#someday soon i'll hunker down and make an actual size chart
eggfruit · 3 years
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The Geek thoughts for my possible (tho tbh it's def gonna happen but we're not gonna say that til it's done forever from now and fully out on the internet so as not to jinx anything) Sam and Max fan comic! I'm gonna write some stuff about her under the cut so I can get it out of my brain and onto a place I can refer back to. Most of this is specific to my possible comic but it seems like some people like my spin on the character, so I hope y'all enjoy ;0
Darla "The Geek" Gugenheek
Age: 12/ Sex: Female/ Gender: I hardly know 'er! (she/her at this age, not personally developed enough to put thought into it at this point in her life, though knows that while "girl" fits okay, like a pair of old shoes, there's something else out there that actually fits. like new shoes!)
Basic personality overview:
Generally down for anything, intelligent, immature (duh, she's a kid) but thinks of herself as extremely mature, independent, stubborn, with under-developed empathy and a "survival of the fittest" mindset about herself and life. Has an issue with "weak" emotions and goes out of her way to avoid situations, people, and concepts that make her feel like a weaker person. Has a tendency for manipulation but in the vast majority of circumstances, uses it in harmless ways such as pranks or to get her bedtime moved back. This trait is significantly reduced the longer she's with Sam and Max and it eventually becomes something only used for work (interrogation, criminal negotiation, etc). Two steps away from being a mad scientist, four from being an evil mad scientist, six from being a full-blown supervillain. However, her default instincts tend to be within the range of good and at the very core of her being, the Geek wants to help people and make the world a better place. Under the care of Sam and Max, her worst possible realities never see the light of day as they keep her grounded, associated with humility, and on the path of chaotic good rather than just chaotic... chaos.
Facts I made up:
-Sees Max as more of a friend than an authority figure. Often confides very personal things in him but because of his friend status in her mind, she doesn't respect him as the adult he is. Sometimes they butt heads because of this
-Deeply admires Sam in a way she won't admit; especially to herself, let alone anyone else
-Has a "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Do it, I'll help you." relationship with Max
-Intentionally tries to push his buttons and test how far she can go with Sam outside of work, but in the field, follows his word to the letter and is very eager to please and impress. Vehemently denies this outside of work
-Loves hamsters
-Afraid of heights
-Eventually thinks of Sam and Max as parents but it takes a Lot of trust, time, and healing. Before said growth, refers to them as her bosses/co-workers, etc, when questioned by other people and thinks of their relationship as purely professional (an example being that her justification for Sam and Max being her legal guardians is so that they can avoid child labor laws)
-Orphaned too young to remember her biological parents. She believes that they gave her up for dark reasons and secretly speculates on the decision to give her up with a vast number of conspiracy theories; however, if asked about them, she'll claim she never thinks of her biological parents and doesn't care they ever existed
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