#some of these might've aired in other countries idk
unconventional-user · 1 month
I'm crawling out the sewers to re-introduce myself. Plus new blog yay!
Anyways, as you can tell I know nothing about the military nor COD, only what I've read and seen. Shoot me. Reader is intended to be gn overall but correct me in case.
pairing: könig x tall!reader 
• warning(s): uhhhh idk, kinda sucks? (I tried)
• word count: 2.7k
* This work was created by @unconventional-user, no re-post(s), you may, however, re-blog. Thank you. *
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'How tall are you?'
'Are you a basketball player?'
'Do you wear heels?'
'How's the weather up there?'
These questions were a constant occurrence whenever leave took place. It was a reminder how annoying and entitled people were at times.
Luckily, deployment had come quickly most times, so you wouldn't have to deal with them often.
It's not like there was anything to head back to when 'off duty' anyway.
Parents were several countries overseas as well as other family, friends, and folk. So being called back often wasn't a rare occurrence nor was it annoying...
After joining the Air Force, it was expected of your squadron to work alongside certain groups. You happened to be the lucky few that helped aid the Special Air Services pretty often. It was mainly with transports as well as to help fly troops on missions.
It was nice. Some of the best times honestly.
Britain was a really cool place too.
But the constant travelling back and fourth, US to UK kind of left this uncertainty of which place was your 'true' home.
Almost like an identity crisis sort of.
So after some thinking and request of separation, you moved countries alongside joining the British Army.
Many more years later you're a part of the Special Air Services.
You could say the years in the Air Force might've helped a bit by leaving such positive feedback to them when SAS asked about their new soldier.
Judging from their background, they described as if the "golden child" for helicopter pilots was amongst them:
A once in a lifetime.
A relic of some sorts.
A phenomen.
According to them, you knew how to maneuver the damn chopper 'as if you built it yourself'.
Thus becoming a well recognized name amongst the special forces more specifically.
You'd like to thank the impeccable flying skills for landing you on such a radar.
Still, most of your work went unnoticed the first couple of years in SAS til' they eventually caught someone's eye later on:
"That's some amazing skills there—hello, we haven't met. My name is Kate."
The communication analyst would keep in touch with you after that. She claimed a specific task force officer asked for your wings.
"You know how to maneuver a helicopter better than anyone I've seen in a while. And I'm not the only one who's seen you in action."
Years pass after that, you're still on par with transporting soldiers and the Task Force 141, means you must be doing something right…right?
Shaking off the commotion of thoughts, you drove till the view of a familiar, bordered gateway appeared.
Upon entry, it was time to head over to your station.
Some inspections and loadings later, a shout was heard from afar. Turning towards the culprit, it was none other than Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish.
"Long time no see, aye bonnie?"
Leaning against the rails of the helicopter, he gave a smile. In return you gave one back as you finished clearing the aircraft as: PASS.
"Good afternoon, Sergeant," you chuckled, "I believe I saw you yesterday."
Ignoring the matter-of-fact, he continued on, "Call me Soap. Remember, yer one of us."
Smiling awkwardly, you pretend to re-inspect one of the throttles once again.
To be 'considered' a part of task 141 was…a weird feat or way to put it overall. You were in their squadron as their pilot, but you weren't necessarily with them. You weren't a part of their briefings or any of that.
You were separate from them.
The only one who really 'considered' you as part was Sergeant MacTavish.
Not to say the others were assholes or something. Lieutenant Ghost often would brief a 'good job' or 'nice maneuvering' to you once in a while.
Sergeant Garrick and Captain Price also acknowledged you from time to time, always greeting when deemed necessary.
To put it into simple words…they like your flying skills. You're like a designated pilot for them sort of.
'Way to make it sound like you're just a chauffeur-'
Shaking the thoughts aside once more, you focused on what Johnny said.
"Come again, Sergeant?"
The man chuckled, shaking his head but repeated himself once more. He always found you cute yet attractive. A true bonnie. These small actions never ceased to add to his attraction towards you.
Plus, he liked them tall. He could only imagine you in heels now…
"Wait…so you guys are gonna team up with a whole 'nother group for the mission?" You asked.
Great. Now he had to shake his thoughts aside. Clearing his throat, Johnny nodded.
"Price got told he needed backup for this one. Apparently it's too risky to go alone."
"Sounds rough."
"Aye, Ghost ain't too fond of the idea either."
Didn't look like he was too happy about the situation as well.
Nodding, you understood the lieutenant's 'worry' about being aided by a private contractor unit. Another responsibility and potential liability overall.
Trying to look on the bright side of things, at least they'll be more careful.
"Well…better safe than sorry, right? Plus you guys won't be so bored on the ride there!" You internally cringed at your feeble attempt to cheer the man up.
Hey, at least it made him laugh though.
"Ye ready to deal wit' another crew of dafties 'en, bonnie?"
Laughing, you closed the door to the aircraft.
"I'll see you in a bit, las."
The briefing ends; said Austrian begins heading towards the designated lockers.
Kortac had been called back by the SAS, unsurprisingly. They’d worked alongside the particular military service before (more than a few times).
The report claimed a certain special ops unit would need some assistance on an important mission. The team was ordered to help aid as a “battering ram” of sorts, both pre and post mission.
Of course they knew just who to send alongside for additional aid to the team.
König rolled his eyes, slamming the locker in frustration. He really didn’t want to be here at all. In his eyes, he was assisting a potential enemy. The SAS wasn’t necessarily a foe to KorTac, but it’s not like they were allies either.
So case in point (to König), he was being forced to help the potential enemy.
There were other soldiers sent alongside König. One of them looked over at him, an eyebrow raised, “Alles gut?”
König looked over at the soldier and said nothing, hood completely concealing his annoyed face. He’d rather be anywhere else than here if he’s being honest.
Heading towards the helipad, where he’d meet the rest of his ‘team’ mates, König tripled checked his tactical gear on him before stepping onto the designated helicopter.
His eyes narrowed onto a familiar face—or rather a mask—he had met before. Ghost simply responded back to König’s hostile stare vice versa. Neither said anything, but sat on opposite sides of one another.
No mind was paid to the rest that got onto the helicopter, except for Sergeant MacTavish, who made his entrance known with a hearty laugh followed by an annoyed looking Sergeant Garrick.
After the rest got settled in, Captain Price stood center and went over some key details again, mainly about KorTac’s assistance on the mission. König felt someone’s eyes on him as a chill ran along his neck. He turned his head and saw the same soldier from earlier at the lockers move to sit next to him. Said soldier looked away nervously to avoid the blue eyes.
Komisch. König narrowed his eyes in confusion, but remained silent overall. He felt the soldier lean in, “Is this your first time working with them?” They then gestured their head towards Task force 141. König didn’t acknowledge them and remained quiet. Looking away, he ignored the huff of the—now annoyed— soldier.
“Ist mir doch...”
König ignored the subliminal guilt he felt by acting like he didn’t hear the soldier’s mutterings. Trying to distract himself, he re-checked his tactical gear.
Knife is attached to his side. His tourniquet was in place, perfectly positioned if needed. He had 2 extra stocks on his left thigh—
Thoughts were interrupted as 2 pairs of feet stepped onto the helicopter and the doors were closed. König looked up and he swore he heard himself swallow back a gulp. Thank whatever is up there that he had his hood concealing his face. König could feel his face becoming warm.
Completely ignoring the other pilot officer greeting the team, his eyes focused on you.
Who were you?
You seemed to be standing at almost—if not the same—height as König,
He absolutely loved that.
Eyes fell onto your hands, noticing the lack of a band surrounding it, which he also seemed to love.
He was unsure if he had a visceral reaction to your presence but it felt like when people saw color for the first time. He felt the need to hide his flustered face (even though the hood already does that for him).
Du siehst bezaubernd aus.
He thought, eyes not leaving your form.
As you and the other pilot head towards the cockpit, he couldn't help but ponder.
Was that what many consider ‘love at first sight'? Him? In love?
The idea seemed almost laughable, mainly because he didn't think he could ever imagine him even having the courage to even attempt to pursue someone. Let alone have someone finding him worth being with.
König (sadly) broke his stare by looking at the soldier who jabbed his shoulder. Bothered, he turned towards them with narrowed eyes.
Grinning, the soldier commented, "As they say in America; statuesque."
Stepping towards the helicopter, you could feel your mind calm down. You knew exactly what to do. Tis the moment. You're in the zone.
Ew. That’s literally so cheesy.
You thought as you covered your hand to hide the growing smile.
Your co-pilot turned over at you, “Everything ok?” he asked, confused.
Putting a hand down, you nodded, “Yep. Just…thinking of something.”
He gave you an odd look but didn't perpetuate any further, simply muttering under his breath, “...How’d I get stuck with the tall weirdo?”
You pretend not to hear that, letting out a sigh and stepping onto the helicopter.
The co-pilot flashed everyone a tight-lipped smile as eyes fell onto him first, “Proud to be working with everyone here.” But eyes quickly fell onto the person looming over him.
That person being you.
With a flashed smile and wave, you greeted them, “I’m going to be your eyes in the skies today.”
The assisting team nodded a ‘Yes Officer’ your way. Nodding to the group, you observed them until one of them caught your eye.
The moment your eyes landed on the gentleman in the hood suddenly time had stopped, not noticing when he looked back either. His eyes widened whilst looking like he had choked on the air or something.
He looked a little bit taller than you—only a little—which almost never happens.
He was also oddly cute (considering he had a full on sack over his head).
Suddenly self conscious about appearance, you straighten up and try to hide the blush apparent on your face. If it's obvious, nobody dares say anything.
It probably didn't help that he was staring back at you as well. Interlocked, neither breaking eye-contact till the soldier next to him nudged his shoulder.
Luckily, you were able to gather yourself and head into the cockpit. It seemed like the others had disappeared, leaving only you and him. But you surged on, unaware of eyes following your direction.
Finally out of sight, you were able to find your footing and headed towards the left.
Your co-pilot sat to your right.
Alright, it’s go time.
Snorting, you muttered, “...still so cheesy.”
“Huh?” the co-pilot turned.
It was finally over. The mission was done. You could feel the relief washing over as you were able to land on the helipad again.
No casualties (thankfully), except for 2 soldiers who were grazed by bullets. One of them being Ghost, who had apparently saved one of the other soldiers who were shot.
You still remembered upon landing to reach them on the field, Ghost was angrily dragging the other wounded soldier by the vest, holding his shoulder in the process.
One soldier yanked out a med kit as another snatched them away from the lieutenant.
The shouting could be heard from the cockpit as you flew away. You and your co-pilot ignored it and continued to flee the warzone.
As you were able to land, you slowly started feeling at ease.
Even though you’ve been flying for years, the adrenaline and anxiety was still the same every time.
The difficulty was always trying to shake the feeling of nerves off. A good cigarette always seems to ease them away. Speaking of which…
You reached into your lower back pocket; you cursed when you didn’t feel any familiar shaped boxed. Must’ve left the pack in your locker. Luckily, it wasn’t too far.
Headed towards said lockers, someone had walked next to you. Upon looking, no words were exchanged as you were side-to-side with the extremely tall soldier.
You expected him to say something. He didn’t. Simply continue to walk.
You decided to do so instead.
The hooded man faced you this time with flat eyes. You stopped walking, so did he. Gulping down the nervousness, you took a good look at him.
He was taller than you, even if it was by a couple inches only. He was still taller than you.
“Sorry for bothering but…” chewing on your lip (which he definitely looked at), you confessed, “...I've never seen someone as tall—hell—taller than me. So I just wanted to introduce myself.”
You tell him your name, trying not to seem so upfront about it. He continues to look on for a while, in which you think maybe he didn’t want to talk to you at all.
“König.” is all he (manages to) says and continues to walk (although appearing dull looking towards you, he was internally sweating bullets as well).
“...Well König…I was wondering…if you would like to…maybe hangout, tonight. I'm actually going out to head for some drinks tonight and I thought…” you chuckled nervously while trying not to mumble, he however, cut you off.
“What?” König asked in what seemed an annoyed tone.
Not to him though, he just seemed weary about strangers, plus he didn't really know how to act around someone he seemed to have a crush on. He didn't even think he sounded rude about it.
Which was the problem.
You quickly explained to him, “Well…we don't have to. I swear I just wanted to offer maybe I thought you'd be interested-”
He cut you off again, “Why would I want to spend my time with you?” 
Oh god König. If only he knew just how bad he was fucking this up.
Swallowing, you looked away from said man, “Um…nevermind I didn't mean to disturb you, please, forget I ever bothered you haha…” you slowly drifted off, trying to hide the wobble in your lip.
Forcing a smile you began to walk away from him.
König’s eyes widened as you began to walk away.
No. No. No. Nein. Nein-
Was tust du?! He thought as he saw your lips wobble.
Do something before they leave!
“Wait!” He blurted out. This time he didn't seem to care that the surrounding soldiers looked at him.
But when you turned around however, he felt his stomach flutter.
Oh shit now what-
He didn’t know what to say now. So he simply just walked up, grabbed both of your shoulders and explained how he’d love to go out for drinks.
Motivated, you just looked up at him, the genuine smile creeping back onto your face, “Really?”
König felt himself freeze, but nodded regardless:
“Okay, great…Amazing!” Giving him the details, you headed towards the lockers, the–now–lovestruck smile on your face. König waved until he realized what he just did.
He agreed to go out for drinks. With you.
With you. 
What was his issue then? Nothing was wrong with you.
But you wanna go out with him. Him.…now that's a different story.
He was freaking out–not that anyone could tell–König stood still in one spot, till the hand on his shoulder broke him out of it. It was the previous soldier from before:
“Gut?” they tried asking König again, who narrowed his eyes back at them. 
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Can you tell this was rushed and kinda a little self indulgent? Yeah, now I feel kinda cringe. Also didn't mean to cut it off so suddenly, maybe to be continued? Maybe.
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milf-harrington · 3 years
rating random shows from my childhood from memory
grizzly tales for gruesome kids: 5/10
absolutely fucked. what even was that?? every person i've talked to about it only seems to remember the episode where the kid was always late and the world ended w/o him, probably aided in my love of gothic aesthetics and subcultures, love the old-time cinema aesthetic but the dude who worked there gave me nightmares and im still really suspicious about eating popcorn without checking to make sure it's not bugs, again what the fuck was up with that show
(if you saw me get the title wrong, no you didnt <3)
'round the twist: 8/10
absolutely cooked but so good, i remember getting the whole show out on disc from the video store and spending the school holidays binge watching it, love me some lighthouse keeping and weirdness; most ppl i talk to immediately think of the episode where the oldest son got impregnated by a tree or the episode where one of the brothers dick's turned into a propeller
(remembering this show sparked this post)
dance academy: 6/10
loses points for melodrama, constant second-hand embarrassment and for ripping out my fucking heart and throwing it in the ocean, nothing makes me more nostalgic than the theme song, now that im older i don't understand tara's obsession with ethan he's not even hot AND he's an asshole, it's been years and i still haven't forgiven them for sammy (the first gay character i ever saw <3)
(this is the show that made me start the dance au)
mona the vampire: 10/10
core memory show, i wouldn't be the person i am today if i hadn't watched this cartoon, sparked over a decades worth of vampire obsession, i always wanted to get a black cat just so i could tie bat wings to it
young dracula: 10000/10
FUCKING IMMACULATE, secret vampire family A+, i used to go feral over this show, i loved the fact that they were clearly vampires and still no one noticed anything, vlad was my first fictional crush <3 , another show that i wouldn't be the same without, the vampire hunter gets points for his sheer fucking persistence
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