#so I'm gonna keep hope that we'll get a true ikaris someday
drbobbimorse · 3 years
MCU: we’re making Makkari a woman and ignoring the long relationship Makkari and Sersi had. Instead, we’re gonna make that a relationship Sersi has with Ikaris. We could’ve chosen to have two LGBT interracial couples in our movie but, ya know, one is enough in our book! Especially when we don’t actually have to focus on the one too much, its more background since the one guy is human and won’t be directly involved in the action. Oh and we’re completely rewriting Ikaris’ character to make him the villain instead of the actual villain of the comics, Druig, who proudly professes he’s a traitor regularly. We’re just gonna swap their entire personalities and pretend like Ikaris never had a human wife and child or that he devotes his entire being to protecting humans. Cause we’re such brilliant writers!!!
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