#social commentary that's about as subtle as stepping on a rake and it thwacking you right in the nuts sorry
eyan eternal chapter 9
that's right 2 chapters in one week (and hopefully more). if it seems like i'm spitting these out with reckless disregard for my sanity, that's because i am, mostly because i took the week off and i'm trying to churn out as much of this as humanly possible during it. i'm going to a con in late march next year and i want to take this with me (or at least one half if i decide to do two print volumes) so it's gotta get done asap.
this chapter was originally combined with the last chapter, but I thought it felt more natural to split them up and oh also GUESS WHAT. YOU CANT ESCAPE FLASHBACKS :))))))
There's something they talk about here called "impression speech". I feel like the basic concept of it can be inferred from the dialogue, but I intend to revisit it (and we need to revisit Zero's painting as well) in another post. For now, just understand that it's like a combination of VR and technology-assisted telepathy. And you'll see from this point on that Eyan, as an undead entity, has issues INTEGRATING with technology. I haven't really ironed out the details but my headcanon is that his issues with interacting with light as a vampire go farther than just "can't be in direct sunlight" and "doesn't have a reflection" (listen i know "ej vampires didn't have a reflection in old timey mirrors bc silver and purity and blah blah" yeah i know but i needed this to be Interesting and plus, all this shit in this comic was either made in special clean rooms or doesn't have microbes that are the same as ones that existed on earth in our era so it's fine shhh) and extend to like, interacting with electromagnetic radiation in general. idk. like i said still working out the kinks...
Anyway i fucked around with it. Basically while anyone else with a face chip has it as an optional device to make certain functions and augmented reality interactions easier (like projecting holograms, translating, or communicating over distances), Eyan NEEDS his to even interact with almost all technology on the Destiny, including the holograms and anything that uses infrared technology, like some automatic doors. In a world where everyone has seamlessly integrated their bodies, particularly their brains, with virtual interfaces and sub-speech communication technology, Eyan is a fish out of water and is at a HUGE disadvantage.
as usual you can find the other chapters here: #Eyan Eternal or on my site
thanks for reading~
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