#some she can show her ugly and broken parts too and won't shut it down or pull away
Do you ever think about the fact that Max and Nancy are the only two for whom the Upside Down deaths have been personal? For Nancy, it's more than once, really. Like, ST has been absolutely traumatizing for everyone, but they are the only two to have lost. (Before the end of S4)
The way they dealt with that trauma is both so similar and completely different. Max shut down and completely pulled away from everyone. Nancy actually semi-reached out to both Jonathan and Steve, but THEY shut her down that first year. Otherwise, Nancy has repressed and hidden from it every year since. They are both so unimaginably angry, but despite outside perceptions, much of that anger is directed inwards. They never took that trauma and frustration out on others, not really, in an incredible show of goodness.
Anyway, I could go on and on, but my point is really... I wish they had real scenes together. They should be allowed to sit down together and talk and cry.
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obae-me · 4 years
Hi! If your inbox is open, I'd like to request a scenario with all (or any) of the demon brothers, + undatables reacting to a blind MC? Like, none of them expected to have a blind human and Devildom and they have to revamp everything to make it as safe for MC as possible. Can be she/her or they/them pronouns for MC. Bonus points if MC is extremely talkative and won't shut up lmao. Thank you!
I’m still learning how I best want to write the Undateables, so I’m sorry if they’re a bit lacking. This was really wholesome to write, thank you for your request! 💜
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When first summoned down to the Devildom, MC looked more disoriented than he would’ve expected. “Where am I? Who are you guys?” They hadn’t managed to look at Diavolo yet, even while he was speaking to them. They already put him in a bad mood.
“Didn’t you learn its bad manners to ignore the people that are talking to you? Look at Lord Diavolo while he’s speaking.” Lucifer growled, leaving MC with an exasperated expression.
“I’m BLIND.”
They were blind?? Humans were so fragile that they could just lose their eyesight?? Permanently?! He’s already got several new grey hairs. He’d have to entirely change up the house, he’d need to have someone with them at all times. How would they read? How would they get school work done?
MC has to explain to him that they’ve been this way for a long time, so they can handle themselves. They’ll have to tell him about things they use to help them out, like a cane for starters. They’ll tell him later how they best do schoolwork, but he’s already busy contacting someone about a cane.
It doesn’t matter what MC says, he now feels obligated to keep them under his watch as much as possible. He’s responsible for keeping them safe after all, and he can’t feel relaxed until he can confirm that they’re okay.
Although he did find out that MC was as talkative and feisty as a human could be. If things went too quiet they’d quickly fill up the empty space with chatter. Not to mention anytime he, or any demon for that matter, went into demon form, the intimidation factor was lost. MC never budged. They didn’t mind standing up to him, which annoyed him greatly, but absolutely blew his mind. How such a tiny human, who didn’t have a major part of functioning, could easily stand up to a demon was beyond him.
When MC first asked if it was okay to ‘see’ him, he had no idea what they meant, but was curious to see where it would lead. He wasn’t aware that MC knew any magic. He didn’t expect MC to come over and gently touch his face, running their fingers gingerly over his features. MC politely asked if he could show his true self, and he agreed. MC drifted their way up to his horns, feeling the texture and shape. They had an expression of awe on their face, probably because they now knew that it was real, he wasn’t human. They struggled to find these supposed wings of his, and with one of his gloved hands, Lucifer took their wrist and guided MC along. They made a little gasp as the feathers brushed against their skin.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen, his demon form was supposed to strike shock and fear into people. He was supposed to be respected. He was supposed to be above this. So how was it he was sitting here, MC running their hands all over him, and he was the one who was shocked and speechless. He hated how MC had lost their eyesight, but in this one moment he was grateful that they couldn’t see his reddened face with such an embarrassing expression plastered over it.
“What do you mean they can’t see? It’s not that dark in the Devildom. Oi, human, just open your eyes, don’t you know how seeing works?!...Oh...Oooh...”
He had a less than grand first impression when he first met MC, and to be honest, it kept getting worse before it got better. He didn’t know when to shut his mouth. He tried asking Lucifer if they could get a different human, one that wasn’t broken. He must’ve somehow thought that whispering from only about a foot away would keep MC from hearing him.
He didn’t get a different human, he was stuck with them, and he was going to receive a particularly severe punishment that night for how poorly he treated MC. He was in a bad mood, not to mention out of his mind with panic.
“I don’t know what to do with people who can’t see? Can we fix ya? Surely there’s some magic here that’ll make you good as new!”
He tried spells, he tried potions, he even paid a fortune to one of the Devildom’s best doctors. None of his antics worked, and out of all the brothers, Mammon took the longest to process that this was how MC was. It was a part of them. They would be like this forever.
He’ll stay by their side constantly, escorting them by the arm and hand, talking their ear off about this and that to keep them distracted. It causes MC to laugh about it every time. Who needs a seeing eye dog when you’ve got a wonderfully trained seeing eye Mammon. Sometimes he would even pick them up to go up and down stairs if he felt they would be too dangerous.
Anytime they’re at any sort of store, MC will have to touch almost everything, and if their hands brush across anything they like, even if only for it’s tactile nature, Mammon will buy it for them at the drop of a hat. It’ll drive Lucifer a bit crazy over the fact that MC won’t ever have a need for most of the things Mammon buys, but he’ll not bother them about it if he sees it makes MC happy even just to hold it.
MC is super talkative, but it’s typically just to fill empty dark space and make things seem more comfortable, but when they’re with Mammon, they don’t need to say a word. He does all the talking, and MC’s grown accustomed to the sound of his voice. It’s so different from his other brothers, the mannerisms he uses and the slight accent to it. Mammon still doesn’t realize that, for this reason, MC can single him out among the crowds at RAD, or how Mammon can never seem to sneak up on them. MC loves how loud he is. No matter how quiet he tries being, MC can always pick him out of the darkness, for them, he’s always there. Mammon will never say it, but he loves how his human knows him apart from everyone else.
“Huh, so you don’t watch anime, what a typical normie.”
“I actually can’t watch anything, just for your information.”
He knows the concept of blindness from anime and manga, but it almost seemed as foreign to him as magic seemed to MC. Typically in the stories he saw, it was never permanent, always the cause of some curse or spell or even a fight! MC had gone through none of that, it was what it was.
He almost found it relaxing for a moment, because he felt a bit more confident in himself. MC couldn’t see what an ugly shut-in looked like. However, his moods were quickly dashed when MC tripped over an empty can he had lying on the floor. He caught them from falling but quickly went into a state of despair. He was a dirty trashy shut-in. Lucifer would later find that Levi now had his room clean of trash at all times, his floor spotless.
Levi would absolutely cry, and I mean cry, over the fact that MC would never be able to fully enjoy anime or manga or video games. They could maybe enjoy some Dubbed shows but it wouldn’t be the same. If MC hangs out with him, Levi will give them the full commentator experience. He’ll explain what’s going on in his games or shows in hopes MC can still enjoy his favorite form of entertainment.
The first time in his Demon form, MC stepped on his tail in attempt to get to his wings. He yelped in shock. MC was vastly confused. What was that? Where was his wings? Lucifer and Mammon had wings so where were his? He hated being compared to them like that. He couldn’t fly, he couldn’t look nearly as intimidating. No he didn’t have wings, he just has this clunky ugly tail. MC grabbed his tail, making him turn bright red. They ran their fingers over his scales, petting it, pulling it out to see how long it was. MC endlessly talked about how cool it was, and how it felt amazing to touch. Lucifer and Mammon didn’t have a tail. Levi never felt envious of not having wings ever again.
He can’t believe his brothers didn’t know that humans were capable of being blind. They were extremely fragile creatures but somehow were heartier and more stubborn than they looked, capable of thriving despite everything they go through.
He didn’t know everything about being blind, since it never seemed to come up often enough for him to need to learn about. So you can bet that in just the first few days MC was there, he thoroughly studied up on anything he thought would help him.
He was surprised to find that there was a form of reading available for people who had lost their sight. He had never heard about Braille before this. As a demon who wanted to learn as many languages and reading forms as possible, he was angry he missed something like this. 
He wasn’t as angry, however, when MC offered to help teach him how to read Braille if he helped them with their schoolwork and studies. The Devildom school was surprisingly accommodating but until Diavolo and Lucifer finished sorting things out, they couldn’t read any of their schoolwork.
He usually preferred silence, but he didn’t mind when MC would come in his room and feel comfortable enough to talk in detail everything that had happened that day. In return, he liked when MC would listen intently as his narrating voice filled up the room while he would read his favorite stories to them. He loved the way their face would crinkle when he’d attempt to voice a particular character. They put their hand on his chest and would beg him to do it again with a laugh. He’d attempt the line again, MC feeling the deep rumble in his chest. Reading would now not be the same without them. 
The more he got to know them, the more the heat in his chest over their blank non-focused eyes grew hotter. How could they not see? How could someone like them be deprived of something like that? He couldn’t show them art, photographs, the beauty of the Devildom’s stars. MC assured him that it was alright, anytime they wanted to know what something looked like, they would ask him. Anything he described sounded like poetry. With him around, his words would be enough. 
Blind, as in they couldn’t see anything, see him?! His radiant shine? His picture perfect features? His allure? They wouldn’t see any of that? He was astounded. He was upset. He was dramatically depressed. He got over it pretty quickly, though, he’s very attractive yes, but all of his other qualities were just as attractive.
He’ll help tweak their uniform, he’ll buy them clothes that not only feel amazing, but look amazing. If touch is important to them, he’ll get them lotions, skincare products, anything they wanted to keep them well taken care of. Their hands will never worry about being dry. 
He loves when MC touches his face to know what he looks like. He’ll use this as an excuse. “How do you know it’s Asmo? I might have put a spell on my voice, double check.” He’ll put his hands over theirs while they amuse him and feel the details on his face down to the bridge of his nose.
One particularly pleasant evening for Asmo, he goes on and on about new clothes he bought, and then brings MC into it. 
“Right right? I think it’ll look ravishing on me, the color matches MC’s eyes.” MC smiles and states that they had forgotten their eyes were that color. Asmo sits there for a moment before shrieking, standing up so fast his chair falls over. “You don’t even know what you look like!”
Of course MC had a pretty general idea of what they looked like, but yes he was right for the most part. They didn’t understand why Asmo was so shocked about it. However, Asmo refuses to let this go, and he takes them to his bedroom describing MC down to the bone. He’ll tell them what their eye color reminds him of, the particular way their eyelashes curl, how their complexion looked under the moonlight. He’ll go on and on and on, not realizing that he’s never ever spoke so long about someone else before, so MC lets him continue. They’ve never cared about appearances before, but the way Asmo talks about them makes them cozy on the inside. He made them feel like the most gorgeous thing on earth.
They’ll then change it up, making Asmo close their eyes as they talk about all the things about him that they love. The way the air smells around him when he comes into the room. The way his tone raises up when he’s excited about something. The way his footsteps sound on hard surfaces. They adore how one side of his hair is longer than the other. They love his presence. Asmo is dumbfounded, no one has ever described him in that way before. He’ll melt and might call a doctor for this strange new feeling in his chest. 
They can’t see anything? Can they at least eat?? Well then it’s not the end of the world. If MC had somehow been deprived of taste, he would’ve really been upset. Food doesn’t have to look great to taste great. Still, the fact that they couldn’t see made the Devildom even more dangerous, and he didn’t want anything to happen to them. He couldn’t let anyone get hurt around him, not again. 
He’s among the most considerate of the brothers even though he’s not used to being around someone that can’t see. He’s real worried he’ll hurt MC, so he’s always extra careful. He’ll announce that he’s beside them even though they heard his footsteps near them and could feel the heat coming off of his body. He’ll always ask them first if it’s okay to touch them so he can help them out. He’s even extra wary about hugs at first, what if he just...breaks them even more? As time goes by he learns he doesn’t need to walk on eggshells.
He finds it a fun game to let them try to figure out what stuff he made for them before they eat it, more times than not, they figure it out. Then he’ll eat it with them, unnecessarily guiding the fork to their mouth.
If Mammon isn’t by their side, it’s usually Beel who’s next. If he’s not busy with sports or working out, he’ll stick around by MC wherever they want to go. However, it’s usually MC who stays by him whenever he sees something tasty to make sure he doesn’t run off.
MC knew he worked out, but had always envisioned him to be like a big teddy bear. It wasn’t until MC asked to feel him until they understood just how strong Beel was. Under his soft clothes, they felt his tough muscles. He was built like a brick, no matter where they felt him, his arms, his sides, he was completely different than they had expected. His face was soft at least. His hair fun to play with. In his demon form adored touching his horns, exclaiming that they were perfect for fitting doughnuts. He didn’t need to know that, now Lucifer’s going to have to question why in the world Beel has doughnuts stacked on his horns. His wings felt silky and surprisingly fragile despite how strong he felt everywhere else. They were sure they weren’t as weak as they felt, but it let MC know that Beel was still soft. MC couldn’t stop gawking over how big and strong Beel was, pretending to punch him in the gut even though they could probably punch him for real and he wouldn’t feel it.
All Beel wanted was to tell MC how strong he thought they were.
At first, he couldn’t believe that, somehow, they had chosen someone who couldn’t even see to be a part of the program. He felt like this supported his idea that it was a terrible idea to begin with, but fortunately, he thought, this made it easy for him to manipulate MC’s actions. How guilty this made him feel, afterwards.
He’d stay silent and sneak around MC, feeling that it was best if they didn’t even know he was there. They knew where he was, no matter how hard he tried. They could follow his dragging footsteps as he lazily walked through the house. His sighs and breathing were also very distinguishable.
They didn’t start getting to know each other till MC was wandering through the house, trying to still burn the number of steps in their mind in this massive place. Their cane found a strange obstacle in the middle of the floor, something that wasn’t usually there. They poked it, it was surprisingly soft. They got down on their knees and reached over, feeling cozy clothes and skin. They found a face and traced it over. It wasn’t anyone they had memorized, so it must’ve been Belphie. Made sense that he was the only one crazy enough to sleep in the middle of the floor. They loved how soft he felt, softer than any of his other brothers. Even his hair was like a velvety down you’d find in a pillow.
They knew he had woken up from his nap. The little muscles in his face were twitching, and his breathing was strained. He was trying to pretend he was asleep, but MC just kept going. They traced down his slender arms to his hands. They were free of any callouses or cuts. They took his hand and grasped it firmly in their own.
“I forgive you, you don’t need to avoid me anymore, or pretend that you’re asleep.” They heard his breathing go still, and then he sat up.
“You knew?”
“I’m not as stupid as people think I am. I may not be able to see, but I can still figure things out just fine.” They gently whacked him with their cane. “So I know you’ve been sneaking around me.”
Belphie didn’t think they wanted him around, after everything he’d done. He was still surprised his brothers kept him around at the end of the day. He just sighed. Emotions were exhausting. 
MC felt for his waist and then gave him a tight hug. They knew what it meant to be ashamed of you you were, of the things you’d done, but it didn’t matter. They wanted bygones to be bygones, and they wanted to learn about Belphie for who he really was, not what grief had made him out to be. 
MC now finds a new lump in their bed every so often. A lump that moans when you lie on it apparently. Naps are pleasant with him around. MC loves sleeping with their hands in his hair. 
MC can’t dream, not in the same way other people do, so Belphie does enough dreaming for the both of them. He’ll share stories of rippling meadows and drifting clouds. He’ll make sure they hear all sorts of pleasant things before they fall asleep. He hopes he can make it up to them.
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Figuring out MC was blind didn’t come as a shock, he knew they were after all. He wouldn’t choose someone without knowing the important things about them, and having no eyesight definitely checked out as important. 
Knowing him, he did this as a test. He was testing out how the brothers would react and if they indeed could keep MC safe. If a blind human could make it through an entire year in the realm of demons, it would be more than a major success for his program.
The more he got to know about MC, the more he grew close to them instead of just treating them like a test subject or a campaign plan. He loved how they weren’t intimidated by him in the slightest, and he also loved how he could spend hours with them, MC talking the entire time. It drove Lucifer wild, but Diavolo found it fascinating and fun. 
“Is this what having friends is like? Amazing.”
He’ll have things all set up for them in a matter of days, having whatever accommodations they need to make their school life as easy as possible. Of course, this supposed ‘special treatment’ didn’t go well over demons who opposed the program. Some demons who disapproved didn’t have the courage to defy him directly at first, but now they were starting to scurry out of the sewers like rats. They headed straight over to Diavolo’s new ‘pet’.
They would abuse MC’s lack of sight to mess with them, stealing their things, purposefully knocking them around since they wouldn’t be able to tell who they were, but any demon who thinks Diavolo doesn’t see everything is sadly mistaken. MC tried standing up for themselves, but they could feel a tremendous and overwhelming presence behind them, larger than anything they had felt before. The demons would gasp, and the bullying would stop. Diavolo would put a hand on MC’s shoulder and they’d never be bothered again.
MC knew that this was the Lord of Demons, but they wanted to feel him in his demon form anyway, should he permit. He did permit, and at last MC was able to figure out this terrifying form of his. In his human form he was large, yes, but in demon form he was even bigger, impossibly big. Demonically big. His horns and wings were sharp and decorated in all manner of jewelry. The skin that stretched over bone to serve as his wings were littered with veins, and even just touching them allowed MC to feel the power pumping through them. He was intimidating yes, but after running their hands over his features, they were able to see how beautiful he was in his frightening glory.
Diavolo won’t tell them this, but they’re the only human who has ever laid a hand on him without immediately perishing or being subjected to torment. He’ll let MC do it again too, if they ever ask him.
The fact that he could’ve chosen a timeline where MC wasn’t like this is irrelevant. MC remained relatively the same throughout the different branches, blind or not. He does have control over time but mostly he’ll let time decide for itself, and he’ll take whatever MC the thread of fate decides to give him in this universe. No matter who shows up, he’ll take care of them.
He’s their secret shadow. MC’s working eyes. Diavolo always has him keeping tabs on them, keeping them safe whenever the brothers can’t. MC at first didn’t understand the whisper in the wind that told them to move to the side right before a demon blazed past. They were confused about the phenomenon of something wrapping around their leg to pull them down to the floor before an object whizzed above their head, causing something to explode behind them. It took MC until they finally heard Barbatos’ voice before it clicked.
When they asked to associate a form with that soft voice, he accepted, the normally even and calm tone just slightly more enthusiastic than normal. He had very wide shoulders and strong hands. Serving hands. Hands that felt almost familiar in a funny way, almost like they were hands that had pulled them away from an problem or two. His hair was longer on one side than the other, and they loved that. Even his demon form was intriguing. In every way that Diavolo’s presence boldly screamed, his aura clearly there, Barbatos was subtle. His horns were different than any horns MC had felt thus far. They were slender, bony, like two skeletal hands were reaching around his face to rest just above his forehead. Even his tail was different, splitting off near the bottom to have two controllable ends. He almost scared MC more than Diavolo. 
Sometimes MC will talk to themselves alone in their room, filling up the silent space with their voice so it’s not as dark, not as dismal. Occasionally MC will feel like there’s someone there. Like there’s something nodding along with their ramble in the darkness as shadows quietly tidy up their room. MC will find their clothes folded in distinguishable piles. The floor clear of any potential obstacles. Their cane is easily accessible right near their bed.
“Thank you, Barbatos.”
Sometimes the shadow will answer MC back, quietly drifting across the room to touch MC’s cheek before disappearing like a whisper. The darkness doesn’t seem as lonely anymore.
He’s definitely going to be the kind of person who says “There must be a reason if God intended it.” MC had heard that throughout their life too many times. Religious or not, they hated when someone took their life and their disability and summed it up to God’s works. Their life was theirs alone, it belonged to no one else. They have a hard time around this angel at first.
Like Barbatos, Simeon can be impossibly quiet, which makes it hard for MC to be able to tell if he’s moving around. The only giveaways are the sounds his cloak makes, the little diamond shaped decor making slight clinking sounds as he moves. It’s melodic in a way, which MC sums up to angelic grace.
He’s not all bad, though. Yes he does believe God has his hands in all things, but that doesn’t mean he pities MC. That he thinks any less of them as a being. It doesn’t mean he’s chalking up their life to a charity case. He’s actually very sweet and fun. He’s one of the only people besides perhaps Solomon who believes MC is stronger than what they seem.
MC will admit sometimes they absolutely love how much the demons coddle and pamper them, but it can get too much too quickly. So sometimes they’ll run off and hang out with Simeon. He treats them like a person, not like a disability, not like a fragile little flower, but...normal. 
“Hello, Simeon here...yes, MC is here...stop screaming, they’re fine...we’ve just been talking.”
He’ll let them talk and talk and talk. He’s quiet himself but he loves to hear MC’s voice. How happy they sound when they share stories and discussions and things that happened during their day. 
MC can’t get enough of him now, they love hanging around this angel. There’s no sun in the Devildom, but anytime they’re around Simeon, they feel the same rays of warmth the sunshine gives. 
Simeon will never call MC ‘human’ sometimes God’s Miracle, sometimes a Godsend, more often than not, a blessing, but never just ‘human’.
Yes, MC is blind, and? He doesn’t care what disability they do or do not have, he still finds them intriguing, and they’re his sole human companion in this place, a kindred spirit.
He’s also mischief wrapped in mystery, so he does his best to teach MC some simple spells to make their life a little easier down in the Devildom. Letting things they drop come right back into their hands, giving a shock to anyone who touches them that they don’t know, simple things like that. He did underestimate MC’s power, though. He may or may not have had seven demons at his door the next day when he learned that MC had accidentally dragged all the furniture in the living room towards them at a disturbing pace after they dropped a schoolbook. He did find it very funny, but taught them how to control their powers better. 
MC also doesn’t realize how much magic Solomon uses for their benefit. Objects they feel around for sometimes drift towards their hand. They will magically walk over holes in the ground. If any little pesky demon even dares try to mess with them, they’ll find themselves cursed. He knows that MC has nine powerful demons and two angels looking after them, but he does his part. 
When he finally does let MC touch his face, they’re disappointed to find that Solomon is very much in control of his expressions. They can’t get a reading off of what he’s feeling at all. They love anytime the brothers can’t help but let their lip quiver or their eyes flutter. Solomon stays blank, maybe letting them feel a smile on his face, nothing more. However, they are pleased to find not even Solomon can control his temperature, they can feel his cheeks get warmer by the second as they caress his face. 
They run their hands though his hair and find that touching him gives them a strange sensation. It’s something akin to static, but without the shock. It’s wonderfully addictive and strange. It leaves their fingers tingling and their nerves vibrating. 
Because of this sensation, MC has to touch him anytime they meet. Solomon doesn’t mind, in fact he lives for this. He’ll look over MC’s shoulder and give a small smirk to any of the demon brothers standing behind them. The expressions they pull make everything so much better. 
He’s ready to fight every demon in the Devildom when he learns they’re blind. Everything bad comes from demons, so it had to be one of them, not even hours they had been there before they took MC’s sight!
MC had to calm down the small yapping angel and tell them that they had been this way for a very long time. It just happened, it was just life. He has a very hard time dealing with this.
“But you’re so nice and sweet and wonderful, why can’t you see?” Was he crying?
MC has to promise him that it is okay, there’s still plenty to enjoy in their life. Humans don’t have it easy but they learned to move on anyway. He still doesn’t understand how MC’s not an angel. He suddenly shakes off their supporting words because he’s supposed to be the protector, not a human! He swears to protect them no matter what, no demon will stop him!
He loves to hang out with them, making sure they’re away from demons every now and then for the sake of their soul. He makes sure they’ve been treating MC okay. Even if the answer is yes, he doesn’t care what MC says, he cannot trust demons. So he brings MC the sweets he made to make sure they get plenty to eat. (No, he doesn’t know they can’t live off of sweets just yet)
If he lets MC touch his face, MC cannot get over how soft and squishy this little angel is. He’s just as cute as he sounds.
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 4
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
The story is divided in several parts and will be updated every few days. find the other parts in my masterlist.
Story continues below the cut. Have fun!
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Finally having stomached the midnight clothing change, the girls had to get back to work, so they kept their strategic meeting short.
However, when they finally stepped outside into the public again...
The demon lord was waiting for them.
Arms crossed, expression serious.
He was staring at them.
"Lord Diavolo...!" Violet pressed out while Clover gave a quiet but terrified "oh no he will actually kill me" as both backed away on instinct.
"May I have a word with you two?" the demon prince asked, however it felt more like a demand. They have never heard him speak in such a serious tone before.
The girls not able to give an answer other than a nod, Diavolo gestured at the staff's office room.
He let them step inside before closing the door... And locking it.
None of them have ever felt like shitting their pants more than in this moment.
"Violet, Clover" He raised his voice.
Clover had called her own death, and had accidentally pulled Violet with her.
"There is an urgent matter that I have to discuss with you two..."
That was it. The end.
Diavolo kept them trembling in a horrible silence for way too long.
"Y-yes...?" Violet somehow managed to say.
He took a heavy breath. The girls swallowed their fear.
Then, he spoke up.
"... Why do you keep squishing everyone's bunny tails? Is it some kind of human tradition? I'm dying to know!"
The girls literally felt like they just died.
"I've observed you for quite a while now, but I can't make out the reason behind it" Diavolo continued. "Please, fill me in...!"
It took a while to recover, but in the end, the girls confessed about their game.
"We just look how many of those tails we can squeeze" Clover said.
"It's nothing more than a joke..." Violet mumbled. "I'm sorry to have upset you..."
Diavolo blinked at them.
"Uhm... Yes..." Violet frowned in regret. "We will stop being childish while working. Again, sorry for-"
"Can I join your game?"
"Y... You want to... Squeeze the guys' tails with us?" Clover asked.
And Diavolo's natural smile said it all. So, it seemed like another opponent joined the game at half time...
The three parted quickly after as they were needed in the local, but Clover had an idea on how to keep things organized:
* Clover formed the group chat [Squeeze that bunny tail!] *
Diavolo: Hello!
Violet: ... Are you sure we shouldn't call the group something else...?
Diavolo: I quite like it.
Clover: Thank you, Sir :D
Diavolo: This is the first group chatroom I am in without Barbatos.
Violet: Should we add him?
Diavolo: No. Don't tell him. I am experiencing a new kind of freedom right now. Anyway, I wish you girls the best of luck in our competition!
As this story is ridiculously long, let’s do a quick squeeze round!
Violet got very lucky... She caught Luke while the angel had been trying to reach for something in the kitchen shelves. He was still in his first outfit (because even demons do not support children nudity, that's gross), and looked adorable, standing on that stool to be tall enough.
After squeezing his tail, Violet offered her help.
... Only to realise she wasn't tall enough either.
But oh well, luckily, Solomon appeared and was there to grab those tiny cocktail parasols.
Later, Violet also worked with Asmo at the casino area for a while and got herself another point.
As for Clover... She tried.
Tried to squeeze Mammon´s tail a second time, but the greedy boy was also a very bouncy boy.
She also worked with Barbatos for quite a while, but as much as she wanted to go get those juicy two points, she just couldn't.
Something about this pretty man was scaring her... She found out later what it was.
Violet and Clover were serving drinks.
And for two girls without any real waitress-practise whatsoever, they did quite well.
But at one table, it had to happen.
The first broken glass of the evening. Clover had been holding the tray a little too sloppy.
As an ugly scream bubbled up her throat, she already felt the full glass of demonous fall, but was unable to do anything. The shattering of glass echoed through the bar, but what was worse was the growl that the customer pressed out.
Looking down on himself, Clover had perfectly spilled his drink onto the demon.
"You little..." he grunted, standing up and ready to break her neck this instant.
Clover backed away, of course, and felt how Violet had been there immediately to back her up.
"W-we apologize for this accident" Violet pressed out.
The demon seemed to get even more agitated, now raising his hand to hit her.
"Shut up you fucking-"
Then, another silhouette stepped in front of the girls.
Barbatos was gently holding the demon's hand back.
"In the name of the owner, I'd like to offer my deepest apologies as well. In cases like these, the local would like to immediately return the money you have spent this evening, and offers compensation in form of three free drinks of your choice."
Barbatos did a little bow after having finished.
"Screw the money..." The demon hissed. "I wanna tear those humans into miserable pieces. That´ll do as an apology."
Barbatos did not look up.
"... In that case..." the butler continued. "Guests who actively threaten the well-being of our dear staff will be treated according to their own attitude."
He straightened his back, beaming the demon a formal smile. "I will show you the exit. Please, do not think of coming back anytime soon."
Despite being so cocky before, now the customer flinched heavily. Finally, he seemed to follow the butler's orders. He spat on the table in some disrespectful dick move, then left the local.
Violet and Barbatos helped Clover clean the mess afterwards.
"Thanks for dealing with that guy..." Clover mumbled.
"Oh, there is no need" Barbatos hummed. "If not for me, one of the demon brothers would have come to your aid. And I fear a person like Mammon would not have left the situation without a fight, so I figured it would be best to jump in myself."
The girls gave a small giggle.
"That's true..." Violet mumbled. "But that only makes you even more impressive. It's rare to see a demon so calm."
“Calm?” Barbatos looked up from the broken glass he had been collecting. He seemed genuinely confused for a moment, then his usual smile was back.
"How cute" he chuckled.
"C-cute?!" Violet blinked in surprise.
But Barbatos was already making his leave.
"Ah, don't mind it..." he mused. "The naiveté is what makes you humans so charming."
Clover felt safer sticking to cleaning instead of potentially making another mess, so she was wiping the tables when she heard Diavolo calling out to her.
"Are you busy right now?" he asked.
"Not really, I'm still on cleaning duty but there isn't really much to do right now... Can I help you with anything?"
Taking a careful look around, Diavolo stepped closer, lowering his voice as well. "I am in trouble."
"Uhm..." Clover swallowed her stress. "And why?"
"I lost the master key. The one the owner gave me."
"... The one you need to lock the whole place with? The one that basically gives you control over the whole bar?"
"I see you smell the trouble now."
Clover gave a nod. "I do... Should I help you search?"
Diavolo's expression changed into a smile.
"That's what I wanted to hear! Thank you."
"No problem. Do you have any idea where it might be?"
So Diavolo gave it a thought, concluding that he must have lost it during his break.
"I looked through the bathroom already” he explained. “Which leaves only the kitchen and the staff's room."
Suddenly, a third voice joined the conversation.
"I did not notice anything like a key in the kitchen" Satan said, coming to a stop next to them.
"Oh, Satan, so you have overheard our conversation..." Diavolo crossed his arms.
"Don't worry, I won't spill anything to Lucifer" the blond laughed. "He'd only scold you, wouldn't he?" Then, his gaze fell on Clover. "I can help you search."
Clover and Satan looked through the whole staff's office.
Luckily no one was there to ask what they were doing, especially since they just couldn't find anything. Satan gave a sigh.
"Nothing... I even looked through Mammon's jacket in case his kleptomania had struck again..."
Meanwhile, Clover was rummaging through one of the desks. Giving a resigned breath as well, she was about to give up when she spotted something shimmering behind the wooden desk.
"I think I found it...!" Clover called out.
Satan came up to her, seeing as well how there was a key stuck in the web of cables behind the office desk.
"Wait, I'll get it."
He tried reaching it from above, but some computer monitors kept getting in the way.
In the end, Satan was crouched down, head under the table as he fiddled with the cables.
"I still can't reach it..." he pressed out under his breath.
Clover grumbled in displease, kneeling down as well. There wasn't enough room for her to help in any way, so all she could do was watch Satan do his thing...
Oh no.
She had THE perfect chance to squish Satan's tail. Due to his position, his booty was right in front of her, and he seemed more than busy to even bother her presence.
Three points, she thought...
Just a little tap, she thought...
Holding her breath, she stretched out a finger and reached for the pompom...
Merely a second later Clover found herself landing on her back, her wrists being pressed against the floor next to her head.
Satan's body hovered above hers as he held her in a tight grip.
Clover was panicking.
"I'm so sorry - I shouldn't have done that - I'm sorry Satan Sir please don't kill me - I'm an idiot - I'm sorry I'm sorry - I love you sir I'm really sorry I'm-"
"Explain yourself" he interrupted her pleading.
"Hnnngh...” Clover fought actual tears but finally calmed down. "I... Uhm... Violet and I might be playing... A game..."
"Go on" Satan demanded in a sharp voice.
So Clover took a deep breather, speaking terribly fast in her fear.
"It's a competition. We wanted to see who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening, without the people noticing. Look, it's weird, I'm sorry, Violet has some kind of pompom kink and suggested it and I can't say no to people so I joined, also because it's funny, oh also please don't tell Violet I said anything about a kink, she will kill me."
His glistening greenish eyes kept mustering her flushed red face.
"I'm not satisfied yet."
The girl gave another whine.
"Pleeaase... Dearest Satan, Sir..."
"Keep going..."
"Ah...uhm… Oh lord, my man, oh how I plead for thy mercy, oh mighty Satan...! Thy tail was so tempting, I couldn't resist reaching for it...... And also I suck at this game and need points so desperately...! It was just too perfect of a chance, please forgive m..."
She stopped.
He was smirking at her, his grin almost dripping with this sly and cocky attitude.
Clover only now felt how there was something else in-between his left hand and her wrist.
The key.
And she remembered what Violet had texted her earlier today.
"... Did you trick me? The key wasn't actually hard to grab, was it?" she asked. “You knew I would try to touch your tail.”
His smirk widened.
"Why the fascination with bunny tails?" Satan nonchalantly ignored her questions.
"... They're fluffy..." Clover mumbled bashfully. "Just... fun to play with, y'know...?"
The blond tilted his head. "Never played with one."
"... Try it, it's nice."
"Yes, I would like to" he said, enjoying the flustered mess underneath him as she tried to figure out what he was implying. "Right now" he added.
So Clover tried to stand up... But Satan wasn't letting her.
"Uhm... I-I would let you touch mine, b-but... Could I stand up first...?"
Probably the only thing audible was Clover's boiling head as she slowly raised her hips off the ground, constantly being focused by those sly eyes of his.
One of his hands let go of her arm, reaching down while his whole body lowered slightly as well.
Instead of reaching for her back, however, he first placed his hand on her thigh. Through her fishnet stockings, she felt his touch wandering up her leg, only then he'd brush over her side to her back, finally finding the bunny tail in his grip.
"Interesting" he mused, poking and squishing the pompom as he pleased, visibly amused at her embarrassment. "Yes, very-"
They heard the office's door falling shut.
Both, Satan and Clover, stopped in their motion, even in their breathing, as footsteps came closer.
"My jacket... Where did I leave my jacket..."
They were staring at each other first, then at the person casting a shadow on them.
And... well...
Luke stared back.
Stared at the demon bending over the human, the human arching closer to the demon, touching each other in those... those clothes...!
The angel could only press out some dying squeaking noises as his face exploded in an outraged blush. He took a step back, raising an arm as if shielding himself from the evil.
"S... S-s..."
Clover was the first to move again.
"Luke, this is not what-"
Aaand Luke ran out of the room in a great whine. Slowly getting over the shock, Clover let out a sigh.
"... He's going to arrange some exorcism for me now, ain't he..." she mumbled.
The demon only gave a chuckle. "Serves you right" he hummed.
"Wha-?! You're the one who start..." her voice gave in immediately after meeting again with this almost sadistic stare.
"S-s-stop... Satan... Since wh-when are y..." Clover stuttered as the demon continued to play with her tail.
He leaned in closer.
"You should know that trying to play pranks on me will always backfire thrice as much..." he purred into her ear.
Then, Satan let go, pulling back and rising onto his feet.
"Well, I think that is enough of a punishment for now. I'll go and bring Lord Diavolo his key."
Clover sat up as well, but her legs were way too wobbly to do any more than that.
She glanced up at him, seeing him wave a goodbye.
"See you around" he hummed, adding a little wink before heading out of the room.
About another hour had passed when Clover and Violet decided to check up in Diavolo again...
Clover: Lord Diavolo, how is the game going?
Diavolo: Good! I have 62 points so far.
Clover: WHAT
Violet: U-uhm... May I ask how you got to have so many...?
Diavolo: I asked Barbatos to let me touch his tail.
Clover: ... For all of the points?
Diavolo: Yes :)
Violet: ...
Diavolo: What is wrong? Is that not a good score?
It is... But... We actually had made some rules that we didn't get to explain...
Diavolo: Oh! Which would be? :)
Violet: Uhm... For example, you are not allowed to squeeze the same tail twice in a row, and the target is not supposed to notice you...
Clover: Meaning... If you simply touched Barbatos' tail 31 times in a row with him knowing... You would have... No points yet...
Violet: ...
Clover: ...
Diavolo: :(
Ironic enough, Diavolo had been taking a break in the staff room while texting.
Minutes later, Barbatos came in to bring him something to drink.
"Barbatos! You are not allowed to notice me anymore when I touch your tail. Apparently I did it wrong the whole time!"
"Of course, my lord" the butler answered, the slightest smirk glistening in his eyes.
Diavolo noticed immediately, pointing out how Barbatos looked way more relaxed than usual.
"Oh, do I?" Barbatos tilted his head. "Well, it certainly is a weight off my shoulders to have a crew to rely on. For most parts, at least."
He was heading for the exit already.
"And I am glad to see you are enjoying yourself, my lord" he smiled. "I will have to thank those girls for that..."
Violet was working at the bar.
Lucifer had promised her to teach her some cocktail mixing, and there they were.
Turns out she was learning quickly, and the demon soon entrusted her with serving drinks to actual customers. Keeping an eye on her, Lucifer watched as Violet worked, also receiving help from Asmo.
... Which was impressive, by the way, because anyone could sense that Asmo had been sneaking some drinks here and there, and was getting a little... Tipsy.
It showed at one point, though. A customer came up, asking for a drink rather difficult to mix.
"I can do this!" Violet assured her friends and started mixing the juice.
But just as Violet was bending down to put some ice cubes into the drink...
They heard -- and Violet felt -- a slap that was audible even despite the quite loud music playing.
And everyone around them went quiet.
Blinking, Violet straightened her back again, turning to find Asmo behind her.
"Did. You just."
"Slap your ass? Fuck yes I did!"
"Come on, you CAN'T expect me to NOT go for that booty when you're stretching it RIGHT into my FACE."
Lucifer next to them barged in. "But you can't just do th-"
"It was on INSTINCT" Asmo said.
"What do you mean, instinct?!" Violet asked, her face still in a slight blush.
"Oh my godddd, I'm the avatar of LUST, if I see a cute butt I just can't help it!"
"Asmo, that's not okay", Lucifer scolded. "You need to learn to control your sin."
"WHY?! Y'all have your quirks too, why am I not allowed to be myself?! That's so unfair, I always get shouted at! Like, Beel's also snacking our whole storeroom empty but THAT'S fine, huh?!"
Lucifer´s eyes widened. "He's doing WHAT?!"
"And Mammon is stealing money out of the guest's pockets, but NO, let's sue ASMO for giving a booty the appreciation it DESERVES!"
Lucifer looked like he was about to have a stroke. A growl crawled up his throat.
And he was gone.
Asmo turned to pout somewhere, and Violet was left at the counter, still a little overwhelmed.
The customer slowly raised their hand.
"... Could I... Get my drink now...?"
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kuronanox · 4 years
A promise in heaven - Julius Novachrono
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"Let me go!"
"No, you know I can't do that."
"I hate you Julius I can't stand looking at you."
Yanking her arm from his grip she cried and screamed. He tried to hold her and comfort her but she refused. The feeling of betrayal overcame him.
"Why don't you trust me!" Julius shouts, letting his emotions get to him. "I only love you and I've proven it so many times! What must I do to make you stay."
(Your Name) shakes her head and looks down at the floor. "Nothing, how could you love a broken person like me?"
"(Your Name)." He says with a crack voice as she looks back at his pained eyes. With one last yank Julius let her arm go as she ran away.
It was 10 years ago and it still hurt him till the present day. At first he laid around his room and neglected his duties more. After a few months he knew she wasn't coming back.
Julius looked out the Clover Kingdom and sighed. She was a troublesome girl and often got into trouble a lot. He just wanted to be there for her and protect her from the cruel world.
They met when she was running away from a group of thugs, she had stole a bag of gold from them out of desperation of money.
"The dumb bitch is running around the corner!"
(Your Name) ran as fast as should could, she was running out of money and by the next week she was going to be on the streets again. Turning the corner she came across Julius and he looked shocked.
Clicking her teeth she advanced towards him and kicked him in the stomach and made a run for it.
Julius was the wizard king but getting kicked by a civilian shocked him that he couldn't move.
"It-it's the wizard king!" The thugs yelled and ran away back to their homes afraid he was going to send them to prison.
(Your name) looked back to see no one as she sighed and smiled. The money would last her months till she can get a steady foot.
"That wasn't really nice miss." Julius says in front as her mouth gasp and she pulled out a dagger.
"Move or else." She says with fear in her voice.
"Hey hey, I won't hurt you. Tell me where are you from?" He gently says holding her hands down safely.
Knitting her brows she scanned him up and down. Shaking her head she shut her mouth.
Julius sighed and took the bag of gold from her. Her eyes widen "Hey!"
"Tell me, why are stealing gold from under ground thugs?"
"Because... isn't it obvious. I need the money."
"Get back to work!" Marx shouts to Julius as he spaced out for the 5th time that morning. "Ahh I'm sorry, I got distracted again."
Picking up a piece of paper to sign Marx gives a sympathetic look and walks away. He knew Julius was thinking about her. (Your Name) the only person to bring out his smile besides when he saw new types of magic.
Julius and (Your Name) were in love but she couldn't handle the life and the people here.
It seemed like everyone was against their relationship at the time and tried to bring them down. They succeeded as she left a part of Julius left with her.
"I'll help you back to your feet." Julius offered as he brought her to safety in his office.
"I don't need help from you." She sneered looking away from him.
"Alright well I guess you won't be needing this either." Julius smirked dangling the bag of gold as her eyes followed in desperation.
"Ugh fine! What do you want me to do?"
"You can get a job as a server at one of our nicest restaurants in the kingdom."
(Your Name) crossed her arms and took a seat across from Julius, listening to the opportunity she has.
"Fine, where will I stay till I can get a place?"
"Um here!" He exclaimed with a bright smile as she gave him a smug look.
"Whatever, deal."
A loud thunder clashed as (Your Name) eyes opened from her sleep. She sat up from bed and pushed her hair away from her face.
"Why do I keep dreaming about him? I left him I shouldn't be this sad."
"(Your Name)! You have your regular!" A coworker had shouted out to her.
The past few months she was working there she became a natural and tips became so easy to make.
Julius also became a regular because he wanted to check up on her to see if she was okay and also because he was entranced by her.
She smiled to herself and turned to see Julius waiting patiently for her.
"The usual?" She asks him as he nodded.
After her shifts he was always there to walk her back safely and at the same time she was still staying in his office.
"You know I can get my own place now."
Julius stiffens a bit and gives a weak smile. "Actually (Your Name) I wanted to talk to you about sometime."
"Um alright." (Your Name) says noticing that he was acting unusual that night.
"I've been feeling this for a while, but I really enjoy your company and would like to have you by my side and would be sadden to see you with anyone else."
"Did you just confess to me?" She laughs as he grabs the back of his neck and lightly chuckles.
"Well lucky for you I will accept!"
(Your Name) gets a message from Marx asking her to return to the Clover Kingdom. Throwing the paper away she goes out and starts to harvest her plants because winter could get harsh.
"Why does that mushroom keep sending me updates about Julius! It's been years and I've moved on!" She tries to convince herself and dig in the dirt planting some tomatoes.
"I'm home!" (Your Name) shouts as Julius hoisted her from behind.
"I'm glad you got back safe. How was work?"
"Ugh I had a table leave without paying but either than that it was good."
Julius smiles and kisses her
gently on the on the lips taking her to the shower.
They relaxed in the tub as he told her about his day and all the new magic he saw.
"Seems interesting, I'm not really gifted in magic..."
Julius notices her sadness and lifts her chin to his face. "You are more than enough to me, I'll be here to protect you."
"But I won't be able to protect you! What if something happens to the kingdom and you can't stop it! I won't be able to help."
Julius sighs and drys his body along with her as they laid in bed.
"Shh, stop. Nothing will ever happen. I promise."
"Julius, don't make promises you can't keep."
"I promise." He whispers to her, laying his head on her as she sadly smiles and lets him drift to sleep.
Julius thought back about that time, he promised to protect her and the kingdom. As he fought licht he had a small feeling of guilt.
He was about to break his promise, he thought about (Your Name). Wondering if she was still alive or in trouble.
When Licht plunged his sword into Julius, he smiled. Maybe it was better this way. He was getting older and a new wizard king was bound to happen.
Then he thought again. "Maybe this time I'll get to be with (Your name)."
Although he wanted to cry no tears came out.
"What are you reading so intently?" (Your Name) asks Julius as he tried to hide the letter but was snatched out of his hands.
"Wow everyone hates me here. I told you Julius I'm nothing but a burden to you and the kingdom!"
Julius sighs and looks out the window, it was the 10th letter that week regarding (Your Name) and how she didn't deserve to be with him and how weak she was.
"No one thinks that."
"Everyone thinks that. Stop trying to hide the truth from me. I know no one accepts our relationship. Especially bird braid Nozel.”
Julius sits up from his chair and brings her to an embrace as she hugged him. "I hate this. I hate myself."
"Shh, stop."
(Your Name) sighed, even when going out alone people yelled and called her names. Some refused to let her in the store or provide service. Although she never let Julius know, he knew.
"We will be okay, I promise."
She scoffed and hugged tighter in his embrace. "You and your promises again."
Opening the millionth letter again from Marx she scanned through it and was about to throw it away when she read that Julius had passed away and her attendance at Clover Kingdom was necessary.
Her mouth went dry as her eyes watered. Packing everything that was important to her she hit the road and left to see him.
It was when she entered, Marx immediately brought her to the body. Holding in her cries she saw his face. He was at peace, no more work no more duties to attend. He was in heaven.
"I wish he could have seen you one last time if we had known he was going to pass." Marx states looking down at the body.
Crying ugly tears she screamed and took his hand with hers. "I'm sorry I left Julius. You know me to well I was to stubborn and I selfishly left you."
The days passed and she lingered in his room and bed looking out the window it had been raining the last few days.
No announcement had been made to the public yet, although everyone had been curious where the wizard king has been.
“Yo.” A gruff lazy voice calls by the door way.
Sitting up she calls out. “Yami.”
“Still see you lounging around?”
She laughs and looks down at her hands. “Yeah it’s been tough. Glad to see you are doing well.”
Yami puffs out some smoke and leans against the door. “Yeah, you too. Thought you were dead if I’m being honest. Julius never told me what happen.”
Sighing she looks up to Yami and gives a weak smile.
“I wish it was me rather than him.”
Silence fold between the two as they listened to the rain fall. “Well I gotta show you something.”
“Just follow me.”
Walking down the hallway they make it to a balcony.
“It’s raining Yami.”
Turning around he was gone.
She saw that the kingdom was a mess, the buildings were destroyed, the people were trying to rebuilt their lives again.
“(Your Name).”
“I don’t have time to see this Yami!”
“Well after all these years you still have some sassy in you.”
“You know I don’t really need-“ turning her body in slight irritation she sees Julius standing behind her with a smile.
The smile that lit up the world and all that was there.
“I’m back (Your Name).”
Giving him a big hug she rubbed her face in his chest. “I’ve missed you, I’m so sorry.”
Julius caresses her hair and embraces her.
“I forgive you, this time you are saying.”
“But how did you come back? I saw you out cold.”
Julius looks away slyly. “It’s complicated, we will get back to that another time. At the mean time we have lots to catch up on.”
Grabbing her hand they walk back to room and sit on the bed.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” She says back holding both his hands looking down ashamed.
“We will fix this (Your Name), nothings ever perfect.”
“I know, I’ll stay and I’ll push past the obstacles that tear us down.”
Julius kisses her hands and brings them to his face.
"I didn't break my promise and came back."
(Your Name) punches him lightly and scoffs.
They lay in bed and look out the window together. "Well looks like we have a lot of work for the kingdom in the next few months."
"I like the we." She says and he kisses her forehead.
"It's always going to be we for now on." Julius says closing his eyes, enjoying this peace of heaven he could stay for a while.
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anomitafics · 4 years
When The Heart Beats || [1]
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WHEN A HEART BEATS || Levi Ackerman x Reader
Entering the Survey Corps, Levi never knew what to expect, and as soon as their squad leader had been introduced, he had never felt so insulted in his life.
"You three will be under Squad Leader (Y/N) (L/N)'s command from now on."
Smiling at the trio a woman not too far from their ages waved her hand at them.
"We'll accept orders from her?" Isabelle whispered over at the two men beside her.
"It's better that anyone here I guess, she doesn't seem to be too bossy." the blonde murmured.
The two then placed their attention to Levi who had been silent since introducing himself.
"Well what do you think bro?"
What did he thought?
He hated the fact that they will be placed under a woman. Sure was he aware of being sexist but he didn't give a damn fuck, the shitty organization should've given them a male for a commander, he's worried that he won't be able to protect both his companions at all times so he expected that once their placed under someone's command then the squad leader can help him with his job.
Yet who was he kidding, it was always them against the world.
Clicking his tongue Levi dismissed the question as they towed behind their squad leader.
A quiet "Oh" escaped from their leader's lips that made them three focus their attention to her back.
Swiftly spinning around to face them she pointed to a room not far away from them.
"You three should proceed without me, I'll just get something real quick!"
Levi once again clicked his tongue, making sure the woman in front of them heard of how unimpressed he was.
"I'll be there shortly!" the woman chanted as she flee from their sight.
Isabel plopped her arms under her head in a carefree manner as Farlan chuckled at the strawberry haired girl.
The heavy door gave of a soft creak as the trio went in, Levi giving a scoff at the pathetic excuse of a room.
"This room sure needs Levi bro's skills!" Isabel said as she heard her bro's scoff, slightly attempting to lighten up the raven's mood.
"Yeah! Now we should look for the--" as Farlan attempted to help Isabel up, the room's door swung open revealing their squad leader holding a bunch of cleaning materials.
Farlan hurriedly helped her up as Isabel stared in shock.
"Well, I better help you three clean this place, it's been awhile since someone roomed here." she explained.
"Cool! Am I living here too?" Isabel goshed, heart warming instantly at their leader.
"No young lady, boys and girls live separately, but you'll still be able to train with your friends 24/7 since you're all under me, so it doesn't really matter where you sleep right?" the you woman explained giving her a cheery smile.
Isabel was about to retort when Farlan held her back.
"Isabel...! Y-you shouldn't talk to our leader so casually."
"Oh no it's definitely alright, I never wanted to be treated differently... after all we do seem to be at the same ages. If you were here sooner, one of you might've been the squad leader rather than me." laughing it off she tried so hard to ease the tension in the air that was slowly drowning her.
"Oi." Levi didn't like how the woman was treating them so closely, who did she think she was?
Looking at the floor Levi continued, aware that all attention had been directed to him.
"You speak too much... If you can't shut the fuck out'ta your mouth then you better just leave this place all up to us, we can manage on our own..." pausing he lifted up his face looking dead straight at her [c] eyes.
"Captain." Levi spat out the title as if it were the most disgusting thing his mouth had ever made.
Eyes widened, (Y/N) had never been talked to in such insulting manner... and she wouldn't just let him slide.
'Alright then... two can play the game Ackerman. Let me show you how childish I could get.'
Saluting she straightened her body putting on her most serious and dedicated look.
"Yes Commander! This wouldn't happen again!"
Isabel bursted in to laughter as Farlan couldn't help but to let a snort escape from him.
Levi's face couldn't be painted, he almost lost his cool, but both him and the woman in front him never broke their serious faces.
Turning around (Y/N) took hold of both the heads of the laughing stocks infront of her and bump it into each other lightly making Isabel and Farlan hit their reality.
"Oi! We better be cleaning before the Commander gets mad and make us clean the stables for a week." she said saluting at the process.
Both saluted in return and hurriedly get themselves some cleaning materials but just as Farlan was going to get the broom (Y/N)'s voice boomed:
"Church! Show me your salute!"
Once again Farlan saluted almost beaming with pride. The dark eyed girl gently grab hold his fists and placed it in the right direction.
"That's it." smiling at him, Farlan felt heat travelling through his face in embarrassment.
"Now Commander, please follow me." she stated, leaving the room as she awaits the man who looks like hell had broken loose all the time.
Yet the latter never moved an inch inside the room, frowning at nothing and no one in particular he just crossed his arms.
Farlan scooted over to Levi in order to get his message through him without their leader hearing.
"...what are you waiting for? Why aren't you following her?"
Levi looked at the blonde as if he had asked the most stupid question there is.
"Yeah Levi-bro! You should probably go, I mean... we could use some allies within the base couldn't we?", this time, Isabel was the one to whisper and instantly Levi looked her straight ahead, he hated her idea.
"No." was his only answer as he walked passed them and out of the room.
There he saw the [c] haired woman leaning against the wall, eyeing the dirt under her boots. She had yet to notice the figure Levi watching her in both despise and curiousity.
Looking up to the man who had made such respected title sound awfully disgusting, she started:
"I do not wish to be called the title if it were to be said in such rude manner Commander."
"And what makes you think I like being called Commander?" he asked, testing her patience.
(Y/N) took every ounce of effort to not retort with a childish; You started it!. After all she wanted to look as professional as possible to this man.
"You see Commander, I understand why you're acting like this towards me."
Levi's furrowed brows rose up as if signalling the woman to continue.
"You're afraid a woman like me wouldn't be able protect your friends when it comes to battle... You see Commander, allot of my squad mates had also reacted like that, but trust me, I'm not one to leave a comrade behind."
"You don't expect me to suddenly change my attitude towards not only you, but also this whole shitty organization just because of your little ted talk do you?" Levi snorted, fists slightly clenching into fists.
"No." with that the [c] haired girl stood up from her slouching position on the wall.
"But I do expect you to act professionally. I don't know what you're purpose here is, but as long as you're job here isn't done, then one of your goals is to act like a part of the Survey Corps. Man up! If in the underground you were the King then it's damn different here Commander." and with that she started walking away.
Levi just stood there in shock, processing what the woman had just said to him.
'Was he really acting... childish? He'd be damned.'
Turning to a corner, (Y/N)'s legs soon gave up forcing her figure to slide down on the ground.
She did it! She really did!
Closing her eyes she heaved a long sigh of contentment.
Her peaceful frame was suddenly shoved to the ground as someone had just tackled her.
"Hange!... Hi!" she breathed out as she hugged the brunette back.
"Where had you been?!!" her excited shouts were so loud that some of the recruits had rushed outside their dorms curious of the commotion.
Laughing, (Y/N) helped herself up offering her hand to the brown eyed female who was still sprawled to the ground.
"Hange... What have I told you about the volume of your voice?" the [c] haired female asked.
Grabbing her hand the brunette hoisted herself up excitedly acting as if she wasn't asked a question.
"You act like a mom all the time you know! It's annoying sometimes!" she exclaimed, mindful of her voice this time.
"But you never fail to listen to me like a child, don't you?" smirking (Y/N) placed a hand to her hips.
"So why were you looking for me?"
"Erwin asked for you!" she answered.
"He did? I wonder why." walking side by side this time Hange looked at her as if she asked a stupid question.
"Hange!!! Stop saying it so loud! ...but you do have a point, maybe he had finally found a way to cancel it." looking at the sky (Y/N) wished he really did.
"Why don't you want to be married to Erwin? You're great friends right?" Hange asked curiously, watching as the [c] haired female beside her looked up the sky.
"That's exactly it... We're good friends who just don't want to marry. I mean, can you imagine it?" (Y/N) laughed as she pictured how awkward the house would be if it were really to come to that point.
"Just imagine me with Erwin's eyebrows, that wouldn't turn out to be such an attractive child wouldn't it?" she stated laughing.
Blinking once, twice, Hange's mouth suddenly formed the biggest shape (Y/N) had ever seen, and soon Hange's ear drum-wrecking laugh sounded through the entire base, making both of them laugh harder, failing to notice the blonde staring at their figures shaking in laughter.
"Are you...? Are you talking about me?" his voice boomed wrecking the two females from their laughing fit, (Y/N) not failing to notice the playfulness in his low growl.
"Oh yes we were Eyebrows! We were talking about how ugly our children would be if they were to inherit that!" poking his eyebrows (Y/N) bursted once again in laughter, Hange was almost dying.
"I most certainly heard otherwise, you see eyebrows are assets." Erwin couldn't help but to let small laugh escape, just watching (Y/N) and Hange loose their breathes from laughing at something that isn't really that funny made the composed man crack up.
Moments like these made Erwin's deep and stressed thoughts temporarily gone, and he liked it.
As their laughter had finally died down, Erwin placed a hand on his temple massaging it lightly.
"Now can Hange leave us for a while? We really need to talk." Erwin asked still massaging his temple, the brunette taking this as her cue to leave.
Once left alone Erwin looked straight into her dark eyes.
"It's about those three."
When The Heart Beats Masterlist   <----------CHAPTERS HERE!
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Forever & Always
Part 3
Warning: Descriptive abuse, panic attack(s) touches lightly on drinking
To anyone who reads this: I wrote this part before I did any research on panic attacks and such so please be kind.
Thanks to @momobucketcomics for editing/co-writing this and making the mood board below.
More thanks to @devotedlybeautifulkingdom- (Tumblr won’t let me tag you!) for showing support for this story.
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I felt someone rubbing my back. Someone, or something was comforting me, telling me I was safe. In the state I was in, I'm surprised I could hear it at all. I could feel the sweat trickling down my face, leaving a wet, slimy trail. I also felt myself calming down, albeit slowly.
It's okay. It's okay. I kept telling myself, desperately wanting to believe it.
I sat up straight and leaned back, still trying to fill my lungs. I could barely get enough air in them without feeling like I was suffocating.
I heard someone say my name.
"Mmhhmm...?" I mumble, my eyes still shut tight.
"Evelyn, can you please open your eyes?" I hear a voice that sounds like Tony ask, sounding... concerned?
Slowly, I comply to my so-called father's wishes.
I opened my eyes to see a sea of faces staring at me, worried expressions on their faces.
...Last time I checked, there weren't this many people in the room. Damn, I'm seeing double again.
I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath. Finally, my head was clear enough to speak normally. "I'm sorry... overreaction." I try to cover up.
"I would like to apologize for asking you that. I didn't know you would react that badly." Thor explained. It was badly worded, but...I knew what he meant.
"It's okay. It's not your fault- I shouldn't have let my mind wander..." The last words drifted off into a mutter- I wonder if he could hear me.
"Do I have a room?" I ask quietly. I don't want to stay here for much longer.
"Yes, I um. Yeah." Tony still looked a bit freaked out about my panic attack. I hope he hasn't bitten off more than he can chew by taking me in...
"I can take her to her room, Tony." Steve offers.
"Thanks, Steve." He replied, walking away.
Steve gave me a smile. "Follow me."
Dragging my feet, I grab my backpack and duffle bag. Panic attacks are exhausting.
As soon as we leave the room, it's just the two of us. The hubbub in the last room seemed to have vanished from existence, as if nothing had happened at all. Huh, guess they have soundproofing here too.
"Are you okay?" He asked as the elevator started to move.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I say, trying to get some form of a smile to form on my face. I hate it when people worry about me- I feel like I'm just a nuisance to them.
"You know, when I first came out of the ice, I had panic attacks. Everything was really overwhelming." He admitted. "I found the best thing I could do was talk to people about what happened. War is an ugly thing. You see a lot of things you wish you hadn't."
"It sounds like...you had a hard time leaving the past in the past and embracing the future" I say quietly as we navigate the halls, a whisper being all I could muster.
"You're pretty smart for someone so young. But that is something that you should remember too. Your past may determine your future, but it doesn't have to rule it." He explains as we come to my door, his pure blue eyes boring into my hazel ones.
"If you ever need anything at all, and you can't find Tony, don't be afraid to come to me for help." He said softly. "Just ask JARVIS to take you to my apartment. It's on this floor."
I scrunch my eyebrows. Apartment? "Everyone here has half a floor, except for myself and Tony. He has a whole floor to himself. I have almost a whole floor, so that's why Tony figured it would be a good idea to put you here." He explained.
My eyes go wide. "That's right, you get a small apartment just for you." He chuckled.
I smiled to myself. Maybe this won't be so bad.
"Remember what I said." He says, walking away.
I walk into my room, exhausted. I let go of my bags, letting them land wherever. It's so clean in here, I feel a slight twinge of guilt for messing up the neatness of everything with my scruffy baggage. I look at the rustic, brown clock. Thank God it’s not some weird futuristic aesthetic design, I hate that kind of stuff . It's 6:00.
That means it's only 3:00 back home.
Home. Somehow, the word feels foreign in my mouth- like a new shoe that'll take getting used to, or... Something.
I look at my messy bags laying haphazardly on the floor. My other luggage must be downstairs, wherever Mr. Hogan put them. I'm too tired to care about anything right now. I've got so much to do, but I can't resist taking a quick nap- Then I'll unpack and check out the rest of the apartment.
I flop down on the couch. Closing my eyes, I still can't believe how much my life could change so much over the course of a few hours.
Tony trodded over to the lounge bar, searching for the drink he had left behind earlier. He chugged down the glass of alchohol. Even though it was now room-temperature, he savored it rushing down his throat. Then, without even thinking, he poured himself a glass of the strongest bottle on the shelf- Devil's Springs Vodka. He collapsed on the couch sipping his strong drink.
"No, no! Stop it!" I scream at my mother.
She had just returned from wherever it was that she went. Probably the bar, considering her words were extremely slurred. With every step she took, it was heavier than anything- like ten earthquakes simultaneously rocking my world.
She was hitting me, landing blow after blow over and over again. I wish it would stop.
I need it to stop!
I almost got away, but she latched onto my shirt and pulled me back.
"Oh, darling. You're not getting away that easily!" She laughed as she dug her long, inhumanly sharp nails into my arms. I cried out as I felt the skin start to split and bleed.
She shoved me onto the floor. Before I could be relieved at her release, my head caught the corner of the table on my way down. Pain exploded through my head, and I could feel hot blood welling up somewhere on my face. Through my blurry, spotted vision I saw her chug down another bottle of vile-smelling beer.
Then, instead of doing what I hoped she would do, she threw it at me. I screamed as it shattered on the floor, showering me in broken shards. I cried out one last time as I felt the pieces of glass embed themselves in my flesh, burning deeper and deeper inside me. As I struggled to run away, my hands slipped on the floor that was pooling with my blood and tears. It rose ever higher, fueled by my bodily fluids, threatening to flood the entire room. The salty mixture seeped into my fresh wounds, burning them black.
Before I black out, I hear her say something. Her voice was no longer slurred, but crystal clear. It was sick and twisted, familiar and yet of something nightmarish that you'd only hear in the darkest depths of hell.
"Remember, Evelyn; however far you run, no matter how hard you fight back, I will be with you. Forever... and Always." As she growled those last words, everything faded away into darkness.
I shot up out of my restless slumber, drenched in cold sweat. My heart was pounding. I quickly pulled up the sleeves of my pullover, thinking I had woken up after being knocked out. There were only fading bruises and scars. Then, I remembered where I was. I breathed a sigh of relief.
I glanced at the clock. I only slept for 45 minutes, and I'd managed to have one of the worst nightmares in history. Oh, jeez.
I started unpacking my measly possessions. Anything to get my mind off That.
Someone had brought the rest of my bags up and put them in my room. I plopped down on the pristine bedsheets, feeling myself sink down into the mattress. It felt much comfier up here than on the couch. Maybe if I'd crashed on an actual bed, I'd have been spared the horrors of that nightmare.
I hung up a few of my tops in the closet. Most of my clothing consisted of long-sleeved sweaters, which I used to wear to school to hide the marks. I also had one sundress and two maxi skirts. They were beautiful, but I couldn't remember the last time I wore them. Standing on my tiptoes, I put a few of my pants and shorts on the shelves. Some of them were messed up, but I threw them in anyway. I was never any good at folding clothes. From there, I head into the bathroom to unpack all of makeup and other... Necessities.
I wonder if there's any dishes in the cupboards. Skipping off to the mini-kitchen, I went to check. Sure enough, there was. There was also food in the fridge! Am I supposed to live by myself, completely? I wonder to myself, checking out the other contents of the various drawers. The countertops were sparkling, and even inside the compartments of the kitchen, not a jar was out of place. Just the way it will stay, clean.
I fiddled with my phone, looking for my favorite playlist. Ah, found it.
Forgettable by Project 46 filled my ears.
I absentmindedly started to hum along to the song- This soon developed into quiet singing.
The song's beautiful and uplifting melody rejuvenated me. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, as I started organizing.
I adjusted a photo of me and my cat, trying to get it just right. I finally get it to sit at the right angle on the little counter beside the kitchen. As I subconsciously sung to the tune of my music, I stepped back to examine the angle of the frame. Suddenly, in between songs, I heard something behind me. It sounded kinda large- maybe mice? Huh, not if the cleaning team can help it. Really Evelyn, this is Stark towers. There won't be mice here. After ridiculing myself a bit more I turn around, thinking I might make some tea. I nearly screamed when I saw a figure in my doorway...
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