#some tommy fodder for y'all
dimpleskinard 4 months
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Lou Ferrigno Jr. in Resisting Roots (2022)
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sinfulwrites 3 years
I'm rewatching Halloween Kills and I wonder, what are your thoughts on the movie?
To be 100% honest, at first I didn't enjoy the movie. I really enjoyed the first movie in the trilogy, and Kills just wasn't as well written as that one was. I still have this opinion honestly.
Halloween Kills discussion below
Like... The whole thing they preach is "stay together," yet when Lonnie gets to the Myers house, he goes in alone?
Alisson can suddenly use a gun?
I feel like people are only introduced as kill fodder. Like poor Marion. Y'all brought her back just to die again. And that other escaped mental patient? That poor guy.
I could describe this film as a sad movie. You just kind of feel bummed out after a while until Michael comes back. People are committing suicide to avoid a lynch mob, Laurie's stuck in a hospital all day, a mom sees her dead son in a morgue... It just bums you out man.
The film isn't as well written as the first, but I've come around on it.
This Halloween film has one of my favorite kills in the franchise, the eye-gouging scene, next to Rob Zombie's Michael who sawed someone's head off with a shard of glass.
Also, when he made that woman shoot herself with her own gun? It was the perfect mix of ridiculous and amazing that I was just genuinely speechless. In a good way.
Like, I'm a massive Michael simp, but I also love horror movies on their own, and I loved the kills in this movie.
Admittedly, Tommy's death wasn't at all what it should've been with how much we led up to it. Makes you wonder what the point even was. The whole mob could've been gorier too, but I understand, Covid. Karen's definitely could've been more special too. She was built up to be so important, but nah, off screen stabby stabby.
I'm a massive fan of OST's. By this, I mean the music you hear in the background of scenes. The Shape Stalks, anyone?
I love the music in this film. Hard to beat some Carpenter songs. I liked the use of base in tense scenes, it worked really well in my opinion.
Michael is a massive part of my love for this movie, they just let him kill. Kids, teens, adults, no one was safe. And I loved it. I love watching a slasher just go on a rampage now and then.
This movie sparked my favorite running gag with my friend: His hands are rated E for everyone.
Watching him pull some of his old moves was great too, like jumping on cars. Gotta give him props, age ain't stoppin him.
This movie single handedly made me stop making fun of him for being old. I was in awe watching him take that beating and get back up, watching him wreck those fire fighters, watching him just throw Alisson down the stairs, stabbing Tommy with his bat just to make a point.
It was time to stop making fun of him, now I'm scared and horny.
Overall, 7/10. Not as good as the movie in 2018, but it's fun to watch Michael kill. Plus, old man seggsy.
These are some of my favorite moments in the film:
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To go into simping territory:
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These scenes make me feel a certain way...
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dreamhot 3 years
People hate c!Dream so much that they don鈥檛 even allow him to have any depth as a character. It鈥檚 so fucking weird to me cause you can admit that he鈥檚 an interesting, well-written character and that doesn鈥檛 automatically make you a c!Dream apologist. I saw some people say that staged finale plot twist is an example of bad writing (it absolutely isn鈥檛). I find that very disrespectful to the ccs writing the lore tbh (of course those takes come from c!Tommy apologists that hate c!Dream, it鈥檚 expected at this point).
yeah, this was approximately my assumption for why people were displeased. not sure why they're so keen on c!dream being one dimensional, since imo it's great to have this strategist angle that makes him compelling *while still villainous*. it's not overly sympathetic to ascribe meaning and reason to his actions, and yet people are crying that this doesn't make sense. but it does, actually, if you stop and think about things for a little bit... not to mention this is far more interesting. the implication that the finale being staged means there are MORE plot holes feels a bit like copium because the plot didn't shake out in favour of c!tommy's victory. thing is, the story ain't over y'all - not by a long shot. any of these characters could still have their moment, and this particular revelation only gives us more fodder to work with as the plot moves forward
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