#so yeah Errand Day is about Getting Shit Done and not overcomplicating it to the point where my inner monologue is a crying two year old
six-of-ravens ยท 14 days
in my eternal quest to add structure to my life, ive decided to take a leaf out of my aunt's book* and schedule an Errand Day one weekend a month.
the purpose of Errand Day is...errands, before they add up and become one Big clusterfuck that's an even bigger pain to deal with. for example: take the stuff I'm giving away to the thrift store (before it colonizes the storage room). take out the annoying recycling that can't go in the blue bins (currently fighting a war against the invasive species of thrift stuff). replace the air filters. get birthday gifts. replace clothes as needed, instead of trying to work around the issue for a whole season bc I won't bite the bullet and try on pants. even fun things that i put off because they're outside of my regular stomping grounds, like going to the used bookstore.
no excuses, no heel-dragging. just take a morning and do all the shit that needs doing. don't let it add up and become a whole Thing. the Reward for Errand Day will be either a fancy coffee or lunch, depending on how long it takes and where I end up.
*my aunt and her partner have a theme for each weekend: one is budgeting, then deep cleaning their house, then meal prep, and finally a "fun" weekend where they do something new like go to a street festival or a new restaurant. i could never be that coordinated, but I think in part it's a solid idea.
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