#so technically both the baby and the dog could have the same pronunciation but different characters
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thechasehr · 5 years ago
Name: Chase Saebyul McHenry-Reed
Pronunciation: Cheis Say-Beh-Yul Mukh-Hen-Ree Reed
Nickname(s): Chase, Peanut (by her dads and siblings)
Age: 22
Date and place of birth: December 5th, 1998 & Seoul, South Korea
Astrological sign: Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Aquarius Rising
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Nationality: American-Korean (dual citizenship)
Ethnicity: Korean
Occupation: I.T Support at Geek Squad, Philosophy Student
Education: Associates in Technical Information (2018), Bachelor’s in Philosophy (2020), Masters in Philosophy (Incomplete)
Religious beliefs: Undefined
Height: 5′2
Weight: 115lb
Body Type: Very petite. Boyish build with sharp shoulders, athletic from working out and a good diet
Hair: Black (naturally), Always dyed a different color
Eyes: Dark Brown
Clothing Preferences: Over-sized sweatshirts and t-shirts. Large coats. Layers. Rolls up loose pants. Combat boots and sneakers. Lots of beanies and dad hats.
Defining Features: Sharp eyes, snaggle tooth, facial mole
Voice Tone: Speaks very slowly with a small up-speech as if her sentences are questions. A lot vocal fry.
Blood-Type: A-
Allergies: Pollen. Dogs. Criticism.
Sexual Orientation: Prefers not to label, but a preference towards women / feminine presenting individuals. 
Romantic Orientation: Prefers not to label, but a preference towards women / feminine presenting individuals
Do they have a type: Chase needs someone who can calm her down and keep her on track. She can get frazzled and overwhelmed really easily, so she needs a partner who is very grounded in reality. She likes people who are pretty, so gender doesn’t matter too much. Not that she won’t date someone who’s handsome, she just leans more towards feminine beauty.
Pet peeves: Not being taken seriously, being made fun of, people who aren’t gentle.
Likes: art museums, being praised, poetry
Dislikes: criticism, being looked down on, carrots
Ambivert, introvert or extrovert?: Ambivert, leans introvert
Siblings: Tristan McHenry-Reed (30), Parker McHenry-Reed (24) 
Birth order: Youngest
Parents: Felix Reed (56, called Dad), Theodore ‘Theo’ McHenry (52, called Papa)
Children: N/A
Do they want kids: Maybe. It depends on where she is in life.
What language(s) do they speak: English.
What are they talented at: Chase remembers nearly everything she reads. Her mind is a trap as long as she’s read it. She’ll often write notes for herself for that reason.
What is a hidden talent no one knows of: Up until she was twelve, she was a running back for the local youth football team. While she was much too small and could get really hurt if tackled, she started to be a kicker and played as the first string kicker for all 4 years of high school as the only girl on their team.
What are they worst at: Emotional management.
What is their relationship with their family like?:
She wishes she wasn't so babied by her dads and her siblings, but at the same time she likes that they are always looking out for her. In general, the McHenry-Reeds are very close knit and Chase always thinks of how fortunate she is to have a strong relationship with boths of her dads and her older sister and brother. While she wishes they would take her more seriously, without them, especially her siblings, she would be completely lost. Niji, it has been strained since she was sixteen. At the time, she was hurt most by being kicked out due to her sexuality. Now, she isn’t sure what hurts more: being kicked out or the breach of privacy when her parents looked through her journals to find out.
Describe their personality:
Nijiko tries her best to stay optimistic, especially around her friends. Even if she is not feeling well, she will put on a good face for others. If anyone needs something form her, Nijiko is willing to give whatever is needed to help out.
But, her opinion of herself is rather high. When she is good at something Nijiko is very cocky about it. Quick to talk about her achievements and let everyone know about it
Yet, if she fails, she dwells on it four days sometimes, thinking over how she could have been better. To her and for herself only, she expects perfection and nothing less. Nijiko can sit for hours trying to to get something right, starting and restarting it until she’s frustrated.
Are they happy where they are in life:
Chase wishes she can do more. She knows her emotional turbulence stops her from being able to enjoy life how she wants to with such high high and low lows, but she tries her best to make the most of it. Working with computers is something she is interested in, but it really isn't her passion. Right now, she feels lost, which doesn't help with her anxiety and poor emotional control. Chase thinks content is a better word. She is not happy, but she is not upset either. She is more so confused on where to go next.
What is their dream:
Chase has no idea what shes going to do with a Doctorate in Philosophy once she gets there, but she feels working at a University as a professor could lend itself well. Right now, she is a proud academic, and maybe that will never change. A part of her wants to travel around the world to experience the differences in thought and culture. Short term, though, she would like to, someday, make contact with her birth parents just to know who they are and what they are like. There isn't much judgement with them putting her up for adoption. They did what they needed to do because they loved her. The most she could give them for that is to meet them and show them she is okay and thriving.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 8 years ago
How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages?
There are as many foreign words for dog as there are languages. In English, dog is, of course, the preferred nomenclature, but there are even a wide range of variants in our own tongue, with new ones popping up all the time. We’ve got pup, pupper and doggo, for instance. You might think a word like pooch has been around forever, but both the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster assert that it didn’t appear until the 1920s! How do people say dog in other languages?
What is Spanish for dog?: Romance languages
Romance languages have nothing whatever to do with wine, roses, candlelight or the 1955 Disney film, Lady and the Tramp, where the titular dogs eat the same piece of spaghetti until they’re kissing. No, we simply mean those languages that developed from Latin. Why don’t we start there?
How do you say dog in Latin? The word is canis, which you’ll recognize as the root of words we use all the time, like canine and canid. Interestingly, the word for puppy — catulus — is the same word used for many baby animals, including kittens and puppies. Little Caecilius must’ve been shocked when his parents told him he could finally have a catulus, only to find a bear cub sharing his room.
How do you say dog in French? In the Francophone world, a male dog is a chien, while its female counterpart is a chienne!
This “chien,” a French Bulldog, is lazy in any language. (Photo via MaxPixel)
How do you say dog in Italian? Let’s jump to Italian, where they call a dog cane or cagna, depending on whether it is male or female. Fans of large breeds will recognize the term from the name of the Cane Corso. Like Latin, the “a” in cane is pronounced with an “ah”sound.
What is Spanish for dog? With over 400 million speakers, Spanish is actually the most dominant of the Romance languages currently in use around the world. In Spanish, the word for dog is perro or perra.
How to say dog in Portuguese? The words you’re looking for when you visit Portugal, Brazil or Mozambique will be cão and cadela! Try resist laughing and making barnyard noises when a native speaker points to a dog and says a word that sounds like cow. Cachorro is also an acceptable term for any dog.
What is the Dutch word for dog?: Germanic languages
Many police dogs and military dogs employed by law enforcement agencies all over the globe are bred and trained in Belgium and Germany. Agents to whom they are assigned may likewise be taught the basic commands of the training language. This tends to be a simpler approach, after dogs have been through a 12-16 week instruction program, then having to retrain them to acknowledge all new commands in another tongue.
How do you say dog in German? The German word for dog is Hund. Nouns, including proper names, are typically capitalized in the German language. You’ll have noticed by now, that, outside of English, in which dog is equally applicable for males and females, most other languages draw a distinction between them. In German, a female dog is called a Hündin.
A dog is a “hund” in German, Danish, and Norwegian. (Photo via Pixabay)
What is the Dutch word for dog? Should you find yourself in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgium, Curaçao or Suriname, you’ll ask people if you can pet their hond. Not since Latin and Italian have we had two words so similar in spelling and appearance. The word for a female dog is teef, pronounced with a long “A” sound.
What is the Danish word for dog? In Denmark, the word for dog is exactly the same as it is in Germany, to wit, hund. A female dog, on the other hand, is a hunhund.
How to say dog in Norwegian? There’s a noteworthy symmetry among the major Germanic languages. In Norway, a dog is a hund.
Languages of the Pacific Rim
Asian languages could not be more distinct from each other, due in part to historical isolation and specific dialects. Let’s look at what you’d call a dog in some of the primary languages of the Far East.
How do you say dog in Japanese? You might not realize it, but you probably already know the word for dog in Japan. It’s written��犬, and transcripted as “Inu,” as in the always popular Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu breeds.
“Inu” is Japanese for “dog.” (Photo by Taro the Shiba Inu on Flickr)
What is the Chinese word for dog? This one’s a bit of a totalizing question, since there are many dialects spoken throughout China, the top 4 of which have tens of millions of speakers. The most common, by far, is Mandarin, and the word in that tongue is 狗, transcripted as “gǒu.” Its pronunciation is similar to the Portuguese, something like “cow.”
How to say dog in Korean? On the Korean Peninsula, the word for dog is 개, written out as “gae,” and pronounced “geh.”
In the global bazaar: Saying dog around the world
We readily admit that even our first two language-family groupings, Romance and Germanic, are imprecise at best. Both of those language groups, and a few individual languages we’ll cover next, are members of the larger Indo-European language family.
How do you say dog in Arabic? Arabic is in the Semitic language family. There are nearly 300 million people on Earth who refer to a dog with the word الكلب, which is transcripted as “al kalb” or just “kalb.”
How do you say dog in Hebrew? Hebrew is another in the Semitic family of languages. In Israel, the proper word is כֶּלֶב, written out and pronounced “kelev.”
In Arabic, the dog is “al kalb.” (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
What is the Russian word for dog? Russian is a member of the Indo-European family, like French, English and German. In Russia and several former territories of the Soviet Union, a dog is a собака, which is transcripted and pronounced as “sobaka.”
What is dog in Greek? Technically an Indo-European language, Greek is in its own category as the primary Hellenic language. In Greece, a dog is a σκύλος, written out as “skýlos,” where the “y” is spoken with an “ee” sound.
What is dog in Hindi? We conclude our survey of how people say dog around the world on the subcontinent. In India, a dog is a कुत्ता, written out as “kutta,” where the “u” is pronounced as “oo.”
Since dogs began living with human beings many thousands of years ago, they’ve followed us all over the world and have begged us for table scraps at every stop along the way. Dogs have crossed land bridges on foot, taken to the waves on sea-going vessels and, these days, they find homes by way of planes, trains and automobiles. Wherever they go, they find a new linguistic tradition with a different name for the species. What words for dog that we didn’t cover here are your particular favorites?
The post How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages? appeared first on Dogster.
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buynewsoul · 8 years ago
How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages?
There are as many foreign words for dog as there are languages. In English, dog is, of course, the preferred nomenclature, but there are even a wide range of variants in our own tongue, with new ones popping up all the time. We’ve got pup, pupper and doggo, for instance. You might think a word like pooch has been around forever, but both the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster assert that it didn’t appear until the 1920s! How do people say dog in other languages?
What is Spanish for dog?: Romance languages
Romance languages have nothing whatever to do with wine, roses, candlelight or the 1955 Disney film, Lady and the Tramp, where the titular dogs eat the same piece of spaghetti until they’re kissing. No, we simply mean those languages that developed from Latin. Why don’t we start there?
How do you say dog in Latin? The word is canis, which you’ll recognize as the root of words we use all the time, like canine and canid. Interestingly, the word for puppy — catulus — is the same word used for many baby animals, including kittens and puppies. Little Caecilius must’ve been shocked when his parents told him he could finally have a catulus, only to find a bear cub sharing his room.
How do you say dog in French? In the Francophone world, a male dog is a chien, while its female counterpart is a chienne!
This “chien,” a French Bulldog, is lazy in any language. (Photo via MaxPixel)
How do you say dog in Italian? Let’s jump to Italian, where they call a dog cane or cagna, depending on whether it is male or female. Fans of large breeds will recognize the term from the name of the Cane Corso. Like Latin, the “a” in cane is pronounced with an “ah”sound.
What is Spanish for dog? With over 400 million speakers, Spanish is actually the most dominant of the Romance languages currently in use around the world. In Spanish, the word for dog is perro or perra.
How to say dog in Portuguese? The words you’re looking for when you visit Portugal, Brazil or Mozambique will be cão and cadela! Try resist laughing and making barnyard noises when a native speaker points to a dog and says a word that sounds like cow. Cachorro is also an acceptable term for any dog.
What is the Dutch word for dog?: Germanic languages
Many police dogs and military dogs employed by law enforcement agencies all over the globe are bred and trained in Belgium and Germany. Agents to whom they are assigned may likewise be taught the basic commands of the training language. This tends to be a simpler approach, after dogs have been through a 12-16 week instruction program, then having to retrain them to acknowledge all new commands in another tongue.
How do you say dog in German? The German word for dog is Hund. Nouns, including proper names, are typically capitalized in the German language. You’ll have noticed by now, that, outside of English, in which dog is equally applicable for males and females, most other languages draw a distinction between them. In German, a female dog is called a Hündin.
A dog is a “hund” in German, Danish, and Norwegian. (Photo via Pixabay)
What is the Dutch word for dog? Should you find yourself in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgium, Curaçao or Suriname, you’ll ask people if you can pet their hond. Not since Latin and Italian have we had two words so similar in spelling and appearance. The word for a female dog is teef, pronounced with a long “A” sound.
What is the Danish word for dog? In Denmark, the word for dog is exactly the same as it is in Germany, to wit, hund. A female dog, on the other hand, is a hunhund.
How to say dog in Norwegian? There’s a noteworthy symmetry among the major Germanic languages. In Norway, a dog is a hund.
Languages of the Pacific Rim
Asian languages could not be more distinct from each other, due in part to historical isolation and specific dialects. Let’s look at what you’d call a dog in some of the primary languages of the Far East.
How do you say dog in Japanese? You might not realize it, but you probably already know the word for dog in Japan. It’s written 犬, and transcripted as “Inu,” as in the always popular Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu breeds.
“Inu” is Japanese for “dog.” (Photo by Taro the Shiba Inu on Flickr)
What is the Chinese word for dog? This one’s a bit of a totalizing question, since there are many dialects spoken throughout China, the top 4 of which have tens of millions of speakers. The most common, by far, is Mandarin, and the word in that tongue is 狗, transcripted as “gǒu.” Its pronunciation is similar to the Portuguese, something like “cow.”
How to say dog in Korean? On the Korean Peninsula, the word for dog is 개, written out as “gae,” and pronounced “geh.”
In the global bazaar: Saying dog around the world
We readily admit that even our first two language-family groupings, Romance and Germanic, are imprecise at best. Both of those language groups, and a few individual languages we’ll cover next, are members of the larger Indo-European language family.
How do you say dog in Arabic? Arabic is in the Semitic language family. There are nearly 300 million people on Earth who refer to a dog with the word الكلب, which is transcripted as “al kalb” or just “kalb.”
How do you say dog in Hebrew? Hebrew is another in the Semitic family of languages. In Israel, the proper word is כֶּלֶב, written out and pronounced “kelev.”
In Arabic, the dog is “al kalb.” (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
What is the Russian word for dog? Russian is a member of the Indo-European family, like French, English and German. In Russia and several former territories of the Soviet Union, a dog is a собака, which is transcripted and pronounced as “sobaka.”
What is dog in Greek? Technically an Indo-European language, Greek is in its own category as the primary Hellenic language. In Greece, a dog is a σκύλος, written out as “skýlos,” where the “y” is spoken with an “ee” sound.
What is dog in Hindi? We conclude our survey of how people say dog around the world on the subcontinent. In India, a dog is a कुत्ता, written out as “kutta,” where the “u” is pronounced as “oo.”
Since dogs began living with human beings many thousands of years ago, they’ve followed us all over the world and have begged us for table scraps at every stop along the way. Dogs have crossed land bridges on foot, taken to the waves on sea-going vessels and, these days, they find homes by way of planes, trains and automobiles. Wherever they go, they find a new linguistic tradition with a different name for the species. What words for dog that we didn’t cover here are your particular favorites?
The post How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages? appeared first on Dogster.
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stiles-wtf · 8 years ago
How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages?
There are as many foreign words for dog as there are languages. In English, dog is, of course, the preferred nomenclature, but there are even a wide range of variants in our own tongue, with new ones popping up all the time. We’ve got pup, pupper and doggo, for instance. You might think a word like pooch has been around forever, but both the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster assert that it didn’t appear until the 1920s! How do people say dog in other languages?
What is Spanish for dog?: Romance languages
Romance languages have nothing whatever to do with wine, roses, candlelight or the 1955 Disney film, Lady and the Tramp, where the titular dogs eat the same piece of spaghetti until they’re kissing. No, we simply mean those languages that developed from Latin. Why don’t we start there?
How do you say dog in Latin? The word is canis, which you’ll recognize as the root of words we use all the time, like canine and canid. Interestingly, the word for puppy — catulus — is the same word used for many baby animals, including kittens and puppies. Little Caecilius must’ve been shocked when his parents told him he could finally have a catulus, only to find a bear cub sharing his room.
How do you say dog in French? In the Francophone world, a male dog is a chien, while its female counterpart is a chienne!
This “chien,” a French Bulldog, is lazy in any language. (Photo via MaxPixel)
How do you say dog in Italian? Let’s jump to Italian, where they call a dog cane or cagna, depending on whether it is male or female. Fans of large breeds will recognize the term from the name of the Cane Corso. Like Latin, the “a” in cane is pronounced with an “ah”sound.
What is Spanish for dog? With over 400 million speakers, Spanish is actually the most dominant of the Romance languages currently in use around the world. In Spanish, the word for dog is perro or perra.
How to say dog in Portuguese? The words you’re looking for when you visit Portugal, Brazil or Mozambique will be cão and cadela! Try resist laughing and making barnyard noises when a native speaker points to a dog and says a word that sounds like cow. Cachorro is also an acceptable term for any dog.
What is the Dutch word for dog?: Germanic languages
Many police dogs and military dogs employed by law enforcement agencies all over the globe are bred and trained in Belgium and Germany. Agents to whom they are assigned may likewise be taught the basic commands of the training language. This tends to be a simpler approach, after dogs have been through a 12-16 week instruction program, then having to retrain them to acknowledge all new commands in another tongue.
How do you say dog in German? The German word for dog is Hund. Nouns, including proper names, are typically capitalized in the German language. You’ll have noticed by now, that, outside of English, in which dog is equally applicable for males and females, most other languages draw a distinction between them. In German, a female dog is called a Hündin.
A dog is a “hund” in German, Danish, and Norwegian. (Photo via Pixabay)
What is the Dutch word for dog? Should you find yourself in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgium, Curaçao or Suriname, you’ll ask people if you can pet their hond. Not since Latin and Italian have we had two words so similar in spelling and appearance. The word for a female dog is teef, pronounced with a long “A” sound.
What is the Danish word for dog? In Denmark, the word for dog is exactly the same as it is in Germany, to wit, hund. A female dog, on the other hand, is a hunhund.
How to say dog in Norwegian? There’s a noteworthy symmetry among the major Germanic languages. In Norway, a dog is a hund.
Languages of the Pacific Rim
Asian languages could not be more distinct from each other, due in part to historical isolation and specific dialects. Let’s look at what you’d call a dog in some of the primary languages of the Far East.
How do you say dog in Japanese? You might not realize it, but you probably already know the word for dog in Japan. It’s written 犬, and transcripted as “Inu,” as in the always popular Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu breeds.
“Inu” is Japanese for “dog.” (Photo by Taro the Shiba Inu on Flickr)
What is the Chinese word for dog? This one’s a bit of a totalizing question, since there are many dialects spoken throughout China, the top 4 of which have tens of millions of speakers. The most common, by far, is Mandarin, and the word in that tongue is 狗, transcripted as “gǒu.” Its pronunciation is similar to the Portuguese, something like “cow.”
How to say dog in Korean? On the Korean Peninsula, the word for dog is 개, written out as “gae,” and pronounced “geh.”
In the global bazaar: Saying dog around the world
We readily admit that even our first two language-family groupings, Romance and Germanic, are imprecise at best. Both of those language groups, and a few individual languages we’ll cover next, are members of the larger Indo-European language family.
How do you say dog in Arabic? Arabic is in the Semitic language family. There are nearly 300 million people on Earth who refer to a dog with the word الكلب, which is transcripted as “al kalb” or just “kalb.”
How do you say dog in Hebrew? Hebrew is another in the Semitic family of languages. In Israel, the proper word is כֶּלֶב, written out and pronounced “kelev.”
In Arabic, the dog is “al kalb.” (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
What is the Russian word for dog? Russian is a member of the Indo-European family, like French, English and German. In Russia and several former territories of the Soviet Union, a dog is a собака, which is transcripted and pronounced as “sobaka.”
What is dog in Greek? Technically an Indo-European language, Greek is in its own category as the primary Hellenic language. In Greece, a dog is a σκύλος, written out as “skýlos,” where the “y” is spoken with an “ee” sound.
What is dog in Hindi? We conclude our survey of how people say dog around the world on the subcontinent. In India, a dog is a कुत्ता, written out as “kutta,” where the “u” is pronounced as “oo.”
Since dogs began living with human beings many thousands of years ago, they’ve followed us all over the world and have begged us for table scraps at every stop along the way. Dogs have crossed land bridges on foot, taken to the waves on sea-going vessels and, these days, they find homes by way of planes, trains and automobiles. Wherever they go, they find a new linguistic tradition with a different name for the species. What words for dog that we didn’t cover here are your particular favorites?
The post How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages? appeared first on Dogster.
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jeffreyrwelch · 8 years ago
How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages?
There are as many foreign words for dog as there are languages. In English, dog is, of course, the preferred nomenclature, but there are even a wide range of variants in our own tongue, with new ones popping up all the time. We’ve got pup, pupper and doggo, for instance. You might think a word like pooch has been around forever, but both the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster assert that it didn’t appear until the 1920s! How do people say dog in other languages?
What is Spanish for dog?: Romance languages
Romance languages have nothing whatever to do with wine, roses, candlelight or the 1955 Disney film, Lady and the Tramp, where the titular dogs eat the same piece of spaghetti until they’re kissing. No, we simply mean those languages that developed from Latin. Why don’t we start there?
How do you say dog in Latin? The word is canis, which you’ll recognize as the root of words we use all the time, like canine and canid. Interestingly, the word for puppy — catulus — is the same word used for many baby animals, including kittens and puppies. Little Caecilius must’ve been shocked when his parents told him he could finally have a catulus, only to find a bear cub sharing his room.
How do you say dog in French? In the Francophone world, a male dog is a chien, while its female counterpart is a chienne!
This “chien,” a French Bulldog, is lazy in any language. (Photo via MaxPixel)
How do you say dog in Italian? Let’s jump to Italian, where they call a dog cane or cagna, depending on whether it is male or female. Fans of large breeds will recognize the term from the name of the Cane Corso. Like Latin, the “a” in cane is pronounced with an “ah”sound.
What is Spanish for dog? With over 400 million speakers, Spanish is actually the most dominant of the Romance languages currently in use around the world. In Spanish, the word for dog is perro or perra.
How to say dog in Portuguese? The words you’re looking for when you visit Portugal, Brazil or Mozambique will be cão and cadela! Try resist laughing and making barnyard noises when a native speaker points to a dog and says a word that sounds like cow. Cachorro is also an acceptable term for any dog.
What is the Dutch word for dog?: Germanic languages
Many police dogs and military dogs employed by law enforcement agencies all over the globe are bred and trained in Belgium and Germany. Agents to whom they are assigned may likewise be taught the basic commands of the training language. This tends to be a simpler approach, after dogs have been through a 12-16 week instruction program, then having to retrain them to acknowledge all new commands in another tongue.
How do you say dog in German? The German word for dog is Hund. Nouns, including proper names, are typically capitalized in the German language. You’ll have noticed by now, that, outside of English, in which dog is equally applicable for males and females, most other languages draw a distinction between them. In German, a female dog is called a Hündin.
A dog is a “hund” in German, Danish, and Norwegian. (Photo via Pixabay)
What is the Dutch word for dog? Should you find yourself in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgium, Curaçao or Suriname, you’ll ask people if you can pet their hond. Not since Latin and Italian have we had two words so similar in spelling and appearance. The word for a female dog is teef, pronounced with a long “A” sound.
What is the Danish word for dog? In Denmark, the word for dog is exactly the same as it is in Germany, to wit, hund. A female dog, on the other hand, is a hunhund.
How to say dog in Norwegian? There’s a noteworthy symmetry among the major Germanic languages. In Norway, a dog is a hund.
Languages of the Pacific Rim
Asian languages could not be more distinct from each other, due in part to historical isolation and specific dialects. Let’s look at what you’d call a dog in some of the primary languages of the Far East.
How do you say dog in Japanese? You might not realize it, but you probably already know the word for dog in Japan. It’s written 犬, and transcripted as “Inu,” as in the always popular Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu breeds.
“Inu” is Japanese for “dog.” (Photo by Taro the Shiba Inu on Flickr)
What is the Chinese word for dog? This one’s a bit of a totalizing question, since there are many dialects spoken throughout China, the top 4 of which have tens of millions of speakers. The most common, by far, is Mandarin, and the word in that tongue is 狗, transcripted as “gǒu.” Its pronunciation is similar to the Portuguese, something like “cow.”
How to say dog in Korean? On the Korean Peninsula, the word for dog is 개, written out as “gae,” and pronounced “geh.”
In the global bazaar: Saying dog around the world
We readily admit that even our first two language-family groupings, Romance and Germanic, are imprecise at best. Both of those language groups, and a few individual languages we’ll cover next, are members of the larger Indo-European language family.
How do you say dog in Arabic? Arabic is in the Semitic language family. There are nearly 300 million people on Earth who refer to a dog with the word الكلب, which is transcripted as “al kalb” or just “kalb.”
How do you say dog in Hebrew? Hebrew is another in the Semitic family of languages. In Israel, the proper word is כֶּלֶב, written out and pronounced “kelev.”
In Arabic, the dog is “al kalb.” (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
What is the Russian word for dog? Russian is a member of the Indo-European family, like French, English and German. In Russia and several former territories of the Soviet Union, a dog is a собака, which is transcripted and pronounced as “sobaka.”
What is dog in Greek? Technically an Indo-European language, Greek is in its own category as the primary Hellenic language. In Greece, a dog is a σκύλος, written out as “skýlos,” where the “y” is spoken with an “ee” sound.
What is dog in Hindi? We conclude our survey of how people say dog around the world on the subcontinent. In India, a dog is a कुत्ता, written out as “kutta,” where the “u” is pronounced as “oo.”
Since dogs began living with human beings many thousands of years ago, they’ve followed us all over the world and have begged us for table scraps at every stop along the way. Dogs have crossed land bridges on foot, taken to the waves on sea-going vessels and, these days, they find homes by way of planes, trains and automobiles. Wherever they go, they find a new linguistic tradition with a different name for the species. What words for dog that we didn’t cover here are your particular favorites?
The post How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages? appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 8 years ago
How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages?
There are as many foreign words for dog as there are languages. In English, dog is, of course, the preferred nomenclature, but there are even a wide range of variants in our own tongue, with new ones popping up all the time. We’ve got pup, pupper and doggo, for instance. You might think a word like pooch has been around forever, but both the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster assert that it didn’t appear until the 1920s! How do people say dog in other languages?
What is Spanish for dog?: Romance languages
Romance languages have nothing whatever to do with wine, roses, candlelight or the 1955 Disney film, Lady and the Tramp, where the titular dogs eat the same piece of spaghetti until they’re kissing. No, we simply mean those languages that developed from Latin. Why don’t we start there?
How do you say dog in Latin? The word is canis, which you’ll recognize as the root of words we use all the time, like canine and canid. Interestingly, the word for puppy — catulus — is the same word used for many baby animals, including kittens and puppies. Little Caecilius must’ve been shocked when his parents told him he could finally have a catulus, only to find a bear cub sharing his room.
How do you say dog in French? In the Francophone world, a male dog is a chien, while its female counterpart is a chienne!
This “chien,” a French Bulldog, is lazy in any language. (Photo via MaxPixel)
How do you say dog in Italian? Let’s jump to Italian, where they call a dog cane or cagna, depending on whether it is male or female. Fans of large breeds will recognize the term from the name of the Cane Corso. Like Latin, the “a” in cane is pronounced with an “ah”sound.
What is Spanish for dog? With over 400 million speakers, Spanish is actually the most dominant of the Romance languages currently in use around the world. In Spanish, the word for dog is perro or perra.
How to say dog in Portuguese? The words you’re looking for when you visit Portugal, Brazil or Mozambique will be cão and cadela! Try resist laughing and making barnyard noises when a native speaker points to a dog and says a word that sounds like cow. Cachorro is also an acceptable term for any dog.
What is the Dutch word for dog?: Germanic languages
Many police dogs and military dogs employed by law enforcement agencies all over the globe are bred and trained in Belgium and Germany. Agents to whom they are assigned may likewise be taught the basic commands of the training language. This tends to be a simpler approach, after dogs have been through a 12-16 week instruction program, then having to retrain them to acknowledge all new commands in another tongue.
How do you say dog in German? The German word for dog is Hund. Nouns, including proper names, are typically capitalized in the German language. You’ll have noticed by now, that, outside of English, in which dog is equally applicable for males and females, most other languages draw a distinction between them. In German, a female dog is called a Hündin.
A dog is a “hund” in German, Danish, and Norwegian. (Photo via Pixabay)
What is the Dutch word for dog? Should you find yourself in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgium, Curaçao or Suriname, you’ll ask people if you can pet their hond. Not since Latin and Italian have we had two words so similar in spelling and appearance. The word for a female dog is teef, pronounced with a long “A” sound.
What is the Danish word for dog? In Denmark, the word for dog is exactly the same as it is in Germany, to wit, hund. A female dog, on the other hand, is a hunhund.
How to say dog in Norwegian? There’s a noteworthy symmetry among the major Germanic languages. In Norway, a dog is a hund.
Languages of the Pacific Rim
Asian languages could not be more distinct from each other, due in part to historical isolation and specific dialects. Let’s look at what you’d call a dog in some of the primary languages of the Far East.
How do you say dog in Japanese? You might not realize it, but you probably already know the word for dog in Japan. It’s written 犬, and transcripted as “Inu,” as in the always popular Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu breeds.
“Inu” is Japanese for “dog.” (Photo by Taro the Shiba Inu on Flickr)
What is the Chinese word for dog? This one’s a bit of a totalizing question, since there are many dialects spoken throughout China, the top 4 of which have tens of millions of speakers. The most common, by far, is Mandarin, and the word in that tongue is 狗, transcripted as “gǒu.” Its pronunciation is similar to the Portuguese, something like “cow.”
How to say dog in Korean? On the Korean Peninsula, the word for dog is 개, written out as “gae,” and pronounced “geh.”
In the global bazaar: Saying dog around the world
We readily admit that even our first two language-family groupings, Romance and Germanic, are imprecise at best. Both of those language groups, and a few individual languages we’ll cover next, are members of the larger Indo-European language family.
How do you say dog in Arabic? Arabic is in the Semitic language family. There are nearly 300 million people on Earth who refer to a dog with the word الكلب, which is transcripted as “al kalb” or just “kalb.”
How do you say dog in Hebrew? Hebrew is another in the Semitic family of languages. In Israel, the proper word is כֶּלֶב, written out and pronounced “kelev.”
In Arabic, the dog is “al kalb.” (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
What is the Russian word for dog? Russian is a member of the Indo-European family, like French, English and German. In Russia and several former territories of the Soviet Union, a dog is a собака, which is transcripted and pronounced as “sobaka.”
What is dog in Greek? Technically an Indo-European language, Greek is in its own category as the primary Hellenic language. In Greece, a dog is a σκύλος, written out as “skýlos,” where the “y” is spoken with an “ee” sound.
What is dog in Hindi? We conclude our survey of how people say dog around the world on the subcontinent. In India, a dog is a कुत्ता, written out as “kutta,” where the “u” is pronounced as “oo.”
Since dogs began living with human beings many thousands of years ago, they’ve followed us all over the world and have begged us for table scraps at every stop along the way. Dogs have crossed land bridges on foot, taken to the waves on sea-going vessels and, these days, they find homes by way of planes, trains and automobiles. Wherever they go, they find a new linguistic tradition with a different name for the species. What words for dog that we didn’t cover here are your particular favorites?
The post How Do You Say “Dog” In Other Languages? appeared first on Dogster.
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