#so please know if I make fan art of a fic or AU or somethin it's just 'cause I like it and it inspired me!
unholy-fabray · 8 months
when people put sweet things in the tags when they rb my art /POSITIVE!!!
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Hey!!! First of all, I’m a hu fan of your work. I really like your fics and your art style is truly amazing. May I request something for Aziraphale x Crowley? A little AU where they know each other pre-Fall, please? Can be a fic or an art, doesn‘t matter. I‘d just like to see what you‘ll do with this little prompt 😊
I don't think I've ever written pre-fall Crowley and Aziraphale, though I do have silly, little headcanons I've kept to myself because reasons.
But sure, I can write something! :D
Heads up, while I love the concept of Crowley having just been a normal angel who asked too many questions, I also love the idea of him being Samael (who is considered the Serpent in some versions of the stories, and can be seen as a different angel to Lucifer). So, for this, I'm going with Samael, the black sheep of the Archangels because he deals with sinners.
On with the fic!
Heaven is meant to be the ultimate paradise, that's what all the brochurs that were being printed for the future non-angelic residents to have when they finally arrived. Whenever that would be, God hasn't exactly given anyone a date on when Her big project was gonna be finished.
Not that any of that was Samael's business, really. He was fascinated, completely and utterly fascinated, but he wasn't allowed to work on Project Earth. Mostly because he asked too many annoying questions and the heads of the project kicked him back to star duty.
Which is where the angel found himself now, mixing elements together in a dish, preparing to make what he planning on calling a red dwarf, when he heard a small cough. Samael paused, turning away from his project, to see an angel standing nearby, holding scrolls.
He appeared to be wearing what was considered a 'human corporation', a new project that some angels had volunteered to try out, to see if they could keep their true selves inside of. Samael was currently wearing his, he rather liked having hands, made things easier for him. The other angel seemed to have adjusted to his corporation, even though Samael could sense the energy from him, he was a cherub, and his human head looked kinda cute, in a goofy way.
"Can I help you?" Samael asked, smiling at the stranger.
"Oh, uh... I-I was meant to, I mean," the other angel stammered, looking overwhelmed, "you're Samael, yes? Archangel?"
Samael inwardly winced, he could tell that his title was said with a capital A. He was part of the Higher Circle of angels, special ones picked for special tasks, practically on the highest tier of angels, in a sense. Samael personally hated it, made him feel like such a nark, he wasn't pompous about it like his siblings were.
"Yeah, that's me. Did you need something?"
"Well, I... I work the in the archives, you see," they had archives?, "and while I was sorting about through the scrolls, and coming across a rather lovely bit of poetry someone wrote about something called bees, I found these."
The angel approached him, with caution, and gently set the scrolls down on Samael's work table with such care. The scrolls were of Samael's making, reports and images of his projects out in the universe. He suddenly felt a little embarrassed, oh great, was he in trouble for these? "Is there something wrong with them? Do I have to file 'em correctly or somethin'?"
"Oh no!" The angel shook his head, looking at the Archangel with wide, hazel eyes. They were rather pretty, like a tree, Samael just learned what plants were and already he was liking them, and he was liking those eyes that reminded him of a plant. "No, you didn't file them incorrectly or anything of the sort, I just... wanted to let you know that these are gorgeous!"
Samael felt like a column had been dropped in front of his cart of thought.
"Well, as an archivist for Heaven's records and library, oh, I love the library but it needs more content that isn't just someone boasting about their accomplishments, I have to put everything into place! And that means I have to look at what the scrolls have within them, and yours are just... beautiful!"
"What?" Samael repeated.
"Forgive me for gushing," the other angel said, his cheeks pink, "but when I sort and record the works of the star makers, they tend to just write what they did and call it a day, never showing examples. Yes, there are coordinates, but sometimes an angel would like to see the heavens without having to leave his office, yes?"
Samael could only nod and that was the other's cue to continue. "Right, well, I opened up yours and just... oh, these are amazing, it's like I'm right up there, seeing the universe being made! Your attention to detail in your paintings are something else, you should be working on flowers on the Earth project, I bet you could make them look utterly stunning compared to what I've seen now!"
The angel looked at him, giving him the most honest, beautiful smile that Samael had ever seen on anyone before.
And he fell in love instantly.
"You... you really like my stuff?" He found himself say when his brain decided to work again.
"Of course! It's a shame no one talks about you in such a positive light!" Comes with being the future angel of sinners and sin eaters. "You have such passion and love in your work, I'm impressed. I'd love nothing more than to see you in action, to see the real thing!"
The taller angel felt his face burn like a star, but he grinned brightly like one as well. "'Course! I'm in the middle of a new project, if you'd like to watch, uhh..."
"Aziraphale." Said the angel, still smiling. "And I would love to watch."
Aziraphale, one of Raphael's rank, meaning he was good people. But then again, Samael didn't need to know his name to know that fact, the proof was right before him.
"Alright, Aziraphale," Samael smirked, cracking his knuckles, "get yourself comfortable! You're about to see art in the making!"
If anyone has ever read any of the content I've made for my Reverse Omens au, then you're probably familiar with Samael.
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under-snow-vixen · 4 years
Yuletide Letter
hi author! i’m vixen - UnderSnowVixen on Ao3. this’ll be my first yuletide :0
i like worldbuilding, especially around religion, government, and language; religion in general; change in government over time; character studies; explorations of close relationships; post-canon settings; canon divergence; crossovers, especially characters from one canon visiting or joining another canon; gender weirdness and exploration; POV outsider, especially with OC POV; Epistolary fics, especially through paperwork or (transcripts of) broadcast media; unusual formats in general; paperwork in general; political or legal comedy; fluff and comfort; temporary death/revival; travel, especially vagrancy or space travel; finding home in another; hope in the face of doom, be it futile or successful; complicated politesse; memory and its fallibility; storytelling; immortality and all that come with it, especially the gender of immortals; ensemble pieces; growing apart and fighting or accepting that; place-as-character; haunted, wrong, or angry places; liminal spaces; play and joy in terrible times; exploration of inhumanity, real or perceived; what it means to be a “good person” and worries over that; morality; conversations about music and art; prairies, forests, and lakes; things that live in those places, be it human, animal, or other; explorations of advancements in technology and how that affects personal lives; color and light; fables and fairytales, especially those that aren’t as well known; being trapped by snow or other weather; beauty in imperfection; existentialism; and what death means in different cultures
you can write your fic in french if you’d prefer!
DNW for all canons: works that would be tagged Explicit for any reason (mature is fine); references to COVID (other illnesses or even pandemics, even real, are fine); human, no power, highschool, or modern AUs; gender bending without trans readings; crossovers with RPF fandoms; bad endings; or podfic
Kino no Tabi | Kino's Journey - Keiichi Sigsawa (Kino & Hermes) : i love this canon for two big reasons: one is the exploration of cultures or individuals from an outsider’s point of view, and the other is the exploration of gender and identity through various cultures or personal lives. this is also a very existentialist canon, which i adore.
Kino no Tabi lends itself well to two of my favorite things: crossover - i’d pretty much read any crossover with it, even if i’d never even heard of the other fandom! - and outsider POV. Kino is a perfect outsider POV character, but often an outsider’s perspective on Kino can be more interesting. what does your favorite world think of vagrancy? what would Kino think of that world in turn? alternatively, make up an entirely new country for them to visit. a lot of canon countries are based on fables or psychology or philosophy problems, but they can be based on pretty much anything! as long as it’s something different for Kino to see i’ll be happy with it!
Kino is often read as nonbinary and i personally headcanon Hermes to be nonbinary too, but Kino and Hermes have never come across another nonbinary person in their travels. What would their time in a country that explicitly recognizes nonbinary people be like?
any pronouns are fine for Kino, play up the confusion! please do not use it/its pronouns for Hermes though, even from characters who wouldn’t know better. anything else is fine. no ships with Kino, please, Kino is transient. ships without Kino are fine, but of course shouldn’t be the focus.
Dr Cataclysm (Webcomic) (Agrippa & Melon) : if youre here for a different canon and haven’t read this... do so. its pretty short and its free. it’s also by the guy who made Off if that’s a drawing point. find it here.
give me some wholesome found family slice of life and i’ll love you forever. agrippa and melon need a break!! give them a nice dinner or something!! i don’t super ship but tossing in some agrippa/crocodile could be fun. or everyone!! just have agrippa and melon host everyone for a nice dinner. janos can be there as long as he’s chill.
alternatively... that last issue sure is somethin huh. what do you think happened? a where-are-they-now would be fun. i have my ideas, but what are yours?
if the crocodile girl shows up, don’t hurt her!!! she’s just a sick little girl she doesn’t need more stress :(
Moon Knight (Comics) (Marc Spector) : marc :( i love him but hes had such a hard time! (especially lately!!!) you could give him a nice day :) he’s honestly pretty chill despite all the uh... divine annoyances and mercenary tendencies, i’m sure there’s a few people he could just hang out and enjoy company with.
orrrr you could... make his day worse? :))) so many people hate this man, half the time he’s on a team he’s belittled constantly. what’s that like? i love ensemble pieces, if you stick him on a team or with a couple loners and explore their relationship that would be fun. what do people marc works with think of Khonshu? i’m a big fan of suprise revivals, and marc dies... so often.
marc is also really fun to shove into crossovers, and has a built-in excuse for it with Khonshu! part of his whole deal is he 1. is adaptable and 2. just Does Not Give Up. this means he will survive in any world you stick him in or die trying. and then get up and keep trying.
my favorite runs are v2 (1985) and v5 (2015-16) (the first half of v5 is really good), as well as his time with the WCA and the Secret Avengers. i also really liked contagion and conan serpent war despite their... debatable canon. i don’t really know what’s going on with the most recent avengers run.
don’t be weird about his mental illnesses. if you write Khonshu, i like Khonshu-as-God 10000% more than Khonshu-as-delusion and he should be an asshole, but in a lot of the more recent comics he’s just cruel which is :(. please keep to the asshole god side of things as opposed to a cruel god. the 2019 annual and conan serpent war have my favorite Khonshu characterizations. My Explicit-rating ban is lifted for this canon, but only for extreme violence and death.
Nuclear Throne (Video Game) (Yung Venus) : what’s his deal?? he’s a really comical character and probably has the least Bad Stuff going on with him in canon, but he’s still a god of money of all things. what does that mean in a world where currency is extinct? what does being a gun god mean when everyone has guns? is he revered or ignored? i’d love a more serious exploration of YV-as-god, or of his relationships with the rest of those around the campfire.
pretty much anything goes for this canon. mind the general DNWs. My Explicit-rating ban is lifted for this canon, but only for extreme violence and death.
Pyre (Video Game) (any) : while i love the characters of Pyre, what i love more is the world. what were the Scribes like, and what do people think of them now? we know that the Triumvirates were only a tiny portion of the Downside population, what are the rest of them like?
If you’re more partial to the characters, great! i love them all! (or at least all of those who were nominated this year!!) slice of life or post-canon political comedy is the way to go. give me a missing scene from the time spent on Mount Alodiel, or show me how the new government is handling things. depending on who made it up, they either have a lot of experience or none at all!
please feel free to play around with end conditions, but one i’m fond of (and the one i got my first time through) is to liberate Hedwyn, Jodariel, Rukey, Fae, Ti'zo, Pametha, and Oralech, while sir Gilman, Volfred, Bertrude, all non-Nightwings, and the Reader(+Sandra) remain. i tend to use Fae, Mae, or Gae for the moontouched girl but any name is good! i also tend to not give my Readers names, but if you’d like to go right ahead :)
please nothing with Manley, Lendel, or Brighton unless it’s an ensemble piece. no jodariel/ignarius.
thank you !!!!
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🐰🌠☀️🎁💙🐇🌻🍓 Beans, Tonpa, Hisoka, Illumi ☕️🌸🎵⚡️💚💎🌺🍀☁️🐬🍄🍪🍰😪🙀💥😊🎤🎨🐶Hisoka, Tonpa, Illumi 🐴 Duct taped fetus 🍋📚🐧🐵💫👻🎀🎬🍦🐼 ~ 🍀
Hrrnnngh oh my gosh so many emojis! Darn you “anon” :P I know who you are!!!!!!
I’m gonna put all of this under the cut because it’s just... really long.
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
Answer: I... really honestly can’t think of one? Like honest to God, I am usually such an open person! Well, about myself. I can keep someone else’s secrets, but God forbid me to keep my own XD
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? 
Answer: I’d like to say more accepting but... I can’t help but to feel that putting me in a position of power wouldn’t be a very good idea. I’m a human disaster, honestly. I’d try to do good and somehow destroy the world in the process.
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
Answer: Well first off, I have two best friends soooo :P @dragmakihiveka and @destructionofsanctum are both equally my best friends in the entire world! No one could ever replace them! I think my favorite thing about the both of them though is that they are just... so patient with me. I know I can rely on them and not sugar coat things for me. It’s honestly the best, just like them
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
Answer: Many things! My best friends, my boyfriend, HxH, the many friends I have made through HxH, music, ice cream! Those are the things I can think of off the top of my head!
💙 what annoys you about some people?
Answer: Well... I guess that some people can just... say/do things knowing full well that they can and/or did hurt someone else. Like, the fact that some people can just sleep peacefully at night knowing that their actions caused someone else pain. It kills me.
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
Answer: .... All of these Killugon AU’s, my fresh dudes.
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
Answer: 1. The way people treat one another
2. Killugon would entirely be canon (Can I do that? Does that count?)
3. Everyone could actually get a legit education without feeling like they have to kill themselves to make ends meet.
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
Names: Beans, Tonpa, Hisoka, Illumi
Answer: Hrrrnnghh.... I hate you XD
Kiss Beans on the cheek (Didn’t specify! Rolly Polly Loopy Holey, bitch!)
Befriend... Hisoka??? (Is that even possible??)
Kill Tonpa because... yeah. Ew.
Marry Illumi, steal all his money, then divorce his ass, yeet~
☕️ talk about your ideal day
Answer: Hmm... Either a whole day spent lazing about with friends or walking around the mall or somethin’, or if I’m by myself, I think my ideal day would just be to relax and work on Killugon stuffs.
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
Answer: So I actually didn’t know that ambivert was a thing until now, and I’m so glad honestly. I had always felt like I was a bit of a mixture between the two, but it made me sad whenever I felt I had to be split into one of the two categories. I just felt like sometimes I was really introverted and other times extroverted and then sometimes just kinda fuzzy in between. 
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
Answer: 1. Unconditonally (Acoustic) by Fame On Fire (This song has literally become my life right now tbh.)
2. Don’t Let Me Down by Fame On Fire
3. Bounce by The Cab
4. Can You Keep a Secret? by The Cab
5. Friction by Imagine Dragons
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
Answer: Probs invisibility. I dunno, I just like the thought of being able to disappear when I want to.
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
Answer: No one, honestly. Maybe other artists who I feel have better styles than I do?? But overtime that has become less of jealousy and more of admiration and a convincing of “if I keep practicing, one day I could do that too!”
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
Answer: Hmmm... This took a lot of thinking. I would guess bravery? I feel like I could get a lot more done with myself if I could just convince myself to take the first step.
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
Answer: Unfortunately, as of right now I only know English. :( But there are so many different languages I want to learn! Japanese, German, ASL, Korean, French... The list goes on, really. There are so many unique and beautiful languages in this world! I wish I could just learn them all... 
I actually want to do something with foreign languages... I just haven’t exactly decided what yet ^.^’
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
Answer: So... I don’t ever really imagine myself wanting to be a fictional characters lover? I am always more interested in the relationships within those fictional worlds. So maybe best friends? I want to say I would love to be either Gon or Killua’s best friends because I love them so darn much but... I think I would much rather them be best friends instead, y’know?? They’re just too amazing together whether platonic or romantic...
But I guess... I would most definitely love to be best friends with Leorio!! He’s so funny and cool! Oh but Kurapika is so smart... But Alluka is so cute!!! But Melody is so kind... and Bisky is so strong and amazing! But Canary is so precious... And so is Komugi!!! But but but there’s just... so many good characters in HxH I can’t choose!!! 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
Answer: Any universe where Gon and Killua are happy together is my kinda universe. 
You know what, I give them so much love, but I really want so many characters happy in that show. I want Leorio and Kurapika happy together. I want Alluka and Zushi happy together. I want Canary and Amane happy together. I guess I want Hisoka and Illumi together but I don’t really care for their happiness (I’m bitter, alright?) The list goes on.
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
Answer: Hmmm... I’m not sure?? Maybe red pandas??? They’re super duper cute!!
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
Answer: My anxiety and depression for sure... Boy I hate it so damn much because it makes me hate myself and that just... Feels like such a wrong feeling to have all the damn time.
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
Answer: I wanted to be an art teacher when I was a kid! But now... I’m not sure... Like I said, something to do with languages! :)
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
😪 what are you sick of?
Answer: Seeing so many amazing people in my life being treated cruelly simply for being who they are. But no matter what, I know I will never be as sick of it as they are :/
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
Answer: Hahahha I frickin’ wish.
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
Answer: I... don’t know??? Honestly, I don’t have any clue... Uhm... I guess maybe that Greed Island was my favorite arc in HxH? And I guess that while I love all the arcs in HxH, I’m truthfully not a huge fan of Yorknew arc that much? I dunno??? (Please don’t kill me)
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
Answer: Drawing! Writing! Reading fanfics! Creating new worlds with my friends! Oh, and hanging out with my friends! Does being a bum on Tumblr dot com count?
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
Answer: Unconditionally (Acoustic) by Fame On Fire
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
Answer: Killugons, of course
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
Names: Tonpa, Hisoka, Illumi
Answer: Bruh... Why??? ... I guess I’ll have to go with the clown man... Not because I actually like him, but because he’s such a complex character and there’s just so much to him. Also, he’s actually a really good looker once you get past all of his... Hisoka-ness.
🐴 opinion on __?
Term: Duct Tape Fetus
Answer: I want to launch myself into the sun, good bye
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Answer: Haahaha yup. More than what I’d like to be, really.
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
Answer: I don’t really read books much anymore.... Just lots and lots of fanfiction. I also am running on a time schedule here so I’m sorry, but I’m not doing quotes :P
1. Words That Water Flowers By @decembercamiecherries: it’s.... honestly such a beautiful story. Truly, a masterpiece. I’m still so empty now that it’s over. I just wish I could read it all over again~
3. And... Well, I guess this probably shouldn’t count but I’m gonna put it anyways. Lately, my friend and I have been working on a Killugon AU where Gon is the lead singer of a rock band and Killua is very pastel. It’s been my life and I’ve been getting a few people into it, but unfortunately there’s no real fic written out for it yet :P Maybe one day we can get it up and moving for others to enjoy~
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
Answer: 1. Open-minded (At least I try to be)
2. Selfish (Probably)
3. creative
🐵 which quotes changed you?
Answer:How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -Winnie the Pooh. This quote honestly just... I love it so much.
💫 who inspires you?
Answer: Honestly.. every single one of the amazing people I have met so far through this fandom. They’re so kind and amazing, and I can’t express how much I feel I truly belong with this group. Like, every one who leaves a good comment or says that they like my art or writing or both or even just me in general it just... inspires me to do so much more.
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
Answer: I was going to say I’m not quite sure, but then I remember all the nights @dragmakihiveka spent screaming in her house because we were sure some sort of other worldly being was going to tear us apart.
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
Answer: It’s pretty neutral, but I feel like I’m slowly starting to branch out bit by bit ^.^ Now that I have my navel pierced I think I’m gonna start investing in some crop tops! I still feel a bit insecure about my stomach, but I think having the piercing will make me want to show it off and then I will feel better about showing my belly!
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
Answer: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron (I don’t think I spelled that correctly but whatevs), Lion King, Moana, Anastasia, Road to El Dorado, Wolf Children: Ame & Yuki, Hercules, Mulan, Fern Gully, Brother Bear, Star Wars.... There are probs so many more that I’m just not thinking of right now. 
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
Answer: Hmm... In third grade, I had the most amazing teacher! She gave me christmas gifts, she took me out to dinner with her two baby twin boys and adopted little girl, I went to her daughter’s birthday party! She was so amazing! I think her validation was one of the reasons I was able to get a perfect score on my first state test! I got a plaque to prove it! :D
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
Answer: Literally, meeting any one of my friends that I’ve made on here would be a dream come true!
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