#so my NATURAL voice doesn't prevent people from thinking i'm a guy. which is like...damn.
corgisocks · 6 years
#i just realised..#i'm passing as fuck (save for my goddamn chest area and mayyybe my shortness?)#like a) my face is pretty androgynous i look literally exactly like how my dad did when he was my age#and obvs i don't have enough testosterone to grow a lot of facial hair but a) i don't want facial hair and b) what i DO have is visible#like my stache is to the point where people are asking me why i don't wax it. it's funny cos even if i were cis i wouldn't want to lmao#okay b) my voice. sometimes it goes high but it still has a low timbre. even with my singing voice. i sound like freddie mercury and the#guy from bee gees when i sing and i use falsetto cos i don't have much of a head voice. like legit idk how to use it and if i do it's bad#like it spans 3 notes barely above middle c and it's weak as fuck.#and also i have a 3-octave tenor vocal range. a2 to a5. that's pretty goddamn passing#or almost passing at least. my voice still aint as low as i want it to be but for now? i'm so fucking lucky dear god.#even my speaking voice is fine. it has a low timbre and has kind of a 'twang' to it that makes it sound less smooth/soft and i'm loud#so my NATURAL voice doesn't prevent people from thinking i'm a guy. which is like...damn.#here are things that kind of don't pass:#i'm only like 5ft 4in. that's below average for men BUT at the same time! i have a small stature so i can get away with it.#then while my legs are small they're really muscular so i don't look weird wearing men's pants in fact they fit me better than women's do#and also even my torso kinda passes as men's shirts fit me well and i'm only slightly 'curvy'.#now for things that definitely don't pass: my chest gdi#this may or may not be tmi but idgaf: i'm a 36d in cup sizes#which is fucking CRAZY for someone who's skinny as fuck and small and not curvy. it's like i'm small everywhere but my chest#i mean at the same time i've lost so much weight that my size has probably gone down but that's not the point#point is i'm passing but i've been cursed with a chest so large compared to the rest of me that i can't really bind it#and that people are like 'idk why you hide you're so sexy you shouldn't be insecure' they don't heckin get it!#maybe i prefer loose clothing. maybe idgaf about bein 'sexy'. maybe i have fuckin gender dysphoria!#like when i 'had' to start wearing bras my mom was like 'you know most women would kill to have your body type' and i wanted to be like#'i'd kill to have my breasts removed' and that was before i even knew what bein trans was. i was ELEVEN. and i cried for hours that day#and the person at the shop was like 'it's okay my daughter was exactly like that but now she loves bras.' it's funny cos her kid actually#ended up goin to the same high school as me and came out as trans in the beginning of the school year. he hasn't been in school since then#and i really fuckin hope he's okay dear god. anyway#OF COURSE if i already look passing without testosterone i have to get cursed with a chest i can't bind cos of size (and my bad lungs)#i also can't wear sports bras cos of my lungs and cos they actually make my dysphoria worse. like it makes me feel em
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
The Strings That Bind Us ~ The Reunion
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Summary: A Male Foreigner is found and captured on the outskirts of the village & brought before Mother Miranda & The Four House Lords. Upon waking - the male comes face to face with Angie - Donna's Living Puppet - and instantly recognizes her before calling out for Donna herself. Just who is this male and who does he know Donna?
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Male OC (Vulcan)
[Unknown Place - Unknown Time]
He didn't remember where he was. He doesn't remember how he got here. All he does remember was that he traveled to Romania to search for something precious that he lost years ago. He happened to stumble upon a rather destroyed-looking village that basked in the shadow of an enormous castle; the village itself looked as if its residents all rose at once and abandoned it and all their possessions.
The man walked through the frozen dirt streets of the village with a black, hooded cloak upon his shoulders & the hood upon his head; revealing only his chin and his mouth to the elements - occasionally, his breath with leave his lips and freeze in the cold winter air. He continued to walk around until he stood in the middle of a multi-crossroads, unsure of which way to go. He stood still until he lifted his right hand - revealing a ring on his finger but this ring was different.
The ring was not made of gold or silver - nor was it made of titanium or brass - this ring was more fragile than that for the ring was made of porcelain. Its smooth white surface shined even in the low sunlight. He brought the ring to his lips and kissed the cold surface of it as he tried to keep himself from crying as the memories came back.
'I'll find you and I promise I'm going to protect you - both of you.'
His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of twigs breaking and snarling - he looked around and saw a creature unlike anything he ever saw before - it was humanoid but its skin was grey, it has a mouth full of sharp teeth, and it the noises it made - it was almost wolf-like. He wanted it to say it was a Lycan but it looked nothing like what a Lycan would look like. There were more and more snarls - he looked to see he was now surrounded by these Lycan Rejects. That's when his 'Fight or Flight' instincts kicked in but he's never been one to flee - he never ran from a fight when he sensed something he cared about was in danger. His ring was in danger of being shattered if those things got a hold of him and he would be damned if he let anything shatter his ring. He reached behind his back - under his cloak - with both hands and withdrew two daggers with black blades and silver handles.
"Bring it." He snarled as he dashed into the line of creatures and began to slaughter them left and right until they all laid dead at his feet and his blades were soaked in blood - still dripping from the curve.
"Well - that was an interesting show to watch. I didn't think you could slaughter my lycans with knives like that and still be standing. You're strong as hell, my friend." A voice called out from behind him. He turned to see a tall man wearing a hat with a green coat - he had grey hair that was complete with a beard and circle glasses. He held a massive hammer constructed out of gears and other metals - speaking of metals, the metal that surrounded him on the ground began to levitate around him with each step he took. The stranger took a puff of the cigar he was smoking.
"You call those 'Lycans'? Please, don't make me laugh. Also - who the hell are you?" The cloaked man asked.
"Oh - you're not a local! That's even better." The hammer-wielder smiled as he pointed at the cloaked man - sending a pole flying at him at high speeds until it stabbed through his cloak and into his shoulder, making him grunt and drop one of his daggers; which then got pulled into the strange man's magnetic field.
"Mother Miranda's gonna love you." The man smirked as more metal began to encompassing the cloaked man, trapping him in a metal cocoon of some kind. Before the metal fully took him, his armed hand covered the ring to prevent it from facing the impact of the metal. Soon - began to slip into unconsciousness.
[Unknown Amount Of Time Later]
"I'm telling you - this bastard slaughter my entire squad with these daggers." A familiar voice called out.
"Well - it's obvious your little 'game' would be more of a 'hunting game' to him. I think I can find a better use for him." An elegant feminine voice called out as a response.
"Oh, and what use is that? Using him to make the next brood for your bloodline? Please - he's a hunter so he goes with other hunters and if it takes to him better then he can be the alpha I was looking for." The familiar voice said again.
The unconscious man began to stir awake & opened his eyes to see...wait...It couldn't be her. The familiar large head and thin body with thin limbs, downed in a wedding dress-like attire complete with a veil. He looked at the doll - not in familiar - but astonishment and...was that hope that she saw in his eyes.
"He's awake!" The doll called out as she looked at the other people in the room.
To the left, seated in a chair - a rather tall woman dressed in the look of a royal lady. If he was to guess, she was the owner of the large castle he saw when he first come here.
Across from her was the man who trapped him - his hammer resting by his legs as he saw on a pue of some kind.
To the left of him, more tucked away in the shadows was a small figure, cloaked in fabrics as if to hide his appearance.
Across from him, seating in a chair was a figure downed in black attire, wearing a dark veil over their head, the only part of their body was their hands - by the look of those hands, that person was female.
'I've seen those hands before.' More hope filled his heart.
In the center of it all was a woman - she must have been the leader of it all.
They were talking about something - but the man couldn't care less, when he saw the doll walk away he hurried to his knees but couldn't get all the way up because of the binds but he could use his voice.
"W...Wait...Angie...Angie, is that you?" The man asked.
This caused everyone to stop talking and looked in his direction - including the doll, who was completely confused.
"How do you know my name? Have we met before?" Angie asked as she slowly moved closer to the bound male, who shook the hood off his head to reveal his looks.
His skin was tan but it was a bit paler due to being in the snow for so long. He had short black hair that was wild and free, his eyes...they were amber - burning bright with an unknown emotion.
"Yes, we have; decades ago but you were...alive like this..." His eyes widened as he began looking around. "If you're here then...Donna? Is Donna here too?! Donna?!" He began calling out - almost like a worried spouse looking for their other half.
Everyone looked at the man before looking at the veiled figure sitting to the left of the leader.
"Do you know him, Donna Dear?" the raven-masked woman spoke.
The man's breath caught as he heard her words and looked at the veiled figure who rose from her seat; Angie ran back to her and stood by her side, clenching her dress in her hands like a child holding their mother.
"Donna..." The man spoke softly - tears began to build in his eyes as he tried to rise to his feet - only to be stopped by the binds and cuffs that kept him down. He glared at the restraints and began pulling on them.
"Good luck with that. You're cuffed up ti-"
Everyone's eyes widened as the binds holding the captive were shattered, allowing him to stand at his full height.
The Hammer-Wielder jumped to his feet and summoned his hammer to his left hand as if he was getting ready to strike him but the man didn't care - he kept his eyes on Donna, who looked in his direction.
"Donna...I...I found you. After all this time, I finally found you." The man's voice cracked as he spoke with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.
"Just who are you? How do you know us?" Angie spoke from her place. The man smiled at the doll.
"It's been decades, Angie. It's only natural you don't remember me...after all - you weren't as alive as you are now when we met. My name is Vulcan and I've been searching for you and Donna since the day you guys disappeared." The man - Vulcan - smiled at Donna, who still said nothing, and slowly raised his hand - revealing the porcelain ring on his finger; Donna and Angie gasped at the sight of it.
"I kept it, Donna. I kept this ring just as I kept my promise." Vulcan slowly staggered towards Donna and Angie - completely ignoring the looks the Noble Lady and the Hammer-Wielder were giving him. He took the single step in his way and was now standing before them. He blinked - letting the tears fall from his eyes as he reached out and took Donna in his arms; hugging her as he rested the tip of his nose on her head.
"I'm here, Donna...I won't leave you, I promise." Vulcan sobbed.
Donna - who was silent for the most part - slowly reached her hands up and returned to hug as she clenched his cloak as if he would disappear - as if this was all a dream.
"Vulcan." She spoke as she nuzzled her head into his broad chest with a weak sob of her own.
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Peter Maximoff Owning a Bookstore Head Canons
If Peter in glasses wasn't your demise just imagine this: Peter Maximoff with glasses owning a book store
He owns a cute, small bookstore in the quiet, downtown area where you live
He doesn't have much customers because most people just go to Barnes & Nobles, but he does have a quiet few regulars who keep him in business
Most of them are elderly folk but a few of them are young, including yourself
You love his little store so much & he always has the best books & comics
You also love him, but he doesn't know that
Picture this: walking into the store & seeing Peter by the register, his glasses down his nose as his eyes devour a book on the counter, his silver hair messy
He looks up when he hears you open the door & gives you a cute smile as he pushes his glasses back up his nose
"Hi, welcome to the Silver Linings Bookstore!"
He just looks so warm & soft & you want to hug him & kiss his stupid face
He's constantly adding new books & comics to his store, which he loves to organize & stack himself
He just wheels around one of those little portable, metal shelves filled with books (like the ones libraries have when they're stacking books), stacking & organizing books while he has his Walkman blasting Pink Floyd or RUSH a little too loudly
Sometimes, he sings the lyrics under his breath
You always lowkey watch him when he does this because he looks so precious
Although he's quite shy, he gladly helps anyone who asks
"Can you help me find this book?"
"Of course! What is it? Oh man I LOVE that book let me tell you"
He gets so excited because the books he helps people find are almost always his favorites
He also lowkey likes that people actually talk to him & ask for his help because it makes him feel needed & appreciated
The first time you guys officially had a conversation was when you asked him if he had a new book in that you were looking for
He did & he already read it & proceeded to tell you how great it was (without spoiling it for you)
"And then after that, they have to go on this huge journey & it's a metaphorical representation for self-discovery & acceptance & it's so gOOD the author is genius I swear"
He was so excited & he was using his hands a lot as he spoke
He knocked over a few things from moving his hands so quickly & excitedly, blushing as you laughed & helped him pick up everything
You guys ended up talking for an hour before he actually found the book for you
Peter finding books is so adorable to watch
He would gently brush his finger across every book spine on the shelf, mumbling the titles & authors to himself as he searched for the book you or someone else requested
When he's really concentrating, he'll furrow his eyebrows & bit his lip a little, not realizing his glasses are legit about to fall off his face
When he finds it, his eyes would light up & he'd smile as he exclaimed "Ah-ha!" & gently pulled the book off the shelf
Flustered soft Peter with glasses having problems with his cash register is the cUTEST
His hair is flopping in his face, his glasses keep slipping, & he just pouts as he tries to fix it
That damn thing is older than your grandfather, so it's no wonder he always has trouble with it
It's always getting stuck, preventing him from returning change
He really needs to get a new one but he's too stingy to
He also lowkey really loves the thing because it's vintage & Peter loves anything vintage
He eventually gets it open & is able to return the change
Pretty soon, you stopped by every weekend, even if you weren't going to purchase something, just to get to see him & talk to him
Peter always smiled the brightest when he saw you walk in the door
You two naturally worked out a schedule where you always came at a certain time (usually his break time)
One time, you showed up & his mom was there instead of him
You were really sad, but once his mother informed you he was sick you instantly wished you could help him feel better
He left you a bookmark he made you & a couple of cookies his mom baked earlier that day as an apology for not being there for your designated meeting time
You almost cried because he's so cute & sweet
When he came back the following week, his nose was all red, his voice was stuffy, the bags under his eyes were larger, his hair was a mess, his glasses kept falling down his nose, & he kept sniffling, but he was feeling a lot better
Thankfully, he was no longer contagious & you pulled him into a hard hug, telling him how much you missed him & hoped he was feeling better
He was so shocked that you actually hugged him & missed that he blushed so haRD
Peter is also really creative & artistic
Besides bookmarks, he makes a lot of cool & weird things, especially for you
He makes A TON of cute gifts for you
Your favorite one is this super cute bracelet he made you out of papers he ripped out from old books
It's legit the coolest thing ever & he loves that you love it
It's pretty clear you guys dig each other, but neither of you say anything about it
Peter tried to so many times, but he flusters himself & can't get the words out
That changes the next time you come into the store
You needed some books for your Psychology report about emotions & Peter was happy to help
He kept getting distracted, though, because you were so close to him that he could smell your shampoo & poor sweet baby boy likes you so much he can't help himself
You notice his nervousness & flash him a genuine smile to reassure him & he just m e l t s
He remembers that he made you another gift as you grab the books you need
He shyly pulls out this adorable little silver book charm he made for your bracelet
You were so overwhelmed because I mean honestly this sweet little soft silver cinnamon roll is too damn much
You drop all your books & grab his shirt collar & pull him down to your height & kiss him right then & there, between Darwin & Freud
He's so shocked & he blushes a little but he gladly returns the kiss
When you pull away, his eyes are still closed & he breaks out into a huge smile as he pushes his glasses up his nose before opening his eyes
"Is your report about love? Because I think I can definitely help with that, considering I'm falling for you"
You just kiss him again
After that, you come by almost daily because you're dating the precious silver-haired bookstore owner
This boy is the most affectionate boyfriend in existence
He loves hugs, especially yours, so now you always greet him with lots of hugs
Every time you hug, he wraps his arms around your waist, sets his chin down on your shoulder, pulls you into his chest, & buries his face in your shoulder as he presses a kiss to your collarbone & stares at the ground behind you, his glasses smudging slightly from coming into contact with your skin
He could hold you like that forever & he would, given the option
Now his kisses oh b o y
He does this thing where whenever he wants to kiss you, he chew on his thumb nail & watch your mouth move as you talk
When you realize he's not paying attention, you'll playfully scold him but he's still just watching your mouth move
Then, he'll apprehensively lean in & hesitantly press his lips against yours
His kisses are always so gentle & needy
It doesn't take long for him to get greedy over your affection & pretty soon, he's just hugging & kissing you & holding your hand all the time
He LOVES holding your hand because he can do it whenever he wants to
He has a firm grip, as if he's worried you'll disappear if he holds your hand too loosely
He still handmakes you gifts all the time for no reason
"I made you something!"
"Aw again? Peter, you just made me something yesterday for getting an A on my report"
"Well, this one's for being awesome"
He used to tell you dumb pick-up lines before you started dating, but now he tells you even more
They're always nerdy and/or book related
"Hey babe, are you librarian? Because you sure know how to organize the books of my heart"
"PeTER that was so stuPID come here you"
Peter! Loves! Reading! To! You!
You love listening to his voice, especially when he's reading a good book or poem outloud to you
Whenever you spend the night with him or he with you, he always something readable handy so he can read it to you
He also loves it when you read to him
He just loves you honestly
Dedicated to @v-writings & that poor shaking anon. Hope you're okay friend & that these little head canons make you feel better! 💚
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