#so you can IMAGINE where im at by week 5. sometimes stubborness... is not the answer
hella1975 · 1 year
i really need to take my acrylics off today but at the same time i can think of literally nothing worse
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Alex was arguing with Armageddon about me being alone and in danger. So he was all,rammed and determined to get me by the end of the week if nothing stood in his way.
So he didn't.
I felt so bad and kinda guilty and really glad/excited he got hurt... Like... Idk. I was all "im just gonna pay attention to you while you heal" that's how I self explained my happiness at his misfortune.
Not realizing he was hurt because he loves me with determination and stubborness against Armageddon's Government. Like me. He was like me being exiled at age 19 of my very first life. That's why I was happy and excited.
This morning Steven Torrence asked Alex Laughlin what he felt about giving away Saint Luches.
So he used an alternative answer to what he wanted to say. He said the truth but not the simple truth
So ill write it for him because the reason is because he didn't know how to explain the simple truth and it would be complicated to only say half.
So he just said "it was fine and makes life simpler" which is true.
But he feels "I'd love to keep Saint Luches forever and to become hermaphrodite and fuck him forever along with everyone else, but Sabrina and i discussed it often and at length in the summer of 1999 when she lived in Okmulgee. So we half heartedly decided to go with the original intention of Armageddon and we asked them what it was and they said exactly as we knew and so we thought then it was best So we asked Armageddon's opinion which gave us all our options then said they would also prefer it was the original intention of them as it would help them to prepare for Armageddon's change and discovery. So now in 2020 after 21 years of all work and waiting we've done i would love spending time with Saint Luches in a bed but it's better to have him go to a New home and life wife before we had him as a husband again. Its emotionally safer and I'm thrilled to death for him to begin his new life so soon and to be happy again and have part of his mystery solved. I love him more than life itself sometimes so I'm extremely pleased he's well on his way to not being lonely with someone hes compatible with. I know from experience having that one person you know you're supposed to be with for life makes all the difference in the world in the terms of happiness and how to control yourself and i know he's going to be better off than we can imagine"
I know he will. She will too
His original soulmate was left in Armageddon and rematched so there's no issue there.
Then he was matched to us
And now to her.
So her original soulmate she had for 14k years had met someone he fell in love with this lifetime.
Probably because Armageddon (they have 3 Gods) Female Goddess had decided to make that change to the original only 2 people per pair except for hermaphrodites which is 3 (one singular gender to remind them not all are like them in gender) or 2 pairs of hermaphrodite soulmates which share each other for procreation and joy.
A hermaphrodite here is someone like me that would have been exiled from Armageddon. So they changed it and made sex better instead of punishing.
With Only Alex i have the same amount of sexual feeling as a hermaphrodite. Not nymphomania but the having 2 sexual organs to fuck with. So it's like I have a Dick and pussy orgasming at the same time.
So my sex with Alex Laughlin feels better than my sex with Saint Luches or Jesse or Mark...
The Goddess granted these things.
Other lifetimes, the last lifetime it was better with Jesse Tony Jamison.
And initially before his death, it was only slightly better with Mark.
After it became 10x greater with Alex than I've or Ang human has even felt on this Earth.
Which I deserve. I do believe. But that is kinda sad for y'all and i don't ever wanna know what that feels like again!!
Eventually i will, tho, its only to make up for the years I've missed with Alex.
In about 50 years it will be 10x less than it is now, so we can populate the Earth naturally with like 40 kids per pregnancy. Per 8-9 months.
Incentives. They're reincarnated so they will come out all adult like. Like me, potty trained and ready to live as an adult in their own houses.
Which is why i have a palace.
So for 50 years ill be having sex ev chance i get. So don't mind if you live your own life and i fuck mine away, because i won't.
The ten times greatness is for all soulmate pairs tho. And every one for eternity will feel the 4 sexual organs a hermaphrodite feels. During 2 partner singlular gender sex.
So everyone thank Goddess Armageddon!!
Im Goddess Earth and Alex is King Earth. We will have a God to pray to for our upkeep God Tree of Knowledge and Eternity.
So when you say goddess or God you'll think tree. Who will be all over the Earth and you can speak to in person.
Queen Elizabeth II and I are/will create rulers of small communities with the assistance of the Tree.
Not all God trees will be the same. Some joke, play pranks, are emotional, more protecting. Like people. Their own individual personaloties based on 4 of my original Earth soulmates and myself. So 5 types.
We have 19 different Astrological signs not based on birthdays.
We have predictions based on birthdays.
So that will change.
12 original from Armageddon, 4 gods, me and 2 like the parent gods from Armageddon.
What happened was... 2 soulmates had Armageddon as gods. Their son about to get his soulmate ane planet got impatient and recreated himself as human to destroy Armageddon in anger for not having his own soul and planet.
2 other planet gods were pregnant with their baby his soulmate and he got angry it wasn't now now now.
So he was given Earth as a reprimand. See why I'm ao mean???? I had to help raise that boy. He was a spoiled brat.
So now as he's finally allowed the right thing to continue and occur. He finally gets what he needs
His own soulmate and world where people like Matt Hagan are and Matt is. Obama will go also.
Anyone that shrank to child size around Christmas is his to keep on his planet.
So we got our kill and torture list to fill his planet from here. :)
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