#some of my characters have multiple sets of pronouns btw i'm not doing it wrong
lifeonthemurdersim · 5 months
Murder OC Week Day 2- The Public
Does the public know about your murder oc, do they know they kill people, how do they act around others, and do they have friends?
Day 2 prompt by @murder-oc-week!
The only murder OC of mine who's known to the general public is Epiphany because she's heiress to both Castillo Hotels and Q-Level Software. They definitely don't know she kills people, prior to the start of the story she was involved in 2 recent kills carried out by her bodyguards who were able to claim reasonable defense of others, and only one kill was carried out by her personally, which was heavily covered up with the help of Oscar, another of her bodyguards. She's known for being flirtatious but not particularly warm or caring, and easily angered. She knows a lot of other socialites and celebrities but honestly she doesn't have any true friends.
Wasei has a devoted following on OnlyFans to the point people occasionally recognise him in the street, but not overly famous. He doesn't really choose to kill, and in terms of the Human Nature universe I don't think he has ever actually killed anyone. If someone were to open him up in any way and get to his heart they could be in for a nasty surprise though. Was is very annoying, mostly from a desperate need for attention, and not everyone can tolerate being around him for very long, but he can be endearing at times, so he does have a few friends, mostly online. In the end of the story he becomes good friends with Hope, with Phi and Azazel semi-tolerating him.
Jevaun is semi-known amongst the supernatural hunting community, if someone's looking for a vampire hunter especially he's going to be in the top 10 or so names they come across. In that sense, he's the only one whose kills are widely known about, obviously not to the cops but to many, many people who have hired him. He's actually a very warm and caring person in his private life; he has quite a lot of friends (one of these is Rahim), he had a husband, Leander, who unfortunately passed away from lung cancer a couple of years prior to the story, and he also has a now adult child.
Azazel's trial in heaven was a fairly famous case, if only because it mirrored his namesake so strongly. As for on earth, he got pretty famous amongst the Expiation Baptist Church, (a cult made in his name ran by some of @snail-eggs's OCs) to the point they mob and worship him like obsessive fans whenever they catch him. He's not killed prior to the start of the story but many have been killed in his name. If he was to kill the angels would know straight away. Azazel is terrified of everything and unfortunately even when he gets to know someone, he's never going to be the most talkative, and they're not necessarily well-versed in human ways, though they're essentially a kind person at heart. Again, he becomes part of a friend group with Hope, Wasei and Phi.
Theo was "campus famous" in college because he was the bassist in a band that often played at student events, other than that, he's not well known. He has killed a few people prior to the story; the ex of someone he was obsessed with in college (framed as suicide), his fiancee and her lover(thought to be guilty but dismissed as no evidence) and someone who tried to stop him getting to MC(thinking along the lines of a doorman to their building, so far he's covered his tracks carefully enough to not get caught). Theo is initially shy but can be a little too intense once you get to know him. He doesn't really have any friends, which is fine with him as he tends to just attach to one person and obsess over them(looking at you, MC!).
Rahim is rich but he's only really known in certain circles. He already came from a privileged background, becoming a college professor at an impressively young age. But his father also gave him some of his shares in a family friend(Dalian Quintana, Epiphany's father)'s software business, which got him interested in shares and stocks, where he did very well and now he rarely teaches. So he's met a lot of famous people but most people wouldn't know who he is. He's known amongst his friends as a philanthropist who helps people he comes across on the streets and "turning their lives around", so it's not treated as very suspicious when some do die in his care. He's generally known as a nice guy who can sometimes act a little standoffish or downright weird partially because his CIPA leads him to various unusual behaviours. Most of his friends are from a group for those who've lost a spouse, one of them being Jevaun.
Xylophia might technically be vaguely known of by some but overall they're not famous, and she hasn't really killed before the start of the story; they would only really kill if they had to. He's very adventurous and sociable and has a lot of friends, though her preference is always to talk 1-on-1 so they can have a deeper, more honest conversation.
Hope is definitely not famous on any account. She's definitely killed at least one person prior to the start of HN, but it was their only way out of the murder time loop they were stuck in. They've also had kills that were rewritten by the timeline so essentially never happened. Hope is initially shy and awkward much like Azazel, who they're close with and have a huge crush on, but beneath the surface they're significantly less innocent than him. Once they know someone well enough they have an intelligent, sarcastic sense of humour and are very loyal. They don't have many friends but again, they eventually find a group of three others she's very attached to... or maybe four...?
Because of course, all of these characters have the ability to get attached to MC too!
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