#some nights is also maybe cheating bc i can't stand the acoustic we are young that's at the end but i just love the rest of that album
storybook-souls · 6 months
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before i get to the book asks: i was tagged by @gideonthefirst for 9 no-skip albums! this was hard for me. partly bc when i'm listening to an album i don't actually skip songs and partly bc even albums i really like there's usually at least one i'm just kinda meh on. but these 9 i really think i stand by all the songs. sorry patd is on there but i had to follow my heart
for other people to do it ummmm @oberon-miranda-titania? @ratgirlianthe? @hoot-h00t? any of you feel like doing 9 albums?
albums are: Some Nights by fun., A Badly Broken Code by Dessa, Gone Now by Bleachers, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by Panic! at the Disco, Boreas by The Oh Hellos, HARDLOVE by NEEDTOBREATHE, Pure Heroine by Lorde, Sigh No More by Mumford & Songs, and Transcendental Youth by the Mountain Goats
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