#some of u should be denied a platform i'm so serious
pazziville 3 months
(another rant, scroll if you don't want to read, thank you. feel free to express your own opinions as well, i have no problem with that honestly, i'm all for conversing properly and hearing different perspectives. this has actually been in my drafts for quite a while now and i wanted to make sure i worded things correctly and respectfully and i figured it was the perfect time to post it considering everything that went down lmao.)
most pazzi shippers on here, based on my observations literally just joke around paige and azzi's relationship/duo dynamic and are most of the time not serious or are aware they're reaching but say it anyway because it's a free space out here.
if i see something i don't agree with on here, i simply don't engage with it, hit it with the not interested feature, and scroll down. sure, we're all free to discourse about things, but couldn't it all be avoided if both sides just understood each other?
pazzi truthers from what i see just want others to not be in denial of the possibility of paige and azzi being together because some people really are pushing and forcing the fact that they're just friends for the wrong reasons (homophobia, racism, etc.) however it doesn't also give us the right to harass people on the jump in assumption that they're denying pazzi for reasons that i just stated. people are allowed to not ship them in the same way we do which is post stuff openly and discuss their relationship openly or deny them completely for their fair share of reasons and that's alright. let's go below the belt simply because other people don't ship them the way we do, that's not very cool.
i'm not gonna speak on non-pazzi shippers cause i don't wanna put words into their mouths but from what i see they're concerned with boundaries and how pazzi shippers constantly over analyze things in regards to pazzi.
in terms of boundaries, i'm gonna speak as a pazzi shipper myself that i went here on tumblr to freely share pazzi moments and appreciate whatever they have in a space wherein you have to actively search things to actually see things if you get what i mean. meaning i don't try to shove the pazzi narrative in platforms where i know paige and azzi possibly may see them accidentally (and not purposely) and be possible uncomfortable with them. the moments that i share are those that have been shared here already on tumblr and other public platforms. however i do agree that actively seeking moments of the two using invasive methods and through stalking intensively is not okay and should not be tolerated, ever.
now to get into the topic of over analyzing. as a pazzi shipper myself, i really wouldn't consider it as over analyzing, it's more like trying to connect the dots with touch of delusion because we're obviously shipping two people together. for example we see a paige picture of her fit and we suddenly recall a certain someone wear something similar or the same thing, so of course as shippers, we share it on here and giggle about it. and when we do over analyze it's mostly just delusion so why are we so serious about that. sure it may not be cool to let the delusion seep through other public platforms the girls are on but we're on tumblr, whatever happened to free speech?
bottom line, engage with what u wanna engage, ignore what you don't like or don't believe in. don't go aggravating a group of people who don't have the same interest as you, let people do what they wanna, as long as it's nothing that directly hurt people. like what everyone's saying, we don't know these girls personally and they have not spoken up about anything as well. sure, they don't need to speak up about having to give them the respect and space they deserve but that's exactly why us pazzi shippers here on tumblr are here on tumblr, to make sure we're shipping responsibly.
that's all, gonna go back to my regular scheduled programming now! 馃檹馃徏
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allpromarlo 2 years
conventionally attractive white boys have done irreparable damage to society. because why is there joe burrow fanfic and why are people eating it up
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anakin89 6 years
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C'mon now!
It goes to show how social media rules people's lives. By now I'm sure everyone is all on the R.Kelly BS. Wall's are now closing in on dude and people are finally acting on what people have been trying to say ever since Aaliyah ( still miss you). Despite many holes in all the accusations towards the "Pied Piper of R&B" ( not the smartest thing to be calling yourself), it looks like people are going as far as boycotting his music altogether. Which brings me to Jesy Nelson. For those who are not in the know, Jesy is a member of the British pop group Little Mix. Jesy is under scrutiny because she was filmed singing along to a R. Kelly song. Now, let's be real bout this. You can not deny certain things. Despite how we feel bout Kells, you can not tell me at one time that you haven't sung at least one of his songs, around people or by yourself, I know i have, many of times. I'm very sure some of y'all was either conceived or even got conceived with an R. Kelly tune in the background. Let's be real here, tell me u don't have a R Kelly album in your collection! And why did u buy it? Exactly! There's many reasons why you purchase his music. He has a song for almost all situations, hell, dude singing bout Gotham city, flying, women who are fed up, going half on a baby, dude was yodelling on one of his tunes (Get up on a room), and let's not 4get bout being trapped in the closet and that whole circus. Oh and what's a R&B album without a song about someone cheating. He's sung about it all. Like it or not, dude is a genius! The so called strange ones are tho, prime examples MJ and Prince, even David Bowie.
Jesy sang to a R Kelly song and now she's getting backlashes, please! She's a musician, an established one too. Why wouldn't she sing along? An artist was admiring another artist's work. What's the problem?
Ok, let me ask this. A lot of people are turning their back on R Kelly and I do understand, but what if, IF he's totally innocent?? Are y'all gonna start listening to his music again? See that's the thing. Right now he's being investigated, well until he's found guilty, how bout everyone stop jumping to conclusions! Yes I watched the doc' on him but I'm sorry, I saw too many holes in their stories. And here's something that I totally agree with what Master P had to say bout all this. You have these parents on TMZ of all people, as well as Lifetime who, well let's face it, aren't the most accurate with their information, when they should be going to a higher platform like CNN. If you know your child is in a hotel room or a building, are you gonna ask to see your child or you gonna bust the door down get your lil girl?? The police couldn't even help, this is why people take the law in their own hands. As for the girl at the hotel, the mother was asking her to please come home... Really. Bruh, I'm grabbing her and taking her home. Or I'd wait til R Kelly comes back. Could you imagine that scene!!??
Ok, if I had to choose tho, I can only give my opinion and that is I think he is sick. Dude needs help. If some of the stories from Surviving R Kelly are true then he needs help quick. Cuz I've said this before and I'll say it again. Walls are closing in on him. This may be a bit bleak but I think Kell's might do something serious.....to himself, then what!?
Just a lil note here. Didn't Elvis mess with teens? How bout Jerry Lee Lewis, Charlie Chaplin messed with teens too. To bring it up to more recent times, what bout Jay Z? I'm sure y'all heard bout Hov and Foxxy Brown, 17 was she? Ok I guess the only difference with all the above is that they weren't holding down some sex cult or anything, but under age is under age. Yes Elvis Presley and Charlie Chaplin married girls in their late teens but does that make it ok? Would you want you 15-17 year old daughter marrying a big ass grown man, no matter how rich or famous he is??
I'm not contradicting myself, I'm just showing that there's always 3 sides to a story or situation. Problem is that the 3rd side which is usually considered as the truth is overshadowed by where the majority leans towards or to the side that sounds the best.
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