#so that probably says some things about me
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Things you can do as a security guard instead of acting like a dickhead: a vent post disguised as advice
Offer alternatives: IE, “Sorry, nobody’s allowed to hang out over there, but we have seats over here you’re welcome to use”. I recommend getting familiar with local parks, public seating, free food programs, outreach, mobile aid, etc., just in case those are needed.
Be polite: IE, “Excuse me, sir”, “I beg your pardon, miss”. This should go without saying but everyone deserves dignity.
Avoid phrasing requests as orders: IE, “Don’t stand in front of that” VS “Excuse me, could you move a bit to the side?”. This works best with an explanation, like, “There’s a sign behind you”, or, “you might get clipped by someone”. This helps communicate that you are asking for a reason, not just throwing your weight around. If you don’t have a reason, rethink whether or not you need to be doing anything.
Avoid directing blame or fault. Don’t say, “The owner says you gotta go” when you could say, “I’m not supposed to let people be here for X period” or “do X thing”. Again, try to have alternatives ready so people can use other resources or do something else instead of just abruptly changing plans.
Come from a place of compassion whenever you can. People are gonna tell you to get rid of the crazy screaming guy. They say that because they’re frightened and don’t know what to do. Your best approach is, “Hello sir”, followed by, “How are you today?”, “how’s it going?”, “are you doing alright?”, etc., depending on what the person is ACTUALLY doing / saying when you get there. You can offer help from there if needed, or leave them alone if they’re not in danger or a risk to anyone.
Remember you’re not a cop. This can mean whatever you need it to mean. For me personally, that means that with incredibly rare exception (like trying to sell to kids, contaminating other’s food or drink) I won’t report you for drugs. If I find you doing drugs on my site I’ll tell you a different place where you can do them instead and ask you to do them there. I have interrupted drug deals to ask the client and the salesman to both kindly move 15 feet to the left, I’m not kidding, I do not care.
Know who you can throw under the bus. Sometimes you gotta enforce rules and be the bad guy and if that’s the fault of some dipshit in a suit 200 miles away, you can say that. Sorry man, I can’t let you park your car on the lawn. I know you’re not hurting anyone and frankly I think lawn culture is stupid but there’s other parking stalls and if my boss sees you I’ll get a write-up for not doing my job. Shit sucks sometimes but if it wasn’t me telling you it’d be the new guy, and between you and me he’s an idiot and he’ll probably just report you to bylaw.
Don’t just act like you’re their friend, genuinely try to be a good friend. If you know that someone is doing something that will only result in a bystander phoning police, don’t let them go down like that. Let them know, “hey man, you seem like you’re having a shit time and I get it, I’ll do what I can, but we gotta have this conversation somewhere else ‘cause we’re freaking out the old ladies.”
Swallow your tongue. You can’t fix the world. People are gonna bitch at you about communists and 5G and gangster rap ruining the neighbourhood, that’s just part of the deal. Nod along, remain neutral, shut down any hate speech, redirect if you can, and keep a limit in mind where you’ll have to shut things down.
Accept that sometimes there are no solutions. Yes, that angry guy who blasts music will be back tomorrow. That homeless woman who asks you to help her find her dog that she hasn’t had in 30 years will ask again, and yes, you’re still going to take a description and promise to keep an eye out. That kid who smokes crack behind the building has been clean for a few weeks and still stops by to say hi, and you hope he’ll get his life together and be happy, but he also might relapse and OD before he hits 25. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can, even if nothing is guaranteed.
Be kind to teenagers. Being a kid is hard, and everyone’s on their ass all the damn time for everything.
Remember that the vast majority of bad people aren’t bad, just unhappy. The guy who keeps showing up drunk and puking on the carpet is unhappy. The lady who bitches about the service every single time and keeps coming back anyway is unhappy. The guy who leaves trash everywhere is probably unhappy. If they were happy, maybe they’d do better, but they’re not, and that’s kinda sad. You don’t have to let them get away with their shit, but they probably aren’t actually a worthless human being either.
It doesn’t matter if 12 is true or not. You need to believe it or you will become a harsh and bitter person. Look for evidence that people are not terrible and invent it if you have to
Don’t let yourself become a bastard
#Teablart#deescalation#sometimes I’m tired okay#Like I have a lot to learn but it feels like some of yall ain’t even trying#me talking to other guards#Added more
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What I'm about to say is going to sound absolutely fucking insane but I need someone to hear me out on this one and unfortunately you are that person. Delete this if you want but I need someone to know what was revealed to me via divine intervention. This is gonna be a long one
I, as a cis boy, think the optimal strategy is to transition into a femme-presenting trans man or a lesboy or whatever you want to call it.
Now, you may be thinking, "what the fuck????" That's fair. I'm gonna try and break it down for you anyway.
I don't see anything wrong with being a boy. I'm fine as it is. However, I think being a girl could potentially be neat. So I transition into a girl, get estrogen and bottom surgery and whatnot, and bada-bing, bada-boom.
However, I can already convincingly pass as a girl. My voice is pretty androgynous and I have what some would consider a feminine build. Narrow shoulders, long hair, the works. I could still easily go by he/him even if I took estrogen because I'm already pretty androgynous.
"Why transition in the first place?" you might be asking, and I have a very simple reason for this. I want to be a lesbian. I literally cannot picture myself to be intimate with a woman as a man, and I've learned a lot about dating women from the best: lesbians. I want to follow in their footsteps and idolize women in sapphic doodles like the many lesbians before me. I also think I'm overdue for a much-needed hardware update.
Now, why would I still want to pass as a man? Well, as much as I love boobs, I don't think they suit me. Maybe a little bit, but I don't want em too big, y'know? It would also make most social interactions unchanged. I'm still just some guy. I like that energy about me. Also I got some pretty conservative family members. As long as they aren't trying to pull down my pants, I'd still be the same person to them. I'd still be the same person to me, too. I also wouldn't have to change clothes. I already wear what some might mistake for a dysphoria hoodie because it's a pretty thick and large jacket. But I am not giving up those pockets for shit. Also I don't think my skull shape passes too well? It kinda does but in an uncanny valley kinda way. My face can pass but I'm not 100% on the skull.
And, even if I transition, I can still be forcefemmed, but now with so many different layers. I'd still have that femmable egg energy. I could make the detrans kink gender-affirming. I'm still a boymoding trans girl, which is like one of the prime targets from what I've gathered (mainly from this blog). There's so many layers to it, so many things that could be done. I'm starting to think this section is a little too horny for this blog. I can't really tell.
I have contemplated this for roughly six hours and this is what I have. This solution satisfies all the conflicting ideals I have about being trans. I don't think it'd fix transphobia or anything, but I'd probably end up meeting one bigot who thinks I'm trans anyway so I might as well, eh?
Well, I guess I do still have a few problems, such as actually having to care about my looks, the expenses, shaving, ect. But other than that I'd say it's pretty airtight. This might be the new meta
Eggs are inventing new ways to be eggs in my dms I see
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Eddie calls him about ten minutes after he finishes unpacking. And Buck doesn't—panic. He doesn't! He has no reason to panic. Tommy doesn't know a damn thing about him and Eddie. And Maddie, well. She doesn't know anything either. Not this.
Nobody but him and Eddie—and Chris—understand what they are to each other, and that's okay. Buck made his peace with that long ago. Long before he even knew he liked guys. Which. Not that that matters or has any sway on his perception of his and Eddie's relation—friendship. They're just BuckandEddie. Doesn't need to be any more than that. Just his best friend.
All this to say: when Eddie calls, he doesn't panic. He takes a very respectable three deep breaths, tries not to grimace at the leather squeaking under his ass and hits the green button with a hand that absolutely isn't shaking.
Because he's not panicking. He's happy. He's so happy. He gets to talk to Eddie. For the first time since he left. Why would he be panicking? Because of some stupid assumptions from an insecure ex? Sure, right. Like he'd ever let that touch him and Eddie.
Competition, he thinks, like Tommy ever could have competed with Eddie Diaz.
"H-hey, E-eddie." Buck isn't sure why he stumbles over Eddie's name. He's had enough practice over the past few days. Said it enough times in his life that it should be able to slip out seamlessly every damn time.
"Hey, Buck." And there's Eddie sounding sure and confident and a little tired and warm and soft and so much like his best friend. Buck aches. "Just finished unpacking. Told myself I couldn't call until I was done. Incentive, y'know?"
And Buck grins. Grins so big his face hurts and he forgets all about the stupid leather couch underneath him. He imagines the two of them unpacking at the exact same moment, finishing in the same breath, still in sync even 800 miles apart. And then the second part of it hits him. Calling Buck his reward for menial, mind-numbing labour. The idea of hearing Buck's voice getting him through all the organising and reorganising and rereorganising. Fuck, he misses him.
"I, uh, I-I actually just unfinished packing too," Buck replies. A beat too late maybe. Doesn't matter. Eddie huffs a laugh, nothing matters but that.
"No shit. Should've known it'd take us a while to shake off the synchronicity." And Eddie's voice is so warm, so fond, it soothes the ache of the inevitable loss of their bond. That special tie between them that never let them stray too far soon to be severed. And then, like Eddie can hear him, "still a team even two states apart, huh?"
"Always a team," Buck replies, too soon this time probably. Doesn't matter. Not when he can hear Eddie's smile.
"How's the house treating you?" he asks, words shaped into something beautiful by the curve of Eddie's lips. But still, Buck's heart drops right out of his ass.
How does he answer that?
I missed you so much I couldn't sleep here without you. I didn't unpack because the house still feels like yours. The house still feels like yours because I wish it was. Yours. I couldn't sleep because you weren't snoring down the hallway. And the one night I did sleep here I had to fuck my ex as a distraction just to try and forget that you should be the one in that bedroom.
But he can't say any of that. He can't.
"Uhhhhhh." He blinks. Has forgotten every word in the English language.
"Buck?" Eddie's smile is gone.
"Why'd you stop talking to Tommy when we broke up?"
Silence. Fuck.
"He broke your heart, Buck," Eddie says slowly, evenly, too controlled. Hiding something. "Why the hell would I talk to him?"
"B-because. You guys were friends before me and him got together."
Eddie's straight. Tommy scoffs. Friends.
"And I promised to have your back five years before I even knew he existed," Eddie replies simply. "There was no competition there, Buck."
Oh. Oh, shit.
"How, um, how did you find out about that anyway?" Eddie asks when Buck's silence stretches on too long. "Not that it was a secret or anything. I just... I didn't tell you because I didn't think it mattered. And I know you didn't call Tommy, so..."
"No, n-no, I didn't call him." And he didn't is the thing. Didn't call him to apologise like he said he would to Maddie. Just. Let it lay.
"What aren't you telling me, Buck?" Eddie sighs. Buck misses his fucking sighs.
"Ravi called him. Well, found him. At the bar. And brought him over."
"Jesus Christ." And Buck can see him clear as day, bridge of his nose pinched between his thumb and forefinger. "Remind me to send Ravi a strongly worded e-mail on how to be your partner."
Buck kind of really wants to read that fucking email.
"We slept together," Buck blurts out.
Silence. Fuck.
"You and Ravi...?"
"No." Buck barks out a laugh. A startled sound. "No, not Ravi."
"Okay, okay, good," Eddie breathes out. "Because that would not be one of the points of the e-mail." Buck snorts again. Sobers instantly. Gets a sharp little pang in the pit of his stomach. No reason. "So. Tommy."
"Yeah." Buck ducks his head. "Tommy."
"Did you..." Eddie struggles with something for a moment, and Buck finds himself sitting up straighter, bracing for whatever comes next. "I mean, did you... When you... y'know, did you go to his or-or... yours?"
Buck bluescreens. Blacks out maybe. What the fuck?
"Um, y-yours or, no, mine. M-mine. It was closer. To the bar. And I—" And he what? What? What is it lurking in the shadows of his brain, slipping through his fingers like sand every time he thinks he's close enough to hold?
"Okay." Eddie says it like he's taking a punch.
"Is-is that, I mean, th-that's okay, right?"
"Well, I don't know if I'd classify sleeping with your ex as okay." Eddie makes some sort of noise. Half anguished and half furious. "Where the hell does he get off—" your bedroom, Buck thinks deliriously "—hooking up with the guy who's heart he broke?"
"He didn't break my heart, Eddie." Says it. Realises it's true.
"Oh, yeah, sure."
"He was scared I was gonna break his, remember?"
"Dumb," Eddie says succinctly. Buck snorts.
"I'm not getting back together with him or anything. It was just a one time thing. You don't have to worry about me showing up on your doorstep to brood again."
Silence. Again. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
"I think I'd be okay with it, if it brought you to my door," Eddie whispers.
Tears sting in Buck's eyes. He presses the bottom of his phone into his forehead until it begins to hurt. Clears his throat.
"How's the fixer-upper?"
Best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. But.
#sami rambles#okay i'm half asleep so this is probably incoherent and i'm still fucking reeling but here u go !#911 spoilers#911 show#buddie#eddie diaz#evan buckley#buck x eddie#911 fic#911 ficlet#buddie ficlet#buddie fic
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MAAAAEEEEE I was wondering if I could request a Peter Parker fic where he just kind of adopts shy!reader without her consent like “yeah we’re friends now, we spend time together and also we’re probably gonna fall in love and date but why don’t we just start with me walking you home from class” or some such nonsense. Also wondering if you could keep his spidey-powers; I love that little mutant freak
I hate you for doing this to me
Ugh our mutant freak <3 Thanks for the request babe!
tasm!Peter Parker x shy!reader ♡ 920 words
You’re never alone on the way home from class anymore. You’re not sure what changed at the start of the spring semester, if you just started putting out helpless-pedestrian energy or if it was something else, but soon after the start of classes your walks home from your night class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday began being accompanied by none other than Spider-Man. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, it’s Peter.
You and Peter have molecular biology together. On the first day of class, he rushed in just as your professor started lecturing. Every seat was full except the one next to you, and when you offered it to him silently with a nod of your head, Peter looked so relieved you’d think you handed him an A in the class. He’s been glommed onto your ever since; some days he asks you to stop for coffee after class, some days he offers to study with you in the library, and he always walks you home. You don’t know what you did to deserve the company, but you appreciate it.
“You ever been there?” Peter asks, nodding to a stand advertising New York City’s Best Vegan Hot-Dogs.
“No,” you say.
“Well, seems like we’ve gotta try them at some point. I mean, they’re the best in New York.”
A smile tugs at your lips. Peter’s always doing that. Making plans, saying we. It’s like the idea of you two hanging out beyond the end of your class is a foregone conclusion in his head. You haven’t been able to figure out if that’s just the way Peter talks or if he means it. You hope it’s the latter.
“You think so?”
“Oh, yeah,” Peter says with affected certainty. “I mean, why would you doubt the sign? Everyone knows you have to get things like that certified.”
You glance up at Peter, but one look into his smiling eyes is too much for you. You have to turn your face away. “I’m pretty sure there are three #1 Indian Restaurants in my neighborhood.”
“Oof. Must make for some brutal decisions when you’re craving Indian.”
Two weeks ago, you offered to buy Spider-Man dinner for walking you home. It was stupid—he can’t eat through the mask, which he told you kindly and which you could have figured out if you thought about it for more than a second before opening your mouth—but you were feeling guilty about stopping to pick up takeout and indebted for all the time he spends walking you home instead of preventing mob activity or whatever Spider-Man does. He professed, upon smelling your takeout, that Indian food is one of his favorites, too.
You haven’t told Peter about your vigilante escort. Spider-Man never comes to you while Peter’s around—presumably because you don’t need his help if you’ve already got a companion—and it’s the sort of ridiculous story you know will sound made up out loud. Why do you know that Spider-Man likes matar paneer? What makes you so special? They’re unanswerable questions, and you’d never be able to look at Peter again if he laughed at you.
“Hey.” Peter bumps your hip with his. You go stiff at the contact. “You okay?”
“Hm?” You look up, and he’s watching you with concern. “Yeah, sorry.”
“You seem a little quiet,” he says. And when your face heats, “Well, quieter than usual.”
“Sorry,” you say again, embarrassed. “I think I’m just tired.”
“Oh, yeah? Class was a long one, huh?”
“That makes sense.” Peter sounds disappointed. You blink at him in confusion, and he almost winces. “I don’t suppose…I mean, if you just want to get home I get that, but I was wondering if you wanted to grab food? With me?”
Your steps stutter. It’s not that you and Peter have never hung out before. Or even that all the time you’ve spent together centers wholly around class—there have been coffees, chats in the hallway, walks in the park near your university building—but it’s something about the way he asks, like it’s important this time, like it means something. You want for it to mean something.
“I could still grab food.” You’re not quite looking at him, fiddling with the contents of your jacket pocket. Popping the lid to your chapstick on and off.
“Yeah?” Peter asks hopefully.
“Are you sure?”
His voice softens, a smile in it. “Could you look at me, maybe?”
You glance up, regretting it instantly as always. Peter is resplendent. Dimples framing his smile like parenthesis, hair mussed by the wind that beats at you while crossing every street, he’s the sort of handsome that’s only just starting to figure out how handsome he is. You think you probably make it easier for him. To figure it out.
“Do you really want to,” he asks in a sincere tone, “or are you just appeasing me? If you’re tired I can take you straight to your place.”
Your heart thudders. If you have to look at him for much longer you worry you’ll melt into the cracks of the pavement. “I want to,” you say. “I’m sort of hungry, too.”
“Okay, awesome.” He sounds happy again. You think if you were lucky, that’d be the only thing you were put on Earth to do, make Peter happy. “Maybe we could try one of those Indian places near yours? See who’s really number one.”
“Sure.” You smile up at him, brain buzzing when Peter beams back.
“Sick! I could really go for some matar paneer.”
#tasm peter parker#tasm spiderman#tasm!peter parker#tasm!spiderman x reader#tasm!spiderman#tasm!peter parker x reader#tasm peter parker x reader#tasm!peter parker x shy!reader#tasm!peter parker x fem!reader#tasm!peter parker x y/n#tasm!peter parker x you#tasm!peter parker x self insert#tasm!peter parker fanfiction#tasm!peter parker fanfic#tasm!peter parker fic#tasm!peter parker fluff#tasm peter parker fluff#tasm!peter parker drabble#tasm!peter parker one shot#tasm!peter parker oneshot#tasm#tasmania#the amazing spiderman fandom#the amazing spiderman fanfiction#the amazing spiderman#tasm x reader#tasm!peter x reader#tasm!peter parker imagine#tasm!peter parker scenario#tasm!peter parker blurb
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CRK Self-Aware AU but it's just them being so confused why you constantly tap them in the their cookie profile.
(Can be seen as romantic or platonic, do as you will) ((Reader is unaware that they are aware))
Now I don't know if this is a common thing among CRK players but I love tapping the hell out of my favourite cookies lovingly <33 Imagine the cookies like feeling it and being so confused why, I don't think it'll hurt (At least I hope not) and watching you giggle as they like struggle to say their programmed lines as intended.
Me thinks Burning Spice would kinda like it/enjoy it. I cannot explain why. It's almost like a punch but of course not physically, like an affectionate one. If he ever finds a way out, he'll return the favour and poke you many times to your cheek.
Some cookies like Shadow Milk may take it personally first, he's trying to tell you things!! Who cares if you've heard them all already, what if he decides to say a new one to completely shock you? He eventually grows accustomed to it and learns it's your way to show how much you love him, so he'll let you get away with it for now.
Maybe Black Forest cookie quickly sees it as a loving gesture and gets all giddy knowing that she's one of your favourites out of the array of cookies you have. She's so happy. She may brag to others about it.
Black Sapphire I feel quickly understands it, it makes him more interested in you. His microphone is fixated at you constantly as you do this loving gesture. He finds it almost endearing, even though you believe that they're still some code, unaware of what you're doing and only following programming. The fact you still try to show affection like this is quite entertaining.
Pure Vanilla probably has knows what you're doing as soon as you do it, or finds out quickly as well. He's honoured to be this loved by you he can't help but chuckle as you leave to do other stuff. It's almost like a comfort to him, perhaps you did it when you finished his beast-yeast episode in means to comfort him, he appreciates it a lot.
These were just random thoughts based on what I do a lot haha. Feel free to leave your own thoughts in my inbox <33
-#1 Black Sapphire Fan/Listener Out!!
#crk#cookie run kingdom#crk x reader#crk x you#cookie run kingdom x reader#cookie run kingdom x you#self aware au#crk self-aware au#burning spice x reader#shadow milk x reader#black sapphire x reader#black forest x reader#pure vanilla x reader#burning spice cookie x reader#shadow milk cookie x reader#black sapphire cookie x reader#black forest cookie x reader#pure vanilla cookie x reader#crk thoughts#crk imagines
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show me how - kmg

٠࣪⭑ pairing: kim mingyu x fem reader ٠࣪⭑ summary: you meet mingyu in a bar and then you fuck. that's it, that's the tweet. ٠࣪⭑ genre: generic au, strangers 2 lovers, smut ٠࣪⭑ rating: explicit. minors do not interact with me, i'll block you. ٠࣪⭑ warnings: swearing, drinking, one night stand. ٠࣪⭑ smut contents: gendered terms, mingyu has an enormous cock (canon), kisses, v fingering, oral (f receiving), v sex, mingyu 🔛🔝, wet patches <3. teasing but it's good natured. if you think i've forgotten anything please let me know so i can fix my post! ٠࣪⭑ wc: 2k - complete ٠࣪⭑ a/n: i needed a break from angsty wonwoo and this just sort of happened, my bad, lads and ladettes. please note this is unbeta'd and unedited because it's 1am and i'm tired now thank u vm, any mistakes are my own but do lmk if u see any so i can fix ٠࣪⭑ thank you all for visiting my little corner of the internet. i hope u like this one<3
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · Jeonghan always does this. He insists it’s his job as department lead to take the new recruits out for drinks, as a sort of ice breaker. Terrible idea, you always say, to feed newbies (far too much) alcohol on their first Friday, and expect them to feel totally comfortable in his presence come Monday. That’s why you’re always there too, because you can rein Jeonghan in (sometimes) and it’s not your department to actually worry about.
Tonight is like any other. Jeonghan is playing matchmaker for some unsuspecting interns and Seungcheol is trying not to make moon eyes at him. Ridiculous, if anyone asks you, which no one does. You’re perfectly content sitting at the bar nursing your drink and texting Seungcheol to let him know what a down bad loser he is, until someone too enormous to ignore takes the seat next to you. And you’re annoyed, even though it is the only spare seat in this place, because his giant arm knocks yours as he calls down a bartender, sending your drink splashing over the counter.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” he says, grabbing for tissues and mopping up the mess. “Let me get you another.”
“Oh. No, I’m good actually.”
“That was a full glass of wine.” Here we go.
“Yes it was.”
Seungcheol is texting you already.
Cheolie: who is THAT guy Cheolie: you should fuck him immediately oh my god Cheolie: he’d swing you round like a bat
Why on earth would I want to be swung around like a bat?
“C’mon, let me make it up to you,” says Tall Stranger. Even sitting down he’s a head above you. He’s probably terrible for your mental health. ”I’d feel guilty all night if I can’t replace it.”
“I don’t take drinks from random men.”
Cheolie: idk dude but he could do it Cheolie: he’s your type!!!!!!!! Cheolie: when did you last get laid even “Technically you’d be taking it from the staff. I’d just pay for it.”
He’s not even hot. He’s just tall
Cheolie: bitch i can see his cheekbones from here Cheolie: 11/10 easy
Finally turning looking at him properly, you have to give Seungcheol credit where credit is due. All smooth skin, big eyes, and perfectly full lips. You could cut your finger on that cupid's bow.
“I guess you’ve got me there,” you say.
“I’m Mingyu.” He smiles wide. Oh nooo, he’s hot.
I’m not fucking a stranger from a bar! Go tell Jeonghan you wanna suck his dick and leave me alone
Cheolie: :))))))))))))
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“My apartment was definitely closer,” Mingyu says between wet kisses pressed to your jaw.
You push him off to pull your shirt over your head and he gapes at your chest. Pervert. “Well, we’re here in case you turn out to be a killer,” you say. Mingyu crowds your space again so fast, slipping impatient hands down your body, warming your skin with them. Snaking one between your legs and finding the material of your underwear a little damp. “At least then my roommates could find my body.”
“Not a killer–” he says against your neck. “But I am about to murder this pu–”
“Oh my God, never say that again.”
The best thing about one night stands with guys might actually be that you can say and do pretty much anything, and there’s little to no embarrassment. You can tell Mingyu here that it’s his job to make you come before he does, and all he does is nod, dumb and horny, and a lot into it.
He moves back on your bed, pillows shoved out of the way and spine pressed against the headboard, and looks at you with something like trepidation. If trepidation could be sexy or whatever. You climb into his lap and take your time unbuttoning his shirt. Mingyu watches your hands as you brush against his skin and asks if he can kiss you.
“Since you asked so nicely,” you say, offering up your neck.
Unfortunately, he’s ever so good. Just smiles sheepishly (very hot) and tugs your chin down to catch your bottom lip between his. It’s better than you expect. Attractive men don’t kiss this well, usually, because they never had to work for it. Unfair, really. “Let me make you feel good,” he whispers against your lips, deft fingers tugging your underwear to the side.
Everywhere goes tight as he rubs circles over your clit. Mingyu holds up your skirt with his other hand, leans back to watch, and the heat creeps over your neck. What was that you were thinking about little to no embarrassment? Disappears the moment you see his jaw slacken, cheeks flushing with want, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “You feel so soft,” he says. “So fucking wet.” God, who made him? You drag an unsteady breath as a finger slips inside, curls it just enough to make you whimper. He strokes you gently, working you open, slipping another finger in just as soon as he thinks you can take it. You can’t.
“Fuck,” he gasps. He leans in to drag his teeth across your shoulder. “You just got so tight. Wanna feel that on my cock.”
“Do you always narrate?” Your words come thready. Embarrassing times ten.
“Uh– yeah,” he laughs. “Should I stop?”
“No, no. It’s okay.”
“Gonna make you come now, baby,” he says. “It’s gonna be fast, okay? Need to fuck you.”
“Cocky–” you start, but he’s laving a flat tongue over the lace of your bra, making your nipple pebble through the thin material. His fingers slide deeper, his wrist coated in you, and the way he uses the heel of his palm against your clit is leaving you breathless. He smiles with pleasure as your moan catches in your throat. Applies the pressure, just the right amount, to have you bucking against his hand. “Needy.” He says it like it’s praise.
“I’ll snap your fingers off inside me, Mingyu.”
“Do you always threaten people?” He teases your clit again and it’s blinding. He moans as you clench impossibly tight.
“Yea– fuck. Shit. Gonna come.”
Mingyu's lips find yours in a second. Licks into your mouth, kisses you through it. Hums happily, so annoyingly pleased with himself, as you shudder your way through your orgasm, a wet patch forming on his jeans.
The rest of your clothes come away just as quick, and Mingyu groans like a fucking loser. It’s both gross and horribly attractive. Doesn’t move his hands from your body as you make fast work of his belt, lifts his hips to help you pull his jeans down and free his hard length.
“What the fuck is that?”
Mingyu blinks. “What is what?”
“That can of fucking Pringles you’ve got between your legs?”
“It’s not that big.”
You can’t quite believe it. “Oh my God, you are going to murder my pussy,” you cry. “This is cruel and unfair. They’re gonna put ‘Death by Monster Cock’ on my headstone.”
“This is unbecoming.”
“Your dick is unbecoming.”
Mingyu looks ready to cry. “Are you going to touch me yet? I think I’m going to explode.”
“Yes, yes, fine. But this had better be as hard as you get.”
Unfortunately when you take him in your hands, Mingyu does actually get harder (hahaha you’re going to die) and you try to decide how you’re actually going to take this.
“God– fuck,” Mingyu murmurs as you work your hands over him. He all but melts against your headboard, and you wonder just how many people have survived him. Not like– the size of him (well, that too) but the way he looks right now, sweat beading on his forehead, the way his pretty pink lips fall apart, like sins are spilling out of them. You roll your fist over the head and he keens. Mingyu sounds so good, you could get used to this. He groans, loud, pushing into your circled fingers like he’s desperate. You like how his chest heaves, all tight breaths and strangled half-formed noises.
“I need– need–”
“What do you need, baby?”
“Wanna be inside you,” he breathes. Pulls you down onto the bed, rolls on top to press a kiss to your sternum, and nudges your legs apart to slot between them. His cock slips against your cunt, still wet from his fingers. Reaches over to fish a condom from the pocket of his jeans (how presumptuous!) and tears the packet with his teeth (hot). “This okay?” he says, as he rolls it on.
“Yes. Yeah. Be gentle, okay?” Embarrassing times a million.
Mingyu’s eyes go soft. Ew.
“I’m always gentle.”
He is. The stretch hurts but he’s slow with it. Gives you a second to adjust, to angle your hips just right, before he moans, tells you you’re beautiful, that you feel so fucking good around him. He braces himself above you, slides into you so agonisingly beautifully deep you think you can feel him in your stomach. A moan escapes you, “Feels good, Gyu,” you whisper, and Mingyu swears.
“You’re so tight,” he gasps.
“Pretty sure a cave would feel tight for you,” you laugh. Mingyu’s cock jolts inside you. “You’ve got the Hubble Telescope for a dick.”
“Please stop saying weird things,” he begs, and slips out just to slide back in. Pushes the air right out of your lungs. You forget to blink. Mingyu takes your broken cry and your nails digging crescent moons into his arms for the praise it is, and fucks you like you need him. His hands hold your thighs, rubbing slow circles into the skin with his thumbs, pulling them up around him to give him better access to your centre. Lets you hold on to him just to anchor yourself, almost lost to the pressure of your building release.
Mingyu is so good at kissing. He nudges your cheek with his nose, bites open mouthed and wet at your jaw, presses one–two kitten kisses at the seam of your lips before he’s licking into your mouth, all soft lips and sensuality and tongue. He whines into your mouth as he fucks you, gasps desperately when you clench. His fingers are splayed across your body, touching everywhere he can reach with his huge hands, cups your breasts and moves to pull a nipple between teeth and grins lazy when you whimper, when you arch into it.
He’s starting to fall apart now. Stuttered breaths and hasty thrusts, chasing your heat and his own release. God you wished he’d come inside you. He looks so pretty when he’s desperate. Eyebrows raised and eyes wide and mouth open. “Gonna come?” you ask. He nods with fervour. “Make me come again first.”
Mingyu doesn’t waste time. Loves a challenge, it seems. He pulls out without warning, leaving you empty and pulsing around nothing, fists his hand around his cock and thumbs off the condom as he dives between your legs to eat you out like a man starved. It’s embarrassing how wet you are. How he has you coming apart faster than you expect, how the way he sucks on your clit has you seeing stars. “C’mon, baby, show me how you come,” he groans between licks. “M’not gonna last.”
His free hand teases at your clit, slips further to gather up the wetness on his fingers just to take it and run it over his cock. Fuck that’s so hot. He watches your mouth fall open, he’s all doe-eyed and too sweet for the moment, and you think he really must kill people, but by accident probably. He hums as he licks into you again, your fingers find purchase in his hair, pulling him against you tight and desperate and needy, and then his tongue flicks over your clit fast fast fast and you’re gone. Coming fast and hard, and he’s moaning at the taste of you, at the wetness pooling between your legs and soaking through the mattress. Mingyu’s done for too, “baby, you look so good,” he’s cooing, sitting up on his calves and bucking into his own hand and spilling his cum over your body. Spreads the mess over the soft skin of your stomach and tells you you look so pretty.
God. You’re ruined. Upon your headstone will read death by softboy (with monster cock.)
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
thank you so much for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging so my fic can get seen outside my own little space <3 i love seeing your feedback. if you'd prefer to scream at me directly, feel free to send me a message <3
#mingyu x reader#mingyu x you#kim mingyu x reader#mingyu smut#kim mingyu smut#mingyu fanfic#mingyu imagines#seventeen smut#seventeen scenarios#mingyu scenarios#seventeen imagines#kim mingyu x you#kpop smut#kvanity#bee writes#mingyu fic#kpop fanfic#seventeen fanfic#svt smut#svt imagines#svt x reader#svt x you
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Much better than could be
A picture I drew of GLaDOS from Portal
Many things
Quickly and painlessly
Eating buckwheat right now
Only in PE class
Every day
Can’t remember (
My boyfriend
One person who my whole hate is directed on. They ruined my life, and even if they hadn’t, I’d still hate them
Mainly my brief childhood friendships
Used to
Calm but kinda anxious because I’m a little late
Not yet
Yeah( quite irrationally, but alas
If I won’t get into a Marty McFly situation then yeah
I don’t know what “snogged” means, sorry
Just have fun ^~^
No kids
No piercings
English, Literature, Russian
Motherfucker you already asked me this
Pretty much nothing
I’ve rejected quite a few guys, but I can’t say anything about whether it broke their hearts
No and I hope I never will
Not to my knowledge, he might’ve been hiding his tears though
The passage of time
Turns out, quite a few people ;~;
Purple! All shades of it
A little bit from when a guy from my school pretended to be a girl online to prey on me
Can’t remember (
My classmates, but they didn’t notice
I fear that yes
To forget I guess
Definitely not
(Where’s 41-50????)
Put on my relaxing game music playlist, played it from Still Alive onward
I can be
Too many to count
Kinda do
Sunny and warm and bright blue skies!
Only if it’s winter!
I do but no children
Only if it’s my boyfriend, otherwise it’s icky
Too many things to count!!!
To Minerva, probably. But I like my birth name
Hell nah, I’m kissing him a hundred times if I can
(Okay it says sex not gender, so my best friend who is a trans guy can’t count…)
I actually suspected that he once HAD a crush on me, but I didn’t do anything and I won’t
Yeah, because I’m always my complete self around people
My mom’s boyfriend
Probably my teacher, and that wasn’t intentional
I think people can be perfect for each other but I don’t think it’s fate or soul bond or anything
All my friends and some of my family
70 horrible questions ... Fuck it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? 03: Do you regret anything? 04: Are you insecure? 05: What is your relationship status? 06: How do you want to die? 07: What did you last eat? 08: Played any sports? 09: Do you bite your nails? 10: When was your last physical fight? 11: Do you like someone? 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? 14: Do you miss someone? 15: Have any pets? 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? 18: Are you scared of spiders? 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? 21: What are your plans for this weekend? 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? 23: Do you have piercings? How many? 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? 26: What are you craving right now? 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 30: What’s irritating you right now? 31: Does somebody love you? 32: What is your favourite color? 33: Do you have trust issues? 34: Who/what was your last dream about? 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? 38: Is this year the best year of your life? 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 51: Favourite food? 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 54: Is cheating ever okay? 55: Are you mean? 56: How many people have you fist fought? 57: Do you believe in true love? 58: Favourite weather? 59: Do you like the snow? 60: Do you wanna get married? 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name? 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 69: Do you believe in soulmates? 70: Is there anyone you would die for?
359K notes
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Is it still too soon to put in an application to be the next girlfriend?
too late actually, the job’s been taken for awhile now
#ask#the hellsite answers#hellsite hall of fame curator’s bullshit#anonymous#hellsite hall of fame curators bullshit#but also maybe let’s just forget the first gf ever existed#some fucked up shit happened and it wrecked tumblr for me tbh#and like anything involving the internet. I try to not be chronically online anymore bc it’s just not good for me#hence me kinda disappearing#anyway#but also#the ‘wanting privacy and not saying anymore’ was not for my sake#fucked up shit happened#to me#for like a whole year which culminated into one super mega ultimate fucked up thing#but alas it’s all irrelevant#i’m about to be in europe for two weeks with my gf who doesn’t do fucked up things#so yeah#probably delete later#but alas yes i’m still pissed and yes it’s justified
109 notes
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bette davis eyes (2)
harry castillo x reader
word count: 9.1k
warnings: no y/n, 28 year age gap, female reader, fluff, smut.
Harry Castillo still didn’t know her name.
And it was driving him insane.
It had been three days.
Three days since he sat on the steps of The Met, seething over Lucy’s engagement only to stumble into a conversation with the most aggravating woman he had ever met.
Three days since she stepped out of his car.
"If you find me again, maybe I’ll say yes."
He had taken it as a challenge.
Of course he did.
He had spent years making impossible things happen. He had turned himself into one of the richest hedge fund managers in the country. He dictated the movement of money on Wall Street with a flick of his wrist. People waited months to get a meeting with him.
When he wanted something, he got it.
But he still didn’t know her goddamn name.
He had spent hours.
Hours, going through his friends’ Instagram followings, convinced that she had to be in there somewhere. She had been outside that party on those steps. That meant she knew someone.
Instead, all he got was accidentally following half a dozen people he didn’t even like and no clue how to unfollow them.
"You could just Google it," Danny had suggested, watching as Harry scrolled through Instagram with the confusion of a man trying to defuse a bomb.
"I shouldn’t have to Google basic fucking technology," Harry snapped.
Danny had just laughed. "This is why Lucy did everything for you."
Harry shut his phone off and tossed it onto the table like it had personally offended him.
He needed to let this go.
She was just a stranger.
A nobody.
She wasn’t.
She was somebody, at least to him. Someone who had looked at him like he wasn’t some billionaire hedge fund manager but just a man sitting on the steps of The Met, sulking about his ex.
And that was risky.
Because for the first time in a long time he wanted to know more.
She was balancing a tray when she spotted him.
Harry Castillo.
Sitting at the corner of the high end Manhattan restaurant she was currently serving at, looking like he would rather die than be here.
Her grip on the tray tightened. No fucking way.
She had spent the last three days assuming she would never see him again.
Rich men didn’t go looking for strangers they met outside of parties. Not unless they had some weird obsession or a savior complex. And he didn’t seem like the type.
Yet, here he was.
Dark suit. Sharp jaw. Brooding like the miserable, wealthy asshole she suspected he was.
And worst of all—he didn’t see her.
Not yet.
She had to get out of here before he did.
Her name tag was visible.
If he saw it, if he recognized her—
"Table six, go," her manager barked, pointing toward the very table Harry was sitting at.
She briefly considered quitting her job on the spot. Just throwing her apron at the nearest wall and storming out.
But unfortunately, she had rent to pay.
So with a deep inhale, she straightened her shoulders, gripped the tray tighter, and walked straight toward him.
Harry wasn’t paying attention.
Not to the menu. Not to his surroundings.
His mind was still back in his office, replaying every attempt he had made to find her.
And failing.
His phone buzzed. Another news notification. Probably some article about the market or a New York Times op-ed about billionaires ruining the economy. He didn’t care.
A shadow passed over him.
Someone setting a drink down.
And before he even looked up—before his brain even processed it—he heard her voice.
“Whiskey neat.”
His head snapped up so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash.
And there she was.
Standing right in front of him.
His breath hitched.
His eyes flicked to her name tag, sharp and laser focused.
She saw where he was looking and immediately reached for it, ripping the tag off with a sharp tug before shoving it into her pocket.
“Not a chance,” she said, shaking her head.
His lips twitched.
“Of you?” She snorted, shifting the tray in her hands. “Not even a little.”
He exhaled, leaning back in his chair.
“You work here.”
She raised a brow. “Clearly.”
“You were at the Met party.”
“I was working the Met party.”
Realization dawned.
She wasn’t a guest. She wasn’t friends with anyone there.
She was a server.
A server.
Harry’s fingers tapped against the edge of his glass.
He didn’t know why that made something settle inside him. Maybe because it explained why she hadn’t given a shit about who he was. Maybe because it meant she wasn’t part of his world, wasn’t another socialite or heiress looking for an investment banker to marry.
Maybe because it meant that night was real.
“You’ve been looking for me.”
It wasn’t a question.
His eyes lifted to hers.
She was smirking.
She was amused.
And he hated how much he liked that.
Harry exhaled slowly. “Maybe.”
“Well. Now you found me.”
He studied her.
The restaurant bustled around them. The clink of glasses, the low hum of conversation, the scent of expensive wine and seared steak filling the air.
But none of it mattered.
Not when she was standing in front of him, arms crossed, head tilted, watching him like he was the one on display.
He reached for his drink, swirling the liquid before taking a slow sip.
“Have dinner with me.”
She blinked.
Then laughed.
Like he had just told the funniest joke in the world.
“You really don’t like being told no, huh?”
His jaw ticked. “That’s not an answer.”
She tilted her head. “What do you think I’m gonna do? Take off my apron and sit down at your table? I’m working, Castillo.”
The way she said his name made something tighten in his chest.
Harry leaned forward, elbows on the table. “Then when do you get off?”
Her lips twitched.
“You gonna wait here all night?”
He didn’t hesitate.
She exhaled, shaking her head. “You’re impossible.”
“So I’ve been told.”
A pause.
Harry’s brows lifted.
Her eyes flicked to the clock on the restaurant wall before settling back on him.
“I’m off in an hour.” She turned, already walking away. “Let’s see if you’re still here by then.”
He watched her go.
Watched as she weaved through tables, balancing drinks, chatting with customers, completely at ease.
And for the first time in three days—
He felt at ease.
Because this time, she wasn’t getting away.
Harry wasn’t a patient man.
He had built an empire on control, on precision, on the ability to anticipate movements before they happened. That was how he stayed ahead, how he won.
Yet here he was, sitting at a table in an upscale Manhattan restaurant waiting for a woman who barely spared him a second glance.
A woman whose name he still didn’t know.
He leaned back in his chair, swirling the whiskey in his glass, watching as she moved effortlessly through the restaurant.
She was good at her job.
Efficient, quick on her feet, balancing trays with ease.
And she smiled at customers.
Not the way she had smirked at him earlier. Not with that sharp edged amusement that made something itch beneath his skin.
No, these smiles were polite. Professional. A little forced, maybe, but nothing that suggested she was even remotely bothered by his presence.
It annoyed the hell out of him.
Because he was bothered.
She had been stuck in his head for three days.
And here she was, acting like their encounter meant nothing.
Like he meant nothing.
It was infuriating.
And intriguing.
And maybe—just maybe—exactly what he needed.
His fingers tapped against the rim of his glass.
An hour.
He could wait an hour.
Hell, he had waited longer for board meetings that didn’t even matter.
So he settled in.
And watched.
She could feel his eyes on her.
The weight of his gaze followed her everywhere.
She ignored it.
Or at least, she pretended to.
Because if she acknowledged it, if she met his gaze, if she let herself wonder why he was still sitting there—then she would have to admit that she cared.
And she didn’t.
Not really.
Not about Harry Castillo.
Not about his perfectly tailored suit or the way his dark eyes followed her every movement like she was some kind of puzzle he was determined to solve.
Not about the way her heart had kicked up just a little when she realized he had actually been looking for her.
Didn’t care.
Not at all.
She refilled a wine glass at table twelve, smiled at a group of finance bros who didn’t deserve it, dodged her coworker carrying a tray of desserts, and did not look at the man still sitting at table six.
But she could feel him.
And it was driving her crazy.
Harry was losing his mind.
Every time she passed his table without sparing him a glance, something inside him tightened.
This was ridiculous.
He didn’t wait for people.
People waited for him.
He could leave right now. Get up, walk out, and be done with this whole thing.
But he wouldn’t.
Because she had said one hour.
And he was going to make sure she kept her word.
His phone buzzed.
He ignored it.
Buzzed again.
Danny: Why are you ignoring my texts?
Danny: Did you figure out how to unfollow people yet or are you still stuck?
Danny: Are you seriously still looking for that girl?
Danny: …You are, aren’t you?
Danny: I hate you.
Danny: Text me when you’re done being pathetic.
Harry rolled his eyes and slid his phone facedown on the table.
The hour crawled by.
And then—
She walked back toward his table.
Apron off. Jacket on. Bag slung over one shoulder.
Her shift was over.
And Harry sat up a little straighter.
“You actually waited.”
She didn’t sound surprised.
More amused.
Like she had expected him to wait but still found it funny.
He lifted a brow. “You said an hour.”
“And you’re a man who listens?”
“I can be.”
She huffed out a small laugh, shaking her head. “Dangerous skill.”
Harry smirked. “You have no idea.”
She rolled her eyes, but he caught the way her lips twitched.
It wasn’t a no.
Wasn’t a go home, Castillo.
It was something else.
Something better.
She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “So?”
“What now?”
Harry exhaled, watching her carefully.
She was testing him.
Waiting to see if he was serious.
If he was worth the trouble.
And Harry Castillo never backed down from a challenge.
“Dinner,” he said simply.
She arched a brow. “You just ate.”
“You were working. I don’t eat alone.”
She crossed her arms. “That’s a dumb rule.”
He shrugged. “It’s my rule.”
She stared at him for a long moment.
A single word.
But it sent something sharp and victorious rushing through his chest.
He stood, pulling a few crisp hundreds from his wallet and tossing them onto the table without a second glance.
She eyed the money but didn’t say anything.
Just turned on her heel and walked toward the door.
Harry followed.
The wind cut sharp against his skin as they stepped out onto the Manhattan sidewalk, the world around them alive with the hum of the city at night. A taxi honked a block away, a couple laughed as they passed, and the crisp scent of winter curled into the air.
She shivered, pulling her coat tighter around her body.
Harry didn’t shiver.
He barely felt the cold.
His eyes flicked toward her, noting the way she huddled into herself slightly, as if suddenly self conscious. She had been confident inside the restaurant sharp, unbothered, teasing—but now, beneath the glow of the streetlights, something in her had shifted.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
She scoffed. “You think I’m just gonna tell you that?”
His jaw twitched.
She was impossible.
And yet, somehow, he found himself waiting for her answer anyway.
She sighed, exhaling into the cold air. “It’s just…I just got off a shift. I’m not exactly dressed for whatever expensive place you’re about to drag me to.”
Harry blinked.
Then looked her over.
Dark jeans. A fitted black sweater. Scuffed up ballet flats.
She looked fine.
Better than fine.
She looked real.
She looked like her.
And that, he realized, was the problem.
She didn’t belong in his world.
Didn’t fit into the mold of women he was usually seen with.
She wasn’t draped in designer. She didn’t have a last name people recognized. She didn’t float through life with the quiet, effortless privilege of someone born into money.
But she was still the most interesting person he had met in years.
And that was dangerous.
He shoved his hands into his coat pockets. “I don’t care.”
She blinked up at him.
“I don’t care what you’re wearing.”
She hesitated.
Her eyes searched his, looking for—what? Lies? Pity? Some hidden agenda?
She wouldn’t find any of those.
He had none to give.
Instead, he tilted his head. “Are you hungry or not?”
She rolled her eyes. “I just worked a ten hour shift. What do you think?”
His lips twitched.
Without another word, he turned and started walking.
And after a beat—she followed.
To her surprise, Harry didn’t take her somewhere suffocatingly high end.
No pretentious Michelin starred establishment. No reservations only steakhouse with white tablecloths and chandeliers worth more than her apartment.
God, her roommate was in for a treat when she gets home.
Instead, they ended up at a cozy, tucked away bistro on a quiet side street. The kind of place that didn’t have a dress code. The kind of place where people actually talked instead of posing for Instagram photos.
She narrowed her eyes as she followed him inside. “How do you even know about a place like this?”
Harry didn’t answer.
Of course he didn’t.
Instead, he pulled out a chair for her like some old fashioned gentleman and waited for her to sit.
She hesitated, lips twitching in amusement. “Wow. Chivalry isn’t dead after all.”
He ignored that too.
She sat.
He took the seat across from her.
A waiter appeared almost instantly.
Harry ordered whiskey.
She ordered a glass of wine.
She knew her wine, he'll give her that.
And then—for the first time since they met—there was silence.
Not uncomfortable silence.
But silence nonetheless.
She leaned back in her chair, watching him.
Harry was hard to read.
Brooding. Intense. Reserved.
The kind of man who looked like he had a thousand thoughts running through his head but no intention of saying any of them out loud.
The kind of man who could crush someone with a single, well calculated decision in his office during the day and then sit across from her in a dimly lit restaurant at night like none of it mattered.
She tapped her fingers against the table. “So, are you gonna ask me anything? Or are we just gonna sit here and stare at each other?”
Harry’s brow lifted slightly.
“I don’t ask questions I don’t care about the answers to.”
She blinked.
Then huffed out a small laugh. “Jesus. You’re insufferable.”
“So I’ve been told.”
She rolled her eyes and took a sip of wine.
He watched her over the rim of his own glass, studying the way she moved.
She wasn’t nervous.
She wasn’t trying to impress him.
And he hated how much he liked that.
She started talking first.
Not because he asked.
But because she wanted to.
“So, what do you think I do?” she asked, resting her chin on her hand.
Harry took a slow sip of whiskey. “You’re a server.”
She smirked. “Wow. Good job, detective.”
His jaw twitched. “That’s not a real question.”
“Fine. How long have I been doing it?”
He studied her.
Noticed the way she held herself, the way she had moved through the restaurant earlier, the way she hadn’t hesitated when her manager snapped at her.
“Years,” he said simply.
Her smirk faltered.
“Yeah,” she admitted. “Since I was nineteen.”
Something flickered in her eyes.
Something he didn’t understand.
Didn’t push.
But still—he noticed.
She exhaled, rolling her wine glass between her fingers. “It wasn’t supposed to be permanent.”
Harry’s fingers drummed against the table. “It never is.”
She lifted a brow. “You say that like you know.”
He didn’t answer.
Because he did know.
But he didn’t talk about it.
Didn’t talk about the nights he spent as a kid listening to his mother cry in the next room because she didn’t have the money for rent.
Didn’t talk about how she had worked three jobs just to keep food on the table.
Didn’t talk about how she got sick.
How the bills stacked up.
How money would have saved her.
But he didn’t say any of that.
He never did.
She watched him for a moment, like she was trying to figure him out.
Then she leaned back in her chair, lips curling slightly. “You don’t talk much, huh?”
Harry exhaled. “Not if I can help it.”
She grinned. “Well, lucky for you, I talk enough for the both of us.”
And she did.
She told him about the worst customers she’d ever had. The ridiculous things people asked for at restaurants. The way rich men treated servers like they were invisible.
She didn’t include him in that category.
And for some reason, that mattered.
She laughed at her own stories.
Harry didn’t laugh.
But he listened.
More than he should have.
More than he ever did.
She didn’t push him to share.
Didn’t ask him about his life, his money, his past.
She just talked.
And it was the first time in a long time that Harry didn’t mind someone filling the silence.
When their food came, she didn’t pick at it like the women he usually dined with.
She ate.
Finished her entire burger.
Made a satisfied noise as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.
Harry’s lips twitched. He wanted to smile. But he didn't.
By the time they left the restaurant, it was late.
The air was even colder now, the city quieter.
She shoved her hands into her pockets. “Alright, big shot. Where’s your driver?”
Harry exhaled, glancing down the street.
James was waiting, parked at the curb.
But for some reason—
For some stupid reason—
He didn’t want the night to end yet.
So instead of answering, he met her gaze.
And said, “Let’s walk.”
She blinked.
Then nodded.
And just like that—
Harry Castillo found himself walking through the city with a woman he barely knew.
And, for once, he didn’t hate it.
The streets of Manhattan were quieter at this hour.
The usual chaos—the honking taxis, the chatter of impatient pedestrians, the ever present hum of a city that never slept had settled into something softer. The streetlights cast golden pools of light on the pavement and every now and then, a stray gust of wind sent a flurry of dry leaves skittering across the sidewalk.
She walked beside him, her hands tucked into the pockets of her jacket, her unhurried.
Harry had no idea where they were going.
She was talking again, the words flowing effortlessly, her voice filling the quiet space between them like it belonged there.
“I don’t know how people live alone in this city,” she mused, her breath visible in the cold air. “I mean, sure if you’re a billionaire hedge fund guy, then yeah, easy. But for the rest of us mortals? Forget it.”
Harry glanced at her. “So you have a roommate.”
She huffed out a small laugh. “More like a personal angel disguised as a roommate.”
His brow lifted slightly.
She kicked a small pebble across the pavement as they walked. “Her name’s Maya and she’s the only reason I can even afford to be in New York. She’s an artist—one of those ridiculously talented people who’s always sketching on napkins or leaving paint stains on everything.”
Harry hummed, tucking his hands deeper into the pockets of his coat. “And she sells her work?”
“Oh, yeah. To people like you,” she teased, smirking up at him.
His jaw flexed slightly. “Like me?”
She shrugged. “Rich. Intimidating. Definitely the type to spend five grand on a painting because some gallery curator convinced you it was ‘evocative of the human condition.’”
Harry let out a sharp exhale, something just short of a laugh. “I don’t buy art.”
She gave him a pointed look. “So you just have blank walls in your penthouse?”
He hesitated.
She gasped, dramatic. “Oh my God, you do!”
His jaw twitched. “I don’t see the point.”
She groaned, shaking her head. “That is actually the most depressing thing I’ve ever heard.”
Harry smirked slightly. “Maya sounds lucky to have you as her publicist.”
She rolled her eyes. “Not her publicist. Just her number one fan. And her unpaid assistant, apparently, because every time she has a gallery showing, I end up playing bartender.”
“You work events for her?”
She lifted a shoulder. “Yeah, I mean... I don’t want to be useless.”
Harry frowned slightly at that. “You’re not useless.”
She blinked up at him, something flickering behind her expression like maybe she wasn’t used to hearing that.
She recovered quickly, exhaling through her nose. “Try telling that to the people who snap their fingers at me when they want a refill.”
Harry’s jaw tightened.
There was something about that, about the idea of her being treated like she was nothing, about people looking past her like she didn’t matter.
That irritated him more than it should have.
But he didn’t say anything.
Instead, he glanced over at her, taking her in.
Her hair was slightly tousled from the wind, strands curling around her face. The dim glow of the streetlights softened her features, casting a warm hue against her skin. She looked…
She caught him staring and arched a brow. “What?”
Harry looked straight ahead. “Nothing.”
She huffed a small laugh, bumping her shoulder lightly against his. “You’re weird.”
“Good to know.”
She grinned but didn’t push it.
They kept walking.
They hadn’t planned on stopping anywhere, but when she spotted a small, hole in the wall coffee shop still open, she made a beeline for it.
Harry watched as she pressed her hands against the glass, peering inside like a kid outside a toy store.
She turned back to him, eyes bright. “I need something warm.”
Harry exhaled. “You could’ve just said that.”
She grinned. “Where’s the fun in that?”
He sighed but followed her inside anyway.
The shop was small, filled with the comforting scent of coffee and fresh pastries. A tired looking barista was wiping down the counter, clearly ready to close up for the night but she bounced up to the register without hesitation.
“One hot chocolate, please.”
Harry stared. “Hot chocolate?”
She flashed him a look. “What?”
“You’re a grown woman.”
“Wow, ageism?” she gasped. “How very hedge fund of you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Hot chocolate is for children.”
She smirked. “And yet, I bet I’m gonna enjoy my drink way more than whatever depressing black coffee you’re about to order.”
Harry clenched his jaw.
Then turned to the barista.
“…Make it two.”
She lit up.
Not a smirk, not a teasing quip...just a genuine, unfiltered grin. “See? You’re not completely soulless after all.”
Harry huffed but said nothing.
They sat by the window, watching the street outside as their drinks cooled.
She took the first sip and sighed dramatically. “Oh my God."
Harry lifted a brow but took a sip of his own.
It was…warm. Smooth. A little too sweet.
Not terrible.
She grinned at him over the rim of her cup. “You love it.”
He set his cup down. “I tolerate it.”
She snorted. “Liar.”
Harry exhaled, shaking his head.
He was lying.
But he wasn’t about to admit that to her.
By the time they finally made it to her place, it was late.
The entrance to her building was old but well kept, tucked into a quieter side street. The kind of place that probably had thin walls and a temperamental landlord.
She stopped at the door, turning to face him.
For a moment, neither of them spoke.
“You gonna be weird about this?” she asked, crossing her arms.
Harry tilted his head slightly. “Weird about what?”
She smirked. “You look like the kind of guy who doesn’t walk a woman home unless he’s expecting to come up.”
His jaw clenched. “I wasn’t—”
She grinned, cutting him off. “Relax. I’m messing with you.”
His lips pressed into a thin line. “Hilarious.”
She stepped back, pressing her shoulder against the doorframe. “But hey…thanks. For dinner. And the hot chocolate.”
Harry held her gaze.
She was looking at him like she wasn’t sure what to make of him yet.
Like she hadn’t quite figured him out.
And that, somehow, made him want to see her again.
Before he could say anything, she yawned, stretching her arms above her head.
“You gonna try to find me again?”
His jaw tightened.
But his lips twitched.
“I already did once.”
She hummed, tilting her head. “Then maybe next time, I’ll let you find out something about me.”
Harry exhaled.
He should have left.
Should have walked away.
But instead, he lingered just long enough to watch her disappear into the building, just long enough to hear her footsteps fade.
And then, finally—
He turned.
And walked away.
He still didn't get her name.
But he knew where to find her.
Harry had gone back to the restaurant.
But she wasn’t there.
Two days.
Two entire days of walking into that overpriced Manhattan restaurant, sitting at the same damn table, ordering the same damn whiskey neat, only for some random server—not her—to take his order.
It was infuriating.
He didn’t know her name.
Didn’t have her number.
Didn’t know anything except where she lived.
And that made something settle in his chest that he wasn’t ready to examine.
Danny noticed.
Of course he did.
“You’re sulking,” he said, lazily swirling his cocktail at their usual bar.
Harry scowled. “I don’t sulk.”
Danny smirked. “Right. You just glare at your drink like it owes you money.”
Harry clenched his jaw.
Then exhaled sharply. “She’s not at work.”
Danny blinked. Then grinned. “Oh my God, you are sulking.”
Harry resisted the urge to throw his whiskey at him.
Instead, he pulled out his phone and stared at her building’s address for the fiftieth time.
Danny sighed, tilting his head. “You know, if you really wanted to, you could—”
“I’m not hiring a private investigator,” Harry muttered.
Danny huffed. “I was gonna say Google it. Jesus, man.”
Harry scowled.
But he did Google it.
Or rather, he, Danny, and James—his driver, the only person in his life with more patience than a saint—spent two hours tracking down any lead they could.
It was a long, painful process.
But finally—Maya.
Maya Klein.
Her roommate.
Her best friend.
Her very online best friend.
It wasn’t hard to find her art portfolio.
Okay, maybe it was a little hard.
But after squinting through three different Instagram accounts, a Tumblr page, and a very outdated LinkedIn profile, they found it.
And in bold, clean font on her website—
Harry leaned back in his chair, fingers drumming against his desk.
“She bartends for her friend’s events,” he murmured.
Danny’s brows lifted. “And you’re planning on showing up.”
Harry exhaled. “I want to see her again.”
Danny smirked. “Wow. You’re down bad.”
Harry ignored him.
He stuck out like a sore thumb the moment he stepped inside.
Danny, of course, fit right in. Already drifting off into the crowd, chatting up a woman in a fringed leather jacket holding a glass of something overpriced.
James had stayed outside, leaning against the Maybach with a cigarette between his fingers, avoiding any part of this ridiculous endeavor.
And Harry?
Harry stood in the middle of an art gallery, surrounded by people who clearly hated him.
The walls were filled with abstract pieces. Raw depictions of capitalism and greed, of money and power and the corruption that came with it.
A statement.
A big fuck you to billionaires.
A big fuck you to him.
And here he was—one of the richest men in the country—standing in the middle of it.
He definitely stuck out.
Eyes flickered toward him.
Some curious. Some amused.
But most?
Harry sighed.
Danny was gonna love this.
He scanned the room.
And then—
He saw her.
Behind the bar.
Her hair pulled back in a clip, sleeves rolled up, effortlessly balancing bottles and glasses, moving like she had done this a million times.
His jaw unclenched.
Something settled inside him.
Something he didn’t have the time—or patience—to name.
He walked over.
She didn’t see him at first.
Not until he was standing right in front of her.
Her eyes lifted.
And froze.
Her fingers stilled over the cocktail shaker, her lips parting slightly in surprise.
Then, slow and deliberate...
She smirked.
“You again.”
Harry exhaled. “Me again.”
She hummed, setting the shaker down. “Didn’t peg you for an art guy.”
“I’m not.”
Her smirk widened. “So you’re here for the free drinks?”
He tilted his head. “No.”
Her lips pressed together, amusement flickering in her gaze. “Then why are you here?”
Harry held her gaze.
And then—
She sighed, shaking her head.
“You really don’t like answering questions, do you?”
He exhaled. “You weren’t at work.”
Her brows lifted slightly.
Harry leaned forward, resting his hands against the bar. “I noticed.”
Her expression softened just for a second.
Then she sighed, rolling her eyes. “My legs gave out.”
His jaw tensed. “What?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “It happens. I overworked myself too much. I needed a break.”
His fingers curled against the bar.
Harry didn’t like that.
Didn’t like the idea of her pushing herself until she physically collapsed.
Didn’t like the fact that she was still working tonight.
Didn’t like any of it.
She noticed.
“You’re brooding.”
“I don’t brood.”
She arched a brow. “You definitely brood.”
Harry exhaled sharply.
She smirked.
Then casually, she grabbed a napkin, scribbled something on it, and slid it across the bar.
He frowned. “What’s this?”
She smiled.
“My name.”
His fingers brushed the paper.
His jaw flexed.
Across the room, a conversation caught his ear.
Loud. Purposeful. Like it was meant for him to hear.
It definitely was meant for him to hear.
“I don’t understand how these people live with themselves.”
Harry’s fingers stilled.
He turned slightly, gaze narrowing at a group gathered near one of the paintings.
“They show up, throw their money around, act like they’re saving the industry when they’re the ones who ruined it in the first place.”
Another voice chimed in. “It’s capitalism at its finest.”
Harry exhaled through his nose.
Same conversation. Different setting.
Nothing he hadn’t heard before.
He should have ignored it.
But then—
Then, he heard her.
Her voice.
Sharp. Defiant.
“You do realize the only reason these paintings are selling at all is because of the people you hate, right?”
Harry blinked.
His gaze snapped back to her.
She wasn’t looking at him.
She was facing them, eyes narrowed, jaw set.
The guy—some twenty-something in a turtleneck—sputtered. “That’s not the—”
“No, go ahead,” she said, tilting her head. “Explain to me how you think art survives without the rich. Who do you think is buying these paintings? Who do you think is keeping galleries open? I’ll wait.”
The group shifted uncomfortably.
Harry smirked.
The guy scoffed. “That’s not the point.”
She arched a brow. “Then what is the point?”
More silence.
She exhaled. “Look, I get it. The system’s fucked. But if you really hate capitalism so much then maybe don’t take a paycheck from a company that thrives on it.”
The guy’s face turned red.
Then, huffing, he spun on his heel and walked away.
Harry exhaled through his nose.
And when she turned back to him—
He was looking at her.
Really looking at her.
She raised a brow. “What?”
Harry’s jaw ticked.
Then, slow—steady—
He reached for the napkin with her name.
Folded it.
Slipped it into his pocket.
“Nothing,” he murmured.
And, for the first time in months—
Harry Castillo smiled.
Actually let out a smile.
It was a rare thing. Unpracticed. A little uneven.
And it caught her off guard so much she forgot to breathe for a second.
That smile.
The real kind, not the smirk, not the polite billionaire press photo kind. It was all quiet softness and amusement, like a secret between the two of them. It was the kind of smile you could fall into if you weren’t careful.
“Wow,” she murmured, recovering. “You do know how to do that.”
Harry’s smile didn’t falter, but he said nothing.
The gallery began to thin out as the night wore on. Coats were retrieved from racks, the sound of shoes echoed across the polished concrete floor, and people began floating toward the exit in clumps, cheeks flushed from wine and conversations.
Harry stayed.
He didn’t know why he stayed.
He could’ve left after thirty minutes like most of the other well dressed nuts in the room. But something about the way she moved behind the bar—tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, laughing quietly when Maya came over to whisper something in her ear—held him in place.
She kept sneaking glances at him too.
Never long. Never obvious.
But enough.
He stayed perched in a corner, away from the art critics and the performative intellectuals with their wine sick grins and disdain for everything they secretly wanted. He watched her wipe down glasses and stack them methodically, her body moving slower than usual now, more deliberate. Her energy was dwindling down.
She was tired.
Exhausted, actually.
He could see it in the way her shoulders sagged when she thought no one was watching.
Around midnight, the final few stragglers filtered out. Maya was surrounded by compliments, champagne, and laughter as she waved people goodbye. She was magnetic.
But Harry’s focus was only on one person.
She was drying a wine glass with a rag that had seen better days when he approached the bar again.
“You’re still here?” she asked without looking up.
“I tend to see things through.”
She scoffed. “That doesn’t sound exhausting at all.”
Harry didn’t respond. Instead, he reached into his coat and placed something on the bar. A lemon ginger lozenge.
She stared at it. “What is this?”
“You’ve been clearing your throat for the last hour. Thought you might be getting sick.”
She blinked.
And then quietly, “Thanks.”
He nodded once. “You ready to go?”
She furrowed her brows. “Go?”
“You were going to walk home, weren’t you?”
“I—” She hesitated. “Yeah. I was.”
“Not happening.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Harry—”
“Maya said she’s having people over.”
Her mouth opened. “She what?”
As if on cue, Maya bounced over, cheeks flushed, eyes sparkling. “There you are! Just wanted to let you know we’re having a tiny get together back at the apartment. You’re coming, right?”
She forced a smile. “Yeah…totally.”
Maya beamed. “Perfect! I’ll see you there!” And just like that, she twirled away in her silk pants and heeled boots like a whirlwind of chaos and charm.
Harry looked at her, quiet.
“You don’t want to go,” he said plainly.
She paused. “No, I mean—I don’t mind—”
“You need rest.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re exhausted.”
She made a face. “Thanks.”
“It wasn’t an insult.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t sound like a compliment.”
“It was. You’ve been on your feet all night and still managed to argue with an entire table of art anarchists without flinching.”
She blinked. “You were listening?”
Harry shrugged. “I’m observant.”
Something warm crept up her neck. “That’s actually…kind of sweet.”
“I wasn’t trying to be.”
“Still is.”
He exhaled, glancing toward the door. “Let me take you somewhere quiet.”
She looked at him carefully. "Okay." She nodded.
Harry smiled. “Come on.”
As they walked toward the exit, a low whistle echoed across the room.
“Ooooh, look who’s leaving together,” Danny called out, arm slung lazily around a girl wearing metallic eyeshadow and an alarming amount of lip gloss.
Harry cringed visibly. “Ignore him.”
“Oh, I planned on it,” she muttered, quickening her step.
Outside, James was leaning against the Maybach, his cigarette burning low between his fingers.
He straightened when he saw them. “Evening,” he said coolly, holding the door open without a single question.
Once inside the car, she leaned her head against the window, legs tucked beneath her. The car purred beneath them as it slid through the streets like a shadow.
“You always have a driver?” she asked after a moment.
“Even when you’re just, like…getting groceries?”
Harry looked at her. “Do I look like I get groceries?”
She snorted. “Fair.”
He glanced at her again. “Do you want me to take you home?”
She paused. Her apartment would be loud. Crowded. Too many people, too much laughter, and she was tired.
Bone tired.
“I…wouldn’t mind going somewhere quiet,” she said softly.
Harry didn’t reply. Just gave James a nod. And James didn’t need to be told twice.
The car ride was quiet, but not uncomfortable. The city lights flickered through the windows as they sped through Manhattan, the hum of the engine steady beneath them.
She was curled up in the passenger seat, head resting against the cool glass, eyes flickering between exhaustion and quiet thought.
Harry didn’t say anything. Didn’t push.
He liked the silence with her.
When they finally pulled up to his building, James barely looked surprised. He simply put the car in park, gave Harry a knowing look and muttered, “Have a good night, sir.”
Harry ignored him.
She hesitated when the elevator doors opened, glancing up at him.
“You sure about this?” she murmured.
Harry met her gaze. “You need rest.”
She exhaled. “You’re really committed to this whole taking care of me thing, huh?”
Harry didn’t answer. Just stepped into the elevator.
After a beat—she followed.
The penthouse was quiet when they entered.
It was huge.
Dimly lit, the skyline of Manhattan stretching out before them through the floor to ceiling windows. She looked around, taking in the sleek design, the impossibly neat kitchen, the pristine furniture.
“You really don’t have anything on the walls.”
Harry exhaled. “We’ve been over this.”
She smirked. “Still depressing.”
Harry ignored her, shrugging off his coat before turning to her.
“Go take a bath.”
She blinked. “Excuse me?”
Harry huffed. “You need to relax.”
She scoffed. “I’m fine.”
He raised a brow. “You’ve been on your feet for how many hours straight. Worked so long your legs gave out.”
She rolled her eyes. “I said I’m fine.”
Harry’s jaw clenched.
Then, slowly, pointedly, he turned and started walking toward the bathroom.
“What are you—”
“Follow me.”
Against her better judgment—she did.
The bathroom was nothing short of luxurious.
A massive tub sat beneath a soft glowing light, marble countertops lining the space. The air smelled faintly of something expensive, probably whatever soap billionaires used.
Harry turned on the water, letting the tub fill, steam curling into the air.
She leaned against the doorway, arms crossed. “You really think I’m about to take a bath?”
Harry gave her a look. “Yes.”
She scoffed. “Why?”
“Because you deserve to rest.”
Something flickered in her expression.
Soft. Unreadable.
Harry stepped back, nodding toward the tub. “Take your time.”
She hesitated.
Then—finally—sighed. “Fine.”
Harry nodded once before leaving the room.
She stood there for a moment, staring at the tub, at the ridiculous luxury of it all.
Then—she caught sight of the robe hanging by the sink.
A man’s robe.
She swallowed.
Slowly, she peeled off her clothes, stepping into the warm water letting the heat soak into her muscles, melting the exhaustion from her bones.
She leaned back, closing her eyes.
And then—
She caught the scent of something in the air.
His shampoo.
His body wash.
Without thinking, she reached for the bottle, pouring a small amount into her palm before lathering it into her hair.
She didn’t know why she did it.
Didn’t know why the idea of smelling like him made something tighten in her chest.
But she didn’t stop.
Not until the scent of Harry Castillo was wrapped around her.
The warmth from the bath had seeped into her bones, leaving her skin flushed, her limbs loose.
For the first time in what felt like forever, she felt good.
Not just better—good.
And wrapped in the scent of him.
She exhaled slowly, fingers dragging through her damp hair as she stepped out of the tub. Water dripped from her skin, soaking into the thick, plush bath mat beneath her feet.
She reached for the robe hanging by the door.
His robe.
It was heavy, rich, expensive fabric, meant for a man built like Harry.
She pulled it on anyway, wrapping herself in it, feeling swallowed whole by the warmth of something that belonged to him.
Something about that made her stomach twist.
Not in a bad way.
Not in a way she could name.
She let her fingers toy with the fabric as she padded quietly out of the bathroom, stepping into the dim glow of his penthouse.
Harry was waiting.
Not in a way that was obvious, but in a way that was distinctly him.
His posture was casual, leaning against the back of his couch, one hand resting lightly on the armrest. He had changed, too—no longer in his suit jacket, just his dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing the veins in his forearms, the carefully restrained tension in his body.
His gaze flickered over her, slow like he was taking his time, committing every detail to memory.
She knew what he saw.
Bare legs peeking out from beneath his robe. Damp hair curling against her collarbone. The softened edges of her normally sharp expression.
And for once—
For once, she let him look.
She watched his throat bob slightly, something unreadable flashing behind his eyes before he exhaled, dragging a hand through his hair.
“Come here.”
Her lips twitched. “Bossy.”
He didn’t deny it. Just waited.
She crossed the room, bare feet pressing against the smooth floor, stopping when she was just a few inches away.
Harry’s hands curled into fists against the couch for a second, like he was fighting the urge to touch her.
Then without a word he turned, disappearing into his bedroom.
She blinked, startled.
He came back.
With clothes.
A pair of sweatpants.
A plain black T-shirt.
Things that were clearly his, judging by the size of them.
He handed them to her, jaw tight. “Put these on.”
She took them, amused. “You actually own sweatpants?”
Harry exhaled through his nose, running a hand along his jaw. “Contrary to popular belief, I don’t sleep in a tux.”
She grinned. “Shocking.”
He said nothing.
Just watched as she took the bundle of clothing and walked back toward the bathroom to change.
His sweatpants hung low on her hips, the waistband tied in a loose knot to keep them from slipping. The shirt was too big, drowning her frame, the fabric worn in and soft against her skin.
It felt like being wrapped in him.
Warmth lingered in the cotton, in the faint scent of his cologne. Something expensive.
She padded barefoot through the penthouse, fingers fidgeting with the hem of the shirt. The city glittered outside the floor to ceiling windows.
Everything about this place was so immaculate. So clean. So structured. It screamed of control—of a man who ruled his world with precision.
But the moment she entered it some of that control seemed to slip.
She could feel it in the way Harry watched her, the way his fingers twitched when she walked past him, as if resisting the urge to reach out and keep her close.
She stopped in front of the window, arms crossing over her chest, her breath fogging slightly against the cool glass. “You can see everything from here.”
Harry was behind her, watching her quietly. “You like it?”
She exhaled, eyes scanning the skyline. “Yeah. But…”
His brow lifted slightly. “But?”
She hesitated. Then with a small teasing smirk, she turned to face him. “It’s kinda depressing that you live up here all alone.”
Harry’s jaw twitched. “I’m fine.”
She huffed. “That’s what all lonely people say.”
His lips curved just slightly, something almost amused flickering behind his sharp gaze. “And you’re an expert on loneliness?”
She shrugged, moving closer, the fabric of his shirt swaying against her thighs. “I know what it looks like.”
Harry watched her approach, his shoulders relaxing just a fraction. “And what do I look like?”
She tilted her head, scanning him playfully. “Like a very, very rich man who doesn’t know what to do with himself outside of work.”
Harry huffed a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “Accurate.”
She grinned, victorious. “Told you.”
For a moment they just stood there.
Him watching her.
Her watching him.
The silence between them wasn’t empty.
It was heavy. Charged.
Harry’s gaze flickered to her legs, to the way his sweatpants hung off her frame, the fabric pooling at her ankles. Then to the curve of her hip, the way his T-shirt stretched over her body, swallowing her whole.
Something deep and dangerous stirred in his chest.
She looked good like this.
Too good.
Her chin tilted up, eyes meeting his. “You really don’t talk much, do you?”
His hand lifted, brushing her damp hair back behind her ear. His touch was light, barely there, but it made her breath catch.
His fingers trailed lower, down her jaw, grazing the edge of her throat.
She swallowed.
His voice was deep when he finally spoke. “I say what matters.”
Her lips parted slightly, something unspoken hanging between them.
She felt it before she realized what she was doing.
The way her body leaned into his.
The way his fingers skimmed over the fabric of his shirt against her skin, so close, yet still too far.
His touch was careful.
Like he was memorizing her.
She exhaled shakily. “You keep looking at me like that.”
Harry’s thumb brushed over her hip. “Like what?”
“Like you’re trying to figure something out.”
“I am.”
She blinked. “What?”
Harry’s hand slid lower, fingers teasing along the edge of his sweatpants on her frame. His voice was softer this time, almost dangerous.
“If I can control myself.”
Her breath hitched.
She wasn’t sure who moved first.
Maybe it was him. Maybe it was her.
But suddenly—
They weren’t talking anymore.
His lips crashed against hers, urgent and deep, his hands gripping her waist, pulling her flush against him. She gasped into his mouth, fingers tangling in the fabric of his dress shirt as he devoured her.
The world blurred.
She barely registered the way he picked her up, his hands firm around her thighs as he hoisted her up, murmuring quietly against her ear, “Jump.”
And she did.
Wrapped her legs around his waist like it was the most natural thing in the world.
He carried her through the penthouse with effortless strength, like she weighed nothing, like holding her close was something he’d done a thousand times before.
And then—
He walked her backward towards his bed, his mouth never leaving her skin, breath warm against her jaw.
The mattress hit the backs of her knees, sending her falling onto it in a slow, melting sprawl of limbs and want.
The soft silk duvet caught her, cool against the fever of her skin, her hair spilling across his impossibly expensive sheets. The room was dim but warm, the city humming just beyond the glass windows, the skyline glittering like a thousand secrets no one else would ever know.
Harry stood above her, his breathing deeper now, his eyes locked onto her like he was trying to memorize the moment. Like she was a painting he hadn’t expected to fall in love with.
She propped herself up on her elbows, staring back. Waiting. Wanting.
Harry’s fingers moved to his collar first. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, one button at a time, revealing inch after inch of warm, lived in skin beneath it. He wasn’t carved like marble—wasn’t the chiseled fantasy that Hollywood sold in glossy posters.
He was real.
His chest was broad, his arms strong but not perfect. Age spots dotted his skin like constellations, a faint scar ran along the side of his ribs, and when his shirt slipped off his shoulders, she saw the slight softness of his belly.
A pouch.
Honest. Natural. Human.
And when her eyes lingered there—he froze.
She could tell.
The way his breath caught. The flicker of hesitation in his brow.
He was used to being looked at like a power figure. A man in suits. Behind desks. Holding titles and leverage.
But being seen like this?
Like a man—just a man—baring everything? That was different.
She sat up slowly, still watching him. She didn’t say anything, didn’t tease, didn’t fill the space with false comfort.
She just reached for him.
Her fingers skimmed across the skin of his abdomen, soft and warm beneath her touch, and she whispered, “Come here.”
Something in him shifted.
Like maybe he believed her.
That she wanted all of him.
He slid out of his slacks, slow and deliberate, leaving him in nothing but his briefs for a moment before they, too, joined the pile of fabric on the floor.
Then he reached for her.
She let him.
His hands were careful when they peeled off her borrowed T-shirt, pulling it over her head and dropping it aside. Then her body lifted instinctively as he slid the sweatpants down her hips, revealing soft skin, flushed and ready beneath him.
Now they were skin to skin.
Warm and real.
Harry hovered over her, the muscles in his arms flexing slightly as he held himself above her, his gaze moving slowly down her body.
“You’re beautiful,” he said.
Just like that.
No flourish. No performance.
Just a truth that had been sitting in his chest since the moment he first saw her.
She reached up and cupped his jaw, her thumb brushing just beneath his lip. “So are you.”
His breath hitched.
And then he kissed her.
Not rough. Not greedy.
The kind of kiss that says I see you. I feel you. I’m here.
His hands roamed her body like he couldn’t decide what he wanted to touch first—her ribs, her hips, the soft curve of her breast beneath his palm.
And then—
He began to slide lower.
Kissing down her neck.
Dragging his lips across her collarbone.
Sinking further and further until he was kneeling between her thighs, the backs of his hands brushing gently along the insides of her legs, coaxing them apart like he was opening something sacred.
She was already breathing heavy, already undone just from the look in his eyes.
He settled between her legs like he belonged there.
And maybe—he did.
He didn’t dive in like a man with something to prove. He took his time.
Let her feel his breath first.
The heat of his mouth pressing gentle, almost shy kisses to her thighs.
He licked a slow, deliberate stripe up her center, groaning low when he tasted her.
Like she was the answer to a hunger he didn’t know he’d been carrying.
Her hips jerked. Her fingers scrambled for the sheets.
He pressed his palms to her hips, grounding her, murmuring something too quiet to make out.
Then his mouth opened on her again.
Every part of him focused on unraveling her.
She moaned, soft and choked, as his tongue circled her clit, slow at first, then faster with just the right amount of pressure.
He adjusted when she squirmed.
Groaned when she whimpered.
Moved with her, not against her.
Like this was a language only he spoke.
She looked down once—just once—and saw him watching her.
Eyes locked to hers.
Dark. Hungry. But more than that...captivated.
Like he could spend the rest of his life right here, on his knees tasting her like he needed her to survive.
His mustache scraped lightly against the tender skin of her thighs, a delicious burn. His fingers dug into her hips as his mouth worked in steady rhythm, not relenting even when she gasped, Harry, please—
Especially then.
He moaned against her like her begging was the most beautiful sound in the world.
And then—
She broke.
She came with a soft, shattered gasp, her body buckling as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her. Her hands found his hair, her legs trembled, her hips rolled up into his mouth.
He held her through all of it.
Licked her through it.
Didn’t stop until she was whimpering from overstimulation, her fingers tugging weakly at his hair.
Only then—only then—did he lift his head.
His mouth was slick, his jaw tense, his chest heaving.
He crawled back up the bed, lips brushing her cheek, her neck, the corner of her mouth.
He kissed her slowly.
Didn’t try to speak.
He just laid beside her, naked and warm and quiet.
Letting her curl into him.
Letting the silence stretch.
Letting himself feel.
And when she finally caught her breath, when she looked up at him and whispered, “You okay?”
Harry gave her a look so full of tenderness it nearly undid her all over again.
“I am now,” he said.
And she believed him.
They laid there, skin to skin, her fingers tracing slow, thoughtless shapes against his chest while his hand rested on the curve of her hip not wanting to let go, grounding them both in something quiet and real.
For the first time in months, Harry hadn’t thought about Lucy.
Not once.
Not her laugh, not the space she left behind.
He only thought about the girl breathing softly in his arms, asleep against his chest like she belonged there.
And when his eyes finally closed, he felt safe.
Maybe for the first time in his life.
#harry castillo#harry castillo x reader#materialists#the materialists#harry castillo x you#the materialists fanfic#pedro pascal#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal x you#pedro pascal characters#joel miller#joel miller x reader#joel miller fanfiction#materialists fanfic#joel miller fan fiction#Spotify
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It’s been 83 years. 79 since I first learned to scramble eggs in a dusty nowhere town in Oklahoma. Mama taught me well, but she never taught me what would happen when it was all over. She came from a family of self-righteous southern Baptists, and that was just never my cup o’ joe, if you get me.
You know how they are; pot-lucks and pretending at being kind. Not all of them, but definitely the ones in Mama’s church. They told me Hades would get me someday, rebellious little hellion that I was. So when the food was packed up and sent home, I started the dishes every night. And at some point in my girlhood, I figured if Hades was going to have me, I’d make sure to leave a good impression. A silly thought; silly enough to be my own private running gag for seventy some-odd years. I’d go off to the side of the back porch with my stack of plates, just out of the beam of the porch light, and gently scrape my offerings into the shadows across the railing.
“I dedicate this to Hades,” I’d say. And dutifully clean each dish before carrying the stack back inside.
Now I never let on that I did this, not to my children or to my grandbabies; I just kept the joke to myself and let them figure themselves out on their own. But my eldest granddaughter, she was the one who shocked me. She told me she saw him. Hades.
Of course by that time I was old and jaded enough to say “That’s nice, dear,” and listen to her gush about some handsome fella she saw in her daydreams… but soon it wasn’t a daydream anymore. It was an obsession. Her drawings got more and more detailed, more lifelike.
I never told her to stop talking about her great loves, but she tapered off as teens do when they come of age. More important things take front and center.
And in no time at all, she was thirty.
And I was old.
Dying old is a soft thing. You fall asleep for longer and longer until you just don’t wake up again.
But when I opened my eyes, there was a boat waiting for me. Lucky me, I had died with some money to my name, so I paid the boatman’s fare and boarded the boat to find I wasn’t the sole passenger. My granddaughter’s drawings had been beautiful, but she still hadn’t done justice to the figure who met me on the boat.
He stood up to greet me. “Hello, Sidney.” His voice was as deep and smooth as Italian chocolate, his thick hair falling in boyish waves across his face.
“I’m sorry,” I said, “do I know you?”
He smiled. “I think you do.”
I swallowed. Should I have been scared? Probably. But hey, if I was already dead, then what did I have to lose? “You’re… Lord Hades. My granddaughter was all about you.”
He nodded. “Oh, yes. We’re still regularly in touch.”
“Did she ask you to come meet me? Or did those petty women from church damn me?”
“Neither.” It hit me then that he had a bit of an accent, which twisted his words around like he was holding a marble on his tongue. Then again, I can’t say much; I never did get rid of my accent.
He hummed at me and smiled. “You were quite the cook, Sidney. Every dinner for almost eighty years, you devoted to me. I suppose you could say… I was touched by your devotion.”
“No offense, but that comes as a bit of a shock.”
“That’s fair.” He shrugged. “I never had terribly many followers, let alone strict devotees.”
“So… what do you want from me?”
He stretched once, then sat down in the boat again and propped his elbows on his knees. “Well actually… I came to make you an offer.”
“Whatever for?” I asked, bewildered. “If I refuse, are you going to send me to Hell?”
His smile vanished. “Sidney,” he said sympathetically, “why would I do that? You were a good and kind person, and you raised your family and community with integrity. My offer is one of thanks, and you have no obligation to accept it if you don’t truly like the idea.”
I studied him for a moment. If it weren’t obvious that he was a god, he’d have looked like he was my granddaughter’s age. “Go ahead,” I said cautiously.
His slender smile returned. “How would you like to come and cook with the chefs in my kitchen? It would be a volunteer role; you would have plenty of time to rest, and you would make a living wage.”
“That sounds like an oxymoron… the dead making a living wage.”
Hades cackled and clapped his hands. His laugh rocked to boat a bit, and I was fortunate to keep my balance. Finally, his laughing slowed. “My offer stands. What do you think?”
I thought about it. “Well… I don’t know about Greek food…”
“I’m not concerned about that. Perhaps you can teach my chefs a thing or two about food that… what’s the phrase? ‘Sticks to your ribs?’”
I looked him up and down. If he turned sideways and stuck out his tongue, he’d look like a zipper. I harrumphed. “Did my baby ever tell you you’re too skinny?”
He nodded and rolled his eyes. “All the time.”
“Well then… I guess you could use a casserole or two.”
- in memory of my grandmother.
As a joke you had always said "I dedicate this to Hades" as you threw away food scraps from your cooking and cleaning your plates. When you die you find yourself in front of Charon's boat with Hades sitting in it, seemingly very excited to see his most devoted follower in recent times.
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Lucky Slip
Yiren X Male Reader | 3090 words
TW: Incest
Buy me a Ko-Fi.

She was singing in the shower again. Boy, I hated hearing her sing when she knew I was waiting for her. There was always my parents' shower, but we tended to leave that one alone for whatever reason. So I stood there, waiting, pacing, and generally worrying about whether I'd make it out to my job this morning. Sure, I didn't have to be there right on time, seeing as I had been running my own thing during the summer for a while now, but it was the principle of the thing. I had commitments, and she was headed, god knows where this morning. Believe me, this was not the first time.
Judging by tight and tiny workout clothes lying on her bed, she was heading to the gym and was likely just doing some of her "beauty" exercise, designed only to maintain what was already near perfect. Oh yeah, and there was that; the fit, 18-year-old tart, my little sister Yiren, singing the sweet notes that were breaking steadily through the sound of the falling water, was drop-dead gorgeous.
It started with the face: a cute but sultry combination of deep brown eyes, great cheekbones, and a set of pouty, pink lips. Her dirty black hair often fell messily down and sometimes in a tight braid. Now, it would be wet and hanging down her shoulders and body below. There probably aren't words for how amazing her body was, but either way, she had breasts made up of the perfect handful, a taut, smooth stomach, and never-ending slender legs coming from a spankable behind.
She was rarely discrete about prancing around the house, as she would be now if she walked out in one of those tiny bath towels we owned. (I still don't know where our mother could have possibly bought them) Sure, I felt guilty, but I assured myself that my deliberate avoidance of concentrating on how hot my little sister was was enough to balance the dreams I often had of her. Even my peripheral vision couldn't un-see that half-naked angel bending down to take clothes out of the drier in a bra and panties on Sunday afternoons. And more than once, I saw an unmistakable smirk on her face when my mouth dropped open wide. She flitted across the kitchen in nearly nothing as I made breakfast.
So there I was, waiting outside the door like a total sucker when I finally decided to address the problem, and whether it was my impatience or my considerable need to pee that led me to it, I don't know. I jiggled the doorknob just so (living in the same place for ten years, you pick up a few things) and swung open the locked door, making right for the porcelain. I took care of business quickly, and I was happy to have gotten there before I had an accident at 22 years old. It was then, standing there, that I noticed the silhouette of my little sister on the curtain.
Whatever the material was, it probably wasn't designed for much privacy because I could see enough to immediately get blood pumping to my lower half. For crying out loud, I could even make out the pink of her nipple as she arched her back and ran water through her hair. I looked away, remembering my resolve. But there was nothing to be done; the most naked view of my sister I'd ever gotten had penetrated my defenses. My cock was all the way hard before I could do anything. Combine that with my accidental reflex to flush the toilet, and I was about to be standing there with a raging boner just as my little sister realized I was in the bathroom.
She teased me enough about any girls I could be seen with or my wide eyes when I turned the corner to her room in the middle of her undressing; God knows what she'd say about her big brother getting hard over his sister. So I did the only thing I could do: I sat down quickly and leaned forward to try and conceal my arousal. As expected, Yiren poked her head around the curtain's edge within seconds of the flush. She did a poor job covering what the curtain revealed; that certainly wouldn't help the situation.
"What the fuck, Oppa!" she hollered.
"I had to go, and you are taking so long, I just couldn't wait anymore!" I piped back.
"Ugh, you are such a jerk. You never give me any privacy," she steamed
That was a laugh - her prancing around the house was far from asking for privacy.
"You better not look," she said as she disappeared behind the translucent shroud again, "I've seen you do it before, hmph!" She said the second part was a little quieter, but I still heard it.
Seconds later, when I was practically begging my penis to calm down, the water suddenly shut off, and I could hear Yiren drying off and sliding back the curtain before I could do anything but hunch to try and avoid her seeing my stiff shaft. She led with her long, smooth leg before I could see the tops of her breasts threatening to free themselves from the snugly wrapped towel. I was beginning to doubt I'd get through this; her body was working overtime against me.
And then there it was, the little bit of water she'd dripped on the floor before when she'd pulled back the curtain to curse me out was just below her lead foot. Already lifting her other foot to clear the tub, she was doomed. The heel slipped with an audible screech, and Yiren headed backward fast and directly toward where I sat. I didn't know what to go for in my attempt to catch her; I removed my hands from their shielding of my erection. I reached out to grab her arms as they came for me, but her unbalanced stance sent her sweet bottom first. It slid right by my outstretched arms and down. I just missed it, and I could only attempt to cushion her fall the way I did. And then she touched down...
It was an impossible chance, lightning striking the same shark attack twice. And yet, when I was just about to ease her to a stop, the final 8 inches of her fall made all the difference. My head popped just between her lips, and a second later, it was buried within her. Yiren came to rest, completely sheathing me, her brother, inside of her.
Silence. Reality was trying its hardest to set in, but the utter warmth, the clasp of her walls, the wetness. Oh my God, was she wet? And not 'just out of the shower wet' but more 'now I know why she takes such long showers wet.' "I must have interrupted her," I thought as I savored being engulfed in my sister just after she'd been playing with herself. My hands were on her butt just as they were when I reached out to catch her, and she wasn't even touching the floor. She made one slight movement, testing what would happen if she tried to get up, and I'm not sure what she thought of the result.
Though I didn't think it possible, I pushed a bit forward into Yiren when she moved, and both of us gasped. My hands unintentionally squeezed at her butt, and when my cock found that new place in her pussy she shot a hand back to grab one of my wrists. She hadn't meant to, but I appreciated the sheer emotion of the gesture.
"Oppa......" she whispered between pants.
I waited. I attempted my old 'avoid the temptation' technique, and when I felt her quim pulsing upon me, I knew it was pointless. My squeezing fingers pulled Yiren closer to me, my shaft slid against Yiren's walls, and I could feel her fingernails upon my wrist.
"You have to... we have to stop..." It sounded like she was trying my strategy, though her words were barely audible.
".....yes, okay..... you have to get up first." I warned.
At first, she didn't move, and then she put her foot on the ground and pushed upward. My sister's tiny hole slid out around me slowly, pleasurably, until she slipped again. I looked around and could see no reason for it, but down she went until her ass reconnected with my hips. I searched her for an answer and only caught a second of the glance she'd sent my way on her look back. However, it was unmistakable as it flashed a smile.
And a naughty one at that. My perfect little sister wasn't as innocent as she'd played. Her smile gave her away. I positioned my hands for a different type of help this time. Her hand, still wrapped around my wrist, tightened. My hands indented in her as I guided her just a fraction of an inch from popping out. She cast her glance my way, sending boughs of her luscious black hair bouncing over her shoulder. She was sitting more upright now, her back arching, and as my eyes met hers, the wicked grin I observed told me she wasn't about to stop.
She began to sink back into my lap, my rod filling her with its heat, inch by inch. This time, she cooed and reached back with her other hand. I was in heaven. The towel fell away from her body, and for the second time, my naked, sexy little sister was descending upon my protruding member (intentionally, that is). It was so warm, and its tightness made me focus on nothing but the feeling. I couldn't control myself. As she came down to meet me, I grasped her all the more firmly and thrust upward to meet her.
"Oh God, we should stop..... oh fuck..... we should not be doing this..........uhhhh," she couldn't even finish the sentence.
I started to move my hands a bit, becoming bolder and hungrier to feel my sister's body. They inched over her hips, which I paused to grasp, feeling her hipbones as I pressed my fingers into her. I massaged her a bit there, causing the slow and steady bouncing she had begun to increase in tempo.
"I thought you were getting up?" I teased, having trouble focusing as Yiren was sliding herself up and down on top of me. My God, I knew she wasn't, but by the tightness of her tunnel, I could have sworn she was a virgin.
"Uhhhh... Fuck you..." She let out with evident frustration.
"I think you are, sis..." I strained, and she laughed.
My hands made my way up to her breasts, finally, and they were all I'd dreamed of. As I took them in my hands, they sat there cupped perfectly. I kneaded them, brushed my fingers over her nipples, and marveled at their perfection. One of my hands continued adoring her breasts while I wrapped my other arm around her abdomen, forcing her down hard now onto my penetrating rod.
"Fuck you're big... I can't stop.....mmmmmggghh..... don't stop fucking me." She sounded so sexy, moaning and cooing while talking dirty to me.
I decided to take more initiative, pushing myself up from our position and finally causing Yiren's dainty toes to contact the ground. As soon as they did, I turned her, with my cock still lodged inside of her, to the sink. Standing now, it was my turn to start fucking my little sister just the way I wanted her. Bent over the sink as she was, she suddenly stood on her tiptoes as I started pushing my thick head in and out of her once again. It was an involuntary gesture, the little spasm that had stood her like a rail for me to shove myself directly up into, probably from all the pleasure I was giving her, and I loved it almost as much as the panting I could hear coming from my ungodly sexy sis.
I reached in front of us once again and took a firm grasp of her chest, lodging myself inside her warm pussy as my hands massaged her tremendous tits. She did her best to meet my thrusts, but my desire for her had me winning out and slapping my pelvis against her toned butt. I fucked her like that for a few minutes, my hands alternating between a dominant grasp of her slender neck, soft breasts, toned abdomen, and pert ass. I even reached down to massage her clit and send her into a powerful orgasm.
"Ohhhh FUCKKK..... Oh my God, I can't believe.......ughhhh.... my brother is making me cummmm!!"
And cum she did; the pulsing of her walls around my penetrating member was almost enough to send me over the edge, but I powered through and made her ride out her orgasm with continuous thrusts inside of her. We looked each other in the eyes in the mirror, watching as my hands worked themselves around her body and seeing each other's wide eyes in disbelief at the sheer excitement and pleasure.
"Fucccckkk...." She whispered as she came down from her orgasm. She was short of breath but had enough to say: "I want to watch. I want to watch your big fat cock going in and out, please?" I wanted to look into her eyes directly, too, to watch her watch me press my cock into her pussy and know just how much she loved it. My little sister - the consummate tease and the object of so many of my dreams now in my grasp. I wanted to look deep into her eyes as I fucked her. I wanted this act of incest, which had started as an accident, to end up with Yiren begging for more; now that I was inside of her, I wasn't sure my cock would ever feel right anywhere else.
Yiren must have felt the same way, too, because when I dislodged myself from inside of her to flip her around, her face was laden with need -- the need to be filled up by her big brother's big cock once more. It was she who reached between us and took hold of the head of my steaming rod, placing it at her entrance and saying:
"Oh please, Oppa....put it back in me..."
I leaned into her body, my cock head urging its way passed her tight lips. As I began to inch my cock into my little sister's pussy I also lifted her by the ass, my fingers pressing into her firm, smooth cheeks as I put her weight on the vanity.
"Yeessssssssssssss.... Show me, Oppa, that big thing of yours going in your naughty little sister....oooohhhh." I did just that, bottoming out in her inescapable warmth before retracting and entering her passage once again. First, we were both looking at the penetration, the unbelievable and erotic incest we were both losing ourselves in, and then upward. My eyes scanned her body, hers mine. When we reached our lips, I leaned in, locked eyes, and kissed her recklessly. The kiss said everything we couldn't: that Yiren's teasing had been only about torturing me and that my dreams were fighting to manifest themselves. Yiren's look was one of desperation. I could see another orgasm welling up inside of her, and I wanted her to come with me. I was so close.
"Oh, baby, oh, big bro... please... I know we shouldn't, but... uh..." she trailed off.
"What Yiren...? I said over hurried breaths, still focusing on sliding my shaft in and out of Yiren's pussy. I could watch it flex to accommodate me, her insides making way for the penetrating staff.
She moaned as she tried to catch enough breath..."I could get pregnant......Ohhhhh God, I don't give a.... fuckkkkkkkk......oooooh." I pushed in deeper on that one, spurred on by what I could tell my little sister was implying over an escalating orgasm.
"Just fill me up baby... yes, yes..... cum in your bad little sis...... I've been teasing you for so long..... I can't believe I've been....uhhhh... missing this!" God, she sounded so sexy.
I was seconds away now, and Yiren was headed there, too. Just a couple more strokes, and we'd both be......Wow, the feeling was so wonderful. I watched my sister roll her eyes and head back as she started to feel it, my cock pulsing with its first powerful jet of sperm, directly, deeply into my little sister's pussy. She was over the edge, and I held her in my arms as she clutched me and howled in front of me. With another pulse of sperm, my heart felt like it would explode, but I only exploded again into Yiren's womb.
It felt like it could go on forever, Yiren's spasming body or the powerful sprays of my seed. It didn't, though, and my beautiful, albeit horny little sister was smiling like the dirty little girl she was while we remained locked together at the hips. My cock softened only a bit, remaining so full of desire for Yiren that it refused to disappear. Yiren rested her head on my heaving chest.
"Ummmm..... wow.....
"Yea... That was...." I stuttered to find the words.
Yiren finished them for me, "Intense...amazing.....wow."
"You are... unbelievable." She blushed when I said that, though I wouldn't have known over her sex-flushed face.
Yiren felt my cock still hard inside of her. It must have grown because her eyes widened, and she said with shock, "Are you serious? Ready to fuck your little sister again so soon? Don't you think we should get some protection or something?"
"Yesss.... " I got out.
But my cock had other plans. The risk of getting my little sister Yiren pregnant sent my cock expanding deeper and broader into Yiren's slick channel. She flashed me that famous smile, and I knew she wanted it.
She wanted it three more times that night. We fucked on the kitchen table, on the screened-in porch, and, best of all, in our parents shower. I couldn't get enough of Yiren's beautiful body and her seductive and sexy personality. We got to protection eventually, but filling my little sister up with her own brother's sperm was all that either of us wanted for a while. We're just crossing our fingers, and I'm still making love to my sister as much as possible every chance I get.
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Bangchan x reader. (s,f)
Chapters: Chapter I / Chapter II
Synopsis: As a researcher developing a specialized condom in extra large sizes, you never expected the company’s product manager, Chris, to volunteer as a test subject—let alone for things to get this complicated. Balancing professionalism with undeniable chemistry, you must navigate a partnership that’s strictly business… or so you keep telling yourself. (21,2k words)
Author's note: Congratulations on making it to another week! Hope Cocky Chris can help you to unwind and pls share your thoughts after ♡
The second the elevator doors slide open, you storm back into your lab, your heels clicking against the tiled floor with a little more force than necessary. The door swings shut behind you, and you take a deep breath, willing yourself to calm down. The last thing you need is for your team to see just how frustrated you are.
Chris’s words from the meeting echo in your head. Your product needs more time to fully develop as a whole product. His voice had been calm, professional—like he wasn’t just throwing a wrench into everything you had worked for. Like he wasn’t completely undermining you in front of the board.
You rub your temples, inhaling deeply. You don’t understand. You thought he would support you. He’d been testing the product, giving feedback—participating. You thought you were on the same page. So why?
Your team is scattered around the lab, focused on their own tasks, oblivious to the storm brewing inside you. Jane is nowhere to be seen, probably still caught up in meetings or schmoozing with the higher-ups after her own product launch. For once, you’re grateful she’s not here to take one look at you and start asking questions.
You sit at your desk, pulling out your notes, trying to focus on something—anything—other than the sharp sting of betrayal sitting heavy in your chest.
But no matter how much you try to push it away, all you can think about is Chris. And how he went against you.
As expected, Jane bursts into the lab with her usual energy, her eyes scanning the room until they land on you. “Hey! So, how’d it go?” she asks, striding toward you with a bright, expectant grin.
You don’t even look up from your desk. “It was great—until Chris decided to sabotage me.”
Jane stops mid-step, blinking at you. “Wait, what?”
You slam your notebook shut and finally meet her gaze, frustration boiling over. “He went against me, Jane. Chris. He told the board that my product ‘needs more time to develop.’” You throw your hands up, exasperated. “What does that even mean? We’ve done the tests, the results are solid, and we’re more than ready for production. But no—he had to make it sound like we’re not ready. Like I’m not ready.”
Jane raises an eyebrow, stepping closer. “That doesn’t sound like Chris.”
You scoff. “Well, it happened. And now the board is hesitant. They decide to push back production because of his input. I’m screwed.”
Jane crosses her arms, tilting her head in thought. “Did he give any reason? Like, why he thinks it needs more time?”
You shake your head, still fuming. “Not really. Just some vague statement about it needing to be fully developed. He didn’t even look at me when he said it.”
Jane purses her lips, watching you carefully. “Huh.”
You narrow your eyes at her. “What?”
She shrugs. “I just think it’s weird. Chris has been involved in this project. He knows how much work you’ve put in. If he really thought it wasn’t ready, he would’ve talked to you about it first, wouldn’t he?”
That’s what’s been bothering you the most. Chris didn’t say anything to you beforehand—no warning, no indication that he had doubts. Just blindsiding you in front of the board like it was nothing.
“I don’t know,” you mutter, leaning back in your chair. “Maybe I was wrong to trust him.”
Jane watches you carefully, then smirks. “Or maybe there’s something else going on.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, please. Not everything is some big mystery, Jane. Sometimes people just suck.”
Jane laughs, shaking her head. “If you say so.” She places a coffee cup on your desk. “Here. You look like you need this.”
You sigh, taking the cup and mumbling, “Thanks.”
But even as you sip your coffee, Jane’s words linger in your mind. Or maybe there’s something else going on.
As you bury your face in your hands, your phone vibrates on the desk. You sigh, already feeling exhausted, and glance at the screen. The caller ID makes your stomach flip—Chris Bang.
Jane notices your hesitation. “Speak of the devil,” she mutters.
You inhale sharply before answering. “Hello?”
“Come to my office,” Chris says, his voice steady, unreadable.
You grip the phone tighter. “I’m busy.”
A pause and then he says, “It won’t take long.”
You want to argue, to throw his words from the meeting back in his face, but something about his tone makes you bite your tongue. Instead, you sigh. “Fine.”
The call ends before you can say anything else.
Jane raises an eyebrow. “Well?”
You roll your eyes, grabbing your notebook and pushing back from your desk. “He wants to see me.”
“Ooooh, sounds serious,” she teases, but when she sees your expression, her smirk softens. “Hey. Just… don’t go in there ready to bite his head off. See what he has to say first.”
You scoff, but deep down, you know she’s right. Still, you can’t shake the frustration burning in your chest as you make your way to Chris’s office.
You push open the door to Chris’s office without knocking, not caring about formalities right now. He’s seated at his desk, fingers laced together as he watches you step inside. His expression is unreadable, but his posture is relaxed—too relaxed for someone who just sabotaged your presentation.
You close the door behind you and stand facing his desk. “You called me, Mr. Bang?”
Chris sighs, leaning back in his chair. “You’re upset.”
You can't keep your composure anymore and let out a sharp laugh. “Oh, you think?” You take a step closer, trying to keep your voice even. “I expected the board to be skeptical. I expected questions, concerns—but I didn’t expect you to be the one who held us back.”
Chris doesn’t react immediately. He studies you, like he’s choosing his next words carefully. “I didn’t hold you back.”
“Then what do you call it?” you snap. “You had the chance to vouch for me. For the project. Instead, you basically told them it’s not ready.”
“Because it’s not ready.” His tone is firm, unwavering.
You scoff, shaking your head. “Unbelievable.”
Chris stands up then, rounding the desk to stand in front of you. “I get that you’re angry. But I need you to trust me on this.”
You meet his gaze, heart pounding with frustration—and something else, something you don’t want to acknowledge. “Give me one good reason why I should.”
Chris doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he moves to the door, turning the lock with a quiet click. The sound sends a strange thrill down your spine, but before you can react, he’s walking back toward you.
His hands find your elbows, firm but not forceful, keeping you in place as he looks down at you. “I didn’t say what I said in there to hurt you,” he says, his voice low. “I said it because I know you can do more.”
You glare at him, frustration still simmering beneath your skin. “More? Chris, I’ve put everything into this project.”
“I know.” His thumbs brush your arms, a soothing gesture you don’t want to acknowledge. “But I also know you. You’re not just here to make condoms for guys with big dicks. You’re better than that. Smarter than that.”
You open your mouth to argue, but he steps closer, tilting his head to catch your gaze. “Look at me,” he murmurs.
Reluctantly, you meet his eyes. They’re steady, unwavering. “I trust you,” he says. “But do you trust me?”
Chris waits, his eyes searching yours, his hands still resting on your arms. He leans in ever so slightly, just enough that you can feel the intensity of his eyes, and for a moment, you feel yourself slipping—drawn in by the heat of his gaze, the quiet intensity of his presence.
But then reality crashes down on you. You remember the meeting. You remember the way he spoke against your project in front of everyone, blindsiding you when you thought he’d be on your side. The frustration in your chest flares up again, and before you can fall any deeper into his gravity, you quickly turn your head away.
“I have work to do,” you say, stepping back, slipping out of his hold. You don’t dare look at him as you move toward the door, your heart pounding. “If that’s all, I’ll be going.”
You don’t wait for a response. You unlock the door and slip out, leaving him standing there in his office, alone.
For the next couple of days, you bury yourself in work, but the irritation from your last encounter with Chris still lingers. Every time you think about the meeting, about the way he blindsided you, your blood boils all over again. You tell yourself to let it go, to focus on your research, but the frustration simmers beneath the surface.
Just as you’re lost in thought, the door to your lab swings open, and Han walks in, grinning as usual.
"Guess what time it is," he announces, setting down a cup of coffee and a small paper bag on your desk.
You sigh as you run your hand though your hair. "Is it the time already?"
Han chuckles, pulling out a chair and plopping down across from you. "Don't tell me you forgot about our date?" he corrects, handing you the coffee. "Anyway, I brought a little treat to commemorate the occasion. Cheesecake. I figured I should end our time together on a sweet note."
Despite yourself, you smile. Han’s presence is a welcome distraction from everything else weighing on your mind.
“Thanks,” You mutter before taking a sip of the coffee he brought, you set down your tablet and get ready to dive into the final part of his product testing feedback.
Han occasionally sips his coffee, but his sharp eyes stay locked on you. He tilts his head slightly, studying your face with a look of quiet curiosity before setting his cup down.
"Something’s bothering you," he states, not even phrasing it as a question.
You glance up from your tablet. “Is it that obvious?”
Han leans forward on the table and tilts his head to the side. "Tell me. Who hurt you, baby?”
You rub your temples, feeling the stress of yesterday creeping back in. Han waits patiently, sipping his coffee as if he has all the time in the world. That alone makes you want to talk—it’s rare for someone to actually listen without immediately offering their opinion.
Taking a deep breath, you finally start. “Last Monday was supposed to be the big presentation. I went in there with my team, ready to prove that our product was good to go. We had the results from our test group—82% of participants reported positive experiences. Sure, it’s not perfect, but it was enough to show that this could work.”
Han hums, nodding along. “And...?”
“They were considering it. They were actually talking about approving it for production,” you say, voice tight. “But then he spoke up.”
Han doesn’t need you to say who he is. “Is it the guy with the intense vibe?”
You nod, gripping your coffee cup a little too hard. “Chris, of all people, the product manager, basically told them it needed more time. That it wasn’t ready. That I could do more than just this.”
Han frowns, setting his cup down. “And you didn’t see that coming?”
“Not at all!” you exclaim. “I thought if anything, he’d be on my side. He knew how much effort I put into it. But instead of backing me up, he basically told me I wasn’t enough—like my work wasn’t enough.”
Your frustration is boiling over now, and Han lets you vent without interruption.
“The worst part? He said it like he trusted me. Like he was pushing me because he believed in me. What kind of twisted logic is that?”
Han lets out a low whistle. “Damn. That’s rough.”
You shake your head, leaning back in your chair. “I don’t even know if it’s worth doing this anymore. What’s the point if the person in charge is just going to keep moving the goalpost?”
There’s a beat of silence before Han speaks again, his voice calm but firm. “So you’re telling me you’re just gonna give up? Just because of one guy?”
You pick up your pen and bring your clipboard closer to you while trying to push down the bitterness that still lingers from that day. “Let’s just start on the interview.”
Han narrows his eyes as he watches you, arms crossed over his chest. “You sure you’re even in the mood for this interview?”
You let out a dry chuckle, shaking your head. “Honestly? No. I really don’t feel like working today.”
He grins, as if he expected that answer. “Then why don’t you just skip?” he suggests so casually that you blink at him in surprise. “Come on. Go out, have some fun. Forget about work for a while.”
You hesitate, fingers fiddling with the edge of the papers. “Skip work?”
Han nods, completely unfazed. “Yeah. What, you’ve never played hooky before?”
You chew on your lip, torn between responsibility and temptation. You should be focusing on your project, on fixing what went wrong—but the idea of just leaving, of walking out and not thinking about Chris or the board or your stupid presentation, is suddenly way too tempting to ignore.
Without another thought, you push back your chair, standing up as you yank off your lab coat and toss it onto your chair. “Fine,” you say, crossing your arms. “Where are we going?”
Han’s grin stretches wider. “Oh, I definitely know a place.”
The city is scintillating under the afternoon sun as you and Han stroll through the streets, the heat of the day warming your skin. Brunch is the first stop—a cozy little café where he insists on ordering the most extravagant pastries on the menu, just to see which ones make you scrunch your nose.
“You have terrible taste,” you tell him as he bites into a cream-filled croissant with far too much enthusiasm.
After brunch, the two of you wander into shops, browsing through everything from designer boutiques to random trinket stores. Han has a habit of picking up the most ridiculous items—a sequined cowboy hat, a neon pink fanny pack—just to model them in front of you, making exaggerated poses.
“Be honest,” he says, adjusting a pair of oversized sunglasses on his nose. “I look hot, don’t I?”
You snort. “I need a drink to find you attractive.”
Han gasps, clutching his chest as if you’ve wounded him. “Wow. Brutal.” Then, his expression turns thoughtful. “Well, bars aren’t open yet… but I do have drinks at my place.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Oh, so that’s your plan? Get me drunk in your apartment?”
Han doesn’t even try to deny it. “Absolutely,” he says with a cheeky grin.
You burst out laughing, shaking your head at his shamelessness. “Fine. Lead the way, Casanova.”
Han grins, tossing an arm around your shoulders as he steers you toward his place. “Now this is what I call quality product testing.”
Han’s apartment is surprisingly neat, with a warm and lived-in feel. The shelves are stacked with comic books and figurines, and a collection of vinyl records sits beside a turntable in the living room. You wander over, scanning the titles while Han disappears into the kitchen.
“You actually listen to these, or are they just for decoration to make you seem cool?” you tease with a sly smile, running a finger along the spines of the records.
He returns from the kitchen with two glasses of hard liquor, handing one to you. “I’ll have you know, I’m a man of taste,” he says, feigning offense. He picks a record and slides it onto the turntable, the soft crackle of vinyl filling the air before smooth, jazzy notes spill from the speakers.
You take a sip of your drink, letting the warmth spread through you as the two of you start moving to the rhythm. Han, being Han, doesn’t keep it simple for long—he breaks into a ridiculous routine, wiggling his arms and shaking his hips like he’s auditioning for a variety show.
You burst out laughing. “What the hell are you doing?”
He grins. “Enjoying myself.”
Still chuckling, you play along, mirroring his moves in exaggerated fashion until you’re both breathless from laughter. Then, suddenly, he takes your hand, pulls you close, and spins you into a slow dance.
Your bodies sway together, the mood shifting effortlessly. His arms wrap loosely around your waist, his touch warm and steady. His eyes lock onto yours, playful but unreadable. And then, just as easily as he jokes, he leans in and presses a kiss to your lips.
It’s light, fleeting—like he’s testing the waters. But the second it happens, an image of Chris flashes through your mind. His voice, his touch, the way he looked at you in his office just the other day. Your body stiffens, your grip on Han’s shirt loosening.
You slowly pull away from Han, your fingers slipping from his shirt as you take a step back. “I—uh, I need a minute,” you mutter, avoiding his eyes. “Bathroom?”
Han blinks, a flicker of surprise crossing his face, but he nods and gestures toward the hallway. “Bathroom’s down there. First door on the left.”
You don’t waste time, slipping inside and locking the door behind you. Pressing your palms against the cool sink, you take a deep breath, your mind racing. Why did I think of Chris? The kiss had nothing to do with him, yet his face, his touch, his words—all of it came rushing in, uninvited.
You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts. Your gaze drifts around the bathroom to find something to distract you, your eyes land on the slightly open drawer beneath the mirror. Idly, you tug it open, rummaging through the contents without much thought—until your fingers brush against something familiar.
The box of condoms you had given Han for testing sits there, three packs still untouched. You pick it up, flipping it over in your hands, your mind now shifting gears. Without thinking too hard about it, you grab the box and head back to the living room.
Han is crouched by the record player, swapping out the vinyl, but when he sees you standing there, he pauses, his brows furrowing in mild concern. “Hey, you okay?”
Instead of answering, you flash him a sly smile and ask, “You know what time is it?”
He smiles but curiosity filled his dark brown eyes. “What?”
You lift the box of condoms slightly, letting it dangle between your fingers as you say, “It’s time for the hands-on research.”
Han’s lips twitch into a smirk, his eyes flicking from the box to you. He pushes himself up from the floor, stepping closer to you with that playful glint in his eyes. He reaches for the box in your hand, but instead of taking it, he wraps his fingers around yours, tugging you gently toward him.
"You sure about this?" he asks, his voice lower now, less teasing, more serious.
You inhale sharply, feeling the weight of his question, but you nod. "Yeah."
That’s all it takes. Han closes the distance, capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss, his hands sliding to your waist. The warmth of his touch sends a shiver through you, and before you know it, your hands are tugging at his shirt. He chuckles against your lips, stepping back just enough to let you pull it over his head.
"This is a first for me," he muses, his fingers slipping under the hem of your top, pushing it upward.
You blink at him. "What do you mean?"
Han grins, nudging his nose against yours as he lifts your shirt off. "Daylight. Never done it with the sun out."
You pause for a moment, realizing the same thing. "Me neither."
Han hums in amusement. "Guess we’re about to check that off the list."
You laugh softly as his hands roam your bare skin, his touch igniting a slow burn inside you. Piece by piece, you strip each other down, the sunlight shining through the windows, painting golden streaks across your skin. The vulnerability of being so exposed in the daylight should make you feel shy, but with Han, it doesn’t.
He presses a lingering kiss to your shoulder before murmuring against your skin, “You look even better in the light.”
You smile at his compliment. “And you look... not bad,” you say, followed by playful giggles.
As Han presses you down onto the bed, his body flush against yours, his lips move against yours in a deep, slow kiss. His hands roam over your skin, touching and feeling, occasionally squeezing on the flesh. The warmth of his touch sends a thrill through your body, making you arch into him, wanting more.
When you pull back for air, your eyes drift over his physique, taking in the toned muscles of his arms, the lean definition of his torso, and the ink that decorates his skin. Your fingers reach out instinctively, trailing over the tattoo on his shoulder, feeling the slight difference in texture. Han watches you with a lazy smirk, amused by your fascination.
"You like them?" he asks, voice husky.
You hum in response, letting your fingers travel lower, following the ink down his ribcage. "I do. They suit you."
Han chuckles at that, shifting slightly to give you better access. "You should see the one on my thigh," he teases, winking at you.
You roll your eyes but smile as you bring your lips to his shoulder, pressing a soft kiss against the tattooed skin. Han's breath catches, and he instinctively tightens his grip on your waist. You keep going, trailing kisses along the curve of his shoulder, down to his collarbone, taking your time to feel him with your lips.
Not to be outdone, Han follows suit, his lips ghosting over your skin in slow, lingering kisses. He moves down your neck, his breath warm and tickling, before pulling back to look at you with eyes filled with something deeper than just lust. There’s admiration there, fondness, and something playful, too.
“You’re dangerous, you know that?” he murmurs, fingertips brushing over your sides.
You arch an eyebrow. “How so?”
Han grins, leaning in to nip at your lower lip before whispering, “Because you make me want to keep you all to myself.”
His words linger in the air, charged with something unspoken as his hands slowly trail down your sides. His fingers brush over your hipbones, teasing, testing, before one hand wraps around your thigh, pulling you closer against him. You can feel the heat radiating between you, the slow, tantalizing friction as he presses his hand on your sex.
Your breaths mingle as you both move in sync, hands exploring, discovering. His touch is firm yet careful as he lands his fingers on your bundle of nerves, his strokes slow at first, teasing, making you gasp against his lips. In response, your fingers trail lower until you find his swollen cock and wrap your hand around it, feeling the warmth, the way his breath stutters at the first touch. His forehead rests against yours for a moment, eyes fluttering shut as he exhales a shaky breath.
“God,” he murmurs, his voice thick with pleasure. “You feel so good.”
The pace between you builds naturally, neither of you rushing, just taking the time to savor the way the other reacts. Han groans softly, his hips twitching slightly as your fingers tighten around his length, and in return, he sync his movements with yours, applying gentle pressures on your clit, making you shudder in his grasp. There’s an intimacy in it, beyond just the pleasure—it’s the way he watches your face, the way you both respond to each other, completely in tune.
His lips find yours again, swallowing your soft moans as the pleasure mounts between you. It’s intoxicating, the push and pull, the way you both chase after the same high together, bodies pressed close, hands on each other’s sex, moving in perfect rhythm.
Han groans against your lips as your other hand joins in, moving them in unison, fingers wrapping around him, stroking in sync. His breath is ragged, his body trembling slightly as he thrusts into your joined grip, chasing the pleasure that builds between you. His forehead presses against yours, his eyes dark with desire as he watches your movements, completely entranced by the way you touch him.
"Fuck, baby," he breathes out, his jaw tightening as he tries to hold himself back. "You're really trying to ruin me, huh?"
You smirk, giving him a gentle, deliberate squeeze, and he groans, his grip on your wrist tightening slightly as if to stop himself from losing control. Then, as if realizing just how close he is, he suddenly slows your hands, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
Han leans in, capturing your lips in a deep, lingering kiss before pulling back just enough to smirk at you. "As much as I'd love to keep going, I should probably put that condom on before I—" he pauses, inhaling sharply as you teasingly stroke him once more "—burst."
His words make you chuckle, and he grins at you, eyes full of mischief as he reaches for the box beside the bed. You watch as he tears open the foil packet with his teeth, his eyes flicking up to meet yours with a playful glint. He rolls the condom over his length with practiced ease, smoothing it down before giving himself a teasing stroke. Then, with a smirk, he looks at you and wiggles his eyebrows.
"Think it's on securely?" he asks, feigning concern as he lightly tugs at the base. "Or should I call customer service for assistance?"
You let out a breathy laugh, shaking your head at his antics. "I am customer service, you dummy," you quip, reaching out to flick his arm.
Han chuckles, leaning over you, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips before whispering, "Then I guess I’m in good hands."
He gently puts his body on top of you, planting his lips on yours again as he slowly positioning himself and in response, you spread your legs wider for him, letting him settling in between.
He props an elbow against the mattress, finding just the right angle to align his cock to your entrance. He gives it a few strokes before finally, pushing it in.
Low groans spilling out of his mouth as he sinks into you, his grip tightening around your hips as he pushes deeper. He moves slowly at first, letting you adjust, but when he looks down at you, his brows furrow in curiosity. “You okay?”
Your lips curl into a teasing smile as you stretch your arms above your head, feigning nonchalance. “Yeah,” you sigh dramatically. “Don’t worry. I’ve taken bigger before.”
Han freezes mid-thrust, eyes narrowing. “Excuse me?”
You bite back a laugh at the mix of offense and disbelief on his face. “Just saying.”
A scoff leaves his lips before his expression morphs into something more devious. “Oh, okay. I see how it is.”
Before you can react, he suddenly thrusts forward, catching you off guard, and a loud gasp escapes you. He smirks. “What was that? Didn’t quite catch it.”
You glare at him, cheeks warming. “Shut up and start moving.”
Han clicks his tongue, clearly enjoying himself. “Say please.”
You groan in frustration, but before you can argue, he leans in, capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss. His hips begin to roll, picking up a steady rhythm, and soon, any witty remark you had is replaced by breathy moans.
“See?” he murmurs against your lips, his voice smug as his hands roam over your body. “Told you we’d have fun.”
You huff, pretending to be unimpressed, but the way your fingers dig into his back says otherwise. He chuckles, dipping his head to kiss the corner of your mouth before whispering, “Let’s see if I can change your mind about size, yeah?”
Han may tease, but when he moves, his touches are surprisingly gentle, his lips soft as they ghost over your skin. He’s still smiling, still throwing in the occasional joke between thrusts, but there’s something warm in the way he looks at you—like he genuinely enjoys just being here with you.
“Damn,” he breathes out, his forehead resting against yours as he moves. “You feel so good, I think I’m seeing my ancestors.”
You snort, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I don’t think that’s how that works.”
“Oh yeah?” He tilts his head, grinning. “Then why is my great-grandfather giving me a thumbs-up right now?”
You let out a breathy laugh, shaking your head. “You’re so dumb.”
“Hey, you like it,” he says, punctuating his words with a slow, deep thrust that has you sharply inhale air. His eyes flicker with amusement when your breath catches. “See? You love it.”
You roll your eyes but can’t stop the giggle that bubbles out of you. It’s different from what you expected—less pressure, less intensity, just lighthearted fun wrapped up in warmth and pleasure.
In the next moment, he looks at you with this tenderness in his eyes and then, he leans in close, brushing his lips over yours before whispering, “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
His words make your heart stutter, and suddenly, the moment feels even sweeter. You cup his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss, letting yourself get lost in the rhythm of him—of this easy, unexpected comfort.
Between the shared laughter and soft moans, it feels less like a conquest and more like something simple, something warm. Something that, for now, just feels good.
Through the window, the golden hues of the setting sun looks magnificent, casting a soft glow over the room. You’re tangled together under the sheets, your head resting against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. His fingers trace lazy patterns on your bare shoulder, and every now and then, he presses a soft kiss against your temple, your hair, your forehead—anywhere he can reach.
“You’re so quiet,” he murmurs, tilting his head down to look at you. “Did I wear you out that much?”
You scoff and playfully elbow his side. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
He chuckles, then shifts slightly, his lips trailing from your temple down to your cheek, then to your jawline. He pauses, his breath warm against your skin before he dips lower, pressing a teasing kiss to the crook of your neck.
You shiver at the sensation, but just as you start to relax into it, he suddenly blows a raspberry against your skin. “Han!” you shriek, jerking away with a laugh. “Stop that!”
But he only grins mischievously, wrapping an arm around you to keep you from escaping as he does it again—this time nibbling lightly before blowing another raspberry. You squirm in his arms, half laughing, half protesting. “You’re the worst!” you gasp between giggles.
He hums, pretending to consider. “Mmm, but you like me anyway.”
You glare at him through your laughter, and he grins before pressing a much softer, lingering kiss against your neck.
“Alright, alright,” he says, finally relenting. “I’ll stop—for now.”
You let out a breath, still smiling as you settle back into his embrace. Outside, the sky shifts from warm golds to dusky purples, and for a moment, everything just feels… easy. Comfortable.
And as Han idly runs his fingers through your hair, you find yourself wondering how a simple afternoon turned into this—wrapped up in warmth, in laughter, in him.
As the last traces of sunlight fade into the evening sky, you run your fingers through Han’s hair, gently brushing it back from his forehead. His eyes flutter shut at your touch, a contented hum vibrating in his chest.
“You’re gonna put me to sleep like this,” he murmurs, voice thick with drowsiness.
You smile, smoothing his hair again before giving it a playful tug. “Not so fast. You still owe me dinner.”
His eyes peek open, a lazy grin spreading across his lips. “Oh? I do?”
“Yeah,” you say matter-of-factly. “I skipped work today, wasted my precious energy entertaining you, and now I’m starving. It’s only fair that you buy me dinner.”
Han gasps dramatically. “Wasted your precious energy?” He places a hand over his chest like you’ve wounded him. “I’ll have you know, that was a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
You roll your eyes, but your stomach betrays you with a low grumble. Han snickers, clearly pleased with himself.
“Alright, okay,” he relents, stretching his arms above his head before sitting up. “What do you want? Something fancy? Something greasy? Or something that’ll make us question our life choices after we eat it?”
You chuckle. “I like the sound of the last one.”
Han grins. “Instant regret it is.”
He lands a long kiss on your lips before getting up, swinging his legs off the bed and starts pulling on his sweatpants, and you do the same, shaking your head at his enthusiasm. It’s not exactly how you expected your day to go, but somehow, you don’t mind at all.
Seated at Han’s small dining table, you poke at your takeout with your chopsticks, watching as he slouches in his chair, looking far too comfortable in just his sweatpants. Meanwhile, you’re drowning in one of his oversized sweaters, the fabric slipping off your shoulder every time you move.
Han takes a big bite of his food, humming in satisfaction before glancing at you. “You’re really not gonna put pants on?” he teases.
“You’re one to talk,” you counter, raising a brow. “Besides, this is more comfortable.”
He grins. “Fine, but if you steal that sweater, I’ll know.”
You ignore his threat, chewing thoughtfully before asking, “So… how was the performance?”
He nearly chokes on his food. He grabs his drink, gulping it down before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Damn,” he laughs, shaking his head. “You just wanna jump straight into performance reviews, huh?”
You blink at him. “Yeah… why not?”
He leans back in his chair, grinning for ear to ear. “Well, if you ask me, I think I did a solid job. Great rhythm, nice pace, perfect execution. I mean, if I had to rate it—”
“Oh my God,” you groan, throwing a sauce packet at him. “I was talking about the condom performance, not yours.”
He gasps, feigning offense as he dramatically clutches his chest. “Oh. So my performance isn’t important?”
You roll your eyes, but a laugh slips out.
Han seductively winks at you and confidently says, “I know you like it.”
You shake your head, chuckling. “Alright, seriously, though. How was the product? Any complaints?”
He hums, twirling his chopsticks between his fingers. “No complaints. It’s comfortable, does the job, doesn’t slip. And…” He shoots you a mischievous look. “It didn’t ruin the mood, so I’d say that’s a win.”
You nod, mentally noting his feedback. “That’s good to hear.”
Han grins. “And in case you were wondering, you did great too.”
You groan again, but you can’t help the heat rising to your cheeks. “Just eat your dumpling, Han.”
He chuckles, clearly enjoying your reaction, before taking another bite, looking far too pleased with himself. He chews thoughtfully for a moment before casually adding, “If I had to say one thing, I kinda wish it was thinner.”
You pause mid-bite, looking at him. “Thinner?”
“Yeah.” He leans back in his chair, stretching his arms behind his head. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s comfortable and all, but if it were just a little thinner, I feel like I could… you know, feel you more.” He smirks, his gaze flickering over you with something undeniably teasing.
You narrow your eyes at him, but your brain is already running with the idea. “A thinner material…” you murmur, tapping your chopsticks against your bowl.
Han watches you, curiosity piqued. “You’re really thinking about this now?”
“Well, yeah,” you say, sitting up straighter. “If we can make the material thinner while maintaining durability and elasticity, it could enhance sensitivity and comfort. It might actually improve the overall experience for users.”
Han chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re literally fresh off a test run, and you’re already planning upgrades?”
You shrug. “That’s how innovation works.”
After dinner and two glasses of wine, you return to the bedroom. As you slip into your clothes, Han leans against the doorway, arms crossed, watching you with an amused smirk.
“You know,” he muses, “there are still two packs left. Might as well be thorough with the testing.”
You huff a laugh, shaking your head as you adjust your sweater. “It’s getting late, Han.”
“So stay,” he tries again, stepping closer. “Leave in the morning. I make a killer breakfast.”
You laugh while smoothing down your skirt. “I'm sorry but I have to tell you that this is the end of the product test and we won’t see each other again.”
Han tilts his head, unconvinced. “I highly doubt that.”
You roll your eyes, but a chuckle escapes you. “You’re cute.” Then, without thinking too much about it, you lean in and press a soft kiss to his lips. He hums into it, chasing after you when you pull away.
With a lazy grin, he says, “Well, if you ever need a booty call—”
“Now, I highly doubt that,” you cut him off with a playful tease, grabbing your bag.
Han watches as you make your way to the door, still smiling. “Love finds a way, you know,” he calls out after you.
Shaking your head, you turn back for a final glance. “Goodbye, Han.”
He lifts a hand in farewell, and with that, you step out, leaving behind both the product test and the man who helped make it a very memorable one.
It's another day at work, another day of burying yourself in your notes, scribbling down ideas for product improvements when Jane bursts into the lab with a dramatic sigh.
“You know,” she starts, plopping down on the nearest chair, “I’m starting to think you love work more than me.”
You glance up, raising a brow. “Are you jealous of my research?”
“No,” she deadpans. “What I'm saying is you’ve been so busy lately, I barely see you anymore. I mean, I get it—scientific breakthroughs, saving the world one condom at a time, blah blah—but can you at least pretend to have a social life?”
You chuckle, shaking your head as you lean back in your chair. “I do have a social life. We literally went to your product launch.”
Jane waves you off. “That doesn’t count. That was work disguised as a party.” Then, narrowing her eyes at you, she leans forward. “Speaking of which… you never told me what happened after. You left with Chris that night, didn’t you?”
You freeze for half a second before playing it cool. “I went home.”
Jane’s eyes glint with mischief. “Alone?”
You clear your throat, pretending to be suddenly fascinated by your notes. “Why are you here again?”
She groans, throwing her head back. “Ugh, fine, I’ll let it go—for now. But seriously, let’s go out soon. You owe me drinks for neglecting me.”
You smirk. ��Fine, but you’re buying the first round.”
Jane grins. “Deal.”
Later that night, you and Jane are seated at a bar, the warm buzz of alcohol settling in as you sip on your drinks. The music is lively but not overbearing, and for the first time in a while, you feel like you can actually unwind.
Jane stirs the straw in her cocktail before shooting you a look. “Alright, so tell me—what did Chris want when he called you to his office?”
You sigh, leaning back against the barstool. “He locked the door the moment I walked in.”
Jane’s eyes widen. “Ooh, now that’s how you start a story.”
You roll your eyes but continue, “Then he told me he went against the board because he believes I can do more. That I shouldn’t settle when I can create something even better.”
Jane hums, taking a sip of her drink. “And how did that make you feel?”
You hesitate, swirling the liquid in your glass. “Angry. Frustrated. Conflicted.” You exhale, shaking your head. “I mean, I get what he’s saying, but at the same time, I worked hard on this. He basically told me it wasn’t good enough.”
Jane tilts her head, considering your words. “But was he wrong?”
You blink at her, taken aback. And then, Jane shrugs. “Look, I know you. You hate doing things halfway. If Chris is saying you can do more, maybe it’s because he knows you actually want to.”
You purse your lips, not quite ready to admit that she might have a point. Instead, you take a long sip of your drink.
Jane smirks knowingly. “So… what else happened in that office?”
You give her a dry look. “I left.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
Jane whistles, shaking her head. “Damn. If a man locked me in his office, I would’ve at least—”
She cackles, raising her hands in surrender. “Okay, okay! But seriously, what are you going to do now?”
You let out a breath, staring at the ice in your glass. “I don’t know yet.”
Jane squints at you over the rim of her glass, then smirks. "By the way, you skipped work the other day."
You glance at her warily. "And?"
"And I want to know what you were up to," she says, wiggling her eyebrows. "Come on, spill."
You hesitate for a moment, but Jane is relentless, leaning in with eager curiosity. With a sigh, you finally admit, “I went out with Han.”
Her eyes widen in delight. "Ohhh, this is interesting. You and Han, huh? What did you two do?"
"Nothing crazy," you say, taking a sip of your drink. "We had brunch, did some shopping, and then—"
Jane cuts you off with an exaggerated gasp. "And then?! Oh my god, don't tell me you slept with him."
You press your lips together, trying to suppress a smirk.
"You did!" she nearly shrieks, slamming her hand on the bar. "Holy shit, I knew there was something different about you! You got that after sex glow!"
You shake your head, chuckling at her reaction. "It was just… for the product test."
Jane snorts, nearly choking on her drink. "The product test? That has to be the best excuse I’ve ever heard."
"It's the truth," you say, half-laughing. "He was one of the participants, so technically, it was all part of research."
She gives you a deadpan look. "Yeah, sure. Research." Then her smirk returns. "So… how was it?"
You sigh dramatically. "Well, let’s just say… Han is very entertaining."
Jane bursts into laughter. "Oh, I bet he is." She nudges your arm. "And let me guess, he was totally cocky about it, too, wasn’t he?"
You roll your eyes and then crack a smile. "You have no idea."
She grins, taking another sip of her drink. "Damn, I really should’ve joined your project. It sounds way more fun than mine."
The two of you continue sipping your drinks and with more people crowding the bar, it is now buzzing with chatter and laughter. Then, out of nowhere, Jane sets her glass down with a determined look. "You know what?" she says, pointing at you. "You should prove Chris wrong."
You look at her, befuddled. "What?"
"You heard me." She leans in, eyes glinting with mischief. "You should prove to him that you can do more. That you can exceed his expectations."
You scoff lightly, swirling your drink. "Why should I care what he thinks?"
Jane raises a brow. "Oh, come on. If you really didn’t care, you wouldn’t still be sulking about it."
You open your mouth to argue but shut it again because—well, she’s not wrong.
Jane smirks, seeing your hesitation. "I mean, think about it. What better way to get back at him than to succeed? To improve the product so much that he has no choice but to approve it?"
You exhale, considering her words. Then, your mind flashes back to Han’s comment during dinner—the one about wishing the condom was thinner so he could feel more. And suddenly, an idea clicks.
You straighten up. "That’s it," you say under your breath.
Jane tilts her head. "What’s it?"
You look at her, a slow grin forming. "I know what to do."
Jane claps her hands together. "Now that’s the attitude I like to see! Let’s drink to that."
You clink your glass against hers, a renewed sense of purpose bubbling inside you. Chris may have doubted you, but that only means one thing—you're going to prove him so wrong.
In your lab, you throw yourself into research, pouring over formulas, materials, and test results. Your determination fuels you, and over the next several days, you barely notice time passing as you and your team work tirelessly on improving the product.
And finally, after what feels like endless trial and error, the first batch of prototypes arrives. You stand in the lab, staring at the neatly stacked boxes on the counter. A rush of excitement and nervous energy courses through you. This is it—your hard work materialized into something tangible.
Jane walks in just as you’re inspecting one of the boxes. "Ooooh," she hums, coming up beside you. "Are those the babies?"
You smirk. "Fresh out of production."
She picks up a box, turning it in her hands. "Extra large and extra thin, huh? Impressive."
You chuckle, but you’re already thinking about the next step. The real test. "Now, I just need to find people to try them out."
Jane wiggles her brows at you. "I have a feeling you already have someone in mind."
Your smirk falters slightly. There’s one obvious choice, but after everything… should you?
There's the right way to do it. You could present the data, write up a full report, and talk to Chris about the improvements—but you don’t just want to talk about it. You want to show him. Prove it to him. Directly.
Without hesitation, you make your way to his office, determination set in your stride. You knock on the door and wait until your hear his permission to let yourself in.
When you step inside, Chris is flipping through some documents at his desk. He barely acknowledges you at first, but when he glances up and sees the look on your face, his brows lift slightly in curiosity.
“To what do I owe this surprise visit?” he asks, leaning back in his chair, one arm resting on the desk.
You don’t waste time. “Do you still want to participate in the product tests?”
Chris’s lips twitch into a smirk, intrigue flashing in his eyes. “And why are you asking?”
You hold his gaze, unwavering. “Please just answer. Yes or no.”
That only seems to amuse him more. He tilts his head, his smirk deepening as he stalls on answering. After a moment, he finally says, “Yes.”
You nod, satisfied. You pull out a card of a hotel and place it on his desk. “Meet me at this hotel. Saturday night.”
His brows lift at that, his eyes flicking over you as if trying to decipher your intentions. But before he can ask any questions, you turn on your heel and head for the door.
“See you soon, Mr. Bang,” you say, flashing him a polite, almost teasing smile before walking out.
As the door clicks shut behind you, you don’t look back—but you can practically feel his gaze following you, filled with intrigue and it only motivates you more.
On Friday afternoon, you find yourself standing outside Jane’s lab, hesitating for only a moment before pushing the door open. Jane is hunched over her workbench, her brows furrowed in concentration as she adjusts something under a microscope.
When she hears you step inside, she glances up, blinking in surprise. “Well, well, if it isn’t our overworked researcher gracing me with her presence.” She leans back, crossing her arms. “What brings you here? Need my genius expertise on something?”
You take a deep breath, feeling a little ridiculous but pushing through anyway. “I need your help with something… off the record.”
Her interest piques immediately. “Ooh, now you’ve got my attention. What kind of help?”
You shift on your feet, feeling the heat creep up your neck. “Shopping.”
Jane stares at you for a second before she bursts into laughter. “You, asking me for shopping help? This must be serious.”
You sigh, rubbing your temple. “Are you going to help or not?”
“Oh, I’m definitely helping. But I need details.” She narrows her eyes mischievously. “Is this for a date? A hot, steamy date?”
You roll your eyes. “It’s for… research purposes.”
Jane snorts. “Right. ‘Research.’” She grabs her coat from the back of her chair. “Come on, let’s get you something that’ll make your ‘research’ partner lose his mind.”
You shake your head, but you can’t help the small smile that creeps onto your lips as you follow her out.
In a brightly lit makeup store, you sit on a stool in front of a mirror while Jane enthusiastically swatches different lip colors on the back of her hand. She holds up two tubes, squinting at your face.
"Okay, bold red or soft nude?" she asks, tilting her head in deep contemplation.
You raise an eyebrow. "What exactly are we going for here?"
Jane grins. "Something that screams ‘I’m sexy, but I didn’t even try.’ You know, the effortless but deadly kind of look."
You huff out a laugh as she dabs a soft, peachy shade on your lips, then steps back to admire her work.
“So,” she starts casually, leaning against the counter. “This research… It’s with Han, isn’t it?”
You pause, eyes flickering to her through the mirror. Instead of answering directly, you smirk and say, “Does it matter?”
Jane gasps dramatically. “So it is him.”
You chuckle and reach for the lipstick tube, deciding to apply it yourself. “I never said that.”
“But you also didn’t deny it.” Jane wiggles her brows, clearly enjoying this far too much. “I knew it. You totally went back for round two, didn’t you?”
You shake your head, amused. “You have a very active imagination.”
Jane watches you for a moment, then narrows her eyes. “Wait. Wait.” She suddenly grabs your arm, making you almost smudge your lipstick. “If it’s not Han… then who—”
You quickly shove a lip brush into her hand. “Focus, Jane. I need to look good.”
Jane watches you with a knowing smirk as you finish applying the lipstick, pressing your lips together to even out the color. She folds her arms, still leaning against the counter, clearly enjoying herself far too much.
“Well, whoever it is,” she says teasingly, “I hope your research goes well.”
You roll your eyes but can’t help the small smile playing on your lips.
Jane winks. “Good luck, professor. Make sure to take very detailed notes.”
You shake your head, laughing as you grab your bag. “I’ll see you on Monday, Jane.”
As you walk away, you hear her call out, “And I expect a full report on my desk by then!”
The low hum of jazz music fills the hotel bar, blending with the quiet murmur of conversation and the occasional clink of glasses. You sit at the counter, one leg crossed over the other, slowly swirling the drink in your hand as you wait. The deep red of your lipstick matches the rich hue of the cocktail, and you take a slow sip, feeling the warmth of the alcohol settle in your chest.
You glance at the entrance, scanning the room for any sign of Chris. He’s late—not by much, but enough to make you feel the anticipation build. You check your reflection in the mirror behind the bar, ensuring everything is still perfect. The makeup, the dress, the air of confidence you carefully wrapped around yourself like armor.
And then, as if sensing your impatience, he finally arrives.
Chris steps into the bar, scanning the room until his eyes land on you. His expression shifts—something unreadable flickering across his face before he starts toward you. Even in the dim lighting, he looks effortlessly good, dressed in all black, his shirt fitted just enough to hint at the body underneath. You lift your glass to your lips again, watching him over the rim as he approaches. This time, you’re the one making him wait.
Chris finally reaches you, his presence demanding attention even in the dimly lit bar. He doesn’t sit right away; instead, he stands beside you, his hand resting lightly against the back of your chair as he takes in your appearance. His gaze lingers, sweeping from your legs crossed at the knee to the curve of your lips as you sip your drink.
"You clean up nice," he murmurs, amusement laced in his tone.
You seductively smile, setting your glass down. "I could say the same about you."
Chris finally takes the seat next to you, signaling the bartender for a drink. "So, are we going to pretend this is just another product test, or are you actually going to tell me why you invited me here?"
You tilt your head, feigning innocence. "Can’t I just want to have a drink with my product manager slash test subject?"
Chris chuckles, shaking his head. "You don’t do things without a reason." He leans in slightly, his voice dropping just enough to send a shiver down your spine. "So, what’s the real reason?"
You hold his gaze, letting the tension settle between you before answering. "I told you I wanted to show you something," you say, tapping your fingers lightly against your glass. "But instead of talking about it, I figured I’d demonstrate."
Chris raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "You mean—"
You nod, finishing the rest of your drink before sliding off your chair. "Room’s already booked," you say casually, picking up your clutch. "If you’re still interested in participating... that is."
He doesn't say anything but takes the seat next to you, gesturing the bartender that he wants the same drink with yours. He is relaxed, one arm draped casually over the back of his chair, his fingers occasionally tapping against the glass in his other hand.
At one point, he swirls his drink, watching the amber liquid before glancing at you with a smirk. "I have to admit," he says, "I’m a little surprised you asked me to test the product instead of… the other guy."
You pause mid-sip, lowering your glass. "The other guy?"
Chris tilts his head slightly. "I saw you with him the other day," he says, his tone light, but there’s something unreadable in his eyes.
You blink, caught off guard. For a moment, you consider playing coy, but instead, you shrug. "And?"
He chuckles, shaking his head. "No judgment. Just an observation." He leans in slightly, his gaze locking onto yours. "I just figured if you were looking for a test subject, you already had one."
You let out a soft laugh, setting your glass down. "What, jealous?"
Chris raises an eyebrow, lips curving into a knowing smirk. "Should I be?"
You meet his gaze, the challenge lingering between you. "That depends," you murmur, tilting your head. "Are you planning to fail this test?"
Chris huffs a quiet laugh, shaking his head. "Not a chance." He lifts his drink in a mock toast. "To scientific integrity, then."
You clink your glass against his, your smirk matching his. "To exceeding expectations."
As you and Chris step into the elevator, more and more people pile in behind you, filling the small space. The warmth of bodies and the low murmur of conversation surround you, but all you can focus on is Chris.
Without a word, he tugs you closer to his side, his hand resting on your lower back, fingers pressing just enough to make you feel his presence. You tilt your head slightly to glance at him, but he's already watching you, his dark eyes filled with wild glints.
Then, he leans in, his breath warm against the shell of your ear. "You look incredible tonight," he murmurs, his voice low and smooth, sending a shiver down your spine. "I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you since I walked into that bar."
Your fingers tighten around the strap of your purse, heat creeping up your neck. You don't dare turn your head, knowing just how close your lips would be if you did. Instead, you let out a small exhale, keeping your gaze forward. "Good," you whisper back, just loud enough for him to hear over the hum of the elevator. "I dressed up for the occasion."
Chris chuckles under his breath, his fingers pressing just a fraction harder against your back. "Then I better make this worth your while."
The elevator dings as it reaches your floor, and as the doors slide open, Chris guides you out with a firm hand on your waist. The air between you feels heavier now, thick with anticipation. Neither of you say a word as you walk down the hall—but you both know exactly where this night is headed.
Arrived at hotel room 0810, you slide the keycard into the door, and with a soft beep, it unlocks. Pushing it open, you step inside first, Chris following close behind. The moment the door clicks shut, sealing you both in, he speaks.
"You don’t look nervous," he observes, his voice casual yet laced with something deeper, something almost teasing.
You turn to him, raising a brow. "Should I be?"
His lips curling into a small, knowing smile. He doesn't answer—just watches you, his gaze dragging over your face, down to the way your dress hugs your body. The silence between you stretches, thickening, until the tension becomes almost unbearable.
You break it first. "So," you say, crossing your arms, "should we get started? Or do you need some... encouragement?"
Chris exhales a quiet chuckle, stepping closer. "Oh, I think I’ll be just fine," he murmurs, his eyes flickering with amusement and something darker.
The energy shifts. The air feels warmer, heavier. You hold your ground as he closes the distance, your pulse picking up as you realize—this is really happening. He closes the space between you, his hands finding your waist as he pulls you flush against him. His warmth seeps through the fabric of your dress, and you feel the steady rise and fall of his chest against yours.
He leans in, his lips barely brushing yours, but he doesn’t kiss you—not yet. Instead, he lingers, reveling in the closeness, in the way your breath hitches, in the way your body naturally molds against his. His fingers flex at your waist, as if memorizing the shape of you all over again.
A quiet sigh escapes him. "I missed this," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper, as if the admission is something fragile, something real.
And then, finally, he closes the distance, pressing his lips to yours. It’s soft at first, almost hesitant, like he’s savoring the moment, like he’s waited too long for this to rush it. The kiss deepens gradually, his lips moving against yours with a slow, intoxicating rhythm, his hands tightening their hold on you as if grounding himself to the moment.
You place your hands flat on his chest and steering his body toward the bed, he barely has time to react when you suddenly push him, catching him off guard as he stumbles back onto the bed. His hands press into the mattress, propping himself up as he looks up at you with a mix of surprise and intrigue. His tongue swipes over his lower lip, his smirk playful yet laced with anticipation.
You stand there, letting the moment linger, letting his gaze rake over you. The weight of his stare sends a shiver down your spine, the way he looks at you—like he’s already undressing you with his eyes.
Tilting your head to the side, you exhale a slow, teasing breath. “You know what? I’ll give you some encouragement anyway.”
Then, you reach for the zipper of your dress, sliding it down. The fabric loosens, slipping off your shoulders, gliding down your body until it pools around your ankle. You step out of it, standing in nothing but your silky lingerie, the dim hotel lighting casting shadows over your skin.
Chris lets out a quiet curse under his breath, his smirk faltering just a little as his Adam’s apple bobs. He shifts slightly on the bed, his fingers curling into the sheets as he watches you with darkened eyes. “Yeah,” he murmurs, voice rougher now. “That’ll do.”
You crawl onto the bed with deliberate slowness, letting the tension thicken between you. Chris stays where he is, watching your every movement with hooded eyes, his fingers crumpling the sheets as if holding himself back. The moment you hover over him, barely touching, you feel the way his chest rises and falls beneath you, his breath deep and steady, though you know he’s anything but calm.
Then, you lower yourself onto him, your body molding against his. A low hum vibrates in his throat when you shift, you intentionally rub your clothed core against the growing hardness beneath his slacks. His hands instinctively find your waist, his fingers pressing into your skin through the silky fabric of your lingerie.
Your lips find his again, slow at first—like savoring a taste you’ve missed. But as he deepens the kiss, his grip tightens, his body responding just as eagerly. You can feel the heat radiating between you, the steady friction sending sparks down your spine.
Chris pulls away just enough to murmur against your lips, his voice thick with amusement and something deeper. “If this is your idea of encouragement, I might need a little more.”
In one swift motion, he suddenly flips you onto your back, pressing you into the mattress as he settles between your legs. The movement knocks the breath from your lungs, leaving you dazed for a second, but then his lips are back on yours, hungry and unrelenting.
His body presses firmly against yours, the heat between you growing unbearable as he moves, rolling his hips into yours in a slow, steady rhythm. Even through the layers of fabric, the friction sends a jolt through your core, and you can’t stop the soft sound that escapes your lips. Chris groans in response, his fingers threading through your hair as he deepens the kiss, swallowing every sound you make.
“You feel so good,” he murmurs against your lips before trailing kisses down your jaw, his breath warm against your skin. His movements never slow, each grind making you more desperate for something more, something deeper.
His hands roam down your sides, exploring, memorizing, teasing. “Tell me,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear, “is this enough encouragement for you, or should I keep going?”
You break the kiss to answer him. “More.”
Chris grins and then he pulls away just enough to kneel between your legs, his hands going to the hem of his shirt before tugging it off in one smooth motion. The bedside lamp casts soft shadows over the sculpted lines of his chest, his toned muscles shifting as he moves. He doesn’t say anything at first—just looks down at you, his gaze dark and intense, waiting.
Then, he takes your hands, guiding them to his chest, letting you feel the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips. He doesn’t rush you, doesn’t demand anything—he simply lets you explore, his breath hitching when your fingers trail lower, tracing the ridges of his abs.
His lips curl into a smirk, but he doesn’t give you time to tease him about it. Instead, his hands move to the front of his slacks, undoing them with ease before pushing them down just enough to free his stiffening cock. The sight alone sends a wave of heat through you, but before you can react, he reaches for one of your hands, wrapping your fingers around him.
His sharp inhale is barely audible over the quiet hum of the room. “Now,” he murmurs, his voice low and thick, “do you think I’m encouraged enough, or do you need to convince me a little more?”
Instead of answering, your fingers tighten around his throbbing length as you begin slow, deliberate strokes, watching the way his jaw clenches at the sensation. Chris stays still at first, letting you set the pace, but his breathing grows heavier with each pass of your hand. His eyelids flutter briefly before he focuses on you again, his lips parting as if to say something, but no words come out—just a sharp exhale.
You tilt your head, feigning innocence. “Let me encourage you a little more,” you murmur, your thumb teasing the tip, spreading the pre-cum.
His hands fist into the sheets beside your hips, his muscles tensing as he fights the urge to move. “You’re—” He cuts himself off, sucking in a breath when you stroke him just a little faster.
You watch him unravel beneath your touch, the way his brows knit together, the way his hips twitch slightly as he nears his breaking point. Then, just as you feel him getting close, you suddenly stop, pulling your hand away with a smirk.
Chris snaps his eyes open, a mixture of frustration and amusement flashing across his face. He exhales a shaky laugh, licking his lips as he looks at you. “Oh, you think that’s funny, huh?”
He leans down to give you a hard, deep kiss, almost punishing. He groans against your lips as you use all of your strength to roll to the side, shifting your weight and pinning him beneath you. His hands instinctively find your waist, gripping you, but he doesn’t resist—if anything, he looks amused, his eyes flickering with intrigue.
“You're such a tease, you know what?” he murmurs, his lips curving into a smirk as he watches you.
You lean down, brushing your lips over his in a teasing kiss before pulling back just enough to meet his gaze. “I need to get the condom first,” you say, voice low but firm.
Chris exhales through his nose, his smirk deepening as his hands skim up your sides. “Responsible and a tease,” he muses. “You’re really making me work for this, huh?”
You give him a knowing smile before slipping off him, making your way across the room to retrieve what you need. Behind you, Chris watches your every move, his eyes dark with anticipation.
You end up taking your bag with you as you return to the bed, putting it down on the bedside table before taking a condom and holding it between your fingers. You pause for a moment at the sight before you—Chris, sitting up naked, waiting for you. His toned body is bathed in the dim hotel lighting, his muscles subtly flexing as he leans back on his hands, watching you approach. His eyes are dark with anticipation, a lazy smirk playing on his lips as he reaches out to take the condom from you.
But before he can, you pull your hand back slightly. “Let me put it on for you,” you say, your voice smooth, teasing.
Chris raises a brow, his smirk deepening. “Yeah?” he muses, clearly enjoying the idea. “By all means, then.”
You kneel in front of him on the bed, taking your time as you tear the package open, your fingers working deliberately slow just to watch the way his jaw tenses in restraint. You slide the condom out, meeting his gaze as you hold it between your fingers. His breath hitches slightly as you carefully roll it down his length, your touch light, teasing.
Chris watches you the whole time, his eyes flickering between your face and your hands. “You keep looking at me like that,” he murmurs, voice lower now, “and I might not last long enough to test this properly.”
You smirk, giving him a final slow stroke over the latex before meeting his gaze with a playful glint in your eyes. “Then I guess we better get started.”
He pulls you close, his lips crashing into yours with a slow but deep intensity. His hands wander, deft fingers working open your bra and pushing the straps off your shoulders before trailing down to slide your underwear down your hips. He takes his time, enjoying the way your skin feels under his fingertips as he undresses you completely, leaving you bare beneath him.
He kisses you again, softer this time, before shifting lower. His mouth leaves a warm trail down your neck, across your collarbone, and on each of your soft mounds, his lips pressing against every inch of exposed skin. When he reaches your abdomen, he lingers, placing slow, deliberate kisses along your stomach, his warm breath sending a shiver through you.
Your anticipation builds as he inches lower, his lips hovering over the most sensitive part of you, teasing, making you wait. You let out a shaky breath, your body reacting to his touch before he even fully gives in. And then, finally, he presses a soft, lingering kiss where you need him most, drawing a breathy moan from your lips.
Then, slowly, he slides his fingers up your thigh, trailing closer until he finally touches you. His fingertips press on your clit, exploring, testing, before slipping between your folds, his touch both delicate and deliberate.
He watches you closely, his eyes locked onto your face, studying every expression, every flicker of pleasure that crosses your features. His fingers move with slow precision, pumping in and out of you, pressing and curling just right, gauging your reactions, adjusting to what makes you shudder and sigh. His gaze darkens with satisfaction as he watches you come undone beneath him, utterly absorbed in the way you respond to his touch.
When he deems that you’re drenched enough for what’s next, he slowly withdraws his fingers, his touch lingering just enough to make you whimper at the loss. Holding your gaze, he brings his fingers to his lips, his tongue darting out to taste you. A satisfied hum rumbles in his chest as he licks them clean, his eyes never leaving yours, dark with something almost possessive.
Then, without a word, he shifts, settling himself between your parted legs. His hands slide up your thighs, spreading them further as he positions himself, his body warm and solid above you. He takes a slow, measured breath, his fingers gripping your hips, grounding both of you in the moment before he finally moves.
As Chris slowly pushes his cock inside you, he’s careful, his brows furrowed in focus. His hands tighten on your hips, his breath uneven as he inches deeper. But then—he suddenly freezes. His body goes rigid, his fingers twitching against your skin.
A moment passes before he lifts his head, his eyes meeting yours in what almost looks like disbelief. “Did you…” He swallows, his voice rough. “Did you make the condom thinner?”
You nod, watching the way his throat bobs as he exhales shakily. His gaze flickers downward to where your bodies are joined, and he lets out a deep, guttural groan. “Shit,” he mutters, squeezing his eyes shut for a second. “I can feel you—like, really feel you.” His fingers dig into your hips as he lets out another quiet, almost tortured sound. “You feel too good—I need a second.”
A lazy smile tugs at your lips as you brush your fingers through his hair, letting the strands slip between your fingertips. “Take all the time you need,” you murmur, tilting your head slightly as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, groaning lowly against your skin. His breath is hot, his lips brushing against your pulse, and for a moment, he just stays there, like he’s trying to regain control.
Chris lifts his head, his eyes dark and hazy as they search yours. Then, without a word, he leans down and captures your lips in a deep, lingering kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips to taste you. His grip on your hips tightens as he begins to move, his first thrust slow, almost experimental, as if he’s still trying to wrap his head around the sensation.
A low curse slips from his lips as he pulls back slightly before pressing in again, his brows furrowing. His gaze flickers downward, to his cock slipping into you, and then back up at you. “Are you sure you put it on?” he asks, his voice rough with disbelief.
You chuckle breathlessly, wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper. “Positive.”
He groans, shaking his head, his pace gradually increasing. “Fuck, it’s so thin—Oh, I swear it feels like I’m not even wearing one.” His forehead presses against yours for a second, his breath hot against your lips. “I can feel you—every inch of you.” His words are almost a whisper, as if he’s too lost in the sensation to speak any louder.
His hands roam your body as he thrusts into you, his lips brushing over your skin, leaving soft, fleeting kisses. “You feel too good,” he murmurs, his voice thick with pleasure. “Too perfect for me.” His fingers dig into your waist, his movements growing more desperate, more intoxicated by the way your body molds against his. He groans your name, his lips tracing the curve of your jaw before capturing your mouth once more, swallowing the sounds you make as he completely loses himself in you.
The next thing you know, his thrusts become rougher, more desperate, his restraint slipping with every second that passes. His breath is hot against your skin, his body pressed so firmly against yours that there’s no space left between you. His fingers dig into your flesh, his pace relentless, driven purely by the overwhelming sensation of you wrapped around him.
Then, as if catching himself, he slows down just enough to look at you, his brows slightly furrowed. “Am I being too rough?” he asks, his voice husky, laced with concern despite the pleasure clouding his eyes.
Your lips part, but instead of answering immediately, you reach up, fingers threading through his damp hair as you tug him down for a kiss. “It’s nothing I can't handle,” you whisper against his lips, and a slow smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth before he kisses you again, deeper this time, as if sealing your words into him.
“Too good,” he groans, rolling his hips into you, each movement sending waves of pleasure through your body. “You feel too damn good—I don’t wanna stop.” His voice is rough, almost desperate, and the way he’s holding you, touching you, fucking you with such intensity—it’s like he’s completely lost in you.
He buries his face into the crook of your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses along your heated skin. His rhythm never falters, the weight of his body grounding you beneath him, as if he doesn’t want to let you go. And in that moment, it feels like nothing else exists except for the way he’s moving inside you.
A deep, shuddering groan falls out of Chris’s parted mouth as his release finally takes over him, his body trembling slightly as he collapses onto you. His weight is warm, solid, his breath still ragged against your skin as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. You gently run your fingers through his hair, holding him close as he takes a moment to gather himself, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath.
Neither of you speak for a moment, the only sound in the room is your steady breathing intertwined. You feel him place a lazy, open-mouthed kiss against your collarbone before he finally shifts, propping himself up just enough to pull away.
Immediately, he reaches down and removes the condom, tying it off with practiced ease before holding it up. Your gaze follows, and you can clearly see his release pooling inside. But what really catches your attention is when your eyes drop back down to him—because, despite everything, he’s still fully hard.
Your brows furrow as you look back up at him. “How…?” you murmur, clearly confused.
Chris follows your gaze, then looks down at himself before letting out a soft chuckle. “Guess I’m not done yet,” he says, flashing you that familiar cocky smirk, though there’s an edge of surprise in his own expression too.
You blink, still processing, before meeting his eyes again. “Is this normal for you?” you ask, suspicious.
He hums, tilting his head as if thinking about it. “Not usually this quick,” he admits, “but maybe…” He leans in, his lips brushing teasingly against yours. “Maybe it’s just you.”
You try not to let his words get to you, you look away as if looking at him will diminish the effect he has on you.
He twirls the tied-off condom between his fingers before casually tossing it into the trash. Then, he looks at you, eyes dark with something mischievous. “You know,” he murmurs, leaning in so close that his lips nearly brush yours, “we should probably run another test.”
A sly smile curls on your lips as you slowly push yourself up, pressing your palms against his chest to guide him back down onto the mattress. His eyes glimmer with intrigue as he lets you take control.
“Sure,” you simply answer, straddling him, the heat between your bodies reigniting. “But only if I get to be on top this time.”
Chris barely hesitates, his hands instinctively finding your waist. “Fair enough,” he murmurs, his voice already thick with anticipation.
You reach over to the nightstand, grabbing another condom from your bag. Holding it up between your fingers, you tilt your head and smirk.
“This isn’t just an extra-large condom,” you tease, tearing the wrapper open. “It’s extra thin, too.”
Chris watches you, his lips parted slightly, his chest rising and falling with anticipation. His hands rest on your thighs as you take your time rolling the condom down his length, your fingers brushing against him in a way that makes him impatient. Maintaining eye contact, you give him a few slow, teasing strokes, enjoying the way his jaw tenses, the way his hands tighten against your skin.
He exhales sharply when you shift, bracing yourself with your hands on his shoulders before you begin to lower yourself onto him. His grip on your hips tightens as you take him in little by little, the stretch making you shiver.
When he sinks too deep, you gasp softly and pause, catching your breath. Chris immediately holds you closer, one arm wrapping around your back, the other caressing your side. He presses his forehead against yours, his lips grazing against yours in a reassuring kiss. “Take your time,” he murmurs.
You nod, letting yourself adjust, your bodies staying connected, lips brushing, breaths mingling. The moment lingers, heavy with warmth and intimacy, before either of you dares to move again.
A moment later, you begin moving, rolling your hips against him, taking in every sensation as you feel his size inside you. His hands grip your waist, guiding your movements, but you set the pace—slow and deliberate at first, savoring the way he feels inside you.
Chris groans, his fingers pressing into your skin, his head tilting back against the pillow. "You feel too fucking good," he breathes, voice thick with pleasure.
You smile, leaning down to kiss him, your lips brushing his as you pick up the rhythm. Every drag of his cock inside you sends shivers through your body, making you crave more, need more. You let yourself get lost in it, chasing the pleasure without restraint.
Chris grips your hips harder, his breath coming out in short, ragged pants. "You're—" he groans, cutting himself off, his jaw clenching as he tries to hold himself back.
But you don’t slow down. If anything, you move faster, lost in the waves of your own pleasure. You tilt your head back, your hands splaying across his chest as you ride him, feeling your release creeping up on you.
Chris curses under his breath, his muscles tensing beneath you. "You're gonna—ah—make me lose it," he warns, his voice tight. His hands slide up your back, trying to ground himself, trying to keep control.
But you don’t stop. You chase your high, focusing on the fire pooling low in your stomach, on the pleasure building with every movement. You know he’s struggling, you know he’s holding on for you, but right now, you’re selfish. You need this. And Chris—he lets you take what you need.
The sun is shining brightly outside and it's only a little after eight. You sit by the small table near the window, dressed in the hotel’s robe, sipping on your coffee as you scroll through your phone. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries fills the air, a stark contrast to the heat and intensity of last night.
A sleepy groan comes from the bed, followed by the rustling of sheets. Chris shifts, his hair a mess of curls, his bare chest exposed as he blinks against the morning light. His gaze lands on you, and a slow, lazy smile tugs at his lips.
“Morning,” he murmurs, voice still husky from sleep.
You glance up from your phone as you take another sip of coffee. “Morning.”
Chris rubs the sleeps off his eyes before sitting up, squinting at the trays of food on the table. “You ordered breakfast?”
You glance at him and nod toward the food. “Figured you’d need it.”
He chuckles, stretching his arms over his head, muscles flexing as he lets out a satisfied sigh. “You’re not wrong.” He swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands, walking toward you with an easy confidence. “You should’ve woken me up.”
You raise a brow, smirking behind your coffee cup. “Thought I’d let you sleep in after all the work you put in.”
Chris huffs a laugh, settling into the chair across from you. His fingers lazily reach for a slice of toast, tearing off a piece as he studies you. “So… do I get a performance review?”
You don't answer but hands him his glass of orange juice. “Better eat your breakfast before it gets cold.”
As you both settle into breakfast, the comfortable clinking of utensils and the occasional sip of coffee filling the air, you decide to bring up the real reason you invited him here in the first place.
“So,” you begin, reaching for a piece of fruit, “about last night—”
Chris immediately smirks, his head tilting slightly as he chews on a bite of his croissant. “Oh? You wanna talk about my performance?”
You roll your eyes but quickly cut in before he gets the wrong idea. “The condom performance, Chris.”
He chuckles, setting down his coffee cup. “Right. The condom.” He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms as he thinks. “Well, I have to admit, it really is thinner than the previous version. Almost felt like I wasn’t wearing anything at all.”
You nod, pleased with his feedback. “That’s exactly what I was aiming for. And no issues with fit or durability?”
Chris shakes his head. “Nope. Fit was perfect, no slipping, no breaking, and,” he pauses to shoot you a playful grin, “clearly, it held up well despite extensive testing.”
You fight the amused smile threatening to show. “Good to know.”
Chris wipes his mouth with a napkin and adds with a teasing lilt, “Since we’re giving reviews, though, I think I should also mention your performance.”
You hold your hand up, stopping him. “No one wants to hear it.”
“Oh, I insist.” His grin widens as he leans forward, resting his arms on the table. “Exceptional technique, great stamina, responsiveness was off the charts—”
You throw a piece of toast at him, which he dodges with a laugh. “Please, stop.”
He only smirks, taking another sip of coffee. “Just giving honest feedback. Five stars. Highly recommend.”
You shake your head, but you’re unable to hide your small smile as you sip your own coffee.
Chris wipes his mouth with a napkin and leans back in his chair, watching you with a look that’s softer than before. “You know,” he starts, swirling his coffee, “I was right about you.”
You raise a brow, setting your cup down. “Oh? And what exactly were you right about?”
He smirks but there’s something proud in his gaze as he says, “That you can do more.” He nods toward you, his expression sincere. “You didn’t just meet expectations—you exceeded them.”
A warmth spreads through your chest at his words, but you play it cool, leaning back in your chair. “I had to prove a point,” you say, taking another sip of coffee.
Chris chuckles, shaking his head. “That you did. But let’s be honest, you didn’t just do this to prove me wrong.”
You glance at him over your cup, giving him a cryptic smile. “Maybe...”
He rubs his chin and looks at you like he’s trying to figure you out. “Maybe...” he repeats the word with a sly grin blooming on his face.
The weight of his words lingers between you, and for the first time in a while, you feel something settle inside you—a quiet sense of accomplishment, knowing that you really did do more.
Monday morning arrives, and you’re back in the lab, already deep into reviewing your notes when Jane bursts in, her eyes gleaming with mischief. She doesn’t even bother with a greeting—just leans against your desk with her arms crossed, looking at you expectantly.
“So,” she begins, dragging out the word. “How did the ‘research’ go?”
You don’t even look up, keeping your focus on your notes. “Good morning to you too, Jane.”
Jane scoffs. “Oh, don’t even try to deflect. You disappeared all weekend, and now you’re back looking suspiciously… accomplished.”
You finally glance up, giving her a flat look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jane gasps dramatically. “So secretive! Which means it must’ve been very successful.” She leans in closer, lowering her voice. “So? Was it Han or Chris?”
You almost choke on nothing. “What?”
Jane grins like a cat who caught a mouse. “You heard me. Did you finish what you started with Han, or was it…?” She trails off, eyes widening when she sees the slight twitch in your expression.
You press your lips together, shaking your head. You refuse to let anything slips out of your mouth but Jane is too smart to not catch it first.
“Oh. My. God.” She claps her hands together. “It was Chris, wasn’t it?”
You blink your eyes one too many times. “I didn’t say that.”
She practically vibrates with excitement. “Okay, tell me everything—was it hot? Was it awkward? Did the prototype work?”
You exhale in defeat, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You realize I’m not going to give you every detail, right?”
Jane groans, flopping into the chair across from you. “Fine, fine. Just… was it worth it?”
A slow smirk plays on your lips as you close your notes. “Let’s just say… the research was successful.”
Jane gasps, pointing at you. “I knew it!” She then leans forward, resting her elbows on your desk, her eyes practically sparkling. "You know, I kind of guessed something was going on between you and Chris," she says, tilting her head. "And now, I'm right."
"I'm not talking about this at work," you state firmly, turning back to your notes.
Jane groans dramatically. "Ugh! Just a little teaser? A tiny detail?" She wiggles her fingers as if trying to pry the information out of you telepathically.
Before she can push further, the door to your lab opens, and Chris steps inside. You immediately straighten in your seat as he walks in, looking calm and composed, though you catch the subtle twitch of amusement at the corner of his lips.
"Morning," he greets, his eyes flicking between you and Jane.
Jane wastes no time to greet him back with such enthusiasm. "Good morning, Chris! I was just here to ask someone about her weekend," she says, shooting you a pointed look.
You see Chris suppress a smile as he casually strolls over to your desk. "Is that so?" he muses, his tone neutral but knowing.
Jane raises a brow at both of you before smirking. "Should I leave you two alone?"
Chris chuckles, shaking his head. "No need. I'm just here to inform that," he says, then turns to you. "I spoke with the board, and they’ve agreed to a meeting with you this Thursday. Be ready for it."
Your eyes widen slightly. "Wait, really?"
Chris nods. "They’re interested in hearing more about your product improvements. Make sure you’re prepared."
You nod, already running through what you need to put together for the meeting. "Got it. Thanks for letting me know."
Jane watches the exchange with narrowed eyes before breaking into a knowing grin. "Hmm. Very professional, you two," she teases.
Chris smirks but says nothing, and you shoot Jane a warning look before she can say anything else. He gives you a small nod, the corner of his mouth lifting. "Good luck," he says simply, his voice laced with quiet confidence.
You meet his gaze, feeling an odd sense of reassurance from his words. "Thank you. I'll be ready."
He lingers for a moment as if he wants to say more, but aware of Jane’s presence so instead, he just gives you a final look before turning and leaving the lab.
As soon as the door shuts behind him, you feel Jane’s eyes burning into you. "You two are so obvious," she finally blurts out, leaning in closer with a knowing grin.
You sigh, gently massaging your temple. "Jane—"
"Fine, fine! I’ll focus on you for now," she says dramatically, throwing her hands up. "Because you, my dear, have an important task ahead of you."
You nod, already feeling the weight of responsibility settle in. "Yeah, I have a lot to prepare before Thursday."
Jane claps her hands together. "And you will succeed this time!" she declares.
You chuckle at her enthusiasm, shaking your head. "You sound more confident than I do."
"Because I am!" she says proudly. "This is your chance to prove yourself, and I know you’re gonna nail it. You’re brilliant, and your work is solid. The board would be stupid not to see that."
Her encouragement makes you smile, and for the first time since Chris mentioned the meeting, you feel a spark of excitement instead of just pressure.
"Thanks, Jane," you say sincerely.
"Anytime," she replies, slinging an arm around your shoulder. "Now, let’s get to work. You’ve got a company to impress!"
Your heart is still racing as you step out of the meeting room, the adrenaline from the meeting pumping through your veins. You exhale sharply, your hands gripping the folder of notes as you replay the last hour in your mind. The back-and-forth discussion, the sharp questions, the skeptical glances—followed by that unmistakable shift in the room when they started to really listen. Your proposal had landed.
The nerves haven’t quite settled yet, but there’s something else bubbling beneath the surface—excitement. Relief. Pride.
As you make your way back to the lab, you take a deep breath, grounding yourself. You did it. Now, all that’s left is to wait for the final decision.
The moment you step into the lab, Jane is already there, perched on your workstation with an eager glint in her eyes. "Well?" she asks, barely giving you time to set your things down. "How did it go? Did they love you? Are we celebrating? Should I start ordering drinks now?"
You exhale, running a hand through your hair. The meeting had been intense—filled with tough questions, skeptical expressions, but also moments where you knew you had them intrigued.
You glance at Jane, who is practically vibrating with anticipation. Instead of answering right away, you take your time removing your blazer and adjusting your sleeves.
"Let me guess," Jane continues, dramatically drumming her fingers on the desk. "They were blown away by your brilliance. Chris was all proud, standing there like ‘See? I told you she’s a genius.’ And now they’re going to mass-produce your condom and name it after you."
You snort, finally sitting down. "Okay, first of all, no to that last part. Second—" You pause for effect. "—they liked it."
Jane lets out a victorious squeal. "I knew it! Oh my God!" She grabs your shoulders and shakes you lightly. "I told you, didn’t I? I told you this was your moment!"
You laugh, the weight on your shoulders finally easing a little. "It’s not finalized yet, but they’re considering it for the next phase."
"Which means it’s basically a yes," she says, grinning. "Ugh, I’m so proud of you."
Something about her enthusiasm makes you realize just how big this is. You really did it. All the work, the long nights, the stress—it’s paying off.
Jane suddenly gasps, pointing a finger at you. "Wait, does this mean you’ll finally let yourself have fun now?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Define fun."
She smirks. "Drinks. Tonight. No excuses."
You shake your head with a smile, but before you can answer, your phone buzzes on the desk. You glance at the screen and see a text from Chris.
Please meet me in my office when you’re free.
Your heart does a weird little flip. Jane notices immediately. "Who’s that?"
You grab your phone, locking the screen. "Work."
Jane narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Uh-huh. Work. Sure."
You stand up, smoothing down your outfit. "I’ll see you later."
As you leave the lab, you can still hear Jane behind you. "Don’t think you’re getting out of drinks tonight!"
You roll your eyes but smile to yourself as you make your way to Chris’s office.
You knock lightly on Chris’s office door before pushing it open. He’s sitting at his desk, reviewing something on his laptop, but as soon as he sees you, a proud smile spreads across his face.
"Well, look who just walked in fresh off a successful meeting," he says, leaning back in his chair. "Congratulations. You did amazing."
You give him a small smile as you step inside. "It’s too early to celebrate. The board still has to finalize everything."
Chris shakes his head. "They’re already sold. Your product is basically approved for production—they’re just waiting for the right time to launch it."
Hearing him say it out loud makes it feel even more real. You exhale, nodding. "That’s… really good to hear."
"You should be proud of yourself."
You glance down, feeling a warmth spread through you. "I appreciate all your help," you say sincerely, meeting his gaze again. "I couldn’t have done this without you."
Chris tilts his head slightly. "I think you could’ve. But I’m glad I could be part of it."
There’s a comfortable pause before you clear your throat. "Uh, actually… my team and I are going for drinks tonight to, you know, de-stress after all this. You’re welcome to join if you want."
He raises an eyebrow, clearly amused at the way you hesitated before asking. He doesn’t answer right away, and for a second, you worry that maybe it was a bad idea to invite him. But then he sighs, looking genuinely regretful. "I’d love to, but I have a prior engagement tonight."
You nod, masking any hint of disappointment. "No worries. Maybe next time."
Chris’s eyes glint with something unreadable. "Next time, huh?"
You smirk. "Yeah. I’ll buy you a drink to thank you properly."
He chuckles. "I’ll hold you to that."
With that, you turn to leave, but just as you reach the door, Chris calls out, "Hey."
You glance back with one hand on the handle of the door.
"Have fun tonight," he says, his voice softer.
You nod. "I will."
And with that, you step out of his office, feeling lighter than you have in weeks.
Everyone raises their glasses in celebration. Jane sits beside you, grinning as she clinks her glass against yours.
“To a successful launch and to our genius researcher!” one of your team members cheers, and everyone echoes the sentiment before taking a sip of their drinks.
You smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment settle in. It had been a long, exhausting process, but seeing everyone so proud and excited made it all worth it. As the laughter and chatter continue, you stand up, raising your glass to get everyone’s attention.
“Alright, before we all get too drunk to remember anything,” you begin, earning a round of chuckles from your colleagues, “I just want to take a moment to say thank you. This project was not easy, and we’ve had our fair share of challenges, but we pulled through because of all of you.”
Your team cheers, clinking their glasses together.
“This wouldn’t have been possible without everyone’s hard work and dedication. So, really—thank you. You guys are amazing, and I’m lucky to work with such a great team.”
More cheers erupt, and Jane dramatically wipes an imaginary tear from her eye, making you laugh. “And, since I know you all worked extra hard…” You pause for effect, then grin. “Drinks are on me tonight!”
The bar erupts in cheers, your team raising their glasses in excitement. Someone pats you on the back, and Jane throws an arm around your shoulders.
“Now that’s the best speech I’ve ever heard!” she exclaims, making everyone laugh.
With the energy high and spirits lifted, the night truly begins. It goes on with rounds of drinks and playful banter, but at some point, Jane leans in closer, eyeing you with a knowing smirk.
“You’re not having fun,” she accuses, nudging your arm.
You blink at her, taken aback. “What? I am.”
“No, you’re not,” she insists, swirling her drink. “Everyone else is laughing, making dumb jokes, and you’re just sitting here, sipping your drink like you’re deep in thought.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m just tired, Jane. It’s been a long week.”
She hums in amusement before tilting her head. “Or maybe… you’re thinking about Chris.”
You scoff, nearly choking on your drink. “What? Why would I—”
“Oh, please.” She waves a hand dismissively. “Don’t act like I didn’t see you sneaking glances at your phone earlier. Waiting for a text, maybe?”
You exhale, shaking your head. “I was not.”
She nudges you with her elbow, leaning in close. “You should text Chris,” she says with a knowing smirk.
You scoff, shaking your head. “Why would I do that?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you’ve been thinking about him all night?”
You roll your eyes. “I haven’t.”
Jane gives you a deadpan look. “You're getting too good at lying now.”
Sighing, you take a sip of your drink. “Look, the product is going into production soon, which means I’m done with the testing. And that also means…” You hesitate for a second before forcing yourself to say it. “Chris and I have no reason to meet anymore.”
Jane pulls back, frowning. “Wow. That’s… kind of depressing to hear.”
“It’s the truth,” you say, keeping your expression neutral, but Jane isn’t buying it. She suddenly claps her hands together. “Okay, enough of this sad talk. Take a shot with me!”
Before you can protest, she waves down the bartender and orders two shots of tequila. “We are celebrating, remember?”
You sigh but take the shot glass from her. “Fine.”
“Good girl.” Jane clinks her glass against yours, and together, you down the shot, the burn spreading through your chest.
The moment you set the empty glass down, Jane grabs your wrist. “Now, let’s dance!”
“What—Jane, wait—”
“Yes, you're coming with me!” She pulls you toward the dance floor, laughing as she drags you into the crowd. “Come on, have fun with me!”
You sigh but eventually give in, letting yourself move with the music. And slowly, just for tonight, you let yourself forget everything else.
Jane twirls you around, both of you laughing as the music pulses through the air. The bass vibrates under your feet, and for the first time tonight, you’re letting yourself enjoy the moment—until Jane suddenly gasps and grabs your arm.
She stops dancing abruptly, pulling you close. “Oh my God.”
You blink at her, slightly breathless. “What?”
Jane leans in, her lips brushing your ear as she whispers, “Chris is here.”
You lean in close to hear her better. “What?”
She subtly nods toward the entrance of the bar, and your body moves on instinct, spinning around on your feet. And there he is.
Chris stands near the entrance, effortlessly catching your gaze, a small smirk playing on his lips. His hands are casually tucked into his pockets, and under the dim lights of the bar, his eyes glint with amusement. Then, as if he knew exactly when you would turn around, he raises a hand and waves.
You don’t know whether to be surprised or flustered, but the way Jane is gripping your arm tells you that she is already freaking out for the both of you.
“Looks like someone changed their plans,” she singsongs in your ear, nudging you toward him. “Go say hi.”
You swallow, exhaling softly. Yeah, you should probably do that. You weave through the crowd, making your way toward Chris. He watches you approach, his smirk never wavering. When you reach him, you tilt your head, crossing your arms.
“Hey, I’m surprised to see you here,” you say over the music.
Chris shrugs, his eyes flickering with something unreadable. “My prior engagement finished early.” He glances past you toward your table, where Jane and your team are still celebrating. “Figured I’d come see how your celebration is going.”
You arch a brow. “And here I thought you weren’t one for company outings.”
He chuckles. “I’m not. But you do owe me a drink, remember?”
You roll your eyes but gesture toward your table. “Come on, then.”
As you and Chris settle at the table, an awkward silence briefly lingers between you. Jane, ever the social butterfly, takes it upon herself to fill the void, coming to the table and panting from the dancing
“Well, this is a surprise,” she muses, waving down a server. “Didn’t think we’d see you tonight, Chris.”
Chris smiles at her. “Change of plans.”
Jane eyes him knowingly but doesn’t press further. Instead, she orders another round of drinks for the three of you. As she and Chris fall into casual conversation, you find yourself shifting in your seat, feeling the weight of Chris’s occasional glances your way.
“I’m going to the restroom,” you announce, pushing back your chair.
Jane shoots you a quick look, one that says really? but she doesn’t stop you. Chris watches as you leave, and though you don’t turn back, you can still feel his gaze on you.
In the restroom, you take a moment to collect yourself, staring at your reflection in the mirror. You should at least thank him properly, you remind yourself. After all, without him, your product wouldn't have been as successful. You fix your hair and the smudged eye makeup with your finger before taking a deep breath and head back to the table.
You find Chris and Jane laughing over their drinks. The sight of them getting along so well makes you hesitate for a second, but before you can sit, Jane notices you and stands up.
“It's my turn now,” she announces, grabbing her pack of cigarettes from her bag. “Going outside for a smoke. You two behave.” She winks at you before slipping away, leaving you alone with Chris.
The silence that follows is thick, though not necessarily uncomfortable. Chris leans back in his chair, watching you with quiet curiosity. You take your seat and reach for your drink, clearing your throat before speaking.
“I never got the chance to properly thank you,” you swirl your drink absentmindedly, glancing at Chris before finally speaking. "I really mean it, you know," you say, your voice softer than before. "Thank you—for everything."
Chris tilts his head slightly, watching you with a flicker of curiosity. "For testing the product?" he teases, smirking.
You roll your eyes but smile. "Not just that. For believing in me. For pushing me to prove myself when I was starting to doubt. I wanted to do more than just create a product—I wanted to make something better. And without your help, I might not have had the chance to."
Chris listens quietly, his gaze steady. Then, with a small exhale, he reaches for the collar of his shirt and undoes another button, his fingers moving slowly. He shifts in his seat, rolling his shoulders as if the room is suddenly too warm.
"You’re giving me too much credit," he says, his voice slightly husky. "You were always going to make this happen. I just… got to be the lucky guy who helped."
You shake your head. "Maybe. But I still appreciate it."
Chris watches you for a moment, his eyes darker under the dim bar lighting. Then, with a lazy smile, he leans in just a little. "You're welcome," he murmurs.
It’s subtle, but the way his voice drops sends a faint shiver through you. Chris exhales and tugs at the collar of his shirt again. "Is it just me, or is it hot in here?"
You quirk a brow, watching him shift in his seat. His usually composed demeanor is slightly off, his body language restless. "Do you want to go outside for some air?" you offer.
He shakes his head. "Nah, I’m fine. Just need a second." He pushes himself up from his seat. "Gonna hit the restroom."
As he walks away, something about his behavior feels… off. Your eyes narrow slightly, the way he loosened his shirt, the way he kept shifting—something clicks in your head.
Just as the realization strikes, Jane returns from her smoke break, brushing ash off her fingers. "He’s gone already?" she asks, looking at Chris’s empty seat.
You turn to her with suspicion. "Jane."
She freezes mid-motion, giving you a dramatic blink. "Yes?"
You lean in, lowering your voice. "Did you—" you gesture vaguely toward the hallway where Chris had disappeared. "Did you do something to him?"
Jane smirks, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "What? Me? I would never."
"Jane," you say more firmly, arms crossing over your chest and narrow your eyes in suspiciously at her.
She tilts her head innocently before finally cracking a grin. "Okay, fine. Maybe I slipped him a little something."
Your stomach drops. "You didn’t—"
"Relax!" she laughs. "It’s just the same aphrodisiac pill I gave you that one time! You survived, didn’t you?"
You groan, running a hand over your face. "Jane, what the hell?! That’s completely different!"
"Yeah, yeah, details," she waves you off, grinning as if this is the funniest thing in the world. "He looked so tense! I thought I’d help him loosen up a bit."
You don’t waste another second arguing with her. Instead, you push away from the table and rush toward the hallway that leads to the restrooms. If that pill is hitting Chris the same way it hit you, you need to warn him—fast.
You find Chris leaning against the wall in the hallway, his head slightly bowed as he breathes in slow, measured breaths. When he hears your footsteps approaching, he looks up, and for a second, you’re taken aback by the way his eyes seem darker, hazier than before.
"Chris," you say carefully, stepping closer. "Are you okay?"
He exhales heavily, dragging a hand through his hair. "I don’t know," he mutters. "I feel… weird." His voice is lower, rougher than usual. His fingers toy with the buttons of his shirt again, like he can’t stand how warm he feels.
You swallow, already feeling guilty. "Chris, listen to me," you begin, watching his expression closely. "Jane gave you something."
He blinks slowly. "Something?"
"An aphrodisiac," you admit, wincing a little.
Chris processes that for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle, though there’s an edge of frustration behind it. "Well, that explains a lot." He leans his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. "I was starting to think it was just you."
Your breath catches in your throat at that, but you shake it off. "Come on," you say, stepping closer. "I’ll take you home."
To your surprise, Chris doesn’t argue. He opens his eyes, looking at you for a long moment before nodding. "Yeah," he murmurs. "Okay."
His easy agreement makes you pause. You expected him to insist he was fine or brush you off. But the way he’s looking at you—like he’s holding himself back, like he knows staying here will only make things worse—tells you everything you need to know.
You gently take his wrist, guiding him away from the hallway. "Let’s get you out of here," you say, keeping your voice steady.
You help Chris into the taxi, making sure he doesn’t stumble as he slides into the seat beside you. As soon as he settles, he tells the driver his address in a low, slightly slurred voice.
The moment the car starts moving, Chris lets out a heavy sigh and slumps against you, his head resting on your shoulder. You tense at the unexpected weight, but before you can say anything, he shifts even closer, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
"Mm," he hums, cutting you off. "You smell good." His voice is muffled, his breath warm against your skin.
Your heart skips a beat, and you fight the urge to push him away—not because you don’t like it, but because you do.
"You’re really out of it, huh?" you murmur, trying to keep your voice steady.
Chris doesn’t answer, just lets out a small, contented sigh as he burrows closer. The warmth of his body seeps into yours, his scent—a mix of cologne and something inherently him—making your head spin.
The driver doesn’t seem to care about the scene unfolding in his backseat, but you can feel your face heating up as Chris stays glued to your side for the entire ride. Every few moments, he shifts slightly, his nose brushing your skin, his breath sending shivers down your spine.
You swallow hard and stare out the window, counting the streetlights as they pass, praying you’ll get to his place soon before you do something reckless—like lean into him instead of away.
When the taxi pulls up to Chris’s building, you pay the fare and help him out of the car. He stumbles slightly, and you quickly grab his arm, steadying him.
“Alright, let’s get you inside,” you say, guiding him toward the entrance.
Chris doesn’t argue, just hums in acknowledgment as you lead him through the lobby to the elevator. When the doors slide open, you help him inside, pressing the button for his floor. As soon as the doors close, Chris leans into you again, his arms lazily wrapping around your waist.
“Mmh...” he hums, resting his forehead against your shoulder. “You’re warm.”
You let out a breath, trying to ignore the way his touch sends a strange flutter through your chest. “You’re really affectionate when you’re drunk,” you comment, keeping your voice light.
He chuckles softly against your skin. “Maybe,” he admits, his grip tightening slightly. “But I like holding you.”
You suddenly turn quiet and you’re grateful when the elevator dings, signaling your arrival at his floor.
Chris groans dramatically but lets you guide him out of the elevator, his arm still draped around you as you make your way to his apartment. He fumbles with his keys, and after a few tries, he finally gets the door open. You help him inside, steadying him as he kicks off his shoes.
Just as you’re about to step back and say your goodbyes, his grip tightens around your wrist, keeping you in place. “Stay,” he murmurs, his voice low, laced with something deeper than just intoxication.
You shake your head gently. “Chris, I'd better go—”
But he steps closer, his hands sliding to your waist, his touch warm even through your clothes. “Please, stay,” he coaxes, his voice like a slow pull, dragging you toward him. “Stay with me tonight.”
You hesitate, but before you can come up with another excuse, his lips press against yours. Soft at first, like he’s waiting for you to push him away—but you don’t. You should.
You try to remind yourself that he’s been drinking, that Jane did something completely reckless, but when he deepens the kiss, his fingers splaying against the small of your back, your resolve begins to slip. You press your hands against his chest, intending to push him away—but instead, your fingers curl against the fabric of his shirt, holding onto him.
Chris hums against your lips, sensing your resistance fading. He kisses you again, slower this time, savoring the way your lips move against his. And the more he kisses you, the more you realize… you don’t want to resist him at all.
The heat between you grows as he kisses you harder, his hands firm on your waist as he pulls you flush against him and before you can even process it, he lifts you effortlessly, hoisting you up onto the nearest surface—his dining table. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, pulling him closer as your fingers tangle in his hair.
His lips are relentless, moving from your mouth to your jaw, then down to the curve of your neck. You tilt your head back, granting him more access as he presses open-mouthed kisses along your skin, his breath hot against you.
His fingers skim the hem of your blouse before slipping underneath, palms grazing your bare skin. Then, with a smooth motion, he pulls it over your head and tosses it aside. His lips return to you immediately, trailing along your shoulder, pressing heated kisses against every inch of exposed skin.
You sigh at the sensation, your hands gripping his shoulders as he buries his face against your collarbone, his breath uneven, his body pressed firm between your legs. Your hands move to the buttons of his shirt, fumbling slightly as you undo them one by one. But before you can get through them all, Chris huffs impatiently and shrugs the shirt off himself, letting it fall carelessly to the floor.
The moment it’s gone, his lips crash onto yours again, urgent and hungry. His hands grip your waist as he presses himself against you, his hips rolling forward in slow, deliberate movements. Even through the layers of fabric between you, you can feel his cock, hard and insistent, the friction making your breath hitch.
He groans softly against your lips, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. His fingers dig into your thighs as he keeps you steady, his movements controlled but desperate. Your hands roam over his bare chest, nails scraping lightly over his skin as you gasp into his mouth.
Chris pulls away just enough to rest his forehead against yours, his breath warm and ragged. "...Want you so much," he murmurs, his hips still grinding into you with slow, teasing movements, making it clear just how much he wants you.
A moment later, his grip tightens on you as he lifts you from the table with ease, his strong arms holding you close against his bare chest. His lips never stray far, peppering kisses along your jaw and down your neck as he carries you through the dimly lit apartment.
When he reaches the bedroom, he carefully lays you down on the bed, his body following yours as he settles on top of you. His weight is comforting, his warmth seeping into your skin as he leans down, capturing your lips in another deep, languid kiss.
His hands roam over your body, caressing, exploring, as his kisses become slower, more indulgent. The heat between you builds with every movement, every press of his body against yours. But just as his hands begin to wander lower, you pull away slightly, breathless.
“Chris,” you murmur, voice soft but firm.
He hums against your lips, eyes dark with need as he gazes down at you.
“The condom,” you remind him, your fingers lightly tracing his jaw. “It’s in my bag.”
He exhales a short, amused laugh and then drops his forehead to your shoulder for a moment, shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. “You really came prepared, huh?” he teases, his voice husky.
Your bag in his hand as he returns to bed and his eyes flicker toward you as he steps closer. He doesn’t say anything as he sets the bag down on the bed, fingers expertly rummaging through its contents until he pulls out the box of condoms. With a small smirk, he places it on the bedside table, his movements slow and deliberate. Then, he straightens, standing at the foot of the bed, his gaze locked onto yours as his hands move to the waistband of his pants. His fingers make quick work of the button and zipper before he pushes them down, letting them pool at his feet before stepping out of them. The last remaining piece of fabric soon follows, leaving him bare before you.
You sit up slightly, your breath catching in your throat as you take in the sight of him—his toned body, his firm stance, the way he watches you with dark, expectant eyes. There’s something about the way he stands there, unashamed, that makes your skin heat under his gaze.
Not wanting to be the only one still clothed, you slowly peel off the remaining fabric on your body. Your movements are unhurried, teasing almost, as you slide your underwear down your legs and toss it aside. You see the way Chris’s eyes trace every inch of newly exposed skin, his jaw tightening ever so slightly.
For a moment, the two of you simply take each other in, the air between you thick with anticipation. There’s no rush, no urgency—just the quiet hum of desire, crackling like electricity in the space between you.
Chris picks up a condom before crawling over to you, his eyes fixed on yours as he leans in and presses a lingering kiss against your lips. His warmth surrounds you almost immediately.
You take the condom from his hand, meeting his gaze as you offer, “Let me.”
A slow smile tugs at his lips, and he nods, settling himself against the headboard. He shifts, leaning back comfortably, watching as you move onto his lap, your back resting against his chest. His hands skim over your arms, tracing light patterns on your skin as you tear open the packet.
As you roll the condom down his length, your touch is slow, deliberate. You can feel the way his body reacts beneath you, the quiet intake of breath, the way his muscles tense ever so slightly. His hands settle on your waist, fingers pressing gently into your skin as if grounding himself.
Chris gently grabs your chin before turning your face toward him. His lips find yours again, the kiss deep, lingering. His hands glide over your body until they settle on the softness of your breasts, palming them and using his fingers to tease your already erected nipples.
In return, your hand wrapped around his cock, moving in slow, measured strokes, feeling the way Chris tenses beneath you. His breath grows heavier against your skin, his hands tightening on your waist as he watches you through half-lidded eyes. His restraint is evident, the way he lets you take your time, but you can feel the subtle tremor in his grip, the quiet urgency simmering just beneath the surface.
Tilting your hips, you guide his cock into your entrance and once the crest is pushed inside, you ease yourself down onto him, taking him in and taking him in inches more until you can’t take it. Your breath stutters as you adjust to the feeling, your body molding against his as you rest in his lap, fully connected.
A soft gasp leaves your lips, muffled by the way he captures your mouth in a deep, lingering kiss. His hand trails up, cupping your breast, his thumb brushing over your nipple in slow, teasing circles. His other hand finds its way between your legs, fingers circling on your clit in a way that makes you shudder. He continues in slow, teasing movements, pressing and circling on your clit, making you instinctively arching into his touch. The sensations are overwhelming, his touch purposeful and knowing, driving you higher with every stroke.
Chris groans at the way you clench around him. "You're so sensitive," he murmurs against your ear, his voice husky with restraint.
Your hands grip onto his forearm, searching for something to ground yourself, but the pleasure only intensifies. You squirm in his lap, your movements making him hiss as he digs his fingers into your skin, holding you still.
"You're making this hard for me," he breathes out with a strained chuckle, pressing his forehead against your shoulder. "You feel too good."
His groans grow louder as he feels the way you pulse and tighten around him, your body reacting so intensely to his touch. His fingers continue their delightful assault, drawing out every shudder, every whimper, until the pleasure overwhelms you completely.
A breathless cry escapes your lips as the tension snaps, your body trembling against his hand. Chris holds you close, his lips pressing open-mouthed kisses along your shoulder, your neck, as you ride out the waves of pleasure.
The way you squeeze around him has him teetering on the edge, his breathing ragged, his grip tightening on your waist. “Shit,” he mutters, his voice strained. His hands grasp at you, pulling you impossibly closer as he buries his face in the crook of your neck.
His lips find your skin, sucking and biting lightly, lost in the sensation as his own climax rushes through him. A deep, low groan rumbles against your throat as he finally lets go, his body shuddering with release.
You turn your head slightly, finding his lips with yours and kissing him deeply. He hums against your mouth, his hands still roaming your body, his touch warm and firm. Your bodies remain tangled in the sheets, heat still lingering between you as your lips move together in slow, lazy kisses. Chris runs his fingers along your bare skin, tracing patterns as if memorizing every inch of you. His kisses deepen, his tongue teasing against yours, and you sigh into his mouth, already feeling the slow burn reigniting between you.
He pulls back slightly, his gaze heavy-lidded and full of something almost reverent as he reaches for a new condom. Sitting up against the headboard, he rolls it on with practiced ease before shifting back between your legs, his hands smoothing over your thighs as he leans down to kiss you again.
This time, he takes his time, positioning himself carefully. His movements are slow, deliberate, as he pushes his cock into you inch by inch, watching your face for every reaction. His breath catches, a low groan escaping him as he fills you, enjoying the way your body welcomes him.
"Always perfect for me," he murmurs against your lips, his forehead pressing to yours as he stays still for a moment, letting you adjust to the sensation. His hands find yours, fingers lacing together as he begins to move, each thrust measured, purposeful, as if he wants to make this last as long as possible.
Chris intently watches every flicker of emotion on your face. His hands hold you firmly but gently, grounding you as he sinks deeper into your warmth, pausing when he feels resistance. His breath is heavy, voice low and husky as he murmurs, "Is it okay if I go deeper?"
You nod, your fingers tightening against his shoulders in silent encouragement. "I can take it," you assure him, your voice breathless.
He exhales shakily, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips before whispering, "Tell me if it hurts, okay?" Then, with measured control, he pushes his swollen cock another inch into you, groaning at the way your body tightens around him.
"You feel too good," he rasps, his grip on you firm yet careful, his entire body tensed with restraint.
A shuddering moan escapes you as your back arches slightly. The stretch is intense, but the pleasure rolling through you drowns out everything else. "A little more," you whisper.
Chris hesitates, his dark eyes searching yours. "Are you sure?"
You nod, biting your lip, and he swallows hard before easing the rest of himself inside you, slow and deliberate, until there’s nothing left between you. He exhales sharply, looking down where his big cock is fully disappeared in your little cunt, the sight alone making him groan. "It’s all in now," he murmurs, his voice full of awe. His hands stroke your sides soothingly, his lips brushing over your cheek. "You took me so well."
The overwhelming fullness, the heat of his body against yours, the deep pressure—it all builds too fast, too intensely. A wave of pleasure crashes over you before you can even brace yourself, pulling a cry from your lips as your body tightens and trembles around him. It’s too much, too consuming, and the last thing you hear is Chris’s voice calling your name before everything fades into darkness.
✨ The fourth & final chapter of Cocky is available on my Patreon page ✨
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LIs Build IKEA furniture
I couldn’t get this out of my head, so enjoy 🤣
Zayne ❄️
Immediately takes charge of the process, doesn’t realize he’s doing so until you tease him about it
Treats the process like a surgery, you become the assistant. “Hex wrench. Number sixteen screw. Panel C in a vertical orientation.” When you tease him, he pretends to brush it off but then leans into the bit. “Phillips head screwdriver, stat.”
Never gets confused by the diagrams. Quietly notes errors and typos in the instructions. Seems to be able to use the tiniest details to know the correct orientation for each piece
Somehow had sandpaper on hand for when the pieces don’t fit perfectly
You hardly got a chance to look at the instructions but he still made you feel like an essential part of the process
Furniture is assembled perfectly in record time
Xavier 💫
Happy to help you out, starts reading the instructions while you sort the parts
Falls asleep reading the instructions
You take charge, waking him up on step 3 when you need him to hold something. He falls asleep holding it but somehow doesn’t drop it
When you ask for a part he just stares at the pile and picks up random things to offer you until he gets the right one or you point directly at it
Ask for the same part a second time, “Which was it again?”
You attach the last part and turn to high-five him—he’s sleeping again
Rafayel 🎨
“You want to spend time on this weird project instead of hanging out with me?” “This is us hanging out.” “What? But it’s boring. Can’t we, like, get someone else to put it together?”
You start building anyway
When you ask for something specific (“hold this”) he does so without hesitation but keeps complaining
“If I have to hold this board up any longer I’m going to get wrist cramps and then I won’t be able to paint for a week!”
“Ow ow, I think that gave me a splinter! Look at it! It might get infected! I need first aid, like, immediately.”
“This color is boooring, we should paint it later.”
This might be taking longer than if you just built it yourself
Sylus 🚗
“Did you steal this?” “No.” “Then why is it still in pieces?” “It’s how they sell it. It saves money.” “Why didn’t you say something? I’ll take you to a real furniture store.” “I want this exact one though.” “Can’t you pay them to assemble it?”
All you have to say is “I guess you’re not up for the challenge” and then he’s sitting on the floor next to you, also staring at the instructions
You both get confused on the same steps. Which side goes up again? Can you tell by the number of holes? Eventually you both shrug and hope for the best. Sylus brute forces a few pieces that probably don’t actually go together.
You realize you put a piece on backwards three steps ago and Sylus patiently helps you backtrack and fix it
“You’re being surprisingly cooperative.” “I am?” “Yeah, I thought you’d be way more annoyed.” “I never feel annoyed when I’m with you.”
“Where did that piece go?” (Mephisto stole it, it was shiny)
Caleb 🍎
“Hey Pipsqueak, remember when I built that bed for you? Even though you were in high school you still reeeeally wanted a pink one…” “Ugh, stop! It’s embarrassing!”
Takes the bag of pieces and the instruction book right away, uses his gravity Evol to hold up the parts. “Caleb, you took all the jobs! Let me help!” “You can help by getting us some snacks.”
“Caleb, I don’t think that goes there.” “Of course it does, are you really going to doubt the mechanical skills of a former fighter pilot?” Ten minutes later when it’s clear you were right the whole time: “Caleb, you dummy.”
“I switched the delivery notification number in your account over to my phone number since you’re going to need me to build whatever you buy, anyway.”
“You should come over to help me build my furniture too.” “But you didn’t let me help at all!” “Snack duty is very important, Pipsqueak.”
#love and deepspace#lads sylus#sylus#sylus x mc#love and deepspace sylus#lads#lads zayne#lads xavier#lads rafayel#lads caleb#zayne#Xavier#Caleb#rafayel#zayne love and deepspace#love and deepspace zayne#nonsense
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Tucker didn't think he'd ever be interacting with one of the Big Bosses. Glimpses of them in the lobby, hallways, other work areas, sure; that's how he got in on the open secret, after all. A few too many times of the Waynes showing up to work with injuries that didn't really coincide with the "skiing accident" or whatever they claimed it to be. But Tucker, familiar with Danny's tendencies to hide his own injuries, knows what to look for.
After getting a little suspicious, Tucker started paying more attention to the Bats. He religiously followed social media posts. Twitter was a hot bed for sightings and Tiktok was great for seeing clips of fights. And after a few weeks of paying close attention to social media and any local celebrity gossip as well as the short sightings at work, Tucker can definitively say that Bruce Wayne is Batman and Tim Drake-Wayne is Red Robin.
Though he had to put in the work, he figured that with observation of the more obvious injuries and work absences over a long period of time, any Wayne Enterprises employee would come to the same conclusion. He just sped up the process a bit in his unrelenting curiosity. It must be an open secret like Danny's identity in Amity Park; people are being polite by not talking about it.
He even confirmed his speculation with his coworkers. At lunch he had casually mentioned to Jamie, a fellow systems engineer, "With what the Waynes get up to, I'm surprised they're actually at work as often as they are."
To which she eagerly replied, "Right?! They're probably so tired all the time. If I did what they did, I'd be calling out super often." She tilted her head back and forth, considering. "Though I don't have the money for that."
Two other coworkers nearby also joined in, commenting on how the Waynes are so rich, it's not really a surprise what shenanigans they get up to. Tucker nodded along, excited now that his suspicions were basically confirmed.
So when he had heard two guys in the alley outside of his apartment talking about a big drug shipment (do people really think no one will hear them if they talk in echoey alleys?), he figured he could pass it on to the Bats. Just slip a post-it into a file that's getting sent up to their office, no problem.
Safe to say, Tucker was not expecting to be called up to talk with them. Did they want more information about the drug shipment? He already wrote down everything he knew! Or... oh no, he hopes that they don't think he's involved with those guys. He walks out of the elevator, hoping he looks like a normal employee and isn't giving off, like, criminal vibes or whatever. He knows he's not guilty of anything, that this is definitely one of those scenarios like "oh shit, what if I accidentally brought a gun to the airport?" where the anxiety obviously doesn't come from any rational place. But he is still excited to meet them for real. They're heroes! The only other hero Tucker has ever met is Danny and he doesn't really count.
He makes his way to the secretary at the desk in front of the office doors and says that he was asked to come up to talk. They confirm his name with his employee ID and let him through.
The first thing Tucker notices is that the office is way less cool than he thought it'd be. It's a little bland, honestly. He wasn't expecting, like, a Batman costume to just be displayed in the room, but typical office gray is what meets his eyes.
The second thing he notices is that Tim Drake-Wayne is the only other one in the room. Tucker guesses that makes sense, he heard Batman got a nasty hit over the head last night, so he's probably taking care of his concussion or head wound or whatever.
Tim gestures for him to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Tucker does. It isn't a comfortable chair.
"So Mr. Foley, I was wondering if you could explain why you passed on a note involving a drug deal to me."
"Well, sir, I figured this was the most direct way I had to pass on some information to the Bats. I don't know anything more than what I wrote on there, though."
Tim's expression turns confused. "Why would you think I have a method of communication with the Bats?"
Tucker's own face becomes confused. Are they still pretending they both don't know that the other knows? "Why wouldn't you?"
Tim blinks. "Although they may have... saved me... from kidnappings a couple of times," he says very reluctantly, "I definitely do not have direct contact with the Bats. I suggest you find another way to contact them." He finishes, pushing the note towards Tucker.
Mind running, Tucker picks up his note. Why keep denying it? Unless he thinks that Tucker's gonna tell someone? But it's already an open secret in the building, so why worry about that? Maybe he doesn't want any rogues going after WE employees and targeting them since they know the Bats' identities? But how would the rogues find out what the employees know? Everyone is pretending they don't know, since it's an open secret and everything...
Understanding dawns on Tucker's face. Plausible deniability! If Tim confirms his identity to Tucker, who knows who Tucker could tell. If the Waynes never outright confirm it then they can decry anyone who blabs as making it up. Tucker nods.
"Ah, I see, sir. I'll definitely make sure to pass it on correctly this time." Tucker puts the note in a pocket of his slacks. When he looks back up, Tim looks skeptical. "Anything else you need to discuss?"
"You didn't answer my earlier question. Why did you think I had a way to communicate with the Bats?"
Tucker runs a few answers through his mind and picks the least plausible one. "I've never seen you or Mr. Wayne in the same place as the Bats."
Tim's expression turns bewildered and Tucker holds back a laugh. This guy is a pretty good actor, though Tucker's answer was pretty funny too. Too bad "the butts match" isn't a joke he can make in a work setting.
"I'm sure you haven't seen most people together with the Bats though? Why us?" Tim questions.
For a moment Tucker wonders why Tim's dragging the explanation out, but he knows this building is full of security cameras and whatnot. One of Batman's enemies might be like Technus and be able to get to this footage.
'Wow, he's thorough,' he thinks.
Tucker shrugs, "Celebrities are more interesting to gossip and form theories around." He pauses and scrambles to add, "Not that I'm gossiping about you and Mr. Wayne or anything! I just mean in general, celebrities have to deal with more gossip because they're assumed to be more interesting than average people."
He watches Tim's face until it eases into something more neutral. Tucker really hopes he didn't just talk himself out of his job.
"Ah. I see. That's all then, you can go."
Tucker sighs in relief. "Thank you, sir." He stands and takes his leave. In the elevator back to his floor Tucker wonders if he should actually send the note again or if that's redundant since he knows they already got it.
Well, he may as well look for an alternate method of communication in case something like this happens again.
Tim watches Tucker Foley exit his office and his racing mind is full of questions about the man. He was definitely lying about the "same room" excuse, there's no way he would be working in system engineering if that was the extent of his logical reasoning ability. Tim wants to know what actually made him suspicious to Foley, why he thought that Tim could easily communicate with the Bats.
The preliminary research paints a picture of a man wanting to get out of his hometown and live in the big city. His hometown is a city itself, so he was probably looking for something new and exciting. And nothing screams exciting like Gotham.
The interesting part of this research is that Amity Park's main tourist attraction is their supposed haunted city and ghost hero. Who fights other ghosts. Tim rolls his eyes at the obvious gimmick. But more research proves the hero to be real, whether he's a ghost remains to be seen. Though it seems like the city's opinion was the complete opposite when the hero first appeared, lumping him in with the other "ghosts." That early information is hard to find, just sparse blog posts about "Phantom" and the occasional facebook post made by complaining residents. In fact, all of their digital newspapers only seem to go back a few years. If it was only a couple papers it wouldn't be weird, but all of them have nothing earlier than five years ago.
No wait, he needs to focus on Foley. Find out what he thinks he knows. And he can't have the other Bats look into him either because then Foley will know for sure that Tim is connected to them. So a trawl through his digital footprint it is, then.
He can't get through the security.
Tim is frustrated, at home on his own computer trying to access Foley's tech and nothing he's doing is working. If Foley did this himself then Tim is glad he's working for WE because he is having difficulties getting through the security. He scowls at the screen.
As Red Robin he's on par with Oracle with their tech knowledge. So there's no reason why he can't do this. He just needs to persevere.
Two hours later finds Tim angrily looking for more information on Amity Park. Is it secretly a tech haven? Could it rival Silicon Valley for their advancements in cybersecurity? He finds a few engineers located in the city but none of them are listed as cybersecurity or any related fields. One listing has him pausing when he sees "ecto-tech engineers" next to a name. The Fentons. What the hell is ecto-tech?
The Fentons' website is cringe-inducing, but he scans through their bright-colored pages and comes away not knowing whether or not this technology could be used to amp up someone's cybersecurity. Though it definitely could amp up someone's building security, given that you were trying to secure it from ghosts. Tim sighs.
Are these even real engineers? This has to be part of the city's ghost tourism attraction, right? But on the Fentons' About page, they do list degrees from the University of Wisconsin in... ectobiology? Tim wants to slam his head against his desk. What the hell is up with this city?
Tucker gets a job at Wayne Enterprises, and instantly clocks Bruce and Tim and Batman and Red Robin (and thus by extension figures out the rest of the family).
But since he figured it out so easily, he assumes it’s an open secret that everyone knows but keeps on the down-low for privacy and whatnot. After all, that’s what Danny’s identity had been like by the time they all graduated. Basically everyone in town knew unless the feds were asking. Because those white-suited government bastards can Fuck Right Off.
And thus, when he later finds an important potential lead on something, he doesn’t think much of just… handing it off to them to deal with. Yeah, he’s temporarily breaking the illusion, but it’s not that big of a deal.
Needless to say, Tim vehemently disagrees with that assessment, and is now deeply invested in finding out what the hell is up with his employee and his weirdly secretive hometown.
#dp x dc#my writing#idk why my brain latched onto this today but this was fun to write!#it feels kinda... choppy? but idc i'm writing for fun here#had to make him put in the work to confirm their identites though bc familiar w/ a secret id he may be tuck is not familiar with the waynes#his reasoning is a little skewed though#tucker. tuck. what do you mean it's obvious over a long period of watching them?#do you think everyone pays attention to their bosses that closely? the average person doesn't care about the boss that they never talk to
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that race hurt so bad! 😭 can you write something hurt/comfort-y for carcar?
kinda mixed these two together. i feel everyone and their mom has already written oscar hurt/comfort after the race, but I wanted to give it a try, too... so here you go.
carcar, 4k, rated m for language
tagging @magnets5581 so they see this.
Lando still smelled like champagne when Carlos finally found him in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by most of his team, some of whom still recognized Carlos as one of their own. He went through the motions of greeting and congratulating everyone within reach, then squeezed Lando in a tight hug, shaking him a little.
The win looked good on him, the smile on his face unshakable. He let out one of his patented Lando-sounds when Carlos told him what a good job he’d done.
“Sorry about your race,” Lando yelled back over the music. “Shame, after it looked so good yesterday.”
Carlos shrugged. It wasn’t the end of the world for him. He wasn’t fighting for a championship this year, and if Alex’s final position was anything to go by, the car held immense potential. Still, he could use a drink. It had been a stressful few days, to say the least.
“Going to the bar,” he said – or mimed, more like. Lando nodded, waving him away, and Carlos squeezed through the throngs of people, trying to reach the bar without anyone spilling their gin and tonic on him. He was kind of in the mood for something nasty, so he ordered a rum and coke, drumming his fingers on the bar counter until the drink was placed in front of him.
Turning around, he was surprised to find Lando right there, face lighting up when he realized he’d found Carlos again.
“Sorry!” he yelled. The music wasn’t as loud here, so the yelling wasn’t technically necessary, but Lando had always been convinced Carlos didn’t have great hearing. “I wanted to ask you a favor!”
“Okay?” Carlos said at a normal volume.
Lando actually adjusted his tone, leaning in instead. “Could you go and check on Oscar? I think he needs some comforting words from someone who’s not me right now.”
Carlos raised his eyebrows, unsure if Lando was serious or not.
“Or Alex, or George, or Max,” Lando continued when Carlos didn’t react further. “Charles would probably do, but he’s in his own depression spiral right now.”
Carlos raised his brows even higher, pointing at his own chest. “And you think I’m the right guy for the job?”
Lando squinted a little, as if actually reconsidering, but then he just shrugged. “Sure? I mean, you’re friendly now, no? Osc won’t stop mentioning you ever since you shared that flight. And you must have lots of experience lifting up teammates who lost their home race.”
“Ha ha,” Carlos said dryly, but then Lando’s eyebrows did that puppy dog thing that made it impossible to say no to him. Besides, he was still smiling like a loon, so he really shouldn’t go try and find Oscar for himself. Sighing, Carlos asked, “Where is he?”
“Squirreled away in some corner of the VIP section, I think.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Carlos promised, squeezing Lando’s shoulder as he moved past him, back into the dense crowd of partygoers. Being squirreled away in the VIP section didn’t sound too bad to Carlos right now, anyway. So on he went.
When Lando had said ‘squirreled away,’ he had obviously meant it. Carlos was almost convinced Oscar had long since returned to his hotel room when he finally saw a tall plant shift slightly in the corner and realized there was a hidden booth behind it. Rounding it, he was met with the sight of one Oscar Piastri, staring unblinking into the reflection of his untouched mystery drink.
He was clearly going through it. For the past few days, whenever Carlos had caught a glimpse of him, he’d been glowing, smiling across his whole face, five times as animated as usual. Now, it was pretty much the exact opposite. Still, it was unusual to see him showing so much emotion, in either direction.
“Hey,” Carlos said carefully, so Oscar wouldn’t jump. Not that there was much chance of it – Oscar generally wasn’t a jumpy guy. But he also generally wasn’t a sad guy, so Carlos wasn’t quite sure how to handle him.
“Can I…” Carlos asked, gesturing toward the booth Oscar was sitting in. It wasn’t really meant for two people, but the chair that belonged on the other side of the table was missing, so Carlos had no choice but to squeeze onto the bench behind the plant, slotting in next to Oscar as he willingly scooted to the side.
“Welcome to the depression corner,” Oscar joked weakly. Nodding at Carlos’s rum and coke, he added, “I see you brought your depression drink.”
Carlos wasn’t all that depressed, but he was glad for the excuse as to why he’d shown up here with no reason, invading Oscar’s personal space when he clearly wanted to be left alone.
“How is rum and coke a depression drink?” Carlos asked, taking a small sip.
“Because it’s gross?” Oscar said when Carlos pulled a face. “Yeah.”
Carlos set the drink back on the table and nodded at the untouched glass in front of Oscar. “Why, what do you have?”
Oscar gave a small snort but didn’t offer anything else in terms of interaction, so it was up to Carlos to keep the conversation going.
“So how are you… um…” Carlos started, realizing in the middle of the question that Oscar had probably heard it a million times today and already answered every version of it in front of the press.
“...feeling?” Oscar finished for him, finally lifting his head to look Carlos straight in the eyes. “Take a guess, mate.”
The skin around his eyes was red, like he’d been rubbing at it for hours. His eyes still had a glassy sheen, catching and reflecting the club lights in the background. The weird thing, though, was that he looked... good. Usually, he was such a pale and composed guy – the flush, the dampness, the raw emotion in his face almost elevated him, somehow. Carlos blinked, and suddenly, he saw those eyes staring up at him from below, lips stretched across his–
Jesus Christ!
This was why Carlos was 100% the wrong person to comfort fucking Oscar Piastri. The poor man was having emotions for what might be the first time in his life, and Carlos took one look at his tearful eyes and imagined him giving out depression blowjobs.
“You never told me about the burgers,” Carlos blurted out, already having forgotten their last line of dialogue. He just needed to get that picture out of his head right now.
“What?” Oscar asked, taken aback.
“Burgers!” Carlos said. “I was doing a fan stage, and someone asked if I tried your burger. Why do you have a burger?”
“Just… your typical sponsorship kind of deal?”
“But you never told me about it!” Carlos continued, faintly aware that he was being annoying. If he were Oscar, he’d be annoyed. But whatever. He was just doing his job of distracting him from that devastating race. “I was going on and on about L’Oréal, and you never mentioned a single thing about your burger!”
“Why would I interrupt your story to tell you about bloody burgers?” Oscar asked, though he didn’t look annoyed, just slightly amused. Depressedly amused.
“I’m a burger guy!” Carlos said, leaning even more into the annoying shtick. It seemed to work. “You completely stole my idea!”
“Mate, I promise you it wasn’t my idea to have my own burger!” Oscar snorted, then went back to staring into his depressing glass of water. “Besides. That’s just my thing, I guess. I never tell anyone about the stuff going on in my life.”
“Right,” Carlos said, thinking back to that long flight to Bahrain and how he’d almost talked Oscar’s ears off. Now that he thought about it, there had been a back and forth, but it was always just Oscar asking more questions or giving opinions on the things Carlos had told him. He was a great listener. And not a bad conversation partner, either. If you didn’t notice the fact that he didn’t share anything about himself.
He’d probably make an amazing spy.
“Yeah,” Oscar said, breathing a small laugh through his nose that rippled the surface of his untouched water. “My own mum slammed me on social media for neglecting to inform her of my contract extension during lunch last week.”
“You didn’t tell your mum?” Carlos asked, mouth falling open in shock. He couldn’t even imagine.
“They said it was confidential!” Oscar retorted, defensive. “Can’t really risk her going on another podcast and spreading the news, can I?”
Oh no. Carlos wasn’t touching that can of worms.
“Well, next time anything happens in your life involving burgers, you tell me about it, okay?”
“What, like every time I eat one?”
“Or are about to eat one! Maybe I’m around and want to join? Or I can tell you where to go.”
Oscar looked like he wasn’t sure whether or not Carlos was joking, which… Actually, Carlos wasn’t sure either.
“Fuck,” he laughed, shoving his rum and coke away before he was tempted to drink it just to quell his sudden hunger. “Now I really want to eat a burger! Is yours any good?”
“It’s a burger, mate,” Oscar said, shrugging. “‘Course it’s good.”
“Okay, yes, you’ve convinced me.” Carlos rolled his eyes. “Look – clearly you’re having fun sitting here with your water, but I have a better idea. Let’s go and eat a Piastri burger, and I’ll rate it out of ten. And if it’s less than a six, I will make you my forever enemy for stealing my idea and not even being good at it.”
“Mate…” Oscar was smiling, but he was also rubbing at his eyes with both hands, so Carlos wasn’t quite sure how to categorize the feeling he’d managed to invoke in him. All he knew was that the guy apparently liked being annoyed. No wonder he got along so well with Lando.
“I can’t exactly go out right now, sit down in a burger joint with my face plastered all over everything, and expect to be left alone,” he finally said, letting his hands drop and fixing Carlos with those watery eyes again.
“Why? You’ll blend right in!”
Oscar gave a quick, high-pitched giggle – the sort he liked to pepper most conversations with and which made it so nice to actually talk to him. Carlos had only realized that after he’d been forced to spend six hours sitting opposite him on a plane, but Oscar was such a good audience for stupid little jokes. He never tried to one-up a joke, just laughed and laughed, and then tried to coax some more out of you, all crinkly-eyed and bunny-teethed smiles.
“I’m serious, though. I want to try it,” Carlos said, as Oscar wiped a tear from his eye that he now got to pretend was from laughing. “So if I text my team to sneak one in for me, should I tell them to order two?”
Oscar shook his head and bit his lip, looking a little skeptical. Like he still wasn’t quite sure whether Carlos was joking. Only when Carlos actually pulled out his phone and fired off a text did he give another snort.
“Now I’m a little afraid you’re serious about the lifelong enemy thing, too,” he said.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s great. Melbourne does great burgers.”
“Yeah, I heard you say that on–”
Carlos grinned when Oscar suddenly coughed, acting like he needed to take a quick drink from his water. It was hard to catch, because his eyes were already red, but he was definitely blushing a little.
“Aww,” Carlos teased. “You watch all my interviews?”
“No,” Oscar said, fighting his face back into neutrality. “Just watched it because I did the same one before you.”
“So you heard me say that and still didn’t tell me about your burger?”
“Maybe I didn’t want to upstage your L’Oréal deal?”
“Please!” Carlos said, shaking his hair out like he was in a commercial. “You couldn’t if you tried!”
Oscar, instead of reacting with another quip, suddenly lost the spark of life Carlos had managed to coax out of him over the course of their conversation. Turning back to stare into his glass of water, he gave a weak, one-shouldered shrug and a noncommittal hum. Carlos was pretty sure he saw his eyes welling up again.
“Hey,” he said, trying his softest voice. And because he was just so used to it from comforting Charles, he put a hand on Oscar’s thigh, squeezing a little.
He only realized how fucking weird that was when Oscar froze up, staring down at where Carlos’s hand was gripping his thigh like they hadn’t just found out they could hold a conversation without wanting to kill each other two weeks ago.
Carlos suddenly remembered a call from Lando, almost three years ago now. Complaining about how he couldn’t figure his new teammate out, and their dynamic was all fucked, because Oscar was just so stiff. How he preferred his teammates a little more hands-on, while Oscar seemed to actively shy away from any form of touch.
By now, they had figured each other out, but they still weren’t getting all up in each other’s space all the time or hugging each other, because Oscar… Oscar was just uncomfortable with physical touch. And here Carlos went, just grabbing his thigh out of nowhere and–
All the muscles in Oscar’s thigh suddenly relaxed under Carlos’s hand, as if he’d literally melted, and he turned his head, looking up at Carlos again with a blush spread all the way across his under-eyes and cheeks.
Maybe it was just the lighting in this goddamn club. But Oscar had to do something about those fucking wet eyes of his, because they were starting to drive Carlos crazy.
“Um… s-sorry,” Carlos said, not sure what exactly he was apologizing for. Many things at once, probably.
“Not like you can help having perfect hair,” Oscar said, which was the last thing Carlos had thought he’d be apologizing for.
“I mean, you have nice hair, too,” Carlos said, and like a complete idiot, he went and flicked at the little swoop of hair hanging down across Oscar’s forehead. There was an awkward pause. Then Carlos said, “I like this thing.”
“Mate,” Oscar said, his voice breaking on the word like he was still in the middle of puberty. “You have, like, zero tact.”
“What? Why?”
“Is this some kind of mind game? Did you come to kick me while I’m down?”
Carlos was honestly lost.
“I’m honestly lost,” he said.
“Next time, just change the subject. No need to make this even more awkward.”
Carlos scowled, wondering what kind of mess he had stepped in this time. His hand was still placed on Oscar’s thigh – he had completely forgotten to take it away. And fuck it. He had already committed now. He squeezed again, until the muscles twitched under his hand and Oscar tore his eyes away from the water to glare at Carlos instead.
“What did I say wrong? Come on, tell me!”
“Condescendingly pretended to like my hair,” Oscar said with a completely neutral face, only betrayed by the wet reflections in his eyes. “You know, I don’t really care that I’m balding at 23. Not everyone needs to be a freaking L’Oréal model.”
“Hm,” Carlos said, lifting his free hand to push Oscar’s fringe to the side so he could get a better look at his hairline. “Sounds like you care a little.”
Oscar opened his mouth to object, but Carlos ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling it a bit to give it more volume. The matted post-hat hair, which had clearly not seen a comb all day, had been annoying him this whole time. Oscar’s mouth clicked shut.
Maybe he wasn’t all that opposed to physical touch. Just hesitant in initiating it.
“You know, if you really care that much, you have all the funds for a trip to Turkey,” Carlos said. “There is no shame in it. Everyone’s doing it.”
Oscar frowned but didn’t shake Carlos’s hand off.
“And if you truly don’t care,” Carlos continued, “you should be able to accept my compliments without accusing me of lying.”
“Fine. Just feels weird to have the freaking hair commercial guy talk about my receding hairline.”
“I was actually talking about this,” Carlos said, lightly pulling at the fringe, until Oscar gave a small yelp. “It is very cute. Has a lot of… um… character?”
Oscar seemed to blank out for a second, eyelids drooping slightly, when Carlos ran his fingers through his hair again, trying to arrange it into something presentable. And really. Combined with the blush and the tearful eyes, the guy should come with a warning. Maybe Carlos shouldn’t have mussed up his hair like that, because it really wasn’t helping with the strange intrusive thoughts plaguing him tonight.
“Carlos Sainz?”
Almost jumping out of his seat, Carlos quickly pulled his hand from Oscar’s hair, pretending not to hear the little disappointed hiccup. He peeked around the potted plant they were hidden behind and found a confused-looking bouncer wandering the VIP section with a fast-food bag in his hand.
Apparently, you didn’t have to be sneaky in Melbourne when your name was Carlos Sainz.
“Here!” he called, waving the bouncer over. They exchanged burger for autograph, and then Carlos was rubbing his hands together, grinning at a skeptical-looking Oscar.
“Here I go,” Carlos said as he pulled the burger box from the paper bag, snorting at the awkward-looking picture of Oscar on the lid. That guy was not a model! Carlos almost wished he could try photographing Oscar himself, because he was pretty sure he had stumbled upon a trick to make him look actually hot. And that trick was watching Marley & Me beforehand.
Opening the lid, he gasped in surprise when he realized the burger was black. Not only that – it was sprinkled with orange sesame seeds.
“This is so cool!” he gawked, almost a little jealous. Even if he did a burger with Williams, there was no way to make it blue and white – and even if there was, it wouldn’t look half as cool as this one. “Honestly, you already get six points just for visuals.”
“‘Kay, thanks,” Oscar mumbled, almost bashful.
“Now, let’s see if you taste good!” Carlos said, upon which Oscar buried his face in his arms with a groan.
God. Annoying him was so much fun!
Carlos opened his mouth wide and took a big bite, chewing thoughtfully and holding back his verdict for so long that Oscar started to peek from the prison of his arms.
“Well?” he asked when Carlos finally swallowed, keeping his face neutral.
“What’s the crunchy stuff?”
“Needed something orange,” Oscar said with a shrug.
“Hm…” Carlos loosened a stuck piece of carrot from his molars with his tongue and swallowed it. “Looks are good. Taste is good. A little weird, but I don’t hate it.” He flashed one of his big, charming smiles. “I think it’s a perfect fit for you.”
Oscar hid his relief in an eye roll and a snort, then grabbed one of Carlos’s fries and popped it into his mouth.
“You don’t know what I taste like,” he said, blushing again when the words registered a second later.
Carlos’s grin widened. “Right now, you taste like my fries, no?” he said, popping one into his own mouth as well. And just because being annoying had worked wonderfully so far, he threw in a wink.
Oscar giggled again, even folding over a bit, then instantly looked like he wanted to die.
Carlos had not been wrong. He really was a little weird.
“Why did you come out tonight?” Carlos asked, because he remembered Oscar had asked him to change the subject rather than let things get awkward, and he had a feeling now might be the right time for that.
“Just trying to be a good teammate,” Oscar sighed, helping himself to another fry. “Guess I failed miserably at that.”
“You know Lando doesn’t expect you to, right? I mean, he’s not exactly the poster child for graceful losing himself.”
“I know,” Oscar chuckled. “I just… thought it couldn’t hurt to make an effort to show up for each other. Now that we’ll be teammates for so long. It’s gonna be a tough season for us, so no need to fuck it up right at the start.”
“You’re not fucking anything up, mate,” Carlos promised. The weight of his words was slightly lost in the mouthful of burger he was devouring, but he pressed his thigh into Oscar’s to show that he meant it, and was surprised when Oscar pushed back, not letting the gap between them open up again.
“I think Lando knows what you’re doing. And he appreciates it.”
“Yes, he asked me to come check on you, you know?”
Oscar stilled with a fry halfway toward his open mouth.
“Did he now?”
“I mean, he is really maturing lately,” Carlos went on, realizing too late that the glow in Oscar’s eyes was being replaced by that tearful shimmer again. “He knows what it’s like in your situation. And he knows he’s in no place to lift you up right now.”
Oscar slowly put the fry back into the box, then shifted until his thigh was no longer pressed against Carlos’s.
For whatever reason, Carlos mourned the loss of contact.
Just what was wrong with him tonight? That one sip of rum and coke must have really fucked with his head.
“So,” Oscar said, wiping his hands on a paper napkin that had come with the burger. “You’re right, I guess. Coming out’s been a stupid idea. I’ll just… I’ll go back to the hotel. Try to get some sleep.”
“Oh,” Carlos said. He could clearly hear the disappointment in his own voice, which made him cringe a little. But Oscar was rubbing at his wet eyes again, and his hair was still mussed up from when Carlos had run his fingers through it, and Carlos couldn’t keep his next words from falling out of his mouth.
“Just wait a minute, until I’m done with your burger, okay? I want to take you back.”
They stood in front of Oscar’s hotel room door not much later, awkwardly staring at each other.
“Okay, then,” Oscar said, fiddling with the key card in his hand. “Thanks for… um… making sure I got back safe? Though there was really no need.”
“Of course there was!” Carlos insisted. “You’re like a superstar around here, and they let you go out without a security guard!”
“I mean, I wasn’t going to take the tram.”
Truth be told, Carlos wasn’t sure why he had come along, either. He liked to think it had something to do with how Oscar still looked like he might throw himself off the next bridge, but a feeling in his gut told him that wasn’t it.
Now he watched as Oscar unlocked the door, pushing it open with a hesitant glance over his shoulder. Carlos felt like there was some countdown he was missing.
“Oh, by the way,” he quickly said, before Oscar could say his goodbyes and disappear behind the door. “I just wanted to tell you – that move you pulled, on Lewis, and in the last lap?” He shook his hand, whistling through his teeth. “That was incredible!”
Oscar raised his eyebrows at him, then shook his head with a weird little chuckle.
“Nothing,” Oscar said. “Just – if I had pulled that move on you, you’d be bitching about it for weeks.”
“Not true!” Carlos objected, even though deep down, he knew Oscar was right. “I appreciate a bold move!”
“Really now?” Oscar asked, eyebrows rising even higher. He seemed to be contemplating something. “Even when it’s pulled on you, and you might not like it?”
“Yes!” Carlos insisted. “I think you always need to be bold to get the things you want. Especially guys like us.”
“Yeah,” Oscar said. His eyebrows finally lowered, leaving him looking determined. “I agree.”
Then Carlos felt a hand lock around his wrist, and he was pulled into the hotel room, the door shutting with a decisive click.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢'𝐦 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬.𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: it's time to return the second favor. and for that reason, spencer finds himself invited by you...on a date?
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬/𝐭𝐰: spencer reid x diva!chemist!female reader, fake date at the bar, reader's ex makes an appearance, kinda inspired by blank space taylor swift
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 3.5 k
𝐚/𝐧: anon's request
[unknown number] wake up pretty boy
[unknown number] time to pay your debt
Spencer, sitting on his bed with a book resting on his lap, stared at the message for a moment, his brows slightly furrowed. Evening, the warm glow of his lamp making it easy to read. He had the next day off, no real plans, just a quiet night ahead. The sudden chime of his phone had caught him off guard.
For a split second, he was surprised—but he didn’t have to think too hard to guess who the sender was.
He typed out how did you get my number, then deleted it before hitting send. Something else was far more interesting. And a little concerning. That second message. Pay your debt. She remembered about that now, at this hour?
Before he could ask, another text came in.
[unknown number] taking you on a date
[unknown number] dress nice
For a moment, deeply confused, he just stared at his phone, already sensing somewhere deep inside that this was going to be a really weird night.
[spencer] What do you mean by ‘date’?
A minute or two passed. He didn’t put his phone down. Didn’t even look away from the screen.
[unknown number] the one who asks questions loses his way
His fingers moved automatically.
[spencer] That’s not how the saying goes
✓ Seen 10:12 pm
Reid sighed. He had absolutely no plans to go out that evening, and he wasn’t thrilled about the fact that he hadn’t been given any details about this so-called date. Unless she was joking? There was something off about this—some kind of trick, a twist he hadn’t figured out yet.
The only thing stopping him from ignoring her messages—something he very much wanted to do—was the simple fact that he did owe her. Technically, twice. Though he had managed to repay one of those debts in an easy way, requiring almost no effort on his part.
He had a feeling this second one wouldn’t be nearly as simple.
And now he found himself wondering what exactly she meant by dress nicely.
"Wait, one more time. We’re going there as her… what?"
"Mental support," she said, moving forward with that usual quick stride of hers, the sharp tapping of her heels almost aggressive. Whether unconsciously or fully aware but not caring, she got a few steps ahead of him, speaking without turning back. Her voice hung in the night, street air.
Spencer hated when she did that. It made him feel like a dog on a leash. He sped up to match her pace.
"Well, I heard you," he scoffed. "Doesn’t mean I get what you mean. And maybe you should clue me in if I’m supposed to be part of…whatever this is”
She stopped with a sigh so heavy it was as if giving him any details about something he was supposed to be part of was beyond her patience and strength. Hands tucked into the pockets of his blazer, he gave her a questioning look as she finally turned to face him.
His gaze dropped—quick, casual. Or at least, that’s how he thought it looked. Even at night, under the less-than-ideal glow of the streetlights, he could register how her outfit hugged her figure, emphasizing every curve.
At work, she dressed more formally. With her looks, that face, and the unshakable confidence she carried, she could probably make a burlap sack look like a designer gown. But Spencer had noticed something about the way she dressed for nights like this. Or rather, the way she became something else entirely. Like she belonged to the night, completely in her element.
Quick, casual glance—yeah, right.
To make the situation even more embarrassing, she snapped her fingers in front of his face, demanding his attention.
"Alright, listen up," she started, shifting her weight onto one hip. "I’m explaining this one last time. My friend, Liv—you might know her from my team…"
"Olivia, you mean," He said her full name in confirmation, recognizing the woman he had indeed seen before.
"Do you really have to correct me on how I call my own friends? Anyway, fine. Olivia has a date tonight with some guy she met online. The thing is, Olivia is a hopeless romantic who’s waiting for the love of her life to magically show up at her door, but she’s also buried in work and can’t even remember the last time she went on a date. Plus, she’s a little worried about ending up with some psycho. You know what I mean."
"All too well," he nodded, recalling all the missing persons cases that had started exactly like this—an online match gone wrong.
“Exactly. So Olivia asked me to come along. You know, for physical backup if anything goes sideways. And mental backup. Just to make her feel safer."
Well, he didn’t want to praise her out loud, but it was…nice of her. Okay, nice wasn’t the perfect word—honestly, the fact that she even had to do something like this was a little bitter at its core—but it didn’t change the fact that she was being a good friend.
He watched her for a moment, not even realizing he had gone quiet. He realized he’d never actually seen her interact with her people, her team, but he had somehow assumed their dynamic was more… detached. Not that she genuinely considered them her friends and actually cared.
"Finally caught up, genius?" she asked, a hint of teasing in her voice.
Spencer snapped out of it. Okay, so maybe she cared about her friends—but she was still seriously unbearable.
"I get it. Except for one thing," he replied, matching her slightly rude tone, one that made him sound almost offended. She raised a brow, nodded as if giving him permission to continue, and started walking again—this time at a slower pace.
Actually, they were moving at almost the same rhythm now, nearly side by side.
"Why do you need me for this?"
Their eyes met, but this time, she didn’t look like she was about to mock him. In fact, the corners of her lips lifted slightly, as if she thought that was a very good question.
"Because tonight, pretty boy, I plan to stay completely on the sidelines," she explained. "Not interfering with my friend or her date in any way. Being completely invisible."
"Invisible?" he repeated, raising his eyebrows.
It wasn’t even just about what she was wearing. Drawing attention was simply an unavoidable part of her presence. She nodded in confirmation.
"Exactly. But I figured that to keep away all the desperate guys trying to get my number, all I need to do is bring one with me," she looked like she was trying not to laugh. "You’re gonna be my scarecrow."
Spencer's mouth fell slightly open, completely at a loss for words.
"You…you are just… just…"
"Amazing, smart, beautiful, wonderful…"
"Shameless. That’s the word"
For a moment, she didn’t respond, her expression filled with a strange kind of complacency.
"Love when you compliment me," she said in an overly sweet tone.
"That wasn’t—" he started, but then cut himself off, realizing there was probably no point in arguing with her. He sighed.
"You’re welcome."
Despite the late hour, the bar wasn’t overcrowded. Sure, there were plenty of people inside, but most were engaged in quiet conversations over their drinks. Spencer noticed quite a few couples. As if they were one of them, they found a secluded spot in the corner, right next to a small pool table made of dark wood with a striking green surface.
"That’s them," the woman discreetly motioned with her head toward the pair at the bar— a cascade of blonde curls and the man accompanying her. She fixed them with an assessing gaze, narrowing her eyes slightly. “Hm. He looks like his pictures. I’ll take that as the first good sign."
"She shows you pictures of her dates?"
"Every single time. We rate them on a scale from one to ten."
Spencer wasn’t surprised in the slightest. His gaze briefly shifted in their direction, though he made sure not to stare, not wanting to make them look weird. The pair seemed to be talking a little shyly—it was obvious this was their first meeting.
“So,” he started. “Is this what we’re going to do all night? Just stand here?”
“Basically, yeah. I mean, we don’t have to just stand around like a couple of creeps, staring at them. We can enjoy our date. Just because it’s fake doesn’t mean it can’t be fun,” she said, slowly circling the pool table until they were on opposite sides.
She slipped off her outer layer, and Spencer couldn’t help but notice that her outfit underneath did anything but help her stay invisible. Reaching for a pool cue, she nodded at him.
“What are you waiting for?”
“You want to play?”
“No, I want to duel you with the cues,” she scoffed. “I’m a professional, you know.”
Spencer raised an eyebrow slightly as he grabbed a cue of his own.
"Professional?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Mhm. World championships and all that. But that was a while ago. Then came the injury, and I had to say goodbye to my career. After that, I had no idea what to do with myself, so I became a chemist," she said, with a casual shrug.
He chuckled at the made-up story, setting the pool balls up into a perfect triangle at the center of the table. Once they were ready, he gestured for her to go ahead.
She refused with an exaggerated, almost overly generous smile. "Oh, no. Amateurs go first."
He held back a roll of his eyes, leaning over the table. The balls scattered across the surface, and from that point on, he'd play with the cue ball. It was her turn now, and Spencer watched her movements closely.
"I didn't know your story before the FBI job was so fascinating," he remarked, trying to throw her off a little.
They hadn't made any bet, but there was a subtle competitiveness in him now.
She shrugged.
"I don't think it's fascinating. More tragic. Lost dreams."
"Right, sorry for my disregard. What kind of injury was it?"
She paused for a moment, focusing on her next shot. One of the balls sank smoothly into a pocket, and a small smile played on her lips.
"Shoulder," she replied casually. "Sometimes it still acts up. I have to go for regular massages."
"Poor thing," he said, his tone teasing.
Her gaze briefly scanned the entire bar, landing once again on her friend. Nothing seemed to bother her, so she returned to the game.
"We're playing just for fun? Don't you think that's a bit boring?"
"Sorry, I don’t want to bet with you again. Paying off debts with you is never easy."
"Come on. You’re having fun with me”
"You think so?"
“No. I know it."
She potted another ball, gaining the upper hand. Spencer puffed his lips, deciding to focus more on the game. They both did, though it didn't stop them from continuously exchanging similar comments, remarks, and jabs. And despite the countless huffs and eye rolls, he had to admit, he was really having fun. With her.
And even more fun when he realized he was close to winning.
With a certain satisfaction, he noticed she was watching his moves with more attention, her eyes slightly narrowed with cool competition. As he leaned over the table again, she moved toward him lightly, almost as if tiptoeing. She passed by almost unnoticed. In fact, he only realized how close she was when her breath softly grazed the inside of his ear as she spoke in the voice of a social commentator.
"Ladies and gentlemen, to the surprise of the entire audience, amateur Spencer Reid has managed to take the lead," her whisper was laced with feigned suspense. Of course, he refrained from moving, making sure not to make a mistake from distraction. "Will he manage to win today's tournament?"
He straightened up with a sigh, which made her step back slightly. He gave her a look full of mock pity, and she responded by slowly blinking her eyes, imitating the gaze of an innocent angel.
"I'm pretty sure this counts as sabotage," he remarked.
She raised both hands in the air, as if defending herself against the accusation.
"Hey, I'm not doing anything," she denied, a subtle spark in her eye. She gave a quick nod toward the table. "Come on, finish it."
Spencer, uncertain and sensing she was up to something, tried to refocus. When he found the perfect angle and was about to hit the white ball, something nudged his elbow, causing it to roll in the completely wrong direction.
He directed a look at her, mouth open in indignation.
"This is... this is cheating, pure cheating..."
"No idea what you're talking about!" she shot back. She pretended to be serious, though in an incredibly clumsy way. Her lips kept trembling, trying to form a smile, and she struggled to suppress it. "I didn't do anything. Your hand must have slipped..."
At the sight of the expression on his face, she couldn't hold back anymore and burst into laughter. It mixed with the sound of his incessantly muttered, mildly irritated comments under his breath, which absolutely didn't reach her conscience. In fact, it seemed to only make her feel more smug. Spencer finally gave in, letting out a sigh.
"I demand a fair rematch."
With her arms crossed over her chest, she raised an eyebrow.
"Go ahead, then," she said, grabbing the cue stick again.
Her friend and her date were still deep in conversation, sitting much closer than before, with small smiles on their faces. They didn't seem like they were in any hurry to end the evening. A few new people had arrived at the bar, making it louder, but Spencer didn't even notice. He was completely focused on this small, occupied space between them where they were slowly giving in to the growing rivalry, even though nothing had been wagered. It was probably just about pride.
His opponent was doing everything in her power to make his game harder. He'd abandoned all pretenses of fairness and stood right beside her whenever she leaned over the pool table. He didn't even intend to nudge her—but when he was close, she assumed he would and became incredibly cautious, often elbowing him in the ribs to make space for herself to focus. Despite all of this, they were laughing. He even forgot for a moment that he had planned to spend the evening entirely differently.
They played a few more rounds, each of them winning the same number of games. He announced the next one, but before starting, he briefly disappeared into the bathroom. Simply because, well, he needed to use it.
As he washed his hands, he could hear the hum of conversations, laughter, and music, all muffled by the door. It felt a bit warm, despite the fact that he'd taken off his jacket a while ago. For some reason, he suddenly became self-conscious about how he looked, though he hadn't thought about it at all before. After all, it wasn’t like he was on a date with some woman he was trying to impress. Still, driven by some inner impulse, he fixed his hair and smoothed the fabric of his shirt with his hands, rolling up the sleeves so they wouldn’t get wet while washing. He hesitated for a moment before lowering them again, surprised to sense someone's gaze on him.
The tall man with black hair, a rather sturdy build, and narrow glasses on his nose didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was staring at him. Spencer wasn’t sure if he should just walk away, but something made him raise an eyebrow skeptically. He had no idea what was going on.
“Do we know each other?” he asked, genuinely considering the possibility.
He couldn’t recall this man from anywhere, which, given his memory, pretty much ruled out the idea.
“No,” the man replied briefly but confidently, still not breaking eye contact. After a moment, he added, “But I know your friend. I know her well.”
Reid stood still for a moment, embarrassingly slow to realize which friend the man was referring to. It wasn’t until a few seconds later that it struck him—this guy had likely been watching their game for a while and was talking about her. Before Spencer could say anything, the man continued.
“Actually, I used to date her. And listen, I’ve got some advice for you. Just give up on her.”
Spencer blinked, trying to process if he’d misheard.
“Beg your pardon...”
“I’m serious, man. Not because I’m jealous or anything like that,” he quickly clarified, raising both hands as if to declare his sincerity. “It’s just simple, you know, guy solidarity. Don’t waste your time.”
He was struck by a strange feeling that his conversation partner had some mistaken idea about their relationship. Besides, even though the man had clarified that he wasn’t jealous, he sure sounded like a jealous ex. Spencer knew he should just laugh it off and walk away. After all, he wasn’t dating her, didn’t intend to, and whatever the guy had to say about her shouldn’t matter. Yet, his legs refused to simply walk away.
Some curiosity, one he couldn’t shake off, took hold of him.
“What do you mean?” he asked hesitantly.
A slight smirk appeared on the man’s face as he noticed he had Spencer’s attention.
“I get that you might see something in her. She’s pretty, you have to give her that. At first, even...kind of charming in her arrogance. But once you get to know her...it’s a strong word, but you need to know, she’s fucking insane.”
The language seemed to twist strangely in his mouth.
“That doesn’t tell me much,” he replied dryly. “I mean, anyone could mean something different by saying fucking insane.”
The man scoffed with a bit of contempt. Spencer was beginning to feel increasingly uncomfortable with the whole conversation.
“Okay, you’re probably going to deny it and defend her because you like her, I’ve been there, I get it.”
Because I like her? He almost denied it but stopped himself, letting the man continue.
“She’s just insufferable in the long run. She acts like she knows everything, gives orders, always has to have the last damn word. And you know, at first, you think she’s just playing that part. And then she’ll start acting, well, you know…”
Spencer felt the urge to laugh.
“Submissive?” he suggested, the missing word that seemed to want to spill from the man’s mouth.
“Normally. Just normally.”
Something started to smell between them. A distinctive scent. Wounded male ego.
That alone was enough for Spencer to know not to take this conversation seriously. That alone was enough for him to know he could end this conversation whenever he wanted. But before he could take a single step away, he thought about the entire evening he'd spent with her. Everything, from the first message he’d received while still at his apartment.
He counted how many times during their meeting he’d just laughed, having more fun than he’d had in a while. In some unclear way, he felt he owed her that.
“Let me sum this up,” Spencer began, gesturing with his hand and never breaking eye contact with the man. “Because this, in its way, is strange to me. Funny, even, when you think about it.”
The man furrowed his brow, listening. Spencer remained unfazed as he continued.
“First, you met a commanding, confident, and, okay, a little cheeky woman. That didn’t scare you off, though, and you decided you wanted to start a relationship with her. And when it happened, you were surprised she was commanding and cheeky? You know, she doesn’t pretend she’s not like that. You knew what you were getting into.”
"Fine, you know what, this doesn’t make sense," the man sighed. "Do whatever you want. Just remember, I warned you. One day, you’ll be grateful for this."
"Maybe you're right," Spencer admitted, nodding slowly. "It doesn’t make sense."
The man gave him one last look before scoffing and walking away. Reid was left in the bathroom alone, actually reflecting for a moment on the entire conversation. He didn’t think he should have been a part of it at all. The guy must’ve assumed he was interested, or that they were dating. He didn’t have any insight into what their relationship really looked like. In any case, Spencer imagined what it would be like if another guy were in his place. Her actual date. I wonder if a conversation like that would make him turn away, push him away entirely.
After a moment, he concluded that no, it probably wouldn't have. Assuming, of course, that the other guy wasn’t a complete idiot, blindly believing the words of a hurt, maybe even a little jealous ex.
Though, maybe he couldn’t really judge from his position. The position of someone who wasn’t planning on dating her, and who wasn’t interested in her in that way.
He thought for a moment about whether he should tell her about the conversation. He decided against it, not wanting to spoil or ruin the good mood of their evening. Instead, he straightened his hair and, completely unfazed by what he'd just heard, returned to the pool table where she was leaning, clearly growing impatient with his prolonged absence.
"Finally," she hissed at the sight of him. She almost shoved the cue stick into his hand, a small smirk tugging at her lips. "I thought you were trying to escape me. The thought of another loss scared you, huh?"
He paused for a moment, staring at her face—the slightly parted lips, the warm bar light reflecting in her eyes, and the familiar, confident gleam. For a brief moment, a fleeting thought crossed his mind—what did she even see in that guy?
But almost immediately, he dismissed it, considering it none of his business, and took the cue stick from her, ready to start the next game.
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