even longer that I hung out with them while they worked. It’s always very calming for some reason.” The last part he muttered but Wilbur caught it.
He wasn’t the only one who thought like this. Most of the people in L’Manberg were drawn to them especially in this chaotic time. It was nice having someone like that around.
“Guess I’ll come with you.” Tommy suddenly exclaimed, pulling Wilbur back out of his thoughts.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, why not. I need to ask them to look at my coat anyhow.”
With that the group begun moving, it was slowly getting darker, but it was still warm outside, so if they were lucky, Y/N was still out.
They were chatting about what they were planning to do next or in Jack’s and Tommy’s case what they have been up to only for them to get interrupted by a tune that the wind carried over to them.
A bit surprised Wilbur looked at the others, hoping to see if they too hear it and true enough, they seemed to be just as surprised as them. Someone was singing but he has never heard a voice like this.
Frankly, it was beautiful.
The tune was sounding sad and yet the lyrics that accompanied it were hopeful. Wishing for peace in a time of turmoil. Promises of a better time filled with a deep love via the voice.
It was a song that none of them ever have ever heard. An original song perhaps?
But what really surprised them was from what direction the music came from.
It came from the pond. From Y/N’s bench.
Almost as if they were worried to scare away a wild animal, they begun to sneak towards said pond. Staying off the path and taking a wild berth. Hiding behind the trees, trying to avoid that if their hunch were right, that Y/N wouldn’t see them approaching.
Wilbur pressed his index finger against his pursed lips as they got closer, motioning for the others to keep quiet. To which Tommy just rolled his eyes, seeing how this was obvious.
Jack slowly moved around the tree and there he saw it.
Y/N was sitting on the bench, their legs crossed with a piece of fabric in their hands that they seemed to stich another L’Manburg flag into. Slowly moving their head from one side to the next to the rhythm of the song.
Wilbur followed suit, using his superior height to peak his head out above Jack while Tommy crouched down to do the same.
They were still intently staring at their handiwork, pushing the nail and thread into the cloth only to pull it out again. Their mouth turned into a happy little smile as they sang this hopefully hymn.
“Wow, I didn’t think they could sing like that.” Jack whispered, looking up to Wilbur.
He nodded, his eyes continuing to rest on Y/N’s happy expression “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”
“I guess it’s fine.” Tommy just whispered back. Of course, he still had to put on his cool dude persona.
Wilbur flicked Tommy’s head “Just say for once what you really think!” He still made sure to keep his voice down, not having heard enough of the song and Y/N’s voice yet.
Tommy scowled and jumped back so he was standing at his full height again “What do you mean? I say what I think! The hell are you talking about!” He tried to keep his voice down but at the end he got louder which made Wilbur panic and clasp his hand around Tommy’s mouth.
Though Tommy saw this coming and dodged out of the way by ducking, resulting in Wilbur to fall over. Crashing into Tommy and pushing him onto the ground, both of them letting out a startled yell.
The singing immediately stopped.
“Ah! Look what you have done!” Jack whined, helping the two reluctantly up.
“Well, if Tommy would have shut his mouth!”
“You attacked me!”
“I did not! I was trying to shut you up!”
“Guys?” a soft and unsure voice broke through their argument.
All three men slowly turned around to see Y/N clutching the piece of cloth they had been working on close to their chest. Avoiding any eye contact. Their face covered in a deep blush. Chewing on their lower lip.
“Are you okay? I- I heard a thud and- I just- I wanted to make sure-“ they stammered.
Tommy seemed to be confused at that “What? No. You were singing though, right Y/N?” Getting straight to the point apparently.
“Tommy!” Both Jack and Wilbur yelled out in outrage.
Y/N’s eyes widened, and they moved the cloth up to their face. Effectively hiding behind it “No. I- uh. I’m sorry?”
“What are you sorry for? Your voice is amazing! Why haven’t you told us you can sing?” Wilbur stepped closer. His eyes wide as well but in amazement.
Though Y/N seemed to cower down even more the closer he got “Because- Because I can’t. Please just forget about it.”
Wilbur wanted to know more, hear more of their singing but they seemed panicked. Hiding away and trying to clearly get out of the situation and he had to take a step back. Guilt welling up in him.
“I’m sorry. We just heard your song, and it was beautiful. I have never heard this song. I guess we got enamored by it especially since your singing was really amazing.”
Jack put his hand on Wilbur’s shoulder and pushed him back a few steps “Come on let’s drop it. They are clearly uncomfortable. I’m sorry Y/N.” He then begun pulling Wilbur along, grabbing Tommy in the process as well who just yanked his arm away from him stating he could walk good enough on his own.
He immediately turned around again to see the nervous Y/N with a determined expression on their face. The cloth now back down.
“The song! I mean, uh, my parent taught me that song when I was a child. Apparently, they wrote it.”
“It’s a really beautiful one. Your parent must be very talented. If you feel ever more comfortable enough I would love to hear the full song.”
Y/N took a deep breath in “I know how to play it on guitar and keyboard? I could, uh, you know. Teach it to you?”
Wilbur’s smile returned to his face “Sounds like a plan.”
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wh6res · 4 years
sedan | jaemin
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—part 2
synopsis. it was only a matter of time until he snapped. he was right, you should've seen it coming.
warnings. noncon, swearing, yandere themes, there’s a knife lmao
note. yalls idk :( it keeps deleting paragraphs when i add a readmore wtf is this sorcery IM SO SORRY
[read part 1]
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apparently, your captor had enough respect for your dignity not to take you in the backseat of his old sedan. saying something along the lines of how you had completely ruined the mood by how much you were crying underneath him. “it’s not even pretty crying!” jaemin had exclaimed, hauling you up to your feet and carrying you bridal style towards the house. 
respect? pft. he has long passed the line of respecting your dignity—the moment he forced that drug into your system and shoved you inside his car, he was a goner. 
you don’t bother thrashing against his arms, having thought better. with your wrists and knees duct-taped together, running seemed like a joke. instead, you stare longingly at the outside world over jaemin’s shoulder—it definitely isn’t the last time you’ll see it, but if you were here because of his fucked up possessiveness over you, then escaping will be a challenge. 
three months of working alongside jaemin is enough for you to know how thorough he can be. he’s quite the perfectionist, and you remember admiring his keen attention to detail but now you only fear for the things he has in store for you to make sure you’ll never leave his side. it was due to this train of thought that you involuntarily start shaking against him. the automated lock in the front door beeps into place and now you were stuck here with him, once and for all. 
before you are able to take a look around the house, scoping enemy territory, a hand comes up to cover your eyes. the moment your fingers wrap around his wrist to pry it away, he hisses, and you let go immediately. 
“stay still or else,” you obliged, scared of what he can do now that he has you all to himself inside the house. “i know what you’re thinking. still so fucking predictable. you’d have to earn my trust until i let you roam around here.”
the loud clicks of your restraints locking together prove that he is a man of his word. 
the basement he keeps you in is disgusting. the tiles beneath you are cold, a few leaking pipes in the corner, dust everywhere, and a tiny window across the room—you doubt your chains can reach that far. but what captured your eyes the most is the numerous pillows stuck onto the walls and ceiling. the colors of its casings are faded, none of them matching one another at all. it was as if everything was messily put together at the last minute and you almost feel a tiny bit of relief that maybe, jaemin isn’t as thorough as you thought he’d be. 
“i soundproofed the walls and everything, isn’t that romantic?”
you don’t answer, too caught up thinking about how you’ll stay warm that you don’t notice the way his eyes trail over your shaking figure, knees tucked under your chin, pressing yourself firmly against the wall to appear smaller. to create as much distance from him as possible. 
jaemin frowns in distaste, a low hum resounding in the back of his throat as he thought; no, this won’t do.
“are you cold?” he asks. 
once again, he’s met with silence. 
if there is one thing jaemin absolutely hates with a passion, it was being ignored. the feeling is so foreign to him. maybe it was because of how much he naturally expects to bear the spotlight, that when you refused to even slightly acknowledge him as anything, he was confused. fascinated but frustrated at the same time. 
it is the same frustration he felt when you turned him down. the same frustration he felt when you fought against him. the same frustration he felt when you don’t stop crying underneath him. the same frustration he felt right at this very fucking moment.
“i don’t think ignoring me will do you good, sweetheart. i asked you a question, didn’t i? i’ll say it again, one last time,” the edge in his voice is unmistakable. “are you cold or not?”
at this point, jaemin feels stupid for even thinking about granting you the slightest bit of leniency by leaving you alone tonight. jaemin had been willing to put aside his desires and wants for you. but his patience can only stretch so far until it comes snapping back. 
and boy, were you in for it. 
he utters your name, low and threatening and you just knew what it meant. as the victim, it should’ve been in your best interest to keep your captor from losing his shit and hurting you… and yet, you remain silent. you don’t know what’s gotten into you. the words are right at the tip of your tongue but you don’t say anything. it was as if time had stopped and your brain had short-circuited, making you forget how to speak. 
when he stood up from the stool and started stalking towards you, you knew it was too late. 
“jaemin…” your voice shakes. “jaem—yes, yes—i feel—i feel cold—”
the sting on your right cheek is the only thing to register in your mind for a few good seconds until it all clicks into place. he just backhanded you. 
“i never thought you’d be such a fucking bitch,” he hisses, pulling at your restraints. “you were so silent, i thought you went mute, baby. how can you treat me like that? it’s no way to treat your lover.”
his soft tone catches you off guard for a fraction of a second. it was the same way he spoke to you before… all of this. it was the same tone that had once lulled you into a sense of security when you were stuck in a new environment, scared, making mistakes left and right, but jaemin had proved he can be someone you can depend on.
and look at what that cost you.
jaemin’s eye twitched when he noticed the slightly dazed look on your face, eagerly slotting himself between your thighs before holding your legs down with his shins. his hands dart out, grabbing your jaw in one hand before placing the other snug around your neck. the man can feel the rush of his blood flowing through his veins, ears ringing as he admires how pretty you were underneath him—pretty and helpless.
with a sudden urge, he darts his head forward to take a long whiff of your hair, eyes rolling back in ecstasy. he barely even registers the tears wetting the hand holding your face. jaemin is too far gone in his head because finally, fucking finally, he has you right where he wants you and absolutely no one can steal you away from him anymore.
meanwhile, you try hard to push him off of you but the pressure he’s applying to your legs proves too much. the hand encased around your throat pulls away and your happiness was short-lived as jaemin reaches for something above your head. it glints against the sole fluorescent light in the basement—
you freeze at the sight of his pocket knife.
he laughs, sounding too sweet and lighthearted. “now, now. i won’t hurt you…” 
you hold your breath when he drags the knife across your body. from your collarbones, down the valley of your breasts, and finally settling at the bottom of your shirt. “i won't hurt you if you don’t move around too much.”
the sound of fabric ripping against the sharp blade made you want to thrash as hard as you can but jaemin had purposely angled the knife so the tip dragged against the surface of your skin. bile rises up your throat when you notice the way he eyes every inch of your torso as its slowly revealed to him. 
“see, i know you’re a good girl. i just have to force it out of you sometimes, huh?” he mocks, quickly hooking the knife under your bra so he needn’t struggle reaching for the hook in the back. 
his reaction is immediate the moment he sees you bare before him. he doesn’t even grant you the chance of hiding when he’s managed to hold your wrists in one hand, the knife clattering loudly on the floor as he surged forward, lips latching onto one of your breasts as his free hand feels the other one up. you turn your head to the side, not wanting to see his ministrations. until one particularly hard nip makes you yelp, his teeth latching painfully against a nipple before glaring at you through his eyelashes. 
“eyes on me.”
jaemin can’t have you turning away from him. it simply looks like another act of defiance, as if you were depriving him of the expressions of pleasure found in your face as he continues to lick and suckle at the skin of your breasts, purple and red blooming on your skin. 
when jaemin retracts from you to pull his shirt over his head, you made the last feeble attempt of trying to escape him. you’re able to free one of your legs from underneath him and have successfully delivered a kick to the groin. jaemin folds in pain. you managed to flip onto your stomach, dragging your body away with just your arms. you’ve only managed a few inches, chains rattling aggressively, when you felt his nails dig into the back of your thighs. 
“fuck,” he grunts. “you’re going to fucking pay for that, pretty thing.”
he turns you around with one hand, unfazed by the pitiful look of your tears and snot cascading down your face as he looms over you, his knife in one hand as he fists your hair. 
you shook violently as you brace your hands against his bare chest. jaemin would’ve revelled at the feeling of you touching him if you hadn’t kicked him in the balls only seconds ago. 
“jaemin, please… i don’t want any of this—”
“you’re so cute, begging like anything could get you out of this.”
you flinch, eyes shutting closing on instinct. you feel something sharp poking on your neck, and it only takes you a fraction of a minute to register that jaemin is now holding his knife against your throat. digging the blade enough for you to know it’s there but not hard enough to draw blood. 
“look how much you’re shaking, baby,” he coos, the tightness in his pants becoming unbearable as he gives you a one over. “such a sheltered kid, aren’t you? no wonder you’re so fucking naive, always making mistakes. always making the wrong judgement. you’re used to depending on someone, right? well…” 
jaemin slices the skin above your collarbone. you don’t scream, the fear of him slicing your throat all together lies heavy in the air. 
“…it’s a good thing you met me, huh?”
fuck you.
“i’m here, baby. you can depend on me all you want,” the giddiness and the sudden spark in his eyes make you dread what he’ll do next—you hear the sounds of a belt unbuckling. “i’ll bathe you, i’ll feed you, dress you up, but…”
there are no tears left when you feel his fingers pulling your shorts down together with your underwear. no tears left when you feel the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance. 
“…you’ll have to give me something in return. that’s what good girls do, right?”
you screamed.
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gerrydelano · 3 years
NEW INSTALLMENT???hellooooooooo!!!!!!!!! this is another of my famed livereacts because it’s the only way i know how to put my thoughts down without forgetting what happened in the chapter within like 10 seconds . livereact COMMENCE!
georgie my beloved. she is an icon oh lmaooo melanie just showed up haha. can’t believe andy dipped though :/. HELLO ADMIRAL! ough poor melanie :(( WAIT SHE USES SCOPE? ok …. oh she is so good :’-) she wants to help the archive staff <3333 WAIT THEY KISS? oh man… HI GERRY!!!! my beloved heyyyyyyy sasha <3 someone wants to give her a statement????? oooohkk SOMETHING IS FOLLOWING HIM? damn that’s…. strange…… ba dum tss. oh it’s “jurgen leitner” yeah… what a guy. OHH LEROY MY DUDE YOU ARE :00000 king is seeing through the stranger bullshit. raphael oooh hi :-) TIM! they are letting her stay there that is so sweet LMAO “Very bad!!” jon is an ICON “Jurgen Leitner is probably dead. Please call me as soon as you’re able!” like this is just an email about late work oh my godddd THE CLIFFHANGER…….
very much enjoyed ‼️ as a Secret Martin Bf Knower i am so excited for this installment LOL
WAHEY! i love your live reacts thank you for the nourishment 😊
mild reactionary spoilers under the cut
georgie OUR beloved ☭
melanie is so scatterbrained sometimes and all the cuter for it (georgie voice)
andy was going through some Things himself! i have no idea how i'd react if my roommates started pulling all That shit, after the one that was my best friend sort of hung me out to dry on our Entire Career 😔 he'll come around and be normal about the rent, i think, but this isn't going to be an easy mend.
admiral big orange baby
melanie has been using scope since CH5 of the second installment, yeah! she had a conversation with an american hunter just before the prentiss showdown (after gerry explicitly warned her Not to talk to hunters. whoops!)
she wants to help SO much, though, it KILLS her to see people with the means to do good Refusing to use them for that. FUCK the institute!
they kiss! surprise! casual girlfriends just giving it a go because they enjoy each other's company, no external pressure or drama required. i really wanted that for them tbh. very human
gerry in business mode what atrocities will he arrange
leroy vc i do NOT want to give a STATEMENT i've held out for a quarter century it's NOT HAPPENING
of COURSE it's "jurgen leitner" of Course he's got a nefarious reason for walking back Downstairs from Somewhere i sure wonder what he was doing (it's not even what you think!)
no one expects leroy to ever pay real attention to anything by nature of his attitude but surprise! it's high time something shook him
raphael my beloved i am so sorry. they want to help her however they can! and it is so not easy!!!! gerry's been unintentionally harming her this WHOLE time in her dreams, it's NOT stopping, he couldn't even bring himself to hug her. at least tim was there to take the plunge, aye?
babygirl i am so sorry........
thank you so much! i'm SO jazzed for people to pick up on what's going on just by little meta clues. i've already begun slowly chipping at the fourth wall a little here >:3c it'll only persist. glad you're still having fun!
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peepingtoad · 4 years
It’s not that often that I talk about what I really think about Jiraiya, and I guess I mean more how I feel about him, since I always try to write my ‘deeper’ headcanons/metas from a more... idk, trying not to get too emotional about it point of view. Basically it’s because I know how controversial he is, and I pretty much ritually avoid a lot of takes because I don’t want to get irritated about something that really doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme, because we’re all entitled to our opinions and I largely get my say through the act of writing and developing him how I see fit.
Which is enough for me, mostly, but for the purpose of reinforcing/building upon how I see my muse’s plight, working through some of my Sannin-feels and also to dip my toes into why I find blindly judgemental/single-faceted takes of him, his priorities and the Sannin’s bond so exasperating, I kinda feel like rambling my thoughts (feelings) anyway! 
Politely sticks this stream-of-consciousness mess under a cut.
So sometimes I do think about the fact that Jiraiya kinda, lmao, forgot about Everything Else in the world because of Orochimaru and his (frankly) obsession with him/them. And the fact that a ridiculously significant portion of bad shit that happened is down to his actions/inaction. And the fact that he really did go and leave the likes of Naruto (and maybe to a degree Kakashi, although there’s zero actual evidence he didn’t get involved given the strong indications of a great rapport in the canon), just because he was so hellbent on pursuing Orochimaru, who was not even shown to be affectionate towards him at the best of times. When I think about it in terms of Jiraiya being gone and the main reason we’re given for it, things suck for a number of people, and quite largely because of potentially unrequited/horribly communicated/obsessive JiraOro pursuits, in essence :’)
(And for all it’s still quite the rarepair, Jiraiya does express on accounts that he was destroyed when Oro left. I mean... this is the guy who rarely acknowledges his sadness so... It’s not my bias at all I sware)
Of course JiraTsu is very real in my eyes too, albeit a very different kinda tragic, as is OroTsu. And the messy poly ship? Ohohoho, even better, but... yeah. Tsunade does at least go her own way for a long time, as messed up as that is in itself, for reasons including the fact she seems to pointedly not heal or move on from her grief. And given the absolute debacle that was her and Jiraiya reuniting... and both her and Oro even discussing a possibility of sacrificing him... and just, them in general for that whole arc :’))) yeah. They are without a doubt messy and troubled, but even despite how fraught things become I genuinely think all the furtive expressions and the undercurrents of longing and the evasion of their past exhibits a history much deeper and full of lost love compared to many other team dynamics we get (otherwise the Three Way Divorce wouldn’t have been quite so horrible on them, would it? That and they’d probably have split up after Team Hiruzen was no more, if they really hated each other/just tolerated each other out of familiarity like I sometimes see speculated).
But yeah, back to our main man. Jiraiya’s intense (and frankly very Scorpio of him) love for our first series Big Bad kinda did ruin him and what he was setting out to do in some ways, to the degree that the actual story of Naruto wouldn’t be very much without him in terms of drama. I mean, he always loved a good story, right? So art imitates life, and innit just pathetic poetic.
And in so many ways it is incredibly tragic and pitiable that he’s Just Like That. Idealistic and warping everything terrible, no matter how bad, into adventure in his mind! As growth! As pain that makes you TOUGH and makes you a stronger man! As something to be pushed aside while you just keep on truckin’! Whatever anyone you love throws at you, it’s Totally Fine!
After so long narrating through his personal lens, I’ve come to realise he truly is so convinced that everything bad that happens, is sort of just... something he has to deal with and feel big and guilty and feelsy for while spinning it in ways that enable him to keep going. He just loads it on himself and sorta holds it. The fact he’s so sad and filled with sickly pining grief that he has to try and exorcise it with impulsive bouts of decadence? Fine. And it’s not abnormal at all, how he approaches things with such broad scope and just kinda... thoughtlessly wrecking-balls his way through everything he thinks is a great idea at the time. He experiences the fallout of these things and simultaneously feels the entire ravages of it acutely while compartmentalising it ever so neatly away. The crazy thing, too, is that he’s exceptionally convincing at making everything he does and how he handles things seem so grand and noble and romantic and tragic... but in a humorously self-deprecating and still ultimately very hopeful way, to the degree that I as a mun get caught up in his relentless optimism and forget he actually is a sad and heartbroken guy wrapped up in all this grandiosity.
Sometimes I do step back and look and I just think yeah, fuck, he really is a total disaster! He’s a walking disaster and he’s been so damaging to himself and others in so many ways, all because of acting on emotions and impulses without really thinking about the impact! He really did kinda give up on those who needed him and for what? A love that will never love him or prioritise him back? 
A wonderfully tragic theme that I do love with him, don’t get me wrong.
But then at the same time, there’s always more nuance to be had than just ‘he is a disaster and made bad choices, as tragic and romantic as it is, he was actually just selfish and kinda sucked in the end, pathetically whipped by his friends and unable to let go of what they had’. There’s more nuance to be had than reducing him to a purely romantically-inclined character, who just snubs everyone else for a doomed love... because in the end, I think a huge part of JiraOro’s demise in particular was that Oro felt immensely snubbed by Jiraiya when he stayed in Ame, when his loyalty to Konoha (as a place and people, not necessarily a system) and of course loyalty to his own ideals was prioritised over Oro.
To an extent, I feel like Tsunade could have been a similar case, were she not preoccupied with already having lost so much, and besides I really do think she and Jiraiya were quite firmly in best friend zone at that point. With Tsunade not being able to get comfortable around Jiraiya or to pursue any underlying affection for him because of the dumbass way he always behaved (understandably of her tbh), probably until she got with Dan, by which point I reckon Jiraiya started to really come through by showing how he valued her for her, where we see by them having each other’s backs so closely in the second war. Not to mention him generally respecting that his feelings for her have no place by the time he gets her back to Konoha.
In terms of that first split in Ame, Jiraiya, I feel, simply didn’t think him leaving was going to be a big deal, because the three were always fiercely headstrong people who had their own shit going on (simultaneously independent while also being, perhaps not to their knowledge, So Very Codependent). Not only that, but his overly affectionate ways and incessant jolliness were probably considered such a joke that he was basically like ‘they’ll be fine without me’. I certainly don’t think he felt needed by them, which I don’t think is their fault or a point of angst and ‘waaah poor blameless Jiraiya’, because quite honestly, the strain on their relationship was something I fully believe even he didn’t realise he needed out of at the time. His one-track mind was just on ‘save kids, teach kids, this is right, must seize opportunity to be the change I was told I’d be, not continue with this godforsaken war’
Selfish? Maybe. Well-intentioned? Certainly. Intended to hurt anyone or imply he stopped caring? No.
In essence, when it comes to why in the end Jiraiya seemed to be so horrendously bad at being around at the worst of times, at being responsible, whatever else (and I’m not even going to go into scenes intended to be comedic because, they are comedic)... I’ve got to look at it from more than just one view. It’s easy to say ‘he’s ridiculous and terrible because he pretty much flaked on what was important based on his whims/a doomed love/his dick’ (which I have seen said lmao) but there are so many other things at play here.
So I’m thinking, while he was shirking duties (godfatherly mainly)... did he actually consider that his most important duty? Was it anyone’s place to tell him it was? Minato didn’t, as I recall, and when he sacrificed himself he specifically left it to the Third because he (presumably) respected what his teacher was about and knew he wasn’t for staying put. Did Jiraiya not consider his primary duty to be to the prophecy, and in a more general sense fixing the big wrongs and trying to foil big dangers to his home? Were these things not pretty much what he existed for (as much as his faith wavered and went off the rails at times)? Was that not the main source of any real purpose he ever had, being a kid who showed practically no ambition before? Did he not pretty much redesign himself as being ‘from Mt. Myōboku’ rather than Konoha after two devastating wars, and thus is it not understandable for him not to focus solely on Konoha—not outright destroying it, still ultimately loyal to his home and not about to let anyone destroy it, but seeing that the world is in fact so much bigger than just his little town? Is that really something that’s so bad and wrong of him, in a story where the main cast’s country has a pretty fucking nasty system and is established to do so very early on? Is he not pretty revolutionary in his own brand of not blindly serving, but not going on a destroy-it-all frenzy either?
Also, was he not the only one who actually bothered to investigate Akatsuki and the forces that would see Naruto dead, in time? For all he did help bring Akatsuki into existence in ways, it was inevitable from before he even met the orphans that they were going to be groomed/moulded into what they became, regardless of whether Jiraiya came onto the scene. Jiraiya leaving them was just a different kind of suffering to what they were inevitably going to suffer anyway, and hell, with his influence at least there was a time where they might’ve stood a chance of going totally against Madara/Obito’s path, especially while Yahiko was still around. Jiraiya didn’t know that the whole thing with the Ame orphans was, by a design out of his control, doomed to end horribly. So while he felt personally responsible not knowing this, and it’s taken as a given that he was... actually, was he, when there was a master manipulator at play? Was it wrong to want to give some kids a chance?
With regards to all those things I see people say he should have stayed and fixed, that he should have been there, he should have done x y z... Is it not the responsibility of everyone not satisfied with their lot to step up to the plate and make where they live better? Jiraiya wasn’t the only adult. Tsunade, and I absolutely love her, does seem overwhelmingly to be absolved of leaving Konoha because... ??? Kicker is that she too is related to Naruto, of course. 
So... was she not also needed for the very material ways she could’ve helped at numerous points? Was she not also placing her grief and lost love before everything else? Are some reasons inherently more ok than others to ditch? As Kakashi’s generation grew up, was it not also then up to them to decide whether they’d change the status quo? Were Minato’s own generation, presumably his own peer group, not complicit in Naruto’s ostracisation? We got a slight taste of rebellion with Asuma, Hiruzen’s own son, but the fact is many Konoha-nin were overwhelmingly complacent with how things were. And yet never get demonised at all for it. Because it’s Jiraiya’s fault for... not staying and giving it all up to be a guardian who could well be depressed and unfit to raise a child... or just being a flaky as hell one that’s never there anyway because he has shit to do? (and in doing the former would let too many things go unchecked by a completely tuned-out Hokage, not gathering all that spicy useful intel, y’know... essentially he wouldn’t have ended up largely doing his job along with the personal shit in between).
Basically when I see claims saying that Jiraiya as an individual should have done pretty much everything better, and somehow been there for everyone that needed him at any given time, and that (mostly Naruto’s) suffering was a failing on Just His part because of his selfish whims... I feel like the point of his tragedy is absolutely missed. That tragedy being that barrelling through things alone is definitely a failing and harmful in numerous ways, as we see with Itachi shouldering everything alone too, and we see them both miss out on Naruto and Sasuke as a result... but at the same time, is just settling down and leaving everything else to chance not also a huge failing, when there are so many other circumstances and enemies acting against you, when you do have the power to change tides, and when so many other people refuse to or can’t seize their own agency? Jiraiya does put his faith in a lot of people too, and a lot of people fail. Don’t fail him, but in a general sense many, like Minato, fail to make the change they wanted to. That’s life in this world, it’s tragic, and after losing a lot of loved ones yeah, he retreats and goes at it alone. 
But how can he win? How does he do what’s right, other than by chasing what he thinks he can do to actually help the world, which happens to be bigger and not centred on individuals, even those he cares about?
(and remember, nobody knows Naruto is special-reincarnation-prophecy-boi, which is why I tend not to blame-game any characters for him being treated like so many orphans were because... while it’s not morally right or nice at all, it’s tone deaf to how the world is, to the fact all characters having different degrees of knowledge and priorities, and it’s insensitive of the fact most the characters had their own struggles and were just doing their best with a bad lot gdi). 
Hell though, Jiraiya even does put Oro, his big obsessive wild goose chase that whisks him away into selfish pining hopelessly devoted land, on the back burner at points. Maybe not in a lasting way, particularly by the last databook where he’s inspired anew by Naruto, but he does prioritise other shit on numerous occasions. And there’s a lot of shit to try and prioritise.
What I’m trying to say is, Jiraiya can’t solely be held responsible for people. Sure, he’s a character whose decisions were pivotal to events, but what of every other character in the story? Why are they not held to the same crazy high standard of doing and protecting and preventing and somehow doing everything ‘right’ that would have also meant him fitting neatly into the Konoha mould? Would other characters really have been that much better in the position of The Big Guide/Martyr/Tragic Hero/Force For Change character? And also is having a tragic Chaotic Good bastard of a hero not a sign of a damn good and interesting character, that at the very least tried where so many others didn’t? Would Naruto not have been a boring as hell story, whose main protag didn’t really have much conflict to make him compelling, without Jiraiya (among others) being a mess with the best intentions? Without so many other characters having failed him, for him to overcome it and still be able to love and inspire change (albeit through sometimes-clumsy talk-no-jutsu)? Was I missing the point of the story?
............. Hmm!
No longer sure where else I’m going with this now, so.... here, I guess, ends my ode to why character hate (especially that reduces them to One Thing) is dumb, why demonising truly well-meaning characters doesn’t feel particularly woke to me in a cast full of flawed characters and horrible circumstance, and why I’ll defend this poor bastard with far too damn much hinging on him to the end I guess :’)
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multsicorn · 4 years
multsicorn’s infinite fic playlist
some friends in a chat were talking about comfort fic!  so I have Made A List.  Ten of my very favorite fics to reread when I need a boost, in ten different fandoms.  In no order.  And with no particular theme, that I can tell.  They’re probably all more-or-less mostly self-contained enough to work even if you don’t know the canon?  Certainly the Hockey RPF fic is (cause I don’t know anything about the canon there!), and who doesn’t know HP, etc....
.... four are about fucked-up families, (cause I find that cathartic, and people dealing with it comforting), two are polyfic, (because more relationships interacting to me means ~more love~), three are really mostly about the ~feel~ of the universe, (the fun mundanity of a not-quite-mundane canon universe! or of a perfectly balanced space au), and then the last one is... about how to know if you’re in love on one side of it, and about how to get over it on the other (because how does one romance).
the ones about fucked-up families:
When The Lights Go Out, Will You Take Me With You? by narceus (Glee, Kurt/Blaine, m, ~11k).  I love the way that it punches out my heart and then puts it back together?  Lmao, that’s very personal.  But I love the way that - what can I say.  This isn’t a fic about romance, it’s a fic about family - well.  How sometimes your family is your boyfriend, and your mutual friends, how sometimes ‘family’ is something you have to leave, and real family is something you build.  ‘This is exactly what it’s like,’ and it’s wish-fulfillment, and, yes, somehow it’s both of those things.
You can run away with me any time you want.
Come Marching Home by ossapher (American Revolution RPF/Hamilton, Hamilton/Laurens, t, ~9k).  Fraught relationships with family members who think they love you but they really really don’t are my jam, and the way that this fic deals with a younger still-dependent sibling who’s caught in the middle between John and his horrible father is especially my jam.  Also, fics that transform a complicated set of characters/relationships/etc. from canon to a completely other setting thoughtfully, which this fic ‘verse has a lot of fun with.
John Laurens attempts to reconcile with his U.S. Senator dad after years of minimal contact. It's family, though, so nothing goes as planned.
Theft of Assets, Destruction of Property by Helenish (Harry Potter, Draco/Neville, e, ~23k).  I love the way that Draco here builds a life up out of nothing.  It’s very cozy from one angle, full of cooking and baking and making a house a home, but it also goes hard on the way that abused children will internalize their situation as the expected baseline of life, which I appreciate very much.
Surely it is a mistake to allow a single youthful indiscretion to cloud an already promising career.
A Month of Sundays by Kelfin (Hockey RPF, Erik Johnson/Gabriel Landeskog, m, ~69k).  I love the push-pull of a relationship that naturally slides very quickly into something very close and intimate, that keeps being pulled back from that by Erik’s internalized homophobia.  I love the way the story negotiates the very real knock-on effects of that on Gabe, his maybe-maybe-not partner, and the way the Erik negotiates ‘I love my family... but they don’t love me.’
Unlike some guys, who freak out when things get even a little bit gay, Erik is fine with this stuff. Erik's not even fazed when Gabe's attempts at flirting with him start to get semi-public, a fact that, by his own judgment, makes him at least five to seven times more tolerant than your average forward-thinking American.
the polyfics:
Everything That You Can Keep by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (Vorkosigan Saga, Aral/Jole, backgroundy Aral/Cordelia, e, ~30k).  I love this story’s negotiation of not just polyamory (and I love negotiation of polyamory stories - how two people in one relationship share feelings about yet another person, and figure things out? yes, please), but specifically of all the added complications that come out in the highly hierarchical, secretive, and loyalty-based Vor society.  When even asking about asking is a matter of trust, requested and given?  That goes straight to my id.
The impossible takes a little more time, a lot of negotiation.
Love: The Package Deal by jjtaylor (Bandom, Frank/Gerard/Lindsey/Jamia, m, ~30k).  I love the way that the different relationships are layered over and relate to each other - that’s one of the big things I like about polyfic - and the way that the amnesia smashes them together by bringing a past relationship to the present, while making the present one abstract and back to square one.  I love how the amnesia in fact smashes together all the highs and lows of eventful years’ worth of Gerard’s life: artistic success, problems with drugs and addiction... they’re all right there waiting for you.
Gerard gets a special kind of amnesia. Frank gets to reexamine his idea of acceptable relationship structures. Lots of people fail to communicate effectively, but they all sure remember how to kiss.
the cozy weirdness of the universe:
it's a new craze by attheborder (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, t, ~6k).  The development of the relationship strikes a nice balance between angst and sweetness, but what I really come back to this fic for is the fictional advice podcast!  That Aziraphale and Crowley start together, which it’s about, and the way that they sprinkle their up-close experience of history into their discussion on it - and then the way that the fandom latches onto and tries to make sense of that.  It is just, purely, A DELIGHT.
CROWLEY: I try not to make a habit of gratitude, but I must give our appreciation to everyone out there who’s been listening and subscribing to The Ineffable Plan. AZIRAPHALE: Ooh, yes, we’ve become quite popular, haven’t we? CROWLEY: Yeah, just hit number eight on the advice charts … No advertising at all. AZIRAPHALE: Mm. How … miraculous. CROWLEY: … Aziraphale. You did not.
Crowley and Aziraphale are very possibly the people least qualified, on the entire planet, to start up an advice podcast.
But what else is there to do when the world isn’t ending anytime soon, you’re technically on indefinite sabbatical from your lifelong careers, and you need a plausible excuse to spend more time with your best friend who you’re definitely not, absolutely not, maybe just a little, actually maybe overwhelmingly in love with?
A Resolution of Territory by arboretum (Hikaru no Go, Hikaru/Akira, e, ~10k).  I just love imagining spending my life playing Go, okay!  This fic is wonderfully immersive in a weird-but-good everyday reality, of spending your whole life immersed in a game that just fascinates you, alongside your friends - and your boyfriend, too, which is to say, the one person who shares your fascination in the most direct and deepest and mutually obsessive way.  Eventually he’s your boyfriend, of course.
The point is, life is hectic, but it's good.
The Vastness of Space by shysweetthing (Yuri on Ice, Victor/Yuuri, e, ~17k).  I love the way that the space setting here gives scope for best-friends-and-partners, for cute and amusing low-stakes shenanigans and then cleverly solved higher-stakes adventure.  I love how sweet Victor and Yuuri are in caring for each other in dire circumstances, and why they both see each other as beyond their reach in the context of this imagined world.
As chief communications officer on board the Interstellar Alliance Fleet’s Star Ship Victory, Yuuri doesn’t have to think about who he actually is on his home planet. He just has to listen to his captain, do his job, and…not fall in love with his best friend, the ship’s science officer, Victor Nikiforov.
Well. Two out of three’s not bad.
Then his mother calls with the worst possible news: She, the Empress of New Nihon, has arranged Yuuri’s marriage. There’s only one thing Yuuri can do: Fake a boyfriend, and fake one fast. Who better/worse to play that role than the friend he wishes was more? What can go wrong? It’s not like Yuuri can fall more in love...
the how does romance (with my beloved controversial otp):
if you change your mind by leetlebird (Check, Please!, Jack/Parse, e, ~35k).  I love the way this story shows Jack trying to work out what love means for him, anyway, and Kent learning to deal with and work around feelings that he thinks for most of the story are unrequited.  And the cozy jury-rigged domesticity of especially the final chapters/scenes.
Beneath the table, Jack’s hand squeezes around Kent’s knee. And -- Kent forgets. For just a few seconds, he forgets that they can’t be together, that Jack doesn’t want him in that way, that he’s trying to move on.
“We’re friends, right?” Jack says.
“Yeah, Zimms,” he says. “We’re friends.”
Or: Kent and Jack are friends, then friends-with-benefits, then maybe something more. Kent isn’t sure.
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itsbetterthananal · 6 years
ok so. heres the story of when i shit myself in public in front of the boy i liked
here i am 19 years old bright eyed and bushy tailed, first year of college ive got a decent job that pays a decent wage for a part timer. for the first time in my life i have my own spending money, and this boy who ive totally been in love with since i was 15 has just gotten out of boot camp where we had no contact for 3 months. and we had been writing love letters and shit back ans forth like corny bitches because we loved each other but like. hadnt made it official yet. so i decide after the semester ends im going to spend my money on a plane ticket and fly down the jacksonville fl to see him (we split the ticket, he also wanted to see me just as much). so i get there and the first night is just literally so perfect i slept in the same bed with him for the first time and got cuddles and we bang a lot and eat pizza in our pajamas. the next day i want to go to the beach cause i like the beach and he took me there even though hes not a big fan of the beach. i sunbathed and swam in the water while he just watched me enjoy myself. then we walked around this little area that has little local gift shops and food areas. and i made the first move to hold his hand and we walked around like a couple and i was in heaven. we eat at this gourmet burger place, then we wander over to the gift shops bc he wanted to get something. now some of you may know this about me but i have irritable bowel sundrome which can set me off having diarrhea for a multitude of reasons. so my stomach is a little off but it passed and im like it must just be the heat and saltwater. so we go in this little store and he finds something he wants and goes to talk to the cashier who is this older lady who owns the place. she starts asking a bunch of questions why hes here yada yada and she asks if im his wife. and hes like no haha shes my girlfriend. and my ass is hiding behind the sea shell christmas ornaments pretending to look like “girlfriend!!!!!!!! did he say girlfriend!!!!!! oh my god?????” very serious acting going on to pretend i dont hear what theyre saying.
right at this precise moment, i feel my stomach hurt a little again. and i feel like an air bubble so im like oh, i must just need to fart (pain comes with that sometimes) yeah so i went to fart and well. it wasnt just a fart was it. something felt wrong and i stuck my finger down my bathing suit in a panic and out came a shit finger (only the tip had shit on it, calm down). keep in mind im wearing nothing but a bikini and a throwover dress, i have no extra set of clothes. so im like ohhhhhhhh my goddddd and i look for a bathroom. no bathroom, too small. and at this point im panicking bc im like this is typical this would happen to me right at this moment, so i go up to him with the fakest smile on my face. and then the lady starts talking to ME and im just nodding my head and smiling and i look up at him and im like we need to go. like right now. and he was like oh uhhhhh okay and he payed for his items and as soon as we were out of the store hes like are you okay and im like ive bloody shit myself havent i. i have pooped my pants and i need to find a restroom pronto. and hes just like okay uhhhh okay we’ll find one. to make this even more like a god damn lifetime movie, the only place i can think of nearby that would have a bathroom available was a 5 star hotel across the road. so there i go, literally waddling my way in, and i have to act like i belong there in this rich ass place where theres a door hop whose only job is to open the door for you. fake it till ya make it. im so scared theyll kick us out if we ask for directions to anything so i waddle around looking for the bathroom, i find it eventually. i run in and hes like i’ll be out here if you need anything.
so finally i can scope the damage and its not too bad, and the trauma of everything that had just happened to me in the past 10 minutes had made me completely forget about any stomachache, but now here comes another dilemna: i dont want to put my shitty bikini bottoms back on (espec. since i was wearing a dress and didnt want to get it on the uber drivers seats lmao), but i dont have a change of underwear, i cant go commando (again, not sure i want a bare pussy in an uber), and if i try to wash them in the sink of this public 5 star hotel bathroom what if someone walks in and sees me almost in tears scrubbing shit off my underwear. but thats what i did bc it was the best option. thank GOD no one walked in and i had clean(er) bikini bottoms to wear till we got back to the hotel. so its been like 30 minutes and i come back out and hes like are you okay ive been texting you i was worried how are you feeling :( and i was like its fine i just wanna go back to the hotel pls. so we call for an uber and im literally so embarrassed of what i have just gone through i couldnt even look him in the eye. thats really rare for me bc i do not get embarrassed ever and he knows that and he just put his arm around me and held my hand the entire ride home and squeezed it reassuringly. anywho we made it back and everything was fine i took a shower and changed and washed them properly and it in no way made him not want to have sex with me an hour later so. the weekend wasnt ruined and the next day we confirmed our relationship. true love lmfaooooo
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inyournightmares97 · 7 years
In which Bambam likes parties, but only when a certain person is around.
Warnings: Strong language, extensive partying (because Bambam, lmao)
Word Count: 4.3k+
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Everyone gather round,
Girl, not over there, over here
Put off all your worries until tomorrow
The first time Bambam saw her, it was at a party.
It had been one of Jackson Wang’s parties, which were often filled with so many people that it was hard to find somebody you did know. Yugyeom was in charge of the music, and Bambam was hanging around near the sound system as the two of them selected what songs to play. It was about halfway into the party when a slightly tipsy girl had approached, glaring at them angrily.
“You do know this is the fifth Chris Brown song you buffoons have played tonight?” she demanded, voice slightly slurred. She was hot; Bambam had to tear his eyes away from the sliver of skin showing above her jeans and her low-cut top. “Do you want to know how shitty my week has been? I put up with so much in the hopes of finally getting drunk and letting loose on Friday and you morons are not going to ruin my mood by playing shitty music.”
Yugyeom looked startled, while Bambam watched her, amused.
“Uh- what do you want us to play-“
“Move.” She snatched the phone that was connected to the speakers and scrolled through it, her expression becoming more horrified by the second as she looked at the collection of songs on the playlist. “This won’t do,” she said firmly. She began typing furiously and a few seconds, the opening notes of a Bigbang song started playing. She handed the cellphone back to Yugyeom.
“Change it and I will murder you.”
Bambam’s eyes following her as she strutted away to re-join a group of people, and started dancing with them. She was clearly drunk because she was dancing a little wildly and he found himself smiling when she whacked somebody in the face by accident and had to stop dancing to apologize to them.
“She looks like a lot of fun, eh?” Bambam mused lightly.
Yugyeom gave him a knowing look. “Forget it. She’s out of your league. Also, she seems kind of crabby.”
“She just doesn’t like Chris Brown. It can happen,” Bambam mused. By the time he turned around to find the girl again, though, she had disappeared. He frowned and looked around. Where had she gone? He suddenly realized that the group of people she had been with were gone too and he frowned. Damn it. He hadn’t even gotten her name. Pity. He would have liked to know her.
Hey, Save me a spot next to you,
You say that I’m selfish but you can’t win,
Because you already want me.
The second time Bambam saw her, the circumstances were considerably different.
He was waiting outside Jinyoung’s elite, overly-prestigious university, having borrowed the older boy’s car for a couple of days to take a short road trip. Jinyoung was anal about his belongings and would probably throw a huge fit at some invisible scratch that he was convinced Bambam had made on his precious car. Bambam was preparing himself for the tantrum, twirling the keys as he waited in the University parking lot.
“Yeah, hyung, I’m outside. Your car’s fine,” Bambam reassured him.
Jinyoung scoffed over the line. “You’ll be paying for the damages, Bambam, I’m not worried. Where exactly are you? I’m on my way.”
Bambam narrowed his eyes to read the sign on the building near him. “I’m outside the…. Uh… the T-thermo-dynamics Lab? Is that how you pronounce it? Hyung, please hurry up. I’m getting weird looks from your nerdy, smart-ass college mates here.”
“That’s cause you’re wearing an animal print jacket. I see you.”
Bambam hung up and raised a hand in greeting at Jinyoung. He was approaching from across the lawn, carrying a pile of books in his arms and closely followed by a young girl who was struggling to keep up with Jinyoung’s strides. As they neared, Bambam could hear the girl talking to Jinyoung in a rapid, worried tone.
“- and Professor Lee was being completely unreasonable about letting me change the topic of my thesis. Do you think I should talk to her again, sunbaenim? That hypothesis is all but disproved, wouldn’t I just be wasting my time conducting all those experiments to establish something we know already?” the girl was rattling on. “I noticed that all the physics majors who got amazing grades on their theses all came up with new and innovative hypotheses but-“
Jinyoung cut her off briefly. “Can you hold that thought for a second, Chaeun? Bambam! The hell did you do to my taillight?”
Bambam winced slightly. “Ah- I’ll pay for that, hyung-“
“You are so dead. You’re going to get a bill for that tomorrow!” Jinyoung snapped, as he walked around the car to inspect it for any less obvious damage. The girl, Chaeun, was standing awkwardly, clutching books in her arms and pushing her large glasses up her nose. She turned and made eye contact with Bambam and her eyes widened slightly.
“Hey!” Bambam cried, surprised. “Aren’t you that girl from Jackson’s party?”
The girl’s eyes were the size of dinner plates, and she was shaking her head at him rapidly, placing a finger over her lips to signal Bambam to be quiet. Jinyoung, who had been inspecting his windows, glanced up. “Jackson’s party?” he asked distractedly.
Chaeun laughed awkwardly. “Jackson- who’s Jackson?” she asked.
Bambam frowned. “I swear I saw you at the party! You were the drunk girl who came up to me and Yugyeom last Friday, you scolded him for playing Chris Brown songs. Remember?” he pressed. Jinyoung was looking between them curiously.
“Really? You were at Jackson’s party, Chaeun?” Jinyoung asked with raised eyebrows.
Chaeun shook her head rapidly. “No way, sunbaenim! I, uh- I was at the library on Friday working on my thesis. How would I have gone to a party? You must be mistaken.”
Bambam frowned. “But I swear-“
Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Bambam. Leave her alone. Chaeun, why don’t we talk about your thesis tomorrow? Meet me after class with a summary of your thesis topic and we’ll discuss its viability. If there’s honestly no scope then I’ll have a word with Professor Lee for you.”
Chaeun beamed and nodded. “Thank you, sunbaenim!”
Jinyoung snatched his keys from Bambam before getting into his car and driving away. Bambam was left feeling a little confused, when he suddenly felt a book hit his arm, hard. He winced and turned to look at the girl in shock. Chaeun was glaring at him and there was no doubt she was the same girl from Jackson’s party. “You idiot!” she snapped. “What is wrong with you? I was signaling for you to keep your mouth shut!”
Bambam pouted. “So you are the girl from the party? Why did you want me to keep quiet?”
“Because you were just about to tell my mentor and sunbae that I was out partying last Friday night instead of working on my thesis,” she pointed out, as though it was obvious. Bambam folded his arms across his chest and smiled. He had to admit, Chaeun looked very different. Her hair was tied up in a bun and there were thick glasses on her face. Nothing like the girl from the party in the tight jeans. “I can’t possibly finish my thesis without Jinyoung-sunbae’s help, so don’t make me look bad in front of him, okay?”
“I see,” Bambam replied.
“Good. So keep your mouth shut.”
“I won’t say anything to Jinyoung-hyung,” he agreed with a grin. “If you agree to get coffee with me.”  
DJ turn the music up, sick beat,
Here on the dance floor today with me,
Swing your body,
Come to my table and let’s drink up
Chaeun had to admit, her relationship with Bambam was a weird one.
They spent Friday nights at whatever party was being thrown in the area that weekend, or at the nearest club, madly drunk and dancing wildly. Bambam was a blast to be around and the two of them were often matching each other shot-for-shot and showing off their moves until their bodies were sore and they were severely hung-over the next day.
On normal weekdays, though, Bambam would often stop by her university after her classes ended and they would find a cozy corner in the nearest coffee shop, sipping on Americanos and whining about how anal Jinyoung-hyung was, and how Chaeun’s professor was a sexist pig, and how the raisin-bran muffins tasted disgusting so why did the café even sell them?
There was literally no in-between.
Chaeun was just leaving class on Friday evening when her phone buzzed with a new text message. She opened it, already knowing that it was going to be from Bambam. He never failed to text her on Fridays. It was mostly to invite her out with his friends; Chaeun found herself partying in a group with Yugyeom and Jungkook and Lisa most of the time, but sometimes they would all be busy and Bambam would still insist that the he and Chaeun hit the clubs.
“They’re no fun,” he would say dismissively when Yugyeom would claim to have an exam on Monday, or Lisa would ditch them for a date with her boyfriend. “Let’s just go ourselves? We don’t need them.”
It was a de-stress thing, and the week felt odd without partying on Friday night. Chaeun knew it wasn’t completely normal. Neither of them ever went home with anybody. Chaeun wasn’t even interested in hooking up with random guys- frankly, she found the idea of waking up in a stranger’s bed kind of scary. Despite Bambam’s hard-partying ways, she’d never once seen him hook up with a girl or even disappear at the end of the night. No matter how drunk they were or how late it was, he would always drop her off at home himself.
Somewhere along the line, Chaeun had begun to gradually grow more and more fond of Bambam.
The text message that she received today was similar to the usual ones. She slid the chat open and read it silently to herself.
‘Dude, Jaebum-hyung’s birthday party today. I’ll text you the address. It’ll be awesome, we bought a shit load of booze already.’
Chaeun tilted her head slightly. The dude part bothered her a little; it made her feel like she was getting bro-zoned but she forced herself not to pay it much mind. Bambam talked like that, he probably thought it was cool. His slight childishness was endearing after a while.
She texted back. ‘Who is this Jaebum-hyung? I don’t know him.’
Bambam’s reply was instant. ‘Who cares? He’s cool. Do you need me to pick you up?’
‘No, I’ll be there.’
She had just slid her phone back into her pocket, when a familiar figure appeared in front of her. Jinyoung was approaching her with glasses perched on his nose as he balanced a few files in his arms. Chaeun smiled at him politely. She was not ashamed to admit that she’d once had a crush on Park Jinyoung; his boyfriend sweaters and polite mannerisms were enough to make any girl swoon. But that had faded away recently, and Chaeun started finding him a little boring and uptight, more than anything else.
“Chaeun!” Jinyoung greeted her with a kind smile. “How are you doing?”
“Ah- I’m doing fine, sunbae-nim. How are you?”
“Not bad. I haven’t heard from you lately. How’s the thesis going? I thought you would mail me your progress last week. I hope you haven’t come across any hurdles in your research?” he asked kindly.
How can I come across hurdles when I haven’t even researched anything? she thought to herself. She’d been so busy lately that she’d barely had time to work on it. Chaeun felt a little ashamed to admit that to Jinyoung, though. All her classmates agreed that she was lucky to have him as a mentor. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she wasn’t serious about her academics.
“Oh- that- I’ve been kind of busy, sunbae-nim, I haven’t made much progress…” she admitted reluctantly.
Jinyoung gave her a disappointed look. “I know exams are nearing, but you shouldn’t slow progress on your thesis, Chaeun. It’s better to have your full draft prepared well in advance.”
Chaeun panicked. “I know, I know! I’m going to work on it all weekend, and I’ll send you my progress by Monday, sunbae-nim. I have a couple of deviations I wanted to run by you first, so maybe on Monday…”
Jinyoung nodded. “Sounds great. I look forward to reading it.”
Chaeun winced slightly as Jinyoung walked away. How was she going to get the work done by Monday in time to show it to Jinyoung-sunbae? She’d literally have to work with a hangover tomorrow morning, assuming that Bambam convinced her to take as many shots as he usually did. Should she skip the party and work on her thesis? She sighed as her phone buzzed again.
It was another text from Bambam, this time containing Jaebum’s address.
Well, then. Working with a hangover over the weekend it was.
A party without you is no fun,
Everything can only start once you’re here,
I feel like, oh no, I don’t feel good.
“Dude!” Bambam greeted her, once she entered the jam-packed apartment.
It was crowded and filled with sweaty bodies and the smell of alcohol; the best kind of party there was. Chaeun had taken a few seconds to spot Bambam and Yugyeom. Bambam had come hurrying over to her instantly, and had given her a hug in greeting. She took a deep whiff of his deodorant and hugged him back lightly before releasing him. Bambam’s hair was up; his forehead was showing and he looked surprisingly handsome.
“You dressed up today,” she teased him lightly. “Is that hair gel?”
Bambam rolled his eyes. “Ha ha. Nice try, you can’t possibly make me feel self-conscious when I look this good. Besides, what are you wearing? Is that a sweatshirt? Seriously?” he demanded. Chaeun had felt insulted the first couple of times Bambam had commented on her clothing, but then she realized he did it to everyone. In a weird way, it was flattering to have a guy notice what you were wearing. Besides, he never hesitated to compliment her when she looked hot.
“Yeah. I kind of have to leave early today.”
“Early?” his face fell. “You can’t. Dude, there’s tequila here, we’re going to challenge Yugyeom to shots until he passes out. His girlfriend dumped him yesterday.”
She winced slightly at the dude again and sighed. “Sorry, Bambam. Trust me, I want to let loose too, but I haven’t made any progress on my thesis lately. Jinyoung-sunbae’s been asking me for updates and I have no answer for him.”
“Come on, you can work on it some other time!” Bambam whined. He noticed somebody about to bump into Chaeun from behind and quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her into his side so the drunken guy didn’t stumble all over her. “Dude! Watch where you’re going!” he snapped irritably at the stranger.
Chaeun cleared her throat and pushed herself away from Bambam slightly. “Sorry, Bambam. I’ll do a beer or two before I leave, though. Is that the drinks cooler?” she wondered.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll get you one. You go join Lisa, she’s over there,” he replied. He sounded a little disgruntled as he walked away. Chaeun sighed and headed over to Lisa, who was waving at her eagerly. Bambam disappeared into the crowd. He didn’t re-appear for some time. Chaeun chatted with a slightly tipsy Lisa for a while until she suddenly saw a familiar face that made her heart drop into her chest.
Shit, shit, shit. Was that Jinyoung-sunbae?
Chaeun ducked and hid behind Lisa reflexively, feeling her heartbeat thud. It was definitely Jinyoung, he was holding a beer and talking to some random guy a little distance away. Chaeun cursed inside her head and Lisa giggled at her behavior.
“What are you doing?” Lisa asked with a laugh.
“Oh no, no, no. What is Jinyoung-sunbae doing here?” Chaeun whined as she crouched behind Lisa. Jinyoung wasn’t looking at her, but he could turn and see her at any moment. “I thought he didn’t go to parties like this! Doesn’t he go to the library on Fridays or study group or something?”
Lisa laughed. “Jinyoung-oppa? He’s childhood friends with Jaebum-oppa so of course he would come to his birthday party.”
“I have to get out of here.”
Chaeun hurriedly bid Lisa goodbye and stuck her back to the wall as she slowly snuck a good distance away. She was about to sneak out of the front door, when she realized she couldn’t just leave without telling Bambam. He would become whiny as hell later and complain about her leaving without saying anything. She looked around desperately and spotted Bambam by the drinks cooler, talking to Yugyeom and Jungkook. Bending her knees slightly, Chaeun weaved in between the crowd of people without being seen.
She caught a whiff of their conversation as she neared.
“-was going to do it, tonight,” Bambam was saying, sounding annoyed. “Dude, you have no idea how long I pep-talked myself in front of the mirror for hours before the party. I honestly thought it would be tonight-“
Yugyeom cut him off. “Just do it, man. You don’t have to be drunk to do it. Stop being a wimp.”
”Yeah, but if it doesn’t work out then how do I explain myself-“
Chaeun reached Bambam and poked him in the back sharply, hissing. “Bambam!” she hissed. Bambam whirled around to face her, eyes wide. He blinked at her for a few moments and stammered.
“uh- Ch-Chaeun-“
“Why didn’t you tell me Jinyoung-sunbae was going to be here?” she hissed, poking his arm a little harder this time. She was annoyed now. “What if he sees me here? I’m supposed to be working on my thesis, you didn’t feel the need to tell me that Jinyoung-sunbae was best friends with the birthday boy?”
Bambam blinked. “Uh-“
“Look, I have to get out of here before he sees me, or I risk breaking all trust my mentor has in me. I’ll see you later, okay? Have fun,” she cut him off. Before Bambam could protest, Chaeun had slipped away. She weaved her way over to the front door and finally made it out, breathing a sigh of relief that she had escaped unseen. She lifted the hood of her sweater and used it to cover her head when the front door opened again. Bambam burst out, panting slightly.
“Oh- you’re still- here,” he said breathlessly. “Wait up, I’ll come with you.”
“What? No. Go enjoy your party.”
“It’s no fun without you,” Bambam replied simply. He slipped his arm into hers and started leading her down the corridor. “Let’s get out of here. I’m pretty sure that all-night café is still open down the street. You can buy me coffee to pay me back for ruining the party for me.”
“Ruining the- hey! It’s your fault! You could have told me Jinyoung-sunbae would be here!” she protested.
Bambam’s cheeks flushed slightly red. “It slipped my mind, okay? I was preoccupied.”
“Oh? Exactly how many thoughts can that tiny brain of yours process in one go?” Chaeun challenged.
“To be honest, not many.”
“I thought so.”
“Especially when you’re around, it becomes a sort of one-track thing.”
Chaeun blinked. “Huh?”
He turned to face her suddenly, stopping in the middle of the corridor. Bambam looked nervous and his hands suddenly lifted up to cup her cheeks, causing the hood of her sweatshirt to fall backwards. He took a step closer and bit his lip slightly.
“I imagined us both a little more drunk when I did this.”
Chaeun froze, the look in his eyes making her heartbeat thud. There was no denying what he was talking about; the desperate look in Bambam’s eyes and the way his warm palms cupped her cheeks made it obvious. She stared up at him, her mouth falling open slightly. Her heartbeat was thudding. “Why would you want to be drunk for this?” she wondered quietly.
“So if it didn’t work out, I could blame it on the alcohol,” he confessed.
“That’s a stupid plan.”
“I know.”
“But to be honest, I didn’t expect anything better from you.”
Chaeun nodded. She brought her hands up to grasp his shirt near his collar, fisting the cloth into her hands as she used the grip to pull him downwards. Bambam leaned down obediently, letting her press her lips to his firmly. The kiss was still for a moment, before he pulled her closer, flush against his body and kissed her harder. Chaeun pulled away only once she was out of breath.
“Wow-“ Bambam began.
“Shut up, don’t ruin it by talking,” she snapped. Bambam blinked, before pushing her firmly against the wall of the corridor. Chaeun felt her back hit it before his lips were back on hers. The kiss was more lustful this time, and he managed to coax her mouth open gently while his hands stroked down her sides. Chaeun could feel her heartbeat thudding as his fingers slid under her sweatshirt. His cold hands were on her hot skin and her head was spinning madly-
“Chaeun? Bambam?”
It was like someone had splashed cold water on her face. Chaeun recognized Jinyoung’s voice and started to pull away, but Bambam instantly brought his hands up to grip her cheeks and keep his lips pressed to hers. Chaeun struggled for a moment, horrified. “Bambam-“ she mumbled against his lips. “Let-go-“
“Ignore him, he’ll go away,” Bambam muttered, letting his lips trail down her jawline as he sucked at her skin. Chaeun was torn between letting herself melt into Bambam’s grip and pushing him away roughly. It took a few seconds for her to gather her senses considering the way his tongue was flicking at her neck, but she finally managed to shove him off. Her head turned to look at the doorway where Jinyoung was blinked at them, eyebrows raised in a look of pure disgust.
Bambam whined. “Hyung, can’t you go away?”
“I expected nothing better from you,” Jinyoung replied simply, glancing at Bambam. Then his eyes flickered over to Chaeun, who looked like she wanted to die. “Are you messing around with this guy, or are you two actually dating?” he wondered.
Chaeun flushed and glanced at Bambam. “Uh-“
“I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend-“ Bambam cut in hurriedly. “But she ran away from the party because you were there. Don’t you think you’ve cockblocked me enough, hyung?”
Jinyoung ignored him, his eyes fixed on Chaeun with pure disappointment written on his face, Chaeun felt her heartbeat thud. Oh no. As excited as she had been about Bambam finally making a move on her, was this going to cost her an amazing mentor? What could she do? Her reputation was ruined! Should she pretend to be drunk? Or high? Would that make things worse? Either way, she’d lied-
“What you two do is none of my business,” Jinyoung said finally. He frowned at Chaeun. “I better get that draft of your thesis by Monday, or you can look for a new mentor.”
Chaeun breathed a sigh of relief. Okay. He wasn’t abandoning her yet, she still had a chance. Jinyoung shot them one last glare before disappearing back into the party. Chaeun let herself sink back against the wall, her knees suddenly feeling weak from the kiss and the stress of being caught. She glared at Bambam and whacked him in the arm.
“Did you have to kiss me right here? You couldn’t have waited until we were in private?”
Bambam pouted slightly, rubbing his arm. “I didn’t hear you complaining while we were kissing. Be honest. You liked it, right? I know I’m a great kisser. Girls have told me. Did I ever tell you that it’s always been the girl who-“
“-confesses to you first? Yeah, I know.” Chaeun snapped. “Bye.”
Bambam panicked as she began to walk away. “Wait, where are you going? Don’t leave!”
“Didn’t you hear Jinyoung-sunbae? He wants my thesis by Monday, that means I have to go start working now.”
Bambam’s plump lips were still pouting and he grabbed Chaeun’s hand before she could start walking away. He stepped closer to her, bringing his face inches away from hers and his hand squeezed hers gently. “You’re going to leave just like that? You won’t answer hyung’s question?”
Chaeun smirked and played innocent. “What question?”
“Whether we’re messing around, or you seriously want to date me,” Bambam mumbled, pressing his lips to the corner of her mouth. It was softer and sweeter than before, no longer filled with lust. He looked a little nervous as he blinked at her. “You know I would make an amazing boyfriend. I’m the coolest guy ever. And I know I’m a little wild, and I might not be as smart as Jinyoung-sunbae or the other guys at your college-”
Chaeun leaned up and kissed him lightly. “Don’t be humble. It doesn’t suit you.”
“-face it, you’ll never find a guy as awesome as me.”
“I spoke too soon.”
Bambam grinned. “What do you say?”
“If I manage to hand in the draft of my thesis by Monday and Jinyoung-sunbae is still my mentor by this time next week…” Chaeun grinned. “Then I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“I have to wait that long?” he whined.
“Yup. In the meantime, lover boy, you can go and suck up to my mentor. Preferably get him lots and lots of drinks so he’s still hung-over on Monday,” she replied with a wink.
Bambam grinned back at her. “Will do.”
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aurulenthuntsman · 8 years
-- decastichAmazifier [DA] 8egan pestering aurulentHuntsman [AH] at 23:11 --
DA: catch me in the Wal Mart back alley if you want an ass kicking
DA: psst...... come to Amber St. and Clemmings for a big gulp you get... behind the 7/11 which is grosser than you think
DA: but i shan't apologize
AH: However, is this an actual invitation or some Kavi brand tomfoolery? ~}==>
AH: I'm pleased either way ~}==>
DA: goddamn, no hesitation i got fuckin 360 no-scoped but yes.... yes it is
DA: anyway what's up
AH: Ah... My evening has been uneventful, I'm afraid ~}==>
DA: that's a crying shame man
DA: you deserve excitement
DA: and flair
DA: and good times
DA: so put on your dancin shoes
DA: none tomfoolery
AH: Well, what do you know? I was already wearing them ~}==>
DA: geez folks he's just ready on all fronts claps for you A-a-ron but i'll meet you outside the ship
DA: look for the sexy mofo
AH: Somehow I doubt I will have any trouble finding you! ~}==>
AURYHN: *he's way too eager to hang out with kavi, though, as always, and scrambles outside to look for the flashy friend.* ~}==>
KAVI: *He's here... in a green suit and shades at night. Taking selfies, sparkles tons *
AURYHN: *pops up behind him. PHOTOBOMB. he grins, flashing not one but TWO peace signs.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Grins at the sudden Auryhn and snaps all the pictures* sweet, i'm mad i never got a pic with you before
AURYHN: It's a travesty, indeed! We'll have to take advantage of the evening and document as much of it as POSSIBLE ~}==>
AURYHN: And on that note, what shall we do now that we're out and about? ~}==>
KAVI: *loops arm in his and guides them* do you dance? i feel like you do
KAVI: if not then tonight you are, my guy
KAVI: get out the scissors your cuttin a rug
AURYHN: *grins even wider as their arms loop, if such a thing is possible.* Naturally I do! I'm quite an accomplished ballroom dancer ~}==>
AURYHN: However, I'm sure I can blend into any crowd we may be a part of ~}==>
AURYHN: Or... You'll simply have to deal with being swept off your feet! ~}==>
KAVI: *Nice....* wowzee Auryhn, those are some big promises you got goin on there
KAVI: but at the same time you deliver better than the ancient UPS man so my hopes are up and i'm ready to be swept
KAVI: *guides them on down the street, using GPS on his shades, lowkey*
AURYHN: *walks with a spring in his step* When have I ever disappointed? Come now! ~}==>
KAVI: not for as long as i've known you *grins at the springiness and springs with it before turning them down the street to approach a club. The city is so bumpin swing club and opens up the door for him* apres vous
AURYHN: My, how gentlemanly ~}==>
AURYHN: *smirks... he doesn't REALLY like to have doors held open for HIM but for kavi he will make an exception. he saunters on in, taking in the sights and sounds excitedly. everything on skaia is so much more lively compared to his home...* ~}==>
KAVI: *Peeps Auryhn's excited vibe and smiles to himself, the dude deserves to get out and see what's going on. The floor as a few people on it right now even, they jive and do some fancy footwork around with each other while the upbeat music plays. There are other people watching them and drinking at tables. Kavi brings them to a little round table with a nice view of the floor, draping his jacket over
KAVI: a chair*
KAVI: so....
KAVI: what do you think?
KAVI: can you keep up?
AURYHN: *though he follows kavi close, his gaze is all over the place... it's a miracle he doesn't run into anyone or anything.* Can I keep up? ~}==>
AURYHN: *looks back at him.* I was MADE for this! What are we waiting for? ~}==>
AURYHN: *offers his hand to kavi again, leaning forward a bit in a tiny bow.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Snrks.... goddamn Auryhn is really charming and dorky at the same time. Takes that hand and goes on to the floor with him, already shimmying* sweep me off my feet man *another song is starting and some of the couples switch out so he and Auryhn are gonna be with a fresh batch*
KAVI: *clearly.... they have to show up everyone, glances at Auryhn.... nods*
AURYHN: *he glances around once more to get a good feel for how this is done before looking back to kavi, returning the nod. HE UNDERSTANDS. he understands nothing better than being as flashy as trolly possible.* ~}==>
AURYHN: *with their hands clasped, he brings them in and out, HE TWISTS AND SHOUTS. okay, he doesn't shout, but he feels like he could, bursting with energy as he is. and naturally he's going to work on twirling kavi once or twice.* ~}==>
KAVI: *grins wider as they twirl about and twist, sliding slightly. Kavi takes those turns gracefully as the people clap to the beat. Grabbing Auryhn's hand again and bending his knees to get low as they turn then jumps back up.*
KAVI: *Works those hips and moves his feet, yes everyone look at them. They've totally done this before. Skips and exchanges footwork with Auryhn, tucking close for tighter twirls*
AURYHN: *even he's a little surprised at how in synch they are. maybe because they're both the type to fake it till you make it? NAH. they're just that great.* ~}==>
AURYHN: *mid twirl, he holds kavi's back to him so they can shuffle and shimmy juxtaposed. he's probably enjoying it too much, but with another twirl he turns kavi around again to get another good look at the big grin on his face. auryhn doesn't even know what a dork he is. shameful.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Definitely because they're both great, he adjusts easily to being turned from Auryhn. They don't even trip over each other's feet which was risky and fucking great? As he's turned back around into that in and out shuffle Kavi laughs. Because it's fun more than for the crowd*
KAVI: *Sometimes when you're a huge dork you forget what dorks look like but that's fine. Kavi's laugh comes back down to a smile and he winks at Auryhn as the song repeats the same few bars over and over again... a flashy finish.. Subtly Kavi tips his head to the side, a cheeky little dip my bro? A dunk in the ole cheese there? Get it extra cheddar*
AURYHN: *he reads this cue PERFECTLY. probably because he had the same idea, wasting no time to dip the kavi. DELICIOUS. he only hopes he tops it all off with the leggiest of extended legs, but somehow he doesn't think he has to worry there.* ~}==>
KAVI: *OH. OF COURSE HE DOES, peep his rad long socks his leggy is straight in the air and he's snickering and the people are clapping and it's goddamn glorious* (oooh Mr. Serket ooh)
AURYHN: *he laughs in earnest, despite the fact that the zahhak side of him has left him extra sweaty... he rides the high of all this attention for a good second before hoisting kavi back onto his feet.* That was incredible, sir! ~}==>
AURYHN: *gives him a wink of his own* We make excellent partners ~}==>
KAVI: *Moist*
KAVI: *Grins though* gotta say we certainly do
KAVI: and u made good on that sweep you promised
KAVI: i have to say i'm one pleased customer
AURYHN: *escorts him back to their table* I always keep my word ~}==>
AURYHN: And in the interest of keeping you pleased, can I buy you a drink as well? ~}==>
KAVI: *Sits himself on down and fans himself* wow beating me to the punch huh? but i can't turn down that friendly offer thanks man :P *says what he wants probably something fruity and mellow*
AURYHN: What can I say? I'm a competitive fellow ~}==>
AURYHN: *happily trots away to get their BEVERAGES. he isn't gone long. either the bar wasn't too busy or he threw a bunch of people out of the way to get kavi his drink in a timely manner. WHO CAN SAY? whatever the case, he returns and finally sits (quite possibly for the first time in days) and hands off kavi's glass* There you are! ~}==>
KAVI: *Bruh.... don't throw people unless it's him. He snorts a little and takes it* thanks man *sips*
KAVI: *chinhands* you enjoyin city life it seems :)
AURYHN: *takes a big old sip* I love it, in fact! ~}==>
AURYHN: There's so much to do and see... And so many new people to meet! OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND! ~}==>
AURYHN: I've barely even SLEPT since we arrived ~}==>
KAVI: .....omfg
KAVI: bruh
KAVI: you gotta rest your cravat
AURYHN: I'm not wearing my cravat ~}==>
AURYHN: *demonstrates by flashin' a little bit of chest with this open front shirt.* ~}==>
AURYHN: And beside, I'm sure I will be able to rest easily tonight ~}==>
AURYHN: ... Because I've been too active to rest, is what I mean ~}==>
KAVI: *eyeballs* ...yes i see *he goes to take a sip then just..... * S:)
KAVI: orly
AURYHN: You might be the first person to truly wear me out! HA HA ~}==>
AURYHN: And I'm having such a nice time... *swirls drink around in glass* I can't think of many things better to go in search of ~}==>
KAVI: *AURYHN PLZ 8)* lmao this is nothin but i'm glad you're having a good time
KAVI: it's good to see you havin fun but i mean there's tons of stuff out there *shrugs with one shoulder*
AURYHN: Surely... *sips* I'll just have to keep looking, I suppose ~}==>
AURYHN: REGARDLESS, I treasure our time together ~}==>
AURYHN: So... Thank you for spending time with me! ~}==>
KAVI: our bromance is a treasure trove honestly man, look at all this glitter and you think
KAVI: oh shit
KAVI: it can't get any better
KAVI: but then you dig a little deeper
KAVI: and it totally does
KAVI: the chest is bottomless like assless chaps man
KAVI: but i like spendin time with you dude no thanks required you're hells of fun
AURYHN: *smiles, a little softer then usual. there kavi goes rambling. it's QUITE endearing. for once, he'll let himself be a little more vulnerable* ... Do you really think so? ~}==>
KAVI: *grins, it's friendly as always but just that extra slip of sincerity* hell yeah, you're a cool dude like, ok
KAVI: yeah i flirt a bunch and peep your phys like its anatomy and i need to maintain my 4.0 but you're fun to be around man
KAVI: even when i'm freezing my good bits off and totally missing pinecones :P
AURYHN: *ducks his head, laughing a little* Not to worry... Practice makes perfect! We'll find the time to sharpen your aim, I'm sure ~}==>
AURYHN: *he goes quiet for a moment, using a long sip as an excuse for it* But for now, let's capture more memories! ~}==>
AURYHN: *SCOOTS IN CLOSE. take pictures with him, bro.* ~}==>
KAVI: *oh..... bless these shades takes a pictures of the ducking laugh. Cute.... as fuck. AUGH. when he scoots closer Kavi does the same and leans against him* don't gotta tell me twice *takes off the shades tho... because they're kinda dumb*
KAVI: say pretty boys *click*
KAVI: oh and be tee dubs.... i'm takin you home tonight *wonk to the camera and captures this moment too*
AURYHN: *casually places a hand on his shoulder, going cheek to cheek.* PRETTY BO--Bwa ~}==>
AURYHN: *oops, he's just a LITTLE blue for the second picture. DAMMIT KAVI.* ~}==>
KAVI: *snickers at the "bwa" and nudges him with his head since they're so close* bwa indeed
KAVI: insteed :P
AURYHN: ... *HUFF* You're teasing me ~}==>
AURYHN: *turns to bunp his forehead against him like the horse that he is. he can't even be mad.* ~}==>
KAVI: *he grew up around a horse, several horses and can't help but to laugh a little more at it* yeah i am, shamelessly *dare he nuzzle? Of course he does*
KAVI: seriously tho, c'mon let's go kick it in my place, that cool?
AURYHN: *he does pause to think about it, but ultimately, he knows he can't turn him down.* ~}==>
AURYHN: Yes! Let's do that ~}==>
AURYHN: *DOWNS the rest of his drink* ~}==>
KAVI: *smiles* sweet *then snorts when he downs his drink with gusto, Kavi slorps his down too and picks out the fruit before getting up and grabbing his jacket. Hope Auryhn doesn't need this arm because it's Kavi's now* got a pile with your name on it, my guy
AURYHN: *pile cuddling, hmm? he finds that suggestive in a certain kind of way... but regardless, he's looking forward to the opportunity to just be close to the other.* I do hope you mean that LITERALLY ~}==>
AURYHN: *grins and starts getting the heckie out of here. there's no time to waste...* ~}==>
KAVI: well i mean, your name can be embroidered on a pillow or some shit but also yeah :P *The walk back isn't to the ship though, no no. It's to the bitchin house he's kinda moved back into which was.... a little more emotional of an event than moving into the ship*
KAVI: *Gross emotions aside though here they are.... and headed to the side of the house where his rooms located* you climb mountainman?
AURYHN: *admires the nice house with big eyes. ah yes, kavi is basically royalty. how could he forget?* Naturally I do ~}==>
AURYHN: *looks back at him as it finally registers they aren't heading for the front door* Why do you ask...? ~}==>
KAVI: *Lets go of his arm* to know whether or not i should break out the hoverboard *There's a big tree around there with bird feeders and some miscellaneous trinkets hung on it*
KAVI: *jogs for the tree, running up a few feet then latches onto one of the branches, reaching down and swaying a little as he goes but its for momentum, turns to the little box on the window* hey Bouncer, daddy's home *beep boop. Window slides open and he swings on in*
KAVI: .... *peeks out to Auryhn..... winks*
AURYHN: *GASPS. such athleticism. he still doesn't quite understand why they're going in through the window, but he won't deny it's more fun! with a running start, he jumps to grab the same branch.* Here I come! ~}==>
AURYHN: *SWINGS and hups right in through the window as well.* ~}==>
KAVI: *sparkles then backs up so Auryhn can get in without there being a traffic crash. Kavi's room is pretty neat and cozy. His bed has dramatic sheer curtains.... for mosquitos also there's some wizard posters and a little section on his wall with mounted old wands and staffs over the years and a HUGE pile of plushes* make yourself at home
AURYHN: *ah yes, it's just how he expected it would look.* Don't mind if I do! ~}==>
AURYHN: *but before he can do that, he wants to inspect things a little more closely. all these little trinkets kavi has collected, all the things that he's chosen to represent himself. he browses with his hands folded behind his back like he's in an art gallery.* Hmmm ~}==>
AURYHN: Oh! Is this the pile you spoke of? ~}==>
AURYHN: *points to the plush pile when he happens upon it.* ~}==>
KAVI: yeah but.... it's :T *Is he still sweaty?*
KAVI: *gotta keep the babies pristine*
AURYHN: *tilts head at him. yes... he is a little sweaty...* But???????? ~}==>
KAVI: *How do you politely tell someone to wash their bod before touching your children. Oh right* well i mean, presuming you're spending the night you wanna get cozy and shower and shit
KAVI: *smooth*
AURYHN: Oh! *perks* That makes sense ~}==>
AURYHN: Please, escort me to your bathroom then so I may get settled for the evening! ~}==>
KAVI: *nailed it* sure thing A-a-ron *guides him out into the hall and goes right to the bathroom, snagging a towel* here's the washroom, this is Witherson Jr. the Third Lord Esquire *gestures to face toilet*
KAVI: he'll take good care of you
KAVI: also the hot water gets real goddamn hot
KAVI: forewaring
AURYHN: *turns towards the toilet. looks mortified, and yet... he approaches.* Egads ~}==>
AURYHN: This is your toilet??????? ~}==>
KAVI: *posh accent* have you no buttler? *straight face*
-- decastichAmazifier [DA] changed their mood to CHUMMY --
-- decastichAmazifier [DA] changed their mood to SMOOTH --
AURYHN: *opens his mouth to answer, but then...* That was... /a pun/ ~}==>
AURYHN: Kavi, PLEASE ~}==>
KAVI: *snnnrk*
KAVI: bro
KAVI: bruh
KAVI: it was
KAVI: the punniest of puns
AURYHN: *he's snickering too* Now... Unless you were planning on joining me, I would like to get to showering, please! ~}==>
KAVI: :T ........ *stands there for a minute, then turns away, visibly clenching fist dramatically* save it for the pile
KAVI: lol have a nice wash
AURYHN: *his hesitance makes him turn a little blue, but he's left smirking about it as he turns towards the shower to commence the washing. he normally takes long showers, but since he's eager for snuggles, he cuts that time in half and returns to kavi's room in one of those old school night gown thingies. he's only missing the night cap...* I'VE RETURNED ~}==>
KAVI: *Kavi takes a washup in one of the bathrooms further down to wash his sins away and make room for more. He's already chilling in a matching SpaceJam shorts and tank set, lounging on the plush pile, His hair in twists and wrapped with a silk wrap. When Auryhn walks back in he looks up form his phone and wheezes* hhhhh.....fuckin hey my guy look at you
KAVI: all
KAVI: prepared
KAVI: and shit
KAVI: *homyfuck*
AURYHN: And so are you! ~}==>
AURYHN: *approaches the pile and then... carefully lowers himself into it. these plushes seem delicate... plus, he's still a little nervous about this sleepover. it isn't exactly something he's used to. definitely not with someone he likes as much as KAVI.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Shhhhh it's fine, also don't sweat on his babies please. Puts leg over Auryhn and _(:3」∠)_ @ him* cozy?
AURYHN: *well if you keep that up he will definitely sweat.* Ah-- Yes ~}==>
AURYHN: Quite... ~}==>
KAVI: *Auryhn he's gonna haul you if he has to but he wants to cuddle* no nerves or nothin? be honest this is a safe space *lifts leg higher, straight face.... mostly*
AURYHN: Nerves? HA HA ~}==>
AURYHN: What's there to be nervous about? ~}==>
AURYHN: *says nervously* ~}==>
KAVI: *Plz.....*
KAVI: dunno, you tell me
KAVI: *this is a flexible human Auryhn, this is a game of gay chicken you won't win*
KAVI: *hikes up the leg higher* :)
AURYHN: *STARES at this leg. this is starting to get silly.* Now where exactly is that going? ~}==>
KAVI: ok so honestly *removes leg* cuddletown yeah but like i don't wanna freak you out or whatever
AURYHN: *huffs* I'm not freaked out ~}==>
AURYHN: But... admittedly, I don't often find myself in situations like this ~}==>
AURYHN: *please don't tell anyone...* ~}==>
KAVI: *He's live-tweeting it right now* i'm honored to be your first but also it's cool
KAVI: we can take it slow man
KAVI: *opens arms*
AURYHN: *he's flustered again. this is DEFINITELY getting silly and he feels silly, but... here he comes, wiggling in closer to kavi to fit into his arms.* ~}==>
KAVI: *holds this horse to his tiddies, it's an easy hug. Nice and gentle* yessss commense the cuddles
AURYHN: ... *immediately starts to chirr, carefully lifting an arm to drape around kavi as well.* ~}==>
KAVI: *whatthefuck??? Rests cheek between his horns* dude you're fucking adorable you know that?
KAVI: wait
KAVI: ofc you do
AURYHN: I am not adorable... I'm incredibly masculine... ~}==>
AURYHN: *chirr chirr. he doesn't even know he's memeing. with kavi's cheek against his head, he nuzzles in a little closer to the inviting warm of his neck.* ~}==>
KAVI: *gdi auryhn.......*
KAVI: *Rubs his back and snorts*
KAVI: why not both?
AURYHN: Hmm... I suppose I'll concede to that... But we will keep it between you and I ~}==>
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Free Writing
tbh i’m at a crossroad with how i should be. i want to be sweet loving and caring but the balance of not letting people get away with petty shit is getting to me. I know I should forgive but neevr forget like i do know what to do thereotically but i’m not sure  if its ‘right’ you know? I really shouldnt put so much pressure on myself either like i’m still young. speaking of my age i’m lowkey anxious about it because I feel like everythign is going by me so fast and I’m like trying to heal from my woudns grow etc.. but like...my youth is going??? so even when I get to where i need to be will i still be youthful and full of energy? Getting old in theory isn’t bad but like....losing mobility, being suseptible to illness and hurt limbs is like something I don’t want. I knw it’s just my vessel growing old and that my soul is never too young or too old but like, i actually like being able to run? and skip? and do a cartwheel? like...when will i figure out my body is old and can’t do that stuff anymore? when im 30? 40? like will I try to do a cartwheel and like brak my hand? just thinking about it gives me chills. I wrote a poem today and it feels so disjointed but like i’m trying to incorporate like rythmn in my poetry and painting a story with cadence and flow and so far i kind of like the progression. Like i’m still not the ebst butit gets better and beter for me to freestyle and that’s great. I feel like if I go at this pace writing slow nd steady here and there but still at a steady pace I’ll eventually find my voice and expression. I felt good today waking up to take care of my sister and even though I ws tired and runningon little sleep I felt good. i wonder if thas the moon in cancer sun conjuct pluto thing. Neptune has supposededly taken my soul on a purge and i’m more open to getting posessed and at first I was scared and felt fear when i tried to do a guided meditation. I was afraid something will come into my body and that the voice guiding me would turn into something demonic but the fear went away as I strengthed my protection. My fear of the dark things i life have been going away mostly because I’ve been facing it and saying that it scares me. i find that by admitting it then talking myself through it the fear goes away little by litte. Fear is the path to darkness. i can’t remember where i read that from but I know that fear is not something I need to have. i need to be assured of my protection and my purpose to stand in it. I have been feeling like a daunting secret will happen in te worold. I’m like on a lookout not like with my eeys but with my feelings. It’s like scoping the srea and proding the air with my heart or i guess i can call it intuition and smelling something in the air. I trust it. I watched someting talk about how it was written by many people that people come from the stars and thats like a didigna idea is that we came from a constellation. I’m always amazed about the fact that i come from such an old tribe. i look at my body and think ‘the blood in me is pure (as in it has not been diluted for thousands and thousands of years). In it runs histories of the beginning of humans. My people are old. we came from kemet even beore it was kemet and held screts of the earth from the beginning. But as i came here I feel so disconnected from them. our blood has been taken to a place never really experienced by our people. i wonder what I brign with it. am i tainted by this world? i feel like the fact that we came to this country has given us a new way to see the world. Maybe in my past life I wanted to leave my country. I believe that though you reincart its localized in a way. like I probbaly was only ever in Arica. anyways life has been strange but I still am interested in it all. So much to see, think and experience. I learn so much eevryday and peope are so fascinating. I want to se and expeirence so much more and save who i can from this babylonian like prison. i will need to think more about myself. I am fascinated by myself and how i interact. it’s interesting taking a seat back from myself and seeing how i react and interact through my ego (sagittarius). like my moon sign be like ‘girl whata re u saying you’re being reckless *spends the next 30 mins explaining what i mean*. I’ll get it right sometime lol people are so interesting. I’m so curious about people like i want to know sooo much about peope but like their sous really. so fascinating. so interesting. if my ego takes a seat I hopefully will be able to keep shining and growing. I feel so calm and at peace despite the time. Maybe it’s because my soul is gone? I hope neptune is taking good care of it and pluto gives me back in tact lmao
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