#something something queen is to ch 1's characters what lake was to book 1's characters
cozylittleartblog · 3 years
When Lancer frees Kris, he makes a note that "a wild Mom" caught you! Unsure if it means they're related or he just thinks everyone called/titled Queen is his mother.
see at the time i thought it was just another 'queen looks/acts like a Mom(tm)' joke (of which there are a few in ch2) but now? 🤔🤔🤔 although lancer already seems to confuse the terms 'king' and 'dad' so i mean, that idea would track too
i dont think lancer knows anything (if there's anything to know, that is. although i think it's funnier if the poor boy is oblivious to it all) but its weird that they look similar, laugh similar (queens laugh is just lancers laugh in cursive and you Can't change my mind), have the same penchant for shenanigans, all the aforementioned Implied History(tm) ('new man' implies there was an old man and he's talking to the king🤔), how fast she adopts the kid after rolling into castle town despite lancer still having one (1) not-jailed father (although tbf i can think of a few varying reasons for this, mainly that. she didn't seem to know who rouxls was??), its just. *touches the ground* Something Happened Here. feels like we've got a frame with no picture in it.
im getting way too wrapped up in implied secondary character lore for my own good lmao, as usual. much like kris i too am a puppet but my puppet master's name is ADHD (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
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