#somehow you made akito's outfit worse and better at the same time and that's really talented op
Enter the Kitsune - Chapter 2
Warnings: none really in this part. introduction to castle life.
Chapter 2
I raised my groggy head from what felt like a giant pillow only to discover it was the flat mattress they gave me to sleep on. It is called a futon, right? Argh… need coffee. Defused light was seeping into the room through the large screen in front of the window. It took a few moments for my brain to catch up with everything. I guess some part of me still thinks this is a weird dream.
– Clatter –
A loud noise from outside my room made me jump. Wrapping the blanket around my shoulders I moved to the door and slid it open just enough to see that one of the servants had dropped a tray. Small plates had fallen onto the floor. Miraculously they had somehow avoided braking, which was more than could be said for the food.
A young girl with dark chocolate brown hair was bent over scooping rice and other foodstuffs back onto the tray to try to clean up the mess.
“What do you think you are doing?” A slightly older woman scuttled out of a room with a wet rag in her hand. Her sharp tone made even me jump and I felt even worse for the young girl who was being glared at as if she had intended to sully the castle floor on purpose.
“I was taking breakfast to the Princess.” The girl paused in cleaning up the mess to bow her head to her elder.
“Princess? Don’t make me laugh. Takes more than a title to make you something like that. I have no idea where Lord Oda found that stray cat but it won’t take long for him to get bored with her.” The other woman was waving around her rag like a flag as she spoke. I knew I wouldn’t be welcomed with open arms or anything but you would have thought they would at least see me or get to know me before deciding they hate me.
“We still have to treat her…” The younger servant stood back up balancing the tray with its scattered contents in her hands.
“She won’t be getting special treatment from me. You do as you like.” The other servant scoffed.
“Has anyone seen her yet?” Another female appeared carrying what looked to be bolts of fabric with one more maid walking next to her carrying a woven basket that looked to be full of linen. “I caught a glimpse of her when she arrived. She was sitting proud as you like wrapped up in Lord Masamune’s arms.”
“Who does she think she is?” The older servant was practically spitting venom in her voice at this point.
“Lord Hideyoshi doesn’t seem to like her much.” The one carrying the linen spoke in a conspiratorial tone as she joined the conversation.
“Well, that says it all. The man has taste.”
“What was her name anyway?”
“I think Lord Mitsunari said she was called Aerion Foxx.” The young servant holding the dropped tray timidly spoke up. Clearly, she was uncomfortable with the conversation but was staying put probably from fear of being dubbed an outcast in some way. Honestly, the way they are gathering there just makes it look like a bunch of people gossiping around the water cooler in the office at work.
“Fox? As in Kitsune?” The one holding the fabric nearly dropped them as they practically jumped hearing my surname. It’s not that strange of a name you know?
“Haha, that’s perfect!” There was nothing pleasant in the laughter that erupted from the lips of that older servant.
“What is?”
“Well we already have one kitsune in the castle now Lord Oda has brought in another one.” The servant holding the linen basket nodded knowing what the older woman was getting at. Kitsune? I guess that’s what they call a fox here. Why do I get the feeling its meant as an insult?
“Shh, keep your voice down what if she should hear us?”
“What does it matter? Mark my words she is nothing but a fancy stray cat from some Nanban’s boat. I give it a week before Lord Oda is bored and tired of her and she is gone.” Everything about the older servant just seemed to scream that she was not going to accept me no matter what I did. It’s not like I was planning on trying to be everyone’s friend or anything. But the fact remains I have to stay here for at least 3 months. It would have been nice if we could all just be civil with each other. I gave a silent little sigh as I imagined the drama that was sure to be coming my way in the near future.
I slid the door closed not wishing to hear any more and noticed a bundle placed next to it. It was neatly tied and there was a small note placed on top. The black ink was smooth and delicate on the paper making it almost seem inviting in some way. There was no way I had of reading it, I had been right before I might be able to somehow hear and speak this language but I can’t read it. A soft knock on my door announced the arrival of the original maid that had dropped the tray in the corridor.
“Excuse me, Princess. I have your breakfast from the kitchen.” She had her head bent low in a formal bow and was shuffling her way into my room like a graceful constricted swan. Her dark brown hair was bundled to one side at the top of her head in a kind of messy bun, small ponytail style. Her bangs were falling over her face in three sections allowing me to see her eyes that looked so warm and inviting it was like looking into two cups of rich dark espresso. She couldn’t have been older than me if anything she appeared to be in her late teens.
“What is your name?” I was still holding the bundle one hand with the unreadable note in the other.
“My name is Akito, Princess.” She continued to politely address me and placed the tray down near a floor cushion for me. She was stealing small glances at me but not actually looking at me for very long at all. Nervous? Fear? Or is that some form of manners here? Either way, I can’t take it, it’s making me feel uncomfortable just watching her.
“Ok. Well, Akito. First of all, you don’t have to bow to me. And could you please not call me by that title?” I felt like I had been repeating the same conversation over and over again to everyone recently. It’s a shame I can’t just record the message and hit a play button every time I want to say it.
“It would be highly disrespectful to do such a thing, my lady.” Akito’s head shot up from her formal bow so she was looking at me directly now. He brown eyes were wide with curiosity but also appeared to have traces of fear in them. Oh, come on I’m not that scary. What do you think I’m going to do?
“Alright I realise there is a strong sense of maintaining things like that here but whilst you are in my room with no one else here you can drop the formalities. I am just a woman the same as you.” I gave her a warm smile and kept my tone soft in an attempt to calm her. Thankfully Akito seemed to relax a little at this.
“If that is what you have ordered me to do Prin-, I’m sorry if I am not to call you Princess what am I to call you my lady?” Akito inclined her head and it reminded me of a small animal discovering something new.
“My name is Aerion.”
“Lady Aerion.” Akito nodded happily a stunning smile spreading across her face as she addressed me.
“I suppose that will do for now.” I chuckled. “Will you be the main servant I see?”
“Yes, lady Aerion I was assigned to your care by lord Mitsunari. I am your personal maid.” Akito straightened up proudly after saying this. I wonder if Mitsunari chose Akio specifically because she seems to be so kind or if it was because no one else seems to want to have anything to do with me? I mentally shook that thought from my mind not wanting to dwell on things I can’t change.
“I see. Could I ask you to read this to me?” I handed over the note to a confused looking Akito. She took it carefully in her hands and began translating it for me.
“I thought you would be needed this. I hope you find it easier to move in. Akechi Mitsuhide.”
“Mitsuhide?” The name of the last man I thought would be leaving me surprise gifts made me look suspiciously at the bundle in my hands.
“Yes, My lady.”
“Do you have any idea what this is?” I held up the folded fabric glad to see that Akito apparently recognised it. She gently took it from my hand and unfolded it holding it up for me to see that it was definitely clothing.
“That is called a hakama my lady.”
“Is it different from a Kimono?” I took a step closer to it running my fingers over the soft fabric to what looked like a pair of unfinished trousers.
“Yes, my lady. If you like I can help you get dressed after you have eaten.”
“Thank you, Akito I’d appreciate it. I tried to put on this kimono myself and made a complete mess with the obi.”
“I understand. A lot of the foreign visitors have similar issues but with practice, it does become easier.”
Breakfast was simple but delicious on my empty stomach. I tried to remember the last time I really bothered to eat a proper breakfast and failed miserably. It was always a mad rush in the morning to get the train to work so typically I would grab a Danish pastry from the coffee shop along with my morning late and suffer the impending doom of my own hunger until lunchtime when I could go out and get something decent to eat somewhere else.
Akito had helped me get dressed and I was happily surprised with how comfortable the hakama was to move in. My legs didn’t feel like they were going to be restricted at any point. It was a far cry from my usual pair of jeans it was a better historical replacement than a standard kimono. I tried to pay attention to the different layers as Akito explained how to put together the outfit on me. Under kimono, kimono, obi nothing seemed different until I slipping into the Hakama and then the very specific way she was tying it around my waist.
It felt strange to put on effectively a pair of trousers like this. After attaching the front of the hakama Akito took what looked like a wooden fastener that was at the back of the hakama and attached it to the new ties she had made when she arranged the first half of the hakama. She pulled the back portion of the hakama a little higher so it covered my original obi and then moved to do the finishing ties around my waist turning the stiffen fabric into a beautiful flattened bow on my left side. Apparently, there was a right and wrong way of doing that so I tried to follow as best I could. There is no way I’ll be perfect at this straight off the bat but I can at least attempt to try and get better at it.
After what felt like an eternity of getting dressed Akito left to return the tray to the kitchen and had some other work to attend to. I felt bad for keeping her so long so I let her go and decided I would try to make my way around the castle to see if I could figure out what I was supposed to do in my new job. I had been right on my first impression of around here it’s so easy to get lost in this labyrinth of corridors.
“Ah! There you are, Lass.” That familiar voice instantly made me freeze as I remembered the steel against my throat. Turning around slowly in case of there being a repeat performance of last night I saw Masamune walking along happily with Ieyasu by his side looking less than impressed with the other man’s company.
“Masamune. Ieyasu.” I didn’t know what else to say and as I was usually told it was better to say nothing during those times than ramble like an idiot.
“You look lost.” Masamune chuckled looking a little like a mischievous child as he got close enough to try to reach out his hand for me and I instantly sidestepped to avoid him. His blue eye twinkled seeing this and I swear I saw him lick his lips. Little early in the day for that kind of thing… down boy.
“A little.” I admitted I was in fact lost it wasn’t as if pride was going to help me change the facts.
“Takes talent to get lost walking in a straight line. You’re as bad as Mitsunari.” Ieyasu spoke up critiquing my inability to decipher the castle layout. I plastered my best smile on my face that I usually saved for meetings with difficult clients at work.
“And it takes a special kind of talent to both help someone out and insult them at the same time. Congratulations Ieyasu you really nailed it.” Ieyasu stood there slack-jawed, emerald eyes wide just staring at me dumbfounded. Masamune had a similar expression but recovered much faster and burst out laughing so loud it echoed in the hallway.
“Isn’t that great Ieyasu you got yourself a new friend?” Masamune said slapping the other guy on the shoulder with an audible thump.
“As if I’d want to be friends with a weakling like her.” Ieyasu mumbled avoiding eye contact with either of us as he spoke. Something about that sight made me start giggling which earned me a glare from Ieyasu that only served to make my laughter worse.
“So where were you trying to get to?” Masamune asked after we had both gotten our laughter under control.
“Nowhere really I was just trying to work out what I should be doing as Chatelaine but I haven’t found anyone that’s willing to tell me yet.” I felt the weight of all the emotions that hit me earlier when I had overheard the staff gossiping earlier. I had found several maids but they had all been more interested in asking if I needed anything and insisting that I didn’t need to help them. When I tried to ask about my new job, they had either fallen silent or made excuses to leave. Nothing like that classic feeling of the new kid in school.
“You should just give up and go be a good girl and play in your room.” Ieyasu huffed. Clearly, he thought that Nobunaga’s original idea of me playing dress up was what I should be doing. Just the idea of that had my skin bristling all over.
“No. I said I would work and I intend to. I can’t sit around and just do nothing I really will go crazy and what’s more why are you talking to me like I’m a child?”
“Who goes wandering around and gets lost when they are an adult?” Ieyasu met my tone matching it perfectly with his own bringing us into a stalemate just glaring at each other.
“Ignore him, Lass. If you want to know what you should be doing you had best go and ask Mitsunari. I would say Hideyoshi but when I last saw him, he looked like you could boil water on his head.” Masamune expertly cut in front of Ieyasu and broke the tension.
“What a lovely image. And how do I find Mitsunari?”
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