#solely bc of DJ. and then DJ put his head in his hands like 'boy. you cant be that dense fr'
silvr-skreen · 1 month
helpful guide incase anyone was curious abt red sky freddy
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steebpark · 4 years
INTRODUCING STEVEN… @gallagherintro​​
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⌠ SEO KANG JOON, 22, CISMALE, HE/HIS ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, STEVEN PARK! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT + COVERT OPS; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (everyday funeral attire, sharp and vigilant eyes, rehearsed smiles, scribbles over sheet music, a jar of sourdough starter). when it’s the (leo)’s birthday on 16/08/1998, they always request their HANWOO from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
tadashi hamada
kim je ha (the k2)
robb stark (?) not
moon gang-tae
hundy p inspired by it’s okay not to be okay dnt look at me
tw abelism, death, suicide, 
born into the crazy park fam *dj khaled vc* another one !!! 
grew up in seoul. sang woo is his korean name. he’s always gone by steven because the parks are just those kind of koreans. ( nicknames : steve, stevie )
he has an older brother of two years called andrew. he was born autistic.
the sole reason for steve being born was to look after andrew, so they didn’t have to, and to be groomed into an heir. they deemed andrew unworthy to be an heir and unfit to compete with rose and jude.
this fact was made known to him as a child. so, whilst he was the younger sibling, he had to quickly grow into this protective role. steve’s life mostly revolved around andrew. 
despite this, he’s always been a bit too soft for a park, used to be a massive cry baby, which is probably why his relationship with andrew has always been strong enough to get through the shitty times 
the park family would force the new generation to compete against each other, so the cousins were never that close, but there was an unspoken understanding of how fucked up their families were. however, due to all of this responsibility, steve didn’t care to compete with his cousins as he got older which forced his parents to become stricter.
they could only get him in line by messing with andrew because steve never cared for money and has always hated everything that comes with the park name. 
it only worked to an extent: toughed him up but they couldn’t quite mould him into what they needed him to be. his rebellion wasn’t a loud one, quite the opposite, which made it harder for them to control
rose dies. it rocks the family, most notably jude. he regrets not trying harder to reach out when she spiralled.
shortly after, his girlfriend disappears. parents offered her money and she took it. very kdrama i know. but they needed him to focus.
doesn’t want anything to do with the park legacy and tries to file for emancipation. the mere threat of it is enough for his parents to listen because they don’t want it getting out and damaging their reputation so they come to an agreement: he’s free !!
at 16, he’s independent -- not entirely as they paid for prep school -- and he transfers to the school in england, hoping for anonymity and a fresh start: no jude, no fam friends. never returned to seoul, cut ties with people from the past. took andrew with him.
obviously struggles in england. didn’t expect it to be easy but it’s A Lot so he eventually becomes involved with Shady Brandt work on top of all of his side gigs 
takes a gap year and works his ass awf. saves up. but brother dies in an accident. it’s accidental but he believes his parents orchestrated it. they didn’t. shit happens.
completes his first year at a spy college in england. returns to korea for mandatory military service which is a nice break from all the shady shit. 
the brandts reaches out to steve about a job -- gigi brandt’s protector. he’s hesitant because of the brandt’s connections to the parks but he takes it because it’s good pay and he plans on disappearing after college.
as much as he wants to detach himself from the park name, when he heard about elise, and then jude, the emotions he felt were overwhelming. so he doesn’t attend elise’s wedding or jude’s funeral. visits them both separately.
dreading gallagher because, well, the park name is everywhere and they have a bit of a reputation. feels like coming around full circle.
the Well-Adjusted Park ; Dad Jokes
not materialistic in the slightest -- steve says asos 5 pack save.
will be adding a few inches to his height bc it apart of his Gentle Giant trope uwu 
has a resting bitch face so first impressions might be bad tho he’s aware of this and is quick to smile as to not put anyone on edge
strong moral code but also has done some shady shit so maybe he’s a hypocrite
not confrontational, prefers to quickly dissolve situations as peacefully as possible. would rather avoid conflict. pretty desensitised to displays of aggression so hard to get a rise out of him.
weird posh boy hobbies: bread baking, jigsaw puzzles, piano, compose, lego, fixing clocks ... u get the gist. calm and solitary activities that involves hands and attention to detail. 
nice, friendly etc. etc. but difficult to form Deep n Meaningful friendships. has a bit of a wall which he’s working on. but maybe not since he’s planning on Poofing. idk i’m still figuring him out lads<3
fam friends: steve most likely would’ve cut them off when he moved to england
prep school: people he knows from new york or england. he had a glow up tho so maybe your character doesn’t recognise him. embarrassing. 
landan: people he met in london! he had Normal Ppl jobs and pretended to be a Normal Person during the holidays. 
humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa: someone who triggers him, intentionally or unintentionally? maybe they just like to make his job as difficult as possible.
head thots no empty ... will add more lata</3
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gcbrielst · 6 years
a XAVIER SERRANO lookalike just rolled into new york city in his porsche gts. gabriel trevino just had a birthday bash for his twenty third. i doubt he’ll make it here in new york city since i hear he tends to be choleric, but on the other hand he is jovial. ( cismale & he/him )
wow hi ,,, it’s me, aj ! this intro is gonna be better than the first bc that was so bad but hey to the old/new members !! i’m looking forward to interacting with y’all ( again, if u’ve met my annoying ass before ) that i could just explode rn but i won’t fjgskl;j but yeah you can find out more about gabriel down under :’) & if u wanna plot give this a lil like & i’ll come thru the dm’s !
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TW: death & drug use
anthony trevino & sofia costa originally met in madrid, spain having met as children through their families. the trevino family was well-known for owning several vineyards across spain, whereas the costa’s owned a few of their own in italy. it’s a cliche story, becoming best friends throughout their childhood and, eventually, started to date when they were 15. things were easy for them ( most of the time ), & it helped that both sides of the family supported & encouraged everything they decided to do together. not to mention that, well, the money they received from their parents helped, too. by the time high school graduation flew by for them, both the trevino’s & the costa’s decided to have their children be part of the businesses and named them official owners of all the vineyards. with this came plenty of traveling, meetings, events, wine exhibitions, etc. together until, eventually, they got married in their early 20s. you know the feeling of being on top of the world? that’s them to a T for several years after, even after knowing each other since they were little ones. however, it wasn’t until they reached the age of 26 when they finally felt as if things were truly complete: they gave birth to a little baby boy aka gabe!
from there, they tried their best to make sure their son grew up perfectly. never pressured him about opening up, always made sure he wasn’t feeling neglected, other things similar to that. it’s what made gabriel so dependent and close with his parents for so many years. the kind of love he’s witnessed from his parents was, & still is, something that he wants for himself. they’re the sole reason why he’s such a little romantic at heart despite coming off as the opposite to everyone. his best memories with them is flying out back to spain or italy, visiting his uncles, aunts, grandparents, & so on while checking up on the vineyards. back in the day, the trevino trio were inseparable. that is ... until he turned 13. one night in april 2007, gabe was staying over a family friend’s home while his parents went to a formal event. things were fine, everything seemingly normal --- until they received an unexpected call from a local hospital. unfortunately, it turns out that anthony & sofia were hit by a drunk driver on their way to pick their son up. sofia died on impact while her husband sadly passed in the ambulance. the news was heartbreaking, so much so that when gabriel heard of their deaths he spent the remainder of the night ( & the following week ) locked in the guest room of the house crying & blaming himself for what happened despite the fact that he couldn’t control the events that occurred. 
of course, their deaths would have a detrimental effect on their son. the family friends that were with him that night ( michael & caroline maher ) soon adopted gabe into their family, despite the sudden closed-off & destructive personality change as a result from the accident. he wasn’t taking things as seriously as before, which left him getting into the wrong crowd. by the time he was 16, he began getting into hardcore drugs ( e.g. coke ) because of the terrible influences of his so-called “friends” at the time and overall became a toxic person to be around. it was so bad, in fact, that he developed a hefty addiction. this went on for about a bit over a year or so with no one really recognizing this ( thanks to his ability to hide behind a facade so well ). it wasn’t until two years later, though, when gabriel just graduated from high school that he had been caught participating in these kind of activities by his adoptive parents; one day, while tidying his room, caroline found his stash inside his closet and immediately went hysterical. due to this, they forced gabe to go into rehab, not wanting to see the boy their best friends’ left in their care to disappear like his parents. he wasn’t overjoyed about this; in fact, he was in denial over the fact that he had a problem. though, seeing how distressed mike & caroline were over finding his coke had him feeling an immense amount of guilt. so, although reluctantly, he agreed. 
90 days later & fresh out of rehab, he’s feeling the best he’s felt in a long ass time!! he spends a few months with mike & caroline, wanting to apologize & thoroughly make up for his behavior over the years. he spent endless amounts of time trying to show just how grateful he was for the fact that they took him in & stayed by his side throughout everything. though, he wasn’t satisfied with just running his family’s vineyards; in fact, he always had strong feelings for music. so, impulsively, gabe started to take dj lessons. it was a lot of hard work & dedication on his part, but this was something he absolutely loved doing. besides, he always thought that dj’s were cool. he worked his ass off, practicing everyday to perfect his craft until, eventually, he started booking gigs. by the time he was 20, gabriel quickly became well-known in the music industry & moved out to new york as a way of trying to forget about the past in chicago & looking towards the future here. he moved mike & caroline out too bc he’s Soft for them!  since then, he’s been booking gigs all over new york and the world; not to mention he’s gaining more fans/recognition everyday. BUT FUN FACT: he’s actually juST started to do drugs again on the down low so :~) :~) 
because he’s doing what he loves, gabe normally has a pretty easygoing & friendly vibe to him. sometimes he has his moments of being in limbo, so to speak, but most of the time he’s approachable & loves a good conversation. he’s also a Dumbass so like LMAO, 10/10 would say something & it wouldn’t make any sense or it would just leave people going, “wtf??” but he cares so much for his friends/family, he would actually jump into the center of the earth for them. not only that, but if he sees someone down he’d go out of his way to cheer them up no matter what it takes. 
however, he isn’t always such a nice guy. he has a short fuse & gets irritated easily, though he tries very hard not to express it, but it’s possible for him to blow up at someone every now & then. as previously stated, gabe is also capable of putting on a front around people, too. he hasn’t really relied on anyone outside of his family ( besides a few childhood friends/best friends ), so the idea of being open with people he doesn’t know all that well or is just an acquaintance with isn’t his cup of tea. so is he a liar? to an extent, but only to prevent himself from being let down. that being said, if someone tries asking what’s going on in that head of his or how he’s feeling about something--he’s just going to play it off with a shrug & pretend he’s chill with everything. ALSO because he started doing drugs again after four/five years of being sober, he has his little sad moments & he can come off as a bit pessimistic & dejected because he’s lowkey disappointed in himself okay cool.
i’m not trying to make this section long bc i already did that for his backstory so feajkhljkl that’s the shorthand version of it!
bad influence, roommates, exes either good or bad terms, fwb, ex friends, rivals/enemies, enemies turned friends OR vice versa, bros, squad, sibling-like friendship, drug dealer, skinny love, first love, LITERALLY ANYTHING I’M A PLOT H*E OKAY THX FOR COMING TO MY LONG TED TALK
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