#something that won't ride up or fall down or come untied or anything like that
sheliesshattered · 3 months
somehow, I don't know how, but somehow sewing machines always know when you're nearly done with a project and pick that exact moment to throw a hissy fit
#sewing#sewing machines#I am so close to finishing this dumb swimsuit that I started in 2020 for a vacation that ended up not happening#and which I stuffed into a shoebox and into the back of my sewing stash when I realized I wouldn't get to wear it in 2020#then pulled it back out to finish for this family gathering coming up in a few days here#it's a one-piece suit and I hate one-piece swimsuits#and no one-piece has fit me off the rack since puberty so I'm stuck sewing it for myself#but I'm very happy with the design and relatively happy with the finished look#the idea is just to have something that is supportive and modest enough to wear around family#and in particular to wear to something like a waterpark with my nephews#something that won't ride up or fall down or come untied or anything like that#so it has a low-cut leg hole and a high-cut neck#and an entire invisible superstructure in the lining underneath to actually provide support and enclosure and all#it's plain black but it fits and supports and won't fly apart at the seams#but this very last step. oh this last step.#I had to drape the exterior bust area directly on me bc I can't account for curves and stretch and such if it's flat on the table#and then I had to wiggle out of it carefully with a ton of pins in the underarm and neckline area#I'm using a double-needle to top stitch the edges as a finish across the whole suit. it did one underarm and the neckline just fine!#but the turn from where the neckline meets the strap and down into the other underarm it just. won't do it.#it has thrown a fit and created a tangle of thread multiple times now. there are only 4" left to sew! just sew it!#it's not hard! we just did the exact same thing on the other side and it worked fine! but no! gotta throw a hissy fit!#ugh. anyway. I have removed all the thread and needles from the machine and turned it off and basically sent it to timeout lol#wrote this rant and gonna make myself some food and I'll fucking finish those last 4 inches later tonight or tomorrow#and then I have one tiny repair to something else I want to take on this trip. hopefully my sewing machine won't throw a fit over that too#istg the only projects this doesn't happen with are the ones that end with a bunch of handsewing#that's the way to trick my sewing machine I guess. but I'm not handsewing a swimsuit lol#at least I'm not so pressed for time that I can't just walk away from it for a bit. getting close to time to pack but not quite yet#my sewing#2024 mood#tagtalking
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topazadine · 2 months
One fear:
Haniya Aina.
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Portrait by Haeart
Terrible woman. Bad woman. Sexy woman. (Come on, at least one of your characters needs to be your personal Dream Girl ok?)
Haniya Aina is the princess of Sina, heir to the throne. She's the first child of Queen Susuma and also the most troublesome. Yes, even more so than her younger brother, an illegitimate son and murderer.
Why? Because Sina is rabidly homophobic and, quite frankly, she can't pretend to like a man to save her damn life.
She can, however, fall in love with the unwilling representative of Breme, her country's mortal enemy: Cerie Korviridi.
Of course, she does this in the most annoying way possible.
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Haniya's primary motivator is curiosity, which I'd say is a good trait in a ruler. She wants to know everything about anything she can get her hands on: stories of other countries, gossip, random disciplines she'll never have the chance to practice because they're too unladylike. A total bookworm, which leads to some interesting moments between her and Cerie:
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("Pearl divers" is the derogatory term for lesbians used in Sina, which I personally think is a hilarious euphemism.)
Does Haniya actually want to be a princess?
Hell no. Of course, she loves the money and status and pretty things that come with it, but the responsibilities, the loneliness, the expectations about her behavior and life ... awful.
Haniya wants to be someone different, someone more alive. Let's see how she explains it in her own words:
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Being a royal has to be one of the most thankless yet glamorized positions ever. There's so little freedom, yet all the freedom in the world; so many rewards that aren't very rewarding. While the money, status, and power can be intoxicating to many, and it's great to always have one's creature comforts taken care of, there's a certain death of the spirit required to rule. Her every movement is watched and judged for propriety, and she has to fulfill so many boring obligations. She must be a position, not a person.
There's also the fact that while many gay and lesbian Sinans may be able to hide their sexuality or get away with their relationships, she can't. As a princess, she's expected to marry a (male) royal from another country, or at least a high status individual - love optional. She's delayed it for as long as possible, but her mother, Queen Susuma, isn't getting any younger, and the pressure is mounting for sure.
Being Haniya, she finds a way to solve this little problem in the most catastrophic way possible. Just because.
Personality-wise, Haniya is headstrong, sassy, a bit petulant, but very loyal once she gets to know someone. She's far more open-minded than the rest of Sina, who considers the Bremish essentially a stupid horde of barbarians. Most importantly, she's persistent. If she wants something, she'll get it; maybe that's by dint of being spoiled, or maybe it's just her essential nature.
Whatever the reason, she's willing to go to great lengths once she desires something, and she won't let anything stop her. Not royal rule, not terrible extenuating circumstances, not her own fears and insecurities.
What else do we need to know about Haniya?
Top ten Haniya Facts, in no particular order:
1. She loves her black mare, Saelsie, who is also pretty stuck-up. She trained in what we would call dressage, but her favorite thing to do is just ride her horse across fields, something she doesn't get to indulge in much. 2. One of her favorite things is music boxes. She finds them fascinating! All those teensy little gears. Emissaries from other countries often bring them for her as a way to get in her mother's good graces. 3. Haniya's signature perfume is called Sinan Sugar, designed just for her by one of the country's premier perfumers. It has hints of sugar, orchid, and roses. 4. She had a quick fling with a maid on the down-low when she was younger. Her mother found out and dismissed the servant from service, and she never tried for a relationship again. Well, until Cerie showed up. 5. While she is a competent dancer because it's expected of her, her favorite dances are ... provocative to say the least. And she doesn't get to practice them for obvious reasons. 6. Her favorite books are all travel diaries from far-flung places, another thing she demands from anyone who visits her. 7. Haniya has always had a strained relationship with her parents, who are not in the least bit loving or affectionate. Definitely has some mommy issues due to this cold upbringing. She's not very close to her father, who is kind of a spineless coward. 8. Being basically raised by governesses and teachers, Haniya grew very close to them and was devastated when her mother sent them away once she grew older. She's not close to any of her current maids and they don't feature in the stories with her. 9. If Haniya could craft her perfect life, she'd be a traveling merchant who wrote stories of her visits to faraway lands. 10. When she was younger, Haniya used to sneak out of the palace and just wander around the city by herself, looking at all the commonfolk and being a little weird due to her sheltered upbringing. She'd tie her hair up in braids that always came undone; pink is a common enough hair color in Sina, and she figured no one would recognize her. Unfortunately, she was caught by a merchant who noticed her, and that put the kibosh on her excursions.
While Haniya does not feature in 9 Years Yearning or the beginning of the Eirenic Verses series, she plays a significant role in the second half, so keep an eye out for her!
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mingis-lightbulb · 3 years
Vampire Yandere San?
Vampire Ateez also owns my black ass, soooo I got a little cared away~
Warnings: Smut, Yandere san, Unprotected sex, light degradation, use of pet names, mirror sex. let me know if I missed anything.
"Look at yourself Slut. And you dared tried to run away from me? When I'm the only one who can make you feel like this?"
"You say you don't want me anymore, but here you are falling apart on my dick again. Do not deny yourself what you want darling."
A choked moan left your mouth as San bounced you on his cock, your hands were bound behind your back as a punishment for trying escape him. You were trying to tell him that you two were simply toxic for each other, that your two did not need to be together anymore, especially with him being a Vampire and you a mere human.
San on the other hand did not want to let you go. He had become attached to you and claimed to love you more than ever. He even refused to drink blood from you because he was afraid to hurt you. But now, you think he could care less.
San had you riding him in front of a mirror, as he whispered filthy things into your ear. His cock was abusing your pussy in all the right ways, and you couldn't deny the way he was making you feel, the sounds in the room were enough to prove his point.
"See, Listen to how you're moaning Darling. You don't want to leave me, we just need to talk things out my little human." He grunts out softly, his grip on your hips tightening. "You were my good little thing..why did you wanna leave me, hmm?" He asked leaning his head in the crook of your neck.
You whimpered as he stopped so you could answer the question, his dick brushing up against your g-spot. "i-i..I thought you wouldn't need me..i'm just a hum-ah!" You screamed out as he suddenly started back with a brutal pace.
"How many fucking times to I have to tell you that you are mine. I am yours. I don't want anyone else. No one else can treat me like you do. No one!" He yells, and you nod as a chorus of moans leave your mouth as your start to fall apart on his dick.
"And you know what, to prove that I only want you and that you're mine." You gasped as you felt his fangs brush up against your skin before letting out a yelp as he bit down on your neck.
You let out a near pornographic sounding moan as he drew blood from your. You felt dirty as you came harder than you ever did before, letting out a loud cry of his name as your rode out your high.
San groans as he feels you clamp around him, his own orgasm coming shortly after yours as he holds you in place, filling you up with his cum. "F-fuck darling. Take it all.." He grunts out.
The two of you are left panting heavily as he finished and you lean against him, jumping at him suddenly putting a hand on your throat, squeezing.
"If you ever try to leave me again. I won't go easy on you darling. I will do something you won't like. Got it."
"Y-yes sir..."
"Good, now let's get you untied so we can wash you up."
@wooyoungsbae @yungisstar1117 @jonghoswhore @beomnoi @blessednhighlyfavoured @do-you-actually-care @soft-teddybear @captainjoongiekissme @hijirikaww @staymiracle @joti17 @lee--felix @abiaswreck @sunshinee0-0 @serialee @violetwinters @mingissoggywaffles @soobinshouseplant
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wasabito · 3 years
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"It’s Raining Milk!” Collab — Hosted by my darling @karasunosimp 💞 Check out the masterlist for more delicious goodies! minors DNI please!
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WORD(S): 1.1k
PAIRING: Suguru Geto x milf!Reader
CW/TAGS: Alt. Universe (no curses), Public sex, Titty fucking, Age gap, Oral (male recieving), Slight femdom, Nipple play, Infidelity
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You look so tasty, but I won't bite. Really, I'm such a good kitty, don't put up fights
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Sweltering summer heat, flirty rich cougars, hour long beach volleyball, and copious amounts of sunscreen have been the crux of Suguru Geto's summers since turning eighteen.
Working as a cabana boy for a resort off the coast wasn't exactly what he saw himself doing post-graduation. Sure, he'd always wanted to live somewhere warm under sunny skies but had anyone told him a year ago, he'd spend his days cleaning jacuzzis and serving rum punch at all hours of the day and night, he certainly wouldn't have believed it. But even so, there was no denying said job--that occasionally required he wax his ass every few weeks and keep in decent shape--came with some perks here and there.
Case in point, when Geto quite literally bumps into you at the bar one afternoon, drowning yourself in bottomless mimosas, he knew for sure he was in for an interesting week.
You were witty, sexy, intelligent, experienced, a total catch to say the least. It was rather unfortunate your workaholic spouse couldn't appreciate what he was on the cusp of losing. He'd shipped you off to an island far from Tokyo with your twin boys, while he remained in the city catering to business affairs, according to your inebriated complaints.
And while your children enjoyed all the little activities the beach resort had to offer, you spent the first few days of your trip either asleep in your hotel room, running up your husband's credit cards at the spa or laid out, topless, on the warm, white-sand beaches.
Despite being on vacation, you seemed miserable. That is until you met him.
"Suguru!" You wave him over with a smile, your empty champagne glass raised for a refill which he is happy to take care of.
It takes him but a second to top off your glass with the bubbling liquid, careful not spill any, and more than enough time for you to find something else for him to do--if only to get him to spend a bit more time with you here in your cabana before he'd be called back to his station.
"Is there any thing you would like me to do in particular?" He asks, ever the charming gentleman.
You reach for the bottle of sunscreen. "Lend me a hand?" The sheer cover up you’re wearing is cast aside next as you roll over on your stomach.
Geto feels a lump form in his throat, the heat in his cheeks burning heavy as he takes in the sight of your soft, supple skin. He chews his bottom lip, unsure. The swimsuit you have on leaves little to imagination. With a single tug, you untie the string behind your back and let your bikini top slide right off your body.
You're utterly stunning, and you know as much. His reaction is nothing but natural. It takes Suguru more than a moment to gather his wits and settle close to you, close enough for him to warm up the cold sunscreen between his hands and press into your skin.
"Like this?" whispers Suguru.
You smile, though he can’t see it. "Yup, just like that."
Geto's large hands slide up and down your back, kneading in a way that's enough to put you straight to sleep. When his hand slides down the bend of your waist, it feels like butterflies have been set free in your stomach.
"Take your time," you moan lightly. "No need to rush."
But your words fall on partially deaf ears.
Your body is mesmerizing and he can't help the reaction it draws from him, proven by the tent in his swim trunks. His hands move to your ass, massaging it tenderly. And you have a hard time believing he hasn’t done something like this before.
"Busy later?" You find yourself asking him.
Suguru hums in thought. "I'm afraid I don't get off until evening."
There aren't rules against fraternizing with guests, so long as the guest is asking for your time. But he can't very well shirk his duties to spend time with you.
You place a hand on his bicep, smooth fingers ghosting along the veins on his bare arm. "That's perfect actually, I wanna spend time with you, Suguru, what do you say?"
Of course he agrees in the moment, but Suguru soon discovers that you are trouble for him in the best and worst way possible.
He realizes this when you corner him on his way to the laundry chute. The pile of wet beach towels long forgotten the second you sink to your knees with his cock in your hand. He wants to ask about dinner plans but it seems you have other things in mind.
You make a game of testing just how much of him you could take in your mouth.
Hollow cheek and choked moans, you look up at him with soft, red-rimmed eyes, and let him fuck your throat with nothing more than a sultry smile and smeared lipstick stains left behind. And when he comes, you don’t stop sucking him till he's gone lightheaded and utterly boneless.
Persuasive. That's what you are, though it really doesn’t take much convincing if he were truthful.
That's how he ends up in your bed later that night.
He's so far gone. Gone beyond any form of morality or reason. With your tits rubbing against his cock, there really isn't anything else on his mind but sweet, sweet release. And he's so close, yet so far away, he can taste it.
"You like fucking my tits, Suguru, hmm? Be a good boy and tell me how much you enjoy it?"
"F-Fuck--I--" He flushes red, sweat licking at his nape. His hair tossed in bun haphazardly at the start is now falling apart, with tendrils framing his face and sticking to his skin. He looks so divine, like an angel cast from grace, taken apart with every snap of his hips.
With the way his mouth has fallen open, finally allowing himself to sing your praises, you could tell he was close to coming. You decid to give him a little push. Reaching under him, you give his balls a gentle squeeze, making him choke on his own breath.
"Shit, fuck, fuck." He jerks once, then twice, before coating your chest in with his warm cum.
"I hope you're not tired yet, my love." You rise to your feet, tits bouncy as you move to push him back against the mattress. "The night is still young, and I am far from satisfied."
Without sparing another second, you clamber onto his lap and sink down his him. Suguru feels like he’s lip-locked with death. You kiss him slowly in contrast with how you ride him. And squeeze down around his dick, hands braced against his bare chest, and his own jizz dripping onto his stomach. Every roll of your hips has him seeing stars, ruining him as your cunt spasms again.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Lay beside me | Helmut Zemo
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Requested by @cherry-season
Collage made for me @real---remy Thank you so much!!!
Another lengthy one. Steamy situation ahead 😏
Sometimes you wanted to curse the way the universe worked. It's as if the universe took joy in your misery and you could nothing but deal with cards you were dealt.
The four of you: Sam, Bucky, Zemo and yourself, were stopping off at a hotel for the night. The place was pretty luxurious, but with Zemo in the group, you didn't expect anything less.
After finding out he's a Baron, nothing he does surprises you any more.
You were actually kind of impressed. You had never stayed anywhere so nice before. There was nice, and then there was nice. This place certainly fell under nice.
"Why do we have to be working? Why can't this be a vacation?" You sigh, looking around the beautiful lobby.
"Perhaps this is a reason to come back in the future," Zemo suggest, looking at you.
"As if I could afford to stay here on my own."
You all stroll up to the reception desk, letting Zemo take the lead. He requests four rooms, really not caring about the cost. He assumes everyone would be happier on their own, thought he wouldn't admit he wouldn't mind sharing a room with a certain someone.
He glanced at you. You were standing beside him, looking over at the seating area in the corner. He smiled at how interested you seemed in main entrance area alone. When the receptionist addressed him, he turned his attention there.
You wouldn't say this place was posh, but it was just so... classy. You really felt like you stood out in your gear.
"There's only two room available, with the festival in town, we are otherwise full."
All of you looked at the receptionist as if she had grown another head. That meant you would have to share with someone, unless....
"The three of you can share right?" You ask, looking at the three men.
"You mean I have to share a room with Bucky and Zemo? No, why don't we share?" Sam gestured between him and you.
"And leave Bucky alone with Zemo? Is that a good idea?"
"Well, I'm not sharing a room with Zemo."
"Then you have to share with Bucky."
"Which leaves you with Zemo." Sam couldn't see any good combination out of this. "I would rather Bucky than Zemo though."
You glance at Zemo who was looking at you with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Fine. I'll share with Zemo, but I won't hesitate to stab him if he does something," you warn, looking right at the Baron.
"Hey, I'm not complaining." Sam puts his hands up.
Zemo grabs the key cards off the desk, hands one to Sam and keeps hold of the other. Bucky glares at Zemo as you all enter the elevator.
Oh, it's awkward.
Bucky is standing behind Zemo, glaring at the back of his head. Sam is trying not to say anything. Zemo is looking at you from the corner of his eye, and then there's you standing there trying to avoid looking at any of them.
The ride up feels like forever. When the doors open, you're quick to get out. Unfortunately, you can just rush off. Firstly, Zemo has the key. Secondly, you're not sure which way the room is.
For a short bit you all go in the same direction, but Sam and Bucky have to break off down another hall to their room. Sam gives Zemo another warning, before reassuring you they will come quickly if you need them. You nod and let them go.
Helmut leads the way, unlocking the door when you arrive. He holds the door open for you.
"You first, little bird," he smiles as he gestures into the room with his free hand.
You duck past him and go inside.
The room isn't massive, but there's enough room to move around. There's a bed plenty big enough for two, a chair in the corner, a small desk and a stool. A tiny TV was situated on the wall.
It would do.
To be fair, you shouldn't complain. This is the nicest room you've had to stay in for a while. You walk over and sit in the chair.
Zemo places the key on the desk and removes his coat, hanging it in the small open wardrobe by the door. He turns around to face you.
"I apologise for the turn out."
You look at him stoically.
"It's fine."
Zemo was honestly over the moon he was sharing a room with you. He had hoped this would happen, it was an opportunity to talk to you without your "bodyguards" hovering around. Helmut hadn't had much of chance to sit and talk with you since your paths crossed.
"So, sleeping arrangements." Zemo runs his hand together as he looks at the bed.
"You take it. I can sleep in the chair." You were used to it, as much as you would love to relax in the comfortable looking bed. It looked so warm and welcoming.
"I won't allow that. It looks like we'll have to share the bed, little bird." He has a sly grin on his lips as he looks at you.
"You wish."
"There is no point in discomfort if the bed can fit two. I will not allow you to sleep on the floor or the chair. I already know your boys will come running if I step so much out of line. Are you really willing to sacrifice a warm bed for your own pride?"
You glare at him, but it's hardly threatening.
You stand up and walk over to the bed. You sit down on the other side, the mattress squashing down under you.
"Fine, but I meant it when I said I would stab you."
"I know," he chuckles.
The pair of you met up sigh the boys to have some dinner down in the food hall downstairs. Both boys checked in with you to make sure you were alright with the arrangements. You assured them it was fine, much to Zemo's delight.
Helmut assured you that you could order whatever you wanted, but you kept it pretty casual, not feeling good about leaching off him off him like this.
After the meal, you returned to your room.
You took off most of your gear and grabbed the remote for the TV. You decided to get comfortable in the bed and watch something.
Zemo disappeared into the bathroom to use the shower.
You really tried not to dwell on that too much. Yet, the idea of him in a steamy shower... no! No, you couldn't.
What is wrong with me?
You tried to focus on the TV, but you can't. You glance to the bathroom door. You can hear the shower running. He's in there, hot and wet... and naked.
Damn it brain!
You covered your face with your hands. You wanted to scream, but that would just bring him out to check on you.
You didn't hear the water turn off, or the door unlock moments later. You were far too occupied scolding yourself in your head, trying not to think about him.
"Is something the matter?"
You look up in shock, startled by his voice.
Now you're staring.
He was dressed in only a bathrobe, most of the top was open, his chest on display. There was a chain necklace hanging against the damp skin exposed to you.
You didn't realise the way your eyes soaked him in, or the way you licked your lips as you stared at him.
Zemo noticed.
"See something you like?"
You blink, shake your head, and turn away. He chuckles deeply as comes over to the bed. You feel the otherwise of the mattress dip down as he climbs in.
He smells so good.
Damn it!
You do everything in your power to avoid looking at him, but his presence is so prominent. You can feel him beside you.
Zemo is staring at you. He had been since he came back in. Your cheeks were flushed, you were very early trying to avoid him, and you were gripping the bed sheets like it was a life line.
He couldn't help grinning. He had no idea he could have this effect on you.
"Little bird~"
"Don't call me that."
"Liebling, then."
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing bad." He grins.
"I don't trust that."
Zemo shifts so he is resting on his side, one hand supporting his head and the other resting on the bed in front of him. He keeps his eyes on your face.
You take a glance.
His smile grows when you catch his gaze.
You sink down into the bed, still trying not to look at him. Your eyes on the TV, but you still have no idea what's going on. You can't get him out of your head.
"You must be tired."
"A bit."
"Sleep, I promise I won't do anything," he speaks softly.
"I know."
He chuckles softly. He watches as you try and get more comfortable. You let out a relieved sigh when you find the right spot. He just watches you.
"This must be nice for you," you say, looking up at the ceiling.
"What do you mean?"
"Staying in a lavish hotel, sleeping in a big bed... and the company."
"I suppose. Though you get used to being alone in a cell," he states.
You give in and roll over, racing him. You have to look up since he is propped up over you. He smiles softly down at you.
The scent of the hotel soap wafts past your nose. God, it makes you want to do things.
Brain, stop it.
Your eyes are drifting to his chest again.
"What's going through that head of yours?"
"I don't believe you."
"Well it's the truth."
"I don't think so," he whispers.
"What do you think then?"
"Judging by the way you keep looking at me, and not at my eyes I might add, I think you have plenty on your mind."
"Well," you try not to blush too much as you meet his beautiful brown eyes, "if you knew how to tie a robe properly, I wouldn't be staring."
"I don't mind you staring."
"I mind." You sit up and glare at him.
"Show me how to tie a robe then." Zemo sits up in the bed and untied the belt, allowing the robe to fall open. He sits there looking smugly at you.
You have no idea where to look.
"Oh my God!"
He laughs. The sound send shivers down your spine. It was the most genuine sound you had ever heard. He may laughing at you, but you would give anything to hear that sound again.
"Show me."
You shake out of your thoughts and look at the belt he has left laying on either side of him. You have to move closer to him to get a good angle. You sit up and face him, trying to avoid straddling him. You grab the robe and close it over him, trying so hard not to stare. Though, your eyes did wonder, you stopped yourself when you realised he is literally only wearing the robe.
One of his hands reach up and tuck under your chin, bringing your eyes to meet his. The smile on his face is subtle. His eyes take in your beauty.
"Don't be shy. You can look."
You shake your head softly and continue to close his robe, ignoring the obvious below his waist. Was he really turned on by this?
His hand had drifted from your chin to your cheek. His thumb brushed gently across your cheekbone as you tied the belt around him. This time there was far less on view.
"Done," you whisper.
His thumb moves to brush against your bottom lip. His touch is so gentle and ghost like. Your hands are resting over his covered chest. You can feel his heart beating under your hand.
Before you can think too much about it, his arms are looping around you and pulling you down into his chest. Your face falls inches away from his face. His eyes flicker over your face, taking in every little detail. Your leg drapes over his as he captures your lips with his. He's careful to roll you over so you're against the bed and he's over you. His kiss becomes more fierce when he realises you're not pushing him away. Your hands loop around his neck to hold him against you. He moves from your lips to your jaw, down your neck, pulling at the collar of your top to kiss as much skin as can access.
That's when you stop him. You place your hands on his shoulders and push him back.
"This is wrong..."
"You weren't giving that impression," he moves his face back to yours, an inch of space rests between you.
"Helmut, please."
"Helmut... I can't. It feels like I'm betraying their trust."
"They'll never have to know."
"But I'll carry that guilt with me."
Those stunning eyes of his turn almost sad. His tongue runs across his bottom lip as he moves from above you. Zemo settles on side next to you, laying as close as he can to you.
"Then allow me tonight to hold you. I may not get this chance again." He holds his arm open to you.
You admire his messy hair and soft gaze. He offers you a tiny smile. You roll over and settle into his chest, his arm drapes around you and he gathers you into his embrace. He plants a kiss to your head as you rest against his chest.
"Sleep. I want to hold you for a while."
You tilt your head up to kiss his jaw and settle into his arms, closing your eyes and listening to the way his heart races.
You wanted to tell yourself Zemo was just lonely, but as you lay there with him, you wondered of he held you in high regard. Perhaps there was more to this than you were thinking.
In the morning when you wake, you're still tangling in his arms. Your head was on his chest, his arms were still wrapped around you, though loosely. Your legs were tangled with his and his head nestled against yours.
You lay there in silence.
You're not sure how much time passed before he woke, but you had enjoyed every single second of it.
When he realised you were still resting against him, he tightened his hold on your and planted a kiss to your head, much like he had done before you fell asleep.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, Liebling."
"I still don't know what that means," you mutter, not wanting to disturb the peace that had settled over you.
"I'll tell you later," he grins.
"I haven't slept that well in ages."
"I can say the same," he opens his eyes and looks at you, giving you a dashing smile.
"I almost don't want to get up."
"Then don't."
"We'll have to at some point," you tell him.
He chuckles softly as he closes his eyes again, nestling his face next to yours.
"We'll worry about that later. For now, let me enjoy this moment."
You smile and get comfortable against him.
Sam and Bucky and would throw a fit if they could see you now, but even that wouldn't be enough to stop how happy this man had made you in one night.
You hoped that, perhaps, you would get a second chance to do this. Maybe then you'll give him what he wanted last night.
Maybe, just maybe, something irreversible had begun.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn
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allegra-writes · 5 years
Adore you
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Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Smut, of course
The request:
More dom reader and subby pete pls!!! maybe something like a badass shield agent reader? and peter having a crush on her and there goes the smut? hope u like this idea, take ur time!!
I've been holding onto this for a couple of days now. I'm quite proud of how it turned out, I had to stop for air quite a few times as I wrote it so beware. This is my Christmas gift to you, consider me your Naughty Pagan Santa🔥
Series masterlist
"P-please" Peter's desperate plea broke the silence. His voice was hoarse, wrecked, no louder than a whisper and at first you weren't even sure he had spoken, but then he begged again, "Please, please!" 
You were torturing him, breaking him, shattering him to dust and then putting him back together again, building him anew to your liking, and he wasn't sure how much more he would be able to take without losing his mind. He felt your smile against his hip bone and dared looking down, teary red rimmed eyes meeting yours, ablazed and alluring, every bit as beautiful as the first time he had seen them. He had lost himself in those eyes more times than he could count, and yet he could map them to micrometric precision, dozens of pictures on his phone dedicated solely to them, to their idiosyncrasies and nuances under different lighting.  
He never thought he could have this, never thought he could have you: Y/n from biology. Agent 16, S.H.I.E.L.D. level 7. "I guess it's something we have in common," You had said, "we are both liars." Peter had wanted to argue that it wasn't the same thing, but it was hard to complain as you drove away from the angry mob of Mysterio stans you had saved him from. You had been fast, efficient, one quick drive to Manhattan, to the helipad of the ex-Avenger's tower (now property of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and before the day was over, you both were out of the city, out of the country, on that desert island just the two of you.
The feeling of your tongue, hot and wet on the v of his hips pulled him back into the present. You sucked a little pineapple cube, cold against his fevered skin, into your mouth, before chasing down the drop of juice the fruit had left behind with your tongue. Peter dug his fingers on the white, soft sand, searching in vain for purchase. He squirmed, a steady stream of 'pleasepleaseplease' falling from his lips, as you ate a piece of cantaloupe off his abs. 
You were using his body as a plate, eating fresh fruit off it, a new torment to add to the long list of wicked, delicious ways you had been playing with him all afternoon. You had been pleasuring him for a couple of hours now, and he was delirious with it, overstimulated. He felt immaterial, disembodied, undone. He was soft clay under your hands, under your mouth, under your tongue. Your touch was the only thing shaping his reality, shaping him. So what if the whole world knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man? He wasn't either of them anymore. Here on this island, laying under you, he wasn't the next Tony Stark or the last Avenger; he was just 'baby boy', and 'tiger' and whatever else you choose to call him. 
He was free. 
He didn't have to save any body, because you had saved him, didn't have to decide anything cause you gave the orders. You could take care of him, all he had to do was surrender to you. 
You crawled up his body, tiny slice of watermelon between your lips, and Peter immediately parted his, to let you glide it into his mouth. It tasted faintly of your strawberry lip balm, making his head dizzy with longing.
"Please" he croaked again, after swallowing the sweet, juicy fruit. 
"What do you need baby boy?" You breathed, hot against his ear.
"To kiss you" he panted, "please, let me kiss you"
You complied, and he finally got to taste your soft, warm mouth. Strawberry lipstick and cherries and himself and he loved it, loved that sharp bitter tang on your palate. His fingers buried themselves in your hair, pulling you closer to taste it better. Only when you pulled away, giggling a little maliciously, did he realize his mistake.
"Bad, bad boy" You leaned back, disentangling from his fingers, sitting up and away from him.
He paled,
"No, please, I'll do anything" He moved to get up too, but caught himself at the last second, your disapproving glare all that was needed to halt his movements. You smiled to yourself, he truly was insatiable. After coming so many times that afternoon, he still looked heartbroken at the prospect of this little game of yours ending. With his big brown eyes full of tears and bottom lip wobbling slightly, he was just too God damn adorable, and you… well, unlike him you were only human. 
But he still needed to be punished.
"You like what we do, baby boy?" You inquired, sitting back down, straddling him, pressing yourself against him, only the thin fabric of your bikini bottoms separating your core from his gorgeous, naked cock. "You like the way we play?" 
He nodded frantically as you started to rock on top of him, tearing a moan from his lips.
"Do you like the things I do to you?"
"Yes, ma'am" he groaned. You ranked your fingernails down his chest, down his stomach.
"Do you like it when I touch you?" 
"Yes! Oh god…"
You reached back, untying the scarf you had turned into a bandeau. Peters hands twitched, but he kept them by his sides.
"Do you like looking at me?"
"God, yes!" He cried, as you rubbed yourself down on him harder, faster, "I love it, love watching you! I - I love.." 
You stopped moving, making Peter whine loudly, fists hitting the sand like a little boy throwing a tantrum. 
"Do you want to touch me?"
"Yes! Please, please ma'am, please let me touch you…"
How could you ever say no to that? You nodded your permission and chucked as Peter's hands went straight to your breasts. 
"Can I…" Peter hesitated, not wanting to push his luck. But judging by the way your head lolled back, you seemed to be enjoying his touch, and that gave him courage. "Can I put my mouth on you, ma'am?" 
You smirked, looking down at him through half shut eyes,
"Such a greedy boy…" You scolded, but tugged him up to a sitting position anyway, capturing his lips again. The feeling of your nipples against the naked skin of his chest had him moaning into your mouth, and you swallowed it, devoured it, dominating the kiss as you were dominating him. Your hips started to move again, by their own volition, and his followed in kind, until you both were breathing hard. You broke the kiss, pulling at his soft curls, guiding his mouth to where you wanted it. He wasted no time at nibbling and sucking, rolling your nipples with the tip of his tongue, first one and then the other. He had a naturally talented tongue, and you couldn't wait to see what else he could do with it. 
"I'm going to ride your face until I come" you were proud of how steady and commanding your voice was, "and then, I'm going to ride your cock until you come…"
His answering broken sob let you know he was ok with that idea.
"And then… then I'm going to keep on ridding you… gonna go on… and on… I'm not going to stop until you give me all your come…"
"Yes, oh my god yes!"
"Until it's gushing out of me…"
"Yesyesyes…" Peter was close, so so close. Between the rocking of your hips and your words, he was seconds away from bursting, and you knew it. 
That's exactly why you stopped, and pushed him away from you, watching him fall back onto the sand. It was just for show, of course. He was way stronger than you and, if he wanted to, he could easily flip you, overpower you and have his way with you. That only made the adrenaline rush greater, knowing how powerful he really was, knowing he was giving up all that power willingly and placing it on your hands to do with it, with him, as you pleased.
To use him as you pleased.
...You had always loved big guns.
"I'm going to give you a choice now, tiger" You spoke over the cute little whimpers escaping his throat. He was so precious, so innocent, you almost felt bad for corrupting him like this. Almost. "I am going to do all the things I just promised, I won't stop you from coming again. And you can keep on touching me while I do those things to you… or you can keep on watching me, but not both"
He met your eyes and you could see the conflict behind his. He looked about ready to cry, fingers trembling where they rested on your thighs, brown orbs never leaving yours, imploring. You straddling his waist almost naked, free and unashamed under the clear summer sky, were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he didn't want to give that up. But the thought of taking his hands away from your soft skin, from your lovely body, was almost physically painful.
"I-I can't" He stammered, a little pathetically but he was long past pride, "please, don't make me choose"
"Then I guess I'll have to choose for you"
You tried to pry his hands away, but he held on tighter.
"No! No, please, I wanna touch!"
You leaned over, taking your abandoned silk scarf from the sand, tying it around his head and over his eyes.
"But I wanna see you!" He complained petulantly. Such a brat… you were going to love breaking him.
"But you misbehaved, baby boy" You reminded him, "You touched me without permission, and now this is your punishment. I can't just let you off the hook now, can I? Can't let you think you can get away with anything…"
"One more word" he felt your hand squeeze his balls softly, warningly, "and you'll regret it" 
He snapped his mouth shut.
"Atta boy" You approved, rewarding him with a filthy open mouthed kiss before standing up. Peter didn't have time to protest before something, a piece of cloth hit him square in the face. He fisted it in his left hand, the wet patch letting him now right away it was your bikini bottoms. Peter pressed it to his nose, inhaling deeply. 
"Dirty boy" you tsked from somewhere near his pelvis, startling him. He felt your warm breath against his cock right before he felt your searing tongue, placing one long lick from base to red, angry tip. 
You laughed and then you were gone again, only to flick at his nipple a moment later, making him cry out. You kept on toying with him for a few minutes, a kiss here, a suck there, until finally, finally, he heard your knees hitting the sand at either side of his head as you slowly lowered yourself, hovering right above his mouth. 
He ventured a lick, but you backed away. He gave chase, straining his neck, but you always raised yourself just enough for him to be unable to make contact, until he frustratedly grabbed a hold of your thighs, using his superior strength to force you down onto his face.
"Holy fuck!" This time, it was your turn to curse as his tongue made it straight into your soft, velvety insides, delving deep, crashing unexpectedly with something cool and sweet. He twirled his tongue around until he was able to take it into his mouth, moaning as he bit down onto it. You had buried a strawberry inside your pussy for him to find. 
And you called him dirty. 
He swallowed and thrusted his tongue inside you again. You were sweeter than the strawberry and he wondered idly if his Spider half had anything to do with it, if he could somehow taste your pheromones or something. Or if it was simply you, delicious and addictive all of your own. 
You were making the most beautiful sounds, bucking your hips erratically, wave after wave of sugary nectar falling to his lips as his nose bumped against your clit with every one of your movements. And he was mad about it, mad about you, growling and moaning into your cunt. He couldn't possibly want you more than he did right then, cock so hard it hurt, pelvis grinding pitifully against nothing. But he wasn't important, this was all about you, about pleasing you, worshiping every inch of you. His amazon, his pagan goddess in a tropical paradise. Even back in Europe, hell, even way back in New York, all he had ever wanted was this: For you to let him adore you. 
Peter had never understood the need to submit, what was about being tossed and ordered around that appealed so much to those men on the internet. Not until he met you.
Because from the moment he met you, he wanted to belong to you, to be your slave and follow your every command, fulfil your every need. 
And now you were screaming, falling apart above him and he had done that, he was the one you were coming for. It made his head swim with pride and something else, something unnamed and powerful. He kept on lapping at your cunt, leisurely, slow like honey, until your legs stopped trembling. 
You pushed his curls, slick with sweat, away from his forehead tenderly.
"Good boy," You cooed, "I'm so proud of you, you did so good"
A warm feeling spread out in Peter's chest at your words. 
"Thank you, ma'am. Good enough for my punishment to be over?"
You laughed breathlessly as you pushed his hands away and stood up on slightly unstable legs.
"No, but nice try"
His pout was so cute you had to bend down and kiss it off his face. 
"Pretty please?" He insisted, once he felt you straddling his thighs. 
"Don't be difficult, baby. Don't you want to be good for me?"
"I d- OH" your hot hand around his shaft made him cry out, cutting his answer short. Had you known before a hand job was all it took to shut Peter Parker up… You would probably have done everything exactly the same, actually. 
Peter's head was already trashing from side to side as your hand moved, deliberately slow. Up and down, up and down, up and down…
Up… up, up, guiding him into your tight, exquisite heat. He heard you moan as you buried his cock inside you to the hilt, pelvis kissing yours. 
"You are… the best thing I've ever felt inside me" 
He groaned his agreement, hands flying to your waist, as you started to move, started sliding up and down his cock steadily, imitating the same unhurried rhythm you used with your hand. 
But your cunt felt so much better than your palm, all that wet, silky pressure over every lavish inch of him… up and down, up and down…
He felt you brace yourself on his abdomen, nails digging into firm flesh.
Up and down… up and down… Faster.
"Peter… oh, god, you feel so good… So good between my legs"
And you felt like heaven, he wanted to tell you, but he was reduced to cries and sobs, to clutching and grabbing at your skin, fingertips eagerly searching any part of your body they could reach. You took one of his hands and lowered it until his thumb was right above your clit, your own fingers showing him how to rub just right to make pleasure explode inside your loins. 
His eyes fluttered open underneath the blindfold. He didn't mean to, he truly didn't, he wanted to be good, he wanted to obey, but this? You riding him hard, coming from his cock and his fingers? It was a vision way too tempting to resist. He could see you clearly through the rainbow of silk threads, head thrown back in ecstasy, mouth open in a silent scream, little beads of sweat glimmering on your skin under the sun, sparkling almost as bright as the jewel colored water on the horizon behind you. And your cunt, juicy and red as the strawberries you favoured, stretched around his cock, taking it in over and over and over again, little contractions milking him, hungry for his come. 
So he gave it to you, surging deep inside you, hips thrusting up to meet yours. You almost fell back, but he caught you in his arms just in time. Raising to a sitting position still buried inside you, he gathered you to his chest, the makeshift blindfold falling from his face.
You smiled, a little drunkenly,
"Hey, stranger"
Closing your arms around his shoulders, you tucked your face into his neck. You were boneless, completely spent and sated, about to fall asleep, lulled by his soft caresses on your back, when you felt him start moving inside you again. 
Definitely insatiable.
Tired and overstimulated, you tried to get up, get away but his arms, strong as steel around you held you to him, as he rocked beneath you, pubic bone smashing into your oversensitized clit with every drag. Pushing against his shoulder also proved completely useless, his hold on you only tightening, as he started fucking up into you harder. 
You bit into his shoulder, making him groan.
"I think… think I like that punishment better…" He declared, grabbing your chin, holding you in place to kiss you, deep and dirty, only releasing your lips once your head was spinning, your lungs burning. You gasped for air.
"Naughty" You admonished, still struggling against him, albeit a little halfheartedly. He splayed one of his hands against your lower back, pressing you to him. The new pressure was delicious, the heat starting to build again, even if you didn't want it "You're so naughty"
He scraped his teeth softly on the hollow of your throat, only to sooth it with his tongue seconds later, his cock moving so deep you could feel it hit your cervix. You screamed, he was going to tear another orgasm out of you soon.
"Only holding you to your word" He whispered against your skin, making goosebumps erupt down your spine, "You promised not to stop… until I give you all my come"
To be continued...
PS: Let me know if you are reading this under the table during a horrible family reunion, I' love to bring you a little joy during these very difficult rimes... Love ya!!
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