#sometimes i feel like this but I finally feel grounded in myself
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More Than This 9
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader
Word Count: ~3k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, explicit language, references to childhood trauma, pregnancy, my own rampant abuse of italics and en dashes, the slooowest burn, - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: We've made it to brighter days, you guys!!! I won't lie to you and say there's no angst at all in this chapter, but we've definitely finally entered the next era of this story. Yay!
Big thanks as always to @paperweight91 who fact-checked this for me, and in general is just always available to talk things through.
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. And if you need to come scream at me, that's ok too! As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
You were anxiously pacing around the lower floor when Ransom got home. He stopped in the entryway, watching you carefully. When you stopped moving around, making eye contact with him, he asked, “You ready to go?”
Instead of answering his question, you just said, “You don’t need to come with me. I– I can do this by myself.”
He scoffed. “Like I wouldn’t take advantage of a reason to leave work early.” He held a hand out to you. “Come on,” he said seriously. “Let’s go.”
You nodded silently and grabbed your handbag, letting him lead you out to the car.
“It’s going to be ok,” he murmured as he opened the car door for you. You couldn’t tell if he believed that or not, but you nodded anyway.
You were both silent for the whole drive, news radio murmuring quietly in the background. When he parked in front of the small, upscale clinic, you made no move to get out of the car. You just stared out the window at the building as it loomed in front of you. You took a deep breath, then another, the panic starting to claw its way up your throat. You weren’t ready. You weren’t ready. You weren’t ready. “I’m sorry!” you blurted out.
Ransom’s head whipped to you. “What?”
You shook your head. “I’m so sorry. It wasn’t– It was supposed to take a long time. I never thought it’d happen so fast. That’s why I pushed, I was so scared. But– But then it took no time at all. It was supposed to take a long time.”
Ransom placed a gentle hand on your wrist. “I–” he started then sighed. “We both knew what the goal was, okay? This isn’t anyone’s fault.” He paused and pursed his lips. “And that’s not even–” he sighed again and briefly moved his thumb in soothing circles on your skin. “Listen, we don’t– Let’s just go in and find out where we stand, okay? I’ll– I’ll be with you the whole time.”
He gently squeezed your wrist once and you were surprised by the way his touch grounded you. You took another deep breath and you actually felt the air fill your lungs this time. He came around and opened your door for you, then guided you inside with a hand on your back.
The sanitary paper crinkled under you as you tried to get comfortable on the examination table. You’d already gone through your medical history and how you’d been feeling the last few weeks. The obstetrician seemed nice enough. She was someone Ransom had discreetly gotten a recommendation for from an author he sometimes worked with. Neither of you had gone to your families for that. Steve was still the only one who knew.
“Alright, this might be a little cold,” Dr. Patel said as she squeezed gel over your stomach. You flinched a little as it hit you, and you saw Ransom fidget in his seat right next to the table, up by your head.
She was silent as she moved the wand around, eyes fixed on her screen. Then she paused and smiled. “There it is,” she said. The soft static that had filled the room suddenly switched to a gentle wooshing. “And there’s the heartbeat.”
The heartbeat. Your baby’s heartbeat. Alive inside of you. You jumped a little when you suddenly felt Ransom’s hand wrap around your own. You glanced over at him, But his attention was raptly focused on the screen in front of the doctor. He leaned forward a little. “Wait,” he said, his voice low. “Where is–”
The doctor pointed to a little black splotch on the screen. “Right there,” she said, warmly. “They’re still an embryo now, but they’ll become a fetus in a week or two. Judging by your last period and these measurements, I’d say you're seven weeks along.”
At some point, she turned the ultrasound off. She cleaned off your belly. You heard her talking to you. You heard Ransom respond. But you couldn’t process any of it. All you could focus on, all you could still hear was the steady, hummingbird fast woosh, woosh, woosh of your baby’s heartbeat.
The car ride back was completely silent. Ransom had turned off the radio as soon as he’d turned the key in the ignition. You couldn’t blame him. Your thoughts were loud enough. There was a baby inside of you. It was really happening. It’d been abstract before. A few little symbols on a plastic strip that didn’t actually mean anything. But now they did. Now there was a baby. You’d heard it. You turned your head to Ransom beside you. Now you truly were connected to this man for the rest of your life. The idea, while still a little terrifying, wasn’t nearly as awful now as it would have been just a few weeks before.
As he pulled up to a stop sign, he did more than pause. After a few moments of idling, you ventured a soft “Ransom?”
He turned to you from where he’d been staring unseeing through the windshield. His bright blue eyes pierced you. “We should go get dinner,” he said, out of absolutely nowhere.
“Yeah,” he said, his fingers extending to flick on his turn signal. “Let’s go out to eat. I’m starving.”
“I– Okay? Where–”
“I know a great place,” he said, nodding to himself as he turned the car around.
The restaurant he brought you to small, intimate. After turning over the car to the valet, he ushered you inside with a warm hand on your back. The hostess led you to a quiet booth in the corner and you and Ransom settled in on opposite sides of the table.
The waiter appeared just a few moments later to tell you about the specials. Then, they asked, “Have you had a chance to look at the drink menu?”
As Ransom reached for it, you uttered a quiet, “Water’s fine for me, thank you.”
Ransom paused and looked at you. “Oh. Right.” He turned back to the waiter. “For me as well,” he said, and the waiter quickly left you both alone.
“You can drink. I’ll be fine.”
Ransom shrugged. “Who wants to drink alone?”
You didn’t really know what to say to that, so you turned your attention to the menu, which you each perused quietly.
After the waiter returned and you both ordered, Ransom cleared his throat awkwardly. “So,” he said, “we’re really having a baby.”
You choked a little on your water. “Yeah. I guess so.”
“I–” he started, then let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. After a weighted pause, he asked, “How are you feeling about it?”
You looked at him carefully. The last week and a half, after your fight then your detente, and then Steve’s visit, had been so different from the months that had preceded them. You both had been so different. It was very possible that he was becoming a person you could trust. You took a breath and decided to be honest. “I’m really scared. Kind of terrified.”
He just stared at you for a moment, then mumbled “Yeah,” with another head shake. He looked off to the side. “God, I hated being a kid.”
“Yeah?” you asked, so, so quietly.
He looked back at you. “Yeah. I mean, you’ve met my parents. They didn’t– They had me because they needed to. To further the lineage or whatever. But they didn’t really have much interest beyond that. So I was just kind of… there.”
You hated how much you understood that. “When we moved into Joseph’s house, I never felt comfortable there. I was always just an intruder or a nuisance.”
He nodded, then asked, “How old were you?”
“Six. Steve was the best. From the very beginning, he made it livable. But I never felt at home anywhere until I moved out on my own.”
He looked down a little as he hummed in acknowledgment. Then, hesitantly, “What happened to your dad?”
“He died,” you said, plainly. “A heart attack. When I was five.”
He swiped his hand over his mouth. “Shit. That must have been hard. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “I barely remember him. And what I do remember,” you shifted uncomfortably, “he was a very angry man I think. I was always a little scared of him. My mom was too, I know that. But when he died… I don’t remember any relief. Just a mad scramble to find someone else to take care of us, since she’d never given him an heir. So we ended up with Joseph. But… I don’t know. I don’t think I ever really stopped being scared.”
Ransom let out a long sigh. “Yeah,” he said, quietly. “I get that.” He leaned back in his chair. “Fuck. We’re setting quite the precedent, huh?”
Your hand drifted to cover your stomach. “I don’t want them to ever feel like that. Be that scared.”
Ransom’s adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed uncomfortably. “Me neither,” he said, very quietly.
You both just sat with that thought silently, until another thought jumped into your head. “Oh, god, what are we gonna do about Lola? She doesn’t share attention well.”
He surprised you by laughing. “I can imagine. We’ll figure it out,” he said with a smile. “Make sure she’s ready.”
You matched him with your own grin. “You like her,” you accused.
He rolled his eyes. “She’s alright, I guess.”
“Uh-huh. Sure, Mr. ‘I hate dogs.’”
“It’s possible that I had too small a sample size.” He rolled his eyes again. “Harlan has a couple german shepherds. They’re fucking assholes.”
You felt your eyes light up. “Are you afraid of big dogs, Ransom?” you teased.
“No!” he pointed at you. “No. I just don’t like it when they’re that size and they charge at me. Lola’s manageable. I don’t mind her.”
“Well,” you shrugged. “I’m just glad you never tried to make me get rid of her.”
His eyes softened and he almost looked regretful. “Hey,” he said, softly. “I never would have done that. I just,” he sighed, “say shit sometimes. I’m not used to anyone listening to me.”
He’d said that to you before, but it hadn’t occurred to you until that moment just how sad that was—that he’d always been comfortable saying whatever thought popped into his head because he knew that no matter what he said no one would ever take him seriously. You gave a helpless little shrug as you softly said, “I always listen to you.”
He fixed you with a look that almost took your breath away. Like he actually saw you. “Yeah,” he said quietly, “I know you do.”
That was the moment your food came. The waiter set your plate in front of you, blackened sea bass with a saffron asparagus risotto. You weren’t sure which element exactly was the culprit, but the moment the smell hit your nose, your stomach roiled dangerously. You’d been lucky, so far, that you hadn’t had many issues with morning sickness, but you immediately knew that if you didn’t get that plate away from you, there’d be a major problem. “Shit,” you muttered quietly.
Ransom’s attention snapped to you. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” you tried. “It’s just, the smell. I can’t–” You pushed the plate away from you.
“You’re nauseous?” Ransom clarified.
You nodded, breathing through your mouth.
Without another word, he picked up your plate and switched it with his own. “Is that good enough?” he asked. “Or do you need it gone completely?”
You took a few tentative, experimental sniffs. As your stomach seemed to calm, you sighed in relief. “I think I’m ok. Thank you.” But then you looked down at Ransom’s ribeye in front of you now. “Oh, that’s– No, this is what you wanted. I can’t–”
He interrupted you with your name, both fond and firm. “Shut up and eat your steak.”
You did as you were told, relieved to find that not only did it not upset your stomach, but it was delicious. You let out a little happy sigh and closed your eyes at how good it was, opening them as you swallowed to find Ransom watching you. Your face warmed in embarrassment as he quickly looked to his own plate, the tips of his ears turning red.
You searched blindly for something to talk about, anything to shift the focus from how ridiculous you were. “What was your grandmother like?” you blurted out. Just proving your own ridiculousness further, instead of distracting from it. But it was something you’d wondered about, what Harlan’s own marriage had been like, when he was so set on you being a good influence on his grandson.
Ransom looked at you, a little puzzled. “Uh, my grandma? I don’t know. I never really felt like I knew her that well. Harlan’s so big, you know? She always seemed small in comparison. Um,” he looked up thoughtfully, “I remember her caring a lot what other people were up to, like her neighbors or their friends, what they were buying, what their kids were achieving. She and Harlan, I don’t know, they seemed to get along? Better than my parents, at least, but that’s a low bar. Why on earth do you ask?”
“I don’t know. I…” you trailed off as you tried to pull your thoughts together. “He’s always talking about what our marriage should be and how good for you I’m going to be. And he’s kind to me. But the way he looks at me, and the way he talks about me… It makes me feel like me, who I am, doesn’t actually matter. Just the affect I have on you. And it just made me curious about what she was like. What their marriage was like.”
Ransom hummed a little. “Well,” he said. “The first thing you need to know about Harlan is that he’s full of shit. He thinks he’s the one who’s done everything right and he knows everything. I don’t know what their relationship was like, but my guess is that he knew the version of her that he wanted to know and didn’t bother to get to know her any further.”
You let out your own little hum and then asked the question that had been on your mind since that dinner at Harlan’s. “What’s the deal between the two of you, anyhow?”
Ransom sighed heavily. His gaze dropped as he played with the signet ring on his pinky. “When I was a kid, like really little, Harlan was the only person who gave a shit about me. I spent a lot of time at his house. He was safe and warm when home was cold and scary. People always said we were a lot alike. And I loved that. For a while. But when I got older, it turned into ‘You should be just like me.’ All of my choices were suddenly under a microscope and he’d get so disappointed in me if I did anything differently from what he would do. So then I went hard in the opposite direction. And that caused its own problems.” He paused for a moment, not quite meeting your eyes. “But still, when Neal died, Harlan named me as his heir instead of Walt. But that’s just made him more aggressive about letting me know how he thinks I should be living my life.” He let out a long breath. “I understand him making you feel like you who actually are doesn’t matter. That’s just what he does. There’s never any winning with him. He’s rigged the game.”
For the second time that night, you were overcome by just how sad you were for Ransom. He’d been all alone for so long. Impulsively, you reached out and grabbed his hand where it rested on the table across from you. “I’m sorry for both of us, then,” you said quietly.
He took a moment, just staring at the way your hand slotted into his. Then, finally, he brought his thumb up and brushed it across your knuckles. “Yeah, me too,” he whispered.
You got back to the house pleasantly full and much calmer than you’d been earlier in the day. Lola greeted you both like she hadn’t seen you in weeks. You smiled as Ransom immediately picked her up, carrying her to the back door indulgently. As he let her out, you got yourself some water from the fridge.
When they came back in, you smiled down at Lola as you said, “Tonight was really nice. Thank you. I haven’t had a dinner out like that in a long time.”
Ransom took a few steps toward you to close the distance between you. “We should do it more often,” he said lowly.
You weren’t sure what to say next. It almost felt like saying goodbye at the end of a first date, instead of an amicable good night to a man you’d been married to for months. You shook the thought away. You were being silly.
“I’m going to call Steve to tell him how it went today.” Then you added, with a slight grimace. “And then I might go to bed. I know it’s ridiculously early, but I’ve been so exhausted lately.”
He answered you with a soft smile. “That makes sense. You are growing a person inside you.”
You huffed out a small laugh. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
There was another slightly awkward pause. Then Ransom cleared his throat and said, “I’ll probably be in my room, but I’ll be up for a while, if you need anything.”
You smiled at the offer. “Thank you,” you said, and then after a quiet exchange of good nights, you went upstairs to call your step-brother.
#ransom drysdale x reader#ransom drysdale#ransom drysdale x female reader#ransom drysdale x you#knives out#ransom drysdale angst#chris evans fanfiction#fanfic#reader insert#arranged marriage au#more than this#kris wrote something
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Eclipsed by You ~ A Paul Lahote story
Chapter Twelve ~ Shadows and silence
Original Pov
It’s been a week. Maybe more. Paul hasn’t talked to me. But it wasn’t just him—I couldn’t face him either. Couldn’t tell him the truth. Even Edward couldn’t break through and figure it out. I knew how to keep him out. Think pure white thoughts.
I know there’s more to Victoria—the way she toyed with me, stretched it out instead of killing me right away. Maybe I’m an idiot to even consider it , but I want to find her. I want to ask why.
I sit crisscrossed on my window seat, pulling my sleeves over my hands, watching the fog drift lazily between the evergreens. Ever since the accident, I’ve kept my distance. My body is healing—slowly, painfully. Paul still comes by, leaving things for me—food, first-aid stuff, even a blanket once—but we haven’t spoken. Haven’t even looked at each other.
It’s better this way. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.
A knock at the door. I don’t move.
“Ves?” Bella’s voice is quiet but firm. When I don’t answer, she pushes the door open anyway, stepping inside. “I knew you’d be here.”
I don’t turn. “Where else would I be?”
“Anywhere but here, preferably.” She plops down beside me, her shoulder brushing mine. “We’re meeting up with the Cullens and the pack. And you’re coming.”
I snort. “Yeah. No.”
She exhales loudly. “You’re coming whether you like it or not.”
I finally glance at her. Her hair is in that perfect, effortless mess, and her expression is unreadable. But I know her. She’s not leaving without me.
“Bella,” I start, voice low. “I can’t—”
She cuts me off. “Paul’s gonna be there.”
A sharp pain twists in my chest. “That’s exactly why I can’t.”
Bella doesn’t back down. “You can’t just ignore him forever.”
“I can try.”
She scoffs. “And how’s that working out for you?”
I don’t answer.
She leans back against the wall. “You know he still comes by, right? You think I haven’t noticed? He waits outside our house for, like, an hour sometimes.”
I press my lips together. “That’s his problem.”
“No, Vesper. It’s yours.” She shifts forward, her voice softer now. “Just talk to him.”
I close my eyes. “And say what?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know. Maybe start with, ‘Hey, sorry for completely shutting you out like a coward.’”
I shoot her a glare.
She smirks. “Just a suggestion.”
I sigh, rubbing my temples.
She nudges me. “Come on, just get dressed. We’ll call it exposure therapy.”
I groan. “You’re actually the worst.”
Bella grins. “And yet, here you are, about to listen to me.”
I huff, pushing myself off the window seat. “Fine. But if this goes horribly wrong, I’m blaming you.”
She holds up her hands. “I’ll take full responsibility.”
I roll my eyes. “Give me ten minutes.”
She beams. “Knew you’d see reason.”
Edward picked us up, his expression unreadable, but I knew better. That guard I’d perfected kicked in the moment I got in the car. He knew. He knew I’d figured out a way to shut him out. Good. I didn’t need him prying into my thoughts. Weirdo.
He and Bella were talking, their voices blending into background noise as I stared out the window. I wanted to be anywhere but here. Back in my room, buried in my books, lost in sleep—anywhere I didn’t have to think.
But I did.
I wanted Paul. I missed him—his touch, his warmth. And he was angry. I didn’t need to see him to know. I could feel it.
And the worst part? I didn’t blame him.
I stepped out of the car, kicking at the dirt, shoving my hands into the front pocket of my hoodie. I didn’t have the energy to care about how I looked. If I didn’t feel good, I didn’t look good—simple as that. My hair was thrown up in a messy bun, and I wore flared black yoga pants with an old Florida hoodie. I was a mess, and I didn’t care.
“Lil Swan!”
Emmett’s booming voice came from behind me right before I felt myself lifted off the ground.
“Shit—Em, wait—”
Too late. He hugged me, his strength restrained but still overwhelming. Pain flared through my body, my still-healing bruises screaming in protest. I winced, my breath hitching, but forced a smile through it.
“Hey, Em,” I hissed through clenched teeth.
He must’ve felt me tense because he quickly set me back down, his expression shifting to concern. “You good?”
Before I could answer, a low growl cut through the air.
I stiffened. I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
His eyes were locked on us, his entire body radiating tension. He wasn’t amused by what he had just witnessed. Not one bit.
I swallowed hard and looked away, moving toward the nearest log to sit down, trying to ignore the way my chest tightened.
“Edward, would you translate?” Carlisle’s calm voice broke through the tension, shifting the focus.
The discussion started, Jasper leading most of it since he knew the most about newborns. I tried to listen, but my mind was elsewhere—stuck on the weight of Paul’s stare, the fire simmering beneath his gaze.
I could feel his anger.
And yet, all I wanted was for him to come over and sit beside me.
I needed him. I wouldn’t say it out loud, wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but I did.
I wanted Paul. His warmth, his presence, the way he made the world feel less… suffocating. But I couldn’t have that, not right now.
So I watched him instead.
The Cullens were already fighting—fast, brutal, efficient. It was like watching a choreographed dance, except every move could kill. The wolves, though, they just stood there, watching. Waiting.
“He can’t stop thinking about you.”
Edward’s voice cut through the noise, and I stiffened. I didn’t turn, didn’t acknowledge the weight of his words.
Instead, I swallowed, keeping my gaze locked on the clearing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Edward sat beside me, calm as ever. “Yes, you do.”
My jaw clenched. I needed to shut this down.
“What actually happened?” he asked, his voice unreadable. “I know it was Victoria. Everyone does.”
I shrugged, forcing indifference. “Then you already have your answer.”
“Not all of it.”
I sighed, rubbing my temple. “Look, Edward, if you’re trying to get something out of me, you’re wasting your time.”
“She didn’t kill you,” he said, ignoring my attempt to end the conversation. “Why?”
I turned to him, expression flat. “Does it matter?”
His golden eyes narrowed slightly. “Yes.”
I let out a dry laugh, shaking my head. “Well, sorry to disappoint, but I don’t have some grand explanation for you. Maybe she wanted to scare me. Maybe she got bored. Maybe she just enjoys playing with her food.” I tilted my head. “Sound familiar?”
His face remained unreadable, but I knew I’d hit a nerve.
I sighed dramatically, leaning back. “Besides, aren’t you the one who reads minds? Maybe I just got lucky.”
Edward didn’t respond right away. His silence was worse than words, heavy with thoughts I didn’t want him to have.
Time to redirect.
I turned back to the fight, feigning interest. “You know, if you’re really that worried, maybe you should be paying more attention to Paul instead of me.”
At that, Edward exhaled sharply. “Paul’s not the issue.”
I scoffed. “Oh? Because from where I’m sitting, he’s the one growling every time I so much as breathe near one of you.”
Edward’s gaze flickered toward Paul, standing rigid on the other side of the clearing, watching. Always watching.
“You can’t avoid him forever,” Edward said quietly.
I inhaled sharply, pushing down the ache in my chest. “I never said I was.”
Edward didn’t push further, but the silence between us said enough. He still didn’t believe me.
That was fine.
Because I wasn’t going to give him the truth.
Not now. Not ever.
I could feel it, the tension thick in the air between me and Paul. I knew the others were aware that it was Victoria, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell them the truth—the whole truth. I couldn’t bring myself to share what she had said, the way she looked at me before she left me to live with this haunting feeling in my chest. It wasn’t just the fear, it was the unknown. The why. And I couldn’t let it go. But I wasn’t ready to share any of that with them. Or with Paul.
My thoughts churned, and the weight of everything kept me distant, closed off. I was putting up walls. I didn’t want anyone getting too close, not even Paul.
But when I looked back and saw that he was gone, something tightened in my chest. Where had he gone? Did he leave? Did he care? He’d been staying away, respecting my distance, but now I wasn’t so sure.
I needed to clear my head. I needed to be alone, away from everyone, even Paul.
I pushed myself further into the woods, hoping for solitude, hoping for silence. Away from prying eyes, away from Edward’s sharp mind, away from Paul’s hurt gaze.
But the moment I stopped, I heard him. The snap of twigs beneath his feet, the rustling of leaves.
I turned and found him standing there, looking frustrated and angry. His eyes were dark, his lips pressed tight, and it hit me—he was pissed.
“You’re really just going to run off, huh?” he growled, taking a step toward me. His bare chest, still glistening with sweat from the run, made it hard to ignore the anger radiating from him. But it wasn’t just anger—it was something deeper, something hurt.
“What are you even talking about?” I shot back, trying to keep the bitterness from my voice, but it slipped out anyway.
“You’ve been shutting me out,” he snapped. “Since the accident. You think I didn’t notice? You think I’m just going to keep watching you pull away from me like I’m nothing?” His voice cracked slightly at the end, though he quickly masked it with more anger. “You’re acting like I’m the one who hurt you, Ves. I’m just trying to help.”
I wanted to say something, to fire back with a sharp remark, but the truth was, I didn’t know how to. He was right in a way. I had been shutting him out. But I wasn’t ready for him to see what was happening inside me. Not after what Victoria did, not after the wreckage she left me with.
“Help? By what, Paul?” I asked, the words slipping out of me before I could think them through. “You’re just here, trying to play savior, trying to fix things that aren’t broken.” My voice wavered, but I didn’t back down. “I’m fine. I don’t need you coming in here, trying to clean up my mess. I didn’t ask for your help. I never asked for any of this.”
His expression hardened, but there was something more in his eyes—something like confusion, pain. It pissed me off.
“You’re not fine, Ves,” he said, his voice tight. “You think I don’t see it? You think I don’t know you’ve been breaking since that night? That accident? I’m the one who wasn’t there, and I’m the one trying to make sure you’re okay, but you keep pushing me away. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
I could see the raw emotion in his face, and for a split second, I felt a tug in my chest. But I quickly slammed the door down, burying it under layers of ice.
“You don’t get it, Paul. You have no idea what it’s like to be left behind, to have that… thing stuck inside you. The fear. The anger. All of it. So don’t pretend like you can just walk in and fix me.” My voice cracked at the end, but I forced it to sound strong. “I don’t need you, okay?”
I could see the shift in him. The way his hands clenched, the way his jaw tightened. “You’re being a coward, Ves,” he bit out, stepping forward, his eyes flashing. “You’re scared of this. Of me. You think I’m just going to walk away because you’re making it hard? You think I’ll leave you alone? I won’t. I’m here. I’m not leaving, no matter how many walls you build up.”
I swallowed hard, my throat dry. I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. I didn’t know how to deal with the crushing weight of everything, the fear of facing him, facing the truth. I wanted to scream, to hit something, anything, but I stayed still, my gaze hardened.
“You want to stay, Paul? Fine. Stay,” I spat, “But you don’t get to tell me how to feel. You don’t get to act like you have the answers when you don’t even know what I’m going through.”
He took another step closer, his breath heavy, his presence overwhelming. “I do know. I see it in you, Ves. I know what you’re feeling. And it’s killing me to watch you push me away like you’re trying to protect me. You’re not protecting me, you’re hurting me.”
I took a step back, shaking my head. “Maybe that’s what I want,” I muttered. “Maybe it’s easier this way.”
He stared at me for a long time, as if he was weighing whether to push me further or step back. Finally, he exhaled sharply, his frustration leaking into the air.
“I’m not going anywhere, Ves. You can push me as far as you want, but I’m not leaving you.”
I met his gaze, my heart racing in my chest. “Then you’re a fool,” I whispered, turning away from him.
But I couldn’t deny that a part of me—just a tiny, fragile part—was glad he wasn’t going anywhere.
I felt him slowly walking back to the pack, to the Cullens, his presence fading with every step. My chest tightened, my thoughts tangled, and before I knew it, I was walking—stumbling, really—toward the treaty line. I couldn't breathe right, couldn't focus on anything other than the ache in my chest. The space between me and Paul, the unanswered questions.
I was losing it.
I climbed down to the small river that separated both sides. The water was cold as I dipped my fingertips into it, the chill grounding me for a moment. My thoughts drifted, but the calm didn’t last.
That’s when I saw her reflection.
A flash of red, too familiar, too dangerous. I froze, my blood running cold. The moment I turned, she was there, standing before me with that sick smile I remembered all too well.
"Goodnight," she purred, her laugh echoing in the empty space around us. Her voice was a taunt, and as her form flickered before my eyes, everything around me went black.
Just like that, I was swallowed by the darkness.
I couldn’t see, couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe.
And then—nothing.
#paul lahote x reader#twilight#fanfic#paul lahote#paul lahote imagine#jasper hale#edward cullen#bella swan#jacob black#rosalie hale
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i really want to go camping. just a nice, solo camping trip to relax and have time to myself :)
I’d wake up and make breakfast, hike up to a different spot, start a fire and forage for a bit, draw or carve something, and setup camp for the night.
i have one pair of pjs with me and my sleeping bag for the night because i don’t have to worry about anyone judging what i wear or asking me for a spare blanket. So i packed just a pair of booty shorts and a smallish tank top. it’s just basic undergarments, nothing fancy, and i would be pretty embarrassed if anyone knew i wore these drabby clothes to sleep.
after i make a cup of sleepytime tea and wait for the fire to die out, i snuggle up in my sleeping bag. it’s a bit chillier tonight but i don’t have any other clothes to wear on top of this since i only brought my pjs and my stinky hiking clothes.
whatever. i drift off to sleep and dream of watching shooting stars falling around me, so pretty. as they crash onto the ground around me i feel the heat from them on my skin. it’s getting warmer, but i also really feel it on my cheeks. like i’m flushed or blushing. i watch the stars spark into flames and die out into embers.
animals start to surround me. deer, rabbits, foxes, and coyotes. they all come up around me and start sniffing my face and body. they start licking my face and neck, i giggle trying to push them away, it tickles. one of the coyotes that’s licking my stomach starts traveling down toward the hem of my shorts. woahhh haha, watch out buddy, i tell him.
Obviously not understanding english, he nudges his snout under the hem and takes a lick on my parts. i push his head away harshly and sit up. Immediately im pushed back down by the other animals and a huge buck comes and steps on my hair and arms so i can’t move.
i know this is a dream but how am i not waking up already???
a rabbit comes and starts pulling my shorts down, the coyote comes back and nudges his snout between my legs, i scream and try to close them but he turns and bites one. fuck, that felt real.
He goes back and starts licking, hesitant at first, just seeing how it tastes i guess. since foraging and meal prepping the smart and healthy way, ive only packed like fruit and stuff so obviously it probably tastes like really fucking good. at least that’s all i can assume from him diving in, licking deeper and deeper. fuck her tongue is fucking huge. it goes in and out fluidly. the slick sounds filling the air along with my whimpers and the other animals breathing and chirping and whining.
i feel it building up in my tummy, something molten. fuck, this is the weirdest wet dream i’ve ever had.
all of the sudden, his tongue dives insanely deep and curls into one of my spots. I wake up with a gasp and shaking through an orgasm. letting out a loud screaming moan, my eyes shoot open as i feel it curl inside me again.
a tall dark figure is above me, my sleeping bag is unzipped and this persons hand is between my legs, his fingers curl inside me again. i scream, grabbing his arm and trying to push him away and get his fingers out. he plunges them deeper and uses his other hand to wrap around my neck and push it to the ground, holding it there.
i try to scream but can’t with my minimal airway, so i struggle and whimper, squeezing and trying to tear his arm away from my neck but it won’t budge. his fingers are still thrusting in and out of me, sometimes slowing down to explore and prod at my spots. i really cant help but shiver from the stimulation and orgasm from earlier. but who the fuck is the guy and how did he get in here and find me?!?
he finally speaks, moving his fingers to slip out a bit. “you weren’t this wet the whole time darlin’, my friend had to help you out to start, could barely get him off’a you. but i can’t blame him…” the dark figure takes his fingers out slowly with a shhlickkk sound, putting them up to his mouth, “…because you sure do taste fucking heavenly.” he leans to the side so i can see behind him something moves, a fucking dog. what the fuck. i thrash and whimper. “don’t fucking move. he bit you once, he’ll do it again.” I freeze, the bite, the dream, fuck it was all real.
the dog starts whining and tries to come up to me but the man pushes him back. he pushes his fingers back into me and starts moving them again, fuck i’m so overstimulated it almost hurts. “fuck, he’s eager. do u mind if he goes for a second course?” “fuck you,” i strain out. he opens my legs barely and the dog jumps over me sniffing and licking as deep inside as he was in the dream. fuckkk this is horrible i could get a disease or something, he needs to stop licking at my fucking spots it’s really too much.
the pressure starts building again. oh no, no no no no. please god i can fucking cum on a dogs tongue. opposing to my thoughts, my body gets closer and closer and- he stops. i freeze and tears start flowing from my eyes. from relief his contact from me is gone and because my body is so worn out now.
SHITT, something scrapes at my hips, the dogs paws, what the fuck is going on?? “sorry darling, he needs a little help, do you mind?” the man takes the pillow out from under my head and harshly lifts my hips, placing it underneath. he takes his hand off my throat finally, i gasp for air and can barely speak through my damaged vocal chords, “fuck you asshole.” “uhh yeahhhh i won’t, but he’s about to.” he nudges the dog forward. the man stuffs my shorts into my mouth so i can’t scream. how the fuck is this happening.
the dog immediately scratches at my hips again and starts rutting his hips toward me. FUCK NO. i thrash around but feel something poke my neck. it’s the man holding my wood carving knife i. his hand against my neck. “move, and I’ll fucking slit your throat.” tear start flowing from my eyes. how did i ever get in this position. i feel something scortching start to poke at my entrance, fuck please no please please please no…
the dog edges toward me more and suddenly plowing himself so deep inside me, how the fuck did i think doggy dicks were small??? this feels fucking huge, it fucking hurts. he’s thrusting in and out and an inhumane pace. his huge red doggy part pushes every single one of my spots and i can’t think anymore, i can’t even move. it’s like he’s going through me i can almost feel it in my stomach. he starts growling and i feel it get bigger. no way, this dog is not gonna knot me. please god. he can’t fit it in thank god.
“aw cmon buster, you can do better than that,” the mysterious man says before pushing the dogs backside against me and i feel it force inside me FUCK.
fuck that’s huge, i can’t fucking move because i think im gonna break. help please someone help me god…
i feel it. the flooding of molten liquid filling me. all i can do is whine through this soaked through fabric. i’m such an idiot for getting myself in this stupid situation, for not bringing a gun, im so stupid. there’s nothing i can do now except stay still while this dogs huge knot presses on my spot and his cum dumps into my cervix. i feel it dripping out. all over my sleeping bag and the floor of the tent. ��how’d that feel hun? seems buster loved it, did you?” he takes his finger and wipes from the base of the dogs cock, bringing the liquid up to my mouth and smearing it all over my lips. i feel it leak down into my mouth and i’m utterly repulsed.
the dog breaks away with a POP and my legs and hips and whole body goes lax. the man chuckles and puts his hand down there again. oh no please don’t, and he doesn’t. instead, he scoops up the dogs cum and pushes it back into me. “good girl keep it in ok? the scent of it will help him track you down again.” i groan weakly and my vision begins to go blurry. the last thing i see is him throwing a stick outside the tent and the stupid dog running off after it to fetch.
fuck camping.
#k9 cock#k9 girl#k9 kink#k9 r4p3#k9 k!nk#k9 boy#k9 k1nk#kn0tting#kn0t#d0ggy kn0t#kn0ttybaby#doggyfuck#r@p3 m3#rough cnc#r@pe kink#r4p3 kink#cnc free use#cnc k!nk#1cky puppy#daddys puppy#dumb puppy#subby puppy#bd/sm pet#breeding pet#breeding k1nk#br33d1ng#f0rced breeding#br33dable#puppy brain#humiliation kink
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you’ve always been able to hold your own—and JASON TODD notices and savors it more than he’s willing to admit. every time you push back, whether it’s during an argument about your involvement in his vigilante life or you just simply standing your ground, it truly ignites something in him.
it’s not like jason to tolerate people questioning his choices, especially when it comes to his methods as redhood. but you? you’ve got a fire in you that refuses to let him steamroll you, and it infuriates him in the best way possible. you’re relentless—challenging him when he says you shouldn’t be out in the field with him, rolling your eyes when he tells you it’s too dangerous. “i can handle myself.” you argue, voice sharp and steady—it gets under his skin in ways you can’t even possibly imagine.
there are times when he loses it, voice rough and hoarse as he bites out, “you don’t get it. god, you think you’re untouchable—it’s going to get you killed.” but instead of backing down like most people would when faced with his stature and temper, you hold your ground, eyes narrowing. “oh, whatever. i think i’m the only person who’s not afraid to tell you when you’re wrong.”
jason hates how much he likes that. he hates that when you challenge him, it feels like someone’s finally seeing him—not as a broken soldier or the angry boy who came back from the dead, but as… simply someone. someone who can be wrong. it makes him feel human in a way that surprises him.
sometimes, he can’t figure out whether he wants to pull you closer or push you further away, because the way you look at him—with that determined, unflinching gaze—makes him feel things he doesn’t know how to deal with.
the defiance you show, the way you stand up to him, keeps pulling him back to you. he tells himself he doesn’t need this kind of complication in his life, but deep down, he craves it. he wants you—the one person who doesn’t let him hide behind the walls he’s so carefully built.
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#jason todd x reader#⤸ drabbles with olivia#jason todd#jason todd thoughts#jason todd x y/n#jason todd imagine#redhood x reader#redhood x you#jason todd x you#dc jason todd#dc red hood
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bad day - theo nott x reader
a visit from your boyfriend perks you up even on the most frustrating of days
a/n - my first theo nott fic! I’ve written for other fandom(s) so this was a nice change, hope you enjoy :
tropes/warnings - established relationship, a pet name here or there, nothing overwhelming, fluff, comfort, nothing 18+ but a brief alluding to it
word count - 1k
As a general rule of thumb, you were typically the clingier half of your relationship with Theo. There was something about the feel of his skin against yours and the way his touch grounded you that made you feel safe and cared for in ways you were still too embarrassed to express out loud. Theo was always happy to indulge, casually draping an arm across your shoulders and rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder.
However, like all rules, it came with its exception - particularly, when you were studying. You needed to focus on your work, and that wasn’t exactly possible with the delicious warmth of Theo pressed against your back or hip. For the most part, he stayed well away when you needed him to, but something about the adrenaline of Quidditch practice made him extra excitable. Which was how you found yourself pouring over a hellish Charms essay in the Slytherin common room late one night, when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your middle and a familiar weight rest in the crook of your neck.
“Theo, I mean it,” you whined as he slid into the seat next to yours, refusing to relinquish his hold on you, effortlessly dragging you onto his lap. Your irritation evaporated at the sight of his boyish blue eyes and his sloping smile. It was a problem, really, how you could never stay mad at him. Merlin knows his ego is bad enough as it is.
“Hey, doll.” His nose nudged yours and you finally relented, wrapping an arm around his neck as he kissed you. His face felt cool against your warm forehead, and he smelt pleasantly of some non-descript yet refreshing soap.
“My neck is killing me,” you mumbled against his lips as you broke apart. Theo leaned back to get a better look at your wan face, distractedly running a hand down your spine.
“Have you had dinner yet?”
“Yes,” you frowned, “with you. Remember?”
Theo stared at you blankly. “Y/N. I’ve been at Quidditch practice for the past four hours.”
“What are you talking about? We had dinner, then we came up to the common room, and it was, y’know, freezing, and I said I needed to buy more fleece-lined tights, and you started saying something about liking me best without any tights, but then those fifth-years started wrestling each other over that game of -“
“- Gobstones?”
“Babe, that was last Thursday.”
Your face fell. “…it was. Merlin.” Theo watched, amused, as you let out a string of curses under your breath as you flipped through your planner, scowling. “It’s this stupid Charms essay that’s doing me in. I haven’t had my head on straight all week. Remember when I wore my earmuffs to breakfast on Tuesday?”
“Made a proper arse of myself at 8 in the morning. And I genuinely thought I saw you just an hour ago. I don’t know what came over me.”
“I didn’t know I was so forgettable of a boyfriend,” Theo teased, as you buried your face into your hands.
“Stop. I feel awful enough already,” came your muffled voice. Laughing, he took your hands in his own, his features softening at the exhausted look on your face.
“Rough day, baby?” You groaned, burying your face into his chest as he wrapped his other arm around you. Before meeting Theo, you took pride in how fiercely independent you were. Even now, you were more than capable of handling your daily stresses just as well as the next guy, but you still had the tendency of being tightly wound more often than not, and sometimes it just felt nice to have someone hold you while you cried about how awful life was. No one could help you or get you to decompress the way Theo did.
“Rough week, more like,” you mumbled into his collarbone. He hummed sympathetically, hand still running up and down your spine.
“You didn’t say a word.”
“It could have been worse. I thought I’d just…you know. Deal.”
You could hear the amused lilt to his voice. “Deal?”
“Deal with it. On my own, I mean.”
His hold on you tightened a fraction. “Have dinner with me.”
“Didn’t you eat before practice?”
“Hm. Have supper with me.”
You sighed. You were never one to turn in an assignment late but, Merlin - he didn’t make things easy for you.
“I really need to get this essay done.”
“So you’ll get it done. After supper. I could take a look at it for you. Or your neck. Or both.”
You snorted. “Yeah, sure, because a distraction is just what I need now. You don’t even take N.E.W.T level Charms.”
“So you find me distracting?”
You pressed your lips together, biting the inside of your cheek. “Let me put it this way. If I, um, ‘have supper’ with you now, this essay will not reach Flitwick’s desk by 10 am tomorrow.”
Theo didn't look too happy about anything you were saying. “So what do you want me to do?”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Like any other guy, Theo could only sympathise for so long before he was bursting with advice or solutions. You glanced at the clock, getting the distinct impression that he was valiantly trying to stifle a yawn.
“Go, leave, shoo. Get some rest, read a book, start a fight with some fifth-years, I don’t know. I just need to bully myself into finishing this. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“But I don’t want to start a fight with some sticky-fingered Gobstones-playing fifth-years.”
Still, he reluctantly slid you off his lap, pressing a kiss to your forehead before briefly disappearing. He returned with a huge, ancient book whose weathered cover seemed somewhat related to Potions. He arched an eyebrow as you made a face at it.
“What’s that?”
“What’s that?” You shot back, looking greatly repulsed by the gnarly volume.
“Some light bedtime reading material,” he quipped. You watched his face nervously, the tell-tale signs of fatigue knitted into the creases of his achingly beautiful face.
“I mean it, Teddy. You really should go to bed.”
“Can’t. I’ve got a date in an hour.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah. I’m taking this really pretty girl out for supper.”
You rolled your eyes as Theo settled into his seat, cracking the disfigured tome open.
#theodore nott#theodore nott x reader#theodore nott x you#theodore nott x y/n#theo nott x reader#theo nott#theodore nott fluff
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𝚩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝛐𝐮𝐠𝐡 ⋮ 𝔇𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔩 𝔇𝔦𝔵𝔬𝔫
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Daryl’s reckless behavior on a supply run nearly gets him killed, pushing you to remind him how to stay humble. Little did you know, his attitude was hiding something much deeper that only you could break through.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Mommy Kink ⋮ Smut ⋮ Body Worship ⋮ Cunnilingus ⋮ Edging ⋮ Teasing ⋮ Hurt ⋮ Comfort ⋮ Aftercare ⋮ Language
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 7.799 𝑺𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈: LATE S5 & EARLY S6 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Fem!Reader
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑩𝒚: @mayday2007
𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓��𝒊𝒔𝒕 ⋮ 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑮𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔
You leaned against the porch, one of the few spots in Alexandria that didn’t make you want to rip your hair out. It all felt too damn clean sometimes, too fake even. Here, it was easy to forget how the world had gone to shit, but... Daryl? He never let himself forget. He was walking around by the gate, looking like an animal waiting for a fight, and you knew why...
Rick and a few others were getting ready for a run—another trip outside the safe walls to scavenge for supplies. But more than that, it was an excuse for Daryl to escape the suffocation of Alexandria. He’d rather be out there with the walkers than in here, playing pretend.
"Daryl," you called out, and he stopped pacing and turned to face you, his eyes narrowing like he was already preparing for a lecture from you.
"What?" He grunted, sounding as defensive as ever. He was always on alert these days, and it was only getting worse since you arrived in Alexandria.
"Listen," you started, stepping down from the porch and running toward him as he prepared to leave. "I know you hate this place, and I understand; I really do, but you need to keep your head on straight out there. You’re not just out there for yourself. You’ve got Rick, Glenn, and Michonne with you today. You fuck anything up; they could get hurt too. Please, just be careful."
He looked away, scuffing his boot against the ground like a stubborn child who didn’t want to hear what you were saying. "Ain’t no damn kid. Can handle myself," he growled back at you.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. This wasn’t the first time you’d had this conversation, and it sure as hell wouldn’t be the last. "You might be able to handle yourself, sure, and we all know that you are more than capable of doing that, but that doesn’t mean you can act reckless. You need to listen to Rick, do what he says, and stop acting like a damn brat. You keep pulling this shit, and one of these days, it’s gonna bite you in the ass. Literally."
Daryl clenched his jaw and scoffed, and for a moment, you thought he might actually argue with you. But then he just shook his head. "Yer done now?"
"No, Daryl, I’m not done," you snapped back, feeling your frustration grow and almost boil over. "I’m tired of watching you do this bullshit, okay? We’re all trying to make this work, and you’re out there acting like you’ve got a death wish. We’ve lost too many people already, and I’m not about to lose you or anyone else because you couldn’t keep your damn self in check."
For a second, you saw something like vulnerability, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. He looked away again, like he was trying to block out your words, not wanting to listen to you.
"Just... think about what I said, okay?" You said, the tone in your voice softening slightly. You didn’t want to push him too hard, but you couldn’t just let this slide again all the time. "I’m not trying to piss you off, Daryl. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. We all need you to come back. I... I need you to come back."
He didn’t say anything; he just gave you a nod before finally turning away. But as you watched him walk toward Rick, you couldn’t ignore the feeling that something bad was going to happen on this run.
Rick was already waiting by the gate, his hands on his hips as he looked around Alexandria. He seemed to be tired, but when he saw you approaching as well, he gave you a small smile.
"Did you talk to him?" Rick asked, his voice whispering, so only you could hear.
"Yeah," you replied, glancing over at Daryl, who was busy playing around with his knife. "But you know how he is. Stubborn as hell."
Rick laughed a little, but there was no real humor in it. "Yeah. Isn't that the truth? Don’t worry, I'll keep an eye on him while we’re out there, alright? If he does something stupid..."
"You'll make sure he doesn’t," you interrupted, not needing him to finish the sentence.
"Alright. Got it. We’ll be back before you know it," Rick said, louder now and turning to the gate as it opened, and Glenn arrived with the car. "We’re heading out. Stay close, keep quiet, and don’t take any unnecessary risks. We get what we need, and we get back. That's it."
You watched as Daryl took his crossbow and walked with Rick and the others over to the truck. You were worried, sure, but you forced yourself to stay calm. This was Daryl Dixon, after all. He was tough, he was resourceful, and he’d been through far worse than this. But still, there was that uncomfortable feeling in the back of your mind, the one that told you things weren’t going to go smoothly today.
Rick took Daryl aside in the meantime. "Listen, Daryl. We stick to the plan, and we get back without any extra bullshit. You got that?"
Daryl glared at Rick but didn’t say anything. You knew that look; it was the one that said he was going to do what he wanted anyway.
With that, Rick and the others—Glenn and Michonne, in this case—headed out, leaving you in Alexandria with the rest of the group.
You turned away, heading back to the house, but your thoughts were still with Daryl. You just hoped he’d listen to you for once, or rather, Rick. Because if he didn’t, you weren’t sure you’d be able to forgive him—or yourself—if something went wrong.
The truck stopped at the side of a parking lot some time later. Abandoned cars were standing around all over the place, with their windows shattered and rotting corpses still sitting in some of them. It was a graveyard. Rick turned off the engine and looked over to the building, his face already showing that things were about to get rough.
"This place is full of walkers," Rick mumbled, looking around the area. "Okay… We get in, we get out. No fucking around. Got it?"
Everyone nodded, even Daryl, though the look in his eyes told a different story. Alexandria was killing him slowly, suffocating him with its safety and daily routine, and one could see he was just waiting to break free, to remind himself what it felt like to be out there again, in the real world, and not living in an illusion.
"Stick together," Rick continued, his eyes narrowing at Daryl like he could read his mind. "We’re hitting that grocery store, grabbing what we can, and getting the hell out. Nothing else, no bullshit."
Daryl grunted in response, his hand tightening around his crossbow. He wasn’t making any promises; that was clear enough, but at least he wasn’t outright showing it. That would have to be good enough. The four of them got out of the truck, their weapons ready, and slowly made their way toward the store. It looked like it had been raided a few times already, but Rick had heard from Aaron that a shipment had been left behind in the storage rooms—lots of canned food, water, and even medicine inside the small pharmacy of the store, locked up in the back, just waiting to be taken. Easy, if they played it safe.
Of course, playing it safe had not been Daryl’s way of doing it lately, not when his blood was boiling, and especially not since the prison, Terminus, and the other hell everyone went through. And especially not ever since Alexandria.
They went through the side entrance, which was once for the people that had worked there, the glass doors hanging off their hinges, and one could easily guess how most of the walkers got into the store in the first place, apart from those walkers that’ve died inside while scavenging. The inside of the store was pure chaos, with broken shelves, rotten food, and other empty products all across the floor. They moved quietly as Rick led the way, his Colt Python out and ready as always, Glenn close behind with his knife drawn, and Michonne with her sword, while Daryl was at the end, pointing his crossbow around as well. They soon made it to the back of the store, where the stockroom doors were, without drawing any attention so far.
"Alright," Rick whispered, motioning for the others to cover him. "Glenn and I will try to open the door. Michonne, watch our backs. Daryl, you—"
But before Rick could finish, Daryl was already moving. He didn’t like waiting, didn’t like standing around while others decided what to do, or having to wait for a plan. Without a word, he went off to the right, disappearing down one of the side aisles, his crossbow at the ready.
"Daryl!" Rick hissed, but there was no stopping him.
"Shit," Glenn grumbled in a bit of annoyance and panic, his eyes looking at Rick. "Where the hell is he going? What is he doing?"
Rick shook his head in frustration. "Just... just stay here," he ordered before walking after Daryl, cursing to himself with every step.
Daryl moved fast, his crossbow raised as he approached the loading dock at the back of the store from another side. He could hear the sounds of walkers moving behind the metal door, but this was exactly what he was looking for. He shoved the door open with a grunt, with the door making a noise that could be heard all throughout the whole store.
The walkers inside turned at the sound, and they immediately moved forward, their arms outstretched.
"C’mon, ya ugly bastards," Daryl mumbled, the first bolt killing the nearest walker in an instant. The walker fell to the ground, but the others kept coming.
He reloaded quickly, but just as he was about to fire again, a hand grabbed his shoulder, pulling him off balance. He hadn’t noticed the few other walkers, hidden in an open employee restroom nearby, their fingers grabbing his vest with their teeth only inches away from his face.
"Fuck!" Daryl growled, kicking the walker in front of him back and grabbing his knife. But he soon stumbled, falling down to the floor with the two of them on top of him. The impact knocked the knife from his hands, letting it slide across the floor, just out of reach, as he struggled to push the walkers off.
Then, just as the walkers’ teeth were about to bite into his flesh, several gunshots could be heard. Daryl gasped for breath, shoving the dead off him as he got to his feet, his heart racing while he looked over at Rick standing in the doorway with his Colt Python.
"You stupid son of a bitch," Rick said, lowering the gun. "What the hell were you even thinking?"
Daryl wiped the blood from his face, glaring at Rick but not saying a single word. He didn’t need to—he knew he’d fucked up, and Rick certainly knew it too.
But Rick didn’t wait for an explanation. "We need to hurry. Get your damn ass back to the truck. Now!"
For now, Daryl didn’t argue. He grabbed his crossbow and knife, putting it over his shoulder as he moved past Rick and over to Glenn and Michonne. He could feel Rick’s eyes on his back, judging him, and it took everything in him not to lash out. But he knew Rick was right. He’d been reckless, and it had nearly cost him his life. Not only that, but the supply run failed with the other walkers in the front of the store now moving toward the storage room.
Once outside, Daryl couldn’t ignore the thought that he’d fucked up more than just the run. He’d broken the trust, not just with Rick but with you. And he knew he’d have to face the consequences when he got back.
The sun was starting to set when you saw Rick and the others coming through the gate. You’d been waiting, walking around Alexandria, trying to distract yourself. But the deal had been clear—Rick would bring Daryl back in one piece and tell you every detail. But the moment you caught sight of Rick, you knew something had gone wrong. It was written all over his face, as was the fact that they had no supplies with them.
"Rick," you called out, running over to him.
He looked up at you, nodding and narrowing his eyes. You hated that look. It meant bad news, and you were tired of bad news.
"What happened?" You demanded as he walked next to you. "Where’s Daryl?"
"He’s fine," Rick said, holding up a hand to calm you down, though it didn’t do shit for your nerves. "I don't know where he is right now. Jumped right out of the truck. Physically, he’s okay. But, hell, it was close. Too close. Again."
Your stomach dropped at his words. This was getting out of hand. "What do you mean, 'close'?"
Rick rubbed the back of his neck, looking away for a moment. "We were in that store Aaron told us about, wanting to get the supplies. Daryl decided to go off on his own, like he always does lately. Didn’t wait for us as a backup, just did his own thing. Not even telling us that there was an easier way and that he has seen it. Next thing I know, he’s nearly got two walkers biting into his damn neck."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You asked, your hands balling into fists at your sides. "I told him—hell, we both told him so many times—not to pull that lone wolf bullshit anymore! And he still did it? I can’t fucking believe it!"
Rick nodded. "Yeah. Same old Daryl, too stubborn for his own good. I got there in time, but if I hadn’t... well, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now."
You sucked in a breath, trying to calm the rage inside you. But it was hard—damn hard—when you pictured Daryl almost getting himself killed because he couldn’t follow simple instructions. "What the hell is wrong with him, Rick? Why does he keep doing this shit? Is Alexandria that bad for him? I mean, yeah, we all aren’t used to this... illusion, but hell, we’re at least trying to make the best of it! All of us!"
Rick sighed, leaning against the porch railing once you both arrived at the house. "I don’t think it’s only about Alexandria, not entirely. But yeah, it’s too controlled, too... fake. So he goes out there, trying to prove he’s still... still who he was out there. But it’s not like none of us tries the exact same thing. We all do. Or did."
You shook your head in frustration. "I get it; I do. But we can’t keep going on like this. He’s going to get himself killed—or worse, get someone else hurt. I’m fucking done sitting around, hoping he’ll pull his head out of his damn ass!"
Rick looked at you with a small smile. "By now I was thinking the same thing on the way back. We’ve tried to talk sense into him, but he isn’t listening. He’s too stubborn."
"That’s it," you finally said. "I’m handling this. If he won’t listen to you, maybe he’ll finally listen to me. But one way or another, this shit stops today, I swear."
Rick’s eyebrows moved up in surprise before he nodded slowly. "You sure? I don’t think you should push him into a corner."
You smirked, but it was more due to annoyance than amusement. "Oh, I’m sure. He’s going to learn today that there’s more than one way to get his damn ass in line. Trust me, Rick. Otherwise… Otherwise, I just don’t know what to do anymore."
Rick laughed a little and shook his head. "Alright then. Just don’t go too hard on him. And you must remember that it takes time. With… all of this."
You waved him off, already halfway down the steps of the porch. "He’ll be fine, Rick."
As you headed toward the garage, where you knew Daryl was probably working on his bike, your mind was already racing with what you were going to say. This wasn’t just about Daryl acting like a reckless asshole—this was about keeping him and the others alive, keeping him from throwing away everything you’d fought so hard for in this new world, with the rest of the group.
The moment you stepped into the garage, he barely looked your way, too focused on tightening a bolt that didn’t even need any more tightening. But you weren’t about to let him ignore you, not after what Rick had told you.
"Daryl," you started, but he only grunted in response, and that was about it—just a damn grunt, like he couldn’t be bothered to reply with words. And it pissed you off how he could be so nonchalant after nearly getting himself killed.
"Look at me," you snapped, stepping closer to him. "I said... Look at me, Dixon."
He paused, his hand stilling on the wrench, before finally looking into your eyes with a scoff.
"You think you can just go off on your own and do whatever the fuck you want? Well, guess what, Daryl? You almost got your damn throat ripped out today. And for what? Because you couldn’t listen? Because you’re too stubborn to accept that you’re part of a community now, and not some lone wolf out there in the woods with a group he helps out every now and then?" You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Ain’t like that," he mumbled, but it didn’t really sound like he was trying to defend himself.
"Bullshit!" You shot back, stepping even closer until you were right in his face, close enough to see the way his eyes widened slightly. "It’s exactly like that, and you know it. And for what? To prove something? To whom? You ain’t gotta prove anything to me, Daryl. And certainly not our group. But you do owe it to us to stop acting like a fucking idiot!"
He turned away from you, but you weren’t done yet. "This isn’t just about you anymore, Dixon. Every time you pull this shit, you put everyone at risk. Everyone! You get bit, we lose a member of this group. A member of our damn family! You die, and we all suffer! Do you even get that? Or are you that stuck with your own damn head up your ass that you can’t see that?"
"Ain’t need ya shittin’ on me," he growled, his voice quiet, but you caught something like guilt in it. "Can handle my ass."
"Clearly," you snapped at him with sarcasm. "Because you handled yourself so well today that Rick had to pull your ass out of a walker’s mouth. Real smooth, Daryl! Real fucking smooth!"
He flinched at that, his eyes narrowing as he turned back to face you. "Ain’t like I needed any damn help."
You didn’t back down, though. You were way past that. "And that’s the problem, Daryl. You think that you don’t need anyone. But guess what? You do. You need us, and we need you. So stop acting like an asshole and start thinking about what you’re doing to everyone else."
For a second, you thought he might lash out. But instead, he just looked at you—really looked at you—like he was trying to figure something out. "Why ya care s’ much?" He finally asked.
You huffed, rolling your eyes. "Because I give a shit, you damn idiot. Because I... care about you more than anyone else here even knows, and I’m not about to watch you throw your life away over some macho bullshit, or whatever you’re trying to act like. You think I want to lose you? You think any of us do?"
He stared at you. "Ain’t tryna make shit harder," he muttered, looking down at the ground, shrugging his shoulders. "Jus’... can’t stand it ‘ere sometimes. Ain’t me ‘round ‘ere."
"Who you are isn’t some reckless idiot who doesn’t give a damn about anyone else. Who you are is someone who’s saved more lives than you can count, someone who’s part of a family now. And yeah, maybe it’s different here and maybe it’s hard, but that doesn’t give you the right to check out whenever you feel like it, as if this community is a fucking hotel!"
He didn’t say anything; he just kept looking at you with those blue, searching eyes, like he was waiting for you to give him something—some kind of direction.
You took a deep breath. "Daryl, you need to stop this shit. You need to stop before you get yourself killed. And if you won’t listen to Rick, then you’ll damn well listen to me. Got it?"
"Yeah," he said, almost whispering. "Got it."
"Good," you said. "Because this stops now. You’re done running off, done putting yourself at risk for no damn reason. From now on, you listen, just like before. We’re all a big team, Daryl, and we still are despite everything. Understand?"
"Yeah… Do ya still lo—" He started but stopped himself from speaking any further. "Are ya mad?"
"What? No, I’m not mad," you answered, stepping back to leave, wanting to give him some space. "But I’m hurt and disappointed."
Daryl sat there for a long time after you left. He gritted his teeth, and his fists were clenched, but it wasn’t anger. It was guilt. Shame even. All he knew was that he’d fucked up.
"Stupid, stupid fuckin’ idiot," he mumbled to himself, running a hand through his hair while he could still hear your voice in his head. "Fuckin’ piece o' shit. Can’t even keep yer damn head straight."
He felt like a fool, like a stubborn kid who’d just been put in his place. But it wasn’t just the anger that stuck with him—it was the look in your eyes, the pain and fear of what could’ve happened to him.
"Gotta make this right," he grumbled, now walking around the garage. "Ain’t gonna let her think I’m some reckless asshole who don’t care ‘bout nothin’." He rubbed the back of his neck. "She’s right… Been actin’ like a damn idiot. But… shit, need t’ prove I ain’t just some fuckup."
He knew you’d left him alone on purpose, letting him think about it, just like you’ve done several times before. But this time, he wasn’t going to sit here and wait for you to come back. He had a plan—a rather half-baked plan, but it was all he had. He needed to show you how much you meant to him and how much he needed you.
"Fuck, she’s gonna kill me," he sighed, shaking his head as he made his way out of the garage. And he knew exactly where and in what house he was going to find you.
You were already half asleep, lying on the floor on a mattress, when you felt someone being there—before you even opened your eyes. It was Daryl, of course, kneeling over you as he carefully pulled the sheets back.
"What the hell are you doing, Dixon?" You mumbled, still groggy. "Leave me alone."
He didn’t answer right away; he just pressed a kiss to your shoulder, then another, moving down your arm, his lips barely touching your skin. It was slow on purpose, like he was trying to worship every inch of you to make up for all the stupid shit he’d done. And it was working, even if it pissed you off that he thought he could just... seduce his way out of this.
"Daryl," you warned, but your voice was weak due to the way his strong, big hands were now sliding down your sides to your waist.
"‘M sorry," he whispered, before he kissed the sensitive spot on your neck. "Fucked it up, I know that. But need ya to know... I ain’t a fool. I need ya, more than ya fuckin’ know."
You wanted to stay mad, to shove him away from you and tell him to get his shit together, but his touch—God, it was like he knew exactly what he was doing, like he was taking away your anger with every kiss and every touch of his hands. And when he put his head lower, kissing along your ribs after he pulled up your shirt, you felt almost frustrated.
"Daryl," you breathed out as a warning again, but he didn’t stop. He slid his hands further up your shirt, pulling it over your head as he kissed down your ribs, his fingers grabbing your body like he was trying to show you that he was still alive.
"Need ya," he mumbled against your skin, his voice sounding almost desperate. "Need ya t’ know I ain’t takin’ this for granted."
"Daryl, stop…" You started, but your words were cut off by a gasp as he found that spot just above your waist, his lips kissing you harder, and his teeth softly biting your skin. You felt a shiver run through you, and hell, you hated how much you wanted this, how much you wanted him to keep going.
"I’ll stop if ya want me to, I swear," he whispered, but he didn’t stop, not really. His hands slid down, undoing your pants and wanting to slide them down, which made you stop breathing for a moment.
You were looking at him, your eyes narrowing. "You think you can just—" You started, but then he shut you up—kissing you hard and long, cutting off your words. And fuck, if it didn’t make your whole body shiver with need.
"Can’t help it," he muttered against your lips, his voice a little shaky, like he was losing control. "Can’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout ya, ‘bout how much I need ya."
"You think this makes up for what you did? For your reckless behavior?" You asked, shaking your head slightly.
"Nah," he admitted. "Gotta show ya somehow. Gotta show ya how much I fuckin’ care."
You grabbed his wrists, pulling his hands away from your pants, even though you were already aching for him. "You don’t get to touch me like that," you said. "Not until I say so."
He swallowed hard, his breath stopping as he nodded, his eyes wide. "Please," he whispered, looking up at you and waiting for permission.
"Please what?" You demanded, tightening your grip on his wrists. "You think you can just come in here and expect me to forgive you? After everything?"
"Nah," he stammered, his eyes looking down to the floor again. "But… I need ya. I need ya t’ see that I can make it right."
"You wanna make it right, Daryl?" You asked again. "Then you’re gonna do exactly what I say, like I said."
"Yeah," he answered, his body almost trembling with the need to make you forgive him. "I’ll do whatever ya want."
You let go of his wrists, letting them fall back to his sides. "Take off your clothes," you ordered, the tone in your voice leaving no room for argument.
He hesitated for just a second, but then he started to stand up and get out of his clothes, his hands shaking as he got out of his shirt, then his pants, and the rest, until he was standing there, naked and vulnerable before you.
"Now get back on your knees," you demanded, watching as his eyes widened.
He dropped to his knees, waiting for your next command. And fuck, if that didn’t send a rush of power straight through you.
You stood over him, your hand reaching out to grab his hair, pulling his head back so he was forced to look up at you. "Look at me."
And he did. He slowly looked up in shame.
"You don’t get to play the lone wolf out there," you continued, stepping closer, your hand grabbing his chin, moving his head up further. "Not anymore. You almost got yourself killed."
"I know," he muttered. "‘M sorry..."
He wanted—no, he needed—to show you how he felt about his mistakes, and he was ready to do it on his knees if that’s what you demanded.
You let go of him, letting him fall forward, as you lay back down onto the mattress. "Show me," you simply said.
And he did—God, he did... He kissed every inch of you, his lips moving lower, his hands gripping your hips like he was afraid you might disappear, and he held onto you like you were the only person able to keep him safe.
He didn’t need to be told twice—he knew what he had to do to make things right.
You leaned back on the mattress, spreading your legs just enough to invite him closer, and watched his hands shake a little as they slid up your thighs.
"Yes," he whispered quietly. He was trying to be tough, but you could see through it. The man was already lost in you, in the need to make you feel good to make up for his earlier bullshit.
No, he couldn’t keep his hands off you; the way he now nearly ripped off the rest of your clothes was almost urgent.
"Goddamn," he whispered, his eyes wide and hungry as he took in the sight of you. "So fuckin’ beautiful."
His hands were trembling as he reached for your bra, fumbling with it before finally getting it off. He slid it off your shoulders, throwing it over to your pants on the floor, his eyes never leaving your breasts.
Daryl’s mouth went dry as he leaned in, his lips stopping just above one nipple. "Can’t believe yer lettin’ me touch ya like this," he whispered, more to himself than to you. Then he closed his mouth around your nipple, his tongue moving over it, making you gasp.
He sucked and licked, using his teeth just a little, sliding them lightly against it, while his other hand was pinching and rolling the other.
"Fuck, Daryl," you groaned, your hands moving through his hair, holding him close as he worshiped your breasts like they were the most important things in the world. "Don’t stop."
He growled against your skin and kept going; he kept sucking, licking, and teasing until your nipples were swollen and hard, sensitive to every little touch.
He soon pulled back, a line of spit connecting his mouth to your nipple before it broke, and he greedily licked over it once more. His eyes were full with need, his breathing heavy as he looked up at you, like he was waiting for permission to keep going.
"You’re going to be a good boy and keep worshipping me?" You asked, your voice teasing and commanding him at the same time.
"Yeah," he whispered. "Please… Need t’…"
"Then do it," you ordered, and that was all the encouragement he needed.
Daryl’s hands moved lower, sliding down your sides, moving along your hips before coming to a stop between your legs. His fingers brushed against your pussy, finding you already wet and wanting, and he let out a growl.
He started slowly, almost with hesitation, like he was worshipping at some holy altar. His lips brushed over the inside of your thighs, soft at first, but when you grabbed his hair again, he got the message. His mouth found your pussy the moment he ripped off your panties, and it was as if a switch flipped.
Daryl buried his face between your legs, his tongue working desperately, like he couldn’t get enough of you. You let out a moan, your hand tightening in his hair, guiding him but also keeping him under your control.
"Fuck, Daryl," you breathed out. "Just like that."
And he couldn’t stop, even if he wanted to. Every part of him was focused on you—on the taste of you, the way you trembled when he hit just the right spot. He was completely at your mercy, with the need to prove himself to make you proud.
You could feel him moan against you and how he was getting lost in it, in you. You knew he was desperate for more, desperate for any sign that he was doing good and that you’d forgive him. But you weren’t about to make it easy for him. Not yet, at least.
You pulled back slightly, just enough to get him away from you, and he looked up at you, his lips wet and parted, already missing the taste of you. "Please," he growled out, and you could see the need to do more, to have more of you.
"You keep listening to me. You understand?" You asked, caressing his head gently.
"Yeah," he stammered and nodded in return.
You pushed his head back down, with his tongue slipping inside your pussy almost immediately, like he was trying to eat out every bit of forgiveness he could get.
And fuck, did it feel good. The way he was eating out your pussy, every little move of his tongue, the way he sucked on your clit just hard enough to make you see stars—it was like he was made for this, made to worship you.
"Fuck, don’… don’ make me stop," he growled out in between. He was trembling now, hands still gripping your hips tightly, his eyes wide with something that seemed close to panic, like he couldn’t stand being away from you for even a second.
But you leaned down, grabbing his chin, forcing him to look at you. "You want to make this right? You wait until I’m ready."
He nodded quickly, swallowing hard, his eyes pleading without a word and barely holding it together. He was ready to do anything you asked, to wait as long as you wanted him to, just for a chance to taste you again.
"Good boy," you moaned, suddenly pulling him up to kiss you, tasting yourself on his lips. He kissed you like he was starved for it, holding on for dear life.
And you could feel how hard he was—the desperate twitching of his already leaking cock against your thigh—but you weren’t done teasing him yet. "You’re doing so good, Daryl. Go on now."
"Yes, mommy," he whimpered, the word coming out of his mouth before he could even stop it.
"What did you just call me?" You asked in shock and froze.
Daryl’s eyes widened in shock and panic. "Didn’t mean t’ say that," he said, his voice trembling. "I jus’—"
"Say it again," you commanded, cutting him off. "Say it."
He swallowed hard, his eyes looking around as if searching for an escape, but he knew he couldn’t hide from you. "Yes, mommy," he whispered quietly, a shiver running through him as he said the word again.
But you didn’t miss the way his eyes dropped to the floor. "Good boy," you simply answered. "Go on…"
He didn’t hesitate, his hands following the curves of your body again, his lips following close behind. He kissed down your neck, in between your breasts, along your stomach as he moved lower, his hands soon enough sliding up your thighs and over your pussy.
"Shit," he mumbled, his eyes widening as he realized just how ready you were for him. "Yer so fuckin’ wet."
He didn’t say anything else, too focused on what he was doing. His fingers moved through your wet folds, teasing you until you were trembling with need, and he circled your clit with his thumb slowly on purpose, watching your face for every little reaction.
And one moan—that was all he needed. He leaned in, his mouth replacing his fingers, his tongue sliding over your clit, licking and sucking it gently all over. He didn’t rush, didn’t hurry, and took his time.
"Fuck, Daryl," you moaned, your fingers gripping his hair, holding him in place as he devoured you. "That’s it… don’t stop."
He didn’t need to be told twice. He kept going, kept licking, sucking, and teasing until you were right on the edge and close to coming.
The control he was giving you made you feel powerful, and hell, if that wasn’t the hottest thing you’d ever experienced.
"Please, mommy," he begged. "Lemme make ya cum now."
"Keep going," you commanded, feeling yourself getting closer due to his words. "Don’t stop. Oh, fuck…"
He obeyed, and when you finally came, you gasped and moaned, your body arching and trembling under the force of it. But as soon as you began to come down from your orgasm, you noticed how he started to get more aggressive, his hands gripping your hips harder. He pulled back slightly, his eyes burning into yours as he moved back up.
"Wanna fuck ya," he growled almost primal, grabbing his cock and pushing it against your pussy.
But you shoved him back. "Not so fast," you said. "You’re going to do it my way."
He looked at you with frustration and desperation. "But… I need ya," he said, his voice cracking a little bit. "Please!"
You didn’t give in. Instead, you watched as he tried to hold himself back. "If you want more, you’re going to have to do it my way, Daryl. How many times do I have to tell you?"
"Yeah, ‘kay," he murmured and nodded, his voice trembling.
"Not yet," you said, wrapping your hand around his shaft. The hardness of his cock was pulsing against your hand, and you enjoyed the power it gave you. "You’re going to wait a little longer."
Daryl’s breath hitched, his fingers digging into the mattress as he tried to control himself. "Please," he begged, his voice raw and desperate. "Need it."
You only smiled, slowly stroking him, your movements maddeningly slow. "You want more?" You teased, leaning closer to him. "You want me to keep going? To make you cum already as well?"
He nodded quickly. "Yes! Please, mommy. Can’t take it no more!"
You took your time, each move up and down his shaft, making him moan and writhe.
"Fuck, don’ stop," he groaned. "Please, I can’t—"
"Hush now," you interrupted, squeezing his cock. "You’re going to wait until I say so. If you want to be a good boy, you’ll follow my instructions."
Daryl’s cock was coated in his pre-cum and throbbing in your hand, and every time you squeezed just a little harder, he would shiver, his voice breaking into pleas and whimpers.
"Please… ‘M so close," he whimpered. "Can’t hold back much longer."
You looked down at him, smirking, and then you jerked him faster and harder, bringing him right to the edge. His body was tense and almost painfully trying to hold off his orgasm.
"Daryl," you said softly, your hand driving him mad. "I want you to beg for it. Just a little bit more."
His pleas turned into desperate murmurs as he struggled with himself. "Please… Need t’… Jus’ let me... Oh fuck!"
With a final pump, you brought him right to the very edge again, feeling his cock throbbing against your palm. Then, just when you could see he was about to break, you pulled back, stopping altogether.
Daryl let out a whimper, his eyes desperate. "Fuck, please… Need it."
You leaned in close, kissing his neck. "Not yet. I want you to really feel it, to know how much you need me."
"Please," he begged again. "Please..."
"Tell me how much you need it," you smiled at him.
He swallowed hard, his voice cracking as he spoke. "Need it so bad, mommy, please... Need t’ cum for ya. Need ya..."
You gave him one final, hard stroke, and then you stopped again, making him groan and tremble over you, the muscles in his arms tensing up painfully hard. "Good boy," you whispered, finally giving him permission to slide into your pussy, just not all the way.
"No further," you said. "Just the tip. Hold it back."
He groaned, his hands gripping the sheets next to you on the mattress. "Please," he begged, his voice breaking. "Lemme fuck ya..."
You ignored his pleas, your hand still pumping up and down his shaft. "Say it," you commanded. "Say you’re my good boy, Daryl."
"‘M yer good boy," he mumbled, closing his eyes in embarrassment.
Finally, when you could see the look on his face—the way he was practically begging to come—you leaned in. "You want it now?"
"Yeah," he whispered, his voice breaking. "Please, mommy..."
His cock was pulsing, the tip pressing into you just enough to make him groan but not enough to give him what he wanted.
You watched as a sudden tear rolled down his cheek—a single, small, and tiny drop. The sight of it—so rare for someone like Daryl—made you widen your eyes. You could see the complete surrender—the way he was completely at your mercy.
Without warning, you pushed against him, taking him all the way in, and made him cry out, his body shuddering as he filled you up and feeling your pussy stretch around his cock. The look of shock and ecstasy on his face was too much, even for you. His eyes widened, his lips parting slightly, and his cock was pulsing inside you, his body trembling uncontrollably.
"Fuck! Fuck…"
And the moment you took him in fully, he came hard inside of you with a loud groan, his body trying to push in as deep as possible as he reached his orgasm, while you held him close, feeling the last of his cum filling you up as he finished.
You soon lay there, your body still tingling, but Daryl, on the other hand, was a mess after he quickly pulled out of you. Now his walls were coming back up, and he was doing his best to act like he didn’t need a damn thing from you.
He was trying to play it cool, turning his face away, still shaking a little bit. "Jus’… gotta go," he mumbled, trying to shove you away. "Don’ need ya all up in m’ shit now."
"Oh, come on. You can’t be serious," you smirked, running a finger teasingly down his chest.
He glared at you, trying to push you away once more. "‘M fine. Jus’ leave me ‘lone," he grumbled.
"Look at you, all tough and cold again. But you were begging for it only a minute ago." You let your hand move over his skin, feeling his muscles twitch. "And now you’re just going to be an ass about it? Not a chance."
He froze as you touched him. "Shut up," he snapped. "Don’t need yer damn pity."
You rolled your eyes, leaning in close. "Pity? This isn’t pity, Daryl."
He tried to pull away again, but you held him close, your hands moving up to his chin. You tilted his head so he had no choice but to look at you.
"Seriously?" You said with a smile. "You’re going to act like a brat now? After everything?" You moved closer, teasing him with a kiss on his lips.
Daryl’s breath stopped for a second, and you felt him shudder under your touch. "Fuck off," he muttered, but it was sounding rather weak, almost as if he was trying to convince himself more than you.
You laughed, cupping his chin more firmly. "Make me. Or... maybe you really are just a brat who needs to be put in his place all over again."
He shivered as he fought with himself. "No… Don’ need this," he mumbled, but it was clear he was losing the battle against himself. His voice was getting quieter, and he knew that he was failing miserably.
Then, you finally met his lips with yours. It was a slow, gentle kiss, with you wanting to give him reassurance. He moaned against them, the sound full of desperation.
When you pulled back, you saw how his eyes were wide, and he suddenly nuzzled up against you, his face buried in your neck, his body trembling as if he was trying to hold onto whatever was left of his defenses.
"‘M so sorry," he murmured against your skin, his voice breaking. "Didn’ mean t’... I jus’—"
You ran your fingers through his hair, cuddling him closer as he clung to you. "Quiet," you whispered, putting your lips against his forehead. "It’s okay."
He wrapped his arms around you, his grip a little rough as if he was afraid you might slip away. "I fucked up," he said. "Almos’ got m’self killed an’ hurt ya. ‘M so damn sorry."
You held him close, his body pressed against yours. "I know," you said softly. "But you’re still alive, Daryl."
But the moment of calm was ruined when Daryl’s body tensed up again, with him starting to sob violently.
"Shit," he choked out, tears rolling down his cheeks. "‘M such a fuckin’ asshole. Messed everythin’ up. Could’ve died an’—"
You shushed him, holding him even tighter, pressing kisses to his temples. You didn’t say much, letting your actions speak louder than any words even could.
He kept mumbling apologies, his sobs so intense that they shook his whole body. "Ain’t good ‘nough. ‘M worthless. Jus’ a useless piece o’ shit," he sobbed further, his voice cracking.
You gently cupped his face again, lifting it so you could look into his wet eyes. Slowly, you wiped the tears away with your thumbs, kissing his cheeks where the tears had been rolling down.
"Hush," you whispered softly. "You’re not a useless piece of shit. You’re not worthless. You made a mistake, but you’re here, and you’re alive. That’s what matters."
He needed to hear that you weren’t disappointed and that you still loved him despite everything.
Daryl looked up at you, his eyes all red and swollen, but his sobbing began to calm down. And as he finally started to relax, his grip on you softened, but he didn’t let go. He was still clinging to you, needing you to remind him that he was loved and that he was enough.
"Thanks," he whispered quietly. "For… everythin’."
You smiled to yourself, playing with his hair. "Anytime," you murmured, pressing another soft kiss to the top of his head.
You didn’t need to say anything more; your arms around him were enough to help him find his way back to feeling okay. The walls he’d built were finally down, and for now, he was just Daryl—raw and in need of someone to help him piece himself back together.
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hold me? | charles leclerc
synopsis: in which he only wants you to hold him
a/n: based on this request!
pairing: emotional!charles leclerc x girlfriend!reader
my masterlist
It’s a quiet, overcast afternoon in Monaco, the kind where the skies seem to mirror the feelings of those under them. The rain has been falling steadily since morning, a soft patter against the windows filling the silence in your apartment. Normally, you’d find the sound soothing, but today it seems to add to the heaviness hanging in the air.
Charles has been uncharacteristically quiet all day. You noticed it during breakfast, where his usual playful banter was replaced with absent nods and distracted glances. He barely touched his coffee, something he never does, and the light in his eyes seemed dulled.
Now, he’s sprawled on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, scrolling aimlessly through his phone. His posture is slouched, and every now and then, he lets out a sigh that tugs at your heart.
From the kitchen, you watch him for a moment, your fingers curling around the warm mug of tea you made for him. You can tell he’s carrying something heavy, the kind of weight he’s too stubborn to share unless coaxed.
Taking a deep breath, you walk over and set the tea on the coffee table, then perch on the armrest of the couch beside him.
“Charles,” you call softly.
He glances up at you, his honey-brown eyes tired and unfocused.
You reach out to smooth the blanket over his lap, a small gesture of care.
“I brought you some tea,” you say gently, trying not to push too much too soon.
“Merci,” he murmurs, his voice quiet, almost flat.
He takes the mug but doesn’t drink, instead staring into the steam as if lost in thought.
You slip onto the couch beside him, leaning in so your knee brushes his.
“You’ve been quiet today,” you say carefully, not wanting to overwhelm him. “Do you want to talk about what’s on your mind?”
He hesitates, his lips parting before he shakes his head slightly. But the way his shoulders slump tells you he does—it’s just hard for him to find the words.
Gently, you place your hand on his arm, grounding him.
“It’s okay,” you assure him. “Take your time.”
He sighs, setting the tea back on the table before leaning back against the couch. His gaze fixes on the ceiling, and for a moment, the only sound is the rain outside.
“Racing has been... tough lately,” he finally admits, his voice heavy with frustration. “I feel like I’m not good enough. Like no matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. The mistakes, the pressure, the expectations, it’s all piling up.”
He pauses, running a hand through his hair.
“Sometimes I think... I’m letting everyone down. The team, the fans, even myself.”
Hearing the raw vulnerability in his voice makes your chest ache. You shift closer, sliding your arms around him without hesitation.
At first, he tenses, but then he melts into your embrace, his head finding its place on your shoulder.
“Charles,” you whisper, your fingers stroking through his soft curls, “you’re allowed to feel this way. You carry so much on your shoulders, and it’s okay to admit when it feels too heavy. But I need you to know that you’re not letting anyone down. Not your team, not your fans, and definitely not me.”
His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer. He holds you like he’s afraid to let go, his breath warm against your neck.
“You always know what to say,” he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion.
You pull back slightly, just enough to meet his gaze. His eyes are glistening, and there’s a vulnerability there that he rarely shows. Gently, you cup his face, brushing your thumb along his cheek.
“I know what to say because I see you,” you say softly. “Not just Charles Leclerc, the racing driver, but Charles, the person I love. You don’t have to be perfect for me. You’re enough, just as you are.”
A tear escapes, and he quickly swipes it away, giving you a small, grateful smile.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he whispers.
You lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, lingering for a moment.
“Lucky for you, you’ll never have to find out,” you tease lightly, earning a soft chuckle from him.
For the rest of the afternoon, you stay like that, tangled together on the couch. At one point, he shifts to rest his head in your lap, and you run your fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp. He lets out a content sigh, his body fully relaxed for the first time in days.
When he drifts off to sleep, you stay still, watching the way his lips curve into the faintest smile. The rain outside begins to let up, but the calm in your heart remains, knowing that, for now, he’s at peace, and that you’ll always be there to help him find his way back to it.
No matter what.
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much appreciated!!
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Sotto Voce.
Gaslighting everyone into believing you’re a really shit footballer because seeing people be impressed by your sheer lack of skill is more fun than being a genius.
FEAT. Bastard München ensemble
NOTES. uhhaua cross posted on ao3 (same user) but ajyway, thought this idea was funny and because of this lingering feeling of sadness i haha managed to Complete this?? Gosh im beside myself with worry!!
Isagi thinks he might be seeing things. Maybe all the relentless training in Blue Lock has finally caught up to him, leading him into a football-induced delirium, because he can’t quite comprehend what he’s looking at right now.
You’re moving across the field with a fluidity he’s only seen in pro-level players, doing tricks and turns he’s pretty sure aren’t even in his playbook. You glide past the defence, controlling the ball with a finesse that’s nearly supernatural — hell, he thinks even someone of Rin’s calibre would be breaking a sweat to try and keep up.
And you look bored while doing it. Eyes half-lidded, posture almost lazy, as if this is just another walk in the park and not you showing off world-class football technique.
Isagi’s mind races to make sense of this. You’d always been, well, normal to him.
Sometimes you’d play in a match, most other times you’d sit out on the sidelines. And he’s usually pretty sharp about these things, so it must’ve been because you just… didn’t stand out.
Yet here you are, pulling off flawless plays with little more than a mild yawn, as if winning against the top players here would barely register on your radar. Maybe it’s just luck, some freakish one-off, right?
… Nope. You just drilled another perfect goal into the top corner of the net.
He snaps out of his thoughts only when you suddenly stop mid-play, and his eyes meet yours. For a second, there’s a flicker of panic in your gaze and he opens his mouth, not even sure what he’s about to say.
You’re stomping towards him before he can even process the whole thing, your pace quicker and more full of menace than he’s used to seeing on you. You stop just short of him, tilt your head slightly, and in the calmest voice, say, “You saw nothing.”
He tries to stammer out something, but you leave soon afterwards.
Tripping over the ball is harder than it looks, but after enough practice, you’ve perfected the art of falling in a normal fashion. To most people, it’s convincing. Prior to a few days ago, you’d say all people but there’s a certain someone who entertains himself by boring holes into the back of your skull with an intense, unblinking stare.
You can feel it. Isagi waiting for you to slip up.
Actually slip up, instead of the falls you’ve gotten so good at imitating. It’s detestable, honestly. You’re trying to keep things as they’ve always been, and he just wants to come in and mess with the status quo!
Luckily for you, Igaguri’s too much of an idiot to harbour the same suspicions. Right now he’s too busy practically doubling over with laughter on the floor. The guy is probably thrilled to finally see someone playing the fool even more than he does. And as much as he’s a pain, he’s also the kind of person who makes perfect cover — play the role of an idiot, laugh it off with him, and everyone’s none the wiser.
So, in spite of your (what most would call) vindictive description of him, you do believe that some sort of strange pleasure is to be gained from surrounding yourself with people like him. Though perhaps that also makes you a terrible person.
The feeling is nothing like the rationale that Noa preaches about so often. It’s an undeniable truth in your heart.
Which is why you avoid the people who actually know what they’re doing on the field like the plague.
Yukimiya, on the other hand, is way too polite to laugh outright. He at least has the common sense to stifle it, reaching out a hand to help you off the ground with a quiet charm that makes people swoon. No wonder he’s a model.
Now, the imaginary audience in your mind might be wondering why you’re talking with a guy like him? Your answer: he’s not as notable ever since he patched things up with Isagi. He’s now the kind of person you can talk to without raising any brows. Again, it sounds harsh but you see it in a positive light. He’s becoming just the kind of person you adore most!
“Try and keep a close eye for stuff on the ground, alright?”
You flash him a grin, nodding. “You know me, just a total klutz all the time,” you reply as your usual happy-go-lucky self, making sure to project just loud enough for Isagi to hear.
And out of the corner of your eye, you catch that familiar look of suspicion deepening.
The silence that follows is brutal. Hiori and Kurona exchange a look that’s way too long for Isagi’s comfort. After finishing whatever telepathic debate they have with each other, they both stare back at him like he’s just pitched the most psychotic theory imaginable (which isn’t entirely untrue).
“You don’t believe me, do you?” he mutters, deflating a bit.
Hiori’s quick to reply, but Isagi is aware of the faintest flicker of amusement in his eyes. “It’s not that we don’t believe you. But, ya have to admit, it’s strange to hear Y/N… of all people, doing something like that.”
That’s code for what the fuck are you talking about, Isagi concludes with a grimace, his eyes shifting to Kurona hopefully.
“Crazy. Crazy.”
Kurona’s tone is deadpan, his gaze distant as if he’s trying not to laugh. Great.
Isagi sighs heavily, scrubbing a hand over his face. Maybe he is the one who’s going crazy here. It shouldn’t even bother him this much. It’s not like you’re particularly close! If anything, he can barely remember a conversation between the two of you that went beyond asking if you’d seen so and so.
And, judging by the responses he’s getting from both of his teammates, neither of them can figure out why he’s fixated on this either.
Noa is going on and on about practice drills, how to follow his instructions precisely, something about rationality and technique, blah, blah, blah. You stifle a yawn. If this is what being in one of the top clubs means, you should’ve begged Ego to be in Barcha instead. At least Lavinho would’ve been fun.
You hear his coaching style isn’t by any means phenomenal if you’re trying to improve your skills, but good thing you’re not planning on doing anything of the sort!
And just when you think you might actually pass out from boredom, you see Isagi walking over. Again. He’s approaching with that same cautious look, but it’s not enough to make him think twice about bothering you apparently. That’s also something that bugs you, he’s never a quitter.
You flash him an oblivious smile. “Oh, Isagi! Whatcha up to? Need anything from little ol’ me?”
You lay it on thick, voice dripping with cheerful innocence. His jaw tightens, and for a second, you swear you can see a flicker of annoyance on his face. That’s new. Your words have the opposite effect than what you had originally intended.
“Listen, I know what I saw, alright? You’re not fooling anyone.”
He launches into a whole spiel about how he’s seen you pull off moves that only high-level players can pull off, how he doesn’t care if it’s part of some large game you’re playing, how you should be using your skill to distinguish yourself.
…You really don’t give a shit, and in regards to his comments, you personally disagree! What’s the fun in doing all of that?
You tilt your head, pretending to think it over with wide, guileless eyes. Sure, you’re a little flattered he’s this invested in uncovering your “secret,” but the other 99% of you is totally unhappy.
When he finally wraps up his little speech, you just give him a half-hearted shrug with a smugness that he doesn’t miss.
“And who’s going to believe you?”
Kaiser likes to think of Isagi as predictable, average — someone who might fancy himself a hero but is ultimately just another small-time player waiting to be crushed. It’s almost laughable how seriously he takes himself. In fact, the only thing remotely worth mentioning about him recently is this bizarre fixation he seems to have developed on you.
He’s overheard your exchanges, and in short, they’re pathetic.
Isagi rambles on about how you’re hiding something, clinging to that delusion like it’s going to benefit him somehow. The psychology-lover inside him finds it almost fascinating in how utterly absurd it sounds.
So, when Kaiser spots you chatting with the ever despairing Grim (laughing so hard you have to hold back tears), he figures it wouldn’t be wrong to call you at least a little insane. Part of him wonders what humour could be found in the man’s deplorable monologues.
He figures he might as well join in on the entertainment. You’re far from his usual company, but you’ll do. For now. Moseying on over, his signature smirk is already in place.
He’s rewarded by the way your eyes immediately narrow in irritation, a look he’s all too familiar with and thoroughly enjoys on anyone really. Grim, blissfully unaware of what he’s leaving you to, heads off, and now it’s just you and Kaiser.
Leaning in closer, he asks, “What little secret of yours has got under Yoichi’s skin so badly?”
Kaiser waits, watching for the faintest flicker of reaction but you stay silent. How boring.
But! Not one to give up easily, he continues with a more direct jab, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone. The one where he acts like he knows everything there is to know about everyone. “That you’re really skilled, and this whole clueless act of yours is just a cheap facade?”
He raises a brow, as if daring you to admit it. To his delight, you lift your head, finally meeting his gaze albeit with an uncomfortably polite smile.
“I was just surprised you’re interested in something like that. But, Isagi’s a total liar. Isn’t he just so annoying? I can’t stand people who just don’t know when to give up, and I’m sure you agree.”
It’s not often someone catches him off-guard, and though he recovers quickly, the flicker of surprise is still there. Kaiser also sees opportunity however. He could work with this.
“Well, if you’re not a fan of Yoichi then feel free to join my side then,” he drawls, offering the position like it’s a dream come true. In his world, he’s already the star; what better way to elevate himself than to recruit someone.
“Ah, no. You’re both terrible.”
He can’t tell what’s worse; you lumping him together with Isagi, or the fact that you immediately walk off without giving him a chance to get the last word in.
“It’s like asking me if I prefer cat shit or dog shit. It’s still shit, and there’s no point in picking one over the other.”
You toss the comparison out to Kiyora, of all people — a bit of a waste since he just stares blankly at you, not saying a word. Pretty cute, actually, in a clueless sort of way.
The reality is that, at the moment, if you want a shot at the regulars, you’re supposed to cosy up to either Isagi or Kaiser. And as for everyone else? They’re can either fuck off or pray for a miracle.
Of course, you couldn’t care less about making the regulars. But every now and then, you forget there are people around you who do care, people with actual ambitions. Which is why you pause when you catch sight of Hiori and Kurona.
“Oh, Hiori and Kurona,” you point out the obvious.
They both glance your way, casual and relaxed, which gives you the impression that Isagi hasn’t roped them into his latest paranoid theories. Yet.
“Are ya heading back to training already?” Hiori asks, his soft voice and accent making it sound more like an invitation than a question. There’s a kindness to it that’s almost unsettling here in Blue Lock, but you return his smile with one of your own nevertheless.
Kiyora gives a small nod. “Yeah,” he says, brief and to the point.
You’re half-considering some excuse to slip away and do your own thing, but there’s something about the way Hiori is looking at you that draws your attention. Unlike Isagi, he’s way better at hiding it, but you can still feel his curiosity prickle under your skin.
You give him a lazy smile, leaning into the idea. “I’m already so tired from this morning’s training,” you lie, exaggerating just enough. “Honestly, going to bed early sounds great right about now.”
Morning training was barely enough to get you sweating, just a couple of warm-up drills for the afternoon matches. You doubt they have any clue what you’re talking about, which is exactly how you want it.
There’s a quiet pause, and then Hiori breaks it with a gentle but firm nudge. “Well, if yer looking to get on the regulars consistently, training more could be worth a shot.”
You force a smile that probably looks more akin to a grimace. This is exactly why you don’t like smart people. They poke and prod until your story frays at the edges. He definitely asked that on purpose! With a heavy sigh, you end up walking with them toward the pitch, despite every nerve in you screaming to veer off.
You can’t help but wonder if this is a test.
#cheq. writes#cheq. fics#cheq. bllk#blue lock x reader#bastard munchen#bllk x reader#blue lock x you#isagi x reader#isagi yoichi x reader#kaiser x reader#michael kaiser x reader#blue lock x gender neutral reader#blue lock oneshots
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hi 😀 can i get rin w/ a reader who gets overstimulated easily 🙊
hi pookie, ofc i gotchu LOL
you thought staying over at Rin's place for a sleepover was going to be the usual, watching movies until you fall asleep. you never expected it to take such a turn... but sometimes a wrong turn is needed.
chara: rin itoshi x f!reader warning: nsfw content: overstimulation, unprotected s*x, praise, established relationship +20 charas, bimbo/naive mc, virginity loss
The night had a chill in the air, with the moon glowing in the dark sky. Funnily enough, it felt almost cozy, as your feet stepped upon dry leaves, causing a crunching sound.
You climbed up the driveway, your grip on a pink bear plushie tightening as the weight of your bag dragged you down. Perhaps you packed a little too heavy tonight, but anytime you packed for any overnight trip, you always forget at least one thing. Better safe than sorry, right? Knowing you... you probably still left something at home.
Just as you were about to ring the doorbell, your feet caught the crevice of the path. Tripping over it, the momentum sent you forward, making you topple over.
As if Rin Itoshi could sense the danger, he opened the door, wide eyed in concern.
You were sprawled on your knees to the ground, blinking in confusion for a moment. The prickling of pain on your knees stung, despite you having worn pants. Rin sprung into action instantly, rushing to your side and picking you up, bridal style.
With him suddenly so close to you, you had grown flustered, cheeks warming at the feeling of hands curled on your torso and legs. His beautiful, attractive face was so close. Dark bangs swayed across his forehead majestically, right above the teal of his eyes, to the long lashes that radiated from them. All of it... all of him was pretty.
"You can be such a fool, [Name]."
"Y-You don't have to carry me. I can walk."
His grasp on you only tightened as he shook his head silently, bringing you inside of his abode. The interior was the same as the last time you came by, very neat and modern. He went down the narrow hallway and into the living room to set you down on the couch. Despite your protests, he ignored you as he took care of you, placing your bag to the side and taking your shoes off to set them near the door.
When he returned, he had a first aid kit in his hand. It seemed he washed them as well from the way the sleeves of his sweater were rolled up.
"You don't have to do all this," you tried again. "I can take care of myself."
"Oh really." His eyes shot up to you, narrowing sternly. You froze, grinning sheepishly. "The moment I opened the door expecting to see my girlfriend, I instead see her toppling over like some sad puppet."
"I'm sorry..."
He sighed, scratching at his head. "Don't be sorry. You just make me worry. So the least you can do is let me treat you."
"Y-Yes sir!" You saluted him and he finally cracked a smile, turning away to try and hide it.
Rin rolled the lengths of your pants up to expose the skins of your legs. There were minor cuts and bruises lined up along your knees, but overall, it wasn't the worst thing ever. But for fear of getting scolded by Rin again, you kept your mouth shut as he did his work. With an alcohol wipe, he cleaned at it expertly. The pain stung bad at the contact of it, your eyes tearing up and your mouth trembling. Quite the low pain tolerance you had.
It didn't go unnoticed. Your boyfriend swiped at your tears smoothly. "It's okay... It's almost done. You're doing good."
You nodded, clenching at your bear.
Then he went on to bandaging you up. His fingers moved expertly to apply the ointment gently, careful to cause you no further pain. Rather than pain, the touch of it sent tingles along that area, spreading slowly down your limbs. You liked his touch, the warmth of it, as if Rin Itoshi was the armor of your protection.
Eventually, he bandaged you up, the skin contact less frequent, leaving you... disappointed? You furrowed your brows at your thoughts.
"What's wrong?" Rin Itoshi saw your expression.
"I..." You couldn't seem to voice it, embarassment sinking into your system. "Nevermind."
"No, say it," he said bluntly, his inability to let anything go coming back tenfold.
"I don't know! I just... liked the feeling of your fingers. I like your touch, okay?" you blurted, unable to keep secret of anything when it came to Rin Itoshi.
He was quiet for a moment and you were afraid you had scared him off. But when you grew the courage to look at him again, his face was not what you imagined. Cheeks flushed in red, his arm was covering his face as his eyes narrowed to the ground. You had never seen him so flustered. The temptation to snap a photo of him in such a state was blooming, but you controlled yourself, knowing he would only kill you.
"You shouldn't have said that," he muttered. Finally, he moved towards you, his hand placed against your thigh.
"Oh!" His touch sent more tingles, the feeling of it even better than before.
You were pushed deeper into the couch as his face grew closer, the turquoise of his eyes darkening. "Can I kiss you?" he whispered, his gaze taking in the soft plumps of your lips. You were so innocent, so light, so soft, so pure -- how could he dare to ruin you? He had held back for so long, to be the boyfriend you needed and not act on such carnal desires, but when you said those words, something vile in him had flourished.
"O-Of course."
He kissed you with fervor, taking you by surprise. Other times you had kissed him, it was gentle and sweet. He had kissed you like you were a fragile doll, making sure to allow you time to breathe. This time... it was different.
His tongue slipped into your mouth, sliding along yours to taste you. Lips pressed against one another in rough fashion, the heat of his body stemming from him. You held the back his head, running through soft strands of hair, becoming one with the boy named Rin Itoshi. His hands rubbed at your thighs, the feeling of it causing you to quiver. To your surprise, you liked it. You liked it a lot.
He broke the kiss, staring at you for a moment, still kneeling between your legs.
"Is something the matter? Do you want to watch The Shining now? You've been looking forward to it all week."
Rin shook his head. "I want to try something new today."
"A new movie?"
"Not a movie. I... want to make love with you."
"Make love..." you trailed off, unable to process the phrase for a moment. Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor when you finally understood. "Y-You mean... like s-sex?"
"Yes," he said, growing red once more. He kissed your hand. "If you are not ready, we don't have to though. I will always wait for you."
You looked at your beautiful Rin, kneeling there in front of you, with genuine love despite the cold exterior he always donned with others. You knew your boyfriend would never intentionally hurt you and only uplift you instead. He had been nothing but the best, looking out for you no matter where you were. You trusted him a lot... and you loved him a lot.
So making love was something you were okay to try, if it was with him.
If you loved him this much already, you could only imagine how much deeper you'd fall tonight.
For Rin. Only if it was Rin Itoshi, your beautiful star that shined so bright.
"I can try," you told him, covering your face with the plushie. "I'm... embarrassed though. I don't know where to start."
The plushie was ripped away from your grip as he stood there, eyes glowing in love and adoration. A hand landed on the top of your head, ruffling the masses of your [h/c] hair. "You do not need to be embarrassed. We can go slow, okay?"
You nodded in agreement.
He started to undress you, peeling your sweats off to leave you in your panties. You followed his lead, also undressing him, eyes looking elsewhere as you grew unconscious.
"You're so fucking beautiful... [Name], look at me." His voice was stern, but laced with a warmth that you could only tell. So you did as told, taking him in from the strong, lean build he grew from soccer, to the muscles on his abdomen, and then finally to the large outline on his boxers. Oh god, it was looking at you! You couldn't seem to take your eyes off of it, feeling nervous but intrigued.
He pulled your arms from the self-conscious hug you gave yourself.
"Do not hide yourself from me. I want to see all of you."
You gulped and nodded. "Okay."
"Do you want to touch it? You keep looking at it."
You flinched, caught like a deer in headlights. "Oh, um..."
He pulled his boxers off, revealing his large penis that was clearly already hard. For some reason, looking at it made you feel tingly from down under. Rin guided your hand to it, so you grabbed onto it. It was warm and it was veiny under your fingers. Immediately, he reacted at the touch. Curious, you started rubbing at it, to receive faces of Rin you had never seen before. Wide eyed and tongue out from slightly panting, he gripped the side of your face in return.
From his harsh breaths to the soft moans he let out, it was incredibly fascinating. You... wanted to see more.
"Wait." He stopped you. "It's my turn."
He pushed you to the couch and the two of you tumbled against the cushion, his form towering above you. Legs tangled along one another, naked and all, and you had never felt so close to him. His body heat clouded your head, intoxicating you under a spell. Slowly, his finger crept into your panties, sliding through the folds of your pussy. The feeling of it was foreign, so you tensed up.
As he kept stroking at your vagina with his fingers, it started to feel good. The focus he reserved for the field was presenting itself here on his face, the furrow of his brow lowered in concentration. It was hot. And so, so, so good. "Mmph!" you released a shuddering moan. Horrified by the sound you made, you covered your mouth.
Rin Itoshi took your hand off in return, watching you patiently. "Let it all out. I want to hear you when you feel good."
As he sped up his fingers and plunged them deeper, your body began to shake, your nails clutching at his back. "Ahh... too much... too good. Rin. Rin!"
"You're doing great," he said, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
Your pussy was growing wet, dripping past the cloth of your underwear. The heat was overbearing, the throb of your vagina loud in your ears. So much was happening at once, your head reeling to catch up to process everything.
"Rin! I can't...!" you mewed, limbs shaking and trembling at the high from the feeling of his fingers stuck in your pussy. When he finally pulled them out, you stared at the white substance that coated his fingers. White substance that came from your body. "What is wrong with me?"
"Hey." His sharp voice interrupted your flurry of doubts. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye. "There is nothing wrong with your body. This is normal and a human body's miracle. You are my blessing, [Name], do you understand?"
You nodded. "Okay."
"Did you feel good?"
"Then that is all that matters."
"Did... you feel good too?"
"Of course. Do you want to feel good together?"
"Yes. I want to feel good with you."
He blinked at you for a moment, surprised. He ruffled your hair, a soft smile adorning his beautiful lips. "I forget how fucking cute you are sometimes."
To see him shower you with this much love and affection, your heart could only swell even bigger for him. Your sweet, blunt Rin Itoshi. Your talented soccer player, who just needed love the most when the world betrayed him. He was yours as you were his. For him to feel good from your touch, this was the most vulnerable kind of love you could give. So sharing the loss of your virginity with him was undoubtedly the easiest choice you could make.
He held his member up and slowly brushed up against your vagina, making you quiver. "Let me know if it hurts. But follow my lead.”
He spread your legs out and gave you a quick kiss. His dick inserted into the chambers of your vagina, the walls of it closing around it. Your legs trembled, your mouth hanging lopsided. His penis was much larger than two of his fingers, the weight and girth of it enough to set you on fire. It felt so good, but painful... until it wasn't.
Was it because you were comfortable with Rin that it wasn't as painful as you expected?
"Rin! It doesn't hurt," you said, cheesing up at him.
He brushed a strand from your check. "Good. Because this is where the fun starts."
His cock started to ram into you, and it dug into your core. You could feel it, throbbing in there, sucking you whole. You howled at the motion, not because of pain, but how aroused it left you. "Rin! Wait..." You were arching your back, toes curling as he pounded into your vagina, deeper and deeper and deeper. "S-So good."
He groaned slightly, his grip on your shoulders firm. "Good girl... tell me... where it feels good."
You couldn't stop shaking, your mind muddled in euphoria and lust combined. "I... can't..."
"I-It's too much."
"Do you want to go slower?"
A smirk crossed his face, so cocky and arrogant, like the true star he was. "That's my [Name]. Now tell me where it feels good."
"There! R-Right there."
He shoved his dick deeper at the spot you mentioned, accurately hitting the shots like the way he did in soccer. Your eyes lulled back as you panted heavily, overwhelmed but also feeling so much pleasure from this new type of love. It was a double-edged sword, but it was so worth it, seeing your boyfriend enjoy you. If it was for him, you'd do anything.
"Shit," he groaned, his member assaulting your cunt left and right, in every direction. He kept it going, tireless and nonstop, due to the stamina he built up from years of his sport. It felt so good, his dick pulsing alongside your twat, a mixture of warmth and wet.
"I'm... coming soon."
"C-Coming?" you asked, whining once more when he thrusted into you.
"Naive girl," he grunted. "I have to punish you for this."
He grabbed your ass and you moaned, unable to handle it anymore. You were reaching a high, climbing up a ladder to reach a climax. A blissful of feelings released, oxytocin spreading throughout your system. You convulsed at the intensity of it, gripping onto Rin.
Rin Itoshi reached his climax as well, gritting his teeth. As he pulled himself out from you, he stared at you as if you were the goal he had just conquered. Winning meant everything to him, after all, for it was life or death out in that battlefield.
But... actually, it was you who had conquered him. You, who had stole his heart, in your clutzy fashion.
He simply could not win against you anymore.
Rin Itoshi laid down beside you, hugging you like it was the last day on earth. He, who had never believed in luck, felt like the luckiest man on this planet to have met you. He, who could not rely on anybody else after the deception of his brother, found himself searching you. He, who scoffed at the idea of love, was now so submerged in love when it came to you.
You had dozed off already, tired from this little escapade today. He shook his head at your ability to fall asleep so easily, staring at every crook and crevice to burn your beautiful self into his mind.
"I love you, my little fool."
#blue lock#blue lock x reader#bllk#bllk x you#bllk x reader#blue lock x you#blue lock x female reader#rin itoshi#itoshi rin#itoshi x reader#rin itoshi x reader#rin itoshi x you#rin itoshi smut#smut#anime#bllk smut#blue lock smut#rin smut
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[𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰] - Giyuu Tomioka x Reader
Summary: You get injured while fighting a demon and Giyuu helps to bring you back to health.
warnings: none aside from the injury the reader endures and maybe a gross amount of fluff
"It hurts."
"I know." Giyuu spoke softer than usual in an attempt to calm you down as he took off his haori to create a makeshift bandage.
You struggled to maintain your breathing technique as you bled out on the forest floor. The pain you felt in your dominant arm was horrid, but it was nothing compared to shame you felt as you were sloppily nursed back to stability by your companion for the mission you were assigned. You were a member of the Hashira after all; how could you let yourself be torn down in battle by such a low level Kizuki? You were able to land the final blow, but not without substantial damage to your own body.
If you wanted to be honest with yourself, you knew exactly what impeded your typically flawless movements; you were distracted by him. The same man frantically wrapping his haori around your wound in a subpar attempt to stop the blood loss.
You couldn't help it; as cliche as it sounds, you felt like his eyes were designed to get lost in.
"Can you stand?" His voice pulled you from your thoughts.
"I hope so. Can you help me up?" Your response was shaky and barely loud enough to be heard.
He slowly stood and pulled you up with him. You tried as hard as you could to steady yourself once he let go, but all the motivation in the world couldn't stop your legs from buckling. You gasped as you shut your eyes and waited for the harsh impact with the cold ground.
Unsurprisingly, such impact never came.
"Thanks." You muttered, trying to hide your embarrassment as you were being carried bridal style through the forest and soon onto a dirt road.
'As if I couldn't appear any more pathetic...' your brain assaulted itself with more negative assumptions than ever before, and you dug your face into Giyuu's chest to hide the upset expression you could feel plaguing your usually neutral features.
The walk to the Butterfly Estate was a bit of a long one, but it was necessary for a Pillar to receive the best care for mangled limbs.
Much of the said trek was made in silence.
After some time, you shifted your body so you could watch your surroundings. If it weren't for the trail of blood you were leaving with every step the visibly concerned man took, it'd be a perfect night.
"Giyuu, isn't it lovely out tonight?" You finally spoke.
"You're sounding dangerously similar to Shinobu. I have more important things to worry about, as do you."
A breathy laugh escaped your lips. You could tell your own injury was making you a bit delirious.
"You needn't be so serious. We both know I'll recover," you took a ragged breath, "I know you're a Pillar, but we're both allowed to enjoy life sometimes." You explained. As expected, there was no response.
You looked up at the night sky before taking another shaky breath, "You remind me of the moon."
"Though, it's not nearly as handsome as you are." You spilled. You were too exhausted to care about whatever his response may be, and too inattentive to notice the slight blush that crept onto his face.
"I'll be sure to have the caretakers at the estate check for a concussion."
Once again, silence filled the open dirt road you were now following.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused tonight. I should know to make myself more useful."
"You were more tha-"
"I think I'm going to fall asleep. Is that alright?" You intentionally cut him off as you knew you weren't strong enough for that sort of conversation. You glanced up at his face and waited for a reply.
He hesitantly nodded, "I'll wake you up if your breathing gets to slow. Dying isn't an opt-" Once again, He was cut off. This time, by the gentle snores escaping your lips. He sighed, exasperated, but was glad you were at least safe for now. With that peace of mind, he allowed the guilt he was struggling to carry lessen in weight ever so slightly.
'As if I couldn't appear any more useless.' He thought as he replayed the moment you cried out in pain over and over in his mind, wincing at every opportunity where he had the power to change the course of the fight but couldn't think fast enough in the moment.
You awoke in a bed you recognized almost immediately. You were one of the more frequent visitors at the Butterfly Estate, not because you were weaker but because it wasn't unheard of for you to throw yourself in front of enemy attacks aimed at others (most often protecting Giyuu).
"Oh good, you're awake! We'll let Mr. Tomioka know immediately." Three girls stood at the foot of your bed with a polite smile pasted on their faces.
"Wait- What are my injuries?"
"A severe laceration in your (dominant) arm as well as a fractured humerus and 2 broken ribs. Don't worry, Aoi took the necessary measures and you should make a complete recovery in around 3 weeks."
"Why would you let Giyuu know I woke up?"
"He's always the most concerned, miss! This time, he tried to sit in your room as you slept so he'd be there when you came to." One girl spoke up and they laughed in unison after. With that, they placed water and what you assumed to be pain medicine on your nightstand and left the room.
You laid completely still for a few minutes longer, piecing together the events before you blacked out. You felt your face heat up as you recalled the short exchange you had with Giyuu as he carried you to safety, and silently prayed he forgot about it.
Your thoughts were cut short by rapid footsteps increasing in volume from down the hall. Seconds later, there was a quiet knock at your door.
"Come in." Your voice was still weak, but it was a massive improvement in comparison to the night of the injury. The door slid open to reveal your evidently dejected friend. "Why are you still upset? The residents said I'd make a full recovery and the mission was successf-"
"I'm sorry." It was Giyuu's turn to speak over you. He hesitantly walked towards your bed and kneeled beside it. "I could have stopped this from happening. I could have saved you so much pain."
"That's not your responsibility-"
"It is. I'm there to keep you safe just as you're there to protect me. I failed." He closed his eyes and for only a second, you saw emotion far more intense than you've ever witnessed him showing before.
It almost broke you.
"You can't blame yourself for that! You're the one who kept me alive." You quickly tried to sit up to emphasize your point but flopped back down on the bed upon realizing you had no movement of your dominant arm to support you. "... A cast?" You shook your head in annoyance upon seeing it.
He spoke up once again. "Let me aid you back to health," there was a brief pause as he tried to find the right words, "As an apology for my negligence."
Normally, you'd immediately decline. You have far too much pride for your own good and would never want Giyuu to assume you were weak regardless. But a broken arm is beyond annoying, and maybe some extra time with him outside of life threatening missions would be nice.
You thought it over for a few seconds longer, "If you insist!" you offered a smile although you were nearly certain you'd somehow regret this decision later.
Needless to say, you were right.
"Giyuu, let go! I need to train!"
"You need to rest. How do you expect to even lift something as heavy as a sword with a cast on?" You desperately tried to squirm out of his grip as he pinned you to the bed.
"I'll figure it out! Come on, Aoi said I could!"
"No I didn't!" You both heard her call out from the hallway in response.
It was no use. The whole world was against you. You gave up, but not without pouting and complaining for another 20 minutes before making another pitiful attempt at escaping again.
"How have you managed to make full recoveries in the past?" Annoyance dripped from the poor man's lips.
"I'm lucky!" You grinned, before shutting your eyes and going back to sleep. You missed his eyes soften as he watched your sleeping form, before standing up quietly and leaving for a little while.
'Nows my chance!' You stood up and left your room, only to be carried back by the exasperated water breather, both passive-aggressively bickering all the while.
"I don't need constant care, you know. It's just a broken arm..." You trailed off as you thought of a way to get him to leave for a while. You enjoyed your time with him, but it was beginning to feel like you were being babysat.
No reply.
You stood up from your bed once again, this time receiving a suspicious glare from Giyuu. "Calm down, I'm only going to get some food."
He nodded at you, but didn't leave your bedside.
"You're... free to join me, you know." You specified once you sensed he wasn't quite sure what to do in your absence. He nodded once more and began trailing behind you as you made your way to a sort of cafeteria where recovering demon slayers can find food.
The food they offered at the time was ramen, which you graciously accepted, though knew from the start it would be a battle to eat it considering your injuries. You took two bowls, found a seat, and waved Giyuu over.
"Thanks so much for making sure I'm alright," you started, "but I swear I'll be fine." You stared down at your ramen before glancing at the chopsticks beside it, then back at the bowl. Maybe you could wait to eat until Giyuu leaves so you don't have to worry about making a fool of yourself, or perhaps you could say you weren't hungry after al-
"You should eat. You haven't had anything all day aside from your medicine."
You looked at Giyuu, then back at the chopsticks. You took a determined breath, then shakily grabbed your chopsticks with your non-dominant hand.
'I can do this,' you thought as you slowly picked up some noodles. Let's just say you weren't exactly ambidextrous. In fact, it's a miracle you got your feeble hand to hold the chopsticks at all.
'I can do this, I ca-' the very few noodles you were able to grab flopped back into your bowl and you could feel the hot liquid splash back in your face. 'No. No, I definitely cannot.'
Meanwhile, your so-called caretaker was struggling to keep his calm demeanour and you caught a glimpse of his mouth twitching up. "It's rude to laugh!" You huffed, but you couldn't keep a straight face either.
After a few moments, his expression shifted back from amused to concerned. "Let me help."
He took the chopsticks from your hands and picked up some noodles before putting them in front of your face. "Eat."
Your face became redder than you thought was possible as some recovering demon slayers snuck peaks at the the two Hashiras apparently sharing a meal.
"I'll pass." You choked out. Giyuu feeding you was not on your plan for the day. He furrowed his brows a bit and inched the noodles closer. You would've held your ground, but the growls coming from your stomach begged you to accept the help. You closed your eyes and quickly took a bite.
"Wow, I had no idea Tomioka and (L/N) were together!"
"I wonder if they were keeping it a secret. I always knew they were in love!" You both overheard the hushed voices erupting from a few of the recovering demon slayers in the room, but neither of you wanted to correct them as you took another bite.
You led Giyuu out to the gardens after your rather embarrassing meal.
"I'm not letting you train." He said firmly.
You laughed, "I know. After being stuck in the manor all day, I just figured we both could use some fresh air." What you said was mostly true; yes, you needed the fresh air, but it was more so to calm you down after what happened in the cafeteria.
He nodded, and you both stood in silence as you watched the sun begin to set. Being alone with him so long only confirmed for you just how much you fell for him; it was the comfortable silence that proved it.
You began to walk around the garden, admiring the way the plants glowed under the setting sun. Giyuu grabbed your good hand as you both continued to walk and you blushed at the contact.
"Don't worry! I'm able to walk on my own at least," you laughed in an attempt to hide your bashfulness, "it wasn't my legs that were injured!"
Giyuu admired your blushing face before revealing a soft, yet genuine smile.
"I know."
Notes: -2,204 words -maybe i'll update this with a cringe warning -cross posted on AO3 and Wattpad if you want to support me there as well <3 thank you for reading!! new to tumblr so bear with me here lol
#demon slayer#giyuu tomioka#kny giyuu#giyuu x reader#giyu x reader#tomioka giyuu x reader#kny x reader#giyuu tomioka x reader#tomioka x reader#kny fluff#demon slayer fluff#kny#demon slayer x reader#giyuu fluff
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It’s not over

Pairing: possessive! Ex-boyfriend! Jungkook x fem!reader
released: 15.03.24
Summary: Seems like the story with your ex was not over yet.
Warnings: smut, makeout, humping, fingering, dirty talk, little degradation, public sex, sex in the restroom, somebody hearing you two, he calls oc a bitch,
Wc: 2,200+
Note: this is my first time writing smut, let me know if I could do anything better. I wanna improve myself. Also the character “sehun” is not supposed to represent anybody. He’s just an imaginary character. I left the ending open cause I don’t know how to end it 😭 not proofread!!
“Thank you.” You smile at the boy, sehun, as he pulls out the chair for you.
You’re on a date with him. He’s your work friend who’s had a crush on you for a looongg time.
When he got to know you broke up with your ex- boyfriend—Jungkook— he could finally ask you out but you rejected him because you weren’t ready to be in a new relationship yet. After a few months— 3 exactly— you decided to give in and have one date with sehun.
He’s not really your type but you’re giving it a chance because, why not? Jungkook wasn’t your type either and you two dated for two and a half year.
Jungkook knows what he wants, he’s bold, can be a asshole sometimes, is a pervert, only thinks with his dick… and the list goes on.
But on the other hand he is very sweet, caring, funny and cute!
But dating him was…. different.
He is really possessive and gets jealous easily which results in you two having angry sex.
But you still loved him…… until he got too much and you decided you two are better off alone.
Jungkook was heartbroken and tried getting back with you but you stood your ground. He would buy you gifts and flowers. Come to your work at lunchtime and try to take you out. You remember one time it was raining like crazy and he was outside of your house on his knees, begging you to take him back, and promised to be better.
You were stubborn and didn’t give in because you knew he wouldn’t change.
A month ago he stopped all of this and finally left you alone. You’re not going to lie you do miss him but it’s better this way.
“So, what do you want to order?” Sehun sweetly smiles at you and holds your hand which is on the table.
You smile back and hope he doesn’t notice you’re uncomfortable with him touching you like that, “The steak sounds good. I think I’ll order that.”
“I heard the steak here is the best!” He smiles, you smile back. He has a cute smile!
After he placed both orders, he tried to start a conversation with you as you were not trying to bother to start one.
It hurt him because he knows you’re not like that. You talk a lot but he just assumed you were in a bad mood.
“I’m sorry, I just feel weird.” You apologize noticing his uneasy state.
“Why? What’s wrong?” He’s so sweet, you feel bad for behaving like that.
“It’s nothing, just a weird feeling.” He nods, not questioning you further.
After the drinks arrived, you gulped down the water and almost spit it all out.
Jungkook was here.
He was smirking when you looked at him with shock and fear in your eyes. He was sitting a few tables away from you.
He head skinny jeans on, hugging his thick thighs. He is wearing his usual combat boots, a black shirt with a leather jacket. He is wearing many jewelry’s like rings, chains, bracelets and not to forget his piercings. Silver hoops adorn his ear on both sides, his hair is parted in the middle and don’t hide his eyebrow piercing. Looking down you notice two lip rings. Oh god.
His smirks widens at you checking him out like that. He still has that effect on you.
“I-I need to use the bathroom.” You cut him off and leave, not waiting for a response.
You enter the bathroom and enter a stall.
“Shit! What do I do!? Why is he here?? Ugh!” You groan in frustration.
After a month of leaving you and giving you hope he’s leaving you alone, he comes back?!
The bathroom door gets opened and from under the stall you see…. black combat boots….. he whistles noticing the restroom is completely empty, except you hiding somewhere.
He whistles louder and opens the first stall door. Empty. He slams it back shut and opens the next one. Empty. He slams it back shut and opens the next one. Empty again. He slams it shut. He keeps going until he is in front of the stall in which you are in.
He whistles even louder.
“Oh, baby.” He laughs. “Open the door. Wanna talk to you.”
“No, are you crazy? You can’t just come into the ladies room like that!”
“Calm down, nobody’s here… except us, so open the door while I’m asking nicely.”
You take a deep breath and open the door, “Look, you have to go, we’re over.” You try to make him understand.
“You decided that! You didn’t give me any chance to prove myself! You just told me that right of the bat and left without hearing me out first!”
He takes a step closer, standing in the doorway now.
“You just gave up on our relationship— our love— like that! You didn’t give us a chance. You didn’t give me a chance to prove myself, I’ve changed!”
He takes another step.
“Why don’t we give us another chance?” He now speaks in a softer voice, trying to convince you. “I will forget about that little boy waiting outside, yeah baby?”
“If you choose to come with me now, all is forgotten baby. I’ll treat you dinner after that we go to my place and I’ll fuck the daylights out of you, yeah?”
You roll your eyes at him. “You’re only thinking with your dick right now, Jungkook!” You push him back. “I have had enough! I don’t want to be with you! Why can’t you understand!?” You yell at him.
He clicks his tongue, “i have had enough too, you know? You’re acting like a bitch right now, you know that? I’m trying to save our relationship and you’re acting like some stupid bitch.” He takes a step closer and closes the stall door with his foot.
He pulls you closer by your waist. “Why can’t you understand? It’s simple, I want you, you want me.”
“It’s not that simple. You act like a possessive controlling freak. And I’ve had enough of it.”
“I don’t want to be with yo—“
He slams you against the wall and smashes his lips against yours, kissing the life out of you. You try pushing him but he’s too strong.
“What do you even see in him, huh?” Jungkook mumbles against your lips, “bet he can’t even satisfy you,” he chuckles darkly, “can’t even protect you, like I do.” He kisses you again, “can’t make you laugh like I do.”
Your lips and his lips are swollen from all the kissing, he smirks at the sight, “you look so pretty,” he smiles, “you even dressed up…. for him.” His smile drops.
“It’s a date, did you expect me to come in sweatpants and a torn shirt?” You state the obvious, in a duh tone.
“No, I expected you to not come to this date at all. We’re not finished, how can you start dating after 4 months? Did the two and a half years mean nothing to you?” You can tell he’s hurt by your actions.
You feel……guilty?
You do love him, but it was getting too much for you.
“I changed. I really did, baby. Give me a chance and I’ll prove myself to you.” He sounds sincere.
He closes the space between you two and gently kisses you, holding your head in his large hands. This time you kiss back, lost in the pleasure.
He moves his head down and starts sucking on your neck. Soon his gentle sucking turns into harsh biting, you moan at the feeling. He makes sure to mark your whole neck, so everyone knows who you belong to. Especially sehun.
“Fuck,” Jungkook mutters, “you smell so good.” Jungkook come back up and pecks your lips before telling you to jump which you do. You wrap your legs around his waist and give him a squeeze, “want you.” You whine, Jungkook clicks his tongue, “oh? Now you want me?”
“You wanted me to beg, baby? Is that it?”
Your core is right above his hard cock. You start humping and moan in delight, “feels good, baby?” He chuckles into your ear.
He presses his hand firmly on your clothed pussy, “I can already feel you drippin’ for me.”
He slaps your count making you wince. He torns your panties, you gasp, “they were expensive!”
“Don’t worry I’ll buy you hundreds of them.” He mumbles before leaning in to kiss you. In the kiss he slaps your bare pussy causing you to gasp and grip his shoulders tighter, your arousal is on his hand.
He uses the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth and explore it. He sucks on your tongue and moans.
He circles your hole and abruptly pushes a finger in. He knows you like being fingered while he is wearing rings, sometimes it hurts but that adds to the pleasure. The mix of pain and pleasure is just too good.
You hide your face in his neck, “s- so good!” You moan, “yeah? You like that?” He says in a husky voice.
“You like it hard, don’t you? You filthy slut.” You whine at his words, getting more turned on. He sinks another finger in.
His wrist flicks up, fingers going in and out of you at a fast pace, “want more,” you bite his neck to quieten your moans, “more?” He asks you, you nod, “please.” You beg.
Jungkook likes being in control and having you beg for him, turns him on and boosts his ego.
“Please, what baby? What do you want?”
“Want you in me,” he leaves little kisses on the side of your face, “Yeah? want my cock in you?” He whispers in your ear.
You nod, your mouth parting from the pleasure. Jungkook chuckles at your state.
Just as you’re about to come, he pulls away, “I was about to,” you don’t finish your sentence as you whine. Jungkook lazily smiles, “I’m gonna give you something better.”
You unwrap your legs around him and stand on your own legs. He pushes his pants down along with his underwear after unzipping his pants. You drool at the sight of his hard, thick, veiny cock.
You drop to your knees, ready to suck him off. But Jungkook stops you, “As much as I would like to have my cock in your mouth, I don’t have the patience to wait anymore.”
He pulls you up by your shoulder and slams his cock into you, he swallows your moans and screams by kissing you. He doesn’t move, letting you adjust to his size.
“Fuck, baby! You’re so tight.”
He starts moving slow, letting you feel all of him. “Faster,” you plead.
He starts going faster and smacks your asscheek before groping it and giving it a good squeeze.
Meanwhile, sehun is sitting at the table wondering why you’re taking so long. He decides to look for you, “maybe she needs help? or something happened!?” He gasps, standing up and making his way to the restroom.
“Should I go in? No, I can’t.” He talks with himself.
Meanwhile you’re having one of the best fucks ever, Jungkook grips your chin and leans forward, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Did she leave? No, no, her purse is still here.” Sehun talks with himself, earning glances from people but he doesn’t care, “is she taking a poop? That long?”
“Jungkook im sorry,” you apologize and he starts laughing, he throws his head back, “now you’re sorry? Once you get this cock your brain starts thinking? Aren’t you a pathetic little slut?”
You whine loud at his words. You know he doesn’t intend to hurt you with his words.
“Will you come back to me now?”
Tears start rolling down your tears, you nod. He smirks, “all it took was a fuck?” He laughs at you, mocking you.
“Y/n?” A gentle knock is heard.
You widen your eyes and jungkook doesn’t stop thrusting into you. He slowed down his pace tho.
“Y/n , are you in there? Are you okay? Did something happen?” Jungkook rolls his eyes at him and you shoot him a glare, before you’re able to speak Jungkook starts thrusting into you fast, skin clapping sounds resonating of the walls.
You moan loudly and sehun widens his eyes and quickly leaves. Not just the door but the restaurant.
He saw Jungkook earlier but thought it’s coincidence that your ex boyfriend is also here. But seeing him follow you after you went to the restroom was weird. He had a feeling something was fishy and he was right. Guess your story with your ex boyfriend didn’t end yet.
“That’s right, baby. Let him know who you belong to.” You moan louder, “good girl.” He praises you.
“Just like that. Good.” He grunts.
You’re too lost in all the pleasure, forgetting your ‘date’.
Do NOT copy or translate
Thanks for reading 💕
Masterlist Next door
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Walking the Road for Her
Wanda Maximoff x Gray Witch!Reader
Word count: 1.2K
Summary: You can't live without Wanda and you've tried everything else so when Agatha comes knocking on your door you accept immediately, but the teen that's with her...he seems so familiar
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3 OF AGATHA ALL ALONG! Grief/Loss, hallucinations, death/mortality, emotional distress, supernatural elements, implied self-sacrifice, character death, reunion with a deceased loved one
Authors notes: Thank you @scarlethexelove for indulging in my random Wanda thoughts.

When Agatha asked for you to walk the witches road, you didn't hesitate. She was put off by your eagerness, but never told her why you were walking. You kept that part to yourself she didn't seem to mind. Everyone had a reason, and everyone had their secrets, so no one asked, and you weren't about to tell them you wanted, no needed Wanda back.
You would give up anything and everything to have Wanda back. If it meant to team up with Agatha, you would do it.
So you did. You met up with her and put on the cheery smile she hated. You always assumed she hated you for being a younger witch still full of life, but since Wanda died, you felt like you died too. You got along well enough with the others. You knew Jen the best being closer in age, though you didn't care for her products.
The teen seemed eerily familiar, but you can't put your finger on it. Why does he remind you of Wanda of a life you can't seem to remember.
You're overly protective of him. You don't let him have the wine, and when you hallucinate from said wine, you blink, and suddenly, you're looking at Wanda. Back in her early twenties with the eyeliner, ripped stockings, painted nails, and rings on every finger. You cry over it, cupping her face until it turns back to his.
“Are you okay.” He looks at you with concern. You pull away quickly and wipe your eyes.
“S-Sorry.” You quickly run the ingredients back, trying to escape the feelings. You need to stay strong. You need to get Wanda back.
You end up getting through the trail. Not without its costs. Losing Sharon wasn't something you had in mind, but the witches road is treacherous and has no place for mortals. You never should have let Agatha do that, but hindsight and all that. You knew you had to press on and on the road Teen asks,
“Are you sure you're okay? You and Sharon called out for the same person.” You swallow hard.
“Yeah I'm fine. We all had hallucinations about things. I'll be okay.” You tell him and then mumble under your breath, “Not like I don't deal with it every morning...” his head swivels.
“What was that?” He asks.
“Nothing, just mumbling to myself.”
The further you journey, the harder it gets. Sometimes, you want to give up, to give in, and join Wanda another way. But something stops you every time. You almost think you can feel her, feel her all around you. In the trees, the air, the leaves beneath your feet. With a quick turn of your head, you think you so the soft auburn color you miss so much. The road is playing tricks yet keeping you grounded to your goals.
You make it to the end. Finally passed the last trial everyone who had made it. Their prize awaited them. You waited, didn't see her, and then you heard a whisper in Sokovian.
Your name.
You looked around everywhere. “Over here milaya.” You hear her call. You whip around and see her. She doesn't look like the Scarlet Witch anymore. Back before that. Like when you were on the run. You run into her arms without a second thought.
You can't help as you cry. Burying your face in her neck as your body shakes with sobs. Her vanilla scent invades your senses. “Shhhh sweet girl, I've got you.” Wanda holds you close. Your heart feels whole again now that you're back in her arms.
Your sobs turn into sniffles. “I've missed you so much.” You mumble against her. Her nails lightly scratching at your back. Something she's always done to sooth you. Kissing the side of your head and letting her lips linger.
“I know Detka. I'm so sorry. I'm here now. I'll never leave you again.”
You held onto Wanda tight, afraid to let go as if she'd disappear again if you stopped.
Wanda opened her eyes, looking past your shoulder her eyes widened in surprise and then softened as she saw him.
“Bi-Billy?” Wanda's voice shakes slightly. You pull back but not fully letting her go. You follow her gaze that lands on the teen. Your brows furrow before you look back to Wanda.
“Wanda?” You question her.
She lets go of you when Teen responds to the name. He tries to say something, but the sigil protects him. A wave of Wanda's hand changes that. “Billy?” She asks again.
“Yes, that's me.” You're really confused as you see Wanda's red tendrils come out sending red waves through his eyes before disappearing. “M-mom? H-how did you...?”
Billy runs towards Wanda, slamming into her, but she doesn't budge. She holds him tightly in her arms. “What kind of mother would I be if I didn't know my own son?” Wanda whispers. It's just loud enough for you to hear. Confusion morphs into realization as you look on.
The reason he looked so familiar, the reason he reminded you of her. Of course, it was one of the twins. Sure you hadn't been a part of the hex, but you had seen the recordings of it. Last you had seen the twins, they were 10 inside the hex.
Your heartbeat quickens when you remember what you had seen next as the hex fell the you Wanda had created was destroyed along with the twins. She had held you tightly until you were no more.
It's a shock to see him in the flesh. To understand who he really is. He pulls away from Wanda and turns to you. “Mama?” He's cautious having been giving the memory from Wanda and realizing that you had never got to meet him. Do you even know who he is? Will you accept him as your own?
Your breath catches. It's like waves of memories flood through you as if they had always been there. Everything from the hex coming to life as tears fill your vision and spill over. “Oh my sweet little boy...look at you!” Your arms wrap around him tightly. It had been there, blurry when you thought about it. Of this being your son. “Mama is sorry you had to go through all of this.”
“Mama don't apologize. I'm happy to have you back.” He pulls away slightly keeping an arm around you and opening his other for Wanda. She joins into the hug.
“I'm happy to have both of you back.” You can feel the tears pricking your eyes.
You hug them both tightly. This still left you without one son, but you knew you'd find him. If Billy made it out somehow, then Tommy must be out there, too.
Wanda cups both of your cheeks and looks between you. “Moya lyubov i moy syn (my love and my son).” Tears in her eyes she can't believe she is back and that she had both of you. Her heart is almost complete, but there is still a missing piece to the puzzle.
You didn't need her powers to know what she was thinking, “We'll find him, milaya.” She smiles at you, giving a soft peck on your lips.
“We will. Now that I have you two I know we will.”
This was more than you could have asked for at the end of the road.
#ley writes#ley writes drabbles#ley writes one shots#wanda#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x y/n#wanda maximoff x fem!reader#wanda maximoff x female reader#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff x reader#witch!reader#gray witch!reader#agatha all along
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blue christmas

a sincerely yours christmas special. non-canon. angst. 900 wc. part of the sy side-stories.

It was quiet that night.
The fire crackled softly in the hearth, and the scent of pine and cinnamon lingered in the air while the warm glow of Christmas lights twinkled on the tree. Outside, snow drifted lazily to the ground, covering the surroundings of your home in a soft, pile of white. It felt peaceful—almost too peaceful—and you sat back on the couch, lounging after a nice Christmas dinner with your teenage son, Sachiro, who cradled a mug of cocoa in his hands beside you.
You smiled faintly, admiring how much he had grown, and how this quiet night seemed so far removed from the all the drama that had once filled your life. But the comfort of the moment didn’t last long before he spoke. His voice, deep like his father’s, broke the silence of your supposed peaceful night.
“Mom,” he began, “Why didn’t you ever choose to remarry Dad?”
The question hit you harder than expected, and for a moment, you couldn’t find the right words. Really, what were the right words? You had never been good at talking about these things, and you didn’t expect that your son would put you on the hot seat like this. The past, especially those connected to Satoru—sometimes it felt easier to leave them untouched, forgotten. As it should be.
You glanced at your son, unsure of how to explain the complicated web of emotions that tangled inside you. “I thought... it was for the best,” you said quietly, voice soft as you searched for something that sounded right. His question was too sudden to be given a decent answer. “You know your Dad and I just couldn’t make it work. And for you, for us, it was better this way.”
Sachiro nodded slowly as if he already knew the answer, yet his fingers tightened around the mug. You could see the way he was processing your words, as if he was hoping for better reasoning. He had never even known the sibling he had lost until recently, the gap that finally forced his father out of your lives. Sachiro only saw the quiet love that both his parents shared, but it wasn’t enough, not for either of you.
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like if my sibling were here?” he asked, clearly inciting. “If you kept her, mom. Would she be celebrating with us tonight?”
You felt the ache in your chest as the question landed. You knew Sachiro’s question came from a place of grudge, aiming really well at a spot that hurt the most. And it did good at bringing you a pang of grief from a memory you had tried to bury long ago. You weren’t numb. Of course the loss still stung, even all these years later.
“I think about it all the time,” you murmured, unable to hide the shame in your voice. “What she would’ve been like. How she would’ve looked like. But... I don’t want to remember, Sachiro. I’ve made peace with it.”
But he wasn’t done. “Then, why didn’t you try again?” His voice was so gentle, yet so curious. “Why didn’t you remarry anyone else? I mean... Dad’s married to someone else now. And they’re having another baby. Shouldn’t that be a sign?”
The words felt like a stab to your chest, your heart shattering with an emotion you couldn’t name. Satoru’s life had moved on without you, far far too long ago, yet every reminder of it still cut deep.
“I’m happy for him,” you said softly, the words stuck in your throat. “But that doesn’t mean I want the same outcome for myself. It’s... complicated.”
Marrying someone else again was not in your books.
You could feel the intensity of Sachiro’s gaze on you, as if waiting for more. But you didn’t have more to give. You didn’t know how to explain the parts of you that had been shattered, the pieces that had never fully healed. Even if your own son hated you for it.
“I just want you to be happy, Mom,” Sachiro said, turning away from you, his gaze landing on the Christmas tree. “I want you to have what you deserve. When I have my own family someday, I don’t want you to be spending your Christmas all alone.”
You wanted to tell him everything. How much you loved him, how much you would do for him. How hard it was to move on, how hard it was to see his father moving on with someone else. But the words needn’t be said. At least, not for tonight.
And then, just as quickly as the moment had come, it faded into a kaleidoscope of memories. The world around you shifted, and the warmth of the fire and the smell of Christmas began to dissolve. Suddenly, you were back in your bed, heart pounding recklessly in the darkness.
You woke up eyes wide in surprise, until the reality of your room finally made sense to you. You blinked, trying to steady yourself. It was a dream. It was all a dream.
Sighing, you let your head fall into your hands. And just for a moment, you let yourself mourn the future you would never have. The family you would never see, the happiness you could never quite reach.
But as the soft glow of the Christmas lights flickered in the silent night, you slowly allowed yourself to breathe. Tomorrow would come. But tonight, you would let the dream linger just a little longer.

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Chishiya x reader
Summary: When you and chishiya get separated from kuina and the rest of the group while trying to get away from the king of spades you both are forced to confront your feelings
Warnings: smut, probably ooc chishiya but i’ll try my best, kissing, grinding/dryhumping, riding, they don’t take off their clothes all the way cause they’re kind of not trying to get killed at any second, readers a lil nervous guys, hair pulling sorta kinda.
— 🐀

Maybe running behind the guy that never took his hands out of his pockets was a bad idea, cause now you were stuck in a random apartment complex with the guy you’d been thinking about undressing the entire time you’d known him. You, chishiya, kuina and the others had been running from the king of spades previously, trying not to end up stuck to the ground with a bullet through you like the other unfortunate people in his sight. But unfortunately you and chishiya got separated when the king of spades threw a bomb your way before you both could make it in the car.
You were a little glad but also scared cause you had no idea where your friends were now, glad because the five of you aren’t squished together in the back seat of the car tatta was driving. Now that brought you back to your current problem, chishiya. He was in the other room while you raided the kitchen for some food that wasnt rotten and actually edible. Eventually you got lucky, stumbling upon their canned food cupboard. Grabbing the cans you made your way to the living room where chishiya sat on the couch tinkering with something electronic on the coffee table.
You set the food and the can opener down on the table as well as the forks you’d found, sliding a can you opened to him. He eventually stopped tinkering and nodded as thanks. You both ate in silence, the whole time you were trying not to look over at him. You eventually caved as he let out a loud sigh, curious as to what for.
“You’re sort of pathetic.” He spoke after a while, putting his food down on the table in front of you both.
“So I’ve been told.” You acknowledged, suddenly your can of food was the most interesting thing in the world.
You could practically feel his smug smile from across the couch, your eyes refusing to meet his. He hummed before speaking again.
“If you weren’t constantly staring at me when you thought i wasn’t looking i’d start to think you didn’t like me.”
You froze, knowing you’d been caught. Of course, nothing could make it past chishiya. You should’ve known, but maybe you were too busy staring to notice. You couldn’t try to defend yourself, it wouldn’t make a difference. So you kept quiet, shrinking into yourself and trying to get back to your food; even if your stomach was upset from anxiousness.
“I find myself staring at you sometimes.” He confessed, still staring at your face that was now twisted in shock.
You accidentally slammed your can down on the coffee table a little too hard, so stunned by what he said to remember your own strength; You were lucky it wasn’t one of thoes fancy glass ones. You could see chishiya’s eyebrow raise from the corner of your eye, his arms crossed and resting on his chest. You finally looked at him, trying your hardest to not break eye contact. You noticed the side of his mouth twitching upwards, he finally had you looking at him just like he wanted.
You didn’t know what to do as chishiya made his way towards you, sitting too close for you to function properly. You definitely didn’t know what to do as he took your face in his hand and pressed his mouth to yours. Your hands were stiff at your sides as you kissed him, not knowing if you should touch him. He pulled away with a content look on his face, using his hand that wasn’t gripping your face to guide your hand to his own. You got the memo as you moved your other hand to his shoulder and pulled him in again.
You made your way into his lap at some point, trying not to break the kiss as you pushed him back into the couch cushions. When the kiss was broken chishiya looked up at you with half lidded eyes, his hands settled on your hips as you tested the waters and pushed your lap against his. His reaction was small, his hands tightening their grip on your hips as he bit his lower lip the smallest bit. He’d let out a sigh with a whiny undertone as you grinded against him, resting his head on the cushion behind him as you kept going.
He lifted his head to look at you as you stopped, only to let out a gasp as you pulled his cock out of his pants. You lifted your hips to pull your own pants down to your thighs before sliding down on his cock, a quiet moan leaving you as you did. Chishiya dug his fingers into the couch as you rode him, the tips of his fingers turning pale from the pressure. You leaned down to kiss him, putting your hands on his chest to keep steady. Chishiya brought his hands up to your back, sliding them up your shirt as you deepened the kiss.
Every once in a while he’d let a groan escape into your mouth, his hips bucking upward and reaching deeper into you. You tried not to get too loud, breathing heavily with the occasional moan. Chishiya cursed under his breath as you tugged at his hair and broke the kiss, his eyes clouded with lust as he locked eyes with you. A smile made its way to your face as you took in his disheveled state. his cardigan was falling off, his hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat, his eyes were heavy with lust and his mouth was slightly ajar as heavy breaths and the occasional whine left him.
“Mmm, you’re laughing at me?” He teased, his mouth closed and raised into a smirk.
You shook your head, the smile still on your face. Instead of replying verbally you leaned down to press your lips to his neck, he moved his head to the side to give you better access. His eyes almost completely rolled back into his head as you sucked on the exposed skin, his arms slacked against you. You pulled moan after moan from him as you continued your assault on his neck, you were sure he wasn’t going to last long like that.
He could barely keep his head up when you finished, the blissed out expression on his face matching perfectly with the red and purple bruises on his neck. Your lips were probably swollen by now from the kissing and covering chishiyas neck in hickies, your lips shiny from being covered in both yours and chishiyas spit from your previous make out session. The side of chishiyas neck also shining from your assault, a sheen of saliva coating it and highlighting the bruises.
“Gonna cum soon..” he whispered, nails digging into your upper back as he rested his head in between where your shoulder and head meet. You quicken your pace at this, chishiya letting out a noise of surprise against your skin. You dont doubt that your back was covered in marks from chishiyas nails at this point, even if nobody would be able to see them you would be able to feel them under your shirt.
His grip switched when he came, pulling you into him by your shoulders; his arms hooked under yours as he moaned. You came not long after that, the feeling of you squeezing around him making quiet whimpers leave his mouth. You weren’t any better, whiny moans leaving you as you rode out your high. Chishiya muttered something unintelligible into your shoulder before pulling you off his lap, carefully as to not hurt you.
He shoved himself back into his pants before searching the empty apartment for something to clean you with. Eventually he did, it wasn’t much considering the state of the world but it was better than leaving you leaking with his cum. After he was done he pulled your pants up and pulled you so you laid next to him and pressed a kiss to your sweat covered forehead. It didn’t take long for you both to fall asleep, deciding it would be the best course of action.
#sixfics!#chishiya x reader#chishiya smut#chishiya x you#aib x reader#alice in boderland x reader#aib smut
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𐙚‧₊˚📒✩ ₊˚ ➛ Cousins?
Max Verstappen x Fem!reader

Summary: Having similar features could be such a burden sometimes— people tend to mistake you for his cousin.
Genre: Fluff and a bit of possessiveness
Note: Grammatical errors and such
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ➛ My Masterlist
────── ─ ₊˚.🎧 ✩。☕ ─ ──────
It was yet a sunny day at Miami— the sun emitted a warm breeze that spread across the grounds of the paddock. People were glistening at the profound heat that ran from the lower through the upper part of their bodies.
The bustling crowd that sweated in every inch of their being, stayed under the peak of the sun— it was all going to be worth it once they see the long awaited race.
As if on cue, the Max Verstappen slowly got out of the vehicle he currently rode in and along with him was a petite young lady that oddly resembles him.
They had similar features and wore the same smile; at first they thought that it was his sister but the longer they stare it was just merely impossible to be his sister.
Murmurs and whispers could be heard from around the pit— the question still remained, “who is she?”
After racking their brain for a while they finally concluded it to her being his ‘cousin’.
It was your first time going there and you’ve already caused quite the scene. You didn’t know whether to be proud of yourself or not— but this day isn’t about you, it was about Max and you wanted nothing more but show your adoration and how proud you are of him.
So you tried laying low. Well you tried. Drama just keeps following you wherever you go.
It wasn’t your fault, right?
As you walked besides him; your hand nestled in the tight embrace of his biceps. You could here the the sound of people gossiping.
The two of you never went and announced your relationship. You guys wanted it to be lowkey and stayed out of the f1 gossip headlines.
To add to that, you were to busy to come to his other races, people don’t know what you look like or who you are.
Speculations about him having a girlfriend were there but was never confirmed due to lack of evidence, but they had their suspicions. They just didn’t know that it’s you.
As you guys walk aimlessly around, you then come to a stop when one of the McLaren drivers approached you.
His orange jacket stood among the crowd. Along with his child like grin that spread across his face.
Max glared at him with cold like demeanor, “what do you want lando?” He asked with a hint of annoyance.
“Well i am here to introduce myself to this fine lady over there” he smiled cheekily and gently grabbed your hands and brought it up to his lips.
You could feel max getting tensed from the drivers sudden action, you were also caught off guard but with a gentle smile you took back your hand, “Nice to meet you, i am y/n.”
Before lando could speak further, Max stood infront of you; blocking your view of lando as he towered over that poor man.
“If there’s nothing else, we’ll be going now” he spat, his voice clear with anger.
Lando could felt the immense pressure— without a word his body consciously stepped aside.
With a relive sigh, the two of you walked away, “Whew that was weird”, you muttered, shaking off his gesture like it was nothing.
Max only hummed in response. He didn’t want to show it but it was pretty obvious that it affected him big time.
As you two continued to walk, not even 5 minutes in, another one of the drivers we’re already walking towards you.
“George Russell, nice to meet you” he spoke. His hand presented in front of you, ready for you to shake.
You were about to go for it when suddenly, max took the initiative and reciprocated it himself. His grip on George’s hand were tight— you could tell from his sudden change of expression.
“Uh i am y/n nice to meet you too” you chuckled dryly, trying to ease the tension that surrounded the three of you.
“Max let go”
George shook his head vigorously, “yes max please let go” he pleaded, you could see how his eye’s started to glistened. Was he about to cry?
“Uhh max let go now” you gasped, seeing George’s hand look red and crush. Damn what exercise does this dude do.
You were about to apologize to him when you felt your whole body being dragged.
You spared George a quick glanced and mouthed a ‘sorry’, you weren’t sure whether he saw that or not— he was too busy clutching his hand to try and make the pain lessen.
The whole afternoon, whether it were pr, staffs, or his fellow drivers. People hitted on you like you were some kind of magnet that attracts people. Pulling them in closer to your aura.
And with that Max was pouting the whole time, seeing as many people talked to you one by one. It was adorable seeing him like that, well to you it was. to him, let’s just say it wasn’t a blast.
“As soon as we get home, we’re announcing our relationship stat” he spoke, his tone laced with determination.
You let out a soft giggle and intertwined both your hands, “whatever you say my big baby.”
Hope you guys like that, it’s been sitting in my drafts so i decided to just finish it!! 💕
#imagine#fanfic#oneshot#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#formula 1#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 x you#red bull f1#f1 x you#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen#max verstappen x you
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Your life seems perfect. You're engaged, your career is thriving as you become an assistant professor at Trinity College, and this Andrew Hozier-Byrne you're sharing an office with seems to be a nice guy you hope to call a friend soon. Life seems to be smiling at you... until everything goes sour. When your fiancé breaks up with you, your perfect world shatters. And when your colleague also gets his heart broken soon after, your shared office seems to be a curse rather than a blessing. But Andrew seems determined to mend your broken hearts... Will things finally go according to plan?
Pairing : Hozier x fem!reader
Professor! AU
Warnings: hurt-comfort, angst, fluff, no smut but suggestive scenes so 18+ only
Chapter 1 : 'And that orange, it made me so happy, as ordinary things often do just lately'
Chapter 2 : 'Through me the way to the City of Woe'
Chapter 3 : ‘I miss him in the wheeping of the rain; I want him at the shrinking of the tide’
Chapter 4 : ‘For he gave all his heart and lost’
Chapter 5 : ‘But here comes the lyrebird passing through the sky’
Chapter 6 : ‘I’ll lie here and learn how, over their ground, trees make a long shadow and a light sound’
Chapter 7 : 'And so I still wait, like a lonely house, for you to see me and inhabit me again. Until that time, my windows ache.'
Chapter 8 : 'I hope she never learns how to peel oranges'
Chapter 9 : 'I think I will always be lonely in this world, where the cattle graze like a black and white river-- where the vanishing lilies melt, without protest, on their tongues'
Chapter 10 : '[I] was angry that my trust could not repose in the clear light, like poetry or freedom leaning in from sea'
Chapter 11: ‘Lived to see you throwing me aside.’
Chapter 12 : 'Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again'
Chapter 13: ‘So as not to be the martyred slaves of time, be drunk, be continually drunk! On wine, on poetry or on virtue as you wish.’
Chapter 14: ‘Why should I blame her that she filled my days with misery’
Chapter 15: ‘He’s bored- I see it. Don’t I lick his bribes, set his bouquets in water?’
Chapter 16 : ‘Only the things I didn’t do crackle after the blazing dies’
Chapter 17 : ‘Dear pine cone, let me hold you as you open’
Chapter 18 : ‘What the devil do I care what I know, and what I say?’
Chapter 19: ‘I knew winter cold like the nuzzle of fjords at my thighs’
Chapter 20 : 'My heart has made its mind up and I’m afraid it’s you'
Chapter 21: ‘I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love’
Chapter 22 : ‘And if you missed a day, there was always the next, and if you missed a year, it didn’t matter, the hills weren’t going anywhere’
Chapter 23 : 'Even the dearest that I loved the best are strange – nay, rather, stranger than the rest'
Chapter 24: ‘Sometimes, when I’m pleased, I let out a little sound. A poet noticed this and it made me feel I might one day properly be loved. Because no one is here to love me, I make tea for myself and leave the radio playing’
Chapter 25: ‘They will think of ways to make you smile so you can be happy for a while’
Chapter 26: ‘Well, how else are you to live except by denial’
Chapter 27: ‘They loved music and swam in for a singer, who might stand at the end of summer’
Chapter 28: ‘You are neither here nor there, a hurry through which known and strange things pass as big soft buffetings come at the car sideways and catch the heart off guard and blow it open’
Chapter 29: ‘My lover’s words were shooting stars which fell to earth as kisses on these lips’
Chapter 30: ‘You liked me well enough in black; I make you a gift of these objects’
Chapter 31 : ‘Six billion tons sounds impossible until I consider how it is to swallow grief’
Chapter 32 : ‘How dense it is, how it carries inside it the memory of collapse. How difficult it is to move then’
Chapter 33 : ‘The scent already in the air’
Chapter 34 : ‘One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.’
Chapter 35 : ‘Love comes quietly, finally’
Chapter 36: ‘So I imagine such love of the world—its fervency, its shining, its innocence and hunger to give of itself—I imagine this is how it began’
Chapter 37 : ‘I found the other half above the pillow where you lay’
Chapter 38: ‘They are elsewhere beyond the night way higher than day in the blinding brightness of their first love’
Chapter 39: ‘He grew so tender and I so grateful which maybe tells you something about how it was’
Chapter 40 : ‘Where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.’
Chapter 41 : ‘Just one candle burning on, shadows lurking everywhere: some one came, and kissed me there’
Chapter 42: ‘Love in such a way, as I… love… you.’
Chapter 43: ‘The whole world depends on your pure eyes and all my blood flows into their gaze’
Chapter 44 : ‘I go up to the stone wall for a friendly visit.’
Chapter 45 : ‘Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone.’
Chapter 46 : ‘Both of us, of the love which makes us one.’
Chapter 47: ‘To whom I owe the leaping delight that quickens my senses in our wakingtime and the rhythm that governs the repose of our sleepingtime’
Chapter 48 : ‘It’s love almost too fierce to endure, the bee nuzzling like that into the blouse of the rose’
Chapter 49 : ‘I am the blossom pressed in a book, found again after two hundred years’
Chapter 50 : ‘And I’d wonder sometimes if I’d ever find you.’
Chapter 51 : ‘Here begins a new life’
Chapter 52 : ‘I love you. I’m glad I exist.’
#andrew hozier byrne#hozier#the hoziest#hozier fanfiction#hozier x reader#hozier x you#hozier x y/n#hozier series#hozier fic#hozier masterlist#masterlist#writing#fanfiction#fanfic
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