#so we should be gucc for this cuz this aint that and my story's not like popular so im sure i can handle it
brutal-nemesis · 3 years
1 Year Anniversary Special ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Alllllllright the people have spoken. And I have decided. To do.
A very weird special wombo combo because I think that is the best idea instead of just picking one thing
So, the special will be: y’all send whatever questions you want to ask my oc’s. I will draw them answering it, while also supplying a reaction meme that expresses how they feel about said question. You may also send in a short lil prompt, and I will both write it and draw it. (putting in my normal disclaimer of: these drawing will be stick people. They will be low effort. Thank you for your support)
Below, I have the survey results as well as a special chocolatey surprise 😩
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’s the pie chart!
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As you can see, sharing more reaction memes won with 6 votes. Second place was making me write shit (4 votes), and third was drawing challenge (3 votes). One person who voted other just said everything so they win ig. One person who voted other said more E&T and don’t worry girlboss (gender neutral) that was going to happen anyway ✨ A few people did say the decision was difficult, and someone suggested a Q&A, so that’s why we ended up with what we have now
Also, since two (2) people expressed interest in my cookie recipe, y’all may have it. As a treat
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As you can see, it’s not mine per se, but everyone IRL knows these as “[Nemi]’s famous chocolate cookies” and they are so good a 10/10 time
A couple tips: 
I never put nuts in it because no
Just use whatever chocolate chips you want fuck the system (i recc semisweet tho)
I use a fuckin muffin scoop, so they are always kinda large and don’t spread out much. I bake them for 7 minutes exactly, but if you don’t make yours the same size, bake times may vary
When they come out you may say, hmm these seem raw-ish. That is how you know they are done. If you bake them until they seem done all the sugar will die and they will not be as godly. Do not overbake these. Anything longer than 9-10 minutes is sinful 
I have had to make these without an electric mixer once and it sucked I was stirring for forever my arm was so sore so please use one of those electric hand mixers or a kitchen aid or something. Unless you are swole. Then do what you want
If you do make these, please let me know how it goes! I want to know! I want you to message me while you are making them and there is cocoa powder on your shirt!
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